#tzuyu x fem!reader
cry4mina · 28 days
No Lights, Only Tzu
(Tzuyu x gn!reader)
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Word Count: 8.8k
Summary: Staying late at the office on a Friday to finish a report your boss gave you last minute was annoying. Even worse, a massive storm is headed your way. This leads you to company you weren’t expecting and bonding you’ll never forget.
TW: Food mentions, kissing, small make out moment, cuddling and doggos.
A/N: Happy 5 Months to Cry4Mina! I can’t truly cannot believe it’s been 5 months since I started posting and it’s been insane for sure but I truly enjoy it so much and I appreciate you all taking time out of your lives to read the product of my brain rot! Lmfaooooo
Fluff is not my favorite thing to write but I did enjoy getting a little lost in this one. Per @ghostykapi saying “Gib” at the mention of wanting to write Tzuyu fluff lmaoooo
Bless and thank @raainberry and @myouicieloz for helping with names/titles/helping me not go insane while attempting the fluff 🖤
Thanks for reading!
As always, DMs and asks are always open! 🖤
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The silence of the office is deafening, it’s late on a Friday night and of course you’d be stuck finishing a report that your boss had gave you at right before the day ended.
“Please, have this in my inbox by midnight, Y/n. It’s very important that we get this to the clients tonight.” mocking you boss’ voice and tone as you fill in the last two boxes with the research requested.
Glancing down at your watch, it reads 8:45pm, way too late to be in this grey washed building any day, let alone a Friday.
Phone on the desk, vibrating with weather warnings that you’ve been ignoring all day. Taking just a moment to check what all the interruptions were throughout the night.
“Thunderstorm warnings…great.” typing even faster, trying to beat the rain.
A sigh of relief leaves your lips as you finish crunching numbers and send the report off to the appropriate parties.
“Finally!” Exclaimed victoriously, arms shooting up over your head to celebrate being able to leave, happy to start your weekend but also worried about driving in the storm that was about to drench the town.
Packing up your stuff, meticulously placing everything scattered across your desk in your briefcase and grabbing your blazer, not even bothering to put it on, before basically running to the elevator and slamming the “down” button.
The doors slide open, you step over the threshold only to press “Lobby” three times rapidly not willing to wait for the elevator to register that you were in a hurry.
It’s time to get out of this building.
Tapping your foot, waiting for the doors to open again so you can make your way to your car. The ding like the start of a race, taking large hurried steps through the lobby of the building and waving to the receptionist on your way out.
Automatic doors robotically opening to reveal a stormy night sky. You can see the outline of the moon behind the threat of the downpour and the scattered patter of rain from the storm that was threatening to drench the town.
“It’s going to be a rough one! Be safe on your way home.” A small velvety voice softly rings out, stopping you from taking a step down the stoned staircase towards the parking lot.
Turning to see who it was, it was the girl from the 4th floor. Tzuyu. Leaning against the stone column and seemingly annoyed but cheery enough to greet you.
Grace displayed in every move she made as she toyed with her side bag, running her fingers through her hair nervously, her eyes scanning the almost empty parking lot and then immediately looking down at her hands still tinkering with the zipper.
Tall but delicate, her long dark pin straight hair framing her face perfectly before landing elegantly on her shoulders. The black trench coat she wore was left open, allowing her business professional outfit of a pastel pink silk blouse tucked into a pencil skirt to peak through.
A polite smile that dawned on her face when she realized you weren’t going to just walk past her and wave, causing a flutter in your stomach, which would have stopped you had you not already frozen in place by her siren voice.
No wonder everyone had an innocent work place crush on her.
But why was she waiting out front?
“Thank you…Tzuyu, right?….are you okay out here? It’s late…shouldn’t you be at home too?” looking back at the sky and gesturing out, referencing the storm about to unleash its wrath on the city.
“Well, I’ve been waiting for an Uber but they keep cancelling because of the…” mimicking your gesture in a dramatic fashion, “so I’m stuck here until someone accepts the ride.” Sighing in frustration.
“How long have you been out here?” Concern riddled in your voice.
“Three hours.”
“Three hours?!” shock apparent in your tone and the facial expression you displayed, eyes wide, mouth open and brows furrowed.
Thinking about how she was usually very quiet around the office, she never really said much to anyone but when she did, it was always sweet, kind, or witty.
“Do you…want a ride?” The offer sounds shaky but still meant whole heartedly, the glimmer in her eye tells you that she knows you mean it.
“Truthfully, I was going to just walk but I won’t say no if you’re offering.” Smiling back at you, the gratefulness present in her grin.
“Well it’s about to down pour, I can’t let you walk home like this. It’s also pretty late…so it’s not entirely safe for you to do that. Come on, let’s go.” Waving her over to you so you can make way to your car and opening your passenger door for her.
“Thank you…” softly spoken to you as you got into the other side and started the car.
As you follow your GPS to Tzuyu’s apartment, the sky opens up. The once withheld clouds releasing their tears, engulfing everything and much like eyes full of emotion, it makes it hard to see the road in front of you.
Thankfully, most cars were off the road, the highway barren in nature, only reflecting the rain splatter and the hazy lines that were supposed to divide the lanes.
White knuckling the steering wheel and leaning forward, you squint. The blur of the road is impossible to read and it’s starting to feel unsafe. Especially with a passenger present.
“Hey, Tzuyu. I’m going to pull over, I can’t see anything and it would be a little too reckless for me to keep driving in these conditions” Pressing the brakes slowly to ensure not to hydroplane, turning the blinker on and pulling off to the side of the highway.
Pressing the button for your hazard lights, you look over at her to see her fidgeting with her fingers again. She seems nervous in her mannerisms, though still very elegant in the way she manuvers- a loud crack of thunder startles the both of you.
Both wide-eyed, you can’t help but giggle at what’s just happened. She joins you in that and before you know it, you’re both cackling at each other’s reactions to the clap of thunder.
“So, Tzuyu.” looking over at her again.
“What are you up to this weekend?” Trying to make conversation with this pretty human you hardly knew in your passenger seat.
“Well, my parents were supposed to come into town this weekend but because of the storm, they’re staying home. So my plans are kind of ruined actually. It hasn’t been the best week for me.” There’s a hint of sadness being shielded in this response, you can see it in her eyes and hear it in the infliction of her words.
“I’m really sorry to hear that.” Not really knowing what to say next to help her feel better.
“It’s okay, it’s not your fault. I just don’t really get to see them often so I was really excited…” a beat of silence follows, she takes a deep breath and goes on.
“They’ll come another weekend, we just have to find one without a huge storm.” Chuckling at what she’s said and covering her mouth trying to mask the disappointment.
“Yeah, I’m sure it’ll be soon too! I’m sure they’re just as excited to see you.” smiling at her in an attempt to offer warmth to this borderline stranger.
“Thank you, Y/n. It’s really kind of you to say that.”
This is the first time you’ve really had a chance to see her, to really see her. Her doe eyes, shy smile, witty sense of humor that poked through momentarily before getting in the car, and the vulnerability she displayed…left you a little curious about who she is, what her personality would convey to you in this impromptu adventure you found yourself on.
“What about you?” Tzuyu’s calm voice snapped you out of the curious trance you were in.
“Oh! Uhm…well I was supposed to volunteer at the local animal shelter but given this storm going through Sunday evening, I don’t think I’ll be able to now.” a small sigh leaves your chest, you always did love volunteering and playing with the dogs, as you didn’t have one of your own.
“You volunteer too? Which one?!” the excitement that spreads across her face catches you off guard, sparking that thrill in your stomach again.
“The one off this exit, actually!” pointing to the sign a couple yards in front of you.
“That’s the one I volunteer at!” Tzuyu now beaming at you with admiration.
Blinking a few times, your stomach trembles in a way that was unfamiliar, at least in reaction to her. Sure, you thought she was beautiful, but you hadn’t really had any time to get to know each other aside from small greetings here and there. This was the first time you really had a chance to speak with her.
Heart beating a little faster as you watch her remove her jacket, revealing toned arms, and place it over her lap so she can rotate in the passenger seat to face you. Leaning back against the door and getting comfortable, she catches you looking at her.
The blush that washed over her cheeks flustered you, a warm boil in your stomach overturning all other emotions, a glimmering shimmer ascended from your bones that soaked into your muscles, causing them to tense and contract under the curiosity you had for the beautiful woman sitting in front of you.
Tzuyu giggled at your react, seeing your face turn red and you look down to avoid her eye contact.
A small rumble interrupted the attempted transformation into awkward silence. Grabbing your stomach realizing you hadn’t eaten since before you clocked in, at 8am. Looking down to view your hand shielding your torso, your eyes raise to Tzuyu, who was smiling back at you with her hand covering her mouth, covering the expression that was still being screamed through the her eyes.
“I’m hungry myself. There is a 24 hour diner around the corner from the shelter. Do you want to try to make it there? I bet they’re open.” repressing a giggle before looking down to try and keep her composure.
“We might be able to make it there.” clicking the hazard buttons off and carefully pulling onto the highway again, making sure to carefully steer and keep a moderate speed that wouldn’t be too dangerous.
The bell on the door jingles abruptly, startling the hostess who fell asleep at the podium, unwilling to blame her for the snooze. Rain always makes you tired and it’s not like the place is lively. Empty seats fill the room, so does the horrid song from the early 2000’s playing in the background.
Dripping wet from running from the car, you look to your right and see Tzuyu standing there, completely soaked. Curling up into her self to try and preserve some body heat, it would seem.
“Table for two, please” the hostess looks at you, then Tzuyu, then back at you and just nods her head, grabbing two menus and setting off to the first table next to her. She placed them at the table before silently walking back to the podium and sitting down again.
You pull the chair out for Tzuyu, this catches her by surprise and she thanks you graciously. Heart soaring as you find your seat across from her. She looks down at the menu, blinks a few times, and then scoots it off to the side.
“I know what I’m going to get, what about you?” curiosity or inquiring on whether or not you were ready to order? Are you overthinking this? *Yes.*
“Hmmmm…well I always order the same thing, so I think I’ll switch it up a bit.” pensively staring at the menu and giving the idea you’re going over it with a fine toothed comb.
“What do you normally get?” There is the curiosity you were just questioning.
“Waffles with strawberries.” placing the menu down on top of Tzuyu’s discarded one on the other side of the table.
“Oh wow, okay…are we the same person? Or is this just a very weird coincidence that we volunteer at the same place and have the same order at the diner that we both go to frequently…?” completely in shock about the other details that have surfaced, realizing that you might have more in common that you have previously expected, even if it’s a small thing.
It’s something to hold onto.
A waitress walks up and stands next to the table, this one you were unfamiliar with. She’s not the one here on the days you stop by while on this side of town for volunteering. Looking up and offering her a smile, she doesn’t acknowledge it and just simply pulls her pen out from behind her ear, licks the ballpoint, and stares at you as if waiting for something.
“Oh, uhm….okay, Two orders of waffles, One with strawberries and one with blue berries and 2 cups of hot coffee, please!” The waitress nods at you, writing down some shortened version of what was said, before snatching the menu’s off the table and prancing into the kitchen.
Twiddling your thumbs while taking in the atmosphere of the place you usually frequent during the day, the warm lighting was pleasant even in the wake of the storm clashing down outside. Yellowed walls from the years of the building being open covered in themed art based off of “Route 66.”
Street signs, a wagon wheel, maps of the desert, pictures of vintage cars, you name it - haphazardly sprawled on the walls in a nonsensical manner. It always was something that made you giggle as there was hardly any sense to the interior design of this place, but you enjoyed the food either way.
Eyes shifting back to Tzuyu, who was now shivering in her seat, smiled up at you through chattering teeth. Watching her as she rubbed her arms for warmth, her hair still dripping from the mere seconds of rain you experienced (an ode to how hellish it was).
You stood up, hastily.
Her eyes followed you, watching as you took your blazer off to reveal a perfectly dry black button down. She gazed up at you, watching as you undid your cufflinks and started unbuttoning your shirt.
“Take your jacket off.” stated as you reveal the undershirt you were wearing under your work shirt, untucking it as you pulled it off.
“Excuse me?” Tzuyu, confused and wondering if she should be upset, halfway glares at you for the statement.
“Oh! Gosh, no. Uhm, I’m trying to help you be more comfortable and your jacket is soaking wet. Let me hang it on the back of the chair for you and you can wear this instead.” handing her the shirt that was thick and dry.
“Oh…” She stands, removing her jacket in what appeared to you to be slow motion. Excitement returns, finding its place in your stomach as you help her out of her jacket and into your shirt. Nervousness taking over your limbs as you shake, hiding it from her.
She doesn’t need to know that you’re feeling this way…that you’re attracted to her.
Sitting down again, Tzuyu has already stopped shivering and can’t seem to hold eye contact with you. A little unnerved, you try to make small talk to quiet the new sensations you were experiencing.
“So, ho-”
“Thank you.” interrupted by the stunning girl sitting in front of you, you can’t even mad at the sudden disruption of the question you were about to ask her.
“Well, today has been kind of not by best day at all. I got stuck at the office, the storm outside, the lack of a ride home, my parents not coming to visit, and the you show up and fix almost every single one of those problems…I mean, you even gave me your shirt because I was cold…” her cheeks flush a lovely rose color.
“It’s really no trouble at all.” quietly from your side of the table, what was she implying here?
“This is really making my day, so thank you…seriously.”
“I’m glad that I can contribute to you having a good day, Tzu.” Sides of your mouth pulling up to offer a small smile, now feeling like you’re on the spot - you don’t really know what to do with yourself.
“Here you are, blueberry for you” a plate heavily placed down on the table and slid against the glassed wood that was heavily tarnished from years of the same movement.
“And strawberry for you.” the waitress repeats the movement and slides the fruit drenched waffles in front of Tzuyu before turning around and jogging to get the coffee she freshly made for the two of you.
“Do y’all need any cream? Sugar?” shouted back to the table from behind the “bar.”
“Yes, please!” Tzuyu now cutting her waffles before melting a slab of butter on them and then drenching them in syrup.
The waitress brings the packed of sugar and cream over with the two mugs and the pot of coffee, setting the entire tray down before stepping away and leaving the both of you to your breakfast.
Glancing down at the two mugs, you reach over and grab one.
“How do you take your coffee?” looking up at Tzuyu to see her plopping a syrup coated strawberry in her mouth and trying to chew it quickly so she can answer your question.
“Two sugars and a dash of cream, usually.” reaching out to take the mug from you, you swiftly move it just out of reach from her.
Setting it down just out of reach, she stops what she’s doing and watches you take the sugar packets and shake them so all of it piles up at the bottom of the thin paper before you rip them open.
“You better keep eating” scolding her playfully without looking up. A soft shy giggle is heard through the spoon mixing the sugar around, waiting for it to dissolve in the heat of the liquid before introducing the cool cream to the mixture.
Lifting the mug off the table, you hand it to Tzuyu, hands brushing as you pass the mug. The softness of her hands relaxes you, contemplating what it would be like to hold them.
Snapping out of that thought, you proceed to make your own coffee. She takes a sip of hers and nods her head at the warmth and flavor. She watches you tentatively, noticing the two packets of sugar, noticing the same amount of cream…
“Another thing in common?” taking another bite of the waffles, as you dressed yours the way you enjoyed.
“I actually prefer iced coffee but I wanted to know what your order tasted like.” sipping from the mug and making a face at the flavor.
Tzuyu reaches out and smacks your arm jovially, giggling at the playfulness you possessed when interacting with her.
“It’s just okay. It’s not sweet enough.” poking fun at her now before taking a massive bite of the blueberry waffles.
“Hey!” reaching over to push you lightly.
She hasn’t stopped smiling since the two of you sat down, not that it was an issue…her smile lit up the room, able to lift anyone’s mood, and add a warmth to the dreary night.
Gathering a helping of the blueberries on your plate, along with piece of the doughy fluff on your plate, you take your first bite.
“Oh, you HAVE to try the blueberries!” speaking with your mouthful in excitement of how delicious and sweet they were.
Scooping a few up on your fork with the waffle and the syrup, you lift it up to her mouth and she instinctually takes the bite with no hesitation.
A small amount of syrup dribbled down her chin. You reach for a napkin and lick the corner of it, placing your free hand on the side of her cheek, you carefully wipe the droplet from her chin before turning your attention back to your food.
She’s a few chews deep when both of you realize the intimate moment you have just had with each other.
A flash of heat radiates from you internally, embarrassed at the romantic nature of the action, you look down at your lap - fearful of what the response would be.
“I’m sorry, I know you could’ve done that yo-”
“Don’t worry about it…I took it from you, didn’t I? I leaned into it…didn’t I?” batting her dreamy eyes at you, if you weren’t already sitting down - you would’ve needed to.
Suddenly very aware of everything touching your skin, the air in your lungs, and the sweet flavor of the berries that resonated on your tongue. It’s hard to ignore the signs that you were developing a crush on her, and very afraid of overstepping and scaring her off.
Freeze this moment, hold onto the memory and remember it fondly later. The smile, to sweet words, the comfortability. It was unlike anything you’ve ever felt. No need to fear, this is happening naturally.
A film in development, a polaroid in waiting - comparable to what was happening right before both of your eyes.
“So why were you at the office so late today?” sipping the coffee you made for her, humming into the warmth of it, and grabbing her fork to sneak another blueberry or two from your plate.
Tzuyu is leaning in closer to you, elbows on the table and one hand other her chin, the other toying with the fruit on your plate. Sneaking a strawberry from hers, you continue on:
“Well…” letting out a sigh that rang true to how annoyed you were at the day you had.
“My boss sent me a report that needed to be finished by midnight tonight to be sent over to the shareholders overseas…at 4:30pm…when I normally clock out around 5-5:30pm.” rolling your eyes at the though, before glancing down at your watch to see it was 10:18pm already.
“Jeez, that was very inconsiderate of her…especially on a Friday when there’s a huge storm brewing outside.” another sip of her coffee, another blueberry stolen, another shy look through her long eyelashes, another moment to secretly swoon over her.
The comfort that you feel in her presence is…different.
Different in a good way, you were still nervous but not to the same degree. There was a safety here, you knew she wasn’t going to judge you and the anxious was more of an excitement than a fight or flight moment.
Taking the last bite of your waffle, you let a few more of the blueberries fall off onto the plate and watched her as she snagged her fork again, sneaking two and leaving the last two for you. Smiling at the gesture, you pop them into your mouth and enjoy the sweetness from both sides.
