#yandere inu yasha
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after-witch · 1 year ago
Thank you so much for sharing your work with us! I recently reread your works for Sesshomaru and I still find him to be such an interesting character. I always find your characterisations to be very grounded and multifaceted. Maybe for Lord Sesshomaru:
My Lord, if I may ask, what is your plan? Are we just supposed to follow you until we’re too old to walk?
Thank you, I'm glad you like them and like the characterizations!
notes: yandere, kidnapped reader, we stan a reader who is a smartass
Oh, some part of you wishes you could capture the sound Jaken just made in a jar, so you could let it out bit by bit to entertain you on nights where the world seemed too dark and heavy.
But before he can turn around and chastise you, Ren skips in between the pair of you.
"I won't be too old to walk for a long time!" She says, grinning, oblivious--or perhaps more accurately, ignoring--your softly worded barb towards the demon lord she held in such reverence.
The only sign that Sesshoumaru has heard you is the fact that he's stopped walking.
He doesn't say anything. Not yet, and truthfully, you wonder if he'll even bother acknowledging what you said. He often ignores you, expecting you to simply fall in line like the rest. And you do... mostly.
But sometimes you can't help it. Your parents used to send you to bed without supper for your sass, and in some ways, that hasn't changed.
You wonder if he'll take away your meals for a day or two, or perhaps have Jaken get out the rope again and tie it to your wrists like a leash. Maybe he'll make you stick close to Jaken for a while, although that was more a punishment for Jaken than you.
But then Sesshoumaru turns his head just enough for you to see the profile of his face.
"If you're too old and feeble to walk," he says, calm as ever, and isn't that the most annoying thing? "Then I'll have Jaken carry you on his back."
With that, he turns back around, and begins to walk again.
"But my lord!"
Jaken's words splutter out of his mouth, his eyes wide, anxious and frenzied, even as he hurries to follow his lord and master.
You sigh, and force your feet to continue moving. Maybe one day you'll understand why he keeps you. But not today.
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wheresmycontent · 10 months ago
Sheep’s Clothing [Inuyasha]
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Naraku & Kagewaki Hitomi x Reader [cis-female]
Note: Can you imagine how fucked up it’d be if you were married to Kagewaki Hitomi?
C|TW: 18+ not for minors, noncon
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♦︎ Kagewaki Hitomi. A young feudal lord who cherished his wife and did everything in his power to make her happy. You were his everything so it’d only made sense that he spoiled you with his riches and love. Though he was a feudal lord that title never came up in your relationship. He was only ever Kagewaki to you, even at his worst.
While gossip within the castle walls is inevitable, Kagewaki was more than willing to punish or remove anyone who had something negative to say about you, his beloved wife. You weren’t noble by any means and most likely came from a humble life. Yet, he expected everyone to treat you with respect or he’d take it as a personal offense.
♦︎ Kagewaki loved to whisk you away and take a scenic walk around the castle just to have a moment of peace with you. The little things mattered most to him, even if they seemed mundane. He appreciated all his time with you and didn’t take a single second for granted.
Though he was a man of high status, his touch was never rough or demanding! During this time there were plenty of men who viewed sex as a means to an end, not once considering a woman’s feelings about the act. But it was more than just an act to Kagewaki, who always wanted your eager consent when he craved you. He didn’t just use you for his own pleasure or personal gain.
♦︎ I imagine that you were away visiting another village during your husband’s encounter with the spider demon. Maybe to see a friend or catch up with your family that you were more than welcome to visit if you wished. Either way, you weren’t around when Naraku slaughtered most of the people within the castle. One of them is your precious Kagewaki Hitomi, who loved you dearly.
♦︎ How could you have known that something was off when you returned home? Naraku is a hell of a demon, his acting and manipulation skills aren’t to be taken lightly. He could take on the role of a weak, lovesick, noble if that’s what it takes to get the shikon jewel shards. It’s child’s play!
“Kagewaki’s” eyes remained soft when looking at you, his voice didn’t raise when he spoke to you, and his touches were still the sweetest. It’s no wonder you’re oblivious to it all. You don’t start to see the truth until Naraku becomes annoyed at another failed attempt to collect a jewel shard.
♦︎ In his anger, Naraku slaps the fuck out of you when you enter your shared room. You are too stunned to move from your place on the ground. When you look up at who you believe to be Kagewaki, he says that you did nothing wrong, that he only needed quick relief and already feels better.
Not sorry, forgive me, or it was an accident. This man said he did it to feel better! After seeing Kagewaki at his lowest point along with his highest, you never believed he’d raise a hand to you. Definitely didn’t think he’d do it to make himself feel good. You’re stuck! What could you possibly do now that he’s hurt you after years of being his wife? You could leave but then he’d stop supporting your family. He could send for you and have you murdered for “betraying” the castle.
♦︎ As if that wasn’t bad enough, the four children you’ve had with Kagewaki aren’t faring any better. It’s like he hates them all of a sudden. Their cries annoy him, he can’t be bothered to read to his daughter anymore. You had to take a hit to the chest when you caught him trying to strike your son. It was clear that Kagewaki had changed! You don’t know why or care to hear the story, all you wanted was for this to end.
His mood had changed drastically when you decided to take the kids to your parents. Almost like a burden had been lifted from his shoulders, it was sickening! If you had any doubts before they were erased after watching him glow now that the kids were gone. It was a good thing you gave your parents enough money to find a new place to stay. Anywhere far away from you and the village since you couldn’t trust Kagewaki not to come after them.
♦︎ That Onigumo may have cursed him with “affections” for that damned Kikyo but your husband wasn’t able to leave a single print on his soul. Therefore Naraku doesn’t hold an ounce of love or weakness for you. He could cut you up and feed you to his demons without a second thought. He could drag you to your previous village and make you watch as he has them slaughtered. It would be nothing!
