#But I can also imagine a cool Rin getting into fights }
ephemeralzenith · 2 years
TPW headcanons
i miss them so much(spoilers ahead)
if they were in the modern world, altan and rin would wear glasses and everyone would make fun of them. they would actually have abysmal eyesight even though they are super cool warriors.
also modern world; altan would be so technologically illiterate that everyone would make fun of him. hes like a grandpa, and rin (+ ramsa) would be obsessed with her phone. this is the only place nezha and altan would agree on!!! neither can use their phones and would have to ask rin and chaghan/the cike to help
altan and rin squabble like siblings over the dumbest stuff and then get over it in the next hour after swearing to everyone that they hate each other and would never talk to each other again. -> everyone is sick of their shit
conversely, nezha and altan also love fighting over shit!! altan mistrusts nezha bc.. yk, and nezha does not trust altan bc.. yk!! and rin is so done with them and she starts arguing with them too
kitay loves snakes and this freaks nezha out
altan has a phobia of spiders (i saw this somewhere else and it made sense)
ramsa and kitay are best friends. they are the chaotic duo. imagine it though… ramsa’s destructiveness and kitay’s gigantic brain. cross one of them and your room will smell like shit for the next three years.
qara and venka best friends!!!! i dont have any reasoning for this but they would be and gossip about everyone
altan and chaghan
during exam season, kitay would make fun of everyone else not being able to study easily like he can (not everyone can have a photographic memory, ok???) and everyone would tell him to shut the fuck up (he would not)
“haha i dont know how you guys do it!!! like having to memorise things after sooo long,, must be a struggle”
until a year before he went to sinegard, nezha didnt know how to swim. i know that it very uncanon but i would find it so funny if nezha (water boy) did not know how to swim
obviously his parents would not be very happy with him. poor nezha, cant catch a break…
altan may appear to be tough and cool and sexy (i love him) but he has the most childish sense of humour. sex jokes etc etc, and rin would have such a distaste for this they would start arguing again.
altan is also so soft on the inside. if any of qara’s birds were injured he would stay up to help them no matter what!!! altan trengsin - murderer, killer and the protector of birds <3
after he dies and rin melts down his trident, he would be so pissed at her for destroying his legacy yada yada yada, but would probably forgive her
chaghan was devastated when rin destroyed the trident. he wanted it because it was the last piece of altan :(
however nezha would probably sleep with those swords after rin dies.
kitay and rin would share a tombstone in arlong, to be joined by nezha after he dies… probably bc of the hesperians lol
altan and rin have a tombstone in speer. even though nezha hated altan, he would make one for him.
‘here lies altan trengsin and fang runin, the last speerlies, under the heart of the phoenix that they followed home - everything changes on speer’
unegen and enki visited them. idk where they went off too after leaving the cike, but i like to believe they lived, and found speer.
nezha and chaghan regularly visited speer to pay tribute to their speerly bros that died and that they loved lol. once they saw each other and they were like ‘oh you too?’.
i feel like jiang knew (even subconsciously) that rin was his daughter and loved her as such :( he also loved his nephew altan but couldnt protect either.
rin and nezha have opposite music tastes
kitay hates music because it hurts his head
I MISS THEM SO MUCH. if someone wants to talk about tpw i am here 25/8/365
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trans-mephisto · 11 months
You know, I have been thinking latley and.....
Arthur and Rin would be lile the perfect dream team if it wouldn't be for Arthur's racist and borderline genocidal tendencies with demons.
Just hear me out :
Both Arthur and Rin are known for not being the smartest of the bunch. They tend to get very excited abt stuff they enjoy and are very stuborn too. They basically share the same core personality !
Arthur with his claymore has a fighting style more focused on slow, but powerfull attacks. During a fight he moves in rather large heaps at a time. Rin's fighting style is very agile. While his flames allow him to exercise strikes of enormous strenght too, he usually uses smaller/"weaker" heaps with his sword in relative quick succsession.
If we combine those we have Rin able to confuse and distracting a demon bit his more agile fighting style while Arthur can prepare and deal out stronger slashes.
Not to mention what they could do combined. Imagine a blue flame powered Angel Slash.
Returning to their personalities and going away from their fighting abilities, Arthur would the the rock Rin needs in his life. I mean, it's pretty obvious Rin felt kinda lonley after Shiro's passing and struggeled a fair bit with self worth.
He couldn't really rely on Yukio for mental support and he didn't wanna put stuff on his friends. Arthur could be an ear to listen for Rin. Meanwhile Rin would be the thing loosening Arthur up a bit.
He'd show the older that orders aren't everything and props would teach him some social cues by pure proximity.
Not to forget that I am CONVIDENCED that a good chunk of Arthur's problems in the mental department could be solved if they just gave him an apprentice or student to take care of an teach.
Saint Complex and comming off as too princey ? Having a kid around that would look up to Arthur could easily satisfie atleast some of that complex.
Too sadistic/too little empathy for others ? Well kids need a lot of emotion. If Arthur got attached to it he'd deffo naturally get better in that whole empathy department due to pure neccesity.
Too easily manipulatable ? Having someone to teach and look after would deffinitly decrease the amout on time he spends with the Uzais.
Rin who already has a similar personality with Arthur would deffinitly see the blonde getting genuinly attached if we ignore the Spawn of Satan side of things.
Sadly, Arthur was manipulated into being a borderline demonic genocidal maniac by the Uzais 😭
Sorry it took so long to answer this, I've been busy
But I agree with basically all this. I've actually thought a lot about how similar Rin and Arthur are and how they seem kind of like reflections of each other, like Arthur is just how Rin would probably be if he actually was raised as a weapon and not like a son. I also feel like a lot of Arthur's hate towards demons is definitely hammered in by his family, since he doesn't even have an issue with Caliburn (seeing as he actually will hold conversation with her and actually cares enough to wrap her up when its cold, which is cute lol) and he's best friends with Lightning who is obviously a demon fanatic who enjoys seeing and researching demons
The way he seems to almost seem more like a child when Jeremiah comes into the story (how he gets sensitive around his brother and whined about how he wanted to fight in the battle against Satan because Jeremiah said he could) really shows how deep the manipulation goes honestly. I almost wonder if he's scared to go against whatever Jeremiah says sometimes
But if Arthur was able to have that character development I could really see him having an older brother sort of bond with Rin. They're so similar and I feel like they could relate and work together both battle wise and friendship wise pretty well, if that ever were to happen
It'd be cool seeing em fight together too, hopefully if Arthur DOES live and gets his redemption we could see something like that in the manga. It'd be so cool
Plus, I know Yukio wasn't mentioned here, but he has said he likes Yukio despite being a son of Satan as well, so he definitely isn't 100% clouded by his hatred for demons so it could be a possibility still that he can just. Learn to stop being such a dick to Rin if he gets hit with some common sense
But yeah, I enjoy reading your asks and I think most (if not all) of Arthur's issues stem from being manipulated by Jeremiah and the Uzai family. Hopefully he learns to be his own person sometime. I already like a lot of his character so I'd love to see an arc about him :]
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Writing asks: 10, 11, 38
10: Top three favourite fic tropes
Transformations - Vampires, alien goo, zombification, demonic corruption, dragon mode, I eat this shit UP! Day fucking one my mom asks little 3 year old me what kinda imaginary story I wanna play and I am immediately transforming motherfuckers into various animals, monsters, and strange shapes. I've been on my freak with this since birth.
Omegaverse - I've only half written the one fic for it myself, but I find A/O/B very fun and extremely gender affirming. I could honestly rant about the appeals of this one for a while, but half of it would be NSFW and the other half would be railing against one specific anti-omegaverse argument that genuinely makes me want to fist fight people lol, so suffice to say, I do really like it.
Edgy Panic Button Powers - uhhh so idk what the proper name for this would be, but I'm talking like superpowers that are overwhelmingly powerful, but have some kind of cost that necessitates that it can only be pulled out in absolute emergencies, and I want that shit to be edgy as all hell. Ichigo's Hollow mask thingy is a good example of this. Rin from Blue Exorcist doing his demon thing is another great one. Alucard's control level zero (might be getting that name wrong??) from Helsing Ultimate OVA. Dante's Devil Trigger and Jason's All-Blades could be the same kinda sauce with the right tweaks. Bonus points if the Edgy Panic Button is a transformation.
...Just realized this one isn't exactly a fic trope, have another one
Only One Bed - something about this one strikes just the right balance between fools getting put in awkward scenarios against their will and character choice. The bed forces temptation, and it's up to the characters and their own foibles as to who breaks how. Have yet to write this one yet, but it will happen someday, mark my words.
11: Three tropes that are fine but overrated
continuing the trend of only half staying on topic, some of these are more like tropes of unknown rating that don't jive with me? I have a hard time saying something is getting undue praise, but I tried
Soulmate AUs - I think they're simultaneously underrated and overrated. They get treated like they're THE exemplar of romantic storytelling in fanfiction, especially in terms of talking about hating it and wanting it subverted into dust because it's supposedly this hollow hedgemonic whatever, when really like... It is not the core and pinnacle of pure romance, nor is it emblematic of what's wrong with the kids these days. It's just a trope, with narrative strengths and weaknesses the same as any other trope. It's fine.
coffee shop/flower shop/mundane job AUs - These are simply incompatible with me. I do not like normalcy; normalcy does not like me. I have a really hard time imagining my weirdo blorbos being so normal without exploding out of their own skins trying to find something more. Tim and Jason would attempt to throw hands with everyone and God in every world I think, but at the same time, maybe I kinda get why people like it? If I wrote the same kind of slice of life fic about Jason and Tim working together as assistants in a necromancer's lab I'd really like it. I can respect a trope that's comforting and has a routine that puts the characters in proximity with a craft they can mutually share and have passion over. Still feel like it's kinda over-done tho
Wing fics - I am way, way too anal retentive about speculative biology and speculative anthropology for 98% of these, which prefer to focus on using the wings as thematic and emotional indicators. I get why they're popular, they're cool and lend themselves well to dope ass art, but also they do sometimes make me want to scream about wingspan ratios and improper joint placements.
38: "This never happened" fix-it fics or "this happened but" fix-it fics?
"This happened but" all the way. I find taking the concepts that didn't work in comics execution and improving upon them to be a fun challenge. I firmly believe that with effort and care, you can make a good story out of nearly any starting concept, and there's a ton of advantages I have as a reader/fanfic writer that the original comic writers didn't have (like hindsight and a lack of executive demands), so idk I pretty much always feel like I can take the comic's basic beats and figure out a way to improve it.
I'm also just way more forgiving than a lot of other comic readers I think? Like I have gone on record as a defender of both Brothers in Blood and Pill Helmet Jason and some of my first comics ever were Lobdell's Red Hood and the Outlaws new 52 stuff and that somehow didn't turn me off of comics lmao, it takes a LOT to make me say "this is too garbage for me to want to use any of it". I enjoy going into comics looking for stuff that works or could work better if ___.
