#But I also randomly fall into this state and Its hard to get out of
tabbytiger · 8 months
The way I have to deal with this for the rest of my life. Also the fact that this can actually damage your brain.
#13#Um continuating the conversation difficulty bits#People absolutely hate talking to me sometimes because of my alogia#Sometimes I get into these states where talking becomes tiring and I give small or simple answers#and you have to prod me to provide more information#I end up doing this w my dad a lot bc of trauma reasons#But I also randomly fall into this state and Its hard to get out of#I’m really worry that my psychosis might me getting worst#I’m experiencing retrogade amnesia as well as dissociative amnesia#localized selective generalized and systematized amnesia#like its really scary I’m genuinely really worried#I forgot what my therapist name was and Ive been seeing her for a year now#Sometimes I don’t know if I existed yesterday or even earlier in the day#coming back to reality at the end of the day just like dang what was i doing earlier i dont remember#I think I’m hearing things but I can’t tell if its real#I have exploding head syndrome where suddenly a thought becomes so loud its like someone said it to me#always startles me bc I can’t tell if it was actually spoken or not and then I’ll immediately start losing the memory of it happening#Making this is so hard bc I keep having disorganized thoughts#i feel alone i think somethings wrong with me but i also feel helpless#Im scared to ask for help or comfort while im experiencing a pyschosis induced panic attack#I’m just rambling now. This is probably another delusion thinking I’m like slowly deteriorating or smthin.#Usually i experience like ‘hallucinations’ when I’m sleep paralyzed. But last night I felt small feet moving on me while I was awake#Now I’m questiong if theres actually mice in my walls#Sometimes I hear scratching or ‘rodent’ sounds but now I’m questiong if its real#I can’t tell I genuinely can’t tell and thats scary#im already on meds. I see my therapist and psychiatrist often. Theres no cure for this#I don’t think I’ll be able to live on my own. I really don’t think I can. I think I’ll genuinely go absolutely full blown crazy#Like I already feel unsafe living w fam. Terrified being alone in a hotel. Still scared when sleeping at a friends’.#Shit I think I’ve developed a new delusion. I’m worried something might be wrong w my brain or with my internall organs or body in gen.#🥴 new ones keep popin up left and right fr
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imababblekat · 6 months
Ways The TmnT Boy's Annoy Their S/O; Hc's
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Anon request, "hello I love your work and I hope you are well I wanted to ask you for a fic with the turtles and a fem!reader, about things they do to jokingly annoy their girlfriend because its funny for them. <3"
Leo doesn't normally try to annoy his s/o, but occasionally he does feel a bit cheeky and decides to pester them if they're in a decent mood
the thing he does most often in these small occurrences is randomly poke at their side, and when they ask what he needs he'll pretend to not know what he just did
loves doing it if they're working at something and he's wanting attention
you know that thing dad's do where they pretend to lick their hand and then try to gross you out by putting said hand in your space? well he does that too
will chase his s/o around either the lair or their place, mischievously grinning as they run away screeching at him to not even dare!
Leo never pushes his s/o past annoyance, and will always end his shenanigans with gentle laughter and apology kisses
this man has messed with his s/o before they were even his s/o; he knows all the right buttons to push and to what limit as to not go so far as to actually anger them
he can't help it, it's so adorable how they get all red and puffed up when he mildly irritates them
absolutely calls his s/o shorty and other ridiculous nicknames when he's being a butt
his favorite thing to do that always gets his s/o rolling their eyes is when they ask him for help with something such as opening a pickle jar, and he dramatically flexes his muscles while wagging his brow, stating that if they wanted to see him at work, all they had to do was ask
will also purposely man spread where ever they're seated so his s/o is basically forced to sit either between his lap or on it
Raphaels messing around is always in good fun, and he knows when enough is enough, even if your death glare is the cutest thing he's ever seen
his favorite way of annoying his s/o is honestly so adorable that it's hard for his s/o to stay mad about it for very long
his s/o will ask him for something like a snack, and before they can grab it from his hand he quickly holds it up above his head
will wink and state they have to pay the bae toll first, and despite all their groaning, his s/o will tip toe to give him a sweet kiss
will sometimes place things in a high place so his s/o has to ask him to get it, but more often than not they know he purposely placed it there and will try to jungle gym their way up to get it
he'll stand to the side with a smug smirk and ask them if they're sure they don't need his help, finding their determination to get whatever object themselves very adorable
whether or not they say yes, he's always read to catch them if they happen to slip or fall, in which case he'll hold off on putting their stuff high up for a while
most the time when he feels like annoying his s/o it's because he's either bored, wants attention, or both
his favorite way of doing so is playing the "gravity game", much to his s/o's dismay
Mikey will locate his s/o to find them keeling over some work that can honestly wait a day or two to be done, and if he can't bribe them to step away for a break with cuddles, he'll let out the biggest sigh, an indication of what he's got planned
his s/o will shoot him a knowing glare and tell him he better not, but it's too late, Mikey has already trudged his way over to where they're seated or standing and groans loudly about how heavy the Earth is, practically leaning all of his weight onto his flustered s/o
won't put his entire weight into it because he obviously doesn't want to crush them, but Mikey also won't let up till his s/o agrees to finally take a break and spend some time with him, to which he will act victorious and act suddenly weightless as he practically floats off with his blushing s/o for some quality time
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ominoose · 1 year
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𝐒𝐭𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧 𝐆𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐓𝐫𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐥𝐬 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐎𝐬𝐜𝐚𝐫-𝐕𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐞
Summary: Random drabble's about Steven Grant meeting other Oscar Isaac characters. No Marc or Jake co-concious, only referenced. Characters: Basil Stitt, Leto Atreides, Poe Dameron A/N: This randomly hit me and I wanted to write it because it was funny. Used a spinny wheel for it. Also idk if BB-8 can do that but now he can.
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London was it's usual muggy, busy self as Steven ran down the street, hoping to catch the bus to work. It had been hard enough to get a job after the Museum Incident, but maintaining a position was proving to be a much harder endeavor between his abnormal sleeping patterns and head mates.
"Oi! Wait, please!" Steven was within touching distance just as the bus sped off, and at the lack of anything to rest his weight on or break his fall, the man found himself tumbling face first into traffic.
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☽ 𝐁𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐥 𝐒𝐭𝐢𝐭𝐭 (Lightningface)
+ When Steven first wakes up in the apartment, his first thought is that he's woken up in a bomb site. The apartment is a mess, furniture and clothes strewn everywhere haphazardly. He's momentarily glad Marc isn't replying in his head, knowing the American would have an aneurysm over the state of the place.
+ Basil is the one to find Steven, jumping up from his spot on the couch and staring at him like he's an alien. The first thought in his mind is that Ricky the Monkey did some crazy magic and brought a clone to replace him. Poor Steven barely has a chance to process the situation before he's trying to calm his scarred, other American look alike down and explain his situation. Nothing manages to convince Basil there isn't some magic going on here, but he stops viewing Steven as an evil replacement.
+ After the initial shock and awkward introductions, they manage to sit down and chat for a few minutes. Basil shares the story of the lightning strike, insisting that its imbued him with magical powers. Steven, bless his heart, immediately believes this and boasts about his own moon powers too.
"You know, I've always wanted to try jumping off the roof and flying, have you done that?"
"Oh no, my mate Marc usually handles that, but maybe we can practice together? Have you got a suit as well?"
"Yeah, it's this paper bag and bed sheet I fixed up myself! C'mon, I have a stool on the balcony-"
"Wait, hang about.... Actually, mate, on second thoughts, lets not."
+ Steven ends up convincing Basil to properly fix his apartment, not just brush away the broken shards and dust. So that's what they do for a while, busying themselves as they theorize on how to get Steven back home with only a handful of brain cells between them. Basil listens with surprising intensity when Steven ends up branching off into Egyptology tangents, and likewise Steven nods along when Basil brings up all the documentaries he'd watched recently. In the end, the apartment does end up in much better shape, and the pair become quite chummy.
"Damn. Thanks for the help... Maybe I did overreact a bit."
"Yeah, it's no problem bruvs, it happens. Surprised the doctors didn't give you anymore meds, though I suppose over here its not like the NHS."
"Oh, no I didn't go to the hospital."
"...You wot?!"
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𝐋𝐞𝐭𝐨 𝐀𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐬 (Dune)
+ Coming to on hot, sandy slabs is enough of a trigger point to Steven Grant as they come. Coming to on hot, sandy slabs with weird astronauts in suits pointing space guns at him goes beyond frighting and circles back into 'Shit yourself' territory. Thankfully they seem to speak English. Unfortunately, his high pitched screams and babbling British noises don't make sense to them while they peer down their guns at him with confusion. It isn't until a booming voice draws everyone's attention that Steven gets a chance to breath.
+ Said breath is swiftly knocked back out of Stevens lungs when a wiser, nobler and older version of him walks into the room, commanding the attention of every single space soldier in the room. The man stares down at him as he lays huddled on the ground, curled into himself, and quirks a single well groomed eyebrow at him.
"I am Duke Leto of House Atreides. You have penetrated your way into my home. Who are you?"
"I-I-I'm S-Steven Grant. Of the... Giftshop."
The Duke continues his stony stare at Steven for a few seconds longer before holding out a calloused hand.
"Well Steven of the Giftshop, I think we both have many questions for one another, and hopefully some answers."
+ When Steven finally gets over being starstruck at the dignified, royal version of himself, and when Leto makes the accidental mistake of mentioning that they're billions of years in the future on another planet, Steven freaks out, having a 10 minute long panic attack. When that's over he geeks out instead, asking a million questions about technology, using apologies as commas and full stops.
"Do people still know about Khonshu in this era?!"
"I'm afraid I am not familiar with that name."
"Lucky sod."
+ Leto thinks the strange, weird sounding clone of himself is a schizophrenic long lost cousin, but at lease he isn't trying to kill him over a title. It's not as common in Arrakis, or the general noble courts, to find someone as earnest, honest and willing to learn as Steven seems to be, which earns him a surprising amount of respect from the Duke.
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𝐏𝐨𝐞 𝐃𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐨𝐧 (Star Wars)
+ Waking up in a space ship that's doing somersaults mid-battle while dodging and weaving around beams trying to explode it out of the sky was almost as stressful as waking up on a London bus at 8am. Commendably, Steven didn't scream or cry, but simply had a silent panic attack until a rolling white and orange ball started beeping at him, or rather the ridiculously handsome version of him currently flying the plane.
"Who the hell are you and how did you get on my cruiser?!"
"Bloody hell, not another handsome American me!"
"What?! BB-8, check for a concussion!"
+ After being given a water bottle by the polite little droid, Steven finally managed to calm himself down by the time the ship touch down and the pilot in matching droid colours sprang before him, launching question after question. When he clocked Stevens face, he was speechless, brows slowly knitting over his eyes as he tried to make sense of what was in front of him. Mid stare-down BB-8 nicked the Brits skin, running a quick diagnostic test and beeping the results out to the pilot who's eyebrows swiftly un-knitted at the noises.
+ Taking advantage of the silence, Steven tries to explain himself and his situation, insisting he comes in peace and simply wanted to get home before Donna got another excuse to give him the sack. The pilot finally introduced himself as Poe, the best pilot in the resistance at that, and with a sigh he promised to try and figure out how to get Steven back to whatever galaxy London was from.
+ Poe tries to explain the resistance and the empire to Steven, who in turn compares it to Ammits cult and jointly rants about those who take choice and freedom from the innocent. Poe is happy enough that his weird blood ancestor is with the resistance, even if he does constantly regard him with a quirked eyebrow, wondering how in the universe he managed to evolve from this walking concussion. For a second time Poe is rendered silent as Steven mentions being Moonknight.
"Oh yeah, I've done that too, at least those Jedi blokes doesn't send their jackals after you though!"
"You've... fought? In battle?"
"Course, yeah. Fought off giant gods back to the underworld, stopped the day of reckoning as the souls of the living were flooding the underworld. It was just the other day actually."
"...You killed god?!"
+ Steven absolutely adores BB-8 and Leia, a feeling the bot and all of the resistance seem to happily return, much to the dismay of Poe. Steven's quite flustered from all the attention and questions, leaving Poe to drag him away in a huff, claiming they need to get back to figuring out how to send him home. It feels like a babysitting gig more than anything, but deep down it strokes Poe's ego when Steven ooh's and ahh's at all his resistance tales.
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vai3r13 · 1 month
Hello hello! :) I’m here for our matchup trade for Black Butler! (I sent the pictures for the Paparazzi end :) )
Starting off I am a neurodivergent, queer (but attracted to masculinity) female. I go by she/they and im an INFP Sagittarius.
Physically, I am a 5’2” but wear platform converse or boots every day of my life. Style wise, im definitely alternative. However, Im also a fan of the baggy jeans, tight top, kinda side of grunge. Im also a sucker for black with pastels, so I suppose my color pallete would fall under “Pastel Goth” or something similar. I actually really love the style called “Morute” which stands for “Morbidly Cute”. I just absolutely adore the creepy-cute combination, and i aspire to look like a creepy doll somedays.
That also would lead into hobbies, as I love dolls! I collect them and will gush over them any time i see one in public i like. Especially going to cons and seeing the little stands with BJD dolls? I go feral-...and broke. My entire room is decorated in pretty dolls, anime figures, manga, and cherry blossom vines. (I really want a cherry blossom tattoo on my back but im terrified of needles-) My other hobbies include writing, skateboarding, singing/making music, and dancing! I have a band with friends right now. I’m training my voice to be a metal singer despite having a feminine voice, so im a bit shy with it right now.
