#C-section baby
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kawareo · 7 months ago
1 and 11 for the new Durgetash meme if you haven't had them already
1. What's Durges creation myth? Not the 'and then there was a gore baby'. Give me the details, what did Bhaal actually do for Durge to torment Toril in a few years?
Bhaal sliced his own belly open and molded Durge out of the flesh and guts that fell out of him. Shaped it until it resembled a baby and opened its eyes. I like to think that Sceleritas came to life then for the first time to pick up the child and wrap it in a red cloth that later became the Deathstalker Mantle
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It was an unholy ceremony that left no survivors but Echoes of previous Bhaalspawn to tell the tales of it, and also the last time Bhaal has materialized in Fae'run. It brought upon a series of murders and people going insane if they wondered into the woods where the temple in which the ceremony happened was, some say it still can happen to random travelers but at this point it is considered just a legend.
11. What portfolio would they have claimed if they ever got to ascend? Would they simply usurp the current dead three or ascend and claim an unrelated portfolio of their own? What's going on there?
Oh they would take over their respective gods' portfolios! And would probably use them better tbh, Strike doesn't mind submitting himself willingly, at least not to Gortash, so they could have a much better Tyrant/Tyrant's Blade relationship than Bane and Bhaal ever had.
Or at least that's what Gortash tells himself when he is sure Bane can't hear him.
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laurenhufflepuff2 · 11 months ago
MacDuff, to the Genie: I wish I had never been born Genie: done MacDuff: ... MacDuff: nothing's changed Genie: correct
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karmabites96 · 2 years ago
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Precious little beans, my baby is getting so big at 6 weeks old, weighs 10 lbs 4 ozs and is so attentive and vocal. I love my little man. Can't believe it's been 6 weeks I feel good even with having had a C-section.
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verytheoristjellyfish · 11 days ago
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cherryvalances · 11 months ago
No one has ever been more of a C-section baby than Ponyboy Michael Curtis.
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lagunaseca2013 · 9 days ago
How do you think Marc takes the brews Val is pregnant with his baby?
excellent question, anon! I'm not really sure if this is about reverse omegaverse or post retirement so I'm gonna go w post retirement bc I've been daydreaming about torturing that old man w pregnancy so buckle up!
I mean honestly I think marc is pretty happy! I actually don’t know if he’s talked about it before but he seems to want to start his family after retirement (rosquez soulmatery strikes again) when he can focus on it 100 percent. in this universe I don’t think marc is going to be like suddenly ready to retire just bc he has the ninth and vale is accidentally pregnant, but I think the fact that vale is at least retired and can be fully there for the baby would probably be enough for him to be okay with the situation. vale is also at least tangentially obligated to be at a lot of motogp races by virtue of owning a team and mentoring half the grid so when the baby is old enough he would get to see them a lot more than is maybe standard in this sport. (idk I could be wrong about what’s standard here I got into this like a month and a half ago)
if you’re asking how I think the actual reveal goes, well……..I think it doesn’t go as bad as it could. vale is a fucking mess when luca leaves him home alone to wait for marc. but he’s also like—relieved? at least a little bit, I mean the poor old man has been out of his mind horny and nauseous for weeks at this point and fully just thought he had some kind of mystery terminal illness. a baby isn’t a death sentence. also, he’s already decided he’s keeping it. the doctor tried to hand him an abortion brochure and the idea of it made him sick to his stomach.
obviously none of this was planned so he’s maybe coming at it from a staunchly solo angle of I’m keeping it you can be there for us or go to hell type of thing. marc is completely delighted tho so that doesn’t become an issue. I think they probably don’t have the serious conversation about it that they realllly should (remember marc came to the ranch for the explicit purpose of hammering out the reconciliation bc they’ve just been having tender intimate sex and not discussing it) and instead, you guessed it, have crazy romantic sex. marc is like fully ready to let vale fuck him, gets on his hands and knees at first and vale is like wait, and turns him over and he’s like all I’ve been thinking about for weeks is having you inside me again.
and then marc fucks him in missionary and there’s a lot of breeding kink and possibly saying I love you (rosquez be normal challenge absolute fail) and it’s RAW so marc’s come is like dripping out of him around his cock (he is cockwarming marc soft for emotional reasons). they probably do a lot more fucking, vale sleeps more than he has for the last two months that week (with or without marc inside him teehee) and marc gets to fuss over him and take care of him which is a brand new dynamic for them! pre divorce they didn’t exactly take care of each other, but if anything in the rare moments it was vale taking care of marc by virtue of being fourteen years older etc.
