#But until that time it seems I will continue to draw Noir at the drop of a hat and/or any sign of him popping up in my notes
desultory-novice · 1 year
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...You won't win...
You beat me but... I'm just one battle. Go ahead, make me your monster. You want me that badly? I'm yours. Put me front and center of your army of the damned. I'll be your blade, leading the charge.
As long as you remember, whatever the hell you are... I know a force exists out there that's more powerful than even you. I've seen it once before. And she's only the beginning. There are more like her...
So know, damn you... that while I'm your swordsman, I'm also your destined destruction...! And the moment I fall...You'll be next!!
Noir with the eyemouth inspired by @camachine
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I am by far your superior, but my notorious modesty prevents me from saying so.
- Erik Satie
To his contemporaries and peers Erik Satie was something of an enigma. Just a few of his quirks included claiming he only ate white foods, carrying a hammer wherever he went, founding his own religion, eating 150 oysters in one sitting, and writing a piece with the instruction to repeat 840 times! As a composer, Satie paved the way for the avant-garde in music and became a very influential figure in the classical music of the 20th century whose works still sound fresh today.
Born into a poor and difficult childhood in the Normandy harbour town of Honfleur on 17 May 1866, Satie would always be an outsider. The Paris Conservatoire to which he was enrolled by his stepmother, herself a pianist, became for him “a sort of local penitentiary” during his teens; he left with no qualifications and a reputation for being lazy. He signed up for military service in 1886 and dropped out within the same year. Immersing himself in the bohemian life of Montmartre, he became linked with the popular music scene and eked out a living as an accompanist, playing at the Chat Noir cabaret. Always on the periphery, and forever out of money, he later downgraded from the cramped room in which he lived to the less fashionable Parisian suburb of Arcueil, where he holed up in isolation and squalor – no visitors set foot in the room during the near-30 years he lived there.
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Much has been made of the eccentricities of this flâneur, who was always seen in a grey velvet suit, and yet underlying Satie’s music is his serious desire to create something new. You can hear it in his popular piano pieces: the haunting scales and rhythms of the Trois Gnossiennes written under the spell of Romanian folk music, and the meditative world of Gymnopédies, where, as in a cubist painting, motifs are “seen” from all sides. At a time when French composers were looking to escape the shadows of Wagner’s epic Romanticism, the French composer’s stripped-back mechanical sound, inspired by the humble barrel organ, offered a radically simple approach.
Satie preferred originality to the mundane. The composer of the famous Gymnopedies, could never be accused of having an uninteresting personality. For one, his outgoing fashion statements always caused a stir. During his Montmartre years, he had 12 identical velvet corduroy suits hanging in his wardrobe, which earned him the nickname ‘The Velvet Gentleman’, and in his socialist years, he donned a bowler hat and carried an umbrella.
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Debussy helped to draw public attention to Satie, orchestrating two of his Gymnopédies, yet Satie had to wait until much later in life to attain celebrity status. While still earning a living writing salon dances and popular cabaret songs, and after suffering a creative crisis, he enrolled himself at the Schola Cantorum in Paris at the age of 39. Rather than finding him validation, his studies seem to have fuelled his hatred of convention - it’s with more than a hint of bitterness that he claims to put “everything I know about Boredom” into the Bach chorale of his masterful Sports et Divertissements piano pieces. But notoriety led to a succès de scandale and when it came it came with a bang in Parade, his surreal, one-act circus ballet for Diaghilev. Into the orchestral score, which featured jazz and cabaret tunes, were thrown typewriters, sirens and a pistol - just the kind of noises a wartime audience would normally pay not to hear. With its rigid cubist costumes by Picasso - which restricted Massine’s choreography - and a promotional push from Cocteau, it was provocative enough to secure Satie’s position at the vanguard of modernism.
Yet Satie was continually frustrated in his attempts to be accepted as an artist in high society France - his failure to establish himself at the prestigious Académie des Beaux-Arts, to which Debussy had won a scholarship, only compounded his resentment. Was this treatment by the cultural elite fair? Certainly his determination to antagonise his audience in his late ballets did little to endear him to the critics, but the fierce criticism he received in Paris was also a sign of things to come. Pierre Boulez would later poke fun at Satie’s lack of craft, while composer Jean Barraqué - another proponent of 12-tone music - would deride Satie as “an accomplished musical illiterate … who found that his friendship with Debussy was an unhoped-for opportunity to loiter in the corridors of history”.
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Satie is perhaps, to this day, the most audacious and original composer when it comes to naming his works e.g. Gnossiennes and Gymnopédies. With Satie you will not see symphonies, concertos or opus numbers. Satie possessed a wicked sense of humour and his mockery, both of himself and others, became an inspiration for many of his irony-tinged works. His Sonatine bureaucratique is a spoof of Muzio Clementi’s Sonatina Op. 36 and contained many witticisms in the score. For example, he writes Vivache (vache being French for cow) instead of the original Italian tempo marking Vivace.
Whether in the collage-like miniature piano parodies he wrote during the World War I, his creation of a theatre format that has endured over the years, or in his collaboration with Jean Cocteau, Pablo Picasso y Sergei Diaghilev, there is a liveliness of imagination and a hunger for innovation that made Erik Satie In the torch bearer of the vanguard in his work. Satie would influence so many so strongly that years later some of his closest friends became radical artists, for example. ManRay, the sculptor Constantin Brâncusi, and Marcel Duchamp, or a much younger group of Paris-based composers like Les Six.
Satie, a known drinker of absinthe, and apparently every other alcohol available, died of cirrhosis at the age of 59 in Arcueil, France in July 1925. But his compositions, especially those deceptively simple-sounding solo piano works, find life today through recitals, concerts, and great movie scores. Although he died in poverty with little success to his name, today Erik Satie is acknowledged as a founder of 20th-century modernism, who changed the face of music.
Personally I do find Satie's music enriching, But I also find that his calculated wackiness is culturally apt. Pieces like ‘3 Pieces in the Shape of a Pear’, ‘Flabby Preludes for a Dog’ and ‘Desiccated Embryos’ rewardingly deflate Wagnerism's excesses in a characteristically French way.
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nightghoul381 · 1 year
Caught in the Rain~ Sariel x Reader
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Another entry for the awesome challenge hosted by @aquagirl1978 and @violettduchess
Prompt: 9. Summer Storms Pairing: Sariel Noir x Reader Genre: Fluff WC: Just shy of 1k A/N: A prompt so fun, my computer decided I should write it twice! An impromptu restart allowed me to see that I had not saved... 😅 Oh well, I think this version turned out better anyway.
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Seated on a comfortable settee with a view of your lover’s office, you curl up and begin to read. Sariel had promised to come down and spend some time with you as soon as he was finished with the large stack of documents he had left to go through. You flip open the romance novel and quickly become engrossed in the steamy affair within.
Eagerly flipping another page, you are caught off guard by a dop of water splashing onto the paper. You glance up and notice that the sky had become much darker, angry gray clouds amassed, threatening to burst at any moment. And burst they do, rain falling in relentless sheets blown around by a wind that had seemingly come from nowhere.
You quickly tuck your book in your arms and make your way to a nearby gazebo as the rain begins to soak your hair and clothes. A sharp exhale escapes your lips as you finally make it under the shelter of the gazebo’s roof. The wind whips through the open sides, drawing all your heat away with it as it tumbles on. A cold chill overtakes your body and you curl into yourself as much as possible, only to jump as a sharp bolt of lightning cuts through the dark sky, the crackle of thunder following closely behind it.
You can’t remember the last time you had been caught out in a storm, let alone one this bad. Rhodolite rarely had storms grow this intense, and you find yourself both afraid and enthralled by the majesty of the tempest.
A slow movement catches your eye, your attention drawn to the window of Sariel’s office. Your lover’s gaze meets yours and you can clearly see the questioning irritation written on his face. Shaking his head, his ever-present smile never fading, Sariel steps away from the window and disappears back into the room.
You jump as another bolt of lightning strikes a nearby tree, resulting in a horrendous cracking sound as one of the branches begins to fall from the canopy. You stare, enraptured, as the wood continues to snap its hold of the limb and it soon falls to the ground with a loud crash. The nearness of the last bolt has you trembling, eyes wide. You stare up into the clouds, praying that you will soon be granted a reprieve in the torrential rain that would allow you to make it inside. The storm, however, seems to rebuff your prayer; the wind instead wickedly causing the rain drops to slice across your exposed skin.
So mesmerized by the storm, you don’t notice a dark shape approaching the gazebo behind you until a warm, gloved hand lands on your shoulder. You let out a startled gasp, spinning around to confront the person and are met with the stern, pointed gaze of your lover. A sonorous boom of thunder, so loud it causes the ground to tremble, elicits a surprised squeak from you, and you find yourself clinging to Sariel’s chest.
Feeling Sariel’s shoulders rising and falling gently, you look up and see his eyes narrowed as he laughs at you. Placing his hand on the back of your head, he pulls you in close, his lips nearly pressed against your ear.
“I can assure you, my dear, I am much more frightening than a mere storm.” He chuckled, softly running his fingers over your wet hair.
Sariel’s hand stills and you pull back, taking in the sight of his dark hair slicked with rain causes your heart to stutter. The rivulets of water running down the sharp planes of his face instigates a creeping heat to spread through your body. Your tongue darts out, subconsciously wetting your lips and drawing the attention of those violet eyes to your mouth.
Sariel’s grin widens. “What’s this?” He asks, bringing one hand up to touch your cheek, the leather of his glove warm against your chilled skin.
“Are you wanting a kiss?” His inquiry wreaths around you, invitingly rich and sultry. You nod your head, letting your eyes flutter shut as his thumb traces your lower lip.
Suddenly his warmth has vanished. Blinking open your eyes, you see he has shrugged off his coat.
“Unfortunately, I don’t believe you are deserving of such a reward… In fact, I’m rather disappointed that you would be so careless as to allow yourself to be caught in a storm like this.” He sighed, wrapping his coat around your drenched clothes.
“I should be the only one you allow to see you like this,” He warned, his voice low and rumbling. “It seems that you underestimate how incredibly alluring you are with your clothing clinging to your body like that.”
Taking in a deep breath to calm your racing heart, you pin Sariel with your gaze.
“I’m sorry. I was—”
“No excuses.” Sariel cut you off and took your hand in his. Soon, he had successfully guided the two of you through the swirling tempest and back into the castle.
Immediately drawn to Sariel’s bedroom window, you watch the storm in fascination from within the safety and warmth of the building.
“You really are a fool sometimes, my love.” Sariel muttered, wrapping his arms around your waist. As you begin to relax into his warmth, his arms tighten around you and you are lifted off your feet.
You realize he is carrying you to the bathroom.
“Honestly, I can’t believe you didn’t think to change your clothes at the very least,” Sariel chided. He began preparing a hot bath and gave you the strict instructions that you were to stay put until you were thoroughly warmed. Willingly complying to your lover’s wishes, you sink down into the comforting heat of the water and let your mind go.
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mc-lukanette · 3 years
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[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4] [Part 5] [Part 6]
A few days had passed since Marinette had burned the Adrien photos, and Luka was relieved to note that they hadn't come back since. Marinette seemed equally at ease, their daily calls becoming more and more relaxed with each time she told him about her still-empty wall. He did wish he could do a little more concerning the red string around her neck, but his mind was drawing a blank and she was happier than before regardless.
The main problem however, was the relation to the miraculouses. Everyone knew that Ladybug wasn't interested in Chat Noir, a fact that made the knowledge of the red string even worse. He wasn't sure if the red strings were tied to the miraculouses or not - or how if they were indeed connected - but he speculated that it was about more than just talking to Marinette about Adrien; Chat was a factor as well. He couldn’t imagine the societal pressure of Ladybug and Chat Noir being a couple, and no one had to do much research to realize that Chat Noir was okay with it while Ladybug was very much not.
He'd have to take on the red string from both sides of the masks, and it took one particular day for him to get his chance.
"You want me to go on patrol with you?"
Ladybug nodded, balancing herself on his windowsill as she replied, "If you'd like to. Chat Noir is busy tonight, so the position's opened and you're one of the people used to having a miraculous."
Luka caught himself before he could start smiling too much, knowing that it was Marinette under that mask and she wanted him to go on patrol because they were friends.
"I'd be honored to."
She beamed at him, and after the snake miraculous was on his wrist, he was transformed and the two set off for the rooftops together.
Viperion glanced left and right as he went along with Ladybug. He'd been called enough by then to have gotten used to superheroing, though it was his first time actually on patrol. Given the situation they were in, he was thankful that Adrien was busy that particular night with what Viperion could only guess was Gabriel's orders.
The red string was still dangling around Ladybug's neck, though Viperion'd grown attuned enough with his fate sensing that he could stop focusing on it and simply see her if he chose to. It didn't stop him from thinking about it, but it helped.
Ladybug seemed to know the route to take, so he mostly followed after her, but it was partway through where she'd decided that they should take a break. Paris was always quiet right after akuma attacks, meaning that they could afford to take it easy since there'd been one just that afternoon.
They leaped buildings until they reached the Eiffel Tower, scaling the monument until they reached the top platform. He didn't miss that she'd avoided using her yoyo for the job, possibly to put them on an even playing field.
Letting out a breath, Ladybug leaned against the railing and she gazed over the city. Gesturing to the view, she explained, "We'll have a good vantage point from here in case anything happens."
Viperion chuckled. "You really do think of everything."
She blushed faintly, but took the compliment casually. "I'm just doing my job." She turned her hip to more easily grab her yoyo, then opened it and reached inside. "Anyway, are you hungry?"
He tilted his head in curiosity, then grinned as she pulled out a bag of macarons from the Dupain-Cheng bakery. It wasn't anything suspicious given that it was known as the best bakery around.
"Thanks," he replied gratefully, taking one of the macarons she offered him.
She grabbed one as well and they took a simultaneous bite of their respective treats. He was a little surprised to hear that she brought along snacks, but supposed it made sense if breaks during patrol were a common thing after akuma.
They settled down on the ground, Ladybug placing the open bag in-between them so they could pick them out at equal leisure. Tossing him an apologetic but teasing smile, she added, "Sorry, but cushions wouldn't fit in the yoyo."
He raised his brows at her, then glanced down at the hard ground below them. He snorted at her joke, noting, "It's nice to see you outside of akuma battles, where you can relax and play around more."
She smiled shyly at him, in a way that was so Marinette that he couldn't believe he hadn't figured her out sooner. "Thanks. Chat says I have no sense of humor."
He frowned, replying without hesitation, "Chat's wrong."
She waved him off, though he could tell that she appreciated the comment. Hearing that Chat had told her something like that was news to him, despite all the research he'd done into their relationship. Granted, he imagined that anything could be said off-camera and he couldn't have known.
"Does he say things like that a lot?" he asked, hoping he wasn't prodding too much. There was just something about how casually she'd said it that unnerved him.
"Huh?" She blinked, thrown off by the question, then rubbed the back of her neck. "Well... most of the time, he flirts instead. It's..." She hesitated, like she wasn't sure that she could talk about it. Glancing at him, then back to the open sky, she relented and added, "—it's a lot sometimes, but he does his job well enough, so it’s not like it’s a serious problem. I don’t know, it’s not like I’ve never wondered about the what ifs of having someone else, but whenever I think about it, I just—"
She squinted at nothing, Viperion's gaze flickering down to the string, which had became visible now that he was focusing on it.
It had tightened, pressing into the black of her bodysuit in a way only he could see, and he found himself squinting just like she was.
"—I can't imagine being Ladybug without him," she said.
He pressed his lips together, trying to suppress any reaction to the comment. He'd suspected it for a while, but actually seeing it was something else entirely.
The red string demanded dependency on Ladybug's part. He wasn't sure how much it pulled Chat on the other end, but judging from what he'd gathered from Marinette's luck and fate's blatant favoring of Adrien, he could guess.
Ladybug peeked up from her macaron when he remained silent, confusion passing over her features. "What? You look like you have something to say."
"Ah—" He looked down, brows furrowing as he hoped even more that he wasn't pushing boundaries. "—just... I know that he's been with you since the beginning, but I don’t think you need Chat Noir to be an amazing Ladybug."
She straightened, dropping her treat in surprise and then fumbling to catch it. Perhaps she hadn’t caught onto what her words implied, or had said them without thinking due to the string and was now facing it head-on.
He continued, "You've dealt with akuma plenty of times without him, and you work well with all your heroes. I'm sure you could make the best out of any partner you had." He smiled reassuringly at her. "Maybe Chat Noir only seems as good as he does because he's at your command."
Ladybug's cheeks tinted red, nearly matching her mask, as she ducked her head at the high praise. She raised the macaron back to her lips, chewing on it as if that helped hide her face.
It was only after she'd slowly nibbled the treat all the way down and swallowed that she replied, "T-thank you."
He shrugged, having only been honest.
"Chat Noir..." She cleared her throat. "Well, Paris would disagree with you."
"Paris is wrong too," he replied in the exact same tone as when he was discussing Chat. After careful consideration, he asked cautiously, "Do you mean how—"
"Yeah, the—" She frowned and waved both hands vaguely in a gesture that no one but him would've understood. "Yeah."
So she was all too aware of their status of a "couple" in the eyes of Parisians. It made sense with everything he already knew, but he hadn't wanted to be right.
The phrase she'd used when talking about Adrien resurfaced in his mind: made for each other.
He clenched his fist. She was being pressured on both sides of the mask, towards both sides of Adrien's mask.
"I don't like it," she admitted, "but Chat drinks it up and I guess the public is into the idea of this superhero couple. They see us like celebrities."
"It's not right," Viperion hissed, and Sass would've been proud of it. "You save Paris every week and you deserve to be respected."
"There's nothing I can do about it," she told him, almost in defeat. "Besides, Chat... he needs a pick-me-up every now and my pep talks don't always work on him. He pouted when I brought in a male hero for the first time."
"That's not your fault!" he argued. "Chat needs to be confident on his own. He can't keep relying on you or make you feel like you can't do anything without him doubting himself. You're under enough stress as it is, and—!"
He caught himself, his mouth shutting tight before he could reveal exactly how much he knew. Ladybug blinked at him, seeming puzzled by the outburst but not suspicious at least.
He took a breath, reminding himself to stay calm. Reaching back, he grabbed hold of his lyre and brought it in front of him, strumming a few notes and letting them settle the discordant song that was playing in his stomach.
"My point is... Chat shouldn't be someone adding onto the pressure. That's not a partnership."
Her shoulders relaxed, her eyes darting around as she processed his words. She looked conflicted.
"...I'm sorry," he added, settling his lyre in his lap. "Not for what I said, but—I didn't mean to bring the mood down."
"No, no." She shook her head, pulling her knees to her chest. "It's good that you did. I've actually—" Her voice grew quiet. "—been thinking about it lately."
"About what?"
She made the same vague gesture from before. "All of that. There's been a lot going on and it's given me a lot to think about."
He knew immediately what she meant.
"It's... frustrating," she groaned. "I don't like Chat that way. I mean, maybe sometimes he said or did something that I found charming, but that's just—not enough for me, you know? To only feel something like that for a second or two." She averted her gaze, growing distant. "Everyone seems to think we belong together, and... I hate that they might be right."
"What do you mean?"
She sighed. "Well, I'm a hero; a permanent one. I need to be there all the time. Every akuma, every purification, every Miraculous Ladybug. Only I can do it." She hugged her legs closer, burying her face in her knees. "I want a relationship. I want someone to date and be close to, but I can't have it. I'm always running away; always going somewhere with some excuse so I can go deal with the akuma, and I can't tell anyone! Can you imagine how that'd make my date feel?"
He opened his mouth, but a thought occurred to him at the last second that gave him pause.
"You... so you think..."
Once again, he hoped to be wrong. He wanted so badly to be wrong.
But Ladybug looked up, her expression pained as she confirmed, "There's only one person I could be with where it wouldn't have to happen."
His blood ran cold, he felt sick, and the memory of the red string flashed in his mind, wrapped around Adrien's ring.
Fate didn't just tie her to him; it wanted to make her believe that he was her only choice.
