#Buy My House Guru
d4rkpluto · 1 year
𝔡𝔢𝔯𝔦𝔳𝔞𝔱𝔦𝔳𝔢 𝔥𝔬𝔲𝔰𝔢𝔰 𝔣𝔬𝔯 𝔣𝔞𝔪𝔢
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and before we get into this post i really hope that the people here know the basic themes of signs, planets or houses because i'll actually pull my hair out if someone asks me what are the themes of leo or the moon.
right now im shadowbanned the police got me!
but if you want a paid intuitive reading here is the link but please message @venusiansirens because i cant message right now
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♇ so what are derivative houses? it comes from horary astrology, and it is when you measure a chart from some point of the wheel which is not from the ascendant. using this topic as an example, [fame], what if you wanted to learn how your family would react to your fame?
♇ and we know the number/house for siblings in astrology is the number "4", so from the main fame house [the tenth house] you count four houses.
♇ so, 7⟶8⟶9⟶10. so the sign/or planets in your ninth house would tell you how your future spouse's siblings are like. [before i thought it would be the tenth house, but when you count in horary astrology, number one would also be from where you start!].
♇ another example, the gossip you'll get when you become famous, the number 3 rules over friends in astrology so you will need to count eleven houses to see.
10⟶11⟶12. so the sign/or planets in your third house would tell you how what kind of gossip you'll receive. now there's an understanding let's get into the post!
♇ 10.
⟶ if you have venus in the tenth house you could be famous because of your beauty, creativity and social skills. people might consider you to be a fair and likeable person thus a reason why people might gravitate to you so quickly.
⟶ if you have sagittarius in the tenth house you could be famous because of the controversy you bring, i've noticed those who have sagittarius in the midheaven attract attention very easily. you could also be famous because of your philosophical views, people might view you as a guru, and you might be famous due to screen-writing etc.
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♇ 10⟶11.
⟶ if you have juno in the eleventh house you could earn money through lovers and bonds, as the eleventh house is known as a social and connection house, when you're famous you could be considered as someone who can easily make business connections with business partners or people who want to buy your stuff. you could earn money by selling make-up or fashion clothes.
⟶ if you have libra in the eleventh house you could earn a lot of money through court-cases, if you were a petty person and wanted to sue people you'll easily get the money, aside from that, you could earn money from people around you, and you could sell products due to wannabes who want to be like you.
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♇ 10⟶11⟶12.
⟶ if you have the sun in the twelfth house you would definitely have a lot of people speak about you, people would gossip about everything you're doing, people will gossip about your personality and how different you do things, you might feel like you're in the centre of attention especially in moments when you dont want it. you might find men or those with authority/forceful power speak about you all the time.
⟶ if you have aries in the twelfth house, you would definitely be popular, the way you do things will be spoken about, people might gossip about how you're someone who "does too much," or people might make fun of you for wanting to be famous, your temper/emotions could be a spoken topic.
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♇ 10⟶11⟶12⟶1.
⟶ if you have the moon in the first house could imply that your family could be very emotional and receptive about your fame, they could be very encouraging to what you want to do. they could be the type of people who speak about your fame to other people and boast about it, but be aware of the bitter family members who will evil-eye your fame.
⟶ if you have scorpio in the first house this could insinuate that your family could be very intense with the way they feel about your success, this is a beacon of people being two-faced or wanting to exploit your career, they would want to earn money through your success.
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♇ 10⟶11⟶12⟶1⟶2.
⟶ if you have mars in the second house that's a huge display of you being in a lot of drama, you might be a lot of drama revolving men or your anger. and you could be known to be in a lot of relationship and might be considered as someone who is very sexual, and you might get into a lot of love triangles or even more.
⟶ if you have taurus in the second house that's an indicator that you might get into drama because of your stubbornness, or over money. people might want to steal your possessions/money and it might hit the media, you could attract ignorant people or you might be ignorant to some specific things that gets you into trouble.
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♇ 10⟶11⟶12⟶1⟶2⟶3.
⟶ if you have mercury in the third house you are likely going to have so many people speaking about you, you could have some relatives that start to dislike you, you could have so much enemies on the internet and might have some enemies try to get into a relationship with you, aside from enemies, you having mercury in the third house insinuates that people would see you as a jack of all trades and as someone who is very charming to other people, you could influence people easily.
⟶ if you have leo in the third house, many people would want to compete against you, much people would want to copy you and thus grow bitter because they are not like you. you could have much authority/male figures dislike you; you could be skilled in performing and engaging with the crowd.
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♇ 10⟶11⟶12⟶1⟶2⟶3⟶4.
⟶ if you have saturn in the fourth house this implies that your relationships during fame will be very karmic, or you'll likely get into short-termed or long-termed relationships depending on what aspects your saturn has in your chart. having saturn here also indicates that you might want to restrict yourself from romance due to you not being sure of people you'll get into relationships with.
⟶ if you have pisces in the fourth house you could rush into relationships, you might get into relationships with people who might project onto you or they could just expect too much from you. your relationships might be famous and a lot of people might admire it or might want to have a relationship mirroring yours.
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♇ 10⟶11⟶12⟶1⟶2⟶3⟶4⟶5.
⟶ if you have neptune in the fifth house there'd be all types of rumours/secrets about you, you might find people hiding information from you or you'll attempt to leave a secretive life from everyone around you. having this placement is a beacon of having drug use and like being secretive of it but some people might find out about it. you could earn money through music, art or even drugs.
⟶ if you have capricorn in the fifth house you'll be very protective over yourself and you'll likely have a close group of people, [also a small group of people] that'll be very restrictive about letting your information out, you might go through bankruptcy and would likely want to keep it a secret. if you ever sold merch it'll be successful, you would likely be a celebrity/famous person who would want to open a business.
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♇ 10⟶11⟶12⟶1⟶2⟶3⟶4⟶5⟶6.
⟶ if you have uranus in the ninth house you could be someone who is massively liked, if you were to get famous it might happen randomly, people on the internet will likely like you a lot, and people might like you because of how rebellious and different you are and copy the way you behave.
⟶ if you have gemini in the ninth house you would be considered a trendy and influential you might get a lot of people copy what you wear and how you do something. your fans will always keep you trended on social media apps, and they'd be the type to bite people's neck if they come against you.
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♇ 10⟶11⟶12⟶1⟶2⟶3⟶4⟶5⟶6⟶7.
⟶ if you have pluto in the tenth house you would be perceived as someone who is powerful, mesmerising and interesting. you could be considered as someone who likes to use their power over people, you might abuse it or you might use your power for the good. you would be perceived as a controversial person and people might love to speak about you.
⟶ if you have aquarius in the tenth house you could be seen as someone who is authentic and original. people might think of you to be someone who knows how to ride with the wave and people might think of you to be someone who understands internet humour. you could also have a weird energy or people never know what you're going to do next thus keeping people on their toes.
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♇ 10⟶11⟶12⟶1⟶2⟶3⟶4⟶5⟶6⟶7⟶8.
⟶ if you have sun in the eighth house you would likely attract friends who will bring much potential to your life or to your fame. you would most likely attract friends who are very positive and optimistic, they could be deemed as people who are popular and generous, they might be the type of friends to give you stuff that you need.
⟶ if you have cancer in the eighth house you would likely attract friends who are very nurturing and giving. you could attract friends who are protective and very specific about the people they have in their circle, they could also be someone who is popular and you might admire them because of the amount of emotional transformations they've been through.
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♇ 10⟶11⟶12⟶1⟶2⟶3⟶4⟶5⟶6⟶7⟶8⟶9.
⟶ if you have lilith in your ninth house, your hidden enemies could be really vile and they could be the type of people who like to spread gossip about you and might even make up lies against your name. they could be people who think you're treated to fair so they want to bring a "balance", just very bitter people.
⟶ if you have virgo in the ninth house, your hidden enemies might like to pick you apart and want to publicise your flaws to other people, could be the type of people to zoom into your pictures to find something off about you or your background. could be the type of people who are jealous of your triumphs and will see you as their competition.
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harvesti · 1 month
How can I stop binge-eating? I have gotten better but the temptation is still there because I always see sweets/chocolate around my home (I can’t control what my family buys). I hate allowing food control me
the bottomline of getting rid of excessive behaviors is to stop doing it. I know it's not what you want to hear, but that's just the truth. even if you go to a physician or a psychiatrist, even if you take a med, even if you go to a spiritual guru, etc, at the end of the day you'll only be successful if you stop doing it.
if your family is the one buying the food you don't want to eat, then treat it as theirs. but don't use their habits as an excuse for you lack of self-control. if your family has a gun, you don't need to pull the trigger. if your family is ignoring your request to buy less sugar, they're still not forcing you, I suppose, to eat it, much less binge on it. (I'm assuming you're a binge-eater because of your question, but nowadays I'm skeptical of the term because I see a lot of girls who treat overeating to some extent as binging, which is not the same!)
your situation is HARD, don't get me wrong, I am 100% behind you on how hard it is to adjust our habits when we're not independent. when I'm giving advice about food habits, the first thing I say, always, is to not bring home foods that you don't want to eat! so I am with you in saying that your situation makes everything way harder. however, ultimately, when you decide to engage in excessive behavior, it's your choice and your action and your responsibility. unless your family is actually forcing you to eat, you're the one responsible for it.
like I said, having the sweets and chocolate around you is tempting, but it doesn't make it a forceful situation where you have to eat them. I believe there's a chance you could be using your family as an excuse, blaming their choices for yours. if you don't understand this now, then in the future, when you're independent and you have your own money and you're the one in charge of shopping, it'll be an even bigger challenge. because if you think a few sweets and chocolates around the house are tough to resist, just wait until you get your bag and you're at the supermarket and there's aisle after aisle after aisle dedicated exclusively to sugar! it's a way bigger trap to fall in. and it won't be the supermarket's fault.
so change your mentality if you want to change your decisions. if you don't want to take part in your family's habits, exclude yourself from them. use the bigger challenge to build a stronger resolve. use it as a trial for your future choices, which will be even harder. but keep in mind, always, that you're the one in charge, whether you believe that or not!
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being-addie · 1 year
hi girl, how are you? I hope ur fine and that everything's perfectly okay, i got some questions, if u don't mind answering.
so on September it's my freshman year, im so excited, and especially bcz im going to a new school, which means new people, new experiences and stuff.
Ik high school isn't as perfect as i see it in movies, and that my skl won't take us on a road trip and leave us all alone so we can have fun 💀 but i was wondering if u had any tips for high skl.
I also kinda wanna have a glow up, both physical and mental, during summer, and since ur a whole glowup guru I thought u could give me a "program" to follow so i can look, think and behave better, especially cz my mom doesn't allow me to go out so no gym or activities outside, and she thinks im too young to have a skincare or follow a diet yk.
thank u so much in advance, i absolutely love ur posts, and if u can't or don't have time to answer, that's perfectly fine, stay safe hun<33
hello love,
sorry this is late. classes have been insane. congratulations on your new school! it's always exciting when you try something new, and I promise you're gonna love it.
now, im assuming you're 15/16 years old, since you're a freshman. Before I say anything about having fun in high school, I need to you remember that while TV and movies glorify high school as this really crazy time where you party and have fun (yes, you will have fun I promise), its important to keep in mind that these four years will help you decide your future and get into college. So work hard, and party harder.
