#But mainly hawke
smallknowingjester · 7 months
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:33 < redesigned grian design call that. gRIdesign!
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sinnamonpork · 1 year
todofam drama in a nutshell:
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delawaredetroit · 4 months
Are you still a dfo truther? If so, why?
I'm not counting it out just because the body that All for One was eventually planning on discarding anyway is dead. The naysayers are taking too early a victory lap on that one. That said, if it does happen, this Deku vs Shigaraki fight is the last place where it feasibly could happen. There's no way All for One's vestige isn't making another appearance regardless considering his plotlines with Yoichi and Shigaraki have not been resolved.
Why do I think it's still possible? Because Horikoshi usually carefully plans the names of his characters. And it's odd that an ordinary businessman would have a name meaning leader and "a long time"/"eternal" when that sure matches the goals of the manga's villain who basically wants to be reborn in a new body so he can rule the world (and have Yoichi under his thumb). It's weirder when the alleged son in this theory has a name that includes a character that can be read "to be born" and the exact same a long time/eternal character. (Especially when unlike any of his classmates, he is the only one with both parents' names introduced where his name only has influence from one parent)
Also, it's because the themes between Izuku and Shigaraki currently feel incomplete. And they would feel more complete if this fight was also about the villain born from heroic origins versus the hero born from villainous origins. Touya, the villain character Shigaraki has the most parallels with, already has one of these in Hawks. And like Izuku and Shigaraki, those two are some of the only ones that really play with the visuals of angelic looking villains versus demonic looking heroes. All for One said that heroes/villains used to receive their "names" based on what their enemy called them - so it would make sense if what remained of All for One was defeated once and for all by those he has named. Izuku is the odd one out in this fight if dfo theory isn't true if he didn't receive a name from All for One like Shigaraki and Yoichi.
The general impression I get from people who hate this theory is that they don't want Izuku to not be an ordinary person or intended for some special destiny. And I'm ????? about that because I think these people have bought Izuku's unreliable narrative about himself hook, line, and sinker. Again, that "ordinary" interpretation goes against the actual reading of Izuku's name. Second of all, I have no idea what people are smoking to have interpreted the guy who knowingly and repeatedly breaks his bones like they're glow sticks as the most normal guy. Even before One for All - Izuku wasn't "normal" - he was part of a minority group and faced discrimination for being quirkless.
The second impression I get from naysayers is that DFO theorists are wrong because their characterizations of All for One and Inko are way off. To that I say - the original Dabi=Touya theorists were almost all way off about Touya's personality/motivations - but their conclusion was still correct. There's also more potential evidence to back up DFO theory now than there was to support the Dabi is a Todoroki theory at the time of that reveal.
At a minimum, if this theory turns out not to be true, there's enough bread crumbs left by Horikoshi that he was clearly trying to steer people into thinking there was a connection here. So am I sure it will be canon: no. Is there still a good chance it could still happen: yes.
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not-oscar-wilde · 1 year
we have a fair amount of ‘tevinter boyfriend hates the cold winters down south and requires cuddles to warm him up’, but have we considered the opposite?
southern boyfriend visits tevinter in summer and becomes absolutely insufferable because it is two damn hot and he is DYING
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beybuniki · 2 months
on the one hand i’m loving your dabihawks yuri era. on the other hand it makes me sick w longing and craving the way yaoi could never. anyways when will dabi pin me down so i can press my ass against her crotch
IF GOD WILLING, this will happened to you too this year 🙏
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Hawks has hollow bones
Headcanon is not by me per se, but it is something that I headcanon
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yugiohz · 1 year
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peachy-kaiju · 1 year
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A sticker design I made for myself and a couple friends who also play Lily! 
