#kaiba x reader
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cryptid-creature · 6 months ago
Women don't want flowers they want to be in Yu-Gi-Oh! To have someone like,
**Yugi** who's way too kind and handsome for his own good
**Joey** the most determined and sweet guy from Brooklyn Japan you've ever met <3
**Duke** he'll make you roll your eyes but you can't help but love him anyway
**Bakura** if his dashing good looks won't have you swooning his accent sure will not to mention how sweet he is ;)
**Kaiba** he may be stubborn but he's charming and caring at times~
**Atem** how could you ever even not expect the world from this perfect man, he's truly a gift from the heavens
**Marik** okay listen he may be evil but he's hot and dressed like a slut that is all
**Yami Bakura** God I would be lying if I said he wasn't the guy they mention when they said he'd burn the world for you
**Yami Marik** if regular Marik isn't enough of a hot slut this is 10x better he would brand you and you would say thank you while batting your lashes
I do just be a girl with a yugioh obsession that came back with revenge in 2024 (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)⁠✧⁠*⁠。
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queenendless · 5 months ago
A/n: This was gonna be for another series. But this idea popped up for this one instead.
Pairing: Seto Kaiba x Yami Yugi x F!Reader.
Self aware AU. Inspired by Cross Duel and Duel Links; especially plot wise. Other YGO sequel series mentioned. But mostly DM. Mainly on these two.
CW: Depression, dysphoria and dysmorphia implied, chronic ailments; based off my own issues. Brief swearing, blood, violence. But also fluff, hurt/comfort, and romance/dark romance.
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You spend many a day into the late nights, wasting the hours away by watching whatever and every other thing to dash away the emptiness you have inside. Whether on the TV, your laptop, to even your phone, you get lost into the vibrant, upbeat, tear-jerking moments of your favorite media. Shows, movies, games and beyond.
Like an iconic anime on a trading card game.
Having gotten late to the party, you quickly fell for the series, the plot, and its cast. Most of all, the reincarnated Pharaoh and his fated rival for his life.
The appeal of a brand new game peaked your interest. More so a fan game. The mechanics of Duel Links paired with the 2D CG moving models of Cross Duel. An immersive app combining all the series.
While you weren't the best at such competitive games, you still found yourself enjoying the experience. With every series up to the present day. So many characters to unlock and many decks to make. You weren't good at memorizing names, though. But your top two would be your #1 priority.
Anything to help you get through the days. Your job less, disabled days. Cooped up in your room, blocking out the yelling and slamming doors and intrusive thoughts.
Focusing on their handsome faces and familiar voices kept you calm and elated as you always switched between the two throughout your playthrough.
"You're a long way from become a true duelist ... but I can see you have the interest and potential for it. Stick with me and I'll make it worth your while."
"Not to fret. Each battle helps you learn and improve. So long as I am at your side, you'll be amazed at how far you'll go. I'm looking forward to it."
Hearing their voices, seeing those beautiful faces, gave you such serotonin as you stay cooped up in your own little safe haven, escaping from the suffocating cracked home life into the YGO verse.
You spent the next few days grinding in this immersive game, your free time spent leveling up, collecting your favorite cards, and raising the trust level of your other liked favorites. Especially to see the interactions, crossovers, and more as you picked up their voices.
The surprising sight of tapping all over your screen to see their hair and attire rustle paired with such flushed alarmed expressions poking their faces.
"You've got a lot of nerve to mess with the President of Kaiba Corp ..." The sight of him flicking you followed by the immediate firm tap on your forehead made you yelp loudly, nearing dropping the phone. Seeing Seto's laughing face on screen made your strewn expression lighten. "Well deserved."
Yami's raised brow look made you look away in shame. "Pardon me, but I'm right here. There was no need for that." The firm poke to your cheek made you jump in alarm and drop your phone on your bed, gaping at Yami's chuckling face. "Now that was well called for."
It had been a week when that happened. The real world influence from the digital world held in your hand. Startled, alarmed, concerned you had to close the app and take a while to process your racing, anxious self. The app flickered from blue to red. Your phone screen glitches.
Escaping to your laptop proved fruitless. For seeing your lockscreen darken and distort yourself, only to show the cast walking and chatting along the metropolis setting of the game you just checked out of in alarm. A certain white trench coat wearing giant walked along the screen, only to stop and turn to face you. Frozen in place, you watched as he walked head on in, getting closer when he started speaking in his usual snide, sarcastic tone.
"(Username) huh? To tell the truth, Y/n sounds better to say. How do I know your name, you ask? From your account profile, obviously." The roll of those piercing blue eyes was in character. The low soft words that came after were not. "I didn't mean to scare you off earlier. I was actually starting to enjoy myself around you. You're tolerable, at best."
The tri colored star shaped head of his rival peaked out from the side, guilt laced in his features, when he came in fully. "He won't bite you, if that's your concern. But, I too apologize for alarming you. We mean you no harm, Y/n. Honest."
The uncertainty of this meta phenomenon taking place before you was mellowed out at the sight of THE rival pair acknowledging you. Pinching yourself hard to smacking your cheeks to make sure you weren't in lala land now.
Dopamine and endorphins came hand in hand as their eyes widened in astonishment at the way your entire expression lite up, covering your now squealing mouth, not wanting to draw unwanted attention from your folks, your lips curving peaking out beneath your hands. It's all real.
You spent the remainder of that night asking them anything and everything you ever wanted to tell them, curled up in bed, smiling dazedly, lost in the nostalgic fuzzy experience that is these self aware anime baes, bouncing off each other in prideful, sparky conversation. The corner of their eyes caught sight of you sound asleep, Yami smiling tenderly at the sight and Seto's eyes giving off the same aura.
The following week since that night, you felt more energized and motivated than you have in a long time. You were curious if any other fellow players experienced such a phenomenon. Being able to interact with them, actually talk to them outside the contrivances, even offline was a relief. Even your old dead TV was brought to life by the sights of the vibrant series setting; Domino City. Numbers, Dueltaining, Links, and beyond. The world of dueling was seemingly endless.
"Artificial intelligence is more real now than ever. Not to mention virtual reality. So it was only a matter of time. This game is experimental proof of that self awarness. Not all of us are that bright, though."
