#Broke no More (Your Guide to Financial Freedom)
Broke no More (Your Guide to Financial Freedom)
OUTLINE: 00:00:00 Introduction 00:00:28 Living beyond means 00:02:30 Lack of emergency savings 00:04:25 Impulsive Spending 00:06:31 Lack of financial literacy 00:08:37 Debt 00:10:41 Practical solutions 00:12:56 Conclusion
Are you tired of living paycheck to paycheck? Are you ready to take control of your finances and achieve financial freedom? Look no further than this video, "Broke No More: Your Guide to Financial Freedom". Truth about money. In this informative guide, we'll provide you with practical tips and strategies to help you break free from the cycle of being broke and start building a solid financial foundation. From budgeting to saving to investing, we'll cover it all in this comprehensive guide. Say goodbye to stress and uncertainty about your finances and hello to a brighter, more secure future. Join us on this journey to financial freedom and start living the life you deserve. Don't let your financial situation hold you back any longer. Watch this video now and begin your path to a better, more prosperous tomorrow. Remember, it's never too late to change your financial future. Take the first step today towards a life of abundance and security.
#frugalliving #FinancialFreedom #PersonalFinance
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💸 What sort of money flows comes to you naturally? 💸 (Pick a pile)
{How to pick a pile? First, take a deep breath with your eyes closed to clear your mind. When you open your eyes, don't hesitate – pick the image that immediately grabs your attention or stirs up a memory. Remember, you can pick more than one pile if you feel called to. If none of the images stand out for you, it means there's no message for you at this time. You can always come back to it later.}
✧○ꊞ○ꊞ○ꊞ○ꊞ○ꊞ - ○ꊞ○ꊞ○ꊞ○ꊞ○ - ○ꊞ○ꊞ○ꊞ○ꊞ✧
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Pile 1, Pile 2, Pile 3 (from left to right)
Hello and always a huge thank you to everyone for your incredible support, it means a lot to me!
In this collective pick a pile reading, we'll explore the ways in which money and financial abundance might come into your life effortlessly and harmoniously. Let's see where your energy takes us.
Disclaimer: This is a collective reading I picked up on multiple energies, so please only take what resonates and leave the rest. When something resonates you usually feel a light energy and in your heart you can feel it's your message, and the pic that attracts you is a clearly sign.
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💵 PILE 1
(the longest lol)
The Sun, Ace of Swords, The Hermit
Hello Pile 2, and welcome to your reading. Let's dive in!
The vibes I'm getting from this collective are super energetic and moving. It's about not staying in the same environment and situations, because life should move for y'all. This tells me that the way money and financial abundance come to you is through experiences, trying different things. Mostly through traveling and freedom. Literally expanding your mind and soul. To attract prosperity, you have to feel free from any burden, which could be in the form of a thing, a person, or a situation. I see that you easily drain yourself, and you need to retreat for a certain period to come out stronger and empowered. People drain you, my pile 1, but you shouldn't feel bad about it. Indeed, you benefit more from alone time and focused on your goals.
You attract financial abundance, money the most when you're tuned into yourself - which is hilarious because in my spread I see no one but you. When you do what your heart suggests and ignore people's opinions trying to get into your business, you hate this, right? You don't look for help outside of you, but let me remind you that asking for help doesn't make you any lesser, but it's actually a strong act, and you should be proud of it.
So, the inspiration comes or should come from within you because you're the type that ventures in search of new, exciting experiences, and this is a great way to attract abundance into your life. But, your guides are warning here - be careful not to spend over 'useless' things that don't serve your higher good, and some of you do this a lot, and when you go broke, you regret it.I see your cup overflowing with water, and you know when you fill something with too much liquid, some of it falls. You have to learn how to control yourself, my dear, and stop yourself from falling into this trap of spending where there's no need. However, don’t deprive yourself entirely when you truly desire something. Always remember the saying, 'who wants too much, at the end nothing holds.' Be mindful of your own spending - and when you borrow money from someone, please don’t forget to give it back, or the divine may not be forgiving.
If we have to sum up your reading, we'd say keep seeking new experiences and don't forget to follow your heart/your intuition, and trust that money will find you. This doesn't mean immediately or magically, but for example, if you take new job opportunities or open your own business. Right off the bat, if someone here is thinking about open their own activity this is your sign, as I saw the Chariot before starting your reading, it's a sign that it will bring you success in the long run. I also see many 9, Aces, and numbers following – 9, 111, 789 may be significant, as well as enlightenment and the color yellow.
9: validation, completion, justification, intuition, success.
1: beginnings, core, inspiration.
Thank you for allowing me to read your energy, Pile 1.
Note: -If you enjoyed this and my other readings, and you'd like to support me further, you can do so on my ko-fi, I'd greatly appreciate it. It's not mandatory.
-For further guidance or a personalized reading, feel free to book a reading through my Tumblr DM or email [[email protected]]. I'm here to help you navigate life's challenges and find clarity. We can decide the price together. [I will be providing more details on my paid readings in the future. Keep an eye out for it]
💵 PILE 2
2 of Wands, Ace of Pentacles, 10 of Pentacles
Hello Pile 2, and welcome to your reading. Let's dive in!
When it comes to money flows, I pick up a similar energy to pile 1, although in an opposite way. Despite this possible correlation, some of you may still resonate with some messages in pile 1, so feel free to check it. Unlike my pile 1, who is more open to adventures and new experiences, you are more restrained and closed off, even though you'd like to get out of your comfort zone. The cards have spoken, dear. It's not a question of 'if you want' but a necessity – 'you've got to go.' This is how financial abundance naturally finds you. Some of you have refused job offers that would have brought significant gains because you felt you weren't good enough, or someone was better, and later regretted it when it was too late.
I completely understand, but I have to tell you that our mind is powerful, and if we want something, we shouldn't give up and persist through sweat and tears. In this way, we'll obtain it no matter how it may not align with us. We are souls in a human body, and we can reach whatever we set our minds to.
The abundance of pentacles suggests the career area as your most thriving and struggling aspect, but this struggle is a lesson for you to do even better.What I also see is that you're stubborn when it comes to want something - people and even the divine offer you something that would help you grow and expand, but you're always thinking, 'No, I want that one thing/person.' Unfortunately your tendency to be a traditionalist or afraid of change hinders your growth and expansion. You have to be more open to new possibilities. You're a traditionalist or afraid of change, and I hear you loud and clear because same here.
Side note: I feel like some of you are about to get money from your friends or family, perhaps a grandmother for your birthday? this is nice!
To sum up your reading, you have to stop refusing any kind of opportunities presenting in front of you, evaluating the pros and cons based on your goals, and not on your lack of confidence. Get out, and let everyone see you. You are meant to shine, darling!
Thank you for allowing me to read your energy, Pile 2.
Note: -If you enjoyed this and my other readings, and you'd like to support me further, you can do so on my ko-fi, I'd greatly appreciate it. It's not mandatory.
-For further guidance or a personalized reading, feel free to book a reading through my Tumblr DM or email [[email protected]]. I'm here to help you navigate life's challenges and find clarity. We can decide the price together. [I will be providing more details on my paid readings in the future. Keep an eye out for it]
💵 PILE 3
7 of Wands, 2 of Cups, Knight of Pentacles rv
Hello Pile 3, and welcome to your reading. Let's dive in!
You guys let other people step on your dreams and goals, and I'm picking up energy of defeat. Maybe you let others dictate your life, consciously or unconsciously. When we don't realize it, our subconscious starts to play. This is a heavy burden for you.
So, the sort of money flows that come into your life effortlessly is when you don't let anyone's opinion, including family or friends, phase you. You have all the tools to live on your own terms. One of the worst feelings is to regret not doing something because someone didn't want you to. You need to start believing in yourself more. You have all the right tools to go forward without anyone's help. But as I like to mention asking for help doesn't make you any less, and it's important when you really need it. A little trip alone can be beneficial to show yourself that you can do it on your own.
Another important thing I'm getting for financial abundance to naturally enter your life is to be loyal to your goals, dreams, beliefs, and complete things you start. Be productive as much as you can, and don't let laziness take control. We all have lazy days and there's nothing wrong with admitting it, but as I said try not to let them get the best of you because it would be a pity since you're one of those people that can change the world if you really want to.
Some of you may have or will have wealthy or even rich partners who will bring financial stability or significant gains, especially if you're still youngish. I'm picking up unions, partnerships whether in love or in work as an another money flows for you, connections that will help reach your goals and so financial stability (not immediately though)
To sum up your reading (which is kind of short as the cards and your guides came up more straightforward for you 😆), the cards highlight the importance of self-belief, loyalty to one's goals and beliefs, and the potential for financial abundance through partnerships or wealthy partners.
Spiritual warfare, meaningful pieces of jewelry may be significant for some of you, as is the color green.
Thank you for allowing to read your energy, Pile 3.
Note: -If you enjoyed this and my other readings, and you'd like to support me further, you can do so on my ko-fi, I'd greatly appreciate it. It's not mandatory.
-For further guidance or a personalized reading, feel free to book a reading through my Tumblr DM or email [[email protected]]. I'm here to help you navigate life's challenges and find clarity. We can decide the price together. [I will be providing more details on my paid readings in the future. Keep an eye out for it]
Please note that I used AI language bot to help improve grammar and spelling in my readings, as English is not my first language. However, the interpretations and insights provided in my readings are all my work, based on my intuition and the cards' symbolism.
Disclaimer: Tarot readings are for entertainment purposes only and are not meant to predict or dictate your future. The cards provide insights and guidance, but the ultimate power of choice lies with you.
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nobossinc · 10 months
But we ‘regular folk’ are likely stuck between a rock and a hard place — no time, money, or resources to spare. A second job often meant sacrificing family time and microwaved dinners while the TV became the de facto babysitter.
Enter the era of information technology, the Internet, and a host of other game-changers like AI. Suddenly, opportunities that were seemed secret and reserved for the elite became accessible to us common folks.
The fact is, you cannot get to financial freedom, build wealth, or save money if you don’t have money. Right? All of your money is going to day-to-day living so, how can you save, obtain financial freedom, or even think about building wealth?
Well, that is what we’re going to talk about in this video.  We're diving into the art of ‘never being broke again’ by building income streams that will keep cash flowing into your account forever. And, we’re going to start from where you are right now and guide you to where you want to be — financial independence.
Let’s get started!
The purpose of building income streams isn't just about money, it’s about creating a life on your terms. With that in mind, here's what building multiple streams of income brings to the table:
Financial Security
Increased Earning Potential
Wealth Opportunities
Essentially, there are four actionable steps that will put you in the right mindset to easily lay out a winning income-generating plan.
Define Success: What does success look like for you? Set clear goals.
Identify Essential Changes: What milestones do you need to hit to get where you want to be?
Detail Tasks: Break down each step into actionable tasks, including what you can do, need to learn, and what to outsource.
Resources Available: Weaponize what you have — your phone, laptop, automated tools — and build from there.
 Download the Income Streams TOOLKIT and get started on these actionable steps! Once you have completed the actionable steps, select the combination of income streams that will help you achieve your goals.
Creating multiple income streams isn't just about financial gain; it's also about pursuing your passions and taking control of your financial future for a more fulfilling life. When choosing income streams, choose those that are compatible with your skills, interests, lifestyle, and any other elements that resonate with you.
Now, let’s delve into the 4 types of income streams that will catapult you to success:
Passive Income Streams: Think "set it and forget it."
Side Hustle: Discover the vast possibilities and how to set up side hustles for yourself.
Earned or Freelance Income Streams: Turn your skills into an independent income source.
Start a Business: Find the perfect business for you! The day-to-day hustle is real, but so are the rewards.
   Now there are two main points that I want to make right here:
First, each category of income stream packs a lot of information:
List of Resources
How to set up each
So it's important to get involved in the LIVE WORKSHOPS so you can get the tools and resources to get started now.
Secondly, building multiple income streams is about working smarter, not harder. In the Live Workshops, you will find the perfect balance between passive income, side hustles, earned income, and entrepreneurial ventures that align with your passion. By creating multiple sources of income, you not only protect your financial future but also gain the ability to enjoy the true pleasures of life with more time and freedom.
Much success! Here's to an income-building journey that's both prosperous and fulfilling.  Now, head over to the Live! Workshops Training to ‘kiss being broke’ goodbye!
Remember, a real boss has NOBOSS.
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quornesha · 1 year
Chestnut Colored Woodpecker Prophecy and Symbolism
The Following Channel is from higher powers, Divine, the ancestral plane and is prophetic through Quornesha S. Lemon|
Whether the Chestnut Colored Woodpecker appears in dreams, visions, waking life or synchronicities, it is a sign and message that a breakthrough has been released upon your business, your love life, your close family ties (children, spouse/future spouse), a period of stress, overwhelm and defeat is beneath you now. You're in a golden period where the upper realms are guiding you. You will avoid tragedies and you will avoid the traps others have set for you. Be of good courage you have been delivered from someone, a series of obstacles or just in general. You've broke through.
Tests and trials are over. Yes, you will go through lessons but the hard life season is behind you now. Prepare for the joys of life. And enjoy being loved on wherever you turn. People are going to be so helpful even if you don't feel like you deserve it. Watch angels come together on your behalf. Whatever you need, watch enemies bow down before you and beg for forgiveness. An ex person may return begging for your hand. Use your discernment. Someone new has or is imminent to come into your life. The worries of life are beneath you. If there's a health concern this will lift suddenly. Your ancestors love you and this new season of your life has been earned. Blessings you did not expect to receive. Large sums of money are coming your way. You will receive influxes of prosperity and deposits you didn't expect to receive. You will live in a season of overflow for a lifetime.
