#Cannot believe my DM allowed that
new-austin · 3 months
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Saliceae, hexblood of a night hag. And her icon
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blujayonthewing · 2 years
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[holds onto this feeling with both fucking hands]
#'why am I drawing ruszca instead of my friends' PCs or my actual canon dnd ships or--' BECAUSE I FELT LIKE IT AND I'M ALLOWED#because I like her and I wanted to idk!! and it was fun and it felt good and now I wanna ALSO draw that other stuff!!#instead of the entire concept of drawing anything feeling too guilty and bad to engage with at all!!#also I do happen to know that the Disappointed Friends In My Head are not in fact ENTIRELY fictional strawmen : )#my dad has told me it hurts his feelings that I don't draw kethri cause she's my character in the campaign we're in together#and like. okay it hurts MY feelings that 2/3s of the time we play that campaign you don't bother to engage at all#so the overall experience doesn't feel that rewarding to me despite my husband being the best DM I've played with :)#but yeah ngl there was definitely a little My Dad Voice in my head when I was drawing the mistletoe one like#'you never draw my PC/ your brothers' PCs though this should be one of them instead :('#and I had to just. kick that voice to the curb. that's not HELPFUL it just makes art feel bad so I don't wanna do it at all#I counted once and there are... nearly 70 PCs and Major/ Beloved NPCs I Could Be Drawing at any given time between all my campaigns#there is ALWAYS someone whom I'm neglecting I LITERALLY cannot win in that regard#ANYWAY. man. would you believe I actually draw a lot more stuff when it feels fun and rewarding and I'm not paralyzed by guilt#about me#my art#posts from twitter
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cry4mina · 1 month
No Lights, Only Tzu
(Tzuyu x gn!reader)
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Word Count: 8.8k
Summary: Staying late at the office on a Friday to finish a report your boss gave you last minute was annoying. Even worse, a massive storm is headed your way. This leads you to company you weren’t expecting and bonding you’ll never forget.
TW: Food mentions, kissing, small make out moment, cuddling and doggos.
A/N: Happy 5 Months to Cry4Mina! I can’t truly cannot believe it’s been 5 months since I started posting and it’s been insane for sure but I truly enjoy it so much and I appreciate you all taking time out of your lives to read the product of my brain rot! Lmfaooooo
Fluff is not my favorite thing to write but I did enjoy getting a little lost in this one. Per @ghostykapi saying “Gib” at the mention of wanting to write Tzuyu fluff lmaoooo
Bless and thank @raainberry and @myouicieloz for helping with names/titles/helping me not go insane while attempting the fluff 🖤
Thanks for reading!
As always, DMs and asks are always open! 🖤
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The silence of the office is deafening, it’s late on a Friday night and of course you’d be stuck finishing a report that your boss had gave you at right before the day ended.
“Please, have this in my inbox by midnight, Y/n. It’s very important that we get this to the clients tonight.” mocking you boss’ voice and tone as you fill in the last two boxes with the research requested.
Glancing down at your watch, it reads 8:45pm, way too late to be in this grey washed building any day, let alone a Friday.
Phone on the desk, vibrating with weather warnings that you’ve been ignoring all day. Taking just a moment to check what all the interruptions were throughout the night.
“Thunderstorm warnings…great.” typing even faster, trying to beat the rain.
A sigh of relief leaves your lips as you finish crunching numbers and send the report off to the appropriate parties.
“Finally!” Exclaimed victoriously, arms shooting up over your head to celebrate being able to leave, happy to start your weekend but also worried about driving in the storm that was about to drench the town.
Packing up your stuff, meticulously placing everything scattered across your desk in your briefcase and grabbing your blazer, not even bothering to put it on, before basically running to the elevator and slamming the “down” button.
The doors slide open, you step over the threshold only to press “Lobby” three times rapidly not willing to wait for the elevator to register that you were in a hurry.
It’s time to get out of this building.
Tapping your foot, waiting for the doors to open again so you can make your way to your car. The ding like the start of a race, taking large hurried steps through the lobby of the building and waving to the receptionist on your way out.
Automatic doors robotically opening to reveal a stormy night sky. You can see the outline of the moon behind the threat of the downpour and the scattered patter of rain from the storm that was threatening to drench the town.
“It’s going to be a rough one! Be safe on your way home.” A small velvety voice softly rings out, stopping you from taking a step down the stoned staircase towards the parking lot.
Turning to see who it was, it was the girl from the 4th floor. Tzuyu. Leaning against the stone column and seemingly annoyed but cheery enough to greet you.
Grace displayed in every move she made as she toyed with her side bag, running her fingers through her hair nervously, her eyes scanning the almost empty parking lot and then immediately looking down at her hands still tinkering with the zipper.
Tall but delicate, her long dark pin straight hair framing her face perfectly before landing elegantly on her shoulders. The black trench coat she wore was left open, allowing her business professional outfit of a pastel pink silk blouse tucked into a pencil skirt to peak through.
A polite smile that dawned on her face when she realized you weren’t going to just walk past her and wave, causing a flutter in your stomach, which would have stopped you had you not already frozen in place by her siren voice.
No wonder everyone had an innocent work place crush on her.
But why was she waiting out front?
“Thank you…Tzuyu, right?….are you okay out here? It’s late…shouldn’t you be at home too?” looking back at the sky and gesturing out, referencing the storm about to unleash its wrath on the city.
“Well, I’ve been waiting for an Uber but they keep cancelling because of the…” mimicking your gesture in a dramatic fashion, “so I’m stuck here until someone accepts the ride.” Sighing in frustration.
“How long have you been out here?” Concern riddled in your voice.
“Three hours.”
“Three hours?!” shock apparent in your tone and the facial expression you displayed, eyes wide, mouth open and brows furrowed.
Thinking about how she was usually very quiet around the office, she never really said much to anyone but when she did, it was always sweet, kind, or witty.
“Do you…want a ride?” The offer sounds shaky but still meant whole heartedly, the glimmer in her eye tells you that she knows you mean it.
“Truthfully, I was going to just walk but I won’t say no if you’re offering.” Smiling back at you, the gratefulness present in her grin.
“Well it’s about to down pour, I can’t let you walk home like this. It’s also pretty late…so it’s not entirely safe for you to do that. Come on, let’s go.” Waving her over to you so you can make way to your car and opening your passenger door for her.
“Thank you…” softly spoken to you as you got into the other side and started the car.
As you follow your GPS to Tzuyu’s apartment, the sky opens up. The once withheld clouds releasing their tears, engulfing everything and much like eyes full of emotion, it makes it hard to see the road in front of you.
Thankfully, most cars were off the road, the highway barren in nature, only reflecting the rain splatter and the hazy lines that were supposed to divide the lanes.
White knuckling the steering wheel and leaning forward, you squint. The blur of the road is impossible to read and it’s starting to feel unsafe. Especially with a passenger present.
“Hey, Tzuyu. I’m going to pull over, I can’t see anything and it would be a little too reckless for me to keep driving in these conditions” Pressing the brakes slowly to ensure not to hydroplane, turning the blinker on and pulling off to the side of the highway.
Pressing the button for your hazard lights, you look over at her to see her fidgeting with her fingers again. She seems nervous in her mannerisms, though still very elegant in the way she manuvers- a loud crack of thunder startles the both of you.
Both wide-eyed, you can’t help but giggle at what’s just happened. She joins you in that and before you know it, you’re both cackling at each other’s reactions to the clap of thunder.
“So, Tzuyu.” looking over at her again.
“What are you up to this weekend?” Trying to make conversation with this pretty human you hardly knew in your passenger seat.
“Well, my parents were supposed to come into town this weekend but because of the storm, they’re staying home. So my plans are kind of ruined actually. It hasn’t been the best week for me.” There’s a hint of sadness being shielded in this response, you can see it in her eyes and hear it in the infliction of her words.
“I’m really sorry to hear that.” Not really knowing what to say next to help her feel better.
“It’s okay, it’s not your fault. I just don’t really get to see them often so I was really excited…” a beat of silence follows, she takes a deep breath and goes on.
“They’ll come another weekend, we just have to find one without a huge storm.” Chuckling at what she’s said and covering her mouth trying to mask the disappointment.
“Yeah, I’m sure it’ll be soon too! I’m sure they’re just as excited to see you.” smiling at her in an attempt to offer warmth to this borderline stranger.
“Thank you, Y/n. It’s really kind of you to say that.”
This is the first time you’ve really had a chance to see her, to really see her. Her doe eyes, shy smile, witty sense of humor that poked through momentarily before getting in the car, and the vulnerability she displayed…left you a little curious about who she is, what her personality would convey to you in this impromptu adventure you found yourself on.
“What about you?” Tzuyu’s calm voice snapped you out of the curious trance you were in.
“Oh! Uhm…well I was supposed to volunteer at the local animal shelter but given this storm going through Sunday evening, I don’t think I’ll be able to now.” a small sigh leaves your chest, you always did love volunteering and playing with the dogs, as you didn’t have one of your own.
“You volunteer too? Which one?!” the excitement that spreads across her face catches you off guard, sparking that thrill in your stomach again.
“The one off this exit, actually!” pointing to the sign a couple yards in front of you.
“That’s the one I volunteer at!” Tzuyu now beaming at you with admiration.
Blinking a few times, your stomach trembles in a way that was unfamiliar, at least in reaction to her. Sure, you thought she was beautiful, but you hadn’t really had any time to get to know each other aside from small greetings here and there. This was the first time you really had a chance to speak with her.
Heart beating a little faster as you watch her remove her jacket, revealing toned arms, and place it over her lap so she can rotate in the passenger seat to face you. Leaning back against the door and getting comfortable, she catches you looking at her.
The blush that washed over her cheeks flustered you, a warm boil in your stomach overturning all other emotions, a glimmering shimmer ascended from your bones that soaked into your muscles, causing them to tense and contract under the curiosity you had for the beautiful woman sitting in front of you.
Tzuyu giggled at your react, seeing your face turn red and you look down to avoid her eye contact.
A small rumble interrupted the attempted transformation into awkward silence. Grabbing your stomach realizing you hadn’t eaten since before you clocked in, at 8am. Looking down to view your hand shielding your torso, your eyes raise to Tzuyu, who was smiling back at you with her hand covering her mouth, covering the expression that was still being screamed through the her eyes.
“I’m hungry myself. There is a 24 hour diner around the corner from the shelter. Do you want to try to make it there? I bet they’re open.” repressing a giggle before looking down to try and keep her composure.
“We might be able to make it there.” clicking the hazard buttons off and carefully pulling onto the highway again, making sure to carefully steer and keep a moderate speed that wouldn’t be too dangerous.
The bell on the door jingles abruptly, startling the hostess who fell asleep at the podium, unwilling to blame her for the snooze. Rain always makes you tired and it’s not like the place is lively. Empty seats fill the room, so does the horrid song from the early 2000’s playing in the background.
Dripping wet from running from the car, you look to your right and see Tzuyu standing there, completely soaked. Curling up into her self to try and preserve some body heat, it would seem.
