#Buried | 4000-Year-Old
xtruss · 1 year
Who Were The Tarim Basin Mummies? Even Scientists Were Surprised. The Enigmatic, Extremely Well-preserved Mummies Still Defy Explanation—and Draw Controversy.
— By Erin Blakemore | September 15, 2023
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Hundreds of bodies have been excavated from cemeteries like this one around the Tarim Basin in Xinjiang, a region of Western China. Known as the Tarim Basin mummies, these people lived some 4,000 years ago—and their ancient DNA has yielded surprising insights. Photograph By Wenying LI, XinJiang Institute of Cultural Relics And Archaeology
Though they died thousands of years ago, hundreds of bodies excavated in East Asia’s Tarim Basin look remarkably alive. They retain the hairstyles, clothing, and accoutrements of a long-past culture—one that once seemed to suggest they were migrant Indo-Europeans who settled in what is now China thousands of years ago.
But the mummies’ seemingly perfect state of preservation wasn’t their only surprise. When modern DNA research revealed the preserved bodies were people indigenous to the Tarim Basin—yet genetically distinct from other nearby populations—the Tarim Basin mummies became even more enigmatic. Today, researchers still ask questions about their cultural practices, their daily lives, and their role in the spread of modern humanity across the globe.
How Were The Tarim Basin Mummies Found?
Buried in a variety of cemeteries around the basin as long as 4,000 years ago, the naturally mummified corpses were first unearthed by European explorers in the early 20th century. Over time, more and more of the Tarim bodies were unearthed, along with their spectacular cultural relics. To date, hundreds have been found. The earliest of the mummies are about 2,100 years old, while more recent mummies have been dated to about 500 B.C.
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One of the most famous mummies found in the Tarim Basin is the Princess of Xiaohe, also known as the Beauty of Xiaohe. Named for the cemetery where her body was found, she is remarkably well-preserved even down to her eyelashes. Photograph By Wenying LI, XinJiang Institute of Cultural Relics And Archaeology
Who Really Were The Tarim Basin Mummies?
At first, the mummies’ Western-like attire and European-like appearance prompted hypotheses that they were the remains of an Indo-European group of migrant people with roots in Europe, perhaps related to Bronze-Age herders from Siberia or farmers in what is now Iran.
They had blond, brown, and red hair, large noses, and wore bright, sometimes elaborate clothing fashioned from wool, furs, or cowhide. Some wore pointed, witch-like hats and some of the clothing was made of felted or woven cloth, suggesting ties to Western European culture.
Still others wore plaid reminiscent of the Celts—perhaps most notably one of the mummies known as Chärchän Man, who stood over six feet tall, had red hair and a full beard, and was buried over a thousand years ago in a tartan skirt.
Another of the most famous of the bodies is that of the so-called “Princess” or “Beauty” of Xiaohe, a 3,800-year-old woman with light hair, high cheekbones, and long, still-preserved eyelashes who seems to be smiling in death. Though she wore a large felt hat and fine clothing and even jewelry in death, it is unclear what position she may have occupied in her society.
But the 2021 study of 13 of the mummies’ ancient DNA led to the current consensus that they belonged to an isolated group that lived throughout the now desert-like region during the Bronze Age, adopting their neighbors’ farming practices but remaining distinct in culture and genetics.
Scientists concluded that the mummies were descendants of Ancient North Eurasians, a relatively small group of ancient hunter-gatherers who migrated to Central Asia from West Asia and who have genetic links to modern Europeans and Native Americans.
How Were They Mummified?
These bodies were not mummified intentionally as part of any burial ritual. Rather, the dry, salty environment of the Tarim Basin—which contains the Taklimakan Desert, one of the world’s largest—allowed the bodies to decay slowly, and sometimes minimally. The extreme winter cold of the area is also thought to have helped along their preservation.
How Were They Buried?
Many bodies were interred in “boat-shaped wooden coffins covered with cattle hides and marked by timber poles or oars,” according to researchers. The discovery of the herb ephedra in the burial sites suggests it had either a medical or religious significance—but what that religion might have been, or why some burials involve concentric rings of wooden stakes, is still unclear.
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Mummified corpses were first unearthed in the Tarim Basin by European explorers in the early 20th century. Their Western-like appearance and clothing originally led researchers to believe these ancient people were migrants from Europe—but DNA later debunked that theory. Photograph By Wenying LI, XinJiang Institute of Cultural Relics And Archaeology
What Did They Eat?
Masks, twigs, possibly phallic objects, and animal bones found at the mummies’ cemeteries provide a tantalizing view of their daily lives and rituals. Though most questions about their culture remain unanswered, the burials did point to their diets and the fact that they were farmers. The mummies were interred with barley, millet, and wheat, even necklaces featuring the oldest cheese ever found. This indicates that they not only farmed, but raised ruminant animals.
What Were Their Daily Lives Like?
The Tarim Basin dwellers were genetically distinct. But their practices, from burial to cheesemaking, and their clothing, which reflects techniques and artistry practiced in far-off places at the time, seem to show they mixed with, and learned from, other cultures, adopting their practices over time and incorporating them into a distinct civilization.
Researchers now believe their daily lives involved everything from farming ruminant animals to metalworking and basketmaking—helped along by the fact that the now-desolate desert of the Tarim Basin region was once much greener and had abundant freshwater.
Researchers also believe that the Tarim Basin residents traded and interacted with other people in what would eventually become a critical corridor on the Silk Road, linking East and West in the arid desert.
But archaeologists still have much to learn about what daily life was like for these ancient humans, including who they traded with, what religious beliefs they adopted, and whether their society was socially stratified.
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Most of the bodies were found buried in boat-shaped coffins like this one, with the site typically marked by oars. This coffin is covered with a cattle hide, suggesting that the Tarim Basin people raised cattle and other ruminant animals. Photograph By Wenying LI, XinJiang Institute of Cultural Relics And Archaeology
Why Are The Tarim Basin Mummies Controversial?
The amazingly preserved mummies have long fascinated archaeologists. But the Tarim Basin mummies have also become political flashpoints. The Tarim Basin is located in the modern-day Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, land claimed by China’s Uyghur minority. Uyghur nationalists claim the mummies are their forbears, but the Chinese government refutes this and has been reluctant to allow scientists to study the mummies or look at their ancient DNA.
In 2011, China withdrew a group of the mummies from a traveling exhibition, claiming they were too fragile to transport. Some research about the mummies’ DNA has been criticized as downplaying the region’s distinctness in support of China’s attempts to assimilate Uyghur people. Just as more remains to be learned about the enigmatic mummies, their future as political and national symbols remains disputed too.
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damnfandomproblems · 3 months
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Fandom Problem #5123:
Me after finishing a webnovel by a Chinese-American author: "I love this! Has the author written anything else?" *checks her page* "A short story! Must read this... Huh, this is weird. American white supremacists take their relatives' bodies, bury them in the middle of China and claim Chinese people were originally white? What was the author smoking?"
Author's note at the end: "I wrote this story because I believe this is the truth about the Tarim mummies."
Me, wondering what sort of craziness I've stumbled on: "Hang on, I'll google the Tarim mummies... Wait. The oldest mummies are 4000 years old? And this author believes they're a modern fraud?"
For pretty obvious reasons, I'm not a huge fan of that author's webnovel anymore.
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asteroidtroglodyte · 1 year
Hey, Young’uns
Will you do me a favor?
I want you to imagine Humans.
I want you to imagine the descendants of people living today. I want you to imagine that there are still Humans in 3000 years. No, 4000 years! Maybe they look different! Evolution, you know.
But: not an apocalypse.
I don’t want any wasteland. None of that. Shoo!
