#Cacao Butter
morethansalad · 5 months
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Vegan White Chocolate Nectarine Tart
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artykyn · 9 months
hiiiii sorry to bother you again but uh... homemade vegan dark chocolate?? Would you mind ruining me on that please?
HA okay recipe time
*Disclaimer: I've done this so much that I might have skipped over random stuff, or said something that makes sense to ME but to no one else. Feel free to reach out for clarification on anything.
Super long post!
Cacao butter, cocoa/cacao powder, sweetener of choice, little pinch of salt, little bit of vanilla, little bit of instant coffee
Cacao butter -- note that people use this as both a food ingredient and a beauty ingredient and you want the stuff that's food-grade and safe to eat.
Cocoa/cacao powder- "cacao" means it's raw and "cocoa" means it's processed, if you were curious. Pick whichever you like, but the source you choose affects the flavor of your chocolate. Cacao tends to be slightly more bitter and cocoa tends to be slightly sweeter. If you have a local chocolate shop in town, I highly recommend buying your powder from them! A store that specializes in chocolate products tends to have great cocoa/cacao powder.
Try different kinds of products and learn what you like! I often use Dutch-processed cocoa powder.
Sweetener- Lots of options.
Brown sugar, white sugar, whatever you pick. It all affects the flavor and you can experiment and discover what you like! I will say that powdered sugar usually makes my chocolate come out smoother than granulated sugar. Some brands of powdered sugar are processed with bone char though so take care to check for vegan brands.
Honey is also a great option that makes chocolate even smoother than with sugar, but I'm sure agave would be a good substitute for vegans. I haven't used agave personally since it can cause health problems so I usually go for powdered sugar for my vegan chocolates.
Vanilla- I usually use a dribble of vanilla extract. I want to try vanilla sugar sometime though 🤔
Instant coffee/espresso powder- Coffee naturally intensifies the chocolate flavor! 😃 Try putting a teaspoon of it in the batter next time you make brownies or chocolate cake.
Special: Add in whatever else you want for flavor. Mint extract. Cinnamon. Anything. This is YOUR CUSTOM HOMEMADE CHOCOLATE!
Tools: stove, table/work area, a saucepan and a glass or metal bowl (for a makeshift double boiler), digital thermometer, rubber spatula/spoon (DO NOT use metal or wood), measuring utensils of choice depending on how much you're making, tea towel, whatever you'll be pouring your chocolate in or on
A good ratio to start with is 1 part cacao butter : 1 part cacao/cocoa powder : 1/4 part sweetener. The more experience you get and the more you taste-test and figure out your preferred bitterness/sweetness/flavor, you will form your own ratios. Salt and coffee are a couple pinches, measure with your heart depending on how big your batch is. About a teaspoon of vanilla extract is appropriate but you will learn to measure that with your heart as well.
Raw cacao butter is usually sold in big chunks. I like to put those chunks in a bag and get a hammer to SMASH them into smaller chunks, for better measuring and melting.
Note that chocolate is SUPER FINICKY about moisture! It does NOT LIKE WATER. Make sure that your tools are all clean and completely dry. Wash your hands before working with food, of course, and then make sure your hands are VERY DRY.
Put your cacao butter, sweetener, salt, vanilla, and coffee in your bowl. Put a little bit of water in your saucepan, maybe an inch deep, and put it on a low simmer. Put the bowl over the saucepan like a double boiler (don't let bottom of bowl touch the water).
If you're using any extra ingredients for flavor, add them in at this step, too. Whatever you do, do NOT add liquid ingredients (like mint extract) after the cacao butter is already melted. This beginning part is the only time you can add liquid ingredients. But you could add solid ingredients, like spices, later on.
Monitor your chocolate. If you're not noticing any melting of your cacao butter, start ticking up the heat a bit at a time until you start to notice some slow, gradual melting of your cacao butter. Do not start high and then turn it down, you don't want it to melt too fast.
Stir regularly to avoid getting any "hot spots" and trying to get the cacao butter to melt evenly.
Once all your cacao butter chunks are melted and the mixture looks smooth, check your temperature. Your goal: between 120 and 130F (50 to 55C). Keep stirring until you get there, might take a little bit. Might need to tick up your stove temp slightly.
Wipe your thermometer immediately after each time you check the temp because otherwise the chocolate will solidify on it.
When your temperature is in range, take it off the stove. Wrap the bowl in the tea towel and place on table. Gradually stir in your cocoa/cacao powder.
This is the point when I'll start taste testing. Is it chocolatey enough? More powder, maybe a little more salt. Is it sweet enough? More sweetener. Is it too bitter? I might add more cacao butter and put it back on the stove.
