#Cape Whale Coast
suetravelblog · 3 months
Exploring Kuching Malaysia
Darul Hana Bridge and Sarawak Parliament Building Kuching is one of the most exotic and beautiful places I’ve visited in my travels. The tropical weather requires considerable adjustment for those unaccustomed to heat and humidity, and a daily swim in the lap pool helps! Kuching Apt Lap Pool Daytrips I’ve been exploring the surrounding areas but have had difficulty booking daytrips. There aren’t…
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Dear tumblrinas I beg you to manifest that I see Him 🖤 while im on vacation bc if I don't I might die
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earthtolezelle · 8 months
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Hermanus | Whale Coast Route 🐳🌅🌱
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felassan · 3 months
Just poring over some of the new images. ◕‿◕ DA:TV spoilers under cut.
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Another shot of Rivain Coast, which we can tell from the image but is also known from the file name. this environment was seen in the Thedas Calls teaser. the remains of the large sea creature are really cool and interesting to me from a biological perspective. like is it a creature we know, or something like the Cetus, or something as-yet-unseen by us? it makes me think of Ghilan'nain's beasts of the deep, and the Tevinter Nights map, which showed all manner of sea monsters in the seas around known Thedas. it also makes me think of this codex entry, which talks about whales, squid, giant worms, dragons hunting underwater in the sea, etc, as well as the DA:TV concept arts we've seen which involves sea monsters. what if we held hands and got married.. while standing under the flower-bedecked arch of the jaw of this giant skull..? 🥺 in Thedas Calls we could also see the remains of some beast on the Rivaini shore; I wonder if this is that same area of the shore but from a different angle/viewpoint.
the other focal point of this screenshot is the boat. the red things on the side look like shields, and they remind me of a stylized version of the Qunari symbol. red is also a color associated with Qunari, from things like the distinctive red-rope clothing. but the boat also really reminds me of Taash's design and color scheme. maybe it's associated with Taash, or it's a Lord of Fortune vessel more broadly? if you look at Taash, two, the aquatic blue-green is her main color, accented by bits of red, just like the boat. the pointy bits and triangular shapes of the boat remind me of her pointy armor with triangle details. idk, even the hoop (even though it's a totally normal thing to have on a boat) 'feels' familiar. like I could totally buy that this boat is associated with Taash's group or something. or maybe, shut up MJ, ignore the hoop, but the blue-green and red is notable still. but also maybe I'm just seeing things that aren't there hh :)
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in this first screenshot I also simply spent a while looking at the sunlight through the palm fronds :') there are coconuts or something similar in some of the trees. I'm also curious about the ruins here (right hand corner) - remains of fortresses or watch-towers that were guarding the coast against invasion?
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Another shot of Rivain Coast, which we can tell from the image but is also known from the file name. this environment was seen in the Thedas Calls teaser. again, in this image we can see part of the skeleton of some giant creature, and I wonder again if we're seeing this (or one of these, if there's more than one) from a different angle in this screenshot. we can see more of the sea-ruins in this one, and part of the wall has a crenellated top like it was a rampart and the other part looks cylindrical like it was a tower/watch-tower of some kind. nearby we can see a campfire on the go with a cooking pot heating over it, and is that maybe a hammock set up behind it? camping near a giant skeleton like that would be so metal.. and I wonder if it's simply environmental art/scenery, or maybe there are a few maps where as we explore them we establish lil camps as we go again as like in-map waypoints or something. and in the top right, we can see part of the mast and rigging of a different boat, I guess a shipwreck.
what do you think this other wooden structure from the top right is btw? part of another ship's mast/rigging?
