#But Jose ain't a bro
diogxnxs · 9 months
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"Forget about him, Donal'. You deserve a hard working man who will love you passionately. You grew up in a farm, I grew up in a farm. You have an abuela, well, I too have an abuela. See? We are not so different, you and I." ------
This good neighbor program is going wild really fast.
@flakatita and I have this running gag that before they all got along, Jose and Panchito competed for Donald. Thank the comics in the Silly Symphonies for inspiring it.
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danwhobrowses · 1 year
My Highlights from ROH Supercard of Honor 2023
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Well it's Wrestlemania weekend which means TK is back on his insane booking for ROH. 2 for 2 now he's brought about some absolutely banging cards.
I know there's also Rampage, SD and HOF tonight, but since none are PPVs I'm just gonna do this one today. Mania will be late though since I'll have to watch Night 1 and 2 back to back given how I have family plans on Sunday.
But without further ado, let's see the good stuff from ROH Supercard of Honor
Spoilers for the PPV of course
All the Zero Hour matches slapped
Big pluses for Cobb as well; Omega, Moose and Williams matches on the trot takes monster stamina
NIGEL MCGUINNESS! Back on Commentary is nice but I'm sure everyone hopes he can return to the ring, I know some want him in BCC
Mack vs Takeshita didn't disappoint either, love both of these guys and they were just back and forth
Caprice and Ian vibing with Willow's theme
Sterling giving Slim J a spare shirt after ripping his in the entrance
Stu and Slim J are still very underrated, they're both an explosive feral style of wrestler
Ah so the Righteous aren't going to WWE after all, Righteous vs Dark Order might be an interesting feud
The absolute MADMAN TK is to not only book Vikingo vs Komander but to have it open the main show
An apt comment given how I'm gonna watch HOF after but seeing Vikingo is like watching Rey Mysterio's early days
And I absolutely love that Second Rope In-and-out Phoenix Splash
Komander literally ran the entire ring rope length to swanton onto Vikingo out the ring
Yeah give me Vikingo vs AR Fox, (give me Vikingo/AR Fox against anyone really), Blake and Metalik are great too
Surprised the Embassy retained too, given all we've heard about Cage's contract running out it seemed like he'd drop
Athena may be a nasty violent heel but the amount of fun she's having is great to see, she is thriving in this role
The finish was smart too, Athena using the ref to obstruct the Magical Splash/450 and then hit the mid-rope O-Face
Samoa Joe's STF looks painful as hell
Another surprise retaining as well, shame Briscoe couldn't win though
Garcia's been having a pretty good month ngl, matches vs Brody King, Adam Cole and now Tanahashi, definitely been on the up
'You're a wrestler' chants to put Garcia off too, that story ain't over
Evoking Nakamura as well!
Garcia did a stunner to Tana's injured leg, things you don't see too often
New ROH tag belts look neat, same style as the new world title
Doomsday Device from outside the ring was meaty, the proximity to the steps has been making me nervous all show though
Ladder Sandwich as well
Top Flight's...I have no idea what to call it but they propelled each other up the ladder, then they caught a chair thrown at them!
Jose vs Alex finally getting to throw down
I saw that Destroyer coming and it was still INSANE
Glad to see Lucha Bros win, I still backed Aussie Open but not upset with this outcome
FTR are here too!
Moxley here with Yuta is interesting
I also have to give huge props for TK being able to work Shibata into matches which are both hyped and suited for his style. The OC match allowed him to take his time when he needed, and Pure Rules is perfect for his technical style
Shibata using the BCC's Hammer and Anvil
Heel Yoots is great too
Shibata is a wrestling champion again
AEW's Dynamite card is insane, plus Athena vs Miyu on ROH can slap
Claudio went back to the classical version of his theme music, I'll miss the old one but this does match the pompous and cocky energy the BCC are exuding
Eddie going at Claudio immediately, the story we've built wouldn't offer anything less
These two have really been clattering each other too
Having watched the video of their backstory, the Ricola counter/Uraken was still a great nearfall
Meaty gutwrench to the outside of the ring
Kicked out of the Gotch Neutralizer at One!
The finish was greatly heartbreaking, Kingston countering the Ricola with a rana, only to be scooped up and fall a single second short
Shibata making sure Claudio and Yuta didn't jump Eddie
Shibata feuding with the BCC is something I can get behind, Danielson, Claudio, Moxley, there are all dream matches
Eddie saying fuck and shit for a closing promo is very on brand XD
Another great show, it did struggle to match the opener but it got there eventually. No matches were bad and with ROH tapings now TK has been having a lot of fun bringing out the goods without having to worry about ratings. McGuinness back is a big get for ROH as is Shibata as Pure Champion.