He won’t do it though. At least not so soon since he loves toying with this new hole of his. Not a human, not a person, but an object he uses to relieve stress. That’s all you are to Naraku. You’re in danger like the rest of humanity.
♦︎ Rough! He’s so rough! You have bruises and scars from his rough treatment. He pulls you around without regard for your body’s limitations. Your arm had popped out of its socket once when he suddenly snatched you from your seat. His nails are sharp as blades yet he doesn’t care to rip your garments to shreds, pleased to see the blood escaping your new wounds.
You’ve been limping around the castle doing your best to stay out of his presence since he gets off on your pain. Due to his selfish nature, you’re never quite ready to take him, and he doesn’t prep you before sheathing himself to the hilt. While you’re writhing in pain from the sudden stretch and burn, Naraku only seems to get more excited and lustful.
Kagewaki would have never done something so heinous, so painful to you his beloved wife.
♦︎ You’ve realized long ago that the Kagewaki you fell in love with was no longer around and that he was never coming back. But what could you do now that a powerful demon has taken his form and refused to let you go? You tried to run away from Naraku, you’ve learned was his name, the day you witnessed him remove his head.
He was livid when he dragged you back inside the castle before you could get far. Mad enough to crush your left rib cage and threatened to devour you if you pulled a stunt like that again. While the offer was tempting since you didn’t want to live another day with the demon, your fear of dying was still strong.
♦︎ What could you possibly do now that your precious Kagewaki Hitomi was never coming back?
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after-witch · 3 years ago
Infirmity [Yandere Sesshomaru x Reader]
Title: Infirmity [Yandere Sesshomaru x Reader]
Synopsis: Sesshomaru doesn’t know why he doesn’t just put you out of his misery. 
Word Count: 1298
notes: yandere, (previously) kidnapped reader, some violence and gore
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You are a nuisance. Always requiring more time and care, food and shelter and protection, than he should ever deign to give anyone, much less a human. Your very weakness proves his inherent superiority to your species, and every time he sees you stumble during his travels, every time you require rest and nourishment, he reminds himself of that fact.
Yet he cannot think of that now, despite the situation he’s found you in. All he can think of is red. The dark red of your blood congealing on the ground, staining the grass and dirt. The bright red coating your stomach in harsh red gashes which ooze with green poison. The poison stinks even from several feet away. 
The red of his own eyes as he feels a dark blood lust envelope his body with sickening warmth. He can feel himself giving into it even as he wonders why he should be this upset at all. Should he not simply strike the demon down with coldness, and deal with you--alive or dead--as it comes? But there’s anger within him, unexpected, burdensome, and he can feel it pushing him fast and hard to act more rashly. 
You’d been taken. He had left you in a makeshift camp in order to take care of business that you had no part in, trusting Jaken to watch over you. Yet he’d returned to find Jaken unconscious and you nowhere to be found. There had been the brief thought that you’d managed to knock his servant out before escaping, but the thought was wiped by the pungent stink of some lesser demon, left behind in clear trails that gave him an instant picture of what had occurred.
True, the demon in front of him is nothing… to Sesshomaru. He will kill it in seconds, he knows. Yet to you, this demon is a death sentence--or close to it. Your skin, fragile and soft, was clearly no match for even the lightest cut from its claws. Even without the poison inside them, Sesshomaru is sure that you would have bled to death, if he hadn’t found you. 
You might still die. And it’s this thought that makes him strike out with his sword, red hot. 
The demon is cut down with a single swipe--cut in half, but Sesshomaru takes no satisfaction in the guts that spill out, in the frozen look of horror on the demon’s face as it dies. He only sees you, lying on the ground, free from the demon’s grip but not the wounds it inflicted.
Your chest rises and falls; you should be heaving, but your body barely moves. 
Sesshomaru is at your side in moments, dead demon forgotten. He crouches down, paying no mind to the blood seeping through his clothing. 
The wounds are deep. Blood is everywhere--all yours, except for the fresh streak let loose by the arch of his sword through the demon’s midsection--and the harsh metallic smell tickles his nose. Without thinking, he tears off a piece of his clothing and wraps it tightly around your midsection. It won’t stem the flow completely, but perhaps it will keep until he decides what to do. 
It’s the poison that worries him the most. He’s familiar with this type of poison, and while it can be healed, it’s only with much difficulty. He would be stuck watching over you for days, likely weeks. He would have to bring you home to his manor, a place whose threshold he never intended you to cross--it was not a place for a lowly human. The thought alone should make him put you out of your misery, nuisance that you are, and yet…
The way your face turns toward him, eyes barely opening, gives him the strangest pause.
“My… my lord?” You ask, voice feeble. It had taken months for your pride to ebb away enough to call him that. He remembers the prim satisfaction that came with you acquiescing to the title. But it’s not pride that fills him now, but something else. Fear? No, not exactly. Worry, maybe--or concern. Concern over you and your fate. It’s a strange feeling, one he is wholly unaccustomed to feeling.
“You saved me?”
“You’re injured,” he says simply. “Don’t try to move.” Although he doesn’t think you could move if you wanted to. 
Your mouth twists into a helpless frown, and your eyes seem clouded as you try to meet his gaze.
“Am I dying?” You sound so desperately sad and pathetic.
Again, he knows that putting you out of your misery is the most sensible option. You were no good to him as a servant like this, were you? And that is surely why he took you, when your village offered you up as a sacrifice. A woman, even a human one, would be far better equipped for certain tasks than Jaken was.
And then your eyes look not at him, but beyond him. Your eyebrows furrow and your mouth moves, but the words that come out make little sense to him. “I don’t want to… mother says we’re not meant to go in those woods… I saw him once, but he didn’t see me… will you bring the lanterns in?”
You’re delusional. It’s to be expected. Your wounds are severe and perhaps you won’t make it after all…
Your hand reaches out for his, clutching his fingers in a weakened grip. You’re trying to say something, but nothing comes out.  You’re too weak for it. 
