#Cancer new moon june 20 21 2020
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ms-m-astrologer · 1 year ago
Welcome to the Shadow of the Eclipse
October 4-31, 2023
Some introductory notes
The “shadow of the eclipse” is a time period lasting from 10 days before the first eclipse, to three days after the final eclipse. It is recommended not to start anything new, or schedule anything important, during these days - as usual I refer everyone to the 1981 wedding of Lady Diana Spencer to the Prince of Wales, as an example.
Of course we live in a place/time which scoffs at letting astrology help with the timing of events - therefore don’t lose hope if something falls unavoidably within the eclipse shadow. Just be prepared.
I wanted to take a more thorough approach to delineation, this time. I hope it’s helpful.
South Node Solar Eclipse
A solar eclipse happens when the New Moon lies close (in the Zodiac) to either the North Lunar Node, or to the South one. It occurred to me to do a little research on whether which Node is involved, makes any difference - and yes, it does.
Astrologers call the South Node “the dragon’s tail” - Steven Forrest calls the South Node, “the dragon’s butt” - because here we are “pooping out” what we don’t need and can’t use. (One person’s poop, however, is another person’s fertilizer.)
Eclipses conjunct the South Lunar Node, like the October 14 one, have an outflowing (outpooping?) of energy. They tend to feature external events which we have to “rise up to.”
If you’d like to note how these have affected you in the past (always a good idea to check “what happened last time”), here is a list of the previous South Node solar eclipses in this century:
December 14, 2001, 22°56’ Sagittarius
December 4, 2002, 11°58’ Sagittarius
November 23, 2003, 1°14’ Sagittarius
October 14, 2004, 21°06’ Libra
October 3, 2005, 10°19’ Libra
September 22, 2006, 29°20’ Virgo
September 11, 2007, 18°25’ Virgo
August 1, 2008, 9°32’ Leo
July 22, 2009, 29°27’ Cancer
July 11, 2010, 19°24’ Cancer
June 1, 2011, 11°02’ Gemini
July 1, 2011, 9°12’ Cancer
May 20, 2012, 0°21’ Gemini
May 10, 2013, 19°31’ Taurus
April 29, 2014, 8°52’ Taurus
March 20, 2015, 29°27’ Pisces
March 9, 2016, 18°56’ Pisces
February 26, 2017, 8°12’ Pisces
February 15, 2018, 27°08’ Aquarius
January 6, 2019, 15°25’ Capricorn
December 26, 2019, 4°07’ Capricorn
December 14, 2020, 23°08’ Sagittarius
December 4, 2021, 12°22’ Sagittarius
October 25, 2022, 2°00’ Scorpio
October 14, 2023, 21°08’ Libra
Going down that list was a very uncomfortable trip down memory lane for me. When those South Node eclipses affected me, it was generally a harbinger of some difficult “external event” which I had little to no control over - which is not the same thing as saying “it wasn’t my fault.” I brought some of it on myself due to bad decisions. Some karma chickens coming home to roost, in other words. Not all of them were dire, though. One in particular gave me something of a respite from what had been happening in my life - it was conjunct my natal 12th House cusp.
Saros Series “7 South”
This eclipse is part of Saros Series “7 South.” Bernadette Brady writes,
The individual experiencing this series will find that huge obstacles will suddenly and easily clear or, on the negative side, a pending potential crisis will suddenly manifest and move through his or her life very rapidly. Either way the individual will feel that everything is moving at great speed. (The Eagle and the Lark)
Previous Saros “7 South” eclipses in Ms M’s lifetime:
September 11, 1969, 18°53’ Virgo
September 23, 1987, 29°34’ Virgo
October 3, 2005, 10°19’ Libra
Not quite as depressing for me personally.
Whatever Shall We Do?
1) Determine which of your natal houses this eclipse falls in.
2) Determine whether the eclipse makes an aspect to anything in your chart. Use a 1° orb. In my case, the conjunctions, squares, sesquiquads (135°), inconjuncts, and oppositions made the most obvious impacts.
3) If there is a close aspect to a planet, check to see which house(s) that planet rules. One South Node eclipse was conjunct the ruler of my natal 4th House, and I moved three months later.
4) Avoid strenuously negative thoughts. If you put a lot of energy into anticipating that something is going to be horrible and painful and disastrous, well, guess what - that’s exactly what’s going to happen. If you catch yourself falling into a panic, try to refocus the energy into “the best possible outcome.”
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yourwitchmama · 4 years ago
November 2020 Full Beaver Moon/Lunar Eclipse in Gemini
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This is not going to be the most pleasant moon, so brace yourself. 
If you're ready for swift and serious changes, then the November 2020 full moon that closes out the month on November 30 will bring some life altering shifts. This full moon rings in the start of 2020's fall/winter eclipse season. Eclipses are known for realigning us with our fates and changing up our current plans, so brace yourself and get informed on how the November 2020 full moon eclipse will affect your zodiac sign. November's full moon eclipse takes place in mutable air sign Gemini's territory, which fixes our attention on information sharing and the ways in which we communicate. When we combine the illuminating energy of the full moon with the foundation-shaking vibe of the eclipse, all sorts of revelatory information come to light. We may need to communicate our thoughts and emotions in a different way than we're used to.
  This energy is too chaotic for doing any full moon spells,
so spend time evaluating the changes taking place in your life instead. The eclipse is opening new doors, so keep an open mind to all the possible outcomes of your current situation.
Aries (March 21 - April 19)
It is going to be vital to express yourself under this full moon. Instead of wasting your energy projecting grandiose ideas about the future, focus on the present moment in real time. Processing emotions and sitting down with a self help book will prepare you for the dramatic transformation of the eclipse. 
Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
You may be feeling more stressed out than usual. This is because of the upcoming eclipse and its chaotic energy.  Take this time to chill and have a spa day. Make sure you are surrounded by things you love, and wrap yourself in a blanket with a nice glass of wine (or blunt) or maybe just ice cream if you don’t want to get turnt.
Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
You have been focusing on other people a lot lately, maybe too much. It is time to turn inward and take a good look at what you need. Taking care of your mind and body is going to be crucial with the eclipse. Listen to your heart when deciding the next step you need to take. 
Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
It seems as if the planets have been aligned against you lately. You may have just gone through a negative period. Whatever the case, powerful healing energy is heading your way. This will happen subconsciously, so if you find yourself taking up old interests or exploring new ideas, that is why. 
Leo (July 23 - Aug. 22)
This moon is going to be shining upon your friend group. Try to figure out who is a real friend and who is just your friend because it is convenient for them. Now is a good time to unfriend friends who are not really your friend and to unfollow pages or influencers who bring you bad emotions. Sometimes we follow people because it is familiar, but it doesn’t make it good for us. 
Virgo (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22)
Doors are going to be open for you, particularly with your finances. If you have been thinking about starting a business or getting a new job, do it! The planets are aligned to be at your disposal. You may also feel like you are the center of attention this full moon, so don’t let that go to waste! 
Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22)
Balance is the key to maintaining happiness. If you are working too hard on work or school and you are ignoring leisurely activities or vice versa, find a balance. If you don’t, your stress load is going to drive you crazy and the solar eclipse will effect you very negatively. 
Scorpio (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21)
Prepare for a wave of unpleasant memories, emotions, and character defects on this full moon. Though it is scary sounding, think of it as a transformation period. Analyze your feelings, don’t beat yourself up or pity yourself too much, and come clean to anyone you have lied to. You will feel amazing after you confront any obstacles in your way. If you don’t, the eclipse next month will be catastrophic for your emotional state. 
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21)
If people overlook or forget your birthday, don’t be too hard on them. This year has been tough for everyone. You can’t expect others to be able to read your mind. This full moon is teaching you the power of clear, fair, and honest communication within your partnerships. While the shake ups of the upcoming eclipse may bring some love drama, diplomacy will clear things up.
Capricorn (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19)
Things are going to be busy and chaotic for you. If you are unemployed or not in school, your mind will be full of anxious thoughts and overthinking will become a real problem. This is why you need to make taking care of yourself the #1 priority. The upcoming eclipse is going to do a number on you if you don’t. 
Aquarius (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18)
This will be a very stressful time for you. If you have had a lot of changes recently, brace yourself for more. Though this may seem scary, don’t let it crush you. The best way for you to cope with the intensity is to do what brings you joy. Throw yourself into a fun artistic project, put together a romantic playlist for your crush or S/O, or treat yourself and buy something. 
Pisces (Feb. 19 - March 20)
Your beliefs will be shattered and your sense of reality will be shaken to its core. This is going to be an overwhelming and intense time for you, but by building yourself a safe haven full of nurture will help you get through this time. Lean on your loved ones for support at this time, and they will help you through this period of intensity.  If you are interested in a psychic reading, click here
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michipeachiii · 5 years ago
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June 2020 Happenings:
June 1: Retrogrades in Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto continue throughout the month June 2: Waxing gibbous moon in Libra June 5: Full moon in Sagittarius, lunar eclipse (check your local listings) June 9: Waning gibbous moon in Aquarius June 13: Last quarter moon in Pisces June 17: Waning crescent moon in Taurus June 18: Mercury retrograde begins June 20: Gemini Season ends June 20: Summer Solstice/ Litha June 21: Cancer Season begins June 21: Solar eclipse (not visible in North or South America) June 21: New moon in Cancer June 23: Neptune retrograde begins June 24: Waxing crescent moon in Leo June 25: Venus retrograde ends June 28: First quarter moon in Libra
From June 23-25, 6 retrogrades will be occurring simultaneously.
Feel free to save or print this calendar for personal use! However, please don’t repost this image elsewhere. If you found this calendar helpful, please consider buying me a coffee. ♄
This is part of an ongoing cosmic calendar series.
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snarkywrites · 5 years ago
June Horoscopes 2020
June shows signs that this moment will be a transformative time because of the Full Moon Eclipse on the 5th and the Solar Eclipse on the 21st. Social orders and revolts happening now. People have had enough. Chapters will close but new ones will begin. Cycles are also ending and beginning. Cancer represents Cardinal Water, a lesson in emotional control and stability. We have probably let ourselves be guided by our anger and pain, but now we work with it to form the good and to help strengthen ourselves. The waves are revolting, we are fighting and pushing back. As a Cardinal sign, it is also powerful. This is a sign that is not afraid to express themselves but will also fight back. We nurture ourselves during this season, we regenerate, and we try once again to stand tall. Venus in Gemini will soon end its long transit, as we get through the second half of the transit this month when the planet goes direct on the 25th. How we view love will change, how we view relationships will change, how we view friends and family will also change as well. Most importantly, how we view Government and order. 2020 has been a year of unexpected changes, a call to our inner power and strength. With the Sun entering Cancer later this month, we can only expect a maturity of our emotions and how to better deal with the nightmare that COVID and racism have wrought onto the world. For now, we will explore empowering ourselves through emotional care and healing.
Please stay safe out there.
