#what was this
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buildoblivion · 1 year ago
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powerpoint looking ass
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calirph · 7 days ago
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Cobra Kai Season 6 Episode 14
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sirhamburrger · 25 days ago
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after #JusticeForPXG starts to trend on most major social media platforms within a mere two hours, you receive an email from their manager. they… want you to perform before their match against the ubers? for a horrifying moment you’d thought your career might actually end over an offhand comment, but it seems you’ve been thrown a lifeline.
well, so much for that lifeline, because you’re pretty sure you trample all over it and set it on fire when, during your performance item three evenings later, a photo of none other than rin freaking itoshi appears on the big screen -
and the flash of a thousand cameras captures the very moment you roll your eyes in front of ten thousand people. and the whole internet.
you grimace when you step off the pitch and head back to the holding area, still panting from the exertion of the set. as the players stream out from their locker rooms, you brush against someone’s elbow, and as you turn a second later to wish the teams luck, you notice the man of the hour himself staring back at you.
and you really hate that you might care what he thinks about you.
“look,” aiku snickers, pointing at the screen in the locker room. “it’s your favourite bm fan.”
“it’s not even that funny.” rin tightens the laces on his cleats a little too aggressively to punctuate his sentence.
but he’s thinking: does she really hate him all that much?
“i’m pretty sure sendou dated her at some point,” karasu chimes in, rather unhelpfully.
“no way,” aiku says dismissively and more than a little seriously. “she’s waaaaay out of his league. she’d have to be blind - or really, really desperate.”
“get out of my player’s head, aiku.” julian loki pulls his jersey over his head, shooting the ex-u20 captain a withering stare. “or is it because you know you don’t stand a chance against us?”
“casse toi!” charles pipes up.
rin groans.
pxg wins that evening. you can’t even say you’re surprised - you knew, somehow, that it would turn out like this.
and here’s how the rest of it goes:
you tell yourself you’re going to leave the stadium quietly. slip out before anyone can get another picture of you, before the internet takes your face and pastes it onto another meme.
but fate has a funny way of playing games with you, because when you round the corner leading to the underground parking lot, you walk right into him.
rin itoshi.
you freeze, half because of the collision, half because - well, you’ve never actually been this close to him before. he’s taller than you expected. his hair is damp from the showers, and his stare is impassive, unreadable.
you expect him to be mad, or annoyed, or at the very least, indifferent enough to walk right past you. but instead, he speaks.
"you don’t like me."
it’s not a question.
you could lie, smooth things over, but that would be too easy. and honestly, you’re still annoyed - at the internet, at this whole situation, at the fact that he looks this good after running across a pitch for ninety minutes.
"what gave it away?" you say dryly.
his brow twitches, just the slightest bit. "is it because of pxg?"
you sigh. "no, it’s because i think you’re kind of an ass."
his lips press into a thin line. you expect him to snap at you, but instead, he just studies you - like he’s trying to solve some kind of puzzle.
"fair," he says after a beat, and for some reason, that catches you off guard.
you cross your arms. "that’s it? no defense? no ‘you don’t even know me’ speech?"
"if you think i’m an ass, i probably was." he shrugs, looking away for a second before flicking his gaze back to you. there’s something almost amused in his expression now. "but you still came to perform."
you roll your eyes. "only because your manager begged me to."
"right. had nothing to do with me."
"nothing at all."
he hums, as if he doesn’t quite believe you. as if he can see the way your resolve wavers, just a little, under the weight of his attention.
and you hate that he might be right.
he shifts then, stepping aside, giving you space to leave. but before you do, he says, almost offhandedly, "i don’t hate you, you know."
something about the way he says it makes your stomach flip. or maybe it's the compression shirt. (yeah, it's probably just the compression shirt.)
© sirhamburrger 2025
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It destroyed me in everyway
the lyrics... the LYRICS
THE LAST PART ESPECIALLY WHAT WAS THAT I'll recover and post a translation tomorrow........
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psychotic-nonsense · 4 months ago
Not sure if this is anything, and feel free to critique or add on or clarify and all that, but...