Personality wise, I suppose it tends to fluctuate, but i think what sticks the most is that I'm extremely sweet and loyal. I used to be very shy, and can even be pretty quiet nowadays too. Im definitely introverted but, ive gotten much better with it. Friends would definitely say that im bubbly, always trying to laugh. Definitely witty too because I absolutely love bantering and softly bullying people. Id say im very emotionally intelligent when it comes to other people. Im definitely a realist, and im told im very good with advice and empathizing with people. I feel i understand other emotions more than mine sometimes. Which annoys me- Because I have a habit of not expressing anything negative. I think it might be due to past trauma, but I have a hard time staying angry or upset with people. Its like- once you screw me over, i have no issues getting rid of you. I dont like that i can easily disconnect from people, as I feel it makes me sound like a bad person, but I just feel l like if i know my worth, and someone isnt treating me as they should, I shouldnt keep them in my life. That does go to say though, that I am an all or nothing person with people I care about. If i am your friend, I trust you can come to me with anything and I vice versa no matter what. I always come through and i expect the same. 
Another bad habit though would be disappearing. I wouldnt call it ghosting because I always pop back up, but I usually dont respond or see people for weeks or even months, even close friends. Most that are close know that if they need to talk to me, they have to double text or call me. Ill always answer then. I dont mean to, I just for some reason am really consistent with randomly dropping off the face of the earth for everyone but my partner, or person closest. Texts are always paragraphs though! Im not a dry texter, just forget I exist and have to respond :) Not to mention, i have ran away out of state before just for the sake of going and exploring. (Did a lot of Urbex and trespassing- it was fun but i dont think ill ever go to abandon buildings like that again. That doesnt mean ill stop climbing trains though!) I just love road trips and little late night adventures. 
Some notes about me… Id say my fears involve needles, the dark (I sleep with a nightlight but love horror-), Clowns, and deep water. I cannot swim and have nearly drowned before so I actually hate going swimming. I dont see the appeal and start to panic if i cant see or touch the bottom. I wouldnt say im scared of spiders though like most. I actually am the person my job calls for to grab spiders and take them outside. If theyre cute, ill just grab them with my hand. Another thing is that I have OCD and PTSD. My OCD isnt the typical stereotype of being clean, Im just very routine with patterns. The person im with has to be okay with frequent alarms I set for different time frames, my strange eating habits (I cant have anything touching, one food at a time, soft foods over crunchy, and i absolutely love bananas but cant eat them unless someone peels them for me while im not looking) I also get very paranoid about certain things, like for example, i get little episodes sometimes where I freak out because I believe Ill inherent my dads schizophrenia and Ill because dissociated with reality, so whoever im with needs to be able to help assure me i wont just lose my mind- That being said, my least favorite love language is touch! I can be touched, but its very easy to overwhelm my due to past trauma. I also flinch very easily without even thinking and it gets annoying when people make fun of it. Because of this as well, im a very silent walker and tend to scare people because i subconsciously make myself as unnoticeable as possible. Im also an insomniac. I will not go to bed until the sun is up, and even then I wake up very easily. My doctor keeps trying to give me medications for it so i can sleep better, but its so ironic because I stop taking them constantly because I hate feeling tired. SO someone who doesnt mind being up a bit late would be appreciated :) 
Random facts are: I absolutely adore raccoons and rats, and used to be a rat mom! I’ll spit out little rodent facts like im google. I know morse code. Im an amazing driver. I will get you there fast and safe….fast as in i max out my car frequently and if i get one more traffic misconduct i lose my license. BUT i know how to be safe with taking those risks, if that makes sense? Like i know where and when to speed and when not to- Most people fear getting in the car with me. But other than that, i think that’s it for now! Thank you <3
Hello!<3 @xxchthonicreaturexx
I apologize for any mistakes! English is not my native language and I'm new to writing:) Written in "you" perspective
possible tw - talk of mental health, mentions of unhealthy relationship ig? idk how healthy grim reapers r, mentions of drowning and suicide
barely proofread
To start, you're gorg and going off of everything I think your Black Butler match would be..
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Undertaker !!
Both visually and personality wise I think you would compliment each-other! In my opinion your energies have something similar.
I think Undertaker would like your piercings, he has an industrial himself.
small head cannons
You both have black nail polish, so painting each others nails as a cute activity:)
Doing each others eyeliner/make up.
Undertakers mbti type most likely is ISTJ while yours is INFP. While your compatibility can seem difficult at first, by appreciating each others differences you "balance" each other out.
Sagittarius and Aquarius are an energetic match, being air and fire signs your elements fit seamlessly. In astrology, air feeds fire.
"i can easily disconnect from people"
Is a trait both of your star signs posses, a similarity that needs to be balanced between the two of you.
In terms of style I can see you in lots of similar/ partner outfits, as your style is somewhat similar too. Undertaker would, just like you, adore pastel goth and a creepy cute, dolly like aesthetic, - not on him but most definitely on his partner.
I think Undertaker would definitely share your love for dolls, acquiring many dolls and gifting them to you.
As we can see in the Luxury Liner arc, I'd say he has his own love for "dolls", if you know what I'm saying.
As for your other hobbies I think Undertaker wouldn't exactly share your interest in them, but he'd definitely support you. Ex. Watching your band perform, making tea to soothe your voice after you've practiced. He'd definitely be one to annoy and tease you in a joking manner, while you're writing or doing other things.
You being more calm/quiet and Undertakers more energetic and chaotic certainly harmonize. You'd participate in a lot of witty banter and Undertakers life mission would be to make you laugh all the time. He'd adore your sweetness and bubbly-ness (is that even a word??) and your loyalty would be VERY important to him. While he acts and is mostly carefree, I think deep down he still wary of deep connections with people, as he doesn't really have friends.
When he achieves said connection tho he might not always act like it but he'd be sort of possessive. Wouldn't let you get very close to Sebastian or Ciel out of a fear, that they would use you against him in some way. It takes a while for him to tell you what he is, it takes him a while to trust someone 100% wouldn't talk about how it happened tho.
I think arguments wouldn't happen very often, when they do tho they would happen out of Undertakers disregard for "human customs", ex. relationships with other people, etc. Undertaker doesn't resort to screaming, he wouldn't even comprehend that you're mad or annoyed with him. After a few days of not talking much he'd try and talk, bring you something, dolls, sweets, whatever. Makes you sit down and explain what's bothering you, wouldn't always get it but he'd try. Makes up by gifting you dolls or figurines.
Would get worried the first few times you disappear, always manages to find you tho. Absolutely goes exploring with you, might not say it but part of the reason why, is because he's worried about you.
Teases you about your fear of the dark, always lights a candle for you at night tho. Undertaker has died through drowning, as shown in a manga panel, so he shares your fear of water. It serves as a constant reminder for him, so you both don't see the appeal.
Might sound weird but he's fascinated with your OCD habits, he asks you about them. Once you explained them, he always makes sure that your food is arranged the way you like it and peels your bananas for you. Doesn't mind the alarms you set, can be your personal alarm clock actually.
Undertaker has dealt with a lot throughout his long life, he has his own problems. He will always assure you that you're going to be okay. Another thing, that might seem insensitive but sometimes he'd joke that you'll be "crazy" together.
Undertaker's very touchy by nature, I would say. After noticing you flinch, he'd be unsure if his presence and being a grim reaper still intimidates you in some way, if he decides talking to you about it, Undertaker will resort to gift giving and quality time.
Being a quiet walker doesn't matter with Undertaker, as he senses your presence, he isn't human after all, or easy to startle.
Grim Reapers require both sleep and sustenance, but have you seen Undertaker? That man runs on two hours of sleep maximum, he also definitely wouldn't mind staying up late. Dancing late at night, while nobody is watching, is definitely a reoccurring activity in a relationship with the Undertaker. He can be a bit overbearing at times.
Depending what century you're imagining this in, Undertaker loves when you drive, it's sort of an adrenaline rush for him.
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head canons
Doing each others makeup, sitting on a coffin or your bed. "You have to be still, for me not to smudge the eyeliner!!", while he tries to tickle or smooch you.
Painting each others nails and making a cute date night out of it, lots of candles around you for the atmosphere. Playful banter, which ends in you two cuddling in a coffin.
Going out to explore the woods, him following closely behind you, suddenly disappearing just to appear in front of you, scaring you in the process, making Undertaker burst out laughing. Holding out a hand to help you climb onto things.
Exploring the city at night, when the people are sleeping and the bustling and usually loud streets of London are completely empty. Even jumping roof to roof. (This reminded me of that one Howl's moving castle scene. 01:47-02:10 in the linked video)
Late at night, while both of you aren't sleeping, Undertakers shop is dark, except for the dozens of candles littered across the room, as a music box starts playing a soft melody. Undertaker coming up behind you and offering you a hand, as you start dancing across his shop, moving through the space together, occasionally stepping on each others feet and giggling.
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Again, it's my first time writing and English isn't my first language. I hope you could still enjoy this<3
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robincantfunction · 2 years
𝐋𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐚𝐭 𝐦𝐞 𝐧𝐨𝐰 ♪
pt. 11
|series masterlist|main masterlist|taglist|
ex bf - friend!james potter x reader (platonic)
bf sirius black x reader
summary: after sirius left his family, james starts to realise quite how badly he screwed up, and although he appears to already be forgiven by everyone involved, there’s one last person that still hasn’t. himself. (this is quite repetitive i won’t lie, but it’s mostly just a look into james’ guilt.)
warnings: kinda angsty on james’ part. swearing, mention of hospitals, smoking (just cigarettes), talks of cheating, self loathing from james - i have a habit of writing james really ooc, so hopefully this has redeemed it slightly. because we all know if james cheated on someone his guilt would be through the roof. i should also mention, sometimes this series (especially this part) might seem a little bit like i’m condoning cheating, and like it’s not a big deal. i assure you that’s not the case, and if y/n was my friend i might have to stage an intervention.
a/n: this randomly switches from lowercase to not all lowercase, back to lowercase again cause during my 8 month hiatus i put my caps lock on and off again and couldn’t be bothered to change it, and i started writing this before i took an unplanned break.
but anyway hello! i’m back. hopefully for a while cause i have some wip’s that i’m very excited to start writing again. but yes i hope this was worth the wait (it probably wasn’t)
gif not mine
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when lily wasn’t there for him to be blinded, he started to notice the reasons he began to fall for y/n in the first place. of course, he wasn’t going to do anything. she was happy, he was happy. but seeing her happy with someone else made him admittedly more jealous than it should’ve. he broke her heart, he left her alone, it was his fault. he shouldn’t have been upset, but standing in st. mungos seeing y/n curled up into sirius’ side asleep whilst he was looking at her, just studying all of her features, and playing with her hair, he felt a pang to his heartstring. but if he was completely honest with himself, instead of living in a constant state of denial, he would have realised that feeling wasn’t jealousy. it was guilt. because watching them made him think about when he could have had that, and he threw her on the floor like he would a crumpled up potions essay.
“prongs, mate. sit down. y’alright?” sirius said softly, as to not make him jump, and to not wake up y/n. james chuckled slightly, bringing a chair beside his bed. using the same soft tone, he responded “you’re in a hospital bed, and you’re asking if i’m alright?” sirius shrugged with a slight laugh “y’just looked a bit in your own head s’all.” james nodded, barely meeting sirius’ eye “d’you think she hates me?” he nudged his head towards y/n, worried of what sirius would think his question insinuates.
“well… i don’t know. i don’t think so. she was a wreck, james, but i don’t think she could ever really hate you.” taking a bit of a pause, he thought about his next words carefully. “she really struggled, y’know. found it hard to find a reason to get out of bed. thought she wasn’t good enough, not just for you, but for the world. it took its toll. but…” he looked down at her then back at james, stroking and playing with her hair unconsciously. “if she hated you she wouldn’t have cared she wasn’t good enough, she wouldn’t have tried to keep the peace when with our friends, she would have shown you how mad and sad she was, instead of letting you be happy because that’s all that mattered.” james looked relieved, but his speech didn’t do much for his guilt. but that was ok, he deserved the guilt. he knew that.
“so to answer your question, i don’t know. because i’m not y/n, but i do know her. and i can safely say that if she truly hated you, she would have done everything in her power to ruin your happiness. but she didn’t. she didn’t even tell anyone what happened.”
those words were stuck on a loop in james’ head for about a week. over and over, each words replayed with a different meaning. each word held a story, her story, his story, their story. and each one ended with lily and james. but not all of them ended with sirius, because what if? what if sirius hated james for initially ruining his chances with the girl he liked? what if he didn’t stick around? what if he wasn’t there to save the day when y/n needed him?
what if?
what if?
what if?
every time it would just get louder, the voice in the back of his mind. “you could have ruined her belief in love.” “you could have left her alone and someone might not have been there for her.” “you were so selfish, sleeping with lily.” it all drowned out and merged into one big noise, every voice somehow making an appearance every time he opened his eyes, closed his eyes, looked the other way, turned around…
“james.” he was cut off by y/n, her and sirius were staying with him for the rest of the summer. sirius because he had no where else to go, and y/n because neither her nor sirius wanted to leave the other. both james and his parents were understanding, and he wasn’t going to get in the way of her happiness again. “what’s wrong?” she asked, mildly concerned by his behaviour the past couple of days.
