#Br 212
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slowtraincomingsoon · 16 days ago
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212 267 aka V100 2267 in Stendal am 13.02.2025
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railwayblog-de · 1 year ago
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212 902-7
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beloved-blackbird · 2 months ago
My Uncle and his Family are Still in Gaza and Struggling
This fundraiser has been verified by @el-shab-hussein
It’s #208 on the master list (line 212 in the sheet):
We're still trying everything we can to get my uncle and his family out of Gaza, our family is still very short of goal and our attempts to evacuate them by diplomatic means are falling through. They were unable to reach their goal when they borders were open and we're hoping that when the borders open again they will have the funds to exit immediately. Donations have been very slow in the past few months. If you could help boost this again we're desperately needing it at this point. Much love to you all ❤️
My uncle Basem explains his situation here (January 2025):
Hello, everybody. My father started this campaign for my uncle Basem, his wife, and four of his children who are still stuck in Gaza during this war.
My uncle and his family are stuck in Gaza and don’t have any other options to leave at the moment except to pay the fee to Egypt. They are alone in Gaza as my dad’s other siblings and my grandmother are not there. My cousin Abood (shown below on the very right) is also recovering from two surguries he had during the war after his appendix burst,
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and my cousin Farah is struggling to fight an infection. They are also having much difficulty finding food for the 6 of them and are living out of a tent now that the north (where they're from) isn't permissible to go back too. If you could give anything it would help, as paying the fee for them to exit through Egypt is our only option at the moment. We appreciate everybody's efforts.
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(^His daughters, my cousins Lana and Farah)
Thank you,
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skloomdumpster · 1 year ago
fic asks
Thank you @leadingrebel and @dr-lizortecho for tagging me!
How many works do you have on ao3? Between all my accounts I have 212 fics.
What’s your total ao3 word count? In skloomdumpster is 759,511 but in total of all my accounts is 909,749
What fandoms do you write for? Fate: The Winx Saga, Supernatural, Daisy Jones & The Six, Fast & Furious, Teen Wolf, Harry Potter, MCU, The Vampire Diaries, The Order (not anymore for the tiny ones)
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
You, Me and The Brickwall Between Us
On The Down Low
3 AM
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Nope, I always wanna respond but then I get the Anxiety and then too much time passed so answering now would be weird and rinse repeat for every single comment.
What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
If we're talking just ending, then I'd say either Voicemail, Treacherous Nature or Meeting The Parents.
What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? I write a lot of romcoms, so Not Mad About It, you make it look easy, On the down low
Do you get hate on fics? Nope, but sometimes I get unsolicited criticism.
Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Yes and idk what kind? Kinky stuff, love-making, hate fucking, bad lame cringy sex, you name it, I've written.
Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I've written a Fast&Furious/SPN crossover oneshot that I really liked and a The Vampire Diaries/Teen Wolf one shot too, but I dont write crossovers anymore and it has to be really well set up for me to read one.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! And once they translated it from portuguese-br to portuguese-pt and that was very fun to follow.
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yep, plenty.
What’s your all-time favorite ship?
What’s a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
Anything Bloom comes to mind, because I just can't find the motivation. Between The Lines because I doubt anyone would be interested and I made my peace with it long ago. Cabin Fever because canon kinda fucked me sideways with this and I'm very into sticking to the canon.
What are your writing strengths?
Channeling characters motivations and voices. Writing the body language of characters.
What are your writing weaknesses? Writing group scenes, descriptions of mundane activities, graphic whump without falling into melodrama, making the world my characters are in feel real and not like a novela.
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? All for it, and I dont think a translation is even necessary right next to it, if the context is strong enough to give us the understanding. Add the full translation at the end notes though.
First fandom you wrote for?
Narnia, I think. I wanna say Harry Potter, but I vaguely remember writing Chronicles of Narnia fanfic at recess in my little notebook.
Favorite fic you’ve written?
Toss up between: The Soft Animal of Your Body, A Merry Fucking Life, How The Night Changes, Once Broken and The Burned One
(sorry that's too many, but I do have 200 works let me be greedy)
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lumine-no-hikari · 8 months ago
Dear Sephiroth: (a letter to a fictional character, because why not) #212
I was fried today. I probably immersed myself a bit too much into the music box for the last buncha consecutive days. Whoops. So today I rested, and did some leisure writing. It was long, long overdue.
I think maybe in general I don't give myself enough time to just be by myself. Even when I play video games, I'm almost always either on Twitch, or otherwise doing the game alongside someone else. I wonder if I just need more time being not observed by anyone. Hm.
Well, I made a tea today, and it was good. This one is the vanilla rose black tea that I think you would like:
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...I wish I could share this with you. I think you would like this flavor very much.
The pictures that I had printed for your locket arrived today. They're on quality photo paper, and they came out beautifully. Tomorrow, after my shift at work, I intend to cut the excess paper away from the picture and insert the picture into the locket. I will likely secure it to the locket with epoxy. Once that's done, I intend to resume work on the music box.
