#But I'll save it for if I ever write 12
sonicscrewed · 7 months
Fun little UK slang I found while looking for UK slang for my writing:
Stoat is a Scottish word for bounce. Stoating rain is so heavy that it bounces off the ground.
Can't use it for this particular fic, though I was SUPER tempted. Putting it here so I don't forget it.
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yparkwrites · 3 months
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Pairing: Mafia Sunghoon x Female reader (Y/N)
Content warnings: explicit content (smut), mentions of abuse, bruises, blood, etc.
Word count: 18k+
Synopsis: When Sunghoon, the son of Mr. Park meets a fearless girl everything will change around him as he tries to fight for his freedom from his father's nest.
Note: this is my first ever Enhypen ff, it is published on Wattpad as a complete story.
© 2024 Y. PARK WRITES. All Rights Reserved.
Part 1 - 4
CHAPTER 1: The First Encounter
The clock was ticking inside the training room where Minjun’s son, Sunghoon, was being trained before his eyes. Minjun, a heartless mobster in a small village, was feared by everyone for his dangerous nature.
Sunghoon was already bruised, bloody, and drenched in sweat, yet his training continued. They were not finished punishing his already weakened body with the relentless punches and kicks from his father's assistant and Minjun himself.
Minjun laughed derisively at his son, muttering, "You’re fucking weak; you can’t even handle this."
Sunghoon's nightmare began when he was 12, following his mother's death. His father's behavior had changed drastically—he drowned himself in alcohol and drugs and started beating his son mercilessly.
This was Sunghoon's daily life.
After the grueling session, or perhaps torture, he returned to his room. He cleaned his wounds, took a bath, and got ready for his first day of classes.
Sunghoon was forced to take business classes. He didn't protest because nothing interested him anymore.
Upon entering the university, murmurs began. The son of Minjun was here. Everyone stared, not just because he was the son of the most dangerous man in the village, but because of his appearance—bruised face and split lip.
Despite his battered appearance, Sunghoon was an attractive guy, and many wanted to date him. However, he rejected every brave girl's confession, including that of the popular girl, Yura.
In the midst of the whispers, a new girl entered, unaware of everything. She looked around, confused as to why everyone was making way for this one guy. Who is he? Why is he so special? These questions lingered in her mind until the bell rang, breaking her thoughts.
As the bell rang, students rushed to their classes, not wanting to be late on the first day.
Y/n, the new girl, looked around, unfamiliar with the university. She needed to ask someone for directions. Should I ask that special guy? she wondered.
She was about to approach him when another guy tapped her shoulder. “Do you need anything?” she asked. He shook his head in response. “Then why did you tap my shoulder if you don’t need anything?” Y/n retorted, annoyed. When she looked back, the special guy was gone. “Great, now I’m late to class, thanks to you, mister,” Y/n said, exasperated.
Sunghoon walked to his class and took his seat in the last row, avoiding any interaction. He put his head down on his desk and chuckled at the scene he witnessed in the hallway.
“Will you stop following me?” Y/n asked the same guy who had tapped her shoulder earlier.
“I’m not following you; we’re in the same class, business class. And don’t even think about talking to that guy if you don’t want trouble, miss,” the guy responded.
“Can you not call me miss? I’m not that old,” she retorted.
“You called me mister, and I didn’t say anything,” he argued back, making Y/n stomp her feet as he chuckled.
“I’m Jake. Now stop stomping your foot like a madman, and I'll tell you who that guy is,” Jake said.
Y/n glared at Jake, annoyed.
They entered the class just in time, but the only available seat was in the last row, next to Sunghoon. The murmurs started again, making Y/n roll her eyes.
“Remember, don’t talk to him,” Jake whispered, loud enough for her to hear. Jake led Y/n to the last row.
“You saved a seat for us? Sweet,” Jake said, greeting Sunghoon. “I can’t talk to him, but you can?” Y/n retorted. “Let me at least sit beside Mr. Special Guy,” Y/n whispered loud enough for Jake and Sunghoon to hear. “No,” Jake said, earning an annoyed groan from Y/n. “It’s fine,” Sunghoon said quietly, surprising everyone and making Y/n smile.
The class started five minutes later, and everyone became busy.
“Why is everyone looking at you?” Y/n asked Sunghoon as they walked to the convenience store to buy lunch.
“They’re not staring at Sunghoon; they’re staring at you, the first girl he’s ever been seen with,” Jake said, pulling her away from Sunghoon.
“So that makes me special then,” Y/n said, moving back beside Sunghoon and grabbing his arm, making both Sunghoon and Jake widen their eyes.
“Yeah, you’re also the first girl his father will put in the torture room if you don’t let go of his arm right now,” Jake said, pulling her away again.
“What?” Y/n asked.
As they entered the convenience store, the murmurs started again. “Hey, Ma,” Y/n greeted her mom at the register. “I brought some friends,” she added. Her mother bowed as soon as she saw Sunghoon enter the store. “Why are you bowing? They’re my friends,” Y/n said, shocked at her mom’s behavior. “Don’t make eye contact,” her mom whispered loud enough for her to hear.
“Oh, come on,” Y/n said, clinging to Sunghoon's arm again, causing him to widen his eyes once more. Her mom was shocked too, grabbing her daughter and apologizing to Sunghoon. “Ma, he’s my friend,” Y/n insisted, earning a smack from her mom as Sunghoon chuckled. “It’s fine, it’s her first day,” Sunghoon said.
After lunch, Jake and Y/n didn’t have classes with Sunghoon. “What do you mean by torture room?” Y/n asked Jake, who was busy copying the lecture.
Jake looked at her and asked, “When did you arrive?”
Y/n looked confused. “What do you mean?” she asked.
“When did you arrive here? In this place, the city, village, or town—whatever you want to call it?” Jake repeated.
“A week ago,” Y/n responded. “Your mom didn’t tell you about the Parks?” Jake asked. Seeing her confused expression, he continued, “She just told me to be careful at night, and that’s it,” Y/n said.
“I’ll explain everything later, after class. I’ll take you home, because there’s no way no one saw you clinging to Sunghoon like that.” 
“Does he have a girlfriend?” Y/n asked.
“No, it’s not that. It’s a long story,” Jake said. “I’ll tell you everything later.”
After their classes, Y/n didn’t see Sunghoon again until school was over. She saw him walking to his motorcycle, hoping he would see her, and he did. They made brief eye contact; she waved goodbye, and he nodded, mouthing "see you," which made her smile.
She kept waiting for Jake until she saw him exit the school. “What took you so long?” she asked.
“I was looking for Sunghoon, but I guess he left already. I was going to give him a ride,” Jake responded.
“Yeah, he just left. I saw him. I waved goodbye, and he mouthed ‘see you.’ He was riding a cool motorcycle,” Y/n told Jake.
“He must’ve gotten his motorcycle fixed. And he mouthed ‘see you’? He’s never done that. You’re really special,” Jake said, earning a giggle from Y/n before they got into his car.
“You have a nice car too,” Y/n complimented Jake.
“Thanks,” Jake responded, starting the car.
“So who is Sunghoon?” Y/n asked.
“Sunghoon is the son of the most notorious man in the village—actually, the whole country. I’m surprised you don’t know him. Mr. Park has an assistant, Tristan. He’s tall, but not as tall as Sunghoon. If Tristan tries to mess with you, Sunghoon will beat him up like a pulp,” Jake explained.
“Beat him up like a pulp? What does that even mean?” Y/n asked, chuckling.
“It means if someone tries to touch you, he’ll kill them. Like me—if I try hitting on you, he’ll end me, even though I’m his friend. What’s his is his, and whoever messes with what’s his is dead, just like his father. His father owns him. If Tristan can’t get to you, his father will. So don’t cling to him like that in public. He’s not even allowed to have emotions, yet here you are, making him go crazy,” Jake responded.
“So I’m his?” Y/n asked again.
“Yeah, and congratulations on winning the heart of the mobster’s son,” Jake said, making Y/n laugh.
“Well, we’re here. Take care,” Jake said.
“Thank you. I would appreciate it if you picked me up tomorrow morning,” Y/n joked.
“Yeah, wear jeans tomorrow,” Jake said before waving goodbye.
CHAPTER 2: Morning clashes and new bonds
The next morning, Y/n woke up earlier than usual, unable to fall back asleep after a particularly vivid nightmare. 
"I should start buying sleeping pills again," she mumbled to herself as she headed into the bathroom for a bath. Y/n had been suffering from insomnia due to stress ever since she lost her father a few months ago. Since then, restful sleep had eluded her, replaced by relentless nightmares.
Meanwhile, in Jake’s household, his parents were engaged in yet another heated argument about his friendship with Sunghoon. Jake's father was supportive, but his mother viewed Sunghoon as a monster.
"You know it’s your fault they’re fighting," his sister Yura said, entering his room.
"Shut up. Mom will lose her mind if she finds out you go crazy over him. We're in the same boat here, only I can get close to him, and you can't," Jake retorted, smirking. Yura stomped her feet in frustration and left his room.
As Jake emerged from his room, his parents' argument grew louder.
"Did you forget that Sunghoon almost killed a student last year?" his mother shouted.
"Oh, come on, the guy was fine," his father argued back.
"He spent two months recovering from being beaten to a pulp by Sunghoon!" his mother yelled.
"I’m leaving!" Jake shouted, not wanting to hear more of their morning disputes.
When Y/n came downstairs for breakfast, the house was already empty. "Mom must’ve left early to open the store," she mumbled to herself, seeing lunch money on the table along with a note: *Sorry, had to leave early. Here’s lunch money. Please avoid Sunghoon if you don’t want trouble.*
Y/n sighed at the last sentence. "Sunghoon isn’t that bad of a person," she mumbled, grabbing a strawberry milk from the fridge as she lacked the appetite to eat.
After locking the door, Y/n turned around to see an unexpected visitor.
"Hey, Jake sent me," Sunghoon said with a broad grin.
Y/n smiled widely. "No wonder he told me to wear jeans."
"Yeah, he mentioned how much you liked my motorcycle," Sunghoon replied, grinning.
"That little snitch," Y/n said.
"You’re smaller than him," Sunghoon teased, earning a playful smack from Y/n as he handed her a helmet he had bought the previous day.
Y/n put on the helmet and hopped on the motorcycle. "Hold tight," Sunghoon said, starting the engine. Y/n yelped and held on tightly as they sped off.
When they arrived at school, students started whispering as Y/n hopped off the motorcycle. She received glares from several girls, especially Yura, the popular girl.
"They’ll never mind their own business, will they?" Y/n said loudly enough for everyone to hear. The students quickly looked away, avoiding Sunghoon’s gaze. Jake was right: whatever's his is his, and whoever tries to mess with what's his is dead, she thought.
At their lockers, Jake was already waiting, grinning. "You’re early," Sunghoon said, grabbing his books.
"Yeah," Jake replied.
"You know you don’t have to be friends with me if your parents keep fighting about it," Sunghoon said.
"It’s fine. Not your fault," Jake replied.
"We don’t have any classes together today," Y/n said, comparing her schedule with Sunghoon’s.
"Nope, I only have special classes today," Sunghoon replied.
"Good luck handling my sister. She woke up on the wrong side of the bed today," Jake said.
"Ugh, I don’t like her," Sunghoon muttered.
"Who is she?" Y/n asked.
"I’m his sister," came a voice from behind her.
"I’m Yura, the popular girl," Yura said, extending her hand for a handshake.
"I’m Y/n," Y/n replied, ignoring the hand.
"Did you not hear me?" Yura asked.
"I did," Y/n replied.
"And yet you ignore my hand for a handshake?" Yura pressed.
"Do you see any bats flying around the school?" Y/n asked.
"No," Yura replied, confused.
"That’s the amount of fucks I give about you offering a handshake," Y/n said, earning gasps from the students and Yura.
"Hey, that was savage. Tiny one, let’s get to class before we’re late," Jake said, dragging her and Sunghoon away.
"Damn, you’re the first person to ever talk to her like that. I should bring you to dinner with my family so you can tell my mom the same thing," Jake said, laughing.
"I’m not telling your mom that," Y/n said.
"Why not?" Sunghoon asked.
"Because she’s his mom and older than me," Y/n replied. "And my mom would kill me."
"Well, tonight at dinner, I’m going to tell our parents how you shut her down," Jake said, grinning.
At lunch, they decided to eat at the convenience store again. When they arrived, Y/n’s mom smacked her, earning a chuckle from Sunghoon and surprising everyone in the store.
No one had ever seen Sunghoon smile, not even a small one. He had been told to suppress his emotions ever since his father started his dirty business. Smiling, laughing, crying, or getting mad were all forbidden.
"See, I’m funny," Y/n told her mom as she saw Sunghoon chuckling.
"Please let me apologize for my daughter’s behavior. She’s always been stubborn," Y/n’s mom said.
"No, it’s fine," Sunghoon replied, giving her a small smile, shocking everyone again.
After lunch, they headed back to class. Y/n rolled her eyes as Yura entered the room. "We have the same class as her," Y/n said to Jake.
"Yeah, and you can just shut her down again," Jake said, grinning.
"We meet again," Yura said, sitting beside Y/n. Jake was loving it.
"What a coincidence. You're not stalking me, are you?" Y/n retorted.
"Why would I stalk you? Who are you?" Yura replied.
Y/n turned to Jake and said, "You didn’t tell me your sister has a bad memory," earning gasps from everyone again. Jake tried to control his laughter but failed when he saw his sister stomp away in annoyance.
"I hope you don’t mind me bad-mouthing your sister," Y/n said.
"Not at all. I’m enjoying it," Jake replied, grinning widely.
Sunghoon's nightmare had always been his father discovering that he was hanging out with someone, especially girls. His father constantly warned him that having girlfriends would be a distraction, which is why Sunghoon never had one.
Sunghoon and Jake met during high school and had been hanging out behind his father's back ever since. Although his father didn't mind him spending time with Jake because he was a guy, what he would mind was Sunghoon not suppressing his emotions.
