ambrial-blog · 2 years
Daddy Dearest part one Synopsis.
Blitzo was diagnosed with Leukemia as a child. Blitzo's childhood was a living nightmare. Blitzo was forced into hiding his symptoms. Once the money well ran dry, Cash Buckzo was finding it harder to extort his son. He didn't want Paimon to think he had a defective sperm-bank. the only ones who appeared to care at the time was Barbie-Wire who had to watch as her brother was subjected to inhuman procedures. and his mother who was fairing sickly: an unknown cause that Barbie speculated was geared to control her brother more. Cash had been poisoning his wife with arsenic. Between Tilla and Blitzo: things began to look grim. The one day, while visiting the shadowlands. He meets Fizzorolli. they become fast friends and are nearly inseparable. While Fizz's father. "The terrifyingly Star of Sheng guar la. "The great Milengo. Fitted no only Blitzo's medical bills, but Tilla's as well. The insidious Ringleader is instantly on edge. While he himself is enraptured by Fizzorolli. he begins scheming. noticing how close both he and Fizz are becoming. Meanwhile Milengo contemplates letting his son go, and leaving him in Cash's care. He himself had become entangled. He fins himself dotting on the tiny harlequin boy, smitten by his harlequin-esque features. A slow disdain crawls into the shadow-walker. He begins to watch the Ringleader closely, while keeping an eye on his son's best friend. He finally agree letting his son travel back to Loo-Loo land. Knowing he could find him at any time. he gifts Blitzo with a little Harlequin horse puppet: Red and green with a black star above his eye. Blitzo's cancer goes into remission when he turns fifteen. Everyone is happy and celebrating. Barbie-Wire hugs her brother and smiles up at Fizzorolli. The Jester has an arm wrapped around both twins as Tilla takes a picture.
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meandtheyeehaws · 1 year
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ITS MAMA TILLA! I WANNA KNOW EVERYTHING ABOUT HER but since we dont i will make shit up
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abshiki · 10 days
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knightinink · 9 months
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The first time Fizz messed up an act, Cash blew up on him, shouting & cursing every worst possible thing one could say. It took everything within Fizzarolli to not break down crying until he was in Blitzo’s arms, & Blitzo hates it when Fizz cries.
It breaks his heart more than anything.
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blitzosicedcoffee · 9 days
I so desperately want to know Tilla's backstory and how the FUCK she wanted to be with someone like Cash.
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zarnzarn · 1 year
ohhhhh shit okay so if you look at the gifs Barbie Wire and Cash Buckzo both run away from the fire and BLITZ TRIES TO STOP THEM TO TELL THEM TO GET FIZZ.
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pokerpottler · 5 months
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Now I noticed something.
Fizz in his adolescence got an Explosion in the Face.
But his forehead Mark remained Intact after 15 Years.
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The Mark cannot be removed as Barbie had to scratch it with a knife.
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and Blitzø when he was the Clown from Loo Loo Land, the Brand remained intact over the makeup.
(although I believe that Blitzø only painted his skin and not the Brand)
So this Mark cannot be removed in any way.
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and Seeing that Cash Buckzo's Circus Troupe has, besides that Cash and Tilla himself have it,
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This mark is either a Slave mark or a Mark with Magical Properties Belonging to an Entity.
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vivziepoparchives · 20 days
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Buckzo family portrait featured in Season 2 Episode 1 of Helluva Boss by jigokuhana89. Posted to their twitter July 30, 2022.
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He probably thinks it tastes better than her 🐱
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tmtquickcomics · 6 months
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rosyfun · 2 months
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Family Buckzo ✨💝
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tealvenetianmask · 4 months
Headcanon: Blitz has been told since he was a kid that he's like his dad. Being compared to your own abuser can do a number on you.
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Adults he worked with at the circus would say it all the time but never said what they meant. They'd smile when they said it though. As an adult, Blitz realizes that they probably meant to say he was daring, quick witted, full of ideas, even charismatic in a way . . . But those who'd been with the circus for a while couldn't make a comparison like that without knowing what else they were implying. They meant that Blitz was impulsive, tempermental, mischievous- that he'd probably grow to be manipulative, angry, scheming, bitter, cruel. Self-serving. Self-destructive. Blitz thinks now that he's becoming more like Cash every day- he fears hurting those he cares about too- he's trying not to be like his dad.
Blitz doesn't understand that he'll never become his dad because he's too much like his mom. An offbeat sense of humor, deep love for a few choice people, determination to make his own decisions, a spirit that can withstand a really hard life.
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helluvahotmess · 1 year
it seems like fizz wasnt aware blitz' mother died in that fire
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so if Blitzo’s first two family members, his dad and sister, were either outright awful or just cold to him... maybe Tilla is the one he has the most positive interaction with?
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A big part of me hopes, that as bad as a father Buckzo was, he did atleast love Tilla and was a decent husband, or at least tried to be a good husband to her. It’s implied that she was sick or atleast was dealing with health problems. I feel like even though Buckzo was def manipulating Blitz, he did atleast mean the part of wanting to help her. If she was sick, she’d have to have been getting some kind of treatment. If that was the case, maybe Cash did actually put what Blitz got into whatever treatment she needed but it was a type of case that couldn’t be immediately cured and required ongoing treatments. And what was left would be put into the circus(as well as alcohol) which I can imagine the profits from that couldn’t support her alone.
A part of me feels like their relationship would be like Duckman and Beatrice’s from DuckMan. and maybe the choker she wore that Blitzo now has, was a gift from Cash.
and in this photo, it looks like he has his tail around Tilla, holding her. She’s also the only one in a seat, maybe he got it for her so she wouldn’t have to be standing.
Who knows, maybe part of why he was like that was because of being stressed over Tilla. Look at those eye bags, good chance he was running himself ragged trying to support her(paying for treatment, caring for her in their environment, trying not to stress her out and make things worse, etc ) and on top of that, having to manage the rest of the circus, made him turn to alcoholism to cope as well as end up taking his stress out on others, especially Blitz who most likely reminded him of himself, the imp that can’t seem to do anything right💔
Cash-I know I let you down Blitz. Barbie and Fizz too. I know I messed up. But please believe me when I say I really did try for her💔
What do u think? What do u think their relationship was like? I’d love to know💖
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knightinink · 11 months
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rewinding & watching the first 12 minutes of this episode over & over because I love them so fucking much>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
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