#Carbon Black Price
chemanalystdata · 1 month
Carbon Black Prices | Pricing | Trend | News | Database | Chart | Forecast
 Carbon Black Prices have become a significant concern for many industries due to their fluctuating nature and impact on various manufacturing processes. Carbon black, a fine black powder made from burning hydrocarbons in insufficient air, is widely used as a reinforcing agent in tires, a pigment in inks and paints, and as a conductive agent in electronics. The price of carbon black is influenced by several factors, including raw material costs, production technologies, and market demand, all of which contribute to its volatility in the global market.
One of the primary factors affecting carbon black prices is the cost of raw materials. The production of carbon black relies heavily on feedstocks such as crude oil and natural gas. As these raw materials experience price changes due to geopolitical events, supply chain disruptions, or shifts in global oil and gas markets, carbon black prices inevitably respond accordingly. For instance, fluctuations in crude oil prices can have a direct impact on the cost of carbon black production, as oil-derived feedstocks constitute a significant portion of the production costs. When crude oil prices rise, the cost of carbon black production also increases, leading to higher prices for end-users.
In addition to raw material costs, technological advancements in production methods can also influence carbon black prices. The carbon black industry has seen various improvements in production efficiency and environmental impact over the years. Innovations such as more energy-efficient production processes or the development of alternative feedstocks can lead to changes in production costs. For example, advancements in manufacturing technologies that reduce energy consumption or improve yield can help lower production costs, potentially leading to more stable or lower carbon black prices. Conversely, the introduction of stricter environmental regulations or the need for costly upgrades to meet these standards can increase production costs and, consequently, carbon black prices.
Get Real Time Prices for Carbon Black: https://www.chemanalyst.com/Pricing-data/carbon-black-42
Market demand plays a crucial role in shaping carbon black prices. Industries such as automotive, electronics, and paints and coatings are major consumers of carbon black, and changes in their demand patterns can significantly affect prices. The automotive industry, in particular, is a large consumer of carbon black due to its use in tire production. When the automotive sector experiences growth or decline, it directly impacts the demand for carbon black. For instance, a surge in global vehicle production or increased demand for high-performance tires can drive up carbon black prices, as suppliers may struggle to keep up with the heightened demand. On the other hand, a downturn in the automotive market or a shift towards alternative materials can lead to reduced demand and lower carbon black prices.
Global economic conditions and trade dynamics also play a role in determining carbon black prices. Economic growth or recession can influence industrial production levels and, subsequently, the demand for carbon black. For example, during periods of economic expansion, industrial activities and consumer spending tend to rise, leading to increased demand for products that require carbon black. Conversely, economic downturns can lead to decreased industrial output and reduced demand for carbon black, potentially causing prices to fall. Additionally, international trade policies and tariffs can affect the flow of carbon black across borders, impacting prices. Trade restrictions or tariffs imposed by major carbon black producers or consumers can disrupt supply chains and lead to price fluctuations in the global market.
Supply chain dynamics are another important factor influencing carbon black prices. The carbon black industry relies on complex supply chains involving raw material suppliers, production facilities, and distribution networks. Disruptions in any part of this chain can affect the availability and cost of carbon black. For example, natural disasters, geopolitical tensions, or logistical challenges can impact the transportation of raw materials or finished products, leading to supply shortages and price increases. Additionally, supply chain disruptions can create uncertainty in the market, leading to price volatility as buyers and sellers adjust to changing conditions.
In recent years, the carbon black industry has also faced increasing pressure to address environmental and sustainability concerns. The production of carbon black is associated with certain environmental impacts, such as emissions and waste generation. As regulatory frameworks become more stringent and consumers demand more sustainable practices, the industry may need to invest in cleaner technologies or implement more environmentally friendly practices. These changes can result in higher production costs, which may be passed on to consumers in the form of higher carbon black prices. Conversely, efforts to enhance sustainability and reduce environmental impact can also lead to new opportunities for innovation and efficiency, potentially stabilizing or reducing prices in the long term.
Overall, carbon black prices are influenced by a complex interplay of factors including raw material costs, technological advancements, market demand, economic conditions, trade dynamics, and supply chain disruptions. As the global market continues to evolve, these factors will continue to shape carbon black prices, making it essential for industries reliant on this material to stay informed and adaptable. Understanding these dynamics can help businesses navigate the challenges of fluctuating carbon black prices and make informed decisions to manage their supply chain and production costs effectively.
Get Real Time Prices for Carbon Black: https://www.chemanalyst.com/Pricing-data/carbon-black-42
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GmbH - S-01, 2.floor, Subbelrather Straße,
15a Cologne, 50823, Germany
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Website: https://www.chemanalyst.com
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srilatha · 1 year
Carbon Black Market - Forecast(2023 - 2028)
According to the International Trade Centre (ITC), the global trade of tires was gauged to be $82.214 billion in 2018, with an annual growth rate of 7% between 2017 and 2018. Carbon black is used as a filler in tires as it is a rubber reinforcing agent. The growing trade of tires worldwide is offering opportunities to the players in the carbon black market that observed a lucrative valuation of $15.56 billion as of 2018.
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chemanalysta · 2 years
Carbon Black Price Trend and Forecast
The Carbon Black Price declined consistently in the North American Market during the fourth quarter of 2022, backed by poor market sentiments and decreased production costs. As the market performance of the downstream tire and automotive industries was not that good in terms of sales and industrial output, the demand for Carbon Black from these industries reduced during the quarter. Furthermore, amidst falling natural gas and crude oil prices, the upstream cost involved in Carbon Black manufacturing decreased, which eventually led to its dropped value in the domestic market. Hence, the assessed price of Carbon Black Hard Grade N220 in the USA was USD 2615/MT FOB Texas in December, which was 23% lesser than the value in September.
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aishavass · 10 months
Growth in per capita income and increasing consumption of packaged products will boost the demand for global carbon black market. On the basis of...