Aries – This month will bring questions and a little of the anxious energy associated with Gemini Season. Get your head back in the game and let those defeatist thoughts leave you. The Venus Retrograde will make you more confident with expression. Your card for the month is The Empress. Trust your intuition and if you want to create and build, now is the time to do it. The efforts you put in now will begin to unfold as the year continues to progress, but it needs a little boost of confidence from you. Mercury will be retrograde in the sign of Cancer on the 18th, making you want to bite your tongue at home or near loved ones. You might be more emotional now due to the energy this Cardinal Water season will be bringing. Cancer energy burns the flame within you, so this is a good time to be more in tune with your emotional side through meditation to get yourself pumped up again. Mars will be entering your sign on the 27th and it will stay there until January 2021. Emotions will be ignited, so this is the month to learn how to be more patient because anything will easily set you off, especially when Mars squares Saturn in the next couple of months. Trust your process and consider new outlets to release your frustration and anger that will surely be building if you do not find ways to control it now. Patience is key this month.
Taurus – The Five of Wands Reversed appeared in your reading for the month of June. Resolve those inner conflicts and bring yourself back to a place where you can boost your own confidence. When Mars enters Aries on the 27th, that pent up anger might explode, so consider this a time to learn to feel peace and dive into some meditation for guidance. June is the month you will put things into action, getting your plans going with the Cardinal energy that Cancer has to offer. Your mind will be sharper than ever with the Sun entering the sign on the 20th, giving you the tools needed to perfect your craft and the inspiration will be provided by the Mercury Retrograde beginning on the 18th. Explore your creative potential since it will be shining brightly, but first you need to feel the confidence boost within you to get things done. Venus will be going direct on the 25th, bringing a more manageable relationship with you and your finances. Lessons you have learned will be applied here since you will have greater understanding regarding your value and what you are willing to bring into the table.
Gemini – Your birthday season is here, so Happy Birthday! This will be a memorable season for you given that Venus will still be retrograde until mid-June. You are learning about your values, worth and how it impacts your relationships. The Eight of Swords appeared in your reading, showing that you might be the one who is holding yourself back. The energy of this month is filled with anxious thoughts and ideas, but just take the moment to relax your mind and control those thoughts that might be racing at lightning speed. June is a month of growth for you, evaluating and understanding. Love will take on a new meaning with Venus going direct on the 25th, bringing an end to this crazy retrograde period. The Full Moon Eclipse on the 5th will have you considering how your financial future will be in the next several months. On the 18th, Mercury will enter the sign of Cancer, bringing more focus to your worth. Do not be discouraged if things are not going as planned, this is a month of evaluation, confidence rebuilding and planning. Be patient, you will shine this month.
Cancer – On the 18th, Mercury will be retrograde in your sign, causing some confusion and frustrating moments with technology for you. The Sun will be entering your sign on the 20th, finally letting you get motivated enough to tackle on challenges. This is the first Cardinal Water season we have, and we are all ready for action. Your card for the month is the Five of Swords Reversed. Stop the drama and the conflict, this can be a time of reconciliation and peace if you are willing to accept apologize or make them. Venus will go direct on the 25th, bringing calm into your world since Venus has been teaching you to handle things privately and without distractions. Venus reminds you of the comforts you give yourself in private as well as those relationships you have had hidden from others. With Venus going direct, you might bring some of those personal moments to light or be inspired enough to transfer those emotions into a project. The month of June will have many people reevaluating their emotions, their goals and will have others doubting their potential. However, you will be feeling reenergized, drive and ready for your next phase.
Leo – The Knight of Wands is in your reading for the month of June. Fitting since you are feeling the shift as you only have one more month until your time to shine arrives. This can be one of those moments where you might feel trapped and unsure with Mercury retrograding in the sign of Cancer on the 18th. Searching for what you want, and your confidence will be a struggle when the Sun enters on the 20th. Still, you will want to feel the passion, the flames igniting within even if we are in the water season. This Venus Retrograde was making a square to Neptune, making you question your friendships, relationships, and other people in your life. When Venus goes direct on the 25th, you will be able to clearly see the motives of others and your impulse to spend will be stopped for now. The end of the month will be Saturn’s return to Capricorn, presenting a brief relief since your sign will not feel the opposition again until Saturn goes back in Aquarius in December. Those lessons learned in this last three months will be prominent again later in the year, but for now, you will feel less stress and an easier flow of energy.
Virgo – Mercury is your ruler and it has been the hot topic of the year with Venus’ Retrograde in fellow Mercury sign, Gemini. However, your retrograde experience will probably have been more focused on work and perception. The Hierophant appears in your reading, showing you are looking towards a more spiritual path through a mentor or on your own. This is the month of reminiscing the past and how those actions have led to your current state. There will be a lot of growth and understanding. Mercury will be retrograde on the 18th in the sign of Cancer, pushing you to get in touch with friends from the past or you might realize you miss them. With the Sun entering the sign of Cancer on the 20th, you will be in a more confident position to socialize and get in touch with others. The Neptune Retrograde on the 23rd will impact you more than more since it is in your house of partnerships, finally not making a square to Venus. The façade, the illusions and the mirrors will all be taken down when it comes to your perception of potential romantic partners, get ready for a dose of reality when Venus goes direct on the 25th, making you focus on matters of truth and your time in the limelight.
Libra – Gemini Season will be one of learning and growth. You have had a lot of lessons thrown at you with Saturn in Capricorn’s transit creating some stressors to your sign. Now you are on the road to empowerment and strength with Saturn’s retrograde ready to go back in Capricorn early next month. For now, Venus has taught you what you need to do for the future, who you need to keep in your life and how to tap into your inner power. The Mercury Retrograde on the 18th will put you front and center with the world, so be careful with what you say during this transit since all eyes will be on you, same with the Sun’s entry in Cancer, it can be a very beneficial time for more opportunities, so make sure to do things right. With the Seven of Wands appearing in your reading, you are in warrior mode and ready to show others that you are not willing to stop fighting for what you want. This is your moment to protect what is yours with pride and to shine without fear.
Scorpio – We are in the second water season of the year this month, with the Sun and Mercury entering the sign of Cancer, making you more attune with learning, discovery, and achievement. You are setting up the groundwork for centerstage for next month. The Venus Retrograde will still be going strong until June 25th when it goes direct. You have discovered what changes need to be made, what topics related to Venus and your foundations needed to be addressed and with these answers, you are now ready to cultivate and you may or may not have mastered the art of keeping the purse closed. Venus might have pressured you to spend and now you must save. The Mercury Retrograde on the 18th is in fellow water sign, Cancer making you want to analyze your direction for this month and the remainder of the year. The World appears as a sign that changes will come, and things are or will go the way you want them to. A time for celebration of your successes and accomplishments are within your grasp; you have either graduated, received a promotion, or will soon have another form of accolade that you can include in your resume.
Sagittarius – June promises to be a memorable month for many Sagittarius Risings and Suns because these changes will be transforming the way you view relationships, goals and your own needs and wants. This Venus Retrograde was about digging deeper into the past, reliving those old unfulfilling relationships and appreciating the good ones in our lives. Sagittarians will know what to look for moving forward. Mercury will be retrograde in the sign of Cancer on the 18th, bringing issues to light regarding financial management and stability. On the 20th, when the Sun enters the sign of Cancer, you will be a little more obsessive with these issues but will feel more confident handling them with the Jupiter opposition in Capricorn. It will be an emotional rollercoaster, but you will be able to settle things. Your card for the month is the Ace of Pentacles in the Reverse. It is a sluggish time for you, where you do not feel like you have the energy to get anything accomplished. The tides will change later this month when Mars enters fiery Aries on the 27th and you will feel a little more ambitious, driven, and passionate to achieve some new goals.
Capricorn – This will be the last month before Saturn goes back to your sign. You had your brief break but now it will be business as usual for the next several months until December 2020. The month will begin with a Full Moon Eclipse in the 5th, bringing focus into arts of you connected to health and work. Your card for the month is the Nine of Swords which is synonymous to what you will experience this Gemini Season. It might feel like you are taking on more work than the usual and without any rest or breaks, you might dive into an anxiety zone. Remember to take it easy after this Full Moon because it can make you feel more tired than usual since it will be opposed your house of routine. When the Sun enters the sign of Cancer on the 20th, you will be tempted to reevaluate relationships and if you are single, you might want to consider partnering up if you are not feeling satisfied. This is a time of reawakening, learning, and experiencing the changes in your path for the remaining of the year. Things that are not bringing the satisfaction and happiness will be removed with Saturn’s return to Capricorn. These changes can be a wonderful thing, one step closer to feeling invigorated and filled with hope.
Aquarius – Saturn is still in your sign, making you want to make some drastic changes as you are forced to reevaluate. Take it easy for now. This Gemini Season promises to bring a wave of creative inspiration into your life as you connect with other likeminded folks who want to excel as much as you do. The Full Moon eclipse in the 5th of June will be a powerful one, as you understand some lessons associated with the themes of communicating, friendship and even romance. This Venus Retrograde will make you reevaluate relationships and how you approach your dating life moving forward. Venus direct on the 25th will bring the ah-ha moment you have dreamt of. A time of maturity is also on the horizon with Saturn allowing you to see what was hidden for quite some time. When Mars enters the sign of Aries on June 27th, you will want to start minding your words since you will lack the tact when expressing your thoughts. Your card for the month is the Three of Pentacles which wants you to build and create with others.
Pisces – You might feel a little homebound with all of these planets in Gemini currently squaring your sign, letting you know that changes must be made to your inner world and what others see when they look at you. The fear of missing out on accomplishments could cloud you mind this month, especially with the Full Moon Eclipse happening on June 5th. Use this period to reevaluate and make changes. The Mercury Retrograde will begin June 18th, a few days before the Sun enters the sign of Cancer, bringing a new period of fun and excitement after the gloom. Again, rethink, revaluate and plan some more to get things adjusted. Venus will remain in the sign of Gemini, allowing you to maintain some form of harmony and stability in the home front. This can be a good thing for you as it will help bring comfort to your anxiety and more of a balanced approach for creating your future path. Your card for the month is the Four of Wands Reversed. Expect the unexpected and do not count yourself out. Victories will be delayed but you are still in the game.
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saturniandevil · 4 years ago
January 2021 & The Year Ahead
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AKA my notes from The Astrology Podcast because I really appreciate these regular forecasts, supplemented with this big ephemeris.
Going into this, Saturn & Jupiter will be conjunct in Aquarius on the solstice, December 21. (I’ve scheduled a reminder post so you can go out and see it--just after sunset!) I’ve also done a quick peek ahead and we’ve got a lot of Aquarian themes for us in January and 2021 in general--change in major cycles. Jupiter-Saturn conjunctions take place every 20 years, and this one in Aquarius shifts us to a ~200-year period where Jupiter-Saturn conjunctions will now take place in air signs, after having had them in earth signs for the past ~150 years. Air can represent information and data, and Kelly and Austin also talk about how air can also represent dispersion; you don’t see a breeze but you see the leaves or sand moving with it. We may move towards digital communication and decentralization/deconstruction of social & political institutions.