Viperion's grip on his lyre tightened, his teeth grinding together behind closed lips as he tried to maintain an aura of calm. He wasn't just angry anymore, he was livid, and he silently wished that the face on the other side of the butterfly miraculous was the universe so he could give it a piece of his mind.
How could you do that? How could you take a girl who's always worked so hard and tried her best, and treat her like she's nothing? No, not nothing, because then at least she'd be left alone. How could you treat her like a plaything, as if she's some prize for a guy to win no matter what? How could you manipulate her to think that everything's her fault, just so she never thinks to fight back against the ones putting pressure on her?
What's love if it's gotten through such force?
A hand falling upon his jolted him back to reality, his head snapping up to see Ladybug there, her pupils shrunken in and her brows knitted in worry. Whatever his face had looked like, it'd scared her.
His first instinct was to feel guilty. He was supposed to be comforting her, not making things worse by letting all of his emotions show on his face.
His second instinct...
He tossed his lyre off to the side, Ladybug's gaze briefly following it until his hands fell upon her shoulders. Her eyes widened, and she let out a squeak as he pulled her onto his lap and into a hug.
The only thing he was grateful for in terms of her superhero status was that he could hug her as tightly as possible without hurting her.
"A-ah..." She seemed tempted to say something, but fell silent soon after and hugged him back, burying her face into the side of his neck. He felt her strength in the way she squeezed him, like she was starved for his affection despite them being in a similar position not too long ago.
He understood. Before, they were tackling her problems when she was Marinette, but Ladybug had never had someone to personally confide in concerning Chat.
She'd needed this.
"You already do so much," he whispered. "You should be allowed to be with whoever you want, and you shouldn't have to settle when it comes to love."
She sighed against him, like she knew deep down that he was right. "You don't know how bad it could get. Some hypothetical boyfriend wouldn't deserve that kind of treatment."
"I get why you'd feel that way," he said, "but I'd hope that this hypothetical boyfriend would know that you're worth it."
Her fingers twitched against his spine. "...You don't even know me."
"I know that you're creative. I know you're smart. I know you work harder than anyone else to keep Paris safe. I know you have a right to feel however you want, and if you think you need to earn being with someone who's not Chat, then you've more than done that." He slid his hand up to squeeze her shoulder. "I also know that you'll find a way to make it work, if you put in even half the care into it as you put into Paris."
"Vi—" She paused, her voice softening. "Luka..."
They stayed like that for a while, the bag of macarons going untouched an arm's reach away. Viperion just held her, sensing that she was feeling out what he'd said and that they didn't need words for it. That was fine with him; her love life was none of his business. He only wanted to help her have the choice to live it.
A breeze blew by, their bodysuits protecting them from the wind chill factor as their hair was lightly shifted by the gentle air. Ladybug stirred, letting out a noise like she felt personally slighted by the wind, then pushed herself up, her hands on his shoulders as she pulled away from him.
"We...we should get back to patrol," she admitted.
He offered her a small smile, noting that she seemed to be in better spirits at least. "Alright." He let her out of his lap, leaning over to the side to pick up his lyre.
He heard her retreating footsteps, along with a light, "You can keep the macarons."
He glanced up at her, surprised. "Are you sure?" he asked, knowing that he was mostly responsible for them not eating all of them. "Is that what you usually do on your breaks: let Chat have them?"
"Oh." She stood awkwardly in place, looking off at the sky before dropping her gaze to the ground. Tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, she grinned sheepishly and replied, "Actually..."
He tilted his head, curious.
She peeked over at him, eyes half-lidded as she told him, "I've never done this with Chat."
He raised his brows, as if that would make her clarify, but she simply turned away from him and started doing a few stretches, clearly prepping to head back out.
Pursing his lips in thought, Viperion turned his back to her, giving attention to the little plastic bag resting neatly on the ground. Even though it was open, the little ribbon that had held it shut was still around it, suddenly feeling more special now that Ladybug had said something so... cryptic.
He looked out at the view they had, then Ladybug, then back at the bag, feeling extremely slow on the uptake as his brain pieced things together based on what information he had.
Then, suddenly his brain supplied: Wait... was this a date?
He buried the thought just as quickly, shaking his head and scolding himself for jumping to that so fast.
"Are you ready to go back to leaping rooftops?" Ladybug asked behind him, her tone light even if she was still in her own head.
"Yeah," Viperion replied, picking up the little bag like it was something precious. Hoping to lighten things further, he then added, "I'm new to this, so I might lag behind."
She chuckled. "You might. Apparently I'm a really amazing hero according to someone I know."
He grinned to himself. Even if she was just teasing, it felt good to hear her compliment herself in a way.
He had just tightened the ribbon to seal the bag back up, listening to the sound of Ladybug's foosteps, when he felt a sudden niggling sensation at the back of his head, or—behind him? He turned, puzzled, then leaped up as he caught sight of a teal wisp in Ladybug's path.
He rushed over as she yelped and tripped over what would seem like nothing according to her. Catching her just in time, he also realized belatedly that it may've been an overreaction, given that she was in superhero form; he could only blame it on reflex.
Ladybug stood up with a start, covering the lower half of her face in shame. "Ugh, that was so embarrassing, I'm sor—"
"It's not your fault," he hurried to say, not explaining further as he grew lost in thought, staring silently at the place where the wisp had formed itself.
He hadn't just seen the wisps this time; he had sensed them. That was new, and he wouldn't have questioned a new addition to his fate sensing had it not been the fact that he hadn't particularly done anything as Viperion; it usually took an instance or two of him using his power for something to manifest, but here...
He glanced up when he realized that Ladybug was looking at him curiously. Debating with himself for a moment, he ultimately trusted his gut and met her gaze, asking,
"Do you mind if I talk to Sass again after this?"
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e-milieeee · 4 years
hey cutea
Summary: In which Marinette brings Adrien to a bubble tea shop only to witness him order the most unappetizing flavour on the menu.
All’s well until Chat Noir does the exact same, and Ladybug makes an unsuspecting connection.
Tikki is also very unamused. If only they’d stop dancing around each other.
Notes: a month of procrastinating, the boba reveal,,, is finally here for day 1: cafe of @auyeahaugust! also for @buggachat because kelly started this with a drawing of an adrienette boba date and i spiralled :’) 
Word Count: 6.2k
The shop is called Thirstea, a pun which makes Adrien laugh for a whole thirty seconds as he stares at the storefront.
“Seriously,” Marinette is saying as he pushes the door open for her. “You’ve seriously never had boba? At all?”
Adrien shifts his backpack. He’s hit with the smell of something sweet—foreign, as well, but it’s pleasant enough—and the sight of a bustling interior. A small line has already formed, so Marinette tugs him aside and points at the large menu displayed on a colorful board behind the cashier.
“You can decide on which flavour you want,” she tells him.
Adrien peers up at the board. There’s so many to choose from—hundreds, even—from milk tea to fruit tea to mixed flavours and smoothies and…
His head is spinning when he turns back to Marinette. “Do you have any recommendations?” Because I have absolutely no clue. “What do you usually get?”
She tilts her head. “I have five go-tos. Roasted milk tea is a classic, but the honeydew milk tea is pretty good as well if I want something fruity. If I want something lighter, I’ll get a fruit tea—I like lychee black tea. Uh… there’s also the real fruit bobas, and I usually get taro. Oh! And the matcha latte is one of their best. And I usually get it with tapioca, but if you want to be healthier, grass jelly or aloe vera both taste pretty good. But I mean, it is your first time here and you should probably try getting tapioca just to see if you like it. And brown sugar milk tea, but they said they ran out today…”
The words go in one ear and out another, because Adrien is too busy staring at the way she talks: enthusiasm shining in her eyes, the way she waves her hands in the smallest, cutest gestures to make her point, and…
“Adrien?” Marinette tilts her head. “Um, have you decided? Or do you need more time? Because that’s completely alright too.”
In a panic, he nods and blurts, “I’ve decided!”
She nods sagely, and they enter the line. Adrien has not yet in fact decided.
He continues to stare at the menu from the corner of his eyes, going through all the categories until he settles on real fruit smoothie. Adrien goes through the list: watermelon, strawberry, mango, peach, blueberry, raspberry, winter melon—
“What would you like to order?”
Adrien snaps back into reality. He is not ready to order.
Oblivious to his conundrum, Marinette smiles at the cashier and fetches her wallet out of her backup. “I’m paying for us both!” she tells the girl cheerily. “I’ll have a peach green tea with half ice and thirty percent sugar. With tapioca.”
Adrien gawks at her order. She’d lost him after peach green tea—is he supposed to order like that too?
“Adrien?” Marinette prompts, now waiting for the order that he does not have.
He squints at the menu again, hoping his panic isn’t visible on his face. He scans them. Watermelon. Strawberry. Mango. Peach. Blueberry. Raspberry. Winter melon. Durian.
“Durian,” he settles.
Marinette’s mouth quite literally drops open.
He’s not too certain what’s that surprising about his order—is it the wrong thing to order? Perhaps it doesn’t exist on the menu and he’d hallucinated it. A double-check later and the word is still clearly imprinted underneath winter melon. “Marinette?” Adrien asks carefully. “Um, I’m not too sure about the sugar and ice—which do you usually choose?”
She finally snaps her mouth shut.  “Durian?” Marinette echoes at last, ignoring his question.“Ah, are you certain about that?”
Adrien nods. “I can still add the pearls—the tapioca in, right?”
“Yeah,” she agrees absentmindedly, “but—durian?”
Adrien takes another peek at the menu. “The real fruit smoothie, right?”
“Have you… tried durian?” “When I was younger, once. Have you?”
Marinette swallows, and Adrien waits for her verdict, concerned. He’s honestly baffled why she’s so confused about his choice, but a moment later, Marinette squares her shoulders and gives the cashier a smile, this time slightly shaky. “And a durian smoothie with tapioca for him. Um, sugar and ice levels?”
Adrien has no clue what to ask for, so he tries, “The standard one for both...?”
Apparently that’s an acceptable answer because the cashier nods and jots down his order on a small notepad. Marinette pays, and they wait at the side for their order.
Marinette has gone quiet. She sorts through her bag for a little while, and Adrien waits in apprehensive silence. There’s quiet jazz music playing in the background and it makes him feel like he’s in an elevator. It’s becoming unbearably awkward.
Finally, Marinette lifts her eyes to look at him. “Sorry about that,” she apologizes. “I just… didn’t know you liked durian.”
“Oh.” He sounds equally awkward. “I liked the fruit the last time I had it which was about two years ago. Do you not like it?”
Her nose wrinkles. It’s cute. Wait, what?
“My mom really likes durian,” Marinette is explaining, and she motions with her hands again. “Apparently her hometown back in China had a dessert store that sold durian pastries and she had this brilliant idea of making them for Chinese New Year a couple months ago and the whole bakery reeked of durian and I could smell it all the way up into my room—” She clamps a hand over her mouth. “Sorry. I forgot you liked it.”
“No, I’m the one who should be sorry,” he replies, flustered. Marinette has a habit of saying a lot in very little time and it doesn’t help that he gets easily distracted by her movements. “I didn’t realize durian was so… controversial. I hope it won’t make you uncomfortable or something with the smell.”
“I guess it’s not that popular here,” she replies with a shrug. “But my mom did say that people either hate or love durian. And the smell’s fine. I don’t like it, but once you spend a week with it stinking up your room, you kind of develop immunity.”
Just then, the waitress behind the counter sets down their two drinks. “For Marinette?” she calls.
Marinette takes the bag with a quick thank you, grabs two straws, and then returns to Adrien. She holds up their drinks.
Adrien takes the cup from her extended hand. The durian smoothie is a creamy white, and the black tapioca bubbles sit at the very bottom. He follows her movements as she shakes her cup then stabs a straw into it.
He can see Marinette eying him in his periphery as he raises the straw to his lips and takes a sip. The drink is cold and sweet and has a rich taste that explodes on his tongue in a plethora of flavours, and Adrien decides he likes it. He really likes it.
“So?” Marinette asks. Adrien wonders if she knows how skeptical her expression is. “Do you… like it?”
He chews on one of the pieces of tapioca. “Yes. Yeah, this is really great.”
The skepticism doesn’t disappear from her face, but she raises her boba to his. “Cheers,” Marinette says weakly.
On a good day, a cup of boba has two hundred fifty calories when the tapioca is replaced by grass jelly and the sugar level is brought to less than half. On a bad day, if her sweet tooth demands regular sweetness and tapioca, it can be driven up to seven hundred calories.
It’s why Marinette has begrudgingly limited herself—for the sake of her wallet and health—to only drink boba once a week.
And it’s why she and Chat Noir, decked in hoodies and track pants in an attempt to look normal, are lined up underneath the blazing sun at Thirstea.
Their disguises don’t do much, because a crowd has formed around them. First there are whispers of is that Ladybug and Chat Noir, then a girl summons up her courage to ask for a selfie, and finally, the press starts driving in. By the time that happens, they have luckily made it inside the shop, where the air-conditioning blasts out on the highest setting.
Another snap of the camera. Chat Noir is staring pensively at the menu when a thought hits Ladybug. “Have you ever had boba before?” she asks him.
He nods absentmindedly, still looking. Everyone in line is whispering or peering at them, and Ladybug sees a phone held up in the back, most likely recording.
They make it to the counter when Nadja Chamack and her team, armed with cameras and microphones, invades the shop. The girl at the register looks slightly overwhelmed and a little alarmed, but she doesn’t tell the press to leave.
“Ladybug!” Nadja calls. “You’ve been photographed once or twice coming to this shop in the past month—is this your favourite bubble tea shop?”
“Yup!” she replies.
“What’s your go-to order?”
“Depends on the day.” Ladybug turns back to the cashier, leaving Chat to deal with the press. He has the uncanny ability to drag on a brief topic for an unsolicitedly long amount of time. “I’ll have an original milk tea with tapioca,” she tells the cashier. “Regular ice and seventy percent sugar.”
The girl looks a little starstruck, but she jots down the order. With a tug on Chat’s tail, he turns around from entertaining the press to place his own order.
“One durian smoothie, please!” he chirps, chipper as always.
Ladybug chokes on air.
The girl taking their order also seems taken aback, but her recovery time is much quicker than Ladybug’s. Instead, offering him a quick, slightly strained smile, she jots his order down. “Is that all, then?”
Chat takes the chance to pay for both of their orders while she’s caught in her confusion. By the time Ladybug snaps back to her senses, it’s too late—Chat is already pulling aside to wait for their bobas to finish. Nadja and her crew take the chance to start their questions again.
“Chat Noir,” Nadja addresses when it’s clear Ladybug’s still out of commission. “If I heard you right, you chose a durian smoothie?”
He gives a nod so proud that Ladybug swears she dies a little inside.
“Could you tell us why? From what I know, durian is a well-debated fruit. Many people love it, but many also cannot stand the smell.”
Chat ponders the question thoughtfully. “The smell is rather funny,” he finally replies. “But I like the flavour! It has a very rich texture as well, and tastes pretty different from the smell, so it doesn’t actually taste bad.”
“Ladybug?” Nadja gestures for the cameras to face her. “What are your thoughts on durian?”
She’s too busy thinking about Adrien Agreste raising his cup of boba to bump against hers—a durian smoothie—and his casual enthusiasm for the fruit that Nadja’s words don’t even click in her brain. Who would’ve expected Chat Noir to have the same (terrible) taste as her crush? The coincidence leaves her feeling disjointed.
“Uh… Ladybug?” Chat waves his hand in front of her. “Are you okay?”
She finally snaps out of her reverie long enough to scramble for a response. Ladybug manages a sheepish smile in Nadja’s direction. “I’m doing fine, thank you.”
Chat frowns. “Ladybug, that wasn’t her question—”
Before either of them can say anything more, the girl making the drinks pops her head out from the counter. “Your drinks!” she says, then beams at both of them. “Here’s a buy-one-get-one free coupon! Please come by often!”
Chat’s eyes glimmer when he accepts his durian smoothie. Ladybug takes her own with much less enthusiasm. Focus is hard enough with the snap of Nadja’s cameras and the chaos all around them—the fact that an even larger crowd has gathered outside Thirstea in order to catch a glimpse of their favourite superheroes makes it worse. It’s all too much to take in, and Ladybug’s brain is still stuck on Adrien Agreste and Chat Noir and durian smoothies.
“We’re going to take off,” Chat tells Nadja, then waves at the camera. “See you guys around! Come on, LB.”
She allows him to drag her out of the store, then with a flick of his baton and a snap of her yo-yo they’re swinging off, bobas in hand and the rest of Paris watching them go.
But Ladybug isn’t thinking about them at all.
When they finally settle down somewhere secluded, Chat immediately stabs his straw through the top of his drink and takes an obnoxiously loud slurp. Ladybug can smell the scent of durian from where she’s sitting, and instinctively, she wrinkles her nose and shifts away. She pokes her straw into her own drink, still staring off at the distance.
A coincidence, yeah. Her crush and her partner both have awful taste in bubble tea flavours. It’s nothing but a coincidence.
“Are you going to drink yours?” Chat is asking, still slurping obliviously. “I wanna try your flavour.”
He makes a grab for her drink, and Ladybug ducks away. “Your breath smells like durian. You can’t drink from my straw.”
“Hey! Let me try!”
For a little while Chat wrestles for her drink, nearly spilling his own in the process. In the end he snatches out from her fingers, laughing raucously. Ladybug is giggling as well, forgetting about her predicament for the moment. This is what she’s used to; their routine of banter and playfulness that’s easy—it’s straightforward. Not confusing.
That snaps her right back to the problem. Chat sips her drink, smacking his lips in a purposefully annoying way, and makes his verdict. “Not bad. I like mine better. Wanna try?”
Ladybug shakes her head and reclaims her drink. As casually as possible, she asks, “Do you get boba often?”
“Mm, no. This is actually the second time I’ve gotten the drink.” He swirls his straw around. “Honestly, with all the percentages you give for the sugar and the ice, I’m not too sure what to say. My friend took me to get boba a little while ago, so…durian is actually the only flavour I’ve ever tried.”
A casual dump of information, information that really wouldn’t have meant anything. It’s vague enough that any other person wouldn’t have made any sort of connection; it’s the information they often share between each other.
Except for the fact that she—Ladybug, Marinette—might be the friend in question. And Chat Noir—Chat Noir is…
She stares across the building, where an ad of Adrien, the Fragrance is displayed.
No way.
“Um,” Ladybug stammers. “Your friend took you out for boba because you’ve never had it before?”
He’s painfully oblivious to her panic. “Yeah, about a week ago. You know, it’s pretty funny because she had a similar reaction to you when I ordered the durian smoothie. Apparently she hates the smell too.”
“Your friend?” Ladybug echoes.
“Yeah, my friend. Are you okay, m’lady?”
Can’t really breathe properly, so I’m not really okay, but youcan’tknowandIdon’treallyknowwhat’sgoingonrightnow—
“I, um, just realized I have something to do,” Ladybug stammers out, because it’s the only thing she can think of saying. She flails, but somehow manages to get to her feet. “Uh—uh, do you want my milk tea? I can’t swing around very well if I’m holding it because it might get on my suit and my hair—oh my God, my hair! I got ice cream once and tried to eat it while going around Paris on my yo-yo and it went so badly and honestly I feel like the bubble tea will do the same so you can drink mine too since I can just get another one by myself soon but I really gotta run—”
She all but shoves the cup into his confused hands. It’s a whole miracle Chat doesn’t drop it then and there, just like it’s a miracle Ladybug hasn’t screamed or slipped up or promptly tripped over air and simply… lay there crying.
“Ladybug–” she hears him call, but it’s interrupted by the zing of her yo-yo.
She takes off as fast as possible.
Marinette has never been so hasty in detransforming, but as she slips through the rooftop back into her room, she’s already calling Tikki out before she touches down onto her bed. She slams onto pillows and the soft mattress in her regular clothing, buries her face into the nearest cushion, and screams.
She really doesn’t deserve Tikki’s patience, but her kwami stays beside her and pats her with tiny paws until Marinette’s throat is hoarse and she has more or less yelled the remaining cinders of her panic and confusion into her pillow.
When Marinette finally raises her head to look at Tikki, her kwami has her hands on her hips. “Well?” she asks. “I didn’t want to interrupt your breakdown, but now that you’re through, can you tell me what it’s about?”
