#CRUTCH 2014
februarywar · 2 years
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fanaticf1fan · 7 hours
I - Back To The Past
A/N Hello, this is my first fanfiction. please be welcome to give any criticism to help me make my fanfiction better. :)
Also, this fanfiction ay not follow IRL timelines and Rules for the Formula series franchise.
Emilia Schumacher was born to Michael and Corinna Schumacher February 2006, from the moment she was born Emilia had been the apple of her family’s eyes. From the moment she was born the restlessness and need for adventure she undoubtedly inherited from her father. From a young age she was constantly following her older brother Mick around and bonding with her older sister Gina.
She was fortunate to spend a lot of time with her father during his brief, temporary retirement from 2006-2010. Due to this she had stuck herself to her father like glue, expressing her constant want to be exactly like him in any way she could.from a very young age she was set to follow in his footsteps, just like her brother.
When her father returned to racing in 2010 with Mercedes, Emilia was overwhelmed by new people surrounding her, her family now expanding into a grid full of fun uncles and aunts.
When she started Karting at 5 years old, she noticed a few oddities around the track. The first was the lack of other girls there, to the point she seemed to be the only one on the track. The second was the constant whispers and glances that other people had sent her and her family's way. The constant, nagging whispers of her peers doubted that loomed over shoulder everywhere she turned. Her father had sat her down one day and explained that she shouldn't listen to them after he found her crying one day after a meet, huddled under the table tucked into a ball.
“Don't listen to them Shatz, you are my daughter, I will be forever proud of you for whatever you accomplish, don't let anyone make you think any differently.”
When she was 7 her life was thrown into chaos, her father as she knew him was no longer with her or her siblings, he was now just an empty corpse-like shape, lying in a hospital bed relying on machines for life. She spent her 8th Birthday in the hospital sitting around his bed with her family, it had been the first birthday that her father hadn't gently held her as she woke up. There were no birthday pancakes or special songs this year. Just the sound of beeps, the smell of disinfectant and the feel of tears streaming down her face.
A few weeks after her birthday, she started karting again, now under the direct guidance and mentoring of one of father’s close friends, Sebastian Vettel. The two had began getting close after her father rejoined formula 1 with mercedes. He became an older brother figure to her and became her crutch when her father got injured.
She had achieved multiple victories under the mentoring of Sebastian, yet every time she stood on that ever important top step, trophy in her arms, her heart yearned for the one man she had been missing for months. Sebastian of course tried to help heal that hole in her heart, taking over quite a bit of the responsibility over her and her brother while they both competed. Mick and her had formed an inseparable bond, leaning on one another for support. 
Her father had been released from his prison coma in June 2014. She had expected her life to return to normal, however as she looked upon her father, she almost didn't recognise him. He was nothing like the person he was before, their relationship wasn't the same. This broke her heart so bad she decided to simply sink into the shadows of her childhood home.
She had risen through the ranks quickly, she was competing in levels above her age, spending most of her free time practising her skills to help her on the track. She won many races which angered many people but she didn't care. She was fueled with the memory of her father and what they used to be like, her biggest wish was to be just like him, and she was going to ensure she would get there.
By the time she had reached F4, she had gathered quite the ruckus in the media and on the circuit, she had multiple karting championships and wins and the number was only increasing, she had become a number one competitor for many of her fellow races. In 2021, after a well earned win in F4, she was approached by one of her father’s previous teammates, Nico Rosberg. He had kept in contact since the accident but the two hadn't spoken in a while. 
After a few months, Nico became another mentor for the girl, working well with Sebastian to help the girl progress and keep her managed. While Sebastian had stayed as her primary mentor, Nico took the role of her manager, organising deals and sponsors to ensure the girl only raced with the best of the best with the goal of helping her reach her life goal.
In 2022, she entered F3, winning the championship before being almost snatched up by F2 team Prema Racing the next year. Her brother had graduated the team two years prior before going into endurance racing, dominating the field. She had become good friends with her F2 teammate Oliver Bearman. She had begun helping him any way she could, attempting to meteor him the way she had been mentored for the past years.
She was ready to make her dream her reality, and she was so close to the first step in the next stage.