When Sunghoon arrived home from university, his father was already at the dinner table.
"You're later than usual," his father remarked, taking a sip of his wine.
Sunghoon sat down at the dinner table and replied, "Sorry, got caught up in traffic." He was served dinner as soon as he sat down.
His father gestured for the maids to leave the dining area. "You know I hate it when people lie to my face, son," his father said, looking directly at him.
Sunghoon sighed and continued eating, uninterested in conversing with his father.
His father smirked at his son's behavior. "Y/n," he said, making Sunghoon look up. "Yes, that's how we get your attention," his father said. "Stop hanging out with her, or next time, you'll find her dead body in your room. Finish your dinner and go to the training room," his father added before leaving for his office.
The next day, Sunghoon didn't go to class, making Y/n worried.
"Do you think Sunghoon's alright?" Y/n asked Jake as they sat in front of her mom's convenience store.
"No, his father found out about you, and he's doing everything he can to protect you from getting into trouble," Jake responded, eating the ramen he had bought.
"But he's not hurt, right?" Y/n asked anxiously.
"I have no idea. His father probably trained him all night, and he's just tired. Don't worry; he'll be here tomorrow," Jake said, trying to ease Y/n's mind.
After their lunch, Y/n couldn't stop worrying about Sunghoon and couldn't focus in class.
"I know you're worried, but if you keep zoning out, you'll miss the announcement about the ball next month," Jake said, breaking her thoughts.
"What?" Y/n asked, surprised.
"See, you missed it," Jake said, chuckling. "There's a ball next month."
"Oh, I've never been to one," Y/n responded with a small smile.
"Well, that sucks," Jake said, earning a playful smack from Y/n.
The next day, Sunghoon still didn't come to class, making Jake worried too, as he wasn't answering any phone calls or texts.
During lunch, Y/n, Jake, and surprisingly Yura sat together in the cafeteria.
"I haven't seen Sunghoon since yesterday," Yura said while eating her sandwich.
"Do you think we have?" Y/n retorted, rolling her eyes.
"Don't start a fight, you two. Let's talk about the ball. I'll try calling him again later," Jake said.
Yura smiled, putting down her sandwich. "So, you've never been to a ball?" Yura asked Y/n.
"Nope, too poor to afford that," Y/n responded.
"Your mom owns a convenience store," Yura stated.
"Yeah, and my dad was sick during the time there was a senior and junior prom, so I couldn't attend," Y/n explained.
"Was? So he's fine now?" Jake asked.
"No, I came here to live with my mom because he passed away a few months ago," Y/n said, looking down at her strawberry milk.
"Sorry," Jake apologized.
"It's fine, don't worry about it," Y/n said, smiling. Jake then earned a smack from Yura, making Y/n laugh.
"What the hell!?" Jake exclaimed, trying to smack his sister back, only to receive another smack from Y/n.
"You're not allowed to hit your sister," Y/n said firmly.
"Are you seriously taking her side?" Jake asked, wide-eyed.
"Yes, and we're here to talk about the ball," Y/n said before turning to Yura. "So, what do we wear for that occasion?"
"Brother, move aside. We have to discuss this," Yura said, pushing her brother away from Y/n and sitting beside her.
"Traitors," Jake muttered with wide eyes as he munched on his sandwich.
Two weeks passed, and Sunghoon still hadn't returned to the university.
Yura and Y/n had grown close, while Jake became the third wheel to their friendship.
"We haven't heard from Sunghoon in the last two weeks," Yura said as she sat down beside Y/n.
"No, and he hasn't answered any calls or read any of Jake's messages," Y/n replied.
"Don't worry, he's fine," Jake said, trying to reassure Y/n again.
"The ball is in two weeks, and since it's Friday and we got off early today, how about a little shopping? I'll ask your mom for permission," Yura said, grinning widely.
"Good luck getting my mom to agree to let me go shopping," Y/n said skeptically.
"I know you're worried about your loverboy, but trust me, he'll be there at the ball," Yura assured Y/n.
"I can't believe you made my mom say yes," Y/n said as they walked through the mall, looking for makeup.
"You know I'm good at it," Yura said confidently.
"Yura, you already have a lot of makeup," Jake said, trailing behind them like a bodyguard.
"Not for me, for Y/n. She needs to look pretty at the ball because that loverboy won't miss it," Yura said, grinning at Y/n before pulling her into Sephora.
"I don't know how to use this stuff," Y/n said, trying to break free from Yura's grip.
"I'll put it on you," Yura said, smiling.
Jake just laughed at the two of them, amazed at how well they got along. Just then, his phone started ringing.
"Sunghoon, where the hell are you?" Jake asked as soon as he answered the call.
"Sorry, got busy," Sunghoon replied with a raspy voice.
"Are you alright?" Jake asked.
"Yeah. When's the ball?" Sunghoon responded.
"You know about it? Damn, Yura was right. It's in two weeks," Jake answered.
"Okay, I'll be there," Sunghoon said.
"Do you want Y/n's number?" Jake offered.
"No, I better not have it. I'm hanging up now. Tell Y/n I miss her and not to worry about me," Sunghoon said before ending the call.
"Who were you talking to?" Yura asked, startling Jake.
"Jesus, you scared me," Jake said, holding his chest.
"So, who was it?" Y/n asked eagerly.
"Sunghoon. He said he misses you and you shouldn't worry. Come on, let's get something to eat; I'm starving," Jake said, pulling the two along, while Y/n kept asking about Sunghoon.
“You don’t look excited for the ball,” Yura remarked, examining a selection of ball gowns on sale in the store.
Yura had decided to take Y/n out to buy their outfits for the ball, which was only a week away. However, Y/n’s mind had been preoccupied with thoughts of Sunghoon ever since the night he called Jake. They hadn't heard from him since.
“Earth to Y/n!” Yura exclaimed, waving a hand in front of Y/n’s face.
“What?” Y/n asked, snapping out of her reverie.
“How about this dress? Isn’t it gorgeous?” Yura asked, grinning as she held up a stunning red gown.
“It looks nice, but isn’t it too revealing?” Y/n responded, hesitating.
“Oh, come on! You’re grown up now, and Sunghoon will probably go crazy when he sees you in this,” Yura stated with excitement.
“I’m not really into red. I prefer brown, dark green, or maybe pastel colors,” Y/n said, glancing at the other dresses.
“Alright, I’ll take this one for myself. Let’s find something in brown or green for you. Not pastel, though—you don’t want to wear something like that to a ball,” Yura said, leading Y/n to the other side of the store.
“You know, ever since I met Jake and Sunghoon, my life has changed,” Y/n mused, looking at the dresses Yura had picked out for her.
“How so?” Yura asked.
“I didn’t have any friends to spend time with back at my old school. Everyone there was only focused on their grades. It was a very weird place,” Y/n said, admiring an emerald green dress Yura handed her.
“You like that one,” Yura said, grinning.
“Yeah, I’ll try this on,” Y/n responded, smiling.
“You know, Sunghoon was a happy kid until he lost his mom. After that, he started coming to school with bruises and wounds on his face,” Yura said as Y/n changed into the dress.
Y/n stepped out of the dressing room, leaving Yura in awe. “Girl, I didn’t know you had such nice curves. Damn, I’m jealous!” Yura exclaimed, making Y/n laugh.
“Thanks. Jake never mentioned it,” Y/n said before returning to the dressing room to change back.
“Well, Sunghoon doesn’t like it when Jake talks about it, so maybe that’s why,” Yura explained.
Yura and Y/n both paid for their dresses.
“Thank you for taking me dress shopping,” Y/n said as she stepped out of Yura’s car.
“No worries, and I’ll do your makeup. So, the night before the ball, I’ll sleep over at your place,” Yura said, grinning.
“Or I could stay at yours,” Y/n joked.
“I’d love that, but my parents don’t like visitors. Besides, your mom has been asking for a sleepover here,” Yura told her.
“She loves you more than she loves me,” Y/n said, laughing before waving goodbye to Yura.
The next day, rumors about Sunghoon’s absence spread throughout the school, coinciding with the buzz about the upcoming ball.
“Has Sunghoon texted you?” Yura asked her brother, who was looking at his phone.
“No, but he’s seen my texts,” Jake replied.
“I’m sorry,” Y/n suddenly said, catching the siblings’ attention.
“What are you sorry for?” Jake asked.
“Maybe it’s because of me that he’s been absent and hasn’t attended any classes,” Y/n said, looking down, trying not to cry.
“It’s not your fault, and who told you it’s you?” Yura responded, looking at her.
“Everyone’s talking about it. They’re saying that ever since I started hanging out with Sunghoon, he’s been in trouble with his father. Maybe they’re right,” Y/n said, finally letting her tears fall.
Jake hugged her, trying to comfort her. “Stop crying. Sunghoon is fine,” Jake said.
“He’s not okay. He’s been absent for three weeks now,” Y/n said, her voice rising slightly as she stood up and walked away.
“What should we do about her?” Yura asked.
“I don’t know, but I know Sunghoon will be mad once he finds out,” Jake responded.
Time dragged on inside the training room, where Sunghoon’s father had been putting him through grueling training sessions for three weeks straight.
Sunghoon spat blood after receiving a harsh kick to his stomach.
“You don’t talk back to me, Sunghoon,” Mr. Park said, kicking him again in the stomach, making him wince in pain.
Sunghoon tried to stand but couldn’t, due to the relentless kicks from his father.
“Man up, Sunghoon!” his father yelled, delivering another kick.
“Park, I think that’s enough. You’re going to kill him,” Tristan said, entering the training room.
“Fine,” Mr. Park said, giving one last kick before leaving the room with Tristan.
Sunghoon struggled to stand up. “They might as well just kill me,” he mumbled, spitting more blood on the floor before finally managing to stand.
He collapsed onto his bed, grabbing his phone and seeing another text from Jake: “They’re talking about your absence now and blaming it on Y/n.” Reading the message, his blood started to boil. “It’s not her fault,” he muttered before passing out from exhaustion.
The day of the ball arrived. Yura had been applying makeup to Y/n’s face for the past 30 minutes.
“Does it really take this long to put on makeup?” Y/n asked, chuckling.
“Yeah,” Yura replied with a chuckle of her own.
“When will you finish?” Y/n asked, still smiling.
“Soon,” Yura said.
After Yura finished Y/n’s makeup, she started fixing her hair.
“Do you think Sunghoon will really come?” Y/n asked.
“Of course. He’s not going to miss seeing you,” Yura said, grinning.
“What if he doesn’t come?” Y/n asked.
“He will. Trust me,” Yura reassured her.
“Kids, Jake is here!” Y/n’s mom yelled, making the two girls laugh.
Yura and Y/n carefully descended the stairs, trying not to trip, as Jake looked at them, mesmerized.
“Damn, who are you?” Jake said, making Y/n’s mom laugh.
“Shut up,” Y/n responded, rolling her eyes.
“Come on, let’s go. We’ll be late,” Yura said excitedly.
“Jake, take care of my daughter,” Y/n’s mom said, waving them off.
Y/n, Jake, and Yura arrived at the ball. Everyone was dressed beautifully, and Yura had been right—no one was wearing pastel colors.
Y/n scanned the crowd, searching for a specific person, but he wasn’t there. She looked down, trying not to cry. He’s okay, right?
“I really thought he’d show up,” Yura whispered to Y/n.
“It’s fine,” Y/n said, trying to sound convincing.
As the night wore on, there was still no sign of Sunghoon. Y/n began to lose hope of seeing him.
“I’m going to get some fresh air,” Y/n said, leaving the venue.
Outside, Y/n stared at the stars, finding some solace in their beauty.
“It’s cold,” someone said from behind her, placing a coat over her shoulders.
She turned around and finally saw the person she had been longing to see.
“Sunghoon,” Y/n whispered.
“I’m sorry I’m late,” Sunghoon said, looking into her eyes.
“You’re just on time,” Y/n said before hugging him tightly.
Sunghoon hugged her back, holding her close. “I’m so thankful I met you. We’ve spent so little time together, but I’m grateful for every moment,” Sunghoon said before breaking the hug. He took off his necklace and placed it around Y/n’s neck.
Sunghoon pressed his forehead against hers, holding her cheeks with his shaky hands, and kissed her. Their lips moved in sync as Sunghoon pulled her closer, tears streaming down his cheeks.
He pulled away from the kiss. “I’m sorry. Please keep my necklace for now,” he said, stepping back.
He turned to leave, but Y/n grabbed him in a back hug. “Where are you going?” Y/n asked, her voice trembling.
“Away, to protect you,” Sunghoon said, attempting to remove her arms from his waist, but she held on tighter.
“Please don’t go,” Y/n cried.
“I’m sorry,” Sunghoon said, gently but firmly removing her arms and walking away as Y/n continued to beg him to stay.
Jake approached Y/n as she collapsed to the ground, sobbing. He hugged her, having witnessed the entire scene. He knew Sunghoon was leaving but hadn’t expected him to show up for Y/n.
“What happened?” Yura asked, running over upon seeing the scene.
“And that’s the last time I saw him,” Y/n said, looking at Jungwon, Jay, Yura, and Jake.
“Do you miss him?” Jay asked.
“Every day,” Y/n replied just as the bell rang, signaling the end of lunch.
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nightmarist · 11 months
Some Zevlor Things —
EDIT 12/2/23: Added a few more things
A fellow Tiefling Hellrider, Tilses, is with him in the caves acting as his bodyguard. He sometimes calls her Tilly.
There is one bedroll in the caves shoved off in the far corner with a book titled "The Devil You Know: An Autobiography" - not sure if it's his personal writing or if he's reading it, either way it adds to the flavor of his of his tiefling pride (and/or anguish).