The only "this never happened"s I really go for are the ones that are like specifically in service to keeping a character's cool magic power or transformation curse or whatever intact. Like if the story's happily ever after involved the main character no longer turning into a sicknasty demon form when mad, I will hate that enough to pitch it out entirely lol
anyhow, thank you for the ask Laufire! I might send u some questions back as revenge :3
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vendetta-if · 1 year
HI WKJA';L;P.L';EWFLKFDS.;; its the same idiot who asked whether it was okay to post my sequel mc so ummm- here am i in all of my glory (and by glory i mean repulsiveness 💔) i unfortunately lost the drawing i had of my sequel mc so for now use your imagination while i try to find it 💀 but anyways- my sequel mc's name is Rei :D (he/him) he is mixed in terms of ethnicity but he does have some Scottish blood inside of him 😎 REI'S APPEARANCE: ➭ clothing style: cutesy and pastel coloured clothing (he also has an obsession with overalls <3) ➭ height: gremlin (short, 5'4) ➭ eye colour: hazel ➭ skin colour: rosy ➭ hair texture + colour: strawberry blonde and wavy ➭ hair length: shoulder length
»»————- ★ ————-««
FACTS ABOUT REI: ➭ loves to put colourful stickers on literally everything he owns (motorcycle, phone, motorcycle helmet, etc C:) ➭ pranks his family at every time the opportunity presents itself (luka, jackal, and his older brother 😋) " DAD 1 AND DAD 2 HOLY SHIT SEND HELP I ACCIDENTALLY DROPPED MY TACO BELL CRUNCH WRAP SUPREME AND NOW THERE'S BIRDS IN MY ROOM " *proceeds to sneak up behind them and dump a bucket of feathers covered in maple syrup when they enter his room* ➭ frenemies with ash and rin (context; rei is ridiculously overprotective of my other mc, remedy / remi) ➭ an actual menace to society ➭ loves to wear loose fitting / baggy clothes (because it makes him look cool with his clothes flapping everywhere when he zooms on his motorcycle and get chased by the police for going over 200 mph) ➭ i would say he would be crushing HARDLY on santana and skylar and cries because he cant choose but i dont even know if they are both ROs in the sequel 😭 (totally because i dont want the two of them to feel left out because i love the four ROs in the main story 💦) ➭ has an unhealthy obsession with exploding things (he wants a grenade launcher for his birthday) ➭ loves to fight on vehicles (by that he means shooting at his enemies while riding his motorcycle because he feels like john wick in a michael bay action movie) ➭ stubbornly believes that he makes the best waffles and refuses to use the waffle maker because he, and i quote: " I CAN MAKE BETTER WAFFLES THAN A GODDAMN STENSIL " (though everytime he forces someone to try it they end up vomiting because it's overcooked to oblivion - which he covers it up by putting unholy amounts of whipped cream and sprinkles) ➭ loves to bother his dads and brother for attention and affection every time after he completes an assasination (he likes getting showered by compliments and receiving strawberry milkshakes from his family) ➭ may or may not have a depressing past before getting adopted ✨ »»————- ★ ————-«« anyways i think thats all i have for rei so far- SORRY ABOUT THIS CESSPOOL OF CRINGE BY THE WAY 🤡
Ayy, hi, hi! ☺️👋 Thanks for sharing your Sequel MC!
Always love little gremlins 🤭 The big brother will have even more of a blast teasing short MC.
RIP to both Ash and Jackal for the pranks, though💀 But they would still love and be proud of Rei ☺️ And aww, Rei being protective of your Vendetta MC is so sweet 🥹
Fight on vehicles though 🤭 I might or might not have plans for that in the sequel 😏 As for MC’s past, Luka and Jackal adopted MC when they were still very little, so there might not be too many memories that your MC could even remember before being adopted 🤔
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team-mavericks · 1 year
Morgan, how do you feel about Makoto?
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"Makoto is my best friend, couldn't be any bestier!" Morgan responded without a beat of hesitation. "We had a rocky start, I admit, what with her being Team Rocket and all. I didn't understand why she stuck around, I was waiting for her to run off so Rin and I could say I told you so to Jet. But he got the last laugh, because he took a chance on her and it paid off. I didn't start giving her a chance until the day we got into a huge fight and she broke down crying. I spent so much time expecting her to be a monster that I was treating her like one. And then when her Golbat evolved into Crobat, I knew I could trust her."
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"We got pretty close, pretty fast. We had a lot in common, and the things that we didn't have in common actually fit together nicely. I still remember the first time we had to share a bed. We fell asleep holding hands. Woke up as the big spoon, somehow still holding her hand. All she ever wanted was love, and I think she found it with us."
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"Speaking of love, I also remember the day she fell for Jet. All it took was Jet casually saying that she was beautiful, she wasn't dressed up or anything. Makoto wasn't used to that, so she kinda locked up. It was pretty funny in the moment. She'd start asking me questions about Jet privately. I knew immediately that they would be good for each other, I just had to wait and see... Still waiting though, so that sucks."
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"But despite how close we are with her, I can tell she still feels guilty. She refuses a bike of her own, she probably thinks she doesn't deserve it. Sure, her bike hopping is pretty cool and useful, but she doesn't want anyone to think she'll just run away. And I can tell she also feels guilty with me. I can tell, it's written all over her face. She's afraid I'll start thinking she was just using me to get to Jet. I know it's not true, and I will never think that. She's just a little too hard on herself."
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"But I do love her. With all of my heart and soul. I can’t imagine a world where we aren’t friends. I thank Arceus every day that I have a friend like her. She's family now, and family sticks together."
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welcometomy20s · 1 year
April 2, 2023
I thought I was going to skip this month, but guess not.
#766 - (Not) A Devil (DECO*27, PinocchioP) [Hatsune Miku]
Achievement Date: 23-03-02, Upload Date: 23-01-13
Astoundingly fast achievement for the song, and probably one of my favorite songs in recent times, almost perfect collaboration between two of the biggest producers in the VOCALOID world right now. It is also an interesting note in how tuning can change the character directly, which is such a subtle point in how VOCALOIDs work.
#767 - Apricot (Iyowa) [Hatsune Miku]
Achievement Date: 23-03-05, Upload Date: 21-12-12
Iyowa has been the major rising star in the VOCALOID world, and this song has been one of the forefront. I believe this song is the title track for the second album. Very much a prototypical Iyowa song, kind of a sleek version of Kikuo’s madness, with similar type of imaginative plotlines and MVs. Oh, and the turn in the bridge, impactful.
#768 - Chimera (DECO*27) [Hatsune Miku]
Achievement Date: 23-03-07, Upload Date: 22-04-02
DECO*27 return to more of a hard rock, akin to Hibana (apparently this was originally labeled Hibana 2). I like the social media fueled lyrics and this is certainly return to form in structure to which DECO*27 is familiar. Good as always.
#U-10, 769 - heat abnormal (Iyowa) [Adachi Rei, Hatsune Miku]
Achievement Date: 23-03-10, Upload Date: 22-10-08
Another VocaCore winner on the list. Adachi Rei is fascinating because it is fully A.I. unlike others which use a human voice as the base. I think this song kind of fits the current VOCARO meta, simple almost drum-and-bass beats and instrumentation and rather fast lyrics, which I feel is a direct influence from Project Sekai and TikTok being so instrumental in powering the community forward. Still a fantastic song.
#770 - Nekomimi Archive (Kusoinaka-P) [Hatsune Miku]
Achievement Date: 23-03-18, Upload Date: 12-01-28
One of the songs that comes a lot as one of the best ‘cat’ songs in VOCALOID oeuvre, but only just made it onto this list. Very emblematic of the loud rock of the golden age, which doesn’t make this song any passe per se. It’s worth a listen.
#771 - City Lights (Shiina Mota) [Kagamine Rin]
Achievement Date: 23-03-23, Upload Date: 13-01-21
There are a lot of Shiina Mota just under the cusp, as his songs received a lot of attention due to his tragic passing became well known. This song strikes right between happy-go-lucky sounding songs and his subtle fast beat songs, and the vaguely depressing lyrics which feel more bitter after his untimely demise.
#772 - Eikou SPECTRUM (M.S.S. Project) [Hatsune Miku]
Achievement Date: 23-03-23, Upload Date: 17-02-04
A compass song from that Minecraft group, probably honestly one of the best people to design a background music for a NicoNico fighting game, and this does not disappoint. Really beautiful chord progression, honestly I think one of the best they have done.
#773 - Uninterrupted Indigo (ShiShiShiShi) [Hatsune Miku]
Achievement Date: 23-03-24, Upload Date: 19-06-25
ShiShiShiShi has been one of the unsung favorites, and they finally have their most popular song on the list. That guitar intro is such a great entrance, and the song just oozes coolness like the neon light MV of this song. Something I get from these jazz-infused songs is that Miku is quite high compared to singers. 
#774 - I am you (rerulili) [Hatsune Miku, Nightcord at 25:00]
Achievement Date: 23-03-27, Upload Date: 22-11-28
First ProSeca song which the Sekai version hit this list before the original. I will write my impression after the VOCALOID version hits this list, which will be… soon???
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sanchoyo · 2 years
arc v ep 88-100 thoughts... cannot believe I hit ep 100 already. hell yeah
also my cat sat on my laptop and typed this while I was watching and its important I leave in HER thoughts too. she says: "4r4 rrrrrr rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr4ggggj,"
ok now onto My Thoughts (which are considerably less Important than hers)
-ok shun leaping onto his monster to save a small child then everyone being like 'omg i cant believe he'd do that..wow…hes not so bad…' LIKE? YOU THOUGHT HE WAS HEARTLESS??? dude cares SO much hes been consistently trying to stop a war and find his sister and stuff??? jkdashkj (also it was just very dramatic and Cool and made me laugh bc he was SO serious and straight faced during the whole thing. nerves of STEEL)
-'i wonder if kurosaki is a lot like crow'….theyre both bird boys. theyre uniting to be bird FRIENDS and FIST BUMPED OVER IT WHY AM I TEARING UP. SHUN LOST WITH A SMILE TOO….im glad theyre friends and birds and birdfriends. even jack smiled over crow winning AAAUGH. STOPPP. too cute. didnt expect this ep to be so WHOLESOME
-the subs said smth like 'youre one of us' when they were through speaking (which is lovely bc they have a solidarity in that they both have causes theyre fighting for) but the more literal translation of what was said was closer to 'you're one of my/our friends now' from crow. Augh. AUGGH. ;_;
my god the sora meeting up with yuzu then their monsters working together (in an ADORABLE dance sequence) was THEE best thing ever like 2 eps in a row have been BANGERS and making me unlock new emotions. I love both of their decks SO much too????
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screenshots that made me bawl my eyes out tbh. like I literally, actually cried a little JKADSHKFJ sora has FRIENDS for the first time and he LOVES THEM and they TRUST HIM he found the best friends ever and its SO tender. this is why I watch ygo btw. sobbing in the club rn.
-yuzu declares shes gotta save yuya bc he is, once again, locked up. girl boss protag! …of course tsukikage interrupted and tbh he and sora had Points abt it being better if sora goes and gets yuya since hes…yeah, trained for this kinda stuff but they all trust each other and the whole teacher and student thing with yuzu and sora…god theyre all so CUTE this is EXACtly what I wanted ;__; exactly what i NEEDED.