You have witnessed and experienced poverty. But no more. Your cup has just changed. A new, better indestructible cup is being handed to you..and this cup is being filled with perpetual good that you can't even imagine. You can have it all. Whatever you're wanting in love you will receive..yes, you'll still experience loss but those losses will not be major. Divine carried you and will continue to do so. Your soul is pure and you prove time and time again that you are good. No longer will you crawl through life. You are being handed the keys to the kingdom, the palace, the penthouse. Whatever your breakthrough looks like it is yours. If you need deliverance and have not experienced this yet, then this is the result you will receive if you proceed in that work. The ‘home life' will become very important to you. And you will experience financial freedom.
You've been faithful over a few things so enjoy your blessings. On the latter, you must speak up for yourself and not accept negativity in any form. Tap into your voice and refute the lower aspects in yourself and in others towards you or anything that is attached to you..
This message isn't, obviously resonant with all whose paths it crosses, as perhaps you may encounter someone of this vernacular, mastery or skill. Therefore, it is a sign from the universe that you're meant to work with such a person. 
Need further clarity or your own queries answered? Book your own reading as my schedule is full and I do not guarantee a reply on social media regarding this post.
If this is not you, then it is time to get clear to rejoin your tribe or the rest of the world of infinite beings. It's time to bring your light to the forefront. However, if you aren't able to invoke, heal or otherwise on your own, call on the assistance of shamans, healers, intuitive people, etc. to assist you. This synchronicity can possibly have specific meanings for you, it's time to get insight. 
The Gift that Quornesha Has can never be duplicated, She is a Shaman, Writer, Healer,  And Teacher with incredible prophetic/healing gifts. Please do not infringe upon her rights as the author. You are not permitted to reuse, nor are you to sale as you wish. This information has been made available to you for the purpose of introduction and demonstration. All rights reserved. If you'd like to use this in a magazine, online publication, or other, please ask for permission first. Legal actions will be taken if you proceed to impose. Be blessed, bless others and be at peace on your journey. What you do is coming back on you. Make sure that it is good, and all is well within you, through you and around you.  The source sees all and knows what you think it does not.
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digiphyproductsshopify · 10 months
Speed Wealth Affiliate System
     Introducing the Speed Wealth Affiliate System: Unlock Multiple Income Streams on Autopilot!
Are you tired of the grind, working day and night for minimal online commissions? We have a game-changing solution for you – the Speed Wealth Affiliate System.
Are you tired of the grind, working day and night for minimal online commissions? We have a game-changing solution for you – the Speed Wealth Affiliate System.
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How it Works:
Before Speed Wealth, I struggled for years, trying every method out there. Nothing seemed to work until I stumbled upon a deal that changed everything. I questioned, experimented, and broke all the rules, leading me to the Speed Wealth System.
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 Experience the Speed Wealth Difference – Less Work, More Commissions.
Ready to transform your online income game? Click the link to grab your Speed Wealth System now!
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payrchat4 · 10 months
The Ultimate Guide to Finding Lucrative Affiliate Marketing Jobs
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Introduction to Affiliate Marketing Jobs
Are you tired of the daily grind, longing for a more flexible and financially rewarding career? Look no further than the exciting world of affiliate marketing! With its potential to generate passive income and work from anywhere in the world, affiliate marketing has become one of the most sought-after professions in today's digital landscape. In this ultimate guide, we will explore everything you need to know about finding lucrative affiliate marketing jobs. From uncovering top companies hiring talented marketers to providing tips on how to land your dream job, get ready to embark on an exhilarating journey towards financial freedom. So buckle up and let's dive into the wonderful realm of affiliate marketing opportunities!
The Benefits of Working as an Affiliate Marketer
The Benefits of Working as an Affiliate Marketer Flexibility is one of the biggest perks of working as an affiliate marketer. Instead of being tied to a traditional 9-to-5 job, you have the freedom to work from anywhere and at any time that suits your schedule. Whether you prefer early mornings or late nights, you can set your own hours and be your own boss. Another advantage is the potential for passive income. Once you have successfully set up your affiliate marketing campaigns and implemented effective strategies, you can start earning money even while you sleep! With a reliable stream of passive income, you can enjoy financial stability and security. Affiliate marketing also provides endless opportunities for growth and learning. As an affiliate marketer, you constantly need to stay updated with industry trends, digital marketing techniques, and new product launches. This ongoing learning process keeps things exciting and allows you to expand your skills in areas like SEO optimization, content creation, social media management, email marketing - just to name a few! Additionally, affiliate marketing offers immense scalability. You are not limited by fixed salary caps or promotions determined by others; instead, your earnings directly correlate with the effort and dedication you put into growing your business. The more successful campaigns you create or products/services you promote effectively - the higher commissions or rewards await! Lastly but certainly not least: there's no ceiling on how much money an affiliate marketer can earn! While it may take time initially to build up a strong foundation in this field - once established - sky's truly the limit when it comes to potential earnings. In conclusion... Oops! I almost broke one of my rules there! But seriously though if these benefits sound appealing to you then pursuing a career in affiliate marketing might be worth considering! So why wait? Start exploring opportunities today and embark on an exciting journey towards financial freedom through lucrative affiliate marketing jobs
How to Find Affiliate Marketing Jobs
Now that you understand the benefits of working as an affiliate marketer, let's dive into how to find lucrative affiliate marketing jobs. With the growing popularity of this field, there are several avenues you can explore to land your dream job. One effective way to find affiliate marketing jobs is by networking within the industry. Attend conferences and events where you can meet professionals in the field. Connect with them on social media platforms like LinkedIn and Twitter, and stay updated on any job openings they may share. Another option is to join online communities and forums dedicated to affiliate marketing. These platforms often have job boards or sections where companies post available positions. Additionally, interacting with other members can provide valuable insights and potential job leads. Don't overlook traditional job search websites either! Many companies advertise their affiliate marketing positions on popular job portals such as Indeed or Glassdoor. Set up email alerts for relevant keywords like "affiliate marketer" or "performance marketing," so you don't miss out on any opportunities. If you have specific companies in mind that align with your interests, visit their websites directly. Often, businesses will have a careers page listing current openings across various departments, including affiliate marketing roles. Leverage social media channels like Facebook groups or Reddit threads dedicated to digital marketing jobs. These communities often share exclusive opportunities not found elsewhere. Remember, finding a lucrative affiliate marketing job requires persistence and patience. Explore multiple avenues simultaneously and tailor your applications accordingly for the best chances of success.
Top Companies Hiring for Affiliate Marketers
When it comes to finding lucrative affiliate marketing jobs, it's important to know which companies are leading the industry and offering exciting opportunities. Here are some top companies that are actively seeking skilled affiliate marketers: 1. Amazon Associates: As one of the largest online retailers in the world, Amazon offers a robust affiliate program with competitive commission rates. With millions of products available for promotion, there is great potential for earning substantial income through their platform. 2. ClickBank: Known as one of the biggest digital product marketplaces, ClickBank connects affiliates with vendors selling e-books, software, courses, and more. They offer high commission rates and a user-friendly interface that makes it easy to track earnings. 3. CJ Affiliate (formerly Commission Junction): This network partners with thousands of advertisers across various industries and provides access to a wide range of products and services to promote. Affiliates can choose from different payment structures such as pay-per-sale or pay-per-lead. 4. ShareASale: With over 20 years in the industry, ShareASale has built a solid reputation as an affiliate network that hosts numerous merchants across multiple niches. Their platform offers advanced tracking tools and real-time reporting for affiliates. 5. Shopify Affiliate Program: If you have an interest in e-commerce, becoming an affiliate for Shopify can be highly rewarding. As one of the leading e-commerce platforms globally, they provide excellent resources and generous commissions for promoting their services. These companies represent just a fraction of what's out there in terms of job opportunities within the affiliate marketing field. By researching these top players and staying updated on new developments in the industry, you'll be well-equipped to find your dream job as an affiliate marketer!
Tips for Landing a Lucrative Affiliate Marketing Job
When it comes to landing a lucrative affiliate marketing job, there are several tips that can help you stand out from the competition. First and foremost, it's important to showcase your skills and experience in digital marketing. This could include highlighting any successful campaigns or projects you've worked on in the past. Networking is also key in this industry. Reach out to professionals already working in affiliate marketing and ask for advice or potential job leads. Attending industry events and joining online communities can also provide valuable networking opportunities. In addition, make sure your resume is tailored specifically for the role you're applying for. Highlight relevant skills such as SEO knowledge, content creation abilities, and familiarity with various affiliate networks. During interviews, be prepared to showcase your understanding of the company's products or services and how they align with your own interests or expertise. Demonstrating enthusiasm about their brand will go a long way in making a positive impression. Don't forget about continuous learning and staying up-to-date with industry trends. Employers value candidates who show a commitment to ongoing professional development. By following these tips, you'll increase your chances of landing a lucrative affiliate marketing job that aligns with your skills and goals.
Common Mistakes to Avoid in the Application Process
When applying for affiliate marketing jobs, there are a few common mistakes that you'll want to avoid. These missteps can hinder your chances of landing a lucrative position in this highly competitive field. One mistake is not customizing your application materials for each job you apply to. It's important to tailor your resume and cover letter specifically to the company and role you're interested in. Generic applications won't grab the attention of hiring managers who are looking for candidates with specific skills and experiences. Another common mistake is neglecting to showcase your results and achievements in previous affiliate marketing roles. Employers want to see concrete evidence of how well you've performed in the past, so be sure to highlight any successful campaigns or projects you've worked on. Additionally, failing to research the company before an interview can be detrimental. Hiring managers will expect you to have a good understanding of their brand, products/services, target audience, and competitors. Showcasing this knowledge during an interview demonstrates your genuine interest in the company and industry. Don't overlook the importance of networking within the affiliate marketing community. Building relationships with professionals already working in this field can provide valuable insights into available job opportunities and increase your chances of being referred by someone within the industry. By avoiding these common mistakes throughout the application process, you'll greatly improve your chances of securing a lucrative affiliate marketing job that aligns with your skills and goals.
Conclusion: Is an Affiliate Marketing Job Right for You?
After exploring the world of affiliate marketing jobs, you may be wondering if this career path is the right fit for you. While it offers numerous benefits and opportunities for lucrative earnings, it's important to carefully consider whether it aligns with your strengths, interests, and goals. Affiliate marketing requires a certain level of self-motivation and discipline. It involves staying up-to-date with industry trends, analyzing data, building relationships with partners, and constantly
optimizing campaigns. If you enjoy working independently and have a passion for digital marketing or sales, then affiliate marketing could be an excellent choice. One of the greatest advantages of affiliate marketing jobs is the flexibility they offer. Whether you prefer working from home or traveling while earning income on-the-go, this field allows you to create your own schedule and work environment. Additionally, as an affiliate marketer, there are no limits to how much you can earn; your success depends on your dedication and ability to drive conversions. When searching for affiliate marketing jobs, consider focusing on companies that align with your niche or interests. Look out for reputable brands that offer competitive commission rates and strong support systems for their affiliates. Take advantage of job boards specifically tailored towards remote work or digital marketers; these platforms often feature a wide range of opportunities in the field. To increase your chances of landing a lucrative affiliate marketing job: - Build a strong online presence by creating a professional website or blog - Develop valuable skills such as SEO optimization or copywriting - Network with other professionals in the industry through social media groups or conferences - Show potential employers examples of successful campaigns you've implemented In conclusion (without using those exact words), becoming an affiliate marketer presents exciting possibilities for individuals who thrive in digital environments and possess strong entrepreneurial spirit. With determination and strategic thinking applied throughout each step - from finding opportunities to securing positions -you'll be well-equipped to embark upon this rewarding career path. So, are you ready to dive into the world of affiliate marketing jobs? If so, start by researching companies, brushing up on your skills, and networking with other professionals in the field. With persistence and hard work, you have the potential to turn your passion for sales and marketing into a successful career as an affiliate marketer.
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paypant · 2 years
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mxxnspells · 4 years
Pick a Card - Spring 2021
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Hello! I hope you’re doing well. Today, I bring you a new pick a card, this one focused on Spring! There are three rows, each one referring to something different:
Life: Where I get the general energy for this season and how it connects to your past, present and future. Any message that doesn’t fit in the next two categories will appear here. Love: Where I read your love energy for the season. Remember that love can come and be in many forms. Money (finances): Everything related with money, your job, career will have its message here. It is also related with practicality and tangibility. If money can buy it or acquire it, then its message fits this category.
I will use Tarot to get the messages, my intuition and the language of flowers (in the life reading) as well since it fits with the spring theme!
How to make your pick: Firstly, take a deep breath. Close your eyes and become aware of your body and ground yourself in the question “What can I expect from this year’s Spring?”. When you are ready, open your eyes and look at the different images. Select the one in each row that sparks a memory in you.
Disclaimer: As always, these readings are for fun. Take what resonates, leave the rest. I am not qualified to give any legal, medical advice. Any major decisions should be consulted by a professional. This reading should not replace any of that.
Feel free to let me know if this resonates with you or not! I’d love to hear your thoughts about this so that I can improve and give you more quality pick a cards in the future! Any suggestions you may have, feel free to leave them in my inbox!
🦋Life #1
Tarot: VII (Seven) of Pentacles (Reversed), The Empress (Reversed), VI (Six) of Pentacles
I feel like you have been holding on to something and you don’t want to let go. I sense this can be someone, rather than something, and for some reason, it has to do with the idea you have of this person, not necessarily them. This has caused you to be extremely confused about where to go and what to do. I feel like you don’t feel capable of letting go of this and in a way, you feel trapped. However, with the VI (Six of Pentacles), help is on the way. I feel like this help will come in form of a conversation. I am getting the strong message that you need to open up. That’s what you need to let go of. These thoughts, ideas, whatever it is... you need to open up to someone about them.
Flowers: White Rose (Worthiness), Sweet William (Gallantry), Rosemary (Remembrance)
This is an advice from the universe to you. Somewhere along the way, you lost yourself. You don’t recognise who you are anymore and that is taking a toll on you. However, you must stay brave and remember you are capable of taking the next step. Remember that by finding yourself, by remembering who you were, you are acknowledging that change can be made. So allow yourself to grow this Spring.