Maybe there was one? At one point? Sort of? It didn’t actually kill everyone, is the thing. Folks live in caves. Folks live on mountaintops. Folks live on boats. Folks eat all kinds of different things. Folks are crafty.
Folks survive.
And Mama, Big Mama Nature? She’s relentless.
And so the world didn’t quite End.
Can you see them? Try to imagine. The Humans.
Maybe they tell stories about us, but probably not. Maybe our relics haunt their world… but probably not. 4000 years is a long time.
Plenty of time for Fungus to learn to eat Plastic.
Plenty of time for topsoil to replenish.
Plenty of time for those ugly cities to get buried under nice forests. Time enough, even, for those forests to be Old-Growth.
I just…
I want you to imagine them happy.
So much Doomscrolling, these days. It’s not good for ya! Just because a story is grim don’t make it True! Grit and Cynicism do not have a monopoly on Truth!
Imagine happy people
4000 years from now
I don’t need to hear about them (although I’ll happily listen if you want to share, that’s fine). This is an exercise. For you.
It’s already real hard out there.
It’s ok to be a bit soft in a daydream
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ancestorsalive · 2 months
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‘The ‘King of Stonehenge' - the grave of the Amesbury Archer is one of the most important discoveries in Europe. Found near Stonehenge, the burial is over 4000 years old. It is one of the earliest bell beaker graves in Britain.
The archer was 35–45 years old when he died and placed in a wooden chamber beneath a low mound.
His left kneecap was missing which would have caused him to have a bad limp. As a result, he had a straight left leg that swung out to the side while walking, and he likely experienced constant pain from a bone infection.
Tests on the enamel of his teeth indicate that he grew up in central Europe, but it is unclear how long he lived in Britain. He likely spent his childhood in the Alps region, specifically in Switzerland, Austria, or Germany.
The discovery of the Amesbury Archer is significant because he is the first example of a powerful elite. His grave contained an unusually large number and variety of objects.
They include five beaker pots, 18 arrowheads, two bracers (archer’s wristguards), four boars’ tusks, 122 flint tools, three copper knives, a pair of gold hair ornaments, and a cushion stone.
The gold and copper metal objects are currently the oldest found in Britain. Many of the other finds have strong continental links. Although he was buried with archery equipment the presence of the cushion stone suggests he was a metalworker.
Metalworking was a new skill and he may have brought this technique with him to Britain. This knowledge could have made him a powerful man explaining his wealthy burial.
In continental Europe metalworkers’ burials were often very elaborate.
You can see this amazing chap in Salisbury Museum, Wiltshire, England.
- Source: Rural Historia
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1hoverman0k · 1 year
(discovering designs for a wrench buried underground in 4000 year old ruins) the implications are fastening
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zerogate · 2 years
The role and use of cannabis in human culture is hard to underestimate, its use probably going back 10,000 years or more. We know for certain that it was grown in China and used in textiles since around 4000 BCE; inscriptions from the Zhou Dynasty (700–500 BCE) show that its effects as an inebriant plant were well known from that age onward, to culminate in a very explicit reference to its sacred powers.
In the Zhouli, a collection of ritual lyrics from the third century BCE, we find mention of fields of sacred hemp. Multiple sources suggest its effects and properties were well known. In addition, “the use of Cannabis as a hallucinogenic drug by necromancers or magicians is especially notable. It should be pointed out that in ancient China, as in most early cultures, medicine has its origin in magic. Medicine men were practicing magicians.” It was used to “communicate with spirits and lightens one’s body.”
In Taoist sources of the fifth century CE, we find mention of its use, mixed with ginseng, by necromancers to gain the power to foresee and make predictions about the future. Interestingly, a distinction is made between the medical properties of the nonpoisonous parts of the plant, used for prescriptions, and the ones containing the active principles, employed for magical activities:
Worthy of note is the work of the famous physician T’ao Hung-ching, of the 5th century A.D. In his Ming-i pieh-lu, he noted the difference between the nonpoisonous seeds [ma-tze] and the poisonous fruits [ma-fên]. Of the latter he said, ‘Ma-fên is not much used in prescriptions [now-a-days]. Necromancers use it in combination with ginseng to set forward time in order to reveal future events.
A later work, the Chêng-lei pên-ts’ao by T’ang Shêng-wei of the tenth century, contains a detailed description of the effects of the ma-fên. Even in this case, we find an appreciation of its medical properties paired by seemingly supernatural qualities:
Ma-fên has a spicy taste; it is toxic; it is used for wase diseases and injuries; it clears blood and cools temperature; it relieves fluxes; it undoes rheumatism; it discharges pus. If taken in excess it produces hallucinations and a staggering gait. If taken over a long term, it causes one to communicate with spirits and lightens one’s body.
Archeologists made a singular discovery inside the so-called Yanghai Tombs, in the northwestern Chinese region of Xinjiang: a small lidless basket was found placed near the remains of a forty-year-old Caucasoid male, together with his horse-riding equipment, bow, arrows, and musical instruments. A detailed study determined that the basket contains cannabis leaves, fruits, and shoots dating from 2,500 years ago. The funerary objects buried alongside the individual led scholars to identify him as a shaman:
The funereal objects in his tomb were richer than those in the others, which demonstrates his special status. Together with the musical instrument and the Cannabis, which are unique among the Yanghai Tombs, the shamanistic status of the deceased becomes all the more apparent. Due to its apparently prolonged use as a pestle, the inner surface of the wooden bowl containing Cannabis had become smooth, and one side became perforated. The Cannabis was presumably pulverized with a mortar before being consumed for psychoactive purposes. Thus, we assume that the deceased was more concerned with the intoxicant and/or medicinal value of the Cannabis remains…. The deceased, presumably a shaman, may have been mainly concerned with the ritual of communication between the human and the spirit world. The gift of Cannabis may have been to enable him to continue his profession in the afterlife.
The intoxicating qualities of hemp resin are mentioned in the Zend Avesta (around 600 BCE), while its use as inebriating incense is attested among the Assyrians since the ninth century BCE, enabling us to map an area stretching from the Middle East to eastern Asia where the drug was known and used for medical and ritual purposes.
In India, as already mentioned, its association with religion has been attested to for some time. In the Atharva Veda (between 1200 and 1000 BCE), it is mentioned as one of the five holiest sacred plants, addressed by the worshippers with special prayers: “The five kingdoms of plants, having Soma as their chief, we address; the darbha, hemp, barley, saha—let them free us from distress.”
It is especially relevant to mention the presence of cannabis in The Garland of Jewels of Yoga, attributed to Nagarjuna. This tantric text comments upon the effects of using cannabis as an effective way to confuse one’s enemies, making them believe they are the prey of evil spirits.
-- The Oxford Handbook of Global Drug History
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painwillpass · 1 year
the best feeling in the world is using your inhaler and immediately coughing up the 4000 year old malevolent and wicked spirit that was buried deep within your chest cavity
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head-post · 3 months
US state governors call on Biden and Trump to tackle migration crisis
Texas Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick harshly criticised President Joe Biden in an interview with Newsmax on Tuesday, linking a recent violent crime committed by illegal immigrants to the administration’s immigration policies and calling on Trump to directly confront Biden during the upcoming presidential debate.
On Prime News, Patrick spoke about the recent horrific crime in Texas that victimised a 12-year-old girl, Jocelyn. He said:
She was just a 12-year-old cellist out on the street. They asked her for directions, and they allegedly then took her. We have them on camera, took her to a bridge. They tied her hands behind her back. They tied up her ankles. They stripped her… Raped her. And then they strangled her… And then they dumped her in the river like she was just some rag doll.
