#Captain's Messages
largemandrill · 2 months
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I made another one
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plegdoctor · 29 days
BBC ghosts as things me and my friend have said
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fawcetttweets · 28 days
Idea for a private message. Cap gets asked by flash if he has any money so he can get some food or something and cap only has unconventional money like some old silver coins or an uncut gemstone.
Transcript at the end!
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I decided to maybe start posting these on TikTok! Since i don’t really have a choice but to turn in into a video I may as well use it, right? But! I want to post it on my main account… so I want to play a game!
If you’re the first person to guess my main account I’ll… uh. Tag you? Draw something for you? I don’t know, I’ll do something! I just wanna do a fun game!
Rules: no trying to figure out who I am irl, that’s rude. First person to guess my main account can ask for something (something APPROPRIATE. this isn’t legally binding and I can say no but I’d like to do something like do a doodle for you or tag you. Or maybe do an extra long tweet for your suggestion?)
Hint: I post about Billy Batson a lot on there too so it’s not a needle in the haystack thing. Im just curious if I’m super obvious or not and I think it’d be fun to make people guess hehe.
You can put your guesses in the replies, asks, tags, or reblogs! I always look at all of those things!
Edit: Just realized the transcript may be a bit off but I don’t have time to fix it rn, sorry :(
Flash: Hey cap! We’re good pals right? And good pals always help each other out, right?
Cap: what did you do
Flash: what! Why do you assume I did something?? Can’t a man ask for validation every once in a while without being judged? Do you hate men being vulnerable, captain marvel?
Cap: Sorry, Flash… I shouldn’t have jumped to conclusions. That was really wrong of me. You’re a really good friend and I always trust you to have my back in battle :)
Flash: awe that’s so sweet! You’re such a kind and generous guy! So kind and generous in fact that I’m sure you wouldn’t mind stopping by London with some cash?
Cap: sighhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Why are you cashless in London?
Flash: Funny story actually! I’ll tell you all about it when you get here!
Cap: Flash. I don’t have cash.
Flash: none? You gotta have SOMETHING.
Cap: I mean yeah, I do have currency, but not the type that would be accepted in London haha
Flash: oh American bills are fine! The Subway I’m at accepts them I already asked before I realized I’m all out of cash
Cap: You want me to fly to London to pay for your subway order???
Flash: You have super speed so you’ll be fine! And I’ll pay you back! Pleaseeeeeeee cap I need this I’m completely out of energy and can’t run back home without eating first :((((((((((
Cap: I don’t have American bills either tho
Flash: liar. You just said you had currency.
Cap: I have FAWCETT currency. I have Drachma, gold, uncut gems, obols, enchanted flowers, etc. Unless they accept knowledge of ancient spells lost to time and you’re prepared to pay me back with something of equal value?
Flash: you know what? I think I’ll just call Superman.
Cap: Nice talk! Good luck convincing him to leave his anniversary date with Lois to pay for your poor planning ;)
Flash: uuugghhhh you’re the worst. Think Batman will send a jet to pick me up?
Flash: ignore that. That was a dumb question. I’ll just walk.
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teenagenutant · 2 years
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been working on more of the boys- here's some of the raph fusion concepts!!
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wrylu · 5 months
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(nikolai promised pirozkhi if they could get the bracelets and john said maybe)
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captn3 · 8 months
end the genocide. ceasefire now and forever. end the occupation. support palestinians even after they're free. do everything you can, even if the strike is over. FROM THE RIVER TO THE SEA, PALESTINE WILL BE FREE.
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free palestine. wanted to do this for a while, but drawing your favorite characters calling to free palestine started spreading a bunch on twitter, so it made me even more motivated to make this.
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thegoodmorningman · 3 months
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If the republican congress votes against certifying the election then it goes back to them to decide by state delegation who won. Red states outnumber blue states. So, let's say they pick the guy who didn't win, that can be challenged in court. Try not to think about which court though. Maybe you should have a couple extra beers and burgers today. Good Morning!!!
