#Charlie and Vaggie are babysitting
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maternity-morningstar · 2 months ago
Is Lucifer ok? Does he need a doctor??
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Lucifer: *grimacing as another wave of pain radiates through his abdomen, clutching his stomach tightly as he’s wheeled into the surgical suite.* "Husk... I don’t think I can—" *his voice catches, breaking as tears well up in his crimson eyes.*
Husk: *walking beside the gurney, his hand gripping Lucifer’s tightly, voice steady but filled with concern* "Hey, don’t you start thinkin’ like that, Luci. You’re gonna get through this. We’ve got the best damn doctors Hell has to offer. And I’m not going anywhere, you hear me?"
Lucifer: *shuddering, his breath ragged* What if... what if something happens to the baby?
Dawn: *her presence radiant yet calming as she steps closer, placing a comforting hand on Lucifer’s shoulder* Lucifer, my star. I need you to focus on breathing. You’re stronger than you know, and you’re in good hands. Both you and the baby.
Lucifer: *looking up at her with tears streaming down his face* "Mother... I’m scared —
Dawn: *gently brushing a strand of his hair out of his face, her tone warm but firm* "You got this! You had birthed Triplets before. You have Husk, your family, and me. You’ve endured the worst Hell could throw at you—this? This is just a challenge to overcome.
Husk: *leaning in closer, his free hand resting on Lucifer’s shoulder opposite Dawn’s* Listen to her, Luci. You’re not doing this alone. We’ve got your back, and those doctors in there? They’ll do their job. You just hang in there.
Lucifer: *sniffling, his voice trembling but a spark of determination igniting in his tone* I want you with me in there.
Doctor: *gently but firmly as the gurney is wheeled into the surgical suite* Lord Lucifer, we’ll do everything we can to make sure you and the baby come out of this safely. Husk, I’ll allow you to stay by his side, but you’ll need to follow strict instructions."
Husk: *nodding without hesitation* Got it. I’m not leaving him.
Dawn: *leaning down to kiss Lucifer’s forehead, her expression a mix of strength and maternal worry* You’re my child, Lucifer Morningstar. You were born to shine, even in the darkest of times. I’ll be right here waiting for you both to come out of this.
Lucifer’s lips trembled as he looked up at his mother. For a moment, the terror in his eyes softened at her words, though his pain and fear were still visible.
Lucifer: *his voice barely above a whisper* Promise you won’t leave.
Dawn: *smiling warmly* I’ll be right outside, waiting to hold you and my grandchild.
Lucifer nodded weakly as the gurney rolled toward the operating room. Husk kept his grip on Lucifer’s hand, his usually aloof demeanor replaced with unwavering focus and care.
Inside the surgical suite:
The bright lights reflected off the sterile surfaces as the team prepared for the emergency cesarean. Lucifer winced, clutching Husk’s hand as another contraction gripped him, his breathing uneven.
Husk: *Ieaning closer, speaking low and steady* You’ve got this, Luci. Remember, I’m right here, okay? Just focus on my voice."
Doctor: *glancing at Husk* Keep him calm. Lucifer, we’re about to administer the anesthetic. You’ll feel some pressure, but no pain. Once we begin, things will move quickly.
Lucifer nodded faintly, his breaths shallow as he focused on Husk’s voice.
Lucifer: *his voice shaking* Husk... if anything happens—
Husk: *cutting him off firmly* Nothing’s gonna happen. You’re both comin’ out of this. End of story.*
As the anesthetic began to take effect, Lucifer’s tense expression softened slightly, though the worry in his eyes remained.
Lucifer: *weakly, his voice slurring slightly* You’re... too good for me, Husk..."
Husk: *gruffly, though his thumb gently rubbed the back of Lucifer’s hand* Yeah, well, you’re stuck with me anyway, so deal with it.
Outside the surgical suite:
Dawn paced the hall, her radiant presence a stark contrast to the cold hospital walls. She paused when Alastor and Angel arrived, both looking anxious.
Alastor: Any news yet?
Dawn: shaking her head, her tone even but heavy *They’ve just begun. He’s in capable hands, but...* she exhaled slowly* It doesn’t stop a mother from worrying.
Angel: *wringing his hands, guilt etched on his face* He’s gotta be okay. Both of ‘em. I mean... Luci’s strong, right?
Dawn: *resting a hand on Angel’s shoulder* He is. But strength doesn’t mean he doesn’t need us. Your support means more than you realize.
Back in the surgical suite:
The doctor worked swiftly, the tension in the room palpable as the procedure progressed.
Doctor: *calmly but urgently* We’ve got the baby. Umbilical cord untangled... there we go.
A sharp cry filled the air, and Husk’s breath hitched as he looked over to see the squirming infant being carefully cleaned and wrapped.
Husk: *his voice catching* Lucifer... you did it. They’re okay.
Lucifer’s eyes fluttered open, tears spilling down his cheeks as he turned his head toward the sound.
Lucifer: *hoarse but relieved* Let me... see...
The nurse gently brought the newborn closer, placing the baby on Lucifer’s chest. Lucifer stared down at the tiny, crying figure, his tears now a mix of relief and love.
Lucifer: *weakly but with a small, trembling smile* Hi... my little star...
Husk leaned down, resting his forehead against Lucifer’s, his own eyes shimmering with emotion.
Husk: *softly* Told you we’d get through this.
Lucifer nodded, his exhaustion overwhelming, but the warmth of his family was already beginning to mend the fear in his heart.
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blue-rose-soul · 1 month ago
In Happy Hotel AU, what do you think happens when Charlie brings little Alastor to heaven? Will the angels be shocked that such a young soul is tossed into Hell? I can imagine the court scene being much different with Charlie bringing Alastor into her argument of there are some souls that do not belong in Hell. 
I think it’s around here along with the reveal of extermination that Alastor heritage is somehow revealed. Being the child of the devil does send you straight to hell regardless if you are a good person or not. This might show that Heaven does not know everything and is in the dark as Hell in judgment of souls. Charlie and Lucifer are in for a surprise after everything happened in Heaven.
In addition to this, how do you think the final battle with Adam will be? They are certainly not bringing a baby into the fold and with no adult Alastor around they won’t have the information on angelic steel or recruitment of the cannibals from Rosie. Maybe Lucifer could give them a hand?
Wow, from what I seen so far Alastor really pulled his weight in helping the Hotel in canon.
Lucifer was the one who suggested that Charlie bring Aster* to Heaven to show the leaders that there were at least some souls in Hell that didn't deserve to be wiped out. Although Lucifer had his own underlying motives for this suggestion - hoping Sera or one of the angels would keep Aster in Heaven, where he'd be safe - Charlie believes in it wholeheartedly. She argues earnestly that if Heaven rejected the soul of a two-year-old child whose worst action on Earth couldn't have been worse than a common temper tantrum, then it's not only possible but in fact very likely that the Exorcists aren't just slaughtering mass murderers or rapists, but perfectly average people who were only later warped by their environment.
Granted, Charlie doesn't believe even the worst, cruelest human souls deserve genocide ending in complete erasure from existence either. She's simply using this argument as a starting point to convince Heaven's leadership to at least reexamine whether the Exterminations are truly necessary.
They use the glowy magicky ball thing to examine Aster's life. As they watch the scene of his death, Aster buries his little face in Vaggie's chest and Vaggie wants to smash Sera's nose in for showing that while Aster's in the courtroom. They go further back, effectively watching Aster's life in reverse (learning his birth name along the way, though the Aster nickname sticks) and Charlie feels tears welling up in her eyes as she realizes the reason the human in the memory looks so familiar is because she's identical to that Winner she and Emily met at the zoo. Aster keeps reaching for her image and yelling 'ma.' They go back further, and further, to the very beginning of his life.
Then to the night of his conception.
The... the night of, not the exact moment. They see Nicaise meeting Lucifer in human disguise, and cut to black before things get inappropriate for a court room.
Needless to say, the 'You Didn't Know' song takes on an additional meaning.
The aftermath is a bit similar to what I described here as far as Sera confronting Lucifer about Aster's creation. But the more immediate reaction in the courtroom is pure chaos. Adam is laughing his ass off and outright mocking Charlie, Charlie's frozen to the spot staring at the still image of her dad with this human, the various higher ranked angels are arguing with one another, torn between wanting to take Aster and lock him away or banish him and Charlie and Vaggie back to Hell, and Sera's eyes are locked on Aster, her heart stuck in her throat.
Ultimately, she declares Aster belongs in Hell just like any Hellborn and there's no proof that Sinners are capable of redemption. And then she ejects the three of them from the courtroom. Aster sobs the whole time and Charlie never even gets a chance to take him back to Nicaise.
As for the battle at the hotel.