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reasonsforhope · 8 months
The World's Forests Are Doing Much Better Than We Think
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You might be surprised to discover... that many of the world’s woodlands are in a surprisingly good condition. The destruction of tropical forests gets so much (justified) attention that we’re at risk of missing how much progress we’re making in cooler climates.
That’s a mistake. The slow recovery of temperate and polar forests won’t be enough to offset global warming, without radical reductions in carbon emissions. Even so, it’s evidence that we’re capable of reversing the damage from the oldest form of human-induced climate change — and can do the same again.
Take England. Forest coverage now is greater than at any time since the Black Death nearly 700 years ago, with some 1.33 million hectares of the country covered in woodlands. The UK as a whole has nearly three times as much forest as it did at the start of the 20th century.
That’s not by a long way the most impressive performance. China’s forests have increased by about 607,000 square kilometers since 1992, a region the size of Ukraine. The European Union has added an area equivalent to Cambodia to its woodlands, while the US and India have together planted forests that would cover Bangladesh in an unbroken canopy of leaves.
Logging in the tropics means that the world as a whole is still losing trees. Brazil alone removed enough woodland since 1992 to counteract all the growth in China, the EU and US put together. Even so, the planet’s forests as a whole may no longer be contributing to the warming of the planet. On net, they probably sucked about 200 million metric tons of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere each year between 2011 and 2020, according to a 2021 study. The CO2 taken up by trees narrowly exceeded the amount released by deforestation. That’s a drop in the ocean next to the 53.8 billion tons of greenhouse gases emitted in 2022 — but it’s a sign that not every climate indicator is pointing toward doom...
More than a quarter of Japan is covered with planted forests that in many cases are so old they’re barely recognized as such. Forest cover reached its lowest extent during World War II, when trees were felled by the million to provide fuel for a resource-poor nation’s war machine. Akita prefecture in the north of Honshu island was so denuded in the early 19th century that it needed to import firewood. These days, its lush woodlands are a major draw for tourists.
It’s a similar picture in Scandinavia and Central Europe, where the spread of forests onto unproductive agricultural land, combined with the decline of wood-based industries and better management of remaining stands, has resulted in extensive regrowth since the mid-20th century. Forests cover about 15% of Denmark, compared to 2% to 3% at the start of the 19th century.
Even tropical deforestation has slowed drastically since the 1990s, possibly because the rise of plantation timber is cutting the need to clear primary forests. Still, political incentives to turn a blind eye to logging, combined with historically high prices for products grown and mined on cleared tropical woodlands such as soybeans, palm oil and nickel, mean that recent gains are fragile.
There’s no cause for complacency in any of this. The carbon benefits from forests aren’t sufficient to offset more than a sliver of our greenhouse pollution. The idea that they’ll be sufficient to cancel out gross emissions and get the world to net zero by the middle of this century depends on extraordinarily optimistic assumptions on both sides of the equation.
Still, we should celebrate our success in slowing a pattern of human deforestation that’s been going on for nearly 100,000 years. Nothing about the damage we do to our planet is inevitable. With effort, it may even be reversible.
-via Bloomburg, January 28, 2024
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secretmellowblog · 1 year
On the subject of the Titanic ‘submersible’ that was lost in the deep with all its wealthy tourists— it’s so insane/eerie in hindsight to read this article from the Smithsonian that interviews the CEO Stockton Rush long before the disaster.
Despite the Smithsonian supposedly being an organization that cares about science and truth, and the fact that there were SO MANY obvious red flags from the beginning and so many people criticizing the company…..the article is a puff piece uncritically glorifying the CEO’s obviously terrible submersible project. It compares him in glowing terms to Elon Musk. It is an article about how private ventures like those of Stockton Rush and Elon Musk can and should be the future of the world.
We’ve obviously learned now that there were whistleblowers at the company who were warning for a long time that Stockton Rush’s submersible was unsafe— only to be fired and then sued. It makes sense the submersible was so unsafe, because the CEO in this interview is open about how he has no background in underwater engineering and is annoyed by quote “regulations that needlessly prioritize passenger safety.”
Soon after, the private [submersible] market died too, Rush found, for two reasons that were “understandable but illogical.” First, subs gained a reputation for danger. Working on offshore rigs in harsh locations like the North Sea, saturation divers, who breathe gas mixtures to avoid diving sicknesses, would be taken in subs to work at great depths. It was the world’s most perilous job, with frequent fatalities. (“It wasn’t the sub’s fault,” says Rush.) To save lives, the industries moved toward using underwater robots to perform the same work.
Second, tourist subs, which could once be skippered by anyone with a U.S. Coast Guard captain’s license, were regulated by the Passenger Vessel Safety Act of 1993, which imposed rigorous new manufacturing and inspection requirements and prohibited dives below 150 feet. The law was well-meaning, Rush says, but he believes it needlessly prioritized passenger safety over commercial innovation (a position a less adventurous submariner might find open to debate). “There hasn’t been an injury in the commercial sub industry in over 35 years. It’s obscenely safe, because they have all these regulations. But it also hasn’t innovated or grown—because they have all these regulations.”
The fact that Stockton Rush (who was piloting the submarine when the disaster happened) is on record complaining about the evils of regulations that prioritize people’s safety, and the Smithsonian uncritically regurgitated that rhetoric in their glowing puff piece about how rich tycoons like Elon Musk and Stockton Rush are going to save the world is just…..in hindsight of how everything ended it’s just so much horrible black comedy? It’s like a satire about the dangers of uncritically worshipping the rich.
It is mentioned in the article that Rush chose to make his submersible in a different shape, and with a different (cheaper) material than is usually used for submersibles. The article frames this as a result of daring innovation, and not of negligence/ignorance. This passage in particular, which in context is supposed to portray Rush’s critics as joyless naysayers who were proven wrong by the noble tycoon, is pretty foreboding in hindsight:
Rush planned to pilot the sub himself, which critics said was an unnecessary risk: Under pressure, the experimental carbon fiber hull might, in the jargon of the sub world, “collapse catastrophically.”
And then!!
