#Bruce actually talking about his feelings in a healthy way??
me-the-bitch · 7 months
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Shut up and look at them
Batman & Robin #006 (2024)
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spacedace · 9 months
Fuck whatever DC is doing with the al Ghul's characterizations and story lines, I've decided that from now on the al Ghul's are gonna be DC's version of the Addams Family instead.
Now I don't mean just give the various al Ghul's the exact personalities of the various Addams and call it a day. That's boring, that erases all the interesting parts of the al Ghuls, that's just using "find & replace" and not actually adding anything. I mean give them the vibes of the Addams Family.
Keep the al Ghul's as the al Ghul's with all their scheming and machinations and world domination attempts but give them all the unhinged energy, the casually insane view of the world, the deranged levels of love and devotion for family. Make them that group where objectively they are batshit insane but also you cannot argue with the fact that they are indisputably the most stable and functional family in the entire universe.
They're creepy, they're kooky, they're mysterious and spooky. Ra's many opulent homes and impenetrable fortresses are a museum and the al Ghul's really are a screa-um whenever people come to see-um (or when they lay waste upon their enemies in a surprise attack that has been planned for months and is just the first domino in a series that will ultimately lead to achieving a far greater goal).
They all love each other and want each other to be happy, they express this primarily with stabbing and murder attempts (its fine, death is a thing that happens to other people).
And forget the League of Assassins being a cult. Just make the whole vast globe spanning organization a collection of cousins/aunts/uncles/dear old friends ect. No one (not even the al Ghuls, if they cared to keep track of such things) is sure who is actually related to them and who just got absorbed into the ever expanding family tree based on their vibes being right.
(Is Sensei Ra's father you ask? Well he's certainly someone's father - probably.
Anyway have you heard about Cousin Cheshire? Despicable poisoner of a young woman, capable of the most horrific things imaginable - yes she is the sweetest dear. Like I was saying though, she just had a baby!
Everyone in the family is just so excited to throw a baby shower to celebrate! Ubu has really gone all out with the spike traps, he does so love getting to welcome a new addition to the family.
Talia of course has cultivated a brand new strain of the most toxic plants imaginable to make a brand new kind of necrotizing poison. You know, as a nice little romantic gift for Cousin Cheshire and that young man of hers. It really is so important to make sure you take time for you and your partner to go on dates and have a few pitched battles to the death on dark rooftops in the pounding rain when you have children.
Now there is some to-do about it all of course, you know how family get together can be. Everyone is arguing over who should get to give little Lian her first weapon and what it should be. Nyssa is pushing for grenades but Ra's is insisting on a sword - he's traditional like that you know - but Dusan has the vote so far on throwing knives. You know the kind that have the little divots along the edges of the blades them to make it easier to get the poison you dip them in to stick.)
I'm just saying that the al Ghuls should be a delightful cross between the Bond Villains they were originally conceived as and the lovingly unhinged Addams Family. It just feels correct in my heart.
(Again keep the interesting aspects of the characters and the nuances of who each of them are like their drive to save the world through destroying humanity and their strong environmentalist leanings and their constantly playing 5D chess and everything, but like, take away the racism and the cartoonishly evil for no reason bullshit and give them some fun feral energy to go along with it).
#batman#ra's al ghul#al ghul family#talia al ghul#nyssa raatko#cheshire dc#sensei dc#no more racism and fucked up dark family dynamics#the al ghuls aggressively adore each other#violence and schemes is their love language#in the full au version of all of this i'd like to imagine how canon plot points change with the al ghuls having these vibes#Just imagine Damian still trying to kill Tim when he first ends up in Bruce's care#but instead of it being a ploy to get rid of a threat its because he's just so excited to meet one of his big brothers#and attempted murder is just how you tell someone in your family that you love them#Tim just SO CONFUSED because Damian is talking so animatedly about how happy he is to get to have some brotherly bonding with Tim#while ACTIVELY trying to run him through with a sword#idk how things change with Cass exactly but i feel like they would in this#like either David Cain isn't an absolute monster or the al ghuls catch wind of what he's doing & are like#This is NOT how al ghuls treat family! what is this shameful behavior! She can't even insult you while you fight!#fighting and violence is a perfectly healthy way to express your love but only if there's actually LOVE involved!#The Heretic & other Damian clones still get made but only because Talia just misses her son so much that she makes more of him#Nyssa has just been bopping around the world for a few centuries & pops up every now and then to have a death match with her baby sister#i just have a lot of strong feelings about the al ghuls deserving better and combined that with the vibes of my favorite unhinged family#Dick still hates Talia but Talia takes all his insults as her darling step son telling her how much he loves her#which only drives Dick even crazier#Tim rocks up to the League of Assassins during his whole trying to prove Bruce is alive thing already seen as an al ghul#Oh yeah that's Cousin Timothy he's one of Talia's kids - never met a truer al ghul in your life#You see how he blew up all those bases? Ra's cried he was so proud#Ra's spoils his grandkids absolutely rotten which is giving Bruce SO MANY gray hairs
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brucewaynehater101 · 21 days
Android Tim Drake AU:
Drake Industries announced they had successfully created realistic-looking androids that passed the Turing Test (and harder versions of it). They were planning to release commercial models to the public within twenty years.
To go a step farther, the Drakes wanted to ensure no one was skeptical of the androids' abilities to pass as human. Thus, Janet and Jack Drake had a healthy "human" baby by the name of Timothy Jackson Drake. The only individuals aware of this are Tim, Janet, Jack, and a small handful of engineers bound with a fuck ton of NDAs. They planned to tell the public when Tim was eighteen.
While Janet and Jack Drake are aware of Tim's ability to mimic emotions, they do not believe him to be capable of actually feeling them. This leads to Tim's childhood being lonely and neglectful. He is a robot.
At first, Tim is incapable of consuming human foods or using his touch sense. They fix his touch sense by the time he is four (and thus Dick is his first hug), and the food by the time he is six. He is constantly undergoing repairs to allow him to mimic the growth pattern of a child. It's when he is nine that he finally gets pain sensors to discourage and alert him to damage.
Tim is, for all intents and purposes, legally a human. When Janet dies and Jack gets into a coma, Tim stops receiving "growth spurts." He remains the same size even after Jack wakes up from his coma.
When Tim becomes Robin, he does not disclose his status with Bruce, Dick, or anyone else. Given that his parents treat him like an object, a machine, and incapable of feelings, Tim doesn't want to be subjected to that by his heroes either.
Instead, he gaslights the hell out of the Bats, villains, and other heroes whenever he gets hit.
["Tim! You got flung into a building. You are getting a medical exam."
Tim narrows his eyes as his eyebrows raise in surprise. "Bruce.... what are you talking about?"
"I saw you get thrown into a building. You're not getting out of this."
Tim glances to the side and then back to his mentor. He carefully places a hand on Bruce's shoulder. "B... Maybe we should have Alfred check you over."
Bruce blinks in shock as his brows furrow. "What?"
Tim purses his lips and shakes his head in pity. "It's okay, B. We'll figure it out. Whatever is going on, we'll fix it."
Bruce is so confused and concerned he doesn't ask Tim to get a medical check and agrees to be checked over instead.]
Tim becomes an expert at repairing himself because he can't explain to the engineers (most of who were let go after Janet died) how he got damaged. He spends a lot of nights alone in his room turning off his pain sensors (which isn't an automatic process and is difficult to reach)in order to fix the mangled hand, the gaping gash, the crooked foot, etc.
Kon, and conversely YJ, are the first to find out about his status (darn x-ray vision and super hearing). This encourages Tim to create artificial sounds within himself to fool Superman when they first meet. This also forces Tim to wear a long-sleeved uniform and a hood to hide from x-ray vision.
Tim finds comradery with Red Tornado.
When Jack wakes up from his coma, he originally treats Tim as he did before: an object. Dana, though, changes this. Jack can't explain why he treats his "son" that way and slowly morphs into becoming a good father.
It starts as only occurring when Dana is in the room and ends with a very bitter and antagonistic Jack when she leaves. He is initially disturbed by how much Tim is "faking" emotions, particularly because Tim learned to conceal his emotions from his parents as a coping mechanism (not that Jack knows this).
As they start spending more and more time together, Jack begins accepting the idea that Tim is capable of emotions. He starts caring and loving the kid as his own.
Because of this, Jack becomes fearful for Tim. When he learns that Tim is Robin, he is both jealous of Bruce's relationship with Tim and absolutely terrified for his son (what happens if people find out that Tim is an android? How would they treat him? Tim told Jack the Waynes don't know about his status. What if Tim gets injured too badly during a mission and they find out?)