🦋Life #2
Tarot: III (Three) of Swords, Queen of Cups, The Devil
This past year hasn’t been easy on you, has it? I feel like you keep blaming yourself for things that you had no control over, you couldn’t have possibly change that. People come and people go. And someone you loved dearly has left you. It wasn’t your fault, though. I don’t know if this is someone who has passed on or someone who broke your heart. Take what resonates. This Spring, you’ll be walking towards a more compassionate version of yourself. You will accept things, recognise that what is done is done and that the past cannot be changed. This is a different message but this Spring you might be asked to make a choice? Between ending something which you know will break your heart and something that on the surface seems like everything you ever wanted but deep down there’s not a lot of substance. You are the Queen of Cups in this situation. Between a promised white lie and a heartbreaking truth. Remember that whatever ends up happening, you have everything you need to deal with it. Just allow yourself to feel for once.
Flowers: Lilac (First Emotions of Love), Honeysuckle (Generous and Devoted attention), White Rose (Worthiness)
This can be two things. Either you are slowly coming to terms with who you are, learning to love yourself or someone else or this is someone else finally giving into their feelings for you. Just remember your value and self-worth. Remember that above anything else, you are the most important and precious thing in your life. You are worthy of love. And it all begins with your own.
🦋Life #3
Tarot: V (Five) of Pentacles (Reversed), The Sun, Queen of Pentacles
Look, I’m just going to say it, good for you! I don’t know exactly why but good for you! I feel like you have been in this semi-hermit stage recovering or planning something and this Spring, you are going to finally show the world your creation. I don’t know what it is but good for you. I am ecstatic, you feel euphoric or extremely happy, don’t you? I want to laugh, giggle, jump up and down in excitement. You are happy and you should be! Whatever it is that is happening at this time, seems to be providing you with stability for the long run. I have a feeling that because we’ve got the Queen of Pentacles, this will take some time to be noticed. I feel like by the end of Spring the fruits of your labour will start to show up. Just allow yourself to fully feel comfortable and then step out of the shadows and into the sun. It will shine on you.
Flowers: Petunia (Soothing Presence), Red Rose (Fidelity and Love), Lilac (First Emotions of Love)
This is a similar message from my teacup reading so maybe you also read that and now you’re here again. This to me, screams commitment. Commitment to someone, commitment to yourself, commitment to something. Whatever you are committing to, it brings you peace. It’s like that feeling “I am where I’m supposed to be,”. It is also something or someone you love with all your heart and you are ready to have it/them in your life for the long run.
🐝 Love #1
Tarot: III (Three) of Pentacles (Reversed), VIII (Eight) of Pentacles, V (Five) of Swords (Reversed)
If you picked this pile, then you are either in a relationship or you have been trying to fix a connection. I sense this is a love connection and I guess there has been a lot of fights, lack of communication, something related to one of you not understanding the other. I get that one of the people involved wants to either go back to studying or do something different but the other party is like “What for? You won’t need it,” which is leaving a big portion of you upset and devastated. You feel like there needs to be better communication and you want to put in the work to fix this. However, you are not sure how the other party feels. Do it. They are also ready to work on this. You need to honest and practical too. Maybe one of you is too idealistic and the other too practical/realistic. Just meet in the middle. And like the card in the middle of your spread, you have both to put in the work.
🐝 Love #2
Tarot: II (Two) of Swords, Knight of Swords, The Magician
This Spring, you will most likely meet someone. I feel like there will be a lot of chemistry between you two and it will come out of nowhere. However, I feel like you are blocking yourself to this connection. It’s not that you don’t want love, it’s just that you don’t know where to find it. But this person will come in quickly and swoop you away. You are not sure whether or not you should give into this connection. “Are they the one?”, “Am I ready for this relationship?”. I feel like these are questions that have crossed your mind at some point in time and you are letting them blind you. The thing is darling, you are the magician. You have everything you need for this connection to work. You may not have all the answers just yet but allow yourself to give in this time. It will feel magical. 
🐝 Love #3
Tarot: Queen of Pentacles (Reversed), X (Ten) of Swords, Queen of Cups
I assume your work has been taking a big toll on you. I feel like you work long hours or spend a lot of time away from the one you love which is causing you and them pain. I also sense that the X (Ten) of Swords here represent your thoughts but also how you are seeing this. I assume you have made up your mind: they will leave me. I will be alone. Or you feel alone. Either way, the Queen of Cups is your partner in this situation. They understand you and they care about you. They are giving you space, that’s what I’m sensing. They know you are busy but they also know how much you value your relationship with them. And they know that right now, you need to prioritise your work. Just tell them you are thankful to have them by your side. They will appreciate it.
🌷Money #1
Tarot: VI (Six) of Swords (Reversed), The Fool (Reversed), V (Five) of Swords
There’s a lot of things you need to deal with but since this has to do with finances, be careful where you put your money in. I feel like you see this opportunity and think “this is great!” and probably invest with not enough knowledge which is not good. I feel like you are trying to get into the stock market or investments and you think you are ready but you aren’t yet. You want financial freedom so you are trying to find ways to make it happen at all costs. Just because something looks appealing, doesn’t mean it is. Remember the long run. 
🌷Money #2
Tarot: King of Wands, The Emperor (Reversed), X (Ten) of Cups (Reversed)
In this scenario, you are the King of Wands. You are passionate, imaginative, you love what you do. Not only that, you are also a great leader. And I feel like you have been looking for a promotion at your job or a job offer for that matter. For some reason, I also sense that even though you are represented by the King of Wands, you are not in that energy yet. That is where you want to be. The leader, the one calling the shots, the one guiding and inspiring. But there’s someone on your way, The Emperor. This is someone who is above you. Someone with more power that doesn’t want to share it with you. The thing is, they know the value you bring but they don’t want others to see it. You are also not easily manipulated which they don’t like. I sense this promotion or whatever you desire will go to someone else. It will be shocking, devastating, heartbreaking. But remember, as I said, you are walking towards that King of Wands energy. You are not there just yet. But soon enough, you’ll get your chance to shine. Just don’t let this get in the way of the big picture.
🌷Money #3
Tarot: The Hanged Man, Death, V (Five) of Swords
Do not be scared by the Death card. I feel like this is something you have seen coming. I sense you want to quit your job? Or have a change of scenery, at least. I sense you have been weighing the pros and the cons and for sure you have come to the realisation that quitting will come with certain sacrifices: financial freedom you currently have. However, this step will lead to a new path and you know you need to do this, even if those around you don’t understand it. I feel like your colleagues will be resentful of you. Either because you left them without a notice or because you are jumping ship (which I don’t think it’s the case, this is how they see it). They don’t see you as a quitter, though. Quite the opposite. And that’s why they are resentful, because you were able to take that step whereas they are too afraid to do so. It costs you your financial freedom but I don’t sense you overspend. Maybe you even have some savings which have allowed you to come to this decision. Whatever it is, it has been a long time coming. And you need to leave the old to receive the new.
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eva-andsomenumbers · 4 years
Meaningful gameplay guide for The Sims 4 ~ PART 2
#2 How to make your sim’s stories interesting and how to keep yourself playing
My niece, who also is a big fan of the sims, asked me an interesting sims questions last week: ‘What is your goal when playing the sims 4?’. I was embarrassed that I, someone who played more than 1000 hours of the sims 4, couldn’t answer this question right away. Because what is your goal when playing the sims if you don’t do a challenge? The purpose is having fun, but the goal…? After (way too) long thinking and analyzing I realized I don’t have a goal I want to achieve when playing The Sims. But what approach/method do I use in my let’s plays to make The Sims 4 have meaningful gameplay?
The way to make a let’s play interesting for me if it constantly gives you the thought: ‘What will happen next?’. Like watching an exciting movie. What I mean by this and how I accomplish this in my game will I tell you in this post in 3 relatively simple steps.
The base for meaningful gameplay is interesting sims. I have already made a post about this and you can find it here. You don’t have to read that post first, but I do recommend it. I will refer to it one or two times and my example sims Billy, Kaitlyn and Zoe are introduced there.
Step 1: the goal
I just said you don’t need to have a goal, but that is not entirely true. Your sim should have a goal/want, like I discussed in my previous post here. Important is, that you as a player, don’t have a goal. Because then you are just playing a challenge and checking off boxes when playing the game, and this can absolutely be fun, but this tutorial is not about challenge gameplay. If you do want to explore a certain game feature in your let’s play, then make it the dream/goal of your sim. For example, if you want to explore the jungle after buying jungle adventures, make it your sims dream to do so.
Step 2: the conflict
Now that your sim has their dream, there is literally nothing standing in the way of this. The sims 4 is just way to easy. Want to date an already married sim? No problem, they’ll will all leave their spouse after one flirty conversation. Want to be a millionaire? All you need is time to climb the career ladder and give it some time. To make the goals of your sims meaningful, you need to make it difficult for them to achieve. I have found 3 natural ways to do this without just denying your sim action they need to do to succeed.
Option 1 is to make an internal conflict within your sim. Real people have conflicting emotions and thoughts and so should your sim. Try to give your sim another side-goal or thought conflicting with his main goals. Take my sim Billy for example. Billy has the bodybuilder aspiration because he wants to life a healthy life. His thought is that he will die young if he doesn’t live healthy. And he fears dying young because one of his family members did. An internal conflict can be that he fears of missing out of life because he is always training in the gym. Or maybe he wants to be in the culinary career, but he is afraid he has to taste a lot of (unhealthy) food all the time. What will Billy do? What will happen next?
Option 2 is to make a conflict that comes from another sim, an external conflict. With this option, the dreams/goals of another sim, preferably in the same household as your ‘main’ sim, conflict with the goal(s) of your ‘main’ sim. Take my sim Kaitlyn for example. Kaitlyn has the serial romantic aspiration because she does not want someone to get too important in her life. She thinks she will give up too many things in her life for this special sim, and she fears of losing the freedom she has. If you introduce a mother for Kaitlyn who wants her daughter to start a family and get married, this can cause a lot of drama. Their dreams conflict. It is even more dramatic if Katlyn still lives at home with her mother and if she financially depends on her. Does Kaitlyn need to leave the house if she doesn’t live up to her mom’s expectations? Where will she live? What will happen next?
Option 3 is a conflict caused by the game itself. This option requires a lot more imagination. With this option you look at the game for a conflict, which can lead to an internal or external conflict. For instance, look at your sim’s whims, the first options in the social menu, the notifications or how npc/townies act. The next time a random sim enters your conversation, for example, it can give you a reason to make your sim irritated. Maybe that is a reason for your sim to start a fight with the sims your sim was originally talking to. Will their friendship end? What will happen next? Subtle things like a sim joining your conversation can be annoying for you as a player, but image how your sim would react. Look out for these types of things.    
You don’t have to stick to making conflicts for your ‘main’ sim and about your sim’s ‘main’ problem. Look at my sim Zoe for example. Zoe wants to be a master writer for her ‘main’ dream. But maybe this is not her only dream. Maybe she also wants to get married and start a family. And if one of her parents disapproves of her love interest, this can cause as much drama as a conflict based on her ‘main’ dream.
Step 3/the purpose of step 1 and 2; always keep yourself thinking: ‘what will happen next?’
Why would you give your sims problems? What is the goal of this? The goal is that you will always thing when playing: ‘what will happen next?’ This is the reason why I play The Sims and keep coming back. I never know what will happen next to my sims. Will they eliminate the conflict? Succeed in their dream? Be denounced by all their family members and left with nothing? Only to meet the love of their live at their lowest point?
Will Billy become a body builder or find out he can be happy in other ways? Will Kaitlyn always break her relations up or get pregnant with a sim and be forced to marry? Will Zoe be a master writer or will she end up broke so needs a demanding job which leaves her with no time to write? What will happen next?
Always keep the options open, and never decide the full story of your sim at the start. The sims 4 lacks a lot of difficulty and random things, especially compared to past sims games. Nevertheless, The Sims 4 can be a game which can make meaningful stories, cause heated moments and create heartwarming memories for your sims. We just have to do most of the work our self this time.
Writers note
This was super difficult to write, but I’m glad I did! I know this method won’t work for everyone, and people probably still can get bored even with this method, but it works for me. Maybe it works for you too. There will probably be at least one other post in this series, but I’m not sure yet.
Have a nice day!
PS. Sorry this post was so long.
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pp-research · 3 years
Rich Dad Poor Dad Review in 2021: #1 Personal Finance Book? why
Although there are many opportunities around the world, people are still struggling to manage finances because of their lack of knowledge. Robert Kiyosaki , the author of this book is fortunate to learn from the experience of the two fathers. One is his real father, and the other is the father of his best friend.
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His real father had a good education, but his financial situation was not good. After finishing the eighth grade, he had to give up his studies. However, nothing can stop him from becoming a millionaire. He learned financial knowledge from his second father and encountered many problems at home because of his real father.
From the perspective of managing personal finances, rich fathers and poor fathers are best sellers . In this summary, we will provide you with the details of what Kiyosaki taught in this book.
Poor dad about rich dad:
Although Robert is poor, the schools he goes to are mainly rich people. We all know that teenagers may be cruel to their partners in poor physical condition, and Robert has to face a similar problem, which led him to an answer to the question: "How can I make money?" He and him My best friend Mike decided to make money and came up with the illegal idea of ​​removing nickel from lead. But Robert's poor father explained to him the drawbacks of the business, and they gave up the idea.
The poor father told them that Mike's father was very good at making money and they should learn to make money from him. Therefore, Mike arranged a meeting with the father of the rich man, and this is how Robert's journey towards financial independence took place.
The meeting with Mike's father went well, and he agreed to teach them, but by the way, life would teach them, not in a classroom way, so he asked them to work for him. He rented these two people for 10 cents an hour and asked them to work 3 hours on Sunday. One of the main rules of trading is that the duo should not ask any questions about the transaction. Therefore, the first lesson they learn from rich fathers is that when they come, you must seize the opportunity.