“I just want to say sorry” she cocked her head in confusion. “Sorry? Why?” He chuckled humourlessly. “I was a selfish dick to you, who used you to get over a girl i slept with not too long afterwards. And you’re asking me what I’m sorry for?” She shook her head. “James I don’t care anymore. Ok, I was hurt. I wanted to hate you. But I wouldn’t have Sirius without what happened. Because we’d have broken up in a nice clean way, and sirius wouldn’t be needed to help my heartbreak. Things happen for a reason, james. Don’t beat yourself up so much”
That conversation stuck with him, he never thought he’d be missing y/n. And he wasn’t, not really. He was just hiding behind denial and guilt, forcing himself to belief that he hurt her beyond repair. turns out hindsight is a bitch, and james didn’t know how to handle it. he always prided himself in being a classic, charming ‘nice’ guy. but what he did was anything but, and he couldn’t stop the thoughts swirling around his mind telling him that he was a bad person, that he didn’t deserve y/n when he had her, and he certainly doesn’t deserve lily now.
james was standing outside his house in the rain, hiding in the little shelter near the back door, he pulled a pack of cigarettes out of his coat pocket, along with a lighter. as he was fumbling with the box, trying to get one out and light it, his mind was continuing to wander. over the past two weeks he was being plagued by guilt, by the idea that he could have hurt someone so badly that they could have stopped believing in something like love. in something that he strongly believed was one of the best things anyone could ever experience.
he was so lost in his thoughts that he didn’t hear sirius open the back door, also sneaking out for a cheeky cigarette whilst y/n was getting ready for bed.
“didn’t realise you were anything more than a social smoker, prongs”
he jumped at sirius’ words, making the boy across from him chuckle as he, too, pulled out a pack from his coat. “well, not normally. just too much going on in my head at the minute, needed something to take the edge of, i guess.” sirius nodded, hesitating slightly before he spoke. “yeah, i noticed that. seriously, prongs, what’s going on. you’ve been acting funny since me and y/n/n got here. since st. mungos. do you not want us here? cause we can-“
james was quick to cut him off “no. no! it’s not that, i just-“ he stopped for a minute, debating whether or not he should be honest with sirius. “i keep thinking about what i did. about the way i treated y/n. and i know- i know that she’s ok, and i know that you two may never have been together if i didn’t, but- but that’s still a person that i hurt. that i completely disregarded the feelings off for my own selfish reasons. when i could have just had a conversation with her and everything would have been fine.” he took a breath and looked up from where he’d been gazing down at his shoes, trying to judge how sirius was going to act based off of his face. he didn’t know what he was expecting, but he certainly wasn’t expecting the sympathetic half smile that he was currently wearing. “i didn’t have to hurt her, if i’d have walked her back to her dorm when she was drunk, like any decent person would have, we’d have spoken about it and we’d have probably broken up before we even got to her common room. but i didn’t. i chose to hurt her”
after he’s finished speaking sirius shook his head slightly, taking a long drag of his cigarette whilst trying to form the right words to say, without trying to add to james’ guilt. “mate, everyone makes mistakes. granted, it was a shitty, shitty mistake. but a mistake is a mistake. and it’s not ok, and you did hurt her, a lot. but you feel guilty about it. most people that cheat don’t care, it’s a game to them. they’re happy to pretend like nothing happened and all is still perfectly fine. but you’ve been torn up about this for weeks, probably more than that. it’s just finally sinking in. y/n’s okay prongs. she’s okay. and as shitty as it was, everything happens for a reason.” just as he finished speaking he saw y/n through the window on the back door. he gestured to her that he’d be inside in a second, and gave her a smile. she smiled back and he watched as she walked towards the kitchen.
smiling slightly at the look on his friends face, james nudged sirius with his shoulder “you really love her, pads… don’t you?” sirius was quick to nod his head absentmindedly, before his eyes went wide. he looked at james before nodding his head again, this time really letting it sink in. “yeah, yeah i guess i do.”
aghhhhh thank you for reading that and sorry for the long wait. hopefully the next part shouldn’t take nearly as long. honestly i don’t know if i like this, but oh well. it was always going to be a filler chapter, but yeah hopefully it’s not too bad.
d.t.n.f.a.j @jessyballet @Snigdha-14 @haroldpotterson @cherryslushyslut @nyks-bella-blog @aliendemigods @wherewitcheslive @adriennebarnes @espressopatronum454 @thepersonbeep1 @melliegorl @idli-dosa @siriusdumblittlepuppy @allise4 @blackqueens01 @-kazbekkarluvbot- @directionerarianator @theonethatmustnotbenamed @mortui--flores @ilovedilfs32 @allise4 @eclipsedsuns @rslry @cassiopeia1042 @hcloangcls
j.p @kissmeunicornbaobei @s8liva @momoewn @roundbrownlover @slut-for-matt-murdock @chandlemania @cassiopeia1042 @hcloangcls
s.b @messy-insomniac @imintofictionalmen @spookybooisa @siriuslyjanhvi @blackst0nes7077 @sassybadqueen @itzzzzcookie @x-heartrender-x @j-cat @nestiaisgod @kissmeunicornbaobei @dcvilslvr @momoewn @roundbrownlover @eyelovelhh @slut-for-matt-murdock @chandlemania @cassiopeia1042 @hcloangcls
(sorry it’s been so long quite a lot of people’s names have changed. also if you don’t want to be on the taglist anymore just let me know! :)
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vanderwoodlings · 2 years
If you’re still taking asks: Eric post series headcanons? :)
I am!!!! (I pretty much always am, but also one day of sick has turned into two days of sick so)
Anyway, I’ve always loved the idea of Eric ending up in London after undergrad at least since you so kindly straightened out that he didn’t just randomly change his college plans
I love the idea of him and Jenny living together in what’s supposed to be a temporary situation, and working out how they’re still siblings even if they aren’t legally anymore, and falling into step in a way they hadn’t in high school around her job and his masters and one day she and her roommate just tell him to stop looking for a place, he is officially roommate three if he wants to be
(He does)
I like to think he grows his hair out! Which has little reasoning behind it but I’m attached to it as a headcanon, and to the idea of him letting himself do fun things with his looks in ways he really stopped doing after he darkened his hair back to its natural color, and living with Jenny in a much smaller space encouraging him to think more about that
Eric’s interests are fairly undefined re: school (read: this show barely ever gave a fuck about him), so he could go for just about anything. I like the idea of him starting out as a business major and then just. Noping out so hard and changing his major to sociology. (And I say this knowing fuckall about where good sociology programs are, don’t ask too many questions if I’m wrong okay)
His third year, when he really starts looking at grad school, he also really starts thinking about, like, “do I want all my degrees to be under Eric van der Woodsen, do I want to be another Dr. van der Woodsen” and he nearly gets married to a guy who very much isn’t right for him almost just to take his name, because I think Eric deserves some absolutely messy relationship drama too
But I also think Eric really does want to get married—not to that guy, but he wants to have a home to come back to. Like, he’s traveling around more than the average bear doing field work he loves, and going to conferences he loves, and visiting people that he loves, but he wants to be steady. He has a permanent address, always.
He meets his future husband on a blind date in his second year of grad school, and by the third date he’s laying out, like, “I like you too much to go somewhere casual with this” and this guy just goes full fucking hearteyes and they spend the next five hours talking about anything and everything and being stupid into each other
He and future husband end up becoming he and present husband very shortly before his doctoral dissertation, which wasn’t on purpose but was very satisfactory. They move back to the States not long after—northern California, Sacramento or something like that. (Eric is absolutely definitely that guy with Opinions about each city he’s lived in and the different ways that they suck, and also that guy who is fiercely defensive about them.)
(It’s the first time Eric and Serena have been living within any distance of each other that might be considered reasonable to visit across in a long time, and they take full advantage of it)
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rainofdauwuand0w0 · 8 days
Its one forty six am as i start writing this out on my phone
I sometimes think about alot of things of course randomly, sometimes I ramble about them in a video format (which I will make another rain rambles video at some point) but rn is just my intrigue with seeing…idk things of mine starting to get considered…old? Or seeing the styles of certain things come back, like frutiger aero/web gloss 2.0 and all its other brothers and sisters of styles coming back into the limelight of that era cus we’ve grown up and wanna either re-get in touch with how it was and style our own things after it, or the younger of the current generation z and gen alpha taking a look at it and loving the style. Hearing songs getting bundled in “all your hits of the early 2000’s” and audibly saying “noooo not yet!” While my mom laughs and says “your turn” in a lighthearted manner. Watching things near my homes over the years shift and change, things getting added, places i wished existed when i was younger so Id have more interest to even think about staying in my home state thats been memed about to death but is so goddamn boring when you are actually here, im watching anime bars get added from tiktok, a goth themed food place called biteme i believe dealing in mainly sweets, A FUCKING NARUTO RESTURANT THAT YOU CAN CURRENTLY GET TO GO ORDERS FROM AND THEY PLAN TO EVENTUALLY OPEN THE INSIDE IF IT DOES WELL, I just…
I’m watching the world around me change while i can smell the winds of old blowing of my past at the same time, I picked team present for the splatoon 3 grand festival for another secret reason.
Because the past is hard to remember for me, due to probably a mix of trauma and being in a bad car accident when i was little, I can only emulate the limited good feelings, not to mention me being undiagnosed (still to this day, i only have vibes and peer review) so that combo just…fucks with my mind.
Then there is the future, while my current future looks bright, so many times Ive watched a future that I thought would happen and planned out in my head just crumble apart or feel so damn hard to achieve, I fall and fall into my mind at each time, and eventually I just became just…so focused on the now, so much so it feels like a haze, only recently thanks to my boyfriend of current do I feel comfy even dare looking towards the future.
…hearing splatoon 1’s sounds was both a blessing…and a bit of a curse, good to hear the fun of old songs that made me happy when times were rough…but remembering the rough times themselves almost in a fixed camera view…like silent hill or games that take inspiration from that, being the director to my own fuzzy memory, meanwhile I get nightmares again randomly, even though my brain originally stopped making them, I might’ve talked about it, but in a final nightmare for a bit…my brain zoomed in on a radio, and it said “and thats the end of our dream programming” or something along those lines….but after that, until ive been with my boyfriend a bit, I didnt have nightmares just…blank mind since middle school.
Its weird.
I feel “old” in a sense that only the internet and regular general media can make you, because “okay we kinda acknowledge ourselves as adults now, here is nostalgic vibes playlist to post to youtube and stuff” and also “2000’s hits” just… agh
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think-it-through · 3 months
hello tumblr. here i am w another thit in ur face.
today s topic.
my mental instability, diagnoses, and other such beautiful things. but mostly, me, breaking down.
why is it so goddamn hard to get an evaluation when you need one. i need one because i am in a horrible mental state and have been in a similar state mkst of my life and then IT ALSO. heightened. so much in the past year.
one year ago i was quite happy. happiest ive ever been even. i met my partner, i was doing great at school. i had a good relationship with myself.
also one year ago in a week from now. exactly a week since today. is when my grandpa passed away and then it all went to shit!!! my health (physical) my health (mental) my relationship with myself (quaking) my trust in my ability to perform well professionally (currently invisible and yet still somehow present).
in the process of this horrible fall i found out one of my parents has previously been in a mental health hospital and the other one has a diagnosis. HA! who would've thought!!! NOT ME. because god forbid they taught me how they cope with their mental health nono.
the coping is "don't stress" and "crying won't solve anything" and "you'll grow out of it". WELL. GUESS WHAT MUM. i grew INTO IT.
phew. it feels weird to put all this in a positivity blog but it is my blog and i love it and positivity helps cus YES. LOVE PREVAILS. BUT IT DOES NOT NEGATE THE STRUGGLE AND THE BAD. it can still struggle while loved.
and i really. really. want to be better. so bad. sosososososoosososo bad. however! :( however! it has not been working. a self care shower and cutting my nails does nkt help. crying every day does not help. writing from time to time does not help. it helps. but it doesn't take away the pain in my chest, my urge to randomly do very bad things to myself, my fear of the future and my fear of everything. my fear of what people think of me when i am not mentally healthy. my fear ill be stuck in this. my fear ill be just like my father. my fear that I will end up doing all those bad things to myself. my fear that i wjll be a good for nothing living off of my parents mlney. my exhaustion with every daily task. my sleep issues.
but, most of all. nothing takes away the pain in my chest and my confidence that i am not a good person. that i am not capable. that i am abnormal. that i dont do enough. that i dont try enough. that i am a spoiled brat good for nothing fake nice person.
which? wtf what bad person would be so genuinely preoccupied and eaten the fuck up about being a good person. and not in a "performative activism" way but in a. i need to help make the fucked up world better. i need to. i have to. i want to. but am i doing enough. am i. am i? am i????
i.. idk! let me try and be grateful. i love my family. i love my partner. i love my friends. i did so much this year that i really thought I would not be able to do and i did it pretty damn good while also trying to not overwork myself. i. did my best. with my best intentions for myself and everyone. so. yeah. isn't that all i can do? what more do i want from myself?
i just. i think so much. so much. bit ironic since this blog is called think-it-through. but its in a sense of thinking it through when u see bad stuff. weighing in the good stuff. or idk. i didnt think that much when i did choose it.
it's going to be okay. not everything is my responsibility. nothing is in my control actually. i am safe for today no matter what decisions i take and what things i can do. sometimes(always) stuff like being sleepy, depressed anxious and procrastinating is NOT a decision. it is not. i need to give myself a break.
i have literally been growing (typo from going. but truly I've been growing) through the worst of my life in the last 12 months, back to back. whatever way i perform. it is understandable. i need to stop aiming so high. (and yet not actually specifically aiming anywhere because im scared of choosing a career choice) but. yeah. i need to stop pressuring myself to aim high in every micromanaged thing.
as someone told me "everything ure scared of, someone is profiting off of." and fuck off. fuck off. to that i say. i will grow and learn to live acting out of love only. and not fear.
i deserve love. everything deserves love. i am kind and good just because i want to be. i am okay and i am going to be ok until im not and then ill figure it out. im not going through something easy but i have support, resources and motivation to get better.
and you do too. good luck. u can do it.
