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marysuehospital · 3 months ago
Hanahaki Hospital Show Summary
In a world slightly slant to our own where every fanfiction trope is reality, Hanahaki Hospital follows the staff of Mary Sue General Hospital as they deal with the usually unseen medical consequences of the fanfic genre’s favorite ways to push people together.  
The story primarily follows Marigold Bloom. A pulmonary specialist born with Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia (CDH), and a predisposition towards contracting Hanahaki disease. The weakened respiratory system caused by CDH means that contracting Hanahaki for anyone would put undue strain that would kill Marigold before she’d have the chance to confess.  
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themogaidragon · 2 years ago
Chronic Daily Headaches Pride Flag
PT: Chronic Daily Headaches Pride Flag /END PT
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ID: A flag with seven horizontal lines of the same size. Their colors are, from top to bottom, dark teal, muted teal, greyish teal, red, muted purple, lavender and dark purple. END ID
Chronic daily headache (CDH): experiencing fifteen or more days with a headache per month. Chronic daily headaches is an umbrella term which consist of different sub-groups, primarily categorized as chronic tension-type headaches and chronic migraine headaches.
The flag is inspired by this chronic migraine flag (link), this chronic tension type headaches flag (link) and this chronic pain flag (link).
Flag meanings:
P: Flag meanings: /END PT
Dark teal: migraine and headaches
Muted teal: all the types of CDH (cluster, hemicrania continua, idiopathic intracranial hypotension, migraine, tension-type, mixture of types, etc).
Greyish teal: other chronic pains and disabilities
Red/Maroon: chronic head pain
Muted purple: sleep problems and fatigue
Lavender: varying levels and types of pain
Purple: chronic pain
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lemondeabicyclette · 1 year ago
Durant cette réunion du Conseil des droits de l’homme (CDH) des Nations Unies (ONU), la plupart des membres - pour protester contre le bombardement israélien de Gaza - tourne le dos lorsque l’ambassadrice américaine Michelle Taylor prend la parole.
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riderandspider · 1 year ago
Chronic daily headaches are hell. Nothing helps. Food, water, caffeine, fresh air, hot, cold, showers, naps, darkness, all arrays of medicines. nothing. I'm lucky if I don't have a headache by 2 or 3:00 every day. Some days are worse than others. Some days it's like light shocks. Other days it's like being stabbed over and over. You start getting superstitious about the pain. One day it may start to ease after I eat a particular meal, other times after I spend hours in prayer. Eventually you have a chain of desperate nonsensical behaviors strung along to do whatever you can to make it stop. When in reality it is likely just a matter of waiting it out with no hope of aiding it and no way to tell how long it will last.
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vincentreproches · 9 months ago
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« Je suis de tous les partis,
Je suis de toutes les parties.. »
Jacques Dutronc
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cyberr-v0id · 10 months ago
Well at least being on paracetamol for my back also keeps the headaches at bay
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ecstilson-blog · 1 year ago
My Son Died…
We're walking along a beach, and I find myself holding his hand even though we haven't seen each other in years. “I've dreamed about this," I say, tears in my eyes.
“So have I."
We continue like this for miles with bits of sand gathering between my toes. It’s so chilly then that I use my free hand to pull a shawl closer to my shoulders. I should fasten it with both hands, but I'd rather die than lose contact with him now.
After a time, we both turn to the sunset. “Once,” I say, “when I was very young, I said a prayer."
He smiles. “And what did you pray?"
“For God to give me a sign that He still loved me."
“Did you doubt His love that much?” he asks.
“I guess I did." I pause, wondering over the small moments that make up our lives. “I expected something huge to happen after I prayed, but almost the entire day passed without anything. Finally, I knelt next to a rock and cried, begging God for an answer.” I took a big breath, just remembering the power of the moment. “I didn't hear His voice at first because it felt… like silence. Then, after a long while, I looked at the sunset. The clouds stretched orange—my favorite color.”
“And you knew God loved you because of the orange sky?” He still gently holds my hand as he looks down at me. “You thought He answered your prayer?"
“I knew He answered it. I realized how He painted the sky for me—for each of us—every single day. His love shines everywhere, through almost everything."
“And that's what you hold onto whenever bad things happen?” He studies a shell by our feet, and I don't say a word. “You remembered that, even when I died?”
I don't want to talk about his death, not when he's standing beside me. I need to answer his question though; he deserves the truth. "Not at first, but yes. I remembered that sky. I couldn't lose sight of His answer to my prayer or the gifts God has given me each day of my life."
Zeke—MY son—just nods. I can tell he's thinking hard about something before he breaks the silence. “I'm glad God picked you to be my mom."
His words hit me like a hot iron, shaking the core of my being; they're something I always longed for and never thought I'd hear, even in my dreams.
“But we’ll see each other again," he continues. “Orange is my favorite color now, too, a reminder…”
Tears fill my eyes. He's so strong and healthy, much different from the infant who died after two and a half months in the hospital.
He did love me. He WAS proud, although I had to take him off of life support. I remember how hard he fought to live, even as he took his last breath in my arms.