A few weeks later, Robert wanted to resign. His poor father asked him to ask for 25 cents an hour, but he did not give him a raise. He had to quit. But before the meeting, Robert had to wait 60 minutes, which made him angry, and he told his rich father that he was just exploiting him. Father Rich now explained to him that he sounded like an employee and suggested that he find another way to make money by working with other people. He tells him that he has two options: one is that he can become an employee and blame others for his problems, or he can choose a difficult path and become a rich man.
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The second lesson he learned from Robert Kiyosaki is the middle class work for money, but the rich make money work for them. He also told them that he was angry with robbers and he was happy because in addition to passion, when employees are controlled by fear, you must also generate anger and sparks internally, which is why they allow themselves to be exploited. They have a lot of fears, such as being fired and they will have to look for work again. They will have no money to pay bills or more. Therefore, even though employees are dissatisfied with their salary, they continue to work for the rest of their lives, and the tax cut makes them unhappy. This was the first time that Robert introduced the tax system when he was only 9 years old.
After that, Robert and Mike reached a new agreement. They started working for Robert again, but this time they worked with him for free. This process lasted three weeks. While working with him, he taught them another lesson.
The third lesson he told him was that they should work because they love their job, not because they want money or fear. This inspired two boys, and they opened a comics library and made about $10 a week. Although the struggle between them broke down after three months and they were advised to close the company, the two boys did learn how to make money at a very young age.
The author says that rich people will never work for money. According to this book, rich people work for them to make money. However, most people do not understand the meaning of this sentence when trying to arrange their financial situation.
Many people around the world want a raise because they believe that more money will make them happier. But in reality, making money means taking risks and getting out of your comfort zone. In order to take risks, you will have to use your knowledge instead of relying solely on your salary to work hard. But due to limited income options, low salaries and debt, this seems impossible.
Working for money will produce fear and greed, which will guide your life and give you a label at a low price. But you can get out of this vicious circle.
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Rich Dad Poor Dad Book & Why teach financial literacy?
The author talks about saving money. He said that it has nothing to do with how much money you make, but with how much money you save. By depositing money, he means acquiring assets instead of locking them in your bank account.
He said that the middle class works for three key groups:
#1 Companies: They make owners and shareholders richer.
#2 Government: You work for the government because a large part of your income goes to taxes.
#3 Bank: One of the biggest expenses of the middle class is bank mortgages and credit card debt.
he said that people should receive financial education. In his book, he mentioned that many people around the world are educated but are blind in economics. If you have no economic education, then you will fail. He also cited examples of millionaire Americans in different industries who suddenly lost everything. When you recognize the importance of capital flow and learn to invest in valuable assets, you will have real financial knowledge. This kind of financial knowledge is your way to a successful start.
Some examples of debt owned by the middle class are:
1. car loan
2. mortgage
3. School loan
4. Credit card debt
5. Bank loan
Some examples of assets owned by the affluent class are:
1.share it
2.Construction real estate
5.intellectual property
Three key difference between rich and poor:
1. The rich will buy assets.
2. The poor will only have expenditures.
3. People belonging to the middle class only buy debt, and they mistakenly believe that debt is an asset.
According to this book, what is the main difference between the rich and the poor?
Poor father said that the rich should pay more taxes.
Rich dad said that if you generate taxes, you will be rewarded.
The poor father asked him to study hard so that he could find a job in a good company.
Rich dad asked him to study so that he could buy a good company.
The poor father told him that he could not bear children because he had children.
The rich father told him that he had children, so he became rich
Asked the poor father not to talk about money and business while eating.
Rich dad asked him to do the opposite.
The poor father would ask him not to take risks.
Instead, the rich father told him to manage the risk.
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Final words: Rich Dad Poor Dad Book Review 2021:
This book is a bible for those who dream of achieving financial freedom and reading from their debts and debts. Therefore, if you want to get rich and improve your financial IQ, I suggest that you must read and actually apply this book.
We hope this article suits your purpose well. If this article is helpful to you, please share it on social media channels.
Thanks for reading , 🙏🙏
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talabib · 3 years
How To Develop The Five Traits Th at Are Crucial To Success.
In 2001, at the age of 23, when she was broke and unemployed, Kim Perell identified three overarching goals that she wanted to achieve in her life: to have freedom, to be her own boss and to control her own destiny. Just seven years later, in 2008, she was a multimillionaire who had sold her first company for $30 million.
Having achieved her goals, she decided that she wanted to help other entrepreneurs achieve them as well. To that end, she became an angel investor – a person who provides investment capital to start-up companies. In the course of investing in more than 70 companies, she has observed that the crucial factor that turns entrepreneurial dreams into successful realities is the ability to execute – to carry out a plan of action.
This execution factor, in turn, depends on five traits, all of which can be developed by anyone willing to put in the work. Lets explore the five traits of execution – taking each in turn, explaining some general principles to deepen your understanding of them and then discussing some specific, practical techniques for mastering them.
Having a vision provides you with guidance on your journey to success.
In 1961, at the height of the Cold War, the United States found itself falling behind the Soviet Union in the space race. The Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin had become the first human to reach outer space, beating the United States to that accomplishment. So to spur his country into action, President John F. Kennedy made a bold proclamation: by the end of the decade, the United States would land an American astronaut on the Moon.  
In making this proclamation, Kennedy was articulating a vision – an ambitious, visualizable and inspiring aspiration for the future. Having a vision is the first trait of effective execution. In Kennedy’s case, it was a vision for an entire nation, but you, too, can have visions for yourself, your career or the company you’re working for or want to start.
Bringing our analogies back down to earth, while still keeping an eye on the heavens above, you can think of your vision as being akin to the North Star that once helped sailors navigate the seas. Like that celestial body, a vision provides you with a reference point that can help you navigate life’s choppy waters and unexpected waves.
Those “waves” are the events, setbacks and competing pressures that can distract you from pursuing your dreams. By keeping your mind’s eye fixed on your vision, you can stay focused on your life’s work and maintain your direction toward your desired destination, even during tough times.
That destination is the future you envision for yourself. It can take many forms. It could be a purpose you give to your life, such as having a positive impact on the environment. It could be a vocation, like cooking. Or it could be a personal goal, like purchasing a home, starting a business or completing a marathon.
Whatever your destination, you will likely find yourself taken in unexpected directions as you pursue your vision, especially if it involves a more general goal that can be achieved in various ways, such as financial freedom. For instance, kim’s first business was a digital-marketing company that sold a motley assortment of products – ranging from teeth whiteners to remote-control toys.
Was this the precise future she envisioned for herself when she was younger? Of course not – but it was part of the path that led her to achieve financial freedom. You’ll never know exactly where your vision will take you until you get there!
To have an effective vision, you need to make sure it’s clear, compelling, meaningful and pertinent to you.
If you don’t already have one, how do you develop a vision for yourself? Well, most of us have ideas about things we might want to do or achieve some day. These ideas provide us with the raw material for a grand vision – but to turn those little sparks of imagination into a guiding North Star, we need to refine them. For starters, all visions have four qualities.
The first quality is clarity. You should be able to clearly articulate your vision in a single sentence, and, in your mind’s eye, you should be able to clearly see it coming to fruition. If you can’t do either of these things, then go back to the drawing board and refine your vision.
Now, achieving clarity might seem easy, especially if your vision involves a specific goal or vocation, such as having financial freedom or running a food truck. After all, can’t anyone picture herself flush with cash or cooking curbside?  
Here’s the thing, though: to really achieve clarity, your imagination must be specific. For instance, for running a food truck, picture not just a vague, general image of wearing a chef’s hat and frying food, but a gritty, detailed image of working during mealtime hours, ordering workers around, dealing with disgruntled customers and so forth. In other words, you must ask yourself and honestly answer the question, “Could I really see myself doing this?”
That brings us to the other three characteristics of a viable vision, each of which is related and has to do with whether a vision is an authentic expression of yourself. To be such an expression, a vision should be compelling, meaningful and pertinent to you – in other words, it should fit your values, preferences, desires and personality.
Visions that fall short of these criteria are often expressions of other people’s visions for you. Consider Darren – a maintenance manager of a hospital who was renowned among his friends and colleagues for the chili he made. They kept telling him that he should start a food truck to profit off his chili. He wasn’t really interested, but their suggestion stuck in his head.
He ended up quitting his job and starting a food truck – only to find it made him miserable. He liked cooking for friends and colleagues; he didn’t like cooking for strangers.
To confirm and pursue your vision, you should test it out, visualize it, remind yourself of it and prioritize it.
How do you avoid pursuing a vision that’s at odds with who you really are? How do you make sure your vision is really your vision, and not someone else’s vision for you?
One way is to test out your vision on a smaller scale, before you fully commit. For example, if you enjoy cooking for your friends and were thinking about starting a food truck, you could try participating in a cook-off contest. That way, you’d gain a relatively risk-free experience of cooking for strangers, which may feel very different than cooking for friends.
You might love it, or you might hate it. If the latter turns out to be true, that might be disappointing – but better to find out by entering a one-time, no-stakes contest than by quitting your job and investing in a food truck!  
Now, once you’ve determined that your vision truly is in line with who you are, the next step is to stay focused on it. The more vivid your image of the future is, the easier it will be to focus on it, so one thing to do is to visualize it in concrete, evocative detail.
Here’s a trick for doing this: picture yourself having already achieved your vision. What do you see? Ask yourself specific questions to generate specific answers. For instance, if your vision is starting a business, what does your workplace look like? What kinds of people comprise your team of workers? What do you see yourself doing on a day-to-day basis?
To remind yourself about your vision, write it down in a place where you’ll see it every day, such as your bathroom mirror. Then, keep it in mind as you plan your day. Make sure you’re pursuing and prioritizing tasks that provide stepping stones to achieve  your vision. After all, you can cross off every item on your to-do list, but it won’t bring you one step closer to your overarching goal if they’re not related to it!
Prioritizing tasks that are related to achieving your vision may entail de-prioritizing or even outright avoiding other activities that you enjoy, especially those that are totally optional, such as watching television. After all, time is a finite resource, so to ensure you devote enough of it to working toward your vision, you have to be selective about the ways you spend it.
Passion provides you with the emotional energy you need to make the sacrifices that success requires.
By defining your vision, you’ve answered the question, “What do you want to execute?” Now the question becomes, “How do you execute it?” This brings us to the second trait of effective execution, which is passion.
When you hear that word, the first thing that probably comes to mind is a strong, enthusiastic emotion, as in the sentence, “John has a passion for marketing.” However, that’s only one sense of the term; there’s another sense that’s also relevant here. It goes back to the etymology of “passion,” which derives from the Latin word pati, meaning “to suffer or endure.”
In this sense of the term, passion is not just about doing things fervently because you love doing them; it’s about loving them so much that you’re willing to undergo hardship and make sacrifices for them.
Such willingness is the true test of passion. For instance, when Kim was a girl, she wanted to ride horses so badly that she agreed to clean out a horse owner’s stables in exchange for lessons. In other words, her passion for horseback riding was so strong that she was willing to scoop up horse excrement to pursue it!
Why is passion in this sense so important? Well, unless you narrowly define success as just making money and you luck out by winning the lottery, there are no easy shortcuts to achieving it. There will inevitably be hard work, stressful events and inconveniences, such as taking conference calls when you’re sick, missing social engagements for business trips or putting personal finances on the line.
 If you want to succeed, you can’t avoid making sacrifices like these; all you can do is be willing to endure them – and that willingness comes from passion. Your passion provides you with the emotional energy you’ll need in order to power through the long workdays and sleepless nights that lie ahead of you on your journey toward success.  
It’s also an important factor in finding other people to help you on your journey. By demonstrating a willingness to make sacrifices for your cause, you can position yourself as an inspiring leader to your colleagues or employees. Asking whether potential or current colleagues or employees share your passion can also help you to choose the people you associate with.
You need to identify, feed and prioritize your passion to fully benefit from it.
To tap into the power of passion, you first have to know what you’re passionate about. If you don’t already have a clear conception of this, ask yourself the following: What do you love so much that you’d be willing to make significant sacrifices for it?
Maybe it’s a subject, such as fashion or animals. Maybe it’s a skill or activity, such as writing or painting. Or perhaps it’s a role, such as being a teacher or a caretaker.
Whatever it is, here’s your next question: What are you doing on a regular basis that’s feeding your passion? If the answer is nothing, the next step is to change that!  
You can start small. The idea is just to get your feet wet and do something – anything – to become more connected to your passion. For instance, if it were fashion, you wouldn’t have to go out and become a designer right away; you could just start a fashion blog!
However, you won’t be able to write even a single blog post or take any other small steps toward feeding your passion if you don’t make time for it. As with your vision, you have to prioritize your passion and carve out a space for it in your schedule.
And that means making trade-offs. To accomplish tasks that are related to your passion, you’ll have to sacrifice tasks that aren’t related to it. That may require declining invitations to social engagements, such as parties and dinners, which may be scheduled at times that conflict with your pursuit of your passion.
To mitigate the disappointment of your friends, colleagues or family members, you should communicate to them the rationale behind your absences. You can also compensate them for those absences by offering alternatives, such as one-on-one meetings or small group get-togethers, which you can schedule around your pursuit of your passion.
While you pursue it, you can further encourage your passion by celebrating your successes, both big and small. For instance, when one of kim’s companies achieved its first month of earning $1 million in revenue, she celebrated by taking her entire team to Las Vegas!
That’s an example of celebrating a huge accomplishment in a big way – but small victories, such as closing a business deal, deserve small celebrations, too. Try literally feeding your passion by treating yourself or your team to a dinner!
When beginning to pursue your vision, the key is to act by taking a small first step.  
Once you’ve found your vision and your passion, you’re like a driver with a destination in your mind and a full tank of gas in your car. You’re ready to head out – but you won’t actually go anywhere until you put your foot down on the accelerator pedal.
That’s the third trait of effective execution: action. Suffice it to say that no one ever accomplished anything without taking action, which, in this context, means doing something that takes you closer to following your passion and achieving your vision.