Marinette thinks about the cup of boba and the boy she’d left back on the roof. Then the one that sits in front of her in class, with the same shade of blonde hair and emerald eyes, both ordering durian boba.
“I think Chat Noir is Adrien Agreste,” she tells Tikki weakly.
Tikki has a scarily-good poker face. “Have you now,” she replies with calmness Marinette is incapable of. “And why do you think so?”
“Because—because—because they both like durian!” It comes out as a distressed wail.
Tikki ponders the question. Then replies, “I see.”
It’s such an awfully vague response that Marinette is tempted to bury her face into her pillow to scream some more. But she doesn’t, instead pulling out her notebook from the stand and a pencil. “I’m going to draw a venn diagram,” she announces with newfound determination. “I might just be jumping to a conclusion too quickly. And—and there was that one time when Chat was there but Adrien was too, right? When Gorizilla attacked?”
“Right,” Tikki agrees. “But you also did a similar trick with Multimouse and the fox Miraculous, so…”
“Chat didn’t have the fox or mouse Miraculous. Anyway… they both have blonde hair and green eyes.”
She puts that in the similar column. She thinks about it for a couple seconds more, and writes “composed” in Adrien’s column and “a mess” in Chat’s.
“Oh, come on.” Tikki flits closer. “You know very well Adrien isn’t as composed as you make him out to be. The only reason you don’t recognize it is because you’re even worse around him.”
Marinette stubbornly keeps those two where they are, even if she knows deep down that Tikki is right. For a while, she goes on making her list, with Tikki criticizing almost every decision she makes. Adrien Agreste has neat hair, a polite smile, the best grades in class and manners that would woo anyone’s parents. Chat Noir’s hair is messy and untamed, his smile is almost always accompanied with a raucous laugh and shutting up isn’t in his vocabulary. He steals food and drinks and everything he can from her whenever she brings it.
She scribbles and erases and thinks and stresses, getting a week’s worth of confusion down and then some.
“Marinette,” Tikki finally advises when Marinette has run out of ink. “Why don’t you just ask Adrien tomorrow at school subtly about it? If he didn’t mind telling Ladybug he went out for boba with Marinette, he probably wouldn't have qualms telling Marinette about getting boba with Ladybug. It’s not as if your identities need to remain a secret anymore.”
Ask Adrien.
Ask Adrien.
Sure, they’re on good terms now. They’re friends. Marinette’s crush has faded into a more manageable level, and she can talk to him without her voice rising an octave higher than its usual key. She hasn’t tripped and fallen on her face in front of him for at least two weeks.
But this—with the possibility that Adrien Agreste is Chat Noir? To think she’d waxed poetic about Chat Noir to Tikki every night for months? It’s unspeakably insane to think about, and she doesn’t have the courage and probably never will but Marinette thinks she’s genuinely going to die if she doesn’t get closure—
“Okay,” she agrees at last, because it’s the only logical answer.
Adrien is the one who comes to find Marinette before she can go find him.
“Hey!” he calls from behind her.
In a quite frankly astonishing display of improvement, Marinette doesn’t scream or fall on her face, even if she does freeze for a good couple seconds too long.
“Uh… Marinette?” Adrien taps her shoulder. “I wanted to return the physics notes to you. You gave me your notebook from last time because I missed the class. Here.”
She takes the notes from him, movements stiff. A million words to say come piling from her throat, but they stick to the top of her mouth drily and none make it past her lips.
Adrien Agreste. Chat Noir. They’re the same person? How can they be the same person? Is it just a huge coincidence? Who is Chat Noir? Who am I, even?
Before she can work herself into more of a panic, Marinette gives him a forced smile, hugging her notebook to her chest. “Thanks!” she shrieks. “I gotta—I gotta run. See you around!”
She trips over air on her way out, face beetroot.
“Listen,” Tikki whispers to her, munching on her cookie as Marinette locks herself in a stall of the girls’ washroom. “You gotta do it. Just… just don’t think that he’s Adrien Agreste. I heard imagining people as potatoes helps with stage fright?”
Marinette lets out a distressed noise. “Stage fright isn’t my problem, though!”
“Adrien fright? If you ask me, it’s pretty similar. Anyway, just ask him if he’s had bubble tea recently or something! You don’t know until you try. It won’t be that bad. What’s the worst case scenario?”
“That you-know-who turns out to be you-know-who!”
“We did not decide on these codenames.”
“Yeah, but what if someone hears—”
Tikki interrupts her by giving her a little pinch. “Calm down, Marinette! It’ll be fine. Besides, is it really that big of a problem if it’s true?”
No, it isn’t. Marinette has thought long and hard about it last night, lying awake on her bed, unable to sleep because of the heat and turbulent thoughts and theories all mixing together. Would it be a bad thing, if Chat turned out to be Adrien? No—she could think of a thousand more worse people for Chat to be, and if she were to be perfectly honest, no better person than Adrien. But at the same time, it’s overwhelming in the strangest way: the sort that sends her heartbeat spiking, thoughts scattering, stomach turning in a not-quite-unpleasant way.
Marinette really doesn’t know what to think about it, and that’s the scariest part.
“Okay.” Tikki interrupts her train of thought. “We should probably get going before you’re late for class. If you hurry, you can probably ask Adrien about it before the bell goes off.”
Marinette steels her back. “Okay,” she grinds out with wavering determination. “Okay, I’m gonna do it.”
Tikki lets out a squeak of Attagirl! before diving back into her purse. Marinette marches out of the stall, down the hallway, and into the classroom.
She really hates the way her throat still closes up when she scans the room and her eyes land on Adrien. All of a sudden, she’s reverted to herself months ago, when her crush on him had reached its peak; when she’d been a jumble of frayed nerves and blabbering and hand motions violent enough to whack any bystander that wandered too close.
No, Marinette tells herself firmly. No freaking out. No stuttering. I’m past that.
“Adrien,” she calls, and he turns away from his conversation with Nino.
“Hey!” his smile is a thousand watts too bright. “We were just talking about you. Nino said he’s never tried boba as well.”
The word boba nearly has her choking on spit. “Cool,” Marinette manages out. “That’s very… cool.”
Nino’s eyebrows furrow. “You okay?”
“Fine! Th-that’s great you want to introduce Nino to boba as well! I’m glad to hear you liked the drink.”
Marinette’s well aware that she sounds like a buffering tape-recorder right now. She marches to her desk, sits down just as stiffly, and pinches herself on the arm, out of Adrien and Nino’s sight. Alya has yet to arrive—it’s now or never, Marinette knows. The longer she waits, the more nervous she’ll make herself, and the harder it’ll be. So…
“Adrien!” she blurts out again, voice too loud. Even Rose and Juleka leave their conversation briefly to glance at her.
He’s good-natured as ever when he turns to her, and Marinette is struck with another wave of trepidation. It’s all too sudden. It’s all too much. She takes a deep breath, mind turning to absolute mush, and somehow stammers out, “Have you gotten boba since that one time?”
She really can’t blame him for looking so confused at her question, but to Adrien’s credit, he regains his composure rather quickly. The bewilderment on his face quickly shifts to mild curiosity.
“Yeah,” he replies. “I actually went yesterday with a friend. Thank you for introducing me! I’ll probably go more often now if I find the time.”
Marinette’s mouth is dry. Her hands are sweaty. Her head feels like it’s going to explode. Her heart has moved to her throat and she’s positive that it’s going to stop beating any moment now.
“Oh.” It’s the only noise Marinette feels mentally capable of forming. Sentences are hard. Speaking is impossible. “Um, yesterday?”
“Yeah, it was pretty hot yesterday. I went to Thirstea, actually!” He scratches the back of his neck. “I mean, it’s the only boba shop I know at the moment so it doesn’t really mean anything, but… my friend who I went with really liked it too, so I think I’ll stick to Thirstea for now. Until I try all the flavours I want.”
Amidst her own confusion, Marinette somehow manages to think, if you wanted to try all the flavours you wanted why did you get durian again yesterday? It’s second nature: if the boy in front of her is Chat Noir—a fact that, despite the inconclusive results given by her venn diagram, is becoming more and more clear—then Marinette can’t help but want to tease him back.
Except if Adrien Agreste is Chat Noir and Chat Noir is Adrien… God. She’s just going in circles and getting nowhere closer to the final destination.
It doesn’t even hit Marinette that she hasn’t responded to Adrien and that’s why he’s staring at her so apprehensively. The shrill ringing of the bell startles all the class back into their seats, Adrien included, who shoots her a small smile before turning back around.
The rest of the period finds Marinette unable to pay the slightest bit attention. Mme. Bustier’s words travel in one ear, out the other, all muted static compared to the main problem at hand.
And a problem it is. She looks at Adrien’s golden head in front of her, imagining the flicker of black ears. If she reached down and mussed his hair up, it would look like Chat’s. They’re the same height too, to think of it. All the differences she had listed on her venn diagram seem to melt away, until Marinette is faced with one terrible, wonderful, conclusion.
She doesn’t confront Adrien about anything after the first period ends, nor does she at lunch, nor after. It’s too overwhelming to think of, but it hardly seems fair to keep him in the dark. When she asks Tikki to confirm at lunch, the only thing her kwami does is shrug with an indecipherable expression on her face—Marinette takes it as a verification.
But it’s a different story after school. By then, Marinette has made up her mind.
Her first stop is Thirstea. It’s not as sweltering as it were the day before, even if she has to wipe the sweat from her forehead after waiting fifteen minutes outside. The store isn’t as bustling now that Ladybug and Chat Noir aren’t there, so Marinette takes advantage of the peace to calm her thoughts. They have patrol in thirty minutes; she has thirty minutes to gather her thoughts and figure out how she’s going to come through with this. But is thirty minutes really going to help? She’s had the whole day alone to her thoughts, and, like it or not, she’s barely gotten anywhere.
When she finally gets her order—a fruit tea for herself, a durian smoothie for Chat Noir—Adrien Agreste—there’s only twenty three minutes to go.
Marinette transforms into Ladybug, hidden in an alley, and goes to wait for her partner to show up on the rooftop they agreed to. Then, once she’s reached the rooftop, she calls off her transformation.
The boba is still cold in her bag, so she wraps her hand around them to fend off the blistering heat from the sun. It’s uncomfortable, waiting like this, but physical discomfort is still better than working up a storm in her own thoughts, which Marinette is trying to distance herself from. They come in waves of stress, anxiousness, uncertainty, and fear. But she has to do this.
Her mood must’ve been evident enough for Tikki to feel, even though her kwami has slipped inside her purse to give her thoughts some space. She pokes her head out.
“Marinette,” Tikki says, a hint of concern in her tone. “You don’t have to do this now if you’re not ready, you know. Chat Noir will understand.”
Marinette, having resorted to biting her nails—she must be really nervous, because that’s a habit she’d gotten rid of years ago—shakes her head. “I can’t keep pushing it back. It’s one thing not revealing each other’s identities, but now that I know… I can’t just… not tell him. It’s not possibly fair, not when he’s waited for so long.”
“...are you happy that it’s Adrien?” This question is more tentative, quieter.
Marinette props her chin in her hands and stares at the skyline. Is she happy that it’s Adrien?
“Yeah,” she replies. “Yeah, I am.”
Chat Noir vaults over onto the roof, and he’s six minutes early. Marinette sees him before he sees her; she watches him look around for a couple of seconds, slightly confused.
She takes a deep breath and steps out of the shade of the door. “Chat Noir!” she calls.
He jumps around. “M’lady, you—”
His voice trails off. “M-marinette? I—uh, hi! I wasn’t expecting to see you here. I was actually going to find Ladybug but I might’ve gotten the wrong building! What—what, uh, are you doing up here?”
After a day of planning out the words to say, it’s rather funny how she can’t even form a semblance of the sentences she’s thought up.
It’s also a miracle in and of itself that she doesn’t stutter, panic, or go absolutely speechless. Even if her script lays lost and forgotten in the back of her head, Marinette says in a surprisingly steady voice, “I was actually waiting for you.”
Chat Noir doesn’t move from where he’s standing, so she heads towards him. “Did… Ladybug tell you I was going to be here?”
“Uhmh,” is the noise that makes its way out of Marinette’s mouth. She clears her throat and tries again. “I brought you boba because it’s hot today,” she explains. “I also wanted to talk to you.”
She sees it behind his eyes; questions, confusion, but most importantly, the beginning notes of a realization.
“Wait.” He doesn’t budge from his spot, eying her cautiously. “What do you want to talk about?”
“About the fact that you’re probably Adrien Agreste?”
Even the air, laden with the heat of the day, seems to still between them. Marinette looks up at him, and his reaction is the only confirmation she needs that she is indeed right.
Chat Noir’s reaction is less loud than she had expected. It’s shock, probably, the stage that Marinette has been stuck in for the good part of the day, because he still remains frozen. Then, in a shaky uncertain voice, he asks, “Ladybug?”
Her next breath escapes her in the form of a huff, a half-choked laugh. “We’re idiots.”
His lips lift into a wavering smile. “What.”
And then Marinette is laughing, because it’s so stupid. All the pent-up emotions come tumbling out uncontrollably and she’s laughing and laughing, doubling over and clutching at her stomach and nearly dropping her bag of their boba drinks.
Through her own giggles, she hears Chat mumble, “Oh my God,” and the way he says it makes everything all the more hilarious.
When Marinette finally gathers herself enough to straighten, she’s wiping tears from her eyes. Chat Noir is watching her, although his expression has softened into something that looks suspiciously close to fondness.
“Is this why you asked me about boba this morning?” he questions. “If I’d gone to get it with a friend?”
Marinette gives her eyes one last wipe. “Yeah. I just—when you ordered durian boba yesterday and all that you said—it was too suspicious for me to ignore.”
“Oh.” He tugs his hands through his hair—messy golden hair, how hadn’t she noticed how similar Chat and Adrien always were?—and lets out another groan. “Oh. I’m dumb.”
“You could’ve been any other person if I hadn’t been, well, me,” Marinette points out. “Tikki told me it’s due time, anyway. But yes, you’re dumb. So am I.”
“My identity got exposed because I ordered a durian smoothie?”
“Basically, yeah.”
“Oh my God.”
She’s beginning to see why Tikki had found it endlessly amusing watching her panic. Instead of further antagonizing Chat, Marinette reaches into her bag to take out his durian smoothie. She stuffs it into his arms, and he’s too confused to do anything but accept the drink and the straw it comes with.
“Don’t worry,” she reassures him before she can stop herself. “I won’t tell anyone that number one model Adrien Agreste runs around Paris in a leather catsuit. My lips are sealed.”
The moment the words leave Marineette’s mouth, she feels her face heat up. It’s one thing to tease him before, now it feels like she’s treading on the edge of a cliff with a long, long drop. He’s still her partner, but there’s another aspect that they will figure out—with time, undoubtedly—and now is too soon to push it so much.
To her relief, Chat Noir’s face lights up, and a much wider smile slips across his face. “I’m still in shock, you know,” he tells her. If that’s his in-shock voice, then Marinette is thoroughly impressed. “But thank you. My father might have a bone to pick with this outfit if he ever found out.”
Relief is cool against the heat. “Your father won’t be the only one with the bone to pick with you,” she replies. “The bell is quite a… bold statement.”
He laughs once more. “I happen to like the bell the best, so I don’t know what your problem is.”
He has no business to smile so brightly like that, Marinette thinks to herself. In front of her is the boy she’s turned down countless times—the same one she would wax lyrical to Tikki every night before bed. God, what a coincidence. Or really, what a stroke of luck.
She’s jolted from her thoughts when Chat stabs his straw into his durian smoothie with a loud pop.
“Do you want to talk?” Marinette offers. “Somewhere shadier, that is? You probably have a lot of questions. I know I do.”
Chat nods. “Yeah. Yeah, that would work.”
She starts towards the small door on the rooftop, then stops when she realizes that Chat hasn’t been following her. Instead, his gaze is fixed thoughtfully on his drink, like he’s contemplating something important.
“Chat?” Marinette prompts. “Hey, are you okay?”
Then his face brightens. “I’m taro-bly sorry,” he says. “I just got distracted because you’re such a cu-tea.”
Marinette’s jaw drops open. It’s not that she’s particularly surprised by the pun, given his penchant for dropping them at the most terrible (taro-ble?) of moments, but she had half the mind to believe she’d permanently shocked the humour out of Chat Noir. Moreover, the fact that it’s Adrien Agreste saying these so casually is still new to her.
The grin he gives her is absolutely shit-eating, yet somehow, it works perfectly in her mind on Chat’s face as it does on Adrien’s. It also snaps her out of her reverie.
“Now my head is going to explode,” Marinette grumbles. “C’mon, cat-boy. We have a lot to discuss.”
He catches up with her with a quick jog, still slurping out of his boba. “I’m glad it’s you,” he tells her when they fall side-by-side. “In case you didn’t know.”
Marinette hides her grin behind her own drink, but she thinks Chat catches it nonetheless. “Me too,” she tells him. “Even if you have terrible taste in boba.”
“We wouldn’t be here if I didn’t have terrible taste,” he points out, and they both share a laugh. 
Notes: Here’s my fics masterlist! 
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judyhopps934-mt-zd · 3 years
Thoughts on Lies
Warning: Spoilers! And possibly having your heart torn into pieces. Other than that, have fun!
We open up with Marinette figuring out the recipes for the power ups as the new guardian.
I am disappointed that she still has not stopped oogooling over Adrien when he appeared on the news. Especially since she was allegedly with Luka by then. (I'll explain what I mean in just a minute)
Adrien was tired after the day he had as Adrien, which is a contrast of what Marinette believes his life is like. But being Chat Noir is the highlight of his day...
...only to not see Ladybug show up for patrols. And we see that it was all due to her figuring out the powerups.
Also, the patrols are a thing in cannon and I am still not over it after "Truth".
Chat Noir hoping for an akumatization so he can escape his civilian life radiated the same energy as Alya asking for akumatizations to interview the temporary heroes on her IG post. I get it, but still! We do not have people in danger for our needs.
Plagg being the one who announces any voice messages for Chat and asking for cheese through the feature on the Chat Phone brings me a whole other level of life.
Also, the whole milk thing at Le Grand Paris bar counter. It was hilarious, but also very sad. He really missed his m'lady
He ends the patrol after he saw Kagami training with her mom. And the smiles on his face! *Cries in Marichat and Ladynoir*
Plagg is the one that encourages Adrien to move on from Adrien, just like he applauded him from doing so in Loveater.
Kagami apparently said that fencing lessons are scheduled an hour in advance and Adrien (with that goofy grin on his face) knew what was up!
Both Ms. Tsurugi and Gabriel are very pissed at one another for the schedule change. That's hilarious, although everything comes at a price.
The parallels! Kagami is apparently learning Russian at her mother's request. Truly is a reflection of Adrien, civilian life wise.
Kagami? Lying???? The hell???? Who are you and what have you done to Kagami????? (Why am I surprised, y'all did this in Desperada)
She lies to their parents and the teacher to be in the art room with Adrien. I get it, teenage rebellion after being under an uninvolved parent, but still!
I like how the writers gave Kagami another dimension by saying she loves art, but her mom does not like her passion for drawing.
Also, art reflecting the truth? Hmmm.....
Since people like mentioning that Marinette has a thing for people with absent parents after "Truth", I will now say that Adrien has a thing for people who are great at drawing. I do not take criticism.
Kagami is hinting that Adrien's civilian life is not his true self (thank you for understanding him!)...
...but also says that being a "clown" (it was the Chat pose) is also not who he really is. The fandom would disagree with you. Although that brings up the question of whether both personalities merge to form who he really is and cannot be seen completely by anyone in any part of his life. But he is more like Chat Noir regardless.
Also, I want to see Adrien and Kagami spend more time together prior to this episode to see why she was not pleased with him being a clown if that's who he truly is, because her repositioning him against the wall made me feel like she is trying to place Adrien into a mold that reflects the image she might have created in her mind. (I don't know, this was just the first thought that came in my mind.)
They almost kiss, with Adrien being taken into shock (not terrified as we thought) until the alarm saying they have fencing lessons starting interrupts them and Adrien runs out, not before BLUSHING LIKE HELLO?!?!?