they order every prenatal vitamin that amazon carries and like a billion different baby development books. vale is high risk bc of his age but the ultrasounds and blood work said the baby was healthy and everything looked okay so they don’t have to worry about health stuff quite yet. (keep in mind vale got pregnant at his age on the first try; let’s just say his body has really decided to be equipped for a baby idk none of this has to be real or scientific lol) marc can’t exactly cook but he tries his best and either vale elbows him way from the stove when necessary or they order in and feed each other in bed like disgustingly in love people do.
I think they push the serious conversation off for as long as possible and just sort of live together for as long as they can get away with it. vale knows it’s probably early enough that he can still ride but he’s petrified of something happening to the baby so when they go to the ranch he just watches marc go wild by himself and shouts pointers at him that marc playfully does not listen to. marc is also feeling rather delicate about his health wrt being alive and well for his future baby so he’s playing it pretty safe out there too.
they’re basically having a babymoon phase of only seeing each other, fucking constantly, and lounging around. I have this awesome image of them watching a bunch of pregnancy movies and when they get to juno vale, under full influence of first trimester hormones, sobs through like half of it. marc is bewildered and amused and secretly really happy to be big and strong for vale who he has never seen before vulnerable and soft like this, even before everything. it’s domestic bliss until marc starts getting increasingly annoyed calls from ducati about preseason obligations and vale has also been fending off Uccio and the academy and a billion other people who don’t believe him when he says he’s not sick anymore and just needs some time—omg wait maybe 100km gets canceled, that would be crazy juicy—and the motogp community and media in general thinks vale is dying.
marc is like struggling bc he absolutely does not want to leave vale, in fact he never wants to be without vale ever again, but vale is spooked by the reminder of real world obligations and gets weird and cold. tries to push marc away and insist that he needs to go do his job (he is subconsciously testing marc; if you leave you FAIL) marc is having ptsd flashbacks to the last time he was in tavullia (hello ranch visit trauma) which involved. a lot of the same cold shoulder and manipulation tactics.
it’s a bad time for all! they get into a blowout screaming match where vale tries to kick marc out while literally clutching at his clothes, white knuckled, marc is sobbing and holding vale in a death grip whispering into his neck I won’t leave you please don’t make me go vale I can’t lose you again I promise I’ll do anything I need you both.
the insane “compromise” they end up with is (let’s say ducati make that skiing thing an annual trip) vale GOES WITH MARC to the event and stays with him in the hotel/cabin/whatever (even tho he literally has a house there) and they don’t even try to explain it to anyone in the team. pecco knocking on marc’s door the first morning so they can catch up over breakfast and vale answers, sleep rumpled, wearing one of marc’s tshirts and they both just stare at each other dumbfounded until marc returns from his shower and and smiles all fake at pecco like why are you just standing there weirdos :)) come sit and have an espresso, pecco I’m almost done getting dressed :))
vale calmly makes a nonverbal pecco an espresso and slaps marc’s ass when he bends over to rummage through the one giant luggage that they appear to be sharing. pecco is texting luca paragraphs under the table. it’s absolute fucking scenes when they have the big fancy team dinner with the long tables and marc shows up w vale as his plus one. and vale refuses a glass of champagne for the toast……..
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cicidarkarts · 29 days ago
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Had to contribute to the meme <3
Did you know you can't dye your hair while pregnant? rip, one of the first things I did after I healed from my c-section
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mod2amaryllis · 1 month ago
my baby is stuck in breech so i have to do exercises such as "jiggling" and "the ball squeeze"
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bluejay-flies · 1 year ago
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A little later than I planned but finally, after months of work, it’s here. I hope you all enjoy and are just as excited as I am!!
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captainjonnitkessler · 4 months ago
How could ao3 abandon me in this, my hour of greatest need
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verytheoristjellyfish · 25 days ago
PLEASE stop making Dami a Bruce clone like HEAR ME OUT like ALL his other kids (Tim,Jason,Cass,Dick) THEY ALL LOOK LIKE HIM EXCEPTTT for his biological child who looks almost NOTHING like him and entirely like Talia like do you KNOW how funny that be!?
Gala attendee: So you must be all of Bruce's kids!
Dick: Actually no, there's five of us.