The exact problem that happened to Titan this weekend, happened on Titan’s very first test voyage to the Titanic! The experimental carbon fiber hull had an issue and it caused communications to break down!
The dive was going according to plan until about 10,000 feet, when the descent unexpectedly halted, possibly, Rush says, because the density of the salt water added extra buoyancy to the carbon fiber hull. He now used thrusters to drive Titan deeper, which interfered with the communications system, and he lost contact with the support crew. He recalls the next hour in hallucinogenic terms. “It was like being on the Starship Enterprise,” he says. “There were these particles going by, like stars. Every so often a jellyfish would go whipping by. It was the childhood dream.”
Both Rush and the article writer treat this as a fun quirky story, instead of a serious safety failure and red flag with his experimental macgyvered regulation-flaunting submersible.
Other highlights from the article include:
Stockton rush saying that if 3/4 of the planet is water, why haven’t we monetized it?
Stockton saying we will “colonize the ocean long before we colonize space”
Lots of weird pro colonialism stuff in general??? This article loves colonialism and thinks it’s cool
Rush saying he plans for this to eventually help find more underwater resources for the US to exploit and profit from
Elon musk comparisons. The article writer does not mention that Elon Musk’s rockets explode and therefore it would be a bad idea to get in one of them, because that would imply it’s a bad idea to get into the submersible
Stockton rush seeing himself as Captain Kirk
The article writer comparing the tourists who plan to join Rush to Englishmen who went on colonialist journeys to Africa as if that’s like, a good thing. So much pro colonialism stuff in this article
So many sentences about Stockton Rush being handsome when he literally just looks like some guy
The article beginning with an editor’s note from years later disclaiming that the extraordinary submersible they’re advertising in this article is uh. It’s now uhhhh
But yeah it really does just bring home how so many organizations that supposedly care about scientific truth or journalistic integrity are willing to uncritically platform propaganda for wealthy CEOS. It’s frustrating how easily people fall for the fake myths that careless wealthy people invent for themselves, and even more frustrating that supposedly respectable institutions will platform irresponsible lies that end up getting people killed.
Rush is such an obvious and simple example of this, and his negligence is “only” killing five people including himself. But to me it feels like a cautionary tale to bear in mind when it comes to uncritical puff piece media coverage of similar “daring tycoon innovations” by people like Bezos or Musk.
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maryharrisk5 · 2 years
Carbon black act as a reinforcement material for tires and rubber, and possess electrical conductive properties.
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ecafez-tatasteel · 2 years
Click to understand Tata Astrum Solar launched by Tata Steel - Ecafez.
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yawnderu · 6 months
Simon ''Ghost'' Riley — Masterlist 💀🖤
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cr: @ave661
Simon Riley Moodboard | Smut Masterlist | Bimbo!Reader Masterlist | Dad!Ghost Masterlist
This Masterlist only has the material I've created in 2024. To explore older works, you can check my Main Masterlist, or use the tags #Simon Riley x Fem!Reader or #Ghost mw2 on my profile to access all my works!
Do not translate, post, or put my content into AI tools.
Ongoing Series Lorelei
Synopsis: Aware of the way his lifestyle doesn't align with your dream life and unwilling to quit his life as a soldier, Simon breaks things off with you. It isn't until a year later that he sees you again, a tiny carbon copy of him held in your arms.
Simon Riley and his pathetic efforts to get close to the new medic will earn him a scar or two
Simon Riley is in love with an uninterested, tired medic.
Synopsis: Afraid of giving you the same destiny all his loved ones met, an emotionally unavailable Simon does his best to pretend being in love with you for one night, later deciding to introduce you to the one person who can give you the love you want; John Price.
Silly love-making
Simon's obsession with pornstar!reader
Sex on camera
No man could act this good
Using his naked body for art purposes
FWB!Simon cucking your hookup
Tattoo Artist!Simon
Prettiest girl in Edinburgh
Hybrid cat!Reader tag teamed by Simon and Johnny
Soul-crushing devotion and medical emergencies
AI!Reader gets a physical body
Neet!Reader jerks him off
Hybrid wolf!Simon x Catgirl!Reader
Sleep-walking, but fucking instead
Simon becomes vocal when you give him blowjobs
Rimming him
Monster fucker
Dick headcanons
Catgirl in heat
Gym bros Johnny and Simon
Tag team 🌶️
Simon Riley is a stray, roughed up cat
Seduction goes against the rules
The phrase ''the wife'' is always in Simon's mouth
Cock warming🌶️
Lipstick marks on his cock
Neet!Reader sniffing his armpits
Milf!Reader drives Simon insane🌶️
Military high ranked!Reader
What turns him off
I have no faith, but I believe in you
You and your daughter love his tattooed arm
Simon is a furnace
Creature!Reader cuddles
Asking for sex after he had a bad day
Cumming too early🌶️
Wearing a white wife beater
Girl dad
Simon makes weird faces under the mask
Juiciest ass in the Task Force
Dating a MILF
Naked cuddles
Relationship similar to Batman and Catwoman
Work Song
Cumming on your glasses🌶️
Touch starvation
Fluff & Hurt/Comfort
Expensive presents
Displays of trust
The most broken man turns to religion when you're hurt
A man without big pecs is like an angel without wings
Simon Riley was made for soul-crushing devotion
Broken man in love
Cuddles after a bad day
Simon is a giant black cat
Ai!Assistant Reader
Ai!Assistant Reader bothering Simon
Second chance at being an uncle to your niece
''I'll be the weapon when he needs protection''
Moody catgirl
Red panda hybrid!Reader
Hiccups during sex🌶️
First relationship
Emotionally unavailable
Immortal!Reader doesn't come back to life
Angel - Part I | Part II
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evonnebaker · 2 years
Growth in per capita income and increasing consumption of packaged products will boost the demand for global carbon black market. On the basis of geography, Asia Pacific is analyzed to lead the industry share
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chemanalystdata · 2 months
Carbon Black Prices Trend | Pricing | Database | Index | News | Chart
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 The global market for carbon black has witnessed notable price fluctuations in recent years, driven by a variety of factors ranging from raw material costs to changes in demand across different industries. Carbon black, a crucial component in manufacturing tires, rubber products, and even as a pigment in inks and paints, is primarily produced through the incomplete combustion of heavy petroleum products. One of the key determinants of carbon black prices is the cost of its primary feedstocks, such as coal tar and ethylene cracking tar. When the prices of these raw materials increase due to market volatility or supply constraints, manufacturers often pass these costs onto consumers, leading to higher carbon black prices.