“Table for two, please” the hostess looks at you, then Tzuyu, then back at you and just nods her head, grabbing two menus and setting off to the first table next to her. She placed them at the table before silently walking back to the podium and sitting down again.
You pull the chair out for Tzuyu, this catches her by surprise and she thanks you graciously. Heart soaring as you find your seat across from her. She looks down at the menu, blinks a few times, and then scoots it off to the side.
“I know what I’m going to get, what about you?” curiosity or inquiring on whether or not you were ready to order? Are you overthinking this? *Yes.*
“Hmmmm…well I always order the same thing, so I think I’ll switch it up a bit.” pensively staring at the menu and giving the idea you’re going over it with a fine toothed comb.
“What do you normally get?” There is the curiosity you were just questioning.
“Waffles with strawberries.” placing the menu down on top of Tzuyu’s discarded one on the other side of the table.
“Oh wow, okay…are we the same person? Or is this just a very weird coincidence that we volunteer at the same place and have the same order at the diner that we both go to frequently…?” completely in shock about the other details that have surfaced, realizing that you might have more in common that you have previously expected, even if it’s a small thing.
It’s something to hold onto.
A waitress walks up and stands next to the table, this one you were unfamiliar with. She’s not the one here on the days you stop by while on this side of town for volunteering. Looking up and offering her a smile, she doesn’t acknowledge it and just simply pulls her pen out from behind her ear, licks the ballpoint, and stares at you as if waiting for something.
“Oh, uhm….okay, Two orders of waffles, One with strawberries and one with blue berries and 2 cups of hot coffee, please!” The waitress nods at you, writing down some shortened version of what was said, before snatching the menu’s off the table and prancing into the kitchen.
Twiddling your thumbs while taking in the atmosphere of the place you usually frequent during the day, the warm lighting was pleasant even in the wake of the storm clashing down outside. Yellowed walls from the years of the building being open covered in themed art based off of “Route 66.”
Street signs, a wagon wheel, maps of the desert, pictures of vintage cars, you name it - haphazardly sprawled on the walls in a nonsensical manner. It always was something that made you giggle as there was hardly any sense to the interior design of this place, but you enjoyed the food either way.
Eyes shifting back to Tzuyu, who was now shivering in her seat, smiled up at you through chattering teeth. Watching her as she rubbed her arms for warmth, her hair still dripping from the mere seconds of rain you experienced (an ode to how hellish it was).
You stood up, hastily.
Her eyes followed you, watching as you took your blazer off to reveal a perfectly dry black button down. She gazed up at you, watching as you undid your cufflinks and started unbuttoning your shirt.
“Take your jacket off.” stated as you reveal the undershirt you were wearing under your work shirt, untucking it as you pulled it off.
“Excuse me?” Tzuyu, confused and wondering if she should be upset, halfway glares at you for the statement.
“Oh! Gosh, no. Uhm, I’m trying to help you be more comfortable and your jacket is soaking wet. Let me hang it on the back of the chair for you and you can wear this instead.” handing her the shirt that was thick and dry.
“Oh…” She stands, removing her jacket in what appeared to you to be slow motion. Excitement returns, finding its place in your stomach as you help her out of her jacket and into your shirt. Nervousness taking over your limbs as you shake, hiding it from her.
She doesn’t need to know that you’re feeling this way…that you’re attracted to her.
Sitting down again, Tzuyu has already stopped shivering and can’t seem to hold eye contact with you. A little unnerved, you try to make small talk to quiet the new sensations you were experiencing.
“So, ho-”
“Thank you.” interrupted by the stunning girl sitting in front of you, you can’t even mad at the sudden disruption of the question you were about to ask her.
“Well, today has been kind of not by best day at all. I got stuck at the office, the storm outside, the lack of a ride home, my parents not coming to visit, and the you show up and fix almost every single one of those problems…I mean, you even gave me your shirt because I was cold…” her cheeks flush a lovely rose color.
“It’s really no trouble at all.” quietly from your side of the table, what was she implying here?
“This is really making my day, so thank you…seriously.”
“I’m glad that I can contribute to you having a good day, Tzu.” Sides of your mouth pulling up to offer a small smile, now feeling like you’re on the spot - you don’t really know what to do with yourself.
“Here you are, blueberry for you” a plate heavily placed down on the table and slid against the glassed wood that was heavily tarnished from years of the same movement.
“And strawberry for you.” the waitress repeats the movement and slides the fruit drenched waffles in front of Tzuyu before turning around and jogging to get the coffee she freshly made for the two of you.
“Do y’all need any cream? Sugar?” shouted back to the table from behind the “bar.”
“Yes, please!” Tzuyu now cutting her waffles before melting a slab of butter on them and then drenching them in syrup.
The waitress brings the packed of sugar and cream over with the two mugs and the pot of coffee, setting the entire tray down before stepping away and leaving the both of you to your breakfast.
Glancing down at the two mugs, you reach over and grab one.
“How do you take your coffee?” looking up at Tzuyu to see her plopping a syrup coated strawberry in her mouth and trying to chew it quickly so she can answer your question.
“Two sugars and a dash of cream, usually.” reaching out to take the mug from you, you swiftly move it just out of reach from her.
Setting it down just out of reach, she stops what she’s doing and watches you take the sugar packets and shake them so all of it piles up at the bottom of the thin paper before you rip them open.
“You better keep eating” scolding her playfully without looking up. A soft shy giggle is heard through the spoon mixing the sugar around, waiting for it to dissolve in the heat of the liquid before introducing the cool cream to the mixture.
Lifting the mug off the table, you hand it to Tzuyu, hands brushing as you pass the mug. The softness of her hands relaxes you, contemplating what it would be like to hold them.
Snapping out of that thought, you proceed to make your own coffee. She takes a sip of hers and nods her head at the warmth and flavor. She watches you tentatively, noticing the two packets of sugar, noticing the same amount of cream…
“Another thing in common?” taking another bite of the waffles, as you dressed yours the way you enjoyed.
“I actually prefer iced coffee but I wanted to know what your order tasted like.” sipping from the mug and making a face at the flavor.
Tzuyu reaches out and smacks your arm jovially, giggling at the playfulness you possessed when interacting with her.
“It’s just okay. It’s not sweet enough.” poking fun at her now before taking a massive bite of the blueberry waffles.
“Hey!” reaching over to push you lightly.
She hasn’t stopped smiling since the two of you sat down, not that it was an issue…her smile lit up the room, able to lift anyone’s mood, and add a warmth to the dreary night.
Gathering a helping of the blueberries on your plate, along with piece of the doughy fluff on your plate, you take your first bite.
“Oh, you HAVE to try the blueberries!” speaking with your mouthful in excitement of how delicious and sweet they were.
Scooping a few up on your fork with the waffle and the syrup, you lift it up to her mouth and she instinctually takes the bite with no hesitation.
A small amount of syrup dribbled down her chin. You reach for a napkin and lick the corner of it, placing your free hand on the side of her cheek, you carefully wipe the droplet from her chin before turning your attention back to your food.
She’s a few chews deep when both of you realize the intimate moment you have just had with each other.
A flash of heat radiates from you internally, embarrassed at the romantic nature of the action, you look down at your lap - fearful of what the response would be.
“I’m sorry, I know you could’ve done that yo-”
“Don’t worry about it…I took it from you, didn’t I? I leaned into it…didn’t I?” batting her dreamy eyes at you, if you weren’t already sitting down - you would’ve needed to.
Suddenly very aware of everything touching your skin, the air in your lungs, and the sweet flavor of the berries that resonated on your tongue. It’s hard to ignore the signs that you were developing a crush on her, and very afraid of overstepping and scaring her off.
Freeze this moment, hold onto the memory and remember it fondly later. The smile, to sweet words, the comfortability. It was unlike anything you’ve ever felt. No need to fear, this is happening naturally.
A film in development, a polaroid in waiting - comparable to what was happening right before both of your eyes.
“So why were you at the office so late today?” sipping the coffee you made for her, humming into the warmth of it, and grabbing her fork to sneak another blueberry or two from your plate.
Tzuyu is leaning in closer to you, elbows on the table and one hand other her chin, the other toying with the fruit on your plate. Sneaking a strawberry from hers, you continue on:
“Well…” letting out a sigh that rang true to how annoyed you were at the day you had.
“My boss sent me a report that needed to be finished by midnight tonight to be sent over to the shareholders overseas…at 4:30pm…when I normally clock out around 5-5:30pm.” rolling your eyes at the though, before glancing down at your watch to see it was 10:18pm already.
“Jeez, that was very inconsiderate of her…especially on a Friday when there’s a huge storm brewing outside.” another sip of her coffee, another blueberry stolen, another shy look through her long eyelashes, another moment to secretly swoon over her.
The comfort that you feel in her presence is…different.
Different in a good way, you were still nervous but not to the same degree. There was a safety here, you knew she wasn’t going to judge you and the anxious was more of an excitement than a fight or flight moment.
Taking the last bite of your waffle, you let a few more of the blueberries fall off onto the plate and watched her as she snagged her fork again, sneaking two and leaving the last two for you. Smiling at the gesture, you pop them into your mouth and enjoy the sweetness from both sides.
“It doesn’t look like the rain has stopped much.” glancing out the window and seeing the waterfall of rainwater cascading off the roof and into the parking lot.
“At least we are full now. I’m going to run to the bathroom and then I’ll be good to brace the storm again.” Tzuyu stands as she speaks, wrapping herself tightly in the button down to keep herself from shivering as she walks to the back of the diner.
Peacefully watching the rainfall down, sipping the warm coffee and waiting for her return, you gloss over everything that’s happened this evening.
Being trapped with a pretty woman in your car, not being able to see while driving, getting to this diner and finding out that she was actually really sweet and that you had a lot in common, the flutter returns once more. Tickling your already full stomach with even more comfort and calmness than you could express. A shit day turned into a lovely evening with someone very unexpected.
Flagging down the waitress to get the bill, she waves your hand down.
“Your friend already took care of it! Have a lovely night!”
Confused, you look up and see Tzuyu coming back from the bathroom with a big smile painted across her face.
“Why did you do that? I was goin-”
“You saved my day and you’re giving me a ride home, the least I could do was pay for dinner or…breakfast?” giggling as she continued to the table to grab the rest of her things.
“Besides, I ate your blueberries.” winking at you before grabbing her jacket and putting it on again. It was semi-dry now, but still damp enough to give her a small shiver.
“Fine, but next time, let me take care of it.” lightheartedly frowning at her.
“Stay here, I’m going to pull the car around so it’s not as wet for you this time around.” You stepped towards the door, buttoning your blazer up and trying to shield yourself from the rain you were about to encounter again.
Bolting out the door before Tzuyu could protest, you hop in the car and turn it on. Flipping your hair over your shoulder to get it out of your face, you pull out of the parking spot and pull up to the door as close as possible to insure maximum dryness in the human you were about to drive home.
She runs from the front doors to the passenger side of your car and hops in, much drier than before. Taking a second to wipe the excess water from her face, she looks over at you and scrunches her nose and furrows her brows.
“Next time?”
“You said next time…so next time you’re buying?” so soft it could’ve just been a breath, you can see her hands shaking as she utters the words, she’s nervous again.