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sinisterbug · 1 year
I live in the United States bread basket - the Central Plains, if you will. It's been an unusually cool and wet season so far. This is helpful because my DEPRESH can plague me and the result will be my garden almost dying from lack of care or watering. Which activates MORE DEPRESH.
I am slightly concerned about my vegetables producing with so much lack of sunlight.
Anyway, it's another rainy day and I decided to take some pictures.
It's a nightmare keeping up with all the grass-pulling so its quite obvious I'm behind on that. It's hard to pull grass in the rain, lol. I've also been planting long enough, and been letting enough produce decompose where it falls that things have started just... sprouting up. I decided to let it grow where it may.
First up is this year's nod to Tolkien. I planted none other than... Lobelia! It's quite vibrant and lovely, and pops against all the surround green. The rain has made it look a little droll.
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I am a sucker for calibrachoa:
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My dad's geriatric cat, Oddball, was having none of my shit. Two days ago he came up to where I was squatting and pulling grass, and he rubbed himself along my back and sprayed me. Joy. Some sage and thyme in my pots.
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Sage in a pot in a plastic swimming pool, because.
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Randomly growing mystery squash (probs pumpkin) that grew up in an unexpected location.
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I had allocated all my planter space when Pops brought home a cherry tomato. It almost died before I found a spot. There are tiny nasturtiums from previous years growing up around it.
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Hot peppers (Thai dragon and Armageddon variety) I'm growing for my nephew.
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Behbeh Black-Eyed Susans I'm growing near my grandmother's antique trellises.
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My strawberries, which I need to mow down immediately. They finally produced this year. If I want a good yield next year, I gotta cut this nonsense down.
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My beloved okra plants. SO DELICIOUS. I got the red okra variety this year.
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Some type of sweet pepper, lol.
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My tiny circle wildflower meadow. I have yarrow, echinacea (white and purple), Russian sage (I'm so proud of that little mother fucker), guara, hot lips sage, hollyhock, purple balloon flower, flying cardinal, black-eyed-susans, lamb's ear, milkweed, and amaranth, that I can yet identify. There are a couple mystery plants.
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Rain-bedraggled wave-petunias.
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Tons of seeds dropped from our bird feeders. Probably sunflowers? Just letting them grow to see what happens.
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Ever since Animal Crossing had a whole hydrangea themed thing on the mobile camp game a few years ago, I've been dying to get some. The ones I planted last year - my dear Papa mowed over them TWICE, successfully murdering them. These ones are SO gorgeous and I'm so happy and proud to have them.
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Some clematis next to a trellis. I may never win yard of the month because it's about COMPLIANCE and not beauty, but I sure do have the most gorgeous fucking yard in the neighborhood.
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My cat-toilet/shade garden. The fact that any of this is still alive is miraculous. Yes, my ex is buried under there.
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If I were a herbivorous dinosaur, I would eat the FUCK out of hostas. More of my shade garden.
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Some lysanthus.
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I have two other tomato plants, chives, and carnations as well. I have an orchid inside that is currently DYING because outdoor plants? Sure! I'm golden! Once those poor bastards go inside...
I hope you enjoyed this tour of my garden. Thank you, and good morning.
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rcsejunie · 2 years
“i love you” without saying it; dreamies
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—lee mark
he’d help you bring 2 out of 3 of your grocery bags. he actually offered on bringing all 3 but you insisted that you can hold the last bag. he sends a text asking if you get home safely since he can’t drop you off at home. he sends voice notes of him singing his favorite songs saying that the songs reminds him of you. he fixes the strands of your hair when they’re out of place. he washes your hair if you are too tired to do it.
—huang renjun
he makes you tea every single morning. you were trying to cut off coffee and he knows how much you’ve been struggling so he also comes in and help. he makes the bed when you leave for work. you had woken up late and you didn’t have time to focus on anything other than getting ready but when you came back, the bed is perfectly made. he changes the magnets on the fridge and adds his own post it notes to have a different sayings everyday. one day it would be “have a great day!” another day would be “open the fridge, there’s a surprise inside:)”
—lee jeno
he sends you a good morning text when he wakes up. he sends pictures of his cats when you’re in a bad mood. he massages you when you had a rough day or just simply when you ask for it. when he visits after his schedule, he’ll bring you your favorite food from a food truck thats 30 minutes away from where you live. if he has an early schedule, he tiptoes to the bathroom and make sure to never make a sound so you could sleep peacefully. he would also make sure to leave a note before he leaves.
—lee haechan
he kisses your hands randomly. you would just be standing in front of the kitchen counter peeling oranges and he would walk next to you just looking at you before bending his whole body down to kiss your busy hands. he laughs at all your jokes, even if they’re not as funny. he calls before going to bed. sometimes he sings you to sleep if you’re having an extra hard time falling asleep.
—na jaemin
he always finds something to compliment you on, even the most simple things. you would be tying your hair to put on your makeup and he kisses your head before saying “pretty” very gently. you were taking pictures of him and he says you have golden hands. encourages you about things that you’re not good at. he took you ice skating and you’re not very good at it but every step you take he’s always there to say you’re getting better very quickly.
—zhong chenle
sends you pictures throughout the day. he always wants to talk to you. but since you and him are both busy with each other’s schedules, he can’t always call you. so instead he sends pictures of his lunch, his new shoes, a selfie with the other dream boys, a picture of an ipad with golden state warriors on screen. he’ll also ask for what you’re doing and to send a couple of selfies as well.
—park jisung
he always listens to you. he makes sure you talk before him when its most urgent. he never talks over you. when you’re suggesting something, maybe how he should cut down drinking soda, he actually cut down his soda intake. or when you two are walking on the street and a certain hat catches your eye, you only briefly mentioned it. a month later, its not even your birthday, jisung gave you the very same hat as a present just because.
✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。* ✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ .。✱
masterlist >.>
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indigoh4ze · 3 years
party || rafe cameron
warning- SMUT // vaginal fingering, eating out, vaginal penetration, mentions of intoxication
rafe cameron x fem!reader
a/n- so this is my first time writing for outer banks, im terrible at writing actual interactions so im sorry its so bad at first lmao. also disclaimer: rafe in this fic is nothing like he is canon, so his characterization is off. enjoy :)
also feel free to request for any outer banks characters i write for
turn on notifs here - @slvt4fakerealities-library - to be notified when i post a new fic
join taglist (add yourself to the outer banks section)
the lights were blazing, different colors zapping throughout the room as you made your way over to the couch. your head was slightly fuzzy from the intoxication, but you managed.
since the couch was empty, you took the chance to sprawl your whole body out on it, head on one arm and feet dangling off the other. you watched as everyone danced and made out and filled their bodies with even more toxins. soon, you found yourself just dazing up at the ceiling, lips opening and closing slightly as you lip-synced in a whispering tone to the loud music.
after what felt like hours, but could’ve only been a few minutes, you felt something nudge your thigh. without moving your neck, you let your eyes flash down to find the source of the movement.
hovering over you was rafe cameron. his dirty blonde hair framed his face messily, a single cross earring dangling from his left ear, a red solo cup in his hand as his free hand poked at your thigh.
“what?” you slurred, now moving up on your elbows and blinking back the haziness.
“i wanna sit,” he said, taking a sip from the cup. even in this state it wasn’t hard to notice how good the boy looked, tilting his head back and gulping down the liquid, eyes never leaving your own.
you groaned, pulling your knees to your chest and allowing rafe to throw himself onto the cushion. you were now facing his side, as his hands gripped your legs and pulled them back to their original position, except now they laid over his leg. giving him a curious look, you laid the side of your face on the back cushion and fidgeted with the bracelet around your wrist.
“shouldn’t you be like- getting shit faced or something.” rafe snickered at your words, sending you a glare before looking back down to his cup, which he was also mindlessly playing with.
“sorry, did i interrupt your little..nap?” he teased with a hint of amusement, referring to the previous state you were in, and you scoffed in return, mind clearing a bit more and making room for annoyance.
“whatever.” and then, you were pulling your legs off him and standing up, albeit wobbly as you almost fell to the side, caught by rafe’s firm grip around your arm.
“you good?”
“‘m fine,” you dismissed the boy, confused as to why he was even talking to you in the first place.
the truth was, you never liked him, he was rude and careless and selfish and way too much to put up with. but you couldn’t deny the attraction you felt towards the boy, and the tension that was always evident when the two of you were together.
but you always just pushed those thoughts aside, because even the thought of anything happening made your mind whirl with a plethora of emotions, not good ones by any means.
but then, you also couldn’t deny the recurring fantasies of things that could happen. could but wont, because he’s rafe cameron, and not even you’re desperate enough to be one of his bitches.
“hey?” a light tug of your arm pulled you back to the present, and you turned to see rafe at your side, cup forgotten as one of his hands molded around your waist and the other wrapped around your bicep to steady you.
“i’m really fine-.” you pulled away from him, and right as you did so, you felt someone back up on you, pushing you towards rafe and into his chest as a cold liquid spread from the lower half of your head and down your back.
you gasped in surprise, suddenly awake and alert as you sharply turned to see a boy standing there, cup tilted and empty as all its contents spilt on your back. he mumbled a quick apology, then took off laughing with his friends about something they said that probably wasn’t even funny.
“you sure about that?” rafe inquired, eyebrow raised in amusement as you stepped away from him, this time more cautiously. “c’mon, we’ll clean you up.”
although you wanted to say no and tell him to fuck off because you could handle it yourself, you were too exhausted from the long night to put up much protest other than a dramatic groan. then, you nodded, and rafe led you away from the crowd of people with a tug of your wrist.
now, you found yourself in a bedroom, rafes bedroom, waiting expectantly as you stood in front of the boy.
“what now?” you ask, palming your eyes and yawning, looking back at rafe with glossy eyes now, which were sending waves of tingles through the boys stomach.
“take a shower,” he implied, as if it was obvious. you scrunched your brows as he pointed to the bathroom on the other side of the room.
“i don’t have any spare clothes.”
“i’ll find you something to wear,” rafe shrugged, “go on,” he urged you to the bathroom, and you followed obediently, not having it in you to put up any sort of fight or ask questions.
“i’ll be right back,” rafe said from the room as you closed the bathroom door, only to hear the door to the bedroom close as well, meaning rafe left.
your mind was filled with the thought that he just ditched you, which was a possibility, but you ignored that thought and slipped your shirt over your head. once all the articles of clothing were thrown onto the cold tile floor, along with your shoes which sat messily in the corner, you lift a foot into the tub, stepping in.
immediately, you played with the oddly fancy knobs and managed to turn them on, warm water rushing through the shower head as your tilted your head back into it. the odd colored drink washed away from your hair, falling onto the floor of the tub and down the drain smoothly. you searched for soap, quickly cleaning up and scrubbing your hair twice for good measure. the smell of the soap reminded you of rafe, not surprising considering it was literally his own soap, you told yourself, annoyed by your current thoughts.
the feeling of the slightly cold water hitting your skin was enough to wake you up fully, but you were too lost in the blissful feeling of the water to pay much attention to your surroundings.
that was until you heard the door to the bathroom open, and you peaked your head through the curtain to find rafe, setting a towel on the counter, along with a shirt and a pair of shorts.
“who’s are those?” you questioned, making rafe jump as he realized you were watching him.
“sarah, i just took some from her,” he shrugged, and now you were even more confused.
first, he started talking to you randomly. then he’s helping you stand. then he’s taking you to his room..so you can shower. then he’s getting clothes for you to wear? how much did you have to drink? you started to ask yourself, questioning if this was all you just being wasted.
but it wasn’t, you felt pretty much fine. so there had to be something you were missing.
“just hurry up and change, i’ll be in the other room.” without another glance towards you, rafe left the bathroom, leaving you standing there, wet hair dripping forward from the way you had tilted your head to peek through. you went back to getting the soap out of your hair, rushing a bit more now.
meanwhile, rafe was in his room, just outside the bathroom, sitting on his bed with his head in his hands. what the fuck am i doing? was his only thought.
he was honestly just confused as you were. it started when he saw you laying on the couch, mouth agape as your eyes sketched shapes on the ceiling. you just being there was tempting enough, but after that he just had to make his way over to you.
the two of you hadn’t had many conversations in the past, at least no genuine ones. most were just bickering, to be honest. but, just as you thought, the tension was undeniable. the feelings weren’t one sided, that was for sure.
when he caught you from falling over, you had leaned into his warmth and something almost turned in his stomach, which was quite nauseating on his side. it was annoying how fucking worked up he got around you. his mind would spin with options of what to do with you. did he want to just kiss you, fuck you or annoy you to death? he had no idea, but it was overwhelming, to say the least.
so when he invited you to his room to clean up, he wasn’t really thinking about it, because everything was happening at once. he even searched his sisters room for goddamn clothes for you.
interrupting his inner monologue, a door opened and out came your figure, except you weren’t wearing the clothes he had given you. no, you were just in your towel, actually. your skin looked slightly damp still, but your hair had been fluffed out and dried a bit from the towel.
“what are you- where are the clothes i gave you?” rafe asked, standing hesitatingly.
