#Briana Walker
luckythings · 1 year
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cocoelle · 1 month
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Rocco: Your Mom isn't answering her phone so I'm going over there to let her know you're staying here. I won't be long, don't answer the door while I'm gone.
Briana: Ok Daddy.
Brittani: What she said haha.
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"Knocking loudly on the door"
Rocco: Nora you in there? Open up.
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Clint: Can I help you dude?
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Rocco: Yeah tell Nora Rocco needs to talk to her.
Clint: Hey babe, some old dude named Rocco needs to talk to you.
Noro: Tell him to come in.
Clint: Nora said come on in dude.
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Nora: What are you doing here Rocco?
Rocco: Well you didn't answer your phone so I came here to tell you the girls won't be coming to see you this weekend.
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Nora: Oh, that was this weekend?
Rocco: Yeah it was. Are you high right now?
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Nora: So what if I am, we're not married anymore. I can do whatever the fuck I want to do.
Rocco: No wonder the girls don't want to see you.
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Rocco: You've fucken lost your mind Nora. I'm gonna make damn sure that you never get to see the girls again.
Nora: Get out, get the fuck out of my apartment Rocco and don't come back.
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Clint: Forget about your ex-husband my sexy lover.
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Clint: Now get over here so we can continue what we were doing before we were so rudely interrupted.
Nora: You always know the right things to say.
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In Their Own Words: What is the most difficult sacrifice you’ve made to pay down your medical debt?“
“Had to move into rental place from home and not able to buy a house. Cut in some household or good food for kids.” -35 year old woman with $5,000-$10,000 in medical debt, Texas
“Quality of life. We’ve never been able to ‘get ahead’ because we have a 35 year old disabled daughter. We’ve had medical debt for 35 years varying from 30k down to $500.” -60 year old woman with $2,500-$5,000 in medical debt, Tennessee
“Not paying bills on time, creating larger bills due to late fees. Depleted savings.” -38 year old man with $2,500-$5,000 in medical debt, North Carolina
“Cutting out any expenses/services I can. No job, fixed income and chemo. Even with insurance, no one can afford cancer.” -67 year old woman with more than $25,000 in medical debt, Nebraska
“Limiting birthday/Christmas gifts for children and grandchildren.” -83 year old woman with $1,000-$2,500 in medical debt, New Jersey
“Getting a second job. I’m exhausted and I don’t see a way out.” -44 year old woman with $1,000-$2,500 in medical debt, Ohio
“I can’t do anything; I literally stay at home. Never taken my kids on vacation. I’m a single mother and all my money supports the household. So, there are not a lot of extras in my house.” -55 year old woman, with $2,500-$5,000 in medical debt, Missouri
“Strain on relationship with [my] father due to asking for help to pay medical expenses; negative impact on mental health issues (e.g., significant increase in anxiety symptoms).” -35 year old woman with $10,000-$25,000 in medical debt, New York
“This was medical debt for my (now deceased) husband — my credit cards are maxed-out, savings is gone, I will need to relocate to afford rent and pay down bills.” -67 year old woman with $10,000-$25,000 in medical debt, Illinois
Source: Lopes L, Kearney A, Montero A, Hamel L, Brodie M. Health care debt in the U.S.: the broad consequences of medical and dental bills [Internet]. San Francisco (CA): Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation; 2022 Jun 16 [cited 2023 Oct 11]. Available from: https://www.kff.org/report-section/kff-health-care-debt-survey-main-findings/
So far we've raised $3,196.20 [2:11 PM Eastern; Sun Oct 15] for RIP Medical Debt toward our $5,000 goal.
With what we've raised so far RIP can wipe out over $300,000 in medical debt (nationwide).
Our goal is to wipe out $500,000 in medical debt (nationwide) and, as an incentive for donating $10+ we're doing an (optional) raffle of the last of our server (group) purchased scripts.
Key raffle scripts:
$1000 - signed Walker & Gotham Knights pilots
$2000 - Wayward Sisters (by Kim, Briana, Kathryn)
$3000 - The Winchesters (signed by so many)
$4000 - Stranger in a Strange Land (Jensen & Danneel)
$5000 - Lebanon (JDM, Sam Smith, J2, Misha)
Our fundraising page:
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laf-outloud · 11 months
You know, I think some of the extras are actually wising up just a bit. Unfortunately, I can’t think of the specific examples right now that had me thinking this. But, I noticed it with small things that Rob or Rich would say on podcasts, or that time Kim posted about Jared and her daughter looking for mermaids. Over the last few months, I’ve gotten that feeling a bit.
I think even though the extras bet on the wrong horse, they aren’t actually above abandoning ship. They see how it actually was with The Winchesters. I think they know Jensen is mostly all talk.
The thing is, some probably know they already burned bridges with Jared, while others might think there is hope if they start showing him more respect now. But? If they all just want to do the con circuit forever, then they may as well just keep kissing Jensen’s ass.
Misha, I think knows Jared won’t give him work. He’s made his bed with the hellers.
Rob keeps dropping hints about working with Rich, Jensen or Jared. But sucks up to Jensen most.