“Yes, next time…unless you’d prefer we didn’t do this again?” pursing your lips and checking in to see if that was something she was interested in.
“Well, I think I’d enjoy it more if it wasn’t…you know…violently storming.” gesturing towards the windshield at the obvious damper on your….hang out?
“I think we can make that happen.”
Light conversation fills the slow moving car as you make your way to Tzuyu’s apartment. Talks of what you guys would do the next time you hung out and if you should start volunteering at the animal shelter at the same time got you excited about what was sparking between the two of you.
You can’t help but wonder if she’s just as excited as you are.
Pulling off the highway again, you notice it’s unusually dark. The street lights are dim, the traffic lights are flashing and the buildings don’t have any life in them at all. Pitch darkness covers the once bustling area with lifelessness and dew drops.
“Is it always this dark over here?” concern is very present, as you never know what’s lurking in the dark.
“No…I think the power is out…it’s always well lit. I wonder how long it’s been out for…my dogs are probably so anxious and it’s so hot too. I hope they’re alright without the A/C.” Tzuyu starts picking at her fingers, noticeably anxious at the thoughts she was having.
Before your brain could even understand the thoughts you were having, you blurted out:
“Why don’t you pack a bag and come stay with me for the night? You can bring the pups too, of course.” eyed widening when you hear what you just said, you look over at her and see that she has a reaction that is…good?
“Yeah, why not? I’ve got air conditioning and I’d love to have some puppy’s around since we won’t be able to volunteer this weekend…I mean, if you want to…if you’re comforta-“
“I’d love to.” softly spoken with a very small, very gentle smile across her face.
Pulling up to the building she pointed out as her apartment complex, you offer to come up and help her gather things she might need for the night. Dog food, their leashes, and a bag of her necessities but she politely declines.
“Don’t worry, I’ll be quick!” as she hops out of the passenger seat and runs inside, meanwhile you’re just enjoying the view.
It wasn’t long before she returned with bag in hand and two cute dogs following her. Luckily, there was a break in the rain so the dogs had time to use the bathroom before hoping into the car.
Tzuyu wiped their feet off with a hand towel she had ready before unleashing them into the back seat.
Shy at first, the dogs are seemingly a little timid in their approach to you. Not really knowing how to interact since this is the first meeting.
Rotating in your seat to face them, you stick your hand out very slowly, palm up so they can sniff and decide on their own if they want to be touched or not.
“Helloooo puppies! It’s nice to meet yo-…wait, what are their names?” looking over at Tzuyu for the answer.
“This one is Kaya and this one is Butter.” pointing them out one at a time and giving the closest one to her a little head pat.
“Hi hi hi!” showing excitement in your most bestest baby voice to get them to see you were excited to meet them, they were very quick to return the excitement.
Butter jumped over the center console and ended up on your lap, Kaya finding her way to Tzuyu’s before standing on her back legs to look out the window. Continuing to talk to Butter in a baby voice, you give pats and scritches, toying with her big ears and giving her every ounce of attention you could before she curled up and got comfortable on your lap.
Eyes on you as you softly coo and pet the tired dog’s head gently, the feeling of being watched overshadowed by the care and attentiveness you were giving to the usually anxious dog in front of you.
“I’ve never seen her calm down so quickly…even for me…wow” petting Kaya as the dog scans out the window - seemingly on guard.
Tzuyu just nods her head at you, looking into your eyes, you see a glint of something…feeling your heart strings play a song you’ve never heard, you watch as the corners of her mouth lift in a very miniscule way. It would’ve gone unnoticed had you not been sneakily trying to take in every detail of her tonight.
Feeling your body start to lean towards her, Tzuyu seems to have the same idea- leaning into you slight before both of you catch yourselves. Straightening up a little and trying to brush it off as nothing, you turning your head back to the road and grip the steering wheel.
“Uhm…you ready?” the sweat on your palms would be visible, if you were willing to let go long enough to look.
“Yes, I’ve got everything me and the girls will need for the night.” there’s a drop in her pitch, a snag in her tone…did she want you to make a move?
Putting the car into drive and heading to the highway again, you make your way to your apartment. The rain gradually picking back up as you pull into your parking garage and whip into your assigned spot.
Helping Tzuyu, you grabbed her bag for the night and her purse, letting her carry your two new furry friends as they were obviously more comfortable with their owner than they would be with you.
Hands full, you fumble for your keys. Nervous was an accurate description of what you were feeling, not really expecting to have guests but happy that she agreed to come. You were enjoying the time you were spending with her and weren’t really ready for it to be over.
“After you.” gesturing her and the pups into your apartment with a smile before you stepped in, closing the door behind you.
Kicking off your shoes and walking over to the couch, you toss the bags on the cushion and remove your blazer, hanging it up in the closet next to the door. Tzuyu still has your button down on, holding the dogs and looking like she isn’t really sure what to do as she scans the living room, taking in the pictures on the wall and the setup of the furniture as she places the dogs down on.
“Please, make yourself at home! I’m going to change into something more comfortable. There is a half bathroom to your right, if you’d like to do the same…I’ll be right back.” the clattering of dog nails on your hardwood floors makes you smile, bringing a warmth to your house that you hadn’t felt before.
The tapping gets closer, looking down to see who it was…Butter seems to be following you.
“Alright, girl come on. You can come with me!” leaning down to scratch her head before you and your four-legged shadow go to your bedroom.
Leaving the door ajar, just incase Butter decides she wants to leave, you slip out of your work clothes and toss them in the laundry hamper before snagging your favorite pair of sweatpants and a cropped tank top - just trying to be as comfortable as possible after being drenched by the downpour that was now re-opening up outside.
Butter just sits and watches, waiting for you. Unable to help yourself, you coo and talk to her in the “puppy voice.” She wags her tail back at you and barks a few times, playfully. She suddenly zooms, pushing the door open with her snout and barreling into the living room.
Taking the small moment of alone time to brush your hair out, untangling it and throwing it into a messy bun. A deep breath fills your lungs as you prepare to step out into the living room again. Grabbing a massive fleece king sized blanket out of the closet and a few pillows, you step back into the living room - completely blocked by fabric and fluff.
The dogs start barking at you, cautioning the mass of blanket walking towards them - Tzuyu is laughing at them for causing such a scene when they were just fawning over you.
“I know it’s late already, but we both had coffee so I was wondering if maybe you’d want to watch a movie or something. I know it’s going to take the dogs a minute to get settled…and I did so happen to get a bottle of wine the other day if you wanted to have a glass or two with me while we watched something…if you want…that is…” plopping the blankets down on the recliner that was next to the couch that Tzuyu already was seated on.
She did take the opportunity to change into something more casual and comfortable. A black cropped hoodie and some light gray sweatpants. Seems like she had a similar idea to you. Even with her sitting down, you could see the outline of her abs.
Swallowing heavily, you avert your eyes, trying not to stare…she was just so pretty and so easy to be around…great conversations and the way that she was just so graceful…*Wait wait wait*, don’t get ahead of yourself. You don’t even know if she is feeling the same way.
“Yes, that sounds great! What kind of movies do you like?” She shouts while watching you walk to the kitchen to get a few wine glasses, a cork screw, and the bottle you previously mentioned.
“It’s your pick! Whatever you want!” sliding back into the living room on the hardwood, socks allowing the slip of the wood to coast you to your destination with ease.
“Don’t do that with so much in your hands!” Tzuyu’s arms raise, ready to catch you if you fall.
“You’ve got glass and a sharp corkscrew! What if you fell?” She stands, taking the glasses and corkscrew from you and placing them on the coffee table before putting her hands on her hips and cocking her eyebrow.
“Awh, come on, I was just having fun!” poking at her for being such a stick in the mud.
Tzuyu sighs, shaking her head slightly before taking her seat on the couch, picking up the corkscrew again, sneaking the bottle from your hands and opening it herself.
“Tzuyu, I promise I won’t do it again.” Halfway whined from you as you plop next to her.
“Good.” Handing you the glass of wine she just poured, smiling about getting her way before pouring herself a glass and recorking the bottle.
The thunder claps outside, scaring both of you and the dogs. Barking at the loud sound, they run and jump up on the couch, cowering behind the two of you.
“Awh, babies! Don’t you worry, your Mom and I will keep you safe, okay? Okay.” scratching behind Butter’s ear, Kaya picking Tzuyu to hide behind.
A glimpse, that’s all it was, from the corner of your eye - Tzuyu was staring at you…hands on her chin, small smile on her lips…and that glimmer in her eyes.
Turning your head to face her, she quickly snapped out of it. Unwilling to show you what you’ve already seen, unable to be so forward with what her body language was already telling you.
“So what movie do you want to watch?” another crack of thunder and the brightest bolt of lightening you ever seen, followed by a very loud pop, the power surges and flickers out completely.
You sit in shock…the whole point of her and the dogs being here was to get out of the powerlessness of her own apartment, but now she was in yours…with her dogs…and no power.
“Did you hear that? The pop?” Tzuyu shakes her head yes in response to your question.
“That was the transformer…so…they’ll have to replace it before we get power back on…” the annoyance woven in the words as you spoke them.
She erupts in a fit of laughter, unable to contain it. Her giggle lights a fire in you, boiling your stomach and melting you from the inside you.
The way she covers her mouth when she laughs, the way she’s leaning back and smacking her knees…the infectious sounds pull the giggling right out of you, unable to stop yourself from joining her.
“Oh, that’s too funny! I was wondering when that would happen. “ wiping the tears out from under her eyes.
“What do you mean?” confused at the statement.
“Well…look at how stormy it is outside. It was likely the power was going to go out. Don’t you think?” Tzuyu gestures at the window, the pitch dark lit up by random flashes of lightening and the rumbling of the winds clashing together.
“Wait…so you knew my power was going to go out here too and you still came?” even more confused.
“Yeah, why wouldn’t I? It was a sweet offer and I’m having fun with you…how does “Spirited Away” sound?” using her phone as a flash light and going over to her bag to pull out an iPad.
Tzuyu flips open the case of her tablet and sets it up on the coffee table, taking a swig of the wine and getting the movie pulled up as she sits next to you. You’re a little awe struck, unable to understand what was happening in front of you.
“Everything okay?” leaning back and putting her arm on the back of the couch so it was almost around you, you’re facing her with one leg folded in front of you.
Sipping your wine, you set the glass down on the table and return to your previous position but this time, you rest your head on your hand. Soaking her in as she does the same to you, grinning at you a she takes a sip of her own wine.
Very unprepared for what happens next, Tzuyu reaches over and places her hand on your arm. Shockwaves blast through your nervous system, causing your body to clench and release under her touch.
The place where her hand sits on you burns in the best way, an ache that makes you want to curl up with her in the middle of this storm and just enjoy this time together.
“Why don’t you go and grab some candles and that blanket and come sit closer?” Her tone is…attractive.
Tzuyu sets her glass down on the table placed next to the couch, licking her lips to get the wine flavor off them and scooting into the corner, leaving space between the two of you.
