sun and moon❂ ☽
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mysunandmoon98 · 7 months ago
[Arirang I'm Live Translations] Happy Puppy - Lacuna English Translation
All credit for translations to Arirang I'm Live, These are not mine!! I just typed them out from their videos!
Happy Puppy
– “A dog is the only thing on earth that loves us more than it loves itself. We hope humans have the ability to love as unconditionally as a dog” - Lacuna
내가 강아지를 키우는 이유에 대해 Are you curious why I raise a puppy?
나는 네게 한 수백가지 정도를 말했지만 I’ve told you hundreds of reasons why
사실 우리집에 강아지 같은 건 없어 But in fact, I do not own one
알러지 때문에 사실 만지지도 못해 Because of my allergies, I can’t even touch them
우리 강아지 이름은 해피야 My puppy’s name is Happy
행복하고 싶어서 그렇게 지었어 I named that because I wanted to be happy
언젠가 나도 어른이 되면 One day, when I grow up
해피를 만날 거야 I’m going to meet Happy
나는 네가 생각하는 것보다 자주 , 혼자 외로워하며 시간을 보낼 거야 I feel lonely most of the time , Much more than you could ever imagine
나는 너를 기다리는 날에는 종일 On the days I wait for you
네가 불러줬던 노래를 부르고 있을 거야 I will be singing the song you sang for me
우리 강아지 이름은 해피야 My puppy’s name is Happy
나를 절대 혼자 놓아두지 말아줘 Dont leave me alone, never
눈을 감고 자는 동안에도 Even when I’m asleep
나는 종일 네 생각만 해 I think of you
아침부터 저녁까지 From morning to night
너는 전혀 모르지만 Although you might not notice
사랑을 난 아주 많이 I’m sending you my love
전해 보내고 있어 A lot of it
시간만 흐른 어제처럼 Like yesterday
오늘도 너를 기다리고 I’m waiting for you today
사랑을 나는 아주 많이 I’m sending you my love
전해 보내고 있어 A lot of it
I love you, my love I am your puppy
I love you, my love I am your puppy
I love you, my love I am your puppy
I love you, my love I am your puppy
Again, these are NOT my translations, all credit to I'm Live!
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mysunandmoon98 · 1 year ago
I'm listening to: potatoi, toy.
I've been a big fan of John for a long time, really I could go on and on, so i'll let myself ramble a little. I remember when John was releasing music under 'obdnce' on soundcloud and listening to his 'Why Not?' EP on spotify, it was the first time I really started to appreciate instrumental music, and I started to focus on sounds a lot more. So from the get go, this album already holds a lot of meaning for me, it stands for a change of pace, and a change of attention. And so much has changed and adapted over the past few years, so little time, so many new experiences, new people, new feelings, attention. Yet still working hard each day, progressing and walking along our own paths.
So now we meet Potatoi, and his musical story of 'Toy'. The cute blue robot taking centre stage on the album cover, it feels sweet and ernest. It makes me think about how I show my feelings, wear my heart on my sleeve, have my head filled with doubt, and if other people see this? It feels cute and somewhat clumsy, it feels honest.
Track 1, Toy. makes me think of the style I had always loved, reminiscent of songs such as Rough Sketches '아무말' and 'Sunset Hills' - which I both love dearly. I will always enjoy a fun jazzy intro. And I love seeing the interconnected thoughts and the stories of artists over the years. I am curious about john, John Cha, obdnce, potatoi, growing as an artist, a creative person, and the changing expression and flow of words. Personally, as just a humble listener I feel like his music has flourished, and it is such a beautiful thing.
I have been listening to Image often. I remember the first time I listened, I was watching the MV, and reading the lyrics. I remember how it touched my heart, there was a sense of vulnerablity which struck me, and I felt like I saw myself, and every moment of the past colliding together. Image has such a beautiful melody, it's the sort of song that makes me feel like cherishing everything: everything about life, the dull everyday, the beautiful everyday. How does everything feel so present, and how does every step, each taken from hundreds of miles away seem to fall into a rhythm?