Gala attendee: oh? Sorry I just assumed.. where's the fifth one?
*they all four point to Damian*
Gala attendee: oh? I didn't think he was Brucie's son, I mean he's very different in look and personality? Is he perchance adopted..?
Tim: I wish, then we could send him back
Dick: TIM!?
Cass: he's actually the only one of us who's biological
Gala attendee now absolutely FLABBERGASTED: W-What!? You guys are adopted!?? Are you sure Brucie didn't get in on the action with your parents!? What do you mean your the adopted ones!?
Gala attendee shaking in confusion and rambling on about how they genuinely didn't think they were adopted
The four just standing there confused on how the gala attendee didn't know and trying to come up with a plan on how to get away from them
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pain-is-too-tired · 4 months ago
the thing is with apollo is that it makes sense he never touches on his grief in depth or more than he has to. because if you noticed, apollo narrates in a way that actively tries to get the reader to dislike or be annoyed with him via setting himself up with over-the-top dramatics or somehow getting them to pin blame onto him. his actual pain and suffering are often put aside to push his “anti-apollo” agenda, and apollo often is nuanced in a way where his flaws are completely exposed. touching upon his children’s death puts apollo in a sympathetic light (because he literally lost his kids in a situation completely out of his hand, no amount of reaching will actually make him be the bad guy) and exposes too much of who he really is, and therefore does not work for apollo’s purpose of antagonizing himself. (plus other reasons i don’t readily prepared)
Fair enough. Still feels wierd that he doesn't even casually think of them in some way. Or that we don't even get vague hints of their previous existence at camp. Especially in the cabin. Even if we didn't get Apollo fully grieving them, seeing evidence of the other three having grieved would been interesting. Or just vague hints of it.
I do kinda like hc of when children of Apollo grieve hard enough Hythcinths or some other plant related to Apollo's own grief grew around them. Would've been cool if the Hythcinths they had in the windowsill were ones that grew around the cabin after BoM. Something like that.
Idk. Feels wierd that we didn't even get hardly anything about any other children of Apollo in Toa. Even if small.
Like-fun fact- Chiron raised Asclepious! Would been sweet if they had small lighthearted chat about Asclepious as a Lil kid. Especially when later on they mention the story of his mother. Just small things like that :3
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howldean · 9 months ago
should i actually commit to buzzing my hair
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stephantom · 3 months ago
The debilitating sacroiliac joint paint has abated but the heartburn and indigestion is back with a vengeance. The charley horses have at least been few and far between. I don’t even notice the TMJ anymore. Still not sleeping well. Still peeing a little bit when I sneeze or cough sometimes.
Third trimester, baby.
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maternity-morningstar · 2 months ago
Is Lucifer ok? Does he need a doctor??
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Lucifer: *grimacing as another wave of pain radiates through his abdomen, clutching his stomach tightly as he’s wheeled into the surgical suite.* "Husk... I don’t think I can—" *his voice catches, breaking as tears well up in his crimson eyes.*
Husk: *walking beside the gurney, his hand gripping Lucifer’s tightly, voice steady but filled with concern* "Hey, don’t you start thinkin’ like that, Luci. You’re gonna get through this. We’ve got the best damn doctors Hell has to offer. And I’m not going anywhere, you hear me?"
Lucifer: *shuddering, his breath ragged* What if... what if something happens to the baby?
Dawn: *her presence radiant yet calming as she steps closer, placing a comforting hand on Lucifer’s shoulder* Lucifer, my star. I need you to focus on breathing. You’re stronger than you know, and you’re in good hands. Both you and the baby.
Lucifer: *looking up at her with tears streaming down his face* "Mother... I’m scared —
Dawn: *gently brushing a strand of his hair out of his face, her tone warm but firm* "You got this! You had birthed Triplets before. You have Husk, your family, and me. You’ve endured the worst Hell could throw at you—this? This is just a challenge to overcome.
Husk: *leaning in closer, his free hand resting on Lucifer’s shoulder opposite Dawn’s* Listen to her, Luci. You’re not doing this alone. We’ve got your back, and those doctors in there? They’ll do their job. You just hang in there.
Lucifer: *sniffling, his voice trembling but a spark of determination igniting in his tone* I want you with me in there.
Doctor: *gently but firmly as the gurney is wheeled into the surgical suite* Lord Lucifer, we’ll do everything we can to make sure you and the baby come out of this safely. Husk, I’ll allow you to stay by his side, but you’ll need to follow strict instructions."