Yeah, Alastor really did pull his weight, despite what some might say. Without Alastor uncovering the angels' weakness, or showing Charlie where to recruit an army, Charlie's focus is more on evacuation and defense rather than a counterattack. Lucifer brings Aster to the palace. Now knowing that Aster is in fact his child. Over the past six months, he's built a pretty strong bond with the little guy, but he's been acting more in the role of a grandparent, since Charlie and Vaggie assumed primary care over him after finding him on their doorstep. He's torn over the revelation, and it doesn't help when Aster looks up at him with those big, ruby eyes and says 'Anpè!*'
Ultimately, it's Vaggie who comes up with the exorcists' weakness. While reminiscing over hers and Charlie's first meeting, it hits her that Lute should not have been able to permanently injure her the way she had. Up until now, Vaggie had assumed that she was truly Fallen. That by sparing demon she'd lost her divine protection and that's why she could be maimed. It's only now that she begins to consider another possibility. But if she's going to tell Charlie, that means she'll have to tell Charlie everything. In the chaos of the heavenly court, Adam didn't get a chance to reveal her secret but Vaggie knows she can't keep it forever. Especially not if she wants to help Charlie achieve her dream.
She braces herself. Then, she tells Charlie her theory that exorcists can be harmed by angelic steel. Her evidence? Her empty eye socket.
Like in canon, Charlie is shocked and hurt that Vaggie kept this secret for so long. But unlike canon, this Vaggie told her the truth herself. That goes a long way towards softening the blow.
That just leaves them in need of manpower to wield enough angelic steel to turn back the exorcist army. So Charlie puts out an announcement to all of the Pride Ring; the exorcists can be killed. She knows how to defeat them but in order to win they're going to have to work together. She invites anyone willing to fight alongside her to come to the Happy Hotel to finally take a stand against Heaven.
No one shows up. At least, not for the first two days.
On the morning of the third day, Rosie appears at the front gates of the hotel with a pack of bloodthirsty cannibals.
Of course, Rosie isn't offering to help Charlie out of the goodness of her heart. As Alastor says, Charlie is filled with potential and in need of a guide. To which Rosie gleefully sings:
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"I concur! Stick with her, you'll be on the winning side!"
Rosie knows there's a lot to gain from allying herself with Hell's princess. And if the rest of the Overlords are too blind to realize that, well, that suits her just fine and dandy! Their loss is her gain!
(*Toddler Alastor's nickname in this AU, as of this post.)
(*Mispronunciation of 'granpè.' Unfortunately I haven't had much luck finding a resource for Louisiana Creole, so sometimes I substitute Haitian Creole terms. I'm not really sure how much or little overlap there is.)
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mubabee · 1 year ago
please please may I request hazbin hotel x Y/N art please with a cherry on top 🙏💗
ok but imagine them taking care of a human child reader (this my first time writing headcanons like this, tell me if y’all like it or not.)
I don’t have the brain power rn to think of how it would happen or if certain characters would kill you but like
(also I haven’t watched the recent hazbin hotel so I’m going off of the pilot for their personality)
Genderbent Charlie and vaggie
-barely proofread-
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—I feel like Charlie would be kinda wary to take you in because, y’know— you’re a human! A human child in hell! He was already seen as the laughing stock when he introduced the idea of rehabilitation, but if those demons find out the son of Lucifer has been taking care of a human? It’s over.
—Not to mention it’d be dangerous to even take you anywhere. You’re young and naive. If a demon pulled up with a van saying he has candy, there’s a off chance you might listen. And even if you refused, you definitely weren’t strong enough to fight.
—That’s likely what made Charlie give in to take care of you. Vaggie’s opposition to this would surely be frightening to face though.
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—Charlie would definitely adore child reader a lot
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—If he ever has to leave, he’ll write a whole damn essay for whoever is cursed to babysit you
—And it would have a whole bunch of useless shit too, charlie would be extra with a child.
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—But now onto Angel Dust 🤥
—Angel is Charlie’s friend of course, but he’d never trust this man to babysit you
—But say if a time comes where he absolutely must, then he’d text damn near every hour or ask persistently for a call(video call specifically)
—Overtime Angel might warm up to you, but when he first meets you he’s like ‘a kid in hell? this lil shit’s gonna die’
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—he would tho
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—now vaggie 😈
—(his design here might look a lil off idk)
—Now of course he’s confused, why and how tf did a human get into hell?? A child at that!
—He’s definitely against the idea of taking care of you unlike Charlie. He’ll try to warn his friend that it’d be dangerous and risky to try and keep you a secret, but if his Charlie is still on board with the idea?
—Then he won’t try to stop the man.
—He’s not really wary of you since you’re young, he just doesn’t stick around too much. But like Angel, overtime you’d probably grow on him.
—I feel like he’d be hella protective. Especially with Alastor around.
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—(why did I write alastor that predator ass line)
—What would Alastor do if he finds out you’re a human? idk
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yesihaveaobsession · 9 months ago
Cling To Her Like You Mean It
Alastor x female reader
Summary: Alastor gets wasted and your left to handle him, except his clingy ass heckkk.
A/N- I hope y'all like it! This is kind of a head canon I do believe that if he gets black out drunk/ completely wasted he does become HELLA clingy.
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You had never seen Alastor drink anything but his expensive signature whiskey, so when he started chugging down that mysterious glowing brew from Angel, you knew things were about to get interesting. You watched from across the bar, a mix of curiosity and concern bubbling in your chest. The Radio Demon was always so composed and controlled, but tonight? Tonight was different.
Within minutes, Alastor's usual charismatic demeanor began to waver. His smile was still there, but it was softer and less menacing. And his eyes—his eyes told you everything. His eyes were usually always sharp and calculating, but at the moment they were almost dreamy. You snapped out of your thoughts when you saw him stumbling slightly, catching himself on the bar. That's when you decided to intervene, placing your hand on his back to signal you were right behind him.
"Hey, Alastor," you shouted over the music, your eyebrows furrowed. "Maybe it's time you cut back a little, huh?" His reaction was quick, surprisingly. He turned towards you, and to your surprise, his eyes lit up even more when he saw you.
"Darling!" he exclaimed, his voice warm and affectionate with a hint of slur and his transatlantic accent. Alastor then proceeded to practically lunge at you, causing you to flinch, but he didn't notice nor care. He wrapped his arms around you in a tight embrace. "You're here! I was just thinking about you!"
You laughed nervously and tried to support his weight as he leaned heavily on you. "I'm always here, Alastor. Maybe we should get you to a seat," you struggled. That's when he added more weight by nuzzling his face into your neck, his breath warm against your skin.
"No, no, no," the demon murmured, his tone almost childlike. "I want to stay right here with you. You're so... so wonderful, did you know that?" You weren't expecting him to be so clingy, but again, once you're wasted, you become vulnerable, which meant you were going to be babysitting him probably for the rest of the night. You blushed at his words. He was always kind to you, and you appreciated it because, well, he could kill you in the blink of an eye if he wanted to, but this—this was a whole new level. He was practically, if not outright, flirting with you.
Your heart began to race. "Uh—thank you, Alastor... But let's sit you down, yeah?" You pressed on again, and reluctantly, he allowed you to guide him to a nearby booth. As soon as you sat down, he scooted as close to you as possible, his long legs practically in your lap, draping an arm around your shoulder and resting his head on your shoulder.
"You know, I don't tell you this enough," he slurred. "But you're my favorite person in this whole wretched place."
"Thanks, Al, that means a lot." You looked around the bar. You had picked the booth in the far back corner so you could keep an eye on your surroundings. Somehow, Alastor took that as an invitation, chuckling and then nuzzling his face into your neck again, nipping playfully at your skin. His ears were practically brushing against your face. "You smell so nice, my dear," he mumbled, his voice almost hypnotically low. "Like roses."
"Let's get you back to the hotel, yeah?" His body seemed to melt against yours.
"Mm... yes, I think that's a good idea. But only if you come with me."
"You can barely walk; of course, I'm coming with you." You looked around the bar and found Charlie and Vaggie sitting next to each other, watching Nifty run around with cockroaches. You flagged them down, and they headed towards you. To their surprise, Alastor was nuzzling into your neck, and you couldn't move even if you wanted to because he had put all of his weight on you, so you were just tensed up.
"I'm going to bring Mister Happy back to the hotel and lay him on my bed. Could one of you help me?"
Charlie nodded, and you each took one of his arms and draped it around your shoulders. The Radio Demon's eyes were still dreamy, and he had a closed-lipped smile as he let out a hum. That's when his head leaned closer to you, looked you up and down, and said, "Well, aren't you a pretty one?" You tried not to blush as you and Charlie struggled down the streets of Pride Ring, trying to complete the mission of Alastor's safety.