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It reads:
Have you ever had a god change your blood? It is a horrifying thing, even for those who may desire it. Yet few tieflings wished for Asmodeus to claim their bodies, only be given no choice in the matter. It is not as if we were well-loved before the archdevil's gambit. Our people have always struggled against the notion of 'devilkin', as if a single drop of infernal ichor inescapably corrupts. How amusing, when so many others willingly sell their souls to fiends, yet their culture as a whole escapes the blame. By what method can we redeem ourselves, when the crime is not ours? I would drive a blade into every warlock that aided Asmodeus' damned ritual, but personal vengeance cannot undo the will of a god, much less one as slippery as the Lord of Lies. When every passerby thinks you a thief and heretic, it is deeply tempting to become one. (cut off) The only thing that has stopped me is knowing Asmodeus wants nothing more than for all of us to fall from grace.
Around the his table are Invasion Plans for Elturgard, Traveler's Guide to Baldur's Gate, Traveler's Guide to the Sword Coast Vol IV: The Risen Road (which aligns when he tells you earlier there are gnolls on the road), and "Front and Center: a Thespian's Memoir" that reads:
"... in fact, the greatest joy of my life hasn't been acting, but becoming. When you choose a character to play, you don't just wear a mask - you take a little bit of their soul for your own. Whoever you are in your heart of hearts, if only by the faintest note."
Zevlor aside I think this is a sweet quote for the player and player character relationship <3
Dialogue in the Caves:
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Zevlor: I Hardly need a bodyguard, Tilses. This isn't Avernus. Tilses: No sir. At least the monsters there looked like monsters.
Tilses: Commander— Zevlor: Just Zevlor, Tilly. We're civilians now, remember? Tilses: With respect, sir — being a Hellrider is for life. They can't take — Zevlor: They can, and did. Avernus changed things — best we get used to that. Tilses: ... Yes, Zevlor
Tilses: The Watch or the Flaming Fist? Zevlor: Pardon? Tilses: When we get to Baldur's Gate. Where are we enlisting? Zevlor: I'm done soldiering, Tilly. I'd like a clean start. But go with the Watch. You're too honest to be a mercenary.
Zevlor: No word from the scouts, yet? Tilses: No sir. But if there's a clear path past the goblins, they'll find it. Zevlor: Yes, of course.
in the Chest there is a bronze goblet, 46 gold, and a battle-worn blade. On his person he has his gloves (Hellrider's Pride), an apple, a camp supply pack, and the key to his chest.
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The blade says:
A fine by well-used sword. It seemed to have once belonged to a holy order, but the indication of rank and patron deity at the hilt have recently been filed down.
The gloves' flavor text says:
A waft of sulphur emanates from this proudly-kept piece.
Celebration at the Camp:
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"I should be out there, talking with them. In... Just a moment, maybe." "Is this everyone? Our numbers have grown so few..." "No more. I can't afford to lose any more of them." "No. Let them have fun. I'll be ruining it come morning anyway."
Mindfayer Colony:
Things he mumbles in the Pod:
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The pod will show you his memories of Elturel:
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After saving Zevlor, I forced myself to pick the "mean" options just to see how it goes.
If you tell him its his fault tieflings were imprisoned in moonrise, he says:
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If you tell him "Do yo have a right to ask?" when he asks about the tieflings:
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He doesn't argue with any of your remarks except one, when he says "For a moment I welcomed it" and you tell him "For a moment until you realized your reward would be a tadpole" he corrects you:
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If you tell him if he wanted power he should live up to his own ideal:
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If you tell him to get out of your sight:
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When you tell him it's not his fault he was enthralled:
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If you tell him "Fine. Good luck, Zevlor."
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If you say you could use another blade in the fight to come:
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At the Netherbrain:
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(smiling <3)
"The journey has been brutal, but I stand here a Hellrider once more, and I would die a proud man if I died this day."
I know it's a Soldier thing to be proud to die for a cause but it still makes me worry for him given his background so far <:]
If you click on him, he has two unvoiced lines:
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if you pickpocket him at this point, he'll have the same items on him as before (in this save he has a carrot instead of an apple for me).
His stats at this time: (Steeped in Bliss is from one of my items)
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Post Game (Patch 5)
I don't know if there are other permutations of this letter, yet, but this is what I received:
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I hope my penmanship has improved somewhat in the past months. When I first stumbled into this city, I shook so badly that I could scarcely hold the soup the priests pressed into my hands - let alone write and thank you as you deserve. It is only when the city itself began to shake that I felt my hands grow still. Along with the other veterans sheltering at the temple - discards of Elturel's 'unworthy' legions - I watched that monstrosity rise over the city. We felt no fear. Only anger. Disgust. Purpose - and with it, power. I do not know what oath we cling to now, or how long it will last - but we shall use it to ensure that this city will not suffer as Elturel did. Whether it wants us or not. It is more than thanks alone I owe. No words can make amends for what I did to my people, but that is as it should be. More come to the temple every day to aid in the relief efforts, and if I am permitted to work alongside them, then I am content. Come and see us, when you can. Zevlor
It's interesting — if not bitterswet, tragic, and inspiring — to hear that Zevlor and other Paladins regained their Oaths via pure, stubborn devotion to saving people when it began to look as bad as Elturel.
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lunamadhatter99 · 10 months
All for the cameras
chapter 2
Finnick Odair x fem!reader
Here we go, part 2! Thank you, thank you, thank you all for the support with the first chapter!! I'm so glad that everyone liked it.
I hope you're going to like this second chapter too🤞 again if you're new and want to be tagged in the next chapter, comment here❤️❤️❤️
Chapter summary: It's time for the big event. And better keep our eyes open.
Chapter warning: none, except the usual mention of prostitution and usual Hunger Games stuff. Nothing too wild. We still won't see Finnick in this chapter, but I promise it's going to be worth it❤️
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"Snow is watching us." Haymitch says, we're almost at the Capitol for the final interview and the big celebration.
"Of course, he is. He needs to watch everything. Especially the inconveniences," I scoff.
"Yeah. And if he wants you to pacify the districts, I promise you, he's not happy." Haymitch continues, "instead of being in love, you two sounds like you're reading from a drilling manual."
"You try reading that stuff that Effie writes us," Peeta mutters.
"Snow doesn't care." I tell him. "That's not how you want to convince him."
"I'm open to suggestions," he says back, tired.
"We could get married," Katniss quietly suggests, not looking up at anyone.
"That's not helping," Haymitch comments.
"I'm serious. If, like you said we're on this train forever, it's gonna happen eventually. Why not now?"
"It does make a statement. I'll give you that." Haymitch then looks at Peeta who agrees, but quickly stands up and leave. Katniss looks at me.
"It's something we can try, you're right... they would want it to happen eventually." I shrug.
"It's settle, then." Haymitch drinks to that and Katniss looks at me with hope.
"Are you sure you don't want to come to the party?" I ask Haymitch before I have to leave for Snow's residence. "Lots of free alcohol."
"I don't need free alcohol." He chuckles amused, "I'm a victor. I already got that."
"Don't you want to save a damsel in distress?" I try again.
"Our president seems very well guarded on his own," Haymitch jokes, "he's safe."
I genuinely laugh at that shaking my head.
"See? I need that! Please?" I try to beg just one more time.
"Don't send me that look, Princess." He turns his head away ready to walk away.
"Fine, fine... I tried." I raise my hands up in surrender. "Wish me luck, at least. "
"Maybe they'll leave you alone tonight, too interested in the two lovers," he sadly smiles at me, hoping, rather than believing, his own words to be true.
"Yeah, maybe," I take a deep breath, "well... have a goodnight, Haymitch."
"You too, princess." He winks, "and eyes open."
The party is just as exaggerated as ever. Lots of people, lots of food and drinks and lots of lights.
I make my way through the crowd, towards the tables full of food and drinks, hoping to find something to make this evening more tolerable. I take a glass and take a sip, breathing deeply.
Some people come to talk to me, about the victors, thankfully.
"Two victors, exciting, uh?" One of the them says cheerfully.
"Very," I say with my usual forced smile.
"You must be proud, two victors on your turn on 12," a woman with very voluminous hair nudges me, "you were the talk of the town these past few days, you know?"
"Me?" I ask, surprised by that, usually everyone forgets about me during the victory tour.
"Oh yes, well beside the lovebirds." A green haired man chimes in.
"Why?" I start to get anxious, the necklaces feel a lot tighter than before.
"I heard a rumour... someone wants to put a ring on your finger," she whisper-exclaims with a wink.
"W-what?... I don't think... uh..." I stutter.
"C'mon, everyone knows you're Cal Kingslay's favourite." She teases, with a devilish smirk, "and it's rumored that he wants you all to himself."
"Isn't that wonderful?" The man cheers. "We could probably get two well awaited weddings this year!"
"I hope I didn't ruin the surprise." The woman adds, with, what I'm sure is, a fake apologetic smile.
"Of course not. Now would you excuse me, gotta wait for my Victors." I say turning around to walk as far as possible from them, I finish my drink in one go and soon take another glass. Thankfully it's announced the arrival of Katniss and Peeta.
I spot them walking through the crowd following Effie and heading to Flavius and Octavia so I quickly join them.
As they see me arrive they immediately smile, relieved.
"There you are," I say holding my hands out for them to hold, "I've missed you,"
All for the cameras.
"It's only been 30 minutes," Peeta plays along.
"And you can stay that long away from me?" I fake offence, "You wound me,"
Everyone around us laugh so I just decide to stick with them as long as I can.
Helping them play along is much easier than expected, especially with Peeta, Katniss is still a little uncertain, but I get her, it got me years and years to get used to the cameras.
After I unfortunately finish my fourth glass, I need another one, in order to survive this evening.
"Excuse me a second," I whisper at them and head to the other side of the room where I can get another glass of Whiskey.
I turn around to go back to Katniss and Peeta when I'm met with a firm chest.
Unfortunately I already know who this might be.
"Found you" Cal teases.
I look up at him, the blue in his hair is even stronger than I remembered, and a little longer too, he got bigger, more muscles for sure, eyes just as devilish.
"That you did," I try to mask my fear with a chuckle.
"I've missed you, you know, been looking everywhere for you since I got here," he says with a sweet tone, that only makes my skin crawl. He grabs my hand to play with my fingers.
"I've been here the whole time, chatting with the Victors you know," I take my hand back, "I should get back to them, exc-"
"They got you all this time," he stops me from walking away, "it's not the same without you."
"I..." I want to say something, but nothing comes out.
"I mean, it's fun and all with Finnick, but with you..." he lets out a big dreamy sigh, "with you it's so much better"
He says the last part leaning in, close enough to suffocate me.
"Excuse me?"
We both turn and see Peeta standing there.
"Peeta!" I say, both surprised and relieved, "Peeta, uh.. this is Cal Kingslay, his father was once the general himself"
"Nice to meet you, sir," Peeta extends his hand and Cal grabs it and shakes it.
"The pleasure is all mine, Mr Mellark," Cal greets him, he's tense though, he doesn't like being interrupted.
"Uh... Peeta, where's Katniss?" I ask to change the subject.
"She's dancing with the new Head Gamemaker," he explains simply, "but I still wanted to dance so I thought to ask you, if you're free."
"Oh, but of course," I say holding out my hand for him.
"But..." Cal starts.
"Oh, c'mon, he's our new victor, we can't say no to him, now can we?"
"Of course not," Cal says with a very evident forced smile.
That being said, me and Peeta go dance with the other people, I even spot Katniss with said New head Gamemaker.
"Thank you," I breathlessly say as we start dancing.
"You're welcome, you looked like you needed saving," he says with his kind smile, "who is he?"
"A fan" I simply say, "a very... uh... insisting one"
"I see," he nods.
"Thanks again, really."
"Don't worry about it." He laugh, "I mean, you helped saving me in that arena, this is nothing."
It's actually a lot more than he thinks.
I smile at him, grateful.
I then feel a slight tap on my shoulder, I turn around seeing Katnis and the Gamemaker.
"Mind changing partners?" He asks politely.
Me and Katniss exchange spots.
"It's an honour," he says once we're dancing.
"That honour would be the same if I knew your name sir," I tease.
"Oh, my bad, I apologise." He chuckles, amused, "I'm Plutarch Heavensbee,"
"Now the honour is mine," I say, "new head Gamemaker... when did they choose you?"
"Oh, I volunteer," he simply explains.
"Oh..." I let out a surprised laugh, "I see Katniss is already dictating fashion."
"Yeah, she's an inspiration, don't you think?" He says it almost as a challenge.
"I do," I answer seriously. "There must be more then... why volunteer?"
"I think it's time for the game to mean something," he shrugs and smiles.
"Mean something?" I wonder, "that's pretentious,"
"A little," he chuckles again, "so I'd keep those eyes open, if I were you."
My eyes snap back at his face, he's smiling, proud of himself.
Why? Does he know something? Does Haymitch know something?
Before I get the chance to ask him anything, the Capitol anthem starts and the crowd cheers.
"I'm sure we'll meet again," he says before following the rest of the people out for President Snow's speech.
I'm a little stunned, it's Effie's call that snaps me out of it. I quickly join her, Katniss and Peeta out.
We all gather in front of the residence, waiting for the President Snow to come out. I turn around looking for Cal, only to make sure he doesn't sneak up on me again. I see him looking around, for me probably, so I quickly turn around getting closer to Katniss.
At last the President comes out on his balcony.
"Tonight, on this, the last day of their tour, I want to welcome our two Victors." He starts with his usual charming persona, two young people who embody our idealsof strength and valor. And I, personally, want to congratulate them on the announcement of their engagement."
Everyone cheers. Peeta and Katniss smile at the crowd around them.
"Your love has inspired us. And I know it will go on inspiring us every day for as long as you may live." He holds up his glass and the fireworks start and I turn around to look at them like everyone.
I sense Katniss holding my hand and turning around. I want to look at Snow too, but the way she starts to squeeze my hand tells me all I need to know...
He doesn't believe them.
It didn't work.
I'm sitting in an armchair staring at nothing in particular. My mind can't help but think about whatever we can do to make their story more believable, but nothing, absolutely nothing comes up.
