pokerpottler · 5 months
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Now I noticed something.
Fizz in his adolescence got an Explosion in the Face.
But his forehead Mark remained Intact after 15 Years.
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The Mark cannot be removed as Barbie had to scratch it with a knife.
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and Blitzø when he was the Clown from Loo Loo Land, the Brand remained intact over the makeup.
(although I believe that Blitzø only painted his skin and not the Brand)
So this Mark cannot be removed in any way.
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and Seeing that Cash Buckzo's Circus Troupe has, besides that Cash and Tilla himself have it,
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This mark is either a Slave mark or a Mark with Magical Properties Belonging to an Entity.
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venusbasil · 2 years
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drades-lair · 2 years
Fandom: Helluva Boss
Rating: T for swearing 
Pairings: Blitzo/Striker
Notes: This was a request from the lovely  allyssahanner on deviant art
Blitz released a deep sigh from behind his desk, head resting on one hand as the other drew nonsensical patterns on his desks surface. The day had been boring as fuck with a lack of clients leading Blitz into a spiral of boredom that made him consider shooting the nearest pedestrian just for a thrill. Striker let out a chuckle of amusement from the corner he was sitting in, legs draped over the arm of the chair he was in casually scrolling through his phone.
“Ugh! I’m so fucking bored!” Blitz groaned out slapping his head to the desk
“Then why are we here? Let’s blow this joint,” Striker suggested
“If I just leave Moxxie will have a conniption,” Blitz groused, cheeks puffed out in a pout as he lifted his head back up.
“Screw what the vermin thinks,” Striker retorted, snarling slightly at the mention of Moxxie. Blitz was about to respond when there was a knock at his office door resulting in him nearly leaping from his chair with excitement.
“Come in,” Blitz eagerly exclaimed only to instantly plop back in his seat with disappointment as Moxxie entered holding what looked like mail.
“Sir, todays mail has arrived and there’s a letter for you,” Moxxie stated matter of factually, holding out the letter to Blitz.
“Great, probably one of those scam letters asking me to sign up for something,” Blitz rolled his eyes but excepted the envelope, nonetheless. Moxxie shot Striker a momentary disapproving look which the pale imp returned with a snarl before the smaller left the office, closing the door behind him. Blitz stared at the envelope for a moment noting the absence of a return address not to mention the fact his name was spelt with the fucking ‘O’ at the end of it. Giving another eye roll Blitz tore into it revealing a handwritten letter inside that he arched a confused eyebrow at only to have both raise in surprise at the first sentence of said letter.
“Hmm? Somethin’ wrong?” Striker spoke up at seeing Blitz’s sequence of reactions.
“I-It’s from my sister…Barbie,” Blitz stammered out, surprise lacing his voice.
“Yer sister, isn’t she in rehab?” Striker asked just as surprised as Blitz
“Apparently she’s getting out,” Blitz added having read further into the letter
“And what? She wants Ya ta lend her money or somethin’?” Striker arched an eyebrow as he pushed up from the chair he’d been sitting in, moving along side Blitz.
“There’s nothing in here asking for anything actually it seems she just wanted to let me know,” Blitz explained, skimming through the letter.
“Humph, thought Ya two weren’t that close,” Striker added finding this entire thing a little odd
“We’re not…but if she’s getting out…” Blitz trailed off as his look soured, lips falling into a frown as his brow furrowed in thought.
“What is it?” Striker prompted
“My father could track her down…” Blitz trailed off again refusing to make eye contact with Striker.
“Yer old man huh?” Striker commented absently, Blitz had told him about the bastard a time or two but ultimately it was a sore subject they tended to avoid.
“Yeah, if he finds out Barbie’s out of rehab…he might…” Blitz trailed off yet again becoming more somber each time he brought up his father.
“Relax, she probably knows what she’s doin’,” Striker encouraged placing a hand on Blitz’s shoulder
“I hope so,” Blitz stated in a hushed whisper still looking over the letter in his hands.
 A few weeks had passed since Blitz received the letter from Barbie and ultimately nothing changed, Blitz still ran IMP and still went home to his new place with Striker until…well, you know how this goes. Striker entered the IMP office carrying several bags of take-out food, dropping 3 of them on Loona’s desk while taking the remaining two into Blitz’s office with him. Blitz got an excited gleam in his eyes upon seeing Striker with the food, practically wagging his tail as the greasy offering was plopped onto his desk and he was just about to dig in when the phone rang. Giving a begrudging groan Blitz picked up the phone with a less then pleased ‘hello, IMP’ which made Striker chuckle as he ate his own food. Blitz suddenly went ridged, eyes growing as wide as saucers as the person on the other end began to speak.
