#Castlevania anime
ryo-creampuff · 19 hours
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they're always bickering in person but when they're behind closed doors they be smoochin
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endrae · 11 months
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I'm going so feral for this man you have no idea
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valpyric · 2 months
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alucard in ‘castlevania’
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They're both me btw
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stardaiyamondo · 1 month
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ᨳິ † alucard ꒱
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p1xiemeat · 1 year
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༺♰ The Belmont Hold ~ Castlevania ♰༻
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imafraidoftomorrow · 9 months
Rewatching Castlevania and look at how much bigger Dracula was than Lisa lmao I bet that dick was INSANE good for her like honestly
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2kyo7 · 1 month
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pairing ; adrian tepes , trevor belmont , sypha belnades x female reader
ཐི ➥ summary ; As the world begins to pay the toll of Dracula's rage, four unlikely heroes must band together and defeat him--no matter the price.
warnings ; swearing
notes ; this looks better on wattpad💔
"A VAMPIRE HUNTER & A MAGICIAN..." Alucard declared, slowly retracting his own body away from both Trevor and the silver blade he held which pierced through his pale—nearly porcelain like skin. "YOU'LL DO." Standing to his full height, Trevor watched bewildered at Alucard's sudden change in demeanor, once a deadly threatening foe now a sort of peace-making pacifist. "I am Adrian Tepes, son of Vlad Dracula Tepes."
Alucard then spoke of his year long slumber beneath Gresit to heal the wounds dealt after fatally attempting to battle Dracula. "So you are the sleeping soldier." Sypha confirmed her suspicions, a sense of relief and gratification washing over her, overzealous after finally completing the mission which placed her life at stake. "I know the stories—I also know Speaker's consider the story to be information from the future." He turns to look at her, "Though...do you know the whole story?" Sypha blushes with uncertainty, "Yes?"
Simply veering his sight elsewhere, Alucard proceeds to reiterate the tale he'd heard beforehand as if it was old as time—"The sleeping soldier will be met by a hunter, and a scholar," Belmont intervened with a tone which could only be described as defeat. "No one told me that."
"Why do you think my grandfather tried everything to make you stay?" Sypha now too interjecting the story, that was now starting to sound more like a conversation. "and they shall seek the eyes of true blood." Both Sypha along with Trevor looked to Alucard in deep confusion. "True blood?" They say in perfect union. Alucard walks to his casket, searching out a long black coat to wrap around his slender shoulders. "Meaning we must search for a pure blooded vampire willing enough to join to our merry trio," Alucard walks past both his newly formed teammates, "unfortunately I know just where to acquire her."
"Come again?" Trevor stomped his way towards Alucard, stopping him from walking without any further explanation. "You're telling me that we have to recruit a full bloody vampire—to kill other vampires? Tch...some goddamn messiah you are."
"I'm sorry to hear the prophecy doesn't quite suit your taste, Belmont. But I assure you that I am any more excited about such fate." He looks to Trevor with a look of certain distaste, grabbing both his sheath and metal sword. "So, what now?" Sypha's brows knit together, taken aback by new prophecy. They begin journeying towards the nearest exit, Trevor leading in front as Sypha and Alucard neared close behind. "Now we travel to Lavatris, in findings of our little true blood."
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purplishly-prosaic · 10 months
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Finally finished Olrox! 💀🐍💜 Wanted something more ambitious/with more gravitas but this is the best I came up with... I'm sure I'll draw him again though.
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proxi-dreams · 7 months
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Been ages since I did a fully rendered Castlevania piece, since the Lillies to Tepes piece is one of my favorite works, I knew I should do a stand alone piece of Lisa! This one was alot of fun in finding a good concept, one that would capture her grace and beauty, one of the many qualities that Dracula loved! The woman that made the King of Vampires recognize his humanity, a love eternal.
Recognize the BG too? A call back to the starry night painting in Alucard's bedroom, and the swirling colors of the infinite corridor!
Hope ya like and stay tuned, cuz she will be available as a print and sticker!
Art is mine
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Castlevania Alucard x necromancer!reader
Requested over on ao3!
You and Alucard have been friends since childhood, always spending time together playing little games and occasionally getting into a bit of trouble, you more so than Alucard, but he would always be there for you and vice versa, always covering for each other.
Over time, you had developed feelings for the half vampire, but you didn’t really think much of it since you were afraid to ruin your friendship, that he wouldn’t feel the same way for his best friend. That is, until you got to your teenage years, and a certain event had caused both of your lives to change, one which caused Dracula to go on a rampage.
When you found out that Alucard was going to try fighting his father on his own, you were absolutely terrified of what would happen and you tried to stop him, but nothing you did would stop him, telling you that he had to stop his father no matter what, and the next thing you knew, he was gone. You knew he wasn’t dead, but you had no idea where your friend had disappeared to.
In his outrage, Dracula had given you necromancy magic, which you didn’t understand why he would do something like that since you were just a simple human. Maybe it was because you were his son’s best friend? You had no idea, but you knew there was no way you were going to be able to reason with him, so you just did what you had to, even if you didn’t really want to.
It started out with just creating soldiers for Dracula’s army with your necromancy magic, which you despised, but you had to so you could keep yourself alive. It wasn’t ideal, but you knew Alucard would be back, you knew he wasn’t gone.
