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twintongues · 2 years ago
TITLE: 오렌지의 계절 (The Season of Orange) ARTIST: 라쿠나 (Lacuna) ALBUM: 정원 (Garden) - 2020
LYRICS (Korean + English)
어른이 되는 해엔 여름은 없을 거예요 여름이 없다면 그대와 나도 없겠죠
the year we become adults there will be no summer if there is no summer, then there will be no you and i
우리의 생일은 팔월 어딘가 즈음이에요 정오의 햇빛은 서로를 속이지 않아요
our birthday is sometime in august the sunlight of noon doesn't deceive each other
저기 바다 건너에 나무 하나를 심어요 오렌지의 계절엔 그늘이 필요할 거예요
over there, across the ocean let's plant a tree for the season of oranges we're going to need shade
계절 지난 슬픔에 뜨거운 눈물을 흘려요 아님 등 대고 앉아서 우리 이야기를 읽어요
for a sadness past its season we spill hot tears or sit with our backs against the other's and read the story of ourselves
저기 바다 건너에 나무 하나를 심어요 오렌지의 계절엔 그늘이 필요할 거예요
over there, across the ocean let's plant a tree for the season of oranges we're going to need shade
계절 지난 슬픔에 뜨거운 눈물을 흘려요 아님 등 대고 앉아서 우리 이야기를 읽어요
for a sadness past its season we spill hot tears or sit with our backs against the other's and read the story of ourselves
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mysunandmoon98 · 7 months ago
[Arirang I'm Live Translations] Happy Puppy - Lacuna English Translation
All credit for translations to Arirang I'm Live, These are not mine!! I just typed them out from their videos!
Happy Puppy
– “A dog is the only thing on earth that loves us more than it loves itself. We hope humans have the ability to love as unconditionally as a dog” - Lacuna
내가 강아지를 키우는 이유에 대해 Are you curious why I raise a puppy?
나는 네게 한 수백가지 정도를 말했지만 I’ve told you hundreds of reasons why
사실 우리집에 강아지 같은 건 없어 But in fact, I do not own one
알러지 때문에 사실 만지지도 못해 Because of my allergies, I can’t even touch them
우리 강아지 이름은 해피야 My puppy’s name is Happy
행복하고 싶어서 그렇게 지었어 I named that because I wanted to be happy
언젠가 나도 어른이 되면 One day, when I grow up
해피를 만날 거야 I’m going to meet Happy
나는 네가 생각하는 것보다 자주 , 혼자 외로워하며 시간을 보낼 거야 I feel lonely most of the time , Much more than you could ever imagine
나는 너를 기다리는 날에는 종일 On the days I wait for you
네가 불러줬던 노래를 부르고 있을 거야 I will be singing the song you sang for me
우리 강아지 이름은 해피야 My puppy’s name is Happy
나를 절대 혼자 놓아두지 말아줘 Dont leave me alone, never
눈을 감고 자는 동안에도 Even when I’m asleep
나는 종일 네 생각만 해 I think of you
아침부터 저녁까지 From morning to night
너는 전혀 모르지만 Although you might not notice
사랑을 난 아주 많이 I’m sending you my love
전해 보내고 있어 A lot of it
시간만 흐른 어제처럼 Like yesterday
오늘도 너를 기다리고 I’m waiting for you today
사랑을 나는 아주 많이 I’m sending you my love
전해 보내고 있어 A lot of it
I love you, my love I am your puppy
I love you, my love I am your puppy
I love you, my love I am your puppy
I love you, my love I am your puppy
Again, these are NOT my translations, all credit to I'm Live!