Your goal at THIS point is now to let it cool to about 82-84F (28-29C). Sometimes I have a bigger bowl of cold water that I will dip my chocolate bowl into, to chill the bottom, like an inverse double-boiler (double-chiller?). Or you can just be patient. Just be sure to keep stirring it. Doesn't have to be perpetual, tbh. Make some tea for yourself, give it a stir every couple minutes, but be very careful that you don't take too long between stirring that the chocolate at the edges of the bowl starts to solidify.
Once you've hit your cooling temp, put it BACK ON THE BOILER! Yup. Now you heat it up again! Not too long this time. Just to about 90F (32C) and then take it off again.
The final step, easy mode: let the chocolate cool a little in the bowl. You don't want it to be super runny, but you do still want it to be pourable. Lay out a big sheet of parchment paper on your table and slowly pour the chocolate all over it. Now you've got a big chocolate puddle on your table. It'll cool and harden and then you can break it apart into pieces. I usually make my chocolate in the evening so it takes all night to get fully set.
The final step, fancy/hard mode: have some molds to pour your chocolate into. Depending on how careful you're being/how long that takes, you might need to put your bowl back on the saucepan a couple of times to try maintaining the chocolate in the upper 80sF (low 30sC) while you're still working with it. Transferring a little chocolate at a time into a smaller container so it's easier to pour into the even smaller molds might be a good tactic, but whatever you choose for your intermediate container, pre-warm it. Let it all cool and harden for a few hours, ideally overnight.
Pouring tricks: if at any point you think you screwed something up and the chocolate seems a little chunky, run it through a strainer.
Storage: DO NOT put chocolate in the fridge. Cacao butter tends to absorb the scents and smells around it, which will come out as part of the flavor. You got onions in your fridge? Now you have onion-flavored chocolate. Just keep it in a bag or nice little container on your counter.
Congrats! You made some homemade chocolate!
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queenketouk · 7 months
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Sugar Free Keto Milk Chocolate. A delightfully smooth, home-made option that's stable at room temperature and with just 0.5g carbs per bar. Read the full article
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hourly-cookie-run · 1 month
The first letter of your first name is the Cookie you're spending your day with! 🍪 Who did you get?? 👀
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pencakesstuff · 5 months
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Hello guys I'm not dead
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lunargaming363 · 3 months
Cookie Run art (as of now idk)
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the ancient cookies (i love them) (lowkey like the beast cookies more tho ngl idk why)
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Mystic Flour Cookie 🌾☁
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Crushed Pepper Cookie 🌶💪 (COME HOMEE PLEASEEEE)
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Butter Roll Cookie 🧈🥐
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Peach Blossom Cookie 🌸🍑
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Flat Tofu Cookie 🍥🍲
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Stardust cookie 💫🌌
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Golden Cheese Cookie 🧀✨
and honorable mention! ↓
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Red Bean Cookie! 🫘🐧 (Please come to kingdom please please please)
Okay that's all
I'm still trying to understand how this app works 🥲
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fullcravings · 8 months
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Brownie Batter Overnight Oats
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xaytheloser · 3 months
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that one Caseoh audio or whatever-
Idk I just wanted to draw Cacao-
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My first ever edit and it's fucking vending machine of love goddamnit enjoy cookie run fandom
link if you wanna watch it on youtube ☜(゚ヮ゚☜)
tags for the goofmoots technically involved in making this edit (they helped with the list of cookies in the edit) -> @pinkvaquita @pure-vanilla-lilies
I'm gonna go question my sanity now this took way too long and I put too much effort into this
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fossilcookie · 5 months
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Been working on this for a bit, be sure to listen to this while you read as that's the intent
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morethansalad · 6 months
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Vegan Matcha Mochi
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quibbs126 · 5 months
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Hm, apparently this wasn’t a request. But whatever, I finished them and want to show it off
But yay, I finally got purecacao done!