A few weeks post-Starcourt Steve, absolutely wrecked by the Russians and Billy. He's healing, little by little, but he knows he needs to put his pain aside to help out The Party. Especially Robin, who has not been coping with the trauma well. She's taken to spending the night at Steve's most of the time, and they help each other manage. She's not the best with physical comfort, nor is Steve with verbal comfort, but they're managing.
Yet despite the constant offers of help, Steve always refuses to "ask for too much" and often downplays his pain, forcing a smile to keep anyone from worrying. He's bottling up everything - probably handling it worse than Robin, even though he insists he's used to it and knows how to fix himself. Every day he gets a little worse, and every night he brushes off help.
It's during one of these late nights that disaster finds them again. It's Steve and Robin in his living room, and they're just about falling asleep on the couch when the ground begins rumbling, hard. An earthquake, shaking Hawkins and getting the entire Party in a frenzy. The radios are blaring with the kids' voices and Steve's trying to get Robin to stop screaming into the walkie, when suddenly there's a hole opening up in Steve's living room, and the earthquake stops. Steve and Robin go quiet, and the kids are urging for a response as they all rush to meet up at Steve's.
But he and Robin can't speak, too busy staring at the hole. One that looks way too similar to the Gates... but it glows blue instead of the usual red. Steve, ever the protector, is carefully stepping around the hole to grab a fire poker for defense. The second he does, the Party bursts in, just in time to watch the hole suddenly crack open further, sucking Steve in and closing itself behind him-
As Steve Harrington lands in the bedroom of Post-ST3-release 2019 Eddie Munson.
Eddie's living rough, bunking in his childhood friend Ronnie's basement. An orphan, can't hold a job, in his second senior year of high school purely because he knows he has nothing else to do after it. His only source of comfort so far has been DnD - either the DM hosting he does at the local library for the other poor lost suckers, or the one Netflix show with its elements that has captured his heart.
Eddie's a pretty big Stranger Things fan - it has its faults but is otherwise a really fun and interesting show - but ever since ST2, he's especially been a Steve Harrington fan. He feels like he goes mad just thinking about the implications of what that man has gone through, what all those kids have been through, and how Steve has put aside himself to focus on the kids. How much Steve has changed, and how under appreciated he is.
Since binging all of ST3 the day it released, Eddie's had a field day on breaking down this newest reformation of Steve. He adores Robin - clocked her as a lesbian from episode 1 - and loves that Dustin and Erica have been bringing out his bitchy side, while still keeping him in check. The Russian torture and strange parallels with Billy have made him cry on more than one occasion, and Steve's half-high speech in the bathroom legitimately felt like Steve finally acknowledging his change, even if for but a moment.
Ronnie's teased Eddie way too much about his "obvious crush on Joe Keery" but this feels way too personal for him to just be crushing on an actor. This is Eddie falling for the Fallen King of Hawkins himself, and it's much more embarrassing. Steve Harrington becomes his muse in every form of art; drawing, writing, character inspiration and improvisation. The Duffer brothers aren't the greatest at the rest of the show, but they've damn well got this guy down.
Hell, Eddie was halfway to crossing the last personal barrier to outright obsession (x Reader fanfiction) when the earthquake hit. In hindsight it wasn't the worst thing in the world, but Eddie had never experienced one before. He immediately dove right under his bed, covering his ears and curling up in a ball like a coward ("Nancy Wheeler would be ashamed," his weird ass brain supplies). He hears rumbling, things falling over, wood splintering and the world seemingly cracking apart all around him-
When a body suddenly lands hard on his bed with a loud scream of fear, cutting off as the whatever it is rolls straight off to the floor, and the world gives one final strain before going completely silent.
Terrified, Eddie's eyes are shut tight, cowering as the body on the floor just a foot away from him groans and gasps for air. It takes a sudden hiss of pain for Eddie to finally, carefully, crack one eye open.
Only to come eye to eye, through the gaps of his bedsheets, with the very muse he'd just been thinking of. Steve Harrington.
There's an immediate scramble of panic; Eddie bashing his skull into his bed frame trying to get out and away from the obvious hallucination, while Steve wobbles on his feet to defend himself against this strange humanoid Upside Down monster.
"What are you?! Where am I?!"
"What am- Are- You- No, you're not real- JESUS H. CHRIST MAN, GET THAT AWAY FROM ME!"