Assuming you’ve been able to articulate your vision and are ready to take action, the first question you’re going to face is, “Where do I begin?” After all, there are many possible paths of action you can take. Which one do you choose?
Well, don’t overthink it. Otherwise, you could find yourself stuck in analysis paralysis, which is the condition that occurs when you get so caught up in mulling over your options and all of their possible ramifications that you become overwhelmed, leading to inaction.
Just do something. Move forward. You don’t need to commit to any particular path at this point; just pick one of them and take a first step. You can still reassess, change direction or even back out before you proceed further, so there’s no need to overanalyze.
But that’s not to say you should act thoughtlessly. Remember, it’s just a step you’re taking here – not a leap. Don’t quit your job and put your livelihood on the line. Instead, keep your current job while turning your vision and passion into a side hustle.
Consider Stacey. She worked in corporate finance, but her true passion was health and wellness. From this passion, she developed a vision: starting a juice company.
But she didn’t quit her job, tap into her savings and jump straight into the high-risk enterprise of establishing a new business. Instead, she took a safer, smaller first step: selling juice at a farmer’s market on the weekends.
This way, she could get a better sense of whether she enjoyed the work of selling juice and whether there was a market for her product.
Progress toward achieving your vision requires forward movement coupled with a daily review process.
What comes after you take your first step of action toward following your passion and achieving your vision? Well, this might sound glib, but the answer is pretty simple: after your first step comes your second step – and then your third step, your fourth step and so forth!
Obvious as this may be, it does bring up a less obvious consideration that’s important to bear in mind: your first step may be a great success – but to keep moving toward your vision, you have to, well, keep moving. If you just keep taking the same step over and over again, you’re not going to get anywhere.
The same logic applies to the second step and every step after that. At every step along the way, you need to keep moving forward to make progress.
Apple provides a vivid example of the importance of continuing to move forward. Apple is one of the top brands in the world, but its success didn’t hinge on being the first company to develop technologies such as MP3 players and smartphones. Other companies beat them to those innovations.
Rather, Apple took these preexisting technologies and relentlessly innovated them. The company never rested on its laurels; it didn’t let itself get too comfortable in any particular step along the way of its journey. After developing the first iPhone and iPod, it went straight on to developing their follow-ups – and then the follow-ups to the follow-ups, and so forth.
However, while moving forward is crucial to success, it’s also a double-edged sword. If you’re heading in the right direction, it will get you closer to achieving your vision – but, by the same token, if you’re heading in the wrong direction, it will take you further away.
To avoid the latter prospect, it’s important to create and implement a daily review process. First, write down a list of all of the actions you took today that were related to your vision. Did they really align with your vision? Did they really take you closer to achieving it? Are they feeding your passion? What direction are they taking you – and is that in a direction you still want to go?
If the answer to any of these questions is no, then it’s time to reassess what you’re doing and change your course of action!
Resilience is the trait that can help you withstand and even benefit from challenges and setbacks.
The fourth trait of effective execution involves another word with two meanings: resilience.
Here’s the first meaning: if someone or something is resilient, that means that he, she or it can withstand the turbulent winds of fate. For instance, if a building can weather the literal winds of a hurricane, it would be labeled as resilient.
But in another sense of the term, a resilient person not only withstands the winds of fate, but also harnesses them to the best of her ability – as a sailor does with her sails. She knows that while she can’t control the direction of the wind, she can control the direction in which she points her sails.
The uncooperative “wind” in this metaphor stands for the challenges, crises and setbacks that the world may throw your way when you’re pursuing your vision. If you’re resilient in both senses of the word, you’ll not only take these difficulties in stride; you’ll also respond to them in ways that lead to growth.
And one of the main ways that you can do that is by staying positive, as well as hopeful and hungry for new opportunities. That was one of the keys to billionaire Elon Musk’s bumpy road to success.
Today, you may know him as the successful CEO of Tesla and SpaceX, and a cofounder of PayPal. But before he succeeded, he faced many setbacks. His first business idea for PayPal floundered, and some of his SpaceX rockets literally went up in smoke. But he didn’t give up; he kept trying to succeed – and eventually, PayPal and his SpaceX rockets took off, literally and figuratively.
That’s an example of resiliency in the sense of withstanding setbacks. But Elon Musk also provides an example of resiliency in the other sense of the term: not just withstanding setbacks, but also growing from them.  
For instance, in 2017, when reports came out about the high rate of injury at his Tesla factory in Fremont, Musk made some unusual public pledges to his employees. One of them was that he would have one-on-one meetings with injured workers to learn about problems on the factory’s production line. Not only that, he would then perform their tasks himself to experience those problems firsthand. Thus, he turned the problems into a learning opportunity.
You can develop your resiliency by taking care of yourself emotionally and looking for opportunities to exercise it.
So how do you become more resilient? Well, you can think of your resiliency as a mental muscle – something that, just like a physical muscle, can be developed with exercise.
But first, it helps to stretch and relax the muscle. That means taking care of yourself emotionally, so you can alleviate your stress, anxiety and fear. This will allow you to be calmer in the face of adversity, which will help you make better decisions.
Simple ways to do this include physical exercise, meditation, journaling, creating an action plan and talking things out with a friend or mentor. In the aftermath of situations that destabilize your mind with negative emotions, these activities can help you to restabilize.
In a similar vein, you can also reconnect to aspects of your life that have a stabilizing effect on you. For example, even in the midst of professional turmoil, you can find a sense of calm when playing with your children.
So those are some ways you can stretch and relax your resiliency muscle. Now let’s look at the exercise part.
One beneficial technique is to turn everyday setbacks into opportunities for exercise. For instance, Sara once bought tickets to a Guns N’ Roses stadium concert for herself and a group of 20 colleagues. She thought it would be a great bonding experience. There was just one problem: it turned out that all of the seats were in different parts of the stadium!
But rather than gnash her teeth at the setback, she decided to turn it into an opportunity for teamwork. She proposed that each member of the group try to trade their seats with a stranger, and then trade that new seat for another seat with a second stranger, and so forth and so on, until they were all sitting together.
Not only did this gambit work, saving their concert experience; it also made that experience even richer than it would have otherwise been. Instead of just rocking out to songs like “Paradise City,” they also got to share a memorable team-building exercise and bonding experience.
So next time a little adversity knocks down your building blocks, see if you can make a game out of rebuilding them into your own “Paradise City”!
Expanding, deepening and maintaining relationships are the key to augmenting your abilities to execute.
The fifth and final trait that leads to effective execution is the most decisive one of all. You can have the clearest, most compelling vision in the world, and you can pursue it with relentless passion, action and resilience – but you’re not going to get very far if you try to do everything alone. You need the help of other people, and that’s what the final trait is all about: relationships.  
As the old saying goes, no man (or woman) is an island. All of us have limited time, energy, skills and knowledge. But by pooling these precious resources together, we can expand the range of what we can accomplish.
If someone else lends you some of her time and energy, you’ll have more overall time and energy to expend on pursuing your vision. If someone lends you her skills and knowledge, you can fill in some of the gaps in your own skills and knowledge. And, of course, this goes both ways, leading to the potential for win-win relationships.
The more of these relationships you establish and maintain, and the deeper those relationships become, the more you’ll be able benefit from the power of having other people in your life. It’s therefore crucial to cultivate a network of people with whom you can enjoy win-win relationships.
To expand your network, look for people outside your immediate social vicinity. For example, if you work in a corporate environment, look for people not just outside your team, but also outside your company or even your industry.
To deepen your relationships, take the time to show a sincere interest in getting to know these people better. Don’t just ask routine questions with yes-or-no answers, like “Did you have a good weekend?” Instead, ask deeper, open-ended questions, like “Where do you envision yourself in five years?” or “What’s your passion?”
To maintain your relationships, make a habit of showing people appreciation through nice, thoughtful gestures. Emails saying “thank you” and “congratulations” are one good way of doing this – but handwritten notes are even better, since they feel more personal. And when you have spare moments, such as when you’re driving to work or riding in a taxi, you can use the time to reconnect with people by phone.
Avoid negative relationships, while making reasonable exceptions to this rule.
The ideal relationship is one that’s win-win, where both parties mutually benefit from each other. Sadly, however, many relationships are win-lose or even lose-lose. What’s more, some relationships that were once win-win descend into negative territory.
In light of these facts, experts recommend conducting a periodic life audit of your relationships. Once a year, sit down and review all of your relationships one-by-one, splitting them into two categories.
The first category consists of positive people from whom you received inspiration, support, energy and challenges. The other category consists of negative people from whom you received the opposite effects.
It may sound cold, but then you have to make a conscious decision to distance yourself from the people you placed in the second category. Moving forward, you should spends less time with them or even cuts yourself off from them if need be.
Of course, some issues can be worked through, so you shouldn’t be quick to write people off. You should only place people in the second category if the issues seem intractable, at least for the foreseeable future. In the longer-term future, the person may change, in which case he can be welcomed back into the first category.
You should also recognize that people can become temporarily negative because of difficult experiences, such as illness, the death of a loved one or a job loss. Refrain from placing these people into the negative category, since you know they need the help of your own positivity to pull through to the other side and return to a more positive state of being.
Finally, recognize that in a workplace setting, you can’t just stop talking to a “coworker who has a negative effect on you.” Since you’re stuck working with them, you have to figure out a way of interacting with them to the best of your ability and minimizing the negativity as much as possible.
The point isn’t to eliminate all negativity from your life. That’s impossible. It’s simply to maximize the positivity and minimize the negativity, so that you can put yourself in a position to actively, resiliently and collaboratively pursue your passion and execute your vision so that it becomes a reality.
The execution factor is your ability to carry out plans of action that enable you to achieve your goals. It rests upon five traits: vision, passion, action, resilience and relationships. Each of these traits can be cultivated. Execution is therefore a skill that you can develop, enabling you to put yourself in a position to succeed.  
