#Catherine Kyle
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creepynostalgy · 3 months ago
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Carlton Lee Russell in Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me (1992)
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ultimate-marysue · 10 months ago
Reverse Mamma Mia Batman Au.
Think about it: It's Bruce's and Selina's wedding. Harley is trying to help with the invites so she just sends them to all of Bruce's contacts, which include his exs. Cue to Talia Al Gul, Janet Drake, Catherine Todd (She's Jason's Bio mum in this) and Mary Grayson showing up with dark haired boys with blueish eyes. When talking about their ages somehow it always tracks back to the time he was around their mothers.
So now Bruce and Alfred must find if any (or how many) of them are their bio sons all the while trying to keep Selina unaware (He doesn't even know why they're here). The Gotham city sirens are Donna and the Dinamos. At some point Selina gets upset that her fiance seems to be ignoring her and senses there's something afoot, so she and the girls get into detective mode.
The funniest part is the kids would also notice the weirdness and start investigating on their own. At some point they try to set up Bruce with their mothers (because in their mind he must choose the one that he had a child with). Bruce tries to do damage control and investigate, while hilariously the Sirens always get enough bits and pieces to think Bruce is cheating.
Mary Grayson spends their entire brunch talking about her husband and giving Bruce marriage advice. Catherine ends up confessing to Willis' abuse while stuck in Bruce's yacht (Jason messed with the engine), and he offers her help to get out of the situation. Before the coast guard rescues him Willis has been served divorce papers and Alfred has escorted him out. The girls interpret this as Catherine divorcing because she's trying to get back together with Bruce.
Janet Drake is horrified at the idea of dating Bruce again when they get set up in his bachelor party, but they end up having a wild night as friends. Talia and Bruce have a really emotional moment, a real "we could have been great" time. She confesses that Damian is his bio kid but they both realize they're not right for each other, not now. They leave things amicably and Talia has a talk with the kids about loving someone and letting them go. So the kids take that as "Fix Bruce's and Selina's relationship that has been struggling through the story because of wedding/possible affair/possible kids stress".
When they clear things out, Selina tells him she doesn't mind about his past nor about possible previous children. Bruce apologizes for not telling her sooner, leading her to imagine the worst. It's a really touching moment. The kids end up as flower boys and ring bearers for the couple. In the end he ends up "adopting" all of them in his heart.
He and Talia co-parent Damian peacefully, the Drakes leave Tim with him whenever they go traveling, Catherine moves into the mansion with Jason after her divorce from Willis and Dick stays in Gotham to finish his education while his parents travel with the circus. Selina is a bit confused about how she ended up with four kids, but very supportive.
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w0nd3r1ngw4nd3r3r · 7 months ago
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Harry, Cooper and Margaret in the Roadhouse
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lgbtqreads · 28 days ago
New Releases: February 2025
This post is sponsored by Dana Hawkins and So Not My Type! Click on the graphic for more info! Scrappy determination clashes with polished privilege. Let the games begin. *** A World Worth Saving by Kyle Lukoff (4th) Covid lockdown is over, but A’s world feels smaller than ever. Coming out as trans didn’t exactly go well, and most days, he barely leaves his bedroom, let alone the house. But the…
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Hello! Sorry for disappearing, real life has been kicking our asses lately. Fortunately, we've got more free time now and are ready for the next tournament!
The first polls will be posted as soon as we receive at least one message (ask or DM) with propaganda for every rarepair competing in the first round of the bracket!
List of rarepairs participating in the first round:
Tim Drake/Cullen Row Barbara Gordon/Ted Kord Tim Drake/Jason Todd/Bruce Wayne Tim Drake/Dick Grayson/Damian Wayne Stephanie Brown/Cassandra Cain/Harper Row Harvey Dent/Selina Kyle/Bruce Wayne John Constantine/Dick Grayson Dick Grayson/Hank Hall Eddie Bloomberg/Jason Todd Catherine Todd/Bruce Wayne Dick Grayson/Raptor Kyle Rayner/Jason Todd/Donna Troy Kate Kane/Kara Zor-El Tim Drake/Lonnie Machin Dick Grayson/Grant Wilson Tim Drake/Jonathan Samuel Kent
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owls-are-not-what-they-seem · 10 months ago
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The Owls Are Not What They Seem…
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boardchairman-blog · 5 months ago
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**Shots of the Episode**
Only Murders in the Building (2021)
Season 4, Episode 6: “Blow-Up” (2024) Director: Jessica Yu Cinematographer: Kyle Wullschleger
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viaov · 2 years ago
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Sweeney Boo, Catwoman
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bluejaysandblackbats · 10 months ago
What Fic Should I Add To The Masterpost?