Joey's pinched face cameo over that comment didn't go unnoticed by as evidence by Seto's snide face. Mai dragging Joey off screen to see kisses literally flying off in the background had the CEO turn pink at the PDA.
"I'd rather glimpse into the real world to broaden my knowledge. Every single being that's connected to us gives us insight. Getting to know you Y/n has been the best experience in all of it."
Waving to Yugi, Jaden and Yusei driving recklessly on the latter's duel runner in the off distance made you crack out a laugh. The charmin smile Yami gave at the sight of your expression caught your eye, turning you a bashful pink, to which he deeply chuckled in kind.
But even you need a break every now and then. You have bad days. And by bad, it gets BAD. Constant styes or eye irritations. Circulation issues in the feet. Swollen ankles. Depression, stress and many intrusive thoughts becoming hyperactive in that tired scarred mind.
Demented suffocating folks. Dysfunctional argumentative drama. And you? Walled up in their corner, feeling years older than their actual age, self pity and self hate over this defective body. The thoughts of self made wounds made on every defective part of you brought on tears every time.
So, fights like the one you just experienced today brought tears, swelling, and the truth to light. Your own fault for believing your own flesh and blood would provide genuine professional help, for the body and mind. But all they can afford is gaslighting, dogpiling criticism. Slamming doors, holing up in your room and blasting tunes through your ear buds was your only affordable escapism.
Black, blue and red glitches overtake your phone. It all happened in such a blur. Layers of warmth swallowed you whole, brushing away those tears, as you felt your face pressed gently against such support, protectivness enveloping you.
"Now that's just bullshit. Everyone’s flawed. If you count me and my many attempts at dethroning my one and only rival myself as one, go right ahead. Point being, screw them. You're genuine. Flaws and all ... you're perfect."
"You should never feel ashamed of yourself or your appearance. You should feel comfortable in your own skin. Regardless of what others choose to believe, your own feelings matter the most. When I look at you, I see nothing but a goddess in my eyes."
Digital character gaining form in reality before you changed things. Just as soon as they were there, they were gone, leaving you fuzzy or better ... and for worse?
The rare times when you had to go out on trips or even taking walks by yourself around your area meant you waving your phone around, being their window into more of your life. Even giving a room tour meant them blushing at spotting chibi plushies of them on your nightstand; their egos rising at further proof of you being smitten with them.
Only when everyone else in your household went to bed would you go hogging up the living room couch and be on your laptop and phone to get lost in watching your movies, shows or whatever to lift your spirits. Yet these late night binges bring with them chronic headaches that would kick in during your all night bends, leaving you closing your eyes and falling sound asleep to drive off the pain on top of your flared up feet covered in cold compresses.
Your laptop flickered and buffered in distortions as whatever you were watching is halted as entities literally come out of your screen. Warmth brushed your flushed cheeks, rubbed your scalp to soothe your aches, rewarded by your hums of content, as murmurs of their names parted your lips, causing the seed of possessiveness to grow at such a rate.
"They don't deserve your tears. They don't even deserve you. None of them are worth it. Unlike them, you've always been deserving of greater and better things. And I'll make sure of it."
"Please dream sweet dears, my dear. It hurts me to see you like this. Things will get better ... they will be better ... you will not suffer alone anymore."
But all good things come to an end. And this was no exception. For there came that time when you were in so much agony, suffering to the point where you wanted the rest of your ignorant home to suffer with you. Eyes too Strained to open. Feet too swollen to walk. Even your neck and scalp were stiff in pain. Your own body fell apart and all you could do was cry in silence, stuck in bed, as you just wanted to be free of it all.
A cold storm raged outside, tipping things over the edge. Your phone vibrating and dinging with notifications were left unchecked. The various reports of disapperances over your fellow real life players and the like. The strong voices of your kings calling out to you were left unanswered as you were too still and quiet.
So they animated right out of your phone screen. The eye of Udjat glowing as the Pharaoh dealt the fatal blows. Thrown furniture exploding. Glass shattering. Ear shattering screams cut off midway. Gurgling cries of agony follow right after. Thumps hitting the floor. The tall shadow of his megalomaniac partner covered your frail weak body as he carefully took you in his arms. It was now or never.
"Seto, are you sure about this? Bringing an actual human over to our side is too risky. Her body will not survive it."
"Please. My next gen solid vision system is visionary. Finding you across dimensions, for example. Connecting others across time and space through dueling has broken boundaries. Linking the cerebrum of those that have accessed my side project app has allowed us to view everyones memories and knowledge of our counterparts in this world has expanded our reach. Sharing our energy with her shall give the strength she needs to cross over. And besides, you practically begged me to take her with us from the start."
"Don't tell me THE Seto Kaiba is jealous about sharing me with another now. As if dragging me out of the afterlife wasn't enough for you. Part of me is still wrapping around your experiment on cross dimensional expansion. Regardless if we're just avatar copies based on fiction, we're still alive. We're past the point of no return. I just hope Y/n will understand."
"Take me ... take me away from here ... please."
Your consent was the trigger. Crimson met solid hologram as their combined hold made you feel at peace at last, blue and golden energy seeping into you, falling fast asleep. The next time you woke up, all the pain left your body, replaced with such looseness. Such levity. Basking in the endless streams of code and ethereal light. The faces of many familiar characters standing about among those like you that now obtained their virtual anime counterparts.
Smothered in between such defined sturdy bodies to remind you of your situation, your heart hammered on in the blue eyed and violet eyed gazes of your two Kings gazing down at you with such fervor, pristine looking with no signs of crimson staining their attire, right before they both layered gentle kisses all over your face. Their sculpted veiny hands held each of yours, tracing your very real skin, squeezing them to assure you that this is all happening. Tears of joy filled your healthy e/c eyes and giggles filled their ears as the sight of you brimming with happiness made their own hearts tremble at the hold you have on them. And vice versa.
Reshaping the future of dueling outsides the confines of an app game takes so much work, you know. Gaining sentience and all that. And it means everything to them to have you there with them for their journey across the Yu-Gi-Oh! multiverse. Hand in hand in hand. For life. These two Kings have finally found their Queen.
"Welcome home."
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goldenmetstli · 1 year ago
What would Seto Kaiba be like if he were in love?