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this shot is taken from a place in the shade, like from the mouth of a cave or from under an overhang of the cliff, which reminds me a bit of the perspective from under an overhang here. we can see a tangle of driftwood bleached by the sun, elf warrior Rook (love the ragged cape/cloak), Bellara, and Taash, looking soo cool and nonchalant as she Casually Leans, Casually. Taash is so cool aaa! love her piratey boots and in this shot we can see that her dragonscale-looking armor extends to her legs also. (I hope Rook can have piercings and jewelry like Taash's, whether it's from inside CC or items gathered in the world._ the big coins are ornamentation, part of Taash's outfit, just like how Lords of Fortune who have survived a couple of years are allowed to display.
also in this image are big green pots. I wonder if we can smash them open, RPG-style, to find loot or potion restocks. wasn't there something like that in the gameplay video? ^^
another thing that gets my attention in this screenshot is these blue-green banner- or standard-looking things.
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whom do you suppose these standards are associated with, like which group..? in this area the Lords of Fortune are active, and the Qunari also have a presence in part of Rivain. the material that they are made from remind me of the blue-green gem of Taash's 'horn' and the blue-green material on the boat from screenshot one. if the standards are Qunari, I wonder where the familiar Qunari symbol is? for the Lords of Fortune, we don't know much about them or the specifics of their aesthetic yet but I'd be looking for their octopus symbol or classic piratey stuff like skull and crossbones or something. so who? I also can't place the standard from or being associated with anywhere else either (but if I'm missing something pls lmk ^^). here is what it does remind me of though.
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The spine-like spiky pole with the suggestion of paired centipede-like legs coming off of it; the dual-prongs at the shoulders, even the crossed-over aspect, and especially the curved shape at the top.
In Thedas Calls, as the camera pans over Rivain and over its Coast, the speaker at this point says "Glory to the Risen Gods. They've come to deliver this world". I remember us wondering about the connection between these gods and Rivain. maybe these signs/standards were erected by new cultists of Ghilan'nain, and this is part of their spread? Rivain is a country surrounded by a lot of sea, and it has strong nautical themes like the piracy. Ghilan'nain has sea associations of her own, like her creatures of the deep and her monster-form rising from the sea in that one concept art. and something has caused the Lords of Fortune to lose dominion in the area and something seems to be unsettling the dragons in the area. and the Chantry has less influence in Rivain, there's more variety in religion there. but also maybe I am just reading waaay too much into the coincidental shape of a sign LOL. Ghil Goggles. maybe it's nothing and they are just fancy anchors or other pieces from wrecked ships hhh.
as an aside, I love the skybox here in 'screenshot two'. :)
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This image shows Arlathan Crater, per a filename. Elf Warrior Rook, Grey Warden again by the look of their (massive!) shield, Bellara (looking all curious/inquisitive) and Harding, looking out over this beautiful and fantastical viewpoint. These ruins look so grand, even in this state and with magic gone from the world. Imagine what Elvhenan looked at its height, before the world was un-made.
For this screenshot, I highlighted some things. ^^ -
The detail of roots in and partially in the ground in the bottom left; the mist effect; the thought put into the Celtic knotwork-looking detailing on the 'tower' in the foreground; in the background just beyond that could that be a waterfall? Makes sense, there's a lake below and mist everywhere. The familiar curved arches and similar shapes of ancient elvhen architecture; gold-capped towers shining so brightly in the sun; the shimmer and reflections on the water; rocks and chunks of ruins floating in the air the way things do when Fadey stuff is going on or the Veil is disrupted/thin; the detail of small trees growing on top of a tower, having seeded there (this happens irl too). Also in general the detailing of things like paint or etc having faded off walls, the exterior parts of stonework on stone walls having crumbled away in patches, chips in the gold.
There is also a statue of a bald ancient elf. I wonder whom of? They lack a distinctive Evanuris head-piece shape, but I'm sure there were depictions of Evanuris without those, or depictions of other notable elves or other powerful elves like their chosen.
The water makes me think of the concept art where the party are swimming underwater looking for treasure or something. Maybe swimming is a thing in this game? I would bet that over time and/or thanks to the recent reality-warping that has been occurring in Arlathan Forest, that some ancient elvhen ruins and artifacts have become submerged in water.