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blackbleedingrose · 1 year ago
Long Lost Morningstar - Part Three
Fandom: Hazbin Hotel
Pairing(s): Charlie x reader (platonic), Vaggie x reader (platonic), Emily x reader (platonic), Sera x reader (platonic), Charlie x Vaggie
Genre: Fluff/Angst/Betrayal
Warning(s): Cursing, lies, betrayal
Notes: This is the third installment of LLM. This part will be shorter than part 2 and will finally go over the trial and (Y/N)'s reaction the extermination. I'm going to be honest, I'm dropping my other hazbin mini series. This is only until I can find the time and motivation to write it. I'm really busy with school and work, and lately my obsession with Hazbin has started to die down. I still love the series and fandom, but that's just something that happens to me from time to time when I watch a new series or get into a fandom. It comes and it goes, and I've been reading a lot of hazbin stuff but now it's starting to feel like an obligation I've set for myself and it makes reading less fun and more like a chore. I have no doubt my obsession will come back when the 2nd season comes out. This happens will all the fandoms I am apart of - like right now, I'm obsessing over Avatar the last airbender again after rewatching the series (not the live action). Don't worry, I'll continue this series as I don't want this to end up unfinished. I have the outline pretty much written, but it will take time to finish - so, please, bare with me.
Singing Colors: Adam, Lute, Charlie, Emily, Sera, (Y/N).
Words: 1631
"If Hell is forever, than Heaven must be a lie!".
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As the time of the trial drew closer, there seemed to be a few hiccups on Heaven's side of things.
The angel who was supposed to be the trial's stenographer got a nasty cold and all the replacements had their own responsibilities to attend to. The only angel available just so happened to be (Y/N) herself.
When one of the court angels asked (Y/N) if she could do it, she didn't hesitate to accept.
Now she had the perfect excuse to watch Charlie's trial without having to sneak in!
Imagine Sera's surprise and horror when she saw (Y/N) sitting at the stenographer's desk.
"(Y/n)? What are you doing here? Where's Angela?" Sera asked. She was a bit panicked, but did her best to hide it. (Y/N) smiled politely at the higher seraphim, clearly oblivious to Sera's rigid demeanor. "She got a pretty bad cold last minute and all of the other replacements were busy today; and since I was the only one who was available - here I am!".
Sera gave her an uneasy smile, "I see. Thank you for your help today, it's much appreciated". This was the last thing she wanted. The resemblance between (Y/N) and the Princess of Hell was very difficult to ignore and could raise questions if it wasn't for the stardust story Heaven fed everyone.
Sera had wanted to keep (Y/N) away from the trial in hopes of avoiding any contact between her and Charlie. She didn't want (Y/N) to accidently discover the truth about her lineage.
Sera loved (Y/N) like a daughter.
When (Y/N) was younger Michael would sometimes have Sera babysit while he attended to his more serious duties.
She practically helped raise her and she refused to let some misguided demon princess and her partner ruin that.
Unfortunately, the court needed a stenographer.
With no one else available, she was left with no other option.
Sera thanked (Y/N) for her hard work and for stepping in.
She gave the girl a gentle forehead kiss before leaving her to prepare for the trial.
It was only for today and once this pointless trial was over everything would go back to the way it was.
And (Y/N) would be none the wiser and away from that misguided influence.
However, things weren't as perfect as Sera had hoped for.
The moment Charlie and Vaggie entered the courtroom and saw (Y/N) sitting at the stenographer's desk, the two cousins eagerly waved at each other.
Sera's eyes widened in horror. No. This wasn't supposed to happen - it was the worse case scenario.
When did those two meet?!
She sighed in frustration already knowing that (Y/N) must have sought the girl out herself.
Dammit Emily.
(Y/N)'s curiosity was her biggest flaw and was going to end up getting her into serious trouble if not handled properly.
Sera quickly composed herself. No point in losing herself and catching any unnecessary attention.
She still had a trial to run and then she'll have a talk with (Y/N) later.
Now, (Y/N) was nice to just about everyone. She could get along with just about anyone she's ever met. But there was one person, or rather two, she just couldn't stand.
Adam and his little crony Lute.
These two irritated her to no ends with how high and mighty they acted. How either of them managed to stay in Heaven was beyond her.
Her father just told her to bare it, despite him also disliking the two of them - especially that narcissistic douchebag Adam.
(Y/N) did her best to hide her grimace whenever Adam spoke during the trial.
As the trial went on (Y/N) felt a little nervous when Charlie was shut down from making anymore definition references. She could see how nervous her poor cousin was getting.
When Charlie looked over at her, (Y/N) made sure to give her a small smile and mouthed, "You've got this".
This managed to help calm Charlie's nerves enough for her to regain her composure. Charlie got a little more confident when presenting Angel Dust, the hotel's first patron.
(Y/N) rolled her eyes when Adam spoke up again trying to discredit her cousin.
"Well if you know so much, what do you think it takes to get into Heaven?".
Charlie's question stumped more than just Adam. (Y/N) had to take a moment to think - how does someone get into Heaven?
Being Heaven-born (Y/N)'s never had to be on the other end with humans who had to earn their place in paradise. And if someone as crude and vile as Adam can get into Heaven then what did it take for others, especially the damned who didn't deserve Hell - like children, for example.
Adam quickly wrote on a piece of paper before giving it to Vaggie to read aloud.
"'Act selfless, don't steal, stick it to the man?' - are you fucking serious?".
"Uh, yeah. Sure got me here, didn't it? Right, Sera?".
(Y/N) raised a brow. That's all it took to get someone into Heaven?
Charlie tried to argue Angel was doing all of those things, to which the court decided to observe Angel through the courtroom's orb. At first, things weren't looking good for Charlie when Angel gave into peer pressure.
(Y/N) bit her lip, silently hoping this would somehow take a turn for the better. She really wanted Charlie to show her hotel worked and for Adam to eat his words.
Luckily, things did start looking up when Angel took care of his friend, Nifty, and defended her from that awful moth demon.
"Then why isn't he here, huh?".
(Y/N) paused her typing - why isn't he here?
This started a whole argument at the unfairness of it all. How even those in Hell could be redeemed if only given the chance. (Y/N) and Emily saw the change in Angel and how he did everything on Adam's list.
"A man only lives once, we'll see you in one month".
. . . Wait what?
(Y/N) furrowed her brows in confusion. One month? What was he talking about?
"Gotta say I can't wait to-"
(Y/N) looked up at Sera, did she know what he was talking about? What the hell was going on?!
"Come down and exterminate you".
. . . WHAT?!
(Y/N) and Emily looked horrified at the shocking news.
(Y/N) and Emily fly over to Charlie, Vaggie, Adam, and Lute looking sadly at the orb showing the residents in Hell being mercilessly killed by the exorcists.
"What are you saying?"
"Let me get this straight".
"You go down there and kill those poor souls?".
"You didn't know?".
Charlie was shocked to hear that not all of Heaven knew about the exterminations. She was relieved to hear that her cousin didn't know and that she seemed to be against it.
"Guess the cat's outta the bag!".
"What's the big deal?".
(Y/N) and Emily turned and looked up at Sera.
"Sera tell us that you didn't know".
"I thought since I'm older, it's my load to shoulder".
"You have to listen, it was such a hard decision".
Sera flew down from her seat.
"I wanted to save you".
She took (Y/N) and Emily's hand in her own.
"The anguish it takes to, do what was required".
The hellfire reflecting in Sera's eyes unnerved (Y/N) and Emily - almost like she enjoyed the suffering and senseless murder of the sinners in Hell.
The two glared at Sera.
"To think that we admired you".
They tore their hands from hers and flew back away from her.
"Well, we don't need your condescension! We're not children to protect! Was talk of virtue just pretention? Were we too naive to expect you, to head the morals you're purveying?".
The two flew back down in front of the orb.
"That's what the fuck I've been saying!".
Charlie walked over to the two angel's grabbing their hands.
(Y/N), Charlie, and Emily moved up and stood on top of the orb showing the exorcists killing sinners.
"If Hell is forever, than Heaven must be a lie!".
"Emily! (Y/N)!".
"If angels can do whatever and remain in the sky!".
The three jumped down and stood before Sera.
"The rules are shades of gray when you don't do as you say! When you make the wretched suffer just to kill them again!".
Things only continued getting worse with Charlie finding out Vaggie was an angel and an ex-exorcist, Sera's final ruling of no evidence of sinners being able to be redeemed, and Adam's threat of coming to their hotel first.
"Charlie, it will be okay! I'll find a way to help you - I promise!" (Y/N) called out before Charlie and Vaggie were forced to back to Hell.
After Sera had finished talking to Emily, she went after (Y/N) who had already left the courtroom.
"(Y/N)! Wait, please!" Sera begged grabbing (Y/N) by her wrist. "Please, let me explain!".
(Y/N) turned her head and glared at Sera with such intensity it sent shivers down the High Seraphim's spine. She's never seen (Y/N) look at her like that before.