The riots in the districts surely won't make him happy, which means it will be worse for everyone else.
My head snaps back as I hear footsteps coming, I let out a sigh when I notice it's just Katniss.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you," she apologises.
"Don't worry about it," I wave her off, "can't sleep either?"
She shakes her head, I motion for her to sit with me.
"Do you think we ever had any chance?" She then asks me.
"I guess, the positive side of me really hoped... but the realistic side knew." I sigh, looking down at my own hands, "I'm afraid it was too late from the beginning. And I don't mean from what happen in 11... I mean from the moment you took out the berries, that made the districts feel something, these riots all over the place won't be pacify by a love story. Snow knows that."
"He asked me to convince him," she explains, "to convince him ours is true love."
"He never believed you." I directly say, "not for a second."
"Why ask me that then?"
"Control." I simply answer looking up at her with a serious expression. "Show you he has control."
"How did you end up living like this?" She asks, she seems genuinely interested, but I'm not ready to share that part of my life with her just yet.
I smile at her, a smile that doesn't reach my eye.
"Aw... Katniss, I thought you knew the difference between living" I turn serious again, looking her dead in the eyes," and surviving."
With that I stand up, grab a bottle of what I think is rum, and head to my room.
I stand by the doors waiting for Peeta, Katniss and Haymitch to get off the train. The thought of going back to normal is dreadful enough, going back alone is even worse, I don't want to think about it.
"Home sweet home," Haymitch declares as he nears.
"Don't be so eager to leave me," I joke, holding my hand out for him to shake, he takes and kiss the back of it.
"You know, it pains me deeply," he teases back and I chuckle.
"Take care of them, will you?" I ask quietly.
"You take care of yourself, will you?" He lets go of my hand and leans down to whisper into my ear, "and eyes open" He smiles one more time before getting of the train.
"You'll have to explain that to me properly one of these days," I tell him as I watch him go.
"Isn't his whole character just... cryptic?" I turn around seeing Peeta and Katniss.
"Or just constantly drunk." Katniss chimes in.
"He's cryptically drunk all the time," I smile, "so... you got everything?"
"Yeah, we're ready to get home." Peeta smile back at me.
"Good... Good." I let out a deep sigh, "it's been a pleasure assisting you two. I guess I'll see you at the next Hunger Games, mentors."
"Thank you for everything, Y/n." Peeta pulls me in for a quick hug before walking away.
"Bye," I wave then turn to Katniss, "you okay?"
"Yeah... I think so." She forces a small smile.
"I wish I could do more," I tell her honestly.
"Say hi to your family for me, alright?" I smile again and she nods.
Once Katniss is out of sight a Peacekeeper comes up to me.
"Yes?" I ask.
"Your presence has been requested back in the Capitol. We'll be leaving soon." He tells me.
"May I know who requested it?" I ask, tired. I already imagine who-
"President Snow."
"Did he say why?"
The peacekeeper doesn't answer and walks away. I stand here dumbfounded, wondering what he might want from me.
Is it because of Katniss and Peeta?
Is it because of the riots in the districts?
Is it because of the Quartel Quell? Does he wants me to be more participant or?
Then a terrifying thought comes to mind...
"You asked for me, sir?" I stand in front of his desk as he write something down.
"It came to my attention a rumour's veen going around regarding you, miss L/n." He starts, still not looking directly at me, "a merry one."
"Sir?" I ask, my throat instantly dry.
"Cal Kingslay apparently wants to marry you," he finally puts down the pen and looks at me with, what might seem, a genuinely happy expression, "That's a wonderful news."
"Is it?" I don't know what he wants from me.
"Oh yes, the people can't help but be thrilled about. the idea. I, myself, think it's great news. After the contributions the Kingslays gave to the games in these last years, it will show, not only to the Capitol, but the districts as well, that you are an active part of this system." He explains, the hint of a challenge in his eyes. Challenge me to say no, to refuse.
I really want to, I want to scream at him and just run away. Being sold to all rich people in the Capitol is not the life I want, but being tied to him... permanently, it's more terrifying.
But I have no choice.
All I can do is swallow my pride and take a deep shaky breath.
"I... how... how will it happen, sir?" I ask.
"You two will get engaged once I announce the Third Quarter Quell and get properly married after the crowing of the Victor. He will ask, you will happily say yes." He explains, satisfied with my compliance, then he goes back at the papers in front of him, "That's all."
I don't need him to tell me twice, I immediately walk out of his office, ready to go home and just let everything out.
"Oh, before you go," Snow's voice freezes me on the spot, "Plutarch Heavensbee asked for your company, you will be escorted to his house immediately." He informs me.
I shakily nod and walk out of his office where two guards make way.
"Do you want some tea?" Plutarch motion for me to sit at a big wooden table, "perhaps something stronger?"
I nervously nod as I sit.
He walks away, I hear him talking to someone before walking back into the room I'm in with two drinks in hand. He offers one to me and sits by the opposite side of the table.
"I told the guards to come back in an hour, we should have enough time" he smiles and I nod again, still not sure of what to expect.
Suddenly the lights go off and the room falls into deep darkness. I can still make out his face due to the lights coming from outside.
"What...?" I ask.
"You can never feel safer," he tells me.
"What's going on, Mr Heavensbee?" I ask, anxiety growing at every passing second.
"Tell me, miss L/n," he starts, voice a little quieter than before, "what do you know about district 13?"
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razertail18 · 6 months
Miguel O'hara and daughter! Reader
I dunno why, but I'm an absolute sucker for Miguel O'hara and daughter!reader(its platonic, I can't stand incest)
My head just thinks of all the possible angst it has. One of these days, I'll finally be able to find the time to write other fics and this one in a proper way and just a rough idea!
You always love your papa, Miguel O'hara, but it's painfully obvious how he has been lacking recently. Well... As recently as the past few years.
Ever since the start of high school, Miguel has been absent in some events of your life.
It started when he would be late from picking you up from school, you would stay up late just to wait for him to come home, forgetting your traditional daddy-daughter sunday bonding time.
You didn't mind it at first until he stopped taking you out to celebrate your achievements, more specifically, every time you won a medal or got first place into any academic competition(specifically math and science).
Yup... You were a genius like your papa but he didn't send you to any gifted schools. He thought you deserved a normal childhood.
It was back in grade 9 where you won in an international math competition and won a gold medal... Like... Shock! Biggest achievement yet.
You already called Miguel about it and you just straight lied to him that all you got was a participation award. You were planning on surprising him, you take pride in the fact that you are just like your papa.
You went home with a medal in your hand and a bunch of empanadas on your other.
You wait.
And wait..
Oh, look at that it's 12:00 am. You could always skip school the next day...or technically today.
4 am and no calls... Is he... Okay?
And then Lyla pops up
"Oh, Lyla? Did papa have another all nighter at Alchemax?"
"Look, kid... I'll be honest with you... Miguel... He won't come back for a while."
"What?! Why? But... He said that he'll be here, besides, we always celebrate after I-"
"Y/N. I'm sorry, really, I am. And I'm sure your father does too."
You don't know why but you swore the way she gritted her teeth. Is that possible for holographic AI?
"Anyway, congrats, kid. I know it's just a participation award but, heck, you were against international kids. The best of the best. I mean, competing against hundreds of students in more than 20 countries. That's wild-"
"It's actually gold.
"Won first place... I... I just wanna surprise, papa... But, um, thanks anyway..."
After that, it just got worse month after month, year after year. You are used to being alone now. Sometimes Tio Gabriel is there to take care of you. Lyla helps you to keep yourself sane.
While Miguel might still live at your house, it doesn't feel like it.
"I'm busy right now, hija."
"I'm sorry, biscotcho... Maybe some other time."
"Y/N, please! I am tired, I just need some peace at the moment."
Excuse after excuse. That's all you get.
There are the occasional times he did spend time with you that you both enjoy
But it got butchered when you were 15.
He was just gone. For months.
Tio Gabriel had to move in with you.
"Mig- Your papa is just busy. He's, um-"
"I get it... He's busy. What's new?"
Gabriel could see just how you were struggling to keep it together. He knows how close you and Miguel used to be.
Gabriel was debating on whether he should tell you that it was because Miguel had an accident that made him half-spider, half-human.
That Miguel became Spider-Man, a figure you slowly idolized and internally wished he'd be your father instead(Ironic, I know), that's why he's late.
That Miguel is out there saving the multi verse.
That Miguel does love you.
Granted, Gabriel didn't know that Miguel ditched you and him to live happily in another universe where he doesn't bear the burden of being Spider-Man.
After months, Miguel came back. You didn't recognize him at first.
His hair is unkept, dark circles under his eyes, more agitated, he's depressed. It's Miguel alright but a shell of your father.
It was one night where you found out the truth when a strange portal appeared and a few...Spider-Man or Spider-Men? Women? Cat? Spider-People.
Along with them is the Spider-Man you were familiar with. There's that skull shaped spider in his costume.
You were trying to get a closer look and caught them on camera. You didn't expect them that your Spider-Man would reveal his face
After that you started digging deeper, snooping around Miguel's things and researching about Spider-Man in general.
You were fangirling at first until you realize that's the whole reason why he had always been so absent
You were furious. You don't know whether to shout, cry, punch, wail, or anything to let your bottled up emotions out
You hated him.
He left you to save other people. He abandoned you to be a superhero. And he didn't tell you! He lied to you.
Did Lyla knew? Of course she does. And tio Gabriel, he might as well have.
Would he really abandon his child to just play the hero...
You wanna tell him.
You were already walking down Miguel's office until you heard him talk about some anomalies and how these villains keep taking up his time.
"I shocking swear, Miguel, you get to see these villains more than you get to see your own daughter!"
"Several universes depends on it! You think I have enjoyed doing this for the past several years, Gab?!"
So the villains get more attention than you, huh?
Maybe it's time to have that so-called 'Bad girl era' that almost every teen goes through. But how...
You huffed as you landed on your bed filled with Spider-Man comics from the Golden Hero era as part of your research. And then you saw a particular villain in one of the pages.
"I'm a genius, right?... How hard could it be to pull off Doc Oct's metal arms... Besides... Nueva York still hasn't had a version of him. It's about time for one."
You immediately got to work. You had experience when it comes to robotics and tech, thanks to Miguel since he introduced you to it.
Miguel and Gabriel thought of nothing about it when you requested several metal parts and wires. It was not uncommon for you to mess around making robots.
The other materials that will gather suspicion, you have to buy it yourself or steal it.
You did feel bad for stealing but you love that adrenaline rush in your blood as you almost got caught and ran away scot free.
You made some changes to the original idea of Doc Oct's metal limbs. You read something about an inhibitor chip and there's no way you are implanting a chip in your body.
So you have to work your way around it. There's also something about an A.I., a huge no for you since you learned the hard way that you are still beyond mastering it.
So you just went with the voice command and controlling it manually.
At first you only have two limbs and the other pair was only used after you got the handle of it.
"Soooo... What crime should I do first... I don't exactly wanna hurt people. I just wanna fight pap- I mean, Spider-Man but how..."
You walk through the city carrying that heavy ass backpack containing the metal arms while looking where to cause crime.
Then you saw how a bunch of the policemen were abusing their power...again. And you look back at the police that was parked just near you.
"Hello there..."
It took Miguel by surprise when he saw a clip sent by Lyla about some weird Doc Oct wannabe making a ruckus in Nueva York about...destroying police cars and the police department? Odd.
Nonetheless, Miguel is pissed and was forced to fight the new villain any way whom he had found to be annoying.
"What in the shock are you achieving in destroying cars, Doc Oct?"
"Ummm, don't you think Doc Quad fits better... I only have, like, 4 metal limbs. But it makes me sound like a body builder.
It was strange how much you enjoyed causing mayhem or was it because Miguel's focus is on you. Regardless, your 'villainy' continued on for months.
You never hurt innocent people. More like an inconvenience to everyone in the city and just being a stupid teen who thinks there being bad but cool.
Of course, Miguel hated you. You were there being a distraction to his responsibility of keeping the multi verse in tact.
Strangely enough if there were any anomalies in Nueva York, you were the one to fight them off and the Spider-People sometimes just needed to pick them up to send them back home.
And as time goes on, you actually manage to strike a peaceful conversation with Miguel and some of the other Spider-People like Peter B. And Gwen(if they were around Nueva York) if you weren't feeling like being a menace.
"I'm just saying, Miguel. Your Doc Oct could be a great member in HQ. Just think about it." Gwen is trying to convince Miguel, she sort of made a weird friendship with you.
"She's practically harmless." Peter added.
"Uhuh. I think flooding the streets of Nueva York, releasing several animals free in pounds, painting government halls in rainbows, cleaning the river while tossing the thrash back in front of company's headquarters, and destroying police property is pretty harmless.
"Sounds more like an angst teen to me. At least, she never tried killing you." Peter joked.
He did give it some thought. Maybe you are a teen behind that black mask and shades you always wear but he couldn't really know.
Except for one particular event.
It was your sixteenth birthday. Miguel promised to make it special for you since you never got the quinceañera he promised you before.
You didn't really care you just wanted the whole day with him.
You didn't go to school that day only spending the day with Miguel.
This was it. Your prayers have finally been answered and then- oops...
Miguel left you in a diner while taking lunch to 'go buy something' and he didn't return.
Everything is turning out so well. A bed in breakfast, giving you tons of hugs and kisses from your papa, letting you pick out a new dress, and watching that new monster movie you've been waiting for about some overgrown lizard.
You knew he had been called to his 'job'. That is more important than you. Than his own daughter.
You left the dinner as you ran back to your home. You don't wanna cry. Not this time. Your heart is burning with all the rage and pain of his neglect over the years.
When Gabriel saw your tear-stained face, he already knew what happened.
He was ready to hear you breaking down in your room but he didn't expect to see your bedroom walls breaking down with tentacle claws visible through the smoke and rubble.