So first off, I just want to say that these two are post-canon, and Dark Choco’s their older half-brother. I just felt like mentioning that because I made up this whole thing for the purecacao love story
My idea for how Dark Cacao and Pure Vanilla’s relationship went is that at some point, Dark Cacao got feelings for Pure Vanilla, but wasn’t sure how to tell him. But he thought he’d have all the time in the world to say because they were immortal. But then the Dark Flour War happened and Pure Vanilla “died”. When he came back, Dark Cacao realized that he couldn’t just wait anymore, and so sometime during the current story, he confessed his love for him, and after the main story they ended up getting together
Anyways, back to the twins. So Vanilla Bean is a girl, while Cocoa Butter is a boy. Though I’m considering making Cocoa Butter a girl as well. I’m not sure
So Cocoa Butter is a very friendly kid, and very outgoing. He wants to be a warrior like his father (Dark Cacao) and brother, though he prefers the Vanilla Kingdom over the Dark Cacao Kingdom. He also tends to get himself into messy situations, which result in his outfits getting messed up and having to constantly be fixed. In the future, I see him being a Vanillian soldier, if not a commander. Also, despite his want to be like Dark Cacao, his favorite parent is Pure Vanilla since he’s not nearly as serious
Vanilla Bean on the other hand is very shy and quiet. She prefers to read giant tomes and watch from afar. She prefers Dark Cacao since he’s quiet and feels safe with him due to how strong he is. I’m not as certain what she ends up doing, maybe she becomes a healer, but I know she’ll end up living in the Dark Cacao Kingdom
I feel like you can tell which description I did better. I mean, with Cocoa Butter I was haphazardly putting all my thoughts, but by Vanilla Bean I knew how to articulate them better
Despite their differences, they get along very well, and include the other in their games. Also, they both really like their brother Dark Choco. He’s like their main babysitter, and he enjoys their company too
Alright, I think that’s about it for their characters. Now on to designs
So I think I’ve mentioned using the name Cocoa Butter before, but I also decided to use Vanilla Bean a few days ago. My brain thoughts were that cocoa butter is cacao but light colored, while vanilla beans are vanilla but dark colored. It’s contrast (which admittedly I may be doing too much of with these two)
Cocoa butter and vanilla beans:
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So one of the first things I wanted to do was give Vanilla Bean those pigtails, with the idea that they’d look like vanilla beans. Admittedly they aren’t actually in the shape of the beans, but whatever
I was struggling with their eye colors, since I wasn’t really sure what to do. I knew I didn’t want to do heterochromia though. Eventually I tried mixing the purple and I think blue to get this bluish grey color, and I decided to give them purple eyes but with one of Pure Vanilla’s eye colors as the highlights. And also I decided to change the purples to fit more with each highlight, Cocoa Butter’s being more warm while Vanilla Bean’s is more cool
Admittedly I was kind of just making stuff up with their outfits, all I could think of was vaguely mixing Vanillian and Dark Cacaoian clothing, which mostly just resulted in purple + yellow. I know I’ve seen someone do it, but I don’t have refs. I think what I came up with was alright though
In addition to their purples and yellows, I experimented with adding an additional green color to Vanilla Bean to spice things up, and I liked it. But I didn’t want to leave Cocoa Butter out, so I gave him the red accents
Their streaks were a very last minute inclusion, and I really only added them because I remembered that Dark Cacao had those. I feel like you can really tell on Cocoa Butter
Overall I think they’re good. Maybe not my best, but they’re still fine. Maybe I can make them some adult designs that look even better
But yeah, I think that’s about it for them. I hope you enjoy them!
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metamorphiacreations · 6 months
Cookie Run Headcanons: Language Edition
because i cant believe i havent put these here yet
🔴red🔴-Native Language(s)
🔵blue🔵-Secondary Language(s)
⚫️black⚫️-Languages they understand, but cant really speak themself
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sharky-the-idiot · 6 months
Stop letting me cook I'm gonna burn the house down
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pinkvaquita · 6 months
Headcanon of the day because I'm bored...
Affogato doesn't know how, but he slowly and without noticing ended up being the one that cooks for the others CoD members.
Before him, Licorice and Brute would deal it by themselves as best as they could. They had experience but it wasn't that much of a thing.
And one day, Affogato was tired of this and decided to cook things for himself. He knows to cook because of in his times before living in the Citadel, he had to find a way not only to not be hungry but to also make it appropiete for him (I hc this man is a HUGE picky eater.)
His food attracted the other two. Abd it first he refused to share but well... Time pased, he refused to admit but now he finds them less annoying than the start. So he also makes food for them.
And pretends he only does it because "It would be useless that Dark Enchantress servants tried to battle if they haven't eat something good to keep themselves going".
Now with the addition of the researchers and Butter Roll, Fishgato spends a lot of time cookie because now there is more mouths to feed. And he is defenetly NOT eating or letting anyone eat anything that Butter roll has made. (He is never gonna let go that the alive cake inccident.)
But hey, he has something to keep them ocupied insteed of bored and talking shit about all the others.
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c0okierun · 4 months
Hello!! A new cookie run writer coming on here !! <3
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I’ve never really done a writing blog, so bear with me I’m kinda awkward about this.
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• Reader x Cookie (Emoji : 💗)
• Platonic writing (Emoji : 🫂)
• Angst (Emoji : 🥀)
• Headcanon lists (You can request AUS! , just please clarify what au it is in asks, I may not be aware of the au)
• one shot stories
• several part stories (per request)
• family HCs/stories
• Cookie x Cookie
• Yandere (Emoji : 🔪)
• Specific Genders/pronouns on posts
• soft nsfw, nothing insane
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• Oc x cookie [im only going to keep it to x readers, as trying to do ocs would be hard]
• Adult x Minor [nasty, pro/comshippers DNI]
• any kind of non-con stuff.
• any cookie of darkness x cookie of darkness. (I’m sorry, these ships make me really uncomfortable)
THATS IT THOUGH, THANKYOU FOR READING!! (Will add more on later if needed)
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