Husk: *nodding without hesitation* Got it. I’m not leaving him.
Dawn: *leaning down to kiss Lucifer’s forehead, her expression a mix of strength and maternal worry* You’re my child, Lucifer Morningstar. You were born to shine, even in the darkest of times. I’ll be right here waiting for you both to come out of this.
Lucifer’s lips trembled as he looked up at his mother. For a moment, the terror in his eyes softened at her words, though his pain and fear were still visible.
Lucifer: *his voice barely above a whisper* Promise you won’t leave.
Dawn: *smiling warmly* I’ll be right outside, waiting to hold you and my grandchild.
Lucifer nodded weakly as the gurney rolled toward the operating room. Husk kept his grip on Lucifer’s hand, his usually aloof demeanor replaced with unwavering focus and care.
Inside the surgical suite:
The bright lights reflected off the sterile surfaces as the team prepared for the emergency cesarean. Lucifer winced, clutching Husk’s hand as another contraction gripped him, his breathing uneven.
Husk: *Ieaning closer, speaking low and steady* You’ve got this, Luci. Remember, I’m right here, okay? Just focus on my voice."
Doctor: *glancing at Husk* Keep him calm. Lucifer, we’re about to administer the anesthetic. You’ll feel some pressure, but no pain. Once we begin, things will move quickly.
Lucifer nodded faintly, his breaths shallow as he focused on Husk’s voice.
Lucifer: *his voice shaking* Husk... if anything happens—
Husk: *cutting him off firmly* Nothing’s gonna happen. You’re both comin’ out of this. End of story.*
As the anesthetic began to take effect, Lucifer’s tense expression softened slightly, though the worry in his eyes remained.
Lucifer: *weakly, his voice slurring slightly* You’re... too good for me, Husk..."
Husk: *gruffly, though his thumb gently rubbed the back of Lucifer’s hand* Yeah, well, you’re stuck with me anyway, so deal with it.
Outside the surgical suite:
Dawn paced the hall, her radiant presence a stark contrast to the cold hospital walls. She paused when Alastor and Angel arrived, both looking anxious.
Alastor: Any news yet?
Dawn: shaking her head, her tone even but heavy *They’ve just begun. He’s in capable hands, but...* she exhaled slowly* It doesn’t stop a mother from worrying.
Angel: *wringing his hands, guilt etched on his face* He’s gotta be okay. Both of ‘em. I mean... Luci’s strong, right?
Dawn: *resting a hand on Angel’s shoulder* He is. But strength doesn’t mean he doesn’t need us. Your support means more than you realize.
Back in the surgical suite:
The doctor worked swiftly, the tension in the room palpable as the procedure progressed.
Doctor: *calmly but urgently* We’ve got the baby. Umbilical cord untangled... there we go.
A sharp cry filled the air, and Husk’s breath hitched as he looked over to see the squirming infant being carefully cleaned and wrapped.
Husk: *his voice catching* Lucifer... you did it. They’re okay.
Lucifer’s eyes fluttered open, tears spilling down his cheeks as he turned his head toward the sound.
Lucifer: *hoarse but relieved* Let me... see...
The nurse gently brought the newborn closer, placing the baby on Lucifer’s chest. Lucifer stared down at the tiny, crying figure, his tears now a mix of relief and love.
Lucifer: *weakly but with a small, trembling smile* Hi... my little star...
Husk leaned down, resting his forehead against Lucifer’s, his own eyes shimmering with emotion.
Husk: *softly* Told you we’d get through this.
Lucifer nodded, his exhaustion overwhelming, but the warmth of his family was already beginning to mend the fear in his heart.
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argentumcor · 2 months ago
Who are all these women "electing" to do C-sections? Every woman I know who has or is pregnant would really rather do it naturally, probably heal faster, and not be gutted while still awake, but those who did have c-sections didn't really have any other options except...probably die. Or let the baby likely die. Or both.
People keep saying "most c-sections are elective" and I feel like it's not backed up by any data, or it's using a definition of elective that doesn't mean 'elective' in the sense of 'plastic surgery is elective surgery'.
Is it elective because the doctor said "c-section or keep pushing for we're not really sure how long?" after 12+ hours? Or the host of issues were there is a risk discovered by ultrasound and a c-section is safer for both parties even if natural birth would be possible if dangerous? How are we using 'elective' here?
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