NOTES: I wrote this with a Reader Insert in mind, but to be honest you can also read it just as a general headcanon! Reader Insert is gender neutral.
I tried my best to write him as close to canon as I could because I think it's pretty interesting to explore how a man like Seto Kaiba feels romantic love (´。• ◡ •。`) ♡
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★ He doesn't register his feelings and would never cross his mind that he likes someone. He is a little obsessed with them, that's all. And even then, he sees it as "being focused"
★ He doesn't know how to have healthy and normal relationships, not only romantic ones but friendships too.
★ He would never fall in love at first sight, it takes a loooooong time for him to even trust a person enough to consider them worthy of their time. He is the kind of person who sees everyone as a means to an end.
★ Seto has an obsessive, competitive, and antisocial personality, so in his mind, he associates liking someone with wanting to prove that he is better than them.
★ Every time Seto sees you he feels a mixture of excitement and smugness. He knows he would say the perfect thing that might disarm you and make you feel like an idiot but is always a little bit delightful if you have a comeback.
★ As his feelings grow, he notices that he NEEDS to see you. The fun thing about Seto is that he always has the perfect excuse to convince himself that there's a bigger reason why he randomly appears at a place that you frequent or why he knows a lot about you.
★ I don't consider him yandere because he doesn't have bad intentions, he is just navigating his emotions in his own way (he leans more into the tsundere territory). But as I said: he does get a little obsessed with you.
★ Would he ever acknowledge his infatuation? Well, after many situations and even comments from Mokuba pointing out his odd behavior (and that is saying a lot), in a moment of solitude where is just him and his thoughts, he might question for a moment if what he is feeling is attraction.
★ He then would laugh at how ridiculous that sounds and that would be the end of it lol It needs to pass more time for Seto to actually confront himself with his feelings.
★ Seto has been single his whole life, and even if his emotions have always been pretty intense (when he is angry he gets furious, when he is frustrated he gets desperate, etc) he doesn't register feeling romantic love for anyone, so this is new territory.
★ This man goes through all 5 stages of grief just by accepting his feelings for you and desperately tries to find a logical reason as to why he feels this way. Is uncomfortable, and awkward, and at times he gets angry at you.
★ It depends on the situation, on who you are, and what is happening around him to say if he would ever make a move.
★ But if he doesn't then he can live without you, he deals great with loneliness but that doesn't mean Seto would stop trying to see you on any occasion. He would just get better at controlling his feelings.
★ But what if his feelings grow to be LOVE? Then we are in trouble.
★ Another 5 stages of grief lmao poor guy HATES not being in control, and emotions are confusing, weird, and annoying. Why does he, of all people, have to deal with this? He hates you. But also don't. He hates your face, but he likes to see it, he despises your voice but he gets weird tingles when you talk to him. He admires your resilience but also wants to throw you from a cliff.
★ It depends if you are another duelist, an employee, or a normal person with a profession as to how he would act but I can see him being more aggressive towards you.
★ If you two are DUELISTS then he would get even more competitive and intense during your duels.
★ If you are an EMPLOYEE, Seto will raise your position to one where he needs to supervise you and create a lot of challenges for you to overcome (is his way to revenge for what you are making him feel).
★ If you are a NORMAL PERSON with a profession, he would make excuses to make your company work for him and feel near you. This is his way of making him feel like he is in control of his emotions and the situation...
★ Well! That's all for now! ε(´。•᎑•`)っ 💕 This is getting really long, so I might write in the future a second part as to how Seto would act as a boyfriend
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neonrn7 · 10 months ago
Why no is writing good SMUT stories about his man? I am so sad sometimes hat Lunascence is gone… it had better SMUT / ONE Shot than ANY other website… i wish i know how to request it 😭
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novasintheroom · 1 year ago
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⭐Yu-Gi-Oh! Instances⭐ (AO3 link)
fem!reader x various YGO characters;
It wasn’t possible for this to happen. To go into his world, to fall into a show, went against all sense of logic and rationality. And yet here you are. In other words, a list of prompts and drabbles where you meet your favorite Yu-Gi-Oh! guy by falling into his world, learn to become friends, possibly more, who knows. Take a load off and stick around.
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multifandoms27-blog · 2 years ago
Hey darling!!! <3, hope your day is good, well, i saw your Seto Kaiba dating hc's and i read the "He just gets even better when one day he comes home with a ring" snippet, AND I GET SO HYPED FOR WEDDING/HUSBAND SETO KAIBA HC'S, so can i request "married Seto Kaiba hc's"? if not its ok, but i will be so happy if you do it
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just a moment to appreciate this handsome man's beaut-
Hello lovely! My day is going okay, I hope yours is as well <3
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Content: Seto Kaiba x GN!Reader
Warnings: Talk of children at the end (I made sure to separate that section from the rest of the headcanons incase people don't want to read that part)
Notes: I've started my second year of college and I already want to rip my hair out. I hope these headcanons are okay <3
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Seto doesn't want to trouble you with planning the wedding. He has professionals handling it.
However, obviously I feel you'd want a say in the color scheme and your own outfit at your wedding. Seto will absolutely let you make those decisions, he just figured you wouldn't want to bother yourself with the wedding plans. It would most likely be you doing all the work anyway, he has a company to run. (Wedding planning can take more than a year in some cases for those who don't know, and the more lavish and expensive it is, the longer the planning will be)
You two enjoy your engagement though. As much as Seto says he hates the press, he loves all the attention you two are getting from the Japanese media.
I think a lot of people thought Seto would never get married because of how snobby he is, and how focused he is on his company and a children's card game, so he can't wait to show up to every rich get-together with his arm around your shoulders, telling everyone you're his spouse.
Your wedding was in a lavish area off the coast of Japan. Mokuba was Seto's best man, while (Yugi friend/your own friend) was your best man/maid of honor. Your vows to each other were so sweet and loving, Jonouchi had to rub his eyes to make sure it was Kaiba you were marrying and not somebody else.
Because Seto is a famous man, your wedding was most likely televised.
The night was filled with laughter, congratulations to you and Seto, amazing food, jokes, and all around happiness. It was undoubtedly the best day of your life.