This is why Jack initially forbids Tim from being Robin. There is way too much at stake for Tim if he continues (even though, theoretically, Tim can't die. Jack can keep saves of Tim and import him into a new body if necessary. They both don't want to do this, however, because Tim's body is his. It would feel weird and wrong to put him in another one).
While Tim is prohibited from being Robin, Jack bankrupts his company in the process of getting Tim rights. He bribes the hell out of judges, law makers, etc. to subtly put I'm rights for androids. He wants Tim to have full access to his inheritance, to freedom, and to everything humans can do. He doesn't want Tim to be without it.
Tim doesn't understand why Drake Industries is going under and is pissed at Jack for preventing him from being Robin. Robin is everything to Tim. It allows him to be treated as human. It connects him to so many people.
It's only afterwards, when Tim is finally allowed to be Robin again (and Jack has ensured he did everything he could for now for Tim's rights), that Tim fully understands how much Jack loves and cares for him.
Then Jack dies.
Tim is able to hide the fact that he's an android up until a Red Helmet asshole breaks into the Tower. While YJ whisk him away before the Bats can find out, Jason knows. Jason found out.
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aurumacadicus · 3 months
Listen, Steve is grateful he gets to work at a Stark-funded hospital. He is. Not only is the prestige of working there even for a year going to carry him through his entire career, but if he stays for five years, the Maria Stark Foundation will pay off all of his student loans. Their clientele are people typically in poverty and he loves that he can help the less fortunate. It's all he ever wanted to do after watching his single mother scrimp and save as a nurse just to make sure they had a roof over their heads. He would never do anything to jeopardize his position or the reputation of the hospital.
"That custodian is going to be the reason you're fired," Natasha declares, and both Clint and Bucky spin from their nursing charts just in time to watch Steve almost fall over as he attempts to get one more glimpse of Tony's ass as he pushes his cart, whistling, toward the elevator. "Is this your way of getting out of the gala? Getting shit-canned the day before?"
"Are you going to tattle on me to Dr. Potts?" Steve asks her bluntly.
Natasha says nothing for several minutes, mulling the idea over in her head. Finally, though, she mutters, "I guess you're better than Hammer. He actually put his hands on Tony."
Steve doesn't know how to respond, because he'd only gotten his position after Dr. Hammer had groped Tony one too many times (apparently Tony had never reported it? It had actually been one of the nurses) and got fired for it. Again, he's grateful for the position, but he knows other doctors would shank him for the opportunity. He's just looking, but maybe he shouldn't look? Tony isn't a piece of meat. He's a respected member of the hospital staff.
Tony stops and bends over to pick up a piece of garbage on the floor, and even Natasha whimpers as his pants lovingly cup each of his cheeks.
Luckily, they're saved by one of the PR interns coming out of a hospital room and chirping, "Are you going to the gala tomorrow, Mr. Tony?"
"Peter how many times do I have to tell you," Tony begins, sighing, then shakes his head. "Yes, my mother is finally forcing me to show up for the gala."
Steve does a minute fist pump, and Bucky immediately drags him into a noogie that makes him squawk about his hair in probably the most unattractive manner possible.
"Gala" is probably too fancy a term for it. Unlike the Foundation galas, where the Stark family squeezes donations from the other wealthy elite for all they muster, this is more of a get-together between other hospitals to compare notes. Women are in cocktail dresses and the men are a healthy mix of suits and slacks-and-polos. The only people really decked out in formal wear are those with the foundation.
Steve is trying to be very casual as he keeps an eye out for Tony. He hasn't seen him yet, but he's hoping to ask Tony for at least one dance. Dr. Potts had said Tony liked to dance when he'd been talking with her and Natasha at the start of the gala. (She'd made really deliberate eye contact with him when she'd said so, too, so Steve figures she at least approves of him??? Even if she also kind of scares him.)
"Oh my God," Bruce whispers, wine dripping down his chin. He's gone ashen.
Steve and Thor turn to see what he's looking at, and Steve immediately understands. He feels as if he's just been simultaneously punched in the gut and head.
Because Mrs. Stark has finally arrived at her gala, dressed to the nines and yet somehow making everyone feel at ease in their own clothes. She's being escorted by a handsome man in a tuxedo.
The man looks a lot like Tony from the custodial department. But Mrs. Stark keeps loudly and proudly announcing that he's her son.
"I'm so fired," Steve whispers, voice cracking, as Bucky finally steps up beside him and claps him on the shoulder.
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celaenaeiln · 1 year
Random question: what are your thoughts on Dick's and Wally's friendship?
They're one of the greatest friendships in DC and that's canon
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Flash Plus
Idk about you, but I believe that if you do annual roadtrips with your best friend just because you love spending time with them, then you can't possibly be closer than them.
Actually their friendship is so special that they have an entire comic just dedicated to the two of them being friends. That's how close they are - "Flash Plus".
Wally always covers for Dick
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Nightwing (1996) Issue #73
"Go over to best friend's apartment and pretend to hurl."
For sure they're childhood best friends. The ones that grow up together and probably took baths together but still sitting in a hot tub not even six feet apart because they're just that close.
What they call themselves:
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Nightwing (1996)
They tell each other everything going on in their lives.
They're so close that Dick actually snuck Wally into the Batcave
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The Flash (1987) Issue #210
And then Wally shit talks Batman just to make Dick feel better and gets caught
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"*growl* *growl* keep talking. I dare you. *GROWL*"
Because while Dick acts as the world's emotional support human being, Wally acts as Dick's personal one. He always watches out for his best friend's emotional wellbeing.
For example, when Dick didn't want to reform the Titans, Wally explains why he brought it up. And why he's insisting on it.
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"You need this."
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The Titans (1999) Issue #1
"My mission is to keep you from turning into your guardian. Batman may be a loner, but you need a family around you." "You'd really join another team just so I could have a social life?"
Wally's personal mission in life is making sure Dick is happy, safe, and healthy.
He tells Dick secrets he NEVER tells anyone else
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The Flash (1987) Issue #210
"I only told that story to one person. Dick Grayson...my best friend."
His greatest regret and sorrow is that he doesn't get to see Dick more often
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If Wally had his way, Dick would be living with him and Linda since the day they got married.
The only times they fight is when Dick is being too self-destructive and won't listen to reason so Wally ends up getting mad.
When Barbara can't get through to Dick, she sends her failsafe to pick him up and knock some sense into him
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Dick is literally depressed and wants to give up after he killed the Joker. He won't listen and so what does Barbara do?
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Nightwing (1996) Issue #63
And thank god it works. Even if Dick won't listen to anyone, he'll listen to Wally.
Wally loves Dick an extreme amount.
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"The Flash is disassembling an entire collapsed, burning building. He doesn't have super-strength. He's just working as fast as he can. He'll do whatever it takes to get to me."
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"He heals fast, but he's probably broken his fingers several times..."
And Dick loves Wally just as much.
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Nightwing (2016) Issue #90
"My best friend."
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navree · 4 months
still on this, THE THING IS the bones of this aren't even actually that bad.
bruce has done something horrendous, something objectively heinous, to his child, and to his child who has already suffered so egregiously in such a short lifespan (until they start letting dick grayson be a man in his thirties jason cannot be older than early twenties, like, college age early twenties, at max he's only barely legally allowed to drink). and he has the perfect out he could use if he wanted to deflect responsibility, it was zur, it wasn't really him, so he cannot really be faulted for what he's done. but he doesn't take it, he chooses the hard path but the right path, and takes responsibility. he acknowledges that even if he wasn't in his right mind, it was still him, a version of him anyway, that did something really, really bad to someone he's sworn to love and protect and who did not deserve anything like that. bruce taking the ownership for his shitty decisions rather than trying to find the loophole, that's good. and it can even work with jason attempting to brush it off, like i mentioned before, jason is canonically a forgiving person who does not prioritize himself, and will continuously turn the other cheek to those who hurt him if they happen to be people he loves. i can absolutely see jason trying to give bruce that out (though not with that fucking therapy speak bullshit, jason todd has never been to therapy because people with healthy coping mechanisms don't create the fucking red hood plan at the big age of sixteen).