Okay, now that I've said that, let's tackle this bit by bit.
How to have fun in high school:
Have sleepovers: They're a fun and easy way to bond with friends. Order tons of junk food and stay up all night.
Picnics: My favourite activity. Dress up and have a themed picnic, and have a photoshoot.
Pool party: If someone you know has a pool, go have fun in the water!
Hang out: Honestly, this was the most fun I had in high school. Just meet at someone's house or at the park, and just chat. Or bring an activity to do together (crochet, playing cards, etc). Buy some snacks and play some music and it's the most chill vibe ever. You will love it.
Start a band: If you play an insturment/ sing, start a band! It's so much fun to practice and perform with friends!
Join a club: You can make lots of like-minded friends at clubs at school. Pick something you really like to do.
How to glow-up for high school:
There's no rule that the gym is the only place to workout. When I was 15, I wasn't allowed to the gym either, so I had to make do.
Youtube videos: There are tons and tons of great workout videos from people with a large following. My favourites are Caroline Girvan, growingannanas, Pamela Reif and Madfit. Go get sweaty!
Makeshift weights: You can water bottles filled with water/sand as weights or buy ankle weights to put around your wrists as you get stronger.
Run: This is an amazing source of cardio. I gave up a while back on this because I detest running, but it really does work. Plug in your headphones and go for a run in nature.
Dance: Dancing is a really fun way to workout. Try Zumba, hip-hop or K-pop routines. Hell, even Just Dance has some good ones. Join a class if you want to stay accountable.
Honestly, I can't give a lot of advice to you here, because I'm not qualified enough. Go to a nutritionist to see if there's anything you can do. If not, make sure to eat plenty of protein and fibre, limit your junk food intake and drink lots of water. Make lots of salads and fruit bowls. Overnight oats are healthy, filling and delicious.
What I like to do, is eat everything in moderation. Say I've had a healthy breakfast, lunch and dinner. I won't deny myself a nice bowl of ice-cream (again, not a sundae, the key is moderation). But if I've had greasy food for lunch and takeout for dinner, I'll probably settle for fruit instead. Know that you can eat without punishing yourself, but remember not to go overboard. Food is fuel, remember.
Other tips:
Skincare: Don't make it too fancy. I know influencers and the like have those weird 15-step skincare routines, but it isn't necessary. I use the Cetaphil Gentle Skin Cleanser, and the most basic Cetaphil face lotion I could find along with an organic lip balm my mom buys. It works like a charm and itsn to too fancy. I also take an ABC smoothie (Apple, Beetroot, Carrot + some water.) This is such a game-changer.
Abundance mindset: I like to think of the universe constantly working in my favour. It's always looking out for me, and I'm the luckiest girl in the world. What you think is what you attract. If you think negatively, you will begin to see only bad things around you. Stay positive.
Wardrobe: Go thrifting, or DIY some old clothes. Pinterest has tons of amazing ideas. Paint your T-shirts, dye your skirts, make cute jewellery at home. There are no limits.
Makeup: I don't recommend it honestly. I'm more or less anti makeup to the point where I only own two pieces of makeup(eyeliner and lip gloss) and even those are used sparingly. Don't get used to your painted face. Your natural beauty is beautiful; and should not be hidden. There's something so amazing in someone who is confident in their own skin. Own yourself, and people will love you more for it.
This post became incredibly long lmao, but I hope I was able to help. DM me if you want more tips. You got this xoxo
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tyranasauruslex · 10 months
do you think rome has ever made a mixtape songs for lukas when he gets bored?
Roman takings tips from those early 2000's Cosmo "How To Impress Your Man" lists. I actually see Lukas as the mixtape guru - he'd make Roman his own Spotify playlist.
Bored Roman would wander around the house and send Lukas multiple voice notes about the stuff he finds:
"What's this green stuff in your fridge? It looks gross. Eww... it tastes like grass. Why are you eating grass? There's nothing normal in your fridge by the way... even your bread is weird. What is Limpa? Ohh ok that actually tastes nice... Eww pickled fish. Your country is weird. I ate all your bread by the way."
"Your mom called so I told her you abandoned me to work... she's gonna send me baby Lukas pictures via email. I might put them on insta... I haven't decided yet... Oh my god you look like a baby giant... Your poor mom having to shove you out of her vagina. Ok you're actually kind of cute for a baby giant with your little knitted hat on... Aww baby Lukas at the zoo... ha, that giraffe must be related to you. All my baby pictures are with the nanny... or with Shiv looking like a bald egg. Thats depressing."
"We should go to that new Italian on the upper East side... I called and they said they'd do plain pasta for you... only if you want to though. You probably have boring work stuff to do or Tom will want to take you to show off. I can just go with Shiv and listen to her complain about how the baby ripped apart her vagina for the millionth time. Having a baby sounds gross but at least Lilly is cute... and small, not a baby giant like you were. I'll just take Lilly to the Italian. Babies can eat pasta, right?"
"Just so you know I've taken one of your sweaters cus I can't work out the heating system. Why are your arms so long? Like, how to you even operate them? Ohh this kinda cosy... you'll have to buy another one because I'm keeping this one. I'm in your closet by the way and it's giving serial killer. Nobody is that organised. Or neat. I bet if you decided to murder me this is where you'd hide my body. Or you'd stitch me up inside a bear carcass. Ohh cool... you have the shirt I wore when I first stayed over. You're such a dork. But in, like, a cool way and FUCK! Don't worry I'm not dead, I just tripped over one of your massive shoes. Is that how you came to the US? Via shoe-boat? You know, cus your Mister Viking and stuff... Ok, so I have a question... Are your stupidly big feet an indication of how big other stuff is? Cus it kind of feels that way when you cuddle me but... actually forget I asked that. I'm just gonna delete this..."
"You're asleep when I'm sending you this but I think you need to know how much you look like a dead body when you sleep. Here... I'm sending you photographic evidence... Why don't you make any noise? Like at all? You keep telling me I say a bunch of random shit in my sleep and... oh you moved. I'm gonna whisper from now on... Wait, what if you're actually dead? I'd get the blame and end up in fucking prison being molested by the guards. I can't go to prison so I'd have to dismember you in the bathroom or something. Also thank you for not being mean about the whole dick to shoe ratio... and for the drawing. Cus you know i've never really... well, anyway it makes it less scary even if you can't draw for shit. I'm just going to pet your hair for a bit cus I know you like that... Oh fuck I woke you up!"
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thislovintime · 1 year
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Peter Tork’s second house (at 3615 Shady Oak Road in Studio City), as photographed in 2022 by Barry King/Alamy Stock Photo; Peter as photographed by Nurit Wilde (screenshot from Laurel Canyon: A Place In Time).
“Peter Tork’s house had belong to actor Wally Cox. It was one of those substantial homes. It had a swimming pool. It had a whole wing going off in one direction with rooms in it used for rehearsals. It had a whole pool house that had an apartment in it. A complex. Through the gate and up the driveway. And you come into this whole world there. The first time I was there it was Peter’s house, and then it became Stephen Stills’. Peter was very social. He was like a commune type of guy. A lot of people around. He was like a yoga and guru guy. In those days you could go over and could stay for a couple of days if you wanted. You’d meet somebody there and fall in love. It was a very open society. One night I went to Peter’s house and showed slides, and Keith Moon and Pete Townshend of the Who were there. I did a slide show and they were sitting in the front, cracking jokes. Making up titles for the slides.” - Henry Diltz, Canyon of Dreams: The Magic and Music of Laurel Canyon (2009)
“[Peter] got a big house, and I went and stayed with him for a while. And then he had a big house in Studio City that I ended up buying from him. Great house. That was the CS&N house.” - Stephen Stills, Canyon of Dreams: The Magic and Music of Laurel Canyon (2009)
Peter Tork: “That house had a swimming pool that had nobody overlooking it, so we could swim au naturel. Confidential magazine actually mocked up a picture… I don’t know where they got a photo, they got a photo of the backyard of the house with the swimming pool in it, and they airbrushed in the picture of a woman of indistinct features facing the camera naked, but with her arms crossing her chest. Since I know that no woman ever did that, that’s one of the reasons I know it was a fake, and when you look closely, you can see it. Confidential magazine, which was then the hotshot gossip, tell-all National Enquirer, what Entertainment Tonight is, all that stuff, they made a point of intimating debauchery — which there wasn’t too much of. There was a lot of good stuff, a lot of innocent stuff there, too, I must say. The house was on the north side of Laurel Canyon. [..] I lived north of the canyon, really it was in the foothills of the Santa Monica Mountains there, where Laurel Canyon comes down off of Laurel Terrace, on a little tiny street called Shady Oak, I think it had one other house on it. […] Crosby came up to the big house a lot, along with Denny Doherty and Barry McGuire and Steve Stills […]. When I had the big house, he came up, and for a while, I vacated the big house, and Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young were staying there. The Stones stayed there for a week once, under Stephen’s aegis. He had them come over, and I think he cleared out for a week while they stayed there. That was pretty cool. […] Sometimes I would wake up to find them swimming in the pool with a half-empty gallon of wine floating in the pool that they would take occasional hits from. […] Jimi came over a lot with Buddy Miles.”
[…] Q: “Who were the women who would attend those parties at your house?” PT: “There were a couple ladies living at my house, none of whom you would have heard of, probably. They’d gotten into the scene…one of them was a lady whose first encounter, I think, was with Chris Hillman, and whose second encounter was me, and whose third encounter was Peter Fonda, except that she got it on with Crosby on the side, because nobody cared in those days. So in a sense, it was groupies, but not the ‘pick ‘em up’ groupies on the street. These had actually evolved into ladies of position in the scene. Invaluable, really. Couldn’t carry on without them.” - Rolling Stone, 2007; published 2019
(Visitors to the house also included George Harrison and Ringo Starr; more on that in June over @harrisonarchive, for the 55th anniversary.)