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definedbywhatilove · 4 years
seven months
hey taylor! this is a little story of my journey since the last time that i let you in to my inner world... its been seven months...(feels like 20 lifetimes of growth) and two months since I moved to California and one week since I left my grandest, most divine partner in L.A to continue my journey of self discovery, self awareness, self love, and self soverignty... and i wanted to mention something important to you -- a sign, an invisable string if you will. since i was a kid, your music always followed me and described my life experiences. as i began a deep journey of self understanding, i went away from the reality that i knew (much alike your time to yourself, away from the media) last oct/november. and i let myself fall deeply, and madly in love. you know the love i'm talking about. the red love. the deeply open and vulnerable heart love, despite all past burns to the heart. the one you write poetry and songs about. i know you feel deeply self worth inside. i know that you relyed on guys to help fill that void. same as me. same as so many beautiful woman out there. giving our hearts away.. loving so damn red. but loving so: fearlessly. bravely. courageously. vulnerably. openly. you can't regret a thing, can you? and the months piled up. nine months december 27 he came to Christmass dinner ten months january 27 this is... love eleven months febuary 27 this is home 1 year march 27 this is the 1 three days after, my life came crashing down. i wake up to coughing. masks. fear. my house turned into a graveyard a grounds of fear, pain, suffering sickness. not me. her. my dads partner. someone who i thought, in my own ego, i despised. in that moment, i knew i loved. two hours. it was less than two hours that i packed two suitcases, and a heavy backpack full of everything that mattered to me. i had practised this before. countless nights isoltated in my room, pretending to pack to run away. really considering running away. but never running. it was a blur. i don't remember much. a message to stay, but the knowingness that it was my time to leave. one last goodbye. no hug. a promise. with my father. knowing he would get sick. knowing that my father, my Rock, my stable Father could very evidently get sick and die. was this a goodbye forever? i didn't know but i left. i had to leave. by some greater plan from God, or whoever is orchestrating this magical universe, my partner moved to my city by chance through the winter and I went to him. i moved in; my heart afraid of moving in with somebody that i love because love had only ever hurt me. i moved in with my partner and allowed my dad the space to go through his own conscious awakening. thirteen months WILL HE DIE? i prayed everyday. i surrendered. i released the outcome. i surrendered to my partner and the relationship and accepted a deeper love than i have ever experienced during this time. i started my business. really, started my business. i started it in december but I didn't really know if I would ever get to see my dad again. through the fall and winter he provided for me whilst i recovered from being sick [reoccuring during fall/winter, peak in sept. same thing i felt during my journey in 2018]. how will i live as an adult on my own? provide for myself? what if he dies? i make my first 2k month. i surrender to love. i meet nature. fourteen months i called him for the first time. my dad. it was so painful to hear him speak. he was still sick. i began to slowly give grounded, healing advice. affirmations. colors. introduced the law of attraction. helping him know that his physical body was sick because his mind was sick of negativity. i move into my first apartment with my partner. its beautiful. he pays the rent. i get the entire room, he takes the living room. i was provided for. i continued my business. i held strong visions of travelling with my partner before the lease was up in august. it was my lifelong dream. i prayed for my dad and his partner. sitting in nights of fear and pain. letting go. trusting. rebuilding. health. NATURE. LOVE. date nights. park visits. lake visits. fifteen i saw my dad and his partner! in person! june 6, the first time since march 30. i went with my partner. i was nervous. i also get to see my cat ~~ who has always had siezures, that got even worse when they were sick... who i also had to let go of, not knowing if would survive.. but did! i gave him healing crystals. healing tips. love. hope. he opened. my dad whos heart was closed cracked open. i had never seen this mans heart open since i was a little child before my mom broke his heart. he left his job, you know. when i was a kid i was neglected for that job. one that i had to go to school too many times when i didn't feel because of. one that kept him gone late nights once a week. one that drained him. but the job that supported me physically and financially through my entire life. the job that helped give me a good life ~ his time and energy he gave into this job to provide for his daughter. he realized what it was doing to him. he realized, taylor. he realized. he got a new job. two hours away, a small county on the lake. a chance to start over. leave the karmic city he lived in. he also began to feel his emotions from what happened with the trauma of my mother. this was a miracle. a miracle. a miracle. and so, he would move away... starting his new job during the sixteenth month of this journey, july 13 i know at this point i will be travelling soon and leaving anyways, but could not leave my dad... and so the universe had him leave to set me free. i spent the rest of the month knowing he would move away, and likely i would too. but where? i saw him many times. gave him reiki too. we all went to the cottage together, him, his partner, me, and mine. summer solstice. peace. love. sixteen months i released all of my limitations. i chose love, abundance, freedom, health, bliss. i released my dad, my cat, my childhood home... [never grow up describes this situation]... a 21st birthday, really, a goodbye to my family... i booked a plane ticket. a month and a week to California. knowing, that it would be longer than that one month and a week. myself and my partner. one carry on and personal item. my self soverignty. my dreams. my abundance [first five figure month!!!] i left taylor. i left behind the city i always lived in to follow my dreams and passion. i'm living in my dream location. mountains. forests. lakes. a sacred site in Nor Cal. a childhood dream, if you will. a new life begins the night before i leave i see that you had an album out. folklore. i didn't know, because i had been going through so much stuff within my life that anything that happened online was not present in my life. i listened to caridgan for a few seconds. didn't feel right. i let you go...[knowing, like always, your music will come to me at the exact right time] i got on the plane. three layovers. an overnight train. i begin my new life on the mountain. begin again. seventeen months i am not the same. i have grown. i have healed. my time in the mountain has been the most groundbreaking, expansive, philisophical, healing time of my entire life. feeling like one month was twenty lifetimes of healing and growth. healing all of my childhood wounds, fears, pains. being of service in my business, providing healing for over 55 people. but... it was here where it started to break apart. that one last thing. i let go of the home. the cat. the family. the stuff. there was 1 more thing to let go of... eighteen months kyle, was his name you know. and of course, when we are hurt we go into the victim mindset right away. it is instinct. predetor and prey. it is conditioned into us. this time, after completing a cycle of 3 relationships of emotional manipulation, disrespect, not being loved the way i loved... i took full ownership for it. for manipulating MYSELF. for disrespecting MYSELF. for not loving MYSELF the way I love another. thats when the relationship healing and karma happens. when you take complete ownership for your own mistreatment knowing that this person was simply a mirror of the own hate, anger, and fear you have about yourself. it happened on september 2nd, under the full moon. it started, anyways. i was called to l.a out of Nor Cal. With him. and we Went. This is where the fun part starts, the intention behind this entire story but we're only getting to it right now because of course, I am a writer. The main message has to be supported by a story, right? on september 6th, we had a midnight train. i wanted to listen to music to help me release leaving the city i was living in in Nor Cal, cuz I had grown fairly attached to it. cardigan came into my life. [which i realize as i am writing this and listening to it, the version i have always listened to is the cabin one,... which I am just seeing you realeased on my birthday!!!! july 30th. how interesting] it fell into place this night. and i was meant to hear it now; your music has always been like a spirit guide to me. always a message when i need it. we had a midnight train. my partner got a nosebleed on the way...[stepping on the last train, marked me like a blood stain...] i knew in my heart we would be breaking up... the day before the flight to l.a, the day before the fires, i knew we would be breaking up in l.a. the night that invisable strings was introduced into my life, via my dear soul friend Emma. i knew that this song spoke of my memories and experiences with l.a. l.a was always a place for me to find self empowerment, bravery, and self worth. being the place that i endured my first break up in, l.a taught me self love. i knew that an invisable string was bringing me back to l.a, and really... back to [myself]. despite knowing what was to happen, i held myself through the flight to l.a. it's not like we officially broke up that day, but i knew going on this flight that since i was facing my biggest fears in real life that i would be about to experience my fear of being alone. i flew the day that san fransisco was orange. tiny little 13 row plane. deep fear of planes. in a moment of deep intuition and love, i opened my heart to hold space for the people on the plane that were also terrified of the fires and landing somewhere that was orange. holding people, holding space, through what could be seen on an Earthly scale as a trauma. moving past my own fears and negative thoughts and holding the emotions of love and safety. it was a big moment for me. i listened to invisable strings dyuring the plane ride. and two days later was when my fire happened. september 11 is when we officially broke up.. when i chose to stand up for myself, for my own love + respect, when i knew that i had to leave a toxic and co-dependent relationship... you know, i thought a tsunami was going to happen that day or something and i was going to die. i literally thought this was what was going to happen; but the death that happened was not physical, but the death of a relationship. we were in l.a until the 18th, in the same apartment, trying our best to go through our breakup while living with eachother. still getting groceries together [chasing shadows in the grocery line]... i could barely function. i know you know what co-dependent relationships can get like. beginning to function on your own without the love from them is hell. [cue. this is me trying] having a hard time adjusting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! letting go of this love. knowing i need to leave. we were in l.a until the 18th, in the same apartment, trying our best to go through our breakup while living with eachother. still getting groceries together [chasing shadows in the grocery line]... the ocean took me down; pulled my knee out. the day after telling my partner i need to do everything on my own and we be completely separate whilst living in this apartment together for at least a week. knowing we likely would stay till oct.my bodies way of still needing to rely on him. coping mechinisms. breakdowns. [pouring my heart out to a stranger, but i didn't pour the whiskey...] (This lyric. After my first relationship, I turned to alcohol. I got very dependent on this, and this runs in my family. It took me until a significant event at a party in 2017 for me to stop, i know you know what i mean. So it was a big deal for me, despite all temptations, to not turn to alcohol). i knew i had to leave l.a our host was offering us to stay until oct 1. i was 100% sure i was, despite living in the apartment with kyle, through breakup [not your typical i hate u breakup tho, one of deep love and mutual, conscious respect and love for eachother] going to stay. esp with how my body was, and my knee. and... if i went back home to Nor Cal, I knew i'd be going alone. And I knew my partner couldn't financially sustain himself at the time to stay anywhere other than back home. I knew he would have to quarentine for 14 days. I knew that by making this decision I would be completely cut off from him. i went to cancel our flight back to Nor Cal. 34 hours before. i was going to stay and stay in a place with a man who didn't have enough self love and worth yet to be able to love me properly. and then it happened. continue to financially support him. continue to love him uncontiionally. and then... sept 16 11:30pm the last excuse. the last invalidation. the last disrespect. the last act of hatred. the last act of emotional manipulation. the last time the gas light would ever turn on. i do not cancel my flight. i walked away. i chose myself. i messaged everybody that i knew to ask for help and support. i knew that this would be the hardest thing I ever had to do. i had to walk away from whom i know on a soul level to be my husband. i know. i know. i know. i know when we have both healed we will come back together in harmonious union; our relationship was all about growing. but it was time to grow apart, in order to grow back together with a stable individual foundation. the last day was magic. it was a new moon. santa monica beach. sunset. shopping. swimming. we allowed ourself to have a night of love. we knew that this was at the basis of our connection; true, undying, eternal, uncondtional love. we will always love each other in a deeper way than can be described in words. no painting, song, piece of poetry could describe this love. and it was painful. painful to love so deeply and openly and vulnerabily, knowing that come 6am I would be headed to the airport It was the most open and vulnerable I have ever been. Allowing myself to openly love so deeply despite knowing what was to come in just some short hours. I really poured my heart out. I opened up. I was vulnerable. I was my true self. And it was one of the best nights of my life, September 17th in Santa Monica, under the New Moon. we stayed up together all night holding each other. sharing a few last kisses. talking about our favourite memories each month of our relationship [i know they said the end was near...] we didn't sleep all night. the alarm went off, 4:50am. time to go. i packed everything the night before. i tied up my lose ends. we held eachother deeply. the final alarm went off, 5:10am. the pink sunrise in the uber on the way to the airport. the way that he didn't cancel his flight to go through security with me. not getting a coffee to spend every last second with him. and we sat in the airport and cried our hearts out. holding each other. crying. in front of anyone who cared to see. knowing one hour before boarding i had to take myself to the bathroom so that i could cry and prepare myself to fly [note: hopefully the airport worker knew we were gunna be okay] 7:48am, i knew the alarm was going to go off in two minutes. i take my power back and stand up, turning the alarm off. i said i have to go now or I will not get on the flight. i tell him he needs to walk away first. i can't do it. no. i'll feel abandoned. i have to be the one. i hugged him. one time. i said goodbye. i wished him well. i told him i love him. i put my backpack on. i get my stuff together. one last hug... one last kiss... and i pulled away. i walked away from the man that i know one day will be my husband and the father to my children to follow my own path of self discovery and worth and love. of healing. walking up to the airline worker, telling her my partner would not be coming on the flight with me. "okay, Miss, i will remove him from your party and from the flight," i held myself together. i did. the best i could. good thing i didn't sleep because that kept me at least less emotional and breaking down than i thought i would be. "now boarding flight xxxx to Sacramento, boarding rows 10-13..." i got myself on the plane. i couldn't believe i was doing this. how am i doing this? i knew when i sat in my seat and the plan began to prepare for departure, that i was completing a cycle of three. a cycle of relationship karma that began with my first, where we broke up on my birthday, 2016 in l.a... completing a cycle where i base my worth on another person, depend on another person, allow myself to get walked over... it was done. i asked that when i took off into the sky from the plane, the perfect line of the perfect song was playing... when i first had my breakup in l.a 2016, i was at a play to support my friend and actress. in this play, she sang a song called brave. this song, and message, got me through my first breakup. she was my rock and i swear the reason i made it through the night of that. l.a 2018, she wrote brave for a tattoo for me. we stopped talking for a while; i learned to be brave for myself. l.a 2020, the moment the plane takes off of the ground... [wool to BRAVE the seasons...] the moment you sang brave; the plane took off. a rush of feeling so proud for myself. knowing i chose me. knowing i chose a journey of self love. knowing i chose a journey of self worth. knowing i chose a journey of self empowerment. i sit here in my soul sister's apartment whilst she is cross-country, writing this. one week after i got back to Nor Cal. One week since my entire life shifted. And I am in the journey. The journey to self love, confidence, worth, empowerment, etc is not just a destination. There is a journey behind it all. It happens to contain a lot of crying. A lot of feeling. Some music. Friends. Good food. A warm coffee from the local coffee shop. Candles. Insence. Journal(S). Rest. Yoga. Meditation. Qigong. Reiki. Fuzzy socks. Oversized fluffy sweaters. Soft blankets. Stuffed animals. Books. Singing bowls. Love. And so, this is where I am. September 25th, seven months later. Wow. Writing this journey out and putting it on paper really makes me feel some things. It makes me feel fucking empowered. It makes me feel strong. It makes me feel brave. It makes me feel fearless. It makes me feel vulnerable. It makes me feel authentic. And with all authenticity, I had to be authentic with myself when I began to write this. Your music has been that constant. I have said it before, and I will say it again. Everything has always left my life but your music has always stayed. Your music has always found me in the right time in the right place. It has always supported me. You have always supported me. I was thinking back today, in a state of elevated joy allowing myself to feel happy that I got the opportunity to meet you through my life journey so far. And that... us meeting had to mean something. There is an invisable string there. There has to be a reason that during all of this your music was there for me. There has to be a reason it came to me in the time that it did. There is a reason for everything. So I write this, with a prayer that you will see this, but a surrender to the knowingness that what is meant to happen is going to happen. Also, a surrender to if anybody actually reads this! This is who I am, raw, vulnerable, authentic. I will always speak my truth, share my journey, and love Taylor Swift. Don't we all? Taylor, if you are reading this... from my soul to yours; thank you. thank you. thank you. seriously, for what you give up to be able to spread these messages via your music in such a global way. i completely see and understand what you have given up to do this. i love you. i love you. i love you. thank you for seeing me. thank you for hearing me. thank you for acknowledging me. thank you for validating me. thank you for loving me. see you next update, your friend Sarah.
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paypant · 2 years
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muhammadan-path · 4 years
A Small Reminder
The Messenger of Allah(Saas), who is the teacher of wisdom and the governer of the conscientious ones, warns his young ummah against deeds that do not conform to Islamic standards and how not to behave towards those with virtuous wisdom.
As the Devil catches and hunts young people he wants to bring down through women. A woman who has given her own soul to the Devil, sells her chastity, who drives young man into the trap of that Devil. This devil is a like the Devil and becomes a predator for young people.
Satan uses women, who are followers and practitioners of bad ambitions and ugly deeds. They are like bait used by fishermen, provoking the idolatrous feelings of the youth, and dragging them into the valley of rebellion. The damage of these women, who are used as the capital of the prostitute market, in selling out the youth is enormous.
In young peoples' understanding of their own whims and desires, they think the path they follow is "sirat-i müstekim" (the straight path). The young man gets used to spinning around like a propeller in his environment under his influence and the pleasures he is attracted to. He makes it a goal to attain these pleasures. To prevent him from getting caught in such a folly, he must be taught at a young age what true faith is and how to obtain it.
People in the age of adolescence are a source of energy that lives far from faith, manners, and mentality. People who see the might and think about the future of their country should endeavor to keep this energy within the framework of wisdom and national values. Otherwise, the adolescents become a group that is hostile to their religion, strangers to their history, unaware of their love of the homeland, and furthermore, rebellious. When young people make these matters of vital importance, they need a guide. Moral virtues should not be sacrificed for selfish pleasures, these morals may be confused if they are not taught.
A young man who has faith in his heart, wisdom in his head, and conscience in his chest, should not be caught in drama, should not seek wretched ideas, should not sacrifice his knowledge to the devils, and should fear Allah for the sake of his heart
Young people of our Ummah of the future can only be protected by "fear of Allah," from evil things and people that will harm them and spoil their morals.
M. Akif expressed: It is neither elevation nor conscience that gives guidance, and the sense of virtue is from fear of Allah in people. If forgotten, it is assumed that you are away from faith, and neither of the persuasion remains, nor your conscience.
"Allah (c.c.) likes the young person who is not inclined to his nafs (internal) desires" (Feyz'ül-kadir vol. 2, p. 263).”