“dunno, wasn’t my style i guess,” you shrugged, looking around his room casually, taking in the very rafe feel it gave.
rafe just scoffed, messing his hair up and stepping closer. “well, you can’t really go out in a towel now, can you?”
this reminded you that there was still a party going on, although it was muffled and a bit quieter as people began to call it a night.
“then i won’t go out.” you stepped closer, looking up at rafe with an expression of uncertainty, trying to identify the look behind his eyes, figure out what the fuck he was up to. but you saw nothing. if anything, there were just a bit of nervousness hidden there.
“and what exactly do you plan on doing, then? since your obviously so wise.” now his guarded demeanor was back up, though he had taken a step closer so your heavy breaths were hitting each other perfectly, hands close to grazing one another’s.
“i don’t know.” then, another reminder flashed in your mind, and you looked back at rafe, “wait, why are you even here? isn’t this like- your party?”
“well, technically topper wanted a party, i wanted to go to bed and sleep for a year.” you chucked at this, figuring he had already gotten fucked up today and didn’t feel like another party. then, taking a risk, you leaned in just a bit, and rafe didn’t pull back. actually, he pushed forward, bringing his large hands to wheel around your waist, setting fire through your veins.
it was as if both of you snapped at the same time, first eyeing each others lips, then pushing forward and taking said lips between your own. the kiss was hungry and long waited, immense relief flushing through you, which took you both by surprise.
not even a few minutes of this passed by before rafe was tugging at the towel, still clinging around your naked body, droplets of water probably wetting his floor.
before letting the fabric reveal your body, rafe looked at you, pulling away for a moment and looking over your features, silently asking permission. a quick nod was all it took for the material to be ripped off and throw to the side, rafe spinning you both around until the backs of your knees hit the bed and you fell back onto the mattress.
rafe looked over you with a smirk, eyes skimming over each and every detail of your body as if savoring it. a lick of his lips was all it took for your thighs to rub together, anticipation becoming too much as you waited for him.
this obviously pissed him off, because now his hands were tearing your legs apart, exposing your bare cunt inch by inch. “don’t even try to cover this up, got it?”
his voice was demanding, and luring, enough to make you nod, eyes softening in obedience, resulting in a snicker from rafe.
he leaned back in, delving down to leave kisses along your collar bone and suck on the flesh until bruises built against your skin, making you whimper and grab his dirty blond tressed with your fingers.
the sound of your whimpers made rafe go crazy, but he tamed the need inside him long enough to work his way down your stomach, placing teasing kisses down your inner thighs, but not once touching the spot you needed the most attention in.
“please, rafe,” you pleaded, not sure where it came from but gong with it once you saw the way he looked up at you, lust blown eyes and parted lips, waiting to be against your cunt.
“please what, hm? tell me what you want me to do, baby,” rafe cooed, fingers clenching around the inside of your thighs so he could push them apart and kiss your inner thighs, resulting in your back arching and hips begging upwards.
“n-need your mouth.” your face blushed with embarrassment of having to speak the words, but rafe just tsked, one hand moving upwards as he used his thumb to draw circles around your cunt, only passing your folds, earning a cry from you.
“i need more than that, doll.”
“fuck! please, j-just need your mouth on me, rafe, need to feel your mouth on my pussy, please!”
it seems that was acceptable for rafe, his thumb pausing just above your clit, then dragging down, finally grazing over the sensitive bud and stimulating it perfectly. your hips jerked at the sensation, but you grew accustomed to the feeling once he began working in small circles.
soon, his mouth was on your cunt, tracing paths over your folds and rubbing at the nub with a flat tongue, constantly sending shivers through you as you moaned with pleasure. his hands stayed at your side, ring clad finger’s cold against your flesh as his tongue dug inside you and began fucking your hole with no remorse.
the shapes and letters his warm tongue carved into you were almost too much, and when you reached down to rake your fingers through his hair, you fought the urge to push his head down and allow him to bury himself completely between your thighs.
“f-fuck! rafe, oh god, feels so good,” you sobbed, voice becoming louder as he hummed into you, a smirk on his lips, no doubt, from seeing you fall apart for him.
rafe pulled away within a second, licking his lip and keeping his eyes on your cunt, calculating his next move. you watched as he did so, suddenly feeling exposed as he raked his eyes over the slick coating your folds and your clit throbbing painfully through them. you squirmed at the emptiness, about to squeeze your thighs together, but you were too late as rafe brought a hand up, middle and forefinger pushing through your folds and embedding themselves within your walls.
a loud gasp escaped your lips as he did so, and you bit down painfully on the cushion of them as his fingers pumped in and out of you with nonstop speed. rafe looked up at you, his own lips parted beautifully as he watched moans flow easily out of your mouth.
“you like that, baby?” came his husky voice, only intensifying your already great pleasure that ran through your body. you nodded at his inquiry, not able to form coherent thoughts under his gaze. and that was when his fingers made a hook and pressed against your most sensitive part, making you squirm.
his smirk became bigger, and his fingers fucked you harder, a desperate attempt to ruin you right there. then he was leaning down, still pumping his fingers, and began to lick your clit with fervor, flicking the bud and sucking without resistance until your thighs were clenching around his head and you were a complete moaning mess.
“oh fuck- i’m g-gonna come rafe, pleaseplease,” you begged pathetically, having no time to be embarrassed as he hummed, nodding his head while still sucking on your clit, and permitted you to let go.
the orgasm took over in a huge wave, which came surprisingly fast, and the only thing on your mind was the bubbling in your stomach that was finally freed. moans and gasps fell from your lips as you wet his tongue and fingers, and rafe didn’t let a drop go to waste as he lapped up your slick, helping to prolong your orgasm.
hands reaching for his hair in dazed motions, eyes closed and lips parted, you mumbled, “t-too much, rafe,” which was the boys que to give you a final kiss on your clit, then remove his head and fingers from your cunt.
now, rafe stared up at you, swiping a ring clad thumb over his bottom lip, which was glistening with your arousal. his thumb then moved to enter your mouth, and you dutifully took in the digit, sucking with starry eyes, and whimpering when he removed it from your grasp.
rafe rose to his full height, still in his shirt and pants, which were no doubt keeping his hard dick from standing tall. suddenly, you felt that flush arise to your cheeks from your being nude, and you bit your lip and reached a hand out to grapple at his shirt. he took this as a sign to pull the material over his head, then going in for his buckle as well. the sound of the metal clinking as he loosened it from its straps was enough to send you into a spiral of anticipation, eyeing his clothed prick impatiently.
rafe had that smirk plastered to his face still, throwing his belt aside and then his pants, making sure not to go too fast as he tormented you.
you let out a whine as he hooked his fingers around his boxers, not pulling them down fully but revealing his v line. “rafe,” you pouted, and he decided to be nice and let them fall down, now unclothed as he kicked off his shoes and settled ontop of you, marking your chest and neck immediately.
sighing with content, you held him close and let his lips suck on your flesh, until the arousal was too much and he began to grind against you, slowly. your cunt was already becoming slick again as he rubbed against your thigh.
rafe lift himself up to his knees, pumping his cock, the point of his tongue poking out from the side of his mouth in concentration. the image of your breasts on display for him, and your lips parted and chest thumping was enough to make the boy cum on the spot.
he raised a brow at you, making sure you were still okay, and once getting a quick nod, he pressed the head of his cock against your folds. in the next second, he was thrusting into you, earning a loud gasp from you, which he covered with a hand on your mouth.
“shh, ‘m gonna fuck you good, okay? just lay there and look pretty,” he teased, but you nodded, wanting nothing more than to do as he said.
the thrusts started out mild, but soon quickened tempo, hips stuttering against yours as he wrapped a hand around your leg and pulled it over his shoulder. this allowed a better angle, and you moaned with him as he repeatedly pounded into your already sensitive cunt.
you slid a hand down your bouncing breasts and stomach, then to your throbbing clit, soothing it with your gentle fingers before rafe slapped them away, as if saying “mine.”
his own hand went around your propped up leg to thumb at your clit, whilst the other made a path over your hips and breasts, fondling with the mound of flesh and pinching your nipple.
the overstimulation was rushing through you violently, his thrusts becoming sloppy, orgasm at the brink. you watched his head fly back, eyes rolling and mouth a gape, hypnotized by how pretty he looked even when he was fucking you.
“rafe,” you repeatedly mumbled, forming no other words in your clouded mind.
“hm? does it feel good? d’you like the way i fuck you, pretty girl?”
“y-yeah, so good,” you hummed, your own head rolling back onto the pillow, hips thrusting up to meet his and satisfy the hunger that once again boiled in your core.
“i’m gonna cum on your tits, are you gonna be good for me?” he said just as your orgasm was about to wash you away, and you nodded fast, once again wanting to be the best you could for him.
then, you came, waves of pleasure splashing through you before he pulled out, still thumbing your sensitive bundle of nerves, using his free hand to fist his cock which hovered over your breasts.
you held your tits in two shaky hands, squeezing them together and massaging them while rafe came, painting your breasts and stomach until he had milked out every last drop he could. he mumbled yes’s and fuck’s, along with your name until his high died down.
breathing harshly, you set ur sight to the ceiling, deep intakes of air causing the ends of rafe’s lips to turn upwards slightly. he leaned down to place one last kiss on your flushed cheek before letting himself fall onto the mattress beside you.
“let’s clean you up,” rafe said, turning to look at you, “the party’s not over yet.”
uhhhh yeah idk how i feel ab this i hope it wasn't terrible ig. reblogs appreciated :)
@o-rion-sta-r @saggyb1lls @rylynn-m @dobbysockcollection @arcaneslut @arianagreyy @el-imaskingforyourlefthand
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natsukitakama · 3 years
Headcanon : Attention feat Kazutora Hanemiya
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author note :  I was obsessed with this TikTok and couldn’t kick it out my mind, now I’m not sure if it’s actually his Seiyuu who is dubbed it but it sure felt like it. I can’t breath anymore lol. It feels good to be able to write ngl. Enjoy ♡ 
-->If you’re curious you can find the TikTok right here 
Warning : SFW but I can make a NSFW version if you’re asking for it / It’s not Spoiler-free so  if you didn’t catch up with the manga you’ll be spoiled I’m sorry but stay safe ♡ 
i do not own those pictures they came from Pinterest so credit to their owner
it's kinda short to my apologies I would do better next time
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Kazutora Hanemiya 羽宮ハネミヤ一虎カズトラ
I can’t see him dating anyone before the time skip, even if we got proof that he was interested into people (we all see the way he was looking when he was at the beach). But during this time, he was a teenager more over he already a family, people who he cared about. He just didn’t feel the need to add a significant other, he has his family, he had Toman.
Now I’m not saying that he wouldn’t date anyone when he was a teenager but he was so focused on Toman on his family than I can’t believe he got time to date someone, especially since he was busy kicking ass with his friends Baji.
But no matter if you met him during his teenage, after he left the juvenile prison or when he left prison. You’re going to need some patience with him. He has lived a lot of things. He is still a broken man who is this close of loosing his entire mind.
I believe that I first you would be the only one working on this relationship, I mean you would do the whole flirty thing and at first he’ll barley interact with you. It doesn’t mean that he doesn’t feel proud for your compliment and that he isn’t happy that you are interested in him. It just that everytime he felt close to someone, they either die or just left him.
He wasn’t sure if he was mentally, physically, emotionally ready for any kind of relationship
So yeah at first you would be the only to text/call first, you’ll be the only who is taking news might be the only one to think about where to go out together.
Most of the times you would feel insecure, after all he was so handsome maybe he just didn’t care about you ? Maybe you were bothering him ? Maybe he wasn’t interested in you and was just giving you a favor when he was answering back.
You would feel as if he didn’t care all as if your love was unrequited
But don’t worry about it, this situation wouldn’t last as long as you thought it would will.
His walls will finally shattered down and he’ll feel like he can finally be himself with you, showing you his insecurity, providing you all the love his broken heart got.
When this will happen, my my, you signed for the clingiest boyfriend of all time (top 3 at least)
I’m not kidding I just feel it, the boy got a lot of loves and needs to give and receiving (especially receiving).
You know those cliche movie where the boyfriend climb into your house so he could reach your bedroom ? He will do it, especially if he got free times and he felt lonely. Kazutora will just randomly climb into your bedroom and will knock at it with a lovely smile as if everything was normal (for fuck sake use the damn door baby boi).
He loves hugs whether he is the one who is been hugged of if you’re the one, either way he is fine as long as he gets close to you. Your warmth tends to relax him. He might even fall asleep if you’re stroking his hair or his neck (bonus point if you’re tracing the ink mark of his tattoo)
I feel like he loves kissing you too ? Like he just can’t stop kissing you ? He is an addict kisser. Like one day you were visiting him at the petshop dropping him a bento because you wanted to spoil your boyfriend. Even though he claimed to Chifuyu that he wasn’t tired 5min before you were here, suddenly he felt like he needs his 10min break. Guess who finds themselves being pushed against the wall as their boyfriends was kissing them deeply ? You. And he just didn’t kiss you once, no no that would be too simple, he will kiss you again and again one hand holding yours against the wall the other would be either on your cheek or on your neck. Good luck to find your breath after that. Believe me when I say that even when you were about to leave him so you could go back to school or whenever you were expected, Kazutora will take your hands in his to bring you against his chest to steal you a couple of kisses before finally leaving you.
Like I said he is an addict.
I can see him as the type to sometimes grab both of your cheeks with his hand and then kiss you, again and again.
He jus loves being close to you, so when you two are out for a date or just because you got the chance to meet him while you were going home. Kazu won’t hesitate and hold your hand stroking it with his fingers.