It broke her heart to see the girl she's helped raise and thought of as a surrogate daughter look at her with such anger and disgust.
"Explain what, Sera?! That you've been here playing God and allowing the murder of sinners! They're already in Hell, what more could you possibly want?! They don't deserve this!" (Y/N) yanked her wrist from Sera's hold and flew away.
She couldn't believe this had been going on and she never even knew! Tears filled her eyes as she thought about her poor cousin. She knew needed to do something to help Charlie.
But first, she needed to see whether or not her father and the other archangels knew about this all along.
@soobryu @kyo-kyo1 @miyako-night20 @charliecharlie65 @unknow-sama @myluckymoon @lbcreations-blog @moonchaos18 @sirenetheblogger @jagharamira @el-hajj @azharyy @glowymxxn @itsmonicabc
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hazbinwhoree · 11 months ago
Adam having to take his baby doauther to a meeting with Charlie cuz we (his wife) are away (maybe a spa taking a small break). Like he has this weird thing that parents wear to carry their baby i'm their stomach, his and Lutes mask are off cuz the baby is scered of them, their have this bag full of baby stuff, for the first time on his live tries to avoid swearing (what the ffffff *looks at the baby* fffffFRICK?) just Adam trying to be a good dad.
Father of the Year
(Name) was gone for the day on a spa trip, which was unfortunate for Adam because he had another meeting with Charlie. How was he supposed to be cool and intimidating with a baby strapped to his chest?
There was no one available to babysit their child, which meant the baby was coming with Adam to his meeting. On top of that, their daughter was scared of Adam’s mask, so Adam couldn’t wear his mask. He was cursing everyone and everything as he slunk into the meeting room, Lute on his heels with the diaper bag.
Charlie looked confused when Adam and Lute entered. She recognized Lute, but she certainly didn’t recognize Adam. “Um, hi, I’m supposed to meet with Adam?”
“Yeah, yeah, toots, it’s me.”
Charlie’s jaw dropped. “Adam?” Quickly followed up by, “Who’s baby is that?”
Adam rolled his eyes. “Mine,” he snapped. “My wife is gone today and no one could babysit.”
“You’re a fucking father?” Vaggie asked, appalled. “Enough about the kid,” Adam dismissed with a wave of his hand.
“What about your mask?”
“The baby is scared of it. Now focus. What’s the update on your shitty hotel?” Charlie cleared her throat. “Of course.”
She launched into her spiel, and was interrupted about three minutes in by the baby crying. “Fuck,” Adam cursed before covering his mouth and looking at the baby like the little one could understand him. “Daddy said duck,” he whispered to her.
Charlie heard him and giggled. Adam shot her a dirty look. “What are you laughing at, bit-” he cut himself off. “Mm.” He grunted. Charlie stifled her laughter. Adam scowled. “Shut up.”
The baby kept crying and Lute handed Adam a bottle. Adam unstrapped her from his chest, cradling her in his arms instead. He grabbed the bottle and began to feed her. “Stop laughing and get to your point so this meeting can be over.”
“I never pictured you as one to care about your language in front of kids,” Charlie snickered.
Adam rolled his eyes. “My wife has been up my ass, something about not wanting the baby’s first word to be a curse.”
“Well aren’t you a good dad.”
“Finish your stupid presentation or I’m leaving right now.”
Charlie cleared her throat, finishing her presentation and concluding the meeting while Adam threw a bib over his shoulder and burped the baby.
As she and Vaggie watched Adam, Lute, and the baby go, they exchanged glances. “Who knew Adam had a kid,” Charlie said. “I’m just shocked someone else would marry him,” Vaggie said.
“Still, it was kind of sweet,” Charlie shrugged.
“Sweet? The last word I would use to describe Adam is sweet.”
Charlie grimaced. “Good point.”
Meanwhile Adam was ranting to Lute. “How are they ever going to take me seriously again? That was so degrading, (Name) is fucking taking her with her next time.” “Relax, sir,” Lute soothed. “You’re still perfectly intimidating.”
Adam grumbled. “Whatever.”
His daughter cooed and gurgled and Adam’s anger softened as he looked down at her. “Maybe you’re right. It wasn’t that bad.”
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vaggietheangel · 6 months ago
Dynamic headcannons
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Vaggie and Angel watch trashy soap operas together. The majority of their texts are them agreeing on how much they hate that one bitch on each show, and want them to get killed off.
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Charlie babysits the egg boiz for Sir pentious so he can have time to work on his inventions.
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Niffty accused Husk of having fleas once and told him to take a bath.
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Husk was scared of Vaggie when they first met so he did everything she told him to avoid her wrath.
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Vaggie trains with Carmila at least once a week. Carmila calling her out on her fighting style made her want to improve.
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Angel accidentally called Charlie Molly once during and argument.
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Alastor made Charlie cry once and didn't know what the bad feeling he got afterwards was. Husk had to explain to him that the feeling he called "after sad" was guilt.
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Charlie gave Niffty a doll once, thinking she was a child and watched in horror as she tore its head off with her teeth.
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Cherri put a tarantula in Angel's apartment as a prank once but he thought it was adorable and kept it as a pet.
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Niffty is the one who cuts Alastors hair.
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hazbinhazmeinachokehold · 1 year ago
The gang & Lucifer + chaotic child reader
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a/n: This goes without saying but this is platonic. I have not made one romantic thing and I don't know why
not proofread!
Charlie: Very nervous. You don't have any self-preservation skills or any real way to protect yourself. At least Niffty is an adult so she can trust her with knives and all that. Kinda. Watches you like a hawk. It can get kinda annoying but it's because she cares. The hotel is completely baby-proof. You're not a baby though so it doesn't... work. Tries to help you get your emotions out in a less destructive way. One time you tried drawing the page was a mess of colors. Another time was baking the kitchen was a mess. But it's not hurting anyone so its a win. Okay, the kitchen might of hurt Niffty emotionally.
Vaggie: Tired. You guys are the defention of this imange :
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(but that's also her with everyone at the hotel except Husk so whatever) She is less mean when scolding you than she is with others. Both because you are a child and there's a 99% chance you would bite her.
Alastor: He would either despise you or see you as his kid. For the sake of fic, we're going with the second one. You have a similar dynamic that he has with Niffty. Though cause you're a kid he might try to teach you his morals (or his lack of morals.) His ass is going to teach you the most insane things. Do NOT let this man teach kids unless you want future serial killers. And you're already very chaotic so this isn't a huge leap. Charlie, please steal you from him.
Angel Dust: I feel like he'd be okay with kids? Like not great as a parent but just visiting or babysitting he'd actually be pretty competent. Very chill about keeping you out of danger. Just picks you up and moves you away from the danger. Or if you have something dangerous just snatches it and puts it away. If it's not going to kill you also engages in the chaos with you. Irresponsible older brother who still cares about your safety.
Husk: Slightly protective of you. Won't let you go outside without someone else. Because you'd probably die in the weirdest way possible. He acts like he doesn't care but he defiantly does. There have been multiple times he's had to yank beer bottles out of your time. You weren't going to drink it but you'd smash it and use a weapon.
Lucifer: Charlie was a chaos magnet as a kid too! But more the hyper type and not the "I'm going to stab you" type. Does not acknowledge the fact that you're even slightly. Just the "Get your fucking dog bitch" "it don't bite" "YES IT DO" Can keep up with you and often plays with you. Will get you anything you want. Besides weapons those are off-limits.
Niffty: Two peas in a pod. I've based most people's reactions off their relationship with her. You two are a force to be reckoned with. So much rage and desire for destruction such little bodies to contain it. She is a horrible influence on you <3.
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kaisntbreathing · 1 year ago
could you please do charlie meeting you and lucifer newborn daughter for the first time??
𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕸𝖔𝖗𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖘𝖙𝖆𝖗 𝕱𝖆𝖒𝖎𝖑𝖞
AHHHHHH YES THAN YOU @mxxny-lupin I ABSOLTELY LOVE THIS IDEA THAN YOU <3 I didn't have the motivation to write a full one shot so I decided to do a mini one shot leading into headcanons, hope you enjoyed them nonetheless.
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𝐏𝐥𝐨𝐭 𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲:
𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐋𝐮𝐜𝐢𝐟𝐞𝐫'𝐬 𝐰𝐢𝐟𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐟 𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐬𝐞𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐞 𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝, t𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐢𝐬 𝐋𝐮𝐜𝐢𝐟𝐞𝐫'𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐨 ��𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐠𝐧𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐲, 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐠𝐧𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐲, 𝐃𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐠𝐧𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐲, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐚𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐚𝐛𝐲 𝐢𝐬 𝐛𝐨𝐫𝐧.
