#solas enjoys it tho :3
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astrxealis · 9 months ago
started da inquisition today played for 7 hours straight so far Thumbs Up good game
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felassan · 2 months ago
Hi 😊
I may have missed, so apologies if I did, recently returning to Tumblr after a long hiatus. I'm wondering if/hoping you found DATV satisfactory? If I recall, your Inquisitor was team Stop Solas? I'm happily living in Redeem Solas la-la land.
hello! ◕‿◕ and welcome back and thanku for asking! rest of post under cut due to spoilers.
yes I did! I enjoyed it!! I hope you also enjoyed your time playing through the game? and I'm happy that you liked the ending you chose (´∪`*)
yes (unfortunately for me and my heart 💀..), my Inquisitor believed that Solas had to be Stopped at all costs and vowed to do so in 9:44. I've played out all of the DA:TV endings and found 'redeem/convince him to stop' (which I fulfilled the requirements for in my first playthrough) to be v v emotional and moving, at once beautiful and sad. this goes for the 'Lavellan reunites' and 'Lavellan does not reunite' permutations both. made me ugly cry fr 🥺 based on the way I built my Inquisitor and then subsequently (unfortunately for me and my heart again ig lmaoo) my Rook to be tho, the 'canon' (in my worldstate only I mean!!) ending to this saga in my own Thedas was Trick, the Dread Wolf outfoxed. ouughh (⁠´⁠°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥⁠ω⁠°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥⁠`⁠) _(:3」∠)_
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alaztheri · 3 months ago
I finished Dragon Age: Veilguard. I am finally free. Some thoughts below the cut if you're interested. It will contain major spoilers.
Overall, I have mixed feelings about the game. I did enjoy playing it, the scenery was gorgeous, and the exploring and treasure chest hunting were really fun.
The main story and lore reveals were also fascinating to follow, but I do agree with a lot of people who said it was heavily sanitized to avoid controversy or not make people uncomfortable. Which I find odd because you can depict problematic themes while also NOT glorifying them.
I was curious to see more of the Titan lore and the Dwarves, but maybe future games. I think Hardings' quest was the most lore-heavy for me.
I can't speak for all romance routes, but for Lucanis' one it was cute, I love a good slow-burn. But this also felt like it needed some extra lines, cutscenes or reactions/facial expressions/body language. Spite is the best thing ever, Bioware will have to pry him from my cold dead hands.
I'm not a big fan of how most of the dialogue was written. Very VERY shallow in some scenes, and sometimes it felt like the characters just had to say their lines instead of talking to each other. Also, can we collectivelly please move on from stupid one-liner jokes every 3 second of a conversation? thx Davrin and Lucanis' bickering is 10/10 tho, kept me entertained the whole game.
The ending felt a bit all over the place, but this could just be me. LOVED seeing Solas in his Dread Wolf form battling that Archdemon. I thought that was really badass. I personally chose the Solavellan ending, because my Inquisitor romanced Solas in the previous game. And honestly, I quite liked this ending. Got very emotional thinking back on all the things my Inquisitor went through to get her to this very moment.
To be honest, I do see myself replaying this in the near future, even if just for the map exploring and listening to party banter while I roam aimlessly through Arlathan or Treviso.
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fenharel · 3 months ago
some of my thoughts after finishing veilguard a couple days ago before i start my second playthrough :)
ok i think its important to note first that the things i was most looking forward too was 1. solas, 2. solavellan, 3. lore. im self aware enough to know that this will have had some influence towards what i expected from the game and what i enjoyed/cared about or not 👍
solas: im honestly so happy. my man is finally happy and reunited with his wife!!!!!! my heart feels so full 😭 this game was a solas fans wet dream. absolutely loved everything we got. hunting down regrets and watching old memories. talking to him in the fade. the entire crossroads!!!!!! him shit talking elgar'nan. watching him go trickster mode and imprison rook. fighting the archdemon as the dread wolf!!!!!! i could go on forever. CHEFS KISS TO IT ALL<3333333333333 if anything i wish there would have been MORE im greedy what can i say
solavellan: screaming crying throwing up. i still cant believe it oh my fucking god
lore reveals: i found all the reveals about all our old theories so fun. i didnt like all of them (old gods are just dragons? c'mon.) but overall it felt so rewarding to have picked up on it all. or be totally surprised by something (mythal and solas the reason for the titans and the blight? wow.)
the executors, forgotten and forbidden ones: the next big bads of the next game huh!!!! loved what we got for the most part, the mysterious circle codexes where probably the most interesting in the game. anaris actually showing up shocked me. i wish bellaras brother didnt say "for plot reasons i must die" and actually told us something about him but oh well. im cautiously optimistic about the secret ending for now. what it implied could go either way for now...
main quest: not all of them, but a lot of them were awesome. dare i say some quests were up there with the best main quests in da??? weisshaupt was epic. or the blood of arlathan. every time we get to talk to solas (thehe<3). the final bits. the strong points were so strong that the low points got highlighted a bit too much imo
act 3: by far my favourite act. this was soooo good. the romance finally (?!) kicking it. suicide mission 2.0 stressed me tf out. the varric reveal? send me to the asylum. solas tricking rook? king behaviour i was cheering for him while crying about varric. the dread wolf transformation. the conversation between solas/mythal/lavellan at the end. i basically was in tears throughout half of the thing. couldnt read the credits at all. act 3 was amazing
minrathous vs treviso: i loved this especially with the angst of playing a shadow dragon who failed minrathous. and then the consequences and quest changes this causes throughout the game was really cool. i wish there were more bigger choices like this since it felt a bit flat choice wise besides of this one, but it was amazing.