“Blitzo? Is that you?” Came a feminine voice
“B-Barbie?” Blitz stammered getting Striker’s immediate attention
“Blitzo! Shit, thank Satan! Please you must help me! Dad was waiting for me when I got out of rehab…he took me! Please brother…” Barbie’s voice was sheer panic before the call was cut off
“Barbie? Barbie! SHIT!” Blitz cursed as the phone call ended
“What happened?” Striker asked leaning forwards with one forearm draped over one of his thighs and the other hand holding onto the arm of the chair he was sitting in.
“The call cut out! She said my old man was waiting for her outside the rehab place,” Blitz briefly explained as he slammed the receiver down.
“Do you know where he is?” Striker inquired
“I think so…bastard was always a creature of habit,” Blitz answered with a slight snarl
“Then we go get her,” Striker prompted, standing from the chair as he tossed what was left of his lunch onto Blitz’s desk.
“You sure? This doesn’t have anything to do with you,” Blitz pointed out
“Nope, but it does involve my mate which makes it my problem,” Striker retorted with that trademark smirk plastered across his features.
Leaving Moxxie in charge of IMP the duo took off into the parking lot where Bombproof was waiting, mounting the hell steed they took off. Blitz gave a general location where he thought his father might have set up shop recently although it wasn’t a sure thing considering how often his father moved around. Along the out skirts of the greed ring sure enough they found a tent set up in the general area Blitz had given. Making sure to dismount Bombproof at a fair distance the duo cautiously made their way closer to the yellow and red stripped tent with Striker taking one direction while Blitz took the other however as Striker crouched down to double check his revolver was loaded and properly primed to fire, he felt something hard hit the back of his head. Sharp pain was followed by his vision blurring as Striker brought a hand to where he’d been hit perhaps, he might have been able to recover if not for a second hit that plunged Striker’s world into blackness. Groaning Striker’s vision slowly came back into focus, yet his head was throbbing, staring straight ahead Striker could see the roof of a tent above him and after a few moments he sat up mostly using his abdomen muscles considering his arms couldn’t move.
Wiggling his arms Striker discovered they were bound behind his back with rope leading to an exasperated sigh escaping his lips. Glancing around Striker could tell he was inside the tent perhaps somewhere in the back by some crates, his weapons had been taken from his person and his tail was firmly intertwined with a heavy chain that was secured to the ground. Cursing under his breath Striker took another glance around realizing across the room by another set of crates was a pillow and blanket on the straw covered ground along with a chain secured to the ground that led around the crates.
“I know someone’s there, who are Ya?” Striker called out causing the chain to start moving. A female imp with white patterned scars peered from around the crates wearing a torn grey sweater dress, coated in dirt.
“Who’re you?” The female imp asked cautiously
“Humph, Ya must be Barbie…I’m here with Blitz to save Ya,” Striker concluded as the other imp came out from behind the crates revealing she had a shackle around her right ankle that was clearly too tight as the skin around it had chaffed and bled.
“You’re with my brother? Where is he?” Barbie asked with excitement rising in her voice
“He’s still out there, I gotta warn him somehow,” Striker declared still looking around for anything he could use to escape or get a message to Blitz.
“I wish I could help but after I called Blitz…he took my phone…” Barbie explained, lowering her head in defeat.
“Yer old man? Where is he?” Striker asked
“Yeah, he’s in the other portion of the tent…probably where he lives,” Barbie revealed nodding towards the opening a few feet away.
“Fuck…” Striker trailed off irritably
Meanwhile Blitz slowly crept around the tent till he found the front opening, peering around the corner to see stacks of boxes, crates and other junk scattered around. Pistol in hand Blitz slinked inside surprised when he couldn’t see his father anywhere but at least it would make things a little easier as he searched for Barbie.
Striker yanked his tail trying to pull the chain from the ground pegs that secured it in place when a tall male imp entered the room sporting a white tufted from his chin and large curving horns. The imp approached with a whip in his hands as Barbie curled up against the crates.
“So, who the fuck are you?” The male imp demanded, looming over Striker.
“Names Striker,” Striker introduced with a smug smirk on his face
“Humph, cocky bastard isn’t you. Why are you here?” The imp asked with a scoff
“I’m here with Blitz to get Barbie,” Striker explained simply
“Blitzo! He’s here? Ha-ha! Perfect, I’ll get him too and then we can finally reopen the family business again,” The male imp maniacally laughed
“His name is Blitz!” Striker growled yanking at his binds in anger at hearing this bastard call Blitz by the name he hated.
“Oh~ is it now? That seemed to hit a nerve, why do you give a flying fuck?” The male imp taunted leaning down closer to Striker.