𝐋𝐮𝐜𝐢𝐟𝐞𝐫 𝐛𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐨𝐨 𝐰𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭
E n j o y < 3
Your hands trembled as you held the test in your hands as tears threatened to spill from your eyes as you read the test a smile graced your lips. Months and months of trying for a baby with Lucifer you'd almost given up, but you held the proof your waiting had finally paid off.
You reached for the door handle of the bathroom as you slowly moved forward out of the room as you saw nervous looking Lucifer your loving husband.
Looking up at you with his red and yellow eyes with burning curiosity and fear as you smiled and that's all the sign he needed before rushing to your side holding you close to him.
"We did it? Really?"
❂ He's overall ecstatic about the entire pregnancy since he only has one daughter as soon as he finds out he's having another one, he's over the moon about it.
❂ Also you don't have a choice but to take it easy for the entire pregnancy from the day he finds out you're immediately no longer allowed to do any kind of work.
❂ Not that you were allowed to anyways
❂ Charlie knows almost immediately after Lucifer finds out and she is also over the moon her eyes light up and she makes happy noises and squeals.
❂ She's excited to become a big sister ever since she was little she's always wanted to sibling.
❂ When you start to grow a baby bump both Charlie and Lucifer get REALLY protective of you and only some people are allowed to touch you.
❂ Lucifer loves to fall asleep listening to the baby's heartbeat.
❂ When it comes time to give birth Lucifer is nothing but a ball of nerves. If he can't be by your side then he's pacing around mumbling.
❂ Once the baby is born he rushed to your side saying praises about how he's so proud of you and if you we're ok.
❂ When he sees you in the bed holding your little girl he nearly cries (spoilers, He does)
❂ Charlie has a similar reaction when you guys come to the hotel carrying your newborn daughter that looks more like you than Lucifer but still has his eyes, Charlie's almost screams as she runs towards you.
❂ "I-It's....Is that my little sister?! She's so cute! Can I hold her?!"
❂ Vaggie has to literally pry Charlie away from the baby in order for you guys to hold her Charlie is a crying mess as she hold her little sister.
❂ Ever since she was born she remembers wanting a little sibling this is like a dream come true for her and she wouldn't have it any other way.
❂ As the baby gets older you realize that the child has inherited Lucifer's powers just as Charlie and he couldn't be more ecstatic.
❂ You both decided to name her Judas or Judy for short and Charlie is an amazing big sister offering to babysit whenever you guys needed a break and you couldn't be more grateful for it since Charlie is amazing with kids.
❂ Even though you're not Charlie's biological mother she still calls you mom and treats you like her mother although Charlie still loves Lilith to death, you're more of a mother than she is.
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rainbowmothed · 1 year ago
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★ more content for the sapphic ladies because my brainrot for them is unfathomable!! as always, likes and reblogs deeply appreciated ♡ ly all
Vaggie yawned as she sprawled her wings out across the mattress. What she used to see as something horrible– a constant unwavering reminder of her gruesome past– was now something that she openly embraced. Most merely presumed she showed up in Hell with them since they didn't inherently look exactly like exterminator wings, so, hey, that was a definitive plus if anyone curious stumbled past.
Vaggies’ back ached slightly, strained from her previous workouts and strenuous activities. Through babysitting most of the Hotel residents to try to fix her fighting style with the help of Carmilla as her mentor, sometimes it got tiring. But one thing she could always look forward to at the end of the day was her girlfriend. Her beautiful, excellent, talented, outstanding girlfriend– who was also conveniently the Princess of Hell. But, sometimes, Vaggie failed to realize just how serious Charlie's status within the underworlds’ hierarchy was. After all, she interacted with Charlie just as she would anyone else; if not obviously much sweeter, and that was only because she was the best person in the world. Who wouldn't treat Charlie with utmost respect and love? Crazy people, Vaggie mused. The woman was a bundle of sunshine– it was hard to dislike her shining radiance. Charlie's idealism and bubbly attitude clearly set her apart from most other Inhabitants of Hell, which was one of Vaggie's favorite things about the demoness.
Vaggie flipped on her side, heavy eyelashes fluttering as her eyes opened, a flicker of illumination entering her pupils and catching her off guard as she saw the door to the bedroom slowly creak open, casting a line of soft, dull light across the carpet floor of her quarters. Vaggie’s first instinct was to reach for the angelic spear she kept by her bed at all times– soldier instincts, she endearingly deemed her first reactions to any possible threat– but she didn't. Vaggie wouldn't dare draw a blade on the person she loved the most, even if she was damn well considering it for the first few weeks following their first meeting. That all felt like such a blur, such a long, long time ago. It was both sweet and sad at the same time; the overbearing nostalgia was an overwhelming feeling that was foreign every time Vaggie experienced it, no matter how many times she was pulled through it.
The moth-like demon stretched slightly, a soft smirk spreading across her lips, which were still tainted with her typical black lipstick. Vaggie used her arm to perk her head up, resting her elbow on the mattress as she willed herself into a more comfortable position. “Hey, hon.” Vaggie greeted Charlie gently, tone as delicate as always.
“Heya, babe!” Charlie cheerfully mirrored the welcoming, despite hers being far more chipper and upbeat. It usually always was. She had an affinity for being loud; Charlie felt like she got to others easier that way! The princess bounded across the room, shutting the door behind her with her foot and flicking on the lamp with her index fingers, smooth black fingernails brushing across her girlfriend's forehead and swiping away any stray hair as she placed a kiss to her cheek.
Vaggie chuckled in response, scooting over to make room for her girlfriend on the bed. Charlie sat down and was immediately transfixed by her girlfriend's wings. They were always so beautiful to her– soft, feathery, and absolutely adorable! Everything that Charlie cherished, but especially the adorable-ness. Obviously, she had a clear affinity for things of that nature. Charlie got to work expertly running her fingers through the feathers, preening them with her delicate fingertips, mirroring the actions she'd been taught by her girlfriend. Charlie of course had wings, just like her father– but she disliked them. She never thought they fit with her overall demeanor, and were far too flashy for her personal liking. Charlie had a strong dislike for coming across as threatening, and strived to avoid drastic changes in her appearance like that to stay as gentle-looking as possible. “Your wings are so pretty, Vaggie,” Charlie complimented. “They fit you.”
Vaggie immediately rested her head on the pillow, lulled into ultimate relaxation as her girlfriend gently got to work preening her wings. She smiled further at the array of compliments spewing from Charlie's mouth, though most of them were drowned out by her state of rest. Usually, Vaggie never had time to truly settle down like this; it almost always felt like she was bouncing from one place to another, straying far away from one thing or pulling another closer. It was a busy life schedule, especially when she had to pertain to the Hazbin Hotel and its residents, but the gleeful grin on Charlie's face always made the hard work and raw effort worth it in the end.
“You're prettier than any old wing, Charls,” Vaggie retorted softly, paired with a chuckle under her breath. Charlie beamed, a bright toothy smile spreading across her face, enveloping her round features. “I wouldn't trade anything for you, you know that?” Vaggie continued, pressing her cheek into the fabric case of the pillow.
“I don't know about that. You're like, the prettiest thing in the history of pretty things!” Charlie responded, chipper as ever. That earned a chuckle from Vaggie. “I'm serious! You're gorgeous, Vaggie. I love you more than anything.”
★ not proofread, so if there are any mistakes, i apologize!! have a good day everyone <3 more content coming soon,, feel free to leave requests!!
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a-hazbin-reader · 1 year ago
✅️=Trusts them 100%
🤏= Only for short periods of time
❌️= Not even a little
😤= If he's desperate
Charlie: 🤏 He just doesn't trust she wouldn't give in to every tantrum or somehow spectacularly fuck things up without meaning to
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Vaggie: ✅️ Alastor knows she would run a tight ship and keep them on schedule, plus she would be absolutely ruthless in protecting them
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Angel: 😤 Really wouldn't want to pick Angel. Just because Alastor knows he would let his twins run rampant. Is more worried about them learning curse words rather than any real harm.
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Niffty: ❌️ Just no. He'll find them all eating bugs or something horrible like that
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Husk: ✅️ Alastor trusts that Husk would do right by his children and actually attempt to be a good babysitter, though rather reluctantly
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Carmilla: ✅️ Just knows her motherly instincts would kick in and that she would have those babies fed and changed by nap time
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Zestial: 😤 I feel like Zestial lowkey makes Alastor nervous but he would let him watch his twins because they're ATTACHED TO ZESTIAL and that old man asks for baby time
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Lucifer: ✅️🤏 He trusts that they would be safe and happy with Lucifer, but Alastor doesn't like him, so he purposefully only lets Lucifer babysit for a short amount of time
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magicalregression · 1 year ago
General Hazbin Hotel hcs
Hello fellow agere hazbin enjoyers. I come with hcs for the main 6. Pls enjoy
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🛡 ~ Charlie ~ 🛡
She's a little. Regresses to like 6-7 y/o and is so sweet and innocent.