villains: ghilan'nain and elgar'nan were great. they really felt like the tyrannical gods they were supposed to be. im so glad there was mostly no corypheus-esque cringe. (tho especially ghil had some video gamey lines but sdjkfhjksdf i still love her)
rook: i dont really care much about rook.. 🙈. mind you rook was certainly not the reason why i wanted to play this game so im sure a second playthrough will make me warm up to them more, now that my head is more free, but it just didnt insta click. rook didnt feel like a real person to me, almost nobody had any (to my taste) realistic reactions towards them. the stakes just were too high for them to get treated this way (nobody is pissed off that they freed the gods? everyone just believes them when they say gods are walking around? everyone just agrees to work with them? nobody cares how rook is doing? or who rook even is? idk.) i didnt like the introduction much either. the shepard treatment didnt work for me here, just believing that rook is fit for the job because varric says so wasn't enough for me. rook also has barely anything going on for them either besides of being the relentless "good guy". we never see them doubt themselves or be fearful or be mean. all the dialogue options are the same as well. its.... boring. anyway i dont wanna bash on rook, i know i'll end up liking them more later. the headcanons will be headcanoning<3
companions: i... don't have strong feelings about most of them? all of them got to me sooner or later, made me cry. but afterwards im still 🤷‍♀️ about most. i didnt feel like we get to know them as deeply as we get to know companions in the previous games. i really really missed sitting in the lighthouse for hours and talk to them, ask them about their profession or what they are about outside of cutscenes like in the previous ones. i think that would have helped me click with them faster. i didnt find all companion quests very strong either. the "high stakes" of the main story made some conflicts feel a bit like we can just fix that after the story lol. i did not like the mass effect 2 treatment of them much... (but me2 is overrated anyway sshh dont kill me<3) some companion quests i did find interesting lore wise (bellara, harding) even if i wish that some of them would have went a bit deeper there. anyway i know i'll probably end up loving them all after a couple of playthroughs, this almost always happens to me, dai is the best example.
combat: don't care. this isn't my type of combat, i don't play a lot of super actiony combo dodge dodge block combat games. still hate the limited abilities. at least it didn't feel too clunky on mouse and keyboard and it was "fun enough" to me so thats good
puzzles: i could put them into the bad category but at least they weren't too terrible so i don't want to be too harsh. but i don't enjoy doing them. i dont want to search for a crystal in a bush. i mean i did them all but at what cost. this felt like filler i thought they wanted to avoid by not adding fetch quests???
pacing: this games hardest battle imo. the pacing of the game is... strange. act 1 is way too fast. it feels like we're running and have absolutely no time for anything. (makes sense! didnt work well though). act 2 then drags a bit with all the companion quests, and the mix really drags the progression of the romances as well to a ridiculous degree. at least with lucanis, idk how it is with the others. i love him and i can headcanon to fill in the blanks so i liked his romance, but it does make it seem like nothing is happening for 50 hours for everyone who doesnt like to headcanon around. anyway, the pacing/storytelling felt often not fitting. it was trying to be mass effect in a story that is too complex and the lore too rich to run through it. this felt like the main reason why we just never went very deep into the lore of the factions or new npcs, or learn or see certain things, the complex nature of the crows, or tevinter magisters and their slaves, we are just running all the damn time? we never get to explore certain things that would feel unnatural to come up in a conversation or in some other way because we are limited by the things the story "has time for". or what the devs had time for.
wishy washy writing: not everywhere but in some places and im not used to that in a da game so its a bit baffling. "the blight is different now so thats the reason for x trust me bro" ok....? "the first of my people do not die so easily" = mythal is shattered and lives on, makes sense. but the other evanuris are all dead, even the ones that were "dead" already? why? idk........ i shall stay delusional for now and hope i've missed something in my completionist run that i now in my next run will find somewhere lol. besides of that, the tone and language used by rook and companions is strangely unfitting as well. coloquial words like "it's cool" are frequently used, among other things. it stands in contrast to the writing of the previous games and is often immersion breaking.
limited worldstate: i had hoped they at least commit to it when i heard about this. but then adding little references that could have just been made personal by switching one line just made the reference a bit jarring sometimes instead of exciting. or making morrigan eat mythals memories for the regret quest....really? this could have been the well of sorrows choice, why could they not have just made the inquisitor show up in the crossroads if they were the one that drank from it. this whole choice thing + some other problems ended up feeling like something they didnt really want to do but ended up doing because the game was in development for so long they just had to finally fucking finish it. and it sucks for us.
the veil: why... is it still there? they left breadcrumps of clues throughout the entire series about all the positives it would do if it was gone, even add a damn prophecy, and then just dont do it.... ever perhaps? must the blight really be cured for this? demons forever feared? listen im just glad solas is ok at the end of the day but he could still have had his redemption/healing/forgiving himself moment after destroying it imo.
i wish the inquisitor was more involved in everything :((( the moments we did get made me SO happy but. yeah.
no quicksave and the skip button that ruined my screenshots deserve their own bullet point what the hell
anyway enough yapping!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! overall i loved the game because the stuff i cared about the most was the best aspects of the game sdkjhsdjkf im not ashamed to admit that this is my new solas 2.0 game. ..... <3
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lunastarlight593 · 2 months ago
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Gonna talk about my Cannon Rook and Dragon age a lot on here so I’m introducing Anna “Taron” de Riva!!! I love her so much and the questions are from @pinkhallaclub
1)Where in the Thedas is your Rook from?