However, after Dracula’s demise, which you weren’t around for, you felt like you were finally free, except for the fact that you were still cursed with the necromancy magic, which you had sworn to not use again unless absolutely necessary. Now your main concern was finding Alucard. You’ve been searching for a while now, getting tips and suggestions from the locals who have seen him.
“Have you thought about checking the giant castle in the woods? I saw a man of that description hanging around there.” You heard a man tell you. Giant castle? No way, he couldn’t be talking about Dracula’s castle… but seeing as it was your only lead right now, you figured you could go and check it out. You thanked the man and made your way to the nearby woods, looking for the castle you were dreading to see. Which didn’t take long, as it would be difficult to miss a giant castle in the woods.
As you got closer to the castle, however, you spot several people around, and they looked to be… building something, but you were too far away to tell what it was. Confused, you got even closer, but stopped as you spot a familiar blonde haired male.
“Alucard..” you said just above a whisper, not even noticing the tears that were welling up in your eyes until they were ready to fall.
“Alucard!” You called out, making your way over to him.
“That voice.. no, it can’t be..” he turned to face you, and when he realized it was you, he just couldn’t believe it. You were still alive! After just standing there for a moment, the shock had worn off and he started making his way over to you, meeting you in the middle as you hugged him and him immediately returning the hug, holding you close to him.
“I knew you were still alive..” you mumbled, just loud enough for him to hear you.
“I am. I wasn’t going to just leave you alone, Y/n.”
“I’m glad you’re okay.. but there is a lot of catching up to do, you know?”
“Of course.” Alucard seemed a little reluctant to let you go from the hug, but ends up taking your hand into his own.
“Let’s go elsewhere.” You nodded and followed after him, a faint smile on your face as you wiped your tears away.
The next few hours consisted of you two playing catch up, you telling him what happened after his first fight either Dracula, how he had cursed you with necromancy magic, and what not, while he told you of his travels with Trevor and Sypha. You were actually a little jealous of his adventures, but you kept it to yourself. You were honestly just glad to see that he was still alive, and you were back together again.
“Y/n.” You were brought back from your thoughts as Alucard said your name.
“I must confess something, if I may?”
“Sure, you can tell me anything, Alucard.” You were a little curious to what he had to say.
“I’ve been meaning to tell you this so long ago, but I never had the chance to, because I was too stupid to not listen to you..” he took a breath, taking your hands into his own.
“Y/n… I know we’ve been friends since we were both children, but as we grew up together, I had gained feelings for you, and I was afraid that you would never feel that way towards me, but now that we’ve found each other again, I don’t ever want to let you go again.”
“Oh Alucard..” You pulled him into a tight hug and gave him a quick peck on the cheek, which caught him off guard, but he hugged you back, holding you close to him once more.
“I feel the same way, I always have. I was just so afraid of telling you… but when you disappeared I regretted not telling you sooner… I do love you, Alucard, and I don’t want to be without you again.”
“Y/n… I’m so glad you feel the same way, and I’m so sorry for making you worry about me like that.”
“It’s okay, just… don’t do that again, please.”
“Don’t worry, I don’t plan on it.”
“Good.” You smiled faintly.
“I suppose we should head back outside and inform the others.”
“Oh they can wait for a while. I just want to be with you for a little while longer, if that’s okay.” Alucard chuckled softly and kissed your forehead softly, nodding in response,
“If they need us, they can look for us.” And it was true. Now that you’ve found Alucard again, you weren’t going to be letting him go for a while, and he wasn’t going to let you go either.
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medusas-rockin-tits · 16 days
Carmilla’s character in Castlevania would have been SO much more impactful if they’d included Laura!
Can you IMAGINE?? What if the reason she tells Dracula “If you loved her, why did you not turn her into a vampire?” Was motivated by the fact that once, SHE loved a human woman? Loved her so much it nearly ached? Filled her world and her otherwise miserable married existence with color and life and vibrancy? Only to loose her to senseless violence and cruel men, in a way not unlike Dracula. Because she couldn’t save her, because she hadn’t turned her. But she didn’t have the power to burn the world for her lost love, she had to sit and fester and grieve and bleed and rot and rage and do nothing.
And even in his grief Dracula has more autonomy than she ever did! Why did his human lover deserve the end of all humanity but hers didn’t? Did it mean she somehow loved Laura less? All she wanted was to be safe and happy and men took Laura from her too, AND her power to avenge her!
It would have paralleled her so much stronger with Dracula. Both fueled by grief and rage, at loosing the woman they cared for most. Except Carmilla did not seek to die, but to feel safe again, to build the world for people like her that Laura did not get to live to see. Maybe it was something they spoke of when Laura was alive. But the rage and the despair twisted Carmilla and ate her alive. Two people so entrenched in grief it would lead to death. One cold and quiet and one loud and screaming, but the end just the same.
Anyways, Castlevania would have been infinitely better if you’d had Carmilla motivated by that sweet specially flavored sapphic grief.
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valpyric · 2 months
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alucard in ‘castlevania’
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One thing I love about Castlevania (2017-2020) is if it had been released ten years ago there would have shipping wars between Sypha/Belmont shippers and Belmont/Alucard shippers but because we are all far more advanced now most people seem to have all settled on sypha/belmont/alucard and I personally think that’s beautiful
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lady-of-rohan · 2 months
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I'm back I guess? 🤣
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p1xiemeat · 1 year
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