the thing is, the thing that could have made this good but didn't because instead they decided to continue making this story shitty from start to finish, is that bruce can't take it. it's good that bruce is owning what happened and bearing the responsibility and referring to it as "what i did to you" rather than passing it off in a bid to get jason to move on. and it can work that jason would try to go "it's fine it wasn't really you" about it. but you lose any good when bruce agrees with him and just goes "yeah you're right. anyway!" what's the point of bruce taking responsibility for a horrific deed in a symbol of growth (and we know it's supposed to be about growth because he prefaces it with talking about how his kids are his family and he needs to acknowledge that to them and let them know what they mean to him) if it's immediately smoothed over? it's utterly meaningless, he might as well have just told jason that he can't be blamed and jason could have just nodded and agreed. the bones were there but then ya fucked it, it literally doesn't mean anything at all. it's the narrative equivalent of going "i have a lit stick of dynamite" only for someone to immediately pour water on it. it has no impact now and it loses any catharsis for the readers, let alone deflating that emotional beat in narrative and making everything just seem stupid. even if jason attempts forgiveness, it doesn't work if bruce accepts it. he needed to say that even if jason is trying to absolve him, he still did it, he still needs to own up to it, jason is still entitled to whatever feelings about it, and he still needs to fix it along with actively working for a redemption and acknowledging his responsibility in that regard. not just go "yeah you're right it's in the past hakuna matata never gonna blame myself for my own shortcomings ever again" and promptly move on to more bullshit.
and like, you're nerfing your own ability to write good stories in the future! for one, it's good if bruce grows from this whole debacle, and does consistently put effort for future issues into not just reminding himself he needs to acknowledge his family, but that he can't take the easy way out and he needs to own up to things even when they were done when he wasn't totally himself. for two, you could have a story where bruce doesn't just have to atone, he has to actually fix his mistake. jason's got this chip in him, bruce has acknowledged that this is something HE did and needs to take responsibility for, have him be the one to fix it! have him be the one to try and find a solution, a way to undo it or nerf it or get it out. have him work to fix this issue that he caused, have him be the one to attempt to mend it and do right by someone he did wrong.
not to mention, it can work from a narrative perspective. batman is a detective, have the search for a cure/fix/whatever be a detective story. false leads, dead ends, red herrings, clues that need to be uncovered, new twists and turns. and for another thing, it works to have bruce try to right a wrong he did to jason specifically. bruce's big failure, in his mind, his greatest unforgivable sin, is that he did not save jason. that jason needed his help and bruce failed him, bruce wasn't there. so it makes sense that, when given the opportunity to make up for that in a way, to be there when he's needed, to help him when he needs it, to essentially make it in time in a way he couldn't on the day jason died, of course he'd throw himself into it with 110%. of course he'd decide that, this time, he won't fail. jason is hurting and in need of help because of him but this time it won't end in the worst way imaginable. this time, bruce is gonna fix it. it would make for great storytelling, and good character moments for bruce AS a character.
but i never get the things i want so instead i got some decent legs to build on that were immediately hacked out from under me in the same fucking panel and the chip thing is likely gonna be solved off-page without any real introspection into bruce doing this really horrible thing to jason or growing from his fuckups or growing in his relationship with jason or jason dealing with this and the two of them actually putting in some work to come back together strong than ever and build a new, better baseline as bruce accepts accountability and jason offers forgiveness once it's earned, for once in his life. and this entire plotline will literally never be brought up again except to explain why tim has a clone-damian suit that looks ugly as shit.
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robinasnyder · 3 months
I am one of those people who will pay to read Wayne Family Adventures ahead. So like, spoilers through episode 6, but I need to have feelings.
First off, holy shit, wfa coming in hot and not slowing down!
Second of all, continuing Duke and Jason's story lines from previous seasons, plus continuing similar themes and characterizations from Red Hood ant the Outlaws.
Third, so, I like that while they haven't been able to talk Bruce down from his loner nonsense, that he and Dick are able to come to some agreement that he needs to walk it back some, that he needs to contact his kids and actually try to fix things even if he's not ready to take the ban off yet.
Fourth, I love Jason’s ptsd episode, the way Dick went after him immediately (while waving everyone else off to not make Jason feel cornered), the way Dick's able to talk Jason down. I love the contrasting of what Jason's saying vs what he's meaning. I love that Jason chose to leave, recognizing that he'd make things harder on himself and everyone else and that he needed to remove himself from the situation. But also that Dick called Artemis and Biz. And I love that when A and B can't talk him around, they call in the big guns (Roy).
I love how we see Bruce and his kids all having similar actions, like both Bruce and Duke reminding themselves that panic will keep them from being able to act. I loved how Bruce is scared when he realizes Jason disappeared, but takes Dick's phone call and listens to Dick about needing to let him go. And Dick's reassurance that he sent help.
I love Bruce being worried and upset because Damian left the manor and he wants him to come back, that he recognizes that he did hurt Damian (and all of his kids).
I love how, while Jason is the one getting the longer arc so far, the story treats Jason, Duke and Barbara's trauma from the Joker as carrying equal weight and importance to them individually. I love how everyone recognizes why Bruce is acting the way he is, and also calls him out on it, because his fear and trauma is making him lash out and they all know it and it's not okay. Also, Jom Gordon's trauma with the Joker is noted as well, in the grim way he tells Batman he hopes Batman can catch him quickly.
And, on a happier (ish) note, I love that Duke thinks of Bruce when he thinks of home.
I do want them to go back to silly stuff, but I am enjoying this because it feels like an extension of the serious episodes they've done, while also giving a chance for the characters to attempt to handle a bad situation in the healthies way possible.
Aaaand I'm totally ready to have my heart broken (in the good way and in the bad way), but I'm going to go in optimistic.
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bobbydagen24 · 7 months
some Head Cannons about Bro zone inspired by the fact literally everyone else has been doing these posts lol.
I think Floyd and Clay would end up trying to live with Branch in the Bunker but would find it too hard for multiple reasons one being Branch actually has loud night terrors often. that no one knows about but its actually one of the reasons why he still chooses to live so far away from everyone else in the village and Floyd and Clay are kept awake at nights just hearing him loudly screaming and shouting.
and one on occasion when they did try to wake him it resulted in Branch springing up and attacking them throwing one of them to the ground and pulling a weapon out of his Hair and nearly hitting them with it until Branch finally snapped out of it and realised where he was.
kinda helping Floyd and Clay realise for the first time how deeply affected Branch is by his past to the point he's still on such High alert even in his own home.
2. whenever Bro zone have any sort of arguments even if their not 100 percent serous and just mostly petty sibling Banter Branch still gets visibly afraid.
and nervous maybe even trying to defuse the situation but his voice and body language making it clear he's genuinely nervous which actually stops the other bros in their tracks.
and they try to reassure him the family isn't breaking up and its just normal sibling banter but regardless Branch isn't able to tell the difference between serous family shattering arguments and just normal day to day sibling banter.
so the bros try and make it more clear in the future that their just mostly joking around as opposed to seriously fighting amongst each other.
3. John Dory used to be a pretty social party animal but after spending over 20 years traveling with just Rhonda for company he's actually a pretty anti social person now.
tho he doesn't like to admit it and he tries to put on the persona of the social party animal in front of his Brothers he actually finds big crowds and meeting new people to be super stressful.
4. Bruce gained most of his extra weight in the immediate aftermath of his and JDs big fight as he stress ate for quite a while afterwards tho in present day he tries to hide this fact to avoid making JD feel bad since he can tell he's genuinely changed since then.
5. Floyd would be the one to try and encourage his Brothers to actually talk about their more negative feelings towards each other meanwhile the others just want to leave it as they are seem to be doing fine in present day.
and they don't want to bring up the uncomfortable stuff from the past again but Floyd would think its healthy that they do so.
6. if/when Branch and Poppy do get engaged each of the Bros will be excitedly waiting in anticipation to see which of them Branch picks to be his best man and Teasing each other over it.
only for Branch to shatter their Dreams when he announces that he's chosen Gary to be his best man ( this HC assumes that Gary gets added to the movie cannon at some point ).
and his bros are all weirded out and confused and some of them even think its just a Joke at first but when it becomes clear he isn't Joking.
some of them even sorta angrily confront Branch on how he could choose a friggin Remote Control over any of them only for Branch to cut the none serous casual attitude he'd had up to this point and tell them.
that yes he knows Gary is an inanimate object but he's been a more consistent comfort in his life than any of them ever have and well its his wedding so if they can't accept that then he doesn't want them there.
7. Branch would be a little bit resentful about the fact that Bruce went off and started a new family forgetting all about him while he waited for all of them to come back over the years.
he wouldn't outright tell him this due to fear of stirring the pot amongst the family when they've only just gotten things back on track.
but it'd end up coming out one way or another and Bruce would show a bit of growth and actually be understanding of why Branch would feel this way Rather than judging him for it.
meanwhile JD would would say he also felt pretty hurt by this only for Bruce to casually brush it off since he really doesn't give a crap if it hurt John's ego 😂😂😂😂
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disniq · 2 years
The thing is, I actually think it's a super interesting angle to look at the intersection of trauma and mental illness and vigilantism and coping mechanisms with Jason's character.
