#Bye Bye Morons
gregor-samsung · 2 years
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Adieu les cons [Bye Bye Morons] (Albert Dupontel, 2020)
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witchern · 3 months
i've been keeping my mouth shut about a lot of the recent shit happening because i just don't feel like welcoming no-nuance idiots into my inbox, but at this point i need to make one thing perfectly clear: if there's someone at your protest/rally/event carrying an antisemitic sign, shouting antisemitic things, vandalizing jewish buildings and homes, attacking visibly jewish folks, etc – you need to kick them the fuck out of your space. they are NOT helping palestinians, they are NOT helping gaza, and they are certainly NOT helping you.
and if you choose NOT to kick them out, congratulations: your event is now antisemitic. and you are an antisemite.
as the saying goes: if there's a nazi at the table and 10 other people are sitting there talking to him, you've got a table with 11 nazis.
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republikkkanorcs · 4 months
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soaked-ghost · 15 days
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chat do we fw the ink redesign or should I renounce my artist career and go leave in the slumps
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caleblandrybones · 6 months
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misunderstood the assignment somehow all my faves are about being in a car
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murmursdraconic · 15 days
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taylorftparamore · 26 days
seeing folks geniunely believe the way to save starbucks is to reduce the menu to plain black coffee... brother if starbucks did that, i guaranteed they'd literally lose every customer they have. why the FUCK would i go to starbucks for a plain black coffee that's five bucks when dunkin sells it for a dollar? if i wanted to, i could go to mcdonald's and support the same anti union, war encouraging practices there by buying a single black coffee for a dollar. grow up. most people do not like plain black coffee.
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softquietsteadylove · 2 years
Hey! For the Actor AU:
In the last interview Eros was bitching around and tried to humiliate Gil. How about in the same interview the host decide to play a little game. Do you know these electronic boxing punch maschines to test out your strength? It’s a little fun game and Eros is trying extra hard because he is very sure Gil is too old or too weak to hit it very hard. So everybody hits and Eros gets pretty arrogant because in this moment he has the highest point hoping to impress Thena. until it’s time for Gil. He is a bit shy but Thena challenges him to use his full strength and he does because it’s Thena duh! Pretty sure Eros shut his mouth very quickly :D
"I hate these things," Thena murmured as they prepared to start airing again on the live talk show.
She rarely participated in silly little games like this.
"Me too," Gil sighed back to her, the two of them hovering in a little unit of their own during the commercial break. His hands were stuffed deep into his jeans pockets, "y'know, you don't have to participate if you don't want to. I'll take your turn for whatever stupid thing we're about to do."
Thena beamed at him, tilting her head and letting her hair drift over her shoulder as she did, "you're too sweet."
Gil blushed.
He shrugged his shoulders, still hunched in on himself as if trying to hide himself away, "just volunteer to judge for us. That'll get you out of whatever bullshit is about to happen."
Thena laughed lightly with Gil until the audience was seated again. She sighed as they were called back to their marks.
"So, it's no secret that this cast has no slouches in the stunt department!"
Thena tried to keep her wince off her face, although she was already imagining what they were about to be put up to.
"So why not test it?"
All heads turned as a carnival game was wheeled out on stage, already lit up, displaying the possible scores to be obtained while punching the lever controlled punching bag in its centre.
"We're all gonna line up, and see who's got the best swing! Who's up first?"
"I'll go!"
Both Thena and Gil breathed a faint sigh of relief as Eros proudly and too-eagerly strolled right up to the brightly lit machine.
"Okay, great!" the host beamed, carrying along the necessary energy to keep the segment entertaining. He held out a hand, "Thena, would you care to keep an eye on things--make sure he's not pulling a fast one or anything?"
"Gladly," she smiled graciously, stepping into the appropriate spot for camera. She met Gil's eyes, who gave her a little bounce of his eyebrows, congratulating her on being able to skip out organically.
"I've been getting pretty good at boxing, while I was training for this," Eros grinned, shrugging off his suit jacket, which got some screams from the audience in and off itself. By the time his sleeves were rolled up they were frothing at the mouth.
But he kept his eyes on Thena.
"Any time," she prompted him, hoping to hurry him along (and cut down on the amount of intense eye contact he was making).
"This is for you," he winked, giving his knuckle a kiss before taking his best swing at the fake punching bag. It was a decent score, certainly, and he celebrated it. "Yeah!"
The crowd cheered for him, and Thena clapped obligingly, wearing a perfectly polite smile on her face. "Seems decent."
"Not bad, not bad," the host nodded along.
Most of them took their turns, some giving it a light tap and some giving it a full swing. Surprisingly, Eros' score was still just barely at the top.
"It seems I have youth on my side," he teased his castmates, who took the joke in stride (mostly). He leaned forward to look at Thena down the line from him, "what's my prize, m'lady?"
"Is youth not enough?" Thena teased him right back, earning a laugh from the crowd (even his loyal fans). "Gil still hasn't gone."
The audience erupted into screams, possibly even loud enough to rival Eros' reaction.
"Oh, I-I don't have to," Gil waved his hand, trying to squirm out of it. He had continuously let people ahead of him in the line for this exact reason.
"Oh come on, old man," Eros grinned at him, just barely attempting to make it sound lighthearted. "Don't tell me that shoulder's still bothering you!"
Thena's glare was not well concealed, but at least the cameras weren't on her in that particular moment.