Your insides are absolutely screaming, candles? Movie? Wine? Intentionally coming over even though she knew the power was going to go out? Was this…a date? Was she…flirting?
Quickly doing as you’re asked, grabbing the massive blanket and throwing it over top of her lap and going into the kitchen to grab a few candles.
You place them on the coffee table and light them with your emergency matches before sitting next to her on the couch.
Butter and Kaya jump up and find there spots in you and Tzuyu’s lap, she hits play and the movie starts. Her arm present on the back of the couch, you’re tempted to scoot all the way into her…temptation wasn’t enough to get you to do so.
There wasn’t enough proof it was what she wanted and you were way too nervous to act on the impulse of cuddling Tzuyu.
Fighting the urge to hold her hand, kiss her, innocently touch her arm all night, you can’t just…do it, what if she isn’t into it? The comfort of her presence was going to have to be enough for now.
The thought are interrupted by a soft hand on your shoulder, pulling you in closer to Tzuyu until your body’s were anchored together. You interweave your fingers together shyly, being so soft and slow with the movements as if you were sneaking affection.
Face turning towards her to seek permission, after the hands are already entwined, you are met with her face - mere centimeters from yours.
Time stops.
Her nose grazes against yours.
Nothing else matters.
“Is this okay?” whispered to you while her eyes flicker between your lips and your lashes, searching for signs in your body language.
Nodding your head so softly, had she not been that close to you, she might not have noticed.
Your eyes dance with hers, the tango of anticipation for what was coming.
Suddenly, Tzuyu leans in and connects your mouths together in the softest, sweetest, and gentle kiss.
Heart beat booming to the sparks of what was being created, the foundation of something more being built right before your very eyes.
Parting briefly for a moment, she looks at you and takes in your features, she lets you watch her do it this time.
She strokes your cheek with the backside of her pointer finger, tracing the lines of your cheekbones and moving her eyes back to your lips.
“Was that still oka-” before she can even finish the sentence, your lips are together again. Initiating something a little more passionate, bringing your hands up to cup her face and leaning further into her.
Her hands find their place on your forearms, holding them delicately while allowing you to take the lead. Fingers wandering back to entangle in her hair, you graze your tongue over her bottom lip, asking permission to take it one step farther.
Her next movement showed she consented, bringing her hands to the back of your next and allowing your tongues to meet. Innocently exploring each other, the movements gain speed as you feel like you’re ascending into heaven.
The satisfying ache of your bones drenched in honey, a thickness that could only be described as a sugary, sappy substance flooded your veins and made you instantly addicted to her.
A grandiose crescendo in the movie brings you both back down to the couch, snapping you back to the present, reminding you that this was just the first time you hung out…it was not the time to push it further than it needed to go. Pecking her lips a few times before resting your head on her shoulder, innocently.
Her heart beat is loud enough to be heard, you grab her arm and pull it around you, stretching out across the couch so you both can lay down together.
Her dogs on your laps, you in her arms, her favorite movie playing and the storm outside. All too comfortable and relaxing for the two of you.
You fight your eyes for a while, trying to combat the sleep as it fought for your attention and ultimately lose the battle.
The slow build of rain peacefully wakes you, drifting you out of the dreamless sleep, you let out a groan and stretch for a moment, rolling over on the couch and curling up in the blanket that was noticeably missing someone.
The tapping of claws on the floor and panting first thing in the early hours of the day were lovely, even half asleep.
The dogs are jumping on you, licking your fresh morning face and trying to get some love and affection.
“Hi hi hi!” in your groggy sleeping voice.
“Where is your mother? Where did she go?” puppy voice returning while you stand up and survey the room, noticing that the oven clock was blinking so the power was back on, and Tzuyu was nowhere in sight.
Well she had to be coming back, right? I mean the dogs are here, she wouldn’t just leave the-
The door cracks open very softly. A hooded figure steps in with a take out bag in hand, rain drops coating the water resistant jacket that was a little too familiar, and closes the door gently behind them. Taking their shoes off softly, before pulling the hood off…Tzuyu.
“Good Morning, I went out to the diner down the street to get us some breakfast! I thought it might be a nice way to celebrate the power coming back on and our first…uhm…well..” hesitating to say what you both knew it was.
“…Date?” finishing her sentence, smiling at her as you made your way up to her, wrapping your arms around her neck.
Tzuyu places her hands on your hips, slowly inching them around your waist so she can fully press her body on yours, lays a soft peck on your cheek.
Releasing you, on a mission to find your coffee stash and get a pot started for the two of you.
“What did you get for breakfast?” sitting down on the stool in front of the counter, rubbing your eyes to try and remove the sleep from them.
“Waffles. One order of blueberry, one order of strawberry. I figure we could go halfs-ies on them.” pursing her lips, folding her arms across her chest and tapping her cheek with her pointer finger.
“…and miss you trying to sneak blueberries off my plate? Not a chance.” smirking at her, knowing this wouldn’t be the last moment you brought up her blueberry thievery.
Tzuyu winks at you, before going back into her deep thought.
Unconsciously admiring her pensive face, you let her ponder for a moment. Taking in the way she shifts her weight from one leg to another, the way she hums while she thinks as if she’s talking to herself, and how she seemingly doesn’t want to ask for help locating whatever she’s looking for.
Gosh, she’s so cute.
“Whatcha looking for?” coming up behind her, sliding your hand over the small of her back. You feel her shiver under your touch before she leans into it.
“Are you trying to guess what cabinet they are in?” teasing her before lightheartedly turning her face towards yours, kissing her and whispering, “Top left, over the sink.” With another swift peck on her lips and you’re off to the other side of the kitchen to get 2 cups of coffee for the both of you.
Bringing both mugs back, placing one in front of her on your way to your own seat, she’s already got the plates divided up and is waiting for you to sit and get comfortable before she starts to eat.
Breakfast together was fun, asking about favorites - movies, music, colors, animals, hobbies and just learning different things about each other, with the occasional blueberry stolen from your plate. You made sure to share, with the dogs too.
Plain blueberries, of course.
Sitting there for a good few hours before feeding the dogs their actual food and moving back to the couch, you spend the majority of the day wrapped up in each other, the blanket just adding to the coziness of your newly found crush.
“Well, it’s getting late…” Tzuyu says when the clock hits 8pm.
She stands up, the storm still ever present outside. Getting a ride in this would be impossible.
“I should probably go.”
“You know you don’t have to! It’s still storming really badly out there…and I am very much enjoying your company.” looking up at her from the comfort of your couch.
Reaching out to grab her hand, you hold her by a few of her fingers and look up at her to find eyes of someone who most definitely did not want to leave.
“I don’t want to intrude…” Tzuyu looks at the floor, waiting for you to combat her sentence, knowing you would.
You stand up, her vision following you as tou step in front of her.
You look her in the eyes, bringing your hands up to tug on hem of her cropped shirt innocently, brushing her stomach with the back of your hand while you toy with the cloth.
“You’re not. I want you to stay.” toying with the strings of her hoodie while you shyly tell her to stay with you another night.
“Are you sure? I really don’t want to impose…you’ve already put me up for a night.” giggling at her own comment, before she meets your completely serious face.
“ I want you to stay. If you don’t want to stay, then you don’t have to. I want you to be comfortable. I’m okay with whatever you decide…it is storming pretty heavily outside though and I want you to be safe.”
Tzuyu beams at you, taking her seat on the couch again and ushering you over to her. You oblige, finding your new favorite spot. In her arms.
“Hey, I was thinking…” she starts to ask.
“Would you want to go to dinner with me next weekend? Maybe we could go to the shelter together and then go get dinner afterwards?” her voice shakes, nervousness looks really cute on her.
“I’ll have to check my schedule…” poking fun at her, smirking while you did it.
“I’d love if you could pencil me in.” snapping back at you with the same amount of playfulness.
“I’d love to.” snuggling into her, flipping the TV on while the storm raged outside.
You hand Tzuyu the remote, letting her pick what you watch. She chooses some documentary about animals for background noise, both of you are too busy wrapped in each other and watching the storm to care about what’s on the tv.
It was easy to drift off into a mid-afternoon nap in the comfort of her, feeling so safe and cared for while she runs her fingers through your hair…you’ll have to remember to thank your boss the following Monday for that stupid report.
Maybe even say thank you to the sky for the rain.
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pixelchills · 21 days
Okay, you anon on my inbox,
you said that some followers of mine have been disappointed in me for partaking in the tsams harassment document, since I am a creator a lot of people look up to. I am not answering the ask itself because it has a blog mentioned, but I will answer your worries about the situation the best I can.
I am not going to talk about the drama itself since I have retained myself from discussing and spinning things any further about the situation.
But those of you who are mad at me for being part of the document; please at least read my part of it, if you haven't already.
The document was made as an archive for the victims of that hate blog (biased-tsams-confessions). Every screenshotted post on the document is available publicly, and all I did was allow my content and posts about the situation to be used in the document.
I was an unnecessary victim of the hate blog. Had no one name-dropped me in that blog and caused me to get anons and not-anons harass me and claim that I was one of the people sending minors gore, I would not have needed to publicly talk about anything relating to the drama. I would not be in the document if I wasn't a victim of being wrongly assumed to support NSFW being sent to minors. Which is a heavy allegation.
The document is not about the gore anon victims. It's about the victims of the witch hunt that people caused by starting to blame innocent people for being or supporting the gore anons.
I am not asking myself to be removed from the document. I am there as a victim. The other people in the document, as well as their actions, have nothing to do with me, or my part in this, other than them being my friends/mutuals in the fandom, and victims of the same hate blog and witch hunt. If some of them have answered or reacted aggressively to something regarding the situation, it is on them. It is not my job to decide what my friends/mutuals are allowed to answer or do.
During this whole time, I have kept saying over and over that people should just block and move on and ignore and not vague about each other, but I cannot control other people besides myself.
I do not support harassment of any kind. But I am also not going to be silent for being a victim. Even if I was just a small misstep for the hate blog, I was still targeted because of them. I was truly ready to just forgive them and put it all behind me, if their reply to my request to apologise to me publicly hadn’t been so aggressive, and they hadn’t targeted another innocent person later (Z). The mod responding to my dm said I was manipulating them, and that they didn't believe me. So their posted apology wasn't genuine, it was just them trying to save themselves from me exposing them.
If you think I should've not allowed my posts to be part of the document then I want to ask you this:
Should a victim be quiet about being harassed just because the other harassed people have said or done something you disagree with?
Again, what I had to deal with was very small compared to some of the other people the hate blog targeted, but even a small victim is a victim if they gained harm from it.
As what comes to the document: I did not write it, nor did I read it until it was publicly shared. All I did was give my permission to use my posts in it.
I was aware that the doc included names of the people who have also participated in or supported the harassment by the hate blog or shattered. 
I did not find the list of supporters necessary to include, and I told the others this. The list has recently been removed by the owner of the document after new information has come to light. I know this will not erase the fact the names were there.
I am not making statements about the harassment supporters mentioned in the doc, because I am not going to dig up if they should be there or not. I have spent too much time on this drama publicly already, when all I wanted to do was ignore it and let my friends vent their frustration to me privately if needed.