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alectoperdita · 9 months
In non-smutty Mob thoughts, keep trying to remind myself that I should better utilize Jou's backstory, which led to me thinking about the poor guy in prison where he couldn't bleach his hair and probably had to keep it really short in like a buzz cut. ;;_;;;
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dontcallmeeds · 2 years
I know I talk about queer Nancy Wheeler a lot but i truly think that if they allow Robin to come out to Nancy on screen in S5 that Natalia will give us EVERYTHING the duffers won’t fucking write for her and i kinda think they won’t allow us to have that moment because they KNOW she’ll do so many improved reactions
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nosfelixculpa · 1 year
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The boy will be a Sky Knight. And what of the girl, is she the one? Only time will tell.
STORM HAWKS (2007-2009)
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shivunin · 1 year
Ficlets Masterlist
A list of all my various fic etc. on tumblr, organized by pairing and internal chronological order. I've named ask memes by the general topic of the prompt and the others by title, if they have them.
(Edit: If there is an issue with a link, please let me know--I've gone through and fixed the ones I've found with issues, but they might always break again)
Arianwen Tabris/Zevran:
Only a Kiss: (1215 Words, T) Arianwen has never been kissed; Zevran offers to correct this
Without a Name: (857 Words, T) In the aftermath of their kiss, Zevran watches Tabris and considers what comes next
Liar, Liar: (459 Words, Hurt/Comfort, T) Zevran is feverish and Arianwen offers care
Hart of Hearts: (535 Words, Fluff, T); A moment in the Brecilian Forest, briefly before they decide to be together
Saccharine: The night Zevran and Tabris decide to be together; full AO3 fic here (explicit)
And Eat It, Too: (1,257 Words, T)Arianwen admires cakes in the city; Zevran makes sure she gets what she wants
Scars: (539 Words, M) Wen notices a scar that Zevran will not discuss. 
Look At Me: (this and The Last Thread are collected into one fic on AO3 here) (973 Words, Hurt/Comfort, M) Wen leaves the Deep Roads with a bad infection, haunted by the ghosts of all who’ve died along the way.
The Last Thread and the Long Drop: (3.171 Words, Hurt/comfort, M); Arianwen is wounded. Zevran can only watch as she is sewn back together. 
From the Depths: (1,321 Words, T) Zevran delivers a piece of good news after Arianwen spends a week recuperating in Orzammar
Rest Now: (1,631 Words, Hurt/Comfort, M) Post-return to the alienage, Zevran urges Tabris to put down her blades and let herself rest
Fang and Thorn: (883 Words, T) Arianwen decides what to do with her mother’s dagger
Breath of Life: (3,658 Words, M) Zevran confronts Taliesen and nearly loses his life in the process; Arianwen grapples with the idea of losing him forever; explicit version on AO3 here
Have This Dance: (928 Words, Fluff, T) Zevran and Wen find a moment of respite on the palace rooftop in Denerim
Vincit Omnes: (1,049 Words, T) Arianwen and Zevran finally admit they love each other.
Breaking News: (297 Words) A reporter attempts to discuss the Temple of Sacred Ashes with the Warden-Commander and the researcher who located the place
The Heart Grown Fonder: (1,133 Words, T) Letters between Arianwen and Zevran about how they’re doing apart.
Regarding Spiders and Caves: (403 Words) A letter from Arianwen to Zevran regarding current events at the keep
Reunion: (1,528 Words, M) Zevran comes back from his travels; Arianwen plays a game
A Letter from Kirkwall: (506 Words, T) Zevran re: his absence from Amaranthine, set immediately after his role in Act Three of DA2
Lock and Key: (2,298 Words, Hurt/comfort, M); Zevran is captured by the Crows and tortured. Arianwen frees him.
A Red, Red Rose: (1,952 Words, Fluff, T) A wedding scene
Dawn and Gold: (905 Words, Fluff, T) Tabris helps Zevran get ready for the day
Maria Hawke/Fenris:
Lend a Hand: (965 Words, T) When Hawke is struggling with an injury, Fenris offers some assistance with the pain
A Fond Farewell: (2,548 Words) Hawke is fond of casual touches and long goodbyes; Fenris tries to understand why he likes this about her
The Small Hours: (1,496 Words, Fluff) Fenris comes to Hawke's manor to read, but he stays because he doesn’t want to stop listening to her.