Still wants to help everyone, and spends her time drawing posters to attract people to the hotel.
Her main cg is Vaggie for obvious reasons, though she will also gravitate towards Angel if he's around.
Eepy baby. Once all of her energy is gone, pick her up and she falls right to sleep.
⚔ ~ Vaggie ~ ⚔
She's a caregiver. Vaggie also will babysit the other littles in the hotel if needed, though she has an obvious preference for Charlie.
Is kinda hard on the littles when need be, can be very strict. This is especially true for bed/nap time, mealtimes, and baths. No stinky, overtired littles on Vaggie's watch.
This just popped into my head but cuddles where she uses her wings as like a blanket thing or just lets the little snuggle into it yes yes
Tends to clean up after playtime. She wants to be madder, but could never be truly angry with her babies.
🕷 ~ Angel Dust ~ 🕷
Angel is both a little and a babysitter. When he regresses, it's at a similar age to Charlie, maybe a bit older to around 7-8.
His energy levels highly fluctuate depending on his emotions before regressing. If he had been in a stressful situation or recently come back from work, he's very tired and kinda just wants to be alone with whatever he's entertained himself with. If he's not in a high emotion environment, he's full of energy!
Likes playing tag and hide and seek with the others. Sometimes forgets that he's much bigger than everyone, though, and may accidentally cause some booboos.
As a babysitter, he takes his job very seriously. Might not be as strict about meals or naps (definitely lets them just have as many sweets as they want), but will take tea parties and games very seriously.
📻 ~ Alastor ~ 📻
I know a lot of people like little Al but for personal reasons, he is a caregiver lol. He has too soothing a voice and mannerisms with Nifty for me to not harp on it.
Takes his little out to Overlord meetings or to visit Auntie Rosie. When they go see Rosie, she always has a new outfit for them, whether a onesie or full outfit, there's always something. At the Overlord meetings, he'll let them sit in his lap or between him and Rosie. The others don't mind bc I say so.
Alastor doesn't like touch he doesn't initiate, and you are no exception. That being said, if they find a way to pull on or play with his ears, the most he'll do is let out a long sigh before letting them continue.
Calls them a little Overlord. "Come now, little Overlord, it's time for bed." and "Little Overlord, what have I told you about sneaking up on others?" and the like.
I have the most thoughts about him but will keep this short for everyone's sakes
🧹 ~ Nifty ~ 🧹
A little. She has the biggest fluctuation though and will be either 2 or like 7, no in betweens.
Always has energy. She's bouncing off the walls. Because of this, Angel is the last person asked to take care of her because he'll give her candy and then she gets even worse. He's also a little cautious because of the one time he made her cry, but Nifty just kinda drifts over to him anyways.
Husk usually gets stuck looking after the lil bugger. It'll start as Alastor's problem, then he conveniently disappears and Vaggie gives her to "kitty" (it's not that they don't love her, they do, she's just a lot lol). I imagine little Nif and Husk have a similar dynamic to Boo and Sully in Monsters Inc.
The only way to get her to sleep is with radio static. The white noise calms her down. Bonus points if you give her a fluffy plush to hold as well.
🐱 ~ Husk ~ 🐱
Husk doesn't really like children, even of the regressing variety. It's not that he hates them, he'd just prefer to not have to interact with them as much as he can. The most he'll do is babysit, but even then he's a little clueless.
Tends to get stuck with Angel the most, but he prefers Nifty just because he's been around her the most over the years.
Has the bar stocked up with different juices and milk and other drinks for kids. Also has a wide variety of sippy cups with different themes for different littles. Charlie likes the ducky one, Angel has one with crabs on it, and Nifty's are all plain. Everyone uses the space themed ones, though, so he has the most of those.
He has a little nook under the bar that someone could use as a little hiding space as well. If the littles are playing hide and seek and someone goes down there, Husk is the last to snitch.
If you wanna see specific scenarios or hcs about certain characters, feel free to send in an ask!!
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moonshineplaydate · 1 year ago
Still a bit busy but I wanted to keep making some Agere content since I haven’t had much of a chance! And what better show to give Headcanons for the freshly released Hazbin Hotel?
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Hazbin Hotel Age Regression Headcanons
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Charlie Morningstar
•A flip, with a slight lean towards being a regressor!
•She prefers taking care of others then being taken care of herself, even if she knows it’s probably good for her.
•Her age range when she’s little is around 3-6, she doesn’t like feeling really small.
•She absolutely LOVES toys! Any toys, stuffies, action figures, plastic toys, she could play with them for hours and never get bored.
•While that’s some of her main little gear, she also has a pair of PJ’s, a sippy cup and a white paci for when she’s small.
•Talkative while little, but not to the point of babbling. She still has a lisp though (Vaggie thinks it’s adorable).
•Charlie hates being alone when she’s little, she’s always trying to be near someone. She also appreciated physical touch but it isn’t a must for her.
•Can be a bit of a stubborn little, mainly around toys and nap time.
•Can be really emotional when she’s little, like how she was when Angel forgave her (that scene was so agere coded)
•Loves nicknames, her favourites are Princess, Little Ducky (from Lucifer), Char-Char!
•Had play-dates with Razzle and Dazzle (they gotta look after her!)
•Her main caregiver is Vaggie, with some of the other hotel members acting as a babysitter.
•And oh my stars, when she’s a caregiver-
•Her littles are getting absolutely spoiled rotten, it doesn’t matter what they want, Charlie is getting it for them (as long as it’s kid friendly)
•A bit of a hands on caregiver, ready to give her littles anything they need!
•They want snacks? She’s got it. Need a nap? She’s already got a bedtime story. Wanna stay up late and keep playing? Well, she’s sure no one will find out…
•She has a very hard time saying no to littles, but will do if she knows it will help them in the long run.
•Tries to mix in some rehabilitation with the hotel members when they’re little, but it doesn’t work too well.
•Always makes sure to respond to the little talking, even if it’s just babbling.
‘Mhmm, oh that’s really interesting little one!’
•Treats her littles so softly, she never ever raises her voice
•To sum it, if you want to be absolutely spoiled and taken care of, Charlie’s your girl.
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•Vaggie is a flip, with a caregiver lean! Though she can regress pretty heavily.
•She normally regresses when she’s stressed, with her age range being anywhere from 1-7 depending on her mood!
•Is surprisingly shy and quiet when little, she doesn’t like talking that much because of her own lisp. Mainly communicates through pointing and various gestures.
•Wants to be around Charlie so bad when she’s regressed, Pentious tried to hold her once when Charlie when to get her something and she started crying.
•Scared of the dark when she’s little.
•She’s not big on playing when regressed, she just wants a couple hours when she can relax and be taken care of.
•Speaking of, she loves having her hair brushes when she’s little (and big honestly), she finds it super relaxing!
•An odd piece of little gear she has a lava lamp, since she’s somewhat moth related, she loves looking at lights and could stare at a lava lamp for hours.
•Other then that, she has some comfy clothes, a purple pacifier and a bottle for when she’s feeling extra tiny.
•Not as much of a fan of nicknames but still likes them. Her favourites are, ‘Baby, Precious and Little one.’
•She also has small plushie of a moth to help her go to sleep!
•Her caregiver is Charlie and she’ll occasionally let Husk babysit, but that’s very rare.
•Now, onto the Caregiver. She’s canonically bad with kids, but I imagine she learned to try and deal with littles, especially after learning Charlie regresses.
•And oh my God, she thinks Charlie is absolutely precious. She cannot get enough of being with the girl when she’s tiny.
•Had to physically hold back aww’ing and squeezing the life out of her.
•Likes holding and coddling Charlie, who also loves the attention!
•Can be a stern caregiver with things like safety and bedtime, but is usually more lenient.
•She only acts stern if it’ll help the little out more.
•Not good at talking to littles, but makes an effort, and usually fails. She’s able to understand what they want though and normally had no problem helping them out.
•Vaggie keeps a lot of her little’s gear on her at all times, she doesn’t want to leave them alone and end up having them get hurt.
•She’s mainly Charlie’s caregiver, but doesn’t mind babysitting Niffty, Angel or even Pentious at times!
•Not good with giving nicknames to littles and normally sticks to, ‘Little one, Big Girl/Boy/Kid or Baby’ depending on their age range!
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Angel Dust
•Once again, a flip with a regressor lean!
•He’s an involuntary regressor and a sleep regressor! He normally regressed due to stress from his job, general bad mood swings or just from being super tired.
•He has an age range of 2-5.
•Whenever he does regress from being in a bad mood, he gets really frustrated for not being able to ‘keep his regression in check’ which normally ends in a crying fit in his room.
•It took him a long time for him to ever regress in front of someone at the hotel, and even then it wasn’t voluntary. Charlie just followed him up to his room after he ran up there after work.