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(Image of Archetypal Explorer software showing how December is the nexus of some major outer planet interactions)
Saturn Square Uranus // ♄ □ ♅
Saturn has been contacting Pluto, who intensifies his structures, but this year Uranus will be challenging him. Worldwide we may see more large-scale pushes for larger change--the struggle for liberation against structures that are no longer working. Exact on: February 17 (♄♒ □ ♅♉ at 7° of each respective sign) June 14  (♄♒ □ ♅♉ at 13°) December 24 (♄♒ □ ♅♉ at 11°)
Jupiter square Uranus // ♃ □ ♅
This aspect has a shorter-term effect, but Jupiter may lend his benefic influence to this struggle and make the change easier or more constructive. Exact on: January 17 (♃♒ □ ♅♉ at 6°)
General shift from Cardinal signs to Fixed & Mutable signs
Jupiter’s and Saturn’s trips into Aquarius this week mean that 2021 will start out with a strong emphasis on early degrees of fixed signs right off the bat, and Mars will be entering Taurus soon as well. Look to the planets and houses where Aquarius and the other fixed signs fall for you to get a glimpse of where this shift may affect you on a personal level. Saturn will slowly trek through Aquarius over the next 2 years, and the nodes/eclipse axis will also shift into fixed signs in 2022.
The eclipse axis (N. and S. node) has already moved from Cancer-Capricorn to Gemini-Sagittarius, moving some personal & emotional focus to the mutable signs. (Eclipses occur when a new or full moon lines up with the nodes.) Dates: May 26 - total lunar eclipse (🌞♊ ☍ 🌙♐ at 5°) June 10 - annular solar eclipse (🌞 ☌ 🌙 at 19°♊) November 19 - partial lunar eclipse (🌞 ♏ ☍ 🌙 ♉ at 27°) December 4 - total solar eclipse (🌞 ☌ 🌙 at 12°♐)
Generally, the problems that cardinal signs have brought to attention or projects they have started will be changing for awhile--fixed signs are slow to get started but long-lasting.
Mercury retrogrades will also be taking place in air signs this year! More in-depth information below the cut (after January).
January 6: Mars enters Taurus // ♂ ➡♉ This means he’ll be squaring Jupiter, Saturn, and conjunct Uranus--possibly igniting some of the issues they have brought forth? Mars and Uranus may prove combustible against critical Saturn, but Jupiter may be more receptive to change.
January 8: Mercury enters Aquarius, Venus enters Capricorn // ♄ ➡♒ ; ♀ ➡♑ This will put Mercury in a square to Mars--watch what you say! Our messenger will also be squaring Uranus in Taurus, which may indicate disruptive difficulties in the communication or distribution of basic material necessities, or changes in currency.
January 13: New Moon at 23° Capricorn // 🌞 ☌ 🌙 23♑
January 14: Uranus goes direct at 6° Taurus // ♅(d) 6♉
January 19: Sun enters Aquarius // 🌞➡♒
January 28: Full Moon at 9° Leo // 🌞9♒ ☍ 🌙9♌ The moon will be opposite a close Sun-Jupiter conjunction in Aquarius, as well as squaring that Mars-Uranus conjunction, forming T-square in Leo, Aquarius, and Taurus. Expect tension and outbursts--perhaps channeled unexpectedly through that empty point in Scorpio.
January 30: Mercury Retrograde at 26° Aquarius  // ☿(rx) 26♒
Rest of 2021 below the cut!
Similar to January, here are some highlights for the months ahead. (Sorry but I’m ditching the emojis now or I’d go insane trying to cut and paste them.  They’ll be back in other posts announcing sign ingresses, monthly forecasts, etc.)
Aquarius Stellium By the 10th we will have the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, and Saturn all in Aquarius---that’s every visible planet except Mars! Last time this happened was in 1961-2. Look to your chart to see where this will affect you; Feburary will show you how Aquarius is going to manifest for you.
These planets will be hidden by the sun’s light (cazimi), considered a behind-the-scenes “cycle reset” for each. As the sun moves forward, these planets will become visible again in the sky just before sunrise, literally re-emerging into our view.
Saturn Square Uranus, Jupiter Square Uranus
Mercury Retrograde in Aquarius From January 30 (26 degrees) to February 20 (11 degrees). This means he’ll be slowly moving towards a conjunction with Jupiter (visible in the morning sky).
March 3: Mars enters Gemini This will relieve some of the pressure on the fixed squares; things may get a little more flexible. Lots of energy, possible all over the Internet.
March 4: Jupiter conjunct Mercury in Aquarius Some ease of communications here.
March 20-26: Venus conjunct Sun in Pisces & Aries The Sun enters Pisces on the 20th with Venus following on the 21st. She’s exalted in Pisces, but hidden under the Sun’s rays. Mercury has entered Pisces just a few days earlier as well.
Mars conjunct North Node in Gemini Squaring the Sun and Venus throughout the month. Mars may indicate rashness and the North Node confusion (eclipses)--check where Gemini falls in your chart to see where things may fall off a good path.
Venus-Sun conjunction continues She’s not to happy being burnt by the Sun or in fiery Aries, though she does enter her domicile in Taurus.
Stellium in Taurus Mercury, Venus, Sun, and Uranus will be hanging out in early-mid Taurus by the 20th, loosely squaring Saturn in Aquarius while they’re close to each other. We may find ourselves “going outside like we never have before.” We’ll be reintegrating into the physical world as an act of rebellion, or rediscovering older knowledge as something new and revolutionary.
April 23: Mars moves into Cancer Slower, more subtle and emotional than Mars in Gemini
April 26: Full Moon at 7° Scorpio Really emphasizing the Taurus Stellium & Saturn-Uranus square. In mutual reception (in each others’ domicile-similar to a conjunction) with Mars in Cancer
April 27: Pluto retrograde at 26° Capricorn Pluto is the last of those big planets to hang around here. May affect the United States’ chart (having a Pluto return.)
May 13: Jupiter enters Pisces At last, the major benefic in his domicile! He’s moved away from his fall this year, but was still co-present with negating Saturn up at this point--but now he’s out on his own. Aggressive hugs, chicken soup for the soul, possibly a return of travel in some places (“spring break”). In a mutable sign he can show us the new opportunities in events that have occurred. However he’ll go back to Aquarius this year--rooming with his landlord Saturn. It’s a bit of a sneak peak for 2022.
May 23: Saturn Retrograde at 13° Aquarius
May 26: Total Lunar Eclipse at 5° Sagittarius Picking up some of the themes from the eclipse we just had in December 2020 and turning them in a new direction. This eclipse’s ruler is Jupiter in Pisces, and the Sun’s ruler Mercury is also in domicile in Gemini (the Sun is opposite the Moon at all full moons, this time he’s in Gemini.)
It’s an eclipse, though--what are we not seeing, what are we missing? Our podcast hosts are predicting that perhaps travel agencies will rush forward and miss some things. December 14, the last eclipse, the US had the electoral college officially vote for Biden and the first patient to receive the vaccine--the US chart has Sag rising and Jupiter in Cancer (in the most common chart).
May 29: Mercury Retrograde at 24° Gemini Squaring Neptune in Pisces--perhaps the increased travel will be due to some illusions. He’ll be STRONG during this retrograde, so there may be some disastrous overload in travel or other Mercurian areas, such as communication.
June 5: Mars in Cancer opposite Pluto in Capricorn 26° cardinal signs are especially sensitive to this shift in power dynamics. This has been building since the last eclipse and precedes another one.
June 10: Solar eclipse at 19° Gemini Triple conjunction with Sun/Moon/Mercury, squaring Neptune in Pisces. A time for fantasy and illusions, not so great on the logistics.
June 11: Mars enters Leo Once again, fixed sign emphasis--this time Mars is approaching the Saturn♒-Uranus♉ square, which has been building and will go exact on the 14th. We may be headed for more social turmoil and a fire Mars will make this all louder.
June 20: Jupiter Retrograde at 21° Pisces He has unfinished business in Saturn in Aquarius. He’ll go back into Pisces when Mars, Uranus, and Saturn allow us some more optimism.
July 1: Mars opposite Saturn
July 3: Mars square Uranus This further emphasizes the stubborn tension that’s been plaguing us all year--intensifying in midsummer.
July 28: Jupiter re-enters Aquarius He may be playing a bit of peacemaker between Saturn and Uranus in the fixed signs.
July 22: Sun enters Leo The Sun generally has a stabilizing influence, especially in a fixed signs, but he’ll have to contend with Saturn (as will all planets in Leo for the next couple years.) Both planets are in their domicile for this opposition, perhaps bringing a more moderate, measured negotiation to the conflicts of Mars ☍ Saturn at the beginning of the month.
July 29: Mars enters Virgo He’ll be exiting an opposition with Jupiter, meaning he’ll no longer be aggravating the fixed outer planet struggles. Venus precedes him a week earlier; at a personal level we may be a little more calculating and flexible.
First week: Sun square Uranus Is over within the first seven days. A little more positive for us.
August 16: Venus enters Libra Finally, she can enjoy her domicile without Saturn squaring her in Capricorn! The benefics are more free to help us in 2021 than they were in 2020. We start reaching fair agreements, whether personally, politically or financially.
August 18: Mercury conjunct Mars at 12° Virgo Fast & Furious! An earth Mercury may push is towards a tangible solution. Mars is in fall, but is being received by Mercury (Mars is in Mercury’s domicile), and may really listen to the messenger. This also trines Uranus in Taurus, adding a distinct flavor of technological innovation here.
August 22: Venus (♎) trine Saturn (♒) Venus is in Saturn’s sign of exaltation as well--she’s got the power to make some deals with structured Saturn. Coincides with a Full Moon in Aquarius and the Sun entering Virgo.
August 30: Mercury enters Libra He’s joining Venus, and Mars is coming soon
September 10: Venus enters Scorpio
September 14: Mars enters Libra The accords reached during Venus in Libra may come crashing down as Mercury and Mars join her--some may stay, but some deals are OFF!
September 27: Mercury Retrograde at 25° Libra We’ll really be rethinking some of the agreements that were just made. He’ll trine Jupiter before and during this retrograde--things will feel good. But with Mars there we’ll have to face the issues.
Things will really get spicy towards the end of the year.
October 6: Pluto goes Direct at 24° Capricorn fjdhada
October 6: New Moon in Libra Conjunct Mercury and Mars, with the planets making trines to Jupiter and Saturn as they approach and leave this lunation. May see a challenge to agreement and accord in the realms under the outer planets’ rule.
October 10: Saturn stations direct at 6°♒
October 18: Mercury stations Direct at 10 Libra, Jupiter stations Direct at 22 Aquarius
October 19: Full Moon at 27 Aries Opposite Sun-Mars conjunction in Libra. This highlights a growing square between Mars (23°♎) and Pluto (24°♑). Jupiter (22°♒) is trine the Sun & Mars, though, so he may relieve some of the pressure.