-yugo v serena started exactly how I expected jdshjk I LOVE how constantly Pissed serena is. shes SO blunt and I love her for it. (but also wARRANTED he got way too clingy fast and im sure thats Weird for her. gotta assume her and yuri werent…like, even acquaintances or anything by way she acts around the yu boys) she did make sure to let yugo know she expected a lot from him from his last duel which was Something. but my god yugo is SO in love with rin isnt he kjdsahkj hes got like that wholesome childhood friends puppy love, the way he imagines her, and its REALLY cute. cannot wait to actually meet rin…
-roget is so damn annoying that everytime he speaks i just hear the adults from the peanuts cartoons so i cant recall, but hes saying smth abt wanting serena to be a symbol for the commons and the tops and im like. he wants her and yuzu so academia cant have them and has his own plans for them, but. does he know WHY academia wants them? im gonna need him to share with the class. I still need to know too
-also its rly annoying that roget is cheesing the duel in serena's favor. but also I'm always rooting for the girls so like. i get it, but if shes gonna win I want it to be on her own merits yk… (rin seems so cute from the flashbacks also, she always WON IN THEIR DUELS?? GIRL IS STRONG IM EVEN MORE EXCITED TO MEET HER)
-yuyas thng where he can astral project (??) himself into his alt selves bodies is creepy and i KNOW its prob not supposed to be but it IS and I Dont Like it. Pls dont Dissolve yugo too like u did with yuto. maybe it only happens to them when theyre not in their dimension. maybe yugo will absorb yuya instead. I DOUBT it since yuya is protag protected but still
-….yugo being like 'no, i LIKE it that when youre in trouble the course changes and u get an action card!! its cool and a good thing!!!" OK FEMINIST KING JHDSKJF. hes great and I love him. (also yeah its not her FAULT roget is trying to give her advantages but id argue having yuya backseating on the duel is also kinda cheesing it for yugo so. theyre EVEN on the unintentional cheating)
-much as I hate to see her lose her attitude makes PERFECT sense given how she was raised in academia. duels are not Games to her, theyre tools, and she hates relying on whats basically handouts from roget to win or dumb luck. perfectly understandable and I appreciate her stubbornness and sense of honor abt it. but gotta agree with yugo that nah girl take the W if u can jkdhsjk. she ofc changes her tune later in the duel but Still
-oh my god yuri is HERE im going to PUKE just seeing his silhouette made me get so hyped up. i dont even KNOW him hes barely had ANY screentime but the way the other characters and even fucking roget hyped him make me like. dude u better be a hammy villain i have HIGH hopes for u. if hes good at being squirrely he WILL be my fav yuya counterpart EASY bc looks wise hes already my fav. pink and purple is unbeatable. but hes just STANDING THERE. MENACINGLY. with his lil bunny hair...tbh kinda cute.
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-AWWW serena being like 'why am i getting kind of excited…' girl has had so little Hype in her life and this is def her first time hearing ppl cheer for her im gonna cry. id hype u up bestie ur SO cool and good at dueling….AND SHE GOT TO SAY LADIES AND GENTLEMEN THIS TIME. and SHE IS ENJOYING HERSELF GOOD FOR HER. I did kinda figure she woulnt win or go all the way (and I assume the same goes for yugo...) but. still very proud of her. and her and yugo had funnnn together ;w; yugo is lowkey befriending ALL the yuzu counterparts isnt he. king shit! love him!
-I know this shot of yuri standing is supposed to be menacing and threatening but he looks like a little. i dont know. like a littol kitty or perhaps a pug dog. he said :I look at him:
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-btw why was he on top of the stadium howd he get up there. WHY IS HE STANDING ON TOP OF A MOVING TRUCK??? then he leaps OFF it and-- all the yuboys are so…acrobatic…I mean it makes sense if him and sora were both academia-trained but still...not Normal.
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-oh…layra coming to save serena while reiji creates an opening for them and trusts his sibling to go do that…look at layras character development bc of jacks inspiration…layra got so vocal and seemed so confident IM SO PROUD OF ALL MY KIDS RN. SNIPED 3 COPS TOO. SO QUICKLY. it was barely a duel god damn. they are reijis sibling huh
-the way reiji keeps WINNING (also I love how his scarf defies gravity. very cool) roget is SOO mad and I love to see it. he said hes going to KILL REIJI AND THE COUNCIL? NOT DUEL THEM? KILL THEM OUTRIGHT? oh ok roget. sure you will when we have checks episode count at least …2-3 seasons left. sure you'll kill the sort of rival but not exactly character, who leads the lancers. I totallllly believe u ;)
-eeeeugh roget is so creepy 'normally i wouldve wanted to rework his (yuya) brain first but-' blah blah blah do you realize youre talking abt modifying a living person against their will. i mean hes already done it to every cop and sergey. but still. urgh creepy and bad.
-obv I know yuya will win the friendship cup stuff and duel jack. bc protag. but them pitting yuya v crow seems like swinging a bat at the hornets nest (the fandom) by definitively saying one is a better duelist and would win against the other…sjdhfkjn its the reason we dont get protag v protag duels in stuff like bbt n no conclusive winner to the judai v yugi duel i guess hahah. tbf this duel was p much all Thee Demon and not yuya, and fixed at the start so crow didnt do his 100% best on the first turn, and its not as if yuya planned to go thru with it at ALL bc hes got priorities, but ofc I figured thatd get dashed...despite their scheming...ugh. still a bit bummed. hope they have an earnest on screen duel fr before the end...
-I do love yuya and crow PLOTTING TOGETHER. thats great….schemers! also glad the whole 'crow thinks yuya might be working w the tops' shit was short-lived bc I knew crow wouldnt buy that
-sora…jumped onto a helicopter's wheel..and is just hanging on…his upper core and arm strength has to be INSANE what the HELL dude if u fall u will DIE dont DO THAT
-the silly music that plays when yuya brings out his hippos is such a bop. loveeee this ost
-….YUYA WAS GOING TO JUMP AND ABANDON THE DUEL TO GO TRY AND FIX SHIT. my god he was so close to breaking the unspoken ygo rule (protags always win tournaments) to ABANDON THE TOURNAMENT FOR THE SAKE OF THE PLOT!!! i cant believe it…roget stopped him with a BRAIN SHOCK??? he put some shit in his helmet :( at least its not IN HIS BRAIN I guess?? oh my god it increases aggression too. roget you are so so stupid man hes got a DEMON in his necklace or some shit you CANNOT be doing this its gonna come out and EAT you. or worse, eat crow who I actually like. i wouldnt MIND if it ate roget
-we then get a really cool shot of a red eye looking over a disintegrating city line. and all the yu-dudes have a Moment. uhhh safe to say this demon thats attached to all of them wiped out a fucking huge city or dimension/world? great. very cool. roget you dumb fuck youre going to cause the apocalypse or something
-the demon said fuck ya friends im winning the duel lmaooo of course its a demon with priorities to duel. classic ygo moment. the other yuboys are completely controlled and copying yuyas movements and their eyes are doing the Thing….ok, so the demons goal is 100% absorb all of them into one like what happened with yuto.. like to get the power of all the dimensions/their dragons all together? ? still like, doesnt explain why they all look the same or how the yuzugirls/bracelets are involved really, but im pretty sure thats the Idea right…starting to think we cant Friendship our way out of this and the demon might end up being. a real problem and not a Potential Bud. Sad
-'if he dies he dies' ok roget. youre horrible. VERY effective villain tho
-oh christ academia is here too rn? WORST timing. but im like. on the edge of my seat this is season finale worthy tension.
-btw this is a VERY funny screenshot. sora jumped from a helicopter WAY up in the air perfectly onto crows bike SOMEHOW without shattering all of his leg bones. what they dont tell you abt academia is that they replace all of your bones with a sturdy rubber so u can do unlimited parkour without hurting urself
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-jack finally got up out of that damn chair he was so pissed crow lost jkdshjk. real. me and jack ALWAYS on same wavelength. twinsies <3
-yuya said FUCK the friendship cup im leaving for real this time. good for him. dip out and save ur friends. but you WILL be back to finish the tournament or so help me god. thats ygo LAW.
-genuinely didnt expect yugo and yuri to be SO funny when they interacted but my god i kept having to pause and laugh. but also…uhh…yugo really thought yuzu was DEAD?? he did keep sayin yuzu from heaven or smth along those lines BUT I THOUGHT HE WAS BEING CUTE AND CALLING HER AN ANGEL OR SMTH LIKE. AS A PET NAME. HE REALLY. THOUGHT SHE WAS DEAD? 'then I suppose rin lives on in your heart too' BRUTAL. but I laughed. sjdfkjn
btw this?
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sounded like a genuine laugh jkhdsfjk and was super cute. im...hesitant to say i SHIP any of the yuboys bc im terrified its gonna be smth like theyre bros. literally interdimensional brothers or smth insane like that. but. if that DOESNT end up being the case. cmon. look at them.
-the council being like 'hmmm hmm yes maybe we shall use sergey and make peace with roget afterall to get him on our side :)' and reiji looking PISSED. my god I would be too, hes done so much for you FUCKS. down with the council and roget and academia and the tops/police force in synchro. they ALL gotta go.
-….god tsukikage is the best isnt he. as far as he knows, the carding of his bro is like. equal to death (I know it cant be, no way we're losing that many minor characters FOREVER. just like im 100% sure yuto will Be Back or smth) and still, hes like no we dont hold grudges thats not the way of my clan. thanks for your help. to sora. very tender and sweet moment im so glad…..