“‘I don't mean to paint such a bleak picture of it [the Sixties],’ Tork said. ‘I still felt I was in the vanguard, along with a bunch of other people. I was pretty happy. I had a circle of friends, and it was a lot of fun. God knows, I went through a lot of scenes and found out what I needed to find out, which is, for instance, that orgies are nice, but they're only temporary and they're not fulfilling.’” Tork's infamous orgies were held at the Hollywood house he bought in 1968, previously the property of comedian Wally Cox. At the height of his fame, Tork could have paid for it in cash, but was advised against it. So he took out a huge loan and spent his money redecorating. In the master bedroom Tork's bed was eight feet by eight feet with a foam mattress six inches thick. He had a four-place bathtub put into the bathroom, along with a sauna. He had Mexican tiles laid. He carved his initials into the shower stall. There was red plush carpeting throughout the house, a wet bar in the foyer, six-by-nine-foot picture window in the living room overlooking the San Fernando Valley. The film room was a splendiferous workshop of sandblasted natural wood that housed Tork's resident filmmaker manqué. The screen covered the entire wall, offering a ten-by-twelve-foot platform for the flower of psychedelia's exploding visuals – viewed by exploding heads of all chemical persuasions, days on end. Just down the hall and across a bridge was another wing of the house. Downstairs was a cabana, leading to a fifty-foot pool. There were no houses behind his, so many people preferred to dive into the pool nude – straight out of his bathroom window. ‘I'd rather have nude swimming,’ reflected Tork; ‘it's much easier. There's a certain charge to bodies if they're covered up, and if you remove that, it takes a lot of that extra energy out of things.’ Originally, Tork brought a girl friend [Reine Stewart] to live with him at the house. Then his filmmaker friend [Bobby Hammer] moved in. He was followed by a young woman and her son [Karen Harvey and Justin]. Later a friend of his girl friend stayed there. When Tork quit the Monkees toward the end of 1968, his new group, Peter Tork and/or Release, moved in. Often, wandering downstairs of an early afternoon. Tork would come upon two or three strange bodies asleep in the walk-in fireplace. But that was all right. At the same time, it wasn't all right. ‘If you're fixed on the notion that an orgy is going to fulfill you, and one doesn't do it, you're going to try a hundred. If orgies don't do it, maybe drugs will. Like the fixated person I was then, I went from one thing to another. I had to try everything: flower power, dope, orgies, fast cars.’ His sternest nemesis was alcohol. ‘In the beginning drinking was a lot of fun,’ said Tork. ‘I have some memories of things that I did drunk that I never would have done sober, that I guess I always sort of wanted to do. But drinking isn't selective. It doesn't let you do exactly what you want to do and keep you from doing the things you don't want to do. Furthermore, at a certain point, and I think with certain personality types, it's addictive. You find you cannot drink moderately any longer. It finally reached a point with me where it was obvious that I was going to die if I kept up with it. I was never hospitalized, but I could see the path. I realized I was out of control.’” - When The Music Mattered (1984)
“It had a big lovely swimming pool and a good music room where we could get pretty loud.  Jimi did come over to my house. Buddy Miles and I were close for a while and both of them would come over and say hello. Once [Stephen Stills] and David Crosby and my then girlfriend and I were jamming together and I leaning into the drums something ferocious, banging on cymbals and lashing out pretty good, until a city councilman and a cop came over and we were so loud that we drowned out conversation down the hill, apparently.” - Peter Tork, Review Mag, May 27, 2016
“I think I was a sort of Gatsby [during the Monkee years]. I was isolated and did not have a continuing sense of community. I’d have a moment of friendship here or there, a moment of sharing, but I didn’t believe that was the main body of my life. I didn’t know who my friends were, and anytime somebody asked me for a favor I wrote them off as a hang-around. And I wasn’t able to ask people for favors, because I was supposed to have all that it took to keep myself together, because I had the money. At the same time, by giving the money away, I thought I was returning something to the community. I didn’t see myself as apologizing, which is how I see myself now. But I had all this money, and I tried to make amends to the world by throwing it at people. And, essentially, what that did was to isolate me all the more.” - Peter Tork, When The Music Mattered (1984)
“Poor Peter Tork of the Monkees, he was so sweet. We stayed with him part of the time, and the Digger boys just about emptied his house. I really regret their doing that.” - Jeff Kisseloff, Generation on Fire (2007)
“Peter Tork of the Monkees generously offered a place to say while Elsa and the others worked the town. ‘He was sweet,’ says Elsa [Marley Skylark] with some chagrin, ‘and I felt bad because the [Digger] boys ripped him off for everything that was liftable.’” - Sleeping Where I Fall: A Chronicle (1999) (x)
"'She [Karen Harvey] came because I asked her to,’ Tork conformed during a phone call from California. 'I can’t actually say she was my girlfriend. She was my roommate. She came back and forth for a while. I’m an old fan of hers from way, way back. Karen is a wonderful singer.’ Although she eventually got her own apartment, Harvey spent much of her time at Tork’s house, under the famous 'Hollywood’ sign. 'I was handling a lot of affairs of the house because he [Tork] was working like a slave,’ Harvey said. 'TV work is no picnic.’ With the increasing amount of money and fame through the Monkees’ TV show, Tork moved to a bigger house (once owned by actor Wally Cox) in Studio City. They also needed more room because Tork, Harvey and Robert Hammer, who directed the horror film 'Don’t Answer the Phone,’ had formed a film company called Breakthrough-Influence, whose work included videos for Crosby, Stills and Nash, and Steve Miller. (Hammer is also the father of Harvey’s son, Justin, 22; she has another son, Domin, 11, by a member of Sail-Joia.) 'It was in that [Studio City] house that Lowell George from Little Feat used to rehearse, and that was the house that the Beatles came to,’ Harvey said. 'Jimi Hendrix came to both [houses] because he was a real good friend right up until he died.’" - The News Journal, July 16, 1989 (x)
(More about the Tork-George connection here.)
“Tork — whose membership in the artificially constructed group the Mokees didn’t lose him street cred with his ‘purer’ music friends — owned a house in Studio City, which he termed an ‘artists’ collective.’ There, beautiful, distinctly non-bimbo women strolled around nude; vegetarian cuisine was whipped up by a chef; and Augustus Oswley Stanley III made personal visits from the Bay Area with his finest fresh batches of acid. Crosby and his girlfriend, Christine Hinton, were frequent guests.” - footnote in Girls Like Us: Carole King, Joni Mitchell, Carly Simon — And the Journey of a Generation by Sheila Weller (2008)
“After quitting [The Monkees], Tork tried to launch a new band called Peter Tork and Release. The fact that he’d been in the Monkees may have made it harder to gain respect, he said, but his fame also gave him advantages over other new bands. The pluses and debits of being an ex-Monkee balanced out, Tork thinks. Release failed, he says, because ‘I didn’t know how to stick to it. I ran out of money and told the band members, “I can’t support us as a crew any more, you’ll just have to find your own way.”’ In hindsight, Tork says, he should have asked the others to help support the band and hang with it after he could no longer afford to be its sugar daddy. But at the time, Tork says, he lacked the self-esteem to ask for other people’s help.” - Los Angeles Times, October 20, 1992 (x)
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cyanea-lamarcki · 2 years
Vampire: the Masquerade Legacy Challenge
Since Forgotten Realms Chalenge I play is coming to the last quarter, I decided to look for some other challenges that might interest me. Along the way I decided to write my own rules for challenge inspired by my favorite roleplay setting, Vampire: The Masquerade. I took only Camarilla clans, and I totally ignored the 5th ediction, so Gangrels are also a part of this.
So, this is to be played as a legacy of vampires in The SIms 4. The next generation is supposed to be embraced by Vampire Creation ability, however, if you wish, your sims may reproduce the classic way.
Please, tag me if you find this interesting and wish to try it out. I would love to see your screenshots!
Generation 1: Ventrue
You are from old blood and old customs. You were born to rule, and everyone has no choice but to comply with it. The power of your persuasion and influence knows no bounds. All those young fledglings don’t realize how inferior are they to you, and they are needed to be guided with a firm hand. You deserve only the best, the most luxurious and rare, be it your house or the blood you drink.
Dress sim only in old-fashioned outfits
Traits: Proper, Snob, Squeamish
Get Good Manners (P) trait before aging up to adulthood
Max the Charisma skill
Reach the top of Politician (CL; Politician branch) or Business career (Investor branch)
Complete the Mansion Baron or Master Vampire aspiration
Get Command and Influence Emotion (3 Ranks) vampiric powers and Withered Stomach weakness
You may drink only from celebrities
Accumulate 300000 simoleons
Buy the Connections reward trait
Generation 2: Brujah
You had quite enough of your despotic sir! Now you want nothing to do with Camarilla; you join the Anarch rebellion, where the true freedom reigns. You’ll fight for what’s good left in your unlife, and you’ll do it damn well. You’re not afraid of taking risks and showing up those arrogant elders where their real place is.
Get your sim look like a punk! Or just rebellious enough.
Traits: Hot-headed, Bro, Active
Get Uncontrolled Emotions (P) trait before aging up to adulthood
Max the Fitness skill
Reach the top of Criminal (Boss branch) or Athlete (Bodybuilder branch) career
Complete the Bodybuilder or Extreme Sports Enthusiast (SE) aspiration
Get Vampiric Strength (3 Ranks) and Supernatural Speed vampiric powers and Sloppy Drinker weakness
Get the Roughhousing Encouraged Neighborhood Action Plan
Always participate in the Neighbourhood Brawl
Buy Brave reward trait
Generation 3: Nosferatu
To you, unlife is unfair. Cursed with ugly looks, forced to hide among the trash and to drink from junkies and rats – that could hardly make happy anyone. But you managed to find an escape in the Net and comradery among the other outcasts. You help to maintain the Masquerade with your outstanding hacking abilities, and that pays oh so well.
Create a really scary sim, even in non-dark form. When leaving home lot, always dress them in disguise.
Get a secluded dwelling for your sim
Traits: Geek, Glutton, Slob
Max the Programming skill
Reach the top of Criminal (Oracle branch) or Tech-Guru (Start-up Entrepreneur Branch) career
Complete the Computer Whiz or Fabulously Filthy aspiration
Get Mistform, Mesmerize vampiric powers and Undead Aura weakness
Buy Frugal reward trait
Generation 4: Toreador
Unlike your sir, you are really a sight for sore eyes – and have a plethora of admires to prove it. You managed to keep a part of your humanity with you, and that helps you to be more sensitive to an extent, but also more prone to a melancholy. You dream of becoming a great artist, but manage to create only bleek copies of what you used to make when you were a mere mortal.
Create a beautiful sim, dress them in fashionable outfits
Max Painting, Writing or any musical instrument skill
Traits: Romantic, Creative, Art or Music Lover
Reach the top of Painter (Patron of the Arts Branch) or Critic (CL; Arts Critic Branch) careers
Complete the Painter Extraordinaire, Bestselling Author, or Musical Genius aspiration
Get Vampiric Charm (3 Ranks) power and Eternal Sadness weakness
Buy Beguiling reward trait
Have at least 5 lovers to drink the blood from
Generation 5: Gangrel
The Beast inside you is more visible than in others. You managed to tame it – or did it manage to tame you? Who knows. You live in the wilderness accompanied by your animal servants and feel no need to be in human society. You care only about nature surrounding you, which suffers more and more from mortals’ hands.
Give your sim animalistic appearance: eyes, claws, teeth, ears or tail. Chosen traits should belong only to predator animal!
Traits: Loves Outdoors, Green Fiend, Loner
Live in the forest or rural area, far away from the bustle of cities
Max the Pet training (P) and Veterinarian (P) skill
Reach the top of Conservationist (IL; Environmental Manager Branch) or Civil Designer (EL; Green Technician branch) career
Complete the Outdoor Enthusiast (OR) or Friend of the Animals (P) aspiration
Get Bat Form, Beyond the Herd powers and Uncontrollable Hissing weakness
Buy Independent reward trait
Always have at least one animal companion
Generation 6: Tremere
You are so close. Soon you will discover all the dark secrets the immortal society hides, and you are prepared to delve into obscure things to find all the answers. Your knowledge of lore and potent magic of your blood make you stand out among the Kindred. The only weakness you have is that after ritual with your elders’ vitae no other blood quite sates you.
If possible, play with Vampire Spellcasters mod
Fill up your spellbook
Max the Medium (PS) and Vampiric Lore skills
Traits: Overachiever, Ambitious, Bookworm
Reach the top of the Scientist (GtW) or Paranormal Investigator (PS) career
Complete the StrangerVille Mystery (SV) or Spellcraft & Sorcery (RoM) aspiration
Get Occult Student (3 Ranks), Immortal Pleasures powers and Insatiable Thirst weakness
Buy Savant reward trait
Generation 7: Malkavian
They call you mad. Maybe you really are. You often feel a bunch of conflicting emotions, and act according to them. You consider yourself being blessed with a gift of a true sight. You don’t care about mortals’ and the Kindred’s opinion of you; you see them all through. Sometimes bearing with visions of the Final Nights becomes too much and you either succumb to them, or dose yourself with narcotic substances.
Get yourself crazy and weird outfits for each slot, like hot-dog, hamster or panda
Traits: Erratic, Childish, Paranoid
Max the Mischief skill
Each your third interaction with any sim should be from a Mischief category
Complete Chief of Mischief or Grilled Cheese Aspiration
Reach the top of the Culinary (Mixologist Branch) or Secret Agent (Villain branch) career
Get Detect Personality, Cast Hallucination and Deprive Needs powers and Guilty Drinker weakness
Buy Shameless reward trait
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sixam-skies · 10 months
Playin' ALL The Packs
So, I typed this up the other day for myself and a friend who gets bored once her sims have offsprings. It's basically a lepacy, which has of course been done before, but this is the version I'm using. I thought I'd share it here in case it's handy for someone else, you can play it legacy style like I am, play it in order or at random, or if you're like my friend Jess you can start over with a new sim for every pack. Skip the ones you don't have, add the ones I don't have. Do whatever you want. Live your best life. This is a damn long post, so it's under the cut to save time for those scrolling past.
BASE GAME & Get To Work Aspiration: Nerd Brain, Renaissance Sim Active Careers: Detective, Doctor, or Scientist (STRONGLY RECOMMEND) Career: Astronaut, Athlete - Bodybuilder, Business, Criminal – Chief of Mischief/Public Enemy, Culinary – Master Chef, Entertainer – Musical Genius, Painter, Secret Agent, Skills: Baking, Gourmet Cooking, Rocket Science Collections: Aliens, Experimental Food Photos (Dine Out), Geodes
Live in Willow Creek, Oasis Springs, or Newcrest
Explore Sylvan Glade in Willow Creek and/or Forgotten Grotto in Oasis Springs
Host a Dinner Party and/or Incognito Costume Party
Get abducted by Aliens
Have an Alien baby AND/OR Marry an Alien
Travel to Sixam
Woohoo in a Rocket
Do not marry or have children with a townie from any Game or Expansion pack
Get Together Traits: Dance Machine, Insider Aspiration: Friend of the World, Leader of the Pack, Party Animal Career: Style Influencer Skills: Dancing, DJ Mixing
Live in Windenburg
Form or join a club and max it out
Throw at least one House Party and one Dance Party
Throw or attend a party at the special lots – Ancient Ruins, The Bluffs, Von Haunt Estate
Marry/have children with someone you meet at a nightclub or café
Woohoo in a Closet
City Living & Spa day Traits: High Maintenance, Unflirty Aspiration: City Native, Inner Peace, Self-Care Specialist, Zen Guru Careers: Politician, Social Media, or Critic Skills: Singing, Wellness Collections: City Posters, Snow Globes
Live in San Myshuno
Attend every festival
Go to the spa once a week
Woohoo in a sauna
Leave a Sim at the altar
Vampires Aspiration: Good Vampire, Master Vampire, OR Vampire Family, AND Bestselling Author Career: Writer Skills: Mixology, Pipe Organ, Vampire Lore, Writing
Live in Forgotten Hollow
Become a Vampire
Befriend Caleb & Lilith Vatore (Good Vampire, Vampire Family) OR Vlad (Master Vampire)
Woohoo in a coffin
Make and drink the cure for Vampirism
Cats and Dogs Traits: Cat Lover, Dog Lover Aspiration: Friend of the Animals. Skills: Pet Training, Veterinarian Collections: Feathers
Live in Brindleton Bay
Run a successful Vet Clinic
Always have at least one dog and one cat in the household
Have a cat or dog that has a litter before you have children
Woohoo in the Brindleton Bay lighthouse
Jungle Adventure Aspiration: Archaeology Scholar, Jungle Explorer, Computer Whiz Career: Tech Guru Skills: Archaeology, Selvadorian Culture Collections: Ancient Omiscan Artefacts, Omiscan Treasures
Explore the temple
Spend all your time off in Selvadorada
Marry/have children with a Selvadorada native
Woohoo in a bush
Seasons & Outdoor Retreat Aspiration: Angling Ace, The Curator, Freelance Botanist, Outdoor Enthusiast Career: Gardener Skills: Flower Arranging, Herbalism Collections: Insect, Fish, Frogs, Gardening
Become a Scout as a child/teen.
Celebrate every holiday
Host a Weenie Roast and Spooky Party (Spooky Stuff)
Woohoo in a tent and/or a pile of leaves
Buy and max upgrade the weather machine
Get Famous Traits: Self-Absorbed Aspiration: Fabulously Wealthy, Mansion Baron, Master Actor/Actress, World-Famous Celebrity Career: Actor/Actress Skills: Acting, Media Production
Live in Del Sol Valley
Join Drama Club as a child/teen
Hire a personal butler (Vintage Fashion)
Host a Black & White Bash, Meet & Greet, and Charity Benefit OR Lampoon Party
Have either a Pristine or Atrocious reputation
Become a 5-Star Celebrity
Have children with/marry another celebrity
Woohoo in a money vault
StrangerVille Traits: Paranoid Aspirations: Serial Romantic, StrangerVille Mystery Career: Military
Live in StrangerVille
Solve the StrangerVille Mystery
Never marry
Island Living Traits: Child of the Islands and/or Child of the Ocean Aspirations:  Beach Life Career: Conservationist, Diver, Lifeguard Collection: Buried Treasure, Seashells
Live in Sulani
Become a Mermaid
Host a Kava Party
Marry/have children with Sulani native
Clean up Mua Pel’am
Woohoo in Mua Pel’am’s waterfall
Realm of Magic Aspirations: Spellcraft & Sorcery, Purveyor of Potions
Live in Glimmerbrook
Become a Spellcaster
Reach level 5 Spellcaster
Visit the Magic Realm
Learn all spells and/or all potions
High School Years & Discover University Traits: Overachiever and Party Animal OR Overachiever and Socially Awkward Skills: Entrepreneur, Research & Debate, Robotics ~ Teen Years ~ Aspiration: Admired Icon, Drama Llama, Goal Oriented, Live Fast Activity/Part Time Job: Cheer, Chess, Computer, Football, Simfluencer, Video Game Streamer
Grow up in Copperdale
Attend a prom
Celebrate graduation
Sneak out after dark
Have a High School sweetheart
~ Adulthood ~ Aspiration: Academic Career: E-Sports, Secret Society, or Soccer in University, Education, Engineer or Law after graduation.
Enrol in university – Distinguished Degree
Live in university housing for at least one semester
Host a Keg Party
Get a job with your degree
Move back to Copperdale
Marry/have children with High School OR University sweetheart
Woohoo in the shower
Eco Lifestyle Traits: Freegan, Green Fiend, Maker, Recycle Disciple (Pick 3) Aspiration: Eco Innovator, Master Maker Career: Civil Designer Skills: Fabrication, Juice Fizzing
Live in Evergreen Harbour
Vote every time you can for Neighbourhood Action Plans
Have your neighbourhood reach Green OR Industrial Eco Status
Woohoo in a Dumpster
Snowy Escape Traits: Adventurous, Proper Aspiration: Extreme Sports Enthusiast, Mt. Komoreb Sightseer Career: Salaryperson Skills: Rock Climbing, Skiing, Snowboarding
Reach the top of Mt Komorebi
Host a Mountain Climb Excursion
Living in Mt Komorebi is optinal due to the addition of rental properties.
Go to each Mt Komorebi festival at least once
Woohoo in a Hot Spring OR Ice Cave
Visit an Onsen Bathhouse
Paranormal & My Wedding Stories Aspiration: Soulmate Career: Paranormal Investigator Skill: Medium Collections: Messages in a Bottle
Live in a Haunted House
Host a Bach Party and Engagement Dinner
Have the perfect Wedding
Host a Reception
Host a Vow Renewal as Elders
Dream Home Decorator, Tiny Living, Nifty Knitting Aspirations: Lord/Lady of the Knits Career: Interior Decorator Skills: Knitting
Live in a Tiny Home
Own a Murphy bed and a rocking chair
Knit at least one item per day
Sell knitted items on Plopsy (or keep them for latter generations)
Romance a client
Cottage Living Traits: Animal Enthusiast, Lactose Intolerant Aspirations: Country Caretaker Skills: Cross Stitch
Move to Henford-on-Bagley
Have at least 1 cow, 1 llama, and 4 chickens
Participate in all Finchwick Fairs
Befriend at least 1 rabbit and 1 flock of birds
Play Simple Living lot challenge OR Wild Foxes lot challenge
Woohoo in an Animal Shed
Werewolves Aspirations: Werewolf Initiate followed by Cure Seeker, Emissary of the Collective, Lone Wolf, or Wildfang Renegade Collection: Moonwood Collectibles
Lose any previous occult status and become a werewolf
Move to Moonwood Mill
Romance another werewolf
Take the cure
Growing Together & Parenthood Childhood: Creative Genius, Mind and Body, Playtime Captain, OR Slumber Party Animal Aspiration: Big Happy Family, Successful Lineage, Super Parent Skills: Parenting
Move to San Sequoia
Have at least 4 kids (at least one adopted and at least one through having a science baby)
Host a Slumber Party, Baby Shower, Toddler Play Date, and Family Reunion
Woohoo in a treehouse
Horse Ranch Traits: Rancher, Horse Lover Aspiration: Champion Horse Rider or Expert Nectar Maker. Skills: Horse Riding, Nectar Making Horse Skills: Agility, Endurance, Jumping, Temperament
Move to Chestnut Ridge
Compete with your horse(s)
Always have at least one horse, one mini goat, and one mini sheep.
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anitabyars · 1 year
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Book description
From USA Today and Amazon Charts bestselling authors Kerrigan Byrne and Cynthia St. Aubin, comes their latest Romcom featuring a quirky cast of characters who represent the hilarious absurdity of life while making you fall head-over-heels in love. This steamy, laugh out loud, opposites-attract small town romance reminds us that we don't have to be perfect to deserve our own happily ever after!
Gemini "Gemma" McKendrick knows just about everything about everybody in Townsend Harbor. When she's not serving on one of the many civic positions or leaping headlong into another hobby, she's hosting the Sunday Stitch 'N Bitch at her yarn and craft shop, Bazaar Girls. With her quirky boutique in big financial trouble, she makes a snap decision to rent out the basement of her cozy craftsman to Townsend Harbor newcomer Gabe Kelly. A man with a past as colorful as his tattoo sleeves, who has become an urban legend since he blew into town. And who better than Gemma, Townsend Harbor's own gossip guru, to answer the rumor mill's most pressing questions? Like whether the silver-tongued mechanic is as good with his hands as he is with a socket wrench.
Gabriel "Gabe" Kelly wasn't born into a family so much as a criminal enterprise. Taught to lift, chop, and rebuild cars since before he could tie his own shoes, he's obliged to pay his debt to society before deserting South Boston for Townsend Harbor, Washington. Surely he can stay out of trouble here, right? He immediately finds the only position an ex-con with prison muscles and neck tattoos could easily find in a town like this, and buys the vintage car mechanic shop from it's retiring owner . Moonlighting as the only tow truck in a thirty-mile radius, he rescues the absent-minded hottie who runs the local yarn shop. But he quickly discovers that a toy-sized car with a dashboard lit up by Christmas isn't the only thing in Gemma McKendrick's life desperately in need of maintenance. Gabe, who is uniquely qualified to diagnose and fix complicated mechanisms, finds his sexy landlord is impossible to figure out. Looks like he'll have to take a peek at her undercarriage to find out what makes her purr before he hits the road again.