This is what I referred to in my second point and confirms what everyone was saying about this episode: this is "Truth", but through Adrien's perspective. Finally, an Adrien-centered episode!!!
To continue, every time Adrien and Kagami are together or were about to kiss, a sentimonster appears, with Ladybug trying to do something about it. Just like Lukanette, just like Adrigami: being a superhero affects your love life as a civilian.
Chat being thrown off the roof by accident and being rescued will never get old or less funny lol.
Montages continues up until the boat scene, where Adrien missed the intro to the performance, but I will never get over the fact as to how Adrien made it there before Marinette. It is beyond me.
Kagami not letting Adrien stay for 5 more minutes. Hmm...
Their cute moment together was what will lead to the demise of Adrigami as Kagami noticed he dropped the infamous lucky charm bracelet. *le gasp!
Why *le gasp*? Because 1) I fear it symbolizes that something will happen to Adrienette or that Adrien has forgotten about her, and 2) Wait until later.
Kagami revealed she lied so she can spend more time with Adrien alone, lying about leaving rehearsal earlier, lying about the fencing lessons rescheduling, and who else knows what else so she can be with him.
She tells him she loves him. But Adrien notices Ladybug and an Akuma. Oh boy, he wasn't able to give her any attention.
Because he left towards the direction of the boat (and said he left something there), Kagami used that to conclude it had something to do with Marinette. Oh boy.
Either I missed an entire scene about Ladybug knowing ShadowMoth's name, or we were not supposed to know how they know until this episode. It feels out of place to me, but oh well.
"I..am...AN INCREDIBLE SWIMMER!" still cracks me up even when I know how important it was in protecting her secret identity.
Happy Birthday Prince Ali!
Apparently, Kagami lied that her mom was in charge of watching over Adrien (or maybe not? I can't tell at this point.)
Yep, Kagami believes that Adrien is going after Marinette and probably resents them both if her facial expression says anything
We get to see that Ladynoir moment from "Truth"!! I love these two and their banter.
Adrienette stans, not much has changed. Adrien was concerned that he lost the Lucky Charm bracelet, for real. But said again because he though he would be clear of the lie since he thought he had it on him.
Thinking that she lies to get out of being with her, she leaves. With the bracelet. The leaving part is understandable, especially because she does not know about him being Chat Noir or what entails him to do. But why take the bracelet???
Adrien is also saddened by what happened. He also liked her.
We've never seen that part of city hall. Well designed in my opinion.
She was the akuma in City Hall with the glowing sphere! We were right!!!
Adrien feels guilty, though it is not really his fault. He has a duty to Paris!
Why is the music sounding different in French.
Jagged Stone. How do I feel about you after learning you purposefully abandoned Luka and apparently Juleka? Also, what's with the song??? (Rhetorical question. Do not answer)
We were wrong about Kagami's power: it paralyzes people who lie, not kill everything in its path.
Jagged, you abandoned your children. And you apparently lied about your age?!?!?! Both episodes show something about Jagged Stone that make him seem like an awful person on the inside.
Ladybug, how do you know about Lies's powers?!?!? There is a hole in the plot here! Unless there were other paralyzed civilians that gave her power a dead giveaway.
Chat Noir, if you lie as a civilian for whatever reason, of course Ladybug will too, since as a civilian, you need to lie to keep your secret identity a secret. Same rules apply to Ladybug, especially as the guardian.
The Lucky Charm is a drone, not a camera like I thought. How the hell did I get into an ivy if I can't tell the difference?!?!
Chat Noir pretending to lie is funny. It might also be his peppy attitude to lying. Also, his funnier version of ShadowMoth's name.
Ladybug finds the akumatized object and gasps. I wonder if its only a eureka moment or also the fact that she recognizes the bracelet, especially if its custom made.
Brutally honest people does not exist (we have all lied at some point, even Kagami who is usually brutally honest with people), but animals can't lie.
Fang being involved in destroying the akuma is cool.
This is the moment that we dreaded so much, yet knew was coming: CHAT NOIR DIES!
JK! He actually is paralyzed by truth because he jumped into the glowing orb. We were right that this is an anguishing scene to watch, but we're wrong about the part that he's killed. Yet, he still unnecessarily sacrificed himself and caused Ladybug to be angst about it.
Yes Ladybug. Chat is crazy. And also crazy for you. And you are right about the crazy unconscious part. My Ladynoir heart!
ShadowMoth almost won until Fang bit off the charm bracelet. Thanks Fang!
Chat backing away from Fang licking him is a mood.
My favorite Ladynoir moment of the evening: Ladybug telling Chat to stop sacrificing himself and Chat saying she likes her adorable angry face. Her smirk afterwards.. And then their pound it.
But no seriously Chat. You need to stop doing that to Ladybug. She cannot take it anymore
Plagg said that even if Adrien loves someone else, he is likely to go back to Ladybug. Just like he goes back to Camembert. Seriously, despite his cheese analogies, he gives great wisdom.
Not Kagami almost beating up Adrien during his fencing lessons. And Mr. D'Angercourt notices this too as he stopped Kagami's final blow.
Also, isn't it illegal in fencing to push people? Oh boy.
And there's the Adrigami breakup scene: Adrien telling Kagami that he enjoys their time together and Kagami knowing their is sincerity in him. It is sort of unclear who actually ended things when Adrien asks if they could still be friends, but Kagami ends it all by saying that she will let him know once she can face him again. Ouch.
Adrien is hurt and stares at the lucky charm bracelet with what looks like sadness. Once again ouch.
Like Lukanette, I want to see Adrien and Kagami be happy together at least until halfway through this season. The issue is that it will hurt them more in the end.
Also, I noticed the difference between Luka and Kagami when ending their respective relationships. It hurt them both, but Kagami was more forward about it and Luka was somewhat passive. It could be based on what they know about their now exes (Luka knew that Marinette had feelings for Adrien and was not secretive about it even when they were together if the truths her friends said and the opening scene to this episode reflect this, whereas Kagami only has a suspicion and Adrien does not say anything regarding to it.
Also, I really did not like how the breakup on this end resulted in. While more realistic for a lot of people, it did not help that it involved Kagami as there are people who will go after Kagami after watching this episode, and I believe that the writers know this. Kagami is a good person who has a different response to the trust issues and lack of communication, as well as lies in their relationship. Not saying its a perfect one, but an understandable one. In conclusion, don't trash Kagami, especially if you saw this coming.
I take back what I said before; this is my favorite Ladynoir scene. I want to hug them both because they have to lie and keep secrets from everyone, even have some secrets between themselves! But at least they can trust each other! Excuse me while I cry over how much we are being fed. Also, the fact that they broke up with their respective partners makes this both heartwarming and heart breaking.
Overall, this episode is just as good as Lies! It is the first fully Adrien-centered episode, which makes this a first and already exciting. While I did not like how their breakup was handled, it was realistic and showed that honesty and communication are important. Also, can my children be happy together for longer than an episode??? I swear, their pain hurts me.
But at least Ladybug and Chat Noir have each other's company to get them through. May us Ladynoir stans continue to be fed!
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yannowhatigiveup · 3 years
My One And Only - Chapter 18
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Hey! Welcome back to another chapter of MOaO! I won’t be able to update this as much as I want to (I’m not really updating it as fast as I won’t to right now but I’m trying) as exams are coming up as well as other various things. (I just realized that I haven’t said this earlier I’m so sorry, Ramadan Kareem to those who celebrate it!) Also, thank you so much for 128 followers!
"...I believe I found a way to subdue Hawkmoth"
Her eyes repeatedly scanned the page, making sure she was reading it correctly.
"It won't defeat Hawkmoth" Damian carefully pointed out, not wanting to diminish her excitement. "But it'll be able to stop him for some time, a month or two at most"
"Do you know what this means?" Her voice was barely above a whisper. "We'll be able to have some peace of mind! We'll be able to prepare ourselves! The whole of Paris! Who know, maybe we'll be able to get some clues on his identity as well as Mayura's as well!"
By the end, Marinette was spinning around the room, her slight giggles of happiness appeared here and there. Damian chuckled at her delight, seeing her happy was probably one of his most favourite sites in the world, that and seeing her flustered.
"I understand that you're excited but what do these cryptic messages mean, 'a tear of joy'? Did I translate that correctly"
She giggled at his confusion. "No that's one of the ingredients for the power up. Speaking of ingredients, I need to get some" Her bluebell eyes quickly scanned over the tablet again before she speed walked out of the hotel with Damian on her arm. "We're going to Master Fu's old place, he still has some ingredients we could use"
The two walked in silence, there was a topic that they needed to discuss, the end of the week was approaching fast.
"Maybe in the small time of peace, I can get Father and my brothers to help"
The bluenette chuckled slightly but not out of amusement. "I almost forgot, you'll be leaving in a few days" her gaze fell to the ground before she looked up at her boyfriend, solemnly. "It's gonna be a lot different, huh?"
He squeezed her hand gently with a comforting smile on his face. "It will be but I'm sure we'll handle it"
The couple grabbed the necessary ingredients and made their way back to the hotel. They dropped them off at the hotel room before making their way upper to the restaurant to get some food. Their dinner was quickly interrupted by a rockstar coming to congratulate his niece.
"Nettie! You're rock'n'roll! Your song is a huge hit!" Jagged exclaimed once he reached the table, he only seemed to register there was another person there once he sat down. His moderate cyan eyes widened in recognition when his gaze landed on the green-eyed boy. "You must be Damian, you look just like you're old man Brucie"
Damian shook his hand when the rockstar had offered it. "I am, Mr Stone"
"Uncle Jagged-"
"You break my niece's heart, I'll send Fang to eat you"
"Uncle Jagged!-"
"And I will gladly let you"
"I approve of your relationship, I just wanted to give the shovel talk since it sounded fun"
Marinette gaped at the two males on her table. "Dami, don't encourage him! I've already got Gami waiting to spar with you"
"Ah yes, my son's girlfriend is just as scary as Penny" Jagged visibly shuddered in good nature.
"Wait, Luka and Gami got together? Without telling me?!" The bluenette huffed, offended. "And to think I'm his honorary cousin"
Jagged chortled at her reaction while Damian had a faint smile playing on his lips. The rockstar decided to take his leave shortly after that, not wanting to draw some unwanted attention. He did manage to leave a pair of blushing teens as he told them to "Use protection!" before departing. Marinette was utterly embarrassed while Damian was flustered. Once dinner was finished, the couple went back to Damian's hotel room to discuss what they were going to do next.
Doing his best to help, Damian passed the ingredients to his girlfriend who then mixed up said ingredients in a pot.
"Can you get the Tear of Joy, Dami?"
The green-eyed boy looked through the ingredients until he found the slim bottle with a minuscule amount of clear liquid. He eyed the water as it squished in the bottle, it seemed so ordinary despite the great magic it could create. Damian could almost see the water taunting him with its mystic properties, he could just about feel it as he brought the bottle closer to the cauldron.
"This is it, correct?" The ravenette showed the blue-eyed girl the bottle in his hand
Her eyes lit up when presented with the vial. "Yes, that's it" As she removed the cork that was sealing the bottle shut, Damian asked a question that was lingering in the back of his mind.
"What exactly is the tear of joy?"
Marinette turned to smile at him. "It's a tear of joy"
"So a tear caused by laughter?"
"Precisely" She looked up at the ceiling wistfully. "I remember, when Syren attacked, Master Fu was trying to decode what a 'tear of joy' was. It took some time but we managed to figure it out in the end" She sighed. "It's great that we managed to find out about 'power-ups' but if we found out about them sooner, maybe more people would've been saved."
He put his hands comfortably on her shoulders. "What did Syren do exactly?"
She stopped dead in her tracks. That wasn't the reaction that Damian was expecting, whatever had happened with this Akuma must have been bad to induce this response.
The bluenette sighed and looked at the green-eyed boy straight into his emerald eyes. "Syren was one of the most dangerous Akumas we've ever had to deal with. She flooded all of Paris with her tears, only a few hundred people managed to reach the rooftops in time"
A breath quickly sucked in through his lips, the scene itself sounded horrible, imagining it even more so, having to actually see it must have been... traumatic.
"But Ondine is doing much better with Kim. And it's all in the past, we've learnt how to deal with the memories!" Her smile hurt to look at. His girlfriend had to deal with so much and she couldn't even express her negativity without fear of becoming an akuma. Damian placed a kiss on her head as she finally got the lid off of the bottle.
Both teens watched in anticipation as the droplet rolled down to the bottle's lip, teetering over the edge. It fell in. The concoction then shimmered a silvery blue. Grabbing a bottle, Marinette poured some of the liquid inside it, looked at the bottle and hummed in satisfaction. She quickly put all the equipment used back in a box and cleaned up any mess made. Once she was finished, she turned to the boy standing over her.
"I'll bring these back to Master Fu's old apartment then I'll drop this bottle off at my house, you can tell Tikki and Plagg that they can come out now"
The contents of the box shifted to one side, Damian helped steady both the bluenette and the box before going to the kwamis. Once the kwamis where comfortably with their owners, Tikki in Marinette's purse and Plagg in Damian's hoodie pocket, they made their way to the apartment. It still technically belonged to Master Fu, he rest hadn't rented it out so they were free to roam around. After putting the equipment away, the couple strolled to Marinette's house hand in hand. The bluenette went up to her balcony, with Damian close behind, and hid the bottle under her pink-striped deck chair, away from the sunlight.
"It needs to 'mature' in the moonlight, I guess. So when the moon is out, I'll take the bottle out" Marinette gestured for Damian to follow her as she went back down to the bakery portion of her house. "I'll give you some Camembert with the power ups infused. But I'll have to make it first!"
She hummed as she went upside to retrieve other substances that Master Fu had taught her to create. In the moment she was gone, Plagg appeared.
"I hate transforming!" The black kwami whined, settling in the boy's hair.
"What's so bad about it?" Damian raised an eyebrow at Plagg's outburst.
"It ruins the beautiful taste of Camembert, and it tastes weird"
"Quit your whining Plagg" Tikki's squeaky, but still relatively scary, voice rang out as both she and her owner returned.
"But Sugarcube-"
"No 'but's Stinky Sock!"
Damian watched with quiet amusement while Marinette giggled, handing him a wheel of Camembert.
"The cheese is cut up in different slices, each representing a different power up. I'll explain which is which on the way back to the hotel"
Damian put the wheel in his pocket before taking the bluenette's hand. "I look forward to it"
Each power up was simple enough, they all had a different colour corresponding with it's ability, making it easier to memorize. The couple walked by a dark alley as Damian check the time. Passing his phone to the bluenette next to him, Marinette took one glance at the time before dragging the two of them into said dark alley. It was time for patrol. Once both were done transforming, Noir and Ladybug made their to the assigned rooftop. When landing, Noir took his staff and looked through the help guide to get a better idea of what weapon he was working with. Spinning the staff with his hands, he separated the staff into two separate batons. He hummed in contentment.
"Grayson never gave me his escrima sticks for missions. I suppose this is good training if I ever want to use them"
The two rods snapped back together with a satisfying snap. Continuing to look through the articles on his now full staff, Noir didn't even notice when Ladybug moved to stand behind him. In one swift motion, the spotted heroine pulled down the black hood that was shielding the black cat-themed hero's face.
Her covered fingers stroked his black cat ears, she giggled as his cheeks flushed. The feeling itself was unusual to the green-eyed hero, he had never felt anything remotely similar before but he wouldn't say he didn't enjoy it. It was just... unexpected. The spotted heroine, however, quite liked making the stoic Noir flustered. His ears felt so much like a real cat's that Ladybug was nearly taken aback, she got used to it after her shock, though. Noir found himself leaning into her touch but looking at everything but her in embarrassment.
Had his ears not been occupied he probably would've heard the two other heroes arriving, he only knew they were here as he saw them in his peripheral vision, rolling his eyes as he noticed them snickering.
'Angel, Rena and Chien are here'
Ladybug's head snapped in the direction of the two other heroes, one of her hands left his head as she she greeted the fox and the dog.
"Hello Rena Rouge, Chien" Ladybug greeted them casually, something Noir knew he couldn't do at that moment.
"Hello to you too LB! Hey Noir, did the bug find a way to tame you?
He mumbled a reply.
Ladybug giggled before turning to properly address the other heroes. "I've been thinking of adding three more members. I know it's a lot since you, Rena, have only just been announced as a permanent user and you, Chien, have basically just joined. But Noir and I found something that will require their help. I have a hunch that Hawkmoth might try something like Guerrier but with the same level as Syren"
The fox-themed hero nodded. "You need all the help you can get. So who do you have in mind?"
"A Snake, a Bee and a Dragon" The spotted heroine answered with no hesitation. "We'll need a snake as it is... intuitive"
Upon registering the description, Chien chuckled. "Isn't that the point?"
"Perhaps" Ladybug hummed with a smile on her face. "A dragon can control elements, a strong power would be useful. The bee miraculous's power is immobilization-"
"Paralysis can be very beneficial when trying to stop an akuma" Noir provided his input.
"Yes. So what do you think?" The spotted heroine looked between the three heroes standing on the rooftop with her. Noir hummed approval while Chien gave her a thumbs up.
"You always have the best ideas, Bug!" Rena voiced out her agreement, Ladybug let out a sigh of relief she didn't know she was holding.
"Then I'll go get them now shall I? We gotta teach them as fast as we can" The blue-eyed heroine took the yo-yo from her hip, spinning it with a flick of her wrist. "I'll send them here and then you show them the ropes"
"Aye aye Captain!" Chien saluted and Rena followed suit, only after a quick laugh. Noir rolled his eyes in good nature while pulling his hood back up, flicking his cat ears before doing so.
Hurling her yo-yo at a nearby building, Ladybug hissed through the air, her yo-yo latching onto another building as she neared the previous. Soon enough, she landed gracefully in a quiet area where two familiar figures were strolling hand in hand.
"Ladybug?" A boy with dyed hair questioned, a bluenette with short hair and almond eyes next to him.
She nodded before pulling out two miraculous from her yo-yo with, presumably, unlimited storage. "Luka Couffaine, Kagami Tsurugi, these are the miraculous of the Snake and the miraculous of the Dragon. They grant you the powers of Intuition and Perfection. You will use these miraculouses for the greater good, can I trust you?"
Luka and Kagami shared a knowing look then turned to the heroine in front of them.
"You can count on use Ladybug"
"We're honored to be chosen to fight by your side, my Ladybug"
She gave them the miraculous and watched as they both transformed into Viperion and Ryuko. "The others are waiting at this location." She showed them a map on her yo-yo. "I'll meet you there once I finish with a task a have to do." She hissed through the air once more, thanks to her yo-yo, and landed on a rooftop that was very familiar now. There stood a blonde, leaning on the banister.
"Ladybug?" Chloe's confused voice rang out.
"Hello Chloe Bourgeois" Ladybug took something from her yo-yo. "This is the Bee miraculous, it grants the power to immobilise your opponents. Should you choose to help us-"
"I can't"
"I said I can't" The blonde looked solemnly at the heroine. "I've been an utterly horrible person, I don't deserve to be a hero. Especially after... Queen Bee"
"People can change Chloe" Ladybug put a hand on the blonde's shoulder. "As long as they are given the chance to. Do you want to take this chancep?"
Chloe stared at the miraculous before looking at the heroine with a determined expression.
"I won't let you down, Ladybug"
Ladybug soon returned with a bee-themed heroine, named Honey Bee, by her side. After a brief reintroduction, the patrol began. Rena Rouge took the west side with Honey Bee and Viperion, Chien and Ladybug took the East while Ryuko and Noir took the North, they had already checked the South. Most of the patrol was done in silence, other than the odd 'nothing wrong here'. Ryuko had been the one to start a conversation
"You're the new wielder of black cat miraculous, correct?" The dragon user questioned Noir. He recognised it as the beginning of an interrogation.
"It certainly seems that way" Ryuko hummed.
"You fancy Ladybug, don't you" The question obviously took him aback. "Do you consider yourself... worthy?
The cat-themed hero didn't hesitate. "No"
He saw her raise her eyebrows.