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we-are-inevitable · 3 months
Infodump about the frat au. Literally everything I’ve never come across you before. Pretty please and than you <3
i feel like i’ve shared so so much about this world but here are some fun things that aren’t important to the actual story but that i love!!:
technically davey is the middle sibling. he was born 12 minutes after sarah and she never lets him forget it! (oddly enough, the number 12 shows up a lot in his life. he thinks it’s a fun little reminder. he considers it his lucky number because it always makes him think of sarah, and sarah always makes him feel better.)
jack speaks fluent spanish because he’s half mexican, and davey speaks fluent spanish because it’s one of the 5 languages he knows outside of english! (he’s only fluent in 2 of the 5, but he’s passable in the other 3 and can have conversations with minimal struggle)
charlie is a HUGE sports nut. he’s really into hockey and plays sled hockey recreationally! he’s really competitive and brutal about it. in the fic, he has multiple sclerosis and primarily uses forearm crutches, but he has a black and green wheelchair kitted out in stickers, patches, and pins that he uses at least three times a weak.
charlie, albert, and jack all watch hockey games together and try to go to at least two games a season once they get closer.
davey loves live music but it can be a lot for him sometimes— he tends to stay in the back and uses noise canceling earbuds, but loves people watching and loves the atmosphere. gay bars don’t bother him as much because the noise level- albeit loud- is less so, but he always carries his ear buds on him. he keeps them on a carabiner clipped to his belt or crossbody like the fag he is.
(jack doesn’t think he’s allowed to say “fag.” davey assures him he is. jack has issues and he’s working through them.)
davey works at a public library close to campus, and spends most of his time with youth and teen programming. (he loves his job.) jack works in the fraternity and sorority affairs office as a student leader; he talks to current high schoolers about joining greek life. (he hates his job.)
davey likes horror movies and jack doesn’t like horror movies but he likes being able to hold davey’s hand through it.
jack drives an jeep cherokee from the early 2000s. medda helped him get it when he decided to go to college outside of the city, bc public transportation isn’t as easily accessible. jack got his license at 18 and thinks it’s stupid that he has to drive places now but he really likes his shitty little car. her name is Rory like the gilmore girls character but he swears there’s no relation
on campus, jack usually skateboards, and davey rides his bike everywhere. davey’s car is a little 2014 corolla named Miss Priss and she’s decked out in bumper stickers and trinkets inside.
race and albert have been together since high school. they SHOULD never have time for each other but they somehow never leave each other’s side. it’s kind of disgusting actually.
race starts learning how to do drag about a month before he meets jack!
katherine and spot work as waitresses at the same restaurant. they should not get along. they are best friends.
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agentx8d · 4 months
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This is Laila, a 20 year old woman from Gaza. She has a family of three, with one currently one the way! She is taking care of her 2 year old son Ismail with her husband Mohammed, who has been injured from the 2014 war and has to walk with crutches! He needs surgery now to be able to walk! Laila needs help to take care of her upcoming baby! All Laila wants to do is be able to live in safety. She needs help in order to survive! Please, please help me share this message. Together we can make a difference for her very life! Thank you! 🫶
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rozaceous · 6 months
As somebody who...might...be more than a little addicted to reading fics, uh. ...
yo this is a place of no judgment and deep compassion bc I'm not being cute or at all joking when I say that I'm addicted. it's a genuine (if relatively benign in the scheme of things) behavioral addiction. in my therapist's words, approximately, it's at least not self-harm or doing coke, lol.
at the same time, it's something I use as a dissociative crutch, and while I've always read a lot, it gained a huge foothold in my life when I worked three jobs, was having significant family drama and health issues, and understandably had no energy or time for enjoyable activities that weren't reading on my phone. and then covid happened. so fanfic was legit something that helped keep me sane and happy, and I'm eternally grateful to all the authors who write and share their work. it's art in the truest sense, in my opinion. this doesn't stop it from simultaneously having become a maladaptive coping strategy that currently hinders me from living life as fully as I want.
there are a lot of other things to that last statement, obviously, and I won't go into it here bc I do have a therapist for that, and also it's personal. but I know without a doubt that I'm not the only person who has trouble with this.