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katabersemi · 8 months ago
Lacuna – 나무늘보 (Sloth)
EN | ID Translation
ㅡ Garden, Track No. 1
To spend 20 hours of the day sleeping and still going slow even when awake. I found it really cute that sloths take a month to digest after seeming to eat a lot. Seeing that they haven't become extinct even as they live such a lazy and easygoing life, it feels like we can also try sleeping soundly just for the day. With that in mind, I wrote lyrics that contain what I wanted to say to myself and Lacuna members who are nervous and anxious about wanting to make better music and doing greater. — Lacuna's vocalist Jang Kyungmin describing "Sloth"
여전히 난 누워 있는 게
until now I still enjoy lying around
hingga sekarang aku masih menikmati bersantai diri
좋아 역시 난 어른은 못 돼
as expected I could not become an adult
memang sepertinya aku tidak bisa menjadi orang dewasa
요즘엔 뛰어다녀도
even as I tried to jump and move around nowadays
bahkan saat aku mencoba untuk lincah bergerak
숨만 헐떡거리고 말던데
i would just end up gasping for air
aku hanya berakhir kehabisan udara
제게 뭐하냐 묻지 말아요
don’t ask me what am I doing
jangan tanyakan padaku apa yang sedang kulakukan
사실 저도 잘 모르겠어요
because honestly I don’t know the answer myself
karena sebenarnya aku pun tidak terlalu tahu
나는 딱 일곱 살 정도
I’m just a kid who barely turned seven
aku hanya anak yang baru menginjak tujuh tahun
되는 애라서 몰라도 돼요
so I think it’s fine if I don’t have any idea
rasanya tidak apa jika aku tidak tahu
나는 아직
as I am
karena aku
still young
masih muda
그런 거
I don’t really know
aku tidak terlalu tahu-menahu
잘 몰라
these kind of things
tentang hal-hal seperti itu
나는 너무
as I am
karena aku
too slow
terlalu lamban
너를 못
I am not able
aku tidak bisa
to follow you
서랍에 넣은 어젠
the yesterday that was stored in the drawer
kemarin yang telah disimpan di dalam laci
오늘에 사라졌고
disappeared as today comes
menghilang tanpa jejak pada hari ini
우리의 추억들은
all of our memories
segala kenangan kita
바다에 쓸려 갔네
were swept away by the sea
hanyut disapu oleh laut
우리의 미래들을
so that we can
agar kita bisa dipertemukan kembali
다시 만날 수 있게
meet our futures once more
dengan hari-hari kita selanjutnya
작은 병에 잘 담아
let’s keep them well inside a small bottle
simpanlah mereka di dalam sebuah botol kecil
and let it go
dan lepaskan
(translations are not literal per se but suited according to my personal interpretation of the song. may contain inaccuracies, feel free to correct!)
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mymars2025 · 4 months ago
[너에게 들려주는 시. 140]
아주아주 슬픈 이야기가 있어 그런데,
슬픔은 옅어지는 걸까 흐려지는 걸까?
다른 감정으로 대체되는 것 같기도 하다.
스스로 라쿠나 직원이 되어 생각을 끊어낸다.
나는 너를 보고 있지만
이제 나는 너를 몰라.
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fybriankang · 1 year ago
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day6_kisstheradio: 🌙 231125 특집 데키라라이브클럽 라쿠나가 선물하는 꿈결 같은 음악과 함께한 오늘 밤 어떠셨나요💙 멤버들이 셀프 영업하는 라쿠나의 최애곡과 라이브까지! 입 연주로 선보이는 멤버소개는 입덕하지 않을 수 없게 귀여웠죠😋 앞으로도 짱쿠나의 음악 많사부〰️🫶🏻 #데이식스의키스더라디오 #데키라 #영케이 #Lacuna #라쿠나
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shohasama · 4 years ago
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Lacuna - 라쿠나
.. my fav kband ever
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nugu-bgs · 4 years ago
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©️ oh_sak (on insta)
Lacuna -> Issac
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minwooks-moved · 2 years ago
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entropijny · 4 years ago
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twintongues · 3 years ago
TITLE: Hello, Wonderland ARTIST: 라쿠나 (Lacuna) ALBUM: Hello, Wonderland - 2020
LYRICS (Korean + English)
꿈인 줄 알던 새벽 속에 꽤 중요한 걸 놓고 왔네
in the twilight i thought was a dream i left something rather important behind
춤추다 떨어뜨렸나 아님 누가 가져갔나 귀여운 고양이었나 아님 괴물들이었나
did i drop it while i was dancing or did somebody take it was it a cute cat or perhaps monsters
그때 네가 나를 찾았지 나무 아래 울고 있던 내게
it was then, that you found me and said to me, crying under a tree
언제든 다시 떠나자 난 네 옆에 있을 거야 걱정은 모두 버리자 우리는 함께일 거야
whenever you want, let’s leave again i’ll be at your side let’s leave behind all our worries we’re going to be together
이상한 세상에서도 우린 함께
even in a strange world we’re together
춤추다 떨어뜨렸나 아님 누가 가져갔나 귀여운 고양이었나 아님 괴물들이었나
did i drop it while i was dancing or did somebody take it was it a cute cat or perhaps monsters
그때 네가 나를 찾았지 나무 아래 울고 있던 내게
it was then, that you found me and said to me, crying under a tree
언제든 다시 떠나자 난 네 옆에 있을 거야 걱정은 모두 버리자 우리는 함께일 거야
whenever you want, let’s leave again i’ll be at your side let’s leave behind all our worries we’re going to be together
이상한 세상에서도 우린 함께
even in a strange world we’re together
네가 날 찾은 wonderland 거기에서 널 기다릴게 다시 널 만나는 날에 너의 계절을 기억해둘게
the wonderland where you found me that’s where i’ll wait for you for the day i meet you again i’ll keep your season in memory
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mysunandmoon98 · 1 year ago
[Arirang I'm Live Translations] Moonshower - Lacuna English Translation
All credit for translations to Arirang I'm Live, These are not mine!! I just typed them out from their videos!