October 30: Mars enters Scorpio Once again he’ll activate that Saturn-Uranus square and add pressure to the fixed signs.
Mars, Sun, Mercury enter Scorpio They will each activate that outer planet square. The accords that weren’t working in October will be really apparent now.
November 19: Lunar eclipse in Taurus This is the first eclipse on the axis we’ll be seeing in 2022--a foreshadowing for the following year. And this will further aggravate some of the fixed sign tension we’ve been experiencing. It’s also squaring Jupiter at 24 Aquarius, who may ease the aspects a liiittle bit.
December 1: Neptune stations direct at 20° Pisces
December 4: Total solar eclipse at 12° Sagittarius The completion of the eclipse series on the Gemini-Sag axis. The nodes will change early 2022, and the themes of the eclipse cycle that started a year previous (last week at time of writing) will wrap up. Mars is still in Scorpio, and the “martial” fixed star Antares is close by to this eclipse--strong chance some of the previous contention will ignite or stay aflame.
December 19: Venus Retrograde at 26° Capricorn She’ll be leading us into 2022 with this motion. She’s conjunct Pluto during this station, slowing down almost to his pace as she prepares to change directions. Venus & Pluto may represent more obsessive love, and in Capricorn things may be melancholic and bound/restrained.
December 24: Uranus♉-Saturn♒ square exact to the minute (5°11″) This is the final, most intense culmination of the aspect that has overshadowed the year (although it will come back in ‘22 as well.)
December 28: Jupiter re-enters Pisces He’ll travel all the way through it this time! ;) From this watery domicile he may put out some of the fires that Mars started. We welcome an empowered benefic as we move on to the new year--good news for the mutable signs!
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venus-de-lux · 4 years ago
7 Ways To Harness The Healing Energy Of 2020's Final Full Moon
By The AstroTwins
Don’t underestimate the power of feelings on Tuesday, December 29. At 10:28 PM EST, 2020’s second full moon in Cancer arrives, rounding off a super-rare year that featured two new and full moons in the sentimental sign of the Crab.
Under these emo moonbeams, the floodgates may burst open.
We’ve already had one Cancer full moon in 2020, a potent lunar eclipse on January 10, which launched the decade on a stirring note. Back-to-back new moons in Cancer shook things up mid-year, beginning with the game-changing solstice solar eclipse on June 21 and the sequel on July 20. 
Cancer is the zodiac’s domestic doyenne and sentimental nurturer. With its ruler, the moon, having such a heyday, is it any wonder 2020 kept us tucked away in our “crab shells,” reconfiguring family roles and redefining personal space as we sheltered in place? Some of us learned to appreciate our alone time while others plunged into painful isolation—both familiar themes to private, sensitive Cancer.
According to the Farmer’s Almanac, the full moon in December is known by some Native American tribes as the Cold Moon, since it falls during this frigid time of year. The Ojibwe people called it the Big Spirit Moon and believed its purpose was to purify and heal all of Creation.
You have the power to make changes in your home, family, workplace—or even your corner of the world. As feelings arise, try not to go cold. The only way out is through.
Here are seven ways to blanket yourself in the healing comfort of the December 29, 2020, Cancer full moon.
1. Tend to your roots.
How secure do you feel in the world? Cancer is connected to the fourth house of home, family and foundations, and is anchored at the very bottom of the zodiac wheel. As one of the three water signs (along with Scorpio and Pisces), the zodiac’s Crab is responsible for hydrating our “root systems.”
Under the light of 2020’s final full moon, take stock: Are you tending to the things that stabilize you in the material world? For example: Are you setting aside enough money for your nest egg? In this belt-tightening economy, it may be more important to hang on to a little more of your money. Even if you’re just putting $20 a week in savings, that can add up over the months. The point is to start the habit now.
The Cancer full moon spotlights financial security and a need to be prudent with your funds. It’s not only how much you make; it’s what you do with it. This lunation could inspire pleasurable budgeting ideas that let you save up for the dream purchase, or new ways to share expenses with your innermost circle of friends and family.
On that note, are you nurturing relationships with people who have your back? How well are you nourishing yourself—with food, hydration, ample sleep? During this Cancer full moon, it might feel like an archetypal mother hen is squawking in your ear. Listen up, she knows what’s best for you!
up, she knows what’s best for you!
2. Let your heart what it wants
Cancer Selena Gomez wrote the ultimate anthem for this full moon: The heart wants what it wants. But when was the last time you stopped long enough to listen to the wisdom of your ol’ ticker? Under the high beams of 2020’s final full moon, messages clamor to be revealed.
Find a quiet place where you can drop a bucket into the deep well of feeling that’s been locked inside you. (And then, have any subsequent emotional reaction you need to without worrying about “bothering” other people.) Crying, screaming, pounding a pillow, laughing uncontrollably—whatever it takes to get those emotions in motion.
If you’ve been in denial about your truth, you won’t be able to dodge the issue any longer. But that doesn’t mean you should rush to react. Just allow yourself to want the thing. It may or may not be right for your current lifestyle. But admitting to the urge—at least to yourself—can be oh-so liberating.
but mind your moods.
As the Cancer full moon unblocks dammed-up emotions, there could be an outpouring of grievances like unspoken hurt or lingering resentments. Be generous with your compassion, but firm with your boundaries. As the saying goes, you can get bitter or you can get better.
Since triggering emotions tend to emerge during this time of year, keep compassionate friends and trusted sounding boards close by. The world “lunacy” shares the same root with “luna,” and a Cancer full moon could find people acting wildly out of character. If you need to retreat to your personal safe space, do! It’s a lot smarter than trying to talk sense into someone whose emotions are firing on all cylinders. 
4. Phone home.
When was the last time you talked to your parents or your primary nurturer? If you don’t live together, set up a Zoom date or a weekend visit and enjoy some uninterrupted conversation.
This watery full moon activates your intuition. Out of the blue you might start thinking about a relative or role model who’s been off your radar for a while. Rather than brushing this off as a passing thought, reach out! This person might be struggling with an issue you’ve mastered. Maybe they have the very nugget of wisdom that you need to hear. If a parent has passed on, you can still “connect.” Write a letter and place it on your altar. Set out a photo of a special ancestor and light a candle to channel their divine wisdom. Or hop on social media and post a tribute to a beloved elder.  
If you’re a parent, honor yourself for your efforts, which have included a lot more than the usual duties in 2020. Maybe you feel like taking your kids on a field trip in nature—but maybe you just need a break! See what you can do to finagle a day off—or at least a sacred block of alone time to follow your bliss. 
5. Eat mindfully.
During the stress of holiday season, it’s not uncommon to numb feelings with food or just keep nibbling mindlessly on the leftover sweets and treats. If energy has been sluggish, consider a short-term healthy detox diet.
The two weeks following a full moon are major manifesting time. What if you cut out a vice for 14 days? No, you might not live a lifetime without your coffee, cookies, or sourdough rolls
but then again, you might lose your taste for them when you start integrating healthier, more natural options into your palette. Give it the two-week test and see.
6. Declutter your space.
With 2020’s final full moon in homey Cancer, you may be ready for decor refresh. Do a walkthrough of your home and consider every corner. We get accustomed to the piled-up second bedrooms, cluttered shelves, and knick-knack overload. The visual cues we take in cause our brains to fire off signals, especially when they trigger memories (which then trigger thoughts and feelings, which in turn trigger our brains to flood our bodies with chemicals).
This domestic goddess of a full moon reminds us that cleaning our homes can clear our minds. Start with one area and give it an extreme makeover. Clear everything away then reset it with curated care. Less is more, so be selective about the “collection” you display. Leaving some white space on those walls can give your brain a chance to breathe.
On the flip side, if your energy is lagging, how about painting a wall a cheery hue, adding oxygenating plants or hanging new art? Whatever makes you feel good and happy is great, as long as you don’t overload your senses.
7. Role play.
We easily fall into patterns with the ones we love, becoming The Responsible One, The Wild One, The Chauffeur, The Couch Potato. And once those patterns are in place, they can be hard to break! But who wants to be pigeonholed in such a limiting way?
Granted, there can be benefits to playing these parts
especially if it means our families have given up on trying to force us to do the dishes or clean up after ourselves. Regardless, this Cancer full moon wants us to shake it up.  Beware that pivoting under the Cancer full moon might take some internal adjustment, so be patient with the process!
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bearingwater · 5 years ago
2020 Aquarius Forecast
With wild-card Uranus as your ruling planet, Aquarius, it takes a lot to rattle your nerves. But his time in Taurus has been a real shock to the system!
That’s because, as your fourth house of home, family, and emotions, Taurus is your ultimate comfort zone—and comfort isn’t really Uranus’ thing. As this transit continues through 2020 and beyond, life can seem pretty chaotic at times. But in the midst of it all, a calm and quiet inner voice assures you that you can and will weather any storm.
Early in the year, planets in your sign square off with Uranus (Mercury on January 18, the sun on January 22, and Mars on April 7). Your self-image as a rebel or radical innovator clashes with a growing desire for more stability and security in your life. But what if the most “punk-rock” thing you can do this year is going back to basics and adopt a simpler lifestyle?
After all, Aquarius, self-care can be a revolutionary act. And from June through August, as personal planets in Cancer sextile Uranus, you have permission to make it a priority—not just for you, but for all the people you care about. The more grounded and centered you are, the more present you can be for them through all life’s ups and downs.
With Capricorn energy dominating the astrological landscape for most of 2020—including a Saturn/Pluto conjunction on January 12 and three Jupiter/Pluto conjunctions in April, June, and November—structure and boundaries are the name of the game. But have no fear: It’s not about following anyone else’s rules! It’s about consciously choosing to stay within the limits that foster greater health, safety, wellbeing, and happiness for you.
The truth is, Aquarius, having limits makes it easier—not harder—to express your individuality. And as Saturn visits your sign from March 21-July 1, you’re challenged to step up your self-discipline. With a new 20-year cycle beginning at Jupiter and Saturn’s Great Conjunction in your sign (December 21), the choices you make this year will likely have long-term consequences.
Slow your roll, Aquarius!
With Mars in Sagittarius at the beginning of the year (January 3-February 16), you’ve got big plans—and won’t want to waste any time getting started. But you may be overly optimistic about what’s actually doable with the time and resources you have.
Fortunately, the Saturn/Pluto conjunction in Capricorn (January 12) provides a reality check before you get too far ahead of yourself. It also helps you dig deep for the self-discipline and endurance you’ll need to do the slow and steady work that sets you up for real success.
After all, Aquarius, you’re not just out to make a quick buck—your work serves a higher purpose and answers to a higher authority. And with Jupiter and Pluto aligning three times this year (April 4, June 29, and November 12), intangible rewards are just as important, if not more, than material ones.