Patrick stressed the brutality of the crime and its connection to border security. He noted:
If I’m the president, I just bring it down to Thursday night. Because on Thursday… she will be buried on the night of the debate. And I would look to the current president in the eye and say, we’ve had a girl raped in New York. We’ve had a mother of five killed in Maryland, and we’ve had a 12-year-old beautiful little girl tortured to death at the hands of people who are only in this country because of you.
He criticised the current administration’s actions on border security, sharply contrasting them with the policies of former President Donald Trump. Patrick stated:
People of America need to know the horror of the animals that are crossing the border. If 10 million get in 15 million at one percent, that’s 100 to 150,000 vicious criminals that are in this country attacking women and children, raping them, and killing them. And that needs to be front and center. It’s all on Joe Biden.
Patrick also continued:
Does the left have no heart? Does President Biden have no heart? Do they have no shame? Are they so cowered by the leftists and George Soros that they just allow this chaos to continue and see people die and have no empathy, sympathy, or concern for the parents or for this little girl? It makes me sick.
He also addressed liberal media stories about immigrant crime rates, excusing these people by claiming they commit crimes with less frequency than Americans. Patrick said:
Whenever they say that, it really infuriates me, he said. And, you know, one of the biggest judases on the planet is Michael Steele, the former chair of the RNC, who literally said on MSNBC this week, well, that was just speaking of Jocelyn. That was just one out of 11 million, just one. How about if that one is your daughter, your granddaughter, or your friend’s daughter, just one?
Discussing the situation in Texas, Patrick emphasised the effectiveness of action at the state level:
We had 3 to 4000 people a day crossing illegally because of Biden’s policies… In December, we went in there with our barbed wire… National Guard troops… state police, and now it’s less than ten people a day.
Patrick concluded by underlining the need for stronger action on the part of the federal government:
President Trump in his last term… finally… had that border secure. We did not have criminals with ankle bracelets raping little girls… So, the Trump administration knows how to fix the border. The Biden administration has blood on its hands. I’d take it to Biden Thursday night, and I would shame him.
Read more HERE
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Ancient Civilizations - The Silurian Hypothesis
It's called the Silurian Hypothesis. Basically, it states that human beings might not be the first intelligent life forms to have evolved on this planet and that if there really were precursors some 100 million years ago, virtually all signs of them would have been lost by now. It might seem obvious that we'd see the signs of such a civilization — after all, there were dinosaurs 100 million years ago, and we know that because we've found their fossils. But they were around for more than 150 million years. That's important because it's not just about how old the ruins of this hypothetical civilization would be, nor how widespread it was. It's also about how long it was around. Humanity has spread across the globe in a remarkably short amount of time — over the course of about 100,000 years. If another species did the same, then our chances of spotting it in the geological record would be a whole lot smaller. For decades the archaeological community labored under the theory that human civilization began after the last Ice Age. The theory conjectured that, prior to that time, humans were no more than primitive hunter-gatherers incapable of communal organization or sophisticated abilities, and it was only after the last glacial period—following the melting of the 10,000 foot thick ice sheets that covered much of the northern portion of the world’s continents—that our human ancestors began to develop agriculture and complex economic and social structures, sometime around 4000 B.C. Archaeologists therefore theorized that the first cities did not develop until about 3500 B.C. in Mesopotamia and Egypt. Contemporary discoveries have dramatically transformed those theories. Modern research has unearthed buried civilizations and discovered submerged cities one after another—archaeology and anthropology now reconstruct an unsuspected antiquity of man—fresh discoveries prove all history false and paint a canvas of stunningly mysterious dimensions. What if ancient civilizations existed. What would it mean? Let's discuss it.
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gaykarstaagforever · 1 year
We talk about the Ancient Egyptian religion like it was a monolith, but most of the renditions we have of it come from either royal or at least royal-adjacent sources. So of course it seems to center on very wealthy people being empowered by the Sun and the Nile to maintain universal order through seasonal rituals.
But what did the person making the sandals believe? Did the guy who worked at the brewery care about Horus and Maat and how bodies were oriented when they were buried? Like I assume the kid who fed the Apis Bull probably believed Ptah was real at least. But did they pray to him? Osiris and Isis were popular enough to be exported as pan-Greco-Roman cults, so we can assume they at least were popular with soldiers and other mobile upper class people.
But did the lady minding the vegetable stand know anything about the soul's harrowing journey with the Sun along the nightly realm-hours of the Subterranean Nile? Was this stuff part of the basic, predynastic folk religion that became this massive 4000-year-old mass cultural thing they dutifully kept going against all the odds? Or was this just ancient priestly turbo-nerd stuff?
Because if you were a laborer working on the Luxor Temple in the hot Egyptian sun 14 hours a day, I have to guess you might have a very different perspective on whether that blinding white bastard in the sky is a noble king who loves you as his child.
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jaipurtaxitour · 2 years
7 Famous Offbeat Rajasthan Experiences
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7 Famous Offbeat Rajasthan Experiences
Few people are familiar with Rajasthan's many features, including its vibrant desert resort, Kathputlis, and palaces. Yes, we are in Rajasthan looking for unusual attractions and experiences. Try to look beyond the imposing palaces and ancient forts the next time you visit any of Rajasthan's magnificent cities to uncover the hidden stories of the villages and towns in the most unique way.
The villages of Rajasthan are home to hundreds of years of fascinating traditions, many of which will be lost with the older generation.
The harshest part of Rajasthan's summers, which last from April to June, see daytime highs of 48 C. If you are planning a summer trip to Rajasthan, consider visiting Mount Abu, Kumbhalgarh, or Ranakpur. The weather is pleasant, and the scenery is breathtaking. In other cities, the weather is ideal for wandering outside in the early mornings and late evenings, but otherwise, it is best to stay indoors.
Here is a few amazing Tourist of Rajasthan:
1. Rural Udaipur · 2. Ride on Marwari horses · 3. Hot Air Balloon Jaipur · 4. Ghost Hunting 5. Mandawa · 6. Kumbhalgarh Fort · 7. Camping in the Golden Desert
Suggested Tour: Jaipur Mandawa Tour, Delhi Jaipur Pushkar Mandawa Tour, Rajasthan Tour Package,
Here are a few incredible Rajasthan experiences:
Rural Udaipur
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If the old city of Udaipur, with its open drains and swarms of "hello madam" touts, is a turn-off for you, retreat to Mountain Ridge Homestay, nestled on a wooded hill away from town. Also see: Best Places to Visit in Udaipur
Piers and his team have lovingly and tastefully built this as your gateway to rural Udaipur, with its stunning mountain views and quaint tribal villages.
Ride on Marwari horses
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Pure-bred Marwari horses arrived in Rajasthan with the Persians, and their numbers are dwindling as quickly as the state's royals' wealth. Landowners continue to raise these horses in small villages throughout the Pali district, and they are proud to be great riders.
Horse races are no longer held in these parts, but visitors are welcome for a rural ride. I'd never ridden before (except as a child in a tourist trap), but I had to wear my leg and headgear for a few minutes crash course, holding my reins and almost trotting like a pro!
Take a hot air balloon Ride. In Jaipur
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The best way to explore the beauty of Rajasthan's desert cities and rustic old towns is to ride in a hot air balloon. Imagine gliding effortlessly across the Pink City and admiring aerial views of Jaipur's grand Amber Fort.