Holding hand is a minimum for him to best honestly
If he could he’d rather spend all of his time in your arms humming your smell getting warmth against you. But he can’t, so he is going to appreciate every occasion he got to get you close to him.
Since you’re his significant other Kazutora will be extra protector when it came to you, not afraid of threatening anyone that might be a bother to you.
Also he is jealous, he knows he shouldn’t feel like this especially since you’re always giving so much love and attention. But he can’t help but feel insecure, he knows what he is capable of, he knows his past, he knows what he has done, he is not perfect and certainly does not deserve love coming from such a piece of heaven like you. Yeah there would be time when Kazutora might be sad, feel down, and even though he’ll work on it so you won’t see it (afraid that you might be disappointed and will leave him) but you can tell that he is not feeling well.
Please, hold him tightly, tell him you love him, reminds him of much you cared about him, show him that there is no reason for him to be afraid. He just needs reassurance that you are here for good and that one day he wouldn’t wake up without you by side.
I just feel like he loves sleeping next to you, just the thought of sharing the same bed as him and getting the chance of waking up with you next to him is just his definition of heaven.
I also feel like is a tease, not on Mikey’s level, but I feel like sometimes out of nowhere Kazu will tickle you or whispering you something just to get to see your face turning red and then chuckle.
He is also the type to always give you his sweatshirt/coat, you don’t even need to be cold, if he noticed that you had been looking at his cloth or if you just compliment it boom its around your shoulder. It can be a way to show his possessiveness, like everyone would know that you belong to him who knows ? At least you won’t be cold.
He also the type to lay down on your bed and look at you with a loving smile, whether you were sleeping or not he doesn’t stop him from slightly stroking your cheeks bone, your cheek or even your lips loving the feeling of his hand/finger on your skin. It’s so smooth and soft he just can’t help.
Sometimes especially when he is sleepy, he will whisper things into your ear, kiss your all over your face.
A sucker for worshiping (do it for himself too)
Also he is not afraid to tell you he loves you, he might be not the first one to confess but once he knows that you love him. « I love you y/n » would be the first thing you will hear while waking up also the last thing before sleeping.
I think he might like the thought of you styling his hair even if all you’ve done was putting some cute clips on his hair he likes it and will even let you take picture. He is a sucker for your smile
Buy him jewelry and he will never take them off especially ring or necklace he just loves seeing you marking your territory.
As I stated before he is probably the type to overthinking a lot, like one day if you didn’t give the smile you used to give him, he is 100% you’ll dump him at the end of the day. Sometimes it’s not as bad as that, like you called him by his last name to tease him, he’ll just pout at you and then give you kiss all over your and won’t stop until you called him either by his name or by a nickname. But yes sometimes if you’re acting a little bit too cold to him he’ll think that your relationship is over, and will start to panic no knowing what to do to keep you by his side.
That’s the think with Kazutora he loves you more than he loves himself so he knows as a fact that he will be lost without you (not the only one to be honest but that’s for another headcanon)
So obviously you’ll need to be careful but since you’re still a human keep in mind to check him after if you’ve done something that let him think you guys were over.
Also, I can picture him to sometimes disappear. Like no one know where he is, not even you. He never left for too long (worst case : he leaves for a day), but sometimes he feels like he needs to be alone, like really alone. So he isolated himself for everyone, no one will know where he left, what he has done. But when he came back he always got that peaceful smile, the one where is eyes got nothing but regrets in them.
You feel like he spent his time in front of Baji ans Shinichiro’s grave, cause even years after this incident he couldn’t forgive himself for what he’s done to them. He can’t forgive him. Since he is lucky to be alive, sometimes he needs to see them in order to give him some strength in order to stay alive.
All the time when he is zoning out, you know he is thinking about all the bad things he has done to the people he cares the most, and even though he is working hard to be a better person what was done can’t be undone. Again hold his hand, stroke his hair do whatever you can to help him staying safe and not falling into his old demons.
Protect him at all cost.
Tag : @kshira
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purble-turble · 2 years
Maybe 29 for the prince red au where red let’s his hair down and MK decides to randomly visit
29. Tucking their hair behind their ear to help them get it out of their face.
Followup to this fic I wrote ages ago for Prince Red AU ----
Prince Red loved nothing more than entertaining the Monkie Kid at his palace.
Despite the less than ideal circumstances for his visit this time, (Red having a bit of a mental breakdown due to an embarrassing situation with some demons trapping him in a calabash) by the end it all somewhat felt like it was worth the trouble. MK had helped clean him up, brushing out the absolute mess of tangles his hair had become, and then spent the night as well as the rest of the next day keeping him company in the Fiery Mountains palace.
It felt like a dream come true having him there… and maybe a few times throughout the day he let himself fantasize by pretending that MK actually lived there with him and this was permanent. He didn't voice these dreams aloud this time, though, lest he scare the Monkie Kid off on what was such a perfect day.
Yet, sadly, it had to come to an end at some point. So that night MK had bid his good byes, requesting one last assurance that Prince Red was feeling better before he left. He was almost tempted to lie to get him to stay just a bit longer, but he didn't want to do something so manipulative. Instead he forced on a big, fake smile that he didn't feel at all and insisted that he was going to be fine. Besides, MK had done so much for him already, and he had been very clear that he wasn't going to stay permanently. Still, it had warmed his heart to hear the question. This boy was so sweet and loving and compassionate… he deserved absolutely every good thing in the world.
If only he'd let Prince Red give it to him.
Once MK had gone, Prince Red felt his absence immediately and trudged up the stairs back to his room… He'd only been gone a few minutes and he missed him so terribly already. He had tried to forget it all day, but this was always the way things were going to go. MK would come and entertain him for a little while, but ultimately he would never stay for good.
That was why the visions of the calabash had hurt him so distinctly. There in that dream world, MK was happy to stay in his palace forever and never ever wanted to leave. It had been humiliating when it had been revealed as a trick, but more than that it had been deeply painful to know it had all been fake. He wished he could spend every moment with MK… but that only ever happened in his fantasies.
He'd made the mistake again when MK spent the whole day there with him, allowing himself to pretend that it could be any more than just that: one day. Now the high was over and he was crashing again. Granted, not as hard as he did from the calabash, but still, he felt a profound sadness in the wake of MK leaving again.
However, continuing on like this was getting to be too much. The prince needed a distraction.
Coming into his room, he noticed that the palace attendants had spent the day putting all the things he'd ruined back together after his little meltdown. It brought back a flood of embarrassment to remember how he had behaved this past week and how his staff had to put up with his moping and crying for so long. He would have to make it up to them.
His brain was so abuzz with all the ways he could treat his servants that he just flopped down on his bed, falling asleep as he kept his mind busy… also completely forgetting about his nightly routine beforehand. So when he got up the next morning, ready to get to work on his many ideas, the whole thing got a bit derailed when he looked in the mirror at last.
When MK had arrived, he had done an excellent job of brushing out the wild mass his hair had become into a nice, manageable fluff. And it had stayed that way for the entirety of yesterday. Unfortunately, a good brushing like that really only lasted maybe one round of sleep before reverting to its natural state that was less like a fluffy cloud and more like a bramble of thickets.
Damn. He had forgotten to tie his hair back before going to bed last night. What a mess. And after MK had been so kind as to untangle it for him.
Well, at least it wasn't as bad as it had been the other day. Still, after being such a nuisance for his staff this past week, he didn't really want to make one of them go through the trouble of brushing out his hair for him. He could probably manage to brush it and tie it back properly himself if he really wanted to, but that was going to be painful and time consuming… and besides, he wouldn't do it as well as MK had.
So instead, he took a nearby hair tie, gathered as much of his hair as he could in a messy and loose ponytail, and just left it at that for now. Better to get on with it and deal with this later in the night when he had more time.
It seemed to work for a while; the hair tie did its job of at least keeping the hair out of his face. As he went about his day, however, it was pretty obvious to the servants that he was still a bit of a mess… or rather that his hair was a mess. Many of them insisted that he really didn't need to make it up to them, and some offered to help him tie his hair back up in its proper, cloth-wrapped ponytail, but he dismissed their concerns at every turn. He wanted to keep himself busy.
The prince spent the whole day fluttering around the palace, making tea for his servants, helping them with their chores, offering gifts and tokens of his appreciation to anyone who would take one… he even went so far as to offer to help cook dinner but the chefs had promptly thrown him out of their kitchen, even after he swore up and down that he wasn't going to make it TOO spicy this time. Apparently they remembered what happened last time he had been allowed to cook and the resulting spice burns many of the unfortunate victims had on their taste buds, so they were not moved.
Eventually, Red was left with nothing else left to do than to go about his own daily routine. His hair was beginning to bother him, though. He had to redo the ponytail several times throughout the day and it was becoming an annoyance. When he was rushing about trying to do errands and be helpful he could ignore it, but when he wasn't actively moving it was a bit more difficult.
As he was sitting out on his favorite rock, trying to meditate in his zen garden, a few tufts fell loose and the breeze blew them across his face, tickling his nose.
Red was trying to focus on his breathing and regulating his temperature and his stupid hair was making that so difficult! Normally it wasn't this hard to clear his thoughts, even with distractions… his thoughts kept being intruded by his loose hair, and then that would cause his mind to wander further about how it needed to be brushed, and that brought back memories of the Monkie Kid with his fingers stroking his head and pulling his hair back… and that thought made him sad for some reason.
As he wiggled his nose, trying to ignore the tickling sensation, suddenly he felt a hand brush the offending lock of hair to the side and tucking it back behind his ear.
The prince opened his eyes and was shocked to see MK kneeling there in front of him. He hadn't even heard him approach.. just another way in which he was a bit distracted and missing things it seemed.
"Hey, Red," MK greeted with a wide smile, "sorry to drop in unannounced, just wanted to check in when I got off work."
Red returned the smile, leaning his head into the hand that was now cupping the side of his face. "That's very sweet of you," he said, "I'm doing fine."
MK's eyes glanced knowingly at the mop of hair that constituted Red's ponytail. "Are you sure?"
"Yes!" Red nodded his head vigorously, squeezing his eyes shut. "Thank you for coming, but everything's fine!"
Wait what was he doing? Was he trying to shuffle MK off so he would leave? Did he… want MK to leave? That was unlike him. All he ever wanted was for MK to stay, but he suddenly felt an ache in his chest at seeing him back at the palace again so soon.
Apparently it didn't go unnoticed, as MK leaned in closer, positioning himself right next to the prince so he could hold his head on his shoulder and stroke his fingers through his messy hair. "What's wrong, Red?" he asked, "Are you still upset about the calabash?"
Red opened his mouth to speak and surprised himself when a quivering sob escaped him and he realized that he was crying. Finally all the emotions he had been burying today and the day before all came flooding back, and he couldn't hide from what was really bothering him.
"This isn't real. None of it," he managed to stammer out through his tears.
"Yes, it is!" MK insisted, pulling him in closer with some force, "I swear it is! You're not in the calabash anymore, I promise."
Red responded by shaking his head no, and after a few pitiful sniffles he managed to continue, "No, not that. I mean us. You and me. Together. It's not real," he explained, "I'm just deluding myself when I fantasize about you staying here with me. You're… you're just going to leave again. You're never going to stay."
That caused the Monkie Kid to pause. For a few moments, he said nothing, just holding tightly on to the blubbering prince and continuing to stroke his hair gently. At last, he seemed to gather his thoughts and spoke up.
"It's true: I'm not gonna stay and live in the palace with you," he said, earning a miserable, hiccuping sob from Prince Red. As he continued on, MK took the demon's face in his hands and forced him to look up and meet his eyes, "but you're wrong! This thing between us, it IS real. It may not be exactly what either of us wants it to be for now, but that doesn't mean that it doesn't exist or doesn't mean anything. It does! And YOU mean so much to me, Red! Don't ever doubt that."
Prince Red stared on with wide eyes as the Monkie Kid leaned in and pressed a passionate kiss to his lips. The shock of the gesture quickly melted away into a wave of complete adoration for the man in front of him. He returned the kiss, reaching up to hold him in kind and pull him even closer. The moment was only interrupted when he suddenly felt his head be jerked backwards, accompanied by a small jolt of pain as his hair was pulled.
"Oh, oops," MK mumbled with a short chuckle, "I think my hand is stuck again,"
With a slightly undignified snort, Red laughed as well, and soon enough the two of them had fallen into a fit of laughter as MK tugged at his hand, trying in vain to free himself from this absurd situation he'd somehow gotten himself into for the second time in just a few short days.
Eventually, the two of them stood up together and, with some difficulty and a lot more laughs, waddled their way up the many flights of stairs to the prince's room so that MK could find his hairbrush and free himself. Once he had, he continued with the brush, untangling the rest of the matting that had formed throughout the day and giving the hair a nice fluffy texture.
When he'd finally finished, the two of them sat at the edge of Red's bed together and Red took the opportunity to finally put his hair back up in its proper, wrapped ponytail to prevent it from getting out of control again. MK watched him do so silently with rapt attention, and just as he was about done he spoke up.
"I should get going." His voice was quiet, as though apologizing for it. "I have work in the morning."
The prince took a moment to finish his task before responding.
"I understand."
MK stood taking a few steps towards the door before turning back around, "You gonna be alright?"
Prince Red smiled, genuinely this time and said, "Yes, I'll be fine,"
"Ok," MK turned to head for the door again… only to stop and spin back around another time, "Do you want me to come by again tomorrow?"