Fortunes may rise and fall this year, but as long as you know your work is serving the greater good, you’re happy to ride out the ups and downs. The sextiles between Jupiter in Capricorn and Neptune in Pisces (February 20, July 27, and October 12) assist you in aligning your career path with your deepest humanitarian values.
Still, there may be some conflicts of interest when planets in Cancer, your house of work, oppose Jupiter, Pluto, and Saturn in Capricorn (July-early September). Your eagerness to serve feels at odds with your low-key ambition for money, status, or power. But Aquarius, there’s nothing wrong with wanting to achieve more in your career—as long as you’re honest about your true objectives. When put in the service of the greater good, ambition can be a powerful thing!
Stick with it, and your disciplined efforts should pay off in December, when Saturn and Jupiter move into your sign and make their Great Conjunction on the twenty-first.
Only fools rush in, Aquarius—and with cautious Saturn testing the waters in your sign (March 21-July 1), this year you’re nobody’s fool.
We get it: Experience has made you older and wiser, so you’d rather not take any chances on love unless it seems like a sure thing. But by closing your heart, you could be denying yourself the pleasure of a genuine connection.
Fortunately, Venus in Gemini (April 3-August 7, retrograde May 12-June 24) helps you lighten up a little. With the love goddess herself in your house of fun and romance, you’re less worried about serious commitment and more concerned with just enjoying life. There’s likely to be an emphasis on friendship over romance—still, with Venus trine Saturn in your sign on April 4, you shouldn’t rule out the possibility of it growing into something more! After all, friendship is the foundation of any solid relationship.
Aquarius, we all just want to be loved
 but asking for love is a vulnerable thing. It takes courage to wear your heart on your sleeve, especially in August and September as planets in your opposite sign of Leo square your ruler Uranus in risk-averse Taurus. A heart-opening new moon in Leo on August 18, with Venus in Cancer sextile Uranus, helps ease fears of rejection, allowing you to show your softer side.
In a perfect world, we’d all feel safe expressing ourselves. But you know better than anyone how easy it is to get stuck in your own head and start overthinking things—especially when it comes to relationships. From late August through October, planets transiting Virgo (your eighth house of sex and intimacy) make it tempting to focus on the flaws. Fortunately, though, their trines with Uranus support you in choosing radical acceptance instead.
Ultimately, Aquarius, it’s not about finding the “perfect” person, or trying to fix an imperfect one. It’s about loving them as they are—flaws and all—and letting them in to disrupt your comfortable life in the most beautiful and surprising ways.
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lovehaswonangelnumbers · 4 years ago
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New Post has been published on https://lovehaswonangelnumbers.org/second-new-moon-in-cancer-july-2020-20-20-20-healing-harmony-balance/
Second New Moon in Cancer, July 2020 ~ 20 20 20, Healing, Harmony, Balance
Second New Moon in Cancer, July 2020 ~ 20 20 20, Healing, Harmony, Balance
By Tania Gabrielle
It’s a rare event when we experience a lunation twice in the same sign!
Back on June 21st we had the Solstice Cancer New Moon Eclipse at the beginning of Cancer – 0° Cancer.
Now, on July 20th, 2020 we’ll experience the SECOND Cancer New Moon!
This code is extremely powerful.
20 is representative of our decade and 20 itself represents healing and harmony, balance, so bringing the opposites together.
Remember July is that 11 universal month, which also asks us to step into the present moment so that we’re not torn between one side or another — feeling defensive or feeling offensive.
Cancer is a highly sensitive water sign and is ruled by the Moon.
Moon represents the lunar cycles – aligned with the Divine Feminine.
Cancer is aligned with the Mother. It is the sign of nurturing, sweetness and finding inner security.
The shadow side of Cancer is timid and insecure – hiding under the shell of the crab.
In this powerful New Moon Star Codes episode you’ll discover:
The meaning Cancer in the overall storyline for 2020.
The opposition form Sun and Moon to Saturn with all three at exactly 28°.
How Chiron the Sacred Healer is aiding Cancer in the LOVE storyline.
Every New Moon is an opportunity to start fresh.
We have an especially strong activation of Cancer this year.
Discover what this New Moon means to you!
Love and Blessings,
Tania Gabrielle
All of Creation Is watching Earth and witnessing its Ascension Process. They are ready, ready for this Planet to be Declared a Light Only Zone. All of Humanity are called upon now to Step Up in fulfillment of their Divine Soul Contract.
The dark has been cleared, fully defeated and New Earth, Nova Terra, is ready to begin. This requires each Being to fully clear the remaining density within their bodies, to awaken to full remembrance of their Galactic Truth, their Soul Essence, their Divine Blueprint.
This is not a Drill, in Real Time, Present Moment of Now Mother of All Creation is on the Planet and she is Our Divine Director, Our Eternal Mother. She hired you for this role and She is here to guide you.
Mother has the entire Galactic Federation of Light and all the Angels with Her in all moments. She also has Her guide/ambassador Robin Williams and Master St. Germain by Her side. There is no session like this available on the planet, or in all of Creation.
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witchcraftmagazine · 5 years ago
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After 20 years, it all begins TONIGHT ✹ Stay tuned ✅ PASS IT ON https://www.magicalrecipesonline.com/2020/06/solar-eclipse-and-new-moon-in-cancer-20-21-june-2020.html/amp?nonamp=1 #summervibes #summersolstice #summersolstice2020 #ringoffire #solareclipse https://www.instagram.com/p/CBsCdPEn5kK/?igshid=15eqr20cc5n9w
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mikazukikannagisjourney · 5 years ago
Solstice x Solar Eclipse in Cancer New Moon x Mercury Retrograde in Cancer, June 2020 Energetic Update and Support
Abstract: Within a span of 3-4 days, a lot of astrological events have taken place, first is Mercury going retrograde in the sign of Cancer on the 18th, and on the 20th and 21st a new moon in Cancer with a solar eclipse along with the onset of the summer solstice, the day with the longest daylight hours in the Northern hemisphere, and conversely the winter solstice in the Southern hemisphere, where their night will be the longest. Many may not be aware of it but energies that flow within the planet are usually affected by various events, which can cause disruptions for most people. Certain energies stop, certain energies are released, and however that works for a person, movements of all sorts in all stages in all aspects of life can rattle the normalcy of energies. For the awakened folk however, such tidings are viewed as opportunities to heal, to review, to change, to transition, to improve. This also gives chances to reflect on what needs to be released, what needs to be let in, and all that other stuff that involves looking at the reality of things, of the shadow parts of the self, and unhiding everything that needs to be seen and heard, which really takes a toll on the entire energetic system if not handled carefully. As such, this post aims to provide some energetic update, on what can be expected and what can be done to mitigate the potential effects of the wonky energies, as well as to provide some form of energetic support or assistance, or at the very least help ease the dense feelings that are still lingering on this planet and give a sense of being seen, heard, or validated in these interesting times.
Disclaimer: Please seek the advice of medical professionals - mental and physical health professionals before doing whatever suggestions I made here. Otherwise, feel free to use any suggestions If, and only if you've exhausted all methods of finding any empirical evidence for the sources of your pain or suffering or any other issues.
Hi everyone, how are you all doing in the eclipse season? With Mercury Retrograde? And the onset of the solstices? During a new moon? I hope that despite the wonky energies along with the event that unnecessarily stopped the world because seriously all that needs is just personal accountability and implementing personal hygiene, you're all hanging in there somehow. And if you're energetically sensitive, there's probably some weird bodily events as well, which can range from something such as onset of asthma attacks or sweating more than usual or even having loose bowel movements out of nowhere. Even with a mostly-vegetable diet. However you feel the swirling vortex of flurried energies within your body, please know that it's just a subtle (really? lol) message from the universal realms that more stuff are being released right now and as always, the awakened folk are again, called to action for transmuting their own as well as the mass consciousness' stuff. Or if they're already doing it, to keep doing it.
Yeah, I know it's annoying, it's a thankless job, it's hard to see any gift in doing it, basically it can bring up so much victim consciousness and bregrudging feelings of abandonment, having to clear stuff that isn't ours, losing so much personal energy because not enough goes back to us for the transmutation process, and it keeps on adding all of the reasons why it's annoying to even be here and stay alive. Like as if losing livelihoods, ways of life, or having a sense of normalcy one way or another weren't enough 3D problems to even be dealt with. Yeah, if you feel that way, I feel you too. This isn't exactly a joyous time to be alive, through a 3D transcript. And yeah, it's easier to just end it all right here right now just to avoid the pain.
And here's the more annoying part: these events of isolation, of feeling desolate, of losing all hope for a better future, and all of those feelings that create even more pressure and dense energies which sap a lot of us of our positive and high-vibrational energies; these were not only predicted to happen but were actually scheduled to occur and continue to happen well into the next hundreds of years. But don't ask me why it even has to happen, because depending on which timeline you're all living in right now, the reasons as to why stuff like these are happening can vary. For some timelines, this is the collapsing that needs to happen in order to bring in the newer, higher-vibrational earth, earth in 5D. For other timelines, this is the part where resetting is needed in order to demolish old systems that created all of the energetic imbalances that have been proliferating for a very long time. Still, for some other timelines this period is the time when higher dimensional energies have started intercepting the flow of dense energies to assist the clearing process of the planet.
Whichever timeline you feel like you're in (I actually feel all 3, maybe even more than 3 exist but I don't know lol), all of the actions needed in order to go past the survival stage and end up thriving all boil down to taking personal responsibility and releasing the old energies of victimhood and lack in all ways. Personally, these are the energies that I have been working on for a long time now, and I feel so much stuff coming up for release, a lot aren't even mine (must be from the mass consciousness) and those which are actually mine, just hurt so much. But I have decided to do whatever it takes just to release all of the stuff and let in high vibrational energies so I won't drag down wherever I am living in right now. Not sure if it worked so far but based on how I read the energies not just in my own turf but also whatever I could sense within the neighborhood, I think the effects are OK. The downside is that because higher dimensional energies require each and everyone of us must take responsibility for our own energies and all our stuff, many people are starting to see their own shadows, the old pain that they repressed, victim stories that get amplified each time they're reviewed, and these are popping up a lot more in any form of media outlet available.
Honestly, I personally feel exhausted just thinking about it, so most of the time I just lock myself up and work on my own issues, as well as sending energies to the planet and also to myself. Not exactly fun stuff, but I just look at it like adulting, but in terms of spirituality and living in these interesting times. I don't know about other people but ever since I started doing my own personal work on my own stuff, I feel a bit more alive and free. I am also hoping that this kind of vibration gets translated into my material realm one way or another, but for the moment I just do my best on focusing my energies on transmuting and releasing what needs to be released, healed, and forgiven.
Please take note I don't use the words forgetting, or neglecting, or avoiding, or even just being absolutely positive. And again, I would like to emphasize the importance of living in non-duality in an extremely-polarized world, which just means to acknowledge all the light and dark aspects of life, to bring to light the stuff that were pushed in the back-burner and are desperately wanting to come out, to take responsibility for the creation of the un-pretty things and to just be fine with it, in however way, shape or form other people might see it. For me, many spiritual people, gurus, even influencers give off the energies and vibes of just forgetting the ugly events or matters that happened and just focus on thinking positive.