Kim, I don’t think was ever entirely simping for Jensen. She wasn’t like Briana, anyway.
Mark S doesn’t simp for anyone, but has always praised (and teased) Jared.
Jake jokes about Jared snd farts all the time, but I don’t recall him simping for Jensen.
Rich teases Jared, but I think he can actually get himself work as a director, so he doesn’t suck up to Jensen in the way that Rob does.
It will be interesting to see if anyone else ends up on Walker, or on anything else with Jared. And it will be interesting, for me, to see if the con attendees change with the Jared changes. Jared seems to be the one who brought Mark S back. If Jared only does 3 cons, I don’t see Walker panels being as likely. They might look very different next year.
LOL about Jake!
I've noticed a bit of a tide change as well. I think the extras are realizing that the SPN money-train is heading for its final destination and they need to start looking past beyond the last stop. But what I'm really happy to see is that whatever obligation Jared may have felt towards the SPN-extras and CE cons is no longer present. If he does work with any of them again, you'll know it's because he trusts and respects them. (Personally, I'm pulling for Ruth, though it looks like she'll be a bit busy, lol! If Emily Swallow's already been shadowing director's on set, I suspect we may see her next season... possibly as the Jackal?)
From what a couple people have said, I think Jared will be announced for 3 more CE cons next year, so we might see some Walker guests (especially at the Austin con), but I'm with you, I don't see them being added as guests at the non-Jared cons. At this point, I don't know who Creation's going to get for those, but I'm sure interested to find out. If it's cast members from a different franchise entirely, the SPN-extras could be in trouble beyond 2024.
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thetimelordbatgirl · 5 months
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Finally got around to figuring out the Face Claims for the kids so far in my alternate universe series on Disney Descendants, aka what if Ben's idea to bring over villain kids had been shut down back in D1 and the idea is only revived decades later by Ben's son with Audrey, Alexander, who brings over the grandkids of Maleficent, Jafar, Evil Queen and Cruella De Vil.
If anyone want's to read the fic's so far in the series, they are: Descendants: Family Business Descendants: Evil's Unfinished Business
Parents of the kids under read more due to how long it gets
*Walker Scobell as Malachi Faye, the son of Mal, grandson of Maleficent. *Swayam Bhatia as Jayra Kader, the daughter of Jay, granddaughter of Jafar. *Sonny Bustamante as Fairen Grimhilde, the son of Evie, grandson of the Evil Queen. *Ariana Greenblatt as Carla De Vil, the daughter of Carlos, granddaughter of Cruella. *Lyon Daniels as Alexander Mercier, the son of Ben and Audrey, older brother of Briana, grandson of Beas, Belle, Aurora and Phillip. *Alisha Weir as Matilda Fairchild, the daughter of Jane, granddaughter of the Fairy Godmother. *Kylie Cantrall as Charity Charming, the adopted daughter of Chad, the adopted granddaughter of Cinderella and her prince. *Riley Go as Li Ping, the daughter of Lonnie, granddaughter of Mulan and Shang. *Leah Jeffries as Cordelia Hook, the daughter of Uma and Harry, granddaughter of Ursula and Captain Hook. *Scarlett Estevez as Gabby Legume, the daughter of Gil, granddaughter of Gaston. *McKenna Roberts as Hadley Tombs, the daughter of Hadie, granddaughter of Hades. *Khiyla Aynne as Maggie Mim, the daughter of one of the granddaughters of Madam Mim, great-granddaughter of the aforementioned Madam Mim. *Aryan Simhadri as Jasper Kader, the son of Jade, grandson of Nasira. *Seth Carr as Fabian Facilier, the son of Freddie, grandson of Doctor Facilier. *Mason Thames as Zyna, the son of Yzla, grandson of Yzma. *Micah Abbey as Charles Frollo, the son of Claudine, grandson of Claude Frollo.
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jessread-s · 1 year
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Tracy Deonn’s fantasy debut “Legendborn” empowers and inspires. 
The novel is told from the perspective of sixteen-year-old Briana “Bree” Matthews. Through Bree, Deonn broaches subjects like grief, trauma, racism, and sexism. She takes great care in capturing Bree’s wide range of emotions as she goes through different stages of grief after the loss of her mother. Additionally, Deonn addresses intergenerational trauma. As a descendent of enslaved people, Bree inherits the trauma that her ancestors experienced. She is reminded of their pain by unmarked graves and monuments celebrating their enslavers. I appreciate Deonn raising awareness about the historical harm experienced by the Black community and grief-related conditions. I also love how Deonn uses her characters to eradicate the stigma surrounding seeking help from professionals as a means of support. 
One way in which Bree initially tries to cope with her mother’s death before speaking with a therapist is by enrolling in a residential program for high schoolers at UNC-Chapel Hill. While she is there, she acquires the Sight and discovers the world of the Legendborn. I was blown away by the concept of bringing the legend of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table to life in our contemporary world through their living descendants. Deonn establishes a hierarchy within the Order of the Round Table starting with the Scions at the top of the pyramid followed by Merlins (sorcerers), Squires, and Pages. Each year, Pages are given an opportunity to compete to become a Squire for one of the Awakened Scions. As a a newly appointed Page, Bree immerses the reader in the high stakes environment of the trials and familiarizes us with the inner workings of the Order. She also exposes readers to the “double jeopardy” she experiences—racism and sexism—as a result of the Order’s heteropatriarchal structure.  