"I don't know what you're talking about, but you're gonna see how real this is if you don't tell me what's going on!"
"You think I know?! You fell into my room!!"
"Yeah, from your Gate!!"
That gets them both to shut up, just staring at each other. Eddie pressed up against the wall in fear with his hands up and out wide, Steve with the fire poker pointed straight at his neck and his hand held up cautiously. Eddie sees it, smells blood in the air, and ignoring everything, reaches out for it. Steve jabs at the air with the poker, but it's halfhearted, his energy clearly draining, too exhausted with the whole situation to try much further. Finally his arm drops, but Eddie doesn't move, watching Steve's face crumple in a way that aches everything inside his heart.
"Where am I...?" Steve pleas, tone just as desperate as the one from the Russian bunker, even when lacking its power.
Eddie fumbles for the words, but eventually just sighs. "Somewhere you wouldn't believe, my friend."
High and complacent on adrenaline and shock, Steve and Eddie just move in silence. Eddie grabs a wet cloth to clean the blood, Steve cutting off a bit of his sweatpants to use as gauze. It's just a gash from falling with the fire poker, nothing drastic, but the two stare at the cut in Steve's palm, easier to see than the one who's hand is on theirs.
Introductions are exchanged when they can finally stop shaking, and Eddie somehow drops the bomb on where and when Steve is, and what his entire existence is to this reality. Steve has a very brief existential panic attack about it, but is strangely comforted by Eddie's confidence about it all - "Even without El's powers, those kids are smart as hell. They'll figure out a way to make their own Gate and get you back home."
Then Steve just spends the next week or two in a reality almost 40 years in the future, where he and his entire existence is a sci-fi TV show. Some funny exchanges I've been thinking of:
Steve: Wait, so we're characters in a show, right? That means we have actors.
Eddie: Oh, uh, yeah, you do...
Steve: ...Think I could see them?
Eddie: Uh- Sure, I guess? Not sure what you're expecting, it's a live action thing, they look just like you.
Steve: Never getting used to your future phone... Huh, Joe Keery? Looks like a cool guy- woah, is that what my hair looks like short??
Eddie: Yup, again, literally just you.
Steve: Funny how we both have the most basic names too. Steve and Joe? Like, look at Dustin's actor, what kind of name is Gaten?
Eddie: Rude, the guy plays your little brother.
Steve: Quit bringing your fake show theories into my actual life.
Eddie: It's true though.
Steve: ...Yeah.
(Steve goes crazy after a few days of being locked in, and begs Eddie to take him out to "see the future." While they're walking around town, a group of girls suddenly freak out and rush them)
"It's Joe Keery! Guys, look it's Steve Harrington, from Stranger Things!!"
(Eddie's halfway to panicking, but Steve immediately handles the situation)
Steve: Sorry to disappoint, ladies, not him. Don't worry though, I've been getting that a lot since the show came out.
"Oh God, I'm so sorry! Hope we didn't make you uncomfortable, mister..."
Steve: Mark, and not at all! I get asked this a lot too, but do you girls want a picture? For bragging rights, getting to meet "The Steve Harrington?"
(They agree, Eddie takes it for them, the girls go on their way)
Eddie whispering: That's gonna be everywhere in 5 seconds, I hope you know.
Steve whispering: Eh, it's a crowd my actor didn't have to deal with. Besides, felt pretty good.
Eddie: Familiar experience?
Steve: For a better reason.
Steve, showing Eddie's laptop screen open to the FunkoPop website and the Scoops Duo, halfway to tears: They make figurines of me and Robin?
Eddie: Yeah, of all you guys. I've got a little Dustin on my desk.
Steve, beginning to cry from how adorable he finds it: YOU DO?
(Ronnie comes back from work early while Steve and Eddie are talking in the living room. Eddie freezes as Steve makes eye contact, and Ronnie just stares)
Ronnie: Um, hi?
Steve: Oh, hey! You must be Eddie's roommate, nice to finally meet you! I'm Mark.
(That allows a breath to finally enter and escape Eddie's throat in a bit of a laugh. Steve's really leaning into this Mark persona)
Ronnie: Ronnie, and likewise... Sorry if I'm acting weird, you're just a really good cosplayer. Thought you were actually Steve for a second.