Anna is born and raise in Tevinter, specifically from Minrathous until she was 13-15 years old
2)What is your character’s alignment?
Chaotic neutral or true neutral. Anna will do whatever she believes is right, even if it seems wrong to others and will be really reckless/won’t think before doing. At least at the beginning of the game
3)Race and subclass?
A human mage
4)If your Rook was companion, where would they be found?
She would be found in Minrathous on a contract, kinda. The “contract” is actually one she failed a year or two ago, before the game story takes place of course, and her mentor was killed by the man/contract she was supposed to kill and has finally found him again after that failure
5)What emotion did they usually pick?
Mostly the sarcasm/sassy ones and the stoic/serious ones
6)What companion are you platonically close with?
I would say Anna is close to Davrin and Bellara the most. After spending time with Davrin, she sees him as a genuine chill guy and not as bad as she thought for a Warden. And sees Bellara as a younger sister, like having Bellara ramble to her about anything
7)Romantically close with?
Lucanis :)
8)Who are they suspicious of?
Neve only cause she doesn’t trust any mages from Minrathous
9)Does your Rook get along with their chosen Faction?
Yes but after the fucking up the Talons operation, its now a “meh”, but slowly getting along again
10)Are they proficient in playing any instruments?
Yes, Anna plays a elven bass, specifically her father’s bassve
11)Weapon of choice?
Dagger and elemental orb, does use a staff from time to time tho. Uses thunder magic but knows a few neurotic spells
12)What is their orientation?
13)What are their thoughts on killing? Is it a necessary evil or do they enjoy it?
I mean to her it’s a necessary cause she is a Crow but if it’s not for her job, she still will depend on the situation
14)What hobbies does your Rook have?
Anna plays music and dances, training either her fighting skills or magic, reads but not as much, gambling in card games and making bets with her fellow Crows, cooking, making poisons and alchemy, and origami
15)What NPCs do they like? Which one's do they dislike?
Anna loves Antoine and Evka and is she is honestly surprised to get along well with the Wardens. Has a love/hate relationship with Viago, sees her as a brother but after sending her away, Anna is piss with him still but their relationship gets better later on in the story. Love Teia but who doesn’t love Teia. Kinda hates Illario but not really at the same time. Really hates the First Warden and Governor Ivenci but yet again she hates politicians/military
16)Do they have a favorite creature in the Thedas?
Likes snakes, halla, and birds
17)Do they enjoy life as an adventurer?
She does, especially when Anna is traveling with Varric to find Solas cause it’s not her typical contract
18)What would your Rook be doing if they weren't recruited by Varric?
Honestly, she would probably be either kick out by crows or might even be kill by them. Or she would still be finding that failed “contract”
19)How do you think they'll meet their end?
Either old age or on a contract
20)Would they side with Solas or fight him?
Anna would fight him for sure
21)What is your Rook's favorite ability?
Void Blade and Tempest
22)What languages is your character fluent in?
Common tongue and Tevinter, some Antivan, and a bit of elvish. But she knows every curse word lol
23)What do they do after an absolute crisis?
She will keep acting her usual self, until Anna is by herself and she will just yell and scream and cry
24)Does your character believe in the afterlife?
Not really
25)What specialization best represents your Rook?
Spellblade cause it was specialise with the Crows but it also works for her story too
26)What animal best represents your Rook?
A cat or maybe a falcon
27)What was their life like before the events of Veilguard?
Lived in Minrathous for 13-15 years, jump on a boat and landed in Trevio, robbed people including Viago, was brought in to the crows by Viago, Viago and someone else(don’t know his name yet)train Anna, loses her other mentor due to her mistakes on a contract, meets Lucanis and gets along with him, Anna gets captured by the Venatori while finding the contract, and gets magic at the age of 32 because of the Venatori
28)Is your character the de facto leader of the party? Or do they consider someone else to be the leader?
Took charge as soon as when Varric ask her to, but Anna is starting to regret it/thinks she is a awful leader after the dragon attack and Weisshaupt
29)If you could choose a different faction for your Rook, which one would they have joined and why?
Anna would either join the Shadow Dragons or Lords of Fortune. For the Shadow Dragons: if she had stayed in Minrathous longer, Anna would have found out about them and joined. For Lords of Fortune: would have probably ended up there instead, Anna didn’t know where the boat would have taken her when she snuck on
30)What's your favorite thing about your Rook?
Anna’s sassness and her relationships with the characters(and looks cause god damn she is fine)
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fenharel-babe · 5 months ago
A quick ramble of Papae Solas:
In my canon, Solas meets my Lavellan 3 times in total after DAI and it all ends in sex (ofc it does bc Bloom has NEVER had it before him and she’s in love with him sm and he’s a weak weak man). The first time is like 3 years after Trespasser, the second is about a year after that (he needed more) and then the third time is about a year BEFORE DATV.