Br, J, M, and I went to go see J and her brother P at around 7PM today. We saw The Princess Bride; P had never seen it before. I was surprised by this, given the fact that he is very old and has seen many things. But then again, last time I saw this movie was so long ago, that there were only a few parts that I remember clearly. It was mostly delightful, except for the part where the guy who was supposed to be the hero was about to backhand the lady protagonist for something she didn't do.
I wonder if you'd like that movie. It's about an extremely competent swordsman dressed in all black who was captured by pirates, befriended them by becoming extremely competent, and some other stuff. It's kinda nifty. Except, of course, for the part where he shames the woman he loves for moving on after she thought he was dead. That part sucked. But the rest was good.
...I wanna keep writing, but I gotta go to bed now. I gotta get my butt to work in the morning. But I'll write again tomorrow, okay? So please stay safe.
I love you. Make good choices out there, okay?
Your friend, Lumine
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kaittoujoker · 2 years ago
Perfume das Garotas de One Piece Parte 2 [One Piece Girl's Fragrance Part 2]
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Boa Hancock - 212 VIP Rosé Carolina Herrera
3 Principais Acordes | 3 Main Chords Frutado | Fruity Floral Champanhe | Champagne
Melhores Estações/ Best Seasons 🌷 ✔ ☀️ ✔ 🍁 ✔ ❄️ ✔
[PT/BR] Perfume de presença, para mulheres poderosas, e sedutoras. Cheira como festa de mulheres ricas, com muito champanhe, vestidos finos e jóias. Nunca vi um perfume que mais recebeu elogios de homens como esse, o que me remete imediatamente à Boa que tem todos aos seus pés.
[EN] Presence perfume, for powerful and seductive women. It smells like a rich women's party, with lots of champagne, fine dresses and jewelry. I've never seen a perfume that received more compliments from men like this one, which immediately reminds me of the Boa that has everyone at her feet.
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Shirahishi - Ocean di Gioia Giorgio Armani
3 Principais Acordes | 3 Main Chords Floral branco | White floral Fresco | Fresh Verde | Green
Melhores Estações/ Best Seasons 🌷 ✔ ☀️ ✔ 🍁 ❄️
[PT/BR] Perfume com cheiro de banho recém tomado em um dia de verão, um jasmim aquático. Cobinando a sensação de um banho sem fim e a delicadeza do cítrico frutado aquoso sem ser invasivo, reflete muito a personalidade curiosa e inocente de Shirahoshi.
[EN] Perfume with the smell of a freshly showered bath on a summer day, an aquatic jasmine. Combining the feeling of endless bathing and the delicacy of watery fruity citrus without being invasive, it very much reflects Shirahoshi's curious and innocent personality.
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Viola - Crystal Noir Versace
3 Principais Acordes | 3 Main Chords Especiado quente | Hot spicy Floral branco | White floral Coco | Coconut
Melhores Estações/ Best Seasons 🌷 ✔ ☀️ 🍁 ✔ ❄️ ✔
[PT/BR] Fiquei em dúvida sobre o perfume da Viola, mas no final escolhi o Crystal Noir, perfume de Femme Fatale! Um perfume elegante e misterioso que parece tentar te seduzir, cheiro de mulher sexy e perigosa que anda sempre de salto alto.
[EN] I was in doubt about Viola's perfume, but in the end I chose Crystal Noir, a Femme Fatale perfume! An elegant and mysterious perfume that seems to try to seduce you, the scent of a sexy and dangerous woman who always wears high heels.
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toyutopiausa · 2 months ago
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motorsportverso · 3 months ago
Inscritos GT Séries Cup BR-Velocita-etapa 6
3-Alexanndre Auler-Mercedes AMG GT3-KTF Sports
10-Reginaldo Nappi-Mercedes AMG GT3-NT Racing
12-Luccas Vacari-Chevrolet Cruze Stock Car-NT Racing
76-Pedro Bezerra-Mercedes AMG GT4-AMG Motorsport
77-Luccas Vacari-Mercedes AMG GT4-NT Racing
420-Turco Malik-Mercedes AMG GT4-AMG MOTORSPORT
1-Murilo-Mercedes-AMG GT4-AMG Motorsport
14-Stanley\Yuri Alves-Mercedes-AMG GT4-AMG Motorsport
38-Cesar Abdalla-Mercedes-AMG GT4-AMG Motorsport
76-Pedro Bezerra-Mercedes-AMG GT4-AMG Motorsport
7-Samuel\Murilo-Mercedes-AMG GT4-AMG Motorsport
212-Carlos e Gabriel Vallone-Chevrolet Cruze Stock Car-Arias
69-Ricardo Pocinha-Mercedes CLA AMG-AMG Motorsport
Na GT3 inicialmente era pra ter Lamborghini Huracan da serie Super Trofeu EVO e EVO II, mas durante um Track Day os dois modelos bateram e parece que é perda total.