Because women of her caliber don't take home guys with his make and model...
But he knows she wants a test drive.
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Order link: https://amzn.to/47rIQSV
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My Review
5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
One of the most entertaining series I’ve read in a long time! So many laugh out loud moments, sexual innuendo, secrets and with a great group of strong-willed, independent, women, who all have their own unique problems. These women have bonded together to support each other, any way they can, as they find their way through life…and love! Townsend Harbor seems to be the perfect place with its quaintness and quirkiness for all these characters to blend and live in. This is Gemma and Gabe’s story and I never saw this sizzling relationship coming!!!! And it is an eye opener! Just saying Gemma really surprised me in this opposites-attract romance!
Gemma McKendrick lives in a constant state of clutter and disorganization due to her inability to stay on task for any length of time. Thanks all to her ADHD’s delightful bonus, of body betrayals but also because she constantly overextended herself in Townsend Harbor. But when her father and sister start questioning her, regarding her quirky boutique and its profit margin, she suddenly decides to rent out the basement of her house to Gabe Kelly. The same Gabe Kelly that happened to be the most soul-crushingly beautiful man Gemma had ever met. But when her identical twin Lyra and her fiancé Harrison shows up unexpectedly, and catches her in a rather awkward position, what will her family think of her attraction to the hot bad boy? Her family surely wouldn’t approve of him, if she brought him home for Sunday dinner. But she wants so much more out of life and she was willing to finally reach out and take it.
"If experience is what you want, I'd be more than willing to help you with that. Anything you want to know, anything you want to try, anything you want do. No strings attached."
Gabe "The Babe" Kelly was an old friend of Darby's from Boston, who had made his Townsend Harbor debut in a duet on aerial silks that left neither eyes nor panties dry. A man with a past as colorful as his sleeves of tattoos. Born into a family of criminals, he’d learned at an early age to lift, chop, and rebuild cars. Gabe was full of a past filled with darkness and danger, Southie trash with a rap sheet to prove it. As an ex-con he decides to buys a vintage car mechanic shop from it retiring owner in hopes of staying out of trouble in Townsend Harbour. But when Gemma McKendrick offers him her basement to rent out, he knew he was in deep trouble. Because he hadn't been able to get the image of her out of his head, since the night of Darby's benefit. Which was exactly why he couldn't get tangled up with her. Gemma was sweetness and light, the girl next door with a heart of gold. Until she needed him!
"I'm attracted to you," she said, her voice barely audible above the waves. "Like, a lot. Like, so much that it's basically an obsession”
These two are so…HOT! Sexy, charming and totally head over heels in…lust with each other. Their relationship is so sweet and captivating, I loved watching these two opposites come together and be exactly what the other needed. With Gemma, Gabe was starting to imagine a real future together. But when trouble shows up again, will Gemma and Gabe get their HEA? Or will family cause the end of their future together? You will want to read this one to get all the spicy and sexy details!
I received an early copy and this is my honest review.
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Two women are talking in a tea room at four o’clock, over large gooey ice-cream sundaes and little sugary cakes. They have not seen each other since high-school days, and one is bragging about her very advantageous marriage. ‘My husband buys me whole new sets of diamonds when the ones I have get dirty,’ she says. ‘I never even bother to clean them.’ ‘Fantastic!’ says the other women. ‘Yes,’ says the first, ‘we get a new car every two months. None of this hire-purchase stuff! My husband buys them outright, and we give them to the Negro gardener and houseman and like that for presents.’ ‘Fantastic!’ says the other. ‘And our house,’ pursues the first, ‘well, what’s the use of talking about it? It’s just…’ ‘Fantastic!’ finishes the other. ‘Yes, and tell me, what are you doing nowadays?’ says the first woman. ‘I go to Charm School,’ says the other. ‘Charm School? Why, how quaint! What do you learn there?’ ‘Well, we learn to say ‘Fantastic’ instead of ‘Bullshit’!’
You can start calling bullshit ‘fantastic,’ but it makes no difference. You can learn religious, spiritual garbage… There are many people here too who are very expert in so-called esoteric jargon. They always talk of so many planes, so many bodies, so many centers… and they talk so seriously that it seems they know what they are talking about. Avoid esoteric garbage! Avoid esoteric knowledge! It is not knowledge, it is just to befool people. If you are interested in such things you should read the great literature that has been created by theosophists. Anything goes, you just have to talk in such a way that it seems otherworldly. It can neither be proved nor disproved. Now how can you prove how many planes there are? Seven or thirteen?
One man came to me. His religious sect believes in fourteen planes, and he had a chart, he had brought the chart. Mahavira has attained only to the fifth plane, Buddha to the sixth, Kabir, Nanak, to the ninth—because he was a Punjabi he had been a little generous with Nanak and Kabir. But his own Radhaswami guru, he has attained to the fourteenth! Even Buddha is just hanging around the sixth! And Mohammed, do you know where Mohammed is?—just the third! A Hindu and a Punjabi, how can you allow Mohammed to go beyond the third? He keeps him third-rate. Jesus he is a little more generous with—on the fourth; he places Jesus on the fourth. But his own guru—nobody knows about his guru—he has reached the fourteenth! The fourteenth is called SATCH-KHAND—the plane of truth. So I asked him, ‘What about the other thirteen?’ He said, ‘They are just coming closer and closer to truth, only approximately true.’ Now, can there be an approximate truth? Either something is true or something is not true. Either I am here in the chair or I am not in the chair—I cannot be approximately in the chair. So ‘approximate truth’ is a beautiful name for a lie. He had come to ask me what my opinion is about the fourteen planes. I said, ‘I have reached the fifteenth. And just as you are asking about the planes, your Radhaswami guru asks me again and again how to enter into the fifteenth.’ He was very angry. He said, ‘Never heard about the fifteenth plane!’ I said, ‘How can you hear? Your guru has only reached the fourteenth, so you have heard about fourteen. But I have reached the fifteenth!’
Just nonsense! But it can be presented in such a way that it looks very spiritual. Avoid!
— Osho (The Dhammapada: The Way of the Buddha, Vol. 1)
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assim-eu-sou · 1 year
Tudo Igual SQN: 2x6
Amanda and Igor are getting closer. However, Amanda isn’t quite ready for the next step, it seems. She falls off the bed and seems to sprain her ankle.
Bruno and Trix cross paths. As they talk outside the theater, they seem to connect, and Trix feels a pang of sadness as they buy their own separate tickets.
Tássia and Pri are on the edge of an argument. Tássia thinks Pri is different now.
Beta talks with her brother about the breakup. She insists she’s fine, but her brother can tell something’s off. He says she should feel her feelings, but she says she’s dealing with it in her own way, and besides, there’s Leo.
The girls talk in the classroom, but there’s tension between Carol and Beta, and Trix and Pri. Amanda walks in with a (medical) boot on her leg.
Trix films another video for Pri. Trix mentions she’s going to an animation festival, and Pri says she’s gone before and could come along, but Trix says she’s going with Bruno. Pri seems disappointed by this.
Carol goes to Amanda for advice. Amanda says she’s not sure if she’s ready for the next step in her relationship. Carol says she might be. Amanda finds the prospect amusing; she doesn’t hold a high opinion of Tomás.
Trix and Bruno meet up for the animation festival. It turns out they didn’t have plans to go together, but Trix was just hoping to run into him. Bernardo also shows up; he made plans with Bruno.
Amanda and Trix are at her house. Amanda feels like the guru as everyone is coming to her house to talk about issues. Trix says she thinks she still likes Bruno. Saying she feels safe and happy with him. Amanda asks, what about Pri. Trix says she feels like Pri sees her potential and brings out the best in her. She wonders how she can like them both. Amanda says you can like boys and girls. “Maybe you’re bi, and that’s fine.” Trix seems relieved by this.
My thoughts:
The big things that happened in this episode are not my story to tell. No thanks! All I can say is that Carol got the talking to she deserved from Beta in the end.
Ok! I think it’s clear Trix has a bi arc. Not really sure how it will resolve, though. I suppose it’s ok if she ends up with Bruno, he’s a nice guy.
I hope Amanda isn’t afraid to speak up if she feels she’s not ready. Igor seems like a guy that would respect that.
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lilakaz · 1 year
The Yahoda Family - Not So Berry Challenge
I've been at this challenge for 2+ years now, and I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel! As the Pink Gen approaches its end, here are some pictures of this legacy and some background on their relationships <3
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Teenage Mara (my Orange Gen sim) and her father, whose name I forgot gdfhds
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Teenage Kashta and Zeve, twin daughters of Mara, in their lakeside home in San Myshuno. Even though they didn't have much of a family unit, they found family in each other (and as they grew old, in their father Wade too).
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Ryleigh and Naart Yahoda, niece and brother of Mara, visiting for Winterfest. Naart was Mara's older brother, but he passed not too long before her. Now Ryleigh keeps on his legacy and is still an active member of the family, and a lovely cousin to Kashta and Zeve.
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This little one is Axel, the family dog that was mostly under jurisdiction of Kashta as they were growing up. He was the reason Kashta went on to become a veterinarian and own her own vet clinic in Willow Creek, where she now lives.
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The moment they turned young adults, Zeve moved out of the Spice Market and into a small TLC apartment in the Fashion District. Hopeless about becoming a writer, she followed her parents' footsteps and went into the Business career, climbing the ladder until she was Vice-President.
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But as soon as she unexpectedly had Eirin, consequence of a woo-hoo partnership with her ex-teenage sweetheart and best friend Tatum, Zeve couldn't see a world where she wouldn't let Eirin follow her dreams, and so she went after hers herself.
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Tatum moved in with her as they rented a house in Willow Creek, right next to her sister. Zeve quit her job and finally published all the books she had been writing in the years she worked in business. Tatum found himself landing a job as a Tech Guru, making it possible for them to have a steady income and for Zeve to be able to write and be present for Eirin.
Zeve and Tatum ended up establishing a co-parenting dinamic, as Zeve found she didn't have any romantic interest in general but still had a deep desire to form a family and to have Tatum be part of it.
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As Eirin grew and they found their financial footing (and thanks to a hefty inheritance), Zeve and Tatum were able to buy a bigger house to raise the children, as Zeve ended up getting pregnant of twins, Danne and Cyfra, who are now toddlers. Located in Brindleton Bay, the house also has a lovely greenhouse, where Zeve is able to cultivate an exuberant garden.
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Eirin is now a child, and on track to take on the Peach Gen challenges! Honestly, I'm just relieved to be so close to the end, but also this has been the most fun I've had with a sims family. Seven generations down, three more to go!
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think-sims-yt · 1 year
Vanessa Beige - Wellness Guru
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Hi Sim-ians, Say hello to Vanessa Beige. Mother of the The Beige Family and Wellness Guru.
Vanessa loves her family, but she also loves her lifestyle and the Beige family image too. She's been with Jerry since they were kids and she's so proud of him.