It’s all sad and angsty the third time bc she KNOWS He’s going to do something from the way he’s acting and she’s just enjoying it the best she can without worrying about anything.
But rn I’m thinking about something. I believe in DA, because it’s a magic world, there could be a spell similar to birth control, like something that would stop pregnancy. I imagine that they use that spell each time instead of a condom (since they never know when they’re going to meet and Bloom never thinks about it bc he assures her he uses the spell) but….this time…the spell breaks. He uses it because he’s so cautious and so is she.
But he’s so upset and focused on losing himself in her and his magic is a little drained from all his work that…the spell breaks as soon as they both orgasm. He doesn’t realize it, but *she* does. She knows it broke, and she had a good feeling of what would happen. Instead of freaking out (at least out loud) and telling him, she kept it a secret from him and made sure none of his agents, enemies, or her past enemies (since she disbanded the inquisition) knew about this pregnancy.
The only people she told were a few of her family (the inquisition members that are close to her and her family from the Circle and such) members. Her brother being the first and then…DORIAN!!! She knew that man would be upset if he wasn’t one of the first people she told lmao. But ANYWAYS!!!! She freaks out and she’s, like, genuinely nervous and afraid. She has a human son, BUT he was adopted when she was in Kirkwall (before inquisition). So….shes never given birth before and it’s frightening, but she pushes through it all.
Solas NEVER knows. He has 0 idea about this pregnancy and that his love is literally carrying their children. He stops seeing her because he needs to focus on his mission, so she feels lonely and emotional though she understands. She never told him, so why would he visit? Once the twins are born, she raises them with her family the best she can. She gives them so much love, just like the others do. Even if they don’t understand her truly, she always says that their father would love them, that he *will* love them. She knows she’ll save him and that everything will be okay. At least she keeps telling herself that anyways.
So they’re literally only a few months old when DATV happens, but she will STILL go to that man to yell at him and talk to him and make him be safe and happy even tho she literally just gave birth a few months ago. Doesn’t matter. She’ll push through it, she’s survived worse. But yeah when she finally arrives and they get Solas, she eventually pulls him aside and tells him she needs to show him something, and when he says they’re all busy (the usual excuse he uses when he’s afraid to confront something) she basically says “NO. WE ARE FACING THIS NOW” and he listens. She’s never really yelled like she would at this time, so he knows it’s serious. He follows her through an eluvian to Joseph’s (her brother) and Cassandra’s home (they got together in my canon :)) and she shows him the twins.
He feels like he’s in a trap. Like he got slapped in the face, punched in the stomach, or even stabbed. It’s just…what? She had twins? And they’re his too? He has so many questions, but he goes quiet when she asks him softly “…Do you want to hold one of them? I want them to see your face. Please.”
And he holds one at a time. What else could he say? Deny her this little request? He wants to see them, hold them, love them, and he *does*. Even if it’s a quick moment, he holds them close and whispers his love for them and his apologizes and sorrow. He feels even MORE guilt towards Bloom since she dealt with this without him, but she doesn’t blame him since she never told him. She just says “This is another reason to keep fighting. *This* is why I’m so desperate to help Solas, and why I want to save you. I love you, and I can’t let you leave *us*.”
‘Us’ no longer means her family, but now THEIR FAMILY. And he fights harder because he doesn’t just have his love to return to, he has his own children to protect and live for. He can’t abandon them now that he knows they exist. He can’t, and he won’t as long as he has breath in his lungs.
At the end of the battles, they live. Solas and her manage to live together, making sure to hash out all their issues and deal with them together, and raise their kids with such love. Bloom makes sure to pay attention to Cameron (her human son), too, don’t get me wrong. She makes sure *all* her kids know she loves them with everything in her. And Solas does the same, making sure their kids (and Cam too even if he never sees him as his actual dad since he’s a teenager by the time Solas meets him) know he loves them more than anything.
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jazzmckay · 2 months ago
started davg today! haven't made it very far but im enjoying it :>
commentary and screenshots below, including ~female presenting n*ps~ lol
spoilers, obviously
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my girl fuckin blinked right as i took the shot cant believe this shit. get a load of her tits tho
im playing a female qunari rogue with the shadow dragon backstory. playing a they/them calls to me SO hard, and i will 100% be doing that in my second playthrough. i just already had an idea for this character and was gonna do it in dai but never got even close so! now shes a rook instead lmao
speaking of they/thems, i chose my first lavellan for the inquisitor and did a TERRIBLE job of making them in vg's character creation. someday ill redo them while having a dai screenshot as reference bc this feels like it doesnt look like them at all. mostly the eyes and cheekbones are super wrong, alas, i was getting impatient to actually start the game by this point, id already been in cc for a million years. i also couldnt find the option to choose their class so theyre listed as a hunter instead of the keepers first whoops
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my first choice was to beat up a whole bar instead of talking things out :)
my second choice was smashing every pot i came into contact with
tevinter is absolutely gorgeous. im enjoying the wilderness and fade stuff that comes after too, but i hope it isnt too long before i get to see more big active cities. all the magic built into the architecture, sometimes in ways that feel so modern while still being medieval fantasy, is fascinating
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a good boy.... best boy. so cute
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always love murals and statues and shit in these games. l o r e
im still struggling to get a hang of the controls--there are so many attack styles that i can barely keep it straight, before even getting into the abilities. i do enjoy this kind of combat a lot though. it reminds me of witcher 3 combat, which i really love, its just gonna be a hot minute before i'm no longer bumbling around like a dumbass lmao
the solarric really be solarricing dude love them sm. doomed yaoi... also there's already so much to pick apart with solas gosh. AND even tho ive only seen their outlines, ghilly and elgar look super cool. im looking forward to learning more about the connection with the darkspawn. have been curious about that since playing return to ostagar in origins and seeing what looked like a darkspawn-made altar to ghilan'nain
favourite status update ive gotten so far:
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i'm digging neve the most. i feel like im betraying an old friend when i support her over harding but :( neve
also since im playing a female rook, the party feels SO "varric and the girlies" right now. ladies ladies ladies. full squad of women constantly since varric got stabbed (lets go doomed yaoi lets go). we love to see it. and theyre all so pretty ;w; harding sitting on the couch with her legs tucked up all cutely.... girl thats illegal. i wanna scoop her up into my strong arms
(theyre also cool characters, i just got distracted with queer thoughts sry)
had to stop right after the ogre fight. looking forward to whats coming up next!