-…shun is WAY too extra I LOVE him lmaooo he straight up started bodying ppl underground with his fists AGAIN the second he heard academia was here. gonna need a shun fight compilation or gifset immediately if such a thing exists. and if not I will MAKE it. bird of Incredible Violence
-…my god the stuff with layra and serena turned into a clusterfuck SO fast. sora showed up to try and help. yuya showed up to try and help. then YURI SHOWED UP. AND YUGO. and yuzu, FINALLY. everything happens So Much. (and then fucking sergey too) everyone is kinda in One Spot huh…Bad Feeling abt This
-speaking of bad feelings. when all the yu's dragons came out! and they started talking about becoming one and saying shit like 'i'll be revived!' ok. so. yuya's demon is trying to resurrect itself and needs all the yu's to do it. bad! kinda suspecting yuri and yugo are gonna go to Spirit Town with yuto kjsdnkjn oh no. so its like. safe to assume this is some zorc type shit? the demon put pieces of itself into each of them? the dragons are like, the key to Waking it Up (which…yuya did get his mysteriously from pendulum stuff right. his DAD gave him the pendulum necklace didnt he. im SO sus abt his fuckin dad rn I dont trust him I KNOW how ygo dads Are. this is his fault somehow. he gave his son a cursed Amulet type shit)
-…and the yuzugirls all have bracelets that can detect and lead to the demon when its active? …does reiji's dad know this? and wants them all together and to find the demon? and assumedly put it back together/fuse the yuboys for world/dimensional domination? maybe thats why hes trying to fuse the dimensions together, so he can rule them All with Demon Power (tm)? cliche but thats my best guess… but like. if thst WAS the case he'd just need one of the girls bc yuzu could find yuya on her own? or maybe leo is actually…trying to STOP the demon thing and is going abt it in the worst fuckedest up way possible. thats also a possibility. but he seems like. he doesnt give a FUCK abt the yuboys at all and just wants the girls so??? do they also have a demon. doesnt seem like it but that would be sick af I think the girls deserve to go a bit feral too. as a treat
-if…fusing the yuboys is the demons ultimate goal its already halfway there LOL got yuto! doesnt explain why it would split itself across dimensions to be in them in the first place or anything or why itd pick yuya and his counterparts unless it chose them from birth or smth (which explains why they might look the same kinda?) (I am going to assume when we keep seeing that cityline being destroyed in yuya's vision, that it at one time was some big bad. so assumedly it got destroyed and maybe scattering itself was a last ditch effort in hopes of being revived?? or someone else did it??) also still doesnt explain how the yuzugirls factor in. im trying so hard rn to figure it Out. the whole 'we will be ONE AGAIN' thing did confirm a lot of my suspicions tho and if I was yugo and yuri id get the HELL OUT OF DODGE tbh
-also. the bracelets have teleportation powers. (yuboys specifically targetted during it…) what does THAT imply? that the dragons pull them together…and the bracelets are tools to keep them apart? from fusing? hm. so what im understanding is yuzu protag real
-earthbounds are SO cute I loved them in 5ds how is it fair that SERGEY has them. bullshit
-btw I appreciate how cute yuzu's prison jumpsuit is. shes just runnin around in a lil onesie doing all of this. I mean motorcycle suits are also onesies. this is the onesie arc
-why has the nerve gas on serena lasted so long. i feel like it shouldve long since worn off
-the entire duel between barett and yuya was 'tell me where yuzu is.' 'no' 'tell me' 'i..said i wasnt going to?' 'tell me' 'no' tell me' 'NO' 'oh shes here :)' 'FUCK' like for 20 mins I swear to god jasdfk
-they took serena nooooooo. sad :( I hope we can see a lil of academia and keep following her while shes there (and that shes not just thrown in a cell) oh!! i hope her and rin and ruri can meet up there!!! I want to see them
-SERGEY HAS DISGUSTING LEG…ENGINES??? HE FUCKING LAUNCHED OFF WITH YUZU. WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK. diGUSTING this man is nightmare duel what the hell. not my best girl :<
-layra deciding sora is a Safe Person and clinging to him…VERY cute ;_; sora once again being the one to go and try to save yuzu too…BESTIES.
-…the fact the duel arena is..empty bc the fucking revolution is happening outside LMAO even gon is like 'hey why the hell are they even continuing the tournament rn this is ridiculous' same dude!!
-holy shit jack is finally doing smth. jack is going to beat sergeys ass im so ready do it king. his cool as a cucumber disposition and pretty face are like. the only buffer I have to protect me from sergey
-choziro appealing to shingos EGO to get him to protect layra is SO funny. hes got NO braincells and hes the best for it
-ohhh the rain during the sergey v jack match. jack In The Rain while sergey DESTROYS THE ROAD. its so DRAMATIC and cool and I love this for him yesss show this guy how jack duels!!! #1 king of all time. hes calling him shit like 'fool' and 'buffoon' too such a jack moment. and 'if theres perfection, its ME' oh my GOD I love you SO much jack. pls.
-I need u all to understand ygo is My Sports Game I'm hysterical rn over jack slipping past sergey and then RIDING BACKWARDS TO FACE HIM. love when jack does that
-by the way, roget bringing yuzu up to have someone to monologue at? v funny
-jack caused sergey to have some kind of fucking…duelgasm which caused an Error. which is Disturbing I hate this dude TF. this is the effect jack has on everyone tho I guess
-I Never Doubted Jack for One Second
-You Ever Have a Duel So Good You Kill Yourself After. ok. goodbye sergey. cannot say I will miss you infact I am very Relieved actually
-…by the way. does jack know anything abt whats currently happening with the plot? im sure he at least knows abt the revolution but does he know abt the lancers/academia stuff? hes been on his Chair most of the time so I assume Not which is very funny. this random dude just dueled him, turned into a bike, then killed himself after and jack is like. well ok. JKDSHFKJ
-some rando street dudes killed sergey actually. but he was def falling on purpose. either way. watching roget LOSE it is so funny his plan has sucked ass from the start
-shun scooping layra up was really cute. Scooped
-HOLY SHIT YUZU. SLAMMED INTO ROGET AND HE HIT HIS HEAD ON THE EDGE OF HIS CHESS TABLE. i LOVE how shes consistently been a Get Shit Done girl even when shes cuffed rn. she said ya im gonna go steal his broadcast and get MY message out
-jack said for sam to tell yuya: Yuya Im Fucking Disappointed in You. Stop dueling like a Damn Animal. and this is enough to make yuya actually remember his goals. and run to the palace to duel jack again. to stop the riots and shit with a Duel. Good
-reijis smile when layra ran and hugged him PLS. cute
-the council finally gets fucking Told by Reiji. 'those who sit on the sidelines have no right to speak about the future' hey reiji youre the best (and his whole speech was REALLY good)
-shun and his Flock of Birds comes to Help. why is that so funny and kinda sweet. hes gotta STAND on his too while it flies like a drama queen
-the tournament was basically canceled bc we didnt get the semifinal duels BUT we are getting jack v yuya anyway of course as the finale…is it bad I still want jack to win? I want yuya to be fine with winning so long as it makes ppl smile bc THATS his main goal and jack is a symbol of hope for the ppl in this city…so I want jack to Win…again…but this is a duel for yuya to redeem himself after losing to jack the first time isnt it. aah
-'i declared martial law!' 'no you dont' thats basically what the council guy did kjshk
-lancers beating cops up together in the stadium :) on live tv….fun lil friend group activity aw…
-by the way can roget even duel. he hasnt, hes just had other ppl do it for him and been hellbent on KILLING ppl when it comes down ot it. which is. weird and funny for a ygo villain ur not even gonna duel for urself dude? do u even have any cards
-radish horse is such a cute card btw. all of yuyas cards are p Cute.
-im SO glad jack said 'dude STOP with your fathers words and speak with YOUR OWN WORDS' tbh real and true.
-…the subs this ep abruptly changed rogets name to roger….lol roger. (and the font changed between episodes which is like. Why did you do that. I cant focus on anything else now that its Weird)
-the sound gons shoes make is like asmr to me. clank clank clank :)
-I like how jack basically teaches yuya his own will can be learned from others but duels are conversations and u gotta use ur own 'words/will' to convey what youve gotten from everyone youve dueled before. its like. abt appreciating and carrying ppl before u with u. and gratitude for everyone whos taught u smth put towards achieving ur own goals. dueling for others sakes. very cute message and true bc yuya wouldnt be able to do half the stuff he can w/ pendulum if it wasnt for his buds yk
-omg jack laughed and was smiley :) yayy
-the clown guy from 5ds made a cameo! still dont remember shit abt him besides the fact he has a Clown Wife and is on arc v money…?? Ok
-ok the end of the duel was pretty cute im not even that mad abt jack losing. bc jack was happy…it makes sense too. when ur the king it can be BORING if no one challenges u or whatever
-not a huge fan of the cops magically bein buds now but fine, I get it was mind control making them suck ass and this is a more idealistic world
-the..council disbanded? cool. the upper class will dissolve and the lower class will be able to live better…very optimistic happy ending…and it all happened very fast, compared to the pacing of this arc so far tbh??? like. ok guess nothing is bad and everything is Fine Immediately! (this is a thing every ygo series does tho so. not a total awful thing I cant look past, but it did give me kinda mood whiplash)
-yuzu and reiji calling roget out!!! reiji must be so damn tired of adults not taking responsibility!!! his whole thing is just running around cleaning up after grown ass men!!!
-im tired too, reiji. tired of yuzu being a Damsel to Roget. let her DO more next arc or so Help Me God
-next episode(s) are supposed to be watched together in a HOUR LONG SPECIAL ohh. inchresting
-love how even tho they were also going w yuya to where reiji and yuzu are, heaven FORBID crow and jack ride in the copter with yuya. no, they HAD to ride their d-wheels here.
-holy shit. so. tsukikage and sora DID win the duel against roget! and so did reiji! hes just! a fucking cheating bastard! like 'neverending duel that wont end ever until u quit' ok…that does fit rogets character LMAO hes a WORM. of course I trust reiji to be the one to be able to Beat The Bullshit
-roget is such a fuckin slime trying to turn the lancers against reiji and reiji countered his logic with ONE sentence lmao. also reijis lil smile when yuya said he trusts reiji :( sweet…
-ohhh…yuya and yuzu hugging and crying bc they FINALLY got each other back…tender…
-roget says he'll drop everything into the void between dimensions. So there IS a void. did I not say in one of these posts I think the yuya demon crawled out of a void in between dimensions. now we have confirmed such a space EXISTS… will I Be Right? :3c
-….roget got sucked in and the portal closed. lmao. is he DEAD? goodbye forever (hopeful)
-…fuck. the wormhole also took yuzu, yuya, gon, shun, and shingo…. to xyz dimension!! yeahhh heartland!!!! LOVE IT. KAITO TIME??? prayin its kaito time.
-'the capital of despair, heartland' is the ep title. oof. heartland looking rough :(
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I will say its funny (in a horrible way) they took the Cheeriest Setting (heartland) and did this to it. and that gx setting which is also pretty chill (a school setting...) and made them fucking interdimensional warmongers. and 5s, the canonically most gritty setting was Not Involved like until the lancers showed they were the neutral ones hahah
-arc area project!!! we havent gotten a name for leo's lil 'unify the dimensions' scheme yet until now! so…arc is in the name. back to my og theory the name arc v means more than fifth series in the ygos. and like. theres (5) dimensions for Sure right. (or, the unity of the four would be the fifth?) hm. Thinking
-shingo asking the real q of why the hell turning ppl into cards/waging war on xyz would help fuse dimensions. i also still want to know. (we keep seeing the shot of leo feeding the cards into a machine, so..hes using…soul/ppl power? to power it to fuse the dimensions?? dude what good is ruling dimensions if NO ONE is left in them???)
-…a lot of this two parter was flashbacks/recapping stuff. I…kinda appriciate the earlier flashbacks but god it could've went faster.
-KAITOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! OF COURSE YOU WOULD SHOW UP ON EPISODE 100!!! SOOO HAPPY TO SEE U :D zexal is the series I KNOW the most like its engraved in my brain, unlike 5ds where I barely remembered enough to be able to tell all the ways its an au, so im gonna be fucking ON IT trying to figure out stuff Now. also, is kaito the only zexal character? why? dont two gx charas show up? and we had jack and crow in the synchro world?? zexal shouldve gotten 2. I vote akari bc 1. she didnt get enough screentime and we always need More Girls 2. she can ride a bike so if they go back to synchro shes set already 3. she kicks ass and is a reporter so she could be trying to report on the war/document it. 4. her and melissa could be reporter gfs. im RIGHT hear me out.
-oh at the end of the ep there was a promo for dsod? this came out around then?? wow thats wild. I saw that movie in THEATERS when it released in the us. very fun. the nearest theater that was showing it was 2 hours away lol. we should have another ygo movie. pls. (maybe not another dm one tho…)
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hyunverse · 1 year
HIII my lovely rin !!! i missed u !!