“It doesn’t look like the rain has stopped much.” glancing out the window and seeing the waterfall of rainwater cascading off the roof and into the parking lot.
“At least we are full now. I’m going to run to the bathroom and then I’ll be good to brace the storm again.” Tzuyu stands as she speaks, wrapping herself tightly in the button down to keep herself from shivering as she walks to the back of the diner.
Peacefully watching the rainfall down, sipping the warm coffee and waiting for her return, you gloss over everything that’s happened this evening.
Being trapped with a pretty woman in your car, not being able to see while driving, getting to this diner and finding out that she was actually really sweet and that you had a lot in common, the flutter returns once more. Tickling your already full stomach with even more comfort and calmness than you could express. A shit day turned into a lovely evening with someone very unexpected.
Flagging down the waitress to get the bill, she waves your hand down.
“Your friend already took care of it! Have a lovely night!”
Confused, you look up and see Tzuyu coming back from the bathroom with a big smile painted across her face.
“Why did you do that? I was goin-”
“You saved my day and you’re giving me a ride home, the least I could do was pay for dinner or…breakfast?” giggling as she continued to the table to grab the rest of her things.
“Besides, I ate your blueberries.” winking at you before grabbing her jacket and putting it on again. It was semi-dry now, but still damp enough to give her a small shiver.
“Fine, but next time, let me take care of it.” lightheartedly frowning at her.
“Stay here, I’m going to pull the car around so it’s not as wet for you this time around.” You stepped towards the door, buttoning your blazer up and trying to shield yourself from the rain you were about to encounter again.
Bolting out the door before Tzuyu could protest, you hop in the car and turn it on. Flipping your hair over your shoulder to get it out of your face, you pull out of the parking spot and pull up to the door as close as possible to insure maximum dryness in the human you were about to drive home.
She runs from the front doors to the passenger side of your car and hops in, much drier than before. Taking a second to wipe the excess water from her face, she looks over at you and scrunches her nose and furrows her brows.
“Next time?”
“You said next time…so next time you’re buying?” so soft it could’ve just been a breath, you can see her hands shaking as she utters the words, she’s nervous again.
“Yes, next time…unless you’d prefer we didn’t do this again?” pursing your lips and checking in to see if that was something she was interested in.
“Well, I think I’d enjoy it more if it wasn’t…you know…violently storming.” gesturing towards the windshield at the obvious damper on your….hang out?
“I think we can make that happen.”
Light conversation fills the slow moving car as you make your way to Tzuyu’s apartment. Talks of what you guys would do the next time you hung out and if you should start volunteering at the animal shelter at the same time got you excited about what was sparking between the two of you.
You can’t help but wonder if she’s just as excited as you are.
Pulling off the highway again, you notice it’s unusually dark. The street lights are dim, the traffic lights are flashing and the buildings don’t have any life in them at all. Pitch darkness covers the once bustling area with lifelessness and dew drops.
“Is it always this dark over here?” concern is very present, as you never know what’s lurking in the dark.
“No…I think the power is out…it’s always well lit. I wonder how long it’s been out for…my dogs are probably so anxious and it’s so hot too. I hope they’re alright without the A/C.” Tzuyu starts picking at her fingers, noticeably anxious at the thoughts she was having.
Before your brain could even understand the thoughts you were having, you blurted out:
“Why don’t you pack a bag and come stay with me for the night? You can bring the pups too, of course.” eyed widening when you hear what you just said, you look over at her and see that she has a reaction that is…good?
“Yeah, why not? I’ve got air conditioning and I’d love to have some puppy’s around since we won’t be able to volunteer this weekend…I mean, if you want to…if you’re comforta-“
“I’d love to.” softly spoken with a very small, very gentle smile across her face.
Pulling up to the building she pointed out as her apartment complex, you offer to come up and help her gather things she might need for the night. Dog food, their leashes, and a bag of her necessities but she politely declines.
“Don’t worry, I’ll be quick!” as she hops out of the passenger seat and runs inside, meanwhile you’re just enjoying the view.
It wasn’t long before she returned with bag in hand and two cute dogs following her. Luckily, there was a break in the rain so the dogs had time to use the bathroom before hoping into the car.
Tzuyu wiped their feet off with a hand towel she had ready before unleashing them into the back seat.
Shy at first, the dogs are seemingly a little timid in their approach to you. Not really knowing how to interact since this is the first meeting.
Rotating in your seat to face them, you stick your hand out very slowly, palm up so they can sniff and decide on their own if they want to be touched or not.
“Helloooo puppies! It’s nice to meet yo-…wait, what are their names?” looking over at Tzuyu for the answer.
“This one is Kaya and this one is Butter.” pointing them out one at a time and giving the closest one to her a little head pat.
“Hi hi hi!” showing excitement in your most bestest baby voice to get them to see you were excited to meet them, they were very quick to return the excitement.
Butter jumped over the center console and ended up on your lap, Kaya finding her way to Tzuyu’s before standing on her back legs to look out the window. Continuing to talk to Butter in a baby voice, you give pats and scritches, toying with her big ears and giving her every ounce of attention you could before she curled up and got comfortable on your lap.
Eyes on you as you softly coo and pet the tired dog’s head gently, the feeling of being watched overshadowed by the care and attentiveness you were giving to the usually anxious dog in front of you.
“I’ve never seen her calm down so quickly…even for me…wow” petting Kaya as the dog scans out the window - seemingly on guard.
Tzuyu just nods her head at you, looking into your eyes, you see a glint of something…feeling your heart strings play a song you’ve never heard, you watch as the corners of her mouth lift in a very miniscule way. It would’ve gone unnoticed had you not been sneakily trying to take in every detail of her tonight.
Feeling your body start to lean towards her, Tzuyu seems to have the same idea- leaning into you slight before both of you catch yourselves. Straightening up a little and trying to brush it off as nothing, you turning your head back to the road and grip the steering wheel.
“Uhm…you ready?” the sweat on your palms would be visible, if you were willing to let go long enough to look.
“Yes, I’ve got everything me and the girls will need for the night.” there’s a drop in her pitch, a snag in her tone…did she want you to make a move?
Putting the car into drive and heading to the highway again, you make your way to your apartment. The rain gradually picking back up as you pull into your parking garage and whip into your assigned spot.
Helping Tzuyu, you grabbed her bag for the night and her purse, letting her carry your two new furry friends as they were obviously more comfortable with their owner than they would be with you.
Hands full, you fumble for your keys. Nervous was an accurate description of what you were feeling, not really expecting to have guests but happy that she agreed to come. You were enjoying the time you were spending with her and weren’t really ready for it to be over.
“After you.” gesturing her and the pups into your apartment with a smile before you stepped in, closing the door behind you.
Kicking off your shoes and walking over to the couch, you toss the bags on the cushion and remove your blazer, hanging it up in the closet next to the door. Tzuyu still has your button down on, holding the dogs and looking like she isn’t really sure what to do as she scans the living room, taking in the pictures on the wall and the setup of the furniture as she places the dogs down on.
“Please, make yourself at home! I’m going to change into something more comfortable. There is a half bathroom to your right, if you’d like to do the same…I’ll be right back.” the clattering of dog nails on your hardwood floors makes you smile, bringing a warmth to your house that you hadn’t felt before.
The tapping gets closer, looking down to see who it was…Butter seems to be following you.
“Alright, girl come on. You can come with me!” leaning down to scratch her head before you and your four-legged shadow go to your bedroom.
Leaving the door ajar, just incase Butter decides she wants to leave, you slip out of your work clothes and toss them in the laundry hamper before snagging your favorite pair of sweatpants and a cropped tank top - just trying to be as comfortable as possible after being drenched by the downpour that was now re-opening up outside.
Butter just sits and watches, waiting for you. Unable to help yourself, you coo and talk to her in the “puppy voice.” She wags her tail back at you and barks a few times, playfully. She suddenly zooms, pushing the door open with her snout and barreling into the living room.
Taking the small moment of alone time to brush your hair out, untangling it and throwing it into a messy bun. A deep breath fills your lungs as you prepare to step out into the living room again. Grabbing a massive fleece king sized blanket out of the closet and a few pillows, you step back into the living room - completely blocked by fabric and fluff.
The dogs start barking at you, cautioning the mass of blanket walking towards them - Tzuyu is laughing at them for causing such a scene when they were just fawning over you.
“I know it’s late already, but we both had coffee so I was wondering if maybe you’d want to watch a movie or something. I know it’s going to take the dogs a minute to get settled…and I did so happen to get a bottle of wine the other day if you wanted to have a glass or two with me while we watched something…if you want…that is…” plopping the blankets down on the recliner that was next to the couch that Tzuyu already was seated on.
She did take the opportunity to change into something more casual and comfortable. A black cropped hoodie and some light gray sweatpants. Seems like she had a similar idea to you. Even with her sitting down, you could see the outline of her abs.
Swallowing heavily, you avert your eyes, trying not to stare…she was just so pretty and so easy to be around…great conversations and the way that she was just so graceful…*Wait wait wait*, don’t get ahead of yourself. You don’t even know if she is feeling the same way.
“Yes, that sounds great! What kind of movies do you like?” She shouts while watching you walk to the kitchen to get a few wine glasses, a cork screw, and the bottle you previously mentioned.
“It’s your pick! Whatever you want!” sliding back into the living room on the hardwood, socks allowing the slip of the wood to coast you to your destination with ease.
“Don’t do that with so much in your hands!” Tzuyu’s arms raise, ready to catch you if you fall.
“You’ve got glass and a sharp corkscrew! What if you fell?” She stands, taking the glasses and corkscrew from you and placing them on the coffee table before putting her hands on her hips and cocking her eyebrow.
“Awh, come on, I was just having fun!” poking at her for being such a stick in the mud.
Tzuyu sighs, shaking her head slightly before taking her seat on the couch, picking up the corkscrew again, sneaking the bottle from your hands and opening it herself.
“Tzuyu, I promise I won’t do it again.” Halfway whined from you as you plop next to her.
“Good.” Handing you the glass of wine she just poured, smiling about getting her way before pouring herself a glass and recorking the bottle.
The thunder claps outside, scaring both of you and the dogs. Barking at the loud sound, they run and jump up on the couch, cowering behind the two of you.
“Awh, babies! Don’t you worry, your Mom and I will keep you safe, okay? Okay.” scratching behind Butter’s ear, Kaya picking Tzuyu to hide behind.
A glimpse, that’s all it was, from the corner of your eye - Tzuyu was staring at you…hands on her chin, small smile on her lips…and that glimmer in her eyes.
Turning your head to face her, she quickly snapped out of it. Unwilling to show you what you’ve already seen, unable to be so forward with what her body language was already telling you.
“So what movie do you want to watch?” another crack of thunder and the brightest bolt of lightening you ever seen, followed by a very loud pop, the power surges and flickers out completely.
You sit in shock…the whole point of her and the dogs being here was to get out of the powerlessness of her own apartment, but now she was in yours…with her dogs…and no power.
“Did you hear that? The pop?” Tzuyu shakes her head yes in response to your question.
“That was the transformer…so…they’ll have to replace it before we get power back on…” the annoyance woven in the words as you spoke them.
She erupts in a fit of laughter, unable to contain it. Her giggle lights a fire in you, boiling your stomach and melting you from the inside you.
The way she covers her mouth when she laughs, the way she’s leaning back and smacking her knees…the infectious sounds pull the giggling right out of you, unable to stop yourself from joining her.
“Oh, that’s too funny! I was wondering when that would happen. “ wiping the tears out from under her eyes.
“What do you mean?” confused at the statement.
“Well…look at how stormy it is outside. It was likely the power was going to go out. Don’t you think?” Tzuyu gestures at the window, the pitch dark lit up by random flashes of lightening and the rumbling of the winds clashing together.
“Wait…so you knew my power was going to go out here too and you still came?” even more confused.
“Yeah, why wouldn’t I? It was a sweet offer and I’m having fun with you…how does “Spirited Away” sound?” using her phone as a flash light and going over to her bag to pull out an iPad.
Tzuyu flips open the case of her tablet and sets it up on the coffee table, taking a swig of the wine and getting the movie pulled up as she sits next to you. You’re a little awe struck, unable to understand what was happening in front of you.
“Everything okay?” leaning back and putting her arm on the back of the couch so it was almost around you, you’re facing her with one leg folded in front of you.
Sipping your wine, you set the glass down on the table and return to your previous position but this time, you rest your head on your hand. Soaking her in as she does the same to you, grinning at you a she takes a sip of her own wine.
Very unprepared for what happens next, Tzuyu reaches over and places her hand on your arm. Shockwaves blast through your nervous system, causing your body to clench and release under her touch.
The place where her hand sits on you burns in the best way, an ache that makes you want to curl up with her in the middle of this storm and just enjoy this time together.
“Why don’t you go and grab some candles and that blanket and come sit closer?” Her tone is…attractive.
Tzuyu sets her glass down on the table placed next to the couch, licking her lips to get the wine flavor off them and scooting into the corner, leaving space between the two of you.
Your insides are absolutely screaming, candles? Movie? Wine? Intentionally coming over even though she knew the power was going to go out? Was this…a date? Was she…flirting?
Quickly doing as you’re asked, grabbing the massive blanket and throwing it over top of her lap and going into the kitchen to grab a few candles.
You place them on the coffee table and light them with your emergency matches before sitting next to her on the couch.
Butter and Kaya jump up and find there spots in you and Tzuyu’s lap, she hits play and the movie starts. Her arm present on the back of the couch, you’re tempted to scoot all the way into her…temptation wasn’t enough to get you to do so.
There wasn’t enough proof it was what she wanted and you were way too nervous to act on the impulse of cuddling Tzuyu.
Fighting the urge to hold her hand, kiss her, innocently touch her arm all night, you can’t just…do it, what if she isn’t into it? The comfort of her presence was going to have to be enough for now.
The thought are interrupted by a soft hand on your shoulder, pulling you in closer to Tzuyu until your body’s were anchored together. You interweave your fingers together shyly, being so soft and slow with the movements as if you were sneaking affection.
Face turning towards her to seek permission, after the hands are already entwined, you are met with her face - mere centimeters from yours.
Time stops.
Her nose grazes against yours.
Nothing else matters.
“Is this okay?” whispered to you while her eyes flicker between your lips and your lashes, searching for signs in your body language.
Nodding your head so softly, had she not been that close to you, she might not have noticed.
Your eyes dance with hers, the tango of anticipation for what was coming.
Suddenly, Tzuyu leans in and connects your mouths together in the softest, sweetest, and gentle kiss.
Heart beat booming to the sparks of what was being created, the foundation of something more being built right before your very eyes.
Parting briefly for a moment, she looks at you and takes in your features, she lets you watch her do it this time.
She strokes your cheek with the backside of her pointer finger, tracing the lines of your cheekbones and moving her eyes back to your lips.
“Was that still oka-” before she can even finish the sentence, your lips are together again. Initiating something a little more passionate, bringing your hands up to cup her face and leaning further into her.
Her hands find their place on your forearms, holding them delicately while allowing you to take the lead. Fingers wandering back to entangle in her hair, you graze your tongue over her bottom lip, asking permission to take it one step farther.
Her next movement showed she consented, bringing her hands to the back of your next and allowing your tongues to meet. Innocently exploring each other, the movements gain speed as you feel like you’re ascending into heaven.
The satisfying ache of your bones drenched in honey, a thickness that could only be described as a sugary, sappy substance flooded your veins and made you instantly addicted to her.
A grandiose crescendo in the movie brings you both back down to the couch, snapping you back to the present, reminding you that this was just the first time you hung out…it was not the time to push it further than it needed to go. Pecking her lips a few times before resting your head on her shoulder, innocently.
Her heart beat is loud enough to be heard, you grab her arm and pull it around you, stretching out across the couch so you both can lay down together.
Her dogs on your laps, you in her arms, her favorite movie playing and the storm outside. All too comfortable and relaxing for the two of you.
You fight your eyes for a while, trying to combat the sleep as it fought for your attention and ultimately lose the battle.
The slow build of rain peacefully wakes you, drifting you out of the dreamless sleep, you let out a groan and stretch for a moment, rolling over on the couch and curling up in the blanket that was noticeably missing someone.
The tapping of claws on the floor and panting first thing in the early hours of the day were lovely, even half asleep.
The dogs are jumping on you, licking your fresh morning face and trying to get some love and affection.
“Hi hi hi!” in your groggy sleeping voice.
“Where is your mother? Where did she go?” puppy voice returning while you stand up and survey the room, noticing that the oven clock was blinking so the power was back on, and Tzuyu was nowhere in sight.
Well she had to be coming back, right? I mean the dogs are here, she wouldn’t just leave the-
The door cracks open very softly. A hooded figure steps in with a take out bag in hand, rain drops coating the water resistant jacket that was a little too familiar, and closes the door gently behind them. Taking their shoes off softly, before pulling the hood off…Tzuyu.
“Good Morning, I went out to the diner down the street to get us some breakfast! I thought it might be a nice way to celebrate the power coming back on and our first…uhm…well..” hesitating to say what you both knew it was.
“…Date?” finishing her sentence, smiling at her as you made your way up to her, wrapping your arms around her neck.
Tzuyu places her hands on your hips, slowly inching them around your waist so she can fully press her body on yours, lays a soft peck on your cheek.
Releasing you, on a mission to find your coffee stash and get a pot started for the two of you.
“What did you get for breakfast?” sitting down on the stool in front of the counter, rubbing your eyes to try and remove the sleep from them.
“Waffles. One order of blueberry, one order of strawberry. I figure we could go halfs-ies on them.” pursing her lips, folding her arms across her chest and tapping her cheek with her pointer finger.
“…and miss you trying to sneak blueberries off my plate? Not a chance.” smirking at her, knowing this wouldn’t be the last moment you brought up her blueberry thievery.
Tzuyu winks at you, before going back into her deep thought.
Unconsciously admiring her pensive face, you let her ponder for a moment. Taking in the way she shifts her weight from one leg to another, the way she hums while she thinks as if she’s talking to herself, and how she seemingly doesn’t want to ask for help locating whatever she’s looking for.
Gosh, she’s so cute.
“Whatcha looking for?” coming up behind her, sliding your hand over the small of her back. You feel her shiver under your touch before she leans into it.
“Are you trying to guess what cabinet they are in?” teasing her before lightheartedly turning her face towards yours, kissing her and whispering, “Top left, over the sink.” With another swift peck on her lips and you’re off to the other side of the kitchen to get 2 cups of coffee for the both of you.