"Ladybug is too virtuous for this world, there's not a soul in this entire universe worthy of her affection"
The dragon hummed in satisfaction. "You remind me of the boyfriend of one of my friends. Though I have yet to be convinced that he should date said friend, you have proved yourself worthy of Ladybug. I approve of your relationship even though it isn't my place to make such a decision"
"I am pleased" Despite the fact that he is a leader in this team, he's content with the fact he has the great dragon user's approval as she is the most intimidating of the team, other than Ladybug herself.
"Also don't mess this up, Ladybug is a Queen " Ryuko casually pointed out.
"Glad I am not the only one that thinks so"
"How can you not? Have you seen her?!"
"She's a goddess"
"You have my approval again"
Noir and Ryuko were first to arrive as they had finished their patrol early, the rest of the team weren't too far behind, however.
"Alright" Ladybug began once everyone returned. "Honey Bee, Viperion, Ryuko, it'll be best if you memorize all of Paris. That way, when there's trouble, you'll know your way around."
"I found that an aerial view is the fastest way to know the city like the back of your hand!" Rena Rouge pointed out.
"That's also the way I did it!" Chien chimed in,
"Yep! If you don't mind, there's something I'd like to discuss with both Rena Rouge and Chien. Noir, will you join us?" The spotted heroine turned to the heroes named.
"I ought to" He replied flatly.
"Alright then, follow me!" Ladybug hissed through the air followed by Noir with his staff and Rena and Chien with their enhanced abilities. Soon they landed in an alley. "I know you already know this, Rena, but I think it's fair if Chien knows too"
"Fair that I know what?" His gaze moved between the two heroines before landing on the black cat hero, silently begging for answers, to which Noir returned with an unconvincing shrug.
"That you know this. Tikki, spots off!" A blinding red light filled the narrow corner they were in, Rena shut one of her eyes while Chien shut both, Noir was shielded from the light thanks to his hoodie. Then, a certain Marinette Dupain-Cheng stood where the spotted heroine once was.
"Wh- Bu- How-" Chien spluttered as his brain combusted with all the information that was flowing through it at once. Marinette giggled at his confusion, Rena full on laughed, clutching her stomach while Noir merely smirked. "But, but I saw you standing next to Ladybug! Wait no, yourself? My brain is melting! Wait, you two knew?!" The dog-themed hero screeched.
"She's my best friend" Rena shrugged with an innocent expression, her transformation dropped. Chien stared in shock.
"She's my girlfriend" Noir mimicked Rena Rounge's shrug while letting his transformation fall too, leaving Chien the only one transformed.
"Okay THAT makes sense, you're both deathly attr- Wait, did you say best fRIEND?!" Chien shrieked and detransformed.
"ADRIEN?!" Alya exclaimed, Marinette and Damian watched in amusement.
"As entertaining as this is-" The green-eyed boy cut in before the pair would attract unwanted attention. "-Marinette needs to explain the reason why she revealed her identity to you"
The bluenette nodded. "You see early today, at school, I had this 'miraculous burn' I guess you could say from Guerrier's attack. Thanks to Alya I'm feeling better but that resulted in getting my identity revealed. So to avoid anymore incidents like that, I also told you Adrien. I can't tell the rest of the team yet as I don't want them to go all protective over me, you'll three will have enough overprotectiveness"
"Not wrong there, girl" Alya said without shame.
"I know I have to tell them my true identity at some point but right now it's better just to have you three know."
"We understand" Alya and Adrien said in unison.
"Great, now let's go back to the others so we can tell them patrol is over"
It was sunset, the orange cotton clouds contrasted beautifully with the darkening blue sky. A cool wind blew through the air, cold enough to make one shiver but not enough to catch a cold. Walking hand in hand, a couple made their way to Le Grand Paris. The bluenette looked up to the noirette next to her, leaning onto his arm covered by the Robin-themed hoodie and smiling while doing so, she closed her eyes to savor the moment.
"Angel?" Damian brushed the stray hairs on her face as she pulled away to look at him properly.
"You know, I'm really going to miss this" Marinette raised their conjoined hands as they approached the hotel doors.
He hummed and in response, put his arm around her waist to pull her closer while going through the elevator doors. "I am too"
They soon reached the hotel room, the kwamis roaming around for food once they got inside. Food in hand, Tikki and Plagg sat of the coffee table, leaning on one another as Damian turned on the screen to watch a movie. Once he was comfortably seated, Marinette joined him, snuggling into his side. He brushed his fingers through her silky midnight hair. He was going to miss this, deeply. What would life be like going back, without the beautiful bluenette physically next to him?
'I do not want to find out'
Provisional Cessation, It was created for the purpose of temporarily stopping a miraculous from being used if any harm were to come to the user. It would also deem it unusable for a certain period of time if the miraculous were ever come into the wrong hands. The reason Master Fu didn't tell Marinette this information was because the last time a user tried this power up, they were put into a magical induced coma, it was too risky.
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ranboo5 · 3 years
Dropping the Ranboo mixtape
Anyway at time of starting to write this post I had two likes and two affirmative replies, which is Good Enough For Me, so here I am :D I was gonna link the YT but on second thought my YT channel is a mess so this is gonna be one of the annoying ones that doesn’t link to one you can actually listen to but 
This is also a running list and currently organized roughly by increasingly hotter takes and it’s under a cut bc it’s 13 songs and I justified all of them 
Everybody Likes You (Lemon Demon) - LISTEN THE ANIMATION MEMES WEREN’T LYING THAT EVERYBODY LIKES YOU CAN RANBOOCORE. The increasingly distorted, incredibly bright repetition of EVERYBODY LIKES YOU EVERYBODY LIKES YOU EVERYBODY LIKES YOU until you can hear it morphing in and out of EVERYBODY LIED TO YOU? Tell Me That’s Not Him In The Spiral Depths 
Tall (Naps the Block on YT) - This is a) literally a theme for the End, b) sounds stumbling and anxious/high-strung, and c) echoes the Pigstep melody in the middle while still very much doing its own thing this is self explanatory 
Dance of Thorns/Old Secret mashup (Tensei and James Roach respectively, feat. woodfur00 on YT) (yes this is Homestuck music) - It’s just the vibes. The energy. The way the elegance of the violin lines of Dance of Thorns sounds almost nervous especially against the almost noir mystery vibes of Old Secret, and the guitar lines of Dance of Thorns add like. Initiative/urgency especially when they underlay the other music it’s so good I don’t think either song alone is Ranboo vibes but this remix definitely is. Just the mix of perseverance and desperation and melancholy and mystery and Class 
Touch-Tone Telephone (Lemon Demon) - This one is old news but tbh it just works. Man decides he’s the correct one in this situation and he’s losing his entire mind that no one is listening to him because he just is not 
2012 (Will Wood) - This one isn’t really clever it’s just about memory loss, derealization, identity, and often self-hatred (“A miserable fuck, but a loud Tao mystical” is a lot). “Did you lose yourself?/It’s always in the last place that you check” sounds so mocking in ways internal monologues like Droice have been and “I might find myself/By retracing my steps” is literally just Ranboo dealing with the Enderwalk; “And not until lobotomy abolished my monotony/Did I applaud autonomy, and modify a lot of me!” works so much for him Dealing With Himself generally, and also “I heard the world would turn to hell/Compared to that, I’m doing well!” is a Him sentiment 
Hand Me My Shovel, I’m Going In! (Will Wood) - Jokes about the three hour mining/grinding streams aside. Not only is the chorus so heavily a spiral/self-evaluation mood, but literally consider his thought processes abt the things he’s done/allegedly done and then consider “My dreams were shattered like a stained-glass window/Jesus in pieces! I believe I through a brick right through Him/But my memory could not be saved!/It just seems unlikely that it’s me who was to blame/So I bookmark my DSM, ‘cause I need to remember my place.” And now with the advent of the “experiments” the second verse’s “Take the road on higher ground, and tell me ‘don’t look down! You’ll fall and break your back’/But that just reminds me how there’s more to be found beneath the black!” is more relevant than ever 
Friends With You (The Scary Jokes) - Oh my god. Oh my fucking god man. This could be on here for “I put myself to bed just halfway through the party/I love all my friends, but I hate when their eyes are on me” alone but the general almost empty saccharine vibe of the song is immensely his vibe; the humorlessly-smiling vocal fry on “don’t know” in “Why do you pretend/You don’t know who’s to blame?” is probably responsible for 80% of this read. Not to mention the first lyrics are literally “How long do I have to wait/’Til my lonely days are over?” which is really the. The waiting it out man the So When Do I Get To Be Okay of it all. Shoutouts also to “And the crumbling infrastructure no one else can see,” the self hatred of “I miss being friends with you/But what can I do/What can I do/But leave you alone?” and to “And I can tell you really love me/Can you tell I’m really sorry?” Just. The mix of hope+affection and dejected cynicism and self-hatred in the lyrics
Saline Solution (none other than Mr Wilbur Soot) - Remember what I said about waiting it out until you get to be okay? Anyway that’s crystallized in “If I could just break one more night/Maybe I could wake up and feel alright” and also this is literally a song about catastrophizing and self-evaluation just,, in general and I will not be highlighting all the lyrics about this but I will highlight the fact that he literally calls himself pragmatic and also the lyric “blurring the facts and the fiction.” Also, the sheer desperate anger-concealing-breakdown vibes of “I think I’ve made my choice” to “I think I’ve found my voice” deserves a mention, as does the culminating end of “saline solution to all your problems” with the tears+now splash water motifs of it all with Ranboo I am going to die 
Funny (The Scary Jokes) - This is actually a softer take but not only does it literally start with the singer pleading with the addressee to look away, it  continues with “I went up in the middle of the night and I climbed right onto the stage/And I raged/And I cried/Oh, what a funny joke am I” disregarding everything as performance, reemphasizes the opening demand with the qualifier “it’s not that I hate you, it’s just that I’m funny these days,” and then kills you with the last couple lines which. Yeah he does care and it does,,, just,,,,, a
Chemical Overreaction (Will Wood) - This is where the mood VIOLENTLY whiplashes because this is where we get unhinged. Anyway “I won’t stop to drop to draw a line in the sand/’Cause I’ll be picked apart to pieces by coyotes!” is LITERALLY the whole “I don’t do well with ‘peer pressure’” thing. “Where the sentimental value of the city around ya/Is deleted obsolete, but still completely will stun ya” is the single most L’Manberg lyric I’ve ever heard, especially from the perspective of a character whom I will repeatedly insist is narratively in the role of someone who’s shown up and seen the status quo as an outsider after it’s been established (hence the eternal New Kid vibes). Chorus very much has vibes of Ranboo Is Seized By The Urge To Do Something, and like. The entire dramatic end part. The last two lines especially (be very careful if you look up the vieo for this by the way it is NOT pretty; cws in the video for flashing, blood, suicide imagery) 
A Mannequin Adrift (The Scary Jokes) - The Bitterness. This song is just fully The Bitterness at the environment he’s stuck in; the saccharine comes back as does the “peer pressure” thematic and just the Having An Awful Time; the sarcastic saccharine comes back too, which is always good I love passive aggression. Honestly the first verse is just everything like just listen to it it immediately makes sense
Poison Ivy Grows (The Scary Jokes) - This is overall a song about having bad brain and not knowing what the hell to do about it; it’s so faintly bitter and distant and melancholy and also so zoned out. Also, it’s not the only lyric that matters here but it is enough to be a full argument on its own: “I used to spend so much time/Wandering around outside/Now I’ve got too much on my mind/Now I’ve got too much on my mind” 
Spring Haze (Tori Amos) - Listen. Do I know what Spring Haze is about? No. Is that gonna stop me from saying it’s about Ranboo? Also no. I just think “You say we’ll never make it there/So all we do is circle it” is so much, the fact that the bridge at the end is just “Why does it always end up like this?” repeated, and that it just feels so much like overall the song feels like a desperate attempt to figure Something out, and the chorus is just inexplicably him? It might be partially influenced by the fact that “Uh-oh, let go, off on my way” and, to a lesser extent, “Uh-oh, way to go” is not only in accordance with character vibes but also vaguely evocative of Ranboo’s speech pattern
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syndianites · 3 years
A Queen Serves and Protects
Chapter Two
Last Chapter --> Current --> Next Chapter!
Post-Style Queen, Pre-Queen Wasp.
Chloe finds the Bee Miraculous, but instead of finding an obliging, subservient Kwami, she finds the Kwami of Order and Subjugation, and Pollen is not about to let herself be used like Nooroo was.
Granted, the only danger in a teenage girl is the damage she poses to herself. Can Pollen shape Chloe into a hero? Or will she stubbornly refuse to change and remain the bitter, harsh person the city has long since known?
[My take on how Chloe’s character could have developed] ——————————————————————————————
Twenty four hours went by excruciatingly slow for Pollen.
First, she had to wait through the night. Chloe hadn’t unboxed her until late in the day, when the sun was almost gone. That left little time in the day for much interaction with others.
But she didn’t spend this time twiddling her thumbs. She did what research she could. After observing Chloe- who she learned the name of moments after their deal- meander on her phone and laptop for a few hours, she had a dubious grasp on how the current technology worked.
It was quite the adventure.
But after trial and error, she managed to look Chloe up on the internet. (And what a fascinating thing!). The results gave her a basic background; Daughter of the Mayor of Paris, Mother is a renowned expert in the fashion industry, and so on. She seemed clean, for all Pollen could tell.
So she searched her room. Most of what she could see was clearly expensive, from shiny new gadgets to prim and proper clothes. Beyond some Ladybug merchandise- and oh boy was this girl a fan of Ladybug- nothing seemed out of the ordinary.
A sneak around the hotel didn’t reveal much about Chloe, herself, but her parents on the other hand….
What disasters!
Calling their relationship dysfunctional would be a complement. They were completely polarized opposites, and not in the good, healthy way. Her mother was derisive and cruel, refusing to associate with those she believed were below her and didn’t meet her exceptional standards. Her father was, despite his position, a lapdog. He would bend over backwards to please his wife, acting like a doormat.
Together, they were the perfect image of an Evil Queen and her loyal Servant.
It didn’t give Pollen any good feelings about how Chloe herself would act. Would she take after her parents? Or would she be her own person?
Day time did not ease her fears. Chloe was brash and rude, clearly taking after her mother. She didn’t remember anyone’s names, was haughty and snappy towards her staff, and clearly was comfortable acting above everyone else.
Not a good sign at all.
The way she treated her ‘friend’ was yet another bad sign. Just like her mother had her father as a lapdog she, too, had her friend as a lapdog. However, Pollen took note of how she did remember her name. That must count for something, she considered doubtfully.
School was a disaster for Pollen.
Chloe started out just as haughty as she had in the hotel. Somehow, she got worse. Rude to other students, sneering at and belittling them, and outright mean. Treating her ‘friend’ as a servant. Disregarding other’s feelings. Causing chaos in the class.
There was little Pollen saw as redeemable for Chloe. Between her attitude towards those who worked for her and her family and those who she spent most of her time around, acts of kindness were nigh impossible to find.
As they made their way home, Pollen mulled over how to find Ladybug or Master Fu. In theory, she could try and call out to the other kwami, but such an act took a lot of power and could draw the attention of Hawkmoth or worse. She could camp out until Ladybug and Chat Noir had to come out for another akuma, but how would she manage to transport her miraculous across the city without getting snatched by said akuma?
But as Chloe walked into the lobby of the hotel, her mother’s voice caught her attention.
“Clara!” Audrey strutted up to her daughter, typing away at her phone with one hand. “I need you to fetch me something dear.”
‘Clara?’ Pollen mused, ‘Her name’s Chloe.’
Chloe perked up. “Of course mother. And my name’s Chloe. What can I do for you?”
Audrey waved her hand, “Whatever you say, Cindy. I heard that Adrien Agreste, Gabriel’s son, is in your class. I need you to ensure that Gabriel seated me in the correct location this time. The reshoot of the fashion show is today and I will not be in the second row again.”
From where she could just see Chloe from the gap in her purse, Pollen watched her face fall before she straightened back up with a nod. “Of course! Putting you in the second row is ridiculous, utterly ridiculous!”
“Yes, yes, now please leave. I have business to attend to Carrie.” Audrey dismissed Chloe with a wave before heading deeper into the hotel.
Chloe, despite being misnamed three times in a row, seemed determined to please her mother. She gripped the handle of her bag tighter before rummaging in it to fish out her phone. Barely looking up, she wandered towards the elevator that would take her to her penthouse suite.
When the doors closed and left Chloe alone in the elevator, Pollen poked her head out of the bag. “Is it often your mother gets your name wrong?”
Her lips thinned as she pressed them together. “Yes.” Chloe’s response was short and clipped.
Pollen mulled this response over. Pieces of the puzzle that was Chloe were falling into place. As the doors opened again, Pollen ducked back down into the purse.
Chloe continued to text until a smile lit her face up. “Oh, Adrikins! I can always count on you.”
She skipped into her room, shooting a text to her mother- who didn’t respond- that her seat was guaranteed to be in the front row. Chloe went to toss her bag before remembering that it was occupied and lowering it down on a chair gently.
“Alright, Pollen, how was I? As great as you imagined I would be?” Chloe placed the back of her hand under her chin proudly.
In lieu of an answer, Pollen merely replied,”It hasn’t been twenty four hours yet, Chloe.”
Chloe groaned, grumbling complaints about how her heroic qualities should be obvious by now, but ultimately let it go. They had made a deal, after all.
“Oh,” Chloe said suddenly, “Sabrina will be coming over soon, so you’ll want to hide out for a while.”
A perfect opportunity to see what Chloe was like behind closed doors.
Turns out, she was strangely sweet. 
Sabrina and Chloe played together like any teens would; watching shows together, gossiping- albeit in a less than kind way- doing each others’ make-up, and most embarrassingly playing ‘Ladybug and Chat Noir’. Despite herself, Pollen found it endearing.
Still, it was not enough to sway her. Endearing or not, Chloe was not fit for being a superhero.
The fashion show was cute. True to word, Chloe and her family were sat in the front row where Audrey critiqued- quite loudly for such an event- each outfit that came about. A few she praised, but they were few and far between. 
When Adrien Agreste appeared, the Style Queen gave an appreciative hum. “What quality craftsmanship. Surely an exceptional designer made that hat.”
It wasn’t until after the show that things went south.
Audrey had approached Adrien and, to many’s surprise, Gabriel Agreste in the flesh to discuss the fashion. 
“My dear, it seems you’ve set up yet another exceptional line of clothing. That hat dear Adrien is wearing is quite the gem among them.” Audrey gushed to a polite but stone-faced Gabriel.
“Ah,” Gabriel began, “That hat is not a design of my own.”
Adrien piped up here, “It was actually made by a friend of mine! Marianette,” he called over his shoulder, locking eyes with a shocked dark haired girl. “Come show Audrey this hat you made!” 
Nervous and stuttering, Marianette explained the logistics of her hat and its design, from the synthetic feather to the careful craftsmanship. Audrey, a known harsh critic, glowed as she listened.
“Fabulous, my dear!” she crowed, “I simply must see more of your work. How would you like to come to New York with me to design more fashion for a line of mine?”
Pollen, invested in the conversation, was pulled out of it by a shaking sensation. She looked up to see Chloe outright trembling as she pulled her hands into fists.
“Mother! Why would you take her of all people!” Chloe burst out. All eyes turned to her. 
“Why, Connie, it’s because she is quite exceptional! I would recognize such talent a country away,” Audrey replied with a dismissive wave.
“So am I!” 
A laugh. “Dear, the only exceptional thing about you is your mother.”
Had it not been for the hubbub of people around them, you could have heard a pin drop. Chloe stared resolutely at the floor, teeth grinding together and tears threatening to fall. Marianette, for her part, looked like a deer in headlights, stuck between a sharp drop off a cliff and an incoming car.
“Now Audrey,” Gabriel started, before getting cut off.
“I am exceptional!” Chloe shouted. “I will show you! I’m going to be a super heroine! Just you wait, I’ll be better than this girl will ever be!”
Audrey outright cackled. “Oh honey, keep dreaming. There is not a heroic bone in your body.”
Eyes watering and lips trembling, Chloe turned on a dime and stormed off. Pollen caught Marianette make an aborted move towards her, but was stopped by Adrien putting a hand on her arm.