In the foreground is a chair with a tome on it. A book a Veil Jumper was using in their research, or found and was reading, and their resting/lookout point? ^^ we know that we will spot Veil Jumpers working away and researching in Arlathan. next to that is a golden object which I wonder, is it either 1) a telescope or spy-glass of sorts which a Veil Jumper has been using to study the ruins across the lake or 2) an ancient elvhen artifact that they've found (it is gold after all), and that maybe Bellara could use Tinker on it to use it. You can see a similar gold-orb type object in the distance in this shot of the team fighting in Arlathan (that one looks on/activated). between this object and all the floating rocks in this image, I'm reminded of the bit in the Game Informer cover story article that says to reach a certain place in Arlathan in the opening hours of the game, we must first remove the floating rock rings and how to do so, we must use Bellara's Tinker to interact with a nearby piece of ancient elven technology.
If these artifacts remove the floating rock rings.. maybe it's because they are reducing the 'Fadey'-ness of a place by.. reinforcing reality there. Which makes me think of the artifacts in Solas' quest in DA:I, Measuring the Veil. He said that when we activated them, they strengthen the Veil and help prevent additional Veil tears, and they were also gold looking things, and orby-looking too with their aura when active.
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This image shows Arlathan Crater, per a filename. This time we have elf warrior Rook, Neve and Lucanis. This looks to be at a similar viewpoint located not far down from the one with the chair in the previous image; if you look across the water to the ruins, you can see the tower with the ancient elf statue with the two trees growing near its top, just from a slightly different perspective. I feel like the barrels, boxes, cart and planking is Veil Jumper stuff, like field provisions and equipment and stuff when they go on expeditions or something maybeukuh. ^^ another beautiful shot.
Lucanis is smoll. :)
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This image shows Arlathan Forest, per a file name. Elf warrior Rook, Harding, and Lucanis (still smoll <3) explore ancient elvhen ruins. another beautiful shot. :D I love the big Totoro-style umbrella leaves and Harding looks so cute here. and I love purple as an 'iconic color' for Rook so much. we've seen this Grey Warden elf Rook in quite a few images now. I count at least 4 blades on Lucanis. On the stonework just behind Rook's head you can see more of the knotwork-esque pattern. also in the background here we can clearly see a door to this temple[?]-place. I really like how even the door is in this distinctive ancient elvhen shape, they really committed to recognizable distinct architecture and design styles for the different nations/cultures/asset-sets etc. ^^
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The main point of interest in this screenshot of course is the pair of golden hands, an ancient elvhen artifact of some kind I assume. it brings to mind the artifact Bellara uses, which has been described as a "gauntlet" (something one wears on the hand/forearm). look at the diamond/triangle patterning on the inside of the wrist that we can see - like the triangles in the ancient elven tech/gear Veil Jumpers use. Maybe this artifact is designed not so much to look like 'hands' but specifically 'gauntlets'? it could just be the lighting, but the green glow around the hands look to me like this artifact's magic is active/that it has been activated. other gold pieces are magically[?] suspended in the air above it. I wonder if these pieces are actually moving, like they each spin on a slightly different axis/rotate? that's what the angling of them in this still looks like to me. Maybe they move when the artifact is active? also, up there is the triangle motif again, this time in a way that makes me squint. the biggest ones give that part the impression of a sun, with sunrays (also like the Veil BUBBLE shown in the Tevinter Nights map below). the curved lines give the impression of the 'concentric circles' motif which is sometimes used to represent the Veil. the paired triangles in one of the layers give the impression of the black-gold banding, and triangles like these seem to sometimes represent the Veil, Fade or magic.
(re-eyeing old bubble imagery now btw, since we know there are Veil Bubbles in DA:TV. like the giantest bubble, the whole-ass Veil itself, in the TN map, and the bubble around Solas in his 'me and my fursona cast the Veil' fresco. see also in these images - the triangles)
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So I wonder if, when these 'hands' are activated, does it have some effect on the Veil? ^^
the other thing the hands remind me of is the Dead Hand landmark (see Trivia section) in DA:I. it's found in the Dales and contains an elven shrine. it's not far from Ghilan'nain's Grove, and it also has an interesting magic puzzle involving the lighting of torches and balls of light. detached stone hands in DA:I, detached gold hands in DA:TV, both 'holding' magic in them.
