#Caste Heaven
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nanah1989 · 1 month ago
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Reference art is from my favorite yaoi manga: here.
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blushingguy · 4 months ago
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Caste Heaven by Ogawa Chise
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blconnoisseur · 1 year ago
Speaking about crazy real love, Senzaki and Tatsumi’s romance in Caste Heaven was >>>>>
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brights-place · 8 months ago
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Does anybody know Caste heaven by Chise Ogawa? if not these are the photos of it above !! and I really wanna write an X Reader book but I don't know if there are any fans :O
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spookylittledoodler · 1 year ago
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tonight’s main course is Kamo Senzaki 💦
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writeformesinpie · 2 years ago
Hey, do younhave any plans to continue "When the Game is Lost?"
Omg. I looooovvveeee this series!!! Hahaha. I really like the manga it’s based on too lol
I want to continue it, I just have so many ideas and things I want to write so I don’t know when I’ll get back to it. I have a lot of people who message about this one and my Cookie Club series here and on AO3 and I feel like a failure for not getting back to them since they are so fun to write for!
I really want to continue this one. I will aim to write for this one this year. New goal! Keep me accountable lol but be nice haha
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mmrrita · 2 years ago
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pinksnowysunshine · 2 years ago
[Labour Day Special - 5% Refund ☆]
Edit: Ended! Thank you
Today is Labour Day (a holiday!) in Singapore, so I guess a holiday can be a good excuse to make a tumblr post :)
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From now until 15th May 2023, 11.59pm SGT, (8.59am PST), all purchases from my store (pinksnowysunshine.storenvy.com) will be treated to a 5%, or 10% (Singapore addresses) refund after item is shipped! Please note:
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Merchandises from below series can be found:
Daiya no Ace (Ace of Diamond)
Some BL Merchandises like Coyote (Zariya Ranmaru), Caste Heaven (Ogawa Chise), Iberiko Buta to Koi no Dorei (Shoowa), Sekaiichi Hatsukoi (Nakamura Shungiku), Aiba Kyoko, etc
Fire Emblem
Kuroshitsuji (Black Butler)
Sanrio Danshi
Binan Koukou Chikyuu Bouei-Bu Love
DRAMAtical Murder (BL Visual Novel)
Please visit pinksnowysunshine.storenvy.com! Thank you! ♡
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lov3bonnie · 3 months ago
Azusa is so preachers daughter coded especially with Strangers. Idk just a thought fell back into the rabbit hole of Caste heaven
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walter-whites-ego · 2 years ago
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blushingguy · 4 months ago
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Caste Heaven by Ogawa Chise
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spectral-phases · 3 months ago
I need people to stop getting so precious about Clark "not letting" Bruce kill the Joker after Jason’s death post-Crisis. Everyone acts like it was like this:
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But it was more:
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So, we all know the story. Actually. Wait. Maybe we don't. So. The story beneath the cut.
Jason got benched as being Robin because he was not dealing well with his parents' deaths, felt like he was no longer wanted because he was adopted specifically to be Robin (and Bruce is shit at making his kids feel loved a lot of times). Jason discovered the woman who raised him was his step mother, not his bio mother. He goes looking for bio mom. Finds bio mom, she hugs him and tells him she's missed him so much, Bruce contemplates letting Jason live with his family if that would make him happier despite being obviously cut up about the idea of losing Jason. Bio mom is being extorted by the Joker to let him ship out Joker Venom disguised as medical supplies because he can't just steal the supplies and sell them. Bruce has to go stop the shipment of Joker Venom, his portable chopper is too small for two, so Jason is left behind. Jason is told to wait, but The Killing Joke just happened and his bio mom is alone with the Joker (who is insane, capricious and evil), so, obviously he has to save his mother and could not wait. Bio Mom is outside, no guards, Jason says, "Hey, I'm actually Robin, I'm here to save you from the Joker" and she says "Nah, he's actually gone, so I'm fine. But let's go inside so I can grab my things and we can leave." Her things turn out to be a gun to point at Jason after leading him to the Joker. Jason is too stunned to move. The Joker and his goons beat Jason up and then the Joker uses the crowbar to finish beating him to a presumed death. His bio mom at some point couldn't bear to watch it anymore and turns around to smoke a cigarette. Once Joker’s done, bio mom asks what they're going to do about Batman, and the Joker is all "oh. Yeah, lol. Probably was a bad idea to kill his kid. Whoops. My bad." And then ties up the bio mom to kill her and erase any evidence he brutally attacked/killed Jason. The Joker sets a bomb on a timer and leaves. Jason uses the last of his strength to untie his bio mom so she can escape. He can't see well enough to try and disarm the bomb. She tries to get them both out. The door is locked. Jason shields her as the bomb goes off, but she dies just as Batman comes up and tells him the Joker did it, calls Jason a hero, says he deserved a better mother (he did) but does not/is unable to own up to her part in Jason’s death before dying herself. Bruce finds Jason’s body and is fucking devastated.