Fuming and ready to bawl, Chloe bust out the front doors and began running down the sidewalk. For minutes, safely tucked into Chloe’s bag, all Pollen can hear is hard footsteps, people shouting, and Chloe’s heavy breathing.
After hearing doors slam open and closed repeatedly, Chloe and Pollen are left in silence. When Pollen braved a look out the purse, she sees that they have found their way back to the locker room at Chloe’s school. Seeing that they were alone, she moved out into the open.
“Fuck!” Chloe exploded. “How dare she!”
Feeling the rage roiling off Chloe, Pollen rushed to calm her. “Chloe, take a deep breath. Give yourself a minute to let it simmer.”
Icy eyes shot up to look at Pollen. “Take a breath? Let it simmer? Are you kidding! I have done my best to make my mother see I am exceptional, so show her that  I am good enough, and what does she do? Invites Dupain-Cheng of all people to go with her to New York.”
Pacing back and forth in front of the benches, Chloe growled. “Do you know when the last time I saw my mother for more than a day was? Years ago! Years, Pollen!” Tears trickled down her cheeks as Chloe caved in on herself. “I’ve done my best to be just like her, to show her I can be great too. Why won’t she ever look at me?”
With a hesitant pause, Pollen reached a paw out to Chloe’s shoulder. “Some people can’t be pleased, Chloe. You shouldn’t base your self worth on the word of another.”
Chloe jerked her shoulder away, turning her back to Pollen. “You don’t understand.”
“My mother left when I was young.” She walked forward towards the door so that she could peer out the window. “I didn’t understand why. She didn’t even say goodbye.”
“But,” Chloe continued, “If I can just get her to see that I’m worth staying for, she’ll stay here. Maybe, just maybe, I can convince her to be part of our family again.”
Red-rimmed eyes and wet cheeks turned back to Pollen. “It’s just so hard. She hardly cares for me at all.”
A pause. “Pollen?” Chloe bit her lip. “Am I unlovable?”
“Of course not. Chloe, no one is beyond love. Not even the worst of people.” Pollen could feel the tides shifting. Before, she was determined to leave Chloe behind. But now? Her heart ached at the thought of abandoning her.
Chloe starts to say something else, but all Pollen could hear was the flap of wings. Her eyes flicked to behind Chloe to where the locker room door was just set ajar. A delicate butterfly of deep, cracked purple squeezed its way inside.
“Chloe!” Pollen yelled. But it was too late. The butterfly touched down on her white sunglasses and disappeared without a sound.
A sudden blank look came across Chloe’s face. A purple butterfly mask appeared across her eyes. Every part of Pollen screamed that she was in danger. Not just from an akumatized Chloe, but from Hawkmoth knowing that she was with Chloe.
Her eyes darted around the room. She needed to hide. It would be safer for the both of them if she kept herself unknown.
“Yes, Hawkmoth.”
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justcourttee · 4 years
Okay that "Love,Right?" oneshot was wonderful but now you've got me obsessed with wondering how all the boys would fight for Mari's attention and all trying to date her omg
On an off note, I hope this came out alright. I really wanted to answer your ask but I’m running on low fumes rn. Loved thinking about this too though! I would love to read a more thought out fic, but I have to imagine it would go something like this
I could totally imagine like them all being relatively close in age. Like let’s say, 
Dick 23
Jason 21
Tim 20
Mari 18
Damian 17
And Mari is almost done with her last year of lycee so she is in uber done mode until the batboys show up in Paris conveniently at the same time that the Wayne boys show up to scout out a potential new business partner. 
She first meets Dick at the gymnasium that Chloe’s father had built for her when she went through a gymnastics phase but soon opened it to the public after she had moved on to whatever interested her next. Marinette is there to practice swinging mid-air to move faster in battle and what better way to do that than over a safety net 40 feet in the air?
Anywho, Dick is just arriving to blow off some steam after a particularly long day of negotiating. Honestly, if it wasn’t for the Hawkmoth mission and the need for a cover, he would’ve abandoned Tim ages ago. He finished locking up his stuff and when he moves into the acrobat section that is always empty, he isn’t sure whether to be impressed or disappointed that someone is there first. She looked nervous as she finished tying her hair into a high ponytail, her eyes calculating as if she was debating if she could make the first jump.
He wants to tell her that there is an easier way to mount, but his curiosity gets the better of him. With one last look, she closes her eyes, inhaling deeply. Without warning, she takes off down the short walkway launching her whole body into the air. Dick is sure she’s going to fall, but at the last minute she reaches out, her hand grasping the bar as she uses her momentum to flip upward, landing gracefully on top of the swinging trapeze. 
Dick couldn’t help his cheers. Her eyes widened as she realized someone else was watching her and in what felt like slow motion, she lost her balance and fell onto the net below. Dick rushes over to make sure she’s okay, apologizing a million times a minute. They introduce each other and it’s like an instant connection. They spend the rest of the afternoon trying new techniques and helping each other improve their own techniques. 
When Dick returns to the hotel that night, he can’t help the fact that her first swing was stuck on replay in his mind. The next day, he rushes over to the gym only to find her there again. This time, he’s determined to get her number, and surprisingly (to him) he succeeds. They spend the night trading funny memes and tiktoks. After a couple of weeks, Dick decides to try and ask her on a date. They were already close friends, I mean she trusted him enough not to drop her from forty feet in the air, that meant she trusted him right?
He shows up with a giant bouquet of roses only to receive a text message that she couldn’t make it that day. While it was a setback, it didn’t mean he was going to give up. He would show up with a bouquet of roses every day until she was there to receive them. And only then would he ask her on a date, because I can totally believe that he wouldn’t want to do it over text. It’s in-person or not at all.
The second Wayne she meets is Jason.
Muggings in Paris weren’t common with Ladybug and Chat Noir around, but it seemed to be Marinette’s lucky day as some guy just decided that a high school girl had enough money in her little purse to steal. As he backed her down an alleyway, a small hand knife pointed at her, Marinette was considering her options.
She could always try to run. After all, the guy was big and bulky, it would be hard for him to keep up with her and she doubted he wanted her bag enough to actually put up a fight. Just as she was eyeing an opening, a small sound echoed through the alleyway, one she was quite familiar with. The guy’s face looked mortified as he turned slowly to face his attacker. 
The man said something in a hushed tone to the guy that Marinette couldn’t quite make out. Whatever it was though, it was enough for her would-be assailant to book it out of the alleyway without a glance back. Assessing her newest threat, Marinette decided that this guy was more punk than thug. She was safe for now. 
He asked her if she was okay and if she needed anything as he adjusted his gun back into his waistband. Marinette was fine, but she was curious as to how he smuggled a gun into France. 
“Ah. My American accent give me away Princess?”
His french was flawless, but it was clear that he wasn’t from the area. He joked that his adopted father was rich enough for the national security to look past it. At least, she was pretty sure he was joking. 
He asks if they can grab something to eat, just because a pretty girl like her shouldn’t go hungry. Marinette is tempted to decline, but her curiosity gets the better of her. They end up going to a small diner near her parent’s bakery where they spend the night flirting shamelessly, both tinging their compliments with enough sarcasm and insults that the people around them couldn’t tell if they were together or if they were related. 
Exchanging numbers, the two continued to meet up for weekly dinners at that same diner as they bond over hating people and insulting/admiring each other. When Jason finally realizes his flirting may have shifted from mocking to an actual crush, he's conflicted. It’s just a couple months, at most a year in Paris, but would that really be a reason not to try? He starts bringing her small gifts to the dinners, starting out small like her favorite dessert or small rocks that reminded him of her, but he soon gets more elaborate like bringing her his favorite books to borrow and throwing in a new set of threads for her sewing machine. 
He hopes that when she looks at the small gifts that she’ll start associating him with the things that make her happy and just maybe, she’ll fall for him too. 
I think you guys already know where Tim is going but I have to do this 
Marinette frequents a small coffee shop near the hotel that the Wayne Boys are staying in. She would just drink the coffee that her parents serve in the bakery, but they refused to let her load up her drinks with enough caffeine to get through her day. 
She always shows up at 7:00a, after all, she’s gotten better at this punctuality thing over the years. The owners already expect her at this point and already have her drink ready before she even steps foot through the door.
One morning, one of the owners ask her to deliver a coffee to the young man that fell asleep at one of their tables. 
“He’s the first person I’ve met whose order rivals yours Ms. Dupain-Cheng.”
Marinette is impressed as she inhales the strong black coffee wafting from the mug. He definitely amped it up with two expresso shots and maybe a pump of hazelnut? If he could taste it over the bitterness of the expresso, she would be impressed.
As she sat the cup down on the table, she slid into the booth in front of him, patiently waiting for him to stir. Watching his soft exhales, Marinette felt at peace. She had never seen someone sleep so softly without moving a muscle. As quietly as she could, she brought out her sketchbook. She got about halfway through his frame when his soft breathing stopped. 
Her eyes snapped up to find his blue ones studying her cautiously. Of course, she mutters out apologizes at a million miles a minute, trying to explain that she needed practice for her living art class and that she was just dropping off his coffee and she was so sorry for drawing him without his permission. As she finally trails off, Marinette is more confused than ever. She thought he was awake, his eyes studying her, but now she wasn’t so confident. She was pretty sure he was still half asleep, assuming she was some sort of hallucination.
He reached out, draining his cup of coffee without coming up for a single breath.
“I didn’t think I was this sleep-deprived. Please beautiful sleep-induced entity, draw me if you must.”
Marinette bites her lip trying not to laugh as he tiredly pulls out a laptop, typing away at seemingly nothing. 
The next day, Marinette finds him in his same spot, already two empty mugs occupying the table. As she orders, she’s sure to grab an extra one for him before joining him once more. This time, Tim is the one to apologize as he realizes finally that she is a real girl and not a hallucination. 
Marinette laughs it off and the briefly chat about their lives. As Marinette gets up to leave for her morning classes, she promises to meet him for coffee the next morning. Surely enough, as she walks through the door, he’s already at their booth. He waves her over, motioning to the coffee mug holding her go-to order. They come to an agreement, he allows her to draw him for practice, she offers him the occasional advice. There is sometimes small talk, but it’s mostly just full of comfort that they found in each other’s presence. 
After weeks, Tim finally decides that he wants to get to know this beautiful coffee angel. He starts by asking her to meet at a bakery that he had been dying to try. As he arrives at the bakery, Marinette sheepishly admits that it was her parent’s bakery. Tim feigns ignorance, but that smirk he gives her makes her reconsider the innocent sleep-deprived man she had met weeks earlier. From now on, he has breakfast with the Dupain-Cheng family every morning. After all, your in-laws have to like you first before you can try anything else, right?
Finally, we have Damian. 
They meet in the living art class. He had already taken something similar at Gotham Academy, but he was curious to see the French side of something he cherished so dearly. 
At first, he hates her. She reminds him of a mixture between Dick and Tim and in all honesty, he only volunteered to pretend to be a foreign exchange student to spend the majority of the day away from his brothers. 
He slowly begins to change his mind though as he is partnered with her for a partner draw project. The teacher forces them to spend all of class drawing each other how they feel the world should see their partner. It involved a lot of sharing and as she became more confident in him, he slowly felt himself opening up to this strange girl as well. 
It was going fine until one day, two of her old classmates entered the classroom, trying to pick a fight with Damian. He remembered one of them, yes the sausage haired girl, her name was Lily perhaps? She tried to ask him out and he turned her down, hard. Now here she was, crying the fakest tears he had ever seen as some ombre haired woman was chewing him out. 
He was fine going on ignoring them, but then the ombre haired woman reached out for his notebook, tearing it from his grasps. She glanced over it for a second before raising it above her head and slamming it into the ground. She lifted her foot to stomp on it, but she never had a chance to finish. Before Damian had even moved a muscle, Marinette was standing above her, a murderous look in her eyes. The sausage haired woman helped the girl to her feet as they retreated quickly, both of their faces pale as they sent empty threats in Marinette’s direction. 
With a sigh, Marinette picked up his notebook, dusting it off gently before handing it back to him, apologizing for her ex-classmates. He wanted to let her know that he didn’t need her to look out for him, that he could handle it, but his mind flashed to the look in her eyes. If anything, his interest was now piqued by the girl. 
As the project came to an end, the moment of truth had finally come. Damian showed Marinette her portrait. He had drawn her as mother nature, warm and protective of her children and cold to anyone that threatened them. He would be lying if the small blush on her face didn’t boost his pride. When she showed Damian his portrait, he couldn’t help but let his jaw drop, even slightly. 
He looked like a medieval knight, posing on the defense, a slight trickle of what looked like blood dripping out the corner of his mouth. 
“I’m sorry, please don’t think it’s weird. It’s just the more you talked, and so passionately too about how you wanted to protect everything dear to you from your family to your pets, I couldn’t help but get swept away in this idea that you were some gallant knight-”
He cut her off with a single look as his face broke into a grin. He loved it. Everyone always described him as a demon or a baby bird, but a gallant knight, it was certainly a first.
That night at the hotel, he would search google for the best ways to ask out a girl. After all, he sure as hell wasn’t asking his brothers.
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emerald-amidst-gold · 3 years
WIP Wednesday
It’s Wednesday?! *scoffs* Preposterous! 
Thank you @noire-pandora and @rosella-writes for the tags! I send you hugs and flowers and LOVE! >:3
Seriously though, this week has felt long to me, as have the last several weeks to be exact, and despite those long, long days, I haven’t really been able to write beyond this ongoing monster of a ‘short’ story. I wouldn’t really say I have writer’s block. I have ideas, I can write little bits and pieces, but I lose momentum from a lack of energy. *shrugs* If anything, I’m treating this story as an exercise to help me cement some of Fane’s inner workings and practice more intimate events. *waggles eyebrows*
So! Have a bit of a long snippet of Solas and Fane being sappy. They’re so fucking sappy, I swear. No shame.
“...What I’m trying to say is, titles have no bearing if you don’t let them. It’s easier said than done, I know, and that’s why I constantly need the reaffirmation of my name. The spiral is deep, and one syllable is all it takes to slow the fall.” Another sigh, this one far heavier, far more aged. “I know what it means, what it feels to have your identity shredded to ribbons, Solas. I know that so much it hurts. And that’s why I’ll say two syllables for you, so you don’t forget the first title; yourself.”, he stated, tone serious, but warm. “And no matter the other artificial titles, the good and the bad, you are you. Furthermore, you are my sky. Endless. Enduring. Unbending. Eternal. You were all of that to me before you were Fen’harel, or even Solas, or anything else. It may be just another title, but I hope, I hope, it’s one that matters to you because a sky matters more than anything to a dragon. Anything, and I won’t let the expanse that is you be taken from me as surely as the actual sky has been.”
Solas blinked at that waterfall of tender words, entranced by the look of earnestness on Fane’s ivory, but inked visage, the faded green lines almost seeming transparent due to how the setting sun filtering into their quarters bathed them in gold. He was lost, he was reeling, he was grappling between wanting to argue and wanting to relinquish his own stubbornness before letting out an airy laugh, shaking his head as the latter won out. How much more could his heart take before it burst? Such devotion, such pure, unwavering devotion was meant for better people than he, and yet, he couldn’t balk at it, usher it away. It would seem he was not the only one to have come so far. 
“...I do not deserve that. I do not deserve such a...christening as that.”, he said, despite his thoughts. He may have come far, but some habits were hard to break. “It baffles me how you can be so certain that your feelings will not change when you know what is to come, when you know what I will be called upon to do.”
“We, Solas. You’re not alone anymore because I won’t let you be alone. No amount of words or deeds will change that either. You know that.”, Fane said, voice harsh, deep, but caring in its timbre.
Solas chuckled quietly. “I know that you are stubborn. Almost infuriatingly so.”, he tried to joke and it had a bit of the desired effect as Fane rolled his eyes, a ghost of a smile on his lips.
“You walked into my domain centuries ago, elf.”, Fane growled, but it held no disgust or anger. “You poked a dragon and earned its heart, so suffer.”
Solas couldn’t help but let out a small laugh at that. “I suppose I have no choice in the matter?”, he asked, but he felt lighter, calmer. How easily the dread and the ice melted away. How such a thing could happen was beyond him, but he would be lying if he said that he despised this heat, this warmth of souls.
Fane smirked. “None at all.”, he retorted casually before leaning in to nudge at one of Solas’ cheeks, growl slipping into a quiet, but deep purr as their eyes connected, gazed into each other’s sunlit souls. “So, let me show you how I can be so certain, how you can be so deserving of what I feel.”, he said next within a heartbeat, eager, but even harsher with conviction before it dropped to a baritone whisper. “Let me show you how much I love you, Solas.”
Solas barely had time to fully process those tender words before Fane took all thought away, lips connecting with his own, warm and velvet, but somehow cool to the touch. The gentle suddenness of that connection had him startling a bit, so unused to the reserved man before him to be the one to initiate, but he relaxed soon enough, eyes falling shut and allowing tenderness and certainty to soak into him. 
Their lips moved slowly, languidly, but there was an ember to be awoken in their movements, to be sparked and set ablaze. However, there was no rush, no hurry to meet that bonfire. There was only gentle tending as one of Fane’s hands came up to loosely grip his jaw, tilting it just so to dive in deeper, etching his message of affirmation with tender kissing and soft, cool huffs through his nose. The other was busy kneading into one of his hips, a sturdy arm wrapped around to keep them close together. Solas weaved both of his hands into Fane’s head of slightly messy hair, drawing him closer, deeper into a spiral bliss, and humming deep in his chest as a velvet sweep of his dragon’s tongue against his bottom lip had his mind growing foggy.  
However, despite the fog of his mind, Solas kept his mouth shut, halting his movements of the kiss, and smirked against Fane’s lips when a resounding growl sounded. His dragon should know good things came to those who waited.
...Or rather, continued to push. He wanted to see how heavy a dragon’s passion could be, but first things first.
Solas pulled away a bit and smirked more when Fane attempted to chase, curling his fingers in snowy strands to keep him still. Another, deeper growl left those enticing lips at that, nearly making him let go and give in from his made his whole tremble with desire, but he remained steadfast, gazing calmly into smoldering, gold-emerald orbs with a hum.
“You may growl all you wish, ma’isenatha, but I will not relent that easily.” He chuckled softly when Fane almost appeared to be pouting. His heart truly could not take much more of this endearing, stubborn man. “Even so, you are becoming a force to be reckoned with. It won’t be long until I do relent to your will.”, he purred, chuckling a bit when Fane’s visage turned pink yet again from his praise, pout turning into a slight grimace of sheepishness. “Before that, however, I wish to continue where we left off, but you stated the endeavor of mindful connection tires you out. Extremely. Will it do so in this case?”, he asked, common concern threatening to ruin the moment and making his smile falter. He wanted to let the mood take the reins, but his dragon’s comfort came first and foremost.
Fane shrugged, clearing his throat of embarrassment and his own momentary excitement. “In the past, yeah, but that’s because I would try and force the link. Since I can’t even do that anymore, it’s not so terrible.”, he stated simply, leaning in to nuzzle just below Solas’ ear slowly. “It’s no different than sex, to be fair. Intense, and then an afterglow. I’ll feel tired afterwards, but not bone achingly so.” A growling purr, a mixture of thunder and a babbling creek followed after those words, housing more. “Other...actions will make that happen. We’ll make sure of that.” 
Solas hummed contentedly at the nuzzle, feeling how his chest began to quicken in its breaths at the heated words. “Mm, indeed we will.”, he murmured, a warmth able to be detected along his neck, cheeks, and ears. He was blushing. Lovely. It always threw him off when Fane would utter seduction. “But, I am curious as to how this ability of yours replicates sex.”
It was Solas’ turn to be pleasantly pleased with himself as Fane’s face flushed, pink shifting deeper to where his freckles were washed out and eyes were a titillating shade of ochre. Two could utter seduction, and after Halamshiral, he had pinpointed that Fane nearly dissolved if the word ‘sex’ was uttered from his lips. A dragon’s beauty had many layers, and while they were rare to be witnessed, his dragon was an open book during such carnal pursuits. The memory of the few times they had engaged physically and deeply nearly had Solas crumbling from shudders and soft pants, but the way Fane was now kissing just under his ear, face still flushed, but more from excitement now than a flustered disposition, was doing that also. How easily the mask fell and shattered from just a brush of lips, a glint of gold as two-toned orbs glanced up at him, a roll of thunder housed in a body so different, but so very much the same.