“Because I’m his mate Ya jackass!” Striker spat out angrily snarling at the other imp.
“HA! That’s fucking rich! That miserable little shit could never find a mate!” The male imp heartily laughed.
“Humph, well he did and if Ya need more proof the matin’ mark is on the left side,” Striker scoffed. The other imp stopped his laughing and as if he wanted to prove Striker wrong reached for the pale imp’s bandana, yanking it off then pulling down his shirt on the left side to indeed reveal a mating bite in the nape of Striker’s neck. Striker’s cocky smile grew ten-fold at seeing the other imp’s face drop in realization.
“Now who’s the miserable shit?” Striker taunted only to receive a punch to the face. Striker groaned in pain, shaking his head a bit to clear the cobwebs that had formed from the hit.
“Buckso! Leave him alone!” Barbie cried out from where she’d been huddled
“That’s father to you! You fucking little whore!” Buckso screamed back, whirling around towards Barbie causing her to cower once more. Striker struck out with one of his legs, tripping the other imp however as he tried to wrap his calves around Buckso’s neck to choke him the other imp managed to grab a large rock from nearby, smashing it into Striker’s knee causing the pale imp to recoil in pain with a yelp. Scrambling to his feet Buckso cracked his whip catching Striker across the face eliciting a snarling cry from the pale imp followed by an angered glare that would have turned anyone else’s blood to ice.
Blitz jerked at the familiar cry of his mate in pain immediately heading towards the sound although he still tried to be stealthy despite his heart pounding out of his chest. Following the sound to the back of the tent Blitz peered around the corner just in time to watch Buckso lash his whip across Striker’s chest eliciting a grunting groan from the pale imp…his mate. Anger boiled inside Blitz causing him to throw caution to the wind, emerging from where he’d been skulking with his pistol aimed at his old man.
“Don’t fucking touch him!” Blitz spat out angrily
“Blitzo? My son, so good to see you again,” Buckso chimed falsely
“Brother?” Barbie acknowledged in a whispered tone
“I’m not your fucking son! Now get the fuck away from my mate!” Blitz demanded easing his way towards Striker.
“Well, well, look at you being the big man. When did you grow such a set?” Buckso teased with a scoffed laugh.
“Shut the fuck up!” Blitz demanded finally making it to Striker, taking a knee to start freeing the other imp from his binds.
“Humph, ungrateful little runt!” Buckso spat although he wasn’t stupid enough to take on Blitz when he had a gun in his hands.
“Are you alright?” Blitz asked Striker with concern lacing his tone.
“I’m fine Darlin’,” Striker confirmed, pulling his arms free once Blitz cut the ropes and working on freeing his tail moments later.
“You two are disgusting,” Buckso groused, lip curling in a disgusted manner
“We’re leaving with Barbie and if you try anything I’ll fucking shoot you right between the eyes,” Blitz growled making certain to put himself between Striker and Buckso. Blitz tossed a key ring he’d found to Striker who moved to free Barbie once his own tail was freed.
Once Barbie was with them all three imps started making their way out of the tent with Blitz keeping his pistol trained on Buckso. The older imp watched in disdain as the trio escaped the tent, Striker giving a sharp whistle to summon Bombproof. Striker mounted the hell steed first then Barbie sat behind him finally Blitz mounted the steed behind Barbie and with a crack of the reins they were off. Arriving at the bigger apartment Blitz shared with Striker, the trio made their way inside with Barbie leaning on Striker as she couldn’t walk very well on her injured ankle.
Striker settled her on the couch before shrugging off his jacket, Blitz also shrugged off his jacket to hang near the door, a grimace forming on his face at seeing Striker’s wounds. Striker paid no mind to the injuries though as per usual, they were nothing compared to some wounds he’d suffered instead he grabbed the first aid from the bathroom along with a damp towel. Blitz ran a hand down his face before grabbing dry towel from the bathroom, heading over to the couch where Striker had just sat down.
“Go clean up, I can handle this,” Blitz instructed tossing the towel at Striker
“Ya sure?” Striker asked
“Yeah,” Blitz confirmed simply
Nodding in confirmation Striker stood up from the couch, pecking Blitz on the forehead as he brushed past on the way to the bathroom. Blitz moved to take Striker’s place on the couch next to Barbie who’d simply been observing silently from where she sat with her ankle elevated on a pillow. Gently Blitz examined the damage to Barbies ankle with out a word revealing it was minor tissue damage that with some clean up and rest would heal quickly. Grabbing the damp towel Striker had brought out Blitz cleaned the wound as gently as possible still eliciting some pained winces from his sister.
“So…you and him huh?” Barbie awkwardly asked trying to drum up conversation as Blitz cleaned her wound.