In addition to raw material costs, energy prices significantly impact the carbon black market. The production process for carbon black is energy-intensive, requiring substantial amounts of heat to convert hydrocarbons into the fine black powder used in various applications. Consequently, fluctuations in natural gas and electricity prices can lead to variations in production costs, which are then reflected in the market prices of carbon black. For instance, during periods of rising energy prices, manufacturers may experience higher production costs, prompting them to raise the prices of carbon black to maintain profitability.
Another crucial factor influencing carbon black prices is the global demand from key end-user industries. The tire industry, which accounts for a substantial portion of carbon black consumption, is particularly influential. When the automotive sector experiences growth, demand for tires—and consequently for carbon black—tends to rise, leading to higher prices. Conversely, during economic downturns or periods of decreased automotive production, the demand for carbon black can weaken, resulting in price reductions. The dynamic nature of the automotive industry, affected by factors such as technological advancements, regulatory changes, and consumer preferences, thus plays a significant role in shaping carbon black prices.
Get Real Time Prices for Carbon Black: https://www.chemanalyst.com/Pricing-data/carbon-black-42
Environmental regulations and sustainability trends also impact the carbon black market. As governments worldwide implement stricter environmental policies to reduce emissions and promote sustainability, manufacturers face increased pressure to adopt cleaner production technologies and reduce their carbon footprint. Compliance with these regulations often entails significant investments in new technologies and processes, which can drive up production costs. These additional expenses are frequently transferred to consumers in the form of higher carbon black prices. Moreover, the growing emphasis on sustainability has led to the development of alternative materials and technologies, which can affect demand patterns and price levels in the carbon black market.
Supply chain dynamics and geopolitical factors further contribute to the complexity of carbon black pricing. The global nature of the carbon black industry means that supply chain disruptions in one region can have ripple effects worldwide. For example, natural disasters, political instability, or trade disputes can hinder the production and transportation of raw materials or finished products, leading to supply shortages and subsequent price increases. Additionally, geopolitical tensions and tariff policies can affect trade flows and market access, influencing the availability and cost of carbon black in different regions.
Technological advancements in production processes and product innovation also play a role in shaping carbon black prices. Continuous improvements in manufacturing technologies can enhance production efficiency, reduce waste, and lower costs, potentially leading to price reductions. Furthermore, the development of new grades of carbon black with enhanced properties for specific applications can command premium prices, reflecting the added value they provide to end-users. As industries seek to innovate and improve their products, the demand for specialized grades of carbon black may influence overall market prices.
Market competition is another significant factor affecting carbon black prices. The presence of multiple manufacturers and suppliers in the market creates a competitive environment that can influence pricing strategies. Companies may engage in price competition to capture market share, particularly in regions with high production capacities and intense competition. However, consolidation within the industry, such as mergers and acquisitions, can alter the competitive landscape and impact pricing dynamics. Larger, consolidated entities may have greater pricing power and the ability to influence market prices more effectively.
In summary, carbon black prices are influenced by a complex interplay of factors, including raw material and energy costs, demand from key industries, environmental regulations, supply chain dynamics, technological advancements, and market competition. Understanding these factors is crucial for stakeholders in the carbon black market, including manufacturers, consumers, and investors, as they navigate the challenges and opportunities presented by this dynamic industry. The continual evolution of these influencing factors underscores the need for market participants to remain vigilant and adaptable in response to changing market conditions and emerging trends.
Get Real Time Prices for Carbon Black: https://www.chemanalyst.com/Pricing-data/carbon-black-42
Contact Us:
GmbH - S-01, 2.floor, Subbelrather Straße,
15a Cologne, 50823, Germany
Call: +49-221-6505-8833
Website: https://www.chemanalyst.com
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diejager · 4 months
Hello this would be the very first time id make a request if you still take them. Omegaverse taskforce 141 with an isekai reader who could pass as a bèta with a twist, if you heard about the pheromone perfume then yeah. Reader as a beta but snells like an omega🙂
Cw: pheromone perfume, omegaverse, spy, inaccurate facts, tell me if I missed any.
For something you’d once thought fictional, an imaginary creation to spend one’s time on and lose themselves when they wanted to escape the hardships of their world, it was scarily realistic. You were a fan, someone who’d followed the franchises from it’s earliest days to the most recent - and unsightingly disappointing - installment of a remake of a remastered version of a game you played as a kid. You’d even dreamed of it being a reality, living the lives and adventures besides the men and women in Modern Warfare and even Ghosts and Black Ops despite knowing that their universe was a mirror of your own, simply built and reconstructed differently than the one you were born in. 
It was a fantasy, even your strange interest in works tagged with omegaverse. To see a big man like Ghost shudder and kneel for another, to see Gaz being tenderly dominating and affectionate, to see Price reluctantly soft and grumpy, and to see Soap teasingly sly and mischievously headstrong. Sometimes, they would draw one as an omega and the other as an alpha, or as an beta and alpha couple. It was a whole roller coaster of emotions and intrigue, but a fantasy all the same.
And yet… and yet, here you were, in a body that was and wasn’t your own. It was a carbon copy of yours, but you weren’t you in it, like wearing a mask or another’s skin. That’s how you felt, especially with the scars that painted your skin like a stray sky and tense muscles that felt too hard to be fake. Perhaps it was the sudden sensitivity of your nose, the cloying in your mind and annoyance that suddenly filled you. Or perhaps it was the clean and elegant clothes you wore, a harsh dichotomy to the dark gear the others beside you wore, vests and padded body suits, weapons latched to their hips, chests, thighs and even in their hands, and the hard and cold gleam in their eyes, hidden under the darkness of the vehicle you rode. 