“I'm so proud you're my son. You never gave up on life. You never would have given up on me." I try acting brave in that moment, so my pain, guilt, and regrets can't hurt him. "I've done everything I can so people will know you; your life won't be forgotten."
My eyes close and a deep part of me starts fading. A heart once full, seems a bit empty, and my fingers close on themselves because HE is no longer holding my hand.
I breathe slowly. It's okay, though. Peace remains because the warmth of his touch stays on my skin like perfume, and somehow it will never leave. "Please know I won't forget you," my voice drifts away just like my son did.
When I’m just about to leave, I feel something. It’s just a nudge at first, then a word surfaces through the silence: “Look."
My eyes turn toward the sunset. Those colors wrap around me, giving me new reasons to live. I no longer simply long for eternity because I realize the truth in its meaning: Eternity is part of right now.
My spirit wakes up with an unflappable resolve. Someday we'll see each other again, someday beneath a golden sky.
Happy 21st birthday Zeke. You are not forgotten.
To learn more about my oldest son and his story, you can find that memoir here: https://a.co/d/e8GFSP1
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drpedi07 · 1 year ago
Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia
Congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH) is a birth defect of the diaphragm. The most common type of CDH is a Bochdalek hernia; other types include Morgagni hernia, diaphragm eventration and central tendon defects of the diaphragm. 
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miroir-de-sports · 2 years ago
Le challenge Charlotte illustré
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Le challenge Ulis illustré par une Ulistratrice : l’inspiration artistique de Tu Ha Han, illustratrice du Challenge Charlotte des Unités Locales d’Inclusion (ULIS), An (prononcez anne) est l’Ulistratrice officielle du Comité Départemental Handisport. https://tuhaan.com/a-propos/
Le gymnase Jean Marc Boivin accueillait 90 élèves des écoles élémentaires Marie Maignot, Louis Pasteur, Gaston Roupnel, les Aiguisons, Alix Providence et Chevreul. Ces établissements ont en commun l’accueil de jeunes en situation de handicap dans le cadre du dispositif ULIS (Unité locale d’Inclusion Scolaire). Ces élèves ont été réunis par le Comité Départemental Handisport (CDH) pour le Challenge ULIS, associé cette année à un prénom, en hommage à Charlotte, décédée il y a un an. Cette 5e édition consolide les avancées en matière d’accès au sport pour tous et les liens avec le CDH. Organisée avec le concours d’étudiants en Master 2 de l’UFR STAPS et de 28 élèves de seconde du Lycée des Arcades, cette journée est un bain de jouvence. Passage en revue de quelques acteurs. Dorothée, Fatima, Jennifer, Valérie sont accompagnantes d’élèves en situation de handicap (AESH) à Alix Providence ; pour elles, ce challenge est une sorte de cerise de fin d’année sur le gâteau des interventions du CDH qui anime tous les 2 mois une matinée de sport adapté, à base de rugby, boccia ou autres activités. « Les enfants font également du sport avec une classe ordinaire » précise Fatima. Les élèves d’Alix, pour avoir brillé au jet de vortex, s’octroient le titre de meilleurs lanceurs. Pour le groupe venu de Nuits-Saint-Georges, il y a naturellement des connections entre l’école élémentaire Maignot et les Black Chairs, l’équipe de quad rugby locale. Clémentine les évoque : « nous avons rencontré 2 fois Corentin Le Guen, une première fois, ici même, au challenge 2022 ». Actifs aux courses individuelles en fauteuil, les jeunes nuitons s’expriment aussi dans les autres épreuves et enlèvent le trophée de la plus grosse frappe ; ils posent aussi leur empreinte pour être venus en train et à pied : 30 minutes de foulées à l’aller et autant de pas au retour. Carine des Aiguisons se réjouit de toutes ces activités conviviales qui mettent à l’unisson toutes les formes de handicap, en continuité de ce qui est fait tout au long de l’année par le CDH : « En tant qu’enseignante je suis ravie que ça existe, ça nous aide ; on participe au challenge depuis plusieurs années ; c’est toujours très bien organisé. » En clôture, le groupe "Les TiramisùKo" interprète « Sang pour sang », une chanson  au-delà de nos différences, en harmonie avec cette journée placée sur le thème de l'inclusion.
ll n’y aura pas de combat entre Tu Ha Han, illustratrice et Maïlys Gangloff, boxeuse professionnelle, championne d’Europe. Chacune apporte sa touche aux dispositifs inclusifs.
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Au pas de tir Boccia
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Romain Crozet, El Akrab Ayman, très entourés, pour les exercices de boxe ludique
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Au commencement du javelot, le lancer de vortex
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pastelstarmie · 9 months ago
is cheap dirty horse ever coming to hell (america)?
We would absolutely love too and definitely as soon as we can logistically make it work, we are there!! The cost of travel is definitely the main thing that is stopping us! There are so many amazing bands over in the US we want to play with and friends we'd wanna play with again too!
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yellowhollyhock · 1 month ago
March for Raph is coming up!!
In March
like in the name
What's March for Raph? A list of 31 prompts (words or short phrases) for the month of March, all Raph centric, open to any iteration. You can draw, make gifs, write stories, write essays, short videos, whatever you can think of! No pressure at all to complete all the prompts, it's less of a checklist more of an inspiration board. The point is just to celebrate a character we love and also meet other Raph fans, that's really the best part.