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nerrels · 25 days ago
for the rook questions!! 1, 3, 9 and 14 please :)
Thanks for asking @ollypopwrites ! :>
I was very happy to have a chance to write something about them!
Originally, I wanted to answer with all my Rooks, but it took me so long...and I only got patience with my 3 mains.
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Virida Aldwir (qunari rogue veil jumper):
1.What is your Rook's biggest pet peeve?
When stranger (someone she doesn’t know or trust) tries to touch her. Like putting their hands over her shoulders, playfully touching her hair or arms and ect.
3.What does your Rook's favorite mug look like?
Simple red clay cup with drawn flowers on it, given as present for helping some villager. She loves handmade stuff.
9.What would your Rook's café order be?
Virida rarely has a chance to visit cafes and she orders something new that she couldn’t cook while in Veil Jumper camps or in wildlife. And for drinks her choice is herbal tea.
14.Extra: If someone wanted to reach your Rook but couldn't find them, who would be the best person to ask where they are?
Strife, since he was her boss. In pre-veilguard, Virida worked as leader for search groups if someone was lost or lead as navigator through Arlathan forest for researchers. She also does solo trips for finding new ruins, possible traps or anomalies.
Her adoptive elven parents, Varalan and Mairin. They become non-official leaders of Veil Jumper’s settlement. Virida write them letters, when she moves long distance, to let them in which region is she.
Nailynn Thorne (elf mage grey warden):
1.What is your Rook's biggest pet peeve?
Being rudely interrupted or mean attitude in general.
3.What does your Rook's favorite mug look like?
Blue old metal cup she got from Warden’s campsite after she joined them. Something you won’t be upset if you’ll lose it. For her it’s reminder of new life.
9.What would your Rook's café order be?
Nailynn wants something simple or familiar. After becoming a warden, her tastes in food become more undemanding. Something you can grab and eat. Sandwiches and black coffee.
14.Extra: If someone wanted to reach your Rook but couldn't find them, who would be the best person to ask where they are?
(Pre-veilguard) Warden Rodan Thorne. After the Joining, he took her under a wing, even gave Lynn his surname “Thorne”. They used to write each other, while searching for Solas, but lost contact in Act 1 or 2.
Tho, Lynn is hard to loose. She’s pretty clingy and sticks with groups. I think she’ll spend her free time with Neve, Davrin or Harding.
Teighan Ingellvar (dwarf warrior mourn watcher):
1.What is your Rook's biggest pet peeve?
Passive-aggressive behavior or when someone trying provoke her into a fight.
3.What does your Rook's favorite mug look like?
Green ceramic mug in Nevarra’s style with hexagon design and ect. This was present from one their caretakers from the orphanage. Very protective over this one.
9.What would your Rook's café order be?
Teighan is sweet-tooth. They would enjoy ice-cream in any time and weather. And for drinks something warm like glühwein.
14.Extra: If someone wanted to reach your Rook but couldn't find them, who would be the best person to ask where they are?
(Pre-veilguard) Lady Marjeanne. She’s a housemother of the orphanage, where they grew up. Tei rarely but visits and sends letters and money for orphanage.
Original ask: Compilation of Rook Questions
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broodwoof · 8 months ago
really enjoying jadal cadash <3 still doing a lot of work re: figuring her out, but i like what i have so far
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going with the canon background, so she was part of the carta, and the carta definitely did some Bad Shit when she was working with them, but she wasn't good at it. she'd let ppl go, couldn't extort anyone to save her life, that kinda thing
however, they found out that she was good at sales. she's charming, personable, and has an easygoing manner that puts ppl at ease, so she was their go-to member for making deals, building rapport, etc. over time she became quite proficient at it, building up a certain shrewdness that benefited her work. but at heart she's really quite sincere
her wide range of experience and ability to read between the lines of interactions made her an obvious candidate to send to the conclave, but obviously becoming inquisitor was Not part of the plan
building her as a specifically Black character and the lack of good in-game hairstyles is painful ahh so i'm still theorizing about what kind of style(s) she'd go for, although i think she'd switch to protective styles once she was a part of the inquisition. in the carta she had people she trusted to help her with her hair and she would wear it more intricately styled in those days, although again, i'm still working on the particulars. i just know that in her carta days it was higher maintenance and as inquisitor she shifted towards protective styles
she romances bull and obviously that's like. there's smth fun there about sizes lmao but also she just really cares about him
some little details about her:
she does not care for animals. at all. any of them.