•And oh, was it mortifying for him. Charlie made sure to reassure the boy, being able to get through to him a little easier when he was small, but Angel was still a little scared of her making a big deal out of this.
•And for the most part, she didn’t! She had a quick talk with him the day after to make sure he had a caregiver if he really needed one, and he does!
•Cherri Bomb is Angel’s babysitter for once he’s regressed, and she doesn’t fully understand it, but knows to tone herself down whenever he’s small.
•Calls him ‘sweetie’ or ‘honey as a nickname, and holds his hand if he gets scared.
•Whenever he’s depressed while little, she’ll just lay with them until he feels better or falls asleep.
•Can be a brat when he doesn’t get his way, but only throws tantrums if he’s really small. It usually doesn’t get to that point though, he feels too immature with Cherri and Charlie is very understanding.
•After he’s calmed down, he normally whispers a little ‘sorry’
•Didn’t have much little gear before the hotel, but Charlie left a cat plushie and a pink paci in a gift box in his room. He never mentioned it but he loved them!
•When he’s a ‘big kid’ (still small), he can talk pretty well but gets hung up on his big words. He also finds it hard to walk due to his spider-like body, and begrudgingly holds someone’s hand to keep him stable (he secretly likes it)
•Can be touch averse sometimes after work, but other times he doesn’t mind it. Though he’s not good at making it clear (no fault to him, he’s just a baby)
•Eventually, Husker became his babysitter and that developed into being his caregiver (we stan Huskerdust in this household).
•Husk doesn’t like kids too much, but puts up with the littles and always makes them feel welcome. Angel really needs that, when he’s small, he doesn’t feel very useful for the hotel (he doesn’t when he’s big either)
•Loves to play with Husk’s wings and ears!
•When he’s regressing because he’s sleepy, he becomes the sweetest little thing! He has a baby blanket specifically for when he’s tiny and needs sleep, and can be fussy without at.
•Very quiet, normally just tugs on someone’s sleeve until they turn around and notice him, before helping him get ready for bed.
•He loves nicknames too, his favourites are Sparkles, Bambino, or Lil guy.
•He isn’t as much of a caregiver as he is a babysitter.
•He doesn’t know that many people that regress, and honestly felt a little alone before the hotel. Seeing Niffty be small for the first time was like a weight being lifted off of his shoulders.
•Calls littles things like ‘Squirt, Spiderling, or Prince/Princess/Little royal.’
•Six arms act as six scoopers to cradle littles with! He’s shockingly good at it, being held by him is dream because of how fluffy he is!
•Has no problem playing along with littles, he’s an ‘actor’ after all! He actually enjoys it a bit, especially tea parties with Niffty!
•If someone else is taking care of a little, he’ll claim that he won’t help out, but somehow the little’s bed is made already before nap time, or their bottle will be filled up, wonder who did that~!
•Can calm a little down from crying, like he did with Niffty when she was drunk, a whole lot of shushing and cradling!
•Is pretty lenient with the littles but of course, doesn’t let them do anything unsafe.
•He gave Niffty a gun once though, it was unloaded.
•Throws dance parties with littles to get them to let out some energy before bedtime.
•Speaking of, he’s pretty good at that too! As stated, being held by him is like resting on a cloud, you’d already be sleepy by the time he’s carrying you up to bed!
•Gives his littles nicknames in Italian and totally lies about what they mean if he’s asked.
•He mainly takes care of Niffty, Charlie and Sir Pentious!
Well that’s all I’ve got in me for now folks! I’ll probably do a part two to cover Alastor, Husker, Niffty and Sir Pentious, along with some other favourites of mine when I have time! Sorry if these are a little rambly, I wrote this all in one sitting and just wanted to get my thoughts on this show out! Hope you enjoyed, bye!
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redwoodapothecary · 1 year ago
Hiiii! Could you do some more Hazbin hotel headcanons? Just who you see as caregivers and littles!
Hazbin Hotel Agere Headcanons!
A/N: Oooh yesyesyes!! I love Hazbin. My hyperfixation on it is starting to come back HARD. Also this will be a mix of character x character and character x reader simply based on vibes. :3
Characters: Charlie, Vaggie, Alastor, Husk, Angel Dust, and Nifty!
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Caregiver! She’s like a mom. She loves taking care of others and she’s honestly an amazing caregiver. Like the best ever. Very encouraging and very good at comforting.
Vaggie is her little.
Does well with littles of all ages! But does prefer a little bit if you’re old enough to go out on adventures with her without her having to worry about it too much. :)
Calls you things like “Sweetheart” and “Little one”
Not very strict at all. Just sets a bedtime and makes sure you eat well!
Just overall extremely sweet and loving.
Little. Very reserved and quiet when she’s little. Doesn’t speak much. Prefers to be private about it and gets overstimulated very easy. Not gonna write too much about her because I’ve already made headcanons on her and I don’t wanna sound like a broken record!
Little ages are 4-5 and her caregiver is Charlie!
She likes playing with other littles sometimes. Not for too long, though, because hanging out with people drains her social battery easily. But she still loves playing!
Calls Charlie “Mama” and is very clingy to her, especially in public. She likes when Charlie sings to her. It calms her down a lot. :)
Doesn’t really like rules very much. Not because she’s a troublemaker or anything, rules just make her anxious and she feels a lot of pressure to follow them.
She’s a very shy, awkward baby but she’s adorable!
Caregiver. He’s my caregiver actually it’s canon in case you guys didn’t know. He’s violent and manipulative with everyone else, but with you he’s sweet and gentle. He’s EXTREMELY protective, though. Like anybody looks at you wrong and they won’t be heard from ever again.
He’s not a caregiver for anyone except you. You’re the only one he’ll take care of like that.
Does well with littles of all ages but since I’m projecting, I’m gonna say he likes more dependent littles, so like…0-3. He thinks it’s so cute when you babble and waddle and want him to pick you up.
When you babble, he’ll nod his head and be like “mhm…mhm…oh wow!” like he’ll just play along.
He’s also really good at understanding your baby talk. He analyzes and takes note of your baby talk and your mannerisms.
Sometimes if you’re babbling and your babbles are in like…a passionate or aggressive tone, he’ll hold his microphone up to you. Just because he thinks it’s funny.
He loves playing with you and walking around the hotel with you. His little shadow thing plays with you a lot.
He buys you toys, pacifiers, coloring books, anything you want or need!
He’ll use his powers to like. Sing and dress you up and be super dramatic with you. Like that scene in Hazbin where he starts singing and prancing around and changes everyone’s outfits lol.
Calls you things like “Darling”, “my dear”, “beloved”, “sweetheart”, etc.
Likes being called parental names or just “Al”. :)
Very strict. Has a bedtime for you, sets mealtimes, makes you hold his hand around the hotel or outside in general. Also no TV. He does not like TV. :(
But that’s okay, he puts on the radio for you! You can sing and dance around to songs. :3
Overall a very loving and protective caregiver!
Caregiver. He’s like Haymitch from The Hunger Games. At first he acts annoyed and displeased, but he grows fond of you and enjoys taking care of you and he ends up being a really good caregiver!
He’s your caregiver and sometimes he babysits Angel Dust if Cherri Bomb is busy or just not around.
Does a bit better with slightly older littles. Like 6+ years old. It’s just because they tend to be more independent and whenever you’re regressed, he has to be able to trust you to not get into things you’re not supposed to. Like if he’s watching over you while at work, he needs to trust you to not get into the alcohol lol.
He likes physical affection and needs to have you around him no matter what, surprisingly enough. He’s super soft with you and if anyone else confronts him about it, he’ll tell them to F off and insist that it’s not because he’s clingy; he just risk a child messing things up if he’s not watching them, that’s all!
STRUGGLES with deciphering baby talk and it’s really funny and also another reason why he does better with older littles.
Likes calmer activities. Like if he’s at work, you can sit at the bar coloring or doing a puzzle or something and he’s perfectly content with that! When he isn’t at work, he likes having you in his lap while you color or play. He also really likes cuddles.
He himself tends to act out and be aggressive as a defense mechanism, so he’s actually really understanding when it comes to temper tantrums! He’ll ask you why it is you’re mad and then he’ll try to comfort you.
Like if you throw a fit because you wanted something but couldn’t have it, he’ll straight up gentle parent you. He’ll be like “I understand that you’re mad, and you’re having big feelings right now because you really wanted that, but that is not an option right now.” and then he’ll give you choices of something else you can have or do.
He’ll call you like a shortened version of your name or something related to your personality!
Idk how to explain it but as an example, because I love jellyfish and I go by jellyfish, he’d call me Jelly or something!
He likes any name you give him, although it takes him a bit to warm up to more parental ones! It isn’t that he doesn’t like it, quite the opposite, actually, he’s just not at all used to somebody trusting him like that.