Match of the Night: Reach for the Sky Ladder Match Best Attire: Tanahashi, there wasn't any super unique attire but Tana's look is always super stylish Best Performance: This is a tight one, but I'm giving it to Vikingo given how absolutely blockbuster and effortless he is Best Spot: Penta's Mexican Destroyer from Ladder Bridge to outside of the ring's Table Tower
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hugispuso-archive · 4 years
good morning ✨
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poetdreamerfool · 2 years
2022 Freestyle Series #13
Flyy Uni-verse Session #1 ⚛🚀🌌☄
they'd rather tear the world asunder then end world hunger black is beautiful but true beauty lies in what's under the messy shit that how I kick it the same way messi did wordsmith with wrath like the old testatment in the library and they shootin looks the only thing scarier than a black man with a gun is one with a book have a human reaction and get labeled a crook so the path less traveled I took rapping flyy like peter pan I ain't fucking with hooks just a lost boy with trauma playing ratoutiule to each beat that I cook
weed bong arm strong diction like like Louie on the trumpet hear 3 seconds of my shit how could you not bump it fuck a lay up how could you not dunk it buddha got me on my monk shit don't blaze with me bro cause all I do is flunk shit I don't ever pass unless its like t-mac off the backboard my pen mighty it got king arthur like "I want that sword" and his mans is like "my lord that's a foolish venture" spit like I got dentures blind to the bullshit like it got censured in a perfect storm I'm centered
enter the dragon but its puff and he got some magic its like mr clean with the stains of tragic on my psyche shamwow for why me? I used to pour and think I'm Hi-C like some orange drink it aint about what I am its about what I might be in my life I see real and it ain't what Mikey likey rolling down the alley shining like that boy on the trike be in that hallway all-day war is about peace quick link for the parley
daydreams of bezels in the watch the same color as Rose' for that I'm scheming like Kaiser soze touch my ends no way jose if the cops charging then its Ole' ole! ok ok that's enough found innocent on death row is how I go off the cuff scheming on the universe cause the world is not enough hate the hate love the love I don't play all that moderate stuff always dash my mans some bread if I got it we got it bruh like a zebra or tiger imma tiger uppercut to the upper crust wont stop till im swimming in bucks like scrooge mcduck make time for huey duey and luey cause even with all the shit they took I still give a fuck
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with Ezekiel ‘EZ’ Reyes.
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Word count: 1.2k exactly.
Aurora says: this writing hasn't been edited, you may find some grammar mistakes, I'm sorry about that!
Gif credits: @angels-reyes.
Masterlist. You can subscribe to my broadcast list, to be notified whenever I post a writing!
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“Wait! Lemme' help you”.
EZ's voice makes you stop on your tracks, while carrying three heavy boxes of Jose Cuervo. Taking them from your hands, you show him a grateful smile.
“You don' have to do it, Zeke. You're not a prospect anymore”.
“But I'm a polite member”. He scoffs smirking at you.
The younger Reyes and you came to the Mayans at the same time. He to be part of the crew and you to be a bartender. But you have been working together for a lot of hours, mostly at parties. You two have had much fun and you know that you're going to miss those nights with him. The new prospect looks like only wants to work for the Mayans with the scrapping and the motorbikes, leaving you all the work left. Today you have had to come one hour before your shift to prepare the drinks and the bags of ice inside the bar.
Putting the boxes inside the Templo, the new member turns at you, resting an arm on them, watching you look for some space to keep the tequila. EZ is going to miss too spend time with you, even if it's not like he was leaving his hometown.
“Will you celebrate with me later?”
“Yeah, sure. But… dunno what time I finish”. Shrugging, you get into the bar to take one box and open it.
“I will wait for you”.
With a last enchanting smile, he leaves you there to attend a meeting inside the Templo. His first one.
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Without your partner in crime helping you at this party, it looks like the hours are longer than sixty minutes. You have been serving drinks, recharging the fridges, cleaning, organizing the warehouse… All by yourself, while the new prospect has been flirting with Vicki's girls. Leti told you to talk with Bishop about it, but you can't forget that Tito is a member from Mayans at the end of the day, and you're just a bartender. No matter how much appreciation they all feel for you.
“Two in the night and no girl sitting on you. What's your problem, man?” Angel asks, palming EZ's right thigh and making him jump slightly over his seat, choking on his beer.
“Yeah, boy scout, pick one!” Coco adds leaning forward on his chair, with his arms resting on his lap.
“I have one already”. He mumbles. “Been waiting a year”.