She has great relationship with her popular son Parker although his love of cheerleading doesn't quite fit into the perfect family image.
Cleo on the other hand is determined to do her own thing, which rubs Vanessa the wrong way.
Emma the maid is just Emma, she blends into the background and Vanessa doesn't really notice her.
How will you continue the Beiges story?...
Self-Care Specialist
Creative - High Maintenance - Romantic
Wellness Specialist (Registered with the Ministry of Labour)
Charisma = 3 Cooking = 3 Fitness = 3 Mixology = 3 Singing = 2 Skiing = 3 Wellness = 4
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Vanessa also appears in Build Video - The Beiges House
[ D O W N L O A D ]
You can download The Beige Family from the Sims 4 Gallery ID: ThinkSims.YT and now from Curseforge If you prefer tray files, these are available from Sims File Share
Please check out my YouTube Channel - For more Speed Builds & CAS Creations
You can find more of my stuff at Instagram and if you feel like buying me a coffee, tea or just plain water you can do that too at Ko-Fi
Take care of yourself.
There's only one of you!
Sally 💋
[ C U S T O M C O N T E N T]
All the Outfits are CC Free and only use items from EA Packs.
However, if you’d like the sims to look the same as the images, please include the following CC:
Kijiko Remove-EA-Lashes
Kijiko eyelash_YU_version2_Uncurled
Kijiko eyelash_YF_version2_expansion-lashes
Available from - http://kijiko-catfood.com/3d-lashes-version2/
Urban Eye Shadow Smoked
Urban Liner Classic
Urban Gloss Honey
Urban Lip Kit Blotted
Urban Lip Kit Full Spectrum
Available from - http://www.xurbansimsx.com/p/urban-cosmetics.html
Eyes Override
Chroma Eyes by Golyhawhaw
Available from - https://www.curseforge.com/sims4/create-a-sim/chroma-eyes
[ F A V O U R I T E P O S E S ]
Katverse- https://katverse.com/category/custom-content/poses/
Spirirock - https://spirirock.tumblr.com/
Cassandra Grussel - https://www.patreon.com/CassandraGrusel
Simmer Berlin - https://simmerberlin.tumblr.com/
Sakuraleon - https://j-e-n-n-e-h.tumblr.com/
Jupo45 - https://juupo45.tumblr.com/
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akinari-kashihara · 1 year
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Sims Family Rundown So Far
So, we started off with 8 sims; Felicity, Quintus, Nick, Travis, Freddie, Max, Norwen, and Abraham. They all moved in together for a week and had a wild orgy before parting ways to live their own lives.
Felicity got pregnant with Quintus's son, who she named Terrell. Felicity got a load of funds from family so she was set up with a nice house where she could get some backyard chickens and raise her son while relying on her parents' money. She did some odd writing jobs for extra funds, but her primary has been raising her son. She adopted Peanut, who had been wandering around near her house. She then had sex with Father Winter, and had Maci.
Quintus unfortunately died while Terrell was an infant and has passed on.
Nick decided to become an athlete and met Xochitl. He started dating her, and when he invited her to move in, he learned she had a teenage daughter and the grandma they'd been living with had just died. Nick decided to move in with them instead, and it worked out given he'd gotten Xochitl pregnant. They had their son, Ángel, and then had their second son Jimmie.
Norwen was having a midlife crisis and invited Ellis to live with him. Ellis is an aspiring social media influencer who posts mostly thirst traps and selfies with his cow, Crombie. Norwen is a chef and mostly leaves Ellis to handle the house. Ellis ended up Grognate and they had their son, Amari.
Freddie left the original house with only 400 simoleons to his name. He got a job as a tech guru and started working his way up the career. He would go to work, program, eat, sleep, repeat. Eventually he earned enough money to renovate his house and decided to have a baby clone of himself. He named his clone Huy, and employed a nanny, Kenichi, to look after him while Freddie was at work. Kenichi started flirting with Freddie, and the two ended up dating and moving in together. They raised Huy together for a while and got married, before deciding to have a baby of their own. However, they got handed triplets (Rhea, Keaton, and Mayra), which was far too much for the starter home they'd been living in. They decided to buy some land by the beach, since Kenichi loves the ocean, and built their own house. Freddie was extremely wealthy by this point, so they ended up with a fantastic house. Freddie is now a celebrity due to his game development and livestreaming, and Kenichi has to work with other nannies to look after the kids while he's working.
Max moved in with Suzanne, a werewolf, and her dog, Maple. While Max is training to be a mixologist, Suzanne is practicing meditation in hopes of becoming a wellness influencer. However, Suzanne is widely hated because she's an extremely aggressive werewolf with little control of herself when enraged. They have two kids, Wolfgang (a dormant werewolf) and Sugar (a full werewolf but too young to transform). Before they got married, Suzanne cheated on Max with a vet, who is the father of the third child, Dios. Max didn't find out and they got married as if it never happened.
Abraham is my next project, followed by Travis.
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eternalmagick · 1 year
Apocalypse Challenge
I couldn't make my mind up on which apocalypse challenge to do so I combined at least 3 of them together and added my own dumb rule to it as well, credit will be posted below. If it's too much of a jumbled mess the original challenges are linked as well :) I changed the chance spin wheel into a d20 instead for fun so you can roll with your own dice or using the app :)
After a virus outbreak the government tries, and fails, to use low level radiation to eradicate it. You, an explorer, decide to travel to Sulani with hope of finding fresh resources on the abundant island. Once you get there by boat you crash land and arrive at the admiral's wreckage, already off to a rough start fortunately you meet a fellow survivor there, a scientist who is researching the site and searching for clues to a cure. Resources expended and boat crashed you make the best of what you have left. Start this challenge on the admirals wreckage lot. (you can start in any small lot/basic house that is off the grid if you don't have island living) The challenge trait must be set to off the grid and replace stove with grill use only the fish option.(if you don't have cottage living then do not use electrical components until you advance in your careers, use a grill to cook with ect). The explorer can only go outside while wearing a hazmat/beekeeper/astronaut suit so be sure to have one in outfits.
To make this challenge more realistic you may delete the other townies and create your own. There will be mutants from the radiation, apocalyptic looking survivors, and bandits. You can give the bandits the kleptomaniac trait. I will be creating a world just for the bandits to retreat to. I'm also slowly adding apocalyptic buildings to my worlds.
Begin a new game. Do this by selecting the + at the top of the main menu and selecting New Game.
Start your household with the explorer and the scientist (start career once moved into admirals wreckage lot. you may use cheat freerealestate on for this part
Then create at least 2 "career survivors", teen or adult, then place them in separate lots if possible (you will eventually move 2 of those created into a vault with scientist and explorer) Your first goal will be to have your explorer sim find the 2 career survivors in the world. you may not visit their home lots or invite them over using phone. you must find them organically by seeing them out roaming the world and interacting with them. Once you have found 2 career survivors and interacted with them you may proceed to move them into the vault. then move yourself into the vault. (This part is optional i only added it in because i thought it could be fun to find them first, you can just move all 4 members into the vault right away. instead of explorer finding them first)
Give them careers from the list down below after vault info. they are allowed to leave for work only. Once you start your game and have them move into the vault you will be able to have them max out multiple careers which will lift the restrictions and unlock resources for all sims in your household. All restrictions apply from all careers till lifted. The next generations may also help lift restrictions and all previous restrictions remain lifted throughout the generations.
The vault
Add items to the vault up as you lift restrictions by adding things such as gardens stoves plumbing , electric, gym, ect. You can not buy a luxury item unless a scenario from the dice of chance says to, dice chance game listed after restrictions. Luxury items consist of TVs, Microphones, Computers, Bookshelves, sofas, on the grid showers. (Note on computer usage Tech gurus may use computer only for work related purposes and this one does not count as your luxury item for the dice chance game if bandits rob you, after the restriction is lifted everyone may use the computer and it will be considered luxury) Keep in mind you start out off the grid until you lift electricity restriction.
credit for the following here
Build The Vault on 50x50 or 50x30 lot, It needs to have space for at least *Kitchen *Dining *Living area *Bedrooms *skill building rooms *Garden/ Plant room * Medical bay *Store room *gym *toilets/bathrooms add any other rooms you feel would help your Survivors.
you may use freerealestate on cheat to move into vault free then turn it off once members are moved in.
Using Money cheat add $30,000 to family funds. This is so bills can be paid for around 4 sim weeks after that you are on your own.
The Career Specific Restrictions
credit for the following here I edited a few things to fit the setting and deleted others.
Tech Guru – Startup
The world has pretty much given up on the city as a lost cause. A few humanitarian suppliers risk the journey in, but they only offer the most basic and meager of furnishings. The region used to be host to some high tech industry, but all of that is abandoned. The little luxuries in life are the last thing on everyone’s list.
Only the worst version of any item class may be purchased or used. For the purposes of this restriction, single and double beds are two different item classes. If another restriction outright restricts an entire item class, that restriction takes priority until it is lifted, even if you lift this restriction.
(Essentially, you can only use the item of each category with the worst stats. If more than one item shares the equally low stats you may choose between them. If an item class has no stats at all (Like doors) You may use any item in that class. you can not buy a luxury item unless a scenario from the dice of chance says to. Luxury items: Luxury items consist of TVs, Microphones, Computers, Bookshelves, sofas, showers.
With a little legal maneuvering and some keen technical know-how, your Sim buys up and revives the previously abandoned high-tech factories in the area. Items made of better materials and constructed using advanced engineering techniques now become available in the region. regain plumbing.
Tech Guru – eSport Gamer
The  backbone servers and fiber optic cables that used to bring the internet to the region were fried during the meltdown. Now power is scarce, electronics are faulty and computers are crippled in their functionality. Cell phone towers were taken out too, crippling phone functionality to the region.
The computer may *only* be used for daily tasks required by a Sim’s job (if said daily task requires use of a computer) and nothing else. The cell phone may only be used to take or quit a job and cannot be used to play games, chat, text, prank, or invite other sims. TVs and electronic notebooks may not be purchased or used either.
Fed up with their jury-rigged connection to the outside world, your Sim takes their network connectivity know-how and leads a community effort to restore servers, cell towers, and reconnects the fiber optics. Suddenly, internet speeds are 10 times that of the rest of Sim Nation. Handy not having an ISP monopoly. Regain electricity.
Business – Investor
Commerce and trade used to be a cornerstone of the Sulani region. All of that is in shambles now. While there are some companies importing some basic survival items into the region, nobody is bothering to try and export anything. The assumption that there is nothing of value to export and that whatever is exported might be tainted with the lingering radiation means that nothing of value is leaving the region, and very little money is flowing back in.
You cannot sell Buy/Build mode items or collected/harvested items. Cannot do any interactions with the Geo Council for found items. Cannot publish books (You may self-publish) or songs. Cannot write and sell Jingles.
The region is ripe with opportunity and your Sim sees this. Flush with cash and strong with clout, your sim convinces a major shipping company to invest in the region, publishing the stories of the survivors, buying excess goods to re-sell as “Survivor Vintage”, and to labs for scientific study. While the new company makes a mint on this new opportunity, it also opens the door for some much needed cash to flow into the pockets of those living there. A true win/win for everyone involved.
Business – Management
It is amazing that some companies have remained in the region. But it soon becomes clear that most of them are taking advantage of the situation and labor standards are being ignored to the detriment of the workers. With unemployment so high, bosses feel free to use and abuse their workers and fire them on a whim knowing they can be easily replaced.