Despite the situation being what it is, I have wanted to stay neutral in it, besides the hate blog which is the sole reason I had to pipe up in the first place. I have been keeping my stance neutral between the two groups. I have not blocked anyone from either side (except the hate blog), and I have no hard feelings towards my friends, or my followers who are disagreeing with each other.
If you want me to apologise for being part of the document, I'm sorry but I can't. It's the same as saying "I'm sorry I talked about being harassed."
If you still feel like you're personally affected by my involvement in this, or you are a follower of mine getting harassed because of this document, please DM me and I'll try to help you out the best I can.
The blogs mentioned in the document have not been actively harassing me, and those who did take part in smearing my name I will not name, because I genuinely think they realised their mistake (unlike the hate blog) and understood that I have nothing to do with the gore anons nor do I believe they were a hoax.
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tamayula-hl · 8 months
Plagiarism allegations currently levelled against me and evidence of my innocence
I'm sorry for posting so many times on this hard topic. But yesterday @freewld (https://www.tumblr.com/freewld) asked me, "You reversed, traced and plagiarised my drawing, didn't you?" I received a DM saying. After discussion, I was given permission to publish a verified image of me and her drawing by overlapping them. Below is her art, all of which I have permission to publish.
The picture on the left is my illustration that is allegedly being used in this case. And the picture on the right is the one she claims was plagiarised by me.
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She says: " When my drawing is inverted, angled and overlapped, there are a number of places where the lines overlap. I believe you must have traced my drawing because there are too many places where the lines match for it to be a coincidence".
See the verified image she created by overlapping our drawings on her Twitter feed. (another)
To be fair, I also made a verification image and video.
When two pictures are overlapped with respect to the line of Seb's right eyelash.
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When two pictures are superimposed on the basis of the lines on both cheeks of Seb.
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I draw every time using the screenshots I have taken of Sebastian as a reference, and probably she does too. I would argue that if I draw a picture with reference to a 3D model of the same 'Sebastian Sallow' character, it is only natural that the two pictures should be similar. If one tries to express his individuality - the distance between his eyes and eyebrows, the length of his nose and philtrum - in a drawing, it is natural that some of the lines will overlap.
In the first place, to claim 'plagiarism by tracing', most of the lines need to match, but there are not many places where the lines of the two pictures overlap completely. It is my contention that this cannot be evidence of 'plagiarism by tracing'.
I believe I have proven my innocence to the world with these two superimposed verified images and videos.
However, @freewld is using Twitter's survey feature to solicit third-party impartial opinions on the allegations.
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This is the current voting result.
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Incredibly, the majority of votes went to 'I think Tamayula plagiarised'.
I think this voting system might not be fair because as you know, X(Twitter) allows a single user have multiple accounts and actually I currently have eight accounts on X(Twitter). Therefore, I wonder if it can work properly as the third-party impartial opinions because some users might vote this multiple times by using their own multiple accounts.
And I've only been back on Twitter for about a week and have only about 200 followers. In contrast, @freewld has been running her account for 10 months since March 2023 and has more than three times as many followers as me. It is a voting system that overwhelmingly favours her.
With such a voting system, there is no way she can prove that I have plagiarised. It remains to be seen what the outcome of this poll will be, but even if the result is more votes for 'I think Tamayula plagiarised', I will continue to maintain my innocence and I will not apologise to her.
Finally. I have tried to be as honest as possible over the past few days and have continued to assert my legitimacy in Japanese HL fandom, but it is no longer possible for me to deal with this matter any more. I feel ridiculous about everything now. I hope everyone can understand my disappointment a little.
Thank you so much for reading this long sentence so far. I am taking a short break for just a few moments.
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oliviascully · 4 months
Fellow Armandaniel truthers, I know we’re wondering after (and even before) 2x05 if Devil’s Minion has already happened or not. I’ve seen a good amount of people say that the events in 2x05 are the perfect start for the DM story to occur, which is giving me hope.
I want to add to that what’s giving me even more hope that we’ll see DM happen in the 70’s era. I keep thinking about how Armand has interacted with Daniel the entire time in Dubai, and I just cannot believe that he would act like that if their only former interaction was that night and next few days in ‘73.
That has got to be one of the most gut-wrenching experiences for all three of them and at least for Armand in recent memory. Even for Armand, he had the supposed love of his life spew some absolutely devastating insults at him and mock him and then try to kill himself, all instigated by some random mortal. And he’s told that this silly little 20 y/o druggie is basically better to be around than him.
In Dubai, my read on Armand and Daniel’s interactions is that while there is certainly some bitterness and mistrust, there’s always an undertone of warmth and interest. There’s an undeniable pull and even familiarity, especially with how they bicker. And Armand seems to actually care about Daniel (thinking of how uncomfortable he gets to see Louis make Daniel upset with the Alice memory).
I just can’t accept that Armand would be this way around Daniel if he never saw him again after the events of 2x05. Honestly, I don’t think Armand would allow Daniel into the penthouse if he didn’t have a much better understanding of Daniel as a person than what he could gather from their first interaction. He knows Daniel, and I do believe he is expecting a certain outcome from him coming there. That’s another story, but basically I’m saying that there has to be more history there!!
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Left: Pile 1; Right: Pile 2
🪈 Take what resonates and leave the rest
🪈 Disclaimer in highlight applies here
🪈 Thank you for letting me read for you, it has been a pleasure
🪈Personal readings are paid only.
🪈No one is allowed to copy my work under any circumstances.
Pile 1: Some of you could be Shiv bhakts, you need to see that worshipping and paying respects to shiv family is equally important, in your case Nandi Ji, learning the value of patience especially in October, not backing down from opposition, showing strength and fortitude ahead all while being patient and calm. You are not rushing the process, you are going along with it how ever long it might be because you have single-minded focus. That’s the attitude you need to adopt. That is the attitude you already have but cannot see. Someone new is entering your life, possibly a man it could be an exciting event for you, you may have been waiting for this for a long time, for some this is a mentor and a critic who will help you get better in your craft. A sincere wish is being granted. Often the mistake we make is being too rigid with our manifestations, if you look closely your wish is being fulfilled maybe in a different way, but you get what you wished for. You could meet the new person at a party or during tea time in someone else’s house, for some of you it is marriage. You might get married to your perfect partner who could be different from the one you are fixated on right now, it’s a general reading so take what resonates. You could be sensitive to criticism, and it is saying you should learn to accept valid criticism. You are being told to beware of greed, it could also lead to parting ways either in business or relationships.If someone tries to make you do anything against your wish, speak up, you are being reassured that you will be taken care of during difficult times. A meeting with a stranger could be important, it could be related to money or property. USE YOUR INTUITION TO MAKE BENEFICIAL CHANGES. Comment ‘111’ to claim this.  🌙DM for personalised tarot readings🌙
Pile 2: You are the ones who check things multiple times, you do not believe anything till you are 110% sure. If you are planning  something or making a decision that involves APRIl of 2023 or 2024, use your intuition and psychic abilities, make a decision based on that. Let yourself relax completely and let the answer come to you. YOU CANNOT SEE THIS RIGHT NOW BUT THERE IS Increase IN MATERIAL WEALTH AND SPIRITUAL GROWTH for you. It is making way, working in the background, you’ll see results soon, again April is significant. You will be shown the way in matters related to decisions, if it’s someone else trying to make you do something that is against your will, you will be shown the way too. This message was in pile 1 as well. Way to go, pile 2! You have an abundance of good news and spiritual love coming in. Some of you could be Krishna Bhakts or have a craving to live in Vrindavan near to Radhe Krishna, wish will be fulfilled, you will be called to take a trip at least. There might be sorrow and discomfort with a relative especially a younger man in your family. There is shown victory in some endeavor you are planning to undertake especially if it is something you have worked hard on so it can take off. In business do not be emotional, be resourceful and shrewd , you might experience some sadness and nostalgia  over letting something go. For business and career or personal growth I am seeing progress. If you are ever in trouble or someone is accusing you of something, do not speak in anger, control it or you will be sorry. It is time to act like a lion. Some of you could have placements in Leo or it could be your rising. HAPPINESS AND WELL-BEING IS COMING EVEN THOUGH IT DOES NOT SEEM LIKE IT, even if there is dullness right now, joy and happiness are making their way to you.  Comment ‘222’ to claim this.  🌙DM for personalised tarot readings🌙
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avi-on-jumblr · 9 months
i genuinely used to follow u on ur main. i cant believe the heinous shit youve said on here. oct 7 was an atrocity and NO ONE not a single israeli that day deserved to die. but atp, why not a single post saying that you hurt for palestinians? even if not in the same way. what abt the hostages israel is killing? there is no plan to wipe out hamas, not without wiping out gaza. i cried seeing that little boy who was released from hamas eating food in a hospital, cried for the mothers and fathers begging for their children back, and i will continue to weep yet you can't even seem to shed a single tear for the thousands of dead palestinians.
ok i spent 3 hours writing a long and detailed reply to this and then tumblr fucking crashed and deleted everything and i am so so tired so :/. I did appreciate that you condemned October 7, and I was genuinely glad that you showed care for Israelis and Palestinians both, which is a rarity in my anons, which is why I tried to do a more lengthy reply in good faith. feel free to send me a dm if you want to talk further. cannot type that out again but please check out these:
Whispered in Gaza
Builders of the Middle East
Palestinian Youth for Development < please donate to this, info on how is in the comments. Started by Moumen Al-Natour, who's on the ground directly getting food to other Gazans, despite being tortured and targeted by Hamas. This org is a great way to provide actionable help and aid without Hamas stealing it.
rootsmetals < educator, meticulous sources in captions of her posts. frankly i'd recommend just reading every one of her posts since october 7
basic summary of what I typed: I have made posts about the Palestinian people caught in this war, and it is tragic and horrible and awful. I want nothing more than an end to the fighting, but this will never happen with Hamas in power. I'm also allowed to centre my own experiences and my own grief and fear on my private blog on tumblr.com, and it is deeply unfair to demand that a Jewish person should make more posts about xyz to prove they're compassionate enough, especially when antisemitism is rising at insane rates and the only people posting about it are overwhelmingly Jews.
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race-week · 24 days
apologies for the dm. hope you don't mind, but your poll doesn't cover my thoughts which are it was a fair move in terms of racing driver vs racing driver. but norris cannot afford any kind of dnf if he is going to go for an outside chance of a championship and piastri knows it and exploited that today.
from a personal point of view good move. from a team point of view, incredibly selfish especially as it also allowed ferrari into the mix and quite possibly cost them a 1-2 or at worst a 1-3 as it highly likely norris would have built a far larger gap in that first stint in clean air, when piastri could not pull away at all.
so he did what he needed to do for himself but i think he may have lost some goodwill among the team and especially with norris. neither stella nor brown seemed enormously happy with it either though both tried to handwave it and said it would be a discussion for behind closed doors.
Personally I don’t think that a 1-2 or even a 1-3 would have been on the cards even if things were pulled off perfectly for McL.