she's a sword & shield warrior and she's good at it, although violence is far from her preference - but she's grown to accept the reality of it while part of the inquisition
she's very ???? about everyone calling her the herald/the inquisitor. she's not upset she's just confused like okay..... sure.... whatever you say i guess.......
saw bull and was like "hm. wanna climb that."
started talking to bull and was like "oh shit i actually care about him. still wanna climb him too."
then she slept with bull and was like "oh wow that was not what i was expecting. hmm. i like it tho."
pretty close with everyone - she's a people person!
she's wary about mages re: lack of exposure/lots of horror stories, but she trusts solas, dorian, and vivienne
in a similar vein, she's wary about qunari but trusted bull early on
she, like pretty much everyone, is deeply wary about spirits/demons but went the templar route (absorbing the order) and is like *points at cole* he saved me he's good he's my friend everybody be nice
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livingthedragonlife · 2 months ago
*throws myself into this chatbox like an ogre bitch slapped by a dragon* 50 (more) ROOK QUESTIONS 4. 9. 15. 39.
[the ask game in question]
[my Rook, real name Valonril, also Val, I use all 3 interchangeably]
4. What does Solas think of Rook?
Bitterness aside, I think Solas admired Rook’s determination to defeat the gods at any cost, but had absolutely no faith that he’d be able to do so. He may be stubborn, but he’s also a child (comparatively speaking), and knows nothing of sacrifice. Rook made a good effort, but now it’s time for the adults to take over. Also I think he was bitter Val snarked at him so much.
By the end, I’m not sure if he realizes how much Val hates his sorry ass, because he brought Mythal and the Inquisitor back to him. Whether or not he realizes that Val only did this because he knew it was his best chance at getting Solas to cooperate, I think he’s grateful for the chance to put his past to rest, and start working on the future with the woman he loves.
Meanwhile, Val is looking at them kiss in that ending cutscene like… is this allowed?
9. A sweet scene between Rook and their LI(s):
Once Valonril finds out Davrin used to sing to the halla, he neverrrrr gives this man a moment’s peace. He’ll affectionately pester Davrin to sing to him while they’re chilling together, whether they’re in the Lighthouse or taking Assan for mushroom hunt. Davrin will huff and puff indignantly every time, but secretly enjoys how easily he can put Rook to sleep with just a few verses of a Dalish lullaby.
15. Who else has a crush on Rook?
That one Venatori guy you can overhear during Unwanted Guests for sure.
Real answer: Val has a type, so he didn’t flirt with anybody else on the team. He did, uh, get around quite a bit when he was in the Veil Jumpers, so one of them seeing him come back a year later leading his own team and saving the world? Yeah. Okay. Perhaps there’s something to that.
Specifically companions tho? He and Bellara are besties and very similar, so she might have had a thing for him. Unfortunately he is very gay so it would never happen, but they still love each other platonically.
39. What’s it been like, living in the Lighthouse?
Rook likes it fine enough, it’s interesting and it’s got a lot of history, but nothing beats living under a forest canopy to him. He misses hearing the sounds of the trees and birds and bugs, he misses the breeze, the smell of earth and grass. It’s how he’s lived his whole life, pretty much, and being confined to a single small room with a big fish tank is quite a culture shock.
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m4sonn · 10 months ago
┊ ˚➶ 。˚ ☁️The Gang’s Favorite music Artists.
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The gang’s favorite music artists and songs! :3
(Thanks to my friend @peachyponyboyy whom I collaborate with for this posts and posts like this)
ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ : Pony Boy
>Blake Sheldon, he secretly likes country but won't admit it. 
>Post Malone. He loves Sunflower, got him into the spiderverse.
>Taylor Swift, his favorite song from her is “ME!” and “You Belong With Me”
>Unironically listens to Panic! At the Disco.
 >Live Laugh Laufey, Favorite song is “Letter to my 13 year old self” 
> Mitski enjoyer, knows every mitski song. His fav mitski song is a pearl.
> Listens to one Lil Uzivert song and it’s “The end”
ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ : Sodapop
>Schoolboy Q. I Don’t need to explain further. “Collard Greens” on BLAST.
>He has a wide variety of music, on spotify his liked playlist has around 7,300 songs added.
> Enjoys himself some Laufey after Ponyboy introduced her to him. His favorite song from Laufey is “Valentine” or “I Wish You Love”
>Kendrick Lamar, he recites “tryna strike up a chord, it's probably A Minooooooooor”
>He is all the way on kendricks side of the diss, He started screaming like a girl when he heard “Meet the Grahams”
>Metro Boomin, he loves the spider verse album he had made. 
> listens to one mitski song and it’s washing machine heart (found it off of TikTok, has been listening to that song since 2020 when it went TikTok famous)
> he went to a mitski concert once with pony and Johnny and only knew washing machine heart. looked at pony like he was crazy when he started scream singing to all of the songs
ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ : Darry
>Honestly, he listens to whatever is on Top 100 Hits or R&B stations.