OO fun question ^_^ okay bts has been my ult since 2016 when i got into kpop then it stayed like that until i discovered skz through gods menu and they’re like right at the top w bts now. and then ateez and nct127 :)) i think i remember you saying you’re trying to get into other groups right ?? i also love enhypen and p1h they’re super cute groups
LOLLLL YOURE SO RIGHT i’m so sorry for my inconsistency 😭😭 i genuinely love all of them sm that i think minho just became my bias bc we’re so similar and it’s easy LOL. bc i love them all so equally that it pains me to ever say i love minho more bc I JUST DONT ITS ALL EQUAL. i would purposely play fight minho just to make him mad bc i think he’d look cute mad 😇i say that now but i’d probably start sobbing if that actually happened LMAO. and i would do ANYTHING for one chill day w chan omfg. imagine doing that and being w him all night after a long day ,,,, sigh. def sounds like a dream. he’s so cuddly too ugh i just
pls do bc i love learning about it :)) and yes i am very lucky to have them ^_^ idk what id do without them they’re like my only form of emotional support rn </3 and her mom makes some wickedddd good food so i couldn’t resist anyways hehe
taking in all of that happiness rn and giving some back bc i’m so happy for you 🙏🏼 that is the BEST feeling ever (also fun fact my uncle is in malaysia rn ^_^ he’s visiting for a few days before going to malta !! i just thought i’d tell you bc it’s cool hehe)
- 🐈‍⬛ kisses mwahhhh mwah mwah
high five!!! found skz thru god’s menu too. hyune used to be hot-guy-with-long-hair for me but now i be babying him daily </3 aaa p1h seems so fun im ngl ^__^ ure right i have been!! been watching txt heheheh
don’t be sorry, i love the chaos 😋🙏 if it wasn’t for you i wouldn’t have so many skz hcs omg. someday i need to write down my brainrot sessions with U frfr.
minho would look so cute mad. he can glare at me all he wants but imma be thinking mmm babygirl in my head the whole time LMAOOO. him in the new skz code bro... looking too beautiful. need him 2 be my shawty ‼️just thinking of clinging onto minho and annoying him just so he’ll glare at me ^__^ he’d look so sexy ^__^ chan is sooo cuddly. and changbin. cuddling binnie would be so self satisfying i mean look at his shoulders!!!! shoulders for daaayyys!!
aaa that’s nice!! do you know which part of malaysia he’s visiting?
kisses back!! kith kith kith!!
0 notes
unnerving-presence · 3 years
Oh I finally have an idea for a request.
Headcanons of The Oni, Ghostface, Michael and Frank getting brutaly killed by the survivor reader because they were fed up with being the hunted one. To the point were the entity doesn't let the reader in trials anymore
this is by far the coolest idea i’ve ever seen thank you for requesting anon!
i’m gonna guess reader isn’t dating them because i imagine that they would rather talk to them about it then… kill them lol.
i’m don’t know how to write murdering people in a cool way because i don’t murder people so i’m sorry if this isn’t that good 💀
this is quite a long chapter, so be aware
Kazan Yamaoka/The Oni:
The last thing he ever expected a survivor to do to him was kill him. He thought that nobody would dare oppose him, considering his large stature and deadly equipment. Though it seemed he was wrong.
He’s very surprised at first. His careless grip on his sword allowing you to easily knock it out of his grasp and take it for yourself. He makes a mental note to never make a stupid move like that again.
He may have had his kanabo, but he couldn’t grab it fast enough as you quickly slashed and stabbed at his body, slicing tendons and breaking skin. It’s obvious you didn’t know how to properly use a katana, but somehow your blind rage made it hurt all the worse.
It was like when he died all over again. Like the mob surrounding him again. Beating him, stabbing him, calling him names. And it seemed you knew exactly where to make it hurt also. Even reopening wounds. It’s quite pathetic that’s he’s dying like this, he thinks. All because he underestimated a survivor and let them catch him off guard.
After the Entity revives him from the dead, he gets quite angry that he even let a survivor lay a finger on him. He takes the time that he has alone to go thoroughly trash his realm. Crushing statues, ripping the foundations off some of the shrines. He messed it up so badly that he had to go to his granddaughters realm so the Entity could fix his up.
He seeks you out after finding that you’re not even allowed in trials anymore. As much as he wants to, he knows he can’t kill you outside of trials. So he takes you to Rin’s realm with him so he can talk with you about why you did what you did.
He can’t speak much english or really understand it, so he has Rin do the talking for him. After you tell him why, he sort of understands. He was like that at some point in his life. Tired of being targeted and treated like an animal. Just don’t do that shit again and you guys will be on pretty good terms. Hes still kind of angry at you though
Michael Myers/The Shape:
It takes a lot to kill someone like him. He’s not an easy target. He’s been burned, beat, shot, stabbed, bit. He’s been through it all, so when you manage to get your hands on something sharp, Michael didn’t really think much of it. How greatly he underestimated you.
He’s not one to visibly show emotion, but damn can you tell that he is angry. How can a shard of glass do this much to him? Why can’t he move his arms? What are you doing to him?
You stab every place you possibly could. His wrists, his neck, his arms, his stomach. Pretty much everywhere. You even stab his eye. The good one i mean. Until you know he’s dead, you’re not stopping your attacks.
He puts up quite a fight, managing to get his hand around your neck before you can stab it. He can’t really do much though, most of his limbs aren’t even functional at this point from how much you’ve stabbed them.
When he’s sent back to his realm alive and well, he quickly seeks you out. He’s going to make you suffer, no matter what the Entity says. Unfortunately the Entity says he can’t hurt you outside of trials. That’s not really stopping Michael though.
Definitely tries choking you to death the second he sees you but a quick stab in the arm from the Entity makes him rethink his actions. Now he just sort of.. stares at you. He probably doesn’t stop until he’s taken into another trial just to make you uncomfortable. Yeah he’s petty like that.
He can only assume that you’re not allowed in trials since he never even sees you in them anymore. This makes him ever the more angry since he can’t even kill you back. He forever holds a grudge against you. Prepared to be stalked from afar until Michael decides to stop being a petty bitch.
Ghostface/Danny Johnson:
I guess this is what he gets for being cocky all the time huh? He’s pretty confident in himself and thought this ‘game’ was well played on his part. The Entity even granted him the favor of killing a survivor. Until he was the one that was being killed.
He does give you a few punches and tries to get you under him, but a quick slash to his abdomen has him on the ground, holding himself up with one hand and desperately trying to search for his knife with the other. Damn it, you have it don’t you?
It takes more to kill him than you thought, but he’s not as tough as most killers. Finally thrusting the knife in through his neck quickly puts him out of his misery. Knowing he’s dead doesn’t stop you from stabbing him a few more times in his chest though.
Apparently he hadn’t studied you as much as he should’ve. He’s very impressed, he has to admit, but he’s been humiliated. In his eyes he has atleast. Looks like he needs to put you in your place and show you who the real killer is here.
Though finding out soon after that you haven’t been seen in any of the other killers trials, he sort of pissed. He can’t even get payback! He’ll probably whine to the Entity about it though he knows she won’t listen.
He’ll keep his distance for now. He’s sort of embarrassed that you, a puny survivor has killed him, a killer. It doesn’t sit right in his head and he’ll probably get a laugh or two if he tells the other killers so he just keeps it to himself.
Still pissed though. If he ever sees you wandering around he might insult you a bit but it’s all he can really do. I wouldn’t get too close though. He might have the courage to give you a stab in the chest if he’s feeling rebellious.
Frank Morrison/The Legion:
I imagine it goes how his mori would. He would try to swing at you but misses as you quickly duck to avoid the attack. He manages to stab your arm as you shove him back. Unlucky for him, his grip loosened on the knife and was now deep into your arm.
The pain didn’t seem to stop you from yanking the knife out of your arm, and giving him a taste of his own medicine, stabbing him in the shoulder and throwing him to the ground. Before he even has a chance to recover, you’re on top of him dragging the knife through his stomach before ripping his mask off and impaling him straight through his mouth.
He doesn’t have much of a chance to fight back. Your anger far surpassing his, caring about nothing more than making him suffer. In the little time he has to think, he wonders why the Entity is even allowing this. More importantly, why are you so damn strong?
He’s sort of scared of you to be honest, and it takes a lot for him to be scared. That look on your face as you clambered on top of him. You looked like you didn’t have even an inch of humanity left in you. Atleast in the moment you didn’t, not when you were so fed up with dying over and over again. He really felt like he wasn’t coming back after knowing you were going to kill him.
He might tell his friends about it, but nobody else. He trusts them enough to take it seriously and to comfort him. As much as a tough guy he is, he’s really just shocked about the whole thing. He’s never the one that has to die, so he’s never thought much about it, but when you’re in a situation like that, he understands how the survivors feel.
He’s sort of glad you aren’t in trials anymore. He doesn’t want his friends to be hurt, and he definitely doesn’t want himself to be hurt if that’s how you’re going to act near him. Though if you do manage to get near him and talk with him, he will start to understand why you did what you did. He’s not sure if he entirely forgives you, but atleast he knows you won’t hurt him again.
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okay but have y'all ever considered a female gai?
y'know. tall, big, BUFF gai - but a woman?
gai would still be gai obviously but imagine when puberty hits and her breasts start growing and her voice does not deepen as expected and kakashi suddenly has an oh moment.
there are a lot of oh moments during that time in their generation to which rin and kurenai can only shake their heads - boys are so dumb. kakashi is annoyed at himself; he prides himself at being observant but he didn't see that coming. of course he doesn't start treating her differently, but he does need a moment to adjust. his worldview has just been shattered after all.
(turns out he's not as gay as he thought - he's just gai-sexual)
at some point anko befriends gai. after all, girls have to stick together and freaks have to stick together and gai is both. (the latter are just murmurs she picked up but the moment she heard the word "freak" she knew what she had to do.) they're a rather terrifying duo.
during their adolescence anko tries to bring out the more feminine side of gai - to no avail. ("but anko, i can't fight properly if my breasts bounce like that! that's so unpractical!" "huh, why should i pluck my eyebrows?? i don't see how that's going to help my taijutsu?")
on one evening yuago manages to convince her to put on at least some lipstick with a stupid phrase about youth. (anko is so annoyed she didn't think of such a tactic herself.) kakashi almost has a heartattack. he hasn't blushed this much since the first time he picked up an icha icha book when he was 14. yuago is very smug and anko cackling madly. gai remains as oblivious as always.
obviously, she still has a bowl cut. suggesting otherwise would be blasphemy.
she gets mistaken for a man all the time because of her height, the big muscles and the bushy eyebrows. gai doesn't care - she's the great Green Beast of Konoha, that's all that matters. except for the opinion of her hip and cool Eternal Rival, duh.
when she gets a genin team assigned she's very Excited. lee is also very Excited. (when he accidentally calls her mom one time there are a lot of manly tears flooding the floor below them - yes, manly tears. she was raised by dai after all.) tenten is torn between "oh, a strong and competent kunoichi, a real role model!" and "fuck, that woman is weird". neji is just neji.
seeing gai and lee together for the first time raises many questions. mainly: what the fuck?? kakashi knows he's been pretty out of it during his anbu days, but he's sure he would've noticed if gai had been pregnant. right? right???!!! also, she would've been a very young teen, so it's pretty safe to assume lee is not her son. hopefully. but now he wonders if gai is still a virgin? they're adults so there's a good chance she might've had sex already but with whom?? why doesn't kakashi know about that??? and wow, that opens a whole new bag of feelings he rather kept close, so guess who's going on a month-long mission far, far away from the fire country to avoid dealing with said feelings.
madara totally falls in love with her during their fight. that man has a competency and strength kink (and also totally a thing for bowl cuts), of course he's instantly a goner. kakashi isn't a jealous or possessive character, it's just not him. but he really doesn't like the way madara looks at gai at all. even tho he knows gai will have forgotten madara's name tomorrow already. it's what gives him the necessary kick in the ass to finally make his move after the war.
gai is the big spoon, btw.
she also pegs kakashi until he only sees stars and can't move the next day, so there's that.
this post was brought to you by the horny gay part of my brain, you're welcome 💖
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la-hannya · 2 years
If you haven't already read this.