Deonn draws from Arthurian myth to create her complex magic system. Bloodcrafters, the Legendborn and Merlins, steal their magic from their descendants as part of their mission to hunt and kill Shadowborn (demons) to protect Onceborns (regular humans) and prevent Camlann from occurring. Depending on which knight of the round table they are related to and whether or not they have been called, the Legendborn can use their aether to create weapons, form armor, or heal others. Merlins use their aether for much of the same in addition to administering oaths, shapeshifting, and erasing memories. While the abilities of the Legendborn and Merlin are impressive, the former have to grapple with shortened lifespans and the latter are vulnerable to succumbing to their demon blood as a consequence of stealing from their bloodlines. 
Aside from the Legendborn, Rootcrafters exist in Deonn’s fictional world. Rootcrafters have magical abilities of their own that they borrow from their ancestors. They harness root to manipulate the growth of plant life (wildcrafter), see a person’s aura (reader), speak to the dead (medium), or walk the memories of their ancestors (memory walker). 
As a Page and Rootcrafter, Bree has to navigate both worlds that harbor animosity towards each other while still processing her grief and encountering discrimination. At her side is Nick Davis, the legendary Scion of Arthur. What starts out as a begrudging mentor/mentee partnership develops into a loving relationship. Nick is the epitome of a “golden retriever boy” and it is quite possible that I fell for him as hard as Bree did what with his protective and sunshine personality. 
If you have not read this book yet, this is me telling you to do so. It is one that demands to be read and absorbed. As Deonn so beautifully puts it in her author’s note, “Legendborn” “is an opportunity to reorient ourselves to the stories we preserve… and rediscover who gets to be legendary.” 
➤ 5 stars
Cross-posted to: Instagram | Amazon | Goodreads | StoryGraph
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aspiringpolymath · 1 year
July 2023 Reading Wrap Up
I've been pondering starting a bookish instagram, but in the likely event I never do, here are the monthly wrap up images I made for July 2023. (If it doesn't have a rating it just means it was too short or too . . . personal? to easily rate. I didn't track DNFs on these graphics, but I DNF'ed seven books.
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Of course, I wrote a bunch of stuff about the books here, but then tumblr ate my words. So, on the off chance you have a question about anything I read, let me know.
I might keep posting here, if no one minds and I find it easy enough to keep up with. I'm hoping to make the graphics a little less rough and ready in future.
Also, I will list the books for accessibility purposes.
Indelicacy by Amina Cain - libby - novella - 3.5 stars
Assembly by Natasha Brown -libby - novella - 5 stars
Red’s Wolf by Beth Laycock - freeb - novella - 3.5 stars
Sergeant Delicious by Annabeth Albert - freeb - re-read - short - 3.5 stars
Sea Lover by J.K. Pendragon - smashwords - novella - 4 stars
45 and Holding by Jacki James and Jill Wexler - ku - 4 stars
The Stablemaster’s Heart by Sarah Honey - arc - 4.5 stars
Kiss Me Like You Mean It by Jacki James - ku - novella - 2.5 stars
Overtime by Marina Vivancos - arc - 3 stars
A Lifetime Kissing You by Riley Hart - ku - 4.25 stars
Like a Charm by Jordan Castillo Price - ku - short - 2.5 stars
The River’s Edge by Jordan Castillo Price - ku - short - 3 stars
The First and Last Adventure of Kit Sawyer by S. E. Harmon - arc - 3.75 stars
Not Over You by Samantha Wayland - ku - novella - 3.5 stars
Darius the Great is Not Okay by Adib Khorram - libby - 5 stars
Nothing Special by Jay Northcote - audio re-read - 4.25 stars
Open Throat by Henry Hoke - audiobook - novella - 4.25 stars
Our Colors by Gengoroh Tagame - library - 3.75 stars
Sincerely Harriet by Sarah W. Searle - mg - graphic novel - library - 3 stars
Dirty Slide by KD Casey and Lauren Blakely - audiobook - novella - 3.5 stars
Ephemera by Briana Loewensohn - graphic memoir - library - no rating
Rockstar and Softboy by Sina Grace - graphic novel - hoopla - 3.5 stars
