#Canadian Poetry
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orchard-bliss · 7 months ago
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Anne Michaels, from The Weight of Oranges; “Depth Of Field”
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crystalclaire · 1 month ago
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fragment from David Lehman’s Forward to the 2024 edition of the Best American Poetry series
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theaskew · 5 months ago
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You Have the Lovers, a poem by Leonard Cohen, from Leonard Cohen: Selected Poems, 1956-68 [Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, 1969]
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gennsoup · 11 months ago
Spoons, however: there are no spoons in Nature, or not on animals. We imitate ourselves. Here, let me help you: two cupped hands.
Margaret Atwood, Table Settings
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big-gay-demons · 4 months ago
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From 'This Wound Is A World' by Billy-Ray Belcourt.
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canadachronicles · 4 months ago
"In Flanders fields the poppies blow Between the crosses, row on row, That mark our place; and in the sky The larks, still bravely singing, fly Scarce heard amid the guns below. We are the Dead. Short days ago We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow, Loved and were loved, and now we lie, In Flanders fields. Take up our quarrel with the foe: To you from failing hands we throw The torch; be yours to hold it high. If ye break faith with us who die We shall not sleep, though poppies grow In Flanders fields."
--In Flanders Fields, John McCrae
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lovesickrun · 1 month ago
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Procedures for Underground by Margaret Atwood
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mywifeleftme · 11 months ago
361: bill bissett & The Mandan Massacre // Awake in Th Red Desert
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Awake in Th Red Desert bill bissett & Th Mandan Massacre 1968, See/Hear Productions (Bandcamp)
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(From “mor memoreez uv marvara reel konversaysyun,” scars on the seehors, Talonbooks 1999)
That’s a sample of how poet bill bissett’s writing looks on the page, phonetic and arbitrary, intuitive and free, while also checking the reader from taking any word for granted. The poems are frequently conversational in tone, but the way you have to sound out his writing to understand it means the reader's cadence ends up replicating the idiosyncratic singsong way bissett speaks. The 84-year-old remains a one-of-a-kind live performer, doodling all over the line between spoken poetry and song. He croons nonsense lullabies and pastiche ragas, shakes a maraca, intones mantras until their familiar words lose all their sense, even dances a little. It’s funny—I wouldn’t recommend his writing to someone unfamiliar with the avant-garde, but I would confidently take just about any open-minded person to see one of his shows. He has the affect of a holy fool or a joyful monk, and basically anything he does makes more sense in the context of his corporeal presence.
Back in 1968 though, bill was a wild young man, and Awake In Th Red Desert, his LP with backing “band” Th Mandan Massacre, is full of noisy freakouts and some patience-testing explorations. The Massacre includes four percussionists, some trained (jazz drummer Gregg Simpson) and some not (poet Martina Clinton, bill’s then-partner); electric guitar; two flutes (one a toy); and cutting edge Buchla Box synthesizer by the otherwise unknown Wayne Carr. Response to Red Desert has been pretty mixed—one of its Bandcamp uploads even warns, “Please preview the tracks before downloading. There are no refunds.” I suspect many listeners don’t make it past the first side of the record, which often sounds like what it is: clattering free improvisations around bissett’s sung or shouted recitations. On the flip though, things mellow out for some fascinating minimal synth explorations, bissett doing his visionary thing on a haunting electronic field (see “fires in the tempul”). “she, still and curling” is particularly freaky, Carr making sinister cricket noises with his Buchla, tape of bissett’s voice chopped up into hypnotic loops, layered and manipulated till it sounds like a collage of short wave radio transmissions. The ramshackle noise of the early tracks eventually returns on the awesome “now according to paragraph ‘c’”: bissett reads what (initially) seems like a found text that gets weirder and bolder as the poet works himself into a lather, the Buchla’s bleak tones tattered by the percussion squad’s stiff beat.
I snagged this off Montrealer Alex Moskos, who oversaw the reissue for Massachusetts-based avant-garde label Feeding Tube, and getting this thing back out there has clearly been a labour of love for him (the production quality is impeccable; great explanatory liner notes too). Are there 500 people who want this record? I’m not sure. But for fans of bissett, sound poetry, freaky music, and early electronic, this’ll be of interest. One idea: tell people Awake was the work of a solar death cult leader from the Pacific Northwest who disappeared during an eclipse and they won’t be able to keep the damn thing in stock.
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poem-today · 7 months ago
A poem by Robyn Sarah
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Blowing the Fluff Away
The sprig of unknown bloom you sent last fall spent the long winter drying on my wall, mounted on black. But it had turned to fluff some months ago. Tonight I took it down because I thought that I had had enough of staring at it. Brittle, dry and brown, it seemed to speak too plainly of a waste of friendship, forced to flower, culled in haste.
So, after months of fearing to walk past in case the stir should scatter it to bits, I took it out to scatter it at last with my own breath, and so to call us quits. —Fooled! for the fluff was nothing but a sheath, with tiny, perfect flowers underneath.
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Robyn Sarah
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peachynm · 1 year ago
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orchard-bliss · 7 months ago
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Anne Michaels, from The Weight of Oranges; “Turning Twenty-Three”
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crystalclaire · 8 months ago
Oh spring, my heart is in my mouth
“Ode” by Karen Solie, from The Road In Is Not The Same Road Out
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theaskew · 2 months ago
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Recess by David O’Meara
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gennsoup · 4 months ago
But to fight and to fight when hope's out of sight-- Why, that's the best game of them all! And though you come out of each gruelling bout All broken and beaten and scarred, Just have one more try--it's dead easy to die, It's the keeping-on-living that's hard.
Robert Service, The Quitter
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ammonitetestpatterns · 2 years ago
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erin mouré, furious, anansi, 1988.
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canadachronicles · 20 days ago
"Winter. Time to eat fat and watch hockey. In the pewter mornings, the cat, a black fur sausage with yellow Houdini eyes, jumps up on the bed and tries to get onto my head. It’s his way of telling whether or not I’m dead. If I’m not, he wants to be scratched; if I am He’ll think of something. He settles on my chest, breathing his breath of burped-up meat and musty sofas, purring like a washboard. Some other tomcat, not yet a capon, has been spraying our front door, declaring war. It’s all about sex and territory, which are what will finish us off in the long run. Some cat owners around here should snip a few testicles. If we wise hominids were sensible, we’d do that too, or eat our young, like sharks. But it’s love that does us in. Over and over again, He shoots, he scores! and famine crouches in the bedsheets, ambushing the pulsing eiderdown, and the windchill factor hits thirty below, and pollution pours out of our chimneys to keep us warm. February, month of despair, with a skewered heart in the centre. I think dire thoughts, and lust for French fries with a splash of vinegar. Cat, enough of your greedy whining and your small pink bumhole. Off my face! You’re the life principle, more or less, so get going on a little optimism around here. Get rid of death. Celebrate increase. Make it be spring."
--February, Margaret Atwood, from Morning in the Burned House (1995)
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