#2007 raph
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nightwatcherraph · 7 months ago
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theyhavetakenovermylife · 1 year ago
Maybe a cute scenario with 2007 Donnie where the Reader calls his phone line often for help with her work computer. Donnie is annoyed at first but comes to enjoy their chats. What Donnie doesn't know is Reader calls him cause they think Donnies voice is attractive lol
The Attractive Voice: part 1 (Fluff)
2007!Donatello x reader
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Part 2 (18+), Part 3 (Angst?/Fluff)
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A/N: I honestly had to hold myself back from making this an 18+😂 I kept myself in check while watching the Danish Melodi Grand Prix. Anyway, hope you enjoy💜
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Warnings: None💜
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It had started very innocently enough, with just one call to Donatello’s Tech Support. You could no longer remember what the problem with your computer was, but that you had tried everything you could think of, leading you to your last option - calling Donatello’s Tech Support after seeing a small ad in the newspaper. Why you even were reading a newspaper was a mystery to you. But the moment you heard Donatello’s voice through the phone, all of that was forgotten, and for a moment you forgot why you called in the first place.
“Hello, you’re talking to Donatello, your friendly IT tech support here to help you 24 hours a day. How can I help you?”, you heard on the other end of the phone, causing you to fall silent. Whoever this man was, he had one of the most attractive voices you had heard, and you once again forgot why you called in the first place, struggling to form a sentence while he waited patiently for you to speak, answering politely when you finally managed to tell him about the problem with your computer.
The next few weeks, you couldn’t stop thinking about Donatello’s voice, and how nice and friendly he had been to you. He really did live up to his “friendly IT tech support” label. It was calming to hear him talk, and you had found your cheeks heating up whenever you thought back to your conversation. Not that there had been anything flirtatious about it. No, it had been very respectful and professional from Donatello’s side, yet you could not stop the feeling of butterflies that erupted in your stomach whenever you thought of it. And soon, you found the urge to call him again, hoping that your computer would break down in some way, giving you an excuse to call him for help.
You ended up calling him those few weeks later, telling him your computer had started to run slower than before. And once again, Donatello was helpful and friendly, his calming voice sounding sweet in your ear as you enjoyed every minute of the call with the stranger, whose face you didn't even know.
Days later you found that it happened again. You wanted to call Donatello again, turning your computer over, looking for a problem. You then called him again, settling on the sound of it. It was becoming too loud. And Donatello helped you once again, staying friendly and professional, even if he sounded a little tired.
You continued to do this, looking your computer over for problems you could call Donatello about, until you could no longer find any problems, and instead making them up as an excuse, enjoying the sound of Donatello’s voice as he spoke.
What you did not know was that on the other end, Donatello was growing quite irritated. Though he made a point out of not showing it in his voice, he would start to rub his temples and take deep breaths in order to calm himself whenever you called. Until one call in particular.
Seeing your number pop up once more, Donnie braced himself for what was coming as he pressed the answering button. Another cracked or frozen screen? A password that wouldn’t work? A stuck key? Augh, why didn’t you just get a new computer?!
“Hello, you’re talking to Donatello, your friendly IT tech support here to help you 24 hours a day. How can I help you?”, he said, as if he hadn’t been talking to you several times before.
“Hey, Donnie”, you said, using his nickname for the first time, causing him to freeze in his seat. “It’s (Y/N). How has your day been?”
“It has been pretty good”, Donnie said, still somewhat shocked by your casual approach. You had never spoken to him like that before. “H- how about you, (Y/N)?” Donnie had to admit, it felt nice to say your name, like you were a friend to him. Someone he had known for a long time.
“It has been good, but my computer keeps messing up. Can you help me?”
“Of course I can. What’s the problem?”
And so it continued. You would call Donnie almost everyday with some sort of computer related problems, adding in a little bit of small talk. Donnie found that after your conversations had turned more casual, that he started enjoying talking to you, even if your computer was the biggest mess he had ever encountered. He learned about your daily life, school, family and work. You in turn learned a little bit about his brothers and some of his past time activities, which pretty much also consisted of computers. You had to admit that he was an interesting if not a little strange fellow, but that didn’t stop you from talking to him.
One day you called a little later than usual, causing Donnie to worry for a moment. In that time he even managed to worry that he had scared you away, feeling a sense of sadness at the thought. He had really started enjoying talking to you, so the thought of you not calling anymore was not a welcomed one. But then your number came up, and Donnie was quick to answer, ignoring the others that had been in line before you. They could wait.
“Hey, (Y/N)!”, Donnie said with a smile as he picked up. “I was just about to think you wouldn’t call today. You had me fearing there for a moment”.
You laughing on the other end caused his heart to skip a beat. It wasn’t often that he got to hear you laugh like that, but when he did, he found that it was absolutely worth it.
“I’m sorry, Donnie”, you said, your laughter still clear. “I was a little busy today. You know, family and all that”.
“I know it all too well”, Donnie smiled, looking off to the mess Mikey had left around the living area. “But what can I help you with today?”
“It’s not a big problem today”, you said. “It’s just the screen settings that are bugging me, and I have a hard time figuring out how I change it. It would be nice if you could help me, if it’s not too big of a problem”.
“Don’t worry about it. It’s nice to have someone friendly to talk to, even if they keep making up problems about their computer in order to talk to me”, Donnie said at the end of the line.
You made a small sound as you pressed your lips together, your cheeks flushing red. You hoped that Donnie didn’t hear it, but of course he did. Donnie always heard everything, even the smallest of sounds. Like the time you stubbed your toe against the dresser with him on the phone, making him chuckle when he realized you were nowhere near your computer. That was probably the day he realized that you did not call because of your computer.
“I’m not doing that”, you said, trying your best not to sound flustered on your end.
“(Y/N)”, Donnie said, a smile clear in his voice. “With all the problems your computer is having, I’m surprised it would still be running. But it’s okay. Like I said, I like talking to you”.
“Okay”, you sighed, giving up the act. “My computer is working perfectly fine. I just… really enjoy talking to you”.
Donnie laughed on the other end, making a blush spread over your cheek. You were so happy that he couldn’t see you right now. “It’s just your luck, because I enjoy talking to you too. But I think it’s better if we do it over my personal phone instead of my work phone… and outside of work hours”.
“But don’t you work 24 hours a day?”, you asked.
“Yeah, but I’ve been thinking about cutting down quite a bit”, he answered. “The 24 hours are more draining than I first thought they would be”.
“That sounds like a good idea”, you smiled, getting more comfortable in your seat on the couch. “Sooo, Donnie. What did you say your number was?”
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forgetful-nerd · 9 months ago
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To all the TMNT fanfic writers and fanart creators that do this: I adore you.
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melancholyswayafterdark · 3 months ago
TMNT 2007!Raphael x Fem!Reader: Make Me (NSFW 18+)
Anonymous asked: This is kind of weird but would you be able to write 2007!Raph x reader where Raph is trying to dominant and gets shy when he finds out y/n is more experienced?
ya'll im such an idiot and I accidentally deleted the anon request who had asked for this. Luckily, I keep all the reqs in a google doc when writing lol. Here goes nothing! Let me know if you enjoyed this :)
NOTE: this is my after dark blog, and you're going to find smut here. 2007 is a more mature version of the turtles, and they are around their early/mid 20s. MINORS DNI. WARNINGS : dirty talk, doggystyle, and missionary
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Imagine Raphael getting thrown for a loop the first time you have sex with each other
It’s honestly so sudden, neither of you expecting it to happen the way it did.
Now, Raph has had his fair share of sex. If the turtles had to take a guess, Raph would have the highest body count out of the four of them (Donnie takes the cake for last place, he’s a scaredy-cat).
He vividly remembers women practically throwing themselves onto him while he was The Nightwatcher long ago
I mean, could you blame him? A mysterious man in metal armor with a sexy accent who protects the city?
He felt invisible, being able to be himself and enjoy life the way it was supposed to be lived
In short, Raph here is no stranger to women- he knows what’s got to be done. 
When you first met the turtles, it was thanks to a clumsy Mikey during patrol one night who came crashing into your bedroom window.
With some panicked explanations, promises to keep a secret, and to fix a window, bonds were made. Friendship blossomed. 
Feelings blossomed. 
You seemed to get along well with each and every turtle, however, something about the smug-looking golden-eyed one who didn’t speak much at first had grabbed your attention. 
As you began to come down to their home often, you found yourself having more opportunities to interact with the second oldest brother: Raphael. He had this bad-boy aura that had you hooked. 
However, it wasn’t what you thought it was.
Raphael constantly teased you, and you constantly did the same back. He had no malicious intent, and neither did you. You had simply piqued each other's interest. 