The days of youth, the first of his life, are very precious. A young person who knows the value of this age should use his energy following the principles of our religion. If the blessings given by Allah are not known and used appropriately, they will be in vain and he will be in ingratitude towards Allah Almighty.
The Prophet, who did not want his Ummah to fall into such a situation, he told us to warn the young people.
"The young man who believes in my Qadr (divine predetermination,) who is willing to hold on to my book (which is the judgment of the Qur'an), who (whom I choose) who has abandoned his (illegitimate) lust for my sake is like the angels in my presence." (Divine Hadiths p.26).
Being able to rise to the level of some angels in the presence of Allah is not an easily accessible rank.
"O young people, community, whoever has the power to marry (physical and financial) should marry immediately. For, marriage is more protective of the eyes (against haram) a prevention against his lust. " (Bukhari v.6, p.117).
Those who disobey this advice of the Messenger of Allah, who walk around in the halls where naked female bodies are exposed, and who are used to committing sins in places where women who have become prostitutes are marketed, cannot relieve themselves of responsibility in the court of eternal life, which is the absolute judgement of Allah.
It is stated in a hadith that reveals the responsibility of a young person who wastes his abilities on haram and reduces his morals to zero:
"On the Day of Judgment, unless he is questioned about five things in the presence of his Lord, the two feet of the son of Adam cannot be separated (from the place he stepped on). From where he destroyed his life, where he destroyed his youth, where he earned his wealth and where he spent his money, and what deeds he did with his knowledge. 7, p.100).
Both men and women are expected to show modesty
Allāh stated: “O children of Adam, We have bestowed upon you clothing to conceal what should be concealed, and as a fine adornment — and the garment of righteousness, that is best.” (Al-A’rāf 7:26)
Allāh has mentioned here reasons for clothing: to cover the body and conceal what should not be revealed in public, and to beautify the body so the person looks better. Islamic clothing is known by its modesty. A Muslim is allowed to wear whichever clothes he wishes, so long as they are modest, free from impurities, not made from forbidden materials, and within textual guidelines. Textual guidelines means that it must abide by the commandments of the Qur’ān and Prophetic Tradition.
In Surat an-Nur, Allah says to believing women:
"And tell the believing women to lower their gaze and guard their chastity, and not to reveal their adornments except what normally appears. To let them draw their veils over their chests, and not reveal their ˹hidden˺ adornments, except to their husbands, their fathers, their fathers-in-law, their sons, their stepsons, their brothers, their brothers’ sons or sisters’ sons, their fellow women, those ˹bondwomen˺ in their possession, male attendants with no desire, or children who are still unaware of women’s nakedness. Let them not stomp their feet, drawing attention to their hidden adornments.
Turn to Allah in repentance all together, O believers, so that you may be successful. Dr. Mustafa Khattab, the Clear Quran" (24 / Nûr, 31)
A believing woman can wear a bracelet on her hand, an anklet on her foot, a necklace around her neck, and an earring in her ear. She can be decorated as much as she wants, however, Allah says when you go out with these ornaments, do not hit your feet or your heels on the ground so that the sound of your ornaments will go to people.
Allah (ac) turns to the wives of the Prophet, O women of the prophets! "O women of the Prophet! You are not like any other woman.
O wives of the Prophet! You are not like any other women: if you are mindful ˹of Allah˺, then do not be overly effeminate in speech ˹with men˺ or those with sickness in their hearts may be tempted, but speak in a moderate tone. Dr. Mustafa Khattab, the Clear Quran"(33 / Al-Ahzab, 32)
It says that if you are pious and if you are afraid of Allah, do not speak in a feminine way by emphasizing your femininity.
If you are going to say a word, speak well and in a well-mannered way.
Allah (ac) says. In other words, when a woman is speaking, a righteous woman does not speak randomly. People should be careful not to attract other people's attention outside.
The Prophet (saas) says: "Whatever woman perfumes herself in her house and leaves her house so that men can smell her, that woman is an adultress, that woman is an adultress, that woman is an adultress." When a Muslim woman perfumes herself and leaves the house randomly, a Muslim woman should not leave the house without checking her body and clothes for the smell of perfume.
Before the arrival of Islam, before the Prophet of Allah came, there was a view of women in the world.
In India, they said a woman is an animal. What about what Europeans today call as our Roman civilization? In that Roman civilization, the woman was a slave, and the woman couldn't gain freedom unless all slaves found freedom. They are now telling us new things about the civilization of those Pharaohs in Egypt.
When the Messenger of Allah came, they were saying about women in Egypt: They were saying that women are impure, women are dirty. What were Christians doing in Europe? They believed women were witches. Christian clergymen also believed that the existence of women is a crime. Why? Because she deceived Adam, the reason why all mankind was expelled from heaven because of women.
Therefore, the woman is the biggest criminal in society. They said that women are the mother of all sins.
What did women do to survive in these ignorant societies? Women used their femininity to get into men's eyes. They broke their voices. They hunched in their walk. So that the needs of men come to mind, so men would treat women well. How many years have passed? 5000, 6000, or 7000 years have passed.
Has anything changed? Nothing has changed.
Again, women have to undress to exist in this society. Again, women have to appeal to men's eyes to exist in this society. In order to see value in this society, women have to take care of, decorate, open up and show their bodies.
Well, what did Allah (ac) say to women when Islam came? When Islam came, He said to the woman:
You are valuable because you are a woman.
You are precious because Allah created you.
You are precious because you are a mother.
You are valuable because you are a servant to Allah.
Do not try to emphasize your femininity like animals and gain value with your femininity. If you want to gain value, serve Allah. If you serve Allah, you will be valuable in the sight of Allah. Furthermore, you will be valuable with Allah's servants.
Women are required to wear one more outerwear over their normal indoor clothing outside or when they are next to foreign men. The following is stated in the verse: "O Prophet! Tell your wives, your daughters and the women of the believers to wear their outer garments on their outer garments. This is more appropriate so that they should be recognized and not be molested. Allah is very judgmental and very merciful." (Al-Ahzab, 33/59).
The Exalted Allah commands: "Children of Adam! Come wearing your beautiful clothes every time you come to the mosque" (al-A'raf, 7/31).
It is stated in the verse that man's need for veiling started with Adam and Eve and that nakedness is an ugly thing: "O children of Adam! Do not let the devil do you any harm, just as Satan pulled your mother and father out of Paradise to show them their bad places" (al-A 'râf; 7/27).
"O children of Adam! We have sent you a garment to cover your ugly places, and a garment that you will wear and be adorned with. The cover of piety is better" (al-A'raf, 7/26).
The necessity of using animal wool for clothing is pointed out as follows: "He Who Created the deeds, there are warming and protecting agents and many other benefits for you"
Allah instructed the men, “To lower their gaze from looking at women with desire other than their wives, and to protect themselves from fornication. That is purer for them.” (An-Nūr 24:30)
Men are commanded to dress modestly in loose garments that do not reveal what is between their navel and knees. All lower garments such as trousers or long shirts (i.e. thawb) must be above the ankles just as the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) has commanded, “What is below the ankles of a lower garment will be in the Fire.” (Reported by Al-Bukhārī, no. 793) And he said, “The lower garment of the believer should come to the mid-calf, but there is no sin on him if it comes between that point and the ankle. But whatever is lower than the ankle is in the Fire.” And he said three times, “Allah will not look at the one who lets his lower garment drag on the floor out of vanity.” (Reported by Ibn Mājah, no. 3704)
Among the youth, we see a bad habit of young boys calling females "whores", "bitch" &, etc. This is not the way Muslims should act nor speak towards someone, keep in mind the following verse.
Those who accuse chaste women ˹of adultery˺ and fail to produce four witnesses, give them eighty lashes ˹each˺. And do not ever accept any testimony from them—for they are indeed the rebellious—Dr. Mustafa Khattab, the Clear Quran (24:4)
Allah (swt) said, "Whatever the Prophet brought and gave you, accept it, take it and beware of what he prohibited you from" (al-Hashr, 59/7) and "There are good examples for you in the Messenger of Allah"
(al-Ahzab , 33/21), he ordered the believers to follow the Sunnah of the Prophet (PBUH) form, morality, custom and all branches of life.
Complying with the Sunnah of the Prophet (pbuh) is the only way to understand Islam more accurately and to live more accurately.
Consider that obedience to the Prophet (PBUH) is first of all obligatory, based on what Allah (swt) said in the verse: "Whoever obeys the Prophet will obey Allah" (an-Nisa, 4/80). ,
The Prophet (PBUH) prevented his ummah from resembling polytheists in terms of their clothing and appearance; He warned Muslims with the hadith, "Whoever resembles a tribe is one of them" (Abu Dawud, Libas, 4). He advised believers to grow a beard in particular and stated the importance of a beard for a Muslim with various hadiths.
Hz. In a hadith narrated by Aisha (may Allah be pleased with him), "Ten things are from nature:
To cut the mustache; to release the beard; to clean the mouth and teeth with the miswak; to clean the nose with water; to cut the nails; to wash the places where dirt can be sheltered; to remove the hair under the armpits, to shave the groin To do is to make the way of najasat pure with water. "(Muslim, Tahare, 56; Abu Davud Tahare, 29; Nasai, Zine, I). In other hadiths, "Shorten the mustaches very much, leave the beards"; "Oppose the polytheists; shorten the mustaches, increase the beards"; They said, "Cut off mustaches, grow beards. So do not resemble Magi" (Bukhari, Libas, 64; Muslim, Tahare, 54) and encouraged believers to grow beards.
Beard, as it is stated in the hadith, is a fitrah (part of nature) that must be found in men by default and is the sunnah of previous prophets.
Having no beard doesn't negate you of being a believer, likewise with the scarf, everyone will grow in his phase.
In conclusion, it is important for us to realize that modesty in Islam is not only for women, but for men as well, if not moreso. Men are required to maintain decorum and respectful distance from marriable (ghair mehrem) females. Women must do their part to save their bodies and their affections for husbands.
In an increasingly liberalized society, it is even more important for us to keep these gender rules in mind.
Not heeding to them will bring ruin on not only you, but the wider Muslim Ummah in general, and it is one of the causes of our loss from our once pre-eminient global position.
Remember that the success of Muslims and Islam lies with you.
An article by Jonas Şahin.
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noradarhkpalmer · 5 years
Darhkatom + Ray feeling guilty/them moving into his apartment
“So...” Ray asked after they laid on her bed for a while, just soaking up each other’s company, Ray especially soaking up each and every movement he could feel from their daughter growing inside Nora’s belly.
“So...?” Nora lifted her head off his shoulder.
“Do we wanna start packing your stuff?”
Nora shook her head. “No need.” She pulled a duffle bag from the floor on her side of the bed and smiled. “Other than my toiletries, this is everything I have. I keep it packed in case I need to run and run fast.”
Ray hated that moving her out was so expedited because she had lived in fear the past five months. He swallowed the lump in his throat and nodded. “I’ll help you get your toiletries together.”
Within ten minutes they had cleaned up her room and he held Nora’s entire life for the past five months in his arms. They exited her room and he made his way down the steps first, heading over to, to Nora’s surprise, a truck, and put them in the back seat and then met her back at the top of the stairs to help her down them.
“I’m not an invalid. I can walk by myself, you know.”
“These stairs do not look safe and I’m not risking either of you. I just got you,” Ray replied when they reached the bottom of the steps. He immediately wrapped his arms around her and she held on tight, not used to, yet craving this kind of closeness.
Ray kissed the top of her head and rubbed her back. He guided her over to the truck and opened the passenger door.
“I never really imagined you to own a truck...”
Ray shrugged. “Height of Palmer Tech me was kind of an overcompensating asshole.”
Nora flashed him a coy smile and glanced down at his crotch. “Overcompensating for what, though?”
Ray coughed and his cheeks flushed red. “Oh well... umm... confidence I guess.”
Nora climbed into the passenger’s side and Ray rounded the truck. She buckled herself in and turned to look at him. “If we hadn’t met because I was trying to kill you and take over the world with my dad you don’t think you would’ve been able to grab my attention or something?”
Ray shrugged. “Something like that, I’ve always ended up second to someone else regardless so it’s not like...”
Nora pulled Ray in by the collar of his shirt and kissed him firmly. She pulled back with sadness and determination in her eyes. “You’re my first choice, always. I’d pick you out of a group of complete strangers every time, in any time, in any universe.”
Ray swallowed hard and pulled her in for another kiss. He threaded his fingers into her hair and deepened the kiss, which Nora gladly reciprocated.
They finally broke for a bit of air and Nora pressed their foreheads together. Out of breath, she murmured, “if we don’t stop, I’m going to ask you to take me in the back seat.”
Ray let out a soft groan and pulled back, trying to shift to a comfortable seated position in his seat, and adjusted his pants. “You’re right. Later?”
Nora nodded, trying not to stare directly at his crotch, and pulled down the mirror above her to check herself over, hair mussed, lips now thoroughly kissed. “Later.” 
They ended up at grocery store first. They had finally got to Star City when Nora’s stomach rumbled, Ray’s too. He said he would need to go on a grocery run eventually and he would love nothing more than to cook her dinner when they got home.
The thought filled Nora’s belly with a pleasant feeling that made her shiver when it occurred at the same time as a comforting kick from their daughter. She knew they would eventually buy a house to move into, to raise their family in, but Ray was still referring to his apartment as their home. She had a home now. With him.
It turned out that going grocery shopping with a still slightly horny and definitely hungry pregnant woman was more dangerous than a hungry college student grocery shopping with their financial aid refund burning a hole in their pocket.
They loaded up the backseat of Ray’s truck with probably more groceries than they would need (Nora cited that after eating ramen noodles for five months her pregnant ass would eat anything and probably crave it in all sorts of combinations) and they were headed to his apartment. 
A probably too helpful doorman to a very fancy looking apartment building helped Ray and Nora carry all the groceries up (Ray wanting Nora to only carry the lightest dry goods, which made her roll her eyes). When Nora entered his apartment, she gasped. It was huge.