"There's a part of me I can't tell you, my own secret
Sometimes I wonder if I want to hide it from you too, secretly (Hmm)"
There's a drama I watched last year, that spoke of the book 'To Room Nineteen' which I have desperately been wanting to read. We have these things that we hold so dearly, and closely to us, our 'Room 19'. Do we share this with those we love? Will our protection be broken? If we open the door just to let a little light in, will everything suddenly flow out? So these questions have been on my mind for months, and I wonder each day, what is the worth of sharing things, and how each and every thing deserves nuance.
"There's a part of me I can't tell you, my own secret Sometimes I wonder if I want to hide it from you too, secretly (Hmm)"
I think how the world gets tangled and twisted, running alongside itself, connecting people, words and feelings, is one of the most precious things. That is the basis of why I want to write about this album, how I feel, my words, and sharing thoughts with others.
I was really pleasantly surprised by 'Shade' I love songs that feel dreamy but have that underlying grit and darkness. I think of the phrase "there are two sides to every coin" (meaning, you can't have the good part of something without its bad). Where there is light, shining brightly and beautifully, there is shade and darkness. Where light could be shining brightly and beautifully, there is light that is blinding and suffocating. Where there is shade there is variety, shades of light and darkness merging together. "There are two sides to every coin" but is it ever that simple? That starkly black and white? Maybe life is not like a coin, but one of the dice with tens of sides, it gets tossed and turned, crashing on hard surfaces, and in the end, there are multiple sides facing the darkness, and multiple sides facing the light, all in different shades. That is what shade makes me think of, so often I wish for things to be simpler and complexity turns life into a painful, blinding haze, and so often I adore the complexity of life.
And so with the complexity of love, there is space for cuteness, purity and simplicity. 'Popsicle' seems to fulfill these. It makes my heart happy.I like the formation of the album, each song swims and flows into the next smoothly.
I love hearing how Potatoi reimagines 'Evening Glow' somehow when I listen I feel flooded with emotions in a way that is different to the wave to earth version. I think the way he sings the lyrics, I just.. it feels real, 'tender' and really suddenly every bittersweet memory comes to me at once. I think that's it, that's how I feel about Potatoi- vulnerability.
Once again, feelings of love, loneliness and confusion run alongside each other, falling, fading and growing, and we are onto 'Vanish
''Fly away, fly away Go far away From here"
"We're gonna find the way To vanish from this world"
'We' is such a beautiful word, we live our life surrounded by people, in busy cities, or small towns but to be truly part of something, to be part of 'We' is precious. Again our moments and days fade together, whether singing to the whole world, to one person, or to ourselves - there are times when things are connected and shared, beauty and darkness. There are times when the pain of joint memories and wishes are so prevelant in my life, that it feels sickening. Wishes fade and turn into things I want to hide. Sometimes I wish to be my own 'We'. To sooth my pain the way I try to sooth the pain of my loved ones. Whatever that 'We' is, it will always be important, and I wish to find a way to be the rest point, a person to cry to, and a person to lie on, for all people I love, myself included.
For me 'Plain life' plays off these feelings too.
"Look at our plain lives oh I'm gonna color up your day"
It makes me sigh, because how can life feel so hauntingly and beautifully delicate. At the end of the day, we live our lives, and days pass and fade, memories grow and wither. But if tonight we just be, look up at the sky, share our worries, the things we lost, we can make room for the things that we can gain together, from this time.
And with that, I think my day has become more thoughtful, and I hope yours can too.
Thank you John, Potatoi☀🌙
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mysunandmoon98 · 1 year ago
in regards to my last post: *^____^*
gosh,, really... i never expected people to see what I write. Really I'm thankful to my mutuals over on twitter.
I realise I really seriously love reading about what wave to earth means to other people, how they feel listening to their songs, how it connects to their heart and their experiences. There is undoubtable beauty that lies in our connection with art and music.
When I first got into wave to earth (as mentioned in my previous post) they really helped me get through such tough and mundane days. It was honestly my sole wish back then, to share this found comfort with other people. So I posted about them every where, told everyone about them. At that point, I never really thought they would become this popular so fast.