These excursions last about an hour and will provide you with the most exciting experience! This is the best time to get into adventure mode and fly 4000 feet in the air to treat your eyes like royalty! Pushkar hot air balloon rides are also not to be missed. Suggested Tour: Jaipur Sightseeing Tour
Also Read: Best 8 Offbeat Places to Visit in Jaipur 
Ghost Hunting
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The mysteries of spirits and ghosts! Rajasthan is rife with unsolved mysteries and intriguing stories. Much is buried within the ancient Havelis and palaces of Jodhpur, Jaisalmer, Jaipur, and other cities. The old walls and high ceilings are etched with terrifying tales from a bygone era.
Stories from Kuldhara's old ruins, Brijraj Bhavan, Jagatpura, and Bhangarh are among those that are both terrifying and incredible (in their own way). What follows are some colourful tales that people still believe.
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Mandawa, a small but beautiful town in Rajasthan's Shekhawati region, is located in the region's center. Mandawa appears as a mirage in the deserts. Mandawa is well-known and admired throughout the country for its magnificent vintage forts and havelis. It provides the tourist with an insight into past cultural and social practices.
Mandawa is now referred to as an Open-Air Art Gallery’ because of these paintings. You can also enjoy camel riding in Rajasthan which is one of the most exciting things to do.
Recommended Services: Jaipur Taxi Services
  Kumbhalgarh Fort
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The Mewar region's highest, nearly invincible, and most formidable fort is only about 50 kilometres from Narlai. Rana Kumbha built Kumbhalgarh in the 15th century, and it is Maharana Pratap's birthplace. This magnificent fort attests to the Rajputs' valour and how even the mightiest Mughals were unable to take it on their own!
The 13 Aravalli Mountain peaks guard the fort of Kumbhalgarh. There are 360 temples within the fort's walls. Kumbhalgarh Fort is 700 years old but still in good condition, making it one of Rajasthan's hidden gems.
  Golden Desert Camping
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If gazing at the stars and the endless sky is your favourite pastime, imagine doing so while lying on your back in desert silence. Jaisalmer, Rajasthan's Golden City, is well-known for providing such life-changing experiences. A number of tour operators in the city are organising camping in the middle of the desert, as well as bonfires and cultural activities.
You should go on camel rides and watch the sunset. It simply appears magical and sumptuous. Camping in the sand dunes is the best thing about Rajasthan, especially when they are Sam Sand Dunes, and it is perhaps the most unique way to experience the beauty of this region.
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Reader X Male Ghost
Next: Here. Word Count: 4000 Explicit: Yes. Warnings: Noncon, nonconsensual voyeurism, spying, marathon sex, loss of consciousness, somnophilia.
You lived in a pretty old house. It was one of those heritage houses. Honestly, you were shocked you were able to get it at all. But, thankfully, your parents had decent sway with the people who were selling this place and now, you had it all to yourself.
It wasn’t without its caveats, but it had character. It was incredibly charming. And not to mention how close everything was to your house. The grocery store and all your necessary amenities were just a brisk walk away and your neighbourhood was absolutely gorgeous. And the everyday bustle made you feel like you actually lived in a community.
And it certainly made you feel a lot less alone in your old house.
But what you didn’t realize was that you weren’t alone.
Years before you set foot in this place, Thomas lived with his wife. It wasn’t a happy marriage, no, and there was a lot to be desired of his life when he was alive. And even though he and his wife never really loved each other, they were comfortable. It was a good life, all things considered. He trusted her.
At least, that was before she murdered him in his sleep and buried him under the basement.
And for all those years, Thomas haunted the house. He was tethered to it, strong feelings of resentment, betrayal, and repression keeping him here. His life was unfulfilled and there was no way he could move on. There was so much anger about the things she’d denied him of. The things he missed out on after wasting so much of his time with a woman who never loved him.
He’d spent a decent amount of time alone in the house as a spirit, never seen by anyone, never known. The only human company he’d known was when the police came to investigate his death and found nothing. And his wife? His betrayer? Never found guilty.
It made him upset. It made him angry.
It made him incredibly lonely. Longing for someone to love him genuinely. He didn’t care who.
He knew that the house was being sold. Realtors had been scouring the property so they could pawn it off and Thomas was fully prepared to haunt anyone out of his home. His only place of familiarity and comfort. How dare anyone set foot in it?
But then…he saw you. At first, he was tempted to frighten you away like he planned. But then you settled in. Instead of haunting you, he fell in love with you. He watched you go about your day, unencumbered by the thought that anyone was watching you. He took note of all the things you did when you thought you were alone. The truest picture of who you were. All your little tics, habits, and quirks. Your interests. The ways you did everyday tasks.
He held onto every single detail. And every piece of you fit together into the most gorgeous mosaic he had ever seen. He had never felt anything like this before. Not even for his ex-wife.
But he felt it for you.
And you were here. Living in his house. That had to count for something.
He had to have you. He had to know you intimately. He had been stirring ever since you stepped in and now, he couldn’t ignore it. He needed you to know him. To see him. To feel him.
All of him.
So, he waited. He waited for the perfect moment to make himself known to you. To really indulge in you and lay claim to you. He couldn’t do it during the day, so he waited. And watched. He watched you go about your daily routine. Oh, how he loved to just watch you exist. As a living and breathing person. There was something truly special about watching someone be alive as someone who was not.
There was something different to it as a voyeur from the other side.
Then, nightfall came. Thomas watched you undress and walk into the shower. You had spent all day working in the backyard, really preparing your garden and putting it together. You were tired and dirty. You were going to be in there for a while.
So, effortlessly, the ghost stepped into the shower with you, facing your backside. His eyes traveled over your skin. Your soft, supple, living flesh. Your exposed neck. Your lovely bottom.
Thomas had never felt lust of this magnitude before. Of course, he’d had sex with his wife. Not often, but he did. But never before had he felt this driven. All he wanted to do was grab onto your hips and bury himself in you, suck marks all over your skin and leave bite marks behind, kiss your flesh everywhere he could, bury his tongue in your hole and lavish the gifts you were given by your creator.
But he couldn’t do that. This wasn’t the right moment. But still, he couldn’t help but indulge himself. His hands touched your skin and he reveled in the way you shivered at his touch. The warm shower helped keep you unaware to his touches. But, you started to moan softly.
And Thomas was having a hard time maintaining control of himself.
Encouraged by you, he rested his head on your shoulder, snaking his arms around to gently run his hands over your chest. Oh, how he loved the way you keened at his touch. The way you reached to touch yourself to relieve yourself of the arousal he was getting out of you.
He couldn’t wait to touch you there, too.
Thomas ground himself against your back while you worked yourself. And while he wanted to just close his eyes and enjoy this feeling, he looked down to see you touching yourself. And oh, he was thankful he did. Even with the shower drenching your smooth and warm body with water, he could see how slick you’d gotten yourself. He could feel how into this you were getting.
He held you. Held you and touched you and caressed you while you got yourself off, your sounds echoing around the shower walls. Thomas couldn’t help but gently kiss at your neck while you touched yourself. He was getting close to climaxing all over your backside, but he had to hold back. He couldn’t make himself known to you.
At least, not yet. He wasn’t quite sure what he was waiting for, but he knew this wasn’t the right moment.
But he wanted you to cum. He wanted to watch you cum. Feel you cum while his chest was pressed against your back like a tender lover.
Soon enough, you climaxed, shuddering against the ghost you were unaware of as you had endured more pleasure than you’d felt in a while. You weren’t even sure what brought these feelings up all of a sudden. All you knew was that there was a coolness that fell over your skin that awoke a strange heat in you. A heat you needed to take care of.
And take care of it you did. Your hands were coated in your fluids.
Sighing, you washed your hands and rinsed off the areas you typically forgot about and stepped out of the shower, turning off the water and staggering as you stepped over the tub onto the towel on the tile beneath your feet. It felt good…taking care of yourself like that. Most of the time whenever you masturbated, it was just because you were bored or just needed to blow off steam. Your climaxes never felt that intense.