Bruised Figure: 6 chapters; in progress; Jason Todd, Catherine Todd, Willis Todd, Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson, Cass Cain; No capes AU/Figure skating AU
Midnight Swan: 5 chapters; in progress; Jason Todd, Kate Kane, Bruce Wayne, Alfred Pennyworth, Joker; Jason Todd lives AU
Pidge: 20 chapters; in progress; Jason Todd, Original Character(s), Kyle Rayner, Bruce Wayne, Artemis of Bana Mighdall, Dick Grayson, Tim Drake; Found Father Jason
Adrenaline: 8 chapters; complete; Jason Todd, Willis Todd, Catherine Todd, Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson, Alfred Pennyworth; Not an AU but a series of non-canon flashbacks
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editfandom · 1 year ago
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Twin Peaks, S02E16
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sixaus-meaa · 5 months ago
how did Anne and Catalina meet?
In the beginning of 2011, Anne (15y) started working at a restaurant where Lina (19y) was the manager. They didn't interact much but got along pretty well.
At that time, Lina had been married to Henry for almost 2 years. Mary was 2, and Bessie (Lina's 14y former employer and Henry's mistress victim) was 3 months pregnant with Henry's baby.
Not too long ago, in January of that same year, Lina had given birth to a beautiful baby boy named Henry Felix, who tragically died little more than a month after he was born. That took a tool on Lina and Henry's relationship, which was already souring.
Anne was dating Henry Algernon Percy, her middle school sweetheart and first boyfriend, for almost 4 years. They were in love, but their families disapproved of it. And with so much pressure from both sides, their relationship had began to crumble.
Henry (18y) caught sight of Anne and flirted with her. Anne knew him, he had slept with her older sister, Mary, and that whole ordeal ended with Mary being known as 'the great and infamous whore'.
She said no and told Lina, who already had become accustomed to her husband's antics, told Anne to ignore him, and if he persisted, the girl should call her and she would take care of it.
Henry, who never heard "no" in his life, got even more persistent with his crush. That prompted Anne to tell Lina, who told Henry to step back.
That didn't work, and he became more and more obsessed. That affected not only Anne, but also her relationship.
Anne and Henry Percy decided to take a break.
Deafeted, Lina asked Anne if she would be more comfortable getting transferred to another unit. She accepted, but Henry found out where she was working and Anne resigned. It was only a high school job anyway.
Lina wrote her an amazing recommendation letter.
In the summer of 2011, Anne moved in with her aunt, also named Anne, to a city not far from london. It seemed to work, Henry hadn't contacted her nor showed up anywhere around. Until she got a very excited call from her dad prompting her to come back home to London.
When she arrived, they had organized a dinner with the Tudor family. Turns out Thomas Boleyn worked for Henry's family (she also found out her mother Elizabeth worked for Lina's family) and Henry had been very friendly with Mr Boleyn. He even got the man promoted.
And, of course, Henry showed much interest in Anne.
Henry had a new son in June, Henry Kyle Blount. They boy was his pride and joy, at least for the first few weeks, when he remembered Anne existed. They boy moved to the USA with his grandma and uncle while Bessie, soon to be 15, moved to a boarding school.
Lina had showed Bessie and Hank her support. Mary got very attached to the boy and threw a tantrum when she found out her baby brother would leave the country.
They ended up having a rather pleasant conversation. Anne had let her guard down after a week she moved, and her and Henry Percy had broken up officially the first week of summer. Not to mention, her sister seemed to not be bitter at all about the 'whore' incident.
They became friends for the next few weeks and engaged in an affair. Henry had promised her he and Lina had been separated for long and Anne told him about the Henry Percy situation. So that, added with her young age and Henry's older boy charms, her newly acquired broken heart, a desire to be in a relationship, and the pressure from her father (wich was so out of hand, it led to her parents separating), prompted Anne to date Henry.
That's when Henry asked Lina for a divorce. She knew it was the best thing to do, but with serious abandonment issues, a catholic upbringing, and having to have endured so much since their marriage, she got defensive and didn't accept it.
They fought a lot during the next months. So much that, one day, they got captured by the media. The people took Lina's side, especially when they found out Anne was involved. That took a tool on the Boleyn family.
Both sides gave public speeches after the case went to court. Lina's was so honest and heartbreaking that the opposite side briefly lost their composure. The country's hatred for Anne affected her so much, that in the begging of 2012, she ended up having a miscarriage.
Lina (20y) only gave in near the end of 2012, when in a heated discussion, Henry (20y) grabbed Lina's arm too hard. She didn't back down and simply glared at him. He seemed to have realized what he did and quickly let go. He calmed down, but didn't acknowled it.