But, for me, if you want to seriously ask at what point does Jason need therapy more than he needs the vigilante lifestyle it's not Red Hood Jason you should be looking at. Red Hood Jason was literally murdered and the mysteriously resurrected. That's not something you can therapy your way out of! That's something that no amount of talking will ever help you understand, because it's a completely incomprehensible event!
No, if anyone needs therapy it's 12 year old Jason.
It's 12 year old Jason, who has poverty trauma and homelessness trauma and prison system trauma and parentification trauma and drug related trauma and, depending on your reading, potentially sexual trauma.
It's 12 year old Jason, who is taken in by Bruce - a man who is *also* severely traumatised (in extremely different ways) and chooses to dress up as a Bat and punch people about it instead of seeking healthy coping strategies.
It's 12 year old Jason, who Bruce decides - without psychiatric training or so much as a second opinion - needs the same outlet that "helped" Bruce and "helped" Dick.
And by the time aditf rolls around, Bruce is maybe just realising that he's made a mistake. But it's too late, because for two years he's told this child - a child who arguably feels indebted to him, a child who is extremely isolated and had very few if any other trusted adults to talk to - that violence and avoidance is how you deal with emotions.
I think that's fascinating to think about!
That Bruce's own failure to process his trauma left him blind to what Jason might actually have benefited from! That if Bruce had noticed Jason struggling earlier, if he'd reacted differently or explained himself better in aditf, Jason might not have felt the need to travel around the world alone looking for a woman he'd never met and only just learned about!
That if *Bruce* had been healthier, had been to therapy instead of throwing all his energy into vigilantism, none of this might have happened!
Reframe Red Hood Jason as a tragedy of Bruce's own making, not because of the classist bullshit that Jason was always going to end up a criminal and Bruce failed to stop that, but because Bruce's terrible coping mechanisms became *Jason's* terrible coping mechanisms and nobody likes to see the worst parts of themselves in the mirror.
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on-leatheredwings · 5 months
i've found your account only a few days ago but ever since then I've been STUCK here rereading your fanfics, especially ones with damian. i wasn't even a dc fan (heard about some stuf, watched some films and cartoons, but that's it) but now im reading comics since im Obsessed and need more batboys in my life (rip my productivity😔)
Anyway, after Sleepover i'm curious what will Bruce (and maybe even Thalia) think of batboys strange behaviour towards reader. He's smart, so he definitely notices it early on, but how he'll react....
I can see him being weirded out (like he was by Jason's anger issues, before his death), but he also can be an enabler, since Robin (literaly any of them) had a hard life, so if those relationships can help him why not pretend that everything is normal? you'll be safer in a Wayne's Manor anyway
All in all, thanks for a new hyperfixation 💞💞
P.s. About games:
1. Boyfriend to death 1&2 - since you're into yanderes you might want to check this game out. I prefer the second game, but the first is also fun. But beware the trigger warnings!!
2. Long live the Queen - more of a raising sim than dating sim but you still can romance some guys and girls.
,3. Hatoful Boyfriend - mostly a comedy, but there is a yandere.
4. The Royal Trap - it's been a long time since i played it, but it used to be one of my favorites so i'll just mention it.
5. Higurashi - once again not really a romance sim, but its an interesting horror mixed with a slice of life
and yes yes get into DC!!! (girl who hasnt even read a full run since like. injustice)
damn now you got me thinking and excited. incoming spiel
i agree entirely about bruce just knowing how Bad things can get, so to make things simpler, he's like "yes, your darling(s) can stay in the manor, boys. 🙄"
mmm yes..... when it comes to bruce noticing the batboys are yandere, i think it's always sinfully delightful to just have him be reluctantly okay with it. 😈 it's also easier narratively ngl but i also like the idea that the batfam is all just corrupted.
bruce's thoughts are that they (his sons) fight for vengeance and justice but this is where they could use some leeway.... we all need our vice... they fight so hard for gotham, they deserve a little treat (getting rid of your human rights)... it's very "Dad who wants his sons to have happiness even if its not healthy" of him. in fics where bruce is a yandere, well, he's the exact same way so he can't judge. although if that's the case, i like the idea of bruce just being like "yes what we do isn't right. let's not talk about it. just don't kill <3"
still wondering what i like more. a yan!bruce who's self aware what he's doing is wrong but he just refuses to think about it. or a yan!bruce that justifies it all because of his paranoia, Tower of Babel style (if you don't know, that's when it's revealed batman has plans to subdue/kill the justice league just in case they go rogue.)
for the batboys depends on their personality... for damian, he's so resolute in things that i prefer when he just believes 100% what he's doing is okay, if not actually righteous. ^_^
hmmm talia.... I'M STILL UNSURE HOW I PREFER THAT AS WELL... i think talia being a you-arent-good-enough-for-my-son mom is a little cliche but also. she kinda would say that. you'd have to prove your worth somehow but idk how tf darling would do that LOL. in the end, i think talia is just relieved/comforted that her son indeed feels desire and wants love and will continue the family legacy (regardless if youre afab/can biologically have children.)
no THANK YOU FOR THE ASK!!! AND THANKS FOR RECS!!!! heheh yeah ive checked out btd and im not averse to the warnings its more like im not that most of into the designs ngl. fox guy seems cute? AND LMAO FUNNY BC IM ON A HIGURASHI REWATCH (never played it tho)
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batboopp · 26 days
Batman: I Am Suicide- a comic breakdown (how trauma can shape your life)
huge cw for suicidal ideation and self harm! i seriously mean it it’s not even subtle 😭
another heads up, this essay really only talks about one issue, as that’s the only one that really goes into what i want to talk about! maybe i could do a full comic breakdown in the future. <3
(most of this is written whenever i have some of free time, so please ignore if any sentences/paragraphs are incoherent or run on for awhile 😭😭 i hope you like my batman drabbles :D)
It’s common knowledge that both Bruce Wayne and his Batman persona are very emotionally tortured, usually refusing any help or healthy way of processing his thoughts, emotions, and actions. He’s deadset that nothing but Batman, muscles, and pure determination will save Gotham city-therefore saving any child from having anyone taken from them so brutally, the way his parents were taken from him. You don’t have to be a psychiatrist to know that this black-and-white way of thinking is not a healthy way to process trauma, and some may argue that it borders along the line of insanity or mental illness. Although I’m not here to specifically talk about those parts of his psyche, I DO want to talk about how this extreme way of thinking affects-and even shapes-his entire life and personality.
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“A kid and a vow. The ears and the belt and the batarangs and the Batmobile and the gargoyle and the roof and the leather and the armor.”
“How sad. How stupid. How immature.”
“How hilarious. How hilarious all of it is. I want to laugh, too. Do you know how much I want to laugh?”
Starting off strong, we can already see that Bruce has SO much self doubt about himself and a sort of awareness of just how absurd his whole mission is, something I personally see a lot of, but I always appreciate when it’s brought up. A thing about Bruce is that if he has a plan or a mission, he WILL get it done no matter how insane it is, and it’s nice that part of his obsessive personality is displayed here. However, even though he puts his whole soul into his Batman mission, he expresses that he can’t help but feel almost desperately hopeless about it. This might be me reaching, but it seems he wants Batman to be this thing he can sort of lessen by laughing it off. This may be surprising to some, but Batman laughing off and joking about his situation isn’t uncommon. In many comics, he makes jokes about horrible things he’s gone through, he cracks puns at his villains and rouges while he’s getting the shit kicked out of him, and most importantly, he laughs a lot at himself. Bruce wants it to just be-less. It’s almost depressingly ironic that he wants (whether subconsciously or not) this symbol of raw hope, justice, and pure dedication he built with so much effort to be less than it actually is. It’s a lot, so much that Batman himself can barely take it.
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“After the alley and the gun. And the pearls. What use was I? After the blood on her hand, what use was a little rich kid who’s mommy and daddy got shot?”
“I was pain. That’s all I was. Everything else, every chance given to me, every promise I’d ever made, all of it was pain. And what use is pain? What use is being all pain? It’s not dignified. It’s not kind. And if it’s not dignified and not kind, then maybe it’s not worth anything.”
“Maybe it’s better off as nothing. Gone. Dead.”