“Hey shorty,” Raph snickers at you trying to reach for something on a high shelf.
“Hey hothead,” You tease back, “How about you use those big muscles of yours to help me instead of standing there and enjoying the show?” His eyes watched your breasts bounce in your shirt as you struggled to reach what you needed. 
Oh, and he loved it. That you noticed what his game was, and that you were more than happy to play. 
His non stop picking had been his fun way of flirting with you, to which you did the same back. As it went on, a friendly yet flirtatious connection had been made. 
Only, a cloud of sexual tension seemed to follow you around every time you interacted with the turtle in red. 
There was something about Raphael that got your panties in a twist. As time went on, you found yourself fantasizing about how you’d make your move on him. It seemed that your sexual appetite grew hungrier with each and every scenario you imagined in your head. 
You wondered just how Raph was able to get you going. 
Unbeknownst to you, Raphael’s reptilian instincts give him a heightened sense of smell. 
AKA, you didn’t have to tell him, he knew- no- he could smell how down bad you were for him.
Luckily for him, your human senses weren’t as strong. 
He remembered how he tested the waters a bit, trying to see if he was the cause of the smell of arousal coming from your sex. He had to make sure you were actually thinking of him in that way. 
Long story short, he was right. One day, he placed his hands on your waist during training, only for his nostrils to be hugged with your excitement in between your legs. 
And thus, the more he flirted with you, the more he wanted- no- needed you. 
It seemed the feeling was mutual, yet you both went about your days as normal. 
Until one day, you said two words that sent Raph over the edge.
Brace yourself, Y/n.
“Ya ain’t gonna take me down that easily, shorty.” Your eyes follow Raph’s figure, watching as he circles you around the dojo. Since the streets have been getting pretty bad, Raphael took it upon himself to teach you a few things just in case. 
You could almost feel your heart pounding out of your chest. Being pushed to your limits, you weren’t giving up so quickly, either. You could see Raph looking you up and down, his amber eyes stopping right at your chest. You made a good choice to wear a tight tank top today, huh?
Quickly, his eyes shoot back up to look at your own, and suddenly, he’s studying you to see what his next move could be.
“I bet money you can’t take me down this time.” You smirk, albeit you were talking out of your ass; seeing Raph’s devious smile got you going. 
“Oh, so now we’re delusional?” The turtle chuckles as he gets in a fighting stance, “Looks cute on ya, Y/n.” Raph closes the space between you both inch by inch, and suddenly, his fists are flying toward you. 
He was ready to see if you remembered what you practiced. 
You quickly dodge his first hit, brushing the loose hair out of your eyes, “I told you,” Your knees bend, and Raphs last punches don’t connect, giving you the upper hand while he’s distracted. “I pay,” with a sweep of your left leg, you were able to catch Raph off balance. “Attention!” To finish, you hop on his shell from behind, touching the pressure point on his neck with two fingers (thanks, Master Splinter!) He easily topples over, and you pin his arm behind him as you straddle the back of his rough shell. 
Okay, maybe Raphael underestimated you a bit. He had no idea where you’d learn pressure points from, he didn’t teach you those. 
Seemingly defeated, the turtle under you sighs, his breathing becoming regular and less shallow as his heart rate goes down. 
“Did Leo teach ya that?” He huffs, straining under your control. A prideful smile is formed with your lips. 
“Nope, Master Splinter did.” Why would Leo teach you something like that, anyway? I mean, it wasn’t like he trained you alone. It was always as a group with their sensei. Leonardo taught you safer tricks that didn’t require you to get so close to your opponent.
You were enjoying your little victory, and what kind of victory would it be if you didn’t rub it in Raph’s face? 
“Did I really beat Mister Hothead?” You teased the turtle under you, whose annoyed eyes seemed to burn into your skin for you to set him free.
“Aigh’t, ya got me, now, get off.” Raphael’s rough accent was music to your ears, and you couldn’t imagine letting this opportunity go to show him what you were made of. Your grip on his arm becomes tighter, and you lower your lips to his exposed neck. 
What’s the point of teasing the big teddy bear if some flirting isn’t involved, right?
“Make me.” 
Suddenly, Raphael stops struggling and falls silent. You follow suit, alleviating the pressure you put on his body while on top, letting your guard down in confusion. Before you can ask what was going on, you feel yourself being flipped over, with your back hitting the hardwood floor and Raph’s face centimeters away from your own. Your arms are pinned at the top of your head by one of his hands, while the other is placed under your chin. 
“Come again?” He purrs, eyes scanning for any sign of you wanting him to stop. But, you don’t. In fact, you wanted him to keep going. 
“I said, ‘Make me.” You could feel the heat between your legs begin to rise, and your heart practically beating out of your chest. You watched as golden eyes behind a red mask looked into your own before his free hand moved toward your bra strap.
“Ya think ya so innocent, dontcha?” You could almost jump out of your skin from the feeling of butterflies invading your stomach. It felt electrifying with every touch the turtle gave you. 
“Ya think I don’ know?” His face dives into your neck, taking a slow lick before suckling in a spot that causes your body to shiver in desire. “I can smell ya, I know that ya been wantin’ this.” You wished he would let go of your hands to give you free will, eager to take the lead and surprise him. 
It wasn’t long until your soft whimpers caused a throbbing erection to emerge, and when his hand let go of your wrists bound at the top of your head, your fingers found their way to his biceps, giving them a light squeeze. 
“Like you haven’t been wanting it, too” You challenged, trying to keep all composure. Raph comes up from working on your neck, his eyes darting to your lips that continue to tease him even though he has the upper hand. He couldn’t wait to shut you up. 
He did just that. Before you could think of something slick to say, his green lips crashed on yours, not coming up for air once. It seemed all the pent-up sexual frustration was being let out in this very moment in the middle of the dojo. 
Speaking of, it’s amazing how nobody came in by now. 
“I’ll take you right here,” You knew he would. Name a time or place and Raph would be down. You could feel tingles up and down your body from the friction, your nipples hardening from the arousal, and Raph's tongue intertwining with your own. 
It was a long time coming, and before you know it, Raph’s three-pronged hand moves one of your thighs over, only for them to rub circles around your clothed clit. Now sensitive, you wondered just how you could get Raph crumbling beneath you. “You’d like that, won’t ya?” Oh, he knew exactly what the fuck he was doing. Every sentence he said in between kisses drove you up the wall, the strong desire to ride him until the wheels fell off seemed to take over, and you knew you had to prove yourself. Raphael has no idea who he’s messing with. 
His fingers then move to the hem of your leggings, dropping the hint he wants them off.
“Make sure it's locked, big guy.” Your voice hoarse from a dry throat. Looking at you one last time, Raph makes the conscious decision to listen to you. Sure, he could take you to his room and get it on, but he couldn’t wait. He wanted you now. As he makes his way to lock the dojo, you undress behind him, tank and bottoms discarded in a pile off to the side. Your red bra teasing the red-banded turtle, almost begging him to snap it off you. But before he could even think about doing so, he watched you motion for him to come over sitting on the workout bench by the dumbbells. 
“My turn,” Your body naturally gravitates toward Raphael’s sweet spots when he sits beside you. Before he can take control, you straddle his waist before he can go anywhere. Arms around his neck, your back arches in pleasure as his hands go up and down your exposed sides, heating you up as he does so. Now, Raphael didn’t expect you to take control of him that easily. If anything, he didn’t think he had it in you. But, here you were, caressing his body and grinding yourself on his throbbing cock, a wave of sinful thoughts making up his mind as he felt the pre-cum leaking onto his thigh. You must’ve noticed, because you dip a finger in the sticky substance, placing it in your mouth as the turtle’s cheeks heated up from watching you taste him. 
“Sweet,” You teased, giggling at the sight of a shy yet enticed Raphael.
You really knew what you were doing.
But, shyness aside from not being the only experienced one, he’s ready to show you just what you’re in for. With the help from you, his erection springs up after a swift movement of his lower plastron. His dick stood up with pride, begging for warmth as it throbbed once exposed to the cold air. Once in your sight, it had your own sex wanting to welcome it home. Raphael could smell it, how your pussy soaked your panties, and he couldn’t wait to take them off and make you his. 
Picking you up and laying you on the hardwood floor, you unclip your bra as Raph’s fingers find the band of your panties, throwing them to God knows where in the dojo. You’ll get them later. They didn’t matter right now. What mattered was the way Raph admired your excitement, watching you let out a submissive moan as he dipped his head in to taste you. 
“Sweet,” He comments huskily, words vibrating your cunt that sends a signal to your brain to ask for more. You didn’t just want his tongue, you wanted him inside of you.