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Lastly this image is included because it's actually a slightly different moment to the one here (ability wheel pointing at a different icon) ((I covered in the rest of the contents of this image in a previous post in this series)). where in the last one we could see Harding has a move called Shred, in this one we can see that Bellara has a move called Fade Bolts. it detonates, applies Shocked on hit and sunders the target. I wonder if these are bolts of Fade-energy in the shape of arrows that she fires, or arrows that she fires from her magical gauntlet-bow and because it's magic she never misses or they have extra effects on impact.
There were also two screenshots in this 'batch' which were stills from the gameplay video, which I won't include here: the one showing blood splatter, and one of Harding as she talks to Varric.
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thewhalesheart · 11 months
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A Warrior Cats OC comic coming Monday, Oct. 30th!
"Healer apprentice Lambpaw is eager to prove himself to his clan, but after going where living paws have never walked, he uncovers the truth about StarClan... and it makes his stomach turn."
Updates will be posted on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays until further notice.
❗️CONTENT WARNINGS: This comic will contain heavy themes of death, morality, regret, and fear; as well as blood, violence, suicide, and major character death. Pages will not be censored, so proceed with caution if any of these topics are upsetting to you. Pages will be tagged appropriately❗️
The Whale's Heart takes place in a fictional location on the Oregon coast, loosely based on the Oregon Dunes and Cape Perpetua.
#pages : all pages
#art : any art involving characters from the comic
#misc : text posts about the characters
each character will also have their own tag, so you can easily go back and find pages with them in it or text posts about them.
(will be updated with allegiances)
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cryptid-quest · 4 months
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Cryptid of the Day: Kiushiu Maru Monster
Description: In 1879, a sea serpent was seen off the coast of Cape Santano, Cape Verde. According to the captain, a whale leaped out of the water, and attached to it, was a 30ft snake-like animal. It fell off the whale and stood out of the water before sinking 
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tsalala · 1 year
Lions in Namibia’s northwest, renowned for eking out a living amid the Namib Desert’s harsh gravel plains and endless dunes, have a history of feeding on marine species, such as Cape fur seals, beached whales, and cormorants. Remarkably, they are the only lions known to target marine prey. But in the 1980s, the desert lions abandoned the coast after local farmers wiped out most of the population.
When lions returned in 2002, it was a sign that the population was recovering. But the animals were no longer hunting marine prey, and lion ecologist Philip Stander, who founded DLCT, worried that the population had lost the knowledge.
In the last eight years, though, three orphaned lionesses, known to the researchers as Alpha, Bravo, and Charlie, have led a coastal hunting revival on the beaches around Torra Bay.
[…] The lionesses started targeting coastal prey in 2015, when a drought decimated the park’s mountain zebras, springboks, oryxes, and ostriches. To replace these dietary staples, the young lionesses turned to marine birds, mainly cormorants, flamingos, and red-billed teals.
Then, in 2018, DLCT scientists spotted the lionesses hunting fur seals—some of the first lions to do so in four decades. In a subsequent diet study that spanned 18 months, Stander observed that marine foods, particularly cormorants, seals, and flamingos, accounted for 86 percent of the lionesses’ diet.
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A radio collared lioness with a bloody mouth feasting on the remains of her kill along the seashore. Photo by Naude Dreyer.
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bagelisfriend · 6 months
Do you ever think about how fucked up whales are?
They're too big. They're so big that it is hard to properly visualize one unless you've seen one up close and personal.
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In a world without whales, a whale would be a kaiju-scale threat. All of those paintings and tales of kraken attacking ships should be paintings of whales.
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Hobbes' Leviathan? That was just a normal whale. Did you know some whales sleep vertically?