On instinct, his hand hovers for the Tensaiga. But you were not dead. The Tensaiga could return someone from death, but it could not heal the wounds of the living. There is nothing to be done, on that end. 
No, you would have to be healed with medicine and time and care. He looks down at your feeble body and imagines himself doing it, imagines giving the orders for his servants to prepare the right medicines. 
He thinks of how you would heal slowly, under his orders. And then an image comes to him, muddy but strong: your guilty face as he admonishes you for trying to perform your normal duties--mending and cooking and cleaning--once you felt a little better. You might bite your lower lip and apologize, calling him my lord in a way that had begun to give him pleasure.
The way his stomach twisted at that vision almost makes him recoil from you entirely. Who are you, truly, to cause such reactions in a demon lord? 
Many things. You are many things. 
You are a nuisance, a thorn in his shoes; he doesn’t know why he can’t simply rip you out and let the wound heal, forgetting you along the way. 
You slow him down and require him to correct your behavior, as if you’re some novice apprentice without any experience or care in the world. You talk too much, musing on this or that in your travels. You breach the lines of propriety, though he can usually count on Jaken to admonish you for daring to ask personal questions of your lord. 
You are all these things, and yet there’s something more; it’s this more which makes him push away the idea of letting you go. Death won’t reach you, not now, in any case. You are not just a nuisance, not just a thorn: you are his. 
And with that thought, he reaches down and scoops you up, mindful of the wounds on your stomach. 
He walks past Jaken, watching the scene from the vantage point Sesshomaru placed him at earlier. 
“Let’s go, Jaken. I’m taking them home for recovery.”
For once, his staff-wielding servant is too shocked to offer an incredulous answer in reply.
In his arms, you breathe against him. Weak and clinging to life--but you breathe.
It’s enough. 
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after-witch · 2 years ago
We Must Hunger for Them [Yandere Sesshomaru x Reader]
Title: We Must Hunger for Them [Yandere Sesshomaru x Reader]
Synopsis:  You forgot. You forgot because of his elegant airs and his aloof disposition. You forgot because he doesn’t so much as break a sweat, doesn’t so much as lift a finger if he doesn’t have to; you forgot what he is.
For Horrorfest request: Sesshomaru  "I told you, I feed erratically, and often enormously." 
Word count: 980ish
notes: yandere, kidnapped reader, mentions of blood and gore, non-graphic violence
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The full moon should be a comfort. It often was, in your old life; a brilliant round moon would provide more illumination to keep away all those things that go bump in the night, that might jump out at any moment and devour you.
But that was your old life. A life you still remember, keenly, sharply, painfully. But not a life you have anymore. Not since you were pressed into the service--if your unsteady companionship could be called service--of the demon lord Sesshomaru, whose full titles you heard so often recited from Jaken as he tut-tutted over your inability to meet some essential metrics now and then.
Tonight, the full moon brings no comfort, no sense of safety. It only illuminates the horror in front of you. The carnage. The blood.
And the demon lord Sesshomaru, at the center of it all, eyes wild and red. His body pants with an unusual energy, and when he turns his gaze to you--for he has long since realized you were there, shaking, whimpering in fright at what you saw--you feel your body freeze in impenetrable terror.
You forgot. You forgot because of his elegant airs and his aloof disposition. You forgot because he doesn’t so much as break a sweat, doesn’t so much as lift a finger if he doesn’t have to; you forgot what he is.
A demon. A monster. Something dark, that your village prayed against.
And now, because of that beautiful full moon in the sky,  you see it fully in front of you. Oh, he looks better now than he did when  you stumbled on the scene. His fur is gone and body has bent back into human shape. His hair is glistening, his hands have resumed their elegance, with a distinct difference--the claws at the end are sharper, coated in dark red blood.
And his eyes. His eyes. Red and dark and terrible, and staring directly at you. Oh, if you could forget anything that has happened in the past few months, it would be this sight.
He turns, and you can see crimson splotching on his normally pristine robes. Even from here, the dark gore is too much for you, and you sway on your feet. How many did he kill? Were they all demons, or… You try not to think about that, because there are more important things to worry about.
Like the fact that he was now approaching you.
His hair still glistens in the moonlight as it always does, but now it’s offset by so much crimson, on his robes, on his hands, in his eyes.
“My--my--my lord,” you stutter out, falling to your knees, all strength in your limbs gone. Are you kneeling out of respect or as a plea for mercy or something more primal?
It doesn’t matter, because instead of standing stoically in front of you as he has done so many times, he takes his clawed hands and pushes against your shoulders. You fall backwards, splaying, and you quickly stretch your legs out so they don’t become pinned underneath you.
Your breath comes in tatters, and you stutter out in mumbled noises of fear as you try to drag yourself backwards by your elbows. You don’t get far before you hear him move, hear the swish of his robes, smell him--iron, low and tangy in your nostrils--and then feel the weight of him over you.
He only needs one of his hands to pin both your wrists together. Drying blood from his fingers sticks to your skin. You clench your eyes shut pitifully.
“Look at me.”
His voice is different somehow. Filled with the promise of a growl, animalistic, raw, not quite human. You shake your head like a child without thinking.
“Look at me.  Your lord commands it.”
Every ounce of your soul wants to avoid starting at the creature on top of you. But you know better than to disobey, and slowly, you turn your head and look at him. His mouth seems larger now, and his fangs are more prominent. There’s blood and flesh in them and your stomach turns.
And most of all, his eyes. Above you, watching, keeping you pinned with nothing but their ferocity--his eyes, all red.
“Stay still for me...” 
He leans down towards you, still panting, and you can’t help the whimper that escapes your lips. If you thought it might have induced pity in him, you were mistaken. Instead he groans, a low, animal sound. As if the sound pleases him.
His mouth is so close to your neck. You tremble, unthinking, the only feelings coming to mind purely related to survival. If you stay still… if you don’t struggle…
Hot breath tickles your skin, and then there’s something else--something sharp grazing there. His fangs, mercy, his fangs are against your neck.