You must’ve felt particularly neglected.
Stepping out and facing yourself in the mirror, you took a good look at yourself. You had draped your towel over your shoulders like a blanket and your skin was smooth and soft. Looking into mirrors was something you didn’t really think much about except when you got out of the shower. There was something about the glow and the freshness you felt after that made you feel more inclined to preen. To be a little bit vain when it came to looking at yourself.
You liked looking at yourself after coming out of the shower. There was something…natural about it.
And Thomas liked looking at you, too. The subtle smile on your face as you admired yourself. He glanced over at your backside where his ectoplasmic residue was rinsed off when he came against your back. He couldn’t help himself after all. But then, standing behind you, he just took in your beauty. Your curves, muscles, markings, body hair, all of it. All of your imperfections and parts of you that made you you.
That made you alive.
And the way you looked at yourself…what he would give for you to look at him that way.
Yes…this was his moment. He could feel it in his heart. Or, at least he would if he still had one, but the feeling was there. This was it.
Phasing through the wall behind him, Thomas disappeared. You were none the wiser that he was ever there with you in the shower. You didn’t even know he existed.
That was, until he sprung from the mirror and grabbed your face, pulling you forward over the counter with him. Before you could even understand what was happening, his mouth was hungrily devouring yours and his tongue was plunged down your throat. You were caught so far off-guard that you didn’t even think to try and push back or stifle the sounds you were making, of which there were many. You weren’t even sure you could. Your eyes were wide open, but you couldn’t see anything. Something invisible was kissing you and kissing you hard. Like its life depended on stealing your breath away.
All the while, Thomas was absolutely relishing the feeling of kissing you. His tongue was tracing along and memorizing every corner and part of your mouth. He hadn’t kissed anyone in so so so long and your lips and tongue felt so soft. He was being pretty sloppy, ectoplasmic saliva dribbling down both of your chins as his tongue ravaged yours.
He held your face tightly as he kissed you like you were the last person he would ever get to kiss. He was pretty sure he was going to cum twice just from the way your tongue was curling around his. The way you were sucking on his tongue. The way your moans felt in his mouth and how warm you were and how your breath felt against his lips.
You felt even better than he imagined. And he couldn’t wait to feel you in every way possible. He’d been neglected for years, even in life. But not this time. This time, he was going to indulge in everything he was ever denied. And he was going to draw out so much pleasure from you to repay you for being the first person he allowed into his home since his death.
Pulling away from you with the most painful level of self-control, he relished in the bewildered and blissful look on your face, the trail of saliva connecting your mouths together. Swiping his thumb along your lip, he slipped back into the mirror
You had no clue what happened. One moment, you were just looking at yourself in the mirror. The next, you were making out with some invisible entity. You couldn’t keep your eyes open for long, helpless to whatever had decided to play with you for the evening, and you got lost in the sudden torrent of completely unadulterated and unfettered lust that you were thrust into.
But just before your assailant parted ways from you, you opened your eyes and caught the barest glimpse of a pale figure.
A man. A man who just faded back into the mirror.
Lurching forward after him, you were completely bent over, gasping for air and your mouth slick and tasting vaguely of linens.
Wiping your mouth, you didn’t notice the ghostly figure rise up from the floor, staring at your backside intently. He knew exactly where his sights were set. He wasn’t going to be satisfied until he sheathed himself in you. And there was only one way to do that.
He needed to get you prepped.
While you were recovering from that, suddenly you felt a pair of cold hands grip at your waist and a cool tongue plunge into your hole. Thumbs spread you apart and you whipped around, trying to free yourself before realizing that resistance was completely futile. Your ghostly pervert was lapping at your entrance with the same vigour he kissed you with and you were completely helpless to his assault.
And even more embarrassingly, your sounds of unsolicited pleasure were unmuffled by his lips.
You couldn’t see him. You could only feel him, latched to your hole while you whipped around. But it was no use. You couldn’t shake off what you couldn’t physically touch. He could touch you all he wanted, but you were completely helpless to stop him.
So, you resigned yourself, leaning against the sink as he rammed his tongue into you, reaching deeply into you while more slick dribbled out of you, leaking down your thighs and onto the floor.
All the while, Thomas was having himself a feast of you. Your hole tasted even better than your lips and this was going to be even better because he was going to fill you with his cock in multiple ways. He was already imagining the ways he was going to fuck you against every surface imaginable. Was he overeager? Perhaps.
But after being neglected for so long, he hardly saw himself as one to blame.
He could listen to your noises forever. Listen to you sing for him. You had such a beautiful voice.
Like when he kissed you, he made a very sloppy mess of your very wet hole. A combination of your fluids and his ectoplasmic saliva made you so easy to slide into. His cock was straining once again. In truth, it never went down the first time he came against your backside. It stood at attention and was aching to feel you wrapped around him.
So, pulling away from you with a very wet pop, he rose to his feet, his hands still gripped onto your hips. And at this point, you finally got a good look at him.
He was classically handsome. He had a lithe and well-muscled and toned frame. He had an athlete’s body. His face was also surprisingly cute. He had a well sculpted face with soft features and his hair swooped in a very particular way. Had he not been dead and also currently making a mess of you with his mouth, you would be able to enjoy it properly.
But before you could think, the towel was suddenly pulled off you and you were left completely naked in the steaming bathroom air.
And oh, how Thomas adored this sight. His cock lined up with your wet and very slick entrance and you bent over in front of the mirror. He couldn’t wait to fuck you in front of it.
So, he didn’t. He sheathed himself immediately in you and relished the way your warmth enveloped and sucked in his cock. Letting out a husky and guttural moan, Thomas immediately set a frantic and desperate pace, clutching onto you like a dog in heat.
Meanwhile, you could barely even think straight. You just went about your day as usual. You never suspected that by the end of the night, you would get mercilessly railed by a horny pervert of a ghost. And yet, here you were. Staring at yourself in the mirror while you were taking it from behind. Thomas was wrapped around you while you were wrapped around his cock, the wet slapping noises loud for you to hear.
He was going at you hard and fast. You were sure you weren’t going to last very long with how prepped he had already gotten you.
His arms were clutching your chest, squeezing at it while he was pushing you over the counter in his haste. Both of your tongues were lolling out of your mouths, his cheek pressed against yours. He was smiling. He was enjoying this. He looked like a happy idiot.
And Thomas was certainly very happy. He hadn’t known pleasure like this in all his life. He could be angry at his ex-wife for depriving him of this, but he didn’t care. Right now, he was currently in the closest thing he could call Heaven. And it was you. Your warm, soft body shuddering and squeezing him. He was getting close already and he wanted you to cum with him. He wanted to feel your orgasm while he unloaded his ghostly seed all inside of you.
Pulling you from the countertop, he gripped your chin with his hand reaching up under your arm and his other hand went to touch you to bring you over the edge. He was gentle, but not slow. He wanted you to cum and he wanted you cum quick. Quick and hard and with him. While he had you upright, pressed flush against his chest, Thomas began pistoning into you harder, almost lifting you off the ground. You had to stand on your tiptoes just to remain stable while he fucked you.
The moment his hand began working you, all rational thought left your head. You had never felt pleasure this intense and despite how sloppy and desperate he was, he knew how to play you. He knew what felt good. And you knew your climax was going to approach soon. Very soon. You could feel yourself tightening, the heat in your abdomen growing and growing as Thomas fucked you and touched you, making you sensitive and hot.