Your honeymoon was overseas though. Seto finally pried himself away from his work, and was looking forward to spending two uninterrupted weeks with you in Italy (or wherever else you choose)
Your honeymoon is filled with romantic gestures, long nights (hehe), and a whole lot of lovin'
When you come back home, Seto goes to work and you give Mokuba all the PG-13 details. How Seto treated you to nice dinners, how amazing the view was both in the day and night, and showed him pictures of you and Seto and your honeymoon
Surprisingly, Seto is the first one of you two to post your honeymoon pictures. They become flooded with supportive and loving comments, Jonouchi's comments never failing to make you laugh
Some days you'll let off Seto's staff early and make dinner for you two and Mokuba, or get takeout. Depends on how you're feeling that night
Seto appreciates it either way, and is just glad to get some time to spend with you and Mokuba at the end of his tiring work day
Sometimes you and Seto will have the same idea though, and you'll both get takeout by accident. The funniest is when you both show up to the same place and are like "What're you doing here??" "I could ask you that too"
Rarely does Seto cook, but damn is it fucking good. If he has a day off and decides to let his staff go home early, he'll cook for you and Mokuba
Seto lives to make your life easier. Need someone to manage your public account because the press can be too much to handle? He's going on a search for a suitable manager. Feel lonely by yourself at the mansion? He's asking Mokuba to surprise you with Yugi and co. (begrudgingly).
He's still going to be busy with work, but he'll make it up to you by bringing you on work trips whenever he can. He'll book nice hotels for the two of you, and always makes sure that he's all yours after five o'clock.
He confides all of his work troubles to you now, and if you thought he was stressing before when you were dating, it's now a whole new level. You're locked in with him for life, and Seto is about to spill all of his secrets to you. You suggest a therapist to help him regulate the stress, and he scoffs at the idea.
"Do you know how many people would put a price on the information I'm telling you? Yeah, no thanks."
So instead, you make ways to help him relax. You tell him about taking a bath with the whole nine - a relaxing bath bomb, candles, soft music...and he scoffs at the idea. So instead, you decide to trick him.
"Seto, there's something called an epsom salt bath that you can soak in, it helps you relax."
"Isn't that for sore muscles?"
"And weren't you complaining about how sore your shoulders are?"
You manage to get your husband in the warm bath, poured epsom salt in there, then sat carefully on the edge of the tub and massaged his shoulders. He relaxed enough to where began to close his eyes, and you slipped a blue bath bomb into the water. He was none the wiser about what you were doing until the bomb completely dissolved, you managed to light a candle or two, and he only opened his eyes when you began to play some soft music.
"Is this relaxing, Seto?"
"..." He won't admit it, but it really is.
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The next section talks about children, but no actual pregnancy! So if you don't like the topic, no worries! You can skip it <3
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Of course, with (some) marriages, comes the topic of children. In the Japanese dub of the anime, Seto tells Mokuba that he'll be his dad and look after them once they're in the orphanage (in the English its just big brother), which means you are now technically Mokuba's "adopted mother."
In the original manga, Mokuba was also in public school and had a lot of friends there, so I like to think that he sometimes goes between homeschooling and public school. If things become dangerous and Seto thinks Mokuba will be kidnapped again, he'll pull him out of school. But once things calm down, he'll allow Mokuba to go back to school. Which means, you and Seto are the best parents at the PTA meetings and after school events.
Of course, if Seto can't make it then you'll go for the both of you. Anything Mokuba has after school where he performs, you record it for Seto (and future memories).
Doing this for so long will make Seto think about what it would be like to actually have a child with you. I think he would want two, so they could have the same sibling bond that he and Mokuba have. And with how dangerous the world is, what if something happened to him or you or Mokuba?
He thinks about it for a while before finally bringing it up to you to see how you feel. If you're up for having a child with him, then he'll be ecstatic and jump right on it. If you biologically cannot be pregnant, then thats okay, adoption is absolutely on the table. Mokuba is excited to know that he's going to be an uncle.
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rose-riot-johnson · 1 year ago
May I please request a fic for Seto Kaiba having a passionate, short-lived love affair with a female duelist during the Battle City tournament and when he reunites with her a few years later, he discovers that she had his child?
I definitely will see about writing this request, then😁👍Anyways I'm assuming that the female duelist is the reader, so hopefully I'm correct about the assumption of this when I do complete this fanfic😃👍
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🩵Am I The Father Of Your Child?🩵(Seto Kaiba x Female Duelist Reader)
Genres: Character Discovers Reader and Reader's Child (Warning⚠️: A Short Lived Affair and Mentions of pregnancy)
When Seto Kaiba first met you, it was during the Battle City tournament. He watched you dual against another duelist and not only he thought your beautiful, however he believes that you're an amazing duelist. So, after you defeated another duelist in a dual and he defeated his opponent in a duel, he had a chat with you about his first impression of you and how much an amazing dualist you are. You thanked him and admitted that you've been a fan of him for a long time.
Later that night the both of you realized despite of different backgrounds and upbringings, you both have alot in common and felt close to eachother right away, especially to the point of the both had a passionate affair (which neither of you were aware would be short lived). Next day, you lost a duel against an opponent who obviously more cunning and a total jerk. Hours later after he won his duel against his other opponent he defeated, he went to look for you, then overheard security guards talking to eachother that you seem to feel sick where you had to go to a hospital, then you would have to go straight to your home after you get your discharge from the hospital.
Kaiba was torn to overhear what was happening to you. He knows it's too early for him to feel like he dies, however aside from his younger brother, Mokuba, you're the first person he has ever cared about and has been precious to him otherwise, so he vowed for revenge against the duelist who was a total jerk to you and extremely cunning at you and to find you, someday... No matter what it takes!
A few years after Kaiba defeated the duelist vowed for revenge against, he went to the mall, as he began to realize that his search for you was over. However when he finally saw you again, he also saw this child who has a very similar face, as him. He asked you some questions about how you've been and talked to you about how bad he felt for you, and other stuff he talked to you about, then he asked, "Anyways, (female reader name)... Am I the father of your child?". You then happily replied, "Ofcourse Kaiba... This is your child (reader's choice of her child's name)... I really wanted to tell you about (him/her), so after our (son/daughter) was born, I took him with me and searched for you for a long time... I take it you were searching for me, as well?". You then turned your child and told (him/her), "(reader's choice of her child's name)... This your father, Seto Kaiba... Your father is a very nice man who has been very nice to mommy... Since, we all found eachother, everything will be alright now..."