“Welcome home!” He grinned as they sat the groceries on a spacious kitchen island. He tipped the doorman for helping and the man shut the door behind him.
“I know that it’s definitely the size of a bachelor pad, I definitely don’t have a spare bedroom big enough for an adequate nursery but hopefully it’ll give us a good transitional space before we move into a house.” He came to her side and wrapped an arm around her waist. “How do you like it?”
Nora placed a hand over her mouth and blinked back the tears. “It’s perfect. It’s a home. A home for you and me and our baby girl. I don’t even care if we get a house at this point. I feel pretty well cared for right here.”
“I still want for us to have a much quieter place. The building is safe and is very nice and everything, but the city is still too loud for my liking. I don’t want you or our baby girl to have a worse sleep schedule than you already will because she’ll be a baby up at all hours of the night.”
Nora looked up at him and pulled him in for a loving kiss. “This is more than I ever could’ve dreamed of.”
Nora Darhk sat at their kitchen island (she loved that she could call it that) and watched Ray cook enchiladas. There were a myriad of other Latin American side dishes also being prepared simultaneously. She had offered to help, but Ray said to just sit back and snack.
For once she didn’t want to argue.
So she snacked on a large platter of cheese and crackers and grapes and watched her man (now clad in a tight fitting black crewneck t-shirt and sweatpants that hugged his ass, to her advantage, closer than most) cook her dinner. When all was said and done, Ray plated her food with everything she had requested and they sat next to each other at the island, gratefully digging into their meals.
Nora finally took a break from stuffing her face and smiled up at him. “This is really good, thank you for dinner, Ray.”
“Anything for the love of my life.” He leaned in for a kiss.
Nora smiled against his lips. “I never thought I’d be anyone’s love of their life.”
“I could both go on and not really articulate very well what you mean to me, Nora. I just feel so drawn to you, always have. You weren’t dealt a fair card in your life and something deep inside me just wanted to be there for you, as you finally gained the freedom to explore who you were always meant to be. You’re funny, beautiful, I know how caring and loving you are deep down. You’re going to be an amazing mother. You’re already an amazing woman.”
Nora threw her arms around his neck and kissed him deeply. “What did I ever do to deserve you?”
“It is I who is undeserving of you.” He pulled her in for another kiss.
That night after dinner was cleaned up, Nora changed into some pajamas, which she would admit, were on their last days of fitting in any capacity. Ray frowned and offered her some of his but she turned him down. She wanted her clothes.
Ray understood, more than understood.
But as they laid in bed that night it was almost as if they had gone backwards. When they were in his truck, they had nearly torn each other’s clothes off. Now Ray was laying stiff as a board and quiet as a mouse. What was going on in that head of his?
Nora was facing him, trying to insinuate she wanted to be close, but Ray never made eye contact with her. She tried to fight the tears back. Maybe he didn’t actually want to build this life with her as much as she thought he did.
Ray felt the sleeve of his shirt dampen and looked down at Nora, who was trying to hold back the tears but because of the way she was laying, a single tear slipped from her right eye. 
“Nora? Is everything alright? Are you okay? Is it the baby?”
Nora shook her head. “No... I just... maybe I read too much into earlier...”
“What do you mean?”
“About how much you want this life with me... maybe I should go sleep on the couch. To keep our boundaries clear.”
Ray’s brows furrowed. “What? Wait, Nora, no. I’m sorry. I just... realized how much I’ve missed out on. I don’t deserve this, Nora. I’ve already messed this up by having you go through this alone for the last five months. It’s not fair of me to swoop in and start playing family with you.”
Nora sat up and shook her head. “No. Oh my god, Ray, that is all I want from you. We are a family. I want you to hold me and our daughter and for us to fall asleep together. Wrapped around each other. I know that you not showing up until today wasn’t your fault. I’m sorry that guilt is eating at you, but I promise you deserve this just as much as I do.”
Ray didn’t meet her eyes during Nora’s speech and he felt a small hand press against his cheek and force his eyes to meet hers. 
“Ray, promise me you’re going to try and realize that I just want you and you don’t have to feel guilty for what you missed.”
Ray solemnly nodded. “Okay. I promise.”
“Okay. Now will you please hold me? She’s really kicking so you’ll be able to feel her too.”
Ray smiled and pulled Nora into his arms and placed a hand on her belly where their daughter was kicking. He kissed her slowly and Nora eagerly reciprocated. His hand started moving her shirt up her belly until it was exposed as they laid there kissing. Ray realized what was happening and pulled back to see Nora’s eyes, now a dark smoke grey.
“Are you sure we should.”
“Please.” Nora nodded into another kiss.
When they curled up together after, Nora immediately fetched his shirt. Ray remained naked (not that Nora was about to complain) and she curled further into his embrace.
“You’re gonna be here when I wake up? Just like this?”
Ray nodded. “Unless you kick me out and hog the bed.” He chuckled and tickled her sides. “And don’t think I don’t realize what game you’re playing at. You rejected my offer to get you pajamas earlier just so you could sleep in my shirt and me be shirtless.”
Nora blushed. “Well it does smell the most like you since you just wore it and it fits me perfectly with my little bump. See?” Nora pulled the shirt taut and showed off her bump under his shirt proudly.
Ray’s throat went dry. She continued to show him things that topped his definition of beauty every minute. Nora laying there, pulling his shirt that she wore taut to show off her baby belly, where she was carrying their baby, with the biggest grin on her face was probably the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen.
“I do see. The most beautiful sight I’ve ever laid eyes on.”
“What my naked body not do it for you?”
Ray tickled her sides again. “You know it more than does it for me. And you know what I mean.” Ray kissed her and pulled the covers over them. He pulled her close and rested his hand on her belly. “Goodnight, Nora, I love you.”
Nora curled into his chest and let his heartbeat sooth her to sleep. “Night, Ray, I love you too.”
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theluxemiss · 6 years
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Books to Manifest Prosperity, Confidence, and Wealthy Men (Part Two)
Law of Attraction, Manifestation, Wealth, and General Self-Improvement
♥ Anatomy of the Spirit: The Seven Stages of Power and Healing
♥ As a Man Thinketh: 21st Century Edition (audio)
♥ Courage to Change: One Day at a Time
♥ Creative Visualization: Use the Power of Your Imagination to Create What You Want in Your Life
♥ Dave Ramsey's Complete Guide to Money: The Handbook of Financial Peace University
♥ Dominating Money: Tapping into Gods Supernatural Economy
♥ Don't Sweat the Small Stuff and It's All Small Stuff: Simple Ways to Keep the Little Things from Taking Over Your Life (audio)
♥ Driven by Eternity: Make Your Life Count Today and Forever
♥ Ego and Self: The Old Testament Prophets from Isaiah to Malachi
♥ Emotional Intelligence 2.0
♥ Focus: A simplicity Manifesto in the Age of Distraction (pdf)
♥ Fun Is Good: How to Create Joy and Passion in your Workplace and Career
♥ God is My Source
♥ God Never Blinks: 50 Lessons for Life's Little Detours
♥ Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance
♥ How Successful People Think: Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life (audio)
♥ Man's Search for Meaning (audio)
♥ MONEY Master the Game: 7 Simple Steps to Financial Freedom
♥ Positive Thinking Every Day: An Inspiration for Each Day of the Year
♥ Rich Woman: A Book on Investing for Women, Take Charge of Your Money, Take Charge of Your Life
♥ Start With Why (audio)
♥ Successful Women Think Differently: 9 Habits to Make You Happier, Healthier, and More Resilient
♥ Super Rich: A Guide to Having It All
♥ Targets with Absolute Confidence and Certainty
♥ The 4-Hour Workweek (audio)
♥ The 80/20 Principle (Third Edition): The Secret to Achieving More with Less
♥  The Aladdin Factor (audio)
♥ The Alchemist (audio)
♥ The Art Of War (audio)
♥ The Compound Effect: Jumpstart Your Income, Your Life, Your Success (audio)
♥ The Energy Bus: 10 Rules to Fuel Your Life, Work, and Team with Positive Energy
♥ The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom (A Toltec Wisdom Book)
♥ The Fred Factor: How Passion in Your Work and Life Can Turn the Ordinary into the Extraordinary
♥ The Magic of Thinking Big (audio)
♥ The Millionaire Next Door
♥ The ONE Thing: The Surprisingly Simple Truth Behind Extraordinary Results
♥ The Path to Success Is Paved with Positive Thinking
♥ The Power of Broke: How Empty Pockets, a Tight Budget, and a Hunger for Success Can Become Your Greatest Competitive Advantage
♥ The Power of Focus (Tenth Anniversary Edition)
♥ The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment
♥ The Procrastination Equation: How to Stop Putting Things Off and Start Getting Stuff Done
♥ The Richest Man in Babylon
♥ The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success: A Practical Guide to the Fulfillment of Your Dreams (audio)
♥ The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck: A Counterintuitive Approach to Living a Good Life
♥ The Success Principles (10th Anniversary Edition): How to Get from Where You Are to Where You Want to Be
♥ The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference
♥ The Ultimate Credit Repair Guide to Having Luxurious Credit
♥ The Wealth Choice: Success Secrets of Black Millionaires
♥ The Wealth of My Mother's Wisdom: The Lessons That Made My Life Rich
♥ Triggers: Creating Behavior That Lasts – Becoming the Person You Want to Be
♥ Waking the Tiger: Healing Trauma
♥ What Keeps Me Standing: Letters from Black Grandmothers on Peace, Hope and Inspiration
♥ Willpower: Rediscovering the Greatest Human Strength
♥ Write It Down Make It Happen: Knowing What You Want and Getting It
♥ Your Best Life Now: 7 Steps to Living at Your Full Potential
♥ Your Best Year Ever: A 5-Step Plan for Achieving Your Most Important Goals
♥ Zero Limits: The Secret Hawaiian System for Wealth, Health, Peace, and More
  Confidence, Seduction, Style, Etiquette, and Psychology of People
 ♥ 4,000 Questions for Getting to Know Anyone and Everyone
♥ A Guide to Elegance: For Every Woman Who Wants to Be Well and Properly Dressed on All Occasions
♥ Emily Post's Etiquette (19th Edition): Manners for Today
♥ Finishing Touches: A Guide to Being Poised, Polished, and Beautifully Prepared for Life
♥ Goodbye to Shy: 85 Shybusters That Work!
♥ How the Mighty Fall: And Why Some Companies Never Give In
♥ How To Be Chic And Elegant: Tips From A French Woman
♥ How to Speak Like a Pro
♥ How To Win Friends and Influence People (audio)
♥ Lessons from Madame Chic: 20 Stylish Secrets I Learned While Living in Paris
♥ Mastery
♥ Men Are Like Waffles – Women Are Like Spaghetti Devotional Study Guide
♥ Never Eat Alone: And Other Secrets to Success, One Relationship at a Time
♥ Own the Room: Discover Your Signature Voice to Master Your Leadership Presence
♥ Pitch Perfect: How to Say It Right the First Time, Every Time
♥ The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership: Follow Them and People Will Follow You (audio)
♥ The 33 Strategies of War (audio)
♥ The Art of War for Women: Sun Tzu's Ancient Strategies and Wisdom for Winning at Work
♥ The Bombshell Manual of Style
♥ The Charisma Myth: How Anyone Can Master the Art and Science of Personal Magnetism
♥ The Definitive Book of Body Language: The Hidden Meaning Behind People's Gestures and Expressions
♥ The Gift of Fear
♥ The Greatest Salesman in the World (audio)
♥ The Little Dictionary of Fashion: A Guide to Dress Sense for Every Woman
♥ The Power of Who: You Already Know Everyone You Need to Know
♥ The Sensuous Woman
♥ The Wisdom of Psychopaths: What Saints, Spies, and Serial Killers Can Teach Us About Success
♥ Three Steps to Yes: The Gentle Art of Getting Your Way
♥ What Every BODY is Saying: An Ex-FBI Agent’s Guide to Speed-Reading People
♥ Worldwide Gestures: A Traveller's Introduction to Common International Gestures & Symbols
  Sugaring, Relationships, Love and Marrying Wealthy
 ♥ A GOAL Digger's Guide: How to Get What You Want Without Giving It Up
♥ Become Your Own Matchmaker: 8 Easy Steps for Attracting Your Perfect Mate
♥ Being a Woman: Fulfilling Your Femininity and Finding Love
♥ Getting to 'I Do': The Secret to Doing Relationships Right!
♥ Have Him at Hello: Confessions from 1,000 Guys About What Makes Them Fall in Love . . . Or Never Call Back
♥ How To Date Like a Courtesan: Attract, Seduce, and Manipulate Men for Love, Money, and Marriage
♥ How to Marry the Man of Your Choice
♥ How to Meet the Rich: For Business, Friendship, or Romance
♥ Lucrative Love: An Insider's Secrets to Marrying Millions!
♥ Marry by Choice, Not by Chance: Advice for Finding the Right One at the Right Time
♥ Mars and Venus in Love: Inspiring and Heartfelt Stories of Relationships
♥ Mars and Venus in the Bedroom: Guide to Lasting Romance and Passion
♥ Mars and Venus on a Date: A Guide for Navigating the 5 Stages of Dating to Create a Loving and Lasting Relationship
♥ Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus: Practical Guide for Improving Communication
♥ Pussy Power: How to Keep Him and YOU Happy
♥ Sex and the Single Girl
♥ Shanghai Girls: Uncensored & Unsentimental
♥ Simply Irresistible: Unleash Your Inner Siren and Mesmerize Any Man, with Help from the Most Famous – and Infamous – Women
♥ The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love that Lasts
♥ The Power of a Praying Wife
♥ The Seduction Mystique
♥ The Vixen Manual: How to Find, Seduce & Keep the Man You Want
♥ Trophy Man: The Surprising Secrets of Black Women Who Marry Well
* Continue to check back for updates with links to audiobooks and PDFs.
* Read PART ONE here.
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