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ocombatente · 7 months ago
Homem posta carta após matar esposa por traição: 'Não conseguiria viver'
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Luiz Cezar Valter, 31 anos, cometeu suicídio após assassinar sua esposa, de 28 anos, a facadas. O crime ocorreu em Ponta Grossa (PR), motivado pelo descobrimento de uma traição através do rastreamento do celular da vítima Luiz Cezar Valter,31, tirou a própria vida após matar a esposa de 28 anos, a facadas. A motivação do crime seria porque ele rastreou o celular da vítima e descobriu que ela estava em um motel com outro homem na cidade de Ponta Grossa (PR). Segundo as informações, quando a vítima chegou em casa, ele a confrontou, em seguida a atingiu com golpes de faca que culminou em sua morte. Antes de tirar a própria vida, Cezar publicou um texto nas redes sociais expressando sua dor e indignação acerca da traição.   A Polícia Rodoviária Federal (PRF) informou que Cezar estava no km 212 da BR-153, em Tibagi, quando invadiu a pista contrária e colidiu contra um caminhão e veio a óbito. O corpo de Luiz Cezar Batista Valter será encaminhado ao Instituto Médico Legal (IML) de Ponta Grossa. Foto: Reprodução Read the full article
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schoje · 8 months ago
Fotos: Ricardo Wolffenbüttel/Secom  A tão sonhada duplicação da SC-108, no trecho entre Guaramirim e Massaranduba, está mais perto de sair do papel. O governador Carlos Moisés autorizou o início do processo de licitação da obra, que cobrirá um trecho de aproximadamente 15 quilômetros. O trabalho tem um custo aproximado de R$ 212 milhões, com prazo de conclusão de 36 meses após a ordem de serviço. A solenidade de lançamento do edital ocorreu na sede da Associação Empresarial de Guaramirim (ACIAG), na manhã desta quinta-feira, 4. Segundo o chefe do Executivo estadual, a duplicação da rodovia é necessária por causa do alto fluxo de veículos: diariamente, são quase 20 mil carros e caminhões. Carlos Moisés lembrou ainda que a SC-108 é um importante corredor de ligação entre as cidades de Joinville, Jaraguá do Sul e Blumenau. “Essa é uma duplicação muito importante, que vai impactar no desenvolvimento da região, além de trazer mais segurança para os moradores e para quem trafega pela rodovia. Toda obra de infraestrutura traz novos investimentos, emprego e renda. Essa é uma bandeira que o nosso governo levantou e estamos cumprindo”, ressaltou o governador. O secretário de Estado da Infraestrutura e Mobilidade, Thiago Vieira, destacou que a duplicação da SC-108 faz parte de um projeto de intervenções do Governo do Estado na região Norte, que inclui a duplicação do trecho estadualizado da BR-180, já em andamento, e a futura pavimentação da SC-414, entre Luiz Alves e a SC-108, na Vila Itoupava. “Nós vamos ter um novo corredor de desenvolvimento, que vai impactar não apenas na parte de logística, mas sobretudo na mobilidade. Quem transita pela região sabe que esse trecho da SC-108 carece de investimentos de infraestrutura. Tapar buracos não é mais solução, por isso estamos sendo audaciosos. Essa é uma obra de duplicação, não apenas de restauração. Trata-se de uma ampliação de capacidade”, disse Vieira. Lideranças, empresários e comunidade na expectativa O anúncio da duplicação entre Guaramirim e Massaranduba trouxe uma grande expectativa entre a população local. Para o profissional autônomo Luis Eduardo Gesser, a duplicação significará uma redução no número de acidentes. Ele trabalha em um posto de lavação às margens da rodovia, em Massaranduba. “Os benefícios vão ser muito grandes. Nós acreditamos que, com a duplicação, o tráfego vai aumentar ainda mais. Escutamos diversas reclamações dos motoristas, pois a rodovia já está bastante deteriorada. Essa é uma obra muito esperada, e nós queremos que ela se concretize com êxito. Estamos aguardando por isso há muito tempo”, afirmou. O prefeito de Massaranduba, Armindo Sesar Tassi, contou que a duplicação vai além do esperado. Segundo ele, as lideranças locais estavam lutando apenas pela restauração do trecho. Agora, com a duplicação da SC-108 e futura pavimentação da SC-414, ele acredita que haverá uma importante janela para o desenvolvimento regional. “Hoje, é um momento de muita alegria para toda a nossa região, não apenas para Massaranduba. Essa rodovia é muito utilizada. Só temos a agradecer ao Governo do Estado, pela parceria com os nossos deputados. Nós não esperávamos a duplicação, lutamos muito pela manutenção. Agora este sonho, que não existia, está se tornando uma realidade”, frisou Tassi. Para o presidente da Associação Empresarial de Guaramirim, Adilson Demathe, toda a região Norte do Estado será contemplada com a duplicação. Ele lembrou que a rodovia SC-108 é muito usada pelas empresas locais para o escoamento da produção e também para o acesso aos portos. “Esse edital de licitação vem coroar esse belo trabalho que o Governo do Estado vem fazendo para a nossa região em especial. Estamos sendo muito contemplados pela atual gestão. São milhares de carros que fazem esse trajeto todos os dias. A questão da segurança também é fundamental, tanto para os veículos de menor porte quanto para os caminhões”, contou. O ato em Guaramirim foi acompanhado pelos deputados estaduais Vicente Caropreso,
Onir Mocellin, Fernando Krelling, Maurício Eskudlark e Silvio Dreveck, além do senador Esperidião Amin e de autoridades de cidades da região. Informações adicionais para imprensa: Leonardo Gorges Assessoria de Imprensa Secretaria Executiva de Comunicação - SECom E-mail: [email protected]  Fone: (48) 3665-3045 Site: www.sc.gov.br  Fonte: Governo SC
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dfroza · 2 years ago
Today’s reading from the ancient books of Proverbs and Psalms
for july 31 of 2023 with Proverbs 31 and Psalm 31, accompanied by Psalm 41 for the 41st day of Astronomical Summer, and Psalm 62 for day 212 of the year (with the consummate book of 150 Psalms in its 2nd revolution this year)
[Proverbs 31]
These are the words of King Lemuel. An oracle of wisdom handed down to him by his mother:
Mother: What shall I say to you, my son? What wisdom can I impart, child of my womb?