Lighting a cig between your lips, you take a long drag while resting your back against the cold wall. It's the first time you have a break since you started to work six hours ago. The guys have told you to stop sometimes, but you couldn't, being alone as Tito just loses his time trying to catch a hole to put his dick in. Trying to not look at EZ when the crew cheers him up, you take off your phone from a pocket to watch some short videos on Instagram as you finish your cig.
“Did you finish, sweetheart?”
Bishop's voice makes you jump slightly, quickly keeping your phone in a pocket.
“Ah… no, Prez. I was… just having a break”.
“Didn't you finish yet?” He asks arching both eyebrows, and you're not sure what he is trying to say.
“You've been working for six hours. Where's Tito?”
Shrugging, you find an answer. It's been a while since you saw him for the last time. He just nods, keeping your gaze with his.
“Clean the bar and you're done for tonight, okay? Have some fun, you earned it”.
Showing him a soft smile, you throw the cigar to smash it with your tiptoes. As soon as you start with your last task, as soon you can go with EZ.
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After getting ready the bar, putting Tito finally to work and being paid, you step out of Templo to look for the new member, carrying the coldest beers you have found. It doesn't take you much long to find him, seeing how one of Vicki's girls tries to sit on his lap. He rejects the auto-invitation with his eyes glued on yours, getting up from his chair under the attentive looks of his brothers and the girl in question. He has that smile installed on his lips that makes your legs shake, walking towards you with his hands grabbing the folds of his fresh kutte.
“Got a party on your own?”
“Yeah, something like”. You can't help but give him back a grin.
“Such a lucky guy who shares them with you”.
“Oh, he is. Not every night he can drink with me. The Mayans' favorite bartender”.
“Who is it, ah?”
“Why 'you wanna know? Jealous, new memb—”
Angel's high-pitched voice makes everyone laugh around you, feeling your cheeks burning he turns at his older brother frowning. Offering him a beer and leaving away the joke between both, he places one of his strong bare arms on your shoulders, taking the drink with his free hand. Proudly leading your steps back to his chair, he takes a seat first, before pushing you onto his lap. No one says anything, but Angel palms your thigh with a funny smirk having a sip of his beer.
“Look who is gonna join us”. Bishop says behind you, coming with Tranq and Taza to sit around the bonfire.
“'You asked already to be your Old Lady?”
Tranq doesn't give a fuck about the gesture from the other men to shut him up, watching EZ surrounding your waist with an arm. Marking territory.
“Ain't gonna ask her here”.
Puckering your lips and turning your shiny orbs straight to the darkest ones, you give him the look. Your heart is about to stop hearing him talk so calmly.
“What? I've been waiting a year to do it. I'm not gonna ask you here”.
You can't wait for much long to grab his face with your free hand to crash your lips against his. He wasn't expecting, but you know he has liked it because he embraces you tightly under his grip.
“God, they grow up so fast”. Taza says with a honeyed voice, making a toast with his beer, interrupting his brothers cheering for the two of you.
“Yeah, I remember when this shy girl came to the clubhouse for the first time, to give us her resume”. Riz comments like the old man he thinks he is.
“So innocent, ah?” Bishop laughs, as if you weren't there hearing the conversation.
“And now she got the golden dick”.
“COCO!” You all yell at him, making the mexican shrug his shoulders.
“Wha'? Amma lying? Boy scout embarking on a new adventure”.
“Sounds like a porn movie, man”. Gilly giggles.
“La más exitosa, carnal”.
“You know that now that I'm an official member, I can fuck you up, right?” EZ says finally, raising both eyebrows.
“Boy scout getting on his first fight”.
“It sounds like a series to me”. The oldest Reyes palms Coco's back, making him choke on his beer.
“Let's pretend nothing happened”. You add licking your bottom lip, challenging them all.
“The Old Lady bossing Mayans. Where are we gonna end up?”
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goalhofer · 5 years
2019-20 NHL Goal Songs
Boston: "Kernkraft 400" by Zombie Nation
Buffalo: "Let Me Clear My Throat" by DJ Kool
Detroit: "Party Till We Die" by Makj ft. Timmy Trumpet & Andrew W.K.