Moon Shower
– “One night the moon looked much larger than usual, as if we were dreaming” - Lacuna
수상한 사람들이 너의 앞에 나타날 거라고 You will bump into a bunch of strangers
꿈으로부터 네게 말해주러 왔어 I’m here to tell you what I saw in my dreams
넌 오늘 죽게 될 거야, 나도 너와 함께할 거고 You will die today, and I will be with you
마음을 서로 붙잡으면 But when we are together
두려운 건 하나도 없지 There's nothing to be afraid of
또 사랑을 속삭이면 어지러울 거야 If you whisper love, it will make you feel dizzy
두려운 건 하나도 없지 There's nothing to be afraid of
또 사랑을 속삭이면 어지러울 거야 If you whisper love, it will make you feel dizzy
푸른 밤 달이 뜨��� 너도 다 알고 있지 When the moon is up, as you have already noticed
우리는 사라질 거야 We will disappear
서서히 다가오는 저 달을 품에 안고 The moon is slowly approaching, with that moon in our arms
아름답게 무너지자 Let’s fall beautifully
푸른 밤 달이 뜨면 너도 다 알고 있지 When the moon is up, as you have already noticed
우리는 사라질 거야 We will disappear
서서히 다가오는 저 달을 품에 안고 The moon is slowly approaching, with that moon in our arms
아름답게 무너지자 Let’s fall beautifully
Again, these are NOT my translations, all credit to I'm Live!
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katabersemi · 10 months ago
Lacuna – 마차 (Carriage)
EN | ID Translation
ㅡ Garden, Track No. 1
One day, I saw a bunch of tall buildings densely lined up on my way home thinking "It would be fun to ride a big carriage and destroy all those buildings on the way." I wrote this song with that thought in mind. In this way, the fairy tale that Lacuna creates begins with lightly twisting and transforming our daily lives. — Lacuna's vocalist Jang Kyungmin describing "Carriage"
저 달 너머 말하는 동물이 있죠
there is a talking animal beyond the moon
di balik bulan itu ada hewan yang bisa berbicara
마음 싣고 호수까지 달려가요
we run up to the lake with a set heart
kita berlari hingga ke danau dengan hati yang teguh
마차야 더 세게 달려
dear carriage, please run harder
wahai delman, berlarilah lebih kuat
도시의 불빛들을 부숴 줘
break apart all the lights hung in the city
ledakkan lampu-lampu yang menghiasi kota
눈물 뚝뚝 흘리는 별똥별들은
let’s hug the shooting stars
ayo kita peluk para bintang jatuh
안아 주자
who are crying out tears
yang sedang mengalirkan air mata
인형 안고 숲속으로 숨어 버려요
we hide in the forest with a doll tucked in our arms
kita bersembunyi di dalam hutan dengan boneka di pelukan
사람들이 우릴 찾지 못하도록
to the point that no one could find us
hingga orang-orang tidak bisa menemukan kita
마차야 하늘을 보렴
dear carriage, look at the sky
wahai delman, lihatlah langit
무지개를 향해 달려 줘
go run towards the rainbow
berlarilah menuju pelangi
눈물 뚝뚝 흘리는 장맛구름은
let’s hug the monsoon clouds
ayo kita peluk awan mendung
안아 주자
who are crying out tears
yang sedang mengalirkan air mata
우리 저기
we are going over
kita menuju
(피어나는 꽃 피어나는 빛)
(bunga dan cahaya bermekaran)
동화 속으로
into the fairytale
masuk ke dalam dongeng
(translations are not literal per se but suited according to my personal interpretation of the song. may contain inaccuracies, feel free to correct!)
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hyukaheart · 4 years ago
check in tag ! <3 (ty for tagging me erin @jaehyukkies !! <3)
five songs you’ve had on repeat:
anti-romantic - txt
uleum - mokyo
dancing in the rain - lacuna 라쿠나
i got u - lucy
anyone - seventeen
last movie you watched:
i haven’t watched many films recently, but i think the last one i watched was anastasia with my younger sibling <3
currently watching:
i’m working my way through all the episodes of time team i can find at the moment, i used to watch it as a child and it’s really comforting to me, especially on days where i can’t do much but sit still <3
i also started a c-drama yesterday called truth or dare !
currently reading:
i haven’t read many actual books in a long while, despite my always growing collection :( i’ve read a few small fics, but looking at too many words on a page or screen seems to make me feel headachy at the moment sadly. but ! one of the books that i started in the past and would like to finish is the letters of vincent van gogh <3
i’m going to tag @cherriki @mari-kigold @gyukai @heeseunq & @halohyuka if you’d like to do it, but there’s no pressure !! <3 and anyone else who would like to do it ! <3
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cunthq · 4 years ago
🎸 i'm already excited bestie
dancing in the rain — lacuna 라쿠나
pick me — wafia
timeless — unvs
psycho4u — girlkind
answer... shadow — ømi
shoulda coulda — budjerah
mare — purplebeck
for every 🎸 i receive, i’ll make a playlist of 5+ songs from my music on shuffle!
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lo-flo-jen · 4 years ago
Lacuna (라쿠나) - 춤을 춰요 (Dancing in the rain) MV
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sleepyljihoon · 4 years ago
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