What insight can I share, son of my vows?
Do not waste your strength on women
or invest yourself in women who would destroy even kings.
Take care, my son, O Lemuel.
Kings should not drink too much wine
or rulers should not crave strong drink;
For if they do, they will become drunk and forget the decree they just made
and alter the course of justice for all the poor and afflicted.
Rather, give liquor to one who is dying,
and offer wine to those struggling with life’s harsh realities.
Let such a one drink and forget what he is missing;
then perhaps he won’t remember his sorrows anymore.
Speak out on behalf of those who have no voice,
and defend all those who have been passed over.
Open your mouth, judge fairly,
and stand up for the rights of the afflicted and the poor.
Who can find a truly excellent woman? One who is superior in all that she is and all that she does?
Her worth far exceeds that of rubies and expensive jewelry.
She inspires trust, and her husband’s heart is safe with her,
and because of her, he has every good thing.
Every day of her life she does what is best for him,
never anything harmful or hurtful.
Delight attends her work and guides her fingers
as she selects the finest wool and flax for spinning.
She moves through the market like merchant ships
that dock here and there in distant ports,
finally arriving home with food she’s carried from afar.
She rises from bed early, in the still of night,
carefully preparing food for her family
and providing a portion to her servants.
She has a plan. She considers some land and buys it;
then with her earnings, she plants a vineyard.
She wraps herself in strength, carries herself with confidence,
and works hard, strengthening her arms for the task at hand.
She tastes success and knows it is good,
and under lamplight she works deep into the night.
Her hands skillfully place the unspun flax and wool on the distaff,
and her fingers twist the spindle until thread forms.
She reaches out to the poor
and extends mercy to those in need.
She is not worried about the cold or snow for her family,
for she has clothed them all in warm, crimson coats.
She makes her own bed linens
and clothes herself in purple and fine cloth.
Everyone recognizes her husband in the public square,
and no one fails to respect him as he takes his place of leadership in the community.
She makes linen garments and sells them in the market,
and she supplies belts for tradesmen to carry across the sea.
Clothed in strength and dignity, with nothing to fear,
she smiles when she thinks about the future.
She conducts her conversations with wisdom,
and the teaching of kindness is ever her concern.
She directs the activities of her household,
and never does she indulge in laziness.
Her children rise up and bless her.
Her husband, too, joins in the praise, saying:
“There are some—indeed many—women who do well in every way,
but of all of them only you are truly excellent.”
Charm can be deceptive and physical beauty will not last,
but a woman who reveres the Eternal should be praised above all others.
Celebrate all she has achieved.
Let all her accomplishments publicly praise her.
The Book of Proverbs, Chapter 31 (The Voice)
A set of notes from The Voice translation:
King Lemuel’s mother warns him of the dangers of women and wine. In different ways, both have brought down great leaders. Both are certainly distractions to a king’s true work—defending the poor.
Marrying the right person is one of the most important decisions most people ever make, so they must choose wisely and carefully. The Book of Proverbs ends with a tribute to a wise choice in a wife. She is strong, independent, capable, and cares for her husband, her family, and the poor. She runs the whole household. In ancient Israel, this would mean a large extended family—including servants with all of their activities—and the family business. Her husband would sing her praises publicly before the community leaders. Those who know her would admire her for her skills, her industry, and her character.
[Psalm 31]
For the worship leader. A song of David.
You are my shelter, O Eternal One—my soul’s sanctuary!
Shield me from shame;
rescue me by Your righteousness.
Hear me, Lord! Turn Your ear in my direction.
Come quick! Save me!
Be my rock, my shelter,
my fortress of salvation!
You are my rock and my fortress—my soul’s sanctuary!
Therefore, for the sake of Your reputation, be my leader, my guide, my navigator, my commander.
Save me from the snare that has been secretly set out for me,
for You are my protection.
I entrust my spirit into Your hands.