Steve hesitantly: Nah, just a doppleganger.
Ronnie, shrugging and walking away: Well okay then, I'm way too tired to talk much more. Eds, just keep your nerd shit out of the sink-
Eddie: And stay quiet, yeah yeah, go rest, breadwinner.
(Ronnie goes upstairs, out of earshot)
Steve whispering: What's a cosplayer?
Eddie, suddenly also very tired: Tell you later.
I'm thinking that Eddie had sketchbooks, notebooks, and Word Docs absolutely stuffed full of ST character evaluation, which he immediately hid upon Steve's arrival. Maybe Steve gets bored when Eddie's out for whatever reason, and snoops around. That's when he finds it all crammed at the back of Eddie's closet. The kids, Nancy, Jonathan, Robin, Joyce, Hopper, hell Billy and Murray are in the pile. Drawings of them in their adventures, active and mundane alike. Pages upon pages of character description, Eddie's handwriting gushing about the parts of the show and characters he loves, hates, wishes was fixed, all of it.
But the part that gets Steve is one specific sketchbook and notebook, both dubbed the Steven Soliloquy. It's the same type of information as before, but only about him, and it's filled to the brim. Eddie talking about his development, his change of heart, the complete shift that Nancy and the Upside Down and the kids allowed him to have. The affects of his trauma, and how much he stuffed it down in favor of everyone else. Talked about his relationships, ones he cherishes, loathes, never thought of or never got the chance to make. Talked about "AUs," alternative realities where he got everything he ever wanted. Eddie's words, his sketches, devolve into adoration-fueled envy, wishing he could be near such an amazing man, that he was strong enough to be such an amazing man. How much his heart aches for Steve.
And if this were a normal situation, Steve would be uncomfortable, creeped out. But knowing the context of it all, Steve can't help but be enamored. That his family's journey, his entire story of survival - even when fictional to Eddie - is so valued makes it all feel a little more worth it. That there was someone out there during all of their terror, rooting for their victory, crying with their pain, screaming with their fears, understanding them because he lived through it all right beside them.
Eddie finds Steve in his room later that day, surrounded by those books. Staring at what Eddie considers his WIP magnum opus; a half-finished colored pencil recreation of the Last Supper with the entire Party, including all of the people they lost, happy and healthy. Eddie's two seconds from apologizing for how creepy it all must be - seeing how many of those books are open - but then he sees the tears in Steve's eyes. Gratitude and adoration and care, all bundled up and very suddenly staring right at him with the widest smile he's seen.
They talk about it. Eddie finally admits his minor obsession with the show, and how much they've helped him come to terms with being a self-dubbed loser. He honestly gushes way too much about what he owes to them about his life, but Steve listens to it all with complete adoration. At the end of it, Steve asks Eddie about the possibility that they've been adamantly ignoring for Steve's entire stay: actually watching Stranger Things.
And that's how they spend their last week. Starting from season 1, they sit in the living room and binge the entire thing. Steve learns an entirely new perspective about his family's adventures, not only from the show's canon, but from Eddie's theories and rants in between monumental moments. Eddie holds his hand during the scenes that focus on his worst nightmares; the Demogorgan in the Byler home, the breakup, his fight with Billy, the Russians. Steve provides his perspective on how he felt during it all, finally admitting to the pain he's gone through instead of just focusing on the others hoping it'll all go away.
Not sure where exactly it goes from here. Maybe some codependency grows between them. Maybe Steve falls a little in love. Maybe they just stay friends, the only ones who understand each other aside from their Platonic Soulmates.
Maybe, when another earthquake finally hits, opening up a Gate in Ronnie's backyard, Steve and Eddie finally must go their separate ways. Eddie promising to keep watching over them from across the realm, Steve promising to make a happy ending for their story.
Or maybe, Steve can't help but see what little Eddie has, how special Eddie actually is, and offer to bring him along. Into the very show he loves so much. Maybe Eddie convinces Ronnie that he'll be okay, swearing to be entertaining should he join the show in an important way, and making her swear that if he doesn't survive to bring him back in as much fanfiction as she can write. Maybe Eddie enters Hawkins, Indiana, and becomes a bit self aware about being in a TV show. It takes a while for everyone to warm up to the future man - and for Eddie to get used to Midwestern US in the 80s - but he becomes a close member of the Party quite easily. Maybe his involvement in season 4, his death, is avoided, and maybe it's not.
