#Bonquisha cc
queeniecamps · 9 months
hiii your art is really cute, but it kind of seems like you slimmed down some characters? muscle moms is really cute but it looks like they're really skinny
The original piece was from, like, 3 years ago, and I totally agree, i didn’t do em any justice there LOL
Nowadays I’d draw em more like this (but, like, I still need majooor practice)
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so i'm rewatching camp camp season 1 and i just had a horrifying realization
is bonquisha a pedophile
like she clearly saw that picture of neil and he's like 11, and she still wanted him romantically, if not carnally
like i dare you to look at this guy
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and tell me he looks like a consenting adult
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tikurrdurr · 1 month
it rly sucks that bonquisha is a kinda racey character cus her design is rly not bad at all..... muscular women save me
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purplerose244 · 1 year
Headcanons for a Camp Camp season post-David adopting Max
(Because I got back to Camp Camp for no reason at all and it is now everyone's problem. Also apparently new episode incoming? YOOO)
Here we go!
No one knows at first
First episode starts with something random (Idk maybe something about change that makes everyone freaking out, you know how CC goes) and the entire time there are hints, like Max arriving at Camp with David and David always being in the proximity of Max. Towards the end Max makes a half-assed comment about it
Neil: Well, I guess some things never change
Neil: This place is still pretty fucked up
Max: Yeah, this is weirder than David adopting me at the end of last summer
Everyone: WAIT WHAT?!
Casual episodes have background scenes where David puts a hand in front of Max whenever he wants to do something dangerous, or he picks him up
Max is now enrolled in Camp Campbell for Music Camp. He is never seen actually practicing during afternoon activities, he kinda just stands on his boot, but when no one is watching, especially at night, he does play a bit. He plays a guitar that was the first birthday present he got from David
He's genuinely good, he just thinks that the others will make fun of him for specifically playing guitar and ask him what campfire songs did David teach him
He's right and the answer is ALL OF THEM
Max is back to the plan of making David snap, but the idea evolved from "no way a person can be this happy" to "no way a parent can be this happy". That's totally NOT projection of his own trauma and he DOES NOT expect David to abandon him the moment it becomes too much (wink)
THE AMOUNT OF DAD JOKES ISTG. Max is 100% sure he'll go crazy out of tree puns alone. David is fully convinced that's peak dad behavior and non-negotiable
David: I'd love to take you on a vacation to trees' favourite city!
Max: David no.
David: Montreeal!
David: Why so tense, Max? Are you okay?
David: Should I... leaf you alone?
Max: *groans forever*
A full episode where David is terrified of making preferences for his son and struggles between being a counselor and a father, fearing that the others might feel left out. Ultimately it is pointed out by everyone that Max was always his favourite, therefore he was a shit about it from the beginning and no one really cares (David feels relieved and quite conflicted about this)
Whenever the campers need permission to do something dangerous and there is REALLY no other option, Max sighs and does his best "please I really wanna do this, you are my guardian right?" act. It's embarassing how quickly David caves in
An episode about being a young single father, maybe David going on a date (I'm thinking the cute waitress from the Bonquisha episode and/or the bartender guy from the town episode, just to make some comebacks), having tons in common and getting along, but not wanting to commit with someone with a son. David feels pretty lonely, but he 100% can only be with someone that accepts Max as well (also pan David my beloved 🩷💛💙)
Max discovers David's tipping point when the kid gets seriously hurt because of a stupidly dangerous adventure. Max gets scolded like he didn't think David was able to. It follows a pretty tense period where Max thinks this is it, but David is just very embarassed for snapping like that and while he thinks Max can survive more than he can, he needs him to be safe. After talking they get much closer
David has no idea how to ground someone, especially his son. Usually, when he feels like he has to, he consults Gwen or, heaven forbid, Quartermaster
An episode where the ideal camper arrives. Loves outdoors, loves activities, loves singing along and saluting the flag, so David gets excited. The entire time the campers try to figure out if Max is jealous, but he shows no sign. Obviously the camper is someone evil because this is Camp Camp, and at the end Max stomps the person with a "sorry sweetheart, I'm his favourite"
Max doesn't call him dad, David knows this and never presses him. But the kid slips sometimes and corrects himself quickly, although David never seems to notice
He actually does notice and every night he proceeds to giggle into his log pillow like a high schooler with a crush
An episode where the campers try to figure out how the whole adoption situation happened, since neither Max nor David really explained it. The hypothetical story becomes increasingly crazier and more complex, between alien invations, warlocks and internal monologues. At the end a flashback is shown of Max waiting at camp. Gwen is in the cabin, then David arrives with his cheek red and bloody
David: It took some convincing
Gwen: Oh, David...
David: I'm alright. I knew who I was dealing with, and apparently they're this aggressive only to strