#Can Town
p-pamda · 2 years
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"You love the idea of being a mayor"- Page 686
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Can Town
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Album: Homestuck Vol. 5 Composer: Alex Rosetti Leitmotifs: None Characters: Wayward Vagabond
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multial · 10 months
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A little sketch of what I think can town would look like in earth c. Because of course there’s a can town
I probably will do something more futuristic in the future tho
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Homestuck, page 711
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WV: Welcome the rest into the city.
The TABS are naturalized as loyal new citizens of CAN TOWN. All cans are welcome and equal in your city, regardless of can content, and whether empty or full.
It's not like emptying a can kills it or anything. They are just cans after all.
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garrulousgeologist · 1 year
>Mayoral Stance.
John in his Pogohammer era, Mayor earns his sash. 
More Rose and Dave pesterlogs right off the bat. They compliment each other’s humor and wit so well. I love how they seem way more open and comfortable with each other. 
There’s also a lot of Lil Cal right off the bat :/
Rose gets a Punch Designix deployed for John. This is where things get good! I thought way too hard about that thing when I was younger, and power to me, it makes total sense. Make a captcha code of a box of pads and tampons I’m begging you, your friends will need them later. Make one of clean underwear. Make sure you can infinitely produce things you’ll need!
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Sounds about like John, though I don’t exactly blame him. I’d lose my shit in this situation, too.
Okayyy lets see here, Rose building, blah blah blah, John pogo-hammering shit, Dave getting generally harassed in his own home and more specifically spooked by lil cal in pursuit of getting his bro’s Sburb discs.
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Heh. I love that panel. The completely unchanged expression adds a lot. Sometimes trauma responses make you hilarious, I don’t make the rules.
We’re doing it man. We’re MAKING IT HAPPEN.
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Pogohammer Time.
All the experimentation with totem lathes and captchalogue cards was something I read through rather quickly and didn’t give a lot of deeper thought to my first time around. And nothing has changed! Moving on. 
So the server player is only able to act as an observer and facilitator, completely unable to move the client side in any direction or another physically. Rose theorizes that the game would consider that a type of cheating, and only touches on something I think is really important in SBURB and therefore Homestuck as an entity.
Physically pushing any player in one way or another affects the balance of Justice and Heroism. Your actions can only be rewarded or otherwise if they were, in fact, an act of your own free will. I find it interesting the specific ways in which the game decides to limit the player characters and to what end. Very few things are forcibly simplified in Homestuck, this is one of my favorites. Only partially influenced by my extreme aversion to people touching me without explicit permission.
[S] John: Sleep.
You know the fuck what? I didn’t give Jade anywhere near the love, appreciation and credit she deserves. Shame on me. I think she intimidated me, and I didn’t like the way she knew things but wouldn’t tell her friends that information. She was doing what she thought was best, though! Jade knew the butterfly effect could doom their timeline before she even really knew what that meant. Or did she? …What butterfly effect?
[S] Dave: Ascend to the highest point of the building.
Is the craziest hype drop so far. John’s gonna have a rooftop boss battle! No, Dave is gonna have his fight with Bro! No, I’m finally meeting Jade! No- MAYOR!!!!
Motherfucking Can Town!! Put some respect on it’s name.
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More foreshadowing.
The mayor ‘s thoughts reflects the beta kids’ current future (I’m not going to pretend I understand when exactly the mayor is in relation to the kids and their exploits at this time, especially considering how much of the comic I’ve forgotten). The chessboard and aversion to kings is clearly based on experience, but he straight up draws a clear depiction of the kids’ planets, derse, prospit, and…well, that’s it so far but it feels very significant! Maybe this is straight up covered later but did he see these things in his past? Er, mayor pronouns? It’s past? H-her past? I don’t know that’s just the mayor.
Anyway, did the quantum mechanics do quantum things to make the mayor’s ‘random’ imagination match eventual and inevitable reality or vice versa or none of the above? Do you, reader, know the answer? Is it painful reading as I contemplate things that will simply be revealed as I, myself, read on? Good. Suffer. I contemplate when and over what I please.
Call me wizard the way I ponder these orbs.
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I don’t care who the fuck you are or how over-memed this moment has been- this shit is hilarious. 
The mayor helpfully outlines another example of my previous talking point- interesting ways in which SBURB and it’s complex ways of facilitating the complex perceptible world around it’s players chooses to limit that complexity.
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if ( action = paradox ) {
      / / Do Not Allow
else {
      / / Allow
Simple, understandable, reasonable. If it will make a time paradox happen…don’t do it.
Also, the unappetizing sludge that is created when the Mayor tries to appearify something that would create a time paradox is reminiscent of nickelodeon circa my childhood. I am not immune to nostalgia bias.
[S] WV: Ascend.
Holy shit. I was entirely unprepared for that. I supposed anytime a flash animation with ‘Ascend’ in it comes about I should prepare myself.
I remember seeing this for the first time and thinking there’s no way Dave’s bro is going to use a sword on him, it’s gonna be a jape, some ironic shit, or a battle of personalities like Rose and John had encountered so far. The topic of Dave’s bro being a domestic abuser was a hot topic while I read the comic. I’m not very involved in the community today, but back then there was a startling large percentage of the fandom excusing bro for his actions for the most insane reasons. This was well before Dirk was introduced. This was before anyone had an attachment to Dirk and/or his alternate versions, before we knew anything that could *potentially* be redeeming. Even now that HS is finished it’s inexcusable to abuse someone you’re the legal guardian of to such a degree as Dave is fucked up, back then I wonder if the people defending him were kids who saw their own family dynamic reflected and were desperately normalizing it just like Dave. That’s a dark thought, but looking back as an adult it’s the first conclusion I can rationally make.
Sometimes a guardian “doing their best” is still not acceptable. That’s enough of that for now.
End of Act 2.
Is your big bro at literal arms with you on the rooftop of your apartment building? Call Kells support line now at 1-800-I-Am-Adopting-You-Dave. Pogohammer fuckyeah. Mayor! Tab! End of Act 2.
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pocket-size-cthulhu · 6 months
I'm a cryptid in Stardew valley. I live on the outskirts of town. I disappear for days on end, purchasing daily one-way tickets to the calico desert. Nobody knows where I go while I'm there. Can occasionally be found fishing at random spots throughout town. I am never not running on at least one triple shot espresso. I take the abandoned minecarts to get around and am frequently seen disappearing into the sewers. I carry a sword for some reason. Once every week or two I will stride into your bedroom to deliver you your favorite meal. I'm a self-made millionaire. I attend all the town events and will go to your concert in the next town over. I have donated approximately 2583 items to the local museum and singlehandedly revitalized the town community center. There are rumors I can talk to junimos. I'm friends with the local wizard
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jabberwick · 5 months
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Human Bill Cipher
(Based on Alex Hirsch's "canon" design)
And just to be clear, writing dissertations at me justifying why he should instead be a conventionally attractive twink will involuntarily cause me to draw him with even fewer teeth.
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starlight-zombie · 6 months
depression cave? you mean my pet homestuck reference?
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Into the pit is FNAF’s own Coraline story..
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moeblob · 2 months
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I genuinely have a "hear me out" for Alex/Shane and have in fact told someone (who doesn't play SDV) and they said it was a pretty convincing argument so I think I'm onto something.
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laurencin-draws · 1 month
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women who are rude to me >>>>
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plistommy · 4 months
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A Bambi
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jimjamjomjum · 10 months
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The parallels between these two haunt me.
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captainzigo · 15 days
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evilkaeya · 2 years
the best kind of ships are the ones where the characters make their relationship everyone's problem
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canisalbus · 1 year
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