"Y-Y/N?" Gabriel didn't wanna believe it. But he saw you put on that mask and the shades that Doc Oct always wears.
You refused to listen to anybody as you thrashed everything that comes in your way. And you went directly to the electricity company and turned the lights illuminating the city night off.
You thrashed the broadcast and signal of the city (a/n: how do you even describe that)
No electricity, no signals, everything is off. You hoped that the HQ Miguel is in is affected as well.
You got bored as you ruined the streets, letting your anger out in the destruction you havoc.
Now...where was that HQ located? You swore you saw it in your father's plans.
Okay. Plan B.
Time to pay a visit to your papa's office.
A/N: might continue it as an actual proper fic but I really wanna write the reader as a villain. I know it's such a mess but way too sleep deprived but I might continue it later
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bg-brainrot · 1 year
Hello, I am writing Astarion fanfic with no signs of stopping 👋
Note: All Astarion x Tav, all written with gender-neutral pronouns and from second-person POV. Will continue to update this! This blog is all BG3 + Astarion
Love at First Knife
Rogue!Tav and Spawn!Astarion
This series is based on my double-rogue playthrough. Tav is an assassin rogue, chaotic neutral, chooses mostly good options but a ton of options just for the laughs or the money. Astarion remains unascended. Everyone shows up sooner or later, though main group includes Karlach and Shadowheart.
The Trap is Set: Two 8 strength rogues get stuck and need to wait for rescue; one of those rogues doesn't like being trapped underground
Failed a Dex Save and Fell for You: the gang plays Truth or Dare and Tav starts to realize their feelings
Healing Threads: Astarion is an expert at embroidery -- Tav finds this out through an injury. They later find out *why* he’s such an expert
The Night They Slept Together: Tav pines, and their relationship with Astarion shifts ever so slightly. (They literally do just sleep) [Tumblr]
One Small Bedroll, Two Confused Hearts: oh no, one bed! But both Astarion and Tav are scared to admit they're catching real feelings
Failed Every Insight Check and Fell all the Harder: Astarion POV, he begins feeling some new feelings. It's only after Moonrise Towers that he can put a name to them. [Tumblr]
Stolen Hearts: Tav "picks" Astarion over Karlach (Tav and Karlach were never really together but oh well, semantics)
NEW! To be Known: Astarion reads a book and wonders what it means to be known. [Tumblr]
A Stolen Moment: Tav and Astarion are on a thief date
The Rogues that Slay Together Stay Together: Tav goes down protecting Astarion, Astarion has never been this worried
A Pair of Penguin Pebblers: Both Astarion and Tav love stealing, they steal through a shopping episode and go on a date afterward
The Smut Peddlers of Sharess' Caress: the group finds smut written about Astarion and Tav [Tumblr]
A Bad Counterfeit: Tav is replaced by a doppelganger and Astarion immediately notices something's wrong, some angst as he comes to term with being a "hero"
Hugs for a Vampire: Rogue!Tav and Astarion's romance as told through hugs [Tumblr Masterlist]
More than Vampiric Charms: After some banter between Jaheira and Astarion goes too far, Rogue!Tav reassures Astarion [Tumblr]
Would You Still Love Me?: Rogue!Tav asks the question everyone wants to know the answer to "would you still love me if I was a worm?" [Tumblr]
Of Bets, Bluffs, and Briefs: The gang plays strip poker, though it seems like not everyone (Astarion) is playing by the rules [Tumblr]
Brawls Fair in Love and War: What starts out as a scuffle turns into a full out tavern brawl for the gang [Tumblr]
Alone in a Crowded Camp: Astarion reflects and realizes that company isn't so bad. [Tumblr]
Their First Winter Together: Astarion and Rogue!Tav enjoy a lot of winter firsts in this fluff-filled extravaganza [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12]
Unraveling Plan Meet Immeasurable Insecurity: Tav tries their damnedest to propose, only to be rebuffed by Astarion at every single turn. [Tumblr]
(smut) The Thousandth Time: Astarion and Rogue!Tav make love for the thousandth time. In a bathtub. [Tumblr]
Random post-game rogue!Tav headcanons
A Star in the Dark
Evil!Dark Urge and Ascended!Astarion
Evil!Dark Urge and Astarion have a tumultuous relationship, make dubious choices, and become a power couple. *This playthrough scares me so I'll update this sporadically hah
(smut) In My Head: Dark Urge has an all new kind of daydream after Astarion approaches them
(smut) A Bloody Sacrament: Astarion licks Dark Urge clean after they bathe in a pool of blood [Tumblr]
Tav x Astarion fics that don't belong to a series
IN PROGRESS When He's all but Forgotten How to Love Again: Elf-Tav reincarnation story, they dream of him in their reverie, and go out to find him once they reach maturity [Tumblr Masterlist]
IN PROGRESS The Consequences of Convenience: Tav enters a marriage of convenience with their unromanced, best friend Astarion-- feelings ensue.
Spicy Astarion Headcanons (both A!A and Spawn!A)
Horny Astarion Headcanons (both A!A and Spawn!A)
If you're looking for some more fics, check out my fic recs here!
If you're wondering which Hozier songs fit which pairings, check them here!
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captainlunaxmen · 9 months
All for the Cameras
Chapter 2
Finnick Odair x reader
This is a repost since the old blog doesn't work anymore. 🥰
Chapter summary: it's time for the big event. And better keep our eyes open.
Chapter warnings: none, except the usual mention of prostitution and usual hunger games stuff. Nothing too wild we still won't see Finnick in this chapter, but I promise it's going to be worth it.
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"Snow is watching us." Haymitch says, we're almost at the Capitol for the final interview and the big celebration.
"Of course, he is. He needs to watch everything. Especially the inconveniences," I scoff.
"Yeah. And if he wants you to pacify the districts, I promise you, he's not happy." Haymitch continues, "instead of being in love, you two sounds like you're reading from a drilling manual."
"You try reading that stuff that Effie writes us," Peeta mutters.
"Snow doesn't care." I tell him. "That's not how you want to convince him."
"I'm open to suggestions," he says back, tired.
"We could get married," Katniss quietly suggests, not looking up at anyone.
"That's not helping," Haymitch comments.
"I'm serious. If, like you said we're on this train forever, it's gonna happen eventually. Why not now?"
"It does make a statement. I'll give you that." Haymitch then looks at Peeta who agrees, but quickly stands up and leave. Katniss looks at me.
"It's something we can try, you're right... they would want it to happen eventually." I shrug.
"It's settle, then." Haymitch drinks to that and Katniss looks at me with hope.
"Are you sure you don't want to come to the party?" I ask Haymitch before I have to leave for Snow's residence. "Lots of free alcohol."
"I don't need free alcohol." He chuckles amused, "I'm a victor. I already got that."
"Don't you want to save a damsel in distress?" I try again.
"Our president seems very well guarded on his own," Haymitch jokes, "he's safe."
I genuinely laugh at that shaking my head.
"See? I need that! Please?" I try to beg just one more time.
"Don't send me that look, Princess." He turns his head away ready to walk away.
"Fine, fine... I tried." I raise my hands up in surrender. "Wish me luck, at least. "
"Maybe they'll leave you alone tonight, too interested in the two lovers," he sadly smiles at me, hoping, rather than believing, his own words to be true.
"Yeah, maybe," I take a deep breath, "well... have a goodnight, Haymitch."
"You too, princess." He winks, "and eyes open."
The party is just as exaggerated as ever. Lots of people, lots of food and drinks and lots of lights.
I make my way through the crowd, towards the tables full of food and drinks, hoping to find something to make this evening more tolerable. I take a glass and take a sip, breathing deeply.
Some people come to talk to me, about the victors, thankfully.
"Two victors, exciting, uh?" One of the them says cheerfully.
"Very," I say with my usual forced smile.
"You must be proud, two victors on your turn on 12," a woman with very voluminous hair nudges me, "you were the talk of the town these past few days, you know?"
"Me?" I ask, surprised by that, usually everyone forgets about me during the victory tour.
"Oh yes, well beside the lovebirds." A green haired man chimes in.
"Why?" I start to get anxious, the necklaces feel a lot tighter than before.
"I heard a rumour... someone wants to put a ring on your finger," she whisper-exclaims with a wink.
"W-what?... I don't think... uh..." I stutter.
"C'mon, everyone knows you're Cal Kingslay's favourite." She teases, with a devilish smirk, "and it's rumored that he wants you all to himself."
"Isn't that wonderful?" The man cheers. "We could probably get two well awaited weddings this year!"
"I hope I didn't ruin the surprise." The woman adds, with, what I'm sure is, a fake apologetic smile.
"Of course not. Now would you excuse me, gotta wait for my Victors." I say turning around to walk as far as possible from them, I finish my drink in one go and soon take another glass. Thankfully it's announced the arrival of Katniss and Peeta.
I spot them walking through the crowd following Effie and heading to Flavius and Octavia so I quickly join them.
As they see me arrive they immediately smile, relieved.
"There you are," I say holding my hands out for them to hold, "I've missed you,"
All for the cameras.
"It's only been 30 minutes," Peeta plays along.
"And you can stay that long away from me?" I fake offence, "You wound me,"
Everyone around us laugh so I just decide to stick with them as long as I can.
Helping them play along is much easier than expected, especially with Peeta, Katniss is still a little uncertain, but I get her, it got me years and years to get used to the cameras.
After I unfortunately finish my fourth glass, I need another one, in order to survive this evening.
"Excuse me a second," I whisper at them and head to the other side of the room where I can get another glass of Whiskey.
I turn around to go back to Katniss and Peeta when I'm met with a firm chest.
Unfortunately I already know who this might be.
"Found you" Cal teases.
I look up at him, the blue in his hair is even stronger than I remembered, and a little longer too, he got bigger, more muscles for sure, eyes just as devilish.
"That you did," I try to mask my fear with a chuckle.
"I've missed you, you know, been looking everywhere for you since I got here," he says with a sweet tone, that only makes my skin crawl. He grabs my hand to play with my fingers.
"I've been here the whole time, chatting with the Victors you know," I take my hand back, "I should get back to them, exc-"
"They got you all this time," he stops me from walking away, "it's not the same without you."
"I..." I want to say something, but nothing comes out.
"I mean, it's fun and all with Finnick, but with you..." he lets out a big dreamy sigh, "with you it's so much better"
He says the last part leaning in, close enough to suffocate me.
"Excuse me?"
We both turn and see Peeta standing there.
"Peeta!" I say, both surprised and relieved, "Peeta, uh.. this is Cal Kingslay, his father was once the general himself"
"Nice to meet you, sir," Peeta extends his hand and Cal grabs it and shakes it.
"The pleasure is all mine, Mr Mellark," Cal greets him, he's tense though, he doesn't like being interrupted.
"Uh... Peeta, where's Katniss?" I ask to change the subject.
"She's dancing with the new Head Gamemaker," he explains simply, "but I still wanted to dance so I thought to ask you, if you're free."
"Oh, but of course," I say holding out my hand for him.
"But..." Cal starts.
"Oh, c'mon, he's our new victor, we can't say no to him, now can we?"
"Of course not," Cal says with a very evident forced smile.
That being said, me and Peeta go dance with the other people, I even spot Katniss with said New head Gamemaker.
"Thank you," I breathlessly say as we start dancing.
"You're welcome, you looked like you needed saving," he says with his kind smile, "who is he?"
"A fan" I simply say, "a very... uh... insisting one"
"I see," he nods.
"Thanks again, really."
"Don't worry about it." He laugh, "I mean, you helped saving me in that arena, this is nothing."
It's actually a lot more than he thinks.
I smile at him, grateful.
I then feel a slight tap on my shoulder, I turn around seeing Katnis and the Gamemaker.
"Mind changing partners?" He asks politely.
Me and Katniss exchange spots.
"It's an honour," he says once we're dancing.
"That honour would be the same if I knew your name sir," I tease.
"Oh, my bad, I apologise." He chuckles, amused, "I'm Plutarch Heavensbee,"
"Now the honour is mine," I say, "new head Gamemaker... when did they choose you?"
"Oh, I volunteer," he simply explains.
"Oh..." I let out a surprised laugh, "I see Katniss is already dictating fashion."
"Yeah, she's an inspiration, don't you think?" He says it almost as a challenge.
"I do," I answer seriously. "There must be more then... why volunteer?"
"I think it's time for the game to mean something," he shrugs and smiles.
"Mean something?" I wonder, "that's pretentious,"
"A little," he chuckles again, "so I'd keep those eyes open, if I were you."
My eyes snap back at his face, he's smiling, proud of himself.
Why? Does he know something? Does Haymitch know something?
Before I get the chance to ask him anything, the Capitol anthem starts and the crowd cheers.
"I'm sure we'll meet again," he says before following the rest of the people out for President Snow's speech.
I'm a little stunned, it's Effie's call that snaps me out of it. I quickly join her, Katniss and Peeta out.
We all gather in front of the residence, waiting for the President Snow to come out. I turn around looking for Cal, only to make sure he doesn't sneak up on me again. I see him looking around, for me probably, so I quickly turn around getting closer to Katniss.
At last the President comes out on his balcony.
"Tonight, on this, the last day of their tour, I want to welcome our two Victors." He starts with his usual charming persona, two young people who embody our idealsof strength and valor. And I, personally, want to congratulate them on the announcement of their engagement."
Everyone cheers. Peeta and Katniss smile at the crowd around them.
"Your love has inspired us. And I know it will go on inspiring us every day for as long as you may live." He holds up his glass and the fireworks start and I turn around to look at them like everyone.
I sense Katniss holding my hand and turning around. I want to look at Snow too, but the way she starts to squeeze my hand tells me all I need to know...
He doesn't believe them.
It didn't work.
I'm sitting in an armchair staring at nothing in particular. My mind can't help but think about whatever we can do to make their story more believable, but nothing, absolutely nothing comes up.
The riots in the districts surely won't make him happy, which means it will be worse for everyone else.