“Stop teasing~” You murmur, your chest heaving after each and every lick your sensitive bud takes. It was enough to get your cavern dripping, and Raphael wasted no time in flipping you over onto your stomach and getting your ass up in the air, arching your back as his hands gripped your hips. You could feel his tip pressing against your tight hole, and as he took your wrists to hold them behind your back, he slowly inserted himself, your pussy squeezing him tight as he stretched you out to the max. He wanted to go crazy, but he knew he needed you to adjust before doing so. 
Your body aching for more decides to meet him halfway, your ass coming into contact with his plastron in an instant, swallowing him whole. He was so big, and he knew it, too. Your loud moan after taking him all in caused Raph to hesitate. 
“Not too loud, pretty.” His hand then frees your arms, and almost immediately you clasp a hand onto your mouth, muffling all sounds you were making. Once Raph got into the swing, his wild side came out. Before he knew it, he was thrusting in and out of you at an animalistic speed. He was a rough lover, and you loved every second of it. His praises on how good you felt and how wet you were caused shivers throughout your body and mind. The sound of skin slapping against skin was enough for you to be in a trance. You could feel how his curved dick hit you in the right spot deep in your cavern, pressing against your G-spot. How his hands continuously guided your hips and ass to back up against his plastron, and he smirked as he observed you crumble beneath him. You were practically biting your lip to keep yourself from shrieking in pleasure. The last thing you needed was anyone knocking and destroying your high. 
“You’ve always wanted me, huh?” “Fuck, you’re so tight,” All of his remarks whispered into your ear as his hand moved toward your neck, choking you lightly. Your hands went over his own, begging for his grip to tighten. He stopped for a moment, then gave into your noiseless demand. 
“Didn’t take ya as a freak, Y/n,” He chuckles, watching you turn around to face him. If the sound wasn’t enough, your flushed, fucked-out face was enough to drive him wild. 
He was close, but he couldn’t finish like this. He needed to see all of you. He needed you facing him, tits bouncing with every thrust. His hand around your windpipe and your eyes rolling back into your skull. 
So as he unexpectedly stops, your legs begin to shake. “W-wha?” You strain your back, trying to get relief. It isn’t until Raph uses his strength to flip you over as if you weighed nothing that you knew what was about to happen. 
He wasn’t done, he was just getting started. 
“I wanna see ya beggin’ fa me, got it?” Raph grips his member, placing it in between your wet folds as he churrs, locking eyes with you to make sure you understood the assignment. 
“Y-yes.” You were hypnotized by Raph. How his girth was enough to stretch you out, and was long enough to hit places you didn’t think were possible. A smirk plays along his lips, and you feel his tip at your entrance once again. He leans in, lips crashing into yours before you feel him fill you up once more. Only this time, he was hitting your sweet spot even better. You felt yourself nearing the top of the hill, waiting for just the right thrust to send you over the top and back down again. 
“Tell me how much ya wanted me, baby,” You see Raph’s focused look as his hands gripped your cupped breasts, ripping them clean off before tossing them to the side. He plays with your hardened bud, alternating from the left and the right. 
“Shit.. a-a lot! I wanted this so bad, Raph~” Your sweet voice had created the music he wanted to hear, and you felt him slam into you harder. It wasn’t until his hand left your breasts and moved down to your swollen clit. Looking up at you, then back down at your sex, he gives you a smirk before getting to work. “Oh! Fuck, Raph!” His finger quickly flicking your clit like it was a bell, making it ring in ways that caused you to reach the top of the hill. 
“Fuck, please,” Your breathy moans became uneven, and your body came millimeters away from your well-needed orgasm, “Don’t fucking stop,” Your words became slurred and sloppy, and Raphael wouldn’t want to have it any other way. “You’re doing so good, Raph, fuck.” You were copping pleas, just like he wanted. Your sweet voice interrupted by unsolicited wonton moans caused Raph to fuck you like there was no tomorrow. He studies your face, and your half-lidded eyes watch as beads of sweat litter his emerald skin, the sweet sinful smell of sex filling the air as you finally come to your senses. “Think you could fill me up?” You had asked so innocently despite the obvious whine in your voice. You sounded so needy and sexy, that Raphael couldn’t hold it in any longer. All of his senses were being simulated, and the sight of you was the cherry on top. He had you exactly where he wanted you: crumbled, fucked-out face, rosy cheeks, and begging for him to cum.
You tightened around him, a wave of pure euphoria taking over you as you came to the squelching sound of you finishing all over Raph’s member. Your body shakes as he doesn’t stop, moments go by before he slows down, allowing you to ride out your orgasm. You lean up to lock lips, and his thrusts quicken before he groans huskily into the sloppy kiss. He had reached the top of his own hill, and he couldn’t wait to fill you up and paint your insides white. 
When he’s finally ready, he puts his forehead on yours, and you watch as he becomes weak at the knees, bucking his hips to meet your pelvis one last time before you feel something warm shoot through you. The thought of Raph’s cum filling you up alone caused you to moan in ecstasy, never mind the feeling of it.
Raph shifts his weight, holding himself up with his reserved strength. It wasn’t like he was finished. No, Raph’s libido was so high and mighty, this was just the pregame. 
“I kind of feel bad…” You trail off. You felt Raph’s cum leak from your pulsating cunt, pooling onto the floor under you. Droplets of sweat littered the hardwood, “We made a mess.” But before you could get up, Raph lets out a throaty chuckle, “Ya think so? We could do bettah than this.” His accented voice teases a new idea. Maybe he was right, you guys could make an even bigger mess.
The smell of sex wasn’t leaving the dojo anytime soon, and with the way you went uninterrupted for what seemed like hours, what made you think you’d be stopping here? You sit up on your knees, pushing Raphael back onto his shell. Straddling his waist, his member jumped in response. Once again, he was ready to give it to you. As he watched you grab it at the base and align it with your sex, cum still dripping from the previous activity, you sat down on it slowly until your pelvis met his own. 
It was your turn to fuck his brains out, and you were ready to do just that. 
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yellowhollyhock · 3 months ago
March for Raph is coming up!!
In March
like in the name
What's March for Raph? A list of 31 prompts (words or short phrases) for the month of March, all Raph centric, open to any iteration. You can draw, make gifs, write stories, write essays, short videos, whatever you can think of! No pressure at all to complete all the prompts, it's less of a checklist more of an inspiration board. The point is just to celebrate a character we love and also meet other Raph fans, that's really the best part.
Check out the tag #march for raph to see what it was like last year (we'll use the same tag this year). I'll be checking the tag daily when March comes to make sure everyone's stuff gets shared, please also feel free to @ me in case anything doesn't show in tags
This wasn't even remotely an issue last year but since I just invited all whoever to @ me I should add: I won't be reblogging tcest, x reader, anything excessively violent or sexual. Keep it clean pretty please
Here's the updated prompt list for 2025; I'll link this post in pinned so it's findable, and will be trying to keep it circulating these next couple of months (tell your friends!)
March for Raph
Perfect Outfit
Too Loud
Trash Talk
I'm Walking Here
Hanging with Casey
Comfort Food
Stir Crazy
High Score
Pet Care
Black Sheep
Mind Control
Sneaking Out
Take This Seriously
Good Citizen
Movie Night
Broken Vase
Standing up to Bullies
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locallycitrus · 11 months ago
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I think 2007 Casey and Raph should kiss and hold hands. I watched TMNT 2007 yesterday, and GOD WAS IT GOOD!!! I LOVED IT SO SO MUCH! So I decided to do a screenshot redraw!!
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olekaskota · 6 months ago
Akira Slide Raaaaaaph!!! Look at him go!!
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niklauskzak · 4 months ago
I'm dying of thirst over here. Can you write 2007 raph playing tough guy but when the reader gives him head he falls apart and whimpers?
Got ya! 👀❤️
Warning → +18 (this one is short srry)
Tmnt 2007 Raphael, all bitches here are +18 so don't start saying shit in the comments 🥰
(first time writing for someone, English isn't my first language... And I think that's all?)
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Raphael has always been the muscle of the team, right? He's always trying to show that he's the best, the strongest, the tougher but when it comes to you... That thing might change a bit depending on the circumstances.
A good example of this vulnerable part of him is the time when you have him all by yourself, Splinter? Training April, Leonardo, Donatello and Mikey? Going on patrol.
You might be wondering, why would Raphael stay at home? He said he was sick, his stomach hurt and blah, blah, blah... Obviously that's not true, he did his best to not moan out loud since you were having a really fun time taking his cock on your mouth, taking as much of his as you could, legs getting weaker every time his dick touched the back of your throat. Trying to hold his breath to not make any sounds, but when the rest of his family wasn't home anymore? That man went nasty, moaning and whimpering pathetically, all desperate to cum in your mouth, hands gripping on the sheet he brought since it was "too cold" in his room. Eyes rolling back on his skull when you manage to take him all, a loud and pornographic moan left his mouth when he finally filled yours with his seed.