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This looks terrifying. I wouldn't be caught dead in a sleeping whale ring. It looks like they're trying to summon a giant world-ending whale threat from the deeps. Whales are so big that it can be indifferent to a human's presence. You know those stories in shows or whatever where someone gets swallowed by a whale and hangs out in the mouth until they escape? THAT HAS HAPPENED IN REAL LIFE
That shouldn't happen. What the hell goes on in the ocean that allows an entire species of creature to grow that large? It's fucked up. They're smart, too. It's been said before but orca whales are one the most intelligent and deadly creatures known to man. I was looking for recent articles about orcas and found this instead.
I don't even want to know the evolutionary implications of this. All in all, whales are incredibly fucked up, and I love them dearly.
Wanna make out in my car?
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brightdarkness-2013 · 4 months
Chapter 5: Chapter 5?! No Way!
Summary:Prowl gets a new hang out.
Blaster and I had decided that our mer friend needed a place to go during the day. Being trapped in the cove and swimming in a tight circle around the rock wasn’t the best place to swim. There was no room to stretch and the water was only up to our waists if we stepped in. His injuries were healing rather well and it was painfully obvious he needed more space to move. Thus we set off one afternoon in search of a good spot along the shore. A little trekking through some light brush, grass, and some long stretch of beach littered with so many shells our steps crunched no matter where we stepped we found a little place far enough from the town it was unlikely anyone would head out here. The little cape was void of any garbage or evidence that anyone had been around the area. Even if there were some people who came out there were plenty of rocks and patches of seagrass to hide in. So early the following day we coaxed our mer friend out with some m&ms.
“Come on.”
We were running along the coast, our mer easily keeping up. We’d give him an m&m every once in awhile to keep him from turning back. However he didn’t appear to be thrilled that we were only giving him one at a time if that glare he gave us every time we threw one was anything to go by. Blaster and I on the other hand were laughing like we were having the time of our lives. Once we got to the slope that separated from the water our mer hesitated, giving out a few quiet sounds as he watched us as he lifted his head from the water.
“We’ll meet ya on the other side.” I reassured as I made the motion of going around something though he just gave out another noise that sounded suspiciously like a whine. “We’ll call ya if you get lost. I promise.”
Off we went again. Once we made it to the cape I stuck my hand under the water and snapped my fingers like I did to call him so many times before as Blaster called for him. Thankfully it didn’t take long. All in all the discovery of a safe place with more space had put our friend in a better mood. We’d still feed him in the cove on weekdays, but on the weekends we’d head down to the cape where we’d talk and watch our mer stalk the wildlife there. Either creeping around the rocks or hiding in the seagrass. The fish in the cape were small, but it wasn’t like he needed it to survive with us feeding him. I’d whistle little tunes every once in awhile and Blaster would watch as our mer gave me questioning looks. And one day I had my inspiration. Sunday at ten am I had it.
“That’s what I’m going to call our mer.” I answered as we watched him.
“Prowl…” Blaster tried out the name. “It fits. You can only hope he thinks so too.”
“Eh, he’s a fish with-”
Blaster gave me a mildly disappointed look and I just grinned. “Mammal.”
“Ok, he’s a mammal with an attitude, but I doubt he’ll care too much what we call him.”
“Fair enough… Please tell me you haven’t been referring to him as a fish this entire time.”
“In my defense I assumed so because he lives in the ocean.”
“So do dolphins.”
“Oh whatever that’s one example.”
“Whales.” My friend was grinning smugly now.
“Shut up, Blaster.”
Blaster just laughed and I shoved him over onto the beach where he just continued to laugh much to my dismay.
444444444444444444 Even more fours!4444444444444444444
“Jazz! Finally! I’ve called you like twenty times!”
“I’m kind of celebrating my sister's birthday right now.”
“Oh please you’re in the corner with your headphones eating all the sweets.”
“I’m outnumbered and last time they locked me out in the backyard and ate all of the cake in front of me because they thought it was funny.”
“It was.”
“And it was good cake. Ice cream and oreo.”
“Ok, ok so I went out with Gaven and you’re never gonna believe what happened.”
“What did you find a giant squid? Did you fall in?”
“No. Prowl helped us fish. He herded them into the net. Gaven nearly fell off the boat the way he was leaning over the side. Kept yelling at me to get the camera.”