Here, we can see that Bruce thinks he’s worthless, to the point he thinks he’d be better off dead. Not only that, you can argue that he sees his own pain as a weakness, and yet he uses it to shape his life. “I was pain, that’s all I was. Everything else, every change given to me, every promise I’d ever made, all of it was pain. And what use is being all pain?” He goes on to say “It’s not dignified and it’s not kind,” which you can infer he’s talking about himself here, with his ‘I am pain’ analogy. He thinks he’s inherently violent and undignified and worthless because of this pain, even though we KNOW he does not see other’s pain as a weakness. In fact, he is normally comforting of people going through hardships, especially to children or those close to him. This is a very common form of self-deprecating behavior, thinking that whatever you’re going through is automatically less important than the well-being of others.
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“I was 10. I got one of my father’s razor blades, and I got down on my knees. I put the metal on my wrist. The edge scratching cold. The blood on my hand. And I looked up. To Mother and Father. I told them I was sorry. I was so sorry.”
“I was on my knees in Gotham. And I was praying, pushing my hands together now, the blood and the blade warm between them.”
“I prayed. And no one-
no one answered.
No one answered.
No one answered.”
“I was alone. Like everyone else. Like everyone in Gotham. I saw everyone in Gotham, all of us. We’re all on our knees, our hands together, the blade and the blood warm between them. We pray. And no one answers.”
“I saw. And I understood. Finally. Kindness. Dignity. I let the razor fall, and I understood, it was done. I’d done it. I’d surrendered, my life was no longer my life, and I whispered-
‘I swear by the spirits of my parents to avenge their deaths by spending the rest of my life warring on all criminals.’”
We have a lot to talk about on this panel. To follow up on my third paragraph, I’ll start talking about his absurd amount of empathy, as I feel like it pairs with when I stated Batman cares about the well-being of others more than his own. This extreme sense of empathy and understanding is developed when Bruce describes self-harming over (presumably) his parent’s graves. “I was alone. Like everyone else. Like everyone in Gotham. I saw everyone in Gotham, all of us. We’re all on our knees, our hands together, the blade and the blood warm between them. We pray. And no one answers.” He describes how he ‘saw everyone’ in Gotham. How all of them are going through hardships. How all of them are alone. And that’s when he understood kindness, love, dignity. And, more importantly, when he decided to give up any chance at a normal life and pursue his crusade, his destiny, of becoming the Batman. He says he swore on his parents dying souls, but he knows he swore on his own, too. 
We can also gather that this is the death of his belief in religion, ‘I prayed, and no one answered.’ The correlation with religion and a sense of innocence or fear in Batman comics isn’t unheard of, and I like to think that’s what the writer is getting at here. Batman is a known atheist, and states this multiple times in many different comics. It’s nice to know the exact time his belief in religion died, and that was when he prayed.
In conclusion, I really like this panel because you can just feel the resignation coming from Bruce. He will give up every part of himself if it means another person doesn’t have to suffer, and I think if you want to make the most accurate Batman possible, it’s important to remember that.
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“So that’s what it is. The ears. The belt. The gargoyle. It’s not funny. It’s the choice of a boy that chose to die.”
“I am Batman. I am suicide.”
To wrap this up, Bruce states that he is very aware that being Batman would consume his life, would destroy any chance he had at a healthy future, and would obliterate any healthy way of healing from his trauma. He lets this pain, he lets the Batman, build him and his life and he will never let go. It literally fuels him, as you can see him pummel so many soldiers to the ground without breaking a sweat. Pain drives him. The will to be Batman drives him.
hope you enjoyed my shitty essay! please let me know any thoughts, opinions, critiques, or disagreements you might have, i’d love to hear them 
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rubydubydoo122 · 2 months
I saw the invite to rant about "GirlDad" Bruce and instantly ran here. *shuffles notes*
Okay so one thing that i noticed about fandom girldad Bruce is that he doesn't actually have to do much with Cass. He doesn't have to put in the work to be understood by her since she just "gets" him because of how she understands body language. She's "easier" to be around because he doesn't have to actually talk in a way that his other kids understand. He doesn't have to put in the work to understand and put a voice to his own feelings and emotions in a way that won't hurt who he's talking to.
To me that really feels like an eldest daughter doing all the emotional labor for her father and it infuriates me, maybe because it hits a little close to home. It feels like a cop out on Bruce having to put in work to be a good parent, because sometimes being a good parent is a struggle and you have to learn how to be one. Letting your kid do most of the work in communicating so that you have a good relationship is sucky imo.
Bruce being a girldad is fun and honestly very cute a lot of the times but some aspects/ways that people write it dont sit well with me sometimes.
Ok rant over thanks for listening:)
I always love listening to people rant about the Batfam.
And yes, just because Cass is Bruce's favorite daughter doesn't automatically make Bruce a "Girldad".
(I'm about to slightly trauma dump here) I'm a victim of the "Daddy's Girl" to "Daddy issues" pipeline.
When I was growing up, I was always seeking his validation-- because being the youngest daughter, I was spoiled by my dad until I reached puberty and he basically stopped loving/respecting me-- so by the time I was 10/11, the only way I could earn that validation from my Dad, was by listening to him tell me about his life (aka, he trauma dumped on me, even though I now know that he shouldn't have been forcing those issues on me) And that in itself
In most fanfics, bc Cass is the bat who can read people, she becomes the family therapist, especially towards Bruce, which isn't a healthy father-daughter relationship. So Bruce being a "Girldad" is only beneficial for Bruce, and not Cass.
Yeah, I completely understand what you mean anon. Basically what most Fanon does is make Cass a "Daddy's Girl" but fails to make Bruce a "Girldad" and that's probably why it rubs you in the wrong way bc it's one sided.
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pluckyredhead · 4 months
☕️batfam (not each character, but your opinion of them as a family both in canon vs. canon)
I think the version of them that you see in things like WFA and a lot of fandom stuff is delightful and entertaining. Don't get me wrong - a lot of the fandom stuff is also wildly wrong and infuriating. But there are writers who do a great job with a more fannish take on the Batfamily and I enjoy their work. (It is usually...painfully obvious who has actually read the comics and who only knows the Batfam via tumblr posts.)
The Batfamily in mainstream continuity is...not that. The characters are significantly more traumatized and rarely joke around with each other. They're also not a unit in the same way. They almost never do anything together out of costume. They don't have a joint baseline relationship of "family" - each pair of characters has a unique relationship. Like, Dick and Damian are close, Tim and Damian have a very rocky history, and Jason and Damian have honestly just not interacted that much? (Hilariously, Jason literally shot Damian early on and Damian doesn't appear to hold a grudge, while you know Tim is still mad about the dinosaur thing.) Damian has a specific relationship with Steph. Tim has a specific (and close!) relationship with Babs. (He used to just...hang out in the Watchtower! Being nerds together!) Duke and Cass are close, which of course is largely ignored by fandom. Etc.
I think the fact that the canon relationships are fraught and in some cases either really volatile or nonexistent is potentially really interesting. Like, I would love to see a story that puts Jason and Tim on a mission together and really digs into that dynamic, or Tim and Damian. (Or my dream story, one where Tim feels Some Kind Of Way about how he used to be Dick's favorite but now Damian very clearly is. (This is not how Dick sees it at all, for the record. Tim is his little brother! But Damian is his baby. It's different.))
Or look at the Robins' current relationships with Bruce: Dick is the closest with him but also accepts and absorbs much of Bruce's bad behavior without question. Bruce and Jason cannot be around each other for more than 30 minutes without dragging up every wound they've inflicted on each other over the years. Tim is desperate to fix Bruce to a degree that's actively unhealthy for Tim. Bruce functionally ignores Steph's entire existence and she seems to have wisely made her peace with that. And Damian is desperate for the unconditional love Bruce seems incapable of giving and mad at himself for it.
I don't actually want to change that. I find it fascinating. I'm not opposed to stories about the kids healing some of that damage, but I don't particularly want it to be via their relationships with Bruce. I'd like to see it happen via their relationships with each other. (That one story where Dick was like "Tim you will never fix Bruce, PLEASE stop trying" and Bruce was like "Lol he's right" was SO good. And then the writing on Tim went catastrophically off the rails but we're not talking about that right now.)
Anyway I think I've gotten a little far afield of your original question, but basically: I like (the good takes on) the fanon Batfam, but I also think the canon Batfam is really interesting. I don't think the two should be conflated (which is what DC does when they try to give us fluffy interactions that haven't been earned, Tom Taylor). And I don't think anyone is wrong for preferring either a more lighthearted take or a more fraught, canon-compliant take. The asshole behavior comes in when you refuse to accept other people's preferences.
(But also, if you are looking for an actually loving and healthy canon family that has playful interactions, you want the Flashes or the Arrows.)
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dairy-farmer · 4 months
It's almost midnight and I'm not entirely sure how to phrase this, but this idea will not leave me alone.