How easily the game could be tilted towards the other at any given moment.
“It’s a dance of thoughts, a waltz of wills.” The Elvhen dragon halted his kisses to whisper against the sensitive skin below his ear, breathless and husky, before giving it a firmer kiss. “You felt it after our sparring match, and that was just a dying connection - whisper of an afterglow. Rage had drowned out most of the euphoric intensity. But here, with us so close to each other, calm and willing...”, he trailed off, pulling back to level Solas with a solid amber gaze, abilities flaring to life with the emotions swarming around them. “...you’ll feel how deep the line runs, and so will I. After all, what’s more revealing and intimate than piercing each other’s thoughts? The connection of bodies is simple, but the mind... That’s more complicated and all creatures yearn for the depth of understanding.”
Solas let out an airy sigh, reaching up with a hand to stroke a deeply flushed cheek of freckles, ink and ivory. “So, it is a combination of thoughts, a glimpse into the inner when the outer offers no clear answer.”, he said, Fane responding with a tiny nod and pleased smirk due to being understood. “Is it like that if you were to connect with others, or..?”, he asked, a question born of more curiosity, not jealousy. He knew better than to harbor that type of nasty feeling with Fane. Devotion ran deep, as deep as the scar upon his heart’s face as well the scars upon his body. He was just once again fascinated to hear these thoughts and complexities of a being he had only been able to speculate on.
Fane shook his head, laying another kiss against his neck. “No. Most people’s minds don’t bend, their emotions locked up in fear and their minds cordoned off in their own ways. Mages, especially those like you, are easier to link up with, though.”, he murmured against the skin before running the flat of his tongue along his pulse. 
Solas let out a quiet gasp, clawing at a broad shoulder as the wet and warm sensation of Fane’s tongue nearly had him melting. That action always made him react violently, and his dragon knew it, chuckling against the column before continuing. 
“...Your emotions are potent, despite what you want people to believe. They’re attuned to being flexible and it was why during the duel I could begin the link. You were already reaching out, so I...exploited it.”, Fane admitted with a flash of shame in his eyes before sighing. “But, the sensation we’re about to experience is..” He pulled away from his neck slowly to practically gaze at him with a blazing smolder. “...only available when love is at the forefront. Your mind is willing before it even knows. You want me to enter. You want to share in the pain, the sorrow, the madness, and the passion, and I want you to, too. So, you allow me in. It’s an act of trust, and there is no one, other than maybe my sister, who I trust more than I trust you. And hopefully, you feel the same in regards to me.” A bit of uncertainty shuffled into dual colored eyes and a wry smirk, but they both dispersed as Fane shook his head a bit. “So again, no. It’s not the same for anyone else and it never will be.” 
Solas stared at the man before him with slightly wide eyes before a tender smile graced his lips. Leave it to his dragon to word such a serious matter so affectionately, so beautifully. Sometimes, it was hard to see anything but the beautiful creature he had met so long ago when such things were uttered.
It was easy to forget how much suffering and sorrow had laced a mind with crimson poison.
Despite those weighty thoughts, Solas brought his hands up to cup Fane’s face once again, stroking his cheekbones reverently as they gazed into each other. Amber orbs shone slightly from both the slowly descending sun just outside and abilities that were slowly regaining their full power with time, observing him with so much silent love that it made his heart squeeze and a small, warm smile form on his face.  
“Ar lath ma.”, Solas said, smiling more when the words of affection had Fane’s eyes darting away sheepishly, but there was a tiny smile upon his own lips. “And I do trust you as you trust me. Implicitly. Trust is a dangerous gambit, but in this instance, I will roll the dice. For you have already bet enough, my dragon.”, he whispered out tenderly before leaning to seal their lips together again gently, wishing to connect physically as well as mentally and emotionally. 
Yes, a connection. That is what he deeply yearned for. To understand and to be understood. To bond and be bound to in turn. To know every inch of the one who had seen him at his lowest and greatest, who worshiped him as the sky and nothing of the past that had thus far defined him.
A bit lengthy, but that’s what I’m good at! >:D I just like words. Woooords~ :D
Tagging (*sends cookies* :3): @oxygenforthewicked @little-lightning-lavellan @dungeons-and-dragon-age @the-dreadful-canine @varric-tethras-editor @drag-on-age @cartadwarfwithaheartofgold @dreadfutures @whataboutbugs and anyone else that’d like to share their endeavors! :D 
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gay-otlc · 3 years
Keepers Of The Chaos (3)
Summary: Tam, Linh, Dex, Keefe, Biana, and Fitz are part of the tiny fandom for Keeper of the Chaos, and Tam and Linh’s podcast convinces some of their other friends to watch it as well. The group finds themselves strangely invested in this show, where students at Tumblr High School who work together to write about an elf named Sophia, cause incomprehensible chaos, and fight their rival Pinterest High School.
Content warnings: Cursing, religion (Jewish Vackers), and Amsterdam (just in case, I know that was stressful for some people).
Word count: 1621
Notes: Most of the episodes are just events stolen from Lynn's roundup, Dex's memes are here
(Read on AO3)
The life of an amateur meme maker on dumbles dot com was a strange one, that was for sure. After finishing xyr favorite show- Ze-Ra: Monaerchs of Powhir- for the third time, Dex had searched for another show to fill the void in xyr soul. Biana recommended this show called "Keepers of the Chaos" and described it to xem. Xe was doubtful at first, but after watching the first episode, xe was hooked.
Xe used to not have many friends at xyr school, so xe did what every neurodivergent queer teen would do- made an account on dumbles dot com. People seemed to like xem- or at least, they liked dizznee-plus's memes and edits of Ze-Ra characters. Even after Dex befriended xyr squish, Fitz, thons sister, Biana, and aer girlfriend, Sophie, xe continued making content on dumbles. Around that time, the Ze-Ra fandom started dying off, and xyr memes started getting fewer note
In a sudden, two am burst of inspiration, Dex made edits of some of xyr favorite characters, like Ref, Akki, and Rose, with their respective pride flags (all of them bi) over them, and captioned it "we must be gay." The post blew up, or at least, what could be considered blowing up in Keeper of the Chaos's tiny fandom, and that was how Dex found xyr calling as an amateur meme/edit maker for KOTC.
History had been repeating itself, with the KOTC fandom starting to die off, until it was revived by an announcement from creator Saturn Nolastname- a season two would be released soon. Frantically, Dex made a meme about season one episode two, with the car salesman meme. Xe edited "chaos keepers" onto the car salesman, "the rarelynoticed" on the car, and "this bad boy can fit so many stripper outfits into it."
That had been... an interesting episode, to say the least. The chaos keepers had been talking about the antagonists of "Sophie and the Dark Duck"- a rebel group called the Rarelynoticed. In the information packet they'd been given, it was confirmed that the Rarelynoticed wore black cloaks and armbands, but no other clothes had been mentioned. Somehow, the chaos keepers came to the conclusion that the Rarelynoticed really wore neon pink leotards and green stripper heels, then drew this idea.
Needless to say, the Tumblr staff did not let them write that into the book. Nor did Lynn, the unofficially chosen leader of the group. Unfortunately for her, this didn't stop the chaos keepers from drawing more of these- or the fandom from making a ton of memes. In addition to the car salesman meme, a post with Drake saying no to "wearing normal fucking villain outfits" and yes to "leotards and stripper heels" gained popularity within the small fandom.
Though nothing could match the absolute shock of seeing the Rarelynoticed stripper outfit for the first time, Dex decided to rewatch the episode anyway- it was funny to see the chaos keepers freak out, and maybe xe could get some good screen captures. The good Saturn Nolastname indulged xem, and xe captured an excellent scene of most of the chaos keepers either laughing or screaming at the Rarelynoticed stripper outfits, with Kimber- one of xyr favorites- sitting on the side, explaining to Juno and Kaitee why Bianca Cracker was bisexual.
Xe went over to dumbles, posted the picture, added an image description, and captioned it "Live photo of me not caring when my friends talk about sex/romance." Xe chuckled to xemself- this really was how it felt to be aroace. Xe tagged it as aromantic and asexual as well, since dumbles added flag colors. Smiling, xe went to go check xyr notifications.
Xyr jaw dropped when xe saw that @lordofthesnuggles- Fitzroy (Dex didn't know thons middle name) Vacker thonself had liked and reblogged all three of xyr memes, even adding compliments in the tags! Xe'd had a bit of a platonic crush on Fitz for... a really long time, but xe always felt too awkward to talk to thon, so it was nice to see that thon appreciated xyr humor.
Feeling energized- and excited to procrastinate on xyr math homework- Dex went to watch the next episode: Dark Duck Is Jewish Now. Being Jewish xemself, this was a really funny episode to xem.
Lynn had been writing a sort of spinoff- it would be called fanfiction, but it was for her own story- about some of the Dark Duck characters celebrating Christmas, and added a throwaway line about Bianca and Finn Cracker celebrating Hanukkah. Then, her fiance, Shai, had taken that idea and run with it, writing a list of ideas about what would happen if the Cracker family was Jewish. Hir friend Sam had jumped on the idea, and soon they had abandoned writing the actual Dark Duck in favor of writing a story about Jewish Dark Duck characters. Some of the other Jewish chaos keepers, like Ref and Cat, helped out.
To be honest, it kind of surprised Dex that no one had made a joke about the Jewish Crackers just being matzah, so xe supposed xe would have to be the first.
Xe posted that observation, quickly getting a like from Fitz- which made xem smile. After a few minutes, Dex posted another meme: Shai and Sam standing in front of a door with a sign that read "elves don't have religion," and them saying "This sign won't stop me, because I can't read!"
It was accurate.
While that episode was great for Jewish representation, and funny, the Banana Noir episode was just plain weird.
It focused less on the Dark Duck than most of the other episodes, and was more about the crazy interactions of the chaos keepers. The episode was named for Banana Noir, who was really Cat Noir, but in a banana suit. Banana Noir was the son of Mellie, who looked like a shark, and Nora, who had platonically married faer. The mothers tried to arrange a marriage between him and Akki, who loved the side characters of the Dark Duck series. However, Akki wanted to marry Amelia. After a lot of shit that basically no one understood, Banana Noir's attempts were thwarted, and Lynn officiated the wedding between Akki and Amelia.
Yeah, Dex had no idea what the fuck was going on either. Xe'd watched an episode of Twins of the Chaos and a youtube video by arsonpog analyzing the Banana Noir chronicles, as it had been dubbed by the chaos keepers, and both expert opinions seemed to agree that Saturn Nolastname and the rest of the writers had probably been on crack when they made that episode.
The next episode made slightly more sense, though it was a low bar. After taking a break from the "official" Dark Duck story, the chaos keepers began collectively writing a Cinderella story about the characters Sophia and Bianca. People weren't allowed to be queer in the official story, but the chaos keepers still wanted to have fun with their obviously gay characters.
Even to the viewers of the show, who only received secondhand information about the Dark Duck characters, knew there was no way any of them, let alone all of them, were allocishet. The exact identities weren't entirely clear- when Dex had made edits of the characters' official art and xyr headcanons for their pride flags, a few people had disagreed- but both the chaos keepers and the fandom knew that despite what Shannon said, Sophia and Bianca were in love, and their Cinderella story should have made it in to the official Dark Duck story.
While excerpts of the Cinderella story were quoted in the show, most of it was left unclear, so Biana had taken it upon aerself to write aer own version of it. Dex was expecting an update later  that day, actually, or maybe the next. Ae wasn't always 100% reliable with aer update schedule. Still, Dex looked forward to when it eventually did come.
After the brief calmness from the Sophianca Cinderella episode, season one episode six, Amsterdam, exploded back into chaos. A few of the chaos keepers decided to discuss a fake scene in the book in which crazy shit went down, with the scene supposedly being located in Amsterdam. It had never been written and was never going to be, but everyone discussed it like it was real. Some of the highlights involved all the Dark Duck girls having swords (and the chaos keepers being gay for them), and a speedboat chase scene through the canals. Fitz had a popular theory that the chaos keepers would actually travel to Amsterdam in order to commemorate this crazy part of their lives. Almost as popular as that was a meme Dex made, with a man labeled "chaos keepers discussing amsterdam" and gesturing feverishly to a wall covered in papers and red string.
Of course, episode seven (Dark Duck Disney) was chaotic too. Everything was chaotic with this group, it was in the title. Shannon announced that the winning Dark Duck story would be adapted into a Disney movie. After past experience with terrible book to movie adaptations, the chaos keepers panicked. They panicked so much that it became major news within their school, which until then, had been largely ignoring the chaos keepers. Once the discussion about the movie settled down, they talked a lot about how in awe they were that their Dark Duck shenanigans were trending within the school.
But of course, none of that compared to the last episode of the season...
Dex changed xyr profile picture to include an ominous pair of teal eyes and sighed.
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concernedbrownbread · 3 years
A Boy and His Cat
Day 1 for @adrienaugust: Bad Luck
In which Adrien finds a kitten, his charm gets stolen, and the universe is a meanie.
Oh, and Plagg is ... Plagg.
Read here or under the cut
Running away from school is becoming an unhealthy obsession of his.
Of course, Adrien waited until school let out for the morning to run away. He just didn’t want to have to drive all the way back to the Manor, eat in an empty dining hall, and then come back. It was a waste of petrol. Bad for the environment - and for his soul.
So he ran away from school, his beloved bodyguard chasing him half-heartedly for a while before waving goodbye and giving him a lecture on general safety.
After leaving school, he usually met up with Nino and the others, but today they were doing a group project he wasn’t part of. Which left him to wander the streets like a stray cat.
Speaking of -
A quiet mewl caught his attention. Adrien paused, ears perking up.
Definitely a cat, somewhere in the alley. Adrien loved cats, and had no sense of self-preservation, so he didn’t hesitate to check it out.
“Oh look Plagg, it’s you,” Adrien said dryly as his eyes caught on a little orange kitten, curled up against the wall.
“I’m way more personable,” Plagg protested.
Adrien gave him a look. Plagg huffed, crossing his arms and turning away.
The little cat mewed softly again, making Adrien soften immediately.
“Hey there little guy,” he cooed, “What’s your name?”
No collar or nametag. Maybe it really was a stray? Should he take it to the shelter? Or to a classmate? Subconsciously, Adrien reached out, slow enough to let the kitten come to him. Eventually, it did.
Adrien picked it up, delighted, “Aren’t you a cutie? Maybe I should keep you! I’ll name you - “
That’s when it noticed Plagg.
It’s ears flattened, pupils narrowing as it let out a hiss. Adrien yelped as it’s claws dug into the flesh of his hands, and he toppled backwards, something falling out of his pocket.
He barely had time to orientate himself when he realised what had fallen out.
His lucky charm, the one he’d gotten from Marinette.
His lucky charm, that kept all his bad luck away.
His lucky charm, which was being carried away in the cat’s mouth .
Adrien tried to give chase, but he slipped on wet cement, scratching his already injured hands in the process. When he looked up, the cat was gone, the lucky charm with it.
“This is all your fault Plagg.”
“I blame your bleeding heart.”
Adrien wasn’t superstitious by any means.
But he was. Right now. Without his favourite charm.
Adrien sniffled in his arms as he lay his head on them against the table. Nino slid into the seat beside him.
“You okay, bro?”
Adrien groaned.
“Aw, that sucks dude.”
Adrien whined.
“It’ll be okay.”
Alya looked between them, “You understood any of that?”
Nino shook his head solemnly, “Not a word, but a bros gotta do what a bros gotta do.”
Adrien un-buried his head for long enough to look up, “Thanks man.”
Alya shook her head, “Boys are strange,” and then turned to Marinette, who was stammering so hard she hadn’t gotten a single coherent word out. Alya nodded sympathetically, “I know exactly what you mean, girl.”
The sight of Marinette made Adrien’s gut churn with guilt. He decided right then and there to never let her know he lost the precious gift she had given him.
“Adrien,” Ms Bustier said, drawing his attention, “Did you turn in your homework?”
“I’m sure that I did.”
“I thought so too, but I couldn’t find it.”
Adrien buried his head back in his arms.
So it began.
“This is sad.” Plagg said.
Adrien had taken shelter from the universe in the bathroom. So far, he had tripped countless times (once into Rose’s art project, which he still wanted to apologise for), said something embarrassing at least thrice and ended up drenched in honey-and-feather twice.
Twice didn’t seem like a lot, but it was strange that it had happened at all.
He was currently removing the last of his feathers under Plagg’s scrutiny.
“How do you even become chicken-man?” Plagg asked, “I looked away for two seconds.”
“I need my lucky charm back,” Adrien said in lieu of a response.
“Maybe Chat Noir will have better luck.”
“Maybe Chat Noir will have better luck,” Chat Noir mocked, “Stupid Plagg. You can’t let the universe know your plans!”
Plagg grumbled somewhere in the back of Adrien’s mind, which he dutifully ignored. He continued his fruitless search, the sky darkening with angry clouds that reflected his mood well.
“I feel ridiculous,” he mumbled as he waved to passing fans who were cooing at him.
“That’s how the cat felt,” Plagg responded in his mind.
Adrien pouted. The cat was so cute, he couldn’t stop himself from cooing.
He sighed, ducking under a ladder that was wobbling dangerously. He steadied it, getting a thanks from the guy at the top in return, who was holding a brush with dripping white, a tub of paint balanced precariously on the edge of a ledge.
“I think I’ll have better luck as - as - “ dammit, he couldn’t let the universe know, “Whatever. Let’s just detransform some- “
That was when Chat Noir got drenched in white paint.
Which was what he got for walking under a ladder.
“I am so sorry, Chat Noir,” the guy on top of the ladder said, “Uh, it’s a nice look on you?”
Chat wiped paint from his eyes and promised the universe vengeance.
(Somewhere, Marinette shivered at the remembrance of Chat Blanc.)
“Here kitty kitty.”
“You know cats don’t understand English - “
Plagg pouted, “Don’t ignore me Adrien.”
“I will ignore you all I like until you stop sitting around and actually help me.”
“I’m but a poor kwami,” Plagg yawned, “Do it yourself.”
Adrien huffed, poking his head into another alley, “I don’t even know where to start .”
“Maybe with an umbrella?”
“What - “
Now, Adrien was a Good Boy™. He hugged all his friends, kissed his plushies goodnight and tried to be Very Nice.
But he really, really wanted to break something when the first rain droplet hit his nose.
The ensuing downpour had him seeking shelter in yet another alley way. He was shivering from the cold, miserably getting ready to call it a day when Plagg drifted past him lazily.
“Oh hey, what’s that?”
Adrien whipped around, nearly tripping in the process.
“It’s -”
“A her.”
“It’s her!” Adrien hopped forward happily, ignoring the orange cat’s hiss. He picked her up.
“Aren’t you a cutie?” Adrien cooed, rubbing his cheek against hers, “Why’d you run away? Did big bad Plagg scare you? I can give you all of Plagg’s cheese - “
“And you can live with me forever and ever - “
Plagg groaned, “Aren’t you forgetting something?”
Adrien reluctantly pulled himself out of showering the cutie with affection, “What?”
“What you came here looking for?”
Plagg pointed towards the little box that the cat had been hiding in. Adrien adjusted the kitten so that the claws were safely pointed away from him and peered into the carton.
Little trinkets decorated the box, from blankets to little toys. Adrien reached out, grabbing his lucky charm and gently sorting through the rest.
“What a little thief,” Plagg said snootily, “You should leave it to its thieving ways.”
Adrien gasped, “How could you say that!” he cuddled the cat closer, “She just wanted a home.”
Plagg narrowed his eyes, “I hate her.”
“You’re just jealous. Isn’t Plagg a meanie?” Adrien crooned, “Yes he is, yes he is .”
Plagg glared at the cat, “I hate you.”
The cat hissed back.
Chat Noir dropped by the shelter, happy to let the cat scratch away violently at his indestructible suit. He was sad to see her go, but knew he couldn’t keep her.
“Does she have a name?” the girl at the counter asked.
“Uh …” Adrien thought about it, “Lucky.”
“We have at least ten cats with that name.”