“What? Really?”
“Yeah. He must’ve seen me leaving with Gaven and followed. We got a ton of fish and Gaven even shared some with Prowl afterward.”
“I bet he was happy to have some live meat for once.” I couldn’t help, but laugh.
“You have no idea. He seems to be doing much better. I didn’t realize how much those wing fins helped. He can take some pretty sharp turns now that the right one isn’t torn.”
“Maybe if he can keep helping ya and your stepdad he won’t leave.”
“Jazz, if his pod comes I doubt he’s gonna stay and settle for a fishing boat. Not exactly a good pod member to befriend and bond with.”
“And what if they don’t? What if they’re dead? Maybe herding fish for ya guys will be enough to make him stay. I mean that’s basically what he did when he hunted with his pod, right?” I fidgeted in my seat as the girls laughter in the next room erupted.
“Possibly… But he can’t just stay in the cove.”
“And why not? If they’re dead he has nowhere else to go. What is he going to do out there alone? I don’t want him to just die out there.”
“I don’t either, but if he does decide to leave what then?”
“I don’t know… I just don’t want him to go. I mean we’ve made some great progress. He stopped growling at me. He twitches an ear fin when we call his name. I think we’ve bonded.”
“I know what you mean, but… Just… Prepare yourself for the worst and hope for the best. Maybe they’ll come.”
“Is it really that wrong that I kind of don’t want them to?”
“Maybe, maybe not. I don’t want him to go either, but he misses them.”
“... Is there a possibility that he could be accepted into another pod? You know if they are dead and he still leaves?”
“I have no clue. I doubt he’d want another. They’re his family. Pods may mingle from time to time during a breeding season, but I don’t think they join unless they absolutely have to.”
“So that’s a no.” I let my head fall back in my chair as I blindly reached for another treat.
“Certain types are different and have different ways. I only have the barest knowledge on mers. For all I know they could be completely accepting of new members.”
I sighed and silence reigned for a time. In the end Blaster was the one who broke the silence.
“Sometimes there’s just nothing you can do, Jazz, no matter how much you want to.”
“I know… See you tonight at the cove?”
“I’ll be there.”
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inatungulates · 8 months
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Antarctic killer whale Orcinus orca, attacking
Antarctic minke whale "Balaenoptera" bonaerensis
Observed by jands, CC BY-NC
Cosmopolitan hunters whose predatory deftness has enabled them to exploit many types of prey in many types of environments, killer whales Orcinus orca have diversified into a range of forms all over the world. These different ecotypes vary not only in prey preference, but also in social behavior, appearance, and genetic heritage -- while, at present, there is still only a single species of killer whale formally recognized, in reality the genus Orcinus surely consists of multiple species and multiple subspecies.
In the waters of the Antarctic, multiple types of killer whales can be found. The "Type A" Antarctic killer whale is a very large form with a "classic" coloration of bold black-and-white, a moderately-sized eye patch, a saddle patch, and no obvious dorsal cape -- similar to the well-known coastal killer whales of the North Atlantic and American West Coast. These Antarctic killers are mammal hunters, and the most abundant rorqual of the Southern Ocean, the Antarctic minke "Balaenoptera" bonaerensis, appears to be their favorite prey.
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suetravelblog · 1 month
Wildflowers, Whales, and Wineries Western Cape South Africa
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thefloatingstone · 1 year
If one were to visit South Africa, what sites and activities would you recommend? Also, which is safer cash or card?
South Africa is one of the most dangerous countries for crime (especially violent crime), so 100% card. Do not carry cash.
It depends what sort of things you enjoy, but I would recommend visiting the Western Cape what is called "The Garden Route" here. It's the most beautiful part of the country and you can get a LOT of tourist attractions involving our nature. The Garden Route is also along the coast so you can have a choice of visiting Game Parks to get guided tours to see our wildlife including Elephants and lions.
We recently have an old bull poached because an international tourist couldn't keep their fucking twitter to themselves and HAD to let everybody know which park had a large bull. And that tourist got that animal killed. And yes I am STILL fucking angry about it.