My head snaps back as I hear footsteps coming, I let out a sigh when I notice it's just Katniss.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you," she apologises.
"Don't worry about it," I wave her off, "can't sleep either?"
She shakes her head, I motion for her to sit with me.
"Do you think we ever had any chance?" She then asks me.
"I guess, the positive side of me really hoped... but the realistic side knew." I sigh, looking down at my own hands, "I'm afraid it was too late from the beginning. And I don't mean from what happen in 11... I mean from the moment you took out the berries, that made the districts feel something, these riots all over the place won't be pacify by a love story. Snow knows that."
"He asked me to convince him," she explains, "to convince him ours is true love."
"He never believed you." I directly say, "not for a second."
"Why ask me that then?"
"Control." I simply answer looking up at her with a serious expression. "Show you he has control."
"How did you end up living like this?" She asks, she seems genuinely interested, but I'm not ready to share that part of my life with her just yet.
I smile at her, a smile that doesn't reach my eye.
"Aw... Katniss, I thought you knew the difference between living" I turn serious again, looking her dead in the eyes," and surviving."
With that I stand up, grab a bottle of what I think is rum, and head to my room.
I stand by the doors waiting for Peeta, Katniss and Haymitch to get off the train. The thought of going back to normal is dreadful enough, going back alone is even worse, I don't want to think about it.
"Home sweet home," Haymitch declares as he nears.
"Don't be so eager to leave me," I joke, holding my hand out for him to shake, he takes and kiss the back of it.
"You know, it pains me deeply," he teases back and I chuckle.
"Take care of them, will you?" I ask quietly.
"You take care of yourself, will you?" He lets go of my hand and leans down to whisper into my ear, "and eyes open" He smiles one more time before getting of the train.
"You'll have to explain that to me properly one of these days," I tell him as I watch him go.
"Isn't his whole character just... cryptic?" I turn around seeing Peeta and Katniss.
"Or just constantly drunk." Katniss chimes in.
"He's cryptically drunk all the time," I smile, "so... you got everything?"
"Yeah, we're ready to get home." Peeta smile back at me.
"Good... Good." I let out a deep sigh, "it's been a pleasure assisting you two. I guess I'll see you at the next Hunger Games, mentors."
"Thank you for everything, Y/n." Peeta pulls me in for a quick hug before walking away.
"Bye," I wave then turn to Katniss, "you okay?"
"Yeah... I think so." She forces a small smile.
"I wish I could do more," I tell her honestly.
"Say hi to your family for me, alright?" I smile again and she nods.
Once Katniss is out of sight a Peacekeeper comes up to me.
"Yes?" I ask.
"Your presence has been requested back in the Capitol. We'll be leaving soon." He tells me.
"May I know who requested it?" I ask, tired. I already imagine who-
"President Snow."
"Did he say why?"
The peacekeeper doesn't answer and walks away. I stand here dumbfounded, wondering what he might want from me.
Is it because of Katniss and Peeta?
Is it because of the riots in the districts?
Is it because of the Quartel Quell? Does he wants me to be more participant or?
Then a terrifying thought comes to mind...
"You asked for me, sir?" I stand in front of his desk as he write something down.
"It came to my attention a rumour's been going around regarding you, miss L/n." He starts, still not looking directly at me, "a merry one."
"Sir?" I ask, my throat instantly dry.
"Cal Kingslay apparently wants to marry you," he finally puts down the pen and looks at me with, what might seem, a genuinely happy expression, "That's a wonderful news."
"Is it?" I don't know what he wants from me.
"Oh yes, the people can't help but be thrilled about. the idea. I, myself, think it's great news. After the contributions the Kingslays gave to the games in these last years, it will show, not only to the Capitol, but the districts as well, that you are an active part of this system." He explains, the hint of a challenge in his eyes. Challenge me to say no, to refuse.
I really want to, I want to scream at him and just run away. Being sold to all rich people in the Capitol is not the life I want, but being tied to him... permanently, it's more terrifying.
But I have no choice.
All I can do is swallow my pride and take a deep shaky breath.
"I... how... how will it happen, sir?" I ask.
"You two will get engaged once I announce the Third Quarter Quell, and get properly married after the crowing of the Victor. He will ask, you will happily say yes." He explains satisfied with my compliance, then he goes back at the papers in front of him, "That's all."
I don't need him to tell me twice, I immediately walk out of his office, ready to go home and just let everything out.
"Oh, before you go," Snow's voice freezes me on the spot, "Plutarch Heavensbee asked for your company, you will be escorted to his house immediately." He informs me.
I shakily nod and walk out of his office where two guards make way.
"Do you want some tea?" Plutarch motion for me to sit at a big wooden table, "perhaps something stronger?"
I nervously nod as I sit.
He walks away, I hear him talking to someone before walking back into the room I'm in with two drinks in hand. He offers one to me and sits by the opposite side of the table.
"I told the guards to come back in an hour, we should have enough time" he smiles and I nod again, still not sure of what to expect.
Suddenly the lights go off and the room falls into deep darkness. I can still make out his face due to the lights coming from outside.
"What...?" I ask.
"You can never feel safer," he tells me.
"What's going on, Mr Heavensbee?" I ask, anxiety growing at every passing second.
"Tell me, miss L/n," he starts, voice a little quieter than before, "what do you know about district 13?"
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scarletlizzard · 7 months
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So apparently I hit 500 followers? Thank you to everyone who follows and has interacted with my fics!! 🥳
I thought this would be fun to celebrate? I have a list of random dialogue that y'all could pick from to send me. Ranges from everywhere to fluff, angst, NSFW, etc. And I'll write a little short something for it!
Feel free to pick a number or few to send or you could be specific with who you want or a specific trope or plot. Anything!
Thank y'all so much, made my whole day 💕
104 Dialogue Prompts
1. "Admit it... you're in love with me."
2. "We could get arrested for this."
3. "I thought you were dead."
4. "I've missed this."
5. "You could've died."
6. "Who did this to you?"
7. "I know, I know, I'm sorry... it'll be over soon, I promise."
8. "Come back to bed."
9. "How long has it been since you slept?"
10. "Tell me where you are, I'll come get you."
11. "I still love you."
12. "Such a good girl."
13. "Open your mouth for me, baby."
14. "We have to make this quick."
15. "Beg for it."
16. "Mommy?"
17. "You're in love with them. Aren't you?"
18. "It was you? This whole time?"
19. "You know, just cause you're older don't think for one second I'm not in charge."
20. "Smile at me like that again, I'll fall in love with you."
21. "... is that a trick question?"
22. "Don't just stand there, say something."
23. "Say that again, I dare you."
24. "Fuck you." "Right now?"
25. "I'm joking! Unless..."
26. "You take me so well."
27. "What do you mean I'm dead? I'm standing right here."
28. "Please, I'm begging you. Just hear me out."
29. "Oh fuck... I'm in love with (x)." "You're just now realizing that?"
30. "What if you didn't go? What if you stayed?"
31. "You like it rough, don't you, slut?"
32. "Flowers?"
33. "I hate you. I hate you. I hate you."
34. "Fuck, marry, kill..."
35. "Truth or dare?"
36. "Since when did you ever care about me?"
37. "You think I wanted this to happen? You think I wanted to fall in love with you?"
38. "May I have this dance?"
39. "I know I'm the last person you want to see, but..."
40. "I'm done! I am done waiting for you."
41. "It's okay, you're okay, I'm here. I've got you."
42. "Touch her again and see what happens."
43. "Is that a hickey?"
44. "I'm fine, it's just a bruise..."
45. "I'm going to fucking kill them."
46. "Are you sure about this?"
47. "Why are you all sweaty?"
48. "You left! You left and you didn't even think to look back. What was I supposed to do?"
49. "Well... this is awkward."
50. "You know I've been flirting with you this whole time right?"
51. "They'll never love you the way I did."
52. "If you're trying to make me jealous, it's working."
53. "Wanna bet?"
54. "Just say that you want me and I'm yours."
55. "I'm going to ruin you for anyone else."
56. "Wait you've never kissed a girl?"
57. "Where did all this attitude come from, princess?"
58. "Take my hand."
59. "Can I have your number?"
60. "You're an idiot." "Well yes, you'll have to be more specific."
61. "Quick! Pretend to be my girlfriend?"
62. "Run away with me."
63. "Are you going to be a good girl for mommy?"
64. "That collar looks so good on your pretty neck."
65. "Too bad, you're going to take every last fucking inch of me."
66. "Do you ever think before speaking?"
67. "Count them for me."
68. "You snore."
69. "Let's try that position." (I know, I know)
70. "Bullshit! You're telling me you just don't blush?" "Nope, never."
71. "Just tell her how you feel." "I'd rather get shot again."
72. "Oh my god are you okay?" "Yeah I'm fine, I've been stabbed before."
73. "Daddy?"
74. "Can't we go back to how things used to be?"
75. "Save a horse ride a cowgirl, amiright?"
76. "I like you. A lot."
77. "Is that the best you can do?"
78. "I'll consider kissing you if you can beat me."
79. "Please, pull the trigger."
80. "I'm not drunk enough for this."
81. "You can't run away from this forever."
82. "I know you're having nightmares again."
83. "Would you like me to whisper it in your ear?"
84. "Stop looking at me like that."
85. "Somebody's cranky." "Somebody needs to shut the fuck up."
86. "Get on your knees."
87. "How stupid do you think I am? Don't answer that."
88. "I can't sleep."
89. "Just relax, let me make you feel good."
90. "Close the door."
91. "Was that supposed to hurt?"
92. "I've wanted this for so long."
93. "You can do better than that. Beg for it."
94. "Controlling? Oh I'll show you controlling."
95. "You drive me fucking crazy!"
96. "Nobody needs to know."
97. "Take another step and you'll be dead before you open your fucking mouth again."
98. "Do they always look like that?" "Just when (x) is around."
99. "I made you a playlist."
100. "I know you said you would die for me but I didn't think you meant that literally!"
101. "Is that... blood?" "Huh? Oh yeah! Oh I'm fine it's not mine."
102. "Why are you always looking at me like that?" "Like what?"
103. "Hero? Please. You heroes have to win every time. But being the villain? I only have to win once."
104. "You've changed." "You haven't."
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sea-of-dust · 6 months
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Ranpo,Chuuya,Atsushi x M!Reader
My hand slipped while I was doing math homework and i accidentally wrote this. This is my first time writing for a male reader I'm sure I'll be fine (this is going to be worse than my math grades)
Warnings: mentions of alcohol, mentions of bruising,death implications,might be a lil ooc I haven't watched bsd in a hot minute
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Oh? You have sweets? Are able to bake?? What's that, you're able to spoil him? Yea, he's imagining how to rizz you up before you two were ever dating. "Y/n thinks you're cool" "really?" He lights up at the mention of you "he does think you're kinda werid tho" he pouts disapointedly, will be whining about this
You're like another piece of candy! You're not escaping him. You thought you were allowed to leave? No. "Y/n we need you on this" "alright" "I should go too" he raises his hand popping another candy into his mouth "he can solve this himself" "well I can make it so they're right back here in secounds" "whenever I go out with you the minimums like 3 hours" you cringe remembering the holes he digs into your wallet. "That's irrelevant!"
If you ever did manage a task alone, he'd be annoyed for the rest of the day, so annoyed he actually opens his eyes to glare at people. "30 minutes" "would have been a few secounds if you took me with you" you sigh kissing his forehead "I'm sorry I didn't bring you it would have been too boring for a great detective like you" he proudly huffs "well it would have been fine since it would be with you" will make you tell him how it went and it'll always end with him saying "I knew it! This is why you should bring me"
He does get hurt sometimes, but when he does, it's just a small scab at most. Never the less you still treat him. "Don't give me the teddy bear ones those are for babies!" "They fit you're aesthetic, though." "they do not!" Applying the bandage carefully, you watch him lift his pant leg higher to reveal another small bruise. "Are you serious?" "Well were already here" does like looking at your handiwork from time to time.
Wants you to stay up and tell him stories and is pretty understanding when you say you're too tired to. "Y/n! Are you up to read 12 angry men?" "Ranpo I'm heading straight to bed" you rub your eyes sluggishly, walking past him to change out of your clothes to something more comfortable. "Alright, but you owe me more pages than usual" "deal" he plops onto you as you cover yourself with the blanket. He doesn't even attempt to gain spoilers or read ahead if this happens. He really likes hearing your voice,trying to act out certain characters. He might even ask questions he knew the answer to just to hear more of you. "Wait, so why'd he agree?" "Because that guy's thinking about his son throughout the conversion by putting his past with his son behind him he accepts the fact the kid on trial isn't his son and shouldn't be found guilty" "he should've just agreed when everything else got debunked" "yea well sometimes stuff like that holds someone back"
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"Do you like wine?" "No" "?!" How did you guys even date? Wait nevermind besides that wine thing, you're pretty great 10/10, not returning
He would use his ability to quite litterally sweep you off your feet. Feeling the sudden decrease in weight, you feel as if you're floating on air. "What the-" he casually grabs something out the fridge "that's the last one" "that's why I stopped you" sometimes he'd just leave you floating for an extra 5 secounds, gracefully hold your hands and and help you down. "Can't have you bursting your head open" "I was two feet off the ground" he sighs, you pull him close kissing his cheek "thank you for saving my fall Chuuya" and that's why he does it often
He does get a bit cranky, but it's usually when he has a bad day. He likes bad days if you're at the end of them, though. You'd always let him sleep somewhere or stay up and watch you try to open wine for him and fail or succeed. "Finally!!" You popped open the bottle with the Cork flying out. "Wait, where'd it go-" hearing a small thud, you see the cork crack the floor due to its sudden change of what seems to be weight. "There's a tool for that." he pulls out the drawer and shows you it nonchalantly, "but that was kinda impressive"
"I wanna get a dog" "we should get married." The guy would be on the brink of tears. A dog? And you two are living together? He's gonna love that dog. Unfortunately, that dog mostly followed you around. It likes him, but the millisecond you're there that dog lays with you,sleeps with you, he's starting to get jealous of both you and the dog! You still catch him petting it going. "You're so fluffy! Who's a good boy who's a good-" the dog sees you and walks toward you it's tail wagging .How are you fluffy?" There'd be such a defeated look on his face
Definitely would be judgemental and then do some strange shit. You'd catch him dancing in the halls? Nothing to see here, only him getting slightly upset you didn't say anything. Pulling out every product known to man to bathe the dog, it's pretty adorable. You still don't say a thing, only smiling when you see it, still a bit annoyed you didn't say anything As soon as he catches you posing with his clothes...he's flattered time to make fun of you. "What are you doing" you turn around smoothly "Why I'm Chuuya Nakahara of the port mafia" you moon walk over to him "that is not how I introduce myself" "yea you introduce yourself by trying to show off your taste in wine to someone that hates it" "you worked at a liquor store!" "I dont have to drink wine to work there" you take off his coat to put it back, but he quickly slides it back on "keep it on for a while I wanna savor this"
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You taught him what a flash game is. "OK so then this guy wants uhhh" "oh my god its Wally" "WHERE" unironcally so emerged in papa's games its aggressively odvious you two aren't working, you're are lucky you specialize in speedrunning paper work the secound half of the work days basically just you two getting bullied by the food critic
He's pretty shy for a lover infact when you start dating, he still feels like a friend more than a boyfriend. So when you ask him out, expect him to hide away somewhere nervous he might say something werid, he'll suck it up for you though! He's got this! It's just a museum! He can- you held his hand, and his confidence is down the drain. How he managed to keep composed is a miracle. Surprisingly for him, he didn't do anything he'd think would embarrass him in the future. He's definitely gonna ask to go on more dates in the future.