Like I Needed by Charlie Novak - ku - 3.75 stars
Dirty Steal by KD Casey and Lauren Blakely- audiobook - novella - 3.75 stars
The (Pet) Detective Agency by Noji - manga - hoopla - 3.5 stars
Love & Vermin by Will McPhail - cartoons - hoopla - 4.25 stars
It’s Paradise, Baby by KD Ryan - novella - 4 stars
Out in the Country by Alexandra Hale - ku - novella - 3.5 stars
Second Chance at First Love by N.R. Walker - ku - novella - 3.5 stars
An Exception by Megan Derr - hoopla - short - 3.5 stars
Use as Wallpaper by Glenn Quigley - freeb - short - 4.25 stars
Five Dares by Eli Easton - 1 star (for extenuating reasons, have liked other stuff by the author)
The Last Cuentista by Donna Barba Higuera - own/hoopla audio - mg - 4 stars
Mistletango by Alexandra Caluen - hoopla - 4 stars
Paper Planes by Jennie Wood - graphic novel - libby - ya - 4 stars
It’s Lonely at the Centre of the Earth by Zoe Thorogood - hoopla - graphic memoir - 4.25 stars
Quest of Fools by Megan Derr - smashwords - 3.25 stars
Fairy Wings by Sasha L. Miller - smashwords - novella - 3.5 stars
Deal Maker by Lily Morton - audiobook re-read - 4 stars - more frustrating in audio
Riding the Wave by Daria Fisher - sapphic short - freeb smashwords - too short to rate, really
Thieves by Lucie Bryon - graphic novel - f/f - ya - library - 4.25 stars
Aug 9 - Fog by Kathryn Scanlan - libby - too strange to rate
The Best Men by Sarina Bowen and Lauren Blakely - ku - 4.5 stars - very expertly done
Garbage by Reese Morrison - arc/ku - 3 stars
Fine by Rhea Ewing - graphic non-fiction - library - 4.5 stars
Silent Sin by E.J. Russell - audiobook - 4 stars
Sweat Connection by Katherine McIntyre - arc - 4 stars
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serve-update · 2 years
BMF Season 2 Episode 5 Cast: Release Date & More!
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In the fifth episode of BMF Season 2, Lamar causes trouble for Meech (Demetrius Flenory Jr.) and Terry. Sooner or later, they'll have to figure out a way to get rid of him. In season two he has already murdered two former Street Gang members who worked for the BMF, tortured Monique (Kash Doll) and their child, and shot Meech. Lamar follows Meech and Terry as they try to flee Detroit for Atlanta in the penultimate segment of Episode 4. So, what's up next? Those unfortunate events that are imminent should come as no surprise. https://twitter.com/WriterLe/status/1621204997202665472 BMF Season 2 Episode 5 Cast - Demetrius ‘Lil Meech’ Flenory as Demetrius ‘Big Meech’ Flenory(as Demetrius Flenory Jr.) - Da’Vinchi as Terry ‘Southwest T’ Flenory - Michole Briana White as Lucille Flenory - Jerel Xavier Alston as Kevin Bryant - Tyler Antonius as Donnie Noel - Rafael Castillo as Nedo - Darius Devontaye Green as Kiabu - Brittany Guess as Carol - Lauren Halperin as Denise - Mustafa Harris as Older Terry Flenory - Rachel James as Earl - Javen Lewis as Markus - Mike Merrill as Ty Washington - Markice Moore as Filmel - Christian Robinson as Tony - Stephen Ruffin as Carl… - Jennifer Sears as Sister Riley - Takesha L. Walker as Katana
BMF Season 2 Episode 5 Release Date
Season 2 Episode 5 of BMF will air on Starz on February 3, 2023, from 9:00 to 11:00 p.m. ET. Both Starz and HULU are currently streaming episode five of the second season of BMF. The pilot episode of the show was released on all Starz services throughout the world at the same time.
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BMF Season 2 Episode 5 Cast BMF Season 2 Episode 5 Preview Paying attention to the show would reveal the grave peril in which Meech and Terry found themselves. They can't afford to buy more supplies, and they're quickly running out. The two distressed individuals appear to be attempting what? Must read about Ritchie Valens' Net Worth. There aren't enough drugs for everyone in the following episode, "Moments of Truth," so Meech and Terry have to escape. Furthermore, they require a new plug but have no means to acquire either one. They find themselves in Atlanta, the "Black Mecca." They reconnect with old acquaintances and make contact with new people who may become allies during this gathering. Must read about Brandi Carlile Net Worth. Although we now know