The next thing that happened was Kaiba said, "That day you lost your duel, I overheard security guards talking about you needing to go to the hospital, because you seem sick, then you have to go straight home after you get discharged from the hospital. I take it the pregnancy was the reason why you seemed to not feel well?". You replied, "I believe so... The doctor and nurse asked me to take a pregnancy test after they couldn't find out why I wasn't feeling well, for safety reasons, then I found out I was pregnant... I kept to myself who I was with that night, because besides dueling, the only thing that I love is you...". Kaiba was then relieved to find out the truth about what really happened to you and the child he had with you is safe.
After your conversation with Kaiba, not only he had you and your child live with him, you and Kaiba also started fresh with eachother and to actually have a relationship together for real this time. Your child has also bonded with (his/her) father, Kaiba very easily like ((s)he did with you. It's like you, Kaiba, and your child (reader's choice of her child's name) have became (not only a rich family, however also) a happy family, as well.
🩵The End🩵
I hope you had as much fun reading this Kaiba fanfic, as much as I had fun writing this fanfic, my Tumblr Peeps😃👍As for you, @sacredwarrior88 I hope I did well with writing the requested Kaiba fanfic as well😃👍I enjoyed writing that particular fanfic😃👍I mostly mentioned the "character discovers reader and reader's child" for the genre, because I'm really not sure what genre I could choose to describe the fanfic, so this is all I could come up with for genres😅
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chimerickat · 2 years ago
17 please I'm begging this would so cute
Stealing or Sharing Clothes
He's not in the bed when you wake up. As you sit up and look around, you can see that he's not in the room.
Your shoes and clothes from last night remain scattered across the floor. You don't know if Kaiba... well, it's Seto now... unless he only meant for you to call him Seto last night...
You gather up your clothes, determined to hunt him down.
But when you think about putting them on, you hesitate. They were clothes chosen specifically to look good, not for comfort. The thought of putting them back on is repellant.
So you snoop around Seto's room. He has a walk-in closet, packed to the brim with trench coats, suits, and belts. But he also has plenty of comfortable clothes, including the softest shirts you've ever felt.
As you pull out a black shirt, you wonder if the shirt costs more than you make in a month or more than you make in a year. Either way, he has a bunch of the same shirt so you hope he won't mind you borrowing one.
The sleeves go past your hands, and the bottom of the shirt drapes down enough to completely cover you. If you could count on only seeing Seto once you left the room, you'd go out in just the shirt.
But Mokuba might be around, and the mansion has staff.
Kaiba's pants won't fit. His legs are longer than yours and built differently. There just wasn't any way those would work.
Then you find boxers folded up in a drawer. Deciding they work perfectly well as shorts, you shimmy into them. They're decorated with the Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon, a fact that you plan on teasing Kaiba about later. Surely you would have noticed last night if he'd been wearing a pair...
When you leave the closet, the door to the bedroom opens, and Kaiba walks in wearing just a pair of loose pajama pants. He's carrying two mugs, but he stops in the doorway and stares at you.
Before he can make a comment, you decide to get in one of your own. "I thought they only made themed underwear for kids."
This causes his eyes to drift down. "You can get anything custom made if you pay enough. Not that you would know." Then he raises an eyebrow. "Why are you wearing my clothes?"
"Well I couldn't go looking for you without anything on..."
He smirks. "That doesn't answer why you decided to wear my boxers."
You want to protest that they're the only thing that would fit, but if he has more pants like the ones he's wearing now, you could have made that work too.
Instead, you change the subject. "What's that?" you ask, pointing at one of his mugs.
"Latte." He holds one out. "You can have one too. If you want."
You take the cup. "Thanks. Can I keep the clothes if I want, too?"
"No." The word comes out sharp, and you feel hurt despite knowing he doesn't mean anything by it. But before you can response he says, "But you can keep wearing them while you're here."
And based on the smirk still present on his face, you understand that he just wants to ask you to stick around.
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demondwellersword · 2 years ago
a (seemingly) impossible task.
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seto kaiba x gn!reader
warnings: n/a (if the fact that it’s ridiculously self indulgent counts, then that)
notes: i’m really slow to learn card games (i still have no idea how i finally got magic the gathering), so since i started watching yugioh i’ve been thinking about just how frustrating it’d be for kaiba to teach me duel monsters….enjoy!
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Kaiba didn’t know how much more of this he could take. The second you’d expressed interest in finally learning how to play Duel Monsters he’d pulled out all the stops—the best duel disk KaibaCorp had to offer, a deck he’d specially built to play to your strengths, and hours set aside out of his busy schedule to practice dueling with you.
But none of it seemed to work.
You’d gotten basics like life points and the setup of the board right, but you still seemed stuck at how and when to play the right cards. You had only just gotten the hang of setting cards in their defense and attack positions, and you were slowly beginning to understand how to set traps.
It seemed only half the questions Kaiba answered for you actually taught you anything, and he was getting desperate. While you occupied yourself with a practice match with Mokuba he snuck out, finding himself standing on quite the unlikely doorstep.
“Oh! Kaiba! What brings you to the game shop?” Yugi waved Kaiba in, the bell jingling as the door shut behind them.
“I can’t take this anymore, Yugi. (Name) hasn’t seemed to progress any further in their lessons.”
“Well Kaiba, how have you been explaining it to them?”
“What does that have to do with anything?”
“Maybe the way they learn is just different from the way you do. I know that when my grandpa was teaching Joey how to play he had to do it in a completely different way than how he taught me. Have you tried telling them about the game with a different wording, maybe?”
Kaiba gave him an incredulous look. “Are you trying to imply that I don’t know what I’m doing?”
“No, no!” Yugi waved his hands. “I would never! I just wonder if maybe they’re having trouble with a certain aspect of the game or something like that….”