Bruce, Dick, and Jason are good people; obviously, they wouldn't be heroes/vigilantes if they weren't. And part of being a good person is being revolted by sex crimes, especially against children. The Bats always hurt the sex criminals a little more than any other bad guys... And yet they're all fucking the underage new Robin, Tim.
Jason has forbidden children from working the corner, and kills a pimp who tries to turn out a kid anyway - then goes back to the manor and bends little Timmy in half. Dick saves a young woman from a date rapist, breaking the guy's arms in three different places - then goes back to his apartment where Tim is visiting and they 69 for almost an hour. Bruce helps the Justice League take down a worldwide sex trafficking ring - and returns home wake up Tim with a surprise fucking.
Eventually someone in the hero community finds out (it's honestly shocking how little effort the bats seem to be putting into hiding this horrific thing they're doing), and because it seems so out of character they bring in Martian Manhunter/Constantine/Wonder Women's lasso to check if they're being a mind controlled or lying about being good people or something. But? There's no sign of mind control or magic spells. And when Wonder Woman questions them they don't try to lie, even in the standard bat 'lies of omission or talking around in circles so it seems like they answered but they actually didn't' way. Of course they're fucking Tim. Yes, it's been a few years and no Tim isn't even 15 yet. Things get very odd though when Diana offhandedly asks how they could possibly do such terrible things, because all three say that there is nothing bad or terrible about what they're doing ... and the lasso doesn't blow or burn them. They are telling the truth, or more specifically, they believe what they are saying is the truth.
After a lot of back and forth it's established that Bruce, Dick, and Jason only feel this way about Tim: when the situations and circumstances around Tim are presented in an ambiguous way, the three are rightfully angry and horrified. But as soon as those actions are applied to Tim, they immediately change tune. It's completely baffling and makes absolutely no sense!
Until they go to question Tim and Constantine, having never met Tim before, exclaims that 'he's a fucking succubus!'. Turns out that Tim was not aware of this, and neither were the bats, yet Tim had managed to somehow subconsciously edit in a type of 'Tim Exclusion Clause' to the Bat's sexual morality about minors and children. The reason Constantine hadn't caught it before when he scanned for magic is that it's not a compulsion or an enchantment or anything like that, but more along the lines of a 'glamor' - Tim isn't making them want to have sex with him, he's just kind of editing out of the morality and rational thought that would point out why they shouldn't be attracted to him or want to.
Honestly not sure where to go with this from here. The Justice League probably ends up not doing anything because like, Tim is totally into it and also needs to have sex to remain healthy, and his morality edit glamor has no effect on the bats actions towards any other people or children. I don't know why, I just really liked the idea of "The bats find 'xyz' actions absolutely horrific... Unless it's them and Tim, in which case it's totally different and cool".
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yessssssssss!!!!!!!!!this is so good!!!!!! tim being a succubus and no one knowing and him ending up using his powers unconsciously to make it so that tim fits in his own category, outside of 'grown up' and 'child', existing outside the barriers that would normally prevent the bats from fucking him.
the way that none of them see anything wrong with the fact that they're fucking and sharing tim, they don't make any effort to hide it and in fact the justice league aren't the first people to find out. there have been visitors to the manor who have seen or heard things and have just never bothered to say anything because bruce is...bruce and the amount of money he has would ensure their silence if they ever tried to say anything so they don't even bother trying and just resolve that it's typical rich people depravity.
tim being a succubus and it affecting his sweet admiration for batman and nightwing and robin. he's a young succubus, a baby succubus and so he can't fully control his power- the ones that allow him to cross paths with them one night while he's spying on them with the telescope he got for his birthday on the roof of his parent's penthouse.
tim had always been a little different from his peers, from the other children. he'd always been more...advanced. more mature with an indepth knowledge about people and what felt good, what made them lose sanity and control. tim couldn't help it, couldn't resist his own body and the way it just hummed with a hunger and need.
but all that had happened was counselors and teenagers bringing his parents in, accusing them of things and their son of being a seducer and that this was a school for decent people. and so tim was made to home school.
until robin stumbled across him. until he was charmed by tim's earnest demeanor and need to please. for nightwing and batman it's the same.
they stop by to visit tim, increasing the length, they don't reject tim's invitation in, eager to show them his photos taken from his telescope and his room.
tim's room in that quiet little penthouse is where they fuck him for the first time and fill tim's belly in more than one way.
they bring tim home eventually, to the manor to play more and also because they liked him, they liked having him around and seeing him giggle and laugh when they weren't crouched over him fucking their cocks into his little hole.
sex with tim is different, it's better, deeper. it's like they can feel at peace with the world when they're with tim and not fall so deeply into the darkness of nihilism and crumbling faith in the world after doing their jobs for so long and seeing the worst humanity had to offer. tim grants them reprieve from that and so of course they grow attached to him.
for the most part sex with tim doesn't feel like sex, it doesn't carry the heaviness it usually does. where before dick and bruce would balk at sharing a partner, with tim they did it without blinking. they'd even keep talking about a case through it while tim whined between them.
dick and jason would discuss entire sex abuse cases while taking turns fucking into tim's little hole, neither of them seeing anything off about spending time with their timmy.
even after they find out tim is a succubus nothing in their brains switches. they still never see anything off about what they do only that their friends go green with sickness when they talk about fucking tim. it's not like they dislike tim either, if anything they seem very...concerned for tim?
either way nothing ultimatly changes but it does take the league awhile to...adjust. they're not sure how to tackle it.
constantine had told them that depriving a succubus was akin to torture and removing the succubus from their...feeding ground was tangential to genuine abuse especially since tim was essentially harmless and wasn't actively praying on people instead opting for willing donations.
but...they can't just ignore how it looks. if new members join the league, if other people find out about it...it just LOOKS bad. it makes them feel weird to act like they approve of it.
but constantine just huffs at them, says their sensibilities are surprisingly delicate and that they need to learn that the world and wider universe won't always necessarily obey their version of morality.
they just need to make peace with the fact that succubi can fuck anyone and thing, that they mature at different rates than humans and while this one might look like a human at a sexually underdeveloped state it was in fact very much a succubi that has begun to feed and establish territory.
and that unless they could prove a compulsion, which constantine had already said there wasn't, there was nothing more they could do.
but constantine sees how unsure and shaken they are and moves to give them some modicum of comfort, telling them that this is no different to finding out their colleague fucks dogs, only difference was that this dog could talk and assure them it was okay.
oddly enough that still doesn't make any of them feel better but constantine had tried and so takes his leave knowing all was right with the world since he got that phone call asking for help because batman was fucking kids.
in the end the league does have to let things be. no one was getting hurt and their colleagues weren't being made to do something.
they do write up a brief to forewarn memebers who might cross paths with the bats. they don't go into much detail but do their best to make sure they're aware of the situation.
that doesn't end up helping much when a pair of dimension travelers stumble across the unfortunate sight of batman with his adopted succubus some years later but they intervene when things get ugly.
of course it doesn't get any easier explaining it to others but they try.
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rayofsuns · 10 months
Mother Dearest: pt 7
Story Summary: Damian Al Ghul loved his mother to no end but when she threatens to harm the one person he loves more; he has no choice but to go to his father for help.
Leona loves wash day. it felt like the only time her and Damian could talk without the other boys interrupting, talking over them or just being downright annoying. it was a day Leona spent with her head in a sink as damian's long nimble fingers massaged shampoo and conditioner into her scalp while she asked whatever questions she could think of. It was a peaceful day for her and Damian, A day they both looked forword to for different reasons.
For Leona it was a chance to ask Damian any and everything, questions Damian wouldn't normal answer. It was one of those rare days that Damian was relaxed, his only concern was keeping soap out of Leona's eyes and that made him easier to talk to.
Damian didn't know why wash day relaxed him, his guess is that it has something to do with focusing on only one thing for a change. Usuually his mind was plagued with every possible danger that can harm his sister. it was the only time that his worries seems to melt away. "When is the last time you got a full night of sleep?" leona asked, eyeing the dark bags under her brother's eyes. Damian let out a laugh.
"Bruce snuck a sleeping pill in my dinner last week. I sleep the whole day." Damian said, his voice heavey with humor as he comb the tangles out of her hair. If it was any other family that sentance would have been concerning; but this isn't a regular family now is it. Damian knew about the pill in his drink yet he drunk it anyways. Nowaday the only way Damian could sleep was with the help of sleeping pills. Everyone in the Manor knew about his sleeping problems so naturally they've decided to get involved.
More than once Damian has had one of his siblings trying (and failing) to get him to take these pills. each taking a different approach.