that Meech and Terry can recover, we also know that doing so won't be simple and that they may face further challenges as they move forward. https://youtu.be/4igm6CEgo-k Final Words If you are a fan of the series “BMF Season 2 Episode 5 Cast,” this is a must-watch. The series is about entertainment and release date details, which will make you go “Geeeeez” while watching it (even if you don’t like this expression). Its high-quality graphics make it mesmerizing, along with the animation effects. It will engage you for hours, so if you have not watched it yet, do so and let me know how much you like it in the comment section. If you liked this article, follow our website, serveupdate.com, and don’t forget to follow our social media handles.   Read the full article
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goalhofer · 2 months
2024 olympics Canada roster
Eric Peters (Kitchener, Ontario)
Virginie Chénier (Montreal, Quebec)
Eliezer Adjibi (Ottawa, Ontario)
Duan Asemota (Ajax, Ontario)
Aaron Brown (Toronto, Ontario)
Andre De Grasse (Markham, Ontario)
Brendon Rodney (Brampton, Ontario)
Christopher Morales (York, Ontario)
Marco Arop (Edmonton, Alberta)
Kieran Lumb (Vancouver, British Columbia)
Charles Philibert-Thiboutot (Quebec, Quebec)
Mohammed Ahmed (St. Catherines, Ontario)
Ben Flanagan (Kitchener, Ontario)
Thomas Fafard (Repentigny, Quebec)
Craig Thorne (Quispamsis, New Brunswick)
Jean-Simon Desgagnés (Quebec, Quebec)
Jerome Blake (Burnaby, British Columbia)
Cameron Levins (Courtenay, British Columbia)
Rory Linkletter (Flagstaff, Arizona)
Evan Dunfee (Richmond, British Columbia)
Rowan Hamilton (Chilliwack, British Columbia)
Ethan Katzberg (Kamloops, British Columbia)
Adam Keenan (Victoria, British Columbia)
Damian Warner (London, Ontario)
Marie-Éloïse Leclair (Montreal, Quebec)
Sade McCreath-Tardiel (Toronto, Ontario)
Jasneet Nijjar (Surrey, British Columbia)
Audrey Leduc (Gatineau, Quebec)
Jacqueline Madogo (Ottawa, Ontario)
Lauren Gale (Ottawa, Ontario)
Zoe Sherar (Toronto, Ontario)
Jazz Shukla (Toronto, Ontario)
Kate Current (Cobourg, Ontario)
Simone Plourde (Montreal, Quebec)
Lucia Stafford (Toronto, Ontario)
Briana Scott (Vancouver, British Columbia)
Regan Yee (Vancouver, British Columbia)
Mariam Abdul-Rashid (Oshawa, Ontario)
Michelle Harrison (Saskatoon, Saskatchewan)
Savannah Sutherland (Saskatoon, Saskatchewan)
Ceili McCabe (Vancouver, British Columbia)
Malindi Elmore (Kelowna, British Columbia)
Crystal Emmanuel-Ahye (Toronto, Ontario)
Kyra Constantine (Brampton, Ontario)
Aiyanna Stiverne (Laval, Quebec)
Olivia Lundman (Nanaimo, British Columbia)
Camryn Rogers (Richmond, British Columbia)
Anicka Newell (Albuquerque, New Mexico)
Alysha Newman (London, Ontario)
Sarah Mitton (Queens Municipality, Nova Scotia)
Brian Yang (Richmond Hill, Ontario)
Adam Dong (Burlington, Ontario)
Nyl Yakura (Toronto, Ontario)
Michelle Li (Markham, Ontario)
Luguentz Dort (Montreal, Quebec)
Nickeil Alexander-Walker (Vaughan, Ontario)
Shai Gilgeous-Alexander (Hamilton, Ontario)
Melvin Ejim (Rocky View County, Alberta)
Jamal Murray (Orangeville, Ontario)
Dwight Powell (Toronto, Ontario)
Trey Lyles (Saskatoon, Saskatchewan)
R.A. Barrett; Jr. (Mississauga, Ontario)
Kelly Olynyk (Kamloops, British Columbia)
Andrew Nembhard (Vaughan, Ontario)
Dillon Brooks (Mississauga, Ontario)
Khem Birch (Russell Township, Ontario)
Shay Colley (Brampton, Ontario)
Samantha Hill (Toronto, Ontario)
Kia Nurse (Hamilton, Ontario)
Bridget Carleton (Chatham-Kent, Ontario)
Cassandre Prosper (Ottawa, Ontario)
Yvonne Ejim (Rocky View County, Alberta)
Natalie Achonwa (Guelph, Ontario)
Syla Swords (Sudbury, Ontario)
Kayla Alexander (Milton, Ontario)
Laeticia Amihere (Mississauga, Ontario)
Nirra Fields (Montreal, Quebec)
Aaliyah Edwards (Kingston, Ontario)
Kacie Bosch (Lethbridge, Alberta)
Paige Crozon (Humboldt, Saskatchewan)
Katherine Plouffe (Edmonton, Alberta)
Michelle Plouffe (Edmonton, Alberta)
Wyatt Sanford (Montreal, Quebec)
Tammara Thibeault (Saint-Georges, Quebec)
Phil Kim (Vancouver, British Columbia)
Alex Baldoni (Pau, France)
Connor Fitzpatrick (Dartmouth, Nova Scotia)
Laurent Lavigne (Trois-Rivières, Quebec)
Nicholas Matveev (Toronto, Ontario)
Simon McTavish (Sydney, Australia)
Pierre-Luc Poulin (Quebec, Quebec)