Bringing both mugs back, placing one in front of her on your way to your own seat, she’s already got the plates divided up and is waiting for you to sit and get comfortable before she starts to eat.
Breakfast together was fun, asking about favorites - movies, music, colors, animals, hobbies and just learning different things about each other, with the occasional blueberry stolen from your plate. You made sure to share, with the dogs too.
Plain blueberries, of course.
Sitting there for a good few hours before feeding the dogs their actual food and moving back to the couch, you spend the majority of the day wrapped up in each other, the blanket just adding to the coziness of your newly found crush.
“Well, it’s getting late…” Tzuyu says when the clock hits 8pm.
She stands up, the storm still ever present outside. Getting a ride in this would be impossible.
“I should probably go.”
“You know you don’t have to! It’s still storming really badly out there…and I am very much enjoying your company.” looking up at her from the comfort of your couch.
Reaching out to grab her hand, you hold her by a few of her fingers and look up at her to find eyes of someone who most definitely did not want to leave.
“I don’t want to intrude…” Tzuyu looks at the floor, waiting for you to combat her sentence, knowing you would.
You stand up, her vision following you as tou step in front of her.
You look her in the eyes, bringing your hands up to tug on hem of her cropped shirt innocently, brushing her stomach with the back of your hand while you toy with the cloth.
“You’re not. I want you to stay.” toying with the strings of her hoodie while you shyly tell her to stay with you another night.
“Are you sure? I really don’t want to impose…you’ve already put me up for a night.” giggling at her own comment, before she meets your completely serious face.
“ I want you to stay. If you don’t want to stay, then you don’t have to. I want you to be comfortable. I’m okay with whatever you decide…it is storming pretty heavily outside though and I want you to be safe.”
Tzuyu beams at you, taking her seat on the couch again and ushering you over to her. You oblige, finding your new favorite spot. In her arms.
“Hey, I was thinking…” she starts to ask.
“Would you want to go to dinner with me next weekend? Maybe we could go to the shelter together and then go get dinner afterwards?” her voice shakes, nervousness looks really cute on her.
“I’ll have to check my schedule…” poking fun at her, smirking while you did it.
“I’d love if you could pencil me in.” snapping back at you with the same amount of playfulness.
“I’d love to.” snuggling into her, flipping the TV on while the storm raged outside.
You hand Tzuyu the remote, letting her pick what you watch. She chooses some documentary about animals for background noise, both of you are too busy wrapped in each other and watching the storm to care about what’s on the tv.
It was easy to drift off into a mid-afternoon nap in the comfort of her, feeling so safe and cared for while she runs her fingers through your hair…you’ll have to remember to thank your boss the following Monday for that stupid report.
Maybe even say thank you to the sky for the rain.
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residentflamingo · 4 months
Twice Members’ Favorite Places to Kiss You
Twice x fem! reader
Genre: fluff!!
Warnings: so sweet you’ll get a toothache <3
A/N: I have so many good drafts I want to share with you guys, but my motivation has been at 0% because school has been kicking me in the ass 💀✌️ But lately I have been getting a lot better, so more works are expected to come soon! Which also means I will be opening back up my requests box :D Someone did request me to write something a long time ago, and I’ve been steadily working on it over time. It’s got about 3,000 words on it, so as long as my lazy ass doesn’t put it off to writing it, that draft will be coming out soon as well. Thank you to all of you lovely people who have been patient, and also the ones that have been liking my posts. You guys are phenomenal and I love and appreciate all of you ❤️
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Lips ♡
A very standard one, but well suitable for her
She loves how soft and plump your lips are
Like Sana, Nayeon is a very affectionate person
So after she’s had a loooong day at the studio, all she wants to do is give you some repetitive and silly kisses that end up in slow and passionate ones
(Sometimes she’ll even bite your lip if she’s feeling a little bit frisky that night…)
“Oh my gosh I missed you so much Y/N. You won’t believe how many new dance routines they made us learn today.”
Her favorite kinds of kisses are good luck kisses and goodnight kisses <3
(And the passionate ones of course ;)
Nayeon loves how sweet it feels to be able to show her love through a kiss, and be able to feel your soft lips in the process
Kissing your lips make her feel grounded, and wanting nothing more than to spend every moment of every day with you
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Forehead ♡
Very domestic and homey feeling for her
Her kisses are always very sentimental and sweet
She doesn’t kiss as often as other people, which makes the wait worth it every time
“Here honey, you go lay down and rest. I can do the rest of the laundry for you.”
Always kisses you randomly and making sure it catches you off guard
She loves seeing you all flustered and shy <3
Kissing you on the forehead reminds her of being married to you someday, and just being able to protect you from harm
You are everything to her, and she never wants you to feel anything less than that
And if you’re shorter than her, then it’s an even better reason for her to kiss you on the forehead <3
Will also give you the biggest kiss when she comes home from work 🥺
“I missed you so much honey, what have you been up to?”
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Tummy ♡
When you had previously told her about being insecure about your tummy, you never thought she would take it so seriously
But oh boy how wrong you were
It instantly became Momo's favorite place to kiss you
Momo made sure to always remember it so she could prove your insecurities wrong
She loves how soft and chunky your tummy is, and just can't ever get enough of it
Also loves how much you giggle when she kisses you
If you ever have those days where you're not feeling too great, she will start giving you kisses there first and make sure you feel so loved and beautiful
“You are so beautiful Y/N. Don’t you ever forget it.”
“Your stretch marks are not ugly at all honey I promise. They make you look even more gorgeous.”
She will sometimes leave hickies and bite marks there too, but only when she’s in the mood and you give her permission
If you are also pregnant, she will not hesitate to smother your tummy in kisses then too <3
It would be almost impossible for her to keep her hands off of you
Her end goal is to always make you feel loved, and to remind you that you are the most beautiful woman she has ever set her eyes on
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Dimples ♡
We all know Sana is a very affectionate person. So choosing her favorite spot to kiss you would be impossible right?
Nope not at all for her.
The first thing that had drawn her to you was your radiant smile
But the deal breaker was the dimples that came along with it
She just couldn’t get enough of them
Once you guys had been dating for about 3-4 months, you both had gotten very comfortable with each other and started being all lovey dovey and such
That was when you noticed how much she loved to kiss your dimples
Any chance she could get, she made sure to kiss you in that same spot
It never failed to make you blush every time, and that’s part of the reason why she would constantly kiss you there
She also loves how well they compliment your face, and how adorable they make you look
“Y/N have I ever told you how much I love your dimples? They make you look so cute!” *pinches your cheeks*
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Cheeks ♡
She doesn’t mind kissing on the lips. She loves it actually, but she just enjoys kissing your cheeks even more
Jihyo’s kisses are the most genuine ones you will ever feel in your entire life
Sometimes it’s hard for her to say how much she loves you outloud, so she’ll express it through her kisses
When you’re having a bad day and come home tired, she’ll wrap her arms around you and give soft pecks on your cheeks
Or when Jihyo has to leave for early morning dance practice, she’ll slowly wake you up by peppering your face with kisses too
It’s just a super sweet gesture for her, and your puffy cheeks are too cute for her to not kiss anyways
She loves the way you blush when she randomly walks up to you and kisses you
Jihyo adores you so much, even if it’s hard for her to say outloud sometimes
When she does, she makes sure it meaningful, and at the perfect time
“I love you so much Y/N. Even if I don’t say it outloud that much, I really do. You’re my world, and I never want you to feel any lesser than that.”
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Nose ♡–-
When you confessed to her that you hated the shape/size of your nose, she made it one of her top priorities to make you feel less insecure about it
Her shy persona may keep her from expressing a lot of things, but it didn’t stop her from showing her affection for you
You were used to her always giving you warm hugs, and very soft kisses on the lips
But when she added your nose to the agenda, it was game over for you
She loves to kiss your nose when you look super cute, and she can’t handle it
Or when you’re doing something sweet for her like washing the dishes, or doing her laundry. She’ll always find a way to pay you back with affection
“Thank you so much baby. You’re so sweet.”
Over time your insecurities had slowly gone away after receiving so much love and support from her, making your nose the very very least of your worries
Having someone like her in your life made you realize that looks weren’t every thing, and that you never have to worry about when you’re with her
“Honey your nose is so cold. *kisses your nose* Here let me kiss it some more so it will feel warmer...”
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Hands/ fingers ♡
Dahyun is very loving and sweet
She loves to hold your hand when you two are walking around Seoul together, or just cuddling on the couch
She loves the intimacy it brings between you two
If she doesn't express her love with words at the moment, she will express it with actions
She'll bring your hand up to her lip and pepper your knuckles, fingers, and whatever else with kisses
Something else that she would never admit, is how she loves the softness of your hands
It reminds her of when she was little, and she would hold her mother’s hand
Dahyun wants you to feel loved and adored by her at all times, even if it’s not verbally
When you guys are at restaurants, she will have no shame holding your hand from across the table and kissing it
“Dahyun be careful. People might see us.”
She’ll just laugh and say, “Let them. Nothing will ever stop me from expressing my love for you darling.”
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Jawline/Neck ♡
We all know Chaeyoung is a big romantic
And can sometimes be a bit flirty with it too
So it’s no surprise that her favorite place to kiss you, would be the most intimate and steamy
Even though it is her favorite spot to kiss you, she doesn’t really kiss there very often
But when she does, she makes sure to go all out
She loves how intimate it is, and loves hearing/ seeing your reaction every time she kisses in that area
Most definitely will leave hickies too, so be aware when she starts going to town down there
“You like it when I kiss you like this baby?”
You can just already see her smirking while saying that…
She loves riling you up and making you melt from her touch <3
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Ears ♡
Tzuyu is a one-of-a-kind woman, and the sweetest one you have ever met
When you guys first started dating you it stayed at the awkward stage for a little bit longer than most couples
But when she started warming up to you, her affection towards you became even greater
It started with little kisses on the nose, then on the cheek, lips, she eventually progressed to your ears
You thought it was weird at first, but you eventually grew to love it
Tzuyu loves to hug you from behind because of the height difference, and she’ll often whisper in your ear how much she loves you
Sometimes she’ll nibble a little bit too after kissing it, but not very often
If you have slightly larger size ears, she would tease you about it every now and then
But not enough to where you would feel insecure
She just thinks your ears are super cute, and make you even more loveable
"I love you so much Y/N... Don't ever change. You are perfect just the way you are."
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nr1chaedickrider · 15 days
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the first setting wasn't bad.
not at all.
jihyo is calm, just like usually.
her right hand is on your thigh, her left one is on the steering wheel, driving you both to a restaurant for dinner (one you always wanted to go to, even though it's a 30 minute drive from your shared apartment)
she stops at a red light, sighing at the many cars that are in front of you two, creating a long line.
for jihyo, it looks like you're mindlessly scrolling on your phone.
for you, it's like the fun part is just starting.
you change the setting from one to two.
jihyo, in response, squeezes your thigh a little, shifting in her seat.
her breath shivers a little and she can feel herself getting just a little flustered.
"baby, the light is green" you coo, putting your cold hand on top of her warm one.
she nods a little and starts driving again, trying to act like nothing is wrong.
she can handle more than that, right?
you don't wait too long before turning on the second highest setting.
(you can't lie - you get just a little impatient trying to see how she'll react)
"fuck-" she curses.
jihyo is definitely not calm anymore.
she grips the steering wheel tightly with both hands.
"why did you take your hand away from my thigh hyo?" you ask teasingly.
"shut up-" she just replies, stopping at another red light.
she starts to feel really hot, her hand going up to her neck to loosen the fancy tie she put on hours before.
her hand goes through her short black hair, a moan (accidently) leaving her mouth.
she shifts in her seat again, trying to somehow ease the tension.
"don't make us crash" you joke around, laughing a little.
jihyo hits the gas pedal a little too hard, getting a little too close to the car in front of her as the light turns green.
she curses a little more when you turn on the highest setting.
"fuck y/n!" she almost screams, pulling over to the side of the road as other cars pass her.
she breathes heavily, feeling even hotter as she throws the tie around her neck to the backseat.
"that happens when you lose a bet" you say, turning your head to the side so you can look at her.
her face is flushed, breathing like she just ran a marathon, the look in her eyes almost pathetic like she's begging you to do something.
you move your hand closer to her, tracing a line from her neck down to the buttons of her pants.
she can't help but moan, her hip moving closer to your hand desperately.
"please" she whispers.
"let's go home hm?" you ask.
(you didn't think going home means being the one that gets fucked)
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tcubunny · 8 months
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switch!tzuyu x switch!fem!reader - “trying our best” (warnings: smut, praise, breast play, scissoring, clit stimulation, oral)
a/n: thank u to my pookie @soyeonsbabygirl for proof reading 🤗 first time writing for tzuyu, kinda nervy. i’ve had this idea in my head from the second i thought up this au. small issue that we’re going to fix with our imagination, as always: let’s pretend jyp is strict on hotel rooms and if the company placed/booked/whatever-the-balls two specific members in a room, they HAVE to the be ones who share it🙏idk if i’m lying ab the switch tags bc i think that’s what’s happening, but idk tbh. maybe if i feel generous in the future ill write a fic about how her and the reader ended up getting caught and what their punishment was. for now, much love and enjoy pookabutts😘
word count: 1.8k
“goodnight you two, don’t do anything you know you’re not supposed to.”
jeongyeon warns and gives you and tzuyu a kiss before walking to the door and shutting it behind her.
you and tzuyu are the best girls for your unnies, you never get in trouble. your notoriously great behavior has fully merited their trust, yet letting you two share a hotel room still seemed risky. everyone insisted that being alone with each other would be too tempting, but there was nothing they could do about it.
you both promised—specifically to jihyo that you would sleep on separate beds, and wouldn’t try anything, and you plan to follow through on that promise.
“are you tired?” tzuyu’s voice bellows throughout the room. “i guess.” you get up and lock the door before walking to the other bed. “well, goodnight.” tzuyu turns off her bedside lamp and lays down, draping the covers over herself.
“goodnight.” you do the same as her and get comfortable. you close your eyes, trying your best to clear your head, but you’re far too hyper-aware of the fact that she’s right next to you. you really wouldn’t dare disobey the others, but it’s all you can think about.
the minutes rush by and you still can’t manage to fall asleep, completely immersed in your less than holy thoughts about tzuyu. you toss and turn, but nothing works.
“y/n, are you asleep?” you hear a murmur in the dark and turn to face tzuyu’s bed. “no.” there’s a few seconds of awkward silence before tzuyu speaks up again.
“i know we said we wouldn’t, but do you want to sleep with me? i just feel so isolated.” you think about it for a second, you desperately want to say yes, but you know you can’t. “tzuyu…”
“please, they won’t find out. the door is locked and they have no other way of checking on us.” she is correct, there’s no way they can find out unless they enter the room, which they can’t do if the door is locked. and you always lock the door when you’re in a hotel; it wouldn’t raise any suspicion.
“okay…” you get up and walk to her bed, hesitantly joining her under the covers. you turn away from her, too scared that you won’t be able to control yourself if you face her. you both say goodnight again and the deafening silence returns.
falling asleep is significantly more difficult now that tzuyu is right next to you. you can feel the warmth emanating off her body and you want nothing more than to turn around and kiss her. you can also feel your own warmth stretching from your flustered cheeks to your aching core.
“i can’t sleep.” you’re jolted out of your trance of sorts by tzuyu turning on the light. you turn to look at her and she sits up against the headboard, so you do the same. “me neither.” you reply, trying to hide your reddened face.
“i’m bored.” she says, tucking her hair behind her ears. “me too.” you look around the room, trying to think of something else to continue the conversation. “you think the others are asleep?” she exhales before answering. “let’s think critically here, none of them can keep their hands off each other.” you look down at the floor. “yeah…”
you both sit without saying anything. having her so close but not being able to touch her how you want is absolute torture. you bite down on your thumb as a weak attempt to distract yourself, but it doesn’t work in the slightest.
you look over at her, head tossed back on the bed frame, eyes closed, and arms inside her shirt. you’ve never been one to make impulsive decisions, but your desire for her completely takes over.
“tzuyu…” you call out, inching closer to her. “wha-“
you crash your lips into hers, cutting off her sentence. the kiss is slow and sends heatwaves straight to your core. her lips feel amazing, you swear you’ll never be able to separate from them. you let your tongue wander inside her mouth and she gladly takes it in. you entangle it with hers, lifting your hand to cup her face.
she pulls away and you whine in frustration. “we can’t.” her actions greatly differ from her words; she tugs the collar of your shirt towards her and continues kissing you.
“why not?” you repeat the pattern of pulling away and going right back to the heated kiss every time either of you speaks. “we promised.” “they won’t find out,” you pause your sentence to keep tasting her “like you said, the door is locked.”
it appears you’ve fully convinced her as she pulls you closer and makes you straddle her. you let your hands get lost in her hair as she grabs your face.
you can already feel a pool of slick collecting on your underwear while you’re squirming on her lap. the air in the room suddenly feels hot and your clothes start feeling like a burden.
“take off your clothes.” you instruct, getting up to do the same. you toss your things to the side, not caring where it lands. you watch as tzuyu rips everything off and crawls to the edge of the bed to sit.
you admire her body with a smirk before pushing her down and getting on top of her. the truth is, neither of you has any experience with being in control, but you’ll have to make do.
“you’re so pretty.” you whisper in her ear, moving your mouth down to her neck. “you’re so pretty.” you kiss her chest, making sure not to leave any new marks that the others could notice.
you gradually move lower until you reach her tits. you take one of the into your mouth and she lets out a loud moan. you slap your hand over her mouth to shush her.
“nayeon and jeongyeon are right beside us, do you really want them to hear?” you take your hand off and she brings her own hand to her mouth, urging you to keep going.
your mouth goes back to her tit, sucking and biting it gently. her choked moans make your pussy drip, you can’t wait any longer. you replace your mouth with your hand and tap on her thigh. “can you spread your legs?” “mhm.”
she does so and you swing one of your own legs over one of hers so that your pussy is directly aligned with hers.
you look into her eyes waiting for approval to go on, but she just pushes your hips down instead, making your soaked cunt collide with hers. you almost scream out from the feeling, but bite down on your finger to stop yourself.
you gyrate your hips, twitching slightly every time your clits touch. “you’re so fucking hot.” tzuyu coos from beneath you and pulls you down to her lips. you moan and whine into her mouth, trying to remain as quiet as possible.
you no longer care in the slightest about how many rules you’re breaking, the only thing on your mind is how amazing tzuyu sounds.