Plagg snickered. Adrien sighed.
The girl shrugged, clearly very over that fact that one of Paris’ heroes was here. Adrien gently handed Charm over, and got a wonderful scratch in return.
“I think she likes me,” Adrien purred.
The girl gave him a look that was eerily reminiscent of a kwami he knew.
Once they were outside, Adrien found a place to be alone to detransform. Plagg sighed dramatically, stretching.
“Glad that’s over. I’m hungry.”
“Hey, Plagg,” Adrien said contemplatively, “How did we just happen to come across that cat after so long searching?”
Plagg settled into his hair sleepily, “You forget I’m a god, kit.”
Adrien paused at the implication.
Then shrugged.
“Want to get cheesecake on the way back?”
“Bribery,” Plagg nodded in approval, “The universe doesn’t stand a chance.”
Lucky charm tucked safely into his pocket, Adrien found himself agreeing.
Author's Note: Decided to start with a super chill fic because I write too much angst for this boy
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Soulmarks, Part 21
First part
Mme. Bustier gave a sigh when the three dropped their documents on the desk in unison, but this was nothing compared to the shock that came with Marinette’s words:
“We’re transferring.”
“But… but you’ve only been students here for two days!” She said, flipping through the papers with wide eyes. “And you didn’t even come for the second!”
Marinette gave a tiny shrug and glanced at Tim, who waved a stack of papers.
“You can try and keep us, if you’d like, but we have record of over a year’s worth of bullying complaints where no action was taken. Of course, you can still contest us if you’d like to deal with Mr. Wayne and Mr. Agreste’s lawyers…”
The woman’s kind face drained of color.
“I’ll… I’ll sign this right away. I hope you enjoy your time at…” She looked at the papers. “Gotham Academy.”
Marinette sent her friends grins.
“I think we will. Thank you.”
The superheroes had never felt more anxious in their lives. Their food remained untouched in front of them... outside of Kagami, who was slowly eating her beignet fries.
Or, at least, she had been. Now she was looking at them all with wide eyes.
“Let me get this straight…” Said Kagami. “You --.” She pointed her fry at Adrien. “-- are Chat Noir. And you never told me to keep me safe, despite having no problem with giving me a miraculous on occasion.”
Adrien pursed his lips and looked at Marinette imploringly. She didn’t seem to be enjoying being the only one to speak. Her hand gripped Tim’s arm so tightly that he swore she was going to draw blood.
Damn, Tim could have so easily been left out of this. He didn’t know Kagami outside of what Adrien had said about his soulmate, he’d had every excuse to not come. But then Marinette had given him puppy-dog eyes and he was weak, okay?
Marinette coughed uncomfortably. “To be fair, Adrien was the one who didn’t want to tell you.”
Adrien choked. He glared daggers at his partner, only to stop and give his girlfriend the world’s most innocent smile. He carefully brought his hands up and made a heart with his fingers.
Kagami didn’t seem amused, taking a bite of the fry and turning back to Marinette slowly.
The girl did not seem to like this development, if the tightening of her grip on his arm was any indication.
“Anyway, because his dad is Hawkmoth, we’re relocating him. We have to tell the public who Hawkmoth was, because Gabriel was too important to just have him disappear, and we don’t want him to be attacked.”
Kagami took a sip of Adrien’s drink. The model huffed a little but let her have it.
“And you’re telling me in case I want to go with him?”
“Yep. We don’t even have to tell your mom where you’re going. I can go in as Ladybug and tell her I’m relocating you for safety reasons and we can take you.”
She nodded thoughtfully, then gave a shrug. “Sure. Sounds good. Where to?”
The heroes breathed for the first time that night.
The press. God, she hated the press. And she hated it even more now that they were screaming ‘Marinette’ instead of ‘Ladybug’.
But she had to do this.
Marinette fought the urge to mess with her yoyo as she stepped to the podium with Adrien at her side.
He still couldn’t speak but she’d still wanted him to come onstage with her.
She smiled faintly. “Hello, Paris, we have come to make some announcements.”
“First of all, Hawkmoth has been defeated.” She paused for the cheering and applause. “The authorities have given me clearance to share this with you: his civilian identity was Gabriel Agreste.”
The gasps were soon replaced by murmuring and she had to drum her finger on the microphone a few times to get their attention back.
“That being said, please do not attack Adrien Agreste. I did extensive research and observation, and I found that he did not know and was not involved in any way. However, just to be safe, I have decided to take him out of France. During my time in America, I found a suitable person to look after him.”
“Secondly…” She took a deep breath and looked at Adrien, who gave her an encouraging smile. “... we are resigning as protectors of Paris.”
The silence that followed that was deafening. She hugged herself.
“Hawkmoth has been defeated, we are no longer needed here… and it is no longer safe for my family, as the world knows my identity. We will also be relocating to America, but I implore you to respect our privacy.”
“As for Chat, he wishes to remain anonymous so he can continue hero work where he is needed. I hope you can respect that, too.”
“You won’t be left unprotected, of course. The Peacock miraculous is still lost and, though we doubt it is here, Rena Rouge, Carapace, and Queen Bee have all elected to remain in Paris in case it shows up.”
She swallowed thickly and looked out over the sea of people.
“Thank you.”
He flipped through a book on ASL, spinning in his swivel chair absently as he read.
Gotham was quiet at the moment, anyways. The most interesting thing he’d seen on the cameras all night had been Dick accepting a plate of cookies from a stranger.
His phone beeped to indicate his shift was almost over.
On cue, Marinette came in with two cups of coffee.
He smiled faintly as she took her seat, then she pushed her swivel chair over until it knocked against his a tiny bit. She read over his shoulder, sipping at her drink and occasionally bringing his to his lips so he could continue to hold the book for them.
He tugged at the collar of his turtleneck with an annoyed sigh. Honestly, he wished they’d come up with a different cover story for why Tim could no longer speak, because wearing sweaters all the time was quickly getting annoying. ‘Rich kid had taken a blow to his windpipe and could no longer speak’ wasn’t all that unlikely in Gotham, it was hard to beat, so now he had to wear turtlenecks all the time or spend time in the morning putting a fake scar over his neck.
(And, well, Tim had never been one to put much effort into his appearance when he could be doing something more productive.)
Thankfully, no one else had needed a cover. They were a bunch of French kids, no one would be surprised to hear that they had opted not to learn two languages at once. It would have been hard to come up with similar yet different accidents for all of them, and definitely a little suspicious.
Marinette pulled his hand away from his collar and pressed a kiss to it before lacing her fingers with his. “I think you look cute.”
He smiled.
His phone beeped and he quickly fumbled to silence it, because he’d barely done anything that night and he didn’t want to have to stop already, but from the way she set her jaw he knew that she wasn’t going to let him do that.
He set the book on his lap and signed: “Can I at least stay with you?”
Marinette blushed and nodded. He smiled at the tiny victory.
She pressed a hand to her comm. “Right, I’m here, now. Ryuuko, Chaton, report.”
“We found some really good hotdogs on eighth,” said Kagami.
“That’s…” She laughed. “Good for you. Bring me one in the morning.”
“I’m glad you’re getting some sort of nutrition, but get back to work,” said Bruce.
Kagami and Adrien groaned and she could hear them pick up speed.
“Batman, report.”
“No new information on the Two-Face situation.”
She rolled her eyes. “Of course. Nightwing, Batgirl, report.”
“A civilian gave us cookies,” said Dick brightly.
“Are they poisoned?”
“We’ll find out soon,” said Barbara with a tiny sigh. “Nightwing already ate one.”
Dick murmured something that the comms couldn’t catch, likely some version of ‘traitor!’, and then attempted to defend himself: “The lady gave them to me directly! It would have been rude not to eat one!”
She rolled her eyes. “Great. Take the cookies to Alfred to inspect and then take Nightwing to medbay just in case.”
Tim smiled, watching her flip through their views to make sure they were all safe.
He had never really intended the man-in-the-chair thing to become his permanent form of vigilantism, had always thought he would go back to being Robin at some point, but he was glad that he hadn’t.
After all, it was less stressful and unlikely to get them hurt.
And he knew that Marinette liked the new job, too, if the tiny computer over his heart was any indication.
He felt her rest her head on his shoulder again, apparently appeased by what she had seen, and he wrapped his arm around her.
They listened to a police scanner and relaxed, together.
I need to stop writing finales at 3am --
@pawsitivelymiraculous @golden-promises @salty-fang @kitsunebell @sassakitty @octobitch @glastwime859 @miyla-lokidottir @onlyabatfan @ira-sairain @2confused-2doanything @ultimatetornshipper @ladybug-182 @laurcad123 @we-want-mini-mini @roguishredaxion @just-reblogs-by-h @futursworld @magic-miraculous @nathleigh @smolplantmum @vroomtaka  @emimar7 @toodaloo-kangaroo @charme-de-malchan @spicybelladonna @fusser90 @indecisive-mess-named-me @rosesgonerogue @celestialsiren @bluesimani @loysydark @trippingovermyfeet @goblinwhoships @kaithehero
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2manyfandoms2count · 3 years
I love you (not) - Chapter 5
Slightly late with days 5 and 6 of @marichatmay, I ended up getting side-tracked last night, which prevented me from posting it on time. Yes, there was a Chat Blanc in this AU too; I'm throwing in my headcanon that Chat Noir is sort of affected by it. Hope you enjoy!
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Chapter 5: In which we get an obligatory dose of Chat Blanc angst
It was no use.
Marinette had tossed and turned for a good hour, but whatever she did, however much she tried to imagine pleasant scenarios involving her friends and family, decreasing her heart rate and drawing a soothed smile on her face as her eyes glazed over, the same image always jerked her back up when the latter finally fluttered shut.
Icy blue eyes. A snarl. White.
She turned to face her bedside clock; Midnight. Her heart beat furiously in her chest, way faster than she liked. She knew from experience that little could be done about it.
She sighed and pushed herself up to turn her light on. So much for going to bed early; she’d collapsed on her bed at around 9pm, and had slept continuously for probably a couple of hours - she supposed it was a great improvement compared to the two previous nights.
Still, the nightmare had caught up with her.
She shivered as Chat Blanc’s cold figure invaded her mind once again, and wrapped herself up in a spare blanket. Her eyes wandered over her books, but she doubted any would take her mind off her concerns.
She looked up. The night seemed to be clear outside; even though the early May weather was a little crisp this year, she thought that maybe a bit of fresh air would do her some good.
She pushed her skylight up and climbed out, adjusting her blanket around her shoulders once she was leaning against her railing.
The Moon was full and shined brightly, she noted, neatly contrasting with the midnight sky; very much unlike the future world she’d entered through Bunnyx’s burrow.
She didn’t know what had caused it. Or, rather, she had an inkling, but she felt like she was missing pieces of the puzzle.
The triggering accident had been her delivering a signed package from Marinette to Adrien, in honour of his fifth name day, as Ladybug. She supposed that Chat Noir must have somehow caught wind of it, and also figured out her double identity as a result. Her partner was many things, and clever was one of them.
She understood how he could have misunderstood the situation; it was true that celebrating somebody’s fifth name day could be seen as an intimate gesture, and as close a friend as Adrien was, maybe it was a little too much. Especially since she’d drawn hearts on the package.
It really wasn’t the way she wanted Chat Noir to find out about her feelings (or rather, lack thereof) for him. She probably would have been hurt, too, if the situation had been reversed. They were theoretically dating, after all.
But the intensity of his pain had destroyed Paris - and if its intensity had been proportional to his love for her…
She tried not to think about it. It just made everything more difficult.
She had a plan to stick to; a plan which now involved a “no gifts to Adrien until Chat and I are over” clause, just in case.
“It’s a pretty beautiful night, isn’t it?” A voice sounded behind her, startling her.
She turned around, even though she would have recognised the voice anywhere. She had to check that he was still here, still okay.
Chat Noir was leaning on his baton on the rooftop, a sad smile on his face. It was his first visit since her encounter with Chat Blanc, even though she’d seen him many times since as Ladybug. He’d seemed to hold up fine in such instances, which was to be expected since he was blissfully ignorant of the situation, but there was  certain melancholy to him as he hopped down to come and join her.
“You should be sleeping, you know,” he said quietly, taking in the bags under her eyes.
“So should you,” Marinette replied.
He let out a bitter laugh. “Would that I could.”
Marinette stole a proper look at him. Under the moonlight, his skin had the pale hew of somebody who hadn’t slept in days (she’d know, having looked at herself in the mirror), and his eyes were puffier than usual. She was pretty sure that, were the mask to drop, his bags would at least match hers.
“Is everything alright?” She asked uneasily.
He looked into her eyes as he considered his answer. She looked genuinely worried about him, which he probably shouldn’t be surprised about, given that she loved him (she hadn’t come back on her words since their other encounter on her balcony, he realised). He came to the conclusion that he couldn’t lie to her; she deserved better than a façade. Plus, maybe she’d be able to help. She wasn’t his everyday Ladybug for nothing. “I’ve been having some nightmares, lately.” He escaped her gaze and turned towards the Seine and its gentle flow.
Marinette felt her heart beat faster in her chest. “Oh?” She gulped.
“I’m not sure how to explain…” He raked a hand through his hair. “I keep seeing this landscape. It… smells like destruction, if it makes sense. Water everywhere. The light is too bright. I don’t know what it means, what it is, but I know it’s bad news.”
Marinette couldn’t help but wrap her arms around him and hold him tightly. “I’m so sorry,” she mumbled against his chest.
“What was that?” He pushed her back slightly, just so she wouldn’t feel how quickly his heart was beating, and repressed a purr.
Marinette cleared her throat. “I’m so sorry you’re going through this. Nightmares aren’t fun.” She looked sadly at the Moon, not fully untangling herself from his arms.
He pulled her closer as he caught her tormented gaze, understanding her subtext. He didn’t want to probe too much into what bothered her since she didn’t seem to want to talk about it, but he wanted her to know that he was there for her.
She clutched his back like it was her lifeline and he reciprocated the gesture, resting his head over hers. The physical contact soothed him. He knew he shouldn’t get used to it, but he felt safe in Marinette’s arms. He waved away the thought that maybe it was where he belonged, and just made the most of the moment.
“We make quite a pair, don’t we?” he whispered when the Eiffel Tower flickered in the distance, the flashing lights disturbing his shut eyes. He considered that maybe it was time to go home.
“That, we do.” She smiled affectionately at him, stifling a yawn as he moved out of her reach. She wrapped her banket more tightly around her at the sudden absence of heat. “Thank you, Chat. For coming by.”
“Thank you , Marinette. I… I really needed that.”
“Anytime, Kitty.” She stood on her tiptoes and kissed his cheek. “To keep the nightmares at bay,” she explained the gesture, more to herself than to him, feeling her cheeks warm up as he looked at her with a mixture of awe and bewilderment.
He regained his countenance when he saw her shuffle uneasily. “Sleep well, Princess.” He kissed her forehead. “And see you soon.”
Marinette waved at him as he left, before climbing back down to her bed and curling up in her blanket. She slept soundly for the rest of the night.
Maybe anti-nightmare kisses really were a thing.
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somethingvaguetodo · 3 years
For @feeldaylight who requested #4 of the kissing prompts for ladynoir “An accidental brush of lips followed by a pause and going back for another, on purpose.”
Read on AO3 here.
Ladybug panted, her chest heaving with the effort to take each breath. She used her forearm to shove her soggy bangs out of her eyes, regretting that she hadn’t clipped them back before leaving the house. “Chat, I don’t know how much longer I can go on for.”
“Don’t quit on me now,” Chat’s grin was sharp, but she could see her exhaustion mirrored in his eyes.
“Can’t we call it a draw?” Ladybug asked, ducking low to avoid her partner's left hook.
Chat bounced on the balls of his feet. “After only eight rounds?” Her jab to his stomach sent him twisting in a warped pirouette, and he nearly crashed into the ropes of the ring. “Don’t you want to go the distance with me?” he asked with a waggle of his eyebrows.
“No,” Ladybug answered, not bothering to entertain his grin. “I want to go home and take a shower before my first lecture. Remind me why I let you talk me into this?”
“Because you love me,” Chat answered. Ladybug responded by punching him squarely in the jaw. He laughed as he fell backward onto the mat, but managed to use the momentum to spring back up. The timer sounded to end the round, and they both retreated to opposite corners.
As much as she didn’t really want to admit it, Chat wasn’t that far off. After they rescued Frederico from akumatization, he offered them unlimited access to his private gym before opening hours, as long as they were out before any paying customers arrived. And when Chat begged her with wide eyes to join him for workouts, claiming it would be good for their fighting technique and stamina, Ladybug didn’t have the heart to turn him down, and loved the idea of spending just that extra bit of time with him. So despite her hatred of mornings, Ladybug set an alarm for an ungodly hour once a week to meet him.
“Just two more rounds, bug,” Chat called. He downed an entire bottle of water, crushing the plastic in one hand before fitting his boxing glove back over his leather one.
Ladybug bit the strings of her gloves between her teeth so she could free her hands and attempt to fix her ponytail to keep her hair off of her sweaty neck. “What if I just drop to the ground when this round starts?” she mumbled around the strings.
Chat shook his head with a laugh. “You? The most competitive person out there?”
“Yeah, whatever,” Ladybug muttered. She started the timer again and adjusted her gloves.
They came together in the center of the ring, bobbing and weaving, ducking and diving. Ladybug managed to hit him with an uppercut that sent him reeling back, but he recovered quickly, catching her by surprise with a well aimed punch to the gut. Winded, she fell back, unable to catch her balance. She landed with a thud on the mat, her head heavy.
Chat rushed to follow her, kneeling beside her head. “One, two,” he started counting, smacking his hand against the mat beside her.
“Must you count so loud?” she moaned, unwilling to move but trying to muster up enough strength to beat the count. Chat didn’t seem to think she would be able to, and she allowed another moan to leak out of her, if only to lull him into a false sense of security.
Chat purposefully raised his voice as he continued counting. “Three, four, five.”
Ladybug waited until he got to a gleeful seven before she sprung up from the mat.
“Ha!” she cried, preemptively triumphant, but miscalculated and overbalanced into Chat, cracking their heads together.
Chat groaned, and fell back as he took her weight. She fell with him, body strewn across his chest, and hips twisted at a funny angle. His head bounced when it hit the mat and came back up to meet her, his lips colliding right into hers the same way their foreheads had just connected.
They both froze, Chat flat on the mat and Ladybug hovering a breath above him. She looked down at him, his wide eyes and his flushed cheeks. His lips were close, too close, and Ladybug found herself entertaining that niggling little thought that had been bothering her repeatedly for the past few years. The thought of how good Chat Noir was, how strong Chat Noir was, how gorgeous Chat Noir was. The thought that sometimes kept her up, late at night, lonely and longing and wondering about what could be if she just said yes.
So she leaned forward, closing that infinitesimal gap between them, and pressing her lips to his with purpose. Chat made a keening noise, a little desperate, and pushed up into her. He brought a hand up to cradle her head, but all she felt was the bump of the padded glove. She giggled and Chat groaned, but it turned into a low growl when she bit his lip, a growl that sent a pulse of electricity running down her spine.
He opened his mouth for her, pliant and willing underneath her, and she was nearly overwhelmed by the heat of him. She felt parched, somewhat from the workout but mostly from him, and Chat was her water. She lapped at him eagerly, taking everything he was willing to give.
She felt his arms shift, wrapping around her despite the gloves, and she settled into his embrace, tilting her head to try and avoid the blasts of heat from his every breath.
“Is this seriously what you two consider a work out?”
Ladybug jolted out of Chat Noir’s arms. Frederico stood framed in the doorway, keys dangling from his hand and his mouth stretched in a grin. “Because I think it’s better suited for a bedroom than a gym,” he continued.
Ladybug stood on shaky legs, hooking one glove in the ropes to pull herself up. She looked between Frederico, still framed in the doorway, and Chat, still lying prone on the mat, beaming at her despite looking like he was just hit by a truck.
“Um…” she started, trying to gather her breath and her wits in one shot. “You’ve been down for more than ten seconds,” she settled on, eyes focused on Chat. “I knocked you out.”
His eyes twinkled with happiness, all hints of exhaustion long chased away. “You certainly did, m’lady.”
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