“I’m not full yet,” he says, and there’s hunger in his voice. A hunger you haven’t heard, yet it must have been there all along, hidden behind his facade.
Without warning, tears prick your eyes, struggling to trickle down  your face.
“My--my lord,” you whisper, grimacing. “Please don’t kill me.”
His other hand, claws streaked with clotting gore, reaches up to stroke at your cheek. It should feel tender, comforting. But instead you feel like a shaking rabbit being calmed before the final blow.
“Do not cry. You will survive.
With that, his mouth descends, eager.
Pain. Pricks of pain as his fangs break your skin, and then pain blossoming hard and fast. A terrible sting that overwhelms you. You cry out, kicking your legs, pushing your arms against his claws with no effect. You’re too weak. Too fragile. Too human.
“I, your lord Sesshomaru, will make sure of that.”
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after-witch · 4 years ago
In Sickness [Yandere Sesshoumaru x Reader]
Title: In Sickness [Yandere Sesshoumaru x Reader]
Synopsis: You were not often alone with the demon lord who took you captive. Then again, you were not often touched by the demon lord who took you captive, either.
Word Count: 2029
notes: yandere, kidnapped reader, mentions of illness
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You were not often alone with the demon lord who took you captive.
Then again, you were not often touched by the demon lord who took you captive. Yet here he was, bent over you, hands wringing out a rag he’d just dipped in a pail of river water. You barely register his fingers glancing against your skin, the slight sharpness of his nail edges, as he lays the damp rag on your forehead.
You can’t help it. At the touch of the damp rag, you sigh, soft and pleased. The coolness is blissful, a brief respite from the fever that has been wearing you down for days.
“You are a nuisance,” he mumbles, grimacing at droplets of river water that dribbled their way onto the elevated mat he’d set you on. To keep you away from the cold ground, you supposed, but you hadn’t the ability to care about his unusual generosity.
Once it had become clear that your illness was no minor trifle, he’d sent Rin away with Jaken as unwilling, grumpy but admittedly loyal protector. Where they were, you didn’t know and truthfully, you didn’t have the strength to care. It was hard enough to muster up the energy to care about your own self, drenched with sweat yet wracked with bouts of shivers that alternated with fevers that made your dreams terribly real.
It had started small. A tickle in your throat, a bit of weariness. You were tired, more so than usual, more so than you expected. But it wasn’t until the fever came and refused to leave, until your legs became red and swollen and could no longer carry you, until you started to become delirious, that Sesshoumaru had taken direct action. Jaken and Rin were gone, and you were taken somewhere. A cave? It was a shelter, at least, something more permanent than the campfires and group sleeps you were used to in recent months.
And Sesshoumaru had tended to you, quietly, without much in the way of conversation. You slept most of the time, half-awakening to hear him grinding medicine and waiting until it was placed on your swollen legs, or in your mouth mixed with hot water, to fall back into a listless sleep. You wonder how long you will be able to recall the feeling of his hands on you, the unusual way he sometimes bent over you and stared, checking your breathing, feeling your forehead.
It was intimate and uncomfortable, but you couldn’t be bothered to fight it.
You were just so sick. You were just so tired.
Yet you weren’t exactly a stranger to fatigue, to stress, particularly since the day you’d been forced to go with the demon. Stress dragged you down, often making you wish you could sleep for days, a luxury that was not afforded due to the frequently traveling nature of your captor. 
That day that came back to you so often in your dreams, and was now a memory that ebbed and flowed with your fevers.
Did you talk about that day, in your feverish ramblings? Sesshoumaru acknowledged what you said sometimes only with passive noises, either uncaring or not wanting to encourage your incoherent words, intent on making you better and resuming the original course.
You really were a nuisance. So why did he keep you? You’d never asked him this out of fear. You’d certainly never questioned his decision to keep you alive, much less questioned why he wanted you in the first place. Why he agreed to the wild offering thrown before him.
Your village elders had begged the passing demon lord Sesshoumaru to lay waste to a band of lesser demons that plagued the village for years. Men, women, children, even animals--taken and slaughtered in unspeakable ways. Sometimes even killed in their homes, partially eaten. It was not unusual to wake in the morning to piercing cries from mothers finding their children mangled in their beds, or hear husbands wail in agony at the loss of much-beloved wives on the way home from fetching water.
You remember the day so clearly. Like the rest of the people in the village, you were watching from your home, peering out the door like a child, as the elders got down on their knees and begged for assistance from a demon who’d passed along the outskirts of the village.
You remember the shock of his long white hair, his luxurious clothing, his imposing presence that seemed strong enough to make you shake even from behind the safety of the doorway.
He didn’t even bother saying no. He’d simply glared at them as if they were dirt and began to walk away. Then one of the elders pivoted on his knees, spitting out words that would turn out to seal your fate: “We will give you one of our women as an offering! Please, o great lord!”
Still, he did not stop, and the elder let out a shaky cry. Then the elder stood on wobbling knees and looked wildly around the village until his eyes landed on your half-open door, your face barely peeking out of it. He was a man who’d witnessed your birth, a man who’d once given you a special treat for free when you tripped and skin your knee as a child, a man who had serious conversations with you in recent weeks about finding a husband as surely someone so dutiful and kind did not wish to remain with her parents forever.
He was also a man who’d run to your home, quick as you’d ever seen him, and yanked you out of the doorway until you fumbled and fell over on the ground. His hands were sweaty with fear yet they clamped around your wrist like a weight.
“This one will make an excellent servant! She can cook and clean and embroider! Or you may have her--or, or kill her! Whatever you wish! Please, please,” he’d begged again, bowing low while keeping an iron grip on your wrist.