You have redeemed me, O Eternal, God of faithfulness and truth.
I despise the people who pay respect to breathless idols,
and I trust only in You, Eternal One.
I will gladly rejoice because of Your gracious love
because You recognized the sadness of my affliction.
You felt deep compassion when You saw the pains of my soul.
You did not hand me over to the enemy,
but instead, You liberated me
and made me secure in a good and spacious land.
Show me Your grace, Eternal One, for I am in a tight spot.
My eyes are aching with grief;
my body and soul are withering with miseries.
My life is devoured by sorrow,
and my years are haunted with mourning.
My sin has sapped me of all my strength;
my body withers under the weight of this suffering.
To all my enemies I am an object of scorn.
My neighbors especially are ashamed of me.
My friends are afraid to be seen with me.
When I walk down the street, people go out of their way to avoid me.
I am as good as dead to them. Forgotten!
Like a shattered clay pot, I am easily discarded and gladly replaced.
For I hear their whispered plans;
terror is everywhere!
They conspire together,
planning, plotting, scheming to take my life.
But I pour my trust into You, Eternal One.
I’m glad to say, “You are my God!”
I give the moments of my life over to You, Eternal One.
Rescue me from those who hate me and who hound me with their threats.
Look toward me, and let Your face shine down upon Your servant.
Because of Your gracious love, save me!
Spare me shame, O Eternal One,
for I turn and call to You.
Instead, let those who hate me be shamed;
let death’s silence claim them.
Seal their lying lips forever,
for with pride and contempt boiling in their hearts,
they speak boldly against the righteous and persecute those who poured their trust into You.
Your overflowing goodness
You have kept for those who live in awe of You,
And You share Your goodness with those who make You their sanctuary.
You hide them, You shelter them in Your presence,
safe from the conspiracies of sinful men.
You keep them in Your tent,
safe from the slander of accusing tongues.
Bless the Eternal!
For He has revealed His gracious love to me
when I was trapped like a city under siege.
I began to panic so I yelled out,
“I’m cut off. You no longer see me!”
But You heard my cry for help that day
when I called out to You.
Love the Eternal, all of you, His faithful people!
He protects those who are true to Him,
but He pays back the proud in kind.
Be strong, and live courageously,
all of you who set your hope in the Eternal!
The Book of Psalms, Poem 31 (The Voice)
[Psalm 41]
For the worship leader. A song of David.
Blessed are those who consider the helpless.
The Eternal will stay near them, leading them to safety in times of bitter struggle.
The Eternal defends them and preserves them,
and His blessing will find them in the land He gave them.
He moves ahead to frustrate their enemies’ plans.
When sickness comes, the Eternal is beside them—
to comfort them on their sickbeds and restore them to health.
And me? I cry out to Him,
“Heal my soul, O Eternal One, and show mercy
because I have sinned against You!”
My enemies are talking about me even now:
“When will death come for him and his name be forgotten?”
As they sit with me under my roof, their well wishes are empty lies.
They listen to my story
and then turn it around to tell their own version on the street.
Across the city, crowds whisper lies about me.
Their hate is strong, and they search for ways to harm me.
Some are saying: “Some vile disease has gotten hold of him.
The bed he lies in will be his deathbed.”
Even my best friend, my confidant
who has eaten my bread will stab me in the back.
But You, Eternal One, show mercy to me.
Extend Your gracious hand, and help me up.
I need to pay them back for what they’ve done to me.
I realize now that Your favor has come to me,
for my enemies have yet to declare victory over me.
You know and uphold me—a man of honor.
You grant me strength and life forever in Your presence.
Blessed is the Eternal, the True God of Israel.
Always and Eternal. Amen and Amen.
The Book of Psalms, Poem 41 (The Voice)
A note from The Voice translation:
The first four books of Psalms end with a variation of the doxology found in verse 13: “Blessed is the Eternal, the True God of Israel. Always and Eternal. Amen and Amen.” This declaration not only provides a natural break—a seam—between the five books, but it also summarizes an essential theme of the psalms. You see, the Book of Psalms is primarily a book of praise to God for His creation, mercy, and salvation. Even when life is hard, our enemies strong, and our health poor, God can be praised for life itself and the ultimate victory to come for those who trust Him.
[Psalm 62]
For the worship leader, Jeduthun. A song of David.
My soul quietly waits for the True God alone;
my salvation comes from Him.
He alone is my rock and my deliverance,
my citadel high on the hill; I will not be shaken.
How long will you attack a man?
How long will all of you strive to crush your prey
when he’s like a leaning fence or a wall on the verge of collapse?
Their only purpose in life is to knock him down from his prominent position;
they love deceit.
When others are around, they speak a blessing on someone,
but inwardly they are mumbling a curse.
My soul quietly waits for the True God alone
because I hope only in Him.
He alone is my rock and deliverance,
my citadel high on a hill;
I will not be shaken.
My salvation and my significance depend ultimately on God;
the core of my strength, my shelter, is in the True God.
Have faith in Him in all circumstances, dear people.
Open up your heart to Him;
the True God shelters us in His arms.