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(First time trying to write smut, I'm sorry if it wasn't the best thing in the world but I would do it better next time)
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raph-x-reader-logs · 1 year ago
I would like to preface this with a disclaimer that I do not own TMNT and I am not a writer! This is a collection of all the Raphael writings I can find, so it would be easier to binge-read for my favorite turtle. Last Updated: 16 July 2024
This is fairly simple and straightforward, but I'll add some directions just in case!
The master list is split into different iterations, genres, points of view, and then reader types. If the section gets too long (which I'm expecting they will) a new page will be created and linked on this post.
Each link will take you exactly where you want to go within this blog! This exempts the posts with a cut in them, those links will take you directly to the blog where the story is posted.
As for AO3 links, if the story has multiple chapters, it will take you to the "Entire Work" version so you can binge the whole fic.
I am open to any suggestions or submissions! HOWEVER, within this Masterlist, you will not find the following:
OC x Raph
Canon x Raph
TCEST x Raph
Now that all of that stuff is out of the way; Enjoy!! :D -Pinto🌱
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Just Friends by @theyhavetakenovermylife , 2POV, fem!reader, NSFW too, Summary: Raph has trouble juggling his mission and his feelings for you.
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Focus by @pebblestar , 2POV, gn!reader, Summary: Raph helps you focus, whether he likes it or not.
When The Tables are Turned by @theturtlelovers , 2POV, gn!reader, Summary: Raph really likes it when you take charge..
Overstim by @katanablue , 2POV, fem!reader, Summary: Raphael is your biggest cheerleader and your number one supporter in all aspects. All. Of them.
Suit on, Dress Up by @theyhavetakenovermylife , 2POV, fem!reader, Summary: You look absolutely stunning in that dress.
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Shower Sex by @theyhavetakenovermylife , 2POV, fem!reader, Summary: Things get a bit steamy with Raph.
SnapCall by @oozedninjas , 2POV, fem!reader, Summary: You send him nudes while he is on patrol and he isn't quite happy about it.
Acceptance by RubyRaspberry , AO3, 2POV, Hurt and Comfort, fem!reader, Summary: An injured Raph lands on your fire escape! Turns out you’re an extremely understanding person! But how much are you willing to accept?
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Rough and Tumble by @mytheoristavenue , 2POV, fem!reader, Summary: After dating Raph for almost a year, he begins to ache for you...
A Reasonable Turtle by @thejudiciousneurotic , 2POV, gn!reader, Yandere, Summary: Raphael wasn't an unreasonable turtle—at least that's what he told himself with each hit of his fists, relentlessly beating the man who dared to try to take you from him.
Fire Breather by @tmntxthings , 2POV, fem!reader, Summary: Reader is fed up with Raphael's attitude.
There, I Said It by @tmntxthings , 2POV, gn!reader, Summary: It's that awful feeling when you can feel them slowly start to slip away.
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Cuddle Headcanons by @mysticovo , 2POV, fem!reader
He's Too Nervous to Ask You Out by @scaredycatqlt , 2POV, masc!reader, hc format
You Don't Scare Me by @tmntfixationxreader , 2POV, fem!reader, Summary: Raph misunderstands your shyness toward him as fear.
Self Conscious Sleepover by @tmntfixationxreader , 2POV, gn!reader, Summary: Raph doesn't want you to see his retainer during your sleepover together.
Make You Feel Loved by @tmntxthings , 2POV, gn!reader, Summary: Raph takes a love potion!
Wherever You Go by @tmntxthings , 2POV, gn!reader, Summary: Raphael is head over heels in love with you and he would do absolutely anything for you, just as you would for him.
Dating Headcanons by @multi-fandomedfreak , 2POV, gn!reader, slight angst
A Lazy Morning by @luckycharms1701 , 2POV, gn!reader, Suggestive, Summary: It is a perfect morning.
Like 'Em Big by @hotheadedhero , 2POV, fem!reader, Summary: Cutting right to the chase. You like big dudes.
A Quiet Confession by @dancingdonatello , 2POV, gn!reader, Summary: Buckets of rain started to fall and he pulled you even closer to his front to try and squeeze the both of you under the small awning.
Gentle by @fishstixloser , 2POV, gn!reader , Summary: You spend some quality time with Raph while he's brumating.
Change by @tmntxthings , 2POV, Hurt no Comfort, gn!reader, Summary: You make him happy and he's willing to do anything to make you see that he loves you. He wishes you can see that.
Big Teddy Bears Are The Best by @theyhavetakenovermylife , 2POV, fem!reader, Summary: Raph knows he's a big guy, he can't change that. But sometimes he wishes he could.
Your Protector by @tmntxthings , 2POV, gn!reader, Summary: It was supposed to be a normal night -- a normal date. But someone got to you before he could.
Red, Red, Red by @spoopyblues214 , 2POV, gn!reader, Major Character Death, Summary: He can't lose you, he just can't.
Lights Out by @fried-milkfish , 2POV, gn!reader, Yandere, Summary: "You know I would never hurt you, right?"
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Miss Me? by @theyhavetakenovermylife , 2POV , fem!reader , Summary: Raphael is away in Gotham and you miss him.
The Night Before by @theyhavetakenovermylife , 2POV , fem!reader, Summary: The events of the night before Raphael leaves for Gotham.
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Hallway Crush by @theyhavetakenovermylife , 2POV, f!reader, Summary: Raph had a crush on the prettiest girl in school, but he's too nervous to talk to her. He took down SuperFly! He saved New York! He can do this!!
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How The Movie Night Went by @theyhavetakenovermylife , 2POV , fem!reader, Summary: Things get a little steamy during movie night with Raphie.
This absolutely is NOT all of them. I'm steadily working through the tag again, so I'll be updating this frequently (as frequently as my life will permit lol).
Again! If you have a fic in mind and you don't see it here, please submit it! I'd love to add it to this list!
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katanablue · 9 months ago
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I just think this smug ass face he does—
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melancholysway · 1 month ago
HOW AND WHERE all un/intentional crimes the TMNT 2007 guys committed happened, a thread:
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justifiable homicide - killing the gang leader who was terrorizing the village in south america at the beginning of the film
assassination - killing a notorious gang member in South America
First-degree murder - killing a man with a deadly weapon in South America
Tampering with a consumer product via Aircraft - potentially touching carry-ons in cargo while on the plane back to NY
Possession of a deadly weapon on an Aircraft - owning and having twin katanas on the plane
Trespassing on an Aircraft - not paying for his ticket, not possessing a Passport for travel, and hiding in cargo on his trip back to New York
Property damage - damaging consumer goods and products within a government building (Winter's Corp)
Trespassing - Being in an unauthorized building (Winter's Corp)
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Reckless driving - not obeying traffic laws within the city of New York, speeding, tailgating while driving his Cowabunga Carl van
Attempted vehicular manslaughter (fully intentional) - this one was a joke lol
Reckless endangerment - holding nunchucks in his van out in public as Cowabunga Carl
Child endangerment (unintentional) - rough housing with party guests as Cowabunga Carl
Owning a business without a license - creating Cowabunga Carl without an LLC and official license
Employment under a false identity - using a fake name/social security in order to be employed as Cowabunga Carl
Property damage - damaging consumer goods and products within a government building (Winter's Corp)
Trespassing - Being in an unauthorized building (Winter's Corp), standing on an ice hockey rink during a game in the 2007 comic as Cowabunga Carl)
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Tax evasion - this one was a joke hehe
Employment under a false identity - using a fake name/social security in order to be employed as an I.T tech support
Fraud - falsifying credentials/licenses in order to get a job as an I.T tech support employee
Cyberbullying - also a joke but he's def done it before LMAO
Hacking - entering firewalls and government records via computer (also a joke)
Property damage - damaging consumer goods and products within a government building (Winter's Corp)
Possession of illegal explosives - using his homemade explosive in order to free Leo from the cage in Winter's Corp
Arson - carelessly using a homemade explosive in an unauthorized government building at Winter's Corp]
Trespassing - being in an unauthorized building (winter's corp)
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Impersonation - pretending to be a defender of justice within New York City as the Nightwatcher (taking over the old man's alias he was cool with in the comic)
Vigilantism - creating the Nightwatcher to fight crime the police don't get to
Obstruction of justice - taking the law into his own hands as the Nightwatcher
Possession of deadly weapons - owning twin sai and a spike ball...thing, in public
Destruction of property - throwing Leo against a pipe/air unit on the rooftop of Red Eye hotel
Trespassing - being in an unauthorized building (Winter's Corp), going toward the back kitchen in the Diner without authorization
Motor vehicle theft - a joke lol, he got it from an old man in the comic
Reckless driving - disobeying road signs and street lights, speeding on his motorcycle as the Nightwatcher
Street racing - a joke but he definitely would do this Lmao
Driving without a license - not possessing a license while driving his motorcycle around as the Nightwatcher
driving without a license plate - not having a license plate on his motorcycle while driving around as the Nightwatcher
// Taglist: @bee-1n-space @ducky-died-inside @xnorthstar3x @miss-andromeda @ahhhhhhhhhfuck @jasminarts01 @turtl3sk3tch3s @chil-aglia @snowhite197 Want to be added to my taglist? Comment a “💛” to be added to the melancholysway blog Comment a “💚” to be added to the melancholyswayafterdark blog Masterlist Join my TMNT Discord! Join the TMNT Community! Join the 2007 TMNT Community!