one of the things I've been doing recently is trying to understand why it's so easy to fall into this kind of addiction, specifically how our current techno-cultural landscape plays a role, as well as resilience strategies. I expect I'll be reading and learning for a long time, but on the role of technology and how it relates to our (in)attention culture, I liked:
The Shallows by Nicholas Carr (published in 2009 before the socmed boom but still so incredibly topical)
The Glass Cage by Nicholas Carr (specifically about automation, and published in 2014 before AI exploded...also still very topical)
How to Do Nothing by Jenny Odell
Deep Work by Cal Newport
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buckera · 6 days
yeah it's also become clear to me that there are more and more people who only reblog stuff they're tagged in. which i'm not saying there's anything wrong with that necessarily but it just means you're mostly reblogging your circle of friends?
(as someone who never tags people because i feel weird about it i'm selfishly annoyed about that sometimes lol)
mm unfortunately, i know exactly what you mean.
i do think people who mostly reblog stuff they are tagged in are just being cautious, because if you dare to rb someone who has said something nasty about one ship or another, well, good luck dealing with the anons that'll be sure to follow close behind — not to mention that if people don't rb it to begin with, the chances of anyone catching it on the dash are slim to none...
but here's the thing about tagging: go for it. maybe only tag moots and people who specifically ask for it, but it's a nice way to have your stuff be put on the dashes of people who don't follow you yet, but would enjoy whatever you make, yk?
tagging people feels embarrassing as hell, but being tagged in stuff is just like "hey friend, i'm glad to see you're doing stuff that make you happy, here, let me put it on my fridge (my blog) so all my guests (followers) can see it too"
tumblr used to be a very different site for artists before ~2014 and it didn't really come back ever since i think, but tagging is like a crutch and just like with a real crutch; there is no shame in using it — and it's actually not very common; or not this regular i guess, outside of the 911 fandom, so at least if nothing else, we have that going for us
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benjitoum · 6 months
Ankle sprain - cast and crutches - September 2014
Throwback Thursday - this was from 10 years ago in 2014. One of many sprains I had that totally messed up my ankle. I still have those wooden crutches and they served me well many a time, including a few times where I hobbled into urgent care or the ER. In those days I did not have an ortho doc, and self-medicated a lot of the time. I've had a lot of stuff happen on my left leg/foot but thankfully the ankle has been pretty good since surgery. I've had a few more sprains and a badly torn Achilles but those haven't involved the ankle joint.
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idk maybe im too old for this but this gwynriel vs elriel vs elucien thing is making me laugh💀💀 are u all 12? have we regressed back to 2014 tumblr? do yall not have jobs or lives? or friends? thought sjm books was for grown ass adults but it seems we have children here making fanwars over PEOPLE THAT DO NOT EXIST😭😭 THEY ARE WORDS ON PAPER?? u guys are way too serious about words on paper!!
word of advice: seek therapy. genuinely. i have. it does wonders!
we all have hyperfixations. we all cope using fictional shit as a crutch (at least i do) but if fiction is making u guys regress to teenager days then please seek help. i’m sorry yall were losers back in high school and didnt get to live your popular mean girls life and now ure channeling it on fandom spaces but like… seek help? touch grass? read other books that have other ships?
(also i dare anyone to come here and say im complaining cause i like one of these ships like i kid u not i do NOT care. im out here shipping ships like dramione and ships like darklina and reylo like CANON SHIT DOES NOT BOTHER ME LOL i ship an anime ship that interacted three times in the damn manga and theyre like one of my ult otps like please this is not about me preferring a ship. i just think yall need to start acting your fuxkass age.)
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musicalrecs · 1 year
Reminder: I'm posting Forbidden Broadway music/clips daily until I either get bored or the ask box gets some asks.
Today's clip: the Newsies sequence from Forbidden Broadway Alive & Kicking (2014).