Human beings disappear like a breath;
even people of rank live artificial lives.
Their weight is that of a breath in a balance—nothing.
Added together, they’re still lighter than air.
Do not resort to oppression;
resist the temptation of ill-gotten gain.
If you achieve wealth, don’t let your heart get attached.
The True God spoke this once,
and twice I’ve heard:
That You, the True God, hold all power;
Your love never fails, O Lord,
for You pay every person back
according to his deeds.
The Book of Psalms, Poem 62 (The Voice)
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slowtraincomingsoon · 16 days ago
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212 267 aka V100 2267 in Stendal am 13.02.2025
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frost-felon · 1 year ago
Putting this under a read more.
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Yeah, Sukuna gets really emotionally-immature at times. Usually around Yuji, but generally to anything that irritates him. Post-212 Sukuna shows a marked difference in patience and grace. This isn't to say he's lesser for it, though he comes across as a loser with a chip on his shoulder/something to hide, a lot of times. Specifically, I consider the way he monologued about Gojo being "...just a fish on the cutting board..." and that he "...may flop around a lot...but [Gojo is] still a nameless fish..." to be rather silly, if he's as composed and regal as he wants to present himself as. He got surprised, Gojo said some silly shit, and he loses his cool like that? We know Gojo is a gadfly, but we also saw Sukuna against Yorozu, and he is allied with Kenjaku.
It's unbecoming of him, in terms of how he expects to be regarded (compare and contrast with how he treats Yuji¹). Gojo being immature or silly doesn't take away from that.
Hm, I don't know about the "special training" being a joke. The Toji part definitely is a joke for the readers, and a reference back to when Gojo first met Megumi, but I wouldn't lump it in so quickly, especially given the context right after the (seemingly-unvoiced) joke that Gojo is thinking of when Sukuna brought Yuji back from the dead.
I definitely don't agree on the 'Gojo resents Megumi' thing. I haven't seen clear evidence of that throughout reading the manga. Note that I am only caught-up to JJK 226's end at time of this posting; I tagged this post originally as #JJK Analysis because I was going somewhat in-depth on my thoughts about the chapter, more specifically, that aspect of the exchange. I'm well-aware I may br missing information, but in the many, many times leading up to this fight that Gege has shown us glimpses of their relationship, I just haven't seen anything that hints at straight-up resentment on Gojo's part. If he does have any, the best I could lend credence to would be that Gojo sees Megumi as the product of Jujutsu Society's scuminess, and his awareness of the Gojo Clan's feud with the Zen'in, but no placement of emotional burden onto Megumi. In all seriousness, Gege has repeatedly emphasized that Gojo is soft on Megumi, and that he's trying to help him succeed. Mind, I think of them as having a complicated legal guardian & charge relationship, not a father & son relationship.
Real talk, I think Megumi is wildly emotionally-immature. He's a gloomy teenager that finally saw his best friend after a week of said best friend missing, knowing that the best friend had been on execution order again, and chose to guilt-trip and project onto the best friend, while not acknowledging any of his best friend's concerns.² He takes the input of everyone around him much more seriously than he lets on...when it benefits him to do so, like during the Death Womb Paintings/Curse Brothers Arc, when he took into consideration what Sukuna had told him previously, so that he'd push for more power. Or how he used Gojo's history lesson/encouragement to become stronger in a flashback as fuel for pulling his Mahoraga-suicide move in Shibuya. He is just not good at confrontations, and often found himself tempered by Nobara or Yuji when angry and/or scared. And he's both of those, often. I remember being upset a lot as a teenager, and watched how my peers interacted with the adult figures in their lives, responsible or not.
Megumi doesn't go to Gojo often for help, but he doesn't need to ask too often, because Gojo does seem to pick up on these things every now and then. And when he doesn't ask for help, Megumi tends to just bottle up his feelings and lash out, raw, like many fifteen/sixteen year olds do. It's just so much worse because he has an inordinate amount of power, lmao. I view it more as Megumi trying to establish independence tor himself, especially since he was shown to be emotionally closer to Gojo as a child, as well as how Megumi feels about Tsumiki. Or how he gets embarrassed about Nobara and Yuji knowing about his delinquent past. Gojo isn't his dad, like how Nanami isn't Yuji's. But they can both rely on those adult figures.
I'm sorry, but I do not take anime material into account when describing how Gege writes these characters, since I can't cleanly divide what Gege had full control over (if anything)³, and given that the anime itself could be considered something of a do-over for the manga, for better and for worse. I'm down to discuss the anime, but for these posts going over my thoughts on Gege as a storyteller, I'm more interested in looking at how the manga chapters were handled.