Lois Betteridge (Ottawa, Ontario)
Sophia Jensen (Chelsea, Quebec)
Sloan MacKenzie (Halifax, Nova Scotia)
Katie Vincent (Mississauga, Ontario)
Michelle Russell (Halifax Municipality, Nova Scotia)
Toshka Besharah-Hrebacka (Ottawa, Ontario)
Natalie Davison (Ottawa, Ontario)
Riley Melanson (Dartmouth, Nova Scotia)
Courtney Stott (Pickering, Ontario)
Derek Gee (Ottawa, Ontario)
Michael Woods (Toronto, Ontario)
Tyler Rorke (Wilmot Township, Ontario)
Nick Wammes (Chatham-Kent, Ontario)
James Hedgcock (Hamilton, Ontario)
Dylan Bibic (Mississauga, Ontario)
Michael Foley (Milton, Ontario)
Mathis Guillemette (Trois-Rivières, Quebec)
Carson Mattern (Hamilton, Ontario)
Gunnar Holmgren (Oro-Medonte Township, Ontario)
Jeffrey Whaley (L'Assomption, Quebec)
Olivia Baril (Rouyn-Noranda, Quebec)
Alison Jackson (Vermilion, Alberta)
Lauriane Genest (Montreal, Quebec)
Kelsey Mitchell (Strathcona County, Alberta)
Sarah Orban (Calgary, Alberta)
Erin Attwell (Victoria, British Columbia)
Ariane Bonhomme (Gatineau, Quebec)
Maggie Coles-Lyster (Maple Ridge, British Columbia)
Sarah Van Dam (Victoria, British Columbia)
Isabella Holmgren (Oro-Medonte Township, Ontario)
Molly Simpson (Red Deer, Alberta)
Rylan Wiens (Saskatoon, Saskatchewan)
Nathan Zsombor-Murray (Pointe-Claire, Quebec)
Margo Erlam (Calgary, Alberta)
Caeli McKay (Montreal, Quebec)
Kate Miller (Ottawa, Ontario)
Chris Van Martels (Chatham-Kent, Ontario)
Karl Slezak (Tottenham, Ontario)
Mike Winter (Montreal, Quebec)
Mario Deslauriers (Venise-En-Quebec, Quebec)
Camille Carier-Bergeron (Laval, Quebec)
Naïma Laliberté-Moreira (Montreal, Quebec)
Jessica Phoenix (Uxbridge Township, Ontario)
Erynn Ballard (Caledon, Ontario)
Amy Millar (Perth, Ontario)
Nicholas Zhang (Richmond, British Columbia)
Blake Broszus (San José, California)
Daniel Gu (Edmonton, Alberta)
Maximilien Van Haaster (Montreal, Quebec)
Fares Arfa (Laval, Quebec)
François Cauchon (Montreal, Quebec)
Shaul Gordon (Richmond, British Columbia)
Ruien Xiao (Markham, Ontario)
Jessica Guo (Toronto, Ontario)
Eleanor Harvey (Hamilton, Ontario)
Yunjia Zhang (Toronto, Ontario)
Pamela Brind'Amour (Sainte-Martine, Quebec)
Corey Connors (Jupiter, Florida)
Nick Taylor (Abbotsford, British Columbia)
Brooke Henderson (Naples, Florida)
Alena Sharp (Phoenix, Arizona)
Zachary Clay (Chilliwack, British Columbia)
René Cournoyer (Repentigny, Quebec)
Félix Dolci (Saint-Eustache, Quebec)
William Émard (Laval, Quebec)
Samuel Zakutney (Montreal, Quebec)
Elsabeth Black (Halifax, Nova Scotia)
Shallon Olsen (Tuscaloosa, Alabama)
Cassie Lee (Toronto, Ontario)
Ava Stewart (Bowmanville, Ontario)
Aurélie Tran (Repentigny, Quebec)
Sophiane Méthot (Varennes, Quebec)
Arthur Margelidon (Montreal, Quebec)
François Gauthier-Drapeau (Alma, Quebec)
Shady Elnahas (Toronto, Ontario)
Ana Portuondo (La Prairie, Quebec)
Kelly Deguchi (Lethbridge, Alberta)
Christina Deguchi (Lethbridge, Alberta)
Catherine Beauchemin-Pinard (Saint-Hubert, Quebec)
Jennifer Casson (Victoria, British Columbia)
Jill Moffatt (Victoria, British Columbia)
Abby Dent (Kenora, Ontario)
Caileigh Filmer (Saanich, British Columbia)
Kasia Gruchalla-Wesierski (Calgary, Alberta)
Maya Meschkuleit (Mississauga, Ontario)
Sydney Paine (Toronto, Ontario)
Jessica Sevick (Vancouver, British Columbia)
Kristina Walker (Frontenac Islands Township, Ontario)
Avalon Wasteneys (Victoria, British Columbia)
Kristen Kit (St. Catherines, Ontario)
Caroline Crossley (New Westminster, British Columbia)
Olivia Apps (Victoria, British Columbia)
Alysha Corrigan (Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island)
Asia Hogan-Rochester (Toronto, Ontario)
Chloe Daniels (Langford, British Columbia)
Charity Williams (Victoria, British Columbia)
Florence Symonds (Vancouver, British Columbia)
Carissa Norsten (Waldheim, Saskatchewan)
Krissy Scurfield (Canmore, Alberta)
Fancy Bermudez (Edmonton, Alberta)
Piper Logan (Calgary, Alberta)
Keyara Wardley (Victoria, British Columbia)
Justin Barnes (Pickering, Ontario)
Will Jones (Hamilton, Ontario)
Sarah Douglas (Toronto, Ontario)
Emily Bugeja (North Vancouver, British Columbia)
Antonia Lewin-LaFrance (Mahone Bay, Nova Scotia)
Georgia Lewin-LaFrance (Mahone Bay, Nova Scotia)
Tye Ikeda (Calgary, Alberta)
Michele Esercitato (Calgary, Alberta)