They seemed set on a two stopper from quite early on (as seen by when they asked Piastri if he thought he could one stop at around L30ish), whilst Ferrari looked like they were planning a one stop from the beginning and McLaren even with a substantial amount of free air wouldn’t have negated their issues with graining nor would it have built a big enough gap for them to pit twice (in comparison to Ferrari’s once) and still come out ahead
The Ferrari was quick, especially in a straight line and McLaren wouldn’t have kept a win unless they one stopped and what is likely would have happened is that their tyres would have grained too much to carry that out.
So it probably isn’t the best team move, but the team is allowing the drivers to fight and I don’t believe that the move hurt the overall team result, and as such I don’t think it’ll hurt his standing in the team. With Norris it just shows that he has to be on his toes a bit more, if they went into the race knowing that they could fight, why did he get caught out at the chicane which is an ideal overtaking opportunity, especially on L1
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vriskabot · 7 months
do you have any davris headcanons?
i saw this ask the instant it came in and i could not believe my EYES. trust when i tell you ive been typing FURIOUSLY in the meantime okay. okay headcanons. -dave has always been a little genderweird and vriska putting makeup on him when she was bored one night unlocked his third eye and now he cant stop putting red shit all over his eyelids -vriska has also always been genderweird and you can see where im going with this. -she steals his clothes ALL the time -he pretends to hate it when she gets her disgusting $5 perfume stink all over said clothes but you know he loves that shit (and she knows it too) -flaming bisexuals -once theyve been together for a while they are THE most "i am going to have the longest silent conversation with someone across the room you have ever seen in your life" -they both think they can read each other like a book but in truth its only about 60-70% accurate -the inaccuracies are always funny as fuck though and 9 times out of 10 its some entirely off the wall MADNESS due to their upbringings they think is entirely normal. the conversations that directly follow these revelations are legendary amongst the extended crew and every single one thats happened in a public memo has been screenshotted by basically everyone they know -speaking of which. i dont think they dm for basically anything ever. they either have conversations right in the GC (sometimes in the middle of other conversations, which karkat fucking HATES, especially when they flirt with each other) or they speak in person/over the phone. no in between -they flirt with each other all the time and its disgusting but its incomprehensible to literally everyone else. vriska tells dave she found some gnarly roadkill and sends coordinates and dave is like "babe stop not in front of everybody" -she used to send pictures too but that got shut down real quick and now thats really all she dms him for -i dont think vriska likes it for the same reasons dave does but he did absolutely get her into the weird and wacky world of vulture culture. dave likes the wet specimens the most but vriskas a fan of bones and taxidermy -speaking of which. this is more vriska/troll-centric but i love the idea of vriska being able to eat bones. dave gets the same schoolboy "oh my god this is so cool" kick out of it every single time -im well aware that music is a time thing but i genuinely cannot comprehend a world wherein vriska is not a music girlie. this definitely did a lot of the heavy lifting in The Early Days because when youre emotionally constipated sometimes you gotta let a song do the talking FOR you -vriska 100% introduced dave to crunkcore and he got way more into it than she ever did. he listens to 3oh3 religiously -dave samples vriska on his tracks all the time because she CANNOT shut the fuck up. he also likes taking pictures of her but even after years together he still kinda keeps those to himself and gets flustered when she finds one -man i just really love the idea of them being fucking obsessed with each other. they rag on each other ALL the time because thats just how they feel the most comfortable being affectionate but at the end of the day they snuggle up all soft and quiet and just enjoy being with somebody who understands how hard it can be to even allow that to happen in the first place -they ARE super casually affectionate with each other though, even in group settings. i dont think theyd like grand pda like kissing or saying 'i love you' in public but personal space just doesnt really exist for them. they hang off each other and sling legs over laps all willy nilly -they also stim on each other. dave likes to play with her hair while hes talking and vriska likes to play with his hands/fingers when shes bored this post is so LONG i could keep going for days. please always ask me about davris, especially if youve got more specific questions!!!
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binnieceo · 16 days
Hello, kind strangers on the internet!
Oh, wow! Discord drama, huh? I never thought I'd be in the center of it all. Well, since she has shared her side of the story, it's only fair that I share mine.
So, if you aren't chronically online, allow me to explain: A teenager by the name of Tori (or Six) is accusing me of grooming her which is SO far from the truth that it is not even in the same plane of existence as the truth to begin with.
Some screenshots have been lost to time and I only have word of mouth to back me up, so you guys will have to just believe my (and others') words.
I don't screenshot every person and conversation I have. Tori keeps changing her profile, aliases, etc, so the things she's said and done a year ago have been lost.
Certain servers were deleted. Most of the bad stuff Tori said was on a server I made (which I will get into later) that was also later deleted. I only have a few screenshots from the server and most of them are EXTREMELY pixelated and low quality, so I'm sorry about that.
Most of our interactions pre-discord were on Twitter. And not only was Twitter banned in my country, but both me and Tori deleted our accounts.
"Why did you delete your twitter??? Are you sus??"
No actually. I was just getting bombarded with negativity from Twitter so I deleted my acc for the sake of my mental health. Tori wiped her Twitter (idk how? maybe she used bots) because she said she wanted to repurpose her account into a study account, which is fine.
Okay, so, starting:
First things first, I was 17 when I first met Tori back in April 2023. But I think I was 16 when we first interacted, because I have memory of interacting with her in the HJ server before I had my birthday.
She proceeded to DM me on Discord and I scrolled through all our convos and there really isn't anything worth noting there. We didn't talk much in DMs at all. There is just friendly talks about how our day went and how much we appreciated each other, so I'm not gonna put any of those here, because they are irrelevant.
Tori, at the time, asked me to DM a friend of hers (who was in the HJ server) and tell her that she wanted to end the friendship. I was confused but also didn't know how to say "no" at the time, so I just did what she asked and she seemed happy.
At some point, we started talking about fanfiction. We didn't talk about anything bad, just how much Tori liked my work and enjoyed being my friend. Later, she gave me her Twitter @ and that was the first time I saw her posting about NSFW.
She re-tweeted and followed NUMEROUS NSFW artists/fanfic writers (mostly Tower of God and Kimetsu no Yaiba) and made her own posts talking about it, mostly about just how much she wanted to rape Gyuu (a KNY character). Again, I literally don't have access to Twitter anymore + Tori WIPED her account, so even if you follow her, you won't be able to find anything like this there.
I didn't think too much of this at the time. It was just fanfiction, nothing more, nothing less. And yeah did she tell me she was 17 and not 18? Yeah but like. Teenagers are going to teenage and interact with porn anyway so I was like "this is fine" (it wasn't)
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Then, at some point, someone in the HJ server brought up that they were 13 and I promptly banned them (the rules state that those below 16 cannot join). Which prompted Tori to send me the above message.
And this is where I made a grave mistake: I kept talking to her despite it all.
To be completely honest, I was feeling extremely awkward and confused when she first sent me that message, and just wanted to calm her down because I had the impression she was really shaken up by what happened.
"But why did you keep talking to her??"
I kept talking to her out of pity. She often vented to me and the others about how bad her life IRL was, how her friends irl treated her badly and how much she hated it all. I felt like I owed her my friendship because I was the one who messaged her ex-friend some time earlier, making her feel alone. So, I kept talking to her.
I'd also like to note that those were some of the last few messages we exchanged in DMs (the last were something abt Evangelion? I don't know what Evangelion is but she seemed obsessed with it at the time.)
Some time after this, me and Tori met my two best friends (whose names I edited out of the screenshots) and interacted on Twitter before moving to Discord (because Twitter DMs suck and Elon is a bitch)
And that Group Chat on Discord is where all of her screenshots come from. However, differently from what she made others believe, me and Tori didn't actually interact too much in that GC at all, and when we did, it was to talk about our lives/funny memes/Hand Jumper.
This is mostly due to time zone restraints. Tori studied in the morning/afternoon while I was at work, and when night fell (when she was active) I was in school and only came back home during midnight.
Did I talk about NSFW in the GC? Yeah, but Tori wasn't present when me and the others were talking about it, and she never replied or interacted with those messages so I never thought she even saw them. I was even surprised she took screenshots of our convos at all jhds
And also despite what she makes it look like, we didn't talk JUST about NSFW in the group chat, and I also never instigated them to talk about it. I actually had to scroll a LOT to find the conversations Tori mentioned. There are actually very few and far between who are buried below normal conversations and vents about our lives and interests.
The ones who usually started the NSFW convos were my two besties and Tori (when I was offline). Tori actually liked to send NSFW Tower of God (webtoon) fanfictions in the middle of normal conversations just to make the others acknowledge and talk about it.
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She also makes fun of me for asking for help with my smut fanfics, but Tori also asked US for help with her own TOG rapefic (I think it involved a blue haired boy and his uncle?) because she also wrote NSFW (and especially fic-threads on Twitter). I remember she sent me the google docs she wrote the rapefic on but I don't have access to it anymore because I don't save other people's google docs.
And now you might say:
"Wait! You are a proshipper?! You just lost all of your credibility!"
And to that I say: Yeah, I am a proshipper. Proshipper just means I don't tell people to kill themselves or harass them if they like a ship I don't. That's literally it.
And even if you still hate me for using that word and decides to side with Tori because of it, just know that she also calls herself a proshipper (she used to have this on her discord bio as well, but deleted it. This only exists in her tiktok now.) and STILL talks about/interacts with rapefics/incest fics. I'm inclined to believe that she also writes Dead Dove fics but publishes them under a different alias, but that's just speculation.
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So like, yeah. If you hate me for being a proshipper just know she is one too so like we're on equal ground here lmao.
Well, continuing.
At some point, Tori sent a long message in our group chat (screenshot below) saying she didn't feel comfortable talking about NSFW with us.
And you know what I did?
I... respected her boundaries.
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(I edited the pictures together because of Tumblr's image limit. I hope you can read them. If it is too pixelated I'll just reblog the post with the standalone pictures)
She didn't want to talk about NSFW/Dead Doves with us? That's okay. I understood that. It was also around that time I finally started coming to my senses and realized that it didn't matter if I had any good or bad intentions towards Tori, me talking about those things with her in the first place was a bad thing, and I shouldn't have done it.
Tori said she didn't want to lose our friendship or leave on bad terms, so I asked the other girls to censor all of their mature messages (not only NSFW stuff, but also just bad/sad stuff/news from irl news sources) so she could talk to us without being exposed to any type of bad things (because she was also venting a LOT to us at the time and said she wanted to forget the real world for a moment.)
I also made a Discord server with just me, Tori, and our two friends. The server doesn't exist anymore, as my friend deleted it, but I basically divided the server into two sections so we could talk about anything we wanted as a group without bothering/triggering Tori.
But...It was also in that server that Tori started saying extremely concerning things.
Not only did she become progressively mean with time, but she also said she and her sister PROUDLY doxxed someone, and she was RACIST towards my friend, saying that she, a (probably) white person had the RIGHT to call my friend the N word because she wasn't (in her words, not mine) "actually black". Just for context, this friend is BLASIAN (black and asian) so she was being racist AND xenophobic at the SAME TIME. (Sadly, neither me or said friend have the screenshots to prove it, only the memory of it. But all 3 of us can back this up because we saw the conversation happening.)