Dick liked to talk to him about his sleeping schedule. He was one of the only one who didn't try sneaking it into his food or anything. Dick's talks never worked. "How can you protect Leona if you're too sleep deprived?" was his favorite line.
Tim; the hypocrite, was sloppy, the pills will be half dissolved in whatever drink Tim would bring to him out of the 'kindness of his heart'
Jason is more forcefull, often times he tries forcing the pill into Damian's mouth and down his throat himself. those times Jason would leave the manor with fresh stitches and bruises. Damian actually stabbed him one time when things got too rough.
Duke is the only one who didn't care enough to try. "you're not hurting anyone but yourself" he would shrug "as long as you're alert on patrol I don't care how often you sleep" it may have sounded harsh but Duke didn't mean it that way. Duke cared about about his found family so of course he wanted Damian to be healthy but he also didn't want Damian to feel like everyone was ganging up on him.
Cass is the only person (other than Bruce) that Damian has had to keep and eye out for. she like him is an assassin. she knows how to sneak something into someones food. Cass was the only one of his siblings that was has been successful in getting him to unknowingly take the sleeping pills. Damian to this day stills doesn't know how she did it, the only way he knew that she was successful was because he woke up two days later.
Leona hummed out a reponse before decideing not to push the subject knowing how defensive Damian can get when it came to him 'relaxing'. "Can I ask you a question Dami?" Leona asked. Her eyes were closed and her head was laid back in the shampoo sink. "Of course." Damain said, messaging the shampoo in her head.
"I know you don't like talking about her but I just have to know. Why did Talia want me dead?" Leona felt damian stiffen. He didn't really like talking about his mother or most importantly her fall from grace. Leona was ten when Damian explained to her what happened to their Umi and how their mother went crazy resulting in them having to flee from their home. He still remembered the hurt in Leona's eyes when he told her. No ten year old should ever hear that their mother, the one person who was suspose to protect, them wanted them dead.
This was the first time she even asked about her umi. Damian cleared his throat thinking about what to say. "Still to this day I have no idea why. Umi's death hit us both hard and I think her mind just snapped. Umi's death was her fault in a way and she couldn't handle that"
"her fault?" Leona asked, intrigued by this new piece of information.
Damian nodded even though she couldn't see him with her eyes closed. "when Umi died I did some digging. the man who killed our Umi and tried to kill you was from a village Talia eradicated ten monthes before. According to the files I found a woman by the name of Elena Heartfelt had set up a meeting with Talia, she had asked for talia's protection from the village that had been harrassing her in exchange for a gift. Apparently the village dislike the lady, the report didn't say why they dislike her all it said was that they wanted her dead." Damian explained. "what was the gift?" Leona asked, her eyes open and her intrest piqued. Damain shrugged. "it didn't say but I hope it was worth the life of my Umi." Damian took a deep breath trying to keep his anger under control. "What she didn't know was that a small group of man and woman had left few days prior on a hunting trip, when they came back their loved ones were dead. They wanted revenge and they got it." Damian sighed, turning on the water and started rinsing out the shampoo.
the room was quiet until Leona sighed "I wish I could have meet her" she said, Damian's eyebrows furrowed. "Talia?" Leona shook her head. She would never admit it but the thought of Talia scared her. She's never had a desire to come face to face with the woman. "No Umi" she said
Leona has always wondered what her life would have been like if Aaliyah was alive, what type of mother she would have been. From the stories that Damian has told her she was have been an amazing mother.
Damian laughed "you know you look just like her. you have Talia's eyes but other than that you're an exact copy of her." Leona smiled. Damian's favorite thing to paint and draw was Aaliyah. Even at a young age Damian realise the resemblance his Umi and sister shared. If the eyes in the painting were brown it was Aaliyah and if it was Green it was Leona.
Damian smiled fondly "I use to hear stories of people forgetting what the dead looks like. they forget how they talked and how they smiled and it scared the crap out of me. I didn't want to forget my Umi; in my mind she was the only one who actually cared about what I wanted and how I felt. I would lose my mind if I forgot her. you've helped me to remember her." Damian leaned down to place a kiss on Leona's forhead. Leona smiled, reaching up to squeezed Damian's hand.
"Did Umi and dad ever meet?" Leona asked after a moment of silence, Damian shook his head no. "Father knew nothing about Umi until I arrived at the manor with you. I wish they would have met; I'd like to think that they'd be really good friends." Leona smiled softly at what could have been.
Leona studied her brother's face again before sighing, giving his hand another squeeze. "You know I'm safe right? I'm sure she's forgotten all about me so you have nothing to worry about. We. are. safe." Damian sighed, nodding his head even though he wasn't convince. Everynight he goes over every possible plan of attack, every way of entrance and with the manor so being big there's so many. If the Manor security's were to fail and the league found a way in. Damian shook the thought from his head. He just had to make sure they were safe.
"I'll be fine Leona. it's my job to worry about you, you know" Leona groaned. "I just don't want you to worry about me all the time. You know I have other brother's and a father that can protect me." Damian frowned, the room was silent until Leona sighed as she decided to change the subject.
"when you and Jon first became more than friends was it... awkward?" Damian chuckled. "Is it awkard between you and Jace?" Damian asked, Leona blush nodding her head yes. "That's the thing is I don't know if Jace and I are even together." She cleared her throat. "I mean He's going through a lot right now so we haven't really been able to talk about what happened a few months ago" Damian nodded in understanding. Damian thought about his answer before speaking.
"when Jon and I decided to be together it wasn't awkward at all for us. Being friends first seemed to have really helped. Maybe you and Jace just need to sit down and talk about what you want from each other?" Leona shook her head no the best she could since Damian was gently massaging the conditioner in her hair. "I can't. He's going through a lot right now and it'll be selfish of me to add this onto his plate."
John and connie, Jace's parents, had Jace scared to death of them.
They sounded like real sociopaths. They beat him almost everyday. Sometimes it was so bad Jace had to stay home from school for days on end just so he can heal; his body so bruised and beaten he couldn't move and Leona would have to steal pain pills from Alfred's secret stash. Those were the days Leona was most tempted to call Jason, knowing jason would handle it in a heartbeat.
"what's got you so angry?" Damian asked, pulling Leona from her thoughts. Leona relaxed her face; not realising her face was scrunched up in anger. "Nothing; just thinking about Jace." Damian nodded. "Ok. I'm done by the way" Damian said, wrapping Leona's hair in a towel. Leona sighed finally being able to sit up. They moved over to the vanity area. Damian took off the towel and started parting her hair, combing out any knots and greasing her scalp. suddenly the door to the in-home salon slammed open revealing a very stoic looking Bruce. he was in his 'Batman mode'
Leona laughed not taking the look seriously "who died."
Leona never ran so fast in her life before, Guilt and shame laid heavy on her chest like an obese elephant. "Leona slow down." Damian said trying to keep up with the frantic girl as she ran through the hospital. Leona ignored her brother as she made her way other to the nurses station. "I'm looking for Jace lovett's room?" Leona asked, her eyes widen with fear. The nurse typed something into the computer before frowning.
"I'm sorry darling but he's still with the doctor, it might take a while before you're able to see him." The nurse said, a sympathetic frown on her face. Leona took a deep breath trying to stop her racing heart. It didn't work. "can you at least tell us what happened?" Leona asked, All Bruce had told her was that he got a call from the hospital saying jace was in the hospital but that was about it. Leona has never been so thankful that John and connie added Bruce to Jace's emergancy contact. other than that they can rot in hell
The nurse looked left and right, almost like she was making sure no one was listening into our conversation before saying "I was outside smoking a cigarette when suddenly this huge white van comes speeding into the ambulance bay. They pushed the boy out of the car not even bothering to slow down or stop." The nurse shook her head. "The police are waiting to question him about who was in the car but like I said the doctor is still with him." she nodded her head to a corner where two policeman were leaning agaisnt the wall. the looked to be bored just standing there a cup of coffee in both of their hands.
Leona's hand balled up into a fist. "leona do you know something?" Bruce asked, His voice was stern and he gave me a look that said 'you better not lie to me' she sighed moving away from the nurse's station and were no one can hear them.
"do you know who did this to him?" Bruce asked sternly.
Leona nodded. she explained everything she knew about the abuse Jace has been going through. She also told them how she stole drugs from Alfred to help Jace. Bruce gave her a disappointed sigh. "we could have helped him Leona, before it went this far." Bruce said. Leona rolled her eyes. "I know that but I couldn't just say 'oh jace trust me you'll be safe from your abusive parents at the manor because my dad is the batman' now could I." Leona snapped. she didn't mean to but she was stressed out. Bruce sighed. "everything is going to be alright Leona. I'll ask Gordan to put out an warrant for John and connies arrest in the meantime he'll come live with us." Leon sighed laying her head on Bruce chest.