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littledoodles501 · 7 days ago
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My interpretation of TMNT 07 Mona Lisa. I kinda of mixed her design from the old cartoon and her 2012 version. She was once a physics major at a prestige university and managed to get an internship at Filch’s tech company (I’m making him a ceo instead of a pirate in this version). She found out through her hours of working there (where she was recognized for her work but barely got any credit for it), that there was shady business operations happening with the experimentation of mutagen and such. She tried to destroy their experiments, but she sadly got mutated was proclaimed dead/ missing. In reality, she survived and turned into vigilante in order to get her revenge on Filch and expose him and his rotten company.
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icrypop · 9 months ago
The aggressive type
TMNT 2007 Raphael
2007! Raph x GN! Reader
Im so just- Okay im smitten with 2007 raph and i feel like this might've sucked towards the end a bit but im really sorry- might need to write a smut to one of these-
ANYWAY, Requests are 100% open so pleaaaaseee ask away<33
-Writer Icy<3
The sewers echoed with the clashing of metal and the heated shouts of two brothers locked in combat. Raphael and Leonardo had been at it for what felt like hours, neither willing to back down. The latest argument had turned into a full-blown fight, both pushing each other to their limits.
"You think you can just keep telling me what to do, Leo?" Raphael shouted, his voice filled with anger and frustration. He swung his sai at Leonardo, who deftly blocked the attack with his katanas.
"I'm trying to keep you from doing something stupid, Raph!" Leonardo retorted, pushing back with equal force. "You always rush into things without thinking!"
Raphael's eyes blazed with fury. "Maybe if you stopped acting like you're the only one who knows what's best, we wouldn't have this problem!"
Leonardo's face hardened, his blue eyes narrowing. "This isn't about me, Raph. It's about you not taking responsibility for your actions."
"Responsibility?" Raphael scoffed, sidestepping and landing a kick to Leo's midsection, forcing him back. "You mean like how you always think you're the only one who can handle things? You don't trust any of us!"
Leonardo grunted, regaining his balance and charging forward. "That's not true! I trust you all, but you make it so damn hard when you act like a loose cannon!"
Raphael's grip tightened on his sai, his knuckles turning white. "You don't trust me, Leo. You never have. You just see me as the hothead who can't control himself."
"And what am I supposed to think when you keep proving me right?" Leonardo snapped, slashing at Raphael with swift, controlled movements.
Raph blocked the strikes, his anger boiling over. "I'm more than just my temper, Leo! But you'll never see that because you're too busy being perfect."
Leonardo's face twisted in frustration. "This isn't about being perfect, Raph. It's about being a team. And a team needs discipline, something you seriously lack."
The words hit Raphael like a punch to the gut. His temper flared, and he launched himself at Leonardo with renewed intensity. "Discipline? Is that all you care about? Maybe if you stopped trying to control everything, we'd actually get somewhere!"
Leonardo met his charge head-on, their weapons clashing in a flurry of sparks. "I'm not trying to control everything! I'm trying to keep us safe!"
Raphael's eyes flashed with hurt and anger. "Safe? You're driving us apart, Leo! You're pushing me away!"
The brothers continued their fierce exchange, neither willing to back down. Each strike, each word, cut deeper than any weapon. Their movements became more aggressive, their words more biting.
"Why can't you just listen for once?" Leonardo shouted, frustration evident in his voice. "Why do you always have to make things so difficult?"
"Because you don't get it, Leo!" Raphael yelled back, his voice cracking with emotion. "You don't understand what it's like to feel like you're never good enough. To always be in your shadow."
Leonardo paused, his breath coming in heavy gasps. "Raph, that's not true. You're my brother. We're equals."
Raphael shook his head, pain and anger mixing in his eyes. "Then start acting like it."
With a final burst of energy, Raphael threw a punch that connected with Leonardo's jaw, sending him staggering back. But Leonardo quickly recovered, retaliating with a swift kick that landed on Raphael's cheek, knocking him to the ground.
Both brothers stood there, panting and bruised, the reality of their fight sinking in. The physical pain was nothing compared to the emotional wounds they had inflicted on each other.
Leonardo lowered his katanas, his expression softening. "Raph... I didn't mean—"
"Save it, Leo," Raphael muttered, pushing himself to his feet. He wiped the blood from his lip, a deep bruise already forming on his cheek. "I'm done talking."
Without another word, Raphael turned and stormed out of the lair, his anger still simmering beneath the surface. Leonardo watched him go, a heavy weight settling in his chest. He knew things couldn't go on like this, but he didn't know how to fix it.
As Raphael made his way through the sewers, his thoughts were a whirlwind of anger, hurt, and confusion. He needed space, a place to cool off and clear his head. And there was only one person who could help him do that.
Raph knew where he was headed. He needed to cool off, and there was only one person who could help him do that. As he reached Y/n's house, he hesitated for a moment, his anger giving way to uncertainty. Would they understand? Would they be angry at him too? Taking a deep breath, He knocked softly, his knuckles brushing against the glass of their window, the one they always left 
"Raph?" they gasped, quickly opening the window. "What happened to you?"
"Just had a fight with Leo," he muttered, climbing inside and wincing as he landed on his bruised leg. "It's nothing."
Y/n closed the window and turned to him, their expression a mix of concern and frustration. "It's not nothing. Sit down."
Raphael reluctantly obeyed, collapsing onto the couch. Y/n disappeared for a moment, returning with a cloth-wrapped ice pack. They knelt in front of him, gently pressing the ice to his cheek.
"Hold still," they instructed softly, their fingers brushing against his skin. "You guys really went at it, huh?"
"Yeah," Raphael grumbled, wincing slightly at the cold but finding comfort in their touch. "We just can't see eye to eye sometimes."
Y/n's eyes softened as they looked at him, their fingers tenderly tracing the bruise. "I get that. But you can't keep fighting like this. It's only going to hurt both of you."
Raphael's stubbornness flared up, his jaw tightening. "Leo doesn't get it. He thinks he knows everything. He's always telling me what to do, like I'm some kind of kid."
"And you think he doesn't trust you," they said softly, their eyes meeting his. "But maybe he does. Maybe he's just worried about you."
Raph looked away, his anger simmering beneath the surface. "Worried? He doesn't trust me to do anything on my own. He always has to be in control."
Y/n sighed, their free hand reaching up to cup his unbruised cheek. "Raph, he's your brother. He loves you. He's just trying to protect you in the only way he knows how."
Raphael closed his eyes, leaning into their touch despite himself. "It's hard, Y/n. I'm not good at talking things out. I'm better at hitting stuff."
They chuckled softly, the sound a soothing balm to his wounded spirit. "I know. But sometimes, you need to talk things out. With Leo, with yourself."
Opening his eyes, Raphael found himself drawn to them, the closeness between them palpable. "Y/n, I don't know what to do. I feel like I'm always messing things up."
Y/n's gaze was filled with warmth and understanding. "Raph, you're strong. But you don't always have to fight to prove it. Sometimes, being strong means opening up, letting people in."
He shook his head, his stubbornness flaring again. "I can't. It's not who I am."
"Yes, you can," they whispered, their voice filled with quiet determination. "And it is who you are. You just need to see it."
Raphael's resistance began to crumble under their gentle persistence. "I don't know if I can change."
"You don't have to change," they replied, their eyes locking onto his. "You just have to let yourself be more than your anger. Show Leo, show yourself that you're more than that."
He sighed, the weight of their words sinking in. "It's not that easy, Y/n."
"I know," they said softly, their hand reaching to give a comforting pat on his hand. "But I'm here for you. Always."