They got divorced. Lina and Anne met again a few times briefly during the process. The former friendliness from before had vanished. Tho, deep down, they both knew it was Henry's fault.
Lina's family stood by her side and publicly threatened to cut all ties, including partnerships, with the Tudors. Henry's older sister, Margaret, was able to calm everyone down and offer the Trastámaras a public apology from Henry. It worked, and the Trastámaras also went public, accepting said apology and excusing the Boleyn family, especially Anne, from any type of blame. That managed to quiet the 'Anne Boleyn hate train' a lot.
Mary (3y) lived with her father and Anne (17y) until December, when Anne found out she was pregnant and Henry relented Mary's custody.
In 2013 Anne (17y) and Lina (21y) saw each other every time Lina dropped her daughter off for a weekend with her father. They came to a silent agreement to be polite and cordial, and that's how their dynamic went, with the resentment slowly fading.
Lina moved in to a manor house given to her by her parents and opened a dominican-spanish restaurant. Her life was getting back on track.
Meanwhile, Anne was in her first year of university, majoring in Psychology.
In June of 2013 things went south. Anne found out Henry was constantly cheating on her and they began fighting.
It all went down quick. In July, Henry convinced him and his friends that Anne was cheating on him and the rumors began to spread. They got so far as to say she engaged in incest with her brother. That was so damaging that Anne lost contact with her brother, and just like their sister, they got cast out of their own family. Thomas and Elizabeth divorced and their mother (who hadn't had a job for 5 years) did everything she could to help her children.
The Boleyn name had been utterly destroyed.
It was Agust that Anne and Henry officially broke up. Anne was so stressed that Lizzie's birth got a whole month delayed. They fought. After Henry slaped her in the face, choked her, and claimed Elizabeth wasn't his child, Anne wandered around London like a zombie. It was around 2am when Lina, driving back late from work, found Anne quietly crying on a curb. She took the girl to the hospital and they released her. Back home, the girls took pictures of the bruises and recorded a video explaining Anne's situation in case she decided to turn him in.
Anne crashed on Lina's for 2 days. They talked, Mary finally decided she didn't hate Anne, and found eachother enjoying the other's company. Lina took her to the police and they made a report (later, she would get a restraining order for Henry, who had to pay a fine).
Anne then went to stay with her mom. And her and Lina had began a friendship.
After Elizabeth was born, the DNA test came out and Henry finally had to deal with the fact that Elizabeth was his daughter. Anne had also found out Henry was dating her distant cousin. She wondered if she knew the whole story.
In January of 2014, Anne (18y) was in university. She got a job, and with her mother's help, managed to rent a 2 bed apartment for her and Lizzie (2m). She was not struggling financially (especially since Henry's (21y) family was buying the baby stuff Lizzie nedded), but she was also not swimming in money.
It was 2 years later, in January of 2016, almost 2 moths after Anne (20y), Jane (19y), Lizzie (1y) and Eddie (3m) had moved in with Lina (24y) and Mary (7y), that the two began developing feelings for each other.
AraLeyn, colleagues to enemies to friends to lovers
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fourorfivemovements · 2 years ago
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Films Watched in 2023: 64. Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me (1992) - Dir. David Lynch
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w0nd3r1ngw4nd3r3r · 7 days ago
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Cooper, Briggs and Log Lady
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batfsm · 1 year ago
I vote Talia and/or Catherine. I like(d) Selina but she's just now regulated to being Bruce's romance partner. Which is not good for her character at all.
If you answer other, who would it be?
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To all batfamily rarepair fans: please submit us asks with propaganda for your favorite rarepair that is participating in the first round of the bracket!
Many people might not be aware of the existence and appeal of some rarepairs. The mods ask that you send us explanations of why you like a particular ship, as well as comic panels that you think best represent their interactions.
List of rarepairs participating in the first round:
Tim Drake/Cullen Row Barbara Gordon/Ted Kord Tim Drake/Jason Todd/Bruce Wayne Tim Drake/Dick Grayson/Damian Wayne Stephanie Brown/Cassandra Cain/Harper Row Harvey Dent/Selina Kyle/Bruce Wayne John Constantine/Dick Grayson Dick Grayson/Hank Hall Eddie Bloomberg/Jason Todd Catherine Todd/Bruce Wayne Dick Grayson/Raptor Kyle Rayner/Jason Todd/Donna Troy Kate Kane/Kara Zor-El Tim Drake/Lonnie Machin Dick Grayson/Grant Wilson Tim Drake/Jonathan Samuel Kent
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barclaysangel · 11 months ago
Karen: It would help if you both showed up. Looking like a loving, supportive family.
Kyle: For how long?
Karen: 10 minutes, tops.
Andy: See if you can get it down to 5.
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