>Definitely a country music person.
>probably listens to the “did your boots stop working” song and says he relates to it (???)
>His favorite artist is Hozier, favorite song is “Take Me To Church” absolutely.
>Like I said, No Doubt is one of his favorites. He cries everytime he hears “Don’t Speak” (DON'T SPEEAAAK, I KNOW JUST WHAT YOU’RE SAAAYIN, SO PLEASE STOP EXPLAININ.. DON'T TELL ME CUUZ IT HUUUUURTS)
>Destiny’s child listener, fav song is survivor (he relates on a personal level)
>Dolly parton, “A SINGLE MOM WHO WORKS TWO JOBS WHO LOVES HER KIDS AND NEVER STOPS” (also relates on a personal level)
ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ : Dally
> He listens to fucking Playboi Carti
>He probably listens to random ass trap music with the dude just sayin “Yeah, oh- yuh, poppin pills” and shi
>In secret he listens to The neighborhood and Arctic Monkeys, “Daddy Issues” and “Arabella” are his JAM.
> I feel like he listens to Peso Pluma, he tries singing along to “Ella Baila Sola” but struggles with spanish.
> He’s also an enjoyer of 6arelyhuman, kreyshawn, ke$ha, and ICP, change my mind.
ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ : Johnny
>He is SUCH conan gray fan, it's not even funny.
>Mitski’s “Nobody” on BLAST.
>Him and Dally share a cig over “Daddy Issues” by The Neighborhood. They just sit in silence.
>Bro’s playlist consists of The Cranberries, The Smiths, The Strokes, The All American Rejects, and The Offspring, Literally any 80’s through 2010’s Indie or Grunge Artist/Band he loves.
> “Let The Light In” is a song he shares with Ponyboy, they’ll sit in the park sharing earbuds, watching the sunset while reading Gone With the Wind.
>One of his favorite songs is “Je te laisserai des mots”. He enjoys Euro music.
> listens to System of a Down
> secretly likes the living tombstone, tally hall, babymetal, wheezer, and lemon demon but refuses to admit it.
ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ : Two-Bit
>Lets be so fr he only listens to Disney Hits.
>If it's not that he listens to whatever Darry listens to.
ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ : Steve
>Listens to stupid shit like Ice Spice or smt, Nicki minaj on blast tho ❗❗❗
>listens to whatever Sodapop listens to.
>Also has the Lion King Soundtrack on repeat.
> enjoys lil uzivert, but only the songs before he came out as nonbinary, not because he’s homophobic but because he just thinks they’re better
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starheirxero · 1 year ago
Ok so, I ask a lot about our favorite boi (Centi... my Beloved...) however I was wondering if you have any interesting thoughts about other characters in the castle (Which, assuming is similar to canon and is only Sunvent).
As a result I have three big questions! One, which is based on almost every universe having eclipse drinking massive amounts of tea, does he like tea/ can eat? Two, does he interact with the world's inhabitants outside of when eclipse does, and does he enjoy it when he does (even if eclipse is there?)
finally three, since in most AU it is explained that the reason eclipse isn't rotting from the star power is because he is using something else as a conduit (a servant, since every surviving lord has a servant). does eclipse use sun as a conduit system, and how do you head canon that effects him?
if these are completely irrelevant its totally fine if you can only answer one or two (or if you just feel like answering a bit of this, I'm just happy to brain rot in the Centi box)
Anyway here is this as ask box rent
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1) I think technically Lord Eclipse could eat/drink (nanobots and/or star power stuff) but I think he simply chooses not to unless it's for dramatic effect, yk? (hence the lack of mouth) Like, I drew him with a wine glass one time, but it was definitely just for dramatic effect and to seem like he's "casual" in the situation rather than to actually enjoy it LOL
2) I'm assuming you mean Sunvant here and in that case: yes, he does actually interact with the other followers a good bit and yes, I'd say he usually enjoys it(and probably especially with Lord Eclipse there)! Or, like, during the earlier years at least. Since Sun was basically Lord Eclipse's right-hand, he was regarded with as much respect as Eclipse himself! His very presence was like a morale boost LOL
But, I think that as Lord Eclipse started to become less and less sociable, Sun started to be recognized less as "the saint" and more "the favorite" which led to colder or outright cruel treatment from some. He still goes out and interacts with other people, but a good outing is no longer defined by how many people he helps and instead by how many people don't outright taunt him </3
3) OH YESYES I'VE HEARD OF THAT IDEA !!! Anima Sola was my first introduction to the concept and it is so cool to me LMAO 🙏 I don't think Sunvant is used as a conduit in this world tho?? Maybe. I dunno that might be subject to change now actually LOL
I feel like if Centiclipse did use Sun in such a way, there wouldn't be too too much change?? or. well. mmm??? Not too much change in the dynamic, but maybe a bit of change in what is focused on, if that makes any sense.
Lord Eclipse telling Sun that if he wants to stay his servant and hold onto such a power, then he needs to act like it(not that he would ever get rid of Sun, he needs him too much). Sun being horrified at his own fantasies of finding a way to rip out the connection between him and Eclipse. OOO maybe certain dissenters would try to kill Sun in hopes of taking down Eclipse.....