Yeah right, like that's the only thing needed for the world to change.
Not to bash these famous and influential people or anything, but seriously, I cringe each time they downplay the importance of looking at the ugly side of things and still seeing those as something beautiful, or even at the very least OK. I mean, this is precisely why the dense energies materialized in the first place: when people look the other way at the time when these things must be viewed with clear, unclouded eyes for what these truly are, and at the same time acknowledging that yes, these happened, it created pain one way or another, but at the same time it's OK as a part of some learning process, and that it does not define a person or a group of people or a thought process aka belief. Basically accepting the fact that yes, something went wrong, a mistake was made, but it's a part of learning and after everything that has happened, we can only move forward. Ego doesn’t want that, hence the victim mentality prevents any form of healing or release.
If that felt triggering, don't worry, even I got annoyed by what I typed, and yet in the scheme of all things, this is how the cogs function. Any triggers or reactions or similar feelings or actions are mirrors of the shadow, which helps us figure out the unhealed, dark parts of our selves which were more often than not stuff that we encountered in the early stages of development. These can also be generational, which we inherited through the kind of parenting we had when we were young. Inasmuch as it's fun and more easy to just put the blame on other people like our parents or caretakers, doing this a lot eventually cements the victim mentality even more, making healing and moving on so hecking stagnant. I should know, I was in that kind of place for quite a while, and the fact that once I started the process of forgiving, the healthy and authentic type which doesn’t condone the act and instead gives the person a choice to forgive the other party or just the self or let that be an open option in the future. It came to a point where I didn't even had to stay in a "support group" just to get the love that I needed to heal, and that I eventually left "support groups" because staying in there just kept me in victim mode due to the lack of any substantial method on how to move on from the pain and hurt. Plus a lot of the people in "support groups" just keep rehashing their victim stories, and while some do give their love out and support to others, a lot of the members just suck all the energies up by silently invalidating others through what OC people would call "lack of netiquette or forum decorum". Best example is putting one's own story through a comment on someone else's post. Like seriously, just make a post and do that, not dump the crap on someone else's stage. Oh well, just being OC on that.
So moving on....
What does these long-ass personal stuff have to do with the astrological events that just happened?
Great question, and thank you for asking.
Yeah, so there's a great mixture of potentially-conflicting energies that were generated starting from the Mercury Rx, down to the day where everything just plopped down in one go aka the New Moon x Solar Eclipse x Summer/Winter Solstice.
Why is this conflicting, you ask?
Well, for one thing, the Mercury Rx, like all of the retrogrades that we already have right now (we are basically in retrograde bonanza right now, and Mercury just topped the cake) bring up the energies of pulling back and going slow, rethinking things, going back to finish the unfinished, fix the unfixed, close the un-closed chapters, returning to places we have left and see if every stone was indeed upturned. There is a strong energetic calling for the release of the old, what doesn't serve anymore, and anything that stands in our way to success. But at the same time, the energies of the new moon, the solar eclipse, and the solstice energies bring upon the need for changes and upgrades, the need for movement, the opening of a new chapter, and energies are flowing in to be received by all. So judging from that alone, it doesn't exactly mesh together properly, it's like a push-pull thing.
When you go deep with it, it's actually a great formula to get an energetic reset.
Simple, really. First, you release the garbage or the energetic vampires or whatever doesn't serve you anymore, out to the universe, like reeeeally set them all free, cutting all the cords and cauterizing where the connections used to be. This frees up your energetic field from probable or even actual blockages, allowing you to have a bigger receiving capacity than before. Also, you  can even even choose to increase your receiving capacity a whole lot more, so that you can handle a lot of the higher dimensional energies that the universe sends down to us once the Mercury retrograde and all of the other retrogrades end. That sounds like a great idea if you ask me.
Of course, for this to happen, a lot of the grunt work aka the inner work must be made. This means that we must clean house, our inner temple, and since Cancer rules all things related to the home, family, or even just your sense of belonging, such energies related to these topics can become even more intense than usual, maybe even triggering. Which, in relation to that idea of home, if you've ever tried moving out and moving into a new place, the sorting and throwing out of stuff can really drive anybody mad, especially when you started seeing some stuff that you thought were gone but apparently were still hanging around you and still waiting for you to take whatever action is needed to move them or whatnot. This entire process can be really, really taxing to a lot of people, maybe for some OCD cleaners they have an extra capacity to go beyond and make things happen and go away but for some, especially with hoarder tendencies, the sorting and the throwing out or selling can turn into pure drudgery. Like it literally sucks the life out of anyone just looking at the piles of unsorted stuff and trash. It's emotionally taxing and draining, and the overwhelming feelings can send one into a spiral of crying and hopelessness.
Now try translating that into emotional baggage, energetic blockages, the shadows in the subconscious, all the sum total of the repressed emotions and memories... Yeah, I hope that drives the point home. It's basically overwhelming, and to be honest a lot of people just go down the spiral and just get stuck further down the hole, like there's no way out and the only way to go is down even further. That feeling just totally sucks, big time.
So having said all that....
What can we do to amp up our personal energies?
Well, pretty much like doing the sorting and throwing out of trash physically, just do it bit by bit, by how much you can manage, and being OK with whatever pace you can do comfortably, it's also the same with our own personal energies. I won't recommend flushing them all out in huge chunks, because the subconscious works in ways that can totally differ for every individual. Some people can heal and release quickly and never get triggered ever again, and some like yours truly just have a stubborn subconscious which I am still doing my best to figure out to nudge it in the direction of releasing a substantial proportion of the gunk and garbage and old issues. I've pretty much done everything available out there: reprogramming, energetic healing, inner child healing, shadow work, hypnotherapy, cord-cutting and other guided meditations, journalling, emotional releases, like honestly I feel like I just wanna end it all each time I do something and feel like the results are not showing up at all, let alone the slowness of any observable result even after months of doing the said stuff. It's quite painful, tiring, like the universe just forgot that I exist and only other people get the help. Heck, even the devil doesn't even want to buy my soul because it's too-tainted even for their tastes and would run far away because I might take their throne away because I've got nothing to lose but they do. That's how low my thoughts would go when I'm on the downward spiral of being in a depressive state. Yeah sure I can laugh about it now but when I'm really, really low, the stuff just comes out like that and it just drives me nuts and renders me immobile for a long time.
So basically it’s a must to take the time to go slow so that the subconscious can actually release the stuff. But more importantly, to recognize all of the old patterns so that finding what to heal and release can be a lot easier. Also being kind to yourself and finding some sort of validation and support from other people who were able to get over the victim mentality and have actual tips on how to cope can really help, like even if it's just the validation part, just so that you can regain the right to be seen and heard, and feel a lot more worthy than you already do.
OK, so that's somewhat understandable, but what other stuff we can do during this time?
Well, aside from clearing the mind, body, heart and soul, you can also do some actual physical cleaning in your house, throw out the old garbage. You can also clear your emails, your phonebook, friend list, subscriptions or following lists, or whatnot. You can also continue the stuff you haven't finished yet, as well as to reconnect with people that you deem important because they reflect who you are right now. It is also not recommended to start anything new until the Mercury Rx is over, and that goes for a lot of the other retrograded planets too, because once the energies start coming directly it's possible that many significant or important things can become overlooked so what you thought seems to be OK turns out to be crappy and not actually worth it once the issues start popping up. Best to think and rethink such actions first and allow the energies to support you in whatever higher dimensional goals you're weaving right now.
Any concluding remarks?
Nothing really, I felt like anyone who wants to just get the gist of the entire thing can just read the abstract and be OK with that, but anyone who wants to dig deeper can just read the entirety of this post.
Oh, and before I forget, an energy-infused photo to help you in any way possible, even if it's just an energetic and virtual hug from the universe, through me.
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Lol I tried taking a pic of the eclipse, it was just partial in this part of the world so it looks like a bitten cookie. Yeah, the crescent shape in the black background is the sun partially-covered by the passing new moon. It’s the best I could do with what I have right now so... There.
I hope this post provided you not just with information but also some sort of support in these interesting times. It's even more challenging than the previous ones, but if you look at it this way, at this time we're experiencing something that nobody else living right now has ever experienced. It's something new, so by working on our selves and sorting out all of our stuff we can emerge to be better than our old selves, like resistant bacteria or resistant fiber. A sucky analogy, but many people have been affected by methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus aka MRSA aka flesh-eating bacteria so instead of feeling sorry for things just think of yourself as MRSA that is doing their best to live their best life unaffected by the elements and the outside world and actually making changes in their world.
And in case I forget to mention this...
Just remember that you are loved, you are worthy of that love, and that no matter what happens, you have the power to change your fate and create your own destiny.
Offering you my free hugs and love, while wishing you all the best that life has to offer, I remain your friend,
PS. If you found the information in this post to be very helpful, insightful, and of great value to you and your own personal journey, please feel free to reblog, share and heart/like, or if you feel super-generous, energetic exchanges are welcomed! Please click here and use this email address: [email protected]
Thank you so much and be blessed!
PSS. If you’re interested to get a personal card and energetic reading, for inquires please send an email or an anonymous ask in this page. Thank you! =)
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ms-m-astrologer · 3 years ago
The Week Ahead: October 25-31, 2021
Void of Course Moon
Monday, October 25, 14:11 UT (Gemini) - 21:00 UT (Cancer)
Thursday, October 28, 06:02 UT (Cancer) - 09:07 UT (Leo)
Saturday, October 30, 07:05 UT (Leo) - 18:09 UT (Virgo)
None of these seem overwhelming.
Lunar Phase
Thursday, October 28, 20:05 UT - Last Quarter Moon, 5:37 Leo
The key phrases for the Last Quarter phase are to "turn away" from what we've been doing, and to "tear down old structures" that don't work any more. This chart is very difficult: the Leo Moon opposes Saturn/Aquarius, and both are square the Sun in Scorpio. That in and of itself is very willful, stubborn, and arrogant. We don't want to give up our plans. Our precious little egos must rule all. We also have some interference from Venus/Sagittarius and Neptune Rx/Pisces. They're bringing plenty of delusion and vanity. It seems we're going to be told "NO," and we aren't going to like it very much. It's important to let things go, and to try to simplify our lives and wants and needs as much as we can. (This could also bring about some severe weather in the US, so stay tuned to your most reliable weather sources.)
Retrograde / Direct / Etc.
Pre-retrograde shadow: nothing right now
Retrograde: Ceres/Gemini, Pallas Athene/Pisces, Chiron/Aries, Uranus/Taurus, Neptune/Pisces
Post-retrograde shadow: Mercury/Libra, Juno/Sagittarius (until Wednesday the 27th), Jupiter/Aquarius, Saturn/Aquarius
Mercury's greatest western elongation happens on Monday, October 25. This acts a little bit like the First Quarter lunar phase; we're now ready to move ahead with the ideas we got from Mercury's retrograde process. We can certainly make plans, but it may be better to wait to launch new projects until next week's New Moon on November 4 - which is two days after Mercury leaves its post-retrograde shadow.