As Two Reflected Stars: (12,438 Words, Hurt/Comfort/ T) (AO3 Link) No matter how close Fenris and Hawke come to each other, they never quite seem to connect—unless one of them is already hurt or bleeding. (An exploration of healing as a proxy for affection/touch)
Do You Want to Hear a Joke?: (1,459 Words, Angst) Fenris helps a drunken Hawke home shortly after her mother’s death. Hawke tries to prove that she isn’t in love with him.
Grief and Memory: (1,493 Words, Angst) Hawke is stricken by a memory of her mother during a night at the Hanged Man; Fenris cannot offer her comfort.
An Interview for Posterity: (449 Words) Kirkwall's chronicler tries to make sense of the events surrounding the Viscount's death
To the Last Drop: (1,682 Words, this one is all yearning) Fenris observes Hawke closely on an excursion to the coast
A Fool and His Gold: (1,932 Words, Fluff/more yearning) Hawke throws Fenris a surprise party
Between Strokes of Night: (2,601 Words, fluff) The second night together; full version (explicit) on AO3 here
Poppy Red: (1,273 Words, Fluff) Hawke and Fenris experience their first date
At the Dead Drop: (624 Words, epistolary) A series of letters between Hawke, Carver, and Fenris regarding Hawke’s relationship with Fenris
Know When to Hold ‘Em: (792 Words, Fluff) The first night of cards after Fenris and Hawke decide to be together
Flow Gently: (1,036 Words, Fluff) Fenris talks Hawke to sleep
Nooks and Crannies: (1,164 Words, Fluff) Hawke shows Fenris where she's hidden the weapons in her home
Stack the Deck: (1,310 Words, Fluff) Hawke bolts after a card game and a puzzled Fenris follows her back to the manor
Corpus Animaque: (1,138 Words, Fluff) After Hawke falls asleep, Fenris continues to speak to her in Tevene, knowing that she could not understand him even if she could hear him.
Wake Easy: (555 Words, Fluff) Fenris feigns sleep so Hawke can kiss him awake.
Winter's Grasp: (4,834 Words, Hurt/comfort) (AO3 link) Hawke takes an unnecessary risk in Lowtown; after they return to her manor, Fenris tries to discern why
Pour Forth: (3,830 Words) (AO3 link) Hawke makes the same misplaced joke across the span of her relationship with Fenris. He does not, in fact, cry about it. (Or, five times Hawke tells Fenris it's okay to cry and one time she doesn't.)
Ebb and Flow: (705 Words, Hurt/comfort) Hawke is having trouble resting; Fenris helps her to bed
Ash and Salt: (798 Words, hurt/comfort) After the destruction of Kirkwall, Fenris finds Hawke and offers what comfort he can.
If Sorrow I Let In: (1,344 Words, Hurt/Comfort) Hawke has a nightmare about almost dying in the Fade. Fenris is there when she wakes
A Letter From Home: (403 Words) Letter resting on a counter in a cottage near Amaranthine, as yet unopened, dated nearly six months ago
*Sleight of Hand: (7,734 Words) (AO3 Link) Magician AU: Hawke is a stage magician who's never asked much about her grumpy assistant. When Fenris spots his pursuers during a show, it may be time for the two of them to face the likelihood that this may be his very last performance.
Emmaera Lavellan/Cullen:
A Bond Beheld: (1,710 Words) The Commander pledges fealty to the new Inquisitor
Tipsy: (209 Words) Conversation overheard while drunk
Lavender Cakes: (236 Words) A codex entry describing a special request from the Commander; (collected with a codex entry on a marriage offer post-Inquisition and rumors circa Trespasser)
A Letter from the Viscount: (368 Words) Varric writes to see how the Inquisitor has been, and to deliver an offer
Entanglements: (704 Words, Fluff) A quiet, simple morning in retirement
Just a Hair: (676 Words, Fluff) Emma trims Cullen’s hair
From Behind: (513 Words, Fluff) Cullen reflects on life as a father and husband
Structural Integrity: (4,300 Words, Fluff) Cullen and his daughter build a pillow fort—now all that’s left is to test it (also collected in my anthology fic here on AO3)
Letters from Adhlea: (527 Words, epistolary) While Cullen visits family in Ferelden, his daughter writes him a letter with updates.