Check out the tag #march for raph to see what it was like last year (we'll use the same tag this year). I'll be checking the tag daily when March comes to make sure everyone's stuff gets shared, please also feel free to @ me in case anything doesn't show in tags
This wasn't even remotely an issue last year but since I just invited all whoever to @ me I should add: I won't be reblogging tcest, x reader, anything excessively violent or sexual. Keep it clean pretty please
Here's the updated prompt list for 2025; I'll link this post in pinned so it's findable, and will be trying to keep it circulating these next couple of months (tell your friends!)
March for Raph
Perfect Outfit
Too Loud
Trash Talk
I'm Walking Here
Hanging with Casey
Comfort Food
Stir Crazy
High Score
Pet Care
Black Sheep
Mind Control
Sneaking Out
Take This Seriously
Good Citizen
Movie Night
Broken Vase
Standing up to Bullies
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themogaidragon · 2 years ago
Chronic Tension Headaches Pride Flag
PT: Chronic Tension Headaches Pride Flag /END PT
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ID: A flag with seven horizontal lines of the same size. Their colors are, from top to bottom, dark orange, muted orange, grey, red, muted purple, lavender and dark purple. END ID
Chronic Tension Type Headaches (CTTH): a chronic pain characterized by headaches that are bilateral, non-pulsatile, and lack associated symptoms and occurs for a long period of time. The pain might be very frequent, constant or daily.
The flag is inspired by this chronic migraine flag (link) and this chronic pain flag (link).
Flag meanings:
PT: Flag meanings: /END PT
Dark orange: daily, very frequent and constant headaches
Muted orange: duration of headaches
Gray: migraine crisis and other chronic pains
Red/Maroon: chronic head pain
Muted purple: sleep problems and fatigue
Lavender: varying levels and types of pain
Purple: chronic pain
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riderandspider · 2 years ago
We don't talk enough about chronic daily headaches. Most people I know say that headaches are rare for them, maybe happening once a month.. before I was medicated I had a headache literally almost every single day. Some days it was just a low throbbing pain every time I moved, other days it was so bad I flinched from the pain inside my own head. I'd been to the hospital before during a particularly bad attack that had lasted days with no relief.
We get told by doctors "just drink more water, eat better, try an ice pack and ibuprofen" as if we hadn't tried that 1000 times before with no results.
No, by the time you see a doctor you're usually on "I make sure to nap 2 times a day and keep all my lights turned off 24/7 so that I have 23 headache days a month instead of 24, ibuprofen may as well be a sugar pill"
It's literally so miserable but I never see anything about it.
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whattraintracks · 6 months ago
I can't get over the complete and utter hypocrisy of Leonardo climbing-through-windows-is-more-heroic Ninja Turtle turning around in Chōjin Densetsu-hen and asking Kinzō why they're all climbing the castle walls instead of taking the stairs.
As if you are not the same brand of idiot, my good sir!!
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ifiwereafish · 4 months ago
finally making an intro post!!
name - Willow/Liam/M | pronouns - he/they/she
do not flirt with me. this is applicable to everyone. i will block you.
please use tonetags if i request for clarification!! i am autistic and i cannot detect text tones!!
please do NOT send me asks about donations/money. i do not have the mental space or funds for them atm, and i will block you if you do. however, i love answering questions!! so ask away :3
#wlm crossfandoms for when i....crossfandom
#wlm ramblings for when i....ramble
#wlm loves cdh for when i am talking about cheap dirty horse (one of my two favorite bands!! go support them on bandcamp!!)
#who knew this was actually a blog for the rare occasion where i make a post
my favorite colors are blue and purple !!
here is a link to a thread with websites for when you're having a bad day!
some words that describe my identities: Jewish. autistic. physically disabled. queer. trans. genderfluid. bisexual. Brazilian. neuroromantic. neurosexual. demiromantic. asexual. polyamorous.
some more words that describe my political beliefs: pro-vax. pro-choice. punk. anti-trump. anti-TERF. pro-peace.
even more words that describe my interests: BTS. cheap dirty horse. dazey and the scouts. percy jackson. gravity falls. BOTW. harry potter (NOT JKR). acting. singing. dancing. music. random facts. star vs the forces of evil. the priory of the orange tree. project hail mary. musicals.
dni: TERFs/radfems. jkr and/or neil gaiman supporters. MAPs and other HARMFUL types of -philes. homophobes/transphobes. ableists. all other forms of -phobics. MAGA/trump cultists. ANTISEMITES/PRO-HAMASNICKS. anti palestinian self-determination. BTS antis, shippers, boycotters, saesangs, etc. proshippers. republicans. racists. anti neopronouns/xenogenders. pro SH/ED. radqueers. harmful transids. science/climate change/mental health deniers. JILL STEIN/TRUMP/THIRD PARTY VOTERS AND NONVOTERS GET TF OFF MY PAGE.
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comparativetarot · 2 years ago
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5 de Espadas. Art by Alter Erto, from Tarot CDH.
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