All us Newsies gotta have nicknames so you can spot us dancing. I got a crutch, so I'm Crutchie. Specs wears glasses, Race is the fast one, and Little Dick--
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pro-crastinate17 · 2 years
 (a remake of my previous intro post bc Shit Has Changed)  
you can call me maxim and / or refer to me by my kin names. my prns are it / he / they and any neos! mix it up i need enrichment in my enclosure djskfhdsjf 
i am a minor!! also im white!! 
im genderqueer + transmasc and non-sam arospec / demiromantic, and i have one queerplatonic partner and two romantic partners! 
im AuDHD and have GAD and HPD and i have psychosis, i suspect a few other things (including NPD) but those are the important ones lol 
i am physically disabled! i am not diagnosed with anything other than a knee condition, but i have chronic pain and suspect i have EDS and potentially POTS. i wear knee braces and am currently trying to get crutches or a wheelchair.
i trigger tag when i remember + have the spoons but i dont tag cursing or caps anymore so be aware of that pls!! 
i use tone tags and appreciate when they are used in interactions with me (but i dont require it) 
i have SO many interests please talk to me about them!!!! including but not limited to: the Muppets, the Librarians tv show (2014), the Descendants movies, musical theatre, Greek / Roman / Norse / Egyptian mythology (trying to expand my tastes in mythology as well so tbh talk to me about any type of it), my own stories, various bands/musicians (Will Wood, Steam Powered Giraffe, the Stupendium, Jonathan Coulton, Fall Out Boy, Everybody's Worried About Owen, Trashbag Ponchos, Pansy Division, Sycamore Smith, Noah Kahan, Jayden Wark, and more), clown taxonomy (especially my own clowns, Glitterbomb, Dismal, and Bludgeon), and more!!! 
also im otherkin + fictionkin! if that bothers you, fuck all the way off! my main kintypes are Gonzo - the Muppets (it / they / he / she), Jacob Stone - the Librarians (they / he), Monty - A Gentleman’s Guide to Love and Murder (he / they) , Ludo - Labyrinth (he / it), T'noy Karaxis aka Tinky - Hatchetfield (he / it) and Harley Quinn - DC (she / it + any neos). im also werewolfkin and robotkin!
i am often low on spoons and messaging is difficult for me, please feel free to talk to me but understand i may not respond right away (or potentially at all) 
im working on developing a tagging system but its Very much still in progress!!! 
- basic dni criteria (https://dni-criteria.carrd.co/) 
- transmed and / or anti neopronouns/xenogenders 
- aro / ace exclus 
- anti otherkin / fictionkin (as stated above) 
- t erf / sw erf / radf em etc 
- conservative 
- doesnt support blm / acab / stop asian hate 
- cringe / flop blogs, discourse blogs unless i interact w you first, blogs focused mainly / only on politics, EXTREMELY pro / anti shippers (having an opinion on it is chill, but if your blog is only or mainly shipcourse, please dni)
- pro-ana / pro-mia / pro-sh 
- stigmatizes personality disorders, believes in "”narcissistic abuse”” or any other ""pd abuse"", stigmatizes psychosis  
- anti educated self dx
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tommykinardbuckley · 3 months
Music tag time!
Tagged by @sunkillerencoder thanks babes!
Shuffle your ‘on repeat’ playlist and list the first 10 songs that play.