In that tender moment, the anger and frustration melted away, replaced by a deep sense of connection and understanding. Y/n's presence was a balm to his wounded spirit, their gentle words and touch healing more than just his physical bruise.
"You're amazing, you know that?" Raphael murmured, his eyes searching theirs.
Y/n smiled, a soft blush coloring their cheeks. "You're not so bad yourself, tough guy." They share a light laugh before a comfortable silence covers the room
Y/n looked into his eyes, their smile reassuring. "You'll work it out with Leo. I know you will."
Raphael nodded, his heart lighter than it had been in days. "Thanks, Y/n."
"Anytime, Raph. Anytime."
A few days had passed since the intense fight between Raphael and Leonardo. The lair had been unusually quiet, a tense silence hanging in the air. The brothers had exchanged apologies, but the underlying tension remained. Raphael found himself thinking about Y/n often, replaying their tender moment in his mind whenever he needed to calm himself.
One afternoon, as the brothers trained in separate corners of the lair, a familiar knock echoed through the tunnels. Y/n had arrived, a determined look on their face. They greeted Master Splinter with a respectful bow before making their way to the training area.
"Leo, we need to talk," They said firmly, crossing their arms as they stood before him.
Leonardo paused, wiping sweat from his brow. "Y/n, now's not a good time. I'm training."
"Make time," they insisted, their tone brooking no argument. "This can't wait."
Sensing the seriousness in their voice, Leonardo reluctantly set his swords aside. "Fine. What is it?"
Y/n took a deep breath, trying to control their emotions. "You and Raph can't keep doing this. The fighting, the constant tension—it's tearing you both apart."
Leonardo frowned, his frustration evident. "Y/n, you don't understand. Raph is reckless. He doesn't think things through."
"And you think you always know what's best for him?" they shot back. "He feels like you don't trust him, Leo. Like you don't see his strengths."
Leonardo's eyes narrowed. "I've always trusted my brothers. But Raph... he's different. He needs to be reined in."
Y/n shook their head, their frustration growing. "No, Leo. He needs to be understood. He needs to know you believe in him."
Leonardo crossed his arms, a defensive stance. "And what makes you the expert on Raph?"
"I know enough," they replied, their voice softening. "And I care about him."
Leonardo's expression changed, surprise flickering in his eyes. "You care about him? What does that mean?"
Y/n hesitated, their cheeks coloring slightly. "I just... care about him as a friend. And I won't stand by while you two tear each other apart."
Leonardo smirked, a teasing glint in his eyes. "Just as a friend, huh? Seems like you care a bit more than that."
Y/n's blush deepened, but they held their ground. "Leo, this isn't about me. It's about you and Raph. You need to start treating him like an equal, not someone who needs to be controlled."
Leonardo sighed, rubbing his neck stressfully. "You're right. I just... I worry about him. He's always so angry, so ready to fight."
"Then help him manage that anger," Y/n said softly. "Be his brother, not his commander."
Behind a closed door, Raphael had been listening, his heart pounding. He hadn't expected Y/n to confront Leonardo, and he certainly hadn't expected Leo to tease them about their feelings. He felt a mixture of emotions—surprise, hope, and a lingering anger at Leo.
Leonardo's face softened, his defensive posture relaxing. "Alright. We'll try. For both of us."
Raphael nodded, a small smile tugging at his lips, but he stayed hidden, waiting for Y/n to leave.
Y/n reached out, taking Leonardo's hand briefly. "Look, I know he can be a hotheaded asshole, but you’ve gotta understand he’s still your brother…I'm not saying fix it all tonight, but work on fixing it slowly. He loves you, he’s just mad at the world right now."
Leonardo gave a small nod, finally understanding things. "Thanks, Y/n. And... sorry for being an asshole."
Y/n smiled back, shaking their head. "It's okay, Leo. Just promise me you'll try."
"I promise," Leonardo replied, his resolve clear.
Y/n gave a final nod before turning to leave. Once they were gone, Raphael emerged from his hiding place, his eyes locking onto Leonardo.
"You heard all that, didn't you?" Leonardo asked, a knowing look on his face.
"Yeah," Raphael admitted, stepping closer. "And Y/n's right. We need to fix this."
Leonardo nodded, sincerity in his eyes. "I know, Raph. We will. But... you should know they really care about you."
Raphael's heart skipped a beat, but he kept his composure. "Yeah, I figured. Thanks for not making it weird or something..."
Leonardo smiled, clapping a hand on Raph's shoulder. “You should go talk to them"
Raphael didn't need to be told twice, he nodded as they locked hands together in a mutual understanding. Not now, not tomorrow but eventually they’d get past whatever roadblock they were at. Raph made his way to Y/n's apartment, his heart pounding with each step. When he arrived, he knocked firmly on their window, waiting for them to answer.
Y/n opened the window, surprise and worry in their eyes. "Raph? What are you doing here?"
"I heard what you said to Leo," Raphael began, his voice steady. "You didn’t have to do that y’know.."
Y/n sighed, irritated “Listen, he needed to understand and I knew you weren’t gonna do it-”
“He told me you had feelings for me…I overheard…it” He mumbled, avoiding eye contact.
Y/n's eyes widened, and immediately they started to ramble, words tumbling out in a rush, panicked that their friendship with the hothead would be ruined. "Raph, I'm so sorry if I overstepped. I didn't mean to I-I just didn't think a-and then i started falling for you faster then I could stop —"
He interrupted them by stepping forward and pressing his lips to theirs, a deep kiss to their lips, his hands gently cupping their face. Y/n's eyes fluttered closed, their heart racing as they melted into the kiss, their hands resting on his plastron as his hands found their hips, pulling them close to him.
When they finally pulled apart, Raphael rested his forehead against theirs, his voice soft. "I know now. And I feel the same way."
Y/n's eyes shimmered, their voice barely a whisper. "Raph..."
He silenced them with another tender kiss, their connection solidifying the bond they shared. In that moment, all the tension and uncertainty melted away, leaving only the promise of a stronger, more united future.
"You really want me…want this?" Y/n asked, her voice trembling with emotion.
Raphael nodded, his eyes filled with determination. "I do. And I'm not letting anything come between us. Not even the fights between me and Leo."
Y/n smiled, they’re heart fluttering. “Your too sweet to be a hothead.” Raph chuckled, his eyes sparkling with adoration, “And your too stubborn to not be mine.” and with that, he pulled them in for another deep kiss, that seemingly being an undeniable feeling, Y/n cherished.
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melancholyswayafterdark · 3 months ago
hi! Im the anon that you just responded to hehe, so i have an idea!
so 2007 raphael comes home from doing his nightwatcher duty, hes kinda exhausted but its better when he comes home to you <3 You offer to give him some shoulder massages and it turns into a heated make out session which leads to... you know~
anyway, its just an idea! Hope you have a great night/day <3
we are so back. lmk if yall want a part 2~ I KNOW 2007 RAPH HATES TO SEE ME COMING FR-
NOTE: this is my after dark blog, and you're going to find smut here. 2007 is a more mature version of the turtles, and they are around their early/mid 20s. MINORS DNI. WARNINGS : Giving/Receiving, facefucking
TMNT 2007!Raphael x Reader: Unwind (NSFW 18+)
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Imagine Raphael paying you a visit after a night out being the Nightwatcher.
He’s exhausted and wants to see you- and could use a relaxing shower.
He wonders if you’re awake- he looks at the night sky; it had to be past midnight by now. Maybe 2 AM?
But, who was he kidding? You were always awake; waiting for him, wanting him. 
That particular thought made a heat rise in between his thighs, and he looked in the direction of your apartment. 
The most sinful thoughts run through his mind, and he can’t help but reminisce about the last time you were both intimate. How you screamed his name and pleasured him in ways he couldn’t by himself. How good your tight pussy felt around his throbbing cock. Oh yeah, he needed you right now. 
So when he calls you and says he’s coming over, you hop out of bed and head over to the bathroom to set it up for him like you always do
A fresh towel, a washcloth, the whole nine. 
By the time Raphael arrives, his Nightwatcher helmet is off, revealing the face you’ve come to love. He’s sweating, and panting, yet still has the strength to sweep you off your feet and kiss you as a greeting.
It’s the same routine you and the red terrapin have become accustomed to. You wait until he gets out of the shower, you make out, and then he fucks your brains out.
Just the way you liked it.
However this time, Raphael appears to be more fatigued than he usually is. Normally, he comes over and he’s ready to get to work, but right now, as he comes out of the steaming shower, his muscles are sore.
“Hey, you okay?” You ask, watching as Raphael tries to get the knots out of the sides of his neck. He could really, really use a massage right now.
“Uh, yeah, I’m good.” He replies, but you know him all too well. 