Soon enough, the heat spilled over. White hot pleasure clouded your vision as you came hard, spasming as you twitched against his hand, Thomas gently working you while he pumped his cock in you. You could feel him pulsing and something cold was spilling and spurting inside of you. You could feel the coldness of his cum and the warmth of yours mixing together as it dribbled down your legs. All you could do was twitch while Thomas’s hand was being covered in your cum, your thighs being covered with his.
You were tired. You haven’t orgasmed that hard…ever, really.
But Thomas wasn’t done. No, he had years of pent-up sexual frustration and repression to make up for. One was not enough. He had all the power and he was going to use it to fulfill all his fantasies.
Round two began with him hoisting you up in the air, showing off your still filled hole to yourself in the mirror. You were hovering off the ground in his arms, the ghost floating with you. You were sitting in his lap, now, watching as his cum dripped out of you. Your hole was stretched around a translucent cock. It was a morbidly fascinating sight, if nothing else.
But just as quickly and rapidly as he began, he started to fuck you again in midair. You were completely helpless to him, your brain turning to mush as he used your body to satisfy his neglected sexual needs left over from his life alive.
Thomas was still hard after the first round. He had never known this sort of insatiable sexual appetite before, but he was so happy to share it with you. For you to be the recipient of his attention. He wanted to fill you over and over again. He wanted to feel you climax around him over and over again. He wanted to kiss you until your lips were sore and red. He wanted to fuck you until your hole was loose and overflowing with cum.
He wanted to fuck you until you couldn’t move or think anymore.
And over and over again, he fucked you. He fucked you from behind in his lap, facing the mirror and forcing you to watch yourself lose control on his cock, again. Watch him bury himself in you and watch his cum overflow out of you, your own mixing in and dribbling down and making a mess of the bathroom. You had never seen something so lewd.
That was until Thomas pulled out of you and you saw it all just flow out of you like a waterfall of lewdness.
And then, he had you again. He turned you around and had you facing him on his lap. Floating up, he pressed you against the wall and started to fuck you again. This time, claiming your mouth with the same fervour he did before. He was fucking you so hard and so fast that you didn’t even notice him moving up slightly with each thrust.
Until you were pressed against the ceiling and at that point, the ghost decided to use the wall as leverage to slam into you as hard and as fast as he could. You were so sensitive by this point that you came twice before Thomas unloaded himself in you again.
And the ghost practically grinned at you when he saw the way your combined slick dribbled down the wall of the bathroom.
By the time he whipped you around to face the mirror again, you were exhausted. Your body was nothing more than the ghost’s personal fucktoy as he had you dangling from midair, you hanging below while his hands on your hips kept you suspended while he piledrived you in midair. The way you were being flailed while he desperately plowed you had you seeing stars. You could see the look on your face while he was fucking you upside down and you almost felt ashamed.
Or you would, if you weren’t so tired.
You could swear he was getting more and more visible the more and more he fucked you. He didn’t seem to get tired of you, just enjoying having his dick buried in you over and over again. One climax in you wasn’t enough this round. He came in you again. And again. And again.
Eventually, he realized you were barely conscious and Thomas had to try his damnest to pull himself out of you. It was almost agonizing to have to separate himself from you, but this wouldn’t be fun if you weren’t conscious for it.
Besides, you needed to rest. You were alive, and he wasn’t. He didn’t have energy he was burning away. You did. Energy he was burning from you.
He wondered if you would wake up feeling sore.
But, perhaps Thomas could compromise.
Levitating you out of the bathroom after cleaning you up a little bit, the ghost set you down on your bed. Even though he pulled out of you before, he couldn’t handle staying away from you and sheathed his cock in your poor abused hole again. Pulling the sheets off, he gently tucked you into bed, holding you close as he stared at you.
Your blissful face was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. And he did that. He fucked you so silly you couldn’t even stay awake. This was his doing.
You finally knew him. Felt him. Saw him. That was all he wanted.
Except, as he lay there tucked into bed with you wrapped around his cock, he realized that he didn’t want just one night with you. He wanted everything with you. True, he didn’t have a life to live, anymore. But you did.
And he wanted to be there for the rest of yours. He wanted every night to be like this. Sharing these beautiful moments of pleasure and heat that were just between you two.
So, gently brushing a lock of hair out of your face, Thomas kissed you. And then kept kissing you.
And the ghost couldn’t help but hold onto you and continue kissing you and fucking you into the night.
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thesoftestcloud · 7 years
today i was watching time team and they dug up a broze age kist burial and the bones were a jumbled mess because Rats Had Been Living In The Skull and i thought that was neat. can’t wait to be a skeleton so i can have rats living in my skull
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cisthoughtcrime · 3 years
that ask going around about the Bible somehow "inventing" misogyny is driving me crazy, like does no one do their own research? ever? it's not that old!!
the earliest any credible scholar would date the composition of the old testament is to the 13th century BCE (maybe the 14th), towards the end of the Bronze Age and literal millennia after Mesopotamia and Egypt popped up.
Hammurabi lived in the 18th century BCE and his surviving laws codify female oppression in ways recognisable to a modern audience. Babylonian women even in the 19th century BCE were taught domestic skills instead of receiving the education of their male peers, were allocated domestic, reproductive, and/or sexual roles (aside from a few religious positions), excluded from politics, and routinely provably punished for disobeying male entitlement with physical violence.
By the time of the Qijia Culture in pre-dynastic China (23rd century BCE) a woman was buried alive along with the other grave good objects in a man's tomb.
despite Neithhotep holding some power as queen-consort (and possibly as pharaoh in her own right) in Egypt's First Dynasty (roughly 32nd-30th centuries BCE) and women having relatively more rights in some time periods of Egypt's long history, it was still definitively a patriarchal society in which women could not be state officials or administrators other than the exceptionally few women who became pharaohs over the course of more than 3000years of dynastic rule.
In ancient Mesopotamian Uruk society— 4000-3100 BCE! that's between 1,900 and 2,800 years before the earliest part of the Bible was written!— women are shown in art and the earliest snippets of written language in terms of their fertility service to men and excluded from even consideration in depiction of the worldly hierarchy (read "And They Said Let Us Make Gods in Our Image: Gendered Ideologies in Ancient Mesopotamia" by Pollock and Bernbeck for evidence from late Uruk)
I'm just giving passing examples, this isn't even 1% of the evidence for misogyny and ingrained patriarchy that predates the Bible!
so yes! the Bible codified sexism! duh! but invented it?? or even 'perfected' it?? do some fucking reading before talking out of your ass! if you’re a feminist, then the evidence is on your side! there’s no reason to say dumb shit!
like do you really think 2000 years into Bronze Age history when established civilisations were already as old as the Bible is now, someone woke up and thought 'hey what if women were inferior?' get your shit together! there's been a longer history of misogyny before the Bible than after simply by virtue of the fact that it isn't even that old in the scheme of things.
Misogyny isn't that young!!
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ltwilliammowett · 2 years
An archaeological study of skeletons from Greenwich pensioners and the conclusions about life at sea
In 1999-2001, an archaeological survey was carried out on the south-east corner of the Greenwich Royal Hospital Burial Ground. Greenwich pensioned Sailors and Marines were buried on this burial ground from 1749-1857. During this excavation 186 graves were uncovered, but only 107 of these were excavated, the others being reburied after a short survey.
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Burial ground
The excavated area once held 20,000 inhabitants who were buried there over the course of time. However, 4000 were demonstrably removed and due to construction work and the two world wars, especially the second, great damage was left behind. What is striking, however, is that the marines and normal sailors are buried in simple, rather superficial graves in a NE-SW direction and not in a W-E direction as is usual in the Christian context. Also, many graves were double-occupied, or some were buried together with their partner, which explains the 5 women.