You try to help him with tiger matenence. Including getting loads of dirt out of his paws and even splinters sometimes "Alright ready" "I never will be for AH-" he winces pulling away, but you hold out his arm "you're fine lemme put on a bandaid" they do feel nice after you clean then though a bit numb
Attempting to teach him games will get him to teach Kyōka. "Y/n would you like to play quack diddly oso ?" "You know how to play that? I thought it was too old" "Atsushi taught me" you decide to ask him about it. He would get a bit embrassed, his mind racing about what you'd do or say. "Maybe I should try and teach her numbers too" he sighs in relief leaving you a bit confused but you infact did teach her numbers, a horrible day for Ranpo in particular as she and you easily beat your record of 57 with him. You didn't need her approval for dating Atsushi, but you still got it because of some children's games
You wouldn't be surprised by how mushy he could get. He'd overthink about the dangers you two face being apart of the Ada. He'd get trembaly grabbing onto your hands for their warmth. "I'll be fine. I'm more worried for you" "But what if you get hurt cause of me!" "I gladly will" "That's the issue!" He grabs your shoulders."What if you-" "Then yosano will take care of me" You pull him close, letting him calm down. "You're hopeless." "I won't regret a thing"
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 7 months
02/26/24 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; Cast&Crew;WeeJohnWondays; New Calendar; Watch Party Reminders; Uk Billboard; Trends; Fan Spotlight; Love Notes; DailyDarby/Tonight'sTaika
== Cast & Crew Sightings ==
= Wee John Wonday! =
No guests today! Just the wonderful Kristian Nairn himself! So I didn't get time to write up a synopsis, so I'll give you a few highlights I thought you might like!
Next Wee John Wonday will feature: Ruibo Qian and Anapela Polataivao!
Calypso's Birthday Airing Episode, the guests will be: Con O'Neill and Gypsy Taylor!
GOT questions!
== New Calendar ==
Weekly Calendar! Tomorrow is #TomatoTuesday!
#TomatoTuesday is a day to rave about OFMD's rave ratings on Rotten Tomatoes to different streamers! Please add your own review if you haven't already! Rotten Tomatoes Review Tutorial.
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= People of Earth S2 =
People of Earth S2 continues tomorrow Feb 27 at 9 pm GMT / 4pm EST / 3pm CST / 1pm PST. Need access? Reach out to @iamadequate1!
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= Uncle Season 2 Watch Party! =
Wed 28th + Thurs 29th GMT - 8pm / ET - 3pm / PST - 12 pm Streaming on I-player! Outside the UK? Follow this VPN tutorial to learn more.
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= Joe Lycett Watch Party =
According to the new weekly calendar you can join @lcwebsxoxo for Joe Lycett Watch Party at 10 pm GMT on twitter! #YoureATreasure
== UK Billboard ==
As many of you have heard, the Save OFMD Crew has been working on getting a billboard going in the UK.
"Our goal is to help achieve pick-up for Our Flag Means Death. To do it, we need the show (and the campaign) to continue garnering attention through sustained interest, viewership and fandom growth, and we need to prove to other streamers that picking up the show is a good financial investment."
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Since there's so much information, I'm just going to give you some links that you can peruse at your leisure:
Save OFMD Crewmates Billboard Post on Tumblr
Transparency Policy
London Billboard FAQ
SaveOFMD Crew Contact Info
If you'd like to donate to the billboard/truck/subway effort (it's not required) please visit: Save OFMD Ko-Fi
I mentioned in another post-- if you don't feel comfortable reaching out to SaveOFMD Crew directly, and want to chat/forward feedback anonymously, I'm more than happy to do that on your behalf, just shoot me an anon ask. However, I will probably not get to them tonight because it's already very late, sorry! I'll forward them on first thing in the morning for me.
== Trends ==
Sure looks like #OurFlagBBC is still going pretty strong! Great job friends!
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== Fan Spotlight ==
= Collages =
Almost at the end of the month of February -- and the Feburary LOVE #OurFlagMeansDeath Collage Fest! from our fabulous crew-mate @WanderingNomad on Twitter! So close to being caught up on the rest of the month!
Day 26: Season 2 Costumes!
Day 10: Ewan Bremner!
Day 11: Joel Fry
Day 12: Ruibo Qian
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Wanna be featured in the fan spotlight? Send me a message! We're trying to make sure our creative crewmates are getting a chance to strut their stuff! I've been reaching out to several folks so hopefully we'll have lots more soon!
== Love Notes ==
Hey Lovelies. Tonight, I was gonna write a bunch of stuff but then I found this video of Rhys sending some love and encouragement, and I felt like it was needed more than anything else. I haven't gotten permission to share the full video on here yet, so if I do I'll get it posted. For now, @lividturkeys posted an uplifting section that I think we all need to hear tonight.
"Keep the laughter coming...We stick together and keep bringing love and joy to this planet, it needs it more than ever...Keep laughing, Love you"
== Daily Darby / Tonight's Taika ==
Okay so I'm running out of time, so tonight will be pics not gifs, sorry all. One of these days I'll finish catching up earlier in the day (ha!)
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PS: I have no idea why but my 5 year old finds Taika and Rhys HILARIOUS. Like, laugh his ass off roll on the floor laughing when he sees Taika talking and Rhys making silly movements.
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wesleysniperking · 2 months
25 things I remember and tell myself when it's tough to support Usopp in a shonen world.
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1. If Usopp had a solo movie, it would make up for his lack of screen time.
2. If When Elbaf is his moment to shine, it can absolutely counter everything haters say he lacks. Usopp is fabulous regardless; he just doesn't see it himself.
3. I'm not sure why other fans get mad when people defend their favorite character. If an Usopp fan sees a comment like "Usopp needs to go die in a hole," it's natural to respond. Insulting someone's favorite character invites a reaction.
4. Usopp is awesome and has nothing to prove.
5. There's a beauty in retrospect. I believe he'll receive better reception by the time I'm using a walker. Yesterday's taboos are today's norms.
6. You can't take away Usopp's sniping abilities. He may be called the weakest, but no one can deny he's the best sniper. Look at his dad.
7. I believe people have forgotten storyteller Usopp, especially when they don't understand why Elbaf is significant.
8. If Usopp doesn't get his moment in Elbaf, fans will be justifiably upset. Franky's Egghead and Zoro's Wano arcs had different build-ups. Who's the outlier here?
9. Saying Usopp doesn't have Observation Haki is the dumbest thing haters say. Even non-canon reminds us that he has it. Some are just mad that he got it.
10. I don't understand how someone can passionately hate Usopp and how he's written without blaming Oda. Criticizing Usopp's writing implies Oda's done some bad writing, which is okay! No one is perfect.
11. Of all the reasons Usopp is hated, the Wano situation where he told Nami to lie is the most frustrating to defend. It genuinely beats out Water 7.
12. Usopp is the most flawed Straw Hat in the fandom's eyes. I compare him to King David a lot, especially since David is considered a warrior king who fought Goliath and was heavily flawed, yet God still loved him. Like King David, who was one of God's favorites because he had a good heart and held no pride, Usopp isn't as prideful, arrogant, or selfish as he seems. He doesn't even lie that much. People wonder why Luffy let Usopp join; it's because Luffy, like God with David, sees a good heart with no pride in Usopp.
13. Whatever happens, flaws and all, Usopp will always be my favorite.
14. I don't understand how fans can talk so badly about Usopp. Yes, people find him grating and irredeemable. But neglecting a humanist approach is scary. If you can't tolerate a character like Usopp and put him down as weak, inferior, and irredeemable, something's wrong.
15. I might project onto Usopp, and he might be my comfort character, but I root for him and accept him for who he is. Recently, I thought I wouldn't pass my finance class at university but managed to get a B with enough grit and tenacity. Usopp faces that all the time!
16. If you're waiting for Usopp to "finally be brave," you might need to find another character. It's like picking a university degree; Usopp isn't for you.
17. Despite everything, Usopp is still awesome. No one will ever overshadow him to me. I'm all in with tunnel vision.
18. Usopp embodies the idea that the greatest are the least, and the least are the greatest.
19. 19. Usopp is only 19. People need to give him grace. At 19, I was still a kid!
20. If Usopp is such a bum, why do people remember him? How does he bring the crew down? Recently, there's nothing to suggest he's hindered the crew's success.
21. Sniper King doesn't need to come back. It annoys me when haters say he needs to return because they hate the current Usopp. It's a weird flex.
22. Yes, Yasopp isn't a good dad, but he's not the worst anime dad. It bothers me when people emphasize this to prove Usopp is a “bum” compared to his crewmates. It's unfair.
23. I believe Oda is saving something big for him. If I'm wrong, it will be devastating, but I'll find a way to defend it. I won't be alone.
24. Syrup Village is a goated arc. Usopp is the reason the crew got a ship.
25. Disregarding all agendas, ships, headcanons, theories, and projections, Usopp is still a character worth respecting and rooting for. This will be MORE evident 20+ years from now. Just wait.
usopp community I created. feel free to join. (still wip, but you can post anything!).
Gif credit
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mammalsofaction · 26 days
39. Perryshmirtz kissing as....time runs out
From the prompt list here.
Sugar, we're going down swingin'
Rating: T
Relationship: Heinz Doofenshmirtz/Perry the Platypus
Add tags: Angst, ambiguous ending, human Perry the Platypus, OWCA Files AU, PTSD flashbacks
A/N: Bit of a cliche but I loved getting to stretch my minute made writing muscles again. I considered a fluffy alt but I know Lex loves a bit of grief in her morning coffee.
Canon compliant to my Human Perry lore. Eve had been his sister (Ferb's biological mother), who died in the line of action about 12 years ago here.
There was something to be said, Perry thinks, of panicking.
(Every sound rang clear as crystal, as murky as dirt. He can feel his own pulse beating beneath his skin like every artery connected straight to his heart. It’s almost tranquil.
We've been here before.)
"Agent P," Harry yelled. It's difficult to hear over the sound of falling rubble, and the blaring alarms resonating through the inside of the volcano, and through the sheer rushing of blood through his ears. "Please, we need to leave!"
"Perry?" Heinz whispered. Perry looks up to him then, numbed of all feeling, save for the bleeding wound on his hip, stinging enough to remind him that he was, at least, still alive. He's looking up, he's staring, but he's not quite seeing. Perhaps physically, they were all trapped inside the lair of an alchemist madman, set to collapse above his head any minute, and to be fair it is all terribly exciting. But Perry was, in truth, bearing down a steel doorframe of an old warehouse stinking of gunpowder, dust and sweat, cradling two small bodies against himself, praying for the mercy of a God he doesn't believe in for a few minutes he could no longer afford 20 years ago.
"Can you walk?" Heinz asked. Right, yes, because he'd asked that question too, that fateful night of fire and gunpowder. What had Eve said to him then?
I can fight. He signed, and he pushes himself off, handing over the briefcase containing what they'd all come here for. The evidence, the antidote, the killing blow. Go, I'll catch up.
(He'd thought about what she'd said, there, in hindsight. He thinks it was meant to be funny. That was how she defaulted to things, on account of Perry not having a single humerous bone in his body, in stark comparison. She was the good cop.
We'd learned to fight before we'd learned how to walk, that was what she always said. There was pride in that, to mask the sadness underneath.)
The henchbots kick against the hinges of the only door holding them back, and bolts come flying. It won't be too long now. Heinz had frozen, briefcase pressed into his chest as he stares a bit dumbly at how Perry attempts to hold himself up, checking the ammo of his guns, so Perry gives him a little push to emphasize his point. He catches Perry's outstretched hand, instead.
"You can't be serious." He hissed, and Perry shook his head. "Come on."
There was only one pod left out of here, and Karen and Maggie had taken the only other one. Between their bulk, the briefcase, and the sheer speed they had to push for in order to make the gate closing any minute now, Perry would only slow them down.
Go, Perry said, and for a second his guard comes crashing down. His hand trembles, pressed against the side of his chest, and it is closest he'll ever get to a wobbly lip. Please?
"You-," Heinz said, but with one mighty kick the door finally bangs open under the assault of manic steel feet. Heinz flinched, but Perry opened fire, trigger finger cool and steady. Two simple headshots. He had 5 bullets left, and a mob to deal with.