Kaiba stopped for a moment, turned, and thought to himself; you had been asking a lot of questions about timing, but he swore he’d done a satisfactory job of explaining it all. Much better than Yugi’s whole “heart of the cards” spiel. He’d answered every question you had about setting traps, but you kept forgetting to lay them in response to what he’d played. It seemed you’d understood it better when he showed you, but he couldn’t just stop in the middle of a duel to explain cards to you. Maybe if he led you through a practice duel against Mokuba….
“I’ll have to devote more hours to teaching them, that’s the key to all of this. I’ll have to orchestrate some sort of day-long duel…..work in as many practice matches as I can. Expect one of my associates to deliver you and those little friends of yours invitations soon. Yes….this will work perfectly!”
“But Kaiba if you just try explaining it to them in a different way first maybe you won’t have to—“
Kaiba spun around, narrowing his eyes at Yugi. “No! I never needed any help, much less from the likes of you. By the time I’m done they’ll be a far better duelist than you could ever dream of being!”
Kaiba proudly strode out of the game shop, leaving an utterly confused Yugi in his wake. As soon as he was back in his office he disappeared to make a barrage of phone calls, working late into the night to set up KaibaCorp’s first Duel-A-Thon.
When the day finally came Kaiba could feel a strange sense of excitement bubbling up inside him. He’d forced every single employee of KaibaCorp to take a vow of silence—anyone who spoke a word of his plans to or around you would be fired on the spot. You remained none the wiser, simply confused as to why Kaiba was suddenly so busy.
He always told you when he had important meetings coming up, and as your relationship had grown more serious he worked in ways to take you along on every business trip he could. When you asked if there was anything you could do to help he simply waved you off and told you not to worry about it, sending you off to do busy work while he worked on whatever it was that he was doing.
“Come on (Name). I don’t want you getting lost.”
“Kaiba where are we?” You groaned, looking around at the forested trail you’d been hiking along for the last 15 minutes.
“You’ll see soon enough. You brought your deck like I asked you, right?”
You jogged to catch up to Kaiba, pulling your deck out of one of the pockets in your backpack. “Yeah, but I don’t know why you told me to bring it on a hike. What, are we gonna duel in the woods or someth—“
You looked up to see a wide clearing full of food stalls and mini arenas, all filled with faces both familiar and foreign. There were people dueling throughout the space, and it seemed as if the stakes were either low or nonexistent. You turned to look at Kaiba, heart fluttering at the sight of the proud smirk on his face.
“What is all of this?” You breathed, awestruck by the sheer size of the gathering in front of you.
“After giving it some thought I realized perhaps I wasn’t doing as thorough a job as I had intended teaching you how to play Duel Monsters. So I set up a day-long event in order to teach you more about playing the game. I’ll be personally coaching you through every duel, so you don’t have to worry about being at a disadvantage because you’re new to the game.”
You smiled sweetly at Kaiba, pressing a kiss into his cheek. You loved seeing the way he still blushed at even the smallest of romantic gestures, never quite growing used to how affectionate you were compared to him. “Thank you, Kaiba. I can’t wait to start dueling everyone!”
He smiled back at you. “I have no doubt in my mind that you’ll be able to become a fine duelist, (Name). When we’re done, you’ll even be able to surpass Yugi!”
“Say no more. Let’s do it!”
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raggedy-dxctor · 2 years ago
Walks with Seto Kaiba
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pairing(s): kaiba x gn!reader
warnings: ooc kaiba <333
his hair tousled in the wind slightly, a small blush tinting his face as his hand found yours, using the crisp air as an excuse to close the distance between you both.
walks with seto were... rare, to say the least. he was always busy, not to say that he never had time for you, he always made it for you, but it usually involved his arm wrapped around you as you both bask in the silence and bliss of eachother's company after a long day without eachother, or a playful duel, only a slight bit of competitive spirit invading the friendly match between lovers. if it were up to him, he'd never have to leave your side.
but today his romantic side, that was completely enchanted by you, thought a walk would be a perfect date, away from all the work, people and responsibilities the two of you saw in your everyday lives, instead replacing it with eachother. times like this with seto make you swoon because you see that private side that no one else on the planet ever has the privilege of seeing, the small smiles, delicate kisses and soft blushes coating his cheeks all for your private viewing only.
mokuba would keep the contact from the company to a complete zero during these times, ensuring the two of you had all the time you needed. seto loved the walks and both you and mokuba knew it. he loved how easily he could make you feel at ease, how relieving it was to see the twinkle in your eyes and the vibrant smile overtake your face. he loved it when the light blush dusted your cheeks and matched the autumn leaves around you.
at the slightest shiver, he'd wrap an arm around you and kiss the side of your temple. "come here" he mumbled, sitting the two of you down on the nearest bench and wrapping his jacket around you both, cupping your cheek as he kisses you.
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writeformesinpie · 2 years ago
Hey, do younhave any plans to continue "When the Game is Lost?"
Omg. I looooovvveeee this series!!! Hahaha. I really like the manga it’s based on too lol
I want to continue it, I just have so many ideas and things I want to write so I don’t know when I’ll get back to it. I have a lot of people who message about this one and my Cookie Club series here and on AO3 and I feel like a failure for not getting back to them since they are so fun to write for!
I really want to continue this one. I will aim to write for this one this year. New goal! Keep me accountable lol but be nice haha
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missrosiesworld · 2 months ago
How the Boys from Yu-Gi-Oh Would Kiss Their Partners
No one asked for this, but I couldn’t resist writing about how the boys from Yu-Gi-Oh! would share sweet, heartfelt kisses with their partners. These were my very first fictional crushes back in the day, and I think they deserve a little spotlight for their romantic side!
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Yugi’s kisses would be gentle, sweet, and full of affection. Yugi’s shy and thoughtful nature means that his kisses with his partner would be deliberate and meaningful, often starting with hesitance but growing in confidence as their relationship deepens.
First Kiss:
His first kiss would be tentative and a little clumsy, his nerves evident. He’d pause to gauge their reaction, his violet eyes wide and searching for reassurance. Once he feels their response, he’d relax, the kiss becoming soft and heartfelt. "I’ve… never done this before," he might admit afterward, his cheeks burning as he glances at them nervously.
Everyday Kisses:
Yugi’s kisses would often be quick, like a brush of his lips against their cheek or forehead, especially in public. In private, he’d take more time, savoring the closeness and letting his love for them shine through. "I just wanted to remind you how much you mean to me," he’d say, his voice soft and full of sincerity.