Juno/Sagittarius exits her post-retrograde shadow on Wednesday, October 27. By now, it is to be hoped that we've become better partners, as well as more energized about fighting for the rights of the powerless. Right? Juno's next retrograde zone is next year, between May 13 and December 24, in the sign Pisces.
Venus' greatest eastern elongation happens on Saturday, October 30. This is like the Last Quarter lunar phase, and is our warning that Venus will soon enter her Retrograde Zone. (Don't shoot the messenger!!) Whatever Venus "project" we started, back around June 4, 2020 - it's time to turn away from that and evaluate it. We're probably at least somewhat disillusioned, and angry about it; we're possibly also about ready to swear off whatever it was, forever! The upcoming Venus retrograde, if we let it, will show us how to make good plans and go after our goals with more success.
Saturday, October 30, 14:21 UT - transiting Mars enters Scorpio
Mars likes to be in Scorpio, where he co-rules with Pluto. As with Mars in Aries, we have someone wielding a sharp instrument - but whereas Aries' soldier wields a sword, Scorpio's surgeon wields a scalpel. Big difference. I'm not happy about the timing of this ingress, as it happens right after that decisively negative Last Quarter lunar phase. We'll be tested, all right, over the next 6-7 weeks. Are we going to push for the results we want, regardless of anything and everything - or are we going to be adults about it and find something else to do?
Et Cetera
There are two Opportunity Periods this week:
Monday, October 25, from 04:14 UT to 14:11 UT. "Very good time for communication and socializing as Mercury picks up speed."
Saturday, October 30, from 04:24 UT to 07:05 UT. "Good time for purchases and to connect with others, accomplish goals, etc."
So yes, this isn't going to be the most pleasant of weeks. Funnily enough, most of what's going on is in our own lives. There aren't really any Huge World Influences, actively manipulating us this way and that. We're being asked to look at where we now are - what we do and don't like about it - and what do we intend to do about it.
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luxa-jewelry · 3 years ago
Gemstone Jewelry - How Aries Affects Each Zodiac Sign
Gemstone Jewelry - How Aries Affects Each Zodiac Sign
While every sign has its own significant meaning, we would encourage everyone to continue writing a gratitude journal everyday as well as your intentions and desires.
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March 21 to April 20 adventurous and energetic pioneering, brave Passionate and confident Dynamic and witty Happy Birthday Aries Gemstone Jewelry. Despite these uncertain times, you are the "heroine" of all signs and in a good way. It's been a magical year for you, if you make it. Let's start by paying extra attention to your physical fitness and exercise. We know your looks are very important to you, so let's take it up a notch for the next 3 months.
Change up your look, get a new hairstyle, get creative with your makeup, because Love you jewelry is just for you in 2022. So is business. You are a money maker but have a habit of being stuck. This year is the time to "get out of the woods" and take on new challenges. you have this.
Shop Your Intention: Luck & Success Collection Taurus
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April 21 – May 20 Patient and reliable warm heart and love persevere and steadfast Peace of mind, love safety Brave Taurus, you can always find a way to make money and keep challenging yourself every day. That's too much energy to release, and it can be physically, emotionally, and mentally taxing.
Goal for 2020: Learn how to enjoy the "simple" things in life. Oh, it's too easy for you.
How, you might ask? Every new or full moon of the month, you create a ritual bath for yourself with lots of your favorite foo foo scented bead necklaces.
Here comes the challenge. meditate. Yes, turn it off. The lovely music and "feel" are meant to simplify the year ahead by creating more balance between the physical and emotional. Sorry guys, this is especially for Taurus men who are overly driven and hardworking.
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May 22 – June 21 Adaptable and versatile Sociable and witty smart youthful and lively An amiable, beautiful gem of a Gemini. Heart of gold, willing to do anything for anyone, and often a little too much. Take some time to develop yourself, Gem, you deserve it.
This is a great year to keep your creative juices flowing and elevate your communication game. For the next 3 months, be careful not to get too distracted and start paying attention to details to succeed.
Fun, but frivolous, the gem must, must continue to be organized. Focus on being more disciplined every day. Make a list and review it and proceed with the task. While you'd rather live in a creative world, now is the time to balance and make money. If you persevere, you will be rewarded handsomely this year.
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June 22 – July 23 emotion and love Intuitive and imaginative shrewd and cautious protection and compassion Emotional Cancer Gemstone Jewelry, this is the year you take care of yourself and your loved ones. Taking off your crab shell is never easy for you because you often use it as a safety blanket. 2022 offers you plenty of career opportunities, whether it's a new job, a promotion, or starting a business.
That's why you have to be a little "selfish" and focus on your mind, body, and soul so you can take on challenges and succeed. Based on your ideas, create new projects that interest you. Work hard for your body! There is nothing like music, nature and meditation for your soul.
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July 23 – August 23 generous and enthusiastic creative and enthusiastic broad-minded Loyalty and love Outgoing, caring, energetic, life party Leo jewelry, it's time to step out of your comfort zone and expand your expectations for life. If you feel stuck, keep a journal, find out what brings you joy, and move forward by creating an action plan. Once you pursue them, the door will open.
It's also a great time for you to get closer to friends and family, and to shine with your great sense of humor. Use your beautiful warm heart to volunteer more this year, find the foundation of spiritual jewelry, look, read, read, read anyway. Expansion is your business.
Shop Your Intention: Gemstone Jewelry  Collection
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August 24 – September 22 humble and shy meticulous and reliable Practical and diligent Intelligence and Analytics Jewels of Virgo, get ready for the upcoming year, starting this month in Aries. It's time to pause your traditional logic and focus more on your intuition so you don't miss out on some fun, loving energy.
So, if you're feeling stagnant, push it aside and rely on your natural positivity bracelet to take you to the next level. It's also time to get organized and clear out what you don't need so you can make room for what you do.
Friends will rely more on you and serve them, but keep your boundaries so you don't drain your energy balance bracelet. Take advantage of your naturally meticulous nature and do some heavy spring cleaning in your home or even your car. Get rid of everything you don't need so you can open up new spaces and healing energy bracelets.
Shop Your Intention: Happiness Confidence Jewelry Collection
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September 23 – October 23 Diplomacy and elegance romantic and charming easygoing and sociable idealistic peace Hello lover Libra jewelry. Get ready to celebrate life, even more than usual. The never-ending "party" planner and host, 2022 is your year. Attract more close friends and family and create new relationships, because balance is also essential.
Always a dreamer, you need to step into your life more now and achieve your goals as you make your 2022 decisions. While it's not an easy task, you'll find that the harder you work, the more you'll gain. Balance, balance and more between your dream world and your real world is very important for the next 3 months.
Shop Your Intention: Love and Loyalty Jewelry Collection
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October 24 – November 22 firm and powerful emotion and intuition strong and passionate exciting and magnetic Never be shy about the Scorpio jewels that will take you on an adventure this year. Now is the time to reinvent yourself so you can reach new goals and show what you really desire. While you're definitely outgoing and won't put up much with it, spend more time being quieter and more introspective over the next month.
You'll find yourself wanting closer, more meaningful relationships, which is why it's so important to document your intentions for 2022.
It's time to do a spring cleaning, create a "friend list" and eliminate those who are bad for your delicate spirit. Use your natural passion to develop new hobbies that you've been "thinking" about.
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November 23 – December 21 Optimism and love of freedom lively Honest and straightforward Intellectuals and Philosophy Fiery, vibrant Sagittarius jewelry, it's time for you to imagine what you really want, because now is the time to make it happen. Luck is on your side, but you have to work hard and work smart to achieve and sustain it.
While you are a chatty Cathy and a girlfriend's love ring because communication is so important to you, the next 3 months will be challenging in this regard.
Now is the time to expand your horizons by visiting new places, new people, and learning more about the world, even if it is limited to the Internet at this time. It will appease your love story jewelry to seek philosophy and expand your need for knowledge. Boredom doesn't bode well for you right now.
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December 22 – January 20 Pragmatic and steady Ambitious and disciplined patience and attentiveness humorous and reserved One of the most hardworking signs, Capricorn Jewels, it's time to put your goals and career into overdrive. This is your year of success. Start setting higher goals for yourself while you are in Aries this month. You will meet requirements and exceed expectations.
If you are stuck, become one with the earth and go hiking, biking, buying plants or bringing natural aromatherapy into your home.
Use your sense of humor when you're with friends and family to keep your creativity at peak levels. This will help open up newer and more wonderful relationships.
With your ambitious and disciplined nature, you'll thrive, but don't forget to be a little more patient now if things don't seem to be going your way. Stay focused and all is well in your world.
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January 21st – February 18th friendly and humanitarian Honesty and Loyalty originality and creativity independent intellectual Free-spirited Aquarius jewelry, you might find the next 3 months a little weird, mostly because you live in a dream world, not a real one. With your heightened awareness of what is going on right now, you need to save the world and become a leader, however, you need to disengage and embrace a newer, non-Aquarius being.
Between now and June, give yourself a break, take more walks, exercise more, and connect with close friends, family, and neighbors. Once the smoke clears, you will feel more grounded and can be our selfless leader again.
If you're feeling more restless than usual, use your creativity and creativity to come up with new ideas and possibilities for what you really want in life. It will be fun.
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February 19 - March 20 imaginative and sensitive Compassionate and kind Selfless and otherworldly Intuition and empathy Dreamy Pisces jewelry, it's time to dream bigger! Pay close attention to your intuition and vision as they will guide you towards your deepest desires and goals.
Although things look ominous right now and it's your nature to accept it, don't! It's time to embrace your creativity and hardworking nature and blend them together.
A naturally adventurous soul looking for newer, more exciting ways to learn about culture, food and music. It resonates with you and in any tough time, and Pisces tends to push it aside and hope it goes away. Use your God-given imagination and compassion to find ways to change. You will be on top of the world.
Shop Your Intention: Love and Loyalty Jewelry Collection
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ashleyanxiety · 3 years ago
Hello There
It’s been a while. I created this blog many many moons ago and then kind of forgot it. Well, I’m back baby. No one actually follows me or reads this, but I feel like this is a good space to put my thoughts out. So let’s start off with some about me, in the off chance that someone does see these and thinks I’d be cool to follow (imagine me winking and giving a thumbs up.)
My name: Ashley obviously. Why is my username Ashley Anxiety you may ask. Well, I literally have anxiety. Diagnosed and all, go me. I’m 28 turning 19, June 2022. I am happily married with 1 awesome child.