You remember the sound of wind in your ears. You remember the feeling of pain in your knees, in your elbow, where you’d fallen hard. You remember the soft scratch of the door opening, the way your neck twisted around to see your parents and brother hiding behind one another, simply watching you. You remember the look on their faces, confused and scared yet saying nothing. Why didn’t they pull you back in?
And then you remember the sound of footsteps approaching. It was the demon. You looked up and he loomed over you, staring impassively at your form. He didn’t bother glancing at the elder, who was now trembling as much as you.
“Very well,” he said quietly, yet with a tone that was unmistakably firm. “She is mine. In exchange, I will kill some vermin for you.”
A sound rushed through the villagers from behind their doors. Sometimes when the wind blows just right, you’re reminded of it. It was a murmur, a gasp, a collective sound that was relief and sadness all at once. They would be saved from the demons at the expense of one of their own. A sacrifice.
You remember pulling on your arm, crying out something. Did you cry for your mother or your father? You can’t remember now. It didn’t matter. They had already shut the door, and the sound of your sister crying from behind it was the only noise that came through.
Someone tied a rope around your wrists. You kicked, and the rope was jerked until you were standing on numb legs. You had no choice but to walk, to be dragged, as the demon held onto the other end and simply left the village without another word. You cried, you begged, you feverishly cried out to the people watching from behind the doors, to the elders who clutched their hands but watched you leave all the same.
He took you. But he didn’t kill you, or have you, or even make you a tireless servant to his demonic whims. He simply expected you to pull your weight, or at least, that’s what the green imp--Jaken, you’d learned--told you was the expectation. So you helped to cook, you helped to mend clothes, you minded Rin. Nothing more or less than the others were expected to do.
You were kept bound when not doing your chores for a few weeks. When he’d taken the rope off, you’d waited for the moment and run--not that you got far or got anything than a few more weeks with the rope for your troubles.
You hadn’t tried to run for a while. It did no good. And the areas you’d traveled through were sometimes riddled with demons or wild animals that would surely kill someone such as yourself with little effort, should you try to make it on your own.
With Sesshoumaru, you were fed. You got enough rest. You were protected. Not that you didn’t wish every day to return home, to sit with your family for meals, to chase your sister around and tease her to get her to laugh when she felt blue. Not that you didn’t hate being sometimes treated like a pest, like a dog, when it wasn’t your choice to be here in the first place. But at least you were still alive, still able to hope you would see your family again some day.
A sigh from lips that weren’t your own draws you out of your memories, sweeping away the memory of that day and every day of captivity since like dirt being beaten out o f fabric.
You open your eyes, grateful for the soft light in the cave, and see Sesshoumaru sitting across from you, his back up against the stone wall. Your head feels clearer, less foggy, less hot, thanks to the rag and you decide to sit up a bit. Laying down all the time makes you feel dizzy. He watches with no change in expression as you wiggle yourself into a higher position, wiggling yourself back on the mat until you’re resting against the wonderfully cool stone.
You stare at each other for a few moments. The sound of the fire he’d set up further in the cave is low, crackling. You try to imagine him gathering wood, crouching low to do the mundane work that you and Rin and Jaken often did, and it seems ridiculous.
You try to imagine these things in order to avoid asking a question that has been on your mind since the moment the ropes had chafed your wrists, the moment you’d been forced to stumble after him.
But you can’t avoid it forever, and finally, you speak.
“Why did you take me?”
You would never dare to ask this question if the others were here, if Sesshoumaru hadn’t been tending to you, intimate and up close, for days. But the fever and the strangeness of the situation has made you feel clearheaded in a bold, perhaps too much so, way.
He simply stares at you for a few moments, and you think that he will choose to ignore you until his gaze shifts almost imperceptibly to the side.
“You were offered to me.”
It is your turn to offer a passive noise. The answer he gives is is nothing. At least nothing that makes sense to you, makes sense of your situation.
“Why didn’t you kill me, then?” Surely there was a reason, since he didn’t make you a hapless servant, either. “I was supposed to be a sacrifice.” Or you were meant to be. Instead he’s made you something altogether in-between. You weren’t worked to the bone or treated terribly, but you couldn’t leave. You weren’t killed, but you weren’t any more useful than his willing companions, either.
You don’t get the answer you wanted. Or any answer at all. Instead, he merely scoffs, and stands up to leave the cave. He pauses at the entrance, waiting until you turn towards him to speak.
“I will not take long.” He gestures towards the mat with one hand. “Go to sleep. And refrain from asking such stupid questions when you wake up.”
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after-witch · 4 years ago
Moving On (Yandere Sesshoumaru x Reader)
Title: Moving On (Yandere Sesshoumaru x Reader)
Synopsis: Request: Anonymous said: Yandere shessomaru with your prompt genius # 13 please? [“I didn’t quite hear that, care to repeat yourself?]
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Sesshoumaru stared down at you with the impassive, disdainful gaze that you’ve come to be far too familiar with over the past few months. As far as you could tell, it was his standard expression--it didn’t change much, except perhaps on occasion when the young girl who traveled with him, Rin, said something particularly silly. There was even a ghost of a smile, once, after an incident involving Rin, Jaken, and a very unamused fish; but when he’d seen you watching him, mouth almost gaping, he’d immediately frowned.
But unless you were deliberately trying to anger him--and you hadn’t done so in a long time, lessons learned, lessons learned-- it was always the same gaze. As if you were something annoying--curious, perhaps, but annoying all the same.
You glanced up from the sash you were mending, small, meticulous stitches giving you something to focus on; you used to hate needlework, repairs or otherwise, but that was before you needed something like the consistency of stitches helped you feel calm, grounded. He was still staring.
“Yes, lord Sesshoumaru?” You said, finally, keeping your eyes trained on the ground. It had taken weeks for you to overcome the humiliation of referring to him as ‘lord,’ this thing, this demon who kidnapped you from your village and kept you around for reasons you’ve never quite understood. Even now, the phrase was practically spit from your lips like poison or rotten fruit.