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Double interment, skeletons 3211 and 3162
Officers were buried in a specially constructed mausoleum, the existence of which can only be proven by documents. No grave goods in the form of shoe buckles, buttons or even personal objects were found. It can therefore be assumed that they were all buried in simple shrouds.
The inhabitants
The skeletons revealed that they were mainly 105 adults and 2 sub adults. 5 skeletons were identified as definitely female and two as undefined because the skeletons were too damaged. Osteological examinations revealed an age range of 60-75, with the 71-75 group being the largest. The females were between 40-50 years old. Similarly, the average height of the men was 1.60-1.74m, with only a few being between 1.74-1.80m tall. The women were between 1.40-1.55m tall.
Compared to the other hospitals in Portsmouth, Haslar and Gosport where the injured and temporarily unfit Sailors and Marines were housed, the age range was as follows. The men there, and they were all men, were between 16-50 years old, with the majority being between 20 and 30 years old. There was no great difference in size to the pensioners in Greenwich. Therefore, it can be said that the Sailor and Marine standard height was between 1.60 and 1.75m.
The muster rolls of the ships showed that there were a variety of nationalities on board the ships, although the majority were British, Welsh, Scottish, Irish and Islanders. The remaining part consisted of continental Europeans, and there were Prussians, North Germans, Americans, Spaniards and even Frenchmen, but also Swiss and even Africans and Indians. Now, one might think that the residents of Greenwich Hospital would be exclusively British, Welsh, Irish, Scottish and Islanders, as it was a special honour to spend one's twilight years in this hospital. But the opposite was the case: as in the muster rolls, the residents were also of different origins and the examinations of the skeletons revealed three African men. So the selection was really based on performance and injuries and not on nationality.
Trauma - everyday injuries
Almost all of the skellets had serious injuries, but these had occurred a long time ago and could therefore be traced back to everyday life on board. Typical injuries in these cases were bone fractures, especially of the lower leg. But ribs and broken noses were also the most common. a few skeletons showed full-body fractures from a fall from a high height. On one ship, this was a typical injury from a fall from the rigging. Often these ended fatally for the person who fell, but also for one or the other who was standing on the deck at the same spot and was thus killed by the falling person. Few survived and often had permanent injuries that stayed with them for the rest of their lives.
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Poorly reduced but well healed nasal fracture
The fact that the legs were often broken was often due to the fact that the people slipped during a storm, fell badly and broke their legs in the process.  This also often led to broken ribs and noses. The latter were also caused by scuffles between the men themselves. Interestingly, hand and finger fractures were rare among the skeletons examined. Even though one might expect this to be the case when it came to handling in the rigging or guns. On the other hand, dislocations of the arms were found in many of the examined individuals, which can be attributed to the handling of sails. Joint diseases resulting from years of toil under the most difficult conditions, such as carrying heavy loads, repetitive jerky movements, could lead to these skeletal disorders, which usually occur in old age and are therefore not uncommon.
Trauma - Battle Injuries
In this case, the injuries are much more varied and leave the victims with permanent damage and limitations.
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Amputation ans secondary osteomyelitis of the right femur
Skull injuries, soft tissue injuries in the form of splinter or bullet wounds, but also dislocations of extremities or even the loss of those extremities were often encountered. Musket wounds could lead to fractures, but also to more unusual injuries such as those suffered by retiree and ex-Marine Thomas Chapman. He died at the age of 72 in 1851, having suffered a gunshot wound to the face that left his lower jaw barely functional and caused severe problems with eating and speaking.
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Below knee amputation of the right tibia and femur
Bone diseases
A very typical disease that many Sailors suffered from was osteoporosis and rheumatism. This was also clearly visible in these skeletons.
Infectious diseases
Tuberculosis and syphellis were the most common. The men could have contracted these diseases in the hospital, but it is most likely that they were contracted much earlier, as healing processes could be proven in various stages. Many also suffered from periostitis. Meningitis occurs after blunt injuries, bacterial infections or when osteomyelitis and bone inflammation spread to the periosteum. It severely restricts the mobility of the affected person and causes severe pain. Many also suffered from chronic sinusitis, an inflammation of the nasal sinuses, which was promoted by the constantly damp and windy weather. Since the men could not cure themselves properly and there were no antibiotics, this was a common illness, along with chronic bronchitis.
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Pott's disease (tuberculosis of the spine). Note the crush fractures and the collapse of the vertebrae
Deficiency symptoms
Even when scurvy was treated, many suffered from it and it showed clearly in their bone structures, but vitamin D deficiency in childhood also led to rickets and could also cause bone softening and deformation in adulthood, which was extremely difficult for the person affected.
Surgeons interventions
There were not many Naval Surgeons, there were only 15 in 1797 and more than half of them were on half pay ashore.  This, of course, led to a chronic lack of care on board the ships, which was often evident in the injuries and their healing processes. Even if there was a surgeon on board, this did not mean that the men were also well cared for, because many of the surgeons were poorly trained and had to learn their trade themselves. Many of the injuries were either badly splinted, which led to deformations in the bones, or even amputated. In this case, it only showed in the missing bones; the prostheses were not buried with them. Infectious diseases or chronic illnesses were only treated symtomatically, because either the knowledge or the means for treatment were lacking. Which is why the pensioners at Greenwich Hospital often had many illnesses and often suffered from them, but at least received some treatment. The men who were not admitted and no longer fit for service often died earlier and were very often under cared for.
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Skeleton 3119 with post-mortem craniotomy
Post-mortem autopsies were even performed on four skeletons, whether for teaching purposes or for corrective reasons such as an active tuberculosis outbreak in the hospital cannot be precisely determined.
The skeletons examined, even if they were pensioners, showed the typical illnesses and injuries that a sailor could suffer at sea. Of course, the selection was quite small, but it showed well that the men, with the care they received and despite their limitations, managed to live to a fairly advanced age in a time of conflict. The abundant dataset reflects well what can often only be read in the logbooks. The origins of the men, the harsh life, the diet on board and the effects this could have on people in old age. In order to be able to provide a more accurate picture, further and more faithful studies are still needed.
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therenlover · 3 years
Therenlover’s Official Fanfic Glossary!
Hey hey hey! This is the place where you can find all my up-to-date fanfics linked nicely, read about what projects I have upcoming, and learn what requests I’m taking at the moment! Cheers!
This post is massive so, for the sake of your dash, everything is under the cut
I will do my best to fulfill any requests I get while my ask box/requests are open! That being said, I cannot promise every request will get done, and that if they do, they’ll be done in a timely manner. I’m currently working on a long-form project that needs a lot of time and energy to come out consistently, so unless I’m doing a writing event most of my writing juice will be focused on that. That being said, if you want something ask! The worst I can possibly do is direct you towards someone else who might be able to write what you want if I cant.
If I choose not to do your request based on personal preference (it makes me uncomfy/I don’t write for the character at that time/I don’t feel I can write what you want/etc.) I will do my best to contact you and let you know! That being said, if you think your ask got buried/forgotten, feel free to message me again and let me know, but please tell me when you message me if I should be looking for a prior request.