I suggest you do. Like now. Cause this! Cause this WHOLE thing—is such a mess that all I could do was laugh while reading it. Seriously.
In the meantime I'm gonna show you my "favorite" things from it
First off I wanna say is that we right. We right with some the theories, like Treekyo being the villain but they scrapped it and I BET MY SWEET ASS HAG RT FOUGHT HARD SO TREEKYO WASN'T THE VILLAIN. THEY WANTED AN EXCUSE FOR KIKYO TO BE DRAMA AGAIN NOT JUST FOR INUKAG BUT SAUCERIB TOO. Can you imagine how much more hate Kikyo would've gotten and that was really her? Working with pedomaru and all.
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Number 2)
I remember mentioning this a couple of times in my discord. Another thing that was scrapped. Can you imagine how much a certain fandom would seethe if Towa didn't stay with her "biological family" in the feudal era?
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Number 3
This shit was such a hot indecisive mess that even Rumiko was fighting people at shitrise. Still the old hag let them violate her own work in the end. Just by reading this, you can tell they didn't know what to do and I think it was highly possible that good things even including a different mother for the twins was there but it was scrapped thanks to Pedosawa pushing and pushing this shit, saying everyone would like it till they all just relented to shut him up. But ofc it blew up in their face. That original very early leak that said things like Setsuna staying with Kohaku and Rin would take her of Moroha is getting more credibility by the day. It was possible that this was the original pitch but they shitted all over it.
Also yes, by "Rumiko's feelings" they mean of RT making sure Saucerib stayed 6ft apart alright 🤡
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Number 4
Imagine taking a demon lord that's very ace aromatic asexual or demi whichever you desire to call it, who's true calling mostly is the battlefield and also technically a dad to a little girl (as stated by the author herself) and suddenly turn him OOC...
They really said that a bored Sessh tried what having kids would feel like as an experiment (remember what Narita said), Rin was sadly right there... Then have him say: "0/10 would not recommend" and in the meantime he bounced hoping everyone would die in the fire.
A demon lord that in og had clear issues with his parents (remember the way he speaks to his mom?), Who wanted to surpass his father... Being a deadbeat is such contradiction to his growth. What were they smoking?
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And then finally
Are they really trying to say (or excuse) that Kirinmaru being a loving dad and aswell as being there for his daughter is bad parenting here? But Deadbeatmaru was 10/10 parenting done right?????
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Honestly I just want to say that if you want die on the hill that you like this thing despite everything. It's cool, you do you I say and accept whatever consequences come from it, but this is literally the worst sequel in anime history. If this interview doesn't convince you I dunno what will. It's undefendable...
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softshiin · 3 years
Hii, I really love your work for Shinichiro huhu pls 😭. Can I ask a request Ran, Rindou, and Sanzu Imagine where they are stessed from games and you think of how to keep their cool 🥺🌼
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ GAMING IS FUN — tr
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## PARING … ran, rindou, sanzu x reader (separately)
⋆·˚ ༘ * SUMMARY … they’re flustered because of a game, and you try to help them keeping their cool
## NOTE … hello~ thank you so much !! i’m glad you liked it<3 ++ thanks for this beautiful request and sorry for the wait~
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; he’s actually good at gaming, so most of the times he just have fun
; he’s actually good at gaming, so most of the times he just have fun
; but it seemed that genshin impact wasn’t his thing, since he was getting really flustered
; he just didn’t know how to beat a boss and continued to die pls
; “how.. the heck do i kill this damn thing??”
; you where giggling while watching your bf trying to get out of the situation
; suddenly you realized how to beat it, but you didn’t know how to tell ran
; yk, he wanted to keep his cool and beat it on his own
; so you started talking about random shit, “so they started a fight, and then.. oh yeah, did i tell you that i saw izana aiming at his head?“
; “y/n please i’m trying to- … “ he suddenly froze
; his happiness after beating that thing was worth everything <3
; it might not seem but he actually sucks at arcade games
; but he’s really good in those basketball ones
; he only agreed to go to the arcade with you because you asked him nicely with puppy eyes
; i mean how could he say no to you :((
; instantly regretted once he found himself in front of a machine
; “omg how do i play this now-“ he thought
; you immediately noticed, and remembered that ran told you that his brother wasn’t that good at games
; “rin actually,, could we try that one? it seems fun and we can do it together” you said pointing to the basketball machine
; his eyes immediately widened and he sprinted towards it “yeah come on! i’ll show you how to play love!!”
; he’s so cute bye
; i can totally see him playing those car ones, like mario cart or sum
; he’s really good at it, but “your presence made him nervous” so he couldn’t pass a difficult level
; you laugh at his affirmation, thinking that he’s just too cute and doesn’t want to admit that he can’t do it
; so you just decided to wait. wait until he managed to win
; he actually took more then an hour but he didn’t give up
; he’s just too prideful to say that he couldn’t make it
; you also observed the level, the location and the monsters so well that you actually gave him a lot of tips
; “haru you should try to go there” or “wait, there’s a trap over there”
; and at the end y’all made it !!
; “LETS GO BABE WE WON!“ he suddenly screamed after passing this level, hugging you real tight
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misora-msby · 4 years
embarrassing moments with inarizaki
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inarizaki always looks so cool but you know they’re actually dorks and i am here to provide you the content to show theyre clowns. enjoy the headcanons :)
Kita Shinsuke
firstly. kita shinsuke being embarrased? making a mistake? unheard of.
he’s a perfect man and we all know it.
you two were having a nice dinner out together. 
it was a pretty fancy place so you decided to dress in a different style today
but you were beginning to wonder if kita liked it or not because he seemed to keep looking past your shoulder instead of at you
he was an observant guy so you were wondering if something had happened behind you
but you couldn’t hear anything weird so you assumed not
you decided to just stay quiet about it at first but now it was beginning to become annoying! 
why wasn’t he looking you in the eye to speak?
midway through your dinner, kita finally spoke up tho
“y/n, your shirt is slipping... yer bra’s showing.”
right. you were wearing your off-shoulder top.
“o-oh. shin, it’s that kind of shirt, you know?” you had to explain your outfit to ur bf with a pink face.
“oh... that so... well it’s cold these days so if yer feelin’ cold lemme know. i’ll give ya my jacket.”
Ojiro Aran
another man with next to no flaws.
but nature says everyone has to make some mistake.
so it was a regular school day, our aran has just come to class from morning practice and there’s still some time left until class starts.
all the girls in class are gathered around a table
he’s not sure why, it’s probably watching an idol video
but ur man wants to be a little romantic!!
plus he just showered so he smells Great uwu
he goes over and hugs you from behind, placing his chin on ur head.
“hey, bb whatcha ya doin”
all the girls gasp.
he doesn’t get whats wrong, it’s not like it’s a secret y’all are dating
pda to this level aint bad either
especially compared to his teammate miya atsumu
“ojiro aran.”
why is your voice behind him
he looks down and nearly faints when he sees he hugged the wrong girl.
to be fair she looked a lot like you from behind, just maybe 1cm shorter.
“i’m so sorry!” he keeps apologising to literally everyone and all the class is giggling bc they never seen their school’s ace so red before.
“didn’t think i’d come back from the toilet and see my bf cheatin”
hes so funny i swear
the volleyball team hears of it and it gets even better 
Miya Atsumu
it’s not a secret that miya atsumu, setter of the inarizaki volleyball team and invited to national youth training camp, had a gf
he was very much in love with u 
the whole class knew it because he’d show it off whenever he could too
so here comes valentines day
last year he received like... 50 different gifts from girls and guys aiming to win his love.
you didnt even give him one lmAOOOOO 
but this year, he had been not so subtly trying to hint that “i better not receive any chocolates this year when i’ve got a gf!”
he reaches school and plops into his seat.
there’s an anonymous box of chocolates with “please accept my love, miya-kun! <3″ on it
“the hell’s this?!”
“oh? chocolates?” - osamu who just popped his head into the class to shove into his twin’s face how much chocolate he got.
especially since the blond was off limits, the grey-haired twin had a bigger following now.
“do they not know i have a girlfriend...”
“well, ya might as well eat it. ya dont know who to return it to.”
“that’s like receivin’ their love!”
“no it ain’t. it’s just food.”
atsumu couldn’t argue with that and popped a piece in.
it was very delicious. the chocolate practically melted on his tongue and was the perfect sweetness and was filled with a delicious ganache too.
it was perfect
but he couldn’t accept this!
“it ain’t even good. too sweet and the filling’s sticky.”
“ah. really? is that what you think, tsumu?” you ask from the door where you had been watching the exchange take place.
“y/n! look at this! some weirdo gave me some choco and like... samu said to test it but i’ll toss it out, promise.”
“tsumu, i made that... i wrote it anonymously because i thought you’d know it was me and i wanted to tease you a little.”
osamu: “yeah actually i went over to her place to teach her how to make it.”
atsumu: “you said you went to suna’s place?!”
osamu: “i went there later but i first went to help her.”
you: “anyways if it’s not good i don’t mind if you toss it out...”
you: “you just said-”
“you’re always so honest though... are you sure?” you were having your fun teasing him now.
he still cringes at the memory 4 years into ur marriage
Miya Osamu
osamu would DEFINITELY make home made dinner dates a regular thing.
this alone shows he’s the better twin - miya atsumu stan
he loves cooking and eating with you so sometimes when he’s got a day off you guys’ll set aside the afternoon to make a real nice dinner
imagine candlelit dinner with miya dorito body osamu in a suit
of course some fun stuff happens after too ;)))
and today’s your third anniversary!!
so osamu adds lots of ‘natural aphrodisiacs’ to the meal
i’m talkin
garlic bread and soup for an appetiser, a nice juicy steak with garlic and red wine sauce for the main, and chocolate coated strawberries for dessert
mm yummy
you two cleaned your plates completely (it was very delicious) and as you were washing the dishes, osamu comes up behind and wraps his arms around your waist
“yes, ‘samu?” 
“i’ve already prepared us a nice bath with yer favourite scents.” he’s got his head resting on ur chin
“really? thank you~ i’ll be there in a bit”
but he doesn’t let go of you while you’re still scrubbing at the baking sheets.
“osamu, you can let go for now.”
“don’t feel like it.”
“i gotta wash the dishes since you did most of the cooking.”