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equatorjournal · 2 years
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The pirogue used in Tahiti, thanks to its outriggers, keeps its balance even when the wind whips up the waves. While Mitera and Ahutia catch fish with giant bamboo poles, Tehea keeps the pirogue at a distance from shore with a crutch oar. "Dominique Darbois (1925 – 2014) was a French photojournalist and author, noted for her humanist studies of exotic locales, artifacts, children, and primitive peoples. In 1946 Darbois began photographing professionally, beginning with journalism work in Cambodia. From 1949 to the end of her life, she worked throughout the world, including Laos, Indonesia, Australia, Mexico, Guatemala, Algeria, and the Congo. In the course of her many voyages, Darbois often declared herself annoyed with "le colonialisme européen," and has involved herself with "anti-colonialist struggles" in Indochina, Algeria and in Cuba. From 1952 through 1978, she completed 20 books for the collection Les Enfants du Monde." From "Niki in Tahiti" by Dominique Darbois, 1959. https://www.instagram.com/p/ClPEro2tAov/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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identity-library · 5 months
Disability (Films)
All Together Now (2020)
Chad (Wheelchair User)
Ricky (Autistic)
A Quiet Place (2018)
Regan Abbott (Deaf)
Atlantis: The Lost Empire (2001)
Kashekim Nedakh (Blind)
Avengers: Civil War (2016)
James "Rhodey" Rhodes (Paralyzed, Wheelchair User)
Big Hero 6 (2014)
The Ringleader (Partially Blind)
Brave (2012)
King Fergus (Amputee)
Cha Cha Real Smooth (2022)
Lola (Autistic)
Children of a Lesser God (1986)
Sarah Norman (Deaf)
Christmas Ever After (2020)
Izzi Simmons (Wheelchair User)
CODA (2021)
Frank Rossi (Deaf)
Jackie Rossi (Deaf)
Leo Rossi (Deaf)
Cyrano (2021)
Cyrano de Bergerac (Dwarfism)
Dumbo (2019)
Holt Farrier (Amputee)
Eastrail 177 (Trilogy)
Elijah Price/Dr. Glass (Osteogenesis Imperfecta, Cane/Wheelchair User)
Elio (2025)
Elio Solis (Partially Blind)
Eternals (2021)
Makkari (Deaf)
Feel the Beat (2020)
Zuzu (Deaf)
Finding Dory (2016)
Destiny (Low Vision)
Dory (Short-Term Memory Loss)
Sheldon (Allergies)
Finding Nemo (2003)
Dory (Short-Term Memory Loss)
Nemo (Underdeveloped Fin)
Sheldon (Allergies)
Forgive Us Our Trespasses (2022)
Paul (Limb Difference)
Forrest Gump (1994)
Daniel Taylor (Amputee)
Forrest Gump (Unspecified Intellectual Disability)
Four Weddings and a Funeral (1994)
David (Deaf)
Home on the Range (2004)
Lucky Jack (Amputee)
How to Train Your Dragon (Franchise)
Gobber the Belch (Amputee)
Hiccup Horrendous Haddock ||| (Amputee)
Toothless (Amputee)
Inside I'm Dancing (2004)
Michael Connolly (Cerebral Palsy, Wheelchair User)
Rory O'Shea (Muscular Dystrophy, Wheelchair User)
Inspector Gadget (Franchise)
Sanford "Dr. Claw" Scolex (Amputee)
James and the Giant Peach (1996)
Earthworm (Blind)
Glowworm (Partially Deaf)
Keep the Change (2017)
David Cohen (Autistic)
Sarah Silverstein (Autistic)
Lemonade Mouth (2011)
Alex (Unspecified Disability, Wheelchair User)
Love & Other Drugs (2010)
Maggie Murdock (Parkinson's Disease)
Luca (2021)
Massimo Marcovaldo (One Arm)
Margarita with a Straw (2014)
Laila Kapoor (Cerebral Palsy, Wheelchair User)
Marvel (Franchise)
James "Bucky" Barnes (Amputee)
Nebula (Amputee)
Nick Fury (Partially Blind)
Odin Borson (Partially Blind)
Phil Coulson (Amputee)
Stephen Strange (Nerve Damage)
Thor (Amputee, Partially Blind)
Maya and the Three (2021)
Zatz (Partially Blind)
Muppet Treasure Island (1996)
Blind Pew (Blind)
Long John Silver (Amputee)
Newsies (1992)
Crutchy (Limited Mobility, Crutch User)
Nimona (2023)
Ballister Boldheart (Amputee, Prosthetic User)
Peter Pan (1953)
Captain Hook (Amputee)
Pinocchio (1940)
Gideon (Mute)
Pinocchio (2022)
Fabiana (Unspecified Disability, Limp)
Pirates of the Caribbean (Franchise)
Mistress Ching (Blind)
Rogue One (2016)
Chirrut Îmwe (Blind)
Run (2020)
Chloe Sherman (Asthma, Diabetes, Heart Condition, Paralyzed, Wheelchair User)
Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings (2021)
Razor Fist (Amputee)
Sharp Stick (2022)
Zach (Down Syndrome)
Shazam! (2019)
Frederick "Freddy" Freeman (Limited Mobility)
Ship of Fools (1965)
Carl Glocken (Dwarfism)
Sound of Metal (2019)
Joe (Deafened)
Ruben Stone (Hard of Hearing)
Spies in Disguise (2019)
Killian (Amputee)
Star Wars (Franchise)
Darth Maul (Multi-Limb Amputee)
Luke Skywalker (Amputee)