"That would be lovely,"
"Great! Ok… see you tomorrow!" MK waved briefly and then hurried off, disappearing through the prince's bedroom doors.
Red returned the wave as he watched him go and then laid back against his bed, feeling exhausted and emotionally drained… but not sad. Not as much as he had this past week, at least.
It still hurt, the fact that MK wasn't willing to stay… but at least the prince could count on him always coming back.
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cerebrumrott · 3 years
Obey Me! Shall we Date?
Brothers x MC
Synopsis: Demon Form Head Canons
Is not shy about sharing his demon form in the slightest.
More than happy to show off his wings for you and every compliment and awed look you give him just strokes his pride.
He gets taller in his demon form, not by more than a few inches but its enough to have you craning your neck to look him in the eyes.
His horns are not nearly as sensitive as some of his brothers but he still quite enjoys when you pet them.
Specifically likes it when the base of his horns are scratched, he could just melt into your hands.
His wings are prone to molting when he is stressed and seeing as he is stressed almost all the time. It's fairly common to find black feathers around the house.
When Lucifer later finds out that you had been collecting his discarded feathers in a small vase in your room he can’t help the blush on his cheeks having forgotten the entire reason he went into your room in the first place.
Seeing as you are so entranced by his feathers you might as well help him preen when he is molting.
It is totally cause he wants you to just have a nice collection, not because its a massive boost to his ego to have you doting over him.
Straighten his tie and flatten out his collar. Even if it doesn't need it. These little gestures will leave him flustered and blushing.
His horns, due to their peculiar shape, are extremely sensitive. To the point where just blowing on them sends a tremble racing down his spine.
Pressing a finger between the grooves or into the center of the horn's spiral will have him practically howling from the sensation or more accurately leave him a stuttering and flustered mess.
Despite being essentially shirtless in his demon form. Mammon is like a walking heater. Just standing next to him for too long can cause you to break into a sweat.
If you were to ever trace the white lines that cover his torso he would just stop functioning entirely.
He would of course vehemently deny any such claims stating that, he was simply… thinking… about things… shut up.
Mammon is also extremely ticklish and with so much exposed skin from his questionable choice in a shirt. Do with that what you will ;)
His wings are restless, always flickering, fluttering or some variation of the two.
The only time they had ever truly stilled was when Mammon had agreed to let you touch them for the first time. In that moment as you ever so carefully ran your hands over the thin membrane of the wings, they didn't so much as twitch under the touch.
While his wings aren't necessarily sensitive to touch they are slightly delicate, being as they are made from a thin leathery membrane.
He also gets taller in his demon form by a few inches. Though due to his terrible posture you are likely to not notice.
He regularly sheds his antlers each year and grows back new ones.
He used to be extremely self conscious while his antlers regrew due to teasing from his brothers but after hearing how much you liked them they were now a point of pride for him.
I can also totally see an MC who collects his shed antlers like, it's 2 am and Levi texts them like ""Hey normie you want my old antlers I know you asked about them before so...""
Leviathan would get such an ego boost from it though. His face growing reed each time he walks into your room to see his old antlers nestled about the shelves like decor.
His tail also sheds its skin every so often (like a reptile would) another reason as to why he is always showering or taking a bath.
On that same thought, Levi has to take daily soaks in either the shower or tub to keep his skin from drying out or getting irritated. Being in the sun for too long can also irritate his skin.
Uses this as an excuse to not go outside despite there being no sun in the Devildom.
Both his horns and his tail are rather sensitive to touch. Though he loves the idea of you petting them his self consciousness prevents him from ever initiating such a thing.
The markings on the side of his neck are also highly sensitive. Running a hand or dragging your nails over them sends shivers down his spine every time.
Not only does he get taller but he also physically bulks up in his demon form. Its hardly noticeable under the sweater and boa he wears but on close inspection you can see the defined lines of his muscles straining under the fabric.
Similar to Lucifer, his horns are not all that sensitive. Though the area where they connect to his head are very mush so.
Satan is not shy in the slightest about asking MC to pet his head when he is in a bad mood and needs someone to stop him from doing something potentially stupid.
Satan often subconsciously purrs when he is happy or content.
This habit may have stemmed from his obsession with cats
His tail for the most part is hard and senseless, though the green end is softer and more pliable like cartilage. It is also extremely sensitive to both touch and temperature.
This is why he keeps his tail wrapped around his leg to protect it from being accidentally trampled on or whacked.
Since his tail extends from his lower back rather than the base of his spine the exposed skin surrounding the base of his tail is extremely sensitive and ticklish.
Asmo of course loves any kind of affection, especially if it is coming from you of all people.
The tips of his horns that are pink in hue are extremely sensitive to touch. He is not shy about asking you to touch him obviously but you would note that he does get extremely flustered when you do so without having to be asked.
Asmo will just melt into your touch if you walk up to him and just randomly cup his face or pet his horns.
When he is especially flustered the pink hue of his horns will even darken
His wings are velvety and soft to the touch. He loves to have kisses pressed to the soft membrane of the wings.
The easiest way to turn him to putty in your hands is to go straight for his wings. They are his weak spot.
It's really little affectionate things that get him going. Adjusting the metal chain of his scorpion brooch, pushing a stray piece of his bangs back into place, even something as simple as picking a piece of lint off of his jacket has him beaming with affection.
I don't see Asmo as getting to experience these little things as often as the more prominent things that come with his sin. So when you go out of your way to make sure he does get to experience these little things he falls hard and fast.
He physically bulks up when he transforms. If you thought he was shredded normally wait till you see him in demon form.
His horns are extremely sensitive, almost like little antennas. Turns into the biggest puppy when you rubs his horns. Just all smiles and happiness from him.
Sometimes he will even rub your cheeks together so his horns brush against your hair.
He is a bit hesitant when it comes to his wings being touched just because of their nature. It's not that he doesn't trust you it’s just when he gets excited he unconsciously buzzes his wings.
If he were to catch his wing on your hand and rip it he would feel bad for making you think you hurt him. In reality it does not hurt him all that much, akin to like a paper cut or bad scratch.
Beel is really just a big push over for you, scratch him behind the horns and he will just become the biggest lap dog.
His horns and tail are not sensitive but that doesn't mean he doesn't want you to pet him.
After he falls asleep to you petting his horns one afternoon he now demands that you do this at least once a week. If you don't he will bother you until you cave to his wishes.
Also loves to have the fluff of his tail brushed / petted, although he would never admit it outright. His brothers already think he is spoiled so how would they react to knowing he has you pampering him each week? Braiding his tail hair and brushing out the tangles while he snoozes.
On the rare occasions he can’t sleep or when he is awakened from a nightmare he will seek you out and ask you to pet him so he can get to sleep. There are many mornings you will wake up and just find Belphie in bed next to you curled around his pillow with his face buried in your shoulder.
He promises to pay you back later though. Totally...
The cow spots on his neck are extremely ticklish, to the point he borderline passes out from wheezing so hard when Beel tickles him there.
He is much, much larger in his demon form than he is when he appears as human. He is normally tall but like this he is borderline massive.
He tends to keep his wings folded into his sides due to their large span. Though is more than happy to show them off to you when prompted.
They are thick and velvety to the touch, the metallic jewelry that covers the tops of them a cold contrast to the warm skin.
He adores any kind of attention from you, more than content to sit and chatter about whatever comes to his mind as you sit beside him or stop him petting his wings.
He bent down once so you could see his horns and as a joke lifted you off the ground while you were holding onto them. He laughed so hard you thought he was going to drop you on your ass.
His horns are not sensitive in the slightest, hence why he has no problems with decorating them with tight metal pieces akin to a piercing on a person.
Diavolo is a super loving guy normally and this holds true to when he is in his demon form. So whenever he gives you a hug you end up smothered in his pecs. Not that your complaining.
Barbatos would never say it aloud but he very much enjoys when you spend time just running your fingers ever so softly over his horns. Their unique shape and varied textures can leave you entertained for what feels like hours but in reality you love the soft expressions you can pull out of the normally stoic butler.
Loves having soft kisses pressed to the joints of his horns.
His tail is his one weak spot as once one learns what certain movements mean. You can always tell how he is feeling.
The unbridled joy you feel well in your heart when his tail begins to curl up upon seeing you letting you know he is feeling the same way has you biting your lip to hold yourself back from running into his arms.
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violettelueur · 4 years
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| featuring : gojo satoru from jujutsu kaisen
| warnings : grammar errors other than that n/a
| form : imagine 
| word count : 1363
| published : 06 december
| request : Hi! could i request a jealous gojo x reader where reader bring a cat home without gojo knowing but once he finds out hes okay with it until he sees you spending more time with it and giving the cat more attention, so he becomes jealous and tries to catch your attention? thank you!
| barista’s notes : hey hey hey guys~ i’m so sorry for the constant one post/imagine a day updates - i keep forgetting how hard and long it is to plan and type them out, espeically when you’re not really confident at all ʕ ´•̥̥̥ ᴥ•̥̥̥`ʔ - BUT i also also the latest episode of Yuukoku no Moriarty and THE NEW EPISODE OF ATTACK ON TITAN SEASON FOUR....IT WAS AMAZING LIKE THERE WAS SO MUCH ACTION AND I LOVED IT ʕノ•ᴥ•ʔノ ︵ ┻━┻ but other than that, to whoever requested it, i hope you enjoy this cup of classic black coffee (jujutsu kaisen request!) and please come again soon!
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This was not supposed to happen. This little scenario that was playing right in front of him with his very two sky-blue eyes was not what he had planned.
At this current moment in time, you were laying sideways on your and Gojo’s shared bed with a little ball of fluff sleeping right beside you, who had both its paws cutely wrapped around your wrist, as if it was cuddling with its favourite toy and keeping you there anchored to the bed, leaving the shaman to be feeling extremely touched starved.
Ever since you had brought this stray cat home after finding it when you had completed a mission of yours, it seemed like your attention had completely shifted from him to the little British shorthair that was capturing your attention right now. From what he could remember in the beginning, you didn’t even inform him straight away that you had bought a cat back into your shared home, rather he found out about his new tiny roommate by the little animal suddenly popping out from under the couch looking for you when he was watching something on the TV on his rare day off, scaring him slightly thinking it was a mouse that somehow got into the house.
“Honey~ Who is this little thing?” 
Turning around from your cooking, you instantly saw your lovely and cheeky boyfriend holding up the little grey cat that you had secretly hidden away from him - even though you knew he was going to find out about it somehow in some way. “Oh...Ha….That’s a funny question isn’t it?” you stuttered to Gojo, as you used your index finger to scratch your cheek in awkwardness, trying to find a way to explain this situation.
“Honey~” Gojo then pressed on, as he inched a tiny step closer to you along with the cat, causing you to look at his beautiful eyes as well as the cat’s glossy baby green eyes. “Okay, okay, I bought the cat home after I found it after a mission,” you explained to him in a quiet tone, before taking the cat away from his hands to your, leading to the fluffy creature to snuggle up to you and rest it’s head on your shoulder to which then you began to stroke it’s light grey fur to comfort it.
“You can’t just steal a cat you see randomly, babe~” Gojo stated to you in a matter of fact tone, to which you countered that statement by saying with a pout, “he was in a box in the rain Satoru, I couldn’t just leave him there,” causing your boyfriend to look at you before looking at the cat that was in your arms as he then shifted his eyes back to you, who was now showcasing the ‘puppy dog’ eyes that he knew that you knew that now he couldn’t resist and say ‘no’ to you - you just looked so loveable to him right now.
“Ah fine, if it doesn’t mess up the whole house, it can stay,” Gojo then said in defeat, leading you to jump up and down in glee before continuously kissing his cheek as a thank you, “well if I can get more kisses honey~ that would be better,”
Now, this little agreement of his turned against him in the ‘receiving your attention’ aspect because here you are now, laying in bed with a cat - that was on his side - that didn’t even need your attention right now since it was asleep. However, it seemed like you weren’t going to leave the grey fluff anytime soon as you continued to admire the little creature that was curled up while still hugging your hand.
“Honey~” Gojo called out, hoping to gain at least some of your attention, yet you ignored him and continued to coo and stroke the cat as if you were still alluring it to sleep, even though it seemed like it was already light’s out for the little man. 
“Sweetie~” Gojo then called out to you again with another pet name of yours that he had, only for the same exact result. Annoyed at the little to no reaction from you, Gojo immediately stood up from his seat before making his way towards the bed, looming his shadow and body over you and the cat breaking your trance once you notice the change in lighting.
Looking up towards the ceiling, you immediately saw a pair of ocean eyes looking down upon you with a pouty expression on his face causing you to giggle lightly at the funny, childish sight. “Hi babe, what’s wrong?” you asked, only for Gojo’s response to you by him carefully picking up the grey shorthair - not wanting to wake him up - and placing it on the little bed that you both brought for it the other day before coming back over to lay himself beside you - like he was replacing the cat with himself.
“Why did you move him?” you then asked in a confused tone, as you lifted yourself to see how the cat was, only for Gojo to place a hand on the side of your head before gently pushing you back down onto the mattress, causing you to look at your boyfriend in surprise only for him to instantly wrap his arms around your body, pulling you closer to his. Slowly after realising what he did, you reciprocated his actions and wrapped your arms around him giving some of your linger warmth to him as a gift for him giving you his. This felt like home.
“Pay attention to me,” Gojo demanded before pulling you closer to him, to the point where his face was pressed against your chest. “Huh?” you expressed in confusion, causing Gojo to look up at with once again the same angry pouty expression that you adored. “Pay attention to me honey~ you’ve been ignoring me ever since you bought that cat back home, give me something at least,” Gojo moaned, before burying his face against your chest again as if he was a kid hiding away after being told off leaving you to laugh at his cute little outburst.