You motion for him to come to you, and he obliges. However, instead of going in for a kiss like you usually do, you place your hands on his shoulders and place some pressure on those spots that seem to be bothering him the most. 
“Not that I’m complainin’, but what are ya doin'?” The turtle’s golden eyes look into yours as he turns his head to face you. Smiling while sitting behind him, you kiss his cheek.
“I figured you needed a massage. It looks like those muscles need some TLC.” You knew more than anyone that Raphael put much effort into being The Nightwatcher. It meant being able to put in 100% effort every time he put his suit on. With Leonardo currently training abroad, Raphael became accustomed to sneaking out and playing vigilante. It was rewarding, more so now since he gets to see you every night. You took care of him, in more ways than one.
“Ya always know what I need, dontcha princess?” You could hear the playfulness in Raphael’s gruff voice, and that alone started to get you going. If his tone wasn’t enough, him calling you princess was. Raphael viewed you like a goddess, and he placed you so high on a pedestal that he made it a rule for himself to treat you like one. You weren’t just some fuck buddy, you were his, and that’s how he liked it.
“Don’t start,” you nudge him softly, warning the smug turtle not to go there yet; you wanted to finish massaging his perfectly sculpted muscles. 
You had begun to hit all the right spots that were bothering him, and Raphael couldn’t be more appreciative of you than right now. He wondered what he could do to repay you.
Raphael turns his head to you, and he thinks about all the ways he could satisfy you. By this point, you had both come to understand how each other’s bodies worked; what you liked and what you didn’t like. Raphael knew what spots to hit, what places to bite, and what places to suck. 
He watches you hungrily, watching how your pretty face seems fixated on his body, yet you don’t seem to notice how his amber eyes stick to you like glue. He smirked at how oblivious you were at this moment. 
 He thought about- oh! How fun it was last time to eat you out. He wanted to do that again. Or how about that time he came in your mouth just from head? Or even when- you know what? Fuck it. Raphael couldn’t take it anymore. His sexual urges were beginning to take over, and he was ready to devour you like his prey.
“Princess,” He had enough.
“Hmm?” You hum absentmindedly in response. Looking up at him, you could tell what was coming next. The gaze he was giving you, how his voice became gruff and hoarse. Oh, he was ready; and so were you. 
“C’mere-” Grabbing you by your waist, Raphael maneuvers you to where you’re straddling his lap, making sure you can feel the erection against your exposed thigh from your shorts. Getting on top, you wrap your arms around the turtle’s neck, going in for the first kiss. This one would set the tone for the rest of the night. When the first kiss is gentle, Raphael lets you take the lead (which wasn’t often). If the kiss is anything but, he’s usually the one who makes you his and gets you begging for him. You were about to find out how the night would play out. 
“Mmm,” You giggle softly into the kiss, feeling as Raph pulls you closer and places a hand on your neck, placing pressure on the opposite ends of it with two out of three fingers. If that didn’t indicate how the rest of the moment would play out, the way he crashed his lips onto yours and beat you to the punch sure did. His tongue explored your mouth, looking for its partner in crime to dance with. Once your tongues connected, they began battling it out for dominance. Who would reign on top?
Spoiler: it’s Raphael. 
You couldn’t predict him giving your ass a tight squeeze which caused you to moan and put your guard down. Smirking into the kiss, Raphael begins tugging at your shorts, requesting-- no -- demanding that they come off immediately.
When you don’t comply and decide to tease him by slowly reaching for the hem, he takes matters into his own hands.
“Raph!” You roll your eyes at the terrapin, watching as your torn bottoms hit the floor. You felt the air hit your rear as it was now exposed- only a red pair of panties covering you now. “Those were my favorite shorts.”
It seemed this comment didn’t phase Raphael- his fingers found their way toward your waistline and soon your thighs to feel the heat pooling between them. He rubbed his fingers in a circular motion on your sex, feeling your clit swell with excitement for what was about to happen. Raphael’s mind was running wild, he wondered how quickly he could make you cum from just his tongue alone. However, you had other plans. You peel your black tee from your body, feeling the sweat accumulating from the heated moment get wicked away from your skin. You had planned this very moment- and suddenly, Raphael’s attention was on your red bra. You smiled as you got down from straddling his waist on the bed, standing confidently in your own skin as your lover stared you up and down. From head to toe, top to bottom, Raphael loved it when you wore his favorite color. 
He couldn’t wait to devour you.
You watch as his hands wrap around you to unclip the article of clothing from your body, not caring where he threw it once it became undone. He picks you up, plopping you down on the bed. Raphael was ready to eat. Getting on his knees in front of you, he puts his hands together, jokingly thanking you for the meal. He starts with spreading your legs, getting a fantastic view of his feast. He sucks on your clit, watching as you immediately twitch in excitement in response to his mouth on your sex. His wide tongue flicking and sucking in all the right places. Your thighs grip both sides of Raph’s head, making sure his face isn’t going anywhere but in your dripping cunt. As your legs shake from sensitivity, your mutant boyfriend teases you by placing a thick finger by your entrance, ready to prepare you for the real thing. Making sure you really want this, Raph’s face comes from between your legs, looking at your half-lidded eyes and flushed cheeks for confirmation to continue. You whine in annoyance, locking your eyes with Raph. His sensual golden ones look up at you from your sex, juices from your entrance all over his lips. Quickly wiping his mouth, he takes a breath before diving back in after your nod of approval. 
“Please,” You manage to breathe out, lustful eyes staring hungrily at the red-banded turtle in front of you. You could almost taste the moan about to erupt from your throat as Raph teased your slippery entrance with his index. The way he had you right where he wanted you seemed to arouse him even more. 
“More,” He flicks his finger, going a mere 2 centimeters inside before retreating outside; the tip of his digit glistening from your arousal. “Beg fa me.” Oh, Raph knew just how to get you under his spell. He’s watching your facial expressions and furrowed brows, trying to focus on your climax, and it seemed to quicken when he asked you to beg. 
“Ya want it?” He teases, removing his finger completely. “Yes,” He knew your answer. However, the smirk on Raph’s face tells you that you’re going to have to do more than just say a simple yes. 
“Not good enough,” The hothead comments, “Try again.” His head lifts from your thighs and moves to your neck, teeth grabbing onto your warm skin softly. He knows exactly which place gets you going, and when he gets there, you can’t help but let out a whimper of satisfaction. 
“P-please, Raph,” You strain, the feeling of Raph suckling on your skin almost sending you into overdrive. “I want it.” 
However, the turtle doesn’t stop, and his thumb somehow finds your enlarged clit, flicking it every which way at a speed that would get you to finish in an instant. You grip his shoulders, throwing your head back until Raph pushes your back onto the bed. He lifts your left leg up, licking his lips to reminisce about just how sweet you tasted. He wanted to go back for seconds. 
Your mind began imagining the most sinful thoughts you could even create. What didn’t help was that Raph’s finger suddenly went inside you, causing your hole to stretch out from how big his finger was. Your body jolts from surprise, causing a moan to escape from your lips. You tightened around the turtle’s finger, feeling his “come here” motion that brushed over your G-spot. 
As the turtle in red did this, you noticed the large bulge from the side of his plastron by his muscular thighs.
Now, Raph knew he had a big cock. He was quite smug about it. The only part that made him anxious was putting it inside you. He didn’t want to hurt you from his size. 
Suddenly, you had an idea, and your mouth seemed to water from the thought of Raph’s green member inside it. 
“W-wait,” Your hands placed on his plastron, and Raph looks up immediately with a concerned look on his face. 
“Sorry, did I hurt ya?” He asks. It’s quite comical how Raph’s tone can switch. He was just eating you out, having you at his mercy, and now he’s back to big teddy bear Raph. 
“No…just…” You sit up, your hair now messy from the sexual activity. Loose strands sticking to your face from the sweat littering your skin. Skin warm to the touch and mouth slightly open to regulate your breathing. You were a beautiful mess. You watch Raph’s hungry eyes, seemingly fucking you with his gaze alone. 
“Lay down.” You command with a silvery voice. Raphael, unsure of what you were doing complies. Did you want to cuddle? Were you tired? Did you need a second to breathe? He was unsure. 
He’s still unsure as his cranium hits the pillow, your bed’s headboard moving slightly. His point of view encapsulates his obvious boner, and you are off to the side of him, looking up with your innocent doe eyes. Your hand caresses the “issue” between his legs, feeling how big it is, and how it twitches in response.
Raph’s face is stunning. Beads of sweat on his forehead and his throaty voice scrambling for words to say as you move his plastron to the side. In an instant, Raph’s member springs out, precum dripping from the tip. His emerald member stands tall and hard, with deep green veins going down from the base to the head.