Characters/Fandoms I will write for currently
 💙 = I’m Currently Super Inspired To Write For This Character
Bucky Barnes
Peter Maximoff 💙
Pietro Maximoff
Helmut Zemo 💙
Hank McCoy
Ralph Bohner 💙
American Horror Story
Tate Langdon
Kit Walker 💙
Kyle Spencer (Pre- and Post- Death)
Jimmy Darling 💙
James Patrick March 💙
Kai Anderson
Fallout 4
Nick Valentine
Star Wars
Poe Dameron
Armitage Hux 💙
Kylo Ren/Ben Solo
Han Solo
Diarmuid Ua Duibhne - FGO
Cu Chulainn/Cu Alter - FGO
Warren Lipka - American Animals 💙
Enjolras - Les Miserables
Grantaire - Les Miserables
Gabriel - Supernatural
Songs From Musicals Y/N Would Sing To The Evans
Characters: Tate Langdon, Kit Walker, Kyle Spencer, Jimmy Darling, James Patrick March, Kai Anderson, Peter Maximoff
Rating: T
How The Evans (+ Quicksilver) Would React To Yoplait’s New Gushers Yogurt
Characters: Tate Langdon, Kit Walker, Kyle Spencer, Jimmy Darling, James Patrick March, Rory Monahan, Kai Anderson, Peter Maximoff
Rating: T
Would The Danny Bunch Survive A Holiday With My Family?
Characters: Laszlo Kreizler, Alex Kerner, Niki Lauda, Andrea Marowski, Ernst Schmidt, Helmut Zemo
Rating: T
Modern! AU Armitage Hux Boyfriend Headcanons
Zemo With A Well Dress S/O Headcanons
Zemo Getting Jealous Headcanons
Helmut Zemo
One Last Night In Madripoor
Synopsis: Baron Helmut Zemo is a lonely, wanted man looking for some fun, you’re a piss-poor bounty hunter in search of a connection before leaving your life of crime behind, and fate has brought you together at a party the likes of which has never been seen before. You only have one night left in Madripoor, so why not take a chance?
Rating: 18+
Word Count: 4200~
Still Some Catching Up To Do
Synopsis: As a member of the criminal underworld, people walk out of your life all the time. Some are killed, others kill themselves, most get caught and only a couple get out of the life unscathed, disappearing into the world never to be seen again. Very few walk back in. So when your supposedly incarcerated ex-lover, the Winter Soldier, and the Falcon waltzed through your door and made you murder your boss, needless to say, you were surprised and more than a little bit pissed.
Rating: 16+
Word Count: 6800~
Nine Years Starved
Synopsis: It had been a little over nine years since Helmut Zemo lost his family, his country, and his sanity. Nine years since his last kiss. Nine years since he felt like a human man. Finally, he was ready to start over again, but first, he had to pay his penance back where it all began; Novi Grad. That’s when, by the grace of the fates, he met you.
Rating: G
Word Count: 7000~
Daddy Dearest
Synopsis: Not everyone gets lucky enough to go from being a broke college student in New York to being the sugar baby to literal royalty, but not everyone is you. Most people would be worried about messing things up or losing him to someone else, but you knew he would never find another baby just like you. Besides, you knew exactly what to do to keep him wrapped around your little finger. He may have been the daddy, but you pulled the reins.
Rating: 18+
Word Count: 8000~
In Fleeting Touches & Airy Sighs
Part One   Part Two   Part Three   Part Four
Synopsis: As a wanted man, Helmut Zemo spends most of his time jumping from place to place in the hopes of avoiding a trip back to prison. Unfortunately, that means he can’t always be home in your arms. When he is, though, in the rare moments of calm, you’re reminded of just how worth it it’s been to wait, even if that wait was only shortened by the arrival of your enemies.
Rating: 18+
Word Count: 35,700~
Two Bodies In The Rain
Synopsis: It was raining the day you finally had to admit your feelings to Helmut. You hated to tell him the way you did, under the grey skies as your blood pooled below you, but at least you knew, in the end, he had seen the real you, even just once. That was enough.
Rating: T
Word Count: 5600~
Synopsis: Living life on the lam with your escaped super-villain lover means things rarely slow down enough for a real rest. When the exhaustion starts to take its toll on you, though, he knows exactly what to do to ease the pain. He may not be a good man, but he’s a good husband when it counts.
Rating: T
Word Count: 3200~
American Horror Story
Jimmy Darling
Red Nights In Jupiter
Synopsis: At the end of another long day, you fall into bed with Jimmy Darling. The men you served throughout the day don’t matter then, nor do the coins in the mason jar by the door, or the women scheduled to attend Jimmy’s next Tupperware party. No, in that quiet darkness it’s just you and the man you love, bone-tired and happy to be home. Who could ask for more?
Rating: 16+
Word Count: 3000~
James Patrick March
Synopsis: When you fall ill, James is given a forceful awakening about how he’s been neglecting your needs and what he must do to prevent harm from befalling you again.
Rating: 16+
Word Count: 3700~
In Sickness And In Health
Synopsis: Normally people don’t have their wedding and funeral on the same day, but you and James don’t quite have a normal relationship, do you? Besides, you wouldn’t wanna go any other way.
Rating: 18+
Word Count: 5500~
Fallout 4
Currently Empty
Star Wars
Currently Empty
Currently Empty
Long Form Works/Series
Young Artist!Zemo AU
Chapter One: The Boy With The Easel
Synopsis: About a month into your first semester at Novi Grad’s top university, you finally meet the strange young man that you’ve taken to calling “easel boy” in the back of a bookshop. From a distance, he always seemed cold and aloof. As you get to know him, though, you realize things aren’t always what they seem.
Rating: T
Word Count: 7000~
Till Forever Falls Apart (A Peter Maximoff/Reader Series)
Chapter One: Welcome Home
Synopsis: As if getting thrown through the multiverse, trapped in an attic (albeit a cool one), mind-controlled to manipulate his grieving sister, and subsequently dragged out of Westview “for his own safety” by the FBI wasn’t enough, Peter Maximoff has now been shipped off to New York to live with a glorified baby sitter like some tragic orphan in a comic book until they find a way to get him back home. Things are not always as they seem, though, and this change might just be for the better.
Rating: T
Word Count: 2400~
Chapter Two: The Doctor Is In
Synopsis: Peter’s first few days in his new home are mostly uneventful, so he decides it’s the perfect time to dust off his running goggles and steal some shit. The building with the massive circular stained glass window seems like a great place to start! People with buildings that lavish are usually rich and weak, so what could possibly go wrong?
Rating: T
Word Count: 2800~
Chapter Three: It’s Always Been You
Synopsis: After a month of adapting to his new universe, Peter Maximoff can confidently say that he likes his new life more than his old one. Sure, he misses home sometimes, but he’s been far too busy flirting with his new roommate to spend time crying over the things he’s lost. Everything is smooth sailing until a strange journal in his roommate’s study leaves him with more questions than he knows what to do with. Now he’s on a mission to discover who he’s really living with before she has the chance to turn against him.
Rating: T
Word Count: 8600~
Chapter Four: Before You Go
Synopsis: Peter, after days of contemplation, has realized that part of him loves Y/N no matter what she is or what she’s been through. Unfortunately, he can’t find her anywhere. When she finally returns home with the intention of leaving again, Peter realizes it’s his last chance to tell her how he really feels. Will he succeed, or will he fail to be fast enough once again?
Rating: T
Word Count: 4000~
Chapter Four And A Half: Gimme Swayze
Synopsis: Now that the issue of Y/N leaving is out of the way, and Peter has finally kissed her, he falls into the motions of learning how to love someone for the first time. It’s easier than he thought it would be.
Rating: T
Word Count; 2600~
Cakes For The Evans: A Blogging And Baking Adventure!
Kai Anderson’s Disaster Cake
Hey you! If you’ve made it this far down the list, thanks for supporting me as an author! I’ll be linking my AO3 here. I post everything there shortly before I post it here, and there are some older fics there you might enjoy along the way! It’s also easier to drop comments over there and I keep them open for non-members, so give me a shout if you liked what I wrote!
I love you all, you make me so happy, and without you support I would never be motivated to write! Cheers!
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