Strange World (2022)
Legend (Amputee)
The Best Years of Our Lives (1946)
Homer Parish (Multi-Limb Amputee)
The Fundamentals of Caring (2016)
Trevor (Muscular Dystrophy)
The Great Mouse Detective (1986)
Fidget the Bat (Amputee)
The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1996)
Quasimodo (Hunchback)
The Lone Ranger (2013)
Red Harrington (Amputee)
The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993)
Dr. Finkelstein (Unspecified Disability, Wheelchair User)
The Peanut Butter Falcon (2019)
Zak (Down Syndrome)
The Princess and the Frog (2009)
Mama Odie (Blind)
The Three Musketeers (1993)
Captain Rochefort (Partially Blind)
The Village (2004)
Ivy Walker (Blind)
Noah Percy (Unspecified Developmental Disability)
Tinkerbell (Franchise)
Lord Milori (Amputee, Limited Mobility)
Rani (Amputee, Limited Mobility)
Treasure Island (1950)
Long John Silver (Amputee, Crutch User)
Treasure Planet (2002)
John Silver (Multi-Limb Amputee)
Wish (2023)
Dahlia (Unspecified Disability, Crutch User)
Wonder (2017)
Auggie Pullman (Facial Difference)
101 Dalmatians (1996)
Mr. Skinner (Mute)
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an-ivy-covered-summer · 6 months
all the concerts i’ve been to!
(like. that’s it. a list of the concerts i’ve attended lol)
thank you for tagging me on this one, @cleoselene 💜
it’s not as many as i’d like, AT ALL. growing up outside the US in a country with a shattered economy seriously limited my options back in the day lol but i’m trying to catch up!
belinda (2004)
wisin & yandel (2008)
ricardo arjona (2009)
caramelos de cianuro (like. idk? a few many times. those guys were playing anywhere you could find them between 2009-2012)
lasso (2013)
il volo (2014)
chino & nacho (2014)
one direction (2014)
ariana grande (2017)
taylor swift (2023)
ed sheeran (2023)
5 seconds of summer (2023)
sin bandera (2023)
on deck (lol) this year: niall horan and green day! <3 so far. until i manage to con a religious mom to give me her daughter’s tickets for olivia rodrigo for free
also, technically not their concerts, so i’m not counting them on their own, but i’ve been lucky enough to have seen some awesome artists as opening acts in the shows i’ve gone to, so little shoutout to little mix, khalid, muna, gayle, dylan, and meet me @ the altar. also 5sos bc i saw them as 1D’s opener back in 2014 lol so getting to go to their show last year was just <333
also also, worth noting that my biggest bucket list one ever, the dream of all dreams i’d had ever since i started to consciously listen to my own music was something i actually got to do during the most catastrophic case of excessive demand, ticketmaster fuckery, and a dislocated knee on top of all that. like what the actual fuck? did i really go to the eras tour? in crutches? lmao life is crazy! when i get annoying about going to the eras tour it’s because i though for YEARS that i would never be able to see taylor live, so to get to see her singing all the songs i was never able to see throughout the years but had always loved… it was beyond surreal. i just had a credit card and a dream lol
anywaysss, as for the rest of my bucket list, there’s likely too many bc i’d basically love to see all the artists i listen to at least once lol but i think the shortlist would be:
fall out boy
dua lipa
harry styles
kacey musgraves
lady gaga
carly rae jepsen
olivia rodrigo after i execute my con
this was a lot of fun, for sure :)
tagging @blue-da-ba-dee @bottomofthe9th @swiftzeldas @captainbradmarchand (if you want, of courseee💕) and anyone who might find it fun :)
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agentx8d · 4 months
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This is my friend Laila, a 20 year old woman from Gaza. She has a family of three, with one currently one the way! She is taking care of her 2 year old son Ismail with her husband Mohammed, who has been injured from the 2014 war and has to walk with crutches! He needs surgery now to be able to walk! Laila needs help to take care of her upcoming baby!!! All Laila wants to do is be able to live in safety. She needs help in order to survive! THIS IS URGENT FOR HER ‼️‼️‼️
Laila has published a book about her family in Gaza, buying it will support her effort to survive. LAILA’S FAMILY NEEDS URGENT FOOD, WATER, AND MEDICAL TREATMENT!
here is the link if you just want to donate! if you can’t, PLEASE SHARE!! THE SPOTFUND CAMPAIGN HAS ONLY RECEIVED $5! THIS IS URGENT!