But his adoration for Steve Harrington never goes away. Not in canon, or in fiction.
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kolaicendionysos · 11 months ago
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Mr. Wang, over these years besides my old patients, I only treat ordinary guys. Unknown The Series Episode 11
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mishyoona · 8 days ago
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awestruck-atrophy · 1 year ago
help what is this
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bibibbon · 1 year ago
MHA chapter 417 (rant)
What in the time travel is this?!?! Why is it always time travel I swear this could of been solved without it and you're basically telling me that shigaraki is so evil that yes we need to go back in time and change fate itself so nothing happens and somehow crack the case that tenko is stuck in and completely differentiate tenko and shigaraki
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Why are we just stuck in the past?!?! This overlaps with my first point but why are we in the past again it seriously makes no sense. What happend to the fight?!?! What is Izuku's body doing now what is shigarakis body doing now?!?!? What happend to the whole they're memories are becoming one because right now all Iam seeing is shigarakis memories and none of izukus this feels like shigaraki just trauma dumping and showing Izuku all this stuff he went through because Izuku somehow needs to understand shigaraki like it isn't shigaraki who doesn't understand Izuku and izuku has more understanding than shigaraki does. Plus what was the thing about them becoming one person when that didn't happen at all?!?!
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Did Izuku seriously lose all of his quirks?!?! So izuku just lost all his quirks except of float shimura's quirk of course cos she just needed to be there doing nothing but apologising for her failures and somehow breaking a barrier of tine space jumbo stuff to basically did this time traveling thing and woah does this suck poor izuku went through absolute living hell to get this Quirk, train with it and fight with it just to lose it and lose all his hope and dreams in the process. The ending where he becomes some bimbo stuck raising Tenko is ever so closer and closer and I absolutely hate it also I seriously hate that we didn't get a farewell or anything that happend so quick and how did it impact shigaraki?!?!? It doesn't look like he was impacted and then shimura is only there because of the annoying power of rejection somehow somehow a power like this exists because willpower or something
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Where did stain, redestro and overhaul come from ?!?! Why was this there like seriously what was this for?!? Was this to be like oh izuku are you ready for changing future time travel stuff balh blah blah and we are just spirits here to haunt you before making this important decision?!?!? Also if izuku broke the barrier and almost got run over by a truck then how the actual hell did those three come into that space at the same time isn't this messing with the past future and present typa of thing because to me it seriously makes no sense how they're there?!?!
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The shimura family left a bad taste in my mouth. Bruh the shimura family confrontation went down the bin for real tho. Like nothing happens except kotaro hits his child, nana is crying and that's it nothing else. What happend in between did nao come and do what she did last time did shimura and kotaro see eachother or was it just a transfer thing to Tenko and some and how is it that izuku has to witness death or is probably gonna die next chapter because of decay. Remember izuku has no quirks he is freshly quirkless again and the others can see him but haven't said anything?!?! This was seriously horrible like are we gonna get a kotaro redemption or something because he definitely is better built up for one than endeavour ever was but nope he will slap child on face get hated done and over maybe he will realise his wrongs probably not. Also are you telling me that no one did anything about the random kid with the UA uniform in their house like?!?! What did Hana and nao do?!?! Why does the corgi have to die again?!?!?? BLAMING NANA FOR SOMETHING THAT SHE Could CONTROL AND MAKING HER SEEM LIKE THE REASON KOTARO BECAME AN ABUSER WAS BECAUSE SHE WAS A BAD MOTHER WHEN THATS NOT THE TRUTH IS HORRENDOUS ABSLOUTELY AND UTTERLY RIDICULOUS
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Dark deku really?!?!?! Was this what momo was talking about like Iam so confused is this just supposed to be a little mental challenge obstacle for izuku because we know hori didn't let him face or develop from his previous mental issues that were caused by his bullies and especially bakugo so is he finally semi acknowledging fans that talk about this and was like look he has to confront himself bs and the confrontation doesn't last long at all. Like Armin from aot has better confrontation with himself then this. Or is this some thing where izuku becomes dark due to him and shigarakis memories becoming one or something
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@doodlegirl1998 pointed out that this manga panel ☝️ looks like kurogiri dark deku and I can't stop thinking about it and how bad this is 😭. Izuku didn't even get to acknowledge anything and kurogiri is legit a dark version of oboro 💀💀
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thelittlecoughsomewhere · 8 months ago
RTD can not satisfying wrap up a Doctor Who season to save his life!