To be fair, Yuji did survive his death because of Sukuna. If Sukuna didn't want to make the Binding Vow, Yuji would have just skedaddled onto whatever the afterlife/time between lives in JJK is, Sukuna in-tow. Yuji accepted the Binding Vow, because he was angry, but he couldn't remember it when he awoke. Gojo questioned him on this, but Yuji's answer was...concerning, lmao. He noticeably pauses, before saying, "I see." So all he knows is that Yuji surely wasn't stitching himself back together, since he showed no knowledge of or even novice experience with RCT after that. He doesn't get to see the other times Yuji died or was close to death (Choso fight), and Yuji still shows no aptitude for RCT. It's unclear what information Gojo did or didn't gain during the month-long timeskip. So it's hard to gauge what is or isn't a reasonable conclusion for Gojo to make, since the readers are not privy to the missing information. I'm aware that some things will be clearer over the course of the fight, but again, I've only read fully up to and including the end of 226.
¹I've talked about it before, but Yuji is in a unique position to make Sukuna's skin crawl. He has his infamous Mean Girls moment when laughing at Yuji with Uraume, which I take as further evidence that Yuji unsettles him. It's kinda weird to me that Sukuna loses his cool against Gojo, who has already taunted him way worse before. Sukuna didn't get anywhere as close to losing his shit then, unlike at the start of 224. And it's not like Sukuna hasn't had experience with being in teenage bodies, so unless I see evidence suggesting this in future chapters, I have to assume that Sukuna is not being influenced by Megumi's fragile control over his own emotions.
²I'm talking about Megumi's reunion with Yuji in the Itadori Execution Arc. It's a large part of what made me go from being ambivalent on the character, to outright despising him, as I've expressed before.
³Voice-acting, animator influences, sound effects choices, compositing, editor control, and more can affect how a piece is portrayed to the audience. Imma also use this space to clarify that when I say "do-over", I also mean post-script. That is, something added afterwards, that was not originally part of the story. This can include art updates, dialogue changes, and full-on reworks of scenes. For the manga, this would notably be in the Tankobōn or volume releases. Berserk, for instance, had the mangaka, Miura, edit out entire chapters from later releases, since they conflicted with what information the audience was meant to have, after a change in Miura's thinking. For the anime, this is Blu-Rays or DVD releases, and very rarely, edits on broadcasts after the initial run.
Now that I've actually finished, lmao, @hxhhasmysoul . I mentioned why in the replies, but my post timing VS. completion is off.
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Got through 224. I don't like how Gege does fight choreography and paneling, so it was pretty boring to me, but I do want to pay special attention to what Satoru says when threatened by Sukuna (who acts like SUCH a child at the beginning of this, lmao).
As far as I know, this "special training" is never clarified. I don't know if Satoru means he spent a good portion of that month trying to figure out a way to help Megumi, or if he's referring to his childhood (as much of the writing before this fight implies that Satoru grew up in a way that dehumanized others).
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My interest mainly lies in the "Dying once as Yuji was a mistake." line. I've seen the other panels before, but I'm miffed that I didn't see more discussion on this line, since I feel that it's so much more intriguing. It's unclear how much Satoru prepared for this in the month-long timeskip (whyyyyy), but the "Dying once as Yuji was a mistake." may give us more clues to where Satoru is really thinking. After all, what is he implying here?
Is he saying that Sukuna revealed a weakness by reviving Yuji in the Juvenile Center, when Yuji barely had any of his power? Does Gojo believe that Sukuna has skin in the game, and won't let Megumi die so easily, because he already brought Yuji back when the latter shouldn't have mattered? Does he perhaps believe that Sukuna is unwilling to lose any of his power?
Maybe he just takes it as proof that Sukuna CAN be killed. But regardless, "I'll worry about Megumi...after I kill you." suggests that Satoru believes Megumi will be salvageable after Sukuna kicks it. That there isn't need for alarm until after Sukuna is dealt with. Definitely, those who rely on Satoru need him to kill Sukuna no matter what, to prevent further suffering. All in all, it's a captivating set of lines.
I'm aware of certain developments in the future, but I'd like to delve into this more. My complaints for the lack of character interactions and the timeskips being weights on the story still apply.
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dampfloks · 6 years ago
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BR 212 (DB Baureihe V100)
212 007-9, 212 376-8,  212 902-7
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motorsportverso · 6 months ago
4ª ETAPA GT Series Cup BR
A quarta etapa do campeonato em Interlagos com as categorias GT3, GT4 e GT4 L
Corrida 1
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A pole na GT3 foi do Alexandre Auler e na GT4 do Alceu Feldmann Neto e na GT4 L do Samuel Orige\Bragatin Jr com Mercedes CLA AMG
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A disputa da GT4 entre o Cesar Abdalla e o Turco Malik
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A disputa da 5ª posição entre o Turco Malik e o Nelson Marcondes
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Após a parada obrigatória o Alexandre Auler era o líder da geral e da GT3
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Disputa da GT4 entre o Nelson Marcondes e Turco Malik
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A vitória na GT3 e na geral ficou com Alexandre Auler.