You looked up, finally, daring to hold his gaze for longer than a moment. You hated the way he made you feel, especially on the occasions when you were alone. Something about his expression made you feel… less-than.
“Is there something you need, my lord?” you said, barely able to hide your ever-simmering frustration--with him, with your situation, even with yourself.
“We’re moving on to another camp.”
“What about Rin and Jaken?” 
You normally walked with them, or sometimes Sesshoumaru ordered you up on the strange two-headed beast that Rin liked to call ‘A-Un.’ Sesshoumaru always stayed ahead, sometimes far ahead, leaving you blissfully free from his suffocating presence. After a while, you didn’t mind Rin, or even Jaken; especially when he’d started trusting you enough to undo the rope that leashed you to A-Un like a dog.
He ignored your question and stared down at you, seemingly waiting for you to obey the implicit command: get your things and start moving.
You were used to this--it wouldn’t be the first time he treated your questions (or, in the earliest days, your pleading to be let free) with quiet disdain. But the humiliation of being treated like a servant, an object to be bossed around, never lessened.
The idea of traveling without Rin, or even Jaken--condescending and pompous as he was--as a barrier between you and the demon lord who’d kidnapped you was… not a pleasant one.
“You could at least answer my questions,” you said, your voice trembling a little despite your efforts to keep calm. “Lord Sesshoumaru,” you added quickly.
You dared to look up again, and you could swear his impassive gaze was different. Just a little. Whether it was more or less annoyed than usual was not something you could determine.
“I’ve sent them ahead” he said, finally, before turning away. He began to walk as he spoke. “Keep up. I’m not waiting around all day.”
So you would be alone with him… for how long, you wondered? A day? A night? Would you have to sleep near him, instead of next to Rin as you’ve grown accustomed? The thought made your stomach feel tight.
“If I’m so slow, why don’t you let me walk alone,” you mumbled, staring down at your hands, only half-conscious that you were speaking out loud as you fiddled with a ruined stitch.
“I didn’t quite hear that.” Sesshoumaru stopped in his tracks. You recognized your mistake at once when he turned his head, slightly, not bothering to turn all the way around. “Care to repeat yourself?”
“Nothing,” you whispered. “I didn’t say anything, my lord.”
He turned back and walked on, leaving you to scoop up your mending and meager possessions into your cloth bag and follow after him on unsteady feet.
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wheresmycontent · 2 years ago
To Hell We Go [Inuyasha]
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Naraku x Reader [Gender Neutral]
C|TW: abuse, implied non-con, yandere
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He’s so unpredictable, you have no choice but to walk on eggshells around him. It’s never obvious when he’s in the mood to torture you for the smallest things or roll his eyes at your stupidity. If it wasn’t for the fact that Naraku calls you his beloved mate, although sarcastically, you’d have no idea why he keeps you around.
Naraku shows that he cares about you by committing horrific murders in your name. This happens often mostly because people aren’t aware of your relationship. So once he finds out you’re being threatened, mistreated, or cheated he slays an entire village. You never ask him to do this and it’s clear it upsets you but that won’t stop him. He expects everyone to give you the same level of fear and respect they’d give him.
He always looks at you with this sickening smirk after you witness this. He knows you don’t like it, the sight of their insides hitting the ground, the begging for mercy, or the rare moments when the humans will turn to you and beg for forgiveness. The way you shudder in disgust or turn your head, too scared maybe even ashamed, pleases him greatly. He just might fuck you afterward or during depending on his mood.
Loves to hurt you as much as he loves to protect you. It’s one of his favorite pastimes! Don’t get him wrong though, he truly does love you but in his demonic way. If he hated you, you’d be dead. You’re pretty much useless to him outside of his feelings. It’s hard to see that when Naraku uses you as a stress ball. Always ending with you being scratched up and bruised from his rough treatment. It’s almost like you’re his favorite toy, nowhere near his lover.
Are you afraid of spiders? Please say yes, because that’d make it more fun to mess with you. Funny how you’re supposed to be his mate but are scared of his form and symbol. Whenever you get a little bold you might notice tiny spiders crawling out of a corner. He doesn’t do this often but enough to make you wish Naraku would just kill you and get it over with.
I don’t know how you haven’t caught on to this yet but Naraku loves the power imbalance. A weak human left at the mercy of a powerful demon like him gives him a special high. There’s no point in you parading around your dignity and pride when he has the means to swipe it away in the blink of an eye. How many times has he had you beg him for mercy now? What about the times he had you pleasure him for the sake of saving someone’s life only to slaughter them in front of you? And you’re still here, forced to get as desperate and needy as he wants you to. It’s amusing really.
On a “lighter” note, Naraku dresses you how he sees fit. People need to see you wearing top-notch garments, not rags. The way you look is a reflection of him so don’t bother trying to wear your ratty clumps of string, he already threw them away. If you hate what he picks out, feel free to walk around the compound naked, not that you have a choice since you’re being ungrateful again. You better not hide in your room either, he’ll pick a more humiliating punishment.
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after-witch · 4 years ago
After-Witch Masterlist
My masterlist! Will be updated regularly. Please note yandere content will contain the ‘Yandere’ descriptor before a character.  Content is broken up by fandom, with headcanons listed at the bottom of each category. Multi-part pieces will be noted [Complete] when they are finished.
[Hopefully these links will work on desktop and mobile... if not I will work on a Google Doc version!]
Updated 04/28/21
Boku no Hero Academia/My Hero Academia
Birthday Gift: Part 1 - Part 2  [Yandere Overhaul x Reader] [Complete]
You finally get up the nerve to ask your captor for a special gift–a birthday gift.
Bad Day [Yandere Overhaul x Reader]
You’re in one of your dark moods again. Overhaul wants to help you. 
Just One Night [Yandere Overhaul x Reader]
You really, really want to go see The Nutcracker. Will your captor grant your request to continue an annual tradition? 