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cc1010fox · 2 months
Cody: So everything is going smoothly on Coruscant? Thire: Y--Hold on... Rex: A message? Thire, clearing his throat after checking his datapad: Fox... Cody: What? What happened? Thire: We have a public chat where all of the Coruscant Guard can communicate, and Fox, being the di'kut that he is, just accidentally posted shirtless pictures of himself in it. Rex: ...I don't believe you. Thire: Just say you want to see them. Cody: Let us see! Thire, showing them the datapad: Another collectible for the Coruscant Guard. They trade them like cards. Our specialist is going to delete it soon, so enjoy it while you still can. Rex: The Guard must be sweating right n-- Cody: What are you doing!? Save it! Thire: Nope. Watch it disappear, boys. Never to be seen again. Rex: You're evil! Cody: Evil!
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achromaticbox · 5 months
there is simply nothing sexier in visual media than sailing ships in space
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wanderingmind867 · 5 months
It's worse than I thought. Captain Mar-Vell and Jason Todd died six years apart, and their deaths were written by the same man. That's such a short span of time! Oh, and it gets worse and weirder.
According to Wikipedia, Jim Starlin described writing the death of Captain Marvel as "cheaper than going to a shrink". Jesus Christ, Jim Starlin! Look, I get it. Jim Starlin's dad died of cancer. My mom died of brain cancer a few years ago. But when my mom died, I went to therapy! I didn't write a story of a fictional character dying of cancer! Jesus Christ!
Also, Jason Todd 's was kind of thanks to Eddie Murphy. I'm not kidding. Denny O'Neill saw a 1982 SNL sketch in which Eddie Murphy encouraged viewers to call the show if they wanted him to boil a lobster on air. And that inspired him to do the 900 number poll gimmick.
Oh! And Kicker #3! DC wanted to have a character die of AIDS, and Jim Starlin filled the suggestion box with proposals to kill off Jason, but DC staff rejected the idea after realizing all the papers had Starlin's handwriting. Let me repeat that, louder. JIM STARLIN TRIED TO RIG A SUGGESTION BOX SO HE COULD KILL JASON TODD WITH AIDS! Jesus Christ! What's wrong with you, Jim Starlin!
You know what? Captain Mar-Vell and Jason Todd should be allowed one free suckerpunch to Jim Starlin when he finally dies. When a man kills a character off as a form of therapy and tries to give another character AIDS (and both within one six year time span), there's probably something wrong with him.
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lexintothenex · 8 months
I can't help but feel guilty about all this nonsense shipping drama - I made a post the other day on my sideblog replying to an anon who came into my inbox mentioning how they were uncomfortable with the rayfrog age gap, to which I agreed. because even if they're both adults, it is a large age gap! it's completely reasonable to be uncomfortable with it.
PLEASE. read those words again. "they're both adults". they ARE, in fact, both adults. people can be uncomfortable with a pairing without necessarily trying to claim that it's Problematique.
some people will be uncomfortable with the ship. and that is okay! it is not a personal attack, I promise. if someone IS trying to attack you for liking it for no other reason than the fact that you like it, then that is obviously not okay. no one should be attacking anyone in this situation. let's just all hold hands and be friends okay.
not a fan of rayfrog? cool! me neither. that's why it's such a delightful thing that tag filtering and content filtering exists. block the tags! block people if you need to! curate your own experience. it is OKAY.
love rayfrog? also cool! see someone complaining about the ship in the tags and think it's annoying? block 'em! it's YOUR online experience!
both parties, just stop going at each other's throats, PLEASE! this is supposed to be a community! we're all buddies here! some of us don't see eye to eye, AND THAT. IS OKAY. BLOCK! BLOCK, BLOCK, BLOCK. I cannot stress this enough. THE BLOCK BUTTON IS YOUR FRIEND.
people have different boundaries. what you think is fine and dandy might be someone else's discomfort. that's just how things are! just look the other way and move on with your day.
bonus points: if you use tumblr on desktop, install xkit! it's got an extension that completely removes posts with filtered tags/keywords. no more "this post contains filtered tags". it's gone! out of the world.