Elowen Lavellan/Cullen
Summer Tea: (897 Words) The Inquisitor takes a moment away from a party to rest on the balcony; Cullen joins her
A Storm’s Aftermath: (786 Words) Elowen tries to be normal after nearly kissing the Commander (she…doesn’t quite manage it, but neither does he)
At Your Side: (678 Words) As Elowen returns to her room in Skyhold, Leliana notices a new mannerism
Disarming: (773 Words) The Commander and Inquisitor spend a morning training
Falsehoods: (851 Words, Hurt/comfort) Elowen takes a wound in battle; Cullen visits her room at the inn to make sure she's alright
Call Your Mother: (515 Words) A letter from and to Elowen’s mother regarding her choice of beau
Daybreak: (615 Words) After the events of Your Fate for Mine, Cullen wakes in bed with Elowen and finds himself with a small predicament.
Salshira Lavellan/Cullen
Slander: (547 Words) Codex entry detailing several complaints about the Inquisitor
The Fire at the Center: (556 Words) Cullen tries to focus on his prayers, with some difficulty
Wait: (621 Words, Fluff) Salshira passes through Cullen’s office on the way to other tasks
Fires of Battle: (846 Words) Salshira closes the last distance before the Temple of Mythal and meets the Commander on the battlefield
News from Wycome: (740 Words, Emotional hurt/comfort) Cullen rushes to deliver a crucial bit of news
Don’t Look Down: (448 Words, Hurt/comfort) Salshira regains consciousness after a nasty fall
After the Dark: (841 Words, Hurt/comfort) Salshira returns from the Deep Roads; she is not doing well
Adahlena Lavellan/Cullen (aka the arranged marriage au):
Pip: (2,611 Words) Adahlena Lavellan and Cullen meet for the first time in the Elvhen lands at Halamshiral
The Morning Mist: (820 Words) Cullen and Adahlena take breakfast together in the gardens
Hounds and Strays: (4,521 Words, T) A young Arianwen tries to protect a stray dog and fails; as an adult, Alistair realizes they share a connection to animals (the first thing they have in common)
Something to Cry About: (954 words, G) Following the events at Redcliffe, Arianwen begrudgingly admits that she might be friends with Alistair.
Shut-Eye: (996 words, G) Arianwen and Alistair discuss happiness on a sleepy night before the fire.
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katari-adaari · 8 days
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In my universe, Bethany was able to survive the ogre attack thanks to Amaris's quick healing magic, however she was left permanently paralyzed from the waist down. Bethany manages to survive, and eventualy willingly joins the circle. However, becomes injured when when the chantry is destroyed, which is one of the reasons which led to Amaris killing Anders. However, she appears after Amaris sides with the mages and meets up with her in the Gallows Prison. Bethany joins Amaris and the others, but eventually has to leave her siblings' sides and eventually finds and takes refuges with one of her Amell cousins she finds.
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spokelseskladden · 2 years
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redraws of some old faves of mine lol
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Prompt: Wildcard
Friendships: Demetri & Miguel & Eli (ft. Sam & Yasmine)
So I saw this week's prompt, and all I could think of was the IASIP episode where they try to sell gas door-to-door XD CW for pretty explicit sexual mentions that were...pretty inevitable, considering the source material XD Also CW for some (lighthearted) sexism, although it's kinda played for comedy/absurdity.
This a 6-parter--600 words total! Takes place in S4 or S5, when the entirety of the OG loser trio are fighting against Cobra Kai.
“As the brains of this operation, I think—”
“You’re the brains?” Miguel sounds a little heartbroken. “I thought I was the brains.”
“No, no, you’re the looks!”
“So…I’m not smart?” Miguel looks even more crushed.
“It’s not that!” Demetri gestures frantically, trying to salvage the situation. “You’re the looks, I’m the brains, Eli’s the wildcard.”