“mmm, i’ll do it if ya gimme a kiss.”
you roll ur eyes bc what a cutie 
u turn ur head to give him a kiss but suddenly he 
he burps
that garlicy wine smell is just kinda there
“ew! ‘samu!!”
his face is real red but he’s also trying not to laugh because he’s still a dude and this is absolutely hilarious to him
“want another?” he starts teasing
“i’m not getting in the bath with you.”
“wait wait wait i’m sorry, i’ll go brush my teeth and give you a proper kiss”
Suna Rintarou
you two were taking the train home today
it was quite late due to practice going a little longer than usual, so he insisted he walked you back home today.
sunarin can be a good boyf sometimes ok
it was getting a little crowded on the train tho, since people were heading home or going out for dinner
luckily you had already grabbed seats so you were quite comfortable sitting side by side. 
you and suna have the type of relationship were you dont have to talk all the time
silence is v comfy.
he’s just scrolling through twitter on his phone while you’re looking around the car, lost in ur thoughts
suddenly you notice an old lady standing a little bit away from you and you stand up
“baa-san, please take my seat.” you whisper in the crowded carriage
“oh how kind of you. thank you, dearie.” she smiles and takes your seat while you stand in front of her and suna instead.
suna doesn’t realise this exchange has happened tho
(he’s on his phone as usual)
probably starting some fights on twitter
he decides to try to be a little romantic and pretends to stretch his arm around (who he thought was) you.
why is your voice right in front of him?
“young man, i appreciate it but i’m married.”
suna jumps as he sees someone he did not recognise next to him.
he looks up and notices you had moved.
you’re giggling
the granny’s giggling
atsumu and osamu sitting opposite on the carriage look like they’re going to cry because they’re trying not to laugh
“i was just stretching. really.” he mumbles and crosses his arms, face red as a tomato
he’s so embarrassed.
Ginjima Hitoshi
sometimes the inarizaki vbc would go for an after practice snack at the nearby family mart
they were really hungry after an intense preparation for nationals which was in two weeks so kita insisted they all get something to fill them up on the way home
but lucky lucky ginjima hhehe
you (his classmate who he had a crush on) were working at the cash register today.
“welcome!” you greet everyone as they enter
he cant help but stiffen up a bit 
why are u so cute and cheery today
the 2nd years already know what to do.
“heyy, i think last week i bought ya that ramen right? ya owe me my konbini snacks today!” - atsumu
“yeah. you lost a bet to me last week so u gotta pay up. a pack of jelly fruit sticks please.” - suna
“forgot my money today, mind payin’ for my snacks too?” - osamu
“like hell i’m paying for all of you. especially you, osamu. you eat too much all the time.” 
aran’s noticed what’s going on,
“hey, if it’s just for today you can do it right? if ‘samu don’t pay ya back tomorrow i’ll nag him ‘til he does.” 
“fine...” his basket is full when he goes to the counter.
he’s trying his best not to have a red face while watching u scan the items, ur hair swaying slightly as u look back and forth between the objects and the screen.
“alright. 4,890 yen please!” GOD he hated how expensive it was, that’s almost all his weekly allowance but bc it’s u and ur voice saying it it’s kinda ok
“mm, ok.” he still has his eyes on you while he takes out his wallet and puts it on the counter.
his wallet, not the money
“...” “...”
“excuse me, sir. this is...”
he almost slaps his face wtf he’s so embarrassed.
“s-sorry. just a little absent minded after practice.” he starts pulling out his cash.
“it’s fine! i know how hard you guys practice!” you smile while performing the rest of the transaction and pass him his big bag of goods. “good luck for nationals, ginjima-kun!”
he almost runs out of the store and is about to fight the rest of the 2nd years for watching and (suna) recording
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vendetta-if · 2 years
1K Followers Celebration Q&A, Part 1 🎉
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Hey guys! First of all, I'm sorry for not being too active on Tumblr lately. I've been pretty busy spending my break setting up various stuff for "Vendetta" as listed on my checklist and answering all these QnA questions.
Without further ado, here are all the questions and answers for the 1K Followers Celebration Q&A! This is Part 1 (I gotta split them into parts because it'll be too long if I kept them all in one post)
『Viktor, in your opinion, which ending would you want your child to choose? Vigilante, hero, heir?? Also, if you've seen both of the funerals, how did it make you feel?』
Viktor: "I—I honestly don't know. I just want my child to be safe and among those three choices... I would want them to be the heir, I guess. It'll be easier for Luka, my father, and Ash to protect them. Being a vigilante or a hero is too dangerous. They'd have to fight dangerous people and criminals, most of which are powered as well, and they may attract the attention of the wrong people.
As for the funerals... They're... horrible. I want to be there so badly, to say a final goodbye to my family and close friends, console them, make final amends with my father, and tell all of them to just let it go rather than keep hurting by holding on. But most of all, I want to hold my child one last time. To see them so clearly hurt... and I can't do anything about it... It just hurt. I'm glad Luka comforted them and is taking care of them."
『For Yvette: Do you actually love your child?』
Yvette: "O—Of course, I do! What kind of question is that? I care for them, okay? Even if I hadn't met them in years..." Yvette fidgets in her seat. "Next question, please."
『Rin, would you have any interest in MC if they weren't part of the Morozov family?』
Rin is silent for a moment.
Rin: “If they were not a part of the Morozov Family, then there was little to no chance of us ever meeting each other anyway. So, that’s a moot point.” Their voice is stiffer than usual.
『For Viktor and Yvette: given the chance, what’s one thing you would say to your child right now if you had the chance?』
Viktor: "I love you so much, my little sunshine. Please, don't be sad or angry anymore. I don't want you to avenge me or find me justice. I want you to enjoy your life to the fullest, find someone to love and maybe start a family with, and spend time with all the people in your life. And remember, to always take care of yourself and I'll always be proud of you, no matter what."
Viktor is silent for a second before shaking his head lightly. "I'm sorry, I know you said one thing... But, I just have so many things to say to them..."
Yvette: "I'm so sorry, baby. Please, give me another chance and I'll prove how much I meant that and how much I want to be in your life. After all, it's better late than never, right?"
『For Yvette: How was Viktor's personality? And why did you fall for him?』
Yvette sighs dreamily, a light blush spreading on her cheeks.
Yvette: "Where to start? He was a true gentleman and always tried to protect me in fights... Even to the point of taking hits that were meant for me... He was also really charming and also funny at times. Can get really teasing and flirtatious, but was really loyal once he was committed in a relationship with me. Just between you and me, I think he was a true hopeless romantic!"
『Ash & Rin if they could change their power to anything of their choosing, what would it be and why? Thank you <3』
Rin: “Hmm… I love my precognition and it really helps me so far. I wouldn’t want to change it to anything else.”
Ash: “C’mon, you party pooper, just imagine for a second!”
Rin: “How about you start first, then?”
Ash: “Gladly! I think MC’s umbrakinesis is pretty cool and flexible. Shadows are everywhere in almost every moment of the day. Also, it can be really intimidating and destructive as well. I would love to have a power like that.”
Rin: “Fine... If I have to… I think telepathy would be pretty useful. To be able to hear what the other person is thinking and planning, or even to influence them subtly... Although, the constant chatter of other people’s thoughts would be annoying…”
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after-witch · 3 years
In Sickness [Yandere Sesshoumaru x Reader]
Title: In Sickness [Yandere Sesshoumaru x Reader]
Synopsis: You were not often alone with the demon lord who took you captive. Then again, you were not often touched by the demon lord who took you captive, either.
Word Count: 2029
notes: yandere, kidnapped reader, mentions of illness
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You were not often alone with the demon lord who took you captive.
Then again, you were not often touched by the demon lord who took you captive. Yet here he was, bent over you, hands wringing out a rag he’d just dipped in a pail of river water. You barely register his fingers glancing against your skin, the slight sharpness of his nail edges, as he lays the damp rag on your forehead.
You can’t help it. At the touch of the damp rag, you sigh, soft and pleased. The coolness is blissful, a brief respite from the fever that has been wearing you down for days.
“You are a nuisance,” he mumbles, grimacing at droplets of river water that dribbled their way onto the elevated mat he’d set you on. To keep you away from the cold ground, you supposed, but you hadn’t the ability to care about his unusual generosity.
Once it had become clear that your illness was no minor trifle, he’d sent Rin away with Jaken as unwilling, grumpy but admittedly loyal protector. Where they were, you didn’t know and truthfully, you didn’t have the strength to care. It was hard enough to muster up the energy to care about your own self, drenched with sweat yet wracked with bouts of shivers that alternated with fevers that made your dreams terribly real.
It had started small. A tickle in your throat, a bit of weariness. You were tired, more so than usual, more so than you expected. But it wasn’t until the fever came and refused to leave, until your legs became red and swollen and could no longer carry you, until you started to become delirious, that Sesshoumaru had taken direct action. Jaken and Rin were gone, and you were taken somewhere. A cave? It was a shelter, at least, something more permanent than the campfires and group sleeps you were used to in recent months.
And Sesshoumaru had tended to you, quietly, without much in the way of conversation. You slept most of the time, half-awakening to hear him grinding medicine and waiting until it was placed on your swollen legs, or in your mouth mixed with hot water, to fall back into a listless sleep. You wonder how long you will be able to recall the feeling of his hands on you, the unusual way he sometimes bent over you and stared, checking your breathing, feeling your forehead.
It was intimate and uncomfortable, but you couldn’t be bothered to fight it.
You were just so sick. You were just so tired.
Yet you weren’t exactly a stranger to fatigue, to stress, particularly since the day you’d been forced to go with the demon. Stress dragged you down, often making you wish you could sleep for days, a luxury that was not afforded due to the frequently traveling nature of your captor. 
That day that came back to you so often in your dreams, and was now a memory that ebbed and flowed with your fevers.
Did you talk about that day, in your feverish ramblings? Sesshoumaru acknowledged what you said sometimes only with passive noises, either uncaring or not wanting to encourage your incoherent words, intent on making you better and resuming the original course.
You really were a nuisance. So why did he keep you? You’d never asked him this out of fear. You’d certainly never questioned his decision to keep you alive, much less questioned why he wanted you in the first place. Why he agreed to the wild offering thrown before him.
Your village elders had begged the passing demon lord Sesshoumaru to lay waste to a band of lesser demons that plagued the village for years. Men, women, children, even animals--taken and slaughtered in unspeakable ways. Sometimes even killed in their homes, partially eaten. It was not unusual to wake in the morning to piercing cries from mothers finding their children mangled in their beds, or hear husbands wail in agony at the loss of much-beloved wives on the way home from fetching water.
You remember the day so clearly. Like the rest of the people in the village, you were watching from your home, peering out the door like a child, as the elders got down on their knees and begged for assistance from a demon who’d passed along the outskirts of the village.
You remember the shock of his long white hair, his luxurious clothing, his imposing presence that seemed strong enough to make you shake even from behind the safety of the doorway.
He didn’t even bother saying no. He’d simply glared at them as if they were dirt and began to walk away. Then one of the elders pivoted on his knees, spitting out words that would turn out to seal your fate: “We will give you one of our women as an offering! Please, o great lord!”