"Guys, come on!"
"I'm not leaving you here." Heinz hissed, the grip on Perry's wrist almost crushing. "We're leaving together, or I'm not going anywhere, you hear me?"
Oh, Heinz.
As rubble falls and crushes the control panel of the exit gates behind them, and the echo of a dozen feet barrels down the corridor, Perry tugs him closer, and their lips meet like an electric shock, still every bit of a thrill as the first. He feels it tingle right down to the tips of his toes, and slick swipe of his tongue down on Heinz's bottom lip like a promise.
They part with a gentle smacking sound, breathing the same air. Perry wants to remember this. He wants to leave on a good note.
"Perry," Heinz chokes, either on dust or on his own heart. "What do you-,"
I'll catch up. Perry lies, and presses on the trigger for the grappling hook on his belt. Heinz grunts, wide eyed, as it latches on the exit way of the foyer, right next to Harry himself, and Perry treats himself to one last look of his baby blue eyes wide open in fury as it pulls him back hip first.
5 bullets. Perry uses one of them to shoot a hairline fracture down the side of the wall, and the support beam keeping the lighting features aloft gives up the ghost. No way out. No way back in.
"Counting down, lair self destruct." The robotic overhead intercom announces, pleasant and calm. "T minus 10 seconds."
"Trespasser located." The henchbots declare, stepping into the foyer, falling apart. Perhaps one of them. Perhaps a bunch of them at once. He can hardly tell--blood seeps down his side in rivulets, and his head feels heavier by the minute. The edges of his vision begins to blur, and he can't quite tell what's up from down.
But Perry's got a gun in a steady hand, and he's got 4 bullets.
"Resistance is futile." The bots warn, the last of their cogs whirring. It's all appropriately dramatic.
Perry grins.
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pinksatinsashes · 10 months
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The end of the year is the best time of year for us self improvement obsessed girlies because the planners are out, everyone's making vision boards and its finally time to write a nice long list of New Years Resolutions and achieve precisely nothing! Nothing!
Then the end of that year comes and we start the cycle again, making lists, checking them twice, achieving absolutely nothing, staying exactly the same and sometimes worse! How exciting! :)
When I was 16 I thought I'd have my life together at 18...lol! When I was 18 I figured I'd be totally together when I was 20. I'm 20 now...I think I've genuinely gotten worse.
But this year I am determined! I have said absolutely no more, absolutely no way is another year going to pass me by and I'm going to be stuck here in the exact same place. I NEED change.
Your 20's are meant to be the 'best years of your life'!
This is probably the easiest I'm ever going to have it! I have no children, no husband and I don't pay rent yet, if I don't do it now I will never do it..I don't want this to be my life forever.
Want to know how I'm going to make this year my year? Keep reading.
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About two weeks ago I coined 2024 as the year of the Glow Up and started to meticulously plan out exactly what I wanted out of it.
My main goals for 2024 are:
To Hit My Goal Weight.
To Save Up Enough Money to Move to London.
To Be 75% of my Dream Girl
There are tons of other things I want to achieve of course, but If I don't achieve those three 2024 would genuinely have been a waste of time for me.
Now a couple years ago I would've just written those two goals down, put them on a vision board and went about my business...but Oh No, not this time.
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I had a nice long think about the person I wanted to be at the end of 2024, financially stable, clear skin, goal weight, ready to move in spring 2025, closer to God, found her signature scent.
Each of these goals had a wider theme:
Fitness and Body
Skincare and Hygiene
Beauty & Makeup
Books & Brains
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I fired up Notion, created a home page that had a sub page for every month and then finally I created the Overall page, which has a sub page for every Goal Category and then I broke down each goal into lots of SMART goals. (Specific Measurable Achievable Realistic Time-Based)
So my 'get down to my goal weight' goal became:
Fitness and Body:
[ ] Size 10 clothes or under and 140 lbs (I'm 5'9 with naturally big boobs so this is my ideal weight)
[ ] Hour Glass Figure, building up glutes and upper body
[ ] Maintain Goal Weight for at least 3 months
[ ] Able to Stair Machine for 10 minutes
[ ] Able to go on a full Run
[ ] Do at least one form of Excerise a day
[ ] At least one form of Excerise a day
[ ] Take the Dog on Daily Walks
[ ] Try 12 New Recipes
[ ] Learn How To Cook 4 Different Nigerian Recipes
[ ] Form Consistent Eating Routines
[ ] Eat out twice a month or less
[ ] Stay in a Caloric deficit until I reach my Goal Weight
See how much more specific this is?
Having my goals listed like this makes everything so much easier because I'm tackling multiple things at once. First I'm changing the majority of my goals to habits or tasks (things I can control) from outcomes (things I may not be able to control).
Now I know that if I do all of these things written out, staying in a caloric deficit and excising daily there's a 90% chance I'll reach my goal.
This is much more effective than writing an outcome with no plan on how to achieve it.
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From here, I'll break the Goal Down Even Further, into monthly goals.
For example, to reach the goal weight Goal by the end of December, January may look like this:
Eat at 1500 calories a day or 10,500 calories a week (to allow for the high calorie company lunches I often attend as part of my work, I'll simply eat less on the other days
Go to the gym 4 times week,
Complete X Fitness plan
Go on one Dog walk a week
Meal Prep ever week.
Lose 10lbs
To Save enough Money to Move to London by the end of the year, January might look like this:
Prep for no Spend Months in Feb and March (stock up on skincare, budywash etc)
Meal plan every week
Sell £200 worth of clothes on Vinted to spend on Spring Wardrobe (I'm not buying any clothes unless I use the money I get from selling my current clothes)
Stick to Budget
My Goal to get Smarter and Stop Mindless Scrolling may look like this in January:
Read at least 1 book
Listen to 4 Podcast Episodes
Limit Social Media use to 1 hour a day
Write 6 Blog Posts
Watch one Documentary
Setting the tasks in this way also allows me to feel a sense of achievement, every month I'm able to tick off my goals which can increase my motivation, instead of writing down a list of things to do and forgetting about it until the end of the year. It also allows me to recognise when I'm going off track faster and adjust for the next month.
You see how this is better?
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I was strategic in using notion because I knew that I could then use it not only to set out my goals, but as a home base, a setting point to house all the things I could use to achieve them.
Under each section I've also included a bunch of things to help me, the Food section for example has a list of my go to recipes, so that when I can't think of anything to eat and want to run over to the closest KFC I have something to choose from. The Hair section has a list of hairstyles I've done and the Pro's and Cons, the Skincare section has a list of the products I've tried, if I liked them and If they worked for me.
Each month has its own page with a section for each wider goal and a spot for me to have a monthly write up, detailing what works and what didn't work so I can change and approve the following month and prevent falling behind.
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I'm determined to make this year my year so let me know if you'd like me to keep you updated, feel free to ask any questions or send them to my asks. Also let me know if you want my notion template, here's a little peak-
Till we speak again!
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maple-seed · 11 months
My finale thoughts are not organized but here they are.
It's complicated.
I really do think it's beautiful. As far as the story is concerned, I love it.
Where the character is concerned, I hate it.
Part of it might be where I am in my life right now.
But I think this probably would have hurt regardless.
Since we first met him in 2011, I have always summed up Loki's popularity with this: he's wounded. Loki is wounded which makes him relatable, because who among us isn't?
In the 12 years since, he's been presented in different lights and at different stages of change and it has been great, I have loved every iteration of him and his story. But the ending I always hoped for was not this one. Loki is wounded, and I am wounded, and so what I desperately want to see is Loki healed, Loki happy, and maybe then I could see part of myself in him there as well.
Seriously, the only, only thing I have wanted from the MCU for years now has been for the sun to shine on Thor and Loki again. The worst possible outcome for me is Loki alone for eternity, when all he has ever wanted was to connect with people around him.
Though I suppose he is connected to everyone now.
Clinging to the hope that this might not be the end. Hard rules have not been established, and it's never hopeless with comic book stories. Comic book fuckery can always save us. Remember, Wolverine died in 2017. Right this minute, not only will he be in another movie but Hugh Jackman is even playing him.
There could be something else for Loki in the future. Though a part of me does hate to lose this beautiful ending.
In the meantime, I suppose that's what fanfiction is for. I'll keep writing stories where Loki is healed, where Loki is happy, where Loki makes the connections with other people in the way he has always craved, and the way that I crave also.
I'll write my own damn sun.
tagging some of my usual discussion folks.
@loopsisloops @lokisgoodgirl @gigglingtiggerv2 @muddyorbsblr @give-me-a-moose @tallseaweed @ladyofthestayingpower @joyful-enchantress @unlucky-number-13
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b3nnyrabb1t · 3 months
So there's this person on here @funnyshapedpuddles who did a "reblog with two or more fun facts about you and I'll give you a Sanders sides character" thing and I got Remus (understandably so) but I so. So. So badly want a thorough review from MORE fanders because suddenly I want a popular vote decision here.
Fun facts about me are as follows (I'll start with the two I used for that person's post)
1. I spent around a year fixated on Jeffrey Dahmer in increments of 4ish months and 7-8ish months over the span of two years
2. I spent an entire total of over 24 hours tallying up how many new "Say No To This" bowigi videos I saw on tiktok when that was trending. I kept track by saving them all to a collection that has since been transformed into just bowigi stuff in general with most of the "say no to this" videos deleted (I kept the ones I liked most)
3. During that time period of my fixation on Jeffrey Dahmer I wrote not one, but two essays about him. Because I felt like it.
4 I named myself after a character from a Canadian show that aired on Disney in 2011-2012 called My Babysitter's A Vampire that also has a movie as the prequel (but I believe the movie did come out first so I think technically the show is a sequel/spin-off of the movie but wtv)
5 The last two summers (this one current and last year) I live(d) in a camper a few hundred feet from my house because I hate my grandfather and love being able to be independent while also having a stable fallback (like if it's too cold some night and I can just go into the house and sleep, or if I run out of my groceries in here)
6 I am a Scorpio.
7 The things I do most in the day are scroll Tumblr, scroll TikTok, and write porn with my best friend on Snapchat.
8 I dislike every pop tart except the cinnamon ones.
9 I own the Dan and Phil and Cats calendar and I cross off every day on it so I do not forget what day it is. It is the only calendar I have ever ACTUALLY used despite owning SEVERAL calendars that I picked out myself before. I have only ever actually used one. And it's Dan and Phil.
10 I spent somewhere between 45-55 dollars only on pink men's dress clothes then promptly actually cried when I put on an all-pink outfit and realized I did not have pink shoelaces, only purple. Even my socks had pink. My shoes did not.
11 pink is my favorite color as of literally the day I bought the dress clothes, which was 5 days ago as I write this (June 16th).
12 I saw a video on TikTok about a guy named Nik (judyhoppslovr69) being dead and promptly sobbed for two hours. It has been three days and he has revealed he is still alive. I cried seeing the video of him alive.
13 I dislike ever flavor of Gatorade except orange and lemon lime.
Thank you everyone for your cooperation.
Edit: please reblog for more traction and more votes. Thank youuu
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ramen8008 · 6 months
I don't know if most of you know this or not but I've been a marichat stan for 5+ years (around as long as I've been miraculous ladybug and Chat noir obsessed) so since I did a Ladynoir head canon post I want to do one for marichat. Because this was what kept me up at night at 12 years old reading fanfiction omg so much fanfiction (and writing some too but we don't talk about that).
I think just like Ladynoir I prefer an older more mature head canon with them.
They don't meet on purpose. Like they hardly ever meet on purpose especially as adults. Maybe they had a few of those nights on the balcony when they were 14-15 or one too many missions where they teamed up but as adults it's hardly ever on purpose.
That doesn't mean they aren't friends or that they don't meet. Every once in a while Marinette would be chased by a akuma and chat will save her. Within those dragged out a couple of minutes where he gets her somewhere save they chat, they insult each other, exchange funny stories, make jokes. And after the akuma he checks on her where he left her, hardly ever expecting her to be there but always finding her.
They have the kind of friendship which is just EASY. It's fun, there's no expectations, they never have to wonder whether they need to call the other or if it's weird the other hasn't reached out. It's mostly coincidence (that at times doesn't seem like it)
They don't talk about their feelings, they talk shit about people that piss them off, situations that make them wanna commit crimes, jokes around. Chat knows Marinette has more to her life than she tells him but it's okay because so does he.
They can tell each other things they don't think they can ever say out loud, not because they're their "true selves" but because who's going to hear the hopes and dreams that might never be accomplished? A boy who she doesn't even know the name of? A girl who'll probably never know who he is?
They don't imagine their life with each other in it, it's the kind of friendship you have with an exchange student in your school, a person just visiting town, they talk about their future but never imagine each other in it, because that'll break down the comfort they feel knowing that they have no major significant with another. (At least that's what they tell themselves)
It's always "I'll tell my friends I used to know the famous fashion designer before she was famous"
"I'll tell my kids I used to be friends with the great Chat noir"
And that's okay, it's what gives them the freedom to say whatever they think, say out loud the things they would never have anyways because that's the core of their friendship. It's not the kind where you plan hangouts, where you know each other's favorite colours, where you fear that saying something will affect your next conversation. Not one where you even know the others birthday, one where to get each other serious or any gifts at all
Sure Marinette gives him a sweater for winter patrol once only for him to find out that the back has a paragraph not so different to the "no protection, no lube..." comment when ladybug starts laughing uncontrollably.
They both have an addiction to murder podcasts. They plan the most precise murders in the middle of the night and switch to talking shit about murderers because they got caught.
They don't see each other as a life long friend but definitely one they don't plan to forget. They don't spend many nights together but the ones spend are all they will remember.
Their meeting aren't always the most convenient but they are also never boring. They don't have a normal friendship but that's also what's so special about their friendship. They might not know everything about one another or even close but they will be each other's murder alibi and that's what matters.
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