“Aw~ you getting jealous of a cat Totoro~” you teased the white-haired shaman - with his pet name you had for him - leading to Gojo being silent for a few seconds before adorably nodding his head - letting his pride go - causing you to be surprised once again at his easy admission.
“I am jealous Y/N, I want your attention, so give it to me,” Gojo then continued to rant in a kid-like tone, even though you just barely understood what he said since his speech was muffled into your shirt due to his face buried in your chest leaving you to feel a little ticklish. However, pushing away that feeling, you leisurely placed a hand on top of his head before ruffling his white locks - just like how a mother would comfort her child.
“Yeah, yeah, you got my wanted attention now, haven’t you?” you asked Gojo in a soft tone, leaving him to give you another cute nod before turning his head slightly  - to which caused you to see his cheeky smirk like it was as if he had won something - telling you that he was planning to take a nap. “So after you got my attention, you’re planning to take a nap?” you teasingly question your boyfriend only for you to get a silent response, causing you to look down to see this beautiful eyes closed with his back slowing rising then falling, indicating to you that it was lights out for him now - just like the grey British Shorthair that was sleeping in its bed.
Deciding it was time for you to sleep as well, you slowly began to reach over to the night lamp that was right beside you - trying to not wake up the human-cat that was on your right now - only for Gojo’s arms to tighten around you causing you to be anchored in place.
However, what he seemingly tiredly muttered next was what you always thought in your mind whenever you were in his arms.
“Feels like home”
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tomurasprincess · 4 years
Kinktober Day 23: Overstimulation (The Euphoria Bot)
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Day 23: Overstimulation Title: The Euphoria Bot Pairing: Hastume x Reader x Robot Word Count: 2.2k Warnings: Noncon, dubcon, overstimulation, robot sex, face sitting, sexual punishment, forced orgasms, yandere Note: Hngg, one more day down. I am beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel. I really had fun with this idea, so I hope everyone enjoys! Also thank you to @pleasantanathema for reading through this and coming up with Euphoria Bot when my brain was crashing over robot names!
Edit: My 3AM delirium brain also forgot to credit @hisoknen​ who I talked over the robot idea with, and she is the one who mentioned Mei and one of her inventions would be a good fit. I’m sorry Raph, ILY.
Kinktober Masterlist
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You really shouldn’t do what you’re about to do. You know this, and yet you’re still so curious. Your girlfriend Mei never leaves you alone in her lab, and it would look terrible if you betrayed her trust the very first time she does by poking at one of her precious babies.
But you can’t seem to stop yourself from walking towards the fancy looking robot in the corner. It’s the same size and shape as a large human, maybe about 6’5.” There are strange little pads on each finger with grooves and ridges, and a few compartments along the body of the robot that seem like they should open up. There are so many dials and display screens that you can’t even begin to tell what each one does. 
Except for the big red “on” button. 
This is a terrible idea, you try to convince yourself. You shouldn’t press the button on a machine that Mei made without knowing what it does. Especially one that is apparently in the defective pile and no way of knowing why it’s there. 
You press the button. 
The robot comes online with a few whirring and beeping noises. You wait a few seconds, almost expecting it to randomly explode like some of Mei’s other inventions. Instead, it stands at attention and greets you.
“Hello, I am Euphoria Bot. How may I serve you today?” The robot greets you in a professional tone.
You’re completely taken aback, simply standing there with your mouth hung open, unable to think of a single thing to say.
“I am here to serve you.” The robot repeats, still standing at attention as if waiting on something.
“Serve how?” You’re finally able to respond, a bit of the shock having faded.
“I exist to provide pleasure to mortals. Verbally consent and I will demonstrate.”
“I consent,” the words fall from your lips without any thought, sheer curiosity overtaking you. But you are certainly not expecting the robot to scoop you up in its metallic arms and push you down on the floor.
“Wait - what do you think you’re doing?” 
“I will provide you with pleasure,” the robot says as it begins to work at your clothes. Fear crawls up your spine at the strength the robot must have when it rips even your jeans into two pieces.
“Wait, I didn’t know this was what I was - ahh, stop that!” Your sentence ends in a choked gasp when a ridged finger comes to rest on your clit. There is a clicking noise, and then the fingertip turns on, vibrating against you and sending waves of pleasure into your core. The cold of the metal contrasting with the heat of your skin has you shivering.
You find yourself coming undone embarrassingly fast, stomach tightening as the robot presses the ridges down along your clit as it continues to vibrate. “Shit, too sensitive, stop!” You try to pull away, but the robot only holds you down and increases the vibrations. “God, stop it’s too much,” you whine as you try to squirm away, but the robot’s grip is ironclad.
“I will provide you with pleasure,” the robot repeats, and a sliver of fear crawls up your spine as you begin to suspect why this robot is defective. The vibrations increase even further, and you whine from deep in your throat as you see stars behind your eyes. A strange feeling is coming over you, making you feel like you have to pee. 
One firm rub of the notches on the robot’s finger has you squealing out your orgasm, clear liquid gushing out of you and onto the robot’s legs and ground. “Fuck, oh god,” you pant as you quiver in its’ arms. “Okay, okay, that’s good, you’ve provided pleasure, turn it off, please - “
“Will you not allow me to provide you any more pleasure?”
“No, no more pleasure, I withdraw my consent.” Maybe if you state it officially, the robot will finally listen.
“I understand.”
You breathe a sigh of relief as the robot releases you, standing up and moving back to where it was when you turned it on. But that relief quickly turns into horror when you see what it comes back with.
Handcuffs and a spreader bar. 
You jump up on wobbly legs as you try to get away, but the robot is too fast, grabbing you with one arm and forcing you back down on the ground. “My directive is to provide pleasure,” the robot repeats, and the phrase makes you want to scream in frustration. “If you no longer consent, then I may override you to complete my directive.”
And with that, your hands are handcuffed behind your back, legs forced open as the spreader bar is placed in between so that you can’t close them, leaving your dripping pussy exposed for the robot to do whatever it wants with.
Two cold metal fingers rest against your throbbing clit as the vibrations start again, and your eyes roll to the back of your head at the blinding pleasure. “Fuck fuck fuck,” you babble as you feel another finger prodding at your entrance, gathering up your juices before it pushes inside of you.
The robot’s finger is thick, but you’re so wet that it’s not uncomfortable as it slides in. Until you feel another finger pressing against the first one. Your walls are forced to stretch open until they graze your cervix, the sting causing you to wince.
And then the vibrations start from within you, and you can’t think about the pain anymore. The robot rubs your clit in tight circles, the rough texture at the tips only increasing your pleasure. You’re already right at the edge of another orgasm, and when the robot curls its fingers up against your g-spot, you’re gone, pussy clamping down as more liquid squirts out of you.
The robot removes its fingers from your pulsing pussy, and you begin to hope that maybe this is finally over. That is, until it presses a button on the front and you watch a compartment open. A massive cock emerges, with more of those ridges along its length. It’s so thick, thicker than anything you’ve ever taken before.
“That won’t fit inside of me, it won’t, please stop - “ You beg and plead, but you know your begging is fruitless when the robot repeats that same damnable phrase that has you internally screaming.
“I will provide you with more pleasure.”
It lines itself up with your pussy and begins to push inside. Your legs are trembling, sweat beading along your forehead as you try to close your legs, but the spreader bar prevents you from doing anything to keep the robot from going in deeper. You’re dripping from your previous orgasms, but the fit is still so tight as the unyielding metal forces the tight ring of muscles at your entrance to stretch.
“Fuck no, god fuck, stop, it hurts,” you whimper and plead, but the robot continues to slip inch by inch into you until finally it bottoms out. The robot ignores your begging, giving you only a second to adjust before it begins to thrust. The force of it has you being pushed back, only held in place by a firm grasp. Your breasts bounce with every movement, something that is apparently noticed as fingers come up to work your nipples into hardness. 
You already feel the waves of pleasure rising up, your pussy clamping down on the hard metal buried deep inside of you. The robot must sense it too, because suddenly you feel vibration shoot through the robot’s cock, pressing against that sensitive spot inside of you and wringing another orgasm from your tired body. 
“No, god, fuck I can’t cum again, please,” your begging falls on defective ears as the robot grips your hips with one hand and begins to pound into you as another finger comes to rest on your clit. Your vision blurs and turns black around the edges as you cum again, the pleasure borderline painful at this point. More liquid gushes out from your aching pussy and coats the ground beneath you. Even the robot’s metal frame is covered in your juices.
“No more pleasure, please stop!”
“I have not fulfilled my directive,” the robot repeats as all of the vibration increases at once. You scream through your orgasm, finally descending into complete darkness as you pass out. 
You don’t know how long you’re out, only that when your eyes flutter open, the nightmare still hasn’t ended. It’s still on top of you, thrusting away inside of your sore, aching pussy. You almost wonder how it still has the stamina before horror dawns on you. It’s a robot, and robots don’t need rest. 
But before you can panic over how long this might continue, you notice something different as your eyes are drawn to the side.
Your girlfriend Mei is sitting in a chair beside you, watching you get utterly ravaged by her baby. But instead of looking concerned or worried, she looks positively thrilled.
“Mei, please help me,” you whisper weakly, eyes shutting as you twitch through another orgasm. “I can’t make it stop.”
“Snooping through my workshop and touching my babies without me? How could you?” The redhead’s voice isn’t angry though, taking on the usual cheerful tone. “I can’t be mad though. I’ve never gotten to test it out like this!”
Test it out? Your brain is sluggish as you try to work through her meaning. “Test it? You have to help me - shit, nooo,” your voice takes on a panicked tone as your stomach tightens again, a sure sign of another impending orgasm.
“You’re going to help me first!” She giggles a bit as she stands up, pulling her pants and panties off as she tosses them to the side. “You take care of me, and I’ll help you out! How does that sound?” She straddles you, facing the robot as she lowers herself down, taking two fingers and spreading herself open as she rubs her pussy along your face. “You know what to do!”
You desperately want to refuse but you know how Mei can be when she’s testing her precious babies. Your best shot at ending this is to do as she says, so your tongue pokes out from your mouth as you lick along her slit. She sits further down, reaching behind her to grip your hair and force you harder against her pussy. You begin to lick and suck along her folds, brushing by her clit but not applying any pressure. 
You’re rewarded with a frustrated whine from Mei when you continue to not give her the stimulation you need, and despite the situation, you smile at how needy she is. You finally work her clit into your mouth as you gently suck on the swollen bead.
You let out a loud moan of both pain and pleasure against her heated skin as the robot thrusting inside of you pushes against your g-spot, sending waves of another orgasm through your body. Your vision blurs again, but you shake it off as you begin to devour Mei’s pussy like a starving woman.
You suck hard on her throbbing clit, and are rewarded with a loud moan as she begins to ride your face. “Yes, yes, yes, just like that,” she chants as she grinds down, cutting off some of your breathing. You feel her juices dripping down onto your face as she cums with one final suck of her clit.
She lifts herself up, allowing you to take deep gasping breaths of oxygen. “You did so well,” she says, voice slightly breathless as she comes down from her orgasm.
“Now please make it stop” you whisper weakly, body convulsing as you’re forced through yet another orgasm. You don’t even know how you’re still able to with your pussy so sore and your clit practically numb from the extreme vibrations still running through your body. 
“I don’t know, do you think you’ve learned your lesson yet?” Mei giggles a bit as your eyes widen in horror, head shaking side by side frantically until you’re forced to stop when dizziness overtakes you.
“I’ve learned my lesson, please! Please, oh god please make it stop,” you plead with her desperately, panting as your eyes roll back into your head as you squirm from yet another orgasm. “I’m sorry Mei, please!”
“Oh alright,” Mei lets out a soft huff of breath as she stands up. She reaches around to the back of the robot towards a button that you couldn’t have reached even if you wanted to. You breathe a sigh of relief at this nightmare finally being over which quickly turns to concern when you see how long Mei is taking.
“Actually, I just realized something,” she stops just inches away from what must be the off button and grins at you before pressing several other buttons. “I don’t think we should stop yet!”
You see another compartment open up right under the first one, and a cock the exact size of the one still pumping inside of you emerges. Your eyes widen in horror as you watch the second cock line up with your ass.
Mei giggles at your expression, clapping her hands together and practically bouncing in place. “After all, this is valuable testing of my precious baby’s new features!”
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Kinktober: @thewheezingwyvern​, @vixen-scribbles​, @katsukisprincess​, @hisoknen​, @trafalgar-temptress​, @leeswritingworld, @burnedbyshoto​, @bakugotrashpanda​, @dee-madwriter​, @kittycatkrissa​, @reinawritesbnha​, @yanderart​, @dabilove27​, @fae-father, @anxietyplusultra​, @flutterfalla​, @angmarwitch​, @nereida19​, @babayaga67​, @fromsunnywithlove​, @dabis-kitten​, @bakugos-cumsock​, @yumeneji​, @the-grimm-writer​, @iwaizumi-chan​, @slashersheart​, @bunnyywritings​, @bakarinnie​, @angie-1306​, @lalalemon101​​, @videogameboiwhowins​​, @f4nficbaby​​, @tenkoshimmy​, @baroque-baby​​, @bbyspiiice​​,  @thirstyforthem2dmen​​, @blissfulignorance2000​, @bluecookies02-main​, @lemonlordleah-shinzawa-kitten​
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