She also, somehow, found out the school address of another one of my friends AND their ZIP Code, and sent a google streetview picture of said friend's school saying that she didn't live "too far away" which scared the shit out of me and the other girls.
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I hope you can see the screenshots properly. I wasn't the one who took them, so they are pixelated.
Those are the screenshots where Tori says she doxxed someone, and tried to guilt trip my friend into giving her their address so she could doxx them too.
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Screenshots of me and my friends talking about the situation, and about the fact Tori kept on posting NSFW on her (then) TikTok account and talked about it to her other friends who were probably younger than her.
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Screenshots of Tori being mean to me and my friends out of nowhere and for no reason. (The blue line was an unrelated message I deleted for the sake of space)
And, well, Tori being racist to our friend was the final straw. Sure maybe she was exagerating/lying about the doxx thing but we couldn't accept her being racist. So, I, Aline, ghosted Tori, which angered her quite a lot.
But instead of deleting the server, I just left it with Tori and my two friends in it (which was a dumb mistake). My two friends were left with this teenager they didn't like and were AFRAID OF while she stalked both me and them. I don't know what her objective was with all this but if she wanted to scare us, well then she did.
Our friends were so scared of her that they were afraid of cutting off their friendship normally. One of them even told me they were afraid Tori would doxx her if she unfriended her, and we were all looking for ways to get this girl out of our life so we could be in peace once and for all.
However, Tori used to LEAK Sleepacross' Patreon.
And why is this important? Well, because she once sent a google drive link with said patreon images to us once (I wasn't online at the time (it was late at night and I was in school) so I didn't see it) but her drive was e-mail locked. So basically, she had to approve which e-mail would be able to see the contents of her drive.
And this is how she was able to get a hold of my friends' personal e-mails. She could've very well deleted them from the drive's history but she KEPT THEM SAVED and used them to STALK and HARASS my two friends once they blocked her.
And after my friends blocked her e-mail address, Tori started STALKING AND HARASSING my OTHER friends, block evading and asking them to message me about why we left her.
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Above are screenshots about the entire e-mail situation, as well as a the very e-mail Tori sent my friends and the conversation I had with the friend who received Tori's messages.
Tori said she didn't want to be my hater but she didn't know why I blocked her. And well, the answer is simple: Tori is transphobic (more on that below) Racist, xenophobic, ableist, Doxxed at least TWO people and is PROUD of it, found out where our friends lived and THREATENED TO DOXX THEM if they ever got on her bad side.
So like, aside from the fact we shouldn't even have talked in the first place, we were just scared that this TEENAGER would doxx us online and do something bad to us.
And also, remember when Tori said she didn't like NSFW or Hand Jumper anymore? Well, turns out she was lying. Because not only does she still post about Hand Jumper, she uses pictures from the webtoon to say the most CRUDE AND AWFUL THINGS I've EVER seen someone say.
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Above are screenshots of Tori being ableist and transphobic (this was back when the olympics were going on and she sided against the woman who was suffering transphobia without even being trans at all)
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And remember when Tori nearly used the N word against a black person? Well it seems she isn't above using slurs at all because she (a cisgender girl) called a trans person a slur with no remorse and with no reason. (Just Tori suddenly turning on her friends and being mean for no reason, i guess.)
Yesterday Tori got her friends together and started calling me names and making threats against my life. And I don't care whether they are just joking and being teenagers or not, but what they are saying is extremely problematic, especially because I know some of the people in that server are adults as well and should know better
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I personally don't care about their threats and what ill they have to say about me. Let them speak, I don't care. Nothing these children ever say about me will be worse than the things I have to live with on a day-to-day basis, so like yeah keep talking. Your words can't reach me.
However, I am still making this post anyway. And you may say:
"Woah Aline, but aside from Tori's server and friend group this situation was private! Why are you exposing this at all?"
That's simple. Because Tori decided to include my friends into all of this. She can hate me all she want, send me death threats and suicide bait me all day, but if she has something against me, then she should keep it between me and her only. NOT the other girls.
She sent them all screenshots of our group chat (which were the few times we even spoke about NSFW) and didn't even censor my friends' names, and is trying to get her friends to rally against them, even if they literally didn't do anything wrong.
And I'm so sorry but. If I REALLY was the bad person Tori is making me out to be, surely she wouldn't go out of her way to block evade, stalk and harass my friends to get back into contact, with me, right?
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If I really was bad, then she would've thanked GOD that I left her life, but she didn't. She always found a way to stalk both me and the other girls. And it's clear from her message to my other friend (screenshots above) that she was clearly mad and upset that we left her, and this all culminated in her talking shit about me and giving people that never even interacted with me before the wrong idea.
ALL my friends, not just the ones who were originally part of our gc, are afraid of her simply because they INTERACTED with her in the past. They are afraid she will doxx them or get her friends to attack them.
And the thing that made me write this post at all is because my best friend is scared for her life and feeling extremely suicidal because of this teenager who just doesn't know how to get my name out of her mouth.
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My friends have been suffering with terrible anxiety and paranoia all because of Tori. Afraid of her and her little friend group, afraid of being doxxed and attacked online. They are afraid of interacting with the Hand Jumper fandom altogether because Tori is seen as some sort of "celebrity" and her word is law, especially because since she is a minor, people will always side with her no matter what.
So I made this post to finally pull off the bandaid and put the spotlight on myself, not the other girls.
Yes, it was my fault for keeping a friendship out of pity and not love. I was wrong for talking about NSFW near/with Tori. It didn't matter if I was also a minor at the time, I was still older and should have known better. It was wrong of me to do so despite me not having bad intentions. Sure yeah my existence (or lack thereof) in Tori's life would not have changed whether or not she interacted/wrote NSFW things before the right time, but I shouldn't have interacted with her regardless. Sadly, I was naive then. I was wrong, and I apologize. Not to the strangers who are reading this, but to Tori, who I shouldn't even have been friends with in the first place.
And to Tori, this message is for you once someone sends you this post:
Despite everything you did, despite all the horrid things you've said about me, all the death threats and harm you've commited to me and my friends, I want you to know that I don't wish any harm upon you.
I'm sorry for ghosting you instead of sending you a proper goodbye. You must have felt very confused, especially because the others left you soon after. For that I am also guilty.
But I also acknowledge the fact that you know that you are wrong, and that you know your age doesn't make you innocent, but you still bring it up as a defense regardless because you know people will side with you no matter what you've done.
Was I in the wrong for talking about NSFW around you? Yeah.
But you were also wrong for saying slurs, for being racist, for doxxing someone and threatening to doxx your friends if they ever left you. You were wrong to leak the patreon and for making a harassment campaign against me. I know I was wrong too but doxxing, stalking, racism and harassment are also crimes in the USA.
You were transphobic on your Tiktok, said an absurdly ableist statement that I still cannot believe is real, and even without me in your life, you interacted/still interacts with NSFW posts both on Tiktok and AO3 (and I don't doubt you do so on Twitter as well, but I can't log on the website). So while you and your friends can call me disgusting for liking porn and dead doves, you are not all that different from me and you know that.
And I know you know that doxxing, racism, transphobia and ableism is worse than any fanfiction either I or you could have written, but you can't accept that.
You are probably what? 15 now? You aren't 8 years old. You are not a child. You know the weight of your words and yet you decide to speak them anyway because you think the word "minor" will get you a "get out of jail free card", but that only works for so long.
So, yeah. That's it. This is the post. I was wrong but Tori is also no saint. And if you are her friend and you are reading this, I think it's better you reconsider your choices before she starts harassing you, too.
And if you are a bystander and want to cuss me out, then sure, go forth. Shit on me for calling myself a proshipper, shit on me for doing something I knew was wrong, call me a freak and block me I DON'T CARE.
Just leave my girls out of this, because they are not guilty of anything. They just befriended the wrong person who had all the wrong intentions. Any hate and harassment should come to me and NOT them.
That's all I have to say.
I hope september treats you with kindness, and that everyone stays safe out there.
(Below are just a few screenshots of me and my friends talking about the situation, both during and after this entire debacle. I didn't have a place to put them in on the original post.)
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the-magpie-collective · 4 months
[Part 3/3]: It gets worse
Part 2
Because yes, the writing gets worse.
First, it's very clearly implied that the pact has already been broken when Mizora first arrives in camp in Act 3. Mizora offers Wyll a new pact to both herself and Zariel: 'Option one. I show you the way to your father. I guarantee him no harm except that from you and your allies. And you pledge your soul to me and the archdevil Zariel in a pact eternal.' A warlock cannot have more than one pact in DnD, the mechanics do not allow for it, a soul cannot be forfeit twice. But then she goes on to state: 'Option two. I break your pact. You are freed from your duty but retain your devil form. Your father dies by his enemy's hand.' So his pact isn't broken? Which is it?
Why didn't they write something like, 'Or Option one. You rescind your request to have your pact broken, I offer an alternate boon, and you continue to pledge your soul to me.' Why would you ever write it like that if that Pact isn't broken? Why does Mizora need to break the Pact if it is? It makes no sense.
As if that isn't bad enough we come to my least favorite part: Addendum F.
Addendum F. 'The Absolute must be avenged for the soul-binder's detention at Moonrise. The soul-bearer retains his gifts until such time as the Absolute is slain.'
What?! What do you mean Mizora can just add on addendums willy-nilly to the Pact without even so much as needing to run it by Wyll first? How the fuck does this make any sense? If Mizora can just add whatever she wants to Wyll's pact then why would she ever actually break it? Why not have Wyll dress up as a clown every full moon and run around terrorizing children? Why not use Wyll's pact to make every single soul in Baldur's Gate forfeit to her? 
This addendum is so stupid. I hate it. The only reason for it to exist is so that the in game mechanics make sense and Wyll doesn't have to be respecced as something other than a warlock at the 11th hour. But if that's the case why not just add something into the six months clause? Easy fix to add 'Clause Z, Section Thirteen: 'If the soul-binder consents to separation, she will release the soul-bearer from all obligation and rescind all gifted powers within six months. Like really why? What possessed them to add this addendum? Why make it seem like Mizora can change the Pact at any time and for any reason? Were they so oblivious to their own writing that this is the only way they could think of to patch that potential plot hole?
I just can't.
This is Wyll's narrative Arc and the writing is so slap-dash. It doesn't make sense. The player feels like they have little to no choice in the outcome. Wyll has no choice in the outcome. The stakes feel pointless because there's no reason why breaking Wyll's pact should endanger his father. The path the player has to follow is inane. And when we get to the end we find out it was all pointless anyways because the pact is clearly whatever shit Mizora makes up on the spot that comes to her mind because that's the only way any of this makes sense. This is the level of writing I'd expect from a DM who suddenly needed to pull something out of their ass, not a team of writers who have had plenty of time to sit down and plot out a story.
In the story they built there's no point in Wyll struggling to escape. This isn't a 'well, Wyll's story was hastily rewritten' issue. This is a bad writing issue. No attention or care was paid towards making the narrative crux of Wyll's story actually make sense. No one bothered to make Mizora's pact make any sense. You cannot tell me there wasn't a planned ending for EA Wyll to break his pact; I won't believe you. The writers clearly just didn't care to make it make sense.