“you feel so good, tzu.” your sentence comes out hurried and broken, the feeling of tzuyu’s pussy on yours messing with your senses. “hm, thank you.” an inebriating smile adorns her lips as she responds. one of her hands remains placed on your hip, pushing you down against herself. you lean back, resting your weight on your hands as you brush your hair back.
“faster.” she hums while digging her nails into your skin. you whine at the feeling and speed up, making tzuyu reflexively thrust her hips up.
“shit, don’t stop.” her back arches as she pleads with you. “i wouldn’t do that to us both.” you giggle and bend down to meet her lips.
you can feel your muscles beginning to contract and hold onto tzuyu’s hand against the mattress.
“i’m so close.” you cry out and squeeze your eyes shut. “hm—me too.” hearing her weak whimper is all you need to reach your climax. you fiercely hold tzuyu’s hand as your hips shake, silencing your moans with her lips. you don’t stop until you see her body tense and she lets out a string of profanities with her orgasm.
when she completely finishes, you let yourself fall down on her chest, completely slumped. you both lay there panting without moving until your heart rates settle and you regain your composures.
“you’re incredible.” she traces your lips with her fingers and you look up at her. “i pay attention.” she laughs at you, pushing you off of her to get on top of you.
“it’s my turn to show you how well i pay attention.”
your eyes widen at her remark, you didn’t think she could sound any hotter, but somehow she does. she kisses down your neck, going past your chest and all the way to your stomach. she plants a kiss right above your core and your hips jerk forward.
she stands up and pats down the edge of the bed for you to sit. she then kneels in front of you, opening your legs with her hands. you can feel the slick pouring out of you, she looks absolutely ravishing on her knees for you.
she kisses your thighs as you stroke her hair with a smile on your face, completely drowning in how beautiful she looks.
she looks up at you and dips her tongue between your folds, already earning desperate moans from you. her tongue moves with great agility, sucking your clit and pushing into your entrance every time she passes it.
you give her feedback in the form of hushed whines and whimpers, still very aware of the people on the other side of the wall.
“does that feel good?" she asks in a sweet, innocent voice, the contrast between her actions and her inflection adding to your arousal.
you whine and arch your back slightly, pushing tzuyu’s face further into you. she chuckles as she lets go of your clit with an audible ‘pop.’
“y/n, answer my question.” she begs with the same tone and you look down at her, a dangerous glint painted on her eyes.
“hm,” your attempt at answering comes out as a moan and your cheeks redden as you feel tzuyu’s laugh against your pussy.
"i think,” you whimper into your own hand as she pushes her fingers inside you. “i think you can tell, ah fuck.” she mercilessly pumps her fingers in and out of you while her lips wrap around your clit.
it doesn’t take long for the edges of your vision to glow white, you orgasm hitting you without warning. you grab a fistful of tzuyu’s hair, holding her in place. she eagerly swallows every bit of sticky white fluid pooling out of you, allowing you to fully come back from your high.
you let go of her hair when you realize how hard you were holding onto it and she stands up. “i think i won.” she teases, coming closer to sit on your lap.
“oh, it was a competition? in that case, i think i’d like a rematch.”
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ningvory · 8 months
Can I request g!psubbyidol!Tzuyu x fan reader?
first twice request!! <33
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parings: subby!g!p!tzu x dom!fan!reader
synopsis: tzu gets so hard from checking you out, she asks you to fuck her!! <33
warnings: recording, degrading kink, riding, creampie, cum eating, readers younger than tzu, dick sucking, tzu’s a bit of a perv, mean reader!!
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you two would meet at one of their fan signs in la. you were so excited that you get to talk to the members up close especially your bias, tzuyu!! tzu was at the end so she was the last one you’ll see, you could barely contain your excitement when it was finally your turn to talk to her!
she thought you were so adorable and pretty, she could barely focus on your words because she was busy looking at your plump lips!! she would hand you your album when she was done signing it, also secretly putting her phone number there as well! hoping you two could meet later! <33
tzu would invite you to the hotel room she was staying in. she was so surprised by your outfit it caused her dick to harden in her panties! you’re wearing a tight spaghetti strap crop top that revealed your plush tits along with a short skirt that showed your ass when you would bend down.
poor tzu!! she was so lost in thought of you fucking her dumb and her eating you out, the tent grew so hard in her pants she couldn’t take it anymore!! :((
“i’m sorry- im really sorry! you look so pretty i couldn’t help it!! can you fuck me please?” she would beg you, placing your hand on her boner making gasp of how hard she was!
“aww unnie~ have you gotten hard? you could’ve asked me to help you!!” you teased, removing your hand to sit on her boner making her squeal out and buck up into you!
she would be so cute!! shyly asking you to record so she can jerk off to it later when she was horny, and of course you agreed! you positioned her phone to where the video could capture the two of you. you took off her pants and boxers and pushing your skirt and panties down so the video got a nice view of your cunt!
“you’re such a perv, unnie! do you do this with your other fans as well? beg them to fuck you after you made yourself hard by checking them out?” you giggled, riding on her cock so fast making her loose her breath and arch her back, your tight cunt was just squeezing her so well!! :((
tzu would cum so much! balls so heavy she repeatedly shot her load up into your cunt making it spill out of you and on her cock! ♡
you would make tzu record you sucking her off!! you had to hold her legs apart because she kept trying to close them :(( her hands were so shaky trying to record you sucking her off!! you would look into her eyes with doe eyes, making her cum even faster!!
she shot her load into your mouth and you raised up to kiss her, pushing all of her creamy cum into her mouth and making her swallow it!! it’s safe to say that whenever she would come to la, she would definitely invite you to her hotel room again so you two can fuck!! <33
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psylocke142 · 18 days
Jeongyeon x fem!reader
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synopsis: In midst of a battle reader chases after Jeongyeon. Set on catching up to her at the frontlines. Frustration and a strange feeling brewing inside her chest.
w/c: 1.6k
warnings: violence; mentions of blood; slight angst; fluff (?)
a/n: came across jeongyeon what is love pic and felt inspired. knight!jeongyeon x knight!reader plagued my mind. this was written quickly and is a bit fast-paced. first work with a happy ending whattt??? this was definitely challenging all i know is angst :) might write more of this genre 👀
The sounds of blades clashing echoed throughout the field. Your heart hammered against your metal armor as you dodged arrows and blades. Slightly stumbling as your stamina waned.
High pitched screams and wails filled your ears. The smell of metal and blood infused invaded your nostrils. Your sight, however, was locked onto a knight ahead of you. On golden, shoulder-length hair that peeked out from under their helmet.
It was your partner — Jeongyeon. She was several meters ahead of you, attacking the opposing army with brutal force. No mercy in her assault.
This was the first time in months since you’d seen your longtime friend. You had been away fulfilling other knightly duties when a message was given to you. The Chou’s were under attack. You rushed back to the kingdom, making it back in just three days.
The knight wasn’t told of your return. She’d been at the frontlines since the start of the battle.
Jeongyeon was the one to send out the message to you.
The two of you grew up together as kids. You joined the knights guard and trained side by side. Partners in every quest. Protecting the kingdom and its queen, Chou Tzuyu. Every battle you’ve fought had been fought together. You were inseparable, until now.
Sweat trickled down your eyebrow. Your grip tightened on your sword as Jeongyeon kept getting further and further.
You wouldn’t be able to catch up to her while she was on that damned horse.
Too caught up on Jeongyeon, you failed to notice the incoming spear headed straight towards your back.
Suddenly, a strong body collided with you. The new presence too abrupt for you to react in time. Bringing you both to the ground, weapons falling in front of you. Rendering you vulnerable. Out of instinct, you bounced back up and picked up your sword. Adrenaline kicking in. Ready for any strike or ambush from the one who took you down.
“Help me up you fool,” grunted a familiar voice.
“Momo?!” you observed the tall, broad knight before you. When you confirmed it was indeed Momo, you lowered your blade.
The other knight was in the middle of a brawl with another swordsman when she caught you in the corner of her eyes. Distracted by something, or rather someone. When she saw the danger you were in she acted immediately. Finding an opening to stab her opponent through the neck and sprinted your way.
“A thanks would be nice. I just saved your ass,” Momo huffed out as you guided her up, “There was a spear coming right towards you.”
Just a few inches to the side lay the mentioned spear. You looked back towards her and then at the dirt-filled ground. In disbelief of the near miss; ashamed at your lack of awareness. A certain knight overtaking your mind.
“Thank you,” you muttered.
“You don’t say,” sarcasm dripped in her voice as she rushed into the offense.
Picking up your shield and shaking off the dirt, you too rejoined the battle. You focused your attention on the combat this time. Keeping the thoughts of Jeongyeon at the back of your head. You had to stay alive if you wanted to catch up to her.
Focused on fending off enemies left and right. A squealing neigh pulled your attention.
Time slowed.
You watched as Jeongyeon was knocked off her horse. There was an ambush of arrows that soared in her direction. Her horse took the brunt of the attack, rearing upwards before collapsing — lifeless. You heard her scream in anguish as she fell.
Panic flooded through every nerve in your body. Recklessly you charged further into the onslaught. Your eyes darting everywhere for any sight of the golden-haired knight.
You swore you could hear her faint cries, but there was no sight of Jeongyeon anywhere.
Overcome with dread, you did the only thing you could. Fight.
After the battle ended, you searched everywhere for the knight.
You called out to her. Shouted her name. Running across the countless corpses that laid across the field. Fearing you’d find your partner among them.
As you continued running through the bloodstained grass, nearly tripping over your own feet, you realized something. You didn’t just feel fear at the thought of losing Jeongyeon. There was another feeling that resided deep inside your chest, hidden in the deep caverns of your heart.
It took the thought of losing Jeongyeon forever, being separated permanently, to uncover this feeling.
It was love that caused your heart to ache. That had distracted you in the midst of battle. Leading you to almost getting killed by a spear and called a fool. Love that had you charging recklessly into battle; wanting to protect and save she who claimed it.
You headed to the edge of the field, where the tree line began. Walked to the closest tree to place an arm out to lean against it.
Tears began to brim at the corners of your eyes. Body giving out to your emotions, you fell to your knees in defeat. Your love was nowhere to be found.
A hand crept out from the bushes behind the tree, attempting to grab your arm. Reflexes kicked in. You pulled out your dagger from its confinement on the side of your leg. Prepared to strike who you thought was a surviving enemy.
For the second time that day, you were mistaken.
“It’s me! It’s me! y/n please,” Jeongyeon desperately pleaded.
Instantly you recognized her voice. Discarding the dagger and the equipment in your hands. Grasping ahold of her hands you dragged her out of the bushes.
It turns out when Jeongyeon had gotten thrown off her horse, the arrows had barely grazed past her. The armor doing its job of protecting her.
Still, she wasn’t completely unharmed. During her fall she landed on her foot wrong, knee dislocating. She couldn’t stand up, the pain in her leg was too much. The already heavy armor feeling ten times heavier. Keeping her weighted to the ground.
Reacting quickly, Jeongyeon scanned her surroundings. There were several trees behind her with bushes spread around. She mustered all the remaining strength she had and managed to crawl to the tree line. Finding refuge in the bushes.
Knowing that once everything has ended, the first thing you’d do is find her.
Carefully, you took off her helmet. Your eyes meeting chestnut brown. You felt all the tension leave your body. Relieved. Allowing yourself to finally rest, kneeling beside Jeongyeon.
You cradled your love’s face with the palms of your hands. Rested your forehead on hers. Ignoring the dried sweat and blood from days of battling. A soft laugh escaped your lips,
“You fool, you could’ve gotten yourself killed.”
The knight grunted at your words, “I had to fight.” She closed her eyes momentarily before meeting your gaze again. Sigh escaping her lips. Glint visible in her eyes, “Couldn’t risk you getting hurt.”
Face to face, you stared at your partner in shock. Couldn’t risk you getting hurt? You’ve fought together for years. Injury and death were always a possibility in this line of work. What made this battle any different?
“Why, Jeong?” you whispered.
Hands laced into your own. Soft lips pressed to the knuckles of your now bare hands, ridden of your gauntlets. Your heart skipped a beat at the small gesture.
Not too long ago, Jeongyeon too had a realization. It happened when you were away.
There was talk of a knight encountering a group of bandits during a mission. She couldn’t help but think it was you, in danger. Not being allowed to leave the kingdom, the knight’s heart clenched in fear. It was then that it dawned on her, she was in love with you.
Choosing actions over words. Jeongyeon gently released your hands. Moving them up to wrap around your shoulders. She hesitated, searching your eyes for any sign to pull away. Seeing no discomfort, only tranquility reflected in your gaze, she continued.
Slowly she guided you down closer. Noses grazing each other and breaths mixing into one. She crashed your lips together. Armor clanking at the connection above.
Your arms rested on the sides of her head, sighing into the kiss. The strength in your arms slightly wavered as your lips meshed together.
Heartbeats quickened, overflowed with love. A love that was reciprocated.
Breathless and in need of air, you pulled back slightly. The girl underneath you looked up at you. Her features softened as she admired you.
“I love you,” she confessed.
A smile formed on your face. Heart swelling in joy and a warmth spread throughout your chest.
You reached up. Fingers tucking a strand of her matted bangs to the side, “I love you too.”
Wanting to feel more of the girl, you leaned down again initiating another kiss. More deep and passionate.
A throat being cleared interrupted your intimate little moment. It was Momo. The corner of her mouth tilted upwards, grin plastered on her face, “C’mon you fools. Let’s get you to the infirmary.”
She helped you lift the injured knight onto her feet. Your arm finding her waist to balance her. Both you and Momo guided her to the knight’s manor.
Jeongyeon casted a glance at you, beaming. Grateful for many reasons; you finding her, both of you being alive, and you reciprocating her love. For that she pecked your lips with a feather-like kiss.
As you felt soft lips pressed against your own, you made a promise to yourself. Never again will you separate from Jeongyeon. Follow her wherever she goes and remain by her side. Till your very last breaths. You’ll cherish and bask in this love like there’s no tomorrow.
The knight beside you two watched from her peripherals. A small smile tugged on her lips at the scene. Fools, she thought to herself.
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the-roo-too · 10 days
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candy -> myoui mina ver
aka the fluff alphabet
admiration (what does she absolutely adore about you)- mina loves how much you love her group. you’re twice biggest defender fr. knows all the cheers by heart and uses twice songs as your ringtone lol
body (what’s her favourite body part of yours)- in my prime i read my fair share of ice queen mina fanfiction, so i’ll say hands! cause she can look all elegant and fancy and intimidating while STILL holding her gf’s hand hihi
cuddling (how she likes to cuddle)- i think cuddling happens naturally when you two are sitting next to each other on the couch for example? like watching a movie and sitting at an arm’s length turns into you half sitting on her lap while she’s half asleep lol
dates (what’s her ideal date)- i’m thinking very romantic, but simplistic. once in a while you get off work earlier than mina and come home to cook you two a yummy, candlelit dinner. that’s more than enough for her
emotions (how does she express her emotions around you)- remember when i said ice queen… yeah. but only at first! its like, you asked her out and she agreed but she was so excited for the date and tried to hard to be composed she actually freaked you out 💀
family (does she want one)- i’m gonna say yes. mina feels like the type of person who would want to settle down eventually and have a mini-me running around
gifts (what about gift giving)- mina is rich ok. rich parents, one of the most successful groups in korea… she gives you gifts casually, thinking they’re just a small thing that reminded her of you while it’s an sickeningly important watch or something lol
holding hands (does she like to hold hands)- as i said before, yes. i think she also likes to drag you around in certain situations. if you’re taking too much with one of her members for example, and not giving her enough attention, she’ll subtly grab your hand and drag you away
injuries (what would she do if you got hurt)- burn down whatever hurt you. and i lean BURN. she’s serious about her baby getting hurt
jokes (does she like to joke around)- yes BUT, you almost never expect it. mina doesn’t feel like the type to pull pranks so when she makes a harmless joke or says something ironically you usually think she’s being serious 😭
kisses (how does she like to kiss you)- gentle and calm. mindful and demure. my girl has all of the time in the world ok
love (what’s her love language)- gift giving! pushing the ice queen trope, i think mina is aware people see her as colder or more closed off so she’s actually scared you’ll think she doesn’t like you because she isn’t being as affectionate. in return, she’ll spoil you rotten. every thing that reminds her of you, even the tiniest bit, she gets it.
memory (what’s her favourite memory together)- i’ll say introducing you to her members. because they’re such a big part of her life, she waits with it until she thinks you’re really the one. her parents have met you before twice lol. anyways, the small twinkle in your eyes as you chatted shyly with her members, holding her pinky with your for mental support—that’s her core memory
nighttime (how does sleeping with her look like)- you two just sleep on your assigned sides of the bed. one way or another you’ll get entangled during the night, but neither you nor mina mind falling asleep while laying side by side.
oddity (what’s one quirky thing about her)- i think ballet is very quirky. years of practice, she subtly pokes your side every time you’re not standing straight. she just doesn’t want you to get back aches tho :((
pet names (what does she like to call you)- the most cute, tooth rotting names and i’m not even joking.
quality time (how does she like to spend time with you)- you’re playing minecraft and/or animal crossing with her, end of discussion
rush (does she rush into things)- nope. as i said before, she has to get used to you. you were the one to ask her out so she has to get to know you on that level now, then get to know the other you while you slowly warm up to her too
secrets (how open is she with you)- not very open. through your relationship, she slowly unravels her secrets to you, but it takes time and you have to be patient with her.
time (how long did it take her to confess)- you asked her out, so there’s that. but confess her love? man i’m gonna say a couple years lol
upset (what’s her reaction when you’re upset)- if you’re upset after a fight, she’s upset too and then she just apologises the next day, tired of sleeping in bed without you. other than that, she’ll be surprised and try to immediately console you
visibility (is she afraid of the public opinion)- not really. if you’re in love, she doesn’t see your relationship as something the public has a say in
warrior (how often do you fight)- only when you’re tired after work. and it’s stupid stuff too. you placed your shoes on the spot she usually uses so you two banter about it for two minutes until you’re both in bed, laughing about how stupid that was
x-ray (is she able to read you)- yes! someone has to bffr. mina knows you like the back of her hand lol
yes (how would she propose to you)- remember the dates when you come home early and cook dinner? she takes a day free and when you get home early for your date, she surprises you by taking you out to a fancy restaurant instead. she’s so nervous too 😭 but you’ll say yes, right?
zen (what makes her feel calm)- playing games with you! stressed mina will absolutely drag you to your pc room (because you do have that) and sit you down with her to build a cute house in minecraft
part of [the fluff series]
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asapjens · 8 months
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You and Nayeon have been dating for two whole months, so you thought it was time to take her to the house you grew up in.