Being along the coast you can also get things like charted vessels to go see the whales that come to our shores.
If you go to Cape Town you can also enjoy a lot of the art scenes, visit Table Mountain, visit Robben Island to see where Nelson Mandela was imprisoned, but also you can check out the old Dutch forts and the canon which fires every hour on the hour.
Just be sure to have a VERY good idea of where your GPS is taking you and avoid driving through anywhere that looks dodgy. It would be best to get in touch with a local of some kind who can help you get around in a way that is safe if you are going to any bigger city of any kind.
Do not go to Johannesburg.
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lost-lycaon · 6 months
The R44 road from Cape Town/Strand running along the southern coast of the Western Cape is one of the most beautiful drives in the world. Carved into the Cape Fold mountains, it offers stunning views of the turbulent Southern Ocean all the way. The villages of Rooi-Els, Betty's Bay, and Kleinmond dot the route on the way past the Kogelberg Nature Reserve and the rich Fynbos Floral Kingdom on the way to Hermanus. This bay is the best place in the world to watch the Southern Right Whale attend their calves right off shore. The town employs a Whale Cryer to alert visitors that whales are sighted.
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scotianostra · 2 years
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On 2nd November 1902 The Scottish National Antarctic Expedition led by William Speirs Bruce set sail from Troon on the “Scotia”.
In 1895, the interior of continental Antarctica was entirely unknown, as was much of its coastline. At the 6th International Geographical Congress a motion was adopted declaring "the exploration of the Antarctic Regions" to be "the greatest piece of geographical exploration still to be undertaken". During the following 25 years, no less than sixteen major expeditions were to be sent to Antarctica during an episode widely referred to as 'The Heroic Era of Antarctic exploration'. 
Amongst the various national expeditions organized was one from Scotland. Its leader, William Bruce, was one of the most capable polar scientists of his generation. Today, his name is less well-known than those of his contemporaries Robert Falcon Scott and Ernest Shackleton, but 100 years on from the departure of his expedition, there is growing appreciation of his achievements and those of his Antarctic expedition.
Leaving Scotland on this day 1902, and reaching the Falkland Islands in December, they continued south to make the first oceanographic exploration of the Weddell Sea. Scotia, with a complement of 33, wintered at Laurie Island, South Orkney Islands. Here a meteorological observatory Omond House (pic 2) was established on 26th March 1903. The island was mapped, and when the engineer of Scotia, Alan Ramsay, died during the Antarctic winter, his grave became the first in the island cemetery. Scotia revisited the Falkland Islands in December 1903 then called at Buenos Aires, Argentina, where transfer of the meteorological station to the Argentine government was arranged through the British Legation. Scotia sailed to the Falkland Islands for a third time then back to Laurie Island where the transfer was made on 22nd February 1904
This second southern voyage saw the discovery of the northern part of Caird Coast, Coats Land (named for two brothers who had funded much of the expedition). With no landing possible on the Antarctic continent the ship then called at Gough Island and Cape Town, South Africa. A comprehensive scientific programme was conducted throughout the expedition; cine photographs and sound recordings were made.
Laurie Island is now the oldest continuous meteorological station operating in the Antarctic. The Argentine government has maintained and rebuilt it at various times. The ruins of Omond House remain; they are one of the historical sites declared under the provisions of the Antarctic Treaty. The original magnetic observatory remains in use and a building, constructed in 1905, is also preserved. The latter, now called "Casa Moneta", houses a small museum on the history of the island.
William Speirs Bruce, a natural scientist and former medical student from the University of Edinburgh and the expedition leader, had previously visited Antarctica as a member of the whaling reconnaissance from Dundee in 1892. He was a member of the Jackson-Harmsworth Expedition  to Zemlya Frantsa-Iosefa, in the Arctic. 
In 1907 the Bruce and his family, settled in a house at South Morton Street in Joppa near Portobello, in the first of a series of addresses in that area. They named their house "Antarctica". He died at Liberton Hospital, Edinburgh on 28th October 1921. In accordance with his wishes he was cremated, and the ashes taken to South Georgia to be scattered on the southern sea.