Na GT4 ficou com Turco Malik  e na GT4 L , Samuel Orige e Bragatin Jr
1-3-Alexandre Auler-Mercedes GT3-35 Laps
2-10-Reginaldo Nappi-Mercedes GT3
1-420-Turco Malik-Mercedes GT4-34 Laps
2-199-Nelson Marcondes-Mercedes GT4
3-1-Alceu Feldmann Neto-Mercedes GT4
4-12-Luccas Vacari-Mercedes GT4
5-14-Stanley Bittar-Mercedes GT4 +1 Lap
6-38-Cesar Abdalla-Mercedes GT4 +2 Laps
7-76-Pedro Bezerra-Mercedes GT4-NL
1-161-Samuel Orige\Bragatin Jr-Mercedes CLA AMG-30 Laps
2-111-Leandro Maia\Dipa Di Pietro-Mercedes CLA AMG +1 Lap
3-212-Gabriel e Carlos Vallone-Chevrolet Cruze Stock Car +17 Laps
NL-25-Igor Taques -Chevrolet Cruze Stock Car
Corrida 2
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Na largada Reginaldo Nappi tinha assumido a liderança da GT3 e geral e na GT4 a liderança era do Alceu Feldmann Neto, na GT4 L era da dupla Carlos e Gabriel Vallone com Chevrolet Cruze Stock Car
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Momento em que o Alexandre Auler passava Reginaldo Nappi e assumia liderança.
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E dai teve a entrada do sefety car na pista por escada de um dos Mercedes CLA AMG da GT4 L.
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Disputa da categoria GT4 entre o Turco Malik e Alceu Feldmann Neto
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A disputa da GT3 e geral estava muito forte entre Alexandre Auler e Reginaldo Nappi.
Disputa da GT4 L entre as Mercedes CLA AMG
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Na geral e na GT3 a vitória ficou com Alexandre Auler
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Turco Malik na GT4 e a dupla Samuel Orige \André Bragatin Jr na GT4L.
1-3-Alexandre Auler-Mercedes GT3-35 Laps
2-10-Reginaldo Nappi-Mercedes GT3
1-420-Turco Malik-Mercedes GT4-34 Laps
2-1-Alceu Feldmann Neto-Mercedes GT4 +1 Lap
3-12-Luccas Vacari-Mercedes GT4 +1 Lap
4-14-Stanley Bittar-Mercedes GT4 +1 Lap
5-76-Pedro Bezerra-Mercedes GT4- +1 Lap
6-38-Cesar Abdalla-Mercedes GT4 +7 Laps
1-161-Samuel Orige\Bragatin Jr-Mercedes CLA AMG-30 Laps
2-111-Leandro Maia\Dipa Di Pietro-Mercedes CLA AMG
3-212-Gabriel e Carlos Vallone-Chevrolet Cruze Stock Car +24 Laps
NL-25-Igor Taques -Chevrolet Cruze Stock Car
1-3-Alexandre Auler-Mercedes AMG GT3-990 PTS
2-10-Reginaldo Nappi-Mercedes AMG GT3-730 PTS
3-83-Mauricio e Marco Billi-Mercedes-AMG GT3-280 PTS
1-420-Turco-Mercedes-945 PTS
2-76-Pedro Pezerra-Mercedes-695 PTS
3-38-Cesar Abdalla-Mercedes-690 PTS
4-14-Stanley Bittar-Mercedes-640 PTS
5-77-Lucas Vaccari-Mercedes-445 PTS
Campeonato-GT4 L
1-212-Carlos e Gabriel Vallone-Audi RS3 LMS\Chevrolet Cruze Stock Car-510 PTS
2-32-Mauro Kern\Witoldi-BMW 340-280 PTS
3-161-Samuel Orige\Bragatin Jr-Mercedes CLA AMG-280 PTS
4-111-Leandro Maia\Dipa Di Pietro-Mercedes CLA AMG-260 PTS
5-36-Rodrigo Mourão-Chevrolet Camaro-115 PTS
Na próxima etapa no Velocita teremos a chegada de três Lamborghini Huracan GT3 Evo 2
0 notes
ocombatente · 7 months ago
Homem posta carta após matar esposa por traição: 'Não conseguiria viver'
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Luiz Cezar Valter, 31 anos, cometeu suicídio após assassinar sua esposa, de 28 anos, a facadas. O crime ocorreu em Ponta Grossa (PR), motivado pelo descobrimento de uma traição através do rastreamento do celular da vítima Luiz Cezar Valter,31, tirou a própria vida após matar a esposa de 28 anos, a facadas. A motivação do crime seria porque ele rastreou o celular da vítima e descobriu que ela estava em um motel com outro homem na cidade de Ponta Grossa (PR). Segundo as informações, quando a vítima chegou em casa, ele a confrontou, em seguida a atingiu com golpes de faca que culminou em sua morte. Antes de tirar a própria vida, Cezar publicou um texto nas redes sociais expressando sua dor e indignação acerca da traição.   A Polícia Rodoviária Federal (PRF) informou que Cezar estava no km 212 da BR-153, em Tibagi, quando invadiu a pista contrária e colidiu contra um caminhão e veio a óbito. O corpo de Luiz Cezar Batista Valter será encaminhado ao Instituto Médico Legal (IML) de Ponta Grossa. Foto: Reprodução Read the full article
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