When you arrived at your parent's house, the first thing you did was show Nayeon your old room. You showed her your posters, the books you used to read, and your old CDs.
While you were discussing your vinyl collection, your mom called for you to help her with some things downstairs. You told Nayeon that you'd be right back and she was welcome to explore the rest of the house if she wanted to. You kissed her and exited the room.
Nayeon was looking at your One Direction poster when she heard a sound. She looked around the room and was surprised to see a little cotton ball on the edge of the bed.
The bunny hopped in Nayeon's direction and she couldn't help but try to hold it. The bunny found its way into Nayeon's arms and hugged her. Nayeon noticed a little ribbon on the white bunny's neck with an "N" engraved on it.
"Nayeon!" a little girl who looked just like you said, appeared in front of her and gazing at Nayeon's arms.
"I've told you not to leave my room!!" the mini you said.
Nayeon was confused. "Sorry?" she asked.
The little girl looked at her with wide eyes and her mouth in an "O" shape. Nayeon smiled awkwardly.
That's when you entered the room. "Hey baby, my mom wants to know what your favorite dessert is cause she's going to the grocery-"
“Oh hey Olivia, Mommy wants to know if you'd like to go with her," you told your sister while messing with her hair.
"Who is she?" Nayeon heard your sister whisper. You smiled and said, "She's my girlfriend, remember? I told you about her."
Your sister nodded and introduced herself, "Hi! I'm Yn's favorite sister, Olivia." The little girl went to hug Nayeon.
"You're my only sister," you said.
"Hello, I'm Yn's favorite girlfriend, Nayeon," she said, smiling at your sister. Olivia's eyes widened. "Wow! You and her share the same name!" Olivia said, pointing at the bunny that was still in Nayeon's arms.
"I guess we kinda look alike," Nayeon said, petting the bunny.
"Yes! Yn picked her name!" Olivia said, petting the bunny.
Nayeon looked at you with a smirk. "Hey! That's not entirely true. You asked for names and Nayeon just happened to pop into my brain!" you said trying to defend yourself.
Olivia just rolled her eyes and asked Nayeon if she wanted to see the bunny’s clothes.
"Olivia! Are you coming, sweetheart?" you heard your mom's voice. "Can Nayeon come?" "I think Nayeon and Yn want to be together, baby!"
"She means the animal, Mom," you said. "Oh yeah, alright, bring her," your mom said. "Yay!" exclaimed your sister.
Nayeon passed the bunny to your sister. "Bye!" she said, leaving the room happily. "Oh, nice meeting you, Nayeon! You're really pretty!" After that, your sister left to go downstairs.
You gave Nayeon an embarrassed look.
"So... Nayeon, huh?" Your girlfriend laughed.
"I'm sorry! I couldn't think of anything better and she's so impatient. I have no imagination when it comes to naming! I just say the name of someone I love! Like Olivia here, my parents made me choose my little sister's name. And do you know why I picked Olivia?"
Nayeon shook her head.
"She's named after my favorite One Direction song! You know, the song 'I live for you, I long for you, Olivia'?" You said, singing the last part.
Nayeon couldn't help but laugh and then kissed you.
When your brother told you he was going to visit you for a few weeks you couldn't help but ask him to bring his lovely dog.
He wasn't surprised at your request since you've always adored animals.
So when he finally arrived at your house you couldn't help but spoil the not-so-little labrador retriever. You couldn't wait until you introduced her to your cute girlfriend.
Jeongyeon planned a cozy evening with you at your place, she ought to surprise you. She bought all your favorite snacks and made a list of movies to watch at home.
She was arriving at your house when she heard a loud bang on the door. She pressed her ear on the door and heard the loud noise again.
She opened the door closely and when she did she felt a heavy weight on her arms. She gasped at the feeling then she heard a loud “Jeongyeon! Come here!” Jeongyeon was confused but relieved when the weight stopped.
“I'm sorry” a male voice called. Now Jeongyeon was even more confused.
“Mhm..” The girl said, then saw your brother closing the backyard door and she relaxed.
“Oh hey, Luke” The blonde greeted your brother. “Hey Jeongyeon sup,” he said hugging the girl.
“How have you been?” Said Jeongyeon, “How was your flight?”. “I've been great, thanks, the flight was good they even gave us those delicious gummies”
“The Red ones or the multicolor ones?” asked Jeongyeon. “Both!” exclaimed the boy with a big smile. “No way,” said a shocked Jeongyeon. “Way”
Your brother and Jeongyeon were talking about trivial things. “So where’s yn?” said the girl sitting on the kitchen counter. “Oh, she went to buy some toys for Jeong-“ your brother was interrupted by the door.
“Jeongyeon baby I’m home where are you sweet girl?, come here and give me a kiss” Jeongyeon blushed at your words and smiled at your baby tone.
When Jeongyeon got up and made her way to you, she felt a heavy force push her to the wall. Jeongyeon gasped at the feeling. Confused, Jeongyeon looked to her right and saw a blonde tail moving with force.
Then she saw how you pet the owner of the tail. And heard your adorable voice praising the big blonde labrador in front of you.
“Look at all the things I found for you!” you exclaimed in a high tone. When you finally looked up and saw your girlfriend with a surprised face in front of you. You smiled and went to kiss her.
“Baby!, you didn’t tell me you were coming. I wanted you to meet Jeongyeon on a special occasion.” You sounded a little disappointed. Jeongyeon smiled at you.
“Meeting who?” she asked, putting her arms around your waist. “Jeongyeon!,” The moment the name left your mouth it followed a loud bark from the cute dog.
“She’s Jeongyeon my brother’s labrador retriever” Jeongyeon heard the (dog) Jeongyeon making snorting sounds. “She’s excited,” said Luke.
“Dude we were talking for like an hour, why’d you never told me about her” said your girlfriend. Your brother just laughed “She would've killed me” Said Luke pointing at you.
“I wanted to be special since you guys share the same name. I know it's kinda silly” You said.
“It's cute,” Jeongyeon said, wrapping your lips around hers.
"Omg," Momo heard your voice and became worried at your tone. "Baby?" your girlfriend asked.
"What's wrong?" Momo asked, concerned. "Look at this!" you exclaimed, passing your phone to her. "My parents found this raccoon on their porch!" you said.
"Wow, are your parents okay?" the short-haired one asked. "Yeah, but my dad freaked out when he found him," you laughed.
"Wait," you said. Momo looked at you, sensing some seriousness in your voice. "He kinda looks like you!"
Momo gave you a sharp look. You burst into laughter at her reaction. "I swear! You guys look like twins." Momo rolled her eyes at you and threw herself on top of you.
You started to giggle when Momo began tickling you. "Okay, okay, I'm sorry. You're way cuter than that raccoon," you said through tears of laughter. Momo just tickled you harder.
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It was a chill date for you and Momo. You both walked around the city, holding hands, and Momo bought you anything you said was cute, you guys were just admiring the city lights.
That's when Momo found a pet store that was giving kittens up for adoption. Knowing your love for cats, Momo pointed in that direction. When you saw what your girlfriend was pointing at, you almost collapsed onto the floor.
Momo smiled at your reaction and started pulling you towards the kittens.
"They're so cute!" you said with hearts in your eyes. Momo melted at your reaction. "Hello! They have all been rescued from the streets and have been vaccinated. They're ready to go home with you!" said the girl behind the kittens.
"You heard that, baby? They're ready to go home with us!"
"They are really cute," said Momo, trying to pet the cats. Some of them were scared and backed away a little bit, but after a few minutes, the cats were all around Momo. "They're so cute I'm crying," she said.
You noticed a black little kitten in the back and called for her. You were surprised when she came right to you. "It's purring!" the girl behind them said. "He’s kinda shy. People have been here all afternoon and he never left the corner."
Your and Momo's hearts melted at the statement. "Can we have her?" you asked Momo with puppy eyes. Momo couldn't say no to you. So that's how you two ended up buying all the things for your new roommate: food, a bed, some toys, etc.
"Everything is ready. Congratulations! Do you two have a name yet?" the employee asked.
"Yes, Momo!" you said, petting the baby cat. "What?" Momo asked, confused.
"Baby, it's the perfect name!" you told your girlfriend. "Are you teasing me?" Momo raised her brow.
"What? No! Look at her, she has 'momo' all around her. I love you, I love this kitten, so why not?"
"He's actually a boy," the girl called out.
Momo gave you a sharp look. "Momo is a name for both sexes!" you exclaimed.
"Pleaseeeeeeee," you begged with big puppy eyes that you knew Momo couldn't resist.
"Alright, yeah, Momo it is!" She gave in.
"Yay!" you said, pulling your lips onto Momo's.
You and your girlfriend, Sana, were visiting your hometown to see your mom. Your mom had planned activities for Sana's visit, and she was really excited since it was her first time in your hometown. She admired everything with adoration and made cute comments about everything you guys visited or saw.
One of the activities planned was a trip to the zoo, and Sana couldn't have been more excited. You both took pictures with the animals and fed them, and Sana even bought giraffe headbands for you and your mother.
As you were about to leave the zoo, you spotted some funny-looking little animals and grabbed Sana's hand, pulling her towards them.
"Aren't they cute?" Sana said, looking at the little creatures. "Wait, Sana, look!" you said, pointing in a specific direction.
Sana turned and followed your gaze. "That white one looks like your friend!" you exclaimed. "That ferret?" Sana laughed at your comparison. "Yeah! He looks like the guy from your company, the one who drew us that one time, remember?" you said, giggling. "Hyunjin?" Sana asked, laughing along.
"Yeah!" you said, still giggling. “They do look alike!" Sana said, looking at the ferret. "Right," you laughed, kissing Sana's cheek.
You both spent some time looking at the hedgehogs, ferrets, and hamsters. That's when you saw some guinea pigs and turned to Sana. "Look! That one's named Sana," you told your girlfriend.
Sana looked at the rodent and laughed. "She looks like me!" Sana said, excited about the similarity.
"But don't worry sweetheart, you're even cuter," you told Sana. She laughed, and you both kissed.
"Baby, I'm home," Jihyo called as she entered the house. She took off her shoes and walked toward the kitchen to leave the takeout food she had bought before coming home.
"Honey?" she called for you again. "I'm in here!" Jihyo heard her girlfriend's voice from the living room. Jihyo walked to the living room, excited to see you since she had been working the whole day.
"Hey sweet girl, I've missed you so much," she said, going to hug you from behind and closing her eyes.
"Me too, baby. How was practice today?" You felt Jihyo's breath on your neck. "It was good, but I'm kinda tired babe," she said as she opened her eyes.
When her eyes were fully open, she gasped and quickly backed down, almost falling to the ground.
"Why is there an owl in our living room?" Jihyo said, sounding scared.
You laughed a little and then said, "You know how my brother is obsessed with Harry Potter, well, since his birthday is coming up, for some reason, my parents thought of buying him an owl, just like Harry's," you said, giving some food to the white owl.
"Wow, your parents are really thoughtful," Jihyo said, giggling. "What's his name?" she asked as she put her arms around your waist and hugged you from behind again.
"He is actually a she. And we're waiting for my brother to name her, but he's an 11-year-old Potterhead with a white owl, so I bet 5 bucks it'll be Hedwig," you told your girlfriend as she turned your face to kiss her.
"We'll see," Jihyo said, laughing.
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A few days passed, and your brother's birthday finally arrived. You and Jihyo, along with the owl, drove to your parents' house for the party.
You guys ate some Harry Potter-themed food, watched the kids break a big piñata, and took some cute pictures of each other—everything you do at an 11-year-old's party.
When the little kids got picked up by their parents, you guys entered the house. "Mom, Dad, can I open my presents now?" your brother asked loudly.
Your parents nodded, and the little one started jumping. "You can't really 'open' the present that Daddy and I got you," your mom told him. Your brother looked at them puzzled.
"And this isn't just a present, baby. You have to take care of her, just like a human being. She's not just some toy. We're giving you this because we think you're ready to have a pet," your mom said.
Your brother started jumping and hugging your mom when he heard the word 'pet.'
As your brother smothered your mother, your dad gave you a look that meant 'bring her now.' You got up and went to get the owl that you had been owlsitting the whole week.
When you entered the living room once more, now with the pet in the cage, your mother pointed at you, and your brother gave you a big gummy smile.
"An owl! Thank you, thank you! I've always wanted one, and she's just like Harry's! I can't believe this! Thank you so much, Yn, you're the best sister ever!" your brother said, hugging your legs.
Jihyo couldn't help but smile at you and your brother's interaction. She thought it was the cutest thing ever.
"So, how are you naming her?" your dad asked.
"Jihyo!" he said, excitedly.
Jihyo blushed at that, while everyone turned to him, confused.
"What?" your mom asked. "Since Yn gave me this awesome present, and since Yn loves Jihyo, and I love this owl!" your brother said, petting the white owl through her cage.
Everyone looked even more puzzled. "Actually, this gift is from Mom and Dad. My gift and Jihyo's present is the Minecraft card," you told him.
"I'm naming the card Jihyo too!"
Jihyo couldn't help but laugh at your brother. "But wouldn't you like to name her Hedwig, I mean, just like Harry's!" Jihyo tried to reason with your brother.
"No, Jihyo is way better," your brother said, unbothered.
"Well, Jihyo it is," you said, looking at your girlfriend. Jihyo laughed a little, feeling a bit embarrassed.
“Why don't we show Jihyo where she'll be staying” your dad told your brother. “Okay!” he said carrying the owl out of the living room.
You sat down with your girlfriend once again. Both of you made eye contact and burst into laughter. “It was kinda cute,” you said. And Jihyo just laughed even harder.
“You own me 5 bucks”
You and your girlfriend Mina were having dinner at your grandparent’s. You guys were having a great time since all your family loved and appreciated Mina and loved how special she made you feel.
Everyone was laughing at a joke your grandfather had said, Mina's hand was resting on your thigh. After you guys finished laughing, she asked you for directions to the bathroom. You offered to take Mina to the bathroom since it was a big house. Mina smiled and took your hand, allowing you to guide her.
You guys got up and entered the house, holding hands. When you guys arrived in the living room, you stopped when you saw a big fishbowl with big and small fish swimming around.
Mina followed your gaze and pointed at some multicolored fish that was eating.
“That one looks like you," you pointed at a big-eyed yellow-orange fish that was fighting for some food. Mina rolled her eyes at you.
"Really! You have the same eyes," you exclaimed, smirking.
"Yn! That's enough. Stop teasing Mina!" your mom said in Mina's defense. "Look, I'm telling you, she loves you more than me! When someone teases me, she just laughs along!" you whispered to Mina.
Mina just laughed and wrapped her arms around your shoulders, kissing your forehead.
"The bathroom is just down there," you pointed out.
"I'll be waiting here with the other Mina," you told her.
"The other Mina?" the original Mina looked at you confused. You smiled, pointing at the fish. Mina rolled her eyes, smiling.
After dinner, you guys offered to take your mother home. "Oh honey, do you remember my cat Meredith?" your mother asked as you were driving.
"Oh yeah, what's up with her?" you questioned, focusing on the road. "She gave birth! We gave away some of the kittens, but there are still some around the place!"
"Aw! I can't wait to see them," you said happily.
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"Mina, would you like some tea?" that's the first thing your mother said when you guys arrived at her house.
"Yes, thank you, Mrs. Yln," Mina said as you guys sat on the living room couch. Before you could sit down, your mother called for you to help her pour the tea. You sighed and walked towards the kitchen.
"Wait," you heard Mina's voice. You turned around and met Mina's lips. You laughed and softly pulled away. "I'll be right back," you winked at your girlfriend.
While you were gone, Mina started looking at her phone until she heard a ‘meow’ near her. She looked at the rest of the couch and found a little white kitten with big almond eyes. Mina melted at the little animal.
"Hi, baby," Mina said, pulling her hand towards the cat. The cat backed down a little, but with some encouragement, the kitty felt confident enough and got into Mina’s hand. Mina thought she was going to die from cuteness.
When you and your mom put down the teas on the table, you turned to Mina with something white in her hand. "Oh, so you've met Snowy," your mom said.
"You named her Snowy?" you said teasingly. "Well, I was waiting for you to name the rest of them!"
"I think she likes you, Mina," your mom said happily. And it was true, the kitty was all over Mina, and Mina was more than happy, smiling and petting the cat.
"We should name her Mina!" you said. Mina turned to you with wide eyes. "Well, she loves you, baby, and you two are the cutest things ever," you said, kissing Mina's head.
"Oh, I love it!" your mother said.
Mina smiled at you and caught your lips in a quick kiss.
You loved your job at the zoo. The way you cared for the animals and connected with them was truly admirable. However, there was one aspect of your job that always made you a bit apprehensive - the snakes.
You had an intense fear of snakes. Just the thought of them would send shivers down your spine. But you realized it was time to overcome the fear, so you decided to face your fear head-on. You came up with a unique idea - you would name one of the snakes after your girlfriend Dahyun.
Your co-worker thought it was a brilliant idea and agreed to let you take care of the snakes for a day. As you timidly approached the enclosure, you locked eyes with a beautiful python. With a deep breath, you mustered up the courage to hold the snake, reminding yourself that it now shared your girlfriend’s name.
Surprisingly, as you spent time with the snake named Dahyun, you started to feel a strange sense of comfort. You realized that your fear was slowly dissipating, replaced by a newfound connection with the reptiles you once dreaded.
Days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months. You continued to care for the snakes, especially the one named after your girlfriend. You learned about their unique characteristics, their gentle nature, and their importance in the ecosystem. With each passing day, your fear diminished further, replaced by a growing sense of admiration and respect for these creatures.
One sunny day, Dahyun decided to surprise her girlfriend at work. As Dahyun entered the zoo, butterflies fluttered in her stomach.
As she approached her girlfriend's station, Dahyun's eyes widened in awe. There her girlfriend stood, confidently handling the snakes, her smile radiant and her body language relaxed. Dahyun couldn't help but feel a surge of pride for her girlfriend.
When you finally noticed her presence, you walked over with a smile. "Surprised to see me here?" Dahyun said.
"But I'm even more surprised to see you so comfortable with the snakes now. How did you overcome your fear?" Dahyun asked
You chuckled and took Dahyun's hand. "It all started with you, my love. I named that snake after you to help me face my fears. Every time I handle the snakes, I think of you and how you make me feel safe and loved. It gave me the courage to embrace these little guys."