(He only did it once in PotW. And i think that's because outside influences forced him to make the doctor regenerate which gave the story weight.)
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eliana-dreams · 1 year ago
I found this one in the drafts from back in my editing days
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sirhamburrger · 19 days ago
you’ve always been good in english without needing to try too hard - after all, you have spoken it for many years. the grammar and vocabulary taught in japanese high schools is frankly much too easy for you, and you get perfect scores more often than not.
but along comes rin itoshi, and suddenly you don’t feel all that confident in yourself anymore. pop quiz on the latest literature text? he’s writing just a little more on his answer sheet than you, and you’re fairly certain his answers are better, too.
it makes you grow to hate him. you’re not proud of it, but you can’t help the way jealousy rears its ugly head and says bad things about his bangs when you pass him in the hallway. or the way he sounds when he scoffs at any minor inconvenience. or the way the midday sunlight reflects off his side profile and makes it look like he’s glowing. or the way his infuriatingly long lower lashes are all too obvious when he glances at you.
but it all comes to a head when the teacher pairs the two of you up for a class project, and he’s stepping into your bedroom and sitting in your swivel chair.
“what are you looking at me like that for?” he says rather stiffly in perfect english.
“what’re you looking at me like that for?” you fire back. you shift uncomfortably under his piercing gaze, crossing your legs as you settle onto your bed.
“you should know i’d rather not be here,” he says, not even having the decency to look you in the eye. you fight the urge to roll your eyes at him, then realise you have free will and do it anyway. he simply maintains eye contact with you, apathetic as ever.
you clench your jaw. “you’re just an insipid little asshole, aren't you?"
he turns and just stares.
"what did you say to me?"
“forget it,” you sigh, rubbing your temples. “let’s just get started already -”
“no, i’m serious.” now it’s your turn to stare at him, utterly baffled as you frown at his strangely… serious expression. “could you repeat what you said?”
“i, uh, called you an asshole. an insipid asshole, to be exact.”
“and that means?”
”lacking in interest or flavour, i guess. just - boring, to put it simply.”
he’s scribbling away in his notebook now - from where he procured it, you’ll never know - and you watch on in silence, mildly curious.
“i’ve kept notebooks like this since i was twelve,” he says, deadpan, having predicted the question you were about to ask. “we can’t all naturally have large vocabularies like you.”
and this makes you start to think that maybe, just maybe, the high-and-mighty rin itoshi isn’t really as arrogant as you thought after all.
every meeting after that is less tense, and you find yourself opening up to him more and more. talking about teachers, classmates, other school things. sometimes even about his soccer and your own interests. and every time you see him, you’ve got a new word for him to learn. (some of them are rather unflattering, but he doesn’t seem to mind his expanding vocabulary.)
and when you see him on national television playing in some neo egoist league, you feel like a proud mother hearing him use the very english insults you’ve taught him on his opponents.
(it’s also kind of hot, but you’re not going to admit that to his face.)
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saquesha13 · 1 year ago
I’ve never hated a fictional character more then Sylvie. She has zero character growth, blames HER wrong doings on everyone else, doesn’t care about the giant apocalypse SHE started. She should be the one sitting alone watching the sacred timeline, what’s the difference between that and working at mccdonalds in the 80s anyway?! But of course instead loki gets punished for her choices. For once in his life he was happy, he had a place where he belonged, he didn’t want to be alone and she tore that all away from him. She was no help at all this entire season and did nothing but complain. She should be the one sacrificing her freedom to fix the problem she started. Loki deserves a happy ending for once.
i was screaming at him to just kill sylvie honestly.
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nerugetthehellaway · 7 days ago
i mean sup guys i came back from school and i want to exist 😀
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babygirldilf · 1 year ago
On my knees for some guys in wigs!!!!!!!! Bi panic at its finest
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