Any confusion you once had was washed away when time seemed to stall, the world blurring as clear and loud words were spoken in your mind. Instructions, you understood, guidance towards your goal and advice to complete it. It was a ball, you were sent to conclude a transaction under… Kate Laswell’s order, a favour you had agreed to do for her as someone who worked in intelligence and assasinations rather than brawn and breaches. She’d called you a silent killer, neither a mercenary nor an employee, you were a panther in stalk, an owl in flight, deathly silent and tenaciously lethal.
It seemed like an out-of-body experience. You were somehow a spectator to your body, and somehow the master of it. Every act was practiced, ever word spoken with a charming smile and every smile particularly persuasive. It was so simple —so easy. With their emotions flashing in your face through smell alone, your nose twitching at the scent of arousal and pleasure, the flattered and the excited. They were so - too - easy to read and control, to have them curled around your finger like fine silk. You chalked their attraction towards you to your charms and the smell that clung to your skin, a sweetness that made both men and women turn their heads to gaze at you for a lick f your scent. Pheromones. An omega’s pheromones mixed with sweet perfume. 
It helped, truly, making your work vastly easier than you’d once thought. It eased the nerve and anxiety that brewed inside of you, having done nothing but speak out loud the words that popped in your head and act out the motions that were advised to you. Your brain - mind or conscience - was a machine, a computer giving out orders and guiding you through this without any trouble. That, you were thankful for, you would have been a mess of tears and panic if not for it. It made you work quick and efficient.
And you were out within the hour, striding across the street and down the corner, walking as if you weren’t in a hurry or on a mission, nothing better than hiding in plain sight —the best of hiding spots. Within the minutes, down a few streets, turning left and right, walking circles to make sure you weren’t followed, you crossed the threshold of a textile shop, nodding at the lady working at the counter and headed to the back rooms, the employees only rooms. There, you met four men huddled around a table with Laswell at the head, all familiar figures you once fantasied about. 
“An omega?” Price sounded much deeper in person, his done low and somehow soft despite the rasp that smoking caused. 
“Beta,” you corrected, your name following as a greeting, a beast greeting another beast, head bowed in respect and acknowledgment that they returned. 
“You don’t smell it.”
It was curt and to the point, nothing you hadn’t expected from Ghost.
“Pheromone perfume,” you grinned, patting your pocket, “Neat trick, hmm?”
Taglist: @sae1kie @yeoldedumbslut @bvxygriimes @distracteddragoness @konigsblog @im-making-an-effort @daisychainsinknots @h0n3y-l3m0n05 @danielle143 @tuttifuckinfruttifriday @notspiders @brokenpieces-72 @petwifed @randominstake @hayleybarnesx @shironasumi @sparky--bunny @bloobewy @cod-z @sweetnanah @aldis-nuts @evolutionarry @kaoyamamegami @cassiecasluciluce
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python333 · 1 year
your writing is literally the best in the cod fandom. we need more injured reader angst. it's too good
don't breathe — python333
— — — —
synopsis [reader] gets buried alive after refusing to give intel to enemy soldiers and *slips up and writes reader almost dying again* oops how did that happen haha
relationships platonic!price & gn!reader.
characters cap. john price.
word count 2.7k
warnings suffocation [reader], just generally really depressing thoughts, near death??, 2nd person pov [you/yours/yourself], usage of c/n [code name/call sign].
note aww tysm :(( dont say its the best im gonna get a complex LMAO but i appreciate it!! and yes i agree injured reader angst ftw :3 i present to you: reader gets very injured and theres a lot of angst and its basically just you suffering for a good 3/4 of the fic while the last quarter has the actual comfort!
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“Hello?” You try again, your voice cracking and your tone as desperate as it can get, “Please, God, say someone can hear me.” 
You’ve been trapped in a casket for about five minutes now—at least, you woke up five minutes ago. God knows how long you’ve been stuck in the stupid thing, but realistically, it’s probably been much longer than five minutes.
The last thing you remember from before you were buried is being in the interrogation room of some small terrorist group’s facility, one you and the others were led to believe was abandoned weeks ago. 
Unfortunately, whoever gave you the information must’ve either had incredibly outdated information or was setting you all up for failure, because the facility was very much not abandoned and was instead full of enemy soldiers.
You all had already gotten into the building before you knew that, because of course you all had to be in the same spot at the same time—practically sitting ducks for the enemy—and of course you all had to be clueless about the possibly hundreds of people in the facility until it was too late. 
As far as you know, everyone managed to escape. Everyone but you. They didn’t mean to leave you behind, of course they didn’t, they were more focused on just booking it out of the facility. However, because of that, you were now stuck—you assume—several feet underground in a casket that has a limited amount of oxygen that drops every time you take a breath. 
You let out the breath you’re currently holding and suck in another deep breath, holding it as you think. Your strategy of holding your breath until you no longer could mostly worked, but it wouldn’t for long, you knew that soon you’d suffocate in all of the carbon dioxide gathering in the enclosed casket.
You don’t know how long you’d been unconscious in the casket, breathing in oxygen carelessly in your slumber, which made the whole situation worse. You didn’t even know how much time you had left. 
You hate to waste your breath checking your comms, but the enemy soldiers had accidentally left your earpiece in your ear—the small device apparently going undetected under their radar—and you wanted to make the most of it. You move your arm from your side and press onto the PTT button on your earpiece, wincing a little at how cramped the casket was.
“Does anybody copy?” You ask again, staring up at the almost pitch black space above you, “I repeat, does anybody copy?” 
It’s a vain attempt at contacting your team, really. You don’t know if they’re thinking about you, if the signal is going through, if they even have their earpieces on—you know nothing, and that terrifies you because you really don’t want to die right now but there’s literally nothing else you can do besides helplessly talk into your earpiece, not knowing if anyone’s listening. 