Damned to Live Forever [Yandere Vampire Aizawa x Reader]
You fall prey to the whims of a vampire with a penchant for lost, helpless souls.
Don’t Fall Asleep [Yandere Dream Demon Dabi x Reader]
You can’t stop dreaming about a terrible man with scars. You’ll be okay--if you can just stay awake.
Takeout [Yandere Dabi x Reader]
You haven’t been eating. Your captor brings home takeout.
Just a Name [Yandere Dabi x Reader]
Dabi wants a name, that’s all. Things will be easier if you give it to him.
So Close [Yandere Hawks x Reader]
You ran and ran from Hawks and came... so close.
So Far [Yandere Hawks x Reader]
Sequel to ‘So Close.’ Hawks realizes he has to break you down to build you back up.
Vacation All I Ever Wanted [Yandere Hawks x Reader]
You agree to visit Japan with a friend for vacation, despite it being home to your controlling ex-boyfriend.
Threats and Lies [Yandere Shigaraki x Reader]
Your bratty behavior inspires threats and lies from your captor. Inspired by the prompt “I could kill you if I wanted to.”
Be Good to Him (The Boy!AU Shigaraki x Reader]
You’re a nanny responsible for the well-being of a doll-turned-ghost. You want to leave, and Tomura really doesn’t like that.
Birdsong [Yandere Shigaraki x Reader]
A rare outdoor picnic leads you to temptation. Inspired by the prompt “Don’t you dare fucking try it. You know you can’t outrun me.”
Adoration and Pain [Vampire!Yandere Overhaul x Reader]
You are his pure doe, his precious lamb. And his personal blood bank.
Let’s Split Up, Gang [Yandere Hawks x Reader]
You have a stalker. Thankfully, your boyfriend Hawks is there to help you investigate.
Mortality [Yandere Dabi x Reader]
Dabi muses on mortality after a hard day. For request: “Uhshh for the horror movie special I thought the quote “Fire is the reflection of or own mortality, we’re born, we breathe, and we die” from “Get Out” would work super well with dabi.”
Doctor Doctor [Yandere Overhaul x Reader]
You’re afraid of doctors, which naturally means it’s time for your checkup.
Down the Drain [Yandere Dabi x Reader]
You and Dabi have a little... chat in the bathroom. For request: yandere dabi x fem reader.
White Picket Fence [Yandere Overhaul x Reader]  
[Part 2]
You’ve been with Kai Chisaki for three years. Your life is quiet and cozy and soothing. But what do you do when you realize you want more? For request: yandere overhaul x reader with stockholm syndrome
Pluck [Yandere Hawks x Reader]
You tried to run–no, fly–away. And Hawks is going to make sure you never try that again.
Sweet Dreams [Yandere Overhaul x Reader]
Overhaul watches you sleep and has an… unexpected reaction.
Big City [Yandere Shigaraki x Reader]
You’re about to leave for a new university in a new city in a new country. Your friend doesn’t seem pleased. You agree to meet up before you leave in the hopes of keeping your friendship alive.
It’s My Party [Yandere Shigaraki x Reader]
You’re having a party and Shigaraki is not invited.
You Would Cry Too (If It Happened to You) (It’s My Party Part 2) [Yandere Shigaraki x Reader]
Quality Time (It’s My Party Part 3)
Shigaraki won’t let you go to the bathroom.
Office Hours [Yandere Shigaraki x Reader]
He gave you the outfit. The blouse, the skirt, the nylons–the heels. A secretary’s unofficial uniform. You can’t help but feel mocked, in a way. Hurt. Was he being cruel on purpose, to make you think about your life before all this?
Thank You For Your Donation [Yandere Shigaraki x Reader]
For request: “ Shigaraki gets obsessed with a twitch stream and deluded himself into believing they’re together until he finally takes her home “
Sketch Memory [Yandere Overhaul x Reader]
Chisaki lets you indulge in your little hobbies. But he’s starting to suspect that you’re taking advantage of his “generosity.”
Fragile Little Thing [Yandere Hawks x Reader]
Your “boyfriend” is having a rough day and he doesn’t appreciate you being such a difficult partner. If you can’t behave, maybe he can’t behave, either.
Revelations [Yandere Overhaul x Reader]
So you don’t eat, you don’t follow his rules; so you hurt yourself. It’s all you can do to keep up the fight against an obsessive captor who thinks he knows what’s best for you.
Sweet Escape [Yandere Overhaul x Reader]
Escape isn’t easy. Nor is it very long-lasting. When Overhaul’s men drag you back into captivity, you brace yourself and wait for what your captor will do with you.
Comfy Couch [Yandere Hawks x Reader]
It’s fine if you’re not paying attention to Netflix, really. But not paying attention to your boyfriend? That won’t fly.
Corsets and Blackmail [Yandere Dabi x Reader]
Dabi wants you in a corset. What Dabi wants, lately, Dabi gets.
Baby Mine [Yandere Overhaul x Reader] 
Rest Your Head (Baby Mine Part 2) 
Close to My Heart (Baby Mine Part 3)
Never to Part (Baby Mine Part 4)
The first time you laid eyes on your child, you knew: You had to get out. Set in the ‘White Picket Fence’-verse.
Serpent [Naga!Yandere Overhaul x Reader]
You’re so lucky to have wandered into his den. Others might have eaten you, but he’ll keep you safe.
Pinned [Yandere Shigaraki x Secretary!Reader]
Follow up to Office Hours. You’ve given him a kink and isn’t that your fault, really?