I dunno, I'll definitely say it's fun to entertain!! It's almost a dlc sorta idea! It just adds on to what was already there and makes it a little more angsty LOL
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ramon-tikaram-love · 3 months ago
so i finished Veilguard two days ago and now have more time to do other things, but i'm still experiencing some end of story blues and don't feel like doing much (listening to Still Got the Blues now). but i'm sure i'll feel like it soon. i miss the characters.
i enjoyed the game a lot and thought it was good, but it had some flaws.
my biggest issue was that Inquisitor and Dorian, and possibly a few other powerful individuals, didn't help Rook and Varric stop Solas' ritual at the beginning. as far as they knew, Solas was going to destroy the world. that ought to be kind of a priority to stop, even if they were busy with stuff. there was never any explanation for this and it partly ruined my immersion throughout. i can't think of any satisfying explanation either. and it shouldn't have been that much harder to make work gameplay-and-story-wise to be better than the current situation.
Rook was a bit OP and did too much. i think some more heroism should've been delegated to other companions and NPCs. another thing that lessened my immersion.
the graphics and animations were really nice all around. the story was engaging and dramatic, with impactful choices, and i enjoyed the system of companion quests, particularly liking Emmrich's and Davrin's stories. Taash's, Harding's and Lucanis' were nice too. most of the companions and other NPCs were entertaining and likeable, and the areas were beautiful and fun to explore. and there were both big sad and big happy moments, and mixes of both. also funni.
i missed dracolisks, and was disappointed we didn't get to meet some previous companions. actually there were quite few we got to meet. i was looking forward to seeing Zevran at least in a side-quest in Antiva. but it was good with those we did meet. Dorian and Inquisitor were the most important! lovely that their romance was incorporated too <3<3<3.
when i started the game i didn't know much about what i wanted with my Rook, only that they'd be a non-binary elf. i wanted to romance all the companion men, but the game didn't let me. i soon fell in love with Emmrich tho <3. i do have a thing for elegant necromancers.
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vounoura · 4 months ago
general da4 thoughts; major general spoilers (I mean it)
destroying the entire south off-screen is a bit of a choice; I can't say I necessarily disagree with it bc the evil gremlin in my brain loves that shit, I actually loved how bleak a lot of the stakes were esp in act 2/3, how every victory came at extreme cost, that they were brave enough to force at best one mandatory main character death and at worst a TPK, and that they weren't afraid to take a baseball bat to the places we loved. On the other hand, I wish we'd seen some of it. Rook having to keep northern Thedas from imploding in on itself while also helping the Inquisitor down south in engagements against the 2x Blight could've been really cool, esp. bc the Inquisitor has a weirdly absent role for how much Solas is involved.
If you are going to do it off-screen tho; as someone who defended the decision pre-release, this is where you really feel the lack of reactivity imo. I do think more choices should've been included, particularly with the fight in the south. If the states you left places in from DAO/2/I affected how they fared during DAV (ie. maybe Gaspard is the worse political choice in DAI, but his aggressive military response in DAV is what keeps Orlais alive when the 2x Blight hits; maybe banishing the Wardens from Orlais significantly affects if they can defend themselves when the Blight knocks on their door, and by the time you can repeal that decision it's already too late. maybe saving both Amaranthine and Vigil's Keep gives at least a part of Ferelden a better chance to survive, whether or not the Inquisition is still around and the Inquisitor has an army to use should be massive, etc) I think maybe the decision to have the south under a losing siege off-screen would've gone over / felt better if at least you could've affected how it went down a bit. I know they want to make the threat and power of Ghilan'nain and Elgar'nan really apparent, but still. I guess that's h/c territory for me now
That being said like I said I actually really enjoyed the really bleak stakes, and I have a lot of whinges and quibbles but still mostly enjoyed the experience. granted I am extremely easy to please re: DA and I fully admit that, but my heart almost did not recover from the endgame I did not know if Neve survived helping the VJs for like a full hour
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oopsallmabari · 6 months ago
ok yayyy it seems like it was just an adamant fortress thing, attacking while in the fade didn't trigger any sticking
rip tho I would have enjoyed watching clarel actually run through the battlements as opposed to getting stuck and then teleporting away when the game realized she was supposed to be elsewhere😂
anyway I brought solas bull and cole with me for maximum Everyone Hates This Except For One Fuckin Guy :3
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tinta--branca · 1 year ago
waow !! a get to know me tag !! thanku for the tag @giselberts it's v sweet of u <3
last song: ready (mulher batida) by orelha negra and a garota não
favourite colour: i think it's pink ?? I haven't checked in in a while but i've been rlly into like pastel pink these past few months
currently watching: foundation! though i stop when im not sick so i'm on like,, episode 8 i think? enjoying it so far very good vibes
last movie/tv show: watched a few episodes of digimon tamers for nostalgia a few days ago :'D
spicy/savoury/sweet: i like all of them but recently i've been more into sweet foods,, i'm also craving fruit something fierce rn
relationship status: qpr wahoo !!
current obsession: i'm in uni application hell so it's all a bit scattered atm D: we'll say seals since that's always the case :'D they're so cute
last google search: 'build outdoor wall house flipper' because i decided to zone out and play for a bit instead of working shhh
tagging anyone that wants to do this tbh,, tho also @rimetin, @not-today-solas, and @rustmountain bc u guys use tumblr sometimes right ;3;;
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