Your lungs start to burn and you let out the breath you were holding, taking another deep breath and beginning to hold that one. The air feels… thick. It’s starting to get harder to breathe, and you know you shouldn’t panic but you can’t help the few worried thoughts that come to the forefront of your mind. 
What am I going to do when I run out of oxygen and the only thing left for me to breathe in are my own discarded breaths? What will I do when all there is to do is suffocate? Am I going to try, in one last desperate attempt, to break out of the casket, or am I going to just lay here and die? Will my team try to find me, or will they forget about me? Have they already forgotten about me? 
Before you can listen to any more of those depressing thoughts, a voice comes from your earpiece. 
“H—lo? [c/n]?” It’s hard to tell with the static and the cuts in between the words, but you think it’s Price talking. 
“Price?” You ask immediately, all thoughts of preserving your breath forgotten. “Holy shit, you can hear me?” 
“Je—s— whe—e—” He cuts out for a moment and your stomach drops when all you can hear is static for a moment. 
“You’re— You’re cutting out, Captain, what did you say?” 
“Wher— —re you?” It takes you a moment to realize what he’s saying, your mind working much slower than it usually does, but once you do you shake your head negatively despite him not being there to see you. 
“I don’t— I don’t know,” You respond, taking a deep breath before adding on, “I think I’m underground, I just know I’m in a casket and it’s getting harder to breathe and—” 
“Okay, o—y,” You hear Price’s voice crackle, his voice becoming more distant and sounding almost muffled to you, “Sa— —ur bre—th, I’ll try to g—t some—e to track your— —tion.” 
With the constant cutting out of his words and the distortion of his tone, you can barely register or process what he’s saying, and that only panics you more but you refuse to let your emotions get the better of you even in the state of disorientation you’re in, so you keep holding your breath. 
A minute later, Price’s voice crackles through your earpiece again. 
“Okay, we’ve got your loc—tion,” Price’s voice sounds… oddly far away, “We can—” 
His voice slowly becomes muffled, and you release the breath you were holding without realizing it, slowly blinking up at the ceiling of the casket. A sort of haze falls over your mind and you can barely even hear Price anymore before you suddenly snap back to reality and hear his now much clearer voice loud in your ear. 
“[c/n]? [c/n], are you still there?” You recognize his tone now, and you’re just a little shocked at the sheer amount of worry in it. 
“Haven’t moved an inch,” You breathe out, before lying, “You cut out for a second for me, sorry.” 
“Don’t be sorry, it’s okay,” Price reassures you, “I said we got your loc—tion and we’re hea—g out th— —w. It’s not t— far away from where —e alre—dy are, we’re ba—ely three clicks away.” 
“… Clicks?” You ask, your eyebrows drawing together in confusion.
“Yes, clicks,” Price replies, sounding concerned, before hesitantly asking, “… You know what those are, right?” 
“I don’t—” You struggle to find words for a moment before you speak again, your own voice starting to sound distant, “I don’t think so?”
“What do y—u mean you don’t thi— —o?” Price asks, his voice sounding freakishly close, “Are you okay?” 
“No, yeah, I’m fine,” You lie through your teeth, not wanting to worry Price further, “I just… how far away are you?” 
“Just ab—t two cli—ks now,” Price says, before pausing and clarifying, “Two kilometers.” 
Two kilometers… how far is that? “And that’s… is that far, or?” 
“No, it’s not too far. It’s just a mi—te away, we didn’t ge— —o far before Laswell got your loc—tion,” Price tells you, “We’ll be there soon, ok—y? We’ll get y— —ut of there.” 
“A minute—” You cough and feel tears pricking at your eyes from how hard it is to take another breath, “A minute?” 
“Yes, a minute— [c/n], are you okay?” Price asks again, before laughing nervously, “You know what a minute is, do— —ou?” 
“...” You struggle to answer the question, thinking long and hard for a few seconds before hesitantly answering, “… Yeah, I do, sorry. It’s sixty seconds.” 
“Why’d it take you so long to answer?” 
“I don’t know, I’m sorry, I—” You take a few shallow breaths, and feel a headache start to build up, “How far away are you guys?” 
“We’re alm—t there,” Price promises you, “The heli’s ab—t to l—nd, and we’ll dig you up, and—” 
Why is it so cold? Price’s voice cuts off and when he stops talking you realize that you’re shivering. You ball your fists up and can’t even feel your nails digging into your palms, your hands having gone numb from the cold, and realizing that makes you discover that your lips feel numb too. 
Your ears start to ring and you feel that uncomfortable pins and needles feeling in your hands, the sensation slowly traveling up your arms, making you both wanting to peel off your own skin and also grateful that you can at least feel something besides the cold.
In the midst of your thinking, you hear muffled thumping coming from above you—whoever buried you couldn’t have buried you anything below six feet. 
“—llo? [c/n]? Are you still there?” 
You bring your hand up, the movement slow and sluggish, and you try to search around the side of your face for your earpiece. You eventually find it and when you do you press against it until you feel the PTT button being pushed. 
“Still here,” You confirm breathlessly, coughing again as you take a few more shallow breaths, “I think I’m running out of— of… what’s the fuckin’ air that you can breath in, it starts with an o…” 
“… Oxygen?”
“Oxygen, yeah,” You slowly blink up at the ceiling of the casket, “There’s— I think— I don’t… I think… I think I’m gonna pass out, Captain.” 
“[c/n], don’t you fucking dare,” Price growls, “You stay awake, I swear to fucking god.” 
“I can’t—” You take a few more shallow breaths, before coughing, the tears escaping your eyes reaching the corners of your mouth. 
You can hear Price briefly talk with someone else, his voice the most serious you’ve ever heard it, before he talks directly to you again, “How much longer do you think you have before you run out of oxygen?” 
It takes you a moment to register the question, but when you do, you answer, “Uh… I don’t— I think… maybe a few more minutes? I can’t tell, it’s just hard to breathe, I can’t…” 
“Okay, okay,” Price softly says, gusts of wind blowing into his mic as he talks, “Give me a second, okay? We’re almost there, kid, we’ll— we’ll be there in just a minute, we just passed over you, I just need you to stay awake.” 