Yandere Overhaul and a darling with chronic health problems
Yandere Overhaul General Headcanons
Yandere Aizawa General Headcanons
Yandere Dabi and a depressed darling
Yandere Hawks General Headcanons
Yandere Dabi and a depressed, clingy darling
Yandere Overhaul with a darling who has EDS
Yandere Shigaraki and a darling who doesn’t mind being kidnapped
Yandere Overhaul with a darling who hates mornings
Yandere Shigaraki + Secretary!Reader Headcanons
Yandere Shigaraki and secretary musings
Yandere Overhaul with pregnant reader headcanons
Bungou no Stray Dogs
With Friends Like These [Yandere Dazai x Naive Reader]  
One of your friends thinks your new boyfriend is controlling. Your new boyfriend doesn’t like that at all. 
Dinner Party [Yandere Fyodor Dostoevsky x Reader]
Your friends cancelled, one by one, leaving you with the only person in the world who seemed to care about you.
Flight [Yandere Nikolai Gogol x Reader]
You’re a fantastic actress when you’re on the stage. But your captor isn’t fooled when there’s no stage magic to hide your real feelings.
Character Development [Yandere Fyodor Dostoevsky x Reader]
You’ve been given a gift by your captor for good behavior. Too bad it’s a shitty book.
Yandere Dazai with an oblivious and nurturing reader
Yandere Dazai and Chuuya with a darling that has post-punishment nightmares
Yandere Dazai and Chuuya general headcanons
Death Note
Oh Sugar Sugar: Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 [Yandere L Lawliet x Reader] [Complete]
You’re the owner of a cute little pastry shop. One of your customers falls in love with more than just your baked goodies.
Darling, Light of My Life [Yandere Light Yagami x Reader]
Inspired by a scene from The Shining. You found the book. He wants it back.
A Christmas Interlude [Yandere L Lawliet x Reader]
Set in the Oh Sugar Sugar series. It’s Christmas--and you have a gift coming. Deleted scene here.
Ginger Tea [Yandere L Lawliet x Reader]
You’re sick. Unfortunately, your captor has no intentions of leaving you alone to recover.
Sunny Day [Yandere l Lawliet x Reader]
He knew there was a high chance that your reaction to being kidnapped could end with depression. But what he didn’t know was how, exactly, to deal with it.
Final Fantasy 7
Compound [Yandere Sephiroth x Reader]
After being caught trying to escape, Sephiroth punishes you.
A Private Cell [Yandere Reno x Reader] 
Part 2
For request:  Can I request FF7 Reno with reader as his prisoner?
No Turning Back [Yandere Sephiroth x Reader]
It’s hard, being with Sephiroth–belonging to Sephiroth. Especially when your own heart belongs to another.
Yandere Kadaj General Headcanons 
Yandere Yazoo General Headcanons
Yandere Vincent Valentine with shy female reader Headcanons
Wine? [Yandere Spain x Reader]
You “settle” in for dinner. Inspired by the prompt “I’m sorry, I know it hurts.” 
Cold [Yandere Canada x Reader]
You ran away and that’s not good. Inspired by the prompt “I’m sorry, I know it hurts.”
Under a Bridge [Yandere Norway x Reader]
You’ve been under Norway’s thumb, trapped and caged in more ways than one. You seek help from otherworldly beings, but a deal once made, can’t be undone.
Yandere America General Headcanons
Yandere Japan General Headcanons
Yandere Canada General Headcanons
Yandere Denmark General Headcanons
Yandere Iceland General Headcanons
Inu Yasha
Moving On [Yandere Sesshoumaru x Reader]
You misspeak when instructed by the demon lord who’s taken you. Inspired by the prompt “I didn’t quite hear that, care to repeat yourself?”
You Can Run [Yandere Sesshoumaru x Reader]
For request:  “Could you maybe do something with Sesshomaru? Maybe his ‘darling’ trying to escape not knowing that it would literally be impossible?”
A Gift [Yandere Sesshoumaru x Reader]
Your demon lord captor presents you with an unusual and unexpected gift.
In Sickness [Yandere Sesshoumaru x Reader]
You were not often alone with the demon lord who took you captive. Then again, you were not often touched by the demon lord who took you captive, either.
Knives Out
Yandere Ransom Drysdale Imagine
Imagine meeting Ransom Drysdale...
Hook Line and Sinker [Yandere!Ransom Drysdale x Reader]
You’ve broken up with Ransom Drysdale, and you mean it this time. But the freedom that comes with the breakup leads to a series of unexpected coincidences that leave you wondering: was it worth the price?
Yandere Ransom Drysdale Headcanon
Sticking up for Ransom at a family dinner.
Emotional Loan [Yandere Ransom Drysdale x Reader]
You shouldn’t be this nervous about telling your boyfriend that you want to transfer to a college out of state. Ransom is nothing if not generous with you–so why is your stomach in knots?
The Pain Sweeps Through [Yandere Jareth x Reader]
You’re not the first one he’s brought into the Goblin King’s Labyrinth. You’re not the first one to best him, to get to the center and beat him at his own game. But you are the first one to beat him and give in: “Fear me, love me, do as I say and I will be your slave.
Misc Horror Movies
Kim So-Hee x Reader Headcanons (Wishing Stairs)
The Slayers
Yandere Xelloss Headcanons
Yandere Knives x Reader Headcanons
Original/No Fandom
Wife or Death  [16th Century Witch POV]
You’re a 16th century witch who finds herself pursued through the woods by a witchfinder. Out of options, you pray to the only lord that might save you.
Floss [Yandere Dentist x Reader]
You hate going to the dentist. You really do.
In the Mirror [Doppelganger x Reader]
She just wants to make your life better. Of course, that’s hard to believe when you’re trapped inside a mirror.
And Home Before Dark [Wendigo x Reader]
Living in the practical wilderness of new France, you knew you were never meant to be in the woods after dark. After all, there was something in the forest that was dark and dangerous and it wanted you.
Madame Guillotine [18th Century Aristocrat Reader]
It’s the French Revolution and you’re a former aristocrat on your way to meet your death at the scaffold.
Down the Cellar Stairs [Early 20th Century Reader]
It’s just a game, just a silly game to play on Halloween. But you may find more at the bottom of the cellar stairs that you bargained for.
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