To think they've touch the hearts of hundreds of thounds, or even a million, people. It makes me immensely happy. Please let's always talk about those things that we treasure and love. Let's always share love and interests with each other, let's always connect in this way. I hope wave to earth can share love all across the world, I hope us fans can also share this love across the world :)
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mysunandmoon98 · 1 year ago
Sending waves to wave to earth as we grow alongside each other across the ocean 🌊
(rambings from a while back, edited to be coherent, please share this time of love with me)
I am someone who often questions things about myself, especially the things I am into and enjoy. I like to figure about exaclty what it is that captivates me. Wave to earth have been on my mind a lot recently with their US tour kicking off. Subsequently I started to wonder a little, what is it about this band that I am so captivated by and feel so connected to? To put it simply, music is art, and I honestly live day to day examening and thinking about art. What draws me into art is typically one of two things: admiration to anothers dedication/view of life or its relatability and how I see myself in that art, how it fits with my daily life and thoughts. Wave to earth's music is one of those gems that fulfils both categories. What captured me was their specific nestling into a blur of genres, and their appreciation and dedication to art, as well as their lyrics about life and love.
The first live performance of theirs that I watched was purple lake. It was just daniel and donkgyu in a little room, I vividly remember the purple glow of the room, and the multi coloured lights dancing across the walls. Dongkyu had a pair of sunglasses hanging from his shirt. Watching that performance, when the camera pans to dongkyu on the drums, it felt like the whole universe had singled into this one person, fulfilling their passion and translating feelings into sound. I had never been so captivated in this way before.
I started getting more into the lyrics too. I had been a fan of Daniel for a little while before I heard wave to earth so was familiar with his voice and lyrical style from the little snippets of what I understood before. I vividly remember one day, sat at the kitchen table listening to seasons, just recently after its release. I sat there with the lyrics in front of me, and I felt my heart warm a little. A delicate hum of pain and nostalgia which stuck with, and resonated with me so strongly. "I'd give you all my life, my seasons" Listening to songs like light, wave, ride and surf made me fall more in love with life. The link of love and life with the sea and nature fit hand in hand so beautifully. It gives a sense of connection, a grounding feeling, whilst also somehow making me feel like i'm floating in the clouds, my mind completely at peace, even in the middle of a hectic day.
Then as the autumn and winter come, I grativiate to songs such as bonfire and bird. A couple years ago, on my journeys back home from college, I would listen to these songs as the sun set. I shut the door on a difficult day listening to music that made life feel beautiful again. "Bird, how does it feel to fly. Hey bird, do you look down or forward?" These lyrics stuck in my mind, as I felt stuck in the sickening routine my life had back then. Do I look down to my heart, do I look to myself, to this moment, or do I look into the future? How is everyone around me living, how do you see? I felt confused, life was a blur of one day to the next. I would listen so intently, every lyric, every chord. One listen for the lyrics, one for Daniel's voice, one for the drums, one for the bass, one for the harmonies, one for it all together. It was moments of peace in during a messy time. From this, I found one of my big happinesses in life: bass guitar. I was drawn into John Cha's bass lines. I always pondered on which was a favourite. For autumn, I like bonfire, the bass gives a rich yet fluttering feeling, like fireflies dancing in the night. There is a certain part in gold which I adore it's like velvet, so smooth, so deep but also powerful. Then in daisy, in this one break- where often the guitar gets centre stage, there is just this epic breakdown, giving that depth, that almost tangible grip on the song, all the desire and the love just bursts out, and I think its incredible. I came to realise how beatiful bass guitar is. I love the melodic charm of John's playing, the variations during live performances too (I remember learning the term 'bass fills' from his youtube, which I know I probably use incorrectly haha, but just that little extra something special, I love it). I'm not too educated on music, I really only write from the heart, but I feel like John's playing, it really feels like another voice, another vocal, another expression of the lyrics. I never understood music in this way before, so deeply, so interconnected, so beautifully.
From this, music became such a bigger part of my life. I started listening to more instrumental songs, and I gained a whole new outlook on music and instruments. Side B of flaws and all... it really is my everything, that lofi jazz sound they have.. it is everything to me, and sparked my love for a new kind of music. I listen to side A when its sunny and bright out, as well as when my gloomy days need some sunshine. "I'm broken, so take me to the evening glow, and lay me down on the sun, the tender sun" This song, their music, is like a warm ray of sunshine.