“In a minute,” You repeat to yourself, before taking a deep breath, hoping that you have enough oxygen to make it out of this casket because you really don’t want to die here, not when there’s help just a minute away. 
After what you assume is a minute or two, instead of thumping, you hear something cut into the dirt above you. The sound, however, is heavily muffled, so muffled to the point where you don’t know if you’re hallucinating or not.
Is that a symptom of CO2 poisoning? Hallucinations? You lay still in the casket and can’t help but release the breath you’d only just taken, the ringing in your ears starting up again and growing louder faster than they had before. 
Your entire body is numb, your chest is heavy, and you can feel a sort of fog fall over your mind. You can distantly hear Price yelling through your earpiece, but you can’t find it in yourself to respond, instead simply laying there, your blinking starting to slow down before it eventually stops, leaving your eyes closed. 
For a moment, you think you died and went to heaven, which would be weird, considering all the things you’ve done in your life. Not saying you’d go to hell, just saying God would probably hesitate for a second before letting you in through the pearly gates. 
You blink awake, slowly but surely, and the first thing you realize is that you can feel things again. You tilt your head down to the bump under the white bed sheets laid on top of you, and squeeze your hand into a ball, watching the bump move and feeling your fingers dig into your oddly sore palms.
You let out a sigh of relief and pull your hand out from the sheets, bringing it up to your face and feeling the oxygen mask that’s been placed over your mouth and nose.
“Don’t mess with that,” You hear a voice say to your right. You turn your head and see a very tired Captain Price, dark eyebags hanging under his eyes and arms crossed, his hands having a white knuckle grip on either one of his elbows. 
“…” You don’t say anything, instead you simply stare at him until he sighs and gets up from his seat. You watch silently as he leans over your bed and bends down, before pausing, and then quickly snaking his hands under your back to pull you up just enough for him to properly hug you. 
You reach up with shaky hands and tentatively hug him back, not nearly as tightly—not that you don’t want to, but you physically can’t with how weak your arms are right now—but with just as much sincere affection. You can feel Price’s beard rubbing against your neck and hear his small sniffles as he embraces you tightly. 
Maybe it’s his sniffling, or the way you can finally feel warmth for the first time in what feels like forever, or maybe it’s just the fact that he’s holding you with so much care and affection that it almost makes you burst at the seams, whatever it is, it causes you to tear up as well. 
Those tears quickly become sobs that bubble up in your throat and crawl their way out of it, forcing you to tuck your head into the crook of Price’s neck and muffle your sobs in it, muttering a small ‘sorry’ after each one. 
After each ‘sorry’, Price responds with, “It’s okay, let it out, sweetheart, you’re okay,” and those reassuring words only make you cry more because God, you didn’t even think he’d find you, yet here he is, letting you cry into his neck and is reassuring you after every apology that it’s okay. 
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry—” You mumble a litany of apologies into Price’s neck, your breath stuttering and hitching as you try to hold back your sobs. Price only shushes you and rubs his hand up and down your back in a comforting gesture, bringing his head up to kiss the top of your head. 
He tucks your head under his chin, “Don’t apologize, it’s okay. You didn’t do anything wrong.” 
And fuck, you know it’s just words, but it only makes you cry more. 
Your sobs eventually stop, leaving you hiccuping against Price’s neck, silently crying as he continues to rub your back. 
“I thought you died,” He whispers, his hand stuttering on your back, “I thought you died and I was going to dig up your dead body, when you didn’t answer me.”
You stay silent, letting him continue, “I thought you were dead when we dug you up and needed to feel your heartbeat for myself to confirm that you were still alive.” 
He pauses for a moment before continuing, “I’ve been here ever since they put you in here. I haven’t slept, I’ve just stayed here, waiting for you to wake up so I could tell you that I—”
He chokes up for a moment before taking a deep breath and continuing, “I’m sorry for not even thinking to drag you out of the facility with me when we all ran out. You were— you were right there, and I couldn’t just grab your arm and take you with me, I just had to leave you behind and I—” 
“You watched me while I was asleep?” You ask quietly, your eyebrows drawing together. 
Price pauses and pulls his chin off of your head, and pulls you away from his neck so he can properly give you the most incredulous look he can pull, before saying, “I’m pouring my heart out to you and apologizing for practically leaving you for dead, and that’s what you’re worried about?” 
“Well, I’m not worried, I’m just—” You shrug, not knowing how to explain it. Price sighs and chuckles quietly before tucking your head back under his chin. 
“You’re insufferable,” He mumbles, sniffling a bit. 
“… I forgive you, by the way,” You say after a moment of silence, “I didn’t really blame you in the first place.” 
“You had the right to.” 
“Sure I did.” 
“But you didn’t blame me.”
“Right.” “…” Price stays silent for a moment before pressing another soft kiss to the top of your head and saying quietly, “You should blame me.” 
“Maybe,” You mumble back, “But I won’t.” 
Later, maybe an hour later, if the others see you asleep in Price’s arms while he keeps your head tucked under his chin and rubs your back affectionately—no they don’t.
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aishavass · 1 year
Growth in per capita income and increasing consumption of packaged products will boost the demand for global carbon black market. On the basis of...
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tiredmetalenthusiast · 4 months
I want you, I love you (SimonxF!reader)
Here’s one for @glitterypirateduck’s challenge for our big boy Simon! I used 7.”Accidental confession” and 25.”Ghost and reader have to dress up for an event”.
Warning: Language.
He didn’t want to go. He hated going to Galas or really any event where money and politics were being discussed, the big spenders and supporters of the military with their almost carbon copy wives. He hated having to pretend that he cared about what the old men were talking to him about, asking always how many men he’s killed for “the greater good”. Ignoring their salacious wives’ advances to simply walk off to the bar or track down Johnny.
That was before you though. You, who somehow wormed your way into his head and his heart, long since thought cold and dead.
You’d been with the team for 2 years now, seamlessly integrating yourself into their everyday. Formed a fast friendship with Gaz and Johnny, looked to Price for guidance, and never shied away from talking to Ghost himself like you’d known him for ages.