Dahyun's eyes welled up with tears of happiness. She never expected her simple existence to have such an impact. They shared a tender moment, surrounded by the snakes that had brought them closer together.
As Dahyun glanced at the snake named after her, she couldn't help but feel grateful for the reptile since it had transformed her girlfriend's fear into a symbol of love and bravery.
As you stood outside the studio's door, you impatiently waited for Chaeyoung to open it for you. Your hands were full, making it difficult to open the door by yourself.
But before coming here, something ‘unexpected’ happened. You had thought about buying some food for Chaeyoung since she had been really busy at the studio. However, as you were walking to Chaeyoung's favorite bakery, you noticed a box just outside the store. When you looked down, you saw a black puppy inside.
You couldn't leave the puppy there, so you picked him up and immediately took him to the vet. The vet assured you that he was fine and gave him some vaccines. He also mentioned that you could bring the puppy for adoption next week, but for now, the little dog needed a place to stay.
Finally, the door opened, and Chaeyong’s Co-worker let you in. You hid the puppy behind your back.
"Thank you," you smiled and went inside.
Chaeyoung spotted you from inside the studio. She took off her headphones and came out to greet you with a hug and a kiss on the cheek.
"What are you doing here?" she asked, a big smile on her face.
"I thought I would come to visit you. I got you... something special," you replied.
She nodded, a little confused. "Okay, close your eyes," you told her, feeling a bit nervous. With anticipation, you unveiled the puppy in front of her. Unexpectedly, the puppy licked your girlfriend's nose.
Chaeyoung opened her eyes in a hurry. "Who's this little guy?" she said, petting the dog.
"His name is Chaeyoung, and he has had all his vaccines. We could take him for adoption next week, but if you spend just a few minutes with him, you'll never want to let him go, and-"
Your girlfriend's laughter interrupted you. "Honey, you got me at his name," she smiled, kissing you.
"Oh, will you look at that!" you heard your mom's voice as you came downstairs. "What are you guys watching?" you said.
"Keira's rabbit just gave birth," your sister told you, excited.
"Who's Keira?" you asked, confused, trying to see the pictures of the bunnies on your mother's phone.
"My best friend!" your sister exclaimed angrily. "Sorry!" you apologized, sticking your tongue out at your sister.
"Look at the bunnies," your mother passed you the phone.
They were really cute, looking like cotton candy fluffy balls. You wanted to eat them. "This one looks like Yn's girlfriend!" you heard your sister's voice as she pointed at a cute brunette bunny. You examined the fluffy ball, and it was true; it looked just like Tzuyu.
"You're right," you chuckled at the thought. "Is Keira keeping all of them?" you turned to your sister.
"Her parents just let her keep two; the others are going to live at her grandma's," your sister told you as she took the phone out of your hands.
"Tell her to keep the Tzuyu one," you said, laughing.
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You were baking with Tzuyu, making some cakes. You loved baking, and Tzuyu loved watching you do things you love, and she got the privilege of licking the spoons!
As you put the cake in the oven and set the timer, you heard your phone ringing. "Sweetie, it's your mom," Tzuyu said, passing you your phone.
You murmured a "thank you, baby." "Hi mom, what's up?" While you were talking with your mom, Tzuyu started washing up the dishes and the things you guys used.
"Hey, so my mom wants me to pick up my sister from a play date. I'll be right back, or do you want to come?" you asked your girlfriend.
Tzuyu nodded at you with a big smile. It had been a long time since she saw your little sister.
You drove in the direction your mom sent you, and you guys arrived after 10 minutes. When you were about to knock on the door, you remembered that you forgot something in the car and told Tzuyu you'd be right back. Before leaving, you gave Tzuyu a quick kiss on the lips.
Before Tzuyu could knock on the door, it opened, and she saw two little girls - one was your sister, and she assumed the other was her friend. "Tzuyu!" your sister hugged her. "Hi!" Tzuyu exclaimed happily. "How have you been?" Tzuyu asked, petting your sister's hair.
"Great! I've missed you!" Before Tzuyu could answer, the other little girl interrupted, "Is her name Tzuyu, like my bunny?" the other girl said.
"Yes! I told you to name her after my sister's girlfriend, remember?" your sister told her friend.
Tzuyu blushed at the comment and laughed. "Your bunny's name is Tzuyu?"
When you arrived at the door once again, you were surprised as the door was opened. You entered your sister's best friend's house and gasped when you saw Tzuyu petting her bunny self. When Tzuyu saw you, she just smiled at you.
"You’re so cute," you murmured.
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sohyxn · 11 months
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TAGS : fluff, slight angst?
PAIRINGS : tsundere tzuyu x fem reader.
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y/n slowly opens her eyes, feeling an overwhelming sense of dizziness and fatigue. her head throbs, and her body feels heavy. realizing she's fallen ill, she musters the strength to sit up and calls out to tzuyu, who is sitting nearby.
"tzuyu, i don't feel well," y/n says, her voice weak.
tzuyu glances up from her book, her expression initially dismissive. "don't be so dramatic. It's probably just a minor thing."
y/n's heart sinks at tzuyu's dismissive response, but she pushes through, determined to make her point. "no, tzuyu, i'm serious. i'm feeling really sick. i think i need to rest."
tzuyu's icy facade softens almost imperceptibly, a flicker of concern in her eyes. "fine. if you're that insistent, go rest. but don't expect me to play nurse for you."
y/n nods, understanding tzuyu's tsundere nature. as y/n crawls back into bed, tzuyu can't help but watch her with hidden worry. memories of her own past experiences with vulnerability make her hesitant to let her guard down completely.
tzuyu tries to distract herself, focusing on her book, but her thoughts keep drifting back to y/n. the worry gnaws at her, and she can't shake the feeling that she needs to do something.
after a few moments of internal struggle, tzuyu sets her book aside and silently enters the room where y/n is resting. she sits at the edge of the bed, lightly placing a hand on y/n's forehead.
"you're burning up," tzuyu mutters under her breath, her voice barely audible.
y/n stirs at the touch, her eyes fluttering open. "tzuyu, what are you doing here?"
tzuyu averts her gaze, her cheeks slightly flushed. "i... i couldn't just ignore you. i brought some medicine. take it."
y/n's heart swells with affection, realizing tzuyu's true intentions. she takes the medicine and smiles weakly. "thank you, tzuyu. i'm sorry for bothering you."
tzuyu scoffs, trying to maintain her tough exterior. "don't get the wrong idea. i just don't want you to get worse and be a burden."
y/n chuckles softly, despite her weakened state. "you may act tough, but i know you care. thank you for looking out for me."
in that moment, y/n reaches out and gently touches tzuyu's cheek. tzuyu freezes, caught off guard by the unexpected gesture.
"i appreciate you, jagi," y/n whispers, her voice filled with warmth. "and i want you to know that, even if you try to hide it, your actions speak louder than words."
tzuyu's icy exterior cracks, and she blushes, unable to form a coherent response. in a moment of vulnerability, she leans forward, pressing her lips against Y/N's in a soft and tender kiss.
their lips linger for a brief, stolen moment before tzuyu pulls back, her expression a mix of surprise and uncertainty. "that... that was nothing. just... just forget it."
y/n smiles, their eyes locked with affection. "i won't forget it. because that kiss meant something. it meant that even beneath your cold exterior, there's a warmth waiting to be shared."
tzuyu's cheeks flush even deeper, but a small smile tugs at the corners of her lips. "don't expect me to get all sappy. i did it because... because you're important to me."
as y/n settles back into bed, tzuyu remains by their side, her presence a comforting and reassuring presence. in that moment, their connection deepens, and the barriers between them slowly melt away.
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lesbolieeh · 2 years
Jelly (m)
Bratty!Sub!Tzuyu ✦ Dom!F!Reader
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WC—5.4 ✦ k
WARNING—69 ✦ oral sex ✦ face-sitting ✦ begging ✦ teasing ✦ stripping ✦ praise ✦ tzuyu being the cutest fkn girl out there ✦ light degradation ✦ light hair pulling ✦ mommy kink ✦ baby girl kink ✦ ft. Sana x Miyeon, Lisa x Jennie
THEMES—smut ✦ new relationship au ✦ jealousy
NOW PLAYING—Only Girl (In The World) ✦ god
[A/N.] I hope u guys like the new look<3
M.LISTS—twice ✦ latest updates ✦ read on wp
All rights reserved © lesbolieeh
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"I have a mommy kink."
Tzuyu liked it when you called her Babygirl so it shouldn't be too much of a stretch to call you Mommy, right? She turned her head and looked at you, grinning as if you were joking. After a few seconds of not getting a similar reaction back, her mouth gaped out of shock. "Or to be more specific, I like being called Mommy," you attempted to get her out of her trance.
When she'd done enough thinking, which was five long seconds, she replied in the brattiest voice ever, "You're not my mother." Of course, it sucked a bit that you weren't into the same kink but you two shared a lot of other kinks so it was OK. It's impossible to had the exact same kinks as someone else anyway. At least she didn't act weird around you because of it.
But your sex dynamic was affected by this incident. Usually Tzuyu could get a bit shy to initiate sex and would rather hint at it by keeping eye contact for a long time when holding your hand or by resting her head on your boobs when you were cuddling or giving a quick kiss to your neck and blush. All of a sudden she got bratty, mostly by using your kink against you, like whenever you were clumsy and accidentally walked into a table or dropped a chopstick, she'd clap her hands and sarcastically sad "Good job, Mommy".
But this meant you two found a new kink together; punishments. You progressively introduced kinkier punishments from overstimulating her to edging her to blindfolding her. It was almost as if telling her about your Mommy kink (that she didn't reciprocate) opened up new doors for you to explore kinks especially Tzuyu would've been too shy to tell you about. Truthfully, finding new kinks together was such a fun activity and even if you two explored something that you didn't necessarily end up liking, the intimacy of the activity made up for it and you could just give each other head and orgasm anyway. However, Mommy still wasn't one of the kinks you two explored at all in bed and that would always be in the back of your mind. But as long as you two had fun it didn't matter if she called you Mommy or not.
"How does it feel?" you jumped with a smile, your girlfriend's hands in yours.
"I'm excited since you've told you so many stories about them and it's a bigger step in our relationship but I'm also a bit nervous," Tzuyu said a small, smiling in pain.
"Awww, Baby, I like you so they will like you too, don't worry. As long as you don't mention that you hate mint chocolate ice cream I think it'll be fine," you kissed her hands and pulled her into a hug.
The hug calmed down her nerves but she was still nervous. It was impossible not to since she was always a bit awkward when meeting new people and this time the new people were your extroverted friends so she felt pressure to come across as likable to them. Knock, knock! They'd arrived. You opened the door.
"Miyeon! The blonde hair fits you so well," you said when you saw her blonde hair.
She flipped her hair, "I know right~" 
She threw herself at you in a needy hug and whined out, "____, I've missed you sooo much." Miyeon can be a very touchy person with her close friends and that's one of her best traits but it can be a less good one in a situation where you're in a relationship and your partner isn't aware that the girl acts like that around all her best friends.
Therefore Tzuyu stands there awkwardly, breathing quickening, looking at an attractive girl latch onto her girlfriend like a leech. You could hear Miyeon making exaggerated smelling sounds, which was weird until she uttered "I missed your smell! You smell like something I can't describe. Hmm fruity."
You laughed at her weird behavior while Tzuyu just stood there, watching silently. Your arms squeeze extra hard for a moment just to be a little more dramatic when you said you had missed her too.
You let go of the hug and turned to the second friend.
"Omg hi Sana!" you eye-smile back to the woman who already held her arms out to hug you.
"_____! Missed you," she said with a muffled voice from her burying her face in your neck.
Your girlfriend turned her gaze to the ground, finding her feet more interesting than the scene in front of her. Fuck, she's pretty too. Tzuyu was rarely this intimidated when she met new people,  but the two women had known you for much longer than she had, and they felt so comfortable with showing affection towards you — and the fact they were so pretty did not help.
But there was one more person who was hiding behind the door that you didn't know of. Out she jumped from behind the door, "Hiii!" 
"LISA!" your smile grew, not having seen her in almost a month.
You pulled her into a hug, "I didn't expect to see you! I thought you were going on a trip to Laos!"
"As if I would miss meeting my favourite person! Actually I'm going tomorrow instead," Lisa smiled.
"You know I missed you like crazy, right?"
Tzuyu frowned.
"I missed you too," you said with a pout of guilt as you looked down at Lisa.
"ANYWAY, this my girlfriend!" you turned to her with a smile, not having detected any jealousy yet. "Tzuyu, this is Sana, Miyeon and Lisa."
"H-Hi..." Tzuyu said with insecurity as visible as a watermelon in a pumpkin patch.
"Hello," the oldest girl said loudly as she reached out to shake her hand. The tense girl next to you took the other's hand and shook it, probably wetting it with sweat.
"_____ has told us a lot about you," Miyeon said with a friendly smile which had the opposite effect than intended.
"Why did you steal ____ from us?" the remaining girl asked as she crossed her arms, with an aegyo angry pout.
"I—" your girlfriend tried to form a sentence and looked at you for help when she failed.
"I was just joking," Lisa smiled and winked at Tzuyu playfully.
That worked, Tzuyu smiled back.
2h later.
"Now I understand why she got with you! Like, you're cool, Bro," Lisa laughed and high-fived Tzuyu while she blushing slightly with pride because of the compliment, but also at the mention of her lover.
During the past few hours, Tzuyu and your best friends had bonded. Sana, Miyeon and Lisa were great talkers and they had made Tzuyu feel comfortable in their company enough to have courage to hang out with the three of them without you when you made food for everyone (which meant a lot because she expected to be next to you the whole day to not be awkward and embarrass herself by stuttering and shit).
"How does the TV work?" Miyeon asked Tzuyu since this was technically her apartment.
"I don't know," Tzuyu felt a little flustered for not knowing how to use her own TV. But in her defense you two usually watched Netflix on her phone laying in bed together and not on a TV sitting on the sofa together.
"Forget what I said about you being cool before," Lisa joked.
"_____!" Sana called out.
"PLEASEEE, Mommy, WE NEED YOUR HELP," she yelled with a nice tone.
That action sent Tzuyu in a state of shock for a few seconds. Why did Sana call ____ Mommy? Soon "Mommy" showed up and asked tiredly "What do you want help with, Sana?"
Slowly a bad feeling crept inside of Tzuyu. What the fuck. Why is she acting so indifferent? Sana literally called her Mommy! Another girl shouldn't be calling her that. How the fuck does Sana even know of _____'s kink?
By the time Tzuyu stopped drowning in her thoughts, you had already helped with the TV and Miyeon was looking through Netflix. "Can you please get you a blanket, Mommy?" the devil on Earth, also known as Sana, asked Tzuyu's girlfriend with a cute voice on purpose and made grabby hands.
Tzuyu looked at you, not sure what she was expecting or hoping you to do. And then you were gone. Yes! She just left her hanging! Fuck yes— Suddenly Tuzyu's thoughts were interrupted again when she saw you...with a fluffy, red blanket in your hand.
"Thanks, Mommy," Sana exaggerated the title once again, making your girlfriend's face turn red.
"Don't interrupt me again, folks, or else food will be burnt and you'll have air for dinner," you warned before you went back to cooking the food that might or might not be ruined already.
Tzuyu tried to act like nothing happened when Miyeon turned on RuPaul's Drag Race on the TV. But it was very hard. Tzuyu's thoughts kept racing so she decided to confront that shitbag.
"Why did you call her Mommy?" Tzuyu asked bluntly, not caring about sounding rude.
"_____? Oh, well, I always do that when I want her to do me—"
Tzuyu clenched her fists. This fucker—
"—a favour and it always works!"
"Yeah, ____ probably loves being called that," Miyeon commented looking at Tzuyu.
"But you probably know that already," Lisa's eyebrows danced up and down.
"Can you get us sodas, please? Mommy~" Miyeon called out.
For the rest of the night it seemed like Tzuyu's social battery had run out.
Days later.
Tzuyu had been acting a bit cold towards you for the past couple of days and you didn't know why but you suspected it had to do with meeting your friends since that's around the time she distanced herself. You had texted her to meet up (because you wanted to talk to her about this) and, thankfully, she quickly replied to one of your texts (you had expected her to ignore it for a few hours at least).
Come to my place.
You didn't know what to expect but you put on a nice outfit, which consisted of a skirt with a zipper that went all the way down to the end paired with an oversized T-shirt. Before you knew it you were standing outside her door. Knock, knock!I If you two weren't having problems right now you'd just use your key (that she'd given you weeks ago) to just open the door without knocking but due to not communicating that well lately you were not sure if you were allowed to do that anymore and you didn't want to overstep her boundaries.
The walls were thin, so much that you could hear whenever a neighbor flushed the toilet, so you expected to hear her footsteps to let you know she was going to open the door but... nothing. Is she gonna ignore my existence this way too...?
When you realized that she might not have heard you you took a leap and went for the door handle and walked in.
"Tzuyu?" You said out loud, waiting for her to show up.
With no response you started getting worried.
"Tzuyu? Baby?" you called out her nicknames, hoping it'd show her you were coming with peace and love to solve your problems, not to argue.
"Here," you heard her beautiful voice coming from the direction of the living room.
After you hung up your jacket and took off your shoes, you slowly followed her voice. Walking into the living room you didn't expect to see the sight you were met by. There she was. Your girlfriend, Tzuyu, laying on her stomach on the sofa, facing the TV...
Plump butt, godly thighs, muscular back, honey smooth and colored skin...all on display for you.
Confused about why she was naked when we were supposed to talk, you asked her with a light tone, "What happened? Why are you...naked?"
She turned her face to you and put her cheeks on the armrest of the sofa with a pout, "I hurt myself!"
Your protective nature kicked in, immediately getting worried, and asked her where she hurt herself. She sat up and spread her legs, exposing yet another surprise. That surprise being her throbbing, red pussy with wetness dripping down her thighs. She whines, "I walked into a table."
The view of your girlfriend laying naked, so wet and with a cute pout for the most innocent' reason was one of the sexiest things you'd seen in your whole life...and it was also making you unconsciously clench. You were not sure what to say since you were not expecting to see her in this state, so stayed quiet. If you were shocked before, you were speechless when you heard the next sentence coming from her delicate lips...
"Can you kiss it better? Please, Mommy, it really hurts so, so much," she asked, still with the innocent pout as if she was not a kinky masochist. For some people that might sound like just a very dirty sentence, but for you it sounded like the gates to the heaven of sins had opened. This flipped the switch from worried-about-your-relationship mode to let-me-take-care-of-my-lover mode. You didn't need to give her an answer, you simply walked over to the sofa and looked down at her.