So I think about this a lot, as time passes and things change. I feel I have changed and grown, and I look and see their success as a band and see how they have changed and grown and I feel immense happiness. I adore how wave to earth craft their music, their performances, their albums covers. It is always a big creative inspiration in my life. So I just wanted to talk about it, I'm a little bit lost for words, but these days I find myself tearing up thinking about these things so I just wanted to try and express how my heart has been feeling :')
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mysunandmoon98 · 1 year ago
[Arirang I'm Live Translations] Moonshower - Lacuna English Translation
All credit for translations to Arirang I'm Live, These are not mine!! I just typed them out from their videos!
Moon Shower
– “One night the moon looked much larger than usual, as if we were dreaming” - Lacuna
수상한 사람들이 너의 앞에 나타날 거라고 You will bump into a bunch of strangers
꿈으로부터 네게 말���주러 왔어 I’m here to tell you what I saw in my dreams
넌 오늘 죽게 될 거야, 나도 너와 함께할 거고 You will die today, and I will be with you
마음을 서로 붙잡으면 But when we are together
두려운 건 하나도 없지 There's nothing to be afraid of
또 사랑을 속삭이면 어지러울 거야 If you whisper love, it will make you feel dizzy
두려운 건 하나도 없지 There's nothing to be afraid of
또 사랑을 속삭이면 어지러울 거야 If you whisper love, it will make you feel dizzy
푸른 밤 달이 뜨면 너도 다 알고 있지 When the moon is up, as you have already noticed
우리는 사라질 거야 We will disappear
서서히 다가오는 저 달을 품에 안고 The moon is slowly approaching, with that moon in our arms
아름답게 무너지자 Let’s fall beautifully
푸른 밤 달이 뜨면 너도 다 알고 있지 When the moon is up, as you have already noticed
우리는 사라질 거야 We will disappear
서서히 다가오는 저 달을 품에 안고 The moon is slowly approaching, with that moon in our arms
아름답게 무너지자 Let’s fall beautifully
Again, these are NOT my translations, all credit to I'm Live!
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mysunandmoon98 · 1 year ago
watched this film at the beginning of the year, ITS AMAZING!! hyuk did such a great god with the sountrack :')
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The film “The Dream Songs” (너와 나) by Cho Hyun Chul – with music by Oh Hyuk – will be released in theatres on October 25, 2023!
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mysunandmoon98 · 1 year ago
TITLE: Hello, Wonderland ARTIST: 라쿠나 (Lacuna) ALBUM: Hello, Wonderland - 2020
LYRICS (Korean + English)
꿈인 줄 알던 새벽 속에 꽤 중요한 걸 놓고 왔네
in the twilight i thought was a dream i left something rather important behind
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mysunandmoon98 · 2 years ago
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The Land of Fantasy: Captain Giorgio and The Old Fashioned Heroes
produced by JANNABI, album artwork by lukastheillustrator
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mysunandmoon98 · 3 years ago
TITLE: 빨간 피터 (Red Peter) ARTIST: 쏜애플 (THORNAPPLE) ALBUM: 난 자꾸 말을 더듬고 잠드는 법도 잊었네 (I Keep Stuttering And Have Forgotten How To Sleep) - 2010
LYRICS (Korean + English)
붉은 사과를 한 입 베어 물고 내가 아닌 누군가가 되었던 계절 아무 의미도 없는 화장을 하고 나도 몰래 흥얼거린 타인의 노래
taking a bite of the red apple i became someone not myself that season as i put on makeup that holds no meaning i hummed, without realizing, the song of another
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mysunandmoon98 · 3 years ago
"despite your faint light
my night appears to be bright
(if you’re) afraid that the light would disappear
don’t worry too much
even your fingertips will be coloured with light"
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mysunandmoon98 · 3 years ago
"Melted down at this night. I'm nowhere else. With only you in my heart"
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mysunandmoon98 · 4 years ago
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mysunandmoon98 · 4 years ago
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pov : you are the coolest k-indie band !!
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