“I’m the wildcard?” Eli lights up. “That’s fucking awesome!”
“It’s the iconic formula, right?” Demetri grins. “Can’t fail with it. The Scooby Gang never did!”
“So…by not playing into that dynamic, we’re limiting our potential?” Miguel looks intrigued.
“Exactly. Can’t mess with a classic.”
“So Cobra Kai’s plowing us in the ass, right?”
Miguel’s dubious. “Don’t know if I’d put it like that—”
“Their stupid merchandise! Their flashy ads!” Demetri scoffs. “They’re ruining our lives with their synchronized kicks and their rotten ass-plowing hearts! As the brains, I’ve concocted a plan that involves oiling our asses and doing a little plowing of our own.”
His accompanying gestures are met with concern.
“Not gay sex,” he clarifies.
“Oh, good! I was sorta worried.” Eli sounds almost insultingly relieved. “What did you mean?”
“Gentlemen…” Demetri smirks. “We’re going to sell more merch than Cobra Kai.”
“We’ll need a bank loan to order and print the merchandise. I’ll spin the proposal to sound sensible, and Miguel’ll sit there looking pretty…and possibly providing sad puppy-dog eyes if needed.”
“This plan sucks.” Eli scowls. “I don’t get to do anything!”
“Untrue!” Demetri retorts. “You’re the wildcard—you sit there looking unhinged. Like you could snap should our proposal be rejected.”
“Like this?”
Although Demetri appreciates Eli’s reluctance to re-awaken The Hawk, a little pout isn’t very wildcard-esque.
“Pretend the bank left Miyagi-Fang a bad Yelp review. You’re plotting revenge.”
Ah. There’s that slasher smile.
“That I can do.”
As Miguel presses the gas, his eyes flick between Demetri and Eli.
“What the hell happened?”
“Eli tried showcasing the merch with karate moves, and we kicked our first potential customer in the face. She called the cops.”
Miguel groans.
“Demetri, you said this plan was flawless.”
“Hey! I did exactly what a wildcard would do!” Eli protests.
Miguel sighs. “So Demetri as the brains isn’t working, so I’ll be the brains and Demetri can be the muscle.”
Despite himself, Demetri blushes.
“You…think I could be the muscle?”
“Yes, sure, if it means I make the plans from now on.”
“Don’t you see? That’s why the plans weren’t working! We were operating on an incomplete crew!”
Miguel gestures frantically at Sam and Yasmine, whom the boys have doggedly hunted down in Forever 21. When Miguel unexpectedly changed course to the Valley mall, all Demetri and Eli could do was confusedly follow their new leader.
“Sam’s the muscle,” Miguel explains. “I’m the looks, Demetri’s the brains, Hawk’s the wildcard. It’s a full set!”
“You’re going to steal my only shopping buddy?” Yasmine complains. “Moon’s in the Maldives all week!”
“Come along!” Demetri says brightly. “We still need a Token Useless Chick!”
Demetri loves being the brains again.
“Sam, once we kidnap Kyler, beat him up until he confesses to some Cobra Kai felony.”
“My pleasure.”
“Miguel, use your puppy-dog eyes and sweet-talk the cops into giving us reward money for turning Kyler in.”
“Will do!”
“Yasmine, continue being useless and complaining about everything.”
“Reward money goes toward making merch, and—hey, what’s with the brakes?”
Eli’s shriek fills the car.
The Sentra’s evacuated in seconds, albeit with much screaming and cursing. But let it never be said Eli Moskowitz doesn’t commit to the bit.
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artyadder · 2 months
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My sketches with trying to merge my style in with stylistic choices I wanna make with the elves since I really like the stylisation in DA2. Featuring my scribbled thoughts as well as my Hawke for a comparison between the two.
Been focusing on headshots and facial features atm and slowly moving into full-body exploration and just trying to stick with what I like in the headshots to the faces in full bodies (like I draw quite large eyes anyway, so trying to make sure the eyes still maintain the differences when I draw them - not working quite well atm but I'll get there, lads!!)
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