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baura-bear · 1 year
Welcome to newsie’s big king rant!! *cracks knuckles* i apologise for spelling mistakes or grammar innacuracies
i’ll start with AKB but i’ll do it in three parts ranging how much knowledge i have on the subject
andrew keenan bolger was born on the 16th may 1985 in detroit. he has 2 older sisters, maggie and celia ( who won a tony award for “to kill a mockingbird”!) he’s married to scott bixby since 2018 and their relationship is so nice and wholesome it’s so cute.
HES 5’4. IM 5’5. it’s so funny to think he’s shorter than me but whatever 😭😭
his first broadway role was in the OBC of seussical as alternate Jojo in 2000-2001 of which he did ONE broadway show then got kicked coz he hit puberty LMFAO poor 15 year old andrew
he then went on to be robertson ay in mary poppins THEN went in a woekshop for newsies and papermill and broadway( fun fact i think he’s the only actor who stayed in the same role for the workshop, papermill then obc of newsies )
during newsies he got a lot of fans which honestly yeah real but in march 2013 he left newsies to begin rehersing for tuck everlasting which didn’t make it until 2016 bc there wasn’t a suitable theatre for a transfer to broadway yet ( another fun fact if it had stayed in the realm of 2013 sadie sink would have played winnie instead of sarah charles lewis )
then in 2017 he was in kris kringle the musical playing kris kringle and in 2021 he was in seven deadly sins the off broadway musical playing phillipe
in september ( not sure if going ahead due to sag aftra ) he’s gonna star in “dracula a comedy of terrors” which seems very fun!! he posted a rlly funny photo of him wearing vampire teeth
ok other things than theatre he’s done i’m so sorry gang
so in 1997 he was chip’s singing voice in that lovely enchanted christmas beauty and the beast spinoff which i watched ALL OF IT just to find he’s in ONE FUCKING SONG and he’s only in the credits ONCE
( however tim curry is in it and he’s a fat smash so 🤷🏻‍♀️ )
he was in this show called looking in 2014 don’t watch it if ur under 18 i’m fucking traumatised from it don’t curse yourself with that PLEASE GOD DONT SEARCH ANDREW KEENAN ON GIFS EITHER
he had like a miniseries called ‘submissions only’ which also performed at 54 below
he has a podcast called ‘that sounds right’ which is SO FUCKING FUNNY PLEASE GO LISTEN TO IT I LOVE IT SO MUCH
OH SHIT YEAH HE WAS ALSO IN ( these are all like regional theatre ?? )
high school musical as ryan
perez hilton saves the universe…😬 as a shit ton of different ppl
a really funny parody video called ‘sherlock the musical” it’s so funny bc my irl friend robin thinks he looks like martin freeman
he’s not afraid to post whatever on his socials 💀 like i’ll be scrolling and that one pic of him licking the screen is there and i’m like 😀 ok andrew
hes really funny
hes honest and open about not being the best dancer which is so real ( so he showed up to newsies to audition and , in his own words , apparently the directors thought he was a good enough dancer to play a boy with a crutch BAHHAHA WHICH IS SO RELATABLE OH MY HOD )
i think that’s it!! please enjoy i’m soo tired i’ll do some more ranting soon :3
thank you for all the knowledge! fun fact: I saw Celia perform in TKAM (very good) and my grandma used to baby sit Jeff Daniels' (Atticus) cousin because they grew up in the same town
also the note about his lack of dancing skills reminded me of his old youtube videos and one video he was talking about an audition he botched (there was basketball choreo he was supposed to learn) and instead, because he didn't know what to do, he just put the basketball in his shirt and pretended to be pregnant??? hey directors like a strong acting choice and he delivered.
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