Mizora's Pact might just be the symptom, but it really shows how poorly Wyll's narrative arc was written.
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nalyra-dreaming · 2 months
i agree that poly!loustat is v unlikely atp, given every promo & writing choice so far. if polyam was ever on the cards for them loumand would've been a golden opportunity to set that up, like having louis truly fall head-over-heels for armand but still be in love w lestat too. instead they purposely framed it as a rebound, jacob even called it that! loustat's 'open relationship' stunt felt like joyless point-scoring against e/o & they were only ever shown using other partners to fill a void or spite the other. & as you said, the jealousy & possessiveness was heightened so much. not that they can't grow or evolve as characters, they can & should, but they'd have to change beyond recognition in order to believably handle polyamory imo! i'm not criticizing the show per se. obvs their aim was to depict a fateful gothic 'entangling of souls' type romance & they committed to the bit. if the writing stays strong i won't complain. but the adaptational changes they've made will have ramifications on future plots & dynamics, we have to be aware of it! that said, call me delulu but i haven't given up all hope of dm being poly or at least firmly non-monogamous (cuck chair anyone?) i mean i'm not 'expecting' it as such, but as dm is still undefined they haven't painted themselves into any corners yet writing-wise, the way they kinda have w loustat.
... I think there is a misunderstanding of "poly", "polyamoros" and "non-monogamous"...... and what the vampires do. Imho.
You cannot apply the normal relationship labels to them, imho.
The "cuck chair" existed because in the books Armand did not have physical sex with Daniel. So he made sure Daniel was bedded by others. That does not make them poly per se in my opinion? And I would argue it doesn't even make them non-monogamous, if you want to call it that, because it was never about bringing someone else in - it was about the physical act, the scratching an itch, and likely dominance, too, but it was never about extending the relationship of Armand and Daniel to include someone else, not really, not even the dancer they "adopted" for a while.
It's the same for Louis and Lestat, imho. They love others, but these others are not really part of their relationship. And they don't invite those into their relationship either. I think they both... allow certain things, like Gregory giving Lestat blood to strengthen him in later books (for example), but Gregory still does not have one iota to do with Lestat and Louis' relationship.
And Loumand was deliberately set up in a very specific way, and by the show, because they talked about that, and implemented it, this is not only Jacob's comment there. I would recommend this thread on it as well.
And the jealousy and possessiveness... were on display in a very certain way to give us a specific picture - so far.
We know the tale was edited. We know some very... telling parts were.
We will only know about jealousy and possessiveness when we enter QotD "real time" territory. And I have a nagging suspicion that the picture then will shift quite a bit.
Just my two cents. I know the term "polyamory" is an umbrella term and probably allows for any interpretation, but the show did not write itself into a corner with Loustat, nor with DM (nor Loumand). They stayed quite close to the books with them, actually, imho.
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Hello again this probably sounds like a weird req but I've been rereading (https://www.tumblr.com/athanasius-symposium-of-writings/738730488808849408/hello-i-know-you-just-wrote-for-dm-but-can-i?source=share) and I just can't get over how you wrote D.M. so dramatically. Is it possible to ask for a follow up fic or smt close to this?
Sorry if this req made no sense lol, have a nice day/night!
I totally had to reread what i wrote lolol but im glad u like it anon 💓
Rated Explicit | Warning: minor religious references
The reference is from "wuthering heights"
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“Proud of yourself?” You lay on the bed completely exhausted, your eyes looking up at the ceiling, your chest moving up and down to gather your breath. Your skin is covered in dark spots, hips and legs sore. God, and cum you feel leaking out of your used hole, fuck, you wish he was still inside if you! Agh.
“Quite, mon petit gâteau,” Désire is equally laying on his back breathing hard, his chest covered by lipstick and bites, his back covered in various types of scratches from your nails. His body feels loose, cock well used, and his lips forming a lopsided smile. “Very proud to satisfy my partner.”
You cross your arms huffing before grabbing the blankets and covering your naked form. Now you will never be able to escape the mastermind, the beast has claimed you and you claimed the beast. Any ideas of running away from him are pipe dreams.
Not like is going to allow you to walk much now that he has had a taste of you.
“God, I can't believe we did this.” Turning over to cover your face.
“You freely gave and I took only what was given.” He shifts and brings your body close to his, “Do you regret it?” Rubbing the sore spots on your hips.
You shake your head, “It was inevitable,” Closing your eyes as you let out a relaxed sigh, “‘He’s more myself than I am. Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same’.” Quoting words from a book you read while away from your soul, your other soul twisting and writhing like a snake in the garden of Eden.
Are you Eve tricked to eat the apple? Or are you Adam who had a chance to step away but followed his wife into sin?
“(Name).” He is unsure how to respond.
“I cannot lie and say I regret loving you. No, I regret trying to rip you out of my heart. Terrible as you are Désire, as much as I wish you to stop whatever you do, I cannot stand the idea of changing you.” Turning over to face him with your eyes now open, “Is that enough?”
His lips touch your forehead, “And here I was prepared to chain you to this bed.” A joke but you feel like he would if he must to keep you, the fear of you leaving again easily seen by only you. You know him too well by now. “Mon petit gâteau.” He speaks sweet nothings in French, his hands wandering as he touches you once more.
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vtribbean · 3 months
The Tumblr JJBA RP Community has been approved!
I'm ready to start sending out invites, but I would like to put some guidelines in this announcement post!
1. This community is intended to be 18+ ONLY. Due to the nature of some content in JJBA, I believe that it would be inappropriate for minors to be in a place where canon-typical content is commonplace. This does NOT mean the community is necessarily NSFW! Therefore, I ask that when you "apply", you have your age somewhere in bio or an FAQ page (if you're an RP account).
2. Obviously, no bullying will be tolerated (this includes bigotry of any kind). Your characters are allowed to show flaws that may be considered bullying, but don't turn it into harassment, and try to have character traits beyond these flaws. We love to see growth in characters!
3. Ship and let ship. I cannot make this more clear! We will not tolerate bullying others based off of their fictional interests. For the sake of peacekeeping, we ask people to tag their ships (when relevant to the RP) and encourage those who are squicked to mute these tags and block only as a last resort. RP communities can be small, and we encourage that you don't base your entire opinion on a person based off of what they ship. In short, just be kind and open.
4. Remember the person behind the screen and communicate if there's an issue. Sometimes people's RP interests don't mesh, and that's okay! If you're uncomfortable with an RP scenario presented, please utilize DMs or OOC and address the issue. From there, you can either decide to tweak the RP or drop it entirely! No harm done. Once again, just be kind.
5. Even though this community is 18+, please tag NSFW posts or keep NSFW RP to DMs or Discord. This is merely so folks can mute tags for content they don't want to see! It is also recommended to tag posts which have troubling content, such as excessive violence or drug mentions.
6. Please tag spoilers for most recent releases if you RP as newer characters! I would also somewhat encourage tagging spoilers for manga-only releases, as some people are anime-only. This doesn't mean you have to mark big walls of text as spoilers, but tag, for example, "SBR spoilers" for mentions of major events such as main character deaths.
7. I don't think I can add additional moderators or admins yet, so for the time being, please direct any glaring issues towards me (whether via DMs or ask box)! Please mark it as being related to JJBA RP though. If an ask, I'll post it and tag it with the community tag.
If you've read this all, feel free to either ask questions (can be directed to my ask box or in the replies here) or ask for an invite! If you have a sideblog or multiple sideblogs, just tag them below or put their URLs in your tags in a reblog.
And even if you aren't interested, reblogs are appreciated to reach more accounts! Any posts related to this community will be tagged as:
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hexologh · 1 year
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HOPE YA LIKE IT : @scarletdragontiger
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— He adores both of you equally! No preferences involved! (Or maybe there are..?)
— Whenever you and Mk engage in any activity, he's always present. Are you drawing? He's drawing too. Do you want to play princess and knights? He willingly takes on the role of the princess and even allows you to apply makeup on his face.
— You and Mk were the most cherished individuals in Wukong's life. He deeply adores both of you.
— However, as time passed and you and Mk grew older, Sun Wukong's protectiveness turned into smothering and possessiveness. He loves you, so he believes you wouldn't mind, right? He believes he is demonstrating his love for the two of you.
— Wukong personally took care of you and Mk, providing training and education that he believed no one else could match. He is confident in his abilities to guide both of you.
— He epitomizes a caring and protective father. His children, you and Mk, hold the utmost importance in his life. Their happiness is his top priority, and he would go to great lengths to ensure it.
— Wukong genuinely cares about your aspirations for the future, insisting on remaining by your side. He adamantly refuses to leave you with anyone he deems a threat.
— Wukong is willing to do anything for his family, and that remains an unwavering fact. He would eliminate any potential threat if necessary, putting the two of you above all else. His beliefs and principles take a backseat when it comes to both of you.
— He possesses no fear and would not hesitate to sacrifice himself for your sake and Mk's. He wouldn't think twice about saving the two of you and would rather die than live without his children. The mere thought of your demise fills him with rage, and he will not allow either of you to come to harm.
— Wukong refuses to let anyone come close to Mk or you. Deep down, he harbors a fear that one day you and Mk might leave him for someone else. He desires to be the sole individual you can trust, even though he acknowledges the selfishness of such a desire. Regardless, he remains unapologetic about it.
— Wukong's love for you and Mk knows no bounds. You are the center of his world, and he would move mountains to ensure your happiness and safety.
— Each day, Wukong showers you and Mk with unwavering affection and attention. He relishes in being a part of your lives and eagerly participates in every activity you engage in.
— As a father figure, Wukong takes immense pride in molding you and Mk into the best versions of yourselves. He takes personal responsibility for your upbringing, firmly believing that no one else could provide the same level of care and guidance.
— Wukong's possessiveness stems from a place of deep love and attachment. He sees you and Mk as extensions of himself, and the thought of losing either of you is unbearable to him.
— While his overprotective nature can sometimes be stifling, Wukong genuinely believes it is his duty to shield you and Mk from any harm or danger that may come your way.
— Wukong's actions may seem extreme to outsiders, but in his eyes, he is simply demonstrating his unwavering devotion and commitment to his beloved children.
— Despite his fierce and protective demeanor, Wukong also cherishes the moments of joy and laughter shared with you and Mk. He delights in seeing you both happy and content, and he will go to great lengths to ensure those moments are plentiful.
— Wukong's possessiveness is driven by a deep-rooted fear of abandonment. He cannot fathom a world where you and Mk are not by his side, and his protective instincts kick into high gear to prevent that from happening.
— He yearns for your unwavering loyalty and affection, and while his desires may be flawed, he genuinely believes it is for your own well-being.
— Wukong's love for you and Mk is both fierce and unwavering. He will fiercely guard and protect you, sometimes at the expense of his own well-being. Your happiness and safety will always be his top priority, and he will stop at nothing to ensure you both thrive in his care.
— Anyone who dares to mistreat or disrespect you and Mk will face dire consequences. Nobody can harm his beloved children and escape alive. Nobody.
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