“Yeah,” Blitz responded in a simple manner that came off as cold.
“You two live here?” Barbie wondered glancing around the fair-sized apartment.
“Yeah,” Blitz responded similarly from before
“Blitzo…” Barbie began only to receive a glare from her brother.
“The O is silent,” Blitz lightly growled before returning to tending his sister’s wound.
“Um…Blitz, I just wanted to say thanks for saving me,” Barbie stated in a quiet tone
“Whatever… there you should be good to go,” Blitz stated upon finishing wrapping Barbie’s injured ankle. Striker emerged from the bathroom at that moment carrying his shirt and vest revealing the massive whip mark across his chest.
Meeting Striker halfway to the bedroom Blitz worriedly took in the extent of his mate’s wounds, a mark across his face from the whip, a bruise on his cheek from being punched and of course the mark on his chest. Striker instantly picked up on Blitz’s concern, placing his hands on the crimson imp’s hips with a smirk on his face before leaning in for a kiss that Blitz returned.
“I’m fine sugar,” Striker assured his worried mate after parting from the kiss.
Blitz gave a half-hearted smile as Striker made his way into the bedroom to finish changing while Barbie smiled warmly behind Blitz. A moment later Blitz turned to face Barbie again only this time his gaze softened a little as she averted her gaze.
“You can stay until you’re well enough to leave,” Blitz assured her
“Thanks…look I know things haven’t been great between us since…you know…but I mean it, thanks for saving me,” Barbie explained in a soft tone causing Blitz to release a deep sigh.
“Look Barbie, I hate to say it but there is no way to fix what happened between us…you made your choice…but in the end we’re all we really have left…I’ll help you when I can,” Blitz explained in a slightly warmer tone then before.
“For what it’s worth Blitz…I regret what happened and I am happy to see you’ve done well for yourself,” Barbie stated with a warm smile.
“Thanks for that, now get some rest,” Blitz encouraged, turning to head into the bedroom.
“Wait, you two aren’t going to be…” Barbie trailed off gesturing to the bedroom with an arched eyebrow.
“Ha! With how tired I am I’d be lucky to get it half mast tonight,” Blitz burst out laughing continuing his trek into the bedroom.
“Gross!” Barbie exclaimed just as the door closed behind Blitz.
 A few weeks later Blitz helped Barbie find a cheat apartment for rent effectively getting her off their couch much to the relief of both Striker and Blitz.    
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during one of my livestreams I was told to draw BarbieWire x OC as a crackship... Idunno about y'all I KINDA LIKE THIS SHIP???? LOL Evaluna Moon is my popstar moonlight imp. Art /Evaluna Moon (c) mine Barbie/helluva boss (c) viv
#helluvaboss #helluvabossoc #helluvabossbarbiewire #helluvabossfanart
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trickylynx666 · 1 year
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Barbie wire
Sorry for not posting any drawing’s I took a little break but I’m back
#HelluvaBoss #HelluvaBossBarbieWire #HelluvaBossFanart
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So i had this silly idea of what would happen if blitz and barbie were having a conversation about each other’s love interest’s, and they find out that barbie’s gf and blitz’s bf are ex’s 😂 i need to get faster at drawing smh this took forever hdjshsfsj in case you can’t read my handwriting here’s what it says Barbie: So,Blitz,are you seeing anyone? Blitz: Heh,yeah. I’m actually dating a prince, Stolas goetia. Barbie: No kidding? I’m dating a princess! Her name is Stella goetia.
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cham-chammity · 3 years
Imma just share my headcannons of Helluvaboss charcter sexualities because why not--
Millie: Bisexual
Moxxie: Bicurious and Demisexual
Loona: Bisexual
Octavia: Asexual and Biromantic
Stolas: Gay and Biromantic
Stella: Closeted Panromantic Lesbian
Barbie: Biromantic Lesbian
Striker: (Questioning) Gay/Pansexual and Demiromantic
--(I'd imagine Striker has a hard time figuring out whether he's romantically and/or sexually atttracted to non-conforming men or not but knows 110% he likes men like Blitz)
Ya'll can share your own headcannons if you like!!!
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venusbasil · 2 years
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Bros kissing in rehab
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pokerpottler · 1 year
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Blitzø Vs Barbie.
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venusbasil · 3 years
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god i love them
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venusbasil · 3 years
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,,,,barbie,,,,barbie and stella,,,,
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venusbasil · 3 years
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should i draw these but as barbie (blitzo sister) and stolas and blitzo?
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venusbasil · 3 years
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94 notes · View notes
venusbasil · 3 years
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venusbasil · 2 years
let me have her
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venusbasil · 3 years
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i might have a problem-
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