You may not take any days off, either as vacation OR family leave. If your Sim misses work, is late for work or leaves work early they must quit the job and may not re-take the same career ever. If a Sim voluntarily quits their job, or switches to a new job, that Sim may never re-take their old job. Elder Sims may not retire. Sims cannot ‘play hookey’. These restrictions do not apply to the grade school or high school “careers” but DO apply to any after-school teenage careers taken. While at work, you must choose either work normally or “Work Hard” as your Sim’s work mode and may not choose any other work modes.
Note: Sims who have the “Professional Slacker” trait are exempt from this restriction
Haven risen through the ranks of the business world, your Sim declares that the practice of mistreating workers must end. Your sim’s company has enough business and legal connections to other businesses in the region and pressures other businesses in the region to do the same. Working conditions for everyone improve overnight.
Culinary – Chef
The destruction in the region has cut gas lines and made the electricity grid very unstable. As a result, gas and electrical appliances can’t be relied on to cook and preserve food. The citizens of the area are forced to resort to more primitive cooking methods and living off the land to stave off starvation.
You may not purchase, place, or use any refrigerators, stoves, ovens, or microwave ovens or coolers. Non-fish items may not be cooked on grilled on fire pits. If you do not have the Outdoor Retreat game pack, you may make non-fish items on the grill, but must move a fish in your inventory to the family inventory each time you cook a meal.
After breaking the Simmish Book of World Records for hosting the largest soup kitchen for the region, your culinary master Sim attracts the attention of the world’s most famous chefs. Seeing the plight of the region they form the global food fund to ship truckloads of fresh food to the region as well as repair the gas lines and electrical infrastructure, allowing the people of the region to once again make and eat good food.
Culinary – Mixologist
There is something in the water. In fact, there is something in all liquids that are made in the region. The radiation in the air seems to easily trickle into liquids making drinking anything a risky and unhealthy affair. Only the juices and liquids locked in fresh food seem to be safe, which is just enough to stave off total dehydration.
Sims may not drink any drinks made at a bar. They may not drink any Lifetime Happiness reward potions. They may not have drinks from a fridge or cooler and cannot brush their teeth at a sink. Newborns may not be bottle-fed. Your Sim may make drinks to practice, but you must throw them out.
After ages spent mixing drinks, trying to make something drinkable, your master Mixologist sim stumbles on a genius drink mix that, when added to any liquid, neutralizes the radiation and renders the liquid safe to drink. Cheap and easy to make, your Sim distributes this miracle drink mix to the whole region, allowing Sims everywhere to raise a glass and drink to their health.
Astronaut – Space Ranger
The radiation cloud released by the meltdown has taken the form of a dark and grim cloud, blocking out much of the sky and sunlight. The presence of the cloud makes sleeping outdoors unsafe and the lack of sunlight sets the entire region on edge, unable to appreciate the beauty of many objects around them.
All objects must be covered by four walls and a roof and sims may not sleep outdoors. Explorer may only travel to Granite Falls for 1 day (If you have the Outdoor Retreat Pack). Sims may not stargaze or cloud watch or use the telescope to watch the sky. You may not enable the mood auras on any mood aura objects. Tents may not be used. Mailboxes, Outdoor trash cans and rocket ships are all exempt from the “Must be covered by 4 walls and a roof” rule.
With a heroic mission in low orbit, your brave space ranger sim is able to harness the power of the solar winds to pull the radioactive cloud out of the atmosphere and send it into space, clearing the sky and letting the region breathe a little easier and actually see the sun once in a while. May use telescope again.
Astronaut – Interstellar Smuggler
The prototype designs for the next generation of objects was stolen from the region’s high tech industrial sector during the chaos and confusion of the meltdown. The knowledge of how to make those unique and special objects has been lost. Worse still, the blueprints for do-it-yourself improvements are missing, rendering the handy sims of the region clueless on how to improve the functionality.
Cannot place, sell, or use career reward objects. May not upgrade any objects other than rockets.
While your Interstellar Smuggler went on an epic quest to steal back the stolen plans, their efforts were ultimately in vain as the thieves were found dead and the laptop with the stolen plans broken beyond repair. Luckily all the gadgets, trinkets and high tech modifications your Sim developed while preparing for their mission were more than enough to replace the knowledge lost. Your Sim releases the plans to the region for all to use.
Painter – Master of the Real
Art has taken a back seat to survival. Who wants to look at drawings when one doesn’t know where their next meal will come from? Anyone who had artistic talent in the region has forgotten how to make emotionally powerful objects.
Your Sims may not paint mood-aura paintings. Handysims may not create emotional aura items on the workbench. (Items with just a plain environment score are not considered emotional aura items) Authors may not write emotional books.
Your Master of the Real realizes how to break through the tragic haze in the region and once again master their emotions and put that mastery into their creations allowing the region’s art scene to be revived and develop a unique style of its own.
Painter – Patron of the Arts
The outside world is largely cut off from those in the region. Given that there is no market for works of art within the region itself as your fellow survivors care more about food and shelter than pretty pictures, even the greatest masterpiece will go unheeded and the greatest artists unrewarded for their work.
You may not sell any Sim-produced objects. May not self-publish books
Having attracted the attention of major international art gallery using their connections, your Sim establishes an art auction house where the artists of the region can go to get real money for their works of art. There is a robust market for creations from the region as suffering and struggle felt by the artists of the region make for very memorable and valueble creations.
Writer – Author
The libraries and the bookstores are gone. Only stray books can be found these days. If your Sim wants to read more than the handful of books that come with new bookshelves, they had better hope they  know a local author or write one themselves.
You may not order books from bookshelves or online, and may not visit library lots (even if visiting other lots is otherwise allowed).
The written word is indeed powerful and your prolific author has penned enough books to restock the entire region and setup an ordering service for sims to buy books from the outside world. The money earned from all this is used to rebuild the regional libraries.
Writer – Journalist
The state of the region is terrible. The sanitation system is in ruins, medicine is scarce and the worst part is…the rest of the world doesn’t realize how bad it is. Rather than properly investigate the region, the major media outlets of the world have largely glossed over the events in Sulani. The rest of the world doesn’t know how bad it actually is and because of this few seem eager to lend a hand.
You may not purchase or use showers, tubs or, shower/tub combinations. When Woohooing, if the “Try for baby” option is available, you MUST choose it rather than Woohoo. May not ‘take pregnancy test’ on a toilet.
Your crack investigative journalist Sim manages to do a stellar piece. Gathering photos, quotes, events, and evidence of exactly how bad things have gotten in the region. They then release this to the world. International aid organizations spring into action. Doctors come to help out the sick and provide much needed pharmaceutical items, including birth control and pregnancy testing items. A joint effort quickly repairs the sewage and water sanitation systems, allowing clean…ish and free flowing water to return to everyone still living in the area.
Secret Agent – Diamond Agent
The radiation released by the meltdown wasn’t just your normal, run-of-the-mill radiation. The plant was experimental and the resulting radiation has had some…unique effects on those who were near the power plant when it blew. Mutants. And not just regular mutants, but RADIOACTIVE mutants roam the major streets. It is unclear what makes them tick or what they are after, but it is not safe to travel between neighborhoods, lest the mutant hordes get you. The thread of mutants have made people paranoid about letting anyone into their homes.
Sims may not visit community lots or enter neighborhood houses except explorer sim. This does not prevent Sims from leaving for work. May not move sims out of the household unless the scenario generator listed further down says to.
After infiltrating the mutant hordes and doing some acts of seduction that your Sim would rather not talk about, your Diamond Agent Sim finds the source of the mutant's power. The Evil Dr. Vu is controlling them and using the nuclear disaster as a cover. After destroying Vu’s nefarious device, the mutants all return to normal, leaving the streets clear and neighborhoods safe.
Entertainer – Musician
The people of the region have difficulty relaxing. Living in a nuclear hell-hole has a way of keeping you focused on the here and now. Music is seen as a waste of time and the local radio stations have all been destroyed in the disaster. People seem more set in their ways and stubborn to try new things or give into their changing impulses.
Sims may only only “Practice” instruments, and may not do any other interactions on them. They may not purchase or use any kinds of radios or stereos. You may not change a Sim’s aspiration, even if they have completed it (Other than the forced change going from childhood to teenager). You may not cancel whims.
With your Sim filling the air with beautiful music, the people of the region are inspired to rebuild the radio stations just so they can hear your Sim play. Hope is renewed and people feel more at ease and flexible in how they approach life.
Entertainer – Comedian
The people of the Sulani region are a depressed group, and rightfully so. But depression feeds more depression and people become more hesitant to gather together or even look at themselves in a mirror. Nobody laughs or feels they can make merry and everyone is on edge.
Sims may not throw parties and may not go on dates. They may not invite other Sims to their lot unless scenario further below says to. Sims may not use mirrors.
With a star comedian touring the region , the people of Sulani learn to laugh again even at themselves. People may still look like hell, but at least they are more comfortable joking about it. With everyone being a lot less self-conscious, people once again gather for events and are more comfortable joining others.
Criminal – Oracle
Things are bad, but they seem almost artificially bad. As if the universe was conspiring against the people of Sulani at the whim of some cruel otherworldly power. Sadly, the people of Sulaniare powerless to act upon this paranoid feeling and must go about their lives.
Sims may not use the move objects cheat. You must use the money cheat to remove any money brought in by a spouse moving in (if they bring any money in).
Your master hacker Sim manages to tap into the matrix. They almost go mad from the revelation. They are just a simulation, a computer program. And the state of the region is that way because of some ‘challenge’ being played. Unable to escape from the simulation, the orcacle finds little ways to get ahead and manipulate their player’s computer to make things easier for their family.
As an added bonus, upon lifting the Oracle restrictions, you may legally use the “Kaching” cheat once per Sim day (Other money cheats are still restricted)
Athlete – Professional Athlete
People feel hopeless in the region. The bare minimum is done and nobody thinks they can aspire to greatness. “Good Enough” is the attitude of the day and people think the days of role models and heroes is over.
You may not purchase any reward traits for your Sims.
After your professional athlete Sim organizes a brand new sport, “Sulani Ultra Caber Toss” in the ruins of the old Sulani Stadium, people from around the region come to either play or cheer on their favorite local teams. Heroes and sports idols emerge once again and people feel encouraged to give 110% and make themselves even better.
Athlete – Bodybuilder
The wave of radiation produced by the power plant turned many people into mutants. Those not turned into mutants found themselves severely weakened. Muscles can barely lift what they used to and people struggle just to stand, let alone haul heavy loads or lift heavy objects.
You may not move or sell any objects that have a footprint larger than 1×1 once they are placed and build/buy mode is exited. Cannot carry more than one stack of objects in personal inventory at a time. You may not remove any items out of family inventory, regardless of size. (You may place items into it, but they may not be brought back out until this restriction is lifted)
Your bodybuilder and personal trainer Sim devises a rigorous alternate-day body bulk-up routine designed to take make the meek and the weak into the MIGHTY! Organizing a regional gym, your Sim spends their day whipping everyone in the region back into shape.
completing teen careers are optional but the restrictions remain except for manual labor you may have an adult gardener instead
Teen Career – Fast Food Employee
The modern convenience of fast food has all but vanished overnight. Being able to find enough normal food is now the order of the day. None of the major food chains has any plans to try and return to the region.