So after that, Bruce chases the Joker down to the UN because the Joker lucked into being a diplomat for Iran and is now meeting at the UN assembly in New York. Bruce is 100% set on doing a premeditated murder of the Joker for Jason. The US government is aware of this. They hire Superman to grab Batman to try and talk him down because the Joker has diplomatic immunity for past crimes. It does not go well.
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"That’s the law, not Justice." Batman is 100% still going to kill the Joker. Everyone knows. Superman knows. Superman says the stupid thing is putting vengeance above the interests of the country, not killing Joker.
Batman sneaks into the Joker’s room, and the Joker (forgetting his earlier desire to not get fucking killed by Batman) is like "oh man, I wish I could have seen your face when you found his body" and further needles Bruce with a "Or are you here to thank me for getting rid of him for you?" Making Bruce triple down on killing the Joker.
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"Your confirming it makes what I have to do a lot easier."
Bruce manages to get in to observe the UN meeting as Bruce Wayne. Superman is disguised as a guard. Bruce is seething, watching the Joker, knowing that is the guy who killed Jason.
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"I should have terminated his vile existence years ago. But I didn't. I couldn't. His insanity gained him a stay of execution. But no longer. ... Jason’s dead."
They both know the Joker is too stupid and lacks the impulse control needed to not attack the UN and immediately lose his immunity, which is the only thing keeping him alive. Joker releases Joker Venom to kill the delegates. Superman super breathes to inhale all the gas, which he's immune to because he's Superman and then says this as he leaves to go find a place to release the poison gas safely.
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"Batman, he's all yours."
Superman basically says "You can kill him now" because he knows Batman’s mind has not changed, and Superman had not once tried to say "killing Joker would be wrong" just that it couldn't happen before the Joker acted in a way that lost him his immunity.
And Bruce does go to do just that. He chases the Joker down, intent to kill, and jumps onto the helicopter the Joker is using to escape. One of the guys fires at Batman. It shoots the pilot, hits the Joker in damn near his heart, if not his heart, and Batman realizes the helicopter is going down and decides to jump and leave the Joker behind. He intends for the Joker to die in the crash.
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Okay? Bruce was 100% going to kill the Joker for killing Jason. Superman said "hang on. Let him get enough rope to hang himself first and then you can do it." And then Joker only survived because comic books. And Bruce is unhappy about having to wait. Superman did not try to talk Bruce out of killing the Joker at all ever, or scold him for wanting to kill the Joker. (Don't say he was rescuing the Joker in that last panel. The next panel is Superman fishing Batman, who is shot in the arm, from the harbor, and Batman telling Superman to go find the body. Find the body! And Superman does go to do just that, but is unable to).
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.
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furien · 2 years ago
Es ist unglaublich schwer sich nicht um die Meinungen anderer zu kümmern.
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greyhoundone · 1 year ago
Some things I found interesting from Rachel Talalay's live commentary of Heaven Sent at Chicago TARDIS:
- The story was originally set in a haunted house with weeping angels.