Shannon Westlake (Georgina, Ontario)
Cordano Russell (Carlsbad, California)
Matt Berger (Huntington Beach, California)
Ryan Decenzo (Delta, British Columbia)
Fay De Fazio-Ebert (Toronto, Ontario)
Kailen Sheridan (Whitby, Ontario)
Gabrielle Carle (Lévis, Quebec)
Kadeisha Buchanan (Brampton, Ontario)
Evelyne Viens (L'Ancienne-Lorette, Quebec)
Rebecca Quinn (Toronto, Ontario)
Cloé Lacasse (Sudbury, Ontario)
Julia Grosso (Burnaby, British Columbia)
Jayde Riviere (Markham, Ontario)
Jordyn Huitema (Chilliwack, British Columbia)
Ashley Lawrence (Toronto, Ontario)
Adriana Leon (King Township, Ontario)
Jade Rose (Markham, Ontario)
Simi Awujo (Atlanta, Georgia)
Vanessa Gilles (Châteauguay, Quebec)
Nichelle Prince (Ajax, Ontario)
Janine Beckie (Douglas County, Colorado)
Jessie Fleming (London, Ontario)
Sabrina D'Angelo (Welland, Ontario)
Shelina Zadorsky (London, Ontario)
Sanoa Dempfle-Olin (Tofino, British Columbia)
Josh Liendo-Edwards (Toronto, Ontario)
Yuri Kisil (Calgary, Alberta)
Javier Acevedo (Toronto, Ontario)
Blake Tierney (Saskatoon, Saskatchewan)
Ilya Kharun (Las Vegas, Nevada)
Finlay Knox (Okotoks, Alberta)
Tristan Jankovics (Puslinch Township, Ontario)
Alex Axon (Newmarket, Ontario)
Jeremy Bagshaw (Victoria, British Columbia)
Patrick Hussey (Beaconsfield, Quebec)
Lorne Wigginton (Calgary, Alberta)
Apollo Hess (Lethbridge, Alberta)
Audrey Lamothe (Montreal, Quebec)
Jacqueline Simoneau (Saint-Laurent, Quebec)
Scarlett Finn (Toronto, Ontario)
Joannie Newman (Grande Prairie, Alberta)
Raphaelle Plante (Quebec City, Quebec)
Kenzie Priddell (Regina, Saskatchewan)
Claire Scheffel (Brantford, Ontario)
Florence Tremblay (Rimouski, Quebec)
Taylor Ruck (Scottsdale, Arizona)
Maggie MacNeil (London, Ontario)
Mary-Sophie Harvey (Trois-Rivières, Quebec)
Summer McIntosh (Toronto, Ontario)
Kylie Masse (Windsor, Ontario)
Ingrid Wilm (Calgary, Alberta)
Regan Rathwell (Ottawa, Ontario)
Sophie Angus (Toronto, Ontario)
Sydney Pickrem (Dunedin, Florida)
Kelsey Wog (Winnipeg, Manitoba)
Rebecca Smith (Red Deer, Alberta)
Ella Jansen (Burlington, Ontario)
Penny Oleksiak (Toronto, Ontario)
Brooklyn Douthwright (Riverview, New Brunswick)
Julie Brousseau (Ottawa, Ontario)
Emma O'Croinin (Edmonton, Alberta)
Emma Finlin (Edmonton, Alberta)
Table tennis
Edward Ly (Lachine, Quebec)
Eugene Wang (Aurora, Ontario)
Jeremy Hazin (Richmond Hill, Ontario)
Mo Zhang (Vancouver, British Columbia)
Josipa Kafadar (Burnaby, British Columbia)
Skylar Park (Winnipeg, Manitoba)
Félix Auger-Aliassime (Monte Carlo, Monaco)
Miloš Raonić (Monte Carlo, Monaco)
Bianca Andreescu (Vaughan, Ontario)
Leylah Fernandez (Boynton Beach, Florida)
Gaby Dabrowski (Ottawa, Ontario)
Tyler Mislawchuk (Macdonald Municipality, Manitoba)
Claude Paquet (Port-Cartier, Quebec)
Emy Legault (Montreal, Quebec)
Daniel Dearing (Toronto, Ontario)
Sammy Schachter (Richmond Hill, Ontario)
Luke Herr (Winnipeg, Manitoba)
Nick Hoag (Sherbrooke, Quebec)
Brodie Hofer (Langley, British Columbia)
Danny Demyanenko (Toronto, Ontario)
Stephen Maar (Aurora, Ontario)
Brett Walsh (Calgary, Alberta)
Xander Ketrzynski (Toronto, Ontario)
Lucas Van Berkel (Edmonton, Alberta)
Arthur Szwarc (Toronto, Ontario)
Justin Lui (Pickering, Ontario)
Fynn McCarthy (Lake Country Municipality, British Columbia)
Eric Loeppky (Steinbach, Manitoba)
Melissa Humaña-Paredes (Toronto, Ontario)
Brandie Wilkerson (Toronto, Ontario)
Heather Bansley (Toronto, Ontario)
Sophie Bukovec (Toronto, Ontario)
Water polo
Jessica Gaudreault (Ottawa, Ontario)
Rae Lekness (Calgary, Alberta)
Axelle Crevier (Montreal, Quebec)
Emma Wright (Whitby, Ontario)
Marilia Mimides (Toronto, Ontario)
Blaire McDowell (Fernie, British Columbia)
Verica Bakoc (Toronto, Ontario)
Elyse Lemay-Lavoie (Montreal, Quebec)
Hayley McKelvey (Delta, British Columbia)
Serena Browne (Montreal, Quebec)
Kindred Paul (Spruce Grove, Alberta)
Shae La Roche (Winnipeg, Manitoba)
Clara Vulpisi (Montreal, Quebec)
Boady Santavy (Sarnia, Ontario)
Maude Charron (Rimouski, Quebec)
Alex Moore (Montreal, Quebec)
Amar Dhesi (Surrey, British Columbia)
Hannah Taylor (Cornwall, Prince Edward Island)
Ana Godinez (Burnaby, British Columbia)
Linda Morais (Tecumseh, Ontario)
Justina Di Stasio (Coquitlam, British Columbia)