Florida: "Sweetness" by Jimmy Eat World
Montreal: "Goal Song" by Antoine Becks
Ottawa: "Song 2" by Blur
Tampa Bay: "Goons (Baby I Need It All)" by Mona
Toronto: "You Make My Dreams" by Hall & Oates
Carolina: "Raise Up" by Petey Pablo
Columbus: "For Those About To Rock" by AC/DC
New Jersey: "Howl" by The Gaslight Anthem
New York Islanders: "Crowd Chant" by Joe Satriani
New York Rangers: "Slapshot" by Ray Castoldi
Philadelphia: "Pursuit Of Happiness" by Kid Cudi
Pittsburgh: "Jump Around" by House Of Pain
Chicago: "Chelsea Dagger" by The Fratellis
Colorado: "Chase The Sun" by Planet Funk
Dallas: "Puck Off" by Pantera
Minnesota: "Crowd Chant" by Joe Satriani
Nashville: "I Like It, I Love It" by Tim McGraw
St. Louis: "The Blues Have The Urge" by The Urge
Winnipeg: "Gonna Celebrate" by The Phantoms
Anaheim: "Bro Hymn" by Pennywise
Arizona: "Werewolves Of London" by Warren Zevon
Calgary: "TNT" by AC/DC
Edmonton: "Hell Yeah" by Rev Theory
Los Angeles: "I Love LA" by Randy Newman
San Jose: "Get Ready For This" by 2 Unlimited
Vancouver: "Ain't Talkin Bout Love" by Van Halen
Vegas: "Vegas Lights" by Panic! At The Disco
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poetdreamerfool · 2 years
flyy uni-verses ⚛🚀🌌☄
they'd rather tear the world asunder then end world hunger; black is beautiful but the true beauty lies in what's under the messy shit that's how I kick it the same way Messi did wordsmith with wrath like the old testament in the library and they shootin' looks: the only thing scarier than a black man with a gun is one with a book if you have a human reaction you get labeled a crook so: the path less traveled I took rapping fly like peter pan I ain't fucking with hooks just a lost boy with trauma playing Ratatouille to each beat that I cook
weed, bong-- arm strong diction like like Louie on the trumpet; hear 3 seconds of my shit how could you not bump it fuck a layup-- how could you not dunk it? buddha got me on some monk shit; don't blaze with me bro cause all I do is flunk shit I don't ever pass-- unless it's like T-Mac off the backboard my pen almighty it got king Arthur like "I want that sword" and his man is like "my lord, that's a foolish venture"
enter the dragon, but its Puff and he got some magic it's like Mr. Clean with the stains of tragic on my psyche-- ShamWow for the "why me?" I used to pour and think I'm Hi-C like some orange drink it ain't about what I am it's about what I might be in my life I see real and it ain't what Mikey likey; rolling down the alley shining like that boy on the trike be in that hallway all-day war is about peace quick link for the parley-- daydreams of bezels in the watch the same color as  Rosé  for that I'm scheming like Kaiser Soze touch my ends? no way Jose if the cops charging then it's: Ole' ole! ok ok that's enough-- found innocent on death row is how I go off the cuff; scheming on the universe cause the world is not enough hate the hate love the love I don't play all that moderate stuff; always dash my mans some bread if I got it we got it bruh. we got this bruh.
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goalhofer · 5 years
2019-20 AHL Goal Songs
Bridgeport: "Signed And Sealed In Blood" by Dropkick Murphys
Charlotte: "Checkers Goal Song" by Ben Carter
Hartford: "Party Till We Die" by Makj ft. Timmy Trumpet & Andrew W.K.
Hershey: "Song 2" by Blur
Lehigh Valley: "Break Away" by Adam Rose
Providence: "Bro Hymn" by Pennywise
Springfield: "Glass House" by KALEO
Wilkes-Barre/Scranton: "Party Hard" by Andrew W.K.
Belleville: "Righteous Smoke" by Monster Truck
Binghamton: "Ain't Talkin' Bout Love" by Van Halen
Cleveland: "Monster" by Skillet
Laval: "F Games" by Phineas And Ferb
Rochester: "Bad" by David Guetta ft. Showtek & Vassy
Syracuse: "Out Of Our Heads" by Dropkick Murphys
Toronto: "Blkkk Skkkn Head" by Kanye West
Utica: "Coming For You" by The Offspring
Chicago: "Kickstart My Heart" by Motley Crue
Grand Rapids: "Celtic Invasion" by CFO$
Iowa: "Maria (I Like It Loud)" by Scooter ft. Marc Arcadipane & Dick Rules
Manitoba: "The Wave" by VINAI ft. Harrison
Milwaukee: "Kernkraft 400" by Zombie Nation
Rockford: "Boom! Shake The Room" by DJ Jazzy Jeff
San Antonio: "Come With Me Now" by KONGOS
Texas: "Bro Hymn" by Pennywise
Bakersfield: "I Like It, I Love It" by Tim McGraw
Colorado: "Rock And Roll Part 2" by Gary Glitter
Ontario: "Power Ride 2010" by Fred Coury
San Diego: "The Burning Of Rome" by Cowboys And Cut Cigars
San Jose: "Celtic Invasion" by CFO$
Stockton: "Party Hard" by Andrew W.K.
Tucson: "Frances And The Foundation" by Plant The Seed
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