Passionate Kisses:
When the moment calls for it, Yugi’s kisses would be surprisingly deep and intense, fueled by his growing confidence in their relationship. His hands would gently cradle their face, his thumb brushing their cheek as he pours his emotions into the kiss.
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Joey’s kisses would be passionate, spontaneous, and filled with warmth. Joey is bold and expressive, and his kisses with his partner would reflect his fiery personality and his deep affection for them. He’d kiss them like he has something to prove—because to him, they are everything.
First Kiss:
Joey’s first kiss would likely be impulsive, happening in the heat of an emotional moment. He’d pull them close suddenly, his lips capturing theirs in a kiss that’s slightly messy but brimming with emotion. "Sorry if that was too much," he’d mutter afterward, scratching the back of his neck and grinning sheepishly.
Everyday Kisses:
Joey’s kisses would often be playful and teasing. He might sneak a kiss on their cheek or forehead when they are not expecting it, laughing at their reaction. "Couldn’t help myself," he’d say with a wink.
Passionate Kisses:
When Joey’s emotions run high, his kisses would be all-consuming. His hands would grip their waist firmly as he leans into them, the kiss full of fiery passion and unspoken promises. He’d pull away slightly, his forehead resting against theirs as he murmurs, "You drive me crazy, you know that?"
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Seto’s kisses would be intense, deliberate, and deeply intimate. Seto’s reserved nature means his kisses would be rare but meaningful. He wouldn’t kiss his partner lightly; when he does, it’s with purpose and a level of vulnerability that he only shows to them.
First Kiss:
Seto’s first kiss with them would be slow and measured, as if he’s testing the waters. His hand would cup their cheek or the back of their neck, his touch firm but tender. Despite his usual confidence, there would be a moment of hesitation before he leans in, his lips brushing theirs in a kiss that’s surprisingly soft. "I don’t… do this kind of thing often," he’d admit afterward, his voice low and slightly vulnerable.
Everyday Kisses:
Seto’s kisses would often be subtle, like a light press of his lips against their temple or a kiss on the top of their head when they are not looking. These moments would reveal his quieter, softer side. "Don’t overthink it," he’d mutter when they teases him about his affection, though the faint smile on his lips would give him away.
Passionate Kisses:
When Seto allows himself to let go, his kisses would be intense and consuming. His hands would frame their face as he leans in, his lips moving against theirs with hunger and devotion. He’d pull them closer, leaving no space between them, his actions silently saying what words cannot.
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Yami’s kisses would be deep, reverent, and filled with emotion. Yami’s commanding presence and strong emotions mean that his kisses with his partner would feel almost sacred. Each kiss would be a blend of his intense love and his unwavering devotion to them.
First Kiss:
Yami’s first kiss would be deliberate, his amethyst eyes locking onto theirs with a smoldering intensity before he leans in. The kiss would start slow, almost hesitant, before deepening into something that speaks of his soul’s connection to theirs. "I’ve wanted to do that for a long time," he’d whisper afterward, his voice low and filled with emotion.
Everyday Kisses:
Yami’s everyday kisses would be thoughtful and meaningful. He might kiss their hand in a gesture of chivalry or press his lips to their forehead as a quiet reminder of his affection. "You are my greatest treasure," he’d say, his tone reverent.
Passionate Kisses:
When Yami’s emotions run high, his kisses would be powerful and all-encompassing. He’d pull them into his arms, his hands moving to their waist or cupping their face as he kisses them with fervor. His kisses would leave them breathless, his devotion evident in every touch. "You are everything to me," he’d murmur against their lips, his voice raw with emotion.
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fictionfromthevoid · 7 months ago
Seto Kaiba hugging heandcanons:
For you to be able to hug Seto you two need to be VERY close
You are either best friends or in a romantic relationship
He needs to fully trust you with his life to allow you to be that close to him
This boy has trust issues
But once you have gained that trust he is the biggest hugger
When he is exhausted from a long day at KC, frustrated or just feeling emotionally unwell he will collapse into your arms
He will lean onto you with his whole weight and burry his head into your shoulder
When you start playing with his hair he will sigh and nuzzle his head deeper into your shoulder
When he cries, and he will cry in front of you, hugs look very similar
you will probably find him somewhere, staring wide-eyed into space while all his worries are playing in his head
when you then gently touch his shoulder or face to snap him out of his mind, he will briefly stare at you with tears forming in his eyes before he collapses into your arms and sobs his eyes out.
Hugs that he initiates are usually when he's feeling broken and needs your comfort, he won't really initiate casual hugs. But whenever you are in private and go up to him for a hug he will happily accept it
Seto isn't one for PDA. He will not hug you in front of people other than Mokuba unless one of you is feeling really bad.
Seto's hugs are usually really tight. He wants to be as close to you as possible and might need to tell him to loosen his grip a little in order not to suffocate you.
In the same way, he likes to be held really tight. If you are excited and squeeze the life out of him he won't mind.
Hugs make Seto feel calm and loved. So the ugs you share are usually rather long. He can relax When you hold him in your arms and play with his hair or stroke his back.
But don't talk to him about it or he will get embarrassed and stop hugging you. He feels like he isn't allowed to feel cosy and loved so if you acknowledge that he does, he won't allow himself to be that vulnerable anymore.
this is something I've written to get out of a creativity slump so it isn't really good.
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myfangirlfanfiction · 1 year ago
Hey, could u do one where the YGO boys comfort crying reader? Or the other way around where we comfort them from crying? Xx
Hi I’m sorry this is so late. I found this sitting in my box just now. Thanks so much for letting me do this request for you. I’ll gladly write it for you. I appreciate the patience since I’ve been on hiatus.
Various Yu-Gi-Oh! Boys x Reader
Comforting Their Crying S/o
Headcanons: Yugi Muto, Yami, Seto Kaiba, Duke Devlin, and Joey Wheeler
Bonus: Mai Valentine and Dark Magician Girl
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Tag List: @xxmobiumshipperxx @secondaryrealm @puzzleshipping-princess-1989 @noaltbruh @hevexns-realm @sacredwarrior88 @angelsdevils
If you’re interested in being tagged in my fics please contact me. I tag by fandom. More info in the Link. I tend to tag people who request from me
Yugi Muto
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He’s not only the king of games but also the king of comforting his loved ones
Yugi is very perceptive of others feelings especially your own. When he realizes you’re sad, he immediately tries to comfort you.
