watmalik · 17 days
Logan when he learns Wade’s a selfish top
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skankhunt44 · 1 year
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Punctuation matters.
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squeakadeeks · 1 year
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having tons of OCs is all fun and games until you have to draw a series lineup and it takes you 3 DAYS _(:3」∠)_
anyway here's the character lineup for Alliacea! if you recognize that name you qualify for a squeaks veteran account. Read more below for an overview of the concept and the characters!
as a refresh on the concept, Alliacea is an island in an oceanic pocket realm. The island itself is mostly inhabited by spirits who represent certain aspects of the island like the tides, trees, etc. If you end up on Alliacea and you cant fit in, the island finds a place for you by making you a part of it, like morphing you slowly into rocks, a fruit tree, flock of birds, etc.
This is complicated when Mansoa found a way to stay on the island by making her own role as the outsider. Her ecological niche worked ok for awhile but over time it caused progressive problems. The clash between the the island wanting to make everyone a part of it, and Mansoa's place on the island being distinctly not a part of it makes the island go haywire and the island starts to sink into the sea until the paradox can be resolved.
a little bit about the cast is as follows: Bohai is the open ocean and has a boisterous, rowdy faux confidence personality. He has a hard time expressing serious emotions that are not bodacious.
Lamerei reps the forest floor and hes a down to earth, big brother archetype thats a calming presence.
Begonia is wildflowers and shes really inquisitive and curious.
Mrysin is Alliacea's gate and literally can only feel happiness and be upbeat and cheerful.
Pacific is the tides/shallow seas and is like if those "is it illegal to go outside" anxieties were a person.
And Mansoa's whole thing is being the outlier but shes got a lackidasical, carefree sort of attitude that masks being super nervous all the time too and feeling deeply isolated and lost.
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aztarion · 3 months
me already 6 months of bad habits deep into digital art :
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xxthedarkempathxx · 27 days
this valium got me so good i feel like a baby wrapped in a warm tortilla...
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thatcatinthewindow · 2 months
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theroundbartable · 1 year
(This may shoot against Christians a bit more than usual, so please take this in good fun. Because Jesus is chill actually, he'd find this hilarious.)
Name: Jesus- human fisher- Christ
Occupation: bounty hunter
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aroace-cat-lady · 7 months
My therapist gave me homework for next week like she does every week but until now it was just a Look for x thing and tell me next session BUT NOW SHE SENT ME A DRIVE LINK???
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anxiety-upsety · 5 months
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Bad drawing of a vision I had
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wingsmould · 2 years
i have. so many games to play
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Just witnessed my school's principal, who is like almost two metres tall and can be quite intimidating, lecture a fifth grader and their height difference was almost comical.
Artistic rendition:
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hobohobgoblim · 1 year
The Grater Helm of The Paladin of Cheesus.
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anon-horsey · 1 year
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do you accept cheesus as your lord and savior
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cryptid-oh-cryptid · 4 months
Hi, May I talk to you about our Lord & Savior, cheese.
We eat his dismembered body as a sign of devotion. We drink of the his sauce ( blood ) to bless our body. He was killed on a cutting board & places behind a wheel of cheese on a burial charcuterie board. After three days of aging the cheese wheel was rolled away and all that was left was a cheese cloth laid on the charcuterie board were our lord laid.
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iamdotwav88 · 1 year
Please help us
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