He approved of your snarky attitude and the way you operated on the field, watching his back (and saving his ass a couple times), being able to hold your own in a fight. He still goes back to the day he watched you take down Price, a man twice your size and weight, he’d never been hotter under the collar.
Now as he gazes blankly into the abyss thinking of you, ignoring the droning of the old man and his idiotically annoying wife, he catches sight of deep, sparkling blue fabric. His eyes trailed the fabric up to strings of black pearls clinging to curvy, plush hips. Up higher to more pearls hanging and clinging to a soft stomach and ample breasts, shoulders bare save for a black fur coat.
A low whistle came from his left, Johnny showing up from the corner of his eye. ”Well, never thought I’d see the day we got to see Bonnie all dressed up.” “Don’t even think about it Mactavish.” Johnny chuckled, “Aye not looking to die tonight L.T. Would nae make a move on your woman.”
”Oh are we giving Simon shit about his crush?” “Fuck off Garrick.” Gaz chuckled and patted Simon’s shoulder, “Aw Simon, give it a rest. You’ve been drooling over the bloody woman for the whole 2 years she’s been with us.” Simon looked down before following your figure again, glaring at any man that even dared to approach you, let alone try to flirt with you. You were popular among the male recruits unfortunately.
”Are ye gonna tell ‘er?” “No. Best not to.” The three men shook their heads and rolled their eyes, “Simon, I’m gonna give it to you straight.” “I expect nothing less.” “Stop being a bloody fucking muppet and go talk to that poor woman before you actually lose her to a worse muppet.” He turned to stare at Price in disbelief.
He sighed and rubbed his temples. “Migraine?” He looked up to find you holding out a glass of bourbon to him as you take a sip of your own and sit. He gladly takes the glass, moving his mask to take a sip. “Always luv. Never stops when you’re around idiots all day.” You laughed and shook your head, “Aw Johnny’s not that bad L.T.” “Not talkin ‘bout Johnny sweetheart.” “Mmm, the recruits giving you a hard time?” “Bloody infants. Every single one of ‘em.”
His heart sang with joy at the sound of your full laugh,  he tried his hardest not to stare but he couldn’t help it. You were so beautiful. “Hahaha tell me about it. They complain so much about literally everything. Gets annoying havin to hear it day in and day out.” He nods in agreement. The silence stretched on for a bit as you both took sips of your drinks. “Care to dance? You’re the only one I haven’t danced with yet.”
”Don’t dance luv.” “Can’t be any worse than Johnny. He tried to dip me and I almost fell.” Simon chuckled at the image of Johnny doing just that, the image making him grin under the mask. “We don’t have to. Just wanted to dance with someone that didn’t wanna stare at my chest or comment on my body.” “Shameless pigs. You deserve a proper dance then.” He watches you excitedly put your drink down and link your arm with him.
It was then he got a whiff of your perfume, light and delicious with a touch of cinnamon and vanilla. Your arm and hands were warm wrapped around his arm and he puffed up when you subconsciously groped his bicep and laid your head on it.
The two of you danced for a few songs, you leading him slowly. As the last song ended he found your face flushed and hair a bit disheveled. Eyes bright and lovely, smile radiant against your glowing skin. “You’re so beautiful luv. I want you.” ‘Fuck’. Your eyes widened as you looked up into his. “W-what?” Simon sighs, he’s done it now.
”I want you, lovie. I want your body, your smiles, your laughter. Want all your love for myself everyday. I love you.” He watched your face, anxiously waiting for your answer. A smile spread across your features and you giggled, “Took you long enough Simon.” “That mean I can kiss you now?” You nodded, smile wide as he lifted his mask slightly, arm sliding around your waist, a hand at the back of your head.
The kiss was passionate, all consuming, and delicious. Ghost never wanted to part from your lips, but the look of love shining in your eyes made him happy he did. “Wanna get out of here?” “Fuck yes. Tired of these pompous assholes.” Somewhere close by Gaz, Price, and Johnny look on, happy for Simon.
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konigsblog · 1 year
what i think the 141 + vaqueros, könig eat for breakfast
price 🥃: a cigar. sits outside on the small balcony outside his flat, taking drags from his lit cigar before having another. maybe, he'll make some bacon, usually something salty and bitter.
soap 🧼: scrambled eggs on toast. i don't know why, but he probably does. catch him burning the toast and getting pissed off, angrily eating it. he'll have some orange juice or a lucozade with it. definitely drinks a lot of energy and carbonated drinks.
ghost 💀: everyone knows it, he has a cigarette and some tea. sugary tea. true believer he drinks tea with 2-3tsp of sugar and some milk, it's only one cup — till it's not and he's drinking his third today... opens his window and stands by it while watching people walk in the streets. definitely lives in a flat/apartment, finds it comforting knowing there's people around, and appreciates the sounds of cars driving past.
gaz 🧢: either eats something healthy, or something super unhealthy. like, açai bowl or nutella on a toast. definitely likes bananas, mangos and strawberries. or maybe he'll have a smoothie or something, otherwise he's eating peanut butter and chocolate on a sandwich...
alejandro: savoury breakfast bowl and dark coffee. probably doesn't enjoy sweet stuff very often, but loves stuff salty and bitter, especially black coffee. he won't admit that it tastes bad, drinks multiple cups a day and feels energised. doesn't understand the people thet eat chocolate cereal.
rudy: greek yogurt, i'm not sure why, but maybe something with strawberries in it — something alejandro would gag at. also enjoys dark coffee and will gladly drink it, just not as religiously as ale. rodolfo adores yogurt and fruit.
könig: something salty and a home dish. i done some research, and couldn't find a lot but i saw tiroler gröstl on a list and i think it might be something he'd enjoy. i can definitely see könig enjoying salty/savoury food more than sweet, although he does enjoy it a lot. he likes potato, bacon, onion and eggs and would eat it every now and then he can while on leave... probably enjoys eating leftovers from dinner or a takeaway.
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