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larry-the-demon · 1 year
whats a clipper ship and why is it better (i assume) than other ships and why is it important to the story. they never made me read moby dick in school so I'm genuinely interested
HELLO HELLO imback on my PUTER so i can type so so fast SO FIRST OF ALL genuinely clipper ships are not important to moby dick at all lmao 💀i just like them cos theyre the fastest sailing ships ever so uhh quick breakdown
clippers are the product of american shipbuilders putting a packet ship-esque build on a larger merchant ship
a packet ship is a sort of ship that was small and fast, used specifically for trips from america's east coast to england, usually liverpool. these fuckers were the fastest ships when they were built, and many many sailors died on their voyages bc the captains tried to make em fast as possible
so. we've got tiny fast ship. we've also got large slow merchant ships used in britian for the china and india trade. we've got a man (donald mckay) who rlly likes building ships and is good at his job. puts a packet-esque build on a large-scale ship
for context: the british ships were referred to as 'kettle-bottoms' cos they had flat bottoms that were built mostly to avoid stupid tonnage laws (that the british put in place) (everybody fuckin hated the tonnage laws) and the clippers had a much more streamlined bottom & a differently shaped rudder. they also carried a fuckton of sail, had 3 mainmasts and around 4 sails on each of those
SO the clipper was built. first used for shit like the china trade in the 1840s, then later on until around 1855-56 used as transportation to california for the gold rush. theyre most commonly recognized for the gold rush stuff cos they had to swing round cape horn every single time & that place is fucked UPP for sailing
so these babygirls are the fastest sailing ships ever built (the most notable one technically being the lightning, she was very VERY fast) (my favourite being the sea witch, from when the clippers were still kinda in Prototype Mode)
so yeah these speedy fucks kind of heralded in the end of the age of sail. they were built, had their beautiful and sexy and fleeting run, and then everything turned to motTHER FUCKING STEAM SHIPS FUCK FUCK PISS SHIT
and uhhh that is most of it LMAO but the ships used in the whaling industry were. just called whaling ships 💀💀or smth. ive been trying to find more info on them & on whaling but the most ive found is a 100-pg book of whaling anecdotes which are GOOD but dont tell me anything abt the ships they sailed on other than that the people who hunted whales up north were the ones who invented the crows nest!!!!!!!! auaugh!!!!!
& take all this w a grain of salt bc im fully j dragging it from my memory of arther h clarks book on clippers. im onlhy in the beginning stages of reading clippers: greyhounds of the sea (which has MUCH more information!! very pog) so. that is how it is lmao. unironically thank u so much for asking this im having the timeof my life rn :)
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Walker Warner Architects @walkerwarnerarchitects and Kristi Will Design @kristiwill_design: Coastal Retreat a quiet, sophisticated oceanfront home featuring contemporary furnishings and art Read more: Link in bio! Photography: Matthew Millman @matthewmillmanphoto. Walker Warner Architects: There’s something singularly magical about the northern California coast, where wildflower-laden bluffs meet the churning pacific and gray whales seasonally leap from the waves. This landscape was like a siren call to a couple, both Massachusetts natives, who craved a return to life by the ocean. The wife wanted the traditional Cape Cod architecture of her childhood, while the husband loves the streamlined simplicity of minimalist design. To strike a balance, they turned to architect Brooks Walker and designer Kristi Will to wed two different visions of seaside living. “We set out to make something unique to them; an expression of all the things they love,” says Will of the collaboration… #usa #casa #california #архитектура www.amazingarchitecture.com ✔ A collection of the best contemporary architecture to inspire you. #design #architecture #amazingarchitecture #architect #arquitectura #luxury #realestate #life #cute #architettura #interiordesign #photooftheday #love #travel #construction #furniture #instagood #fashion #beautiful #archilovers #home #house ‎#amazing #picoftheday #architecturephotography ‎#معماری (at Northern California Coast) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmuJ66lLzI5/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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