"My safeword is moonlight. What's your safeword?"
"Sunrise," she answered.
From seat on the sofa, she felt small and submissive compared to your tall self standing in front of her looking down at her with a powerful aura. Crouching down to the same level as her pussy, you looked at her and saw her staring at you while breathing loudly. Smirking, you brought your face closer to her and stopped a few centimeters away.
"Where exactly did you hurt yourself, Baby?" you asked her teasingly, making her groan.
"Everywhere, Mommy. Everywhere. Kiss me everywhere, please," she begged, although she was sexually frustrated she tried to sound composed.
"Please, Ma—" you interrupted her from her begging by putting your middle finger on her slit lightly.
Looking up at her, you could see her eyes glistening with curiosity, mouth slightly agape from where her sentence stopped. Her pussy was pulsing from resisting to masturbate for the last three or so hours. You placed a tiny kiss on her clit and heard a small, flustered whine escape her mouth. She must've denied herself for a long time before you'd arrived if she was this sensitive.
"Waited for me instead of touching yourself? What a good girl you are, Baby," you said proudly before you started placing light kisses all over her pussy, making it, if possible, even redder than before.
"I'm Mommy's good girl," she barely let out, having a hard time speaking. She wanted to be claimed by you. She wanted you to know that she was dedicating herself to you, even going as far as not touching her aching pussy for hours, getting uncomfortably wet, letting it run down her thighs. She wanted you to know that she wanted to be a good girl for you.
The kisses were light and so small yet they made her high on ecstasy. With satisfaction visible in your eyes you started licking gently on her outer lips, making her groan louder and instinctively close her eyes. After a few seconds she opened them again and asked for another request "Mommy, can you sit on your face? Please?"
She wanted to please you too. Your baby wasn't completely selfish. "I don't want you to sit on the carpet."
"Why not?" You asked her to get on her nerves a little bit more than you already had.
"Your knees will get red, the carpet's so uncomfortable. And you told me my cheeks are soft so you should sit here, Mommy," she pointed at her face, showing you where you should sit.
"My pretty girl," you said and kissed her button nose, making her flash her beautiful smile.
You wanted to sit there, until I remembered the fact that she'd ignored you for these past two days. So you decided that teasing her was what she deserved. You stood up. She immediately laid down on the sofa, excited. You smiled at her enthusiasm. And then you sat down...
...on her chest, not her face. Close yet far. Hearing her complaining behind your back, motivated you to start licking her, maybe that would shut her up. But no. It didn't. Instead she let out more moans, letting you know that you were pleasing her but it was also her way of trying to make you wetter since she knew your weakness was her pleasure. You twirl your tongue around her clit lightly and got a high-pitched moan in return. You loved it. Her clit was her most sensitive part and she didn't know if she should be happy that you were making her feel good or if she should be complaining that she will come too early if you keep your attention on her clit for too long. With a smile you gave a small suck to her clit and the moans leaving her mouth went straight to your core. You started adding a little more pressure to her clit, not too much though, she brought her hands to your thighs and rubbed them gently up and down. That was OK until her fingers found their way to the edge of your skirt, slowly and sneakily trying to pull it up your legs.
"What are you doing?" you asked fast, sending vibrations that made her twitch. You quickly went back to worshiping her pussy, not wanting to leave her unattended for more than a few seconds. Grunts of pleasure are heard from the woman under you, yet she miraculously finds a way to talk.
"Mommy, you smell so good. Can I taste? Please," she said in between low moans.
How can she care so much about your pleasure in a moment when she's so pleased?
"A good girl who asks so nicely deserves to be rewarded."
Her face lit up at the thought of getting to eat you out; it's been her wish to do this for a while now. These past few weeks you've mostly focused on making her cum over and over again and although she made you cum too it had mostly been from her fingering you or you riding her thigh, not much cunnilingus. With smooth hands she touched you from the ankles beside her head up to the thighs that are hidden under the material of your skirt. She loves feeling you up. Especially, getting to feel your thighs under your skirt. It felt like she was doing something naughty; being in contact with skin hidden under fabrics, something nobody else could touch... She felt like a bad girl.
Confidence and curiosity made her tug the damned skirt and jerk it upwards until she could see the ivy blue panties you had on with a big dark patch covering the entrance to paradise, revealing how turned on you had gotten already. Her Mommy was wet for her. You moved your pussy further back until you could feel her hot breath on it through your panties. As soon as her mouth was close enough, she happily put the fabric to the side, so she could get to your wetness, and started kissing it. She kissed it smoothly and slowly, showing how much she appreciated you, since she rarely got to show you in this particular way.
Unlike her, you started going rougher. Sucking her clit harder, but not too harsh, and humming against her, sending wonderful vibrations. She kept whining and turning you on more so you started moving your tongue from her clit and licking between her lips too. Everything for your girl. She began to chant your name sinfully and dove her silky tongue inside you too, trying to return the favour as best as she could when she was moaning. Her moans were so addicting. She had this specific type of moan that sounded like a mixture between a sad whine and a woman getting fucked by another woman for the first time. She moaned so angelically it was as if she were singing.
She licked deeper between your folds, though her moans were getting louder and making it harder for her to focus, she really wanted you to cum first. For hours she'd been trying to restrain herself from touching herself at the thought of what you two were going to do tonight. She couldn't keep herself from thinking about it; it wasn't her fault that her girlfriend was the sexiest woman she'd ever met and that the thought alone of pleasing her was enough to make her pussy clench and get wet.
But what you were doing together right now was nowhere near her fantasy. This was way better than she ever could've predicted and she's really creative and has a huge imagination, which said a lot. To actually experience this was so much harder than fantasizing about it. She'd been restricting herself from cumming since before your tongue even met her sensitive skin.
Suddenly your skirt that was curled up on your thighs sank down and barricaded Tzuyu's head, not letting the cold oxygen from the room get in, which made her even hotter. Her hair was sticking to her forehead and her hands were cupping your ass, grabbing and playing with the thick flesh.
You could sense that she was on the verge of cumming, making you smile. You wanted her to cum, she deserved it and you had missed making her cum these past two days. "Baby, cum for me," you said against her skin, blowing on it to make it cooler and make her shiver.
"Wanna wait for you, Mommy," she moved her lips against you softly.
"But, Babygirl, you've been waiting for me for so long. You've been treating you like the queen I am. You deserve to cum," you encouraged her.
"Do it, Babygirl. Your cum is my pleasure," you whispered against her and sucked on her clit lightly.
All this praise was too much for her, she couldn't hold it in anymore so she finally let go, her legs shaking, you held them down. You kept on licking all over her pussy, not to overstimulate her or make her cum again, but just to savour the taste of her cum. Looking back you saw that your skirt has surrounded her and you couldn't see her face when she licked you so you lifted yourself off of her up and sat up on your knees.
With her tongue out in the air she looked disappointed and confused, "But you haven't cum yet."
You smirked at her cuteness and brought your hand to hold her cheek softly, "Be patient, Babygirl."
She was a little impatient now.
"You're gonna get it soon," you chuckled lightly at her eagerness for you to cum.
When your hand left her cheek and your steps took you a few meters away from her, she got confused again but kept quiet, waiting for what you'd do. You turned to her and watched her longing face as she laid there beautifully, looking like an angel yet like a sinner. Without breaking eye contact you dropped your panties and her mouth opened more than before. You were putting a spell on her. You were like an enchantress with power over her mind, body and soul. She was like a puppet with the strings you had the control of. She was aware of it. And she absolutely loved it.
Walking over to her with your mighty aura made her gulp, she had no idea of what you had in store for her. But she really wanted to see you drop some more garments. Then you sat on her chest again but this time with your front facing Tzuyu, making the girl gulp again with anticipation as she looked down at your wet pussy. "I just wanted to see your pretty face when I ride it," you said innocently, looking at her blush. Fuck, she was always so pretty when she blushed.
She watched as you made a knot on your shirt (you didn't want the shirt to cover her face like the skirt had done before). "Show me, please," she begged with her needy voice, having expected you to take off your shirt or at least uncover your boobs for her.
"Let's see if your tongue is worth it, Babygirl." There was no chance she was not witnessing a strip tease and your golden body. As if on cue, she went back to kissing your folds, keeping your eyes locked, wanting to see your reaction to every single trick she was going to pull out. She explored your body with her hands on your legs and stomach since she hadn't had the opportunity last time you fucked when her hands were tied above her head. You loved how she was so affectionate and could make sex romantic by an action as simple as holding your hand and looking into your eyes. To many people, eye contact during oral sex was all about power but to you two it was also about intimacy. You smiled down at her.
Soon she started licking on your folds, not yet moving between them or on your clit, she wanted to care for you and behold up your excitement — and it worked. Although she hadn't given you cunnilingus in so long, she was so damn skilled with her tongue and reading your body language.
You started touching her hair, putting it away from her face while still looking at her to motivate her. She licked between your folds and a stray groan escaped your mouth. She took it as a clue to keep it going, making more groans leave your mouth. You grinded on her face, which formed a confident smile on it, making Tzuyu's tongue go deeper in you. "Fuck, that feels so good, Baby."
When her tongue accidentally came in contact with your clit you moaned louder. Kisses were peppered on your sensitive bundle of nerves, sending shivers down your spine that made you arch your back. She was the type of pussy eater to not just lick but also kiss. Smiling at your reaction, she started going back and forth between kissing and licking your pussy. One kiss, one lick. Two kisses, two licks.
"Good girl," you praised her, zipped down your skirt and tossed it away in a random corner of the room, making your girlfriend whine against you.
She put her hands on your knees, that were on each side of her shead, in an innocent matter...until she moved her hands up your thighs and stopped at your ass, kneading each stretch marked cheek in each hand. "Hey! No touchy-touchy—" you were interrupted by your lover's magic hands pushing you into her face deeper, making you moan louder than before.
With loud moans escaping your mouth uncontrollably you grabbed a fistful of her wet hair. She liked it; it was rough and showed that you fucking loved what she was doing. "So desperate to see me naked?" you ask her as teasingly as possible when you were grunting.
She responded by vibrating "mhm" against your clit, making you pull her hair harder. As you grabbed the edges of your shirt, you saw her big eyes full of lust. When you pulled the shirt up and threw it away with an evil smile she whined in annoyance. You were wearing a lace bralette. A wine red one because fuck matching underwear. She wanted to see more. With the desire to make you cum and show your all for her, she put her cute lips on your clit and suckled a bit harder than before. Her desperation down there made you scream out loud.
"You're doing so well for me, Babygirl. Make Mommy proud."
As she kept pleasuring you, you decided she should be rewarded. She had earned a reward by now. The sound of you unclipping your bralette made her doe eyes twinkle with penchant. She took one of her hands away from your butt and put two fingers inside you to push you even faster to the edge. The other hand she brought up to cup your right boob with. You were on the verge of cumming. She noticed and started pinching your nipple. Fuck. She knew you so well. You couldn't hold it anymore and released your juice. Looking down, you were by her face of accomplishment and pride. She continued licking, but not to bring you to another orgasm but just to taste you some more.
"Thank you for your cum, Mommy," she said, breathing loudly.
You moved away from her face and laid back against the cushions of the sofa.
"Don't leave me, Mommy," she whined lightly at the lack of contact. She moved towards you and rested her head between your boobs. As she laid on top of you and relaxed with her eyes closed, you played with her hair. Maybe I went a little too rough on her cute hair...
You put Netflix on the TV and looked through shows to find something to watch before you went back for round two. You two had seen almost everything on there already. But there was one show you never grew tired of: RuPaul's Drag Race. You'd seen all seasons but rewatching them was still entertaining.
Tzuyu put her chin up on your left tit to look at you, accidentally hurting you in the proces.
"Ouch, that hurts, stop," you told her.
She immediately moved her chin to the middle of your chest instead and apologized "Sorry, Mommy."
No praise made her pout. So she started licking your left nipple lightly while pinching the other. You took her chin between your fingers and lifted her away from your skin and up to face you. "You're so naughty, Baby." If she couldn't get praise she didn't mind getting attention in another way. She smiled.
"I'll go and get us some water," you kissed her before you got up.
"And a blanket for cuddles, please?"
"Everything you need, Baby."
"Also tell Sana, Miyeon and Lisa to stop calling you Mommy, please?"
"Baby, they do it as a joke. You know Sana and Miyeon are dating right? And Lisa has an on-and-off relationship with a girl named Jennie."
"Really? I just thought they were straight besties who kiss and act gay with their friends for no reason!"
You laughed and came back with two glasses of water and the red blanket that Sana had asked for days ago tucked under your arm. "But if it makes you feel uncomfortable then I'll just tell them to stop of course."
Tzuyu laid her head back on your chest the moment your body touched the sofa, "That would be lovely!"
You kissed the top of her head, hugging her body. "Next time you feel jealous or uncomfortable, please tell me rather than acting cold," you pouted at her.
"Sorry, I'll definitely not do that again," she pouted back and kissed your pout.
Your pouts turned into smiles as you snuggled up against each other for another twenty minutes before going back to fucking.
✦ ੈ ✦ ‧₊˚ * ੈ ✦‧₊˚** ੈ ✦ ‧₊˚ * ੈ ✦‧₊˚** ✦ ੈ ✦
❝ Make me feel right (uh)
Baby, I'll tell you all my secrets that I'm keeping
You can come inside (yeah)
And when you enter, you ain't leaving
Be my prisoner for the night, oh ❞
—god; 2010
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cry4mina · 6 months
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My name is B (They/She)
Anon Hall Of Shame <- this is where degenerates end up
Nr1chaedickrider Hall of Fame
I DO NOT WRITE ANYWHERE BUT TUMBLR - if you see any works of mine elsewhere it has been plagiarized! Please report it and send me the link so I can have it taken down. Thank you.
do not copy/translate/repost of my works without credit/permission
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⛧ Cis-Men DNI
⛧ Requests are OPEN <- Click this to submit one!
⛧ Always looking for more moots! :)
⛧ DMs and asks are always welcome
⛧ If I set a boundary with you and you cross it = BLOCKED!
⛧ Anyone that send an ask that’s hateful will get BLOCKED!
⛧ I will not be giving out advice regarding mental health. Please stop sending me ask about this subject matter. It’s not fair to put that on me, respectfully. Please reach out to a LICENSED PROFESSIONAL for advice of this nature.
⛧ Hate of any kind is not welcome here. If anything is seen on any post of mine that could be considered phobic/racist in anyway, you will be blocked immediately. This includes homophobia, transphobia, bi-phobia, racism, sexism, xenophobia, etc. etc.
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You can put in requests for fics you’d like to read from me in the future! However, please understand that I might not write it quickly (if I decide it’s something that falls into what I want to write)
Things I will write for:
I'm pretty open to most things. Just ask!
Things I will NOT write for:
Underage or large age gaps.
G!P (this is just not for me, no hate to anyone that enjoys it or writes it)
Scat play (Again, just not for me)
Water sports. (Also not for me.)
*Some rules might be added at a later date*
Anons🖤: 🌈🥂💿👵🏼🐦‍⬛😈💀🎈🦖🪼🕸️🌟
do not copy/translate/or repost of my works without credit or permission.
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residentflamingo · 3 months
Twice’s Favorite Core Memories with You
Twice x fem! reader
Genre: fluff
Warnings: fluffier than a marshmallow 🥰
A/N: I just watched the new inside out movie and it was so good! 🥹 It may or may not have made me cry hehe. That movie is mostly where I got this idea from, but not 100%. I think I had been thinking of doing something like this for a while now, but I didn’t know how to word it. I know I said I was going to post the Jihyo fic a few days ago, but that one is taking a little bit longer to write than I expected. Not to worry though! It’s almost done and I’m super excited to show it to you guys. In the meantime, enjoy this little idea I came up with today <3 I love all of you, make sure you take care of yourselves during this hot summer. No matter what your body looks like, you will always be beautiful in a swimsuit ❤️
*✧・゚: *✧・゚: *✧・゚: *✧・゚: *✧・゚: *✧・゚: *✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚
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Watching you sleep when you stayed over at her house for the first time
Going to the park with you at midnight to play on the swing set
Making a scrapbook with you after you guys go on a trip together
You coming to the studio and supporting her during her solo era
Teaching you how to swim
When she called you from the studio, and ranted about how much she missed you even though she had called after an hour of being gone
Meeting your friends, and them telling her about how much you talk about her
Hugging you during a horror movie because you were too scared to watch it
Picking you up from the bar when you were so drunk that you didn’t recognize her, and told her to go away because you had a girlfriend
Giving you a massage everyday after work
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Seeing you walk down the isle during the wedding
You telling her that you were pregnant
When you cuddled up to her in the middle of the night, and she had to console you from your fear of thunderstorms
Staying up late at night to have deep conversations with you
Kissing your tummy during your pregnancy
Going to the beach with you for the first time
Slow dancing with you in the kitchen at 3am
When you consoled her during her moments of insecurity about her body
Watching you putting makeup on in the morning
Carrying you to bed after you fell asleep on the couch
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Going to a Twice concert and telling her how good her solo perfromance was
Coming home late to see you fast asleep on the couch with the dogs
Helping her take off her makeup at the end of the day
Letting her cry on your shoulder after she had a bad day at dance practice and struggled with the choreography
Teaching her how to cook one of your favorite dishes
When you both laughed so hard at a joke that soda went out of your nose
Surprising her with promise rings in Paris
Her teaching you some different choreographies from Twice songs
Walking the dogs with you
Randomly brainstorming different names for your future child
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When she met your family and spent Thanksgiving with them
Hugging you so hard after her one week quarantine that she knocked you guys over
Turning the volume all the way up and singing along to music in the car
When you guys danced and kissed in the rain
Doing your makeup for you
Her kissing all of your freckles after mentioning that you didn’t like them
Seeing you cry tears of happiness after she suprised you with an expensive gift
Finding your old baby pictures and putting one of them in her phone case
Shopping for baby clothes with you
Painting your nails
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When you both went ice skating for the first time, and fell on the ice
Watching you play with her nephews 🥹
When you told her that you were proud of her and all of the work that she does for Twice
Getting down on one knee and proposing to you
When you surprised her at one of her solo performances after telling her you couldn’t make it
Watching you listen to her album before she released it
You meeting her parents for the first time
Playfully arguing about who gets to pay for dinner
Surprising you with a bouquet of flowers and watching you squeal with excitement
Trying new foods with you at a restaurant
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Playing video games with her
Her first kiss with you
When you fell asleep on her lap on the first date
Building Lego sets together
Going to the convenience store with you at 3am to get some sushi
Taking you on a shopping spree, and buying you things you couldn’t afford growing up
Movie nights with cuddles
And also watching your favorite childhood movie for the first time, and seeing how excited you looked
Getting to see your reaction after watching her solo stage performance
Braiding your hair
Kissing your nose every time you get cold
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Cooking pancakes with you on the days that she’s off
When you helped write lyrics for one of her songs
Surprising her in her hotel after she told you she was getting homesick on your
The time you were drunk and you told her how much you loved her smile
Her teaching you how to play the piano
Showing her your childhood photos
When she took you to her hometown, and she gave a little tour of it
Coming home late and seeing you cuddled up with a stuffed animal
Playing trivia games with you
Taking care of you when you’re sick
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Getting a small tattoo of your name onto her arm
Her first date with you
When you complimented her on her beauty mark
Drinking tea and helping her think of ideas for new songs
Seeing you in a dress that was her favorite color for the first time
Finding you in the sea of people at one of her concerts
Doing the pockey challenge with you
When she took driving lessons with you
Listening to your parents tell her stories about when you were little
Taking an art class together and doing some pottery
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When you first told her that you loved her
Throwing her a surprise party on her birthday
When she took you back to her hometown and visited her parents
The many phone calls you two have when she’s on tour
Sitting outside and watching the stars with you
Going to the park and feeding the ducks
Listening to you rant about your personal interests
Hugging you from behind while you cook
Giving you a makeover and making pillow forts
The slow dance between you two during your wedding reception T-T
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nr1chaedickrider · 8 months
call me at midnight
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momo misses you - but in a completly different way than you thought.