Also pretty strict. Has a nonnegotiable bedtime, makes sure you eat enough and on time, not afraid to put you in time out or take away desert, etc. He isn’t mean, just protective.
He does not trust ANYBODY to babysit you, which is why you tend to sit at the bar right in front of him while he works. If he absolutely HAS to leave you with somebody, he’ll leave you with Charlie, and even then it’s very rare.
Angel Dust
Okay so I don’t really write for Angel Dust, as I’m not really sure how to. Characterize him. I don’t know how to write him very well and I deeply apologize for that. He’s just a very feminine and stereotypical gay man and I don’t wanna somehow be weird. Especially since I’ve seen a lot of gay men say they don’t like the way Angel is written. 😭
That being said, I think if anything he would be a little. Purely involuntary trauma regression. Regression is a trauma response for him and often times, whenever he’s little, he’ll be in his bed, holding Nuggets (I think that’s its name…), and just crying. :(
When he is feeling better and it’s one of the better days, he’s a troublemaker! His little age is around 6 and he’ll run around pulling pranks and generally causing chaos. Alastor isn’t his caregiver or even his babysitter by any means, but if Alastor picks up on it, he absolutely encourages Angel to just. Be a menace.
You have to have rules for him. Like you HAVE to. And even then it’s not like he doesn’t break them a lot. You have to put him in time out and take away TV privileges or send him to bed early a lot.
Cherri Bomb is his caregiver, and she’s like a big sister to him. He calls her “big sis” and “sissy”. She calls him “rascal” and “troublemaker”.
Likes playing with other littles but he can get a bit too rough sometimes. He’s just not very good with interacting with people, but he’s trying!
Overall just a very silly and mischievous little. :)
So, I feel like, if anything, she’d be a babysitter! Like she thinks littles and age regression are adorable but she will absolutely encourage acting out. 😭
She’d set up littles to act out, actually. She’d be like “Hey…you wanna go prank Alastor?? :3” and it’s always disastrous 😭😭😭
Does well with littles of all ages! Either way, she’s gonna be like that one aunt that gives your kid a LOT of sugar right before sending them home lol.
Probably mostly babysits Alastor’s little but isn’t his first choice for. Obvious reasons. But if Rosie isn’t available, then he’ll let Nifty or Charlie babysit and if it’s her, all hell breaks loose.
She plays with you a lot. She’ll join in on games of play pretend and even make up story lines! She’ll read you books, color with you, help name your stuffies, etc!
Sorry I’ve written so little for her. I’m not really sure how to characterize her either but I’ll probably update this entire thing once the first season of the show comes out! :)
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yesihaveaobsession · 7 months ago
Memory Loss
Alastor x female reader
Summary: The reader (you) somehow gets your memory wiped and can't remember ANYTHING, so Alastor is chosen to "babysit" you as the others go find a cure.
A/N- For those Supernatural fans out there "Regarding Dean?" Anyone?? Anyways enjoy. ALSO, I ONLY SKIMMED THROUGH SOO SORRY IF IT MAKES NO SENSE
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Something had happened. It was either when you had to defeat that very powerful witch in the battle a couple of hours ago, hexing you, or it was just to piss off Alastor with a prank by the Vees. Either way, it led to damage, not towards the hotel but to you. Your memory was completely wiped out, and you didn't know anyone at the hotel, where you were, or who you were.
After a group meeting, which you had no idea had happened, Charlie and Vaggie volunteered to go find answers or even just a cure. Angel was at Valentino's studio, and Husk was nowhere to be found (probably passed out drunk in a closet somewhere), leaving Alastor to "babysit" you until Charlie and Vaggie returned.
"Charlie, Husk, and Vaggie are on the hunt for a cure," Alastor said with a smile that didn’t reach his eyes. "In the meantime, it looks like you’re stuck with me!" Now, Alastor isn't one to babysit, and even though you're a grown adult, you had the mind of an infant at that moment.
You blinked at him, tilting your head in confusion. "Who are you again?" you asked as you sat on the couch in the lobby, tense, on high alert, and most of all, afraid. But your eyes were filled with curiosity as you looked at the strange tall man in front of you.
Alastor's smile widened, and he chuckled softly. "I'm Alastor, darling." He saw the wheels turning in your head as you tried to process his name and his face, trying to remember.
Hours passed with no sign of Charlie and Vaggie, and Alastor didn't want to wait any longer, so he took up the challenge, taking a more hands-on approach. He disappeared and reappeared with a pen and post-it notes. You tilted your head like a puppy trying to understand.
He began labeling everything in your room with brightly colored post-its: "Bed," "Mirror," "Closet," "Lamp," and even "Door." You watched with wide eyes as he methodically placed each note, explaining their purpose with an amused grin. You followed him around the hotel like a lost puppy, listening as best you could. Finally, you stopped in front of a door. With one arm behind his back clutching his microphone, he used his free hand to gesture to it.
"See, my dear? This is a door. You use it to enter and exit rooms. Quite ingenious, don't you think?" he teased, his tone light but his gaze attentive to your reactions. You followed his explanations with innocent curiosity, nodding earnestly at each one.
Just in case Charlie and Vaggie didn't arrive by daylight, he brought you over to the kitchen and showed you how to use the coffee maker, which was labeled with a colorful and bright neon sticky note. The word "coffeemaker" was scribbled in the radio demon's handwriting. The buttons on the machine were also labeled, and he even wrote down the steps.
All the concentrating and thinking made you tired. He sat in his armchair, reading a newspaper with an old tiny radio playing soft jazz quietly on a small table next to him. You had fallen asleep on the couch and woke up sometime later to find he was missing. Getting up and pretty much getting lost in a place you had once known, you heard humming and figured it was him. So you followed it, and it led you to the kitchen. You forgot you were in there earlier.
Alastor was preparing dinner in the kitchen. You stood close by and then peeked your head in, watching his every move. "What are you making?" you asked, your voice filled with innocent wonder.
"Just a little something to keep us energized," Alastor replied, glancing at you with a fond smile. "Would you like to help?"
You nodded eagerly, stepping closer. He handed you a knife, standing behind you and guiding your hand as you chopped vegetables. Your concentration was intense, and Alastor found it adorable how seriously you took the task. After you finished dinner and cleaned up, which he helped with, it was delightful. Charlie and Vaggie returned with a cure, and your memory soon went back to normal.
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goldenamaranthe-blog · 9 months ago
If Vaggie and Charlie had to do something and left Lucifer to babysit, how would the average outing between Lucifer and Sammy go?
Hi, lulus-rubber-duck!
Get ready for the most wholesome grandpa - grandson date of all time!
Apple Seed 20: Mamas Need Sleep
Charlie: Alright, Dad, are you sure you're okay with watching Sammy for the weekend while Vaggie and I go down to Sloth for a little break? *glances at Vaggie inch-worming her way to the door*
Lucifer: *proudly puffs out his chest as he holds Sammy on his hip* Not to worry, Charlie! Your old man's got it all under control! *pulls Charlie's undone bowtie out of her mouth to save it from the goat-like wrath of becoming food and ushers Charlie and Vaggie out* Don't you girls worry about a thing. Sammy and I will be just fine.
Charlie & Vaggie: *give zombified grunts and groans as responses while heaving themselves into the limo with Razzle at the wheel*
Lucifer: *watches as the limo pulls away before turning back into the hotel and strolling leisurely up to his room with Sammy still on his hip and whistling a little tune that morphs into a lip trumpet and vocable singing*
Sammy: *giggles and squeals as Lucifer flies him up to grandpa's room and set down on the bed*
Lucifer: Sammy, my boy! Papa's about to teach you all about.... *roots around in his closet and pulls out a little baby suit that's identical to his but has a little duck around the hat and stitched on the breast pocket* FASHION!!!!
Sammy: *coos and reaches out for the suit jacket with a smile*
Lucifer: And then! ICE CREAM!!!!
Sammy: *squeals in delight*
-Later That Night-
Charlie: *rolls over in a super plush and comfy bed in a hotel suite in Sloth, the scent of aromatherapy whisps through the air as gentle music plays in the background, and grabs her phone* Should probably check on Dad......
Vaggie: Babe... sleep...
Charlie: Know.... Know.... but baby check in....
*opens her messages and gets bombarded with picture after picture of Sammy wearing a little suit, ice cream smeared all over his face, playing with ducklings in the pond, flying around while laying on Lucifer's belly, covered in marker scribbles with "Luv U Mamas" written across his forehead, and him sitting in a bathtub with a giant inflatable rubber duckie with Lucifer wearing swim trunks and sitting with him*
Vaggie: Babe.... you good?
Charlie: *teary eyed* My baby~
Vaggie: *leans over to look at Charlie's phone and tears up* Our baby~
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