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deadlinecom · 1 year
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h3adphonez · 5 years
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luckythings · 1 year
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cocoelle · 25 days
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Daphne: Welcome Ms. Walker, we all know each other here so shall we get started?
Jill: That sounds good Daphne. Nora have a seat.
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Daphne: As per Section 3-C your client agrees to relinquish all rights to minor children Briana Lawler and Brittani Lawler. She is to have no contact whatsoever with said minors.
Jill: My client agrees to Section 3-C.
Daphne: Section 5-E your client agrees to the amount of 20,000 Simoleons to be paid to her as a severance from my client.
Nora: Woah I didn't agree to only 20,000 Simoleons. What the hell Jill?
Jill: Can I have a moment to speak with my client?
Daphne: Yes of course Jill, go right ahead.
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Rocco: I told you she wouldn't agree to just 20,000 Simoleons. Nora is very greedy.
Daphne: Just remain calm Rocco. She'll agree, she has no other options unless she wants to go to jail for extortion.
Rocco: Ok Daphne, I just hope you're right.
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Jill: Before you say anything just listen ok?
Nora: Fine!
Jill: You're not gonna get anything more than what they are offering Nora, and honestly you're lucky they even offered anything.
Nora: But Jill he can afford to pay way more than that.
Jill: Nora! You only have two options here. Take the 20,000 Simoleons he's offered or go to jail for extortion.
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whenthiswomanspeaks · 2 years
Recap Of Baddies South Episode Two: “I Cleaned You Up”
Recap Of Baddies South Episode Two: “I Cleaned You Up”
I’m back to recap “Baddies South” and if you are watching the series, you are in luck because I am recapping each episode this season but if you haven’t started watching episode two yet, click off because this is the recap, and it is full of spoilers. Now that we have gotten that out of the way, let’s get to the recap of episode two. Ready? Let’s get started……. Episode Two: “I Cleaned You Up” The…
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laf-outloud · 1 year
Follow up about the M&G's - I don't usually follow the auctions so I'm not sure what its normally like, but damn, they had to relist a bunch of them again when their time expired because they had sold so low. The Louden Swain M&G only sold HALF their spaces (5/10), Briana sold 8/10, Gil sold 5/10, Nate Torrence 5/10 (more understandable since he was only in one ep and not a con regular), Rob only sold half as well (10/20), Rich sold even less (8/20), R2 sold 10/15, Kim/Briana duo sold 8/10, and the LS "30 min acoustic jam session" only sold 7/30...
It looks and sounds like the extras who are "con regulars" are just not selling anymore. Meanwhile J2 obvious sold out, Mark S sells out like a crazy person (40 bids and only 10 spots), Keegan/Mitch/Jake all sold out, DHL and Kim R's stuff also sold out, even Drake/Meg/JoJo triple sold out (at the last minute). DJ was right on the edge but he sold 9/10 so they didn't relist his. But R2 (together and separate), LS, Briana, Gil... not really selling.
Again, not sure how typical this is - not sure if this is how it usually goes or maybe this is the "new normal" for cons or what, but I thought it was interesting either way.
I saw that, as well. I know auction prices have been on a steady decline since the end of SPN, but I think this could be a new low for the 'standard' extras. It would be interesting to see how well attended the other events are that are hosted by the extras (the PJ party, Wayward podcast, Director Chat, etc.). As long as their making money for Creation, they'll stick around. It will certainly be interesting to see who's invited back next year.
(And with Walker currently the only show coming back, perhaps there will be more interest for Walker actors.)
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bgcgifs · 7 years
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