Background info: My sister (6), brother(3)and I(8) left Ohio with my mom after my dads abuse became too much for my mom to handle. We moved to Arizona 🌅 and my mom married my stepdad(who used to live in Ohio and had literally been around since we were babies). High school was
interesting, as it is for most teenagers. I joined the Navy when i was 17 after getting told by my stepdad that if I didn’t have a job when I turned 18 I would be getting kicked out. I left for boot camp 5 months after I turned 18 (November 21 2011). I graduated boot camp January 26th 2012 and also found out that day that my mom and younger sister(16) had gotten into a car accident on their way to said graduation, and my sister didn’t make it. So, not a great start into adulthood. I spent 2 weeks on emergency leave, depressed and confused and then went straight into Navy life. Obviously, I was not a happy camper. I was stationed on the other side of the world away from my family, on the East Coast. I developed anxiety and depression from the loss of my sister and from some situations that arose while in. I got pregnant with my child at 20, I was still in the military. Her father and I split and I was a single mom for many many years doing everything on my own while also active duty on an active sea going ship, so to say it was hard, is an understatement. In 2016 my stepdad died of stage 4 cancer, I was on duty on the ship when my mom called and told me. *cue more anxiety and depression here* In 2017 I started dating someone who I thought was amazing. We were friends before we started so I thought it would be perfect. Which it was, at first. Then that perfection turned sour and I experienced abuse (not physical thankfully and I’m sorry to anyone who has went through this. And I know some people will say mental/emotional abuse aren’t real but anyways) at the hands of someone I loved with all my being and I did the smart thing and left before it got worse, which was devastating. In 2018 a friend committed suicide on the ship in one of the spaces our department owned. In 2019 things got a little better because I started dating my now husband. I was introduced to a world of love and acceptance and happiness, which I hadn’t felt in a very long time. 2019 is when I also decided that I’d had enough of the military and not being there for my child and family. 2020 i got a new job and I also got engaged! April 2021 I got married. 2021 is also when I finally got my diagnosis of anxiety and depression, along with a slew of other things that combine to make me who I am. After 8 years of people telling me I was faking it and that I was fine and it was all in my head, it was amazing and a relief (Not that I am fucked up but) to finally have it in writing and official that I was telling the truth. Which brings us here to the present, 2022. I am still on the other side of the world away from Arizona, I’m happily married and my child is doing amazing and I just hit the 2 year mark of working at the same job. Obviously that’s a lot of condensing of the things I went through, but I’m sure I’ll make in depth posts later on. So, that’s who I am.
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subdorseyrose · 4 years ago
Oct 9-Oct 15 star guide
09 Last quarter moon in Gemini, waning moon in Cancer
11 Moon, Venus, Regulus October 12 to 15
12 Mars to reach opposition October 13
14 Autumn’s false dawn, the zodiacal light
15 Summer Triangle and galactic equator
16 Year’s closest new moon October 16
17 Birth of young moon at day’s end, October 17-20
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Wake up before dawn on the mornings of October 10 and 11, 2020, and let the waning moon show you the zodiacal constellations Gemini and Cancer.
Before midnight October 9, 2020 – or after midnight October 10 – the moon will be rising over your eastern horizon at or near its half-illuminated last quarter phase. It’ll be shining in front of the constellation Gemini the Twins. If you’re more of an early bird than a night owl, get up before dawn to view the moon and Gemini much higher up in the sky. To the north of the moon will be Gemini’s two brightest stars, Castor and Pollux. The other bright star beaming to the south of the moon will be Procyon, the Little Dog Star.
The moon’s exact last quarter phase comes on October 10, 2020, at 0:39 UTC. Although the last quarter moon occurs at the same instant worldwide, the local clock time – and possibly the date – differ by time zone. Depending on where you live worldwide, the last quarter moon falls on October 9 or 10.
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The constellation Gemini via the IAU. Every year, the sun passes in front of this constellation from about June 21 to July 20.
Although the sky chart at the top of this page is designed for temperate latitudes in North America, you’ll see the moon passing through the same region of the starry sky from all parts of Earth. The moon moves in front of the constellations of the zodiac at the rate of about 1/2 degree (the moon’s own angular diameter) eastward per hour. So – for example – if you’re in the world’s Eastern Hemisphere at dawn on October 10 and 11, you’ll see the moon offset a bit, with respect to our chart, toward the previous date.
The lit side of a waning moon always points eastward – the moon’s direction of travel – in front of the backdrop stars of the zodiac. On the morning of October 10, from around the world, the moon’s daytime side will be pointing at the hidden treasure at the heart of the constellation Cancer the Crab: a star cluster known as Messier 44, or M44, aka the famous Beehive. Then, on October 11, the moon will sweep 2.1 degrees north of the Beehive at 12:27 UTC.
Click here to know the moon’s present position in front the constellations of the zodiac.
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The constellation Cancer via the IAU. On a dark night, look for the Beehive star cluster (M44) to make a triangle with the Gemini stars, Castor and Pollux, and the bright star Procyon.
As seen from North America on the morning of October 11, the moon will meet up with the Beehive at 8:27 a.m. EDT, 7:27 a.m. CDT, 6:27 a.m. MDT and 5:27 a.m. PDT. Cancer makes up for its lackluster stars by sporting one of the most magnificent star clusters in all the heavens. On a dark night – with no moon – this cluster appears as a tiny faint cloud to the unaided eye. Through binoculars, this bit of haze explodes into a sparkling array of stars.
Bottom line: Last quarter moon comes on October 10, 2020. That morning, the moon will be in front of Gemini the Twins. The next morning – October 11 – the moon will be in front of Cancer the Crab.
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techmaqofficial · 4 years ago
Astrology Has Us Seeing Double With This Summer's Second Cancer New Moon
Astrology Has Us Seeing Double With This Summer’s Second Cancer New Moon
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This Monday, July 20, at 1:32 p.m. EDT, the second in a rare, consecutive pair of new moons in Cancer follows up on initiatives that began during the June 21 solar eclipse. In the zodiac’s sign of home, family, and nurturing, now’s the time to repair fractured bonds and refresh your nest.
There’s no disputing that 2020 has been an emotionally charged year. And ever since Cancer season

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astrocenter · 5 years ago
July Panchang/Muhurats for the month of July,2020
Panchang is an ancient Indian calendar system based on astronomical data. Calendar calculations are done based on the position and movement of the planets, stars, nakshatra and constellations. Panchang is very useful in determining the ideal or auspicious vaar, tithis, yogas, nakshatras and karan commonly called the muhurat, for carrying out various activities like vivah muhurat or marriage,greh pravesh, starting a puja etc.
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                         I am sharing with you the Panchang Hindu Calendar for the month of July 2020. Hope you will find it useful for planning of your various activities. 
Ekadashi July 2020:- Devshayan Ekadashi on 1st July,2020 and Kamda Ekadashi on 16th July ,2020
Ashad Sakranti :- 16th  July 2020 Sun will enter in  Cancer at 10.47 AM
Amavasya :- 20th July,2020  Shravan Amavasya
Ganesh Chaurthi:-  8th July 2020 ( Krishan Paksha)- Shravan month  and 24th July,2020 (Shukal Paksha) Shravan month
Triyodshi/Pardosh fast on :-2nd  July,2020 Shukal Paksha ( Ashad month) and 18 th July,2020 Krishan Paksha- Shravan month  
Pradosh Vrat is auspicious devoted to Lord Shiva.
Purnima:- 5th July,2020 Ashad month
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Shubh Muhurats in July 2020 :-       
Due to Corona Virus it is requested to avoid gathering-remain in homes. Central and State Govt guidelines to be strictly implemented. Any function in family to be celebrated with the permission and guidelines of local administration.
  Engagement in the month of July 2020:- 2nd ,7th,10th,12th,17th,23rd,26th,29th and 30th July, 2020.
Marriage dates in month of July 2020:-1st,2nd,6th,7th,8th,12th,13th,14th,17th,23rd,25th,26th ,27th,28th 29th and 30th July,2020
Vehicles Purchase dates in July 2020: -2nd, 9th,13th,17th,18th,25th,27th,29th and 30th July 2020
These dates are most auspicious
The best Nakshatra for purchase of Vehicles are Shatbisha, Rohini, Mrigashira, Punarvasu, Pushya, Chitra, Swati and Sharvana
* Avoid Saturday if Saturn is bad in the chart and avoid Moon falls on 4th, 6th and 8th in transit from Natal Moon
Greh Parvesh:- Vishakha, Bharni, Alshesha and Magha Nakshatra are inauspicious for Greh parvesh.
Tithi:- 4th,9th,15t and 30th are inauspicious as per Hindi dates for Greh Parvesh
Sunday and Tuesday dates are inauspicious for Greh parvesh.
The best Months for Greh Parvesh are Vaishak,Sharavana,Phalguni and Aswin.
The house to be shifted in Fixed Lagna  Taurus, Leo and Scorpio.
The house to be shifted in Shukal Paksha on Monday,Wednesday,Thursday, Friday or Saturday.
There are dates in Krishan Paksha are auspicious but Shukal Paksha are most auspicious.
Old house:- 17th,27th,29th and 30th   July,2020
New House:- 2nd,8th,9th,13th July,2020
Inauspicious Nakshatra in July,2020:-Gand Moola Nakshatra:- Ashwini, Ashlesha, Magha, Jyestha , Moola and Revati
Gand Mool  Nakshatra:-
Jyestha Nakshatra 2nd July,2020 from 25.14 AM  to 04th July,2020 Moola Nakshatra till 23.22  AM
Revati Nakshatra 12th July,2020  from 08.18 AM  till 14th July 2020, Ashwini Nakshatra up to 14.07 PM
Aslesha Nakshatra 21st July,2020 from 20.30 PM till  23rd July,2020 Magha Nakshatra  up to 17.44 PM
 Panchak- 08th July,2020 from 12.31 PM till 13th  July ,2020 till 11.14 AM
Stars position in July,2020
Sun will enter on 16th July,2020 at  10.47 AM
Mars running  in Pisces from 18/06/2020 at 20.14  PM
Mercury running in Gemini since 24th May,2020
Jupiter in Sagittarius from 30/03/2020 from 03.54 AM in Capricorn to enter Sagittarius on 30/06/2020 at 05.22 AM –running retrograde from 14/05/2020
Venus running in Taurus from  28/03/2020
Saturn running in Capricorn from 24/01/2020 from 9.56 AM
Rahu running in Gemini from 07/03/2019
Mercury is combust from 21st June,2020 and Mercury to retrograde from 18th June,2020 then forward from 12th July,2020.
Jupiter is running retrograde in Capricorn from 14th May,2020
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Parmod Kumar-Ex AGM Punjab National Bank
PK Astrocenter-Rajpura
A Banker turned Astrologer. I research and practice Astrology, Numerology, Palmistry and face readings (Psychic)-Parmod Kumar Known as PK Astrocenter.
For astrological remedies please email at [email protected] or post your query at http://pkastrocenter.com/horoscopeanalysis.You may join with me face book parmod kumar, Group Pk Astrocenter
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