"Fine," Gil sighed, mostly as the host himself pushed him to it. He looked at Thena, somewhat asking what he should do.
She smiled at him, though, "give it your best shot. Don't let the young blood talk about you like you're retired."
Gil chuckled. What she meant was that she wanted to shut him up, and she was asking Gil to do it. He nodded.
Gil pulled off his bomber jacket, which Thena took from him, watching much more closely for his turn than she had for the others. Gil shook out his shoulders first before inhaling, "here we go."
It happened so fast! His fist raised, it made contact with the speedbag, and then it was up and lodged back into place, the machine beeping and flashing high score. The whole thing took about four seconds.
"Wh-" the host blinked, "I-I didn't even see that! Do we have playback?"
It took a second, but the screen behind them displayed the camera's recording slowed down, showing that Gil had indeed hit the punching bag so hard that it was immediately swung back into its locked position from the force of it.
"That is an indisputable win from the Tyrant King himself!" the host cheered, raising Gil's hand for the audience's applause.
Thena also clapped for him, although once he turned back to her she cupped his chin with her hand, leaning him down to kiss his cheek.
Gil blinked in surprise, but he grinned at her the next second, "now that's a hell of a prize. I would've gone first if I'd known."
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oofuri2003 · 1 year
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honeylover · 1 year
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fabcreature · 1 year
me: *desperately needs praise for the work i do or i will shatter from the heartache*
also me: *at least once a month cries and shatters from the heartache bc i'm convinced every single bit of praise i ever get is either a lie just to be nice, or misguided bc they don't realize i'm a fraud*
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theredtours · 1 year
Soooo I definitely got scammed. Had to file a report with the FBI and everything.
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phoenixtakaramono · 1 year
…Twitter is going down the sh*tter 🫠
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polychocobros · 1 year
can i just say some of the comments on michael’s new post are particularly laughable.. like how the fuck are u gonna derail a popart piece that looks like it is between a man and a woman and start calling trans people helicopter/dog hybrids and asking michael is he has gone to the other side and claim he’s posting propaganda.. like are you sure we are the ones who take everything too seriously or are you projecting?
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creepyscritches · 2 years
This is not trauma btw this is just comedy like imagine the biggest empty brained shithead thinking he's smarter than everyone else (he would drill me on ONCOLOGY and get defensive when I told him facts that contradicted his IT professional bg lmao)
He literally got defensive when I took the ACT college exam at 12 and scored much higher than both my parents LOL....my mom took me out for a fun dinner out and my dad was convinced my score wasn't anything to celebrate bc it could've been higher or smth. I took it two more times and I think the final score when I was in high school was like 28--same response from both parents lmao. What an insecure man
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rdy2laugh · 2 years
I have to tell you I honestly am not surprised. Instead of just blocking and deleting I TRIED to just talk to this one. He contacted me giving me his digits and his work history as if I only care about his monetary value, but alas, I did POLITELY talk to him and asked him a few questions first off. I asked him what he thought about cheaters and had he been cheated on. His reply was he had no comment on the first and he had been cheated on for the latter. I then asked if he enjoyed it and if he wanted to be cheated on again. Come on folks, this is logical right? I mean you do want to talk to someone and not just get shut down instantly, so I did walk him through this. He replied no he wouldn't. So I then proceeded to tell him he was asking ME to cheat for and WITH him. I questioned on his lack of concern for the man I am with and how he would make that man feel like he did and destroy my relationship and not care as long as HE got laid with me??? I noted my profile clearly says I am not looking so I wanted to know if he read it or if he just chose to ignore it.
He is 53. His profile consists of only this...... "I love satisfying a woman." IDEAL PERSON: Someone that is open minded when it comes to the bathroom."
This is what he sent me after I pointed out what he was asking me to do and his not reading or ignoring the profile...
MSG: Nice paragraph, but you got me all wrong. You didn't read my profile either. If you don't want to get hit on make hook up dates or whatever you want to call it. Then you should not be on this site adult friend finder is more like adult friend get laid type of website just like Ashley's websites the same way. Instead of you always putting down men because they contact you and then you put it in their face while you didn't read my profile then you should actually delete or totally remove yourself from this website It's not impossible. And one thing keep in mind quit trying to be Dr Ruth. Lol 3/5/2023 8:36 am
NEXT MSG: And to be honest with you if you were such a happy woman that you were in a happy relationship this is actually the wrong website for you to even be on. The famous saying is you're calling a kettle black when you're doing the same thing. But the difference between me and you is I'm single you're not. 3/5/2023 8:38 am
I am no longer surprised that when told no the majority of men do this 'then get off the site' crap. It is so common and honestly stupid that I just point and laugh now. The site is an adult social network, not a free online whorehouse. So many men believe that all the women on here are free whores they just bought with their membership and don't get women can and DO have the freedom to say NO to you!! If I get 5 emails in a day I am NOT having sex with 5 different men EVERY DAY!! His flailing around trying to justify this is hilarious. I am not a kettle calling a pot black as my profile does NOT say what his does at all. I am not even looking!! I did NOT contact HIM looking to meet up.
Maybe he wants a woman open minded on the bathroom thing because he is actually a piece of shit??? I also sent him a list of the other people on here, including men, that are NOT looking to get laid with a note telling him to contact them and see what they say when he tells them they belong on another site. LOL
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