cr: 教你学绳结
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tthesongofachilless · 4 months
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neptuneschaos · 10 months
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I have enough seen anyone talk about this yet but can I get a confirmation or explanation on what in the world is up with the ao3 operators or whoever the zionjst in this situation.
Just wanna be safe about this.
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angelinaslxt · 4 months
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Family: why is your face like that?
Me trying so hard not to giggle and kick my feet at a smut fic:
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navnae · 1 year
It has been brought to my attention that Steve literally argues with everyone on the show and he has these moments of pure irritation but when it came to Eddie none of that was visible or even made an appearance throughout their entire time being together, that speaks volumes no matter what the duffers try to say and I’ll stand by that.
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moonstonediamond · 3 months
I had a weird lucid dream about Undertale last night
So this dream played out like I was playing/stuck in a VR Undertale Fangame, my dream self didn't feel trapped though it was like the dream version of me knew it was a game and I could take off the headset if I wanted to but it felt like my dream self's physical body was actually in the game it self (Think like the anime Sword Art Online or like I was in a Lucid dream within my lucid dream) The dream is under the cut
I never went into any of the rooms in my dream but my subconscious seemed to have just left one of the test room (it was like when your watching a movie and they start off in the main setting and hint to something happened off screen to explain the plot)
The dream started with my character in the last corador, there was a NPC Sans that was there but I wasn't fighting him. The room looked more like a title/character select screen. There was also test rooms to practice/test the abilities of each soul color (Red = Reload/Reset, Blue = Gravity Manipulation, ECT).
When I was done in the testing room I decided to try to leave the corador but as I got closer to the exit I felt my body getting heavier as I got closer to the doorway, my subconscious knew that the feeling was familiar so I looked over at the only other Character in the room (NPC Sans) but his eyes were normal
As I got closer my movement was slowed down to a crawl, while I was crawling to the exit, NPC Sans walked past me to block the doorway so I crawled back to recollect myself and he followed, walking back to his original spot
I started to feel panicked and just walked back but as I was walking back my subconscious thought "Wait didn't the developer say that there was a secret in the game that they were surprised no one has found yet, what if this was it." So I turned around and tried again
I sat there for a bit thinking "This is definitely blue magic, maybe if I run I can get there before I get Gravity Manipulated"
So I tried doing that and it kinda worked, I got farther then I did walking but I still got effected and slammed onto my stomach. I continued to crawl which was when I was put into a cut scean that I could still interact with
(I don't fully remember the cut scean word for word so most of it won't be in quotes also I'm just going to say screen cause it honestly felt like I went from living/being trapped in a game to just playing it)
As I crawled out of the door way my speed went down to 0 the only thing I was able to do was blink and move my head around, that was when the Sans walked into fraim on the left hand side
NPC Sans (Which for some reason had a outfit change, he didn't change out of his normal clothes he just had a black cowboy hat on) walked over to me explaining that I was determined but I'm not allowed to leave the character select screen, like this.
I kept crawling ignoreing more of his warnings which is when a HP Bar showed up on my screen and it was draining out, fast (The HP was draining like the purple karma/poison that's in Sans' fight but for some reason it was blue instead of purple and it only went down the closer I got to the exit)
He explained that he was giving me 8 chances to play the game properly, (I coincidentally had 8 HP left) then a screen with different AU Sanses showed up, now giving me control to select a character
It was in order from eather when each Sans was first created or When the developer of the game discovered them (I'm honestly not sure) I was on the first page out of infinity and it started with Classic, Fell, Swap, Horror, Swap Fell, Fell Swap, Ink and Error (There was more on the screen but I don't remember all of them)
I thought about just selecting a Sans which is when I noticed that the selections were going down, what was once first page out of infinity was now first page out of fifty I felt a bit curious to find out what would happen if I didn't choose to wich I was promptly flicked twice again, this time the Sans didn't say anything
I didn't say or do anything so NPC Sans flicked my nose twice saying "that was your first and second chance." I tried to say something but I couldn't, I then tried to stand up or crawl back to the corador but I still had 0 movement speed, he then flicked me again saying there goes 3 and 4 your half way through your chances buddy
I looked at the screen again, Ink and Error were crossed out, I couldn't select them I thought maybe I should select someone I don't know what would happen if I don't. What if the game didn't let me back in the select screen I was flicked again but just once my screen going blank I heard npc sans speak again saying "look i don't want to do this, im giving you one last chance"
The screen flip back on (like I just opened my eyes) except now I saw I was in a third person perspective and the character I've been playing this whole time was a blank slate Sans
I looked back at the screen 1 HP and the only sans left was Classic Sans I thought Okay I should pick a character now, what if I can't re-enter the game later (Of course at this point my subconscious mind figured out I was dreaming so I was really telling myself hey this dream is cool AF don't wake up so we can see what happens next)
But before I had the chance to select my character the select character options disappeared NPC Sans sighed then walked to what would have been the center of my screen (if I was still in first person) he said something about how I was the first one to have made it this far he then moved his hand to the blank Sans' face saying sorry bud before just flicking his nose
And that was when I woke up, in my bed, and on my stomach
I have no clue what that dream ment, if it ment anything at all. And I'm still pretty upset my subconscious realized it was all a dream and kicked me out because I kinda wanted to know what would have happened if I selected a character and what was the deal with (who I'm now dubing as) NPC Sans
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antikate · 7 months
Why. Why does so much fanart of Crowley give him elf ears
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xx-lun4c3st-xx · 14 days
Hey quick question, can someone give me examples of Radqueers?? ive been scrolling through the tag and i don’t understand, and i really want to because i dont wanna be seen as hateful
specifically i don’t understand “trace” people, im a POC myself and it seems a bit insensitive…to me atleast but i dont wanna judge because i want to identify as a trans woman except im AFAB and trans girls have told me its insensitive to them
so i understand on that level how it would feel to be invalidated for a less conventional identity, i just want to understand.
also, does xenogenders count as radqueer? like imma need a list of umbrella terms that are radqueer
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my-autism-adhd-blog · 7 months
Hi all!
I know I’ve posted about PDA (Pathological Demand Disorder), but I’m finding it hard to understand. If anyone can explain it like I’m 5 years old, I would appreciate it!
Sending hugs! Hope you all are doing well!
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frogsareallgay · 9 months
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w1r3z · 8 months
Hey, can someone define asexual, aromantic, aroace, and/or any other sexualites that fall similarly into that category? I suspect I might be one of those, but I don't know them well enough to really tell for sure. Thanks! :)
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angelinaslxt · 4 months
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How I feel after I closed out of tumblr and Spotify just to reopen them😋:
Also listening to
Is the best when you’re reading smut fanfic’s
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disaster-with-a-hat · 8 months
Read a book with a smut scene with the following sentence: "...as his lips slip down my throat..." As I was unable to imagine something realistic with that, I had then the following picture in my mind:
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lord-of-bloodshed · 7 months
Who is this “Y/N” bitch and why do they wanna fuck me so much?
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sunshine-gumdrop · 1 month
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Broberg is a good bet, but 4.5m?
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nia1sworld · 1 month
I still don't know what it means
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What does it mean and WHY does GIF change it to....Genre-Defying Work?!
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