May not use the “Quick Meal” option on a fridge or cooler. May not order chips from a bar. May not order pizza.
After rebuilding a local pizzeria from the ashes of one that had collapsed, the global pizza chain “Little Napoleans” sees a viable market for their product. They make your teen Sim a new franchise owner and start shipping in pizza supplies and other snacks by the truckload, returning fast and yummy food to the region.
Teen Career – Manual Labor
Lawncare and gardening are two past times that have really dropped off the radar of importance in the area. Nobody cultivates plants, relying on wild ones for food and trying to stay alive otherwise.
May not plant, grow, graft, take samples of, or level up plants. You may not hire maids. (You MAY harvest ‘wild’ plants, and ONLY wild plants)
With their house the envy of the neighborhood. Green with plants, clean as a whistle, sims in the region realize that maybe they don’t have to live in barren and squalor conditions if they took just a little extra effort to do some gardening and cleaning. After all, who wants to have their house upstaged by some kid?
Teen Career – Retail Employee
The downtown shopping center has been picked clean and the local mall looted. You can still *get* things, you just need to know when the weekly swap meet is. While there is a local market that has sprung up from the ashes of the old one, it is only open once a week. If you need something any other time, you are out of luck.
credit for the following here
Build The Vault on 50x50 or 50x30 lot, It needs to have space for at least *Kitchen *Dining *Living area *Bedrooms *skill building rooms *Garden/ Plant room * Medical bay *Store room *gym *toilets/bathrooms add any other rooms you feel would help your Survivors.
you may use freerealestate on cheat to move into vault free then turn it off once members are moved in.
Using Money cheat add $30,000 to family funds. This is so bills can be paid for around 4 sim weeks after that you are on your own.
every sim Monday (or daily if you're feeling fortunate) roll the Scenario dice of chance. roll a d20 or use a d20 generator here or use on of your choosing. You will also need a d6.
One of you family members got sick! now Roll a d6 1-3 The virus is weakening and that family member must lose 2 athletics skill points using stats.set_skill_level*major_[skill]*[number] cheat 4-5 That family member can't do anything today. 6 That family member quickly overcame the virus.
2. Raider/Mutant attack. You lost!! Each Sim loses 2 fitness or Wellness skill points (use cheat. Stats.set_skill_level*skill_fitness*[number]or stats.set_skill_level*major_wellness*[number] ) [replace stars with a space and leave out brackets eg. stats.set_skill_level major_wellness 5]
3. An outsider has appeared outside The Vault. you manage to Befriend them and add them to the household. [Add a sim from the gallery] (Outsiders must be quarantined. cannot be controlled for 7 days) [if your vault is full spin the wheel again]
4. Radiation leak!!!! Add 1 mutant to your household. (create one in cas/save to your library or download one from the gallery) [Mutants can never be controlled. They are to remain unplayed members of your household until they die of their own accord]
5. Quarantine missed an infected housemate. He/she has mutated. (move out 1 householder and replace with a mutant ,or simply edit that sim with testingcheats true and cas.fulleditmode shift click sim and edit in cas) [Mutants must not be controlled, your sim cannot interact with mutant by choice, Only autonomous interactions are allowed)
6. Your explorer discovered an old army supply bunker (add $10'000 to household. [use cheat money*[number] number should be current funds plus $10'000)
7. An epidemic has hit the vault only one member of the household is immune (only one Household member can be controlled for the next 7 simdays)
8. Your Explorer was attacked by mutants. Roll a d6 1-3 The virus is contagious, explorer becomes a mutant (edit them in cas to be a mutant), choose/import new explorer 4-5 The explorer was injured and can't do anything today. 6 The explorer escaped and is fine.
9. Radiation levels are dropping. New hope and happiness makes everyone work more efficiently (Each household member gains 2 skill points. using stats.set_skill_level*major_[skill]*[number] cheat)
10. A mutant fell into the pool. Remove 1 mutant from the household.
11. your scientist invented an anti mutant pill. but has only enough supplies to create 1. remove 1 mutant and replace with a sim of your choice or edit mutated original house hold member to former self.
12. your explorer found a spare suit. A second housemate can leave the lot but only during the next 7 days.( As the suit develops a fault.)
13. Uneventful day. Carry on as usual.
14. Woodworm infestation. place 2 items of household furniture in household inventory.
15. your scientist had a breakthough. Discovered woodworm treatment. replace all items from household inventory
16. Scavenging time! Send explorer to find stuff. Roll a d6.
1 The person didn't find anything/or they were robbed. 2-5 The person goes to to granite falls (or nearby park). (You have a sim world hour to do this.) 6 JACKPOT! The person got a (cheap) luxury item! *
17. Normal day.
18 BANDITS! You are ambushed by bandits!
roll a d6 1-3 one of your luxury items gets stolen if you don't have any luxury items one of your family members dies. 4-6 you win and get a luxury item!*
19 There has been a SimRoach infestation. you Lose half of your Harvestable plants. (place half of your plants in basement storeroom and remove doors leave them until they die then discard them.)
*{Luxury items consist of TVs, Microphones, Computers, Bookshelves, sofas, on the grid showers.}
credit for a few of the bottom dice chances here.
rules below from here.
** No cheats/hacks/mods that give you an advantage over someone who did not use them. Unless Requested by the Wheel of chance. No skill building cheats,Need filling cheats, or money cheats unless requested by a chance card. (Although the freerealestate cheat must be used to purchase The Vault). You may however unlock items if you choose.
  ** No restarting after bad events. Taking the bad events with the good makes this challenge more interesting and struggling back from failure states is half the fun. Which is why we have the chance wheel. Restarting to recover from a crash, glitch, bug, or other technical problem is allowed.
** Every Monday in the Sim week you must roll the die. You must accept the consequences whether good or bad..
** You may only move in and merge other Sims into the Household if they are to become the Spouse that will aid in bringing in the next generation or it is requested by the Wheel of chance. Any unmutated Sim must be quarantined for 7 days before entering general population (the cannot be controlled by you for 7 days)You must not have any household members leave the Vault unless forced out due to a chance card/wheel but once they are gone, they must not be moved back in.
** The Family must remain on the same lot for the duration of the challenge. They are free (and encouraged) to develop the interior house but they may not move any walls or add on rooms (rooms within rooms are fine). So be sure your survivors have ample space before starting.
** Only the designated explorer AND your scientist (if you have one) are allowed to leave the lot. career sims can go to work only The Explorer is allowed to visit any lot on any neighbourhood to search for supplies including Granite falls but cannot stay for more than 1 day. The Scientist is only allowed to leave the lot to go to work.
** Once the Explorer has been chosen they cannot be changed unless he/she dies, then a new explorer must be picked to take their place. The Explorer must own and wear a spacesuit when out in the world.
** A Sim must not utilize any anti-aging items in their lifetime. This includes drinking a youth potion or milking the cow plant. Any cheats that freeze aging or lengthen (or shorten) lifespan times may not be used. Sims lifespans must be set to "Short" in the gameplay menu.
** You can freely change a Sim’s current aspiration whether or not it has been completed.
** You may not bring a Sim back from the dead once the reaper has taken them. You MAY plead with the reaper in order to save a recently dead Sim.
** When playing this Challenge, your family unit is the ONLY one you may play in that saved game. You MAY move in new families into the neighborhood during your challenge but you must not play them
if using career restrictions as well as wheel of chance normal lifespan may be better im not sure i haven't done this challenge yet ive only begun building and creating sims so far.
Happy simming!
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angelloverde · 2 years
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"Mo Soul" Player Playlist 23 January
1. Ibiza Deep House Lounge - Groove Soul 2. Chilled Ibiza - Happy Times 3. Lo Greco Bros - Cadenas 4. Kyoto Jazz Massive - Eclipse 5. A Forest Mighty Black - Rebirth 6. Beanfield - Believe It Or Not 7. Jupyter Feat. Chrxstal Sarah - Sunny Weather 8. Synthetic guru Feat. Chillmi - I'll Be Waiting 9. Oumy - Your Flow 10. D'Monae - Louder 11. Ivy Sole - Overgrown 12. Crazy P - Like A Fool 13. Eric Hilton Feat. Brian Jackson - Something For Byrd 14. Chateau Flight - Prism 15. Thievery Corporation - Take My Soul
If you really want to enjoy music and help musicians and bands, buy their lp’s or cd’s and don’t download mp3 formats. There is nothing like good quality sound!!!
(Angel Lo Verde / Mo Soul)
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10th September 2024.
𝐒𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝟏𝟎𝐭𝐡 𝐒𝐞𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟗𝟕𝟕. in Dutch newspaper, the Leeuwarder Courant, Lena’s eating problems were mentioned in brief.
“Drummer Keith Moon of the Who nowadays has the curious habit of showing his bare work in companion gait. There must be something a bit more agitated there.
• The thirteen-year-old songbird Lena Zavaroni suffers from nerve attacks, which is more common in girls at that age if they are too fat. She now lives on one egg a day.
• Ringo Starr has turned down a bid of two million guilders for his English country house. An Arab wanted to buy it.
• Jon Anderson of Yes has just moved to his new home, which cost 1.7 million guilders. There go your record senes!
• More than a quarter of a million grieving fans have already visited Elvis Presley’s mausoleum. In the first week after his death, sixty million copies of Elvis records were sold. "ood en brood, in other words. Frankie Miller: "I don’t mind if people drink. But I’m working on my karriejère and don’t want to get drunk anymore."
• Diana Ross now also has an Indian guru. "Oh how I feel calm,” diana says.
• Rick Wright of Pink Floyd has had a hard time with the Greek polietsie. According to Riek, the polietsie was aggressive, according to the polietsie it was just the other way around.
• Michelle Phillips, ex-Mama (of the Papas), now plays in a film with ballet dancer Rudolf Nurejev. It is rather difficult and Michelle then spanks him.
• It’s out between Rod Stewart and his Britt Ekland. Britt immediately asked for six thousand peak per month alimony and millions of guilders in pain money. Also a way to get rich.“
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𝐒𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝟏𝟎𝐭𝐡 𝐒𝐞𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟗𝟕𝟖. Lena did the Sunday Concert at the Princess Theatre, Torquay. Cilla Black was doing the Summer season there.
𝐖𝐞𝐝𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝟏𝟎𝐭𝐡 𝐒𝐞𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟗𝟖𝟎, Lena did the second of her three nights in cabaret at Cesar’s Palace, Luton. Steve Hayter took a series of photographs of her there during the week.
𝐅𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝟏𝟎𝐭𝐡 𝐒𝐞𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟗𝟖𝟐. The Liverpool Echo carried an advertisement for Lena’s show at The Floral Pavilion, New Brighton on Sunday 19th September. This was to be the fateful show where she broke down on stage, so ending her career apart from a few comeback attempts.
𝐅𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝟏𝟎𝐭𝐡 𝐒𝐞𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟗𝟖𝟐. The Fife Free Press ran an advertisement by The Adam Smith Theatre, Kirkaldy includint The Lena Zavaroni Show from 20th - 25th. She didn't appear because she broke down on stage in New Brighton on the 19th.
𝐅𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝟏𝟎𝐭𝐡 𝐍𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟗𝟗𝟑. The Southall Gazette ran an obituary for music hall star Jeannie Alexander who seventy years before Lena was a child star at ten years old and retired at nineteen years old because overwork caused her to have a nervous breakdown.
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