- Sometimes a single line would be shot across a mix of three locations: two actual castles and a set.
- The script was clear that the castle should have no interior lighting except for the fireplace where The Doctor dries their clothes. Rachel got some pushback from the crew on a shaft of light coming at an angle from outside, asking where the light came from. Her response was, "It doesn't have to come from anywhere. It comes from 'It looks good.'"
- Rachel worked to give more of a horror vibe to certain scenes. She did things like add a spooky wind, have Peter play the tone more for horror, and even consult with Murray Gold to keep the tone consistent. She also pushed for a “creepy garden” as opposed to the formal garden Moffat had scripted.
- Jenna wasn’t available for most of the shots where Clara is writing on the TARDIS chalkboards. They originally used a double, but the double was too obviously not Jenna. It was actually the person who did the colour grading who found other usable shots of Jenna from behind and put them in the final episode.
- Everyone was very worried about Peter hurting his hand punching the wall, especially since he had hurt his hand punching the TARDIS console in "Death in Heaven." They were going to have Peter just fake the punch and get a stunt person for close-ups, but Peter insisted on doing the punches himself because of the importance of the moment for his character. Rachel agreed on the condition that, "If you hurt yourself, you're the one who tells your wife." (He did not hurt himself again.)
- When the Doctor burns themselves and their hand dissolves away to nothing, the hand was sculpted out of Lush bath bombs. Rachel had the idea and suggested it as a cost-effective solution. So they just sculpted Peter's hand out of bath bombs and poured some water on it.
- When the Doctor breaks through the wall and the Veil collapses, the collapse was achieved by filling the Veil costume with helium balloons and then popping them.
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rebouks · 6 months ago
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Byrd: Why’re you scared of water? Levi: I’m not. Byrd: There must be a reason. Levi: Why is anyone scared of anything? Like why are you scared of the dark, or why is Wren scared of blood n’ stuff? Wren: ‘Cause it’s gross and no one’s supposed to bleed, swimming is fun. Byrd: I guess you could drown if you couldn’t swim or whatever. Levi: I think it started when I was a kid n’ almost drowned in the bath. Byrd: How? Levi: I don’t know, my mom was probably being shit-.. I barely remember. Byrd: Enough to be scared though. Levi: Apparently. [Byrd floated aimlessly on his back for a moment, thoughtfully peering at the clouds] Byrd: Dad says you’re supposed to do stuff you’re scared of or it gets worse, like he’s always turning the lights out on me or shoving our cuts n’ bruises in Wren’s face-.. in a nice way though, y’know? Levi: Is it working? Wren: Kinda. Byrd: Why don’t you just stick a foot in? Levi: No thanks. Byrd: C’mon, no one’s gonna shove you. Levi: Nope. Byrd: Pfft. Oscar: Christ, Byrd.. what the hell are you doing in there?! That cast is gonna stink. Byrd: Oh-.. oops. Oscar: Get out and put it in the sun! Oscar: Now. Byrd: I’m cominG-.. it’s getting chopped off soon anyway, right? Oscar: Yeah, and the poor doctor’s gonna pass out from your stank.
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personwholoveschocolate · 1 month ago
been thinkin about the movie and the haircut scene just wont leave my mind
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i love it so so much. it literally just stone and ivo goofing around for the sake of it! remember when rob got to earth in sonic 2? badniks to fetch the suit adjust the 'stashe and thats it. this time however?
dramatic gestures, doctor here the rose so you can look like pablo (the cool one obv) while you defeat your opponent (the lame one boo) who stole your identity. The Grip. stone, get oN MY LAP.
just UGH i love it with great passion. huge fan. i literally just today realised that they made the haircut about the tv drama they watched just for giggles! ! ah! look at these little freaks in their natural environment. demonstrating healthy playful behavior. really good for them! couples like them adore to participate in such weird activities together. they are geccoes to me.
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