Still, he did not stop, and the elder let out a shaky cry. Then the elder stood on wobbling knees and looked wildly around the village until his eyes landed on your half-open door, your face barely peeking out of it. He was a man who’d witnessed your birth, a man who’d once given you a special treat for free when you tripped and skin your knee as a child, a man who had serious conversations with you in recent weeks about finding a husband as surely someone so dutiful and kind did not wish to remain with her parents forever.
He was also a man who’d run to your home, quick as you’d ever seen him, and yanked you out of the doorway until you fumbled and fell over on the ground. His hands were sweaty with fear yet they clamped around your wrist like a weight.
“This one will make an excellent servant! She can cook and clean and embroider! Or you may have her--or, or kill her! Whatever you wish! Please, please,” he’d begged again, bowing low while keeping an iron grip on your wrist.
You remember the sound of wind in your ears. You remember the feeling of pain in your knees, in your elbow, where you’d fallen hard. You remember the soft scratch of the door opening, the way your neck twisted around to see your parents and brother hiding behind one another, simply watching you. You remember the look on their faces, confused and scared yet saying nothing. Why didn’t they pull you back in?
And then you remember the sound of footsteps approaching. It was the demon. You looked up and he loomed over you, staring impassively at your form. He didn’t bother glancing at the elder, who was now trembling as much as you.
“Very well,” he said quietly, yet with a tone that was unmistakably firm. “She is mine. In exchange, I will kill some vermin for you.”
A sound rushed through the villagers from behind their doors. Sometimes when the wind blows just right, you’re reminded of it. It was a murmur, a gasp, a collective sound that was relief and sadness all at once. They would be saved from the demons at the expense of one of their own. A sacrifice.
You remember pulling on your arm, crying out something. Did you cry for your mother or your father? You can’t remember now. It didn’t matter. They had already shut the door, and the sound of your sister crying from behind it was the only noise that came through.
Someone tied a rope around your wrists. You kicked, and the rope was jerked until you were standing on numb legs. You had no choice but to walk, to be dragged, as the demon held onto the other end and simply left the village without another word. You cried, you begged, you feverishly cried out to the people watching from behind the doors, to the elders who clutched their hands but watched you leave all the same.
He took you. But he didn’t kill you, or have you, or even make you a tireless servant to his demonic whims. He simply expected you to pull your weight, or at least, that’s what the green imp--Jaken, you’d learned--told you was the expectation. So you helped to cook, you helped to mend clothes, you minded Rin. Nothing more or less than the others were expected to do.
You were kept bound when not doing your chores for a few weeks. When he’d taken the rope off, you’d waited for the moment and run--not that you got far or got anything than a few more weeks with the rope for your troubles.
You hadn’t tried to run for a while. It did no good. And the areas you’d traveled through were sometimes riddled with demons or wild animals that would surely kill someone such as yourself with little effort, should you try to make it on your own.
With Sesshoumaru, you were fed. You got enough rest. You were protected. Not that you didn’t wish every day to return home, to sit with your family for meals, to chase your sister around and tease her to get her to laugh when she felt blue. Not that you didn’t hate being sometimes treated like a pest, like a dog, when it wasn’t your choice to be here in the first place. But at least you were still alive, still able to hope you would see your family again some day.
A sigh from lips that weren’t your own draws you out of your memories, sweeping away the memory of that day and every day of captivity since like dirt being beaten out o f fabric.
You open your eyes, grateful for the soft light in the cave, and see Sesshoumaru sitting across from you, his back up against the stone wall. Your head feels clearer, less foggy, less hot, thanks to the rag and you decide to sit up a bit. Laying down all the time makes you feel dizzy. He watches with no change in expression as you wiggle yourself into a higher position, wiggling yourself back on the mat until you’re resting against the wonderfully cool stone.
You stare at each other for a few moments. The sound of the fire he’d set up further in the cave is low, crackling. You try to imagine him gathering wood, crouching low to do the mundane work that you and Rin and Jaken often did, and it seems ridiculous.
You try to imagine these things in order to avoid asking a question that has been on your mind since the moment the ropes had chafed your wrists, the moment you’d been forced to stumble after him.
But you can’t avoid it forever, and finally, you speak.
“Why did you take me?”
You would never dare to ask this question if the others were here, if Sesshoumaru hadn’t been tending to you, intimate and up close, for days. But the fever and the strangeness of the situation has made you feel clearheaded in a bold, perhaps too much so, way.
He simply stares at you for a few moments, and you think that he will choose to ignore you until his gaze shifts almost imperceptibly to the side.
“You were offered to me.”
It is your turn to offer a passive noise. The answer he gives is is nothing. At least nothing that makes sense to you, makes sense of your situation.
“Why didn’t you kill me, then?” Surely there was a reason, since he didn’t make you a hapless servant, either. “I was supposed to be a sacrifice.” Or you were meant to be. Instead he’s made you something altogether in-between. You weren’t worked to the bone or treated terribly, but you couldn’t leave. You weren’t killed, but you weren’t any more useful than his willing companions, either.
You don’t get the answer you wanted. Or any answer at all. Instead, he merely scoffs, and stands up to leave the cave. He pauses at the entrance, waiting until you turn towards him to speak.
“I will not take long.” He gestures towards the mat with one hand. “Go to sleep. And refrain from asking such stupid questions when you wake up.”
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madillhethen · 2 years
Top 5 dog breeds? And top 5 fate characters? Bonus points for saying why 👀
Hmmm, I think when I was a kid I had an actual list but now I don’t think I do so this might be a bit random.
0. Selene and Lucina have to have their own category because they’re my dogs and everyone needs to know how much I love them :P
1. Dalmatians!
2. Corgis
3. Scottish Terriers
4. Golden Retriever
5. Pit bulls
I really had to think for this one, I’m excluding servants for the most part unless they reach above human characters. There are just too many to go through so I’m just going to name the characters I love on the top of my head. Fate’s a big universe anyways.
1. EMIYA: this by all means is no surprise (tumblr even called my blog a heroic spirit Emiya blog because of how much I tag) anyways, what can I not say about this man? He’s such a great character. I could write an essay on him but anyways, shortening it up, I love Emiya for the fact that he’s so thoughtfully altruistic, I know that part of this stems from his crippling and unhealthy self-worth but he took his weakness and made it a strength. He became a nameless entity that fought for others, a hero, and a lot of people have told me it’s stupid but when you get down to it, think about the people going through those wars, imagine just needing someone, anyone to save you, to show some kindness or another and it’s just…this man who has nothing to do with your war, your fight, but he’s literally there not for recognition or reward, but just because he wants to see people smile. He went through hell, and saw a hero, and all he wanted was to replicate that because he understood those feelings. So empathetic, a heart to big for the world, yet not a doormat, Emiya is graceful, cool, a figure of guidance, beautiful and a dork (he’s handsome as hell as a bonus 👀).
The fact that his own self-worth is so detrimental to him, is also what I love, as odd as that sounds. He never hated humanity, he didn’t curse the people who killed him, he never blamed his father, Saber or anyone, he doesn’t even think about destroying the worlds (I know that’s impossible but I’m just throwing that out there) instead he still is thinking of others, the only reason he hates himself so much is because he thinks he’s a murderer. He’s fair, and yeah, childish, but he’s not a sore loser, you have to give him a shot before you get to insult him, he can be a dick but it’s not in arrogance or harm, he’s pointing out your flaws because he knows you can fix them. You have that power, and if no one else is going to say it, he will because he wants you to be better.
Bonus because he can cook and clean.
2. Illyasviel von Einzbern: sweet and innocent? Check. Cute? Check. Little devil murder child? Check (x10 for all those bad ends lol). Illya is probably one of my favorite characters, partly because of nostalgia reasons. Back when I was a kid (younger), I thought FSN was off limits and winded up reading Prisma (jokes on me, that was not a kid version of Fate), but anyways I read OG Illya’s profile along with the manga of Prisma. I didn’t really find Prisma Illya...compelling at all but I always loved her design. Sweet, child-like innocence but a wise and perceptive disposition, Illya just wants a family--girl has never known anything ordinary. On top of the fact, her motivations for the entire Grail War doesn’t stem from the old Einzbern or three families’ original wish. She don’t care about any of that. She steered away from that long ago. 
This is personal, but at the same time, she wasn’t blinded by her own hatred and revenge (let’s not include the bad ends, okay) to not give Shirou a chance. And we see in Heaven’s Feel, she knew her brother, she knew how he was and she chose to sacrifice herself so that he could live. She came to kill him but winded up being the reason he lives. I just really love her.
3. Rin Tohsaka: I’m going to be honest, I don’t know how people can not like Rin. She’s literally perfect. Sporty, academics, pretty, elegant, really put together for the most part and a great magus but more than that, she’s just an ordinary girl trying to balance the world, her world, without any guidance. She’s literally living between two worlds: her long heritage of magi blood, and the parts of her that just is a normal girl who wants a family, wants to not be alone. She has a heart of gold, and although not as altruistic as Emiya/Shirou, she still has the idea that its the strong’s duty to protect the weak and yet at the same time, she never forsakes her individualism. 
Archer told Rin that people who don’t regret shine bright, and I agree. Rin has the attitude that she will choose a path, but never will she look back and regret that decision because each and every one of those decisions had reasons, yet what I love of her is that she doesn’t have a careless attitude, she struggles to come up with the decisions and that’s so very human. It’s not like Cu who takes things as it is, and is proud of whatever life he has, it’s similar but not the same, Rin’s feels...just so much more relatable, and I love her for that. 
4. Shirou Emiya: poor boy needs a hug. It’s a little similar to my reasons for Archer, but I don’t see these two as the same. I treat them somewhat similar but not the same (because they’re not. They’re both Shirou Emiya, but they’re not the same but they are. It’s not confusing at all. Don’t worry about it.) Except unlike Archer, Shirou has a bit of a gullible side that’s adorable and hilarious, but the boy is so good natured that...sadly he is a bit of a doormat. He’s determined, brave, suicidal, considerate and strong-willed, it’s hard for me to imagine anyone reading FSN and not finding themselves loving Shirou. His twisted sense of self and idealistic dream is both admirable and yet so sad. 
I love him especially in UBW because he sees the end result, he’s told the problems of his origins and yet he decides that he doesn’t care if the dream is fake. If the path will lead to hell because helping people can’t be wrong. And he’s right, it’s not wrong to help others. Persevering in a path for others’ pain is tolling, yet someone who can do it is absolutely aspiring.
5. Romani Archaman: he is incredibly relatable on so many levels (I actually find EMIYA more relatable to myself personally). He panics, he doesn’t know what he’s doing but he tries. He tries his best. A man who only wished to be human because he couldn’t be one spent the time of his human life dedicating it in the service of others, became a doctor to help others, all while trying to prevent the world’s end. That’s so admirable. He’s funny and kind, and goes out of his way for his people. I love Romani also for treating people fairly and equally, whenever the conversation was with Mash or a servant, it never felt like he was isolating them, he wasn’t saying ‘your a servant etc etc. (as we see with a different director ahem) it felt somehow like he was just talking to other people. And even in his confrontation with Goetia, he didn’t blame Goetia, didn’t curse him, he understood the difference in them and I don’t know, he was an ordinary man, just a doctor, but he was a hero (and I freaking miss him...)
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