He will be by your side and ask what has happened
He will do everything in his power to comfort you. Be it words of affirmation or genuine care. He’s very loving and will be extra fragile towards you when you’re sad
As you cry he holds you. If you don’t like being touched when you’re upset then he gives you space
He will give you his jacket and hold your hand as he speaks gently to you.
“Please don’t cry... I’m here for you.”
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what I love most about this former pharaoh is how he handles people’s feelings with grace. This is ten fold for his significant other
Yami is quick to comfort you with his words. He listens and responds accordingly
Advice, words of love, you name it
He always knows what to say. He’s full of wisdom and has such a big heart. He’s the best at comforting
When you cry he dries your tears with his sleeves of his jacket and cups your face so you look into his caring yet piercing red eyes
His look is incredibly gentle as is his touch towards you
He’ll speak in a soft low voice. It’s so gentle, his deep voice is so comforting
“Please look at me.. I won’t leave your side until I see you smile again.”
Joey Wheeler
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He’s very in tune with emotions especially your own
He’s quick to pick up on your feelings and when you cry he’s already by your side ready to comfort you.
He holds you in his long arms and gives you a reassuring look. His expression can light up a room and he can certainly give you his signature grin to make your heart flutter
His positivity knows no bounds and he’s quick to cheer you up even when you’re crying
He knows what to say and he’ll only tell you what you need to he told
“Don’t worry babe Joey Wheeler is here!”
Duke Devlin
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He’s a sweet boyfriend with a way with words. Even when you’re crying
Duke lends his shoulder to cry on and picks you up in his arms so you can sit on his lap while you cry
He wraps an arm around you and gently speaks to you
He’s the sweetest and will make it his mission to have those tears of yours gone
Duke wipes away those tears and looks into your eyes as he’s comforting you
“Angel baby, please talk to me. I’m all ears.”
Seto Kaiba
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Kaiba is quick to demand who hurt you. His eyes turn cold at the very thought of someone daring to hurt his beloved
When he realizes no one has hurt you he’s quick to look saddened and holds your hand. His arm wraps around you protectively
He orders someone to buy you your favorite treat, stat then returns his attention to you
He uses his handkerchief or tie to wipe away your tears gently
His demeanor is so soft with you as he listens to what you have to say
He’s comforting but very gentle In his words. His advice is always top notch as is his problem solving. He will do everything in his power to make it right
“Don’t worry I’ll make sure everything will be okay, dear.”
Mai Valentine
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Mai certainly shows tough love but only when it’s necessary. Her love for you is very well shown. She’ll be so worried when she see’s her baby darling crying
She’s quick to baby you and immediately figure out what could be wrong
She might be quick to look for anyone who could’ve possibly hurt you. She’s much like her harpy duel monsters. She’ll gladly sink her claws on anyone who gets on her bad side.
When you tell her no one has hurt you she will start comforting you. She’ll hug you against her soft chest and talk to you gently. Her embrace is so warm and comforting
Her words are so full of wisdom. She speaks to you with such grace as she comforts you
She’s also very good with advice. Her words always manage to help and make you feel so much better
“Dear, you’ve really got to be strong. Don’t worry your pretty little head. You’ll get through this, I just know it.”
Dark Magician Girl
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She is immediately worried and going to be right by your side
She is quick to be holding you or placing your head on her lap how you like it
If you're affectionate, she will smother you with it as she does her best to calm you down
If you’re not as affectionate then she will be absolutely reassuring and in tune with your feelings
This lovely lady will make it her mission to wipe away those tears and cheer you up
After you’re feeling better and if you’re feeling up to it she will even take you on a date. Her treat!
“Sweetie what’s wrong? Your tears break my heart.”
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multifandoms27-blog · 11 months ago
I have heard your cries and I have come to deliver
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Content: Yami Yugi x gn!Reader, Seto Kaiba x gn!Reader (separate)
Warnings: 18+, Minors DO NOT INTERACT!! This has mainly AFAB biology, but no use of she/her, Seto Kaiba degrades you
Notes: All characters are (obviously) 18+ here. I know this was kinda short, but I'm in the middle of finals and got out all I could before I got burnt out lol
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❥Yami Yugi
100% a soft dom. Can't tell me otherwise
He would also be a huge tease
Imagine him fingering you while whispering teasing comments in your ear...
"Oh love, the way you squeeze my fingers makes me want to just take you here and now...but I must keep my patience together."
He can be a little harsh in bed if you want him to be
He mainly does it for your pleasure, he barely cares for his own
He loves your thighs. He loves holding them up as he pounds into you from above, and he loves the look on your face as he does so
He'd drag his hands up and down your body, worshipping every single bit of it before having his way with you
Back to him being harsh, he wouldn't degrade you very much, but he would force your head into the pillows as he gives you ruthless backshots
He prefers being on top, but he wouldn't mind you riding him every once in a while
Purposely tries to last long so he can switch you two so you're below him again
He can't help it! He loves the way you look and the way your tits bounce as he gives you what you really want...
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❥Seto Kaiba
Would also be a dom, but not soft like Yami Yugi
He cares about his pleasure more than YY does, and he loves taking his frustrations out on you
100% degrading you
As he's giving you relentless backshots, he loves boasting about how much you must LOVE his cock, since you keep coming back for more, and sprinkles a little insult for you at the end
It's just boosting his ego lol
Loves holding your hips as he fucks you from behind, his dick reaching all the right spots
As you're moaning like a whore for him, you can only hope his assistant can't hear from outside of his office
If you're fucking him at the mansion, he's a little more softer. But if you tell him to go harder, he'll go harder
His bed is also where he does missionary, not doggy like his office. He does prefer to see your face sometimes
He doesn't like when you ride him, he thinks it takes away control. But he might be inclined to take up the offer if he's tired from work...
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Here's my Yugioh masterlist in case you wanna request something!
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spiiiiiral · 1 year ago
a little something i made today
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