You eye his sex, almost drooling from how nice it looked with the moon’s light seeping through your window. Your thumb circles Raph’s tip, watching as more precum emerges and a deep churr from Raph’s throat. “Are…are ya sure?” The red-clad turtle asks in a smoky tone. 
You silently nod, determined to take him in your mouth. Albeit a little overwhelming from his size, but, your sexual urges overcome this. You grab Raph at his base, wrapping your hand around him. Your head dipping into his lap and mouth gaping to welcome his dick in your warm cavern. Your mouth becomes stretched and tears emerge from the inner corner of both your half-opened eyes. Purring in satisfaction, you ball your fists to remove any gag reflex. As you go deeper, Raph’s gruff voice groans in delight, and you feel his hand grab a fistful of your hair to hold onto. 
“Princess…ya…yer doin' it so good,” Raph could die right now and be satisfied. His point of view now watching as your swollen moist lips seem to kiss and engulf more than half of his full size. “Keep goin’, jus like dat.” Raph watched as you looked up at him, seeing as your tear-stained cheeks flushed from testing your limits on his girth. He tests the waters a bit, and he gently guides your head to go at a steady pace, bobbing up and down his shaft. 
Now, Raph isn’t known to moan. He tries to hide them by covering his mouth or biting his lip if he has to. But, he knew you liked his noise. His deep moans were music to your little ears. 
As you hummed and the vibrations went down to his base, you caressed his balls before pulling your lips away from his wet tip, a string of saliva connecting you to it. 
“Mmm, come on, Raph,” You tease, leaning towards him and planting a kiss on his neck. “Let me take care of you.” Your hand makes its way from the sack back to the shaft, slightly squeezing as you stroke up and down. 
“F-fuck, Y/n…ya gonna make me cum like this.” You can see Raph’s eyes squeezed shut from the pleasure, his heightened sense of smell taking in the aroma of your sweet sultry scent. Your mouth takes in half of Raph’s member, the lower half being stroked by your hand. You were putting in the work needed to satisfy this turtle, and he was so appreciative of you. Your hair still tangled in his fist, and after some time, you could feel his member begin to twitch. He loved the feeling of you choking on him, and he couldn’t help but move your head down a little after each stroke and penetration into your mouth, feeling your tongue lick around his head in the process. There were just so many sensations going on for him, that Raph’s breath began to get uneven; the volume of his churrs increased to an astronomical level. Raphael wasn’t a quiet lover, no, he wanted everyone to know what was going on. 
“Y/n,” Raph managed to say your name, to which you continued sucking and deepthroating, his noises fueling your desire to make him cum. He watched as his dick was covered in your saliva, the hand wrapped around his base squelching as it stroked up and down in sync with your mouth on his top half. It was just so much that…
“F…fuck! I’m…” You were maxing out your speed, ignoring your sore mouth and cramped hand for the satisfaction of Raph crumbling from your touch. He was under your spell; and you knew it, too.
‘He’s gonna cum’ Your lips curl into a devious smile as they continuously go along his long shaft. Soon enough, you switch up your approach for the final stretch. You remove your hand from Raph’s sex, taking in his whole member as tears prick the ends of your eyes. You could feel his tip hitting the back of your throat, and the feeling alone caused you to clamp your thighs together, feeling as your own excitement dripped onto the sheets. 
“Y-yer so…fuckin’ good…fuck,” Raph swore like a sailor every time you were intimate. The more he swore, the closer he was to finishing. However, before he can finish, he gets an idea in that clouded head of his. 
“Get up.” He says. You comply, and he guides you to the floor as you get on your knees, his form towering over you. Looking up at him with lustful eyes, he knew this was what he wanted to see as he came. You could only see his plastron and his bulging muscles, his member poking your cheek. Guiding it to your mouth, his hand grabbing your hair. He looks at you for approval, to which your soft voice sends him over the edge. 
‘Mm…use me, Raph,” You knew exactly what you were doing to him, didn’t you? Those words were music to his ears. When you felt his grip on your hair tighten and he held your head, you knew you were in for a wild ride. 
Bucking his hips forward, he thrust into your mouth. Your hands gripping both thighs for support, feeling his tip once again knocking on your throat’s door asking if it could be invited in any deeper. 
“Ya like that, don’t ya?” Raph’s shakily teases you. Your watery eyes look up at his golden ones, your nod and vibrations on his cock indicating just how satisfied you were. When you couldn’t take it anymore, one of your hands left his thighs and went down into your own sex. Your fingers spread your pussy and rub your enlarged clit. You moaned on your boyfriend’s dick, his deep groans causing your body to shiver in desire for him to be inside you.
Raphael’s eyes watch as his length disappears in your mouth, only for it to reappear with every thrust. He couldn’t wait to be inside you, the thought of stretching you out giving him just the push he needed to reach his climax. 
“F…fuck, ya gonna make me…fuck!” Raph’s thrusts into your mouth now had an irregular tempo from just a few moments ago. With one final thrust, you felt as if the inside of your throat had been painted with Raph. You could feel ropes of cum shooting and hitting the back of your throat. Your walls seemed to clench with anticipation for what was to come next, and as usual, Raph’s erection inside your mouth didn’t falter, and the grip your lips had on his member didn’t seem to falter, either. Raphael’s cum is on the salty side, with subtle hints of sweetness in the aftertaste. Nevertheless and with pleasure, you swallow it all. As Raph slowly pulls his member from your moist cavern, he watches your tongue stick out, to show him your cum-free mouth; an indicator that he tastes as good as he looks. 
His eyes look at you in satisfaction as his voice materializes from his dry throat, “I love ya. Yer such a good girl,” Raph’s tired smirk dances on his lips as he cups your cheeks, helping you up from the floor as your knees are weak. Your tired mouth forms an “I love you, too,” before it collides with his as you both share a sloppy kiss. As you did so, you don’t even notice his hands wrap around your waist to pick you up. You giggled as your legs snaked around him. Once he gets toward the bed, he places you down, the softness of the mattress comforting your lower lumbar. 
He wanted to reward you for doing so well. He knew your facial muscles were exhausted from pleasuring him, that all he wanted to do now was take care of you down there. Raphael’s sex drive is as high as anyone’s can be, and he was ready to go round for round with you. He was ready to have the neighbors know his name from the way you screamed it.
And here, dear readers, the question is posed: Ready for round 2?
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yellowhollyhock · 2 months ago
thinking about 07 kitchen scene and realizing Raph is trying to keep them off his trail. Like I knew that already, that's his whole thing, but the one moment where he really seems focused on it is 'Yeah, I do nothing. You're right. You got me all figured out.' Which come on Raph. could you be any more obvious
Mikey is watching Nightwatcher on the news. He can't come out and change the subject right away (too suspicious), but he needs to as soon as possible. He needs an opening, and Donnie gives him a perfect one. Nothing to keep his family's minds off Nightwatcher like starting a fight
Easy, effective. Has everyone's attention, enough truth in his words to keep them satisfied that they're seeing him. You guys are a bunch of has-beens, why do we sit around doing nothing all day. Leaves out enough obvious points (doesn't say he's mad about how everything came to a screeching halt when Leo left, doesn't have to) to keep their minds occupied: being upset about Leo is his cover story for Merryweather
Donnie gets right back on topic. 'What do you do that's so special.' This is where Raph felt painfully obvious, but actually. He knows how curious both Don and Mikey can be, knows he's dangling an irresistible mystery right under their noses day after day. So he gives them what they're expecting. The startled pause while he scrambles for a cover, the sudden backing down. He's not expecting Donnie to buy that. He's expecting Donnie to be so tantalized by the obvious cover-up that he over-analyzes and overthinks and assumes any number of things much less straightforward than what's actually happening. 'you already got this all figured out wink wink' is cheese under a mousetrap for Donatellos
It kind of works. The Nightwatcher isn't part of the conversation anymore. But Donnie's playing too. He knows there's more going on with him, and if 'figure this out' is Don bait, 'you just want people to be afraid of you' is absolutely Raph bait. Okay, so there are some things you haven't told us. But I bet you'll tell us if you have to defend your character. Go on Raph, explain what your real priorities are and how your actions aren't hurting the team.
and he does get angry exactly as expected but he doesn't blow up with the truth, he stays in control, and gets out of the situation quickly by going too far in earshot of Splinter.
also there is the aspect where part of him does want them to realize it's him but I don't have spoons to tear it apart quite that much
also I do think they already know but that's also a whole other post or two
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evildjpachipikachu · 1 year ago
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watched 2007 . having a fucking Time and needed to cope by breaking out the smudged pencil shading
(live reaction /silly and also the ref photo)
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