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bruxbea · 24 days
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was originally playing with markers but ended up going over the whole thing again digitally~ my Fields of Mistria farmer who may or may not be a harvest goddess in "disguise"-
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fawcetttweets · 1 month
Wait wait ok hang on. Sorry for posting the same thing over and over again but I think I figured it out!!
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There!! I think that’s perfect! :D
Freddy: dude what are you gonna say when someone on twitter asks you what the “B” in ACAB means? I don’t think you’re physically capable of NOT saying it
Billy: I will avoid the tweets at all costs.
Freddy: what if it’s in person? Like if an interviewer or justice league member asks?
Billy: I’d probably shed a tear for not being able to call them what they deserve… then I’ll say it stands for “Brutal” or “Bad” or “Boring”
Freddy: All Cops Are Bread
Billy: All Cops Are Baloney.
Freddy: don’t you mean Bologna
Billy: what the hell did you just say to me??
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stubblesandwich · 10 months
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This is how it happened, right? That's how I remember it... 🤔
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ayyyy-le-simp · 2 months
Does anyone have good fanfic recommendations of Captain Rex BUT royalty AU???!!!! Cause I KNOWWWW there’s more out there. Like where HES royalty or something like that?!
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uhohdad · 4 months
I'm totally speech-less. That was the perfect peace of literature. Pure art.
Ps. This is totally just my opinion, but I feel like Ruby and john had something happened between them, albeit be a kiss or a one night stand, but they give of that vibe ♥️
first of all tysm <3 ily <3 your nice words mean the WORLD to me 💕💖🩷💗💞
second of all. genius. the thought hadn’t even crossed my mind but as soon as i read the brilliant words i LAUNCHED to agree. The opposite attract??? ffff the gruff and the uptight??
Price and Ruby absoluuuuutely had too many one night, maybe shortly after a games, both of them vulnerable and needy after watching their tributes perish. The kids they come to know and love over the course of the week, only to see them meet their brutal end. Price wordlessly pours Ruby a drink, and she accepts without pushback. He’ll sit next to her on the plush couch, closer than he normally would. They drink in silence, Ruby uncharacteristically quiet.
After the second drink, Ruby will finally break the silence in the tune of her reminiscing about her tributes. The good things - their amazement as they indulged the luxury of the Capitol, the rare smile at the dinner table, touching heartfelt parting words during bittersweet goodbyes. He didn’t tell her that he hates this. He hates talking about the kids. He wants to drink and forget. But he knows this is how she processes the pain, by reliving the good memories. So he lets her ramble on, watching her sad smiles as she plays absentmindedly with her necklace.
And by the third, when the heat is flushing their skin, Ruby manages to draw amused huffs from Price, the corners of his lips perking up ever so slightly. Partly because, well, it’s Ruby, but there’s a part of him that is genuinely enjoying listening to her gush over her tributes. She sees the world much differently than Price, and he can’t help but be mesmerized by her perspective.
By the fourth, Ruby’s rocking her upper half, swaying loosely as the alcohol dances in her veins. Wide, perfect smiles that bunch her cheeks and unrestrained laughs, much different then her usual reserved, polite laughs.
And by the fifth, Price cuts off Ruby’s rambling by pulling her in with either end of the collar on her low-cut button down, planting a kiss on her lips by no means gently. While shocked, eyes wide and not returning the gesture, she doesn’t pull away. A moment passes and Ruby flutters her eyes shut, submitting to the harsh taste of alcohol on his tongue. She lets him lead with sloppy confidence, matching his eager pace as he tilts his head to devour more of her. A rough, calloused hand finds the side of her jaw, the other sneaking underneath the fabric of her top. His hand glides over soft, flushed skin, fingers brushing over collarbones as his palms gently meld to the top of a plush breast.
There is no sixth drink that night.
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no, you 😳 thank you for the ship i didn’t know i needed.
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