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I got a special inspiration for this >_<, something short bc im working on lots of other things ; phone sex ; bottom!momo (omg what????) ; degradation ; praising
men dni.
Twice's fifth world tour through many countries, almost all continents and even more cities.
Of course you're happy, it's incredible that her group is so popular.
But you are someone who misses other people very quickly.
Momo is no exception to this.
You lie awake in your bed, the clock reads 9 pm.
You're scrolling through social media when you decide to call Momo.
Even though she's on another continent and there's a big time difference, that doesn't stop you.
It rings once, twice, three times, and before it can ring a fourth time, she answers.
"Y/n!" she says, and you can tell from her tone that she has a big smile on her face.
"How are you?" you ask her, hoping not to interrupt anything important.
"Fine, we have several hours of rest, so I'm resting in the hotel room," she answers.
"Good for you" you say.
The two of you make small talk, Momo tells you funny things she has experienced - you listen.
But the mood begins to change a little (or completly) when you begin to compliment her.
"I've seen videos of the tour, you dance really well," you say, hearing her giggle.
And you know you've hit a nerve, you know how her brain melts when you compliment her in any way.
"Thanks," she says, but you don't stop.
"I wish I was here with you to show you how much I enjoyed your performance," you say in a lower voice with a flirtatious undertone.
You hear Momo start to breathe more heavily.
And you know exactly what she's doing when she says -
"Please keep talking."
Her voice is high as she finishes her sentence, her breathing not in time, but irregular.
"Why should I?" you ask, feeling the smile that comes to your lips.
"I need it," she answers, you are silent.
And Momo realizes that she knows what you want to hear.
"I need you," she says, a whimper at the end of the sentence.
Your smile widens as you laugh a little.
"You're really pathetic, Momo, you know that?"
You hear a moan, more unclean and heavy breathing.
And even though it's obvious what Momo is doing, you still ask -
"You're touching yourself, aren't you?"
She answers with a moan and you feel your cheeks turning red.
"You got horny because I complimented you?" you ask teasingly, stressing the complimented.
"Mhm-...y/n please," she replies.
"How pathetic that you get horny so quickly, Momo," you say with a little laugh.
You hear more whimpering, more moaning and more heavy breathing.
"I love it, honestly, what would the others think if they saw you like this? See how you immediately start touching yourself when I just say a few things to you?" you tease.
You smile as you hear her breathing quicken as she whispers "please-" and "I'm close-" several times.
"That fast?" you laugh.
"Do I make you that horny?" you ask, even though you know the answer.
"You're a little perverted, Momo," you say, and she moans louder.
You stop talking and listen to her.
"Please - y/n... fuck-..I'm -"
Your cheek gets redder and redder, and you feel yourself getting wetter and wetter, but you decide to ignore it.
You listen as she gets louder, her sounds getting higher and higher as she cums.
It's quiet for a few moments as she calms down.
"How was it?" you ask.
"Good, very good," she answers, still slightly out of breath.
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lesbiankimdahyun · 1 year
A familiar face, pt. I
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2K words
CW: Suggestive, A/B/O dynamics
[Tzuyu x F!Reader x Nayeon]
Tzuyu could be loud and bubbly when she wanted to be, and painfully shy at other times. As one of two Alphas in Twice, she only had Nayeon to lean on for guidance and support. 
Nayeon did her best not to tease the maknae too much, but oftentimes she couldn’t help it— Tzuyu was hopelessly shy in front of other Omegas in public; quiet and reserved when cameras were nearby and rolling. It made other potentially interested Omegas confused by her body language. At award shows she caught the attention of other Omegas easily, but she wouldn’t (couldn’t, really) meet any of their gazes when they glanced her way. 
Unlike Nayeon, Tzuyu had opted to be on suppressants for the majority of her idol career. But now after years of suppression, her body needed a break and her doctor urged her to go through at least one natural rut before the year’s end. Wanting to get it over with sooner rather than later, Tzuyu opted out of refilling her prescription and was starting to panic as the number of suppressants in their familiar orange plastic bottle started to dwindle. 
When she told Nayeon, the older girl knew she’d need to step up and help so Tzuyu would be well taken care of. Nayeon floated the idea of asking an Omega Twice member like Sana or a Beta like Dahyun for help, but Tzuyu was mortified at both ideas. 
“Anyone but our members, unnie!” Tzuyu had pleaded with her. “I- it’s too embarrassing. I’ll find someone else.”
But as days passed, Tzuyu clearly wasn’t sure who to turn to, so Nayeon hatched a plan. 
You were going to be that someone else. 
Your time at JYPE as a trainee had overlapped with the Twice girls, and you were still friendly with them despite having your own career as a soloist. Every time you or Twice went on tour, there were sure to be photos snapped of you at their show, and them at yours. You ran into each other at award shows too, cheering loudly for one another. You even owned your own candy bong (courtesy of the girls, of course).  
So when Nayeon asked if you were free for lunch with her and Tzuyu, you happily accepted. 
On the day you all were set to meet, Nayeon and Tzuyu arrived at the restaurant first, picking out a booth in the back. Tzuyu slid into the booth with ease, but when Nayeon sat down next to her, the younger Alpha was confused. 
“What are you doing, unnie?” she asked. “You have the whole other side of the table.” 
When the wait staff put a third menu down, she turned to face Nayeon. “Wait, who else is coming? Momo unnie?” 
Before Nayeon could reply, you walked in. Spotting your old trainee buds, you smiled and offered a wave as you made your way over. Nayeon looked genuinely happy to see you, while Tzuyu tried to mask her confusion with a polite smile as you came closer. 
Nayeon greeted you first, pulling you into a hug. It had been a minute since you’d seen Nayeon, and she looked pretty as ever. You blushed a bit when she hugged you, a bit shy suddenly in such a pretty Alpha’s presence. Two Alphas, you corrected yourself, looking at Tzuyu. 
“Hi Y/N,” Tzuyu said, giving you a quick hug and avoiding eye contact with you. The young Alpha couldn’t believe how stunning you were— or how sweetly you smelled. 
The three of you sat down and chatted lightly for a bit. After ordering some food, Nayeon decided to get right to it. 
“Y/N,” she started, spreading her hands out on the table, “it’s so good to see you, I don’t think we’ve been able to catch up since…” she trailed off, biting her lip. 
Both of you remembered everything from the last time you’d seen each other. 
You blushed at the memories of Nayeon ferociously fucking you during her solo album era over the summer. She’d needed release when her rut hit later than usual. It almost threw off her entire promotional schedule, but thanks to your help, everything went much more smoothly. 
“Oh! Yes,” you said a little too quickly, “it’s been way too long.” 
Tzuyu glanced up at you then, noticing your cheeks grow pink. Of course, she thought. You were an Omega. That’s when she put it together— Nayeon was trying to set her up. 
Before she could say anything, Nayeon spoke again. “I was thinking about how much you…helped me over the summer,” she started, choosing her words carefully as she watched the waiter set down plates with your lunch on the table. When the waiter was out of earshot, she continued, taking a sip of her Coke. 
“I was wondering, well, we were wondering if you’d be kind enough to—”
“Wait,” Tzuyu said suddenly, moving to scoot out of the booth, pulling on Nayeon’s arm. “Sorry Y/N, I need to- we’ll be right back,” she said. 
After dragging Nayeon into the bathroom, Tzuyu gave the older girl a whack on the arm. 
“What are you doing?” she whisper-yelled. “Y/N?!”
Nayeon crossed her arms and rolled her eyes. “I don’t see you coming up with anyone! Do you want to suffer alone for your entire rut?” she asked, raising an eyebrow. “It’s going to be here sooner than you think, you can’t pretend like it isn’t. And you need to be prepared, Tzu,” Nayeon’s voice softened. “This is your first rut in a few years, it’s not going to be…easy.” 
Tzuyu anxiously started washing her hands just to give herself something to do while she thought. She did know you, it's not like you weren't a familiar face. And you were pretty… 
“What if she says no?” Tzuyu asked softly. 
Nayeon laughed, giving the younger girl’s shoulder a playful shove. “Oh come on! No one in their right mind would say no to you, Tzu.” 
Tzuyu, not fully convinced, took her time drying her hands while she thought some more. Nayeon broke her out of her cloud of thoughts. “You’ll never know unless you ask,” she said, wiggling her eyebrows. 
“...Okay, fine,” Tzuyu groaned. “You’re right, unnie.”
“Hey! Everything good?” you asked, looking up from your lunch and pocketing your phone as Nayeon and Tzuyu returned to the table. 
The two Twice girls communicated something silently between themselves before nodding.
The older girl steepled her hands on the table, looking at you with a mischievous grin on her face. 
“Before I was so rudely interrupted," Nayeon started, glancing at Tzuyu, “I was trying to tell you that our sweet Tzuyu is going off of her suppressants for the first time in…quite a while.” She watched your face carefully as she continued. “She’s looking for some help, just like how you helped me.”
Your eyes widened a little but you said nothing yet. You looked over at Tzuyu, who looked like she’d just swallowed her fork. 
“Oh,” you said, picking up on your role in all of this. You offered Tzuyu a reassuring smile. “I get it, it’s probably nerve wracking to even have to think about all of this after not having a rut in a while.”
The word “rut” made Tzuyu blush, and she immediately took a bite of her food to avoid having to respond right away. 
“I’d be happy to help,” you said, picking up the slack in the conversation. “Whatever you need.” 
Nayeon beamed, taking your hand in hers. “I knew you would be! See, Tzuyu? I told you!” 
Tzuyu blushed deeper and offered a shy ‘thank you’. She slowly relaxed and you soon felt the tension between all three of you dissipate. 
The rest of your lunch went off without a hitch, all of you genuinely catching up and reliving old times, laughing and taking a few selfies to post online later. 
As the three of you gathered your things to leave, Nayeon touched your forearm lightly. “Do you…have plans this weekend?” she asked. 
You were genuinely about to share what you had planned, then understood why she asked. You shook your head. “Not anymore,” you replied, making a note to give your manager a heads up when you got home. 
“Great!” Nayeon said. “You could come over on…?” she looked at Tzuyu. 
Tzuyu glanced up at the ceiling for a moment, thinking about how many suppressants she had left. “Um, I think Friday night would be…best,” she said softly. 
You nodded. “Sure, I’ll see you then,” you said. Nayeon wrapped you in another hug before leaving. 
“You’re a lifesaver, Y/N,” she said, pressing a quick kiss to your cheek. “See you later!” she winked at you before giving you and Tzuyu a little space.
You met Tzuyu’s gaze and the two of you laughed shyly. She tucked a few strands of her hair behind her ear before she spoke. 
“I…” she started, but stopped, trying to find words. “Thank you,” she finally landed on. She gave you a hug too, having to bend her knees a bit to meet your shorter height. She smiled at you, finally holding your gaze for a few moments. “It really is nice to see you again, Y/N.” 
Though Nayeon and Momo shared an apartment, Tzuyu had traded apartment spaces with the Beta for the weekend. 
At first you were sad you wouldn’t be able to see Momo when you came over, but when Nayeon opened the front door to let you in, you knew immediately it was for the best that she had gone. Tzuyu was nowhere to be seen, but you could smell her the moment you stepped inside.  
“Oh my god,” you said, taking off your jacket and dropping your overnight bag in the living room. 
Nayeon pinched the bridge of her nose, inhaling sharply. “I know,” she said. 
Tzuyu’s scent, though strong, was also extremely alluring, and you knew you didn’t have a ton of time left before your Omega instincts started taking over your body and mind. “Is she…?” you gestured to a closed bedroom door down the hall.
Nayeon nodded. “She’s been trying to fight it all afternoon, I really don’t know what kind of a state she’s in,” she warned as she guided you down the hall and knocked on the door. 
“Tzu? Y/N is here,” she said. 
Even from behind a closed door, Tzuyu’s scent was starting to affect you. You had butterflies in your tummy suddenly, nervous and excited ones. You released a bit of your own scent, hoping it would help put Tzuyu at ease. You took a deep breath to steady yourself, but another scent caught your attention. Was Nayeon starting to be affected too? 
“W-wait,” Tzuyu called from behind the door. “Nayeon, can I talk to you first?” she asked, her voice sounding strained. 
Nayeon groaned. “Tzuyu-ah, we really don’t have time for this, I need to get out of here, remember?” 
“Please!” Tzuyu’s voice pleaded from behind the door. 
Nayeon huffed but opened the door and quickly stepped inside.
You took a step back and leaned against the wall. At first you were fine, but after a minute or so, you felt a familiar heat creep up between your legs. You tried not to think about the fact that two Alphas were mere feet away from you on the other side of a door, two very pretty Alphas whose mixed scents were now hitting you with staggering power. You wondered what could possibly be taking them so long. You were wet now, trying very hard not to wonder about how Tzuyu was going to take you, and whether it would be anything like what you and Nayeon did–
The door swung open suddenly, interrupting your thoughts. When you looked up at Nayeon, you gulped. Her eyes were darker, blown wide with lust when she caught sight of you. She smirked, looking anything but comforting. 
“N-Nayeon?” you asked, not moving from where you stood. “Are you…still heading out?” 
Nayeon’s smile grew a little bigger and she bit her lip as she opened the door wider. “No,” she said coolly. “I think I’ll stay with you and Tzuyu.” 
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iorslvd · 10 months
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Divine. Tzuyu X Reader
Y/n couldn't help but marvel at the ethereal beauty of her girlfriend, Tzuyu. As they strolled through a park, the setting sun cast a warm glow on Tzuyu's features, accentuating her delicate features. Y/n's heart swelled with affection as she stole glances at the graceful girl by her side.
"Oh, I never thought I'd get this close to someone so divine," Y/n whispered, her words almost lost in the rustle of leaves overhead.
Tzuyu turned to her with a soft smile, her eyes reflecting the colors of the sunset. "You're the one who's divine to me, Y/n."
Blushing, Y/n reached for Tzuyu's hand, their fingers intertwining as they continued their leisurely walk. The air was filled with a tranquil ambiance, and the distant laughter of children playing added to the charm of the moment.
"Seriously, Tzuyu, how did I get so lucky?" Y/n couldn't help but express her awe.
Tzuyu chuckled, her laughter like wind chimes in the gentle breeze. "Luck has nothing to do with it. It's all about finding someone who sees your beauty, both inside and out."
Y/n couldn't argue with that. Tzuyu's inner beauty shone as brightly as her exterior allure. The way she treated others with kindness, the genuine warmth in her smile – it was impossible not to be captivated.
As they reached a small pond, Tzuyu pointed to the reflection of the moon on the water. "Isn't it beautiful?"
Y/n nodded, but her gaze was fixed on Tzuyu's reflection instead. "Even more beautiful than the moon, I'd say."
Tzuyu blushed, a rare sight that only added to her charm. "You always know how to make me feel special."
Leaning in, Y/n pressed a gentle kiss to Tzuyu's cheek. "Because you are special, Tzuyu."
They settled onto a bench, the fading sunlight creating a golden halo around them. Y/n couldn't resist tracing the outline of Tzuyu's face with her fingertips, savoring the moment.
"You know," Y/n mused, "it's not just your beauty that captivates me. It's your kindness, your strength, and the way you make every moment magical."
Tzuyu's eyes sparkled with affection, mirroring the stars beginning to emerge in the darkening sky. "And it's your love that makes everything brighter for me."
In that quiet moment, surrounded by the serenity of the park, Y/n realized how fortunate she was to have Tzuyu as her girlfriend. It wasn't just about the physical attraction; it was the deep connection, the shared laughter, and the comfort of knowing they had found something truly special in each other.
As the moon took its place in the night sky, Y/n and Tzuyu sat hand in hand, reveling in the beauty of their shared world – a world where love, like the moonlight, illuminated everything around them.
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tcubunny · 10 months
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this blog only contains fics for a specific twice au. please read the post i’ve attached below so that everything makes sense!
—things i write:
mostly smut, some occasional fluff, angst, etc…
mostly just oneshots, but i’ll do multiple parts of things if requested!
bdsm, but i'm not the most eductated. please be specific with your req if it includes bdsm!
—things i don’t write:
noncon, yandere, ageplay, anything with animals, any other things of that sort
stories with JUST member x memeber (unless it's vouyerism)
butt stuff
i can’t do every single request i receive, but if your request helps me write anything, i will mention it in the a/n
if you are putting prompts along with your request, please don’t put too many
please don’t hesitate to tell me if you think anything is wrong in the story or the tags!
please let me know about grammatical/spelling mistakes in the fics so i can fix them. i try my best to catch them all but sometimes i just don’t notice
bratty/degrading/etc smut
first time/inexperienced smut
praise/soft/etc smut
misc smut
threesome smut
all of the prompts above are directly from my main blog, below are a few prompts specific to THIS blog
blog specific prompts
fics on my alt (@airaibunny + @lenybunny)
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