"Damian go over and tell the police officer what Leona just told us and make sure they take a report. I wont have them just sweeping this under the rug." Damian nodded before turning and heading over to the police officers. "Family of Jace lovett" an middle age doctor called out into the waiting room.
Leona and Bruce walked over, worry painting her face. "Here" she breathed out. The doctor smiled at her sweetly. "He's a strong young man." she sighed. "he has three fractured ribs, His left was arm broken in two places and his body is just covered in bruises but that is the extant of his injuries but other than that he's going to be ok. He can actually go home today if he'd like" Leona sighed.
"Can we see him?" Leona asked. the doctor nodded "he's a little loopy from the pain killers but yes you can see him. he's in room 2OA" Leona thanked the doctor before leaving to find Jace's room.
Leona has never been so angry before. Angry at herself for not telling Bruce about the abuse and angry at John and connnie for doing this to their son. How can someone be so cruel. "Leona" Jace's voice was low as he called out for her. "Oh Jace" she cried running over to him and throwing herself at his side. leona gasped as Jace let out a groan. Leona stood back up feeling like an idiot for forgetting why jace was laying in this bed in the first place. Two fractured ribs and an broken arm. Leona couldn't imagine the horrors jace had went through only a few hours before.
"sorry" she said, kissing his cheek. Jace let out a low dark laugh as his face turned red. "it's alright, I'm just a little sore" Jace said, pushing Leona's hair, that was still wet, out of her face. Leona glanced at the mirror that was opposite of the small hospital room and flinched at the sight of her hair. Her damp hair stuck to her head on one side while other was sticking in all different directions. She knew the Media was going to have a field day with this; they just couldn't help themselves. Leona sighed, peeling her eyes away from the jagged girl in the mirror and back towords Jace.
Jace eyes seems to be studing the girl infront on him. he seemed to be taking her in; like there was a test about her face and he just had to study for it. "I was so worried" Leona said resting her head on his shoulder. "I'm fine now that you're here" Jace laughed, winking at Leona. Now it was Leona's turn to blush. "Jace--"
"come lay with me" jace asked, his voice low and hoarse. Leona shook her head no. "you're hurt." Leona said, concern written on her face. Jace shrugged, groaning in pain. "just be gentle." Leona eyed Jace, waiting for him to start laughing because he couldn't be serious.
Leona sighed when Jace's face stayed straight and almost emotionless as he stared at her with his sky blue eyes. Eyes that seems to be growing hazier and low by the second. Leona cleared her throat before slowly getting into the small one person bed. The bed was so small that she practically had to lay on top of him, their face so close that their lips almost touched.
"I told my dad about your parents. he said you can come live with us for now on." leona regretted her words the second Jace stiffened beneath her. Jace groaned as he shifted to a more comfortable position. Leona, thinking she was hurting him, tried to jump down from the bed but before she could jace snaked his arm around her waist and pulled her even closer. "you smell good." Jace said, he shoved his nose into her neck and took a beep breath. He was so close that his hot breath tickled her neck when he breathed out making her body become hot with desire.
Leona shook the though away. "Um thanks..." she cleared her throat. "It was wash day." Jace chuckled placing a kiss on her neck before pulling away which she was thankful for. Leona let out a breath she didn't even know she was holding before willing herself to stay calm and focus on Jace.
"You're acting strange J." Leona said, laying her head next to his on his pillow behind them. Jace shrugged "I think I'm done being afraid Lee"
"you'll never have to be afraid again Jace. My family will take care of you, I will take care of you for now on." Leona reasurred. For the first time in her life she understood her brother. The need to protect, to defend flooded her veins. No one was going to hurt them ever again.
Jace looked to be in deep thought, his lips curled downwords in a deep frown. Leona flinched when Jace eyes snapped towords hers. They were dark almost crazyed looking. "You are mine and I am yours" He stated. cupping my cheek with his good hand as his thumb traced my lips. "say it." He demanded. My mouth opened but no words spilled out. "I need to hear you say it" Jace said pulling her face closer; which she didn't think was possible. their lips so close they were almost touching
Jace has never given Leona a reason to fear him; but for some reason she still felt like she was signing a deal with the devil. "I am yours and you are mine." she repeated. Jace smiled a dazed looked in his eyes. Their lips connected in a slow heated kiss. "always and forever." Jace promised.
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persephonememes · 1 year
" it's still me here "
" did you think i forgot about you? "
" i'm still upset "
" it's armageddon "
" i'm still a good witch with her tea "
" all i do is think about the past "
" i still argue like my mother and suppress stuff like my dad "
" i still miss you "
" i still miss you but i know now it will pass "
" i will try forgiveness, but i will not forget "
" was it a love affair? "
" i couldn't escape you "
" if it was a first kiss how come it felt like a snakebite? "
" i wish i would've seen it sooner "
" why did it take me ages to say it? "
" i'll leave you behind but that don't mean it's easy "
" nobody actually happy and healthy has ever felt so desperate to prove it "
" i feel like all of my exes have done that "
" it felt like a face slap "
" it keeps hurting "
" you're still there "
" you look better "
" what the fuck? "
" you still get to me "
" you got every single thing you want "
" you are pretentious "
" i gotta get my act together "
" i know that i should know better "
" i don't think i wanna get better "
" i just keep looking back at you "
" it sawed me right in half "
" now you're living the goddamn dream "
" you were it for me "
" i know i gave you all of myself "
" i'm watching you moving on "
" do you love her/him/them? "
" the worst way to love somebody is to watch them love somebody else "
" was I just an idea you liked? "
" i still can't make it make any sense "
" i thought it would be us for life "
" how's it feel to have made me cry? "
" will you tell me just one more lie? "
" loving you was easy, that's why it hurts now "
" i was treading water till the minute we met "
" i know it didn't last "
" i still want you back "
" maybe that's for the best "
" i am not allowed to want you any longer "
" i'd be yours again tomorrow if you wanted "
" i bet you've thrown away our photographs "
" you look like a superstar "
" it was letting go of everything but you "
" i hadn't thought of home twice "
" if we're living the dream, i hope we never wake up "
" i take in clowns like a one-woman circus "
" you're kinda awful, but you're not awful on purpose "
" oh, mr bruce wayne, where is that cape now? "
" don't you know that you're losing this? "
" don't you see what i'm giving up? "
" you can't even text "
" what did you expect? "
" i'm on a one-way trip to take over the world "
" you could've come, but your head's in the sand "
" you pushed me out quicker than it took me to put my jeans on "
" maybe you're lost and just can't see what you have but i'm not gonna wait "
" don't you see what what you're giving up? "
" i'm not holding my breath "
" i know how your tone works "
" i know you remember "
" i'm the best thing that almost happened to you "
" i'm the greatest love that you wasted "
" we could live off of magic and maybes "
" you're evasive on the phone "
" i'll still flinch at the sound of a door "
" i could love you and wait 'til you're ready "
" what happened here? "
" you swore a lot of things "
" i've been lied to before "
" i've heard some things that i will leave unrepeated "
" if a man says that he wants you in his life forever, run! "
" i wish i'd known "
" i wish i hadn't let go "
" when we said goodbye, i wish i hadn't let go "
" you were driving fast, i was holding back "
" i loved you, babe, but i bet you knew that "
" you said we're like your mom and dad "
" i was yours so fast, i was scared so bad "
" i loved you, did I tell you that? "
" but if I'm tricky, why'd you kiss me? "
" love's a verb and not a bandage "
" i'm good at pretending "
" i kept it in but it wrecked my organs "
" so pour the gin "
" i'm gonna throw you down the river "
" if you don't love me, what was april? "
" it broke me big time "
" i've been treated carelessly "
" in the bed of poison oak you were the remedy "
" i couldn't ask anymore "
" i know it's wrong "
" but now you're gone, i can't sleep "
" i'm just talking to your memory "
" you swore that you'd be there for me "
" now your touch will last for centuries "
" at least I had you for this long "
" you gave me the world "
" you gave me your word "
" it built me like a promise 'til it broke me like a curse "
" i knew loving you was letting you leave "
" i'm dating but just dating for sport "
" i'm doing better "
" i thought i gave you the best of me "
" i can finally breathe "
" the love we had was eating me whole "
" i don't need your light to be lit "
" i just should've known when to quit "
" now i'm over the worst of it "
" i tried to rewrite it, but i can't "
" i've pleaded with the powers and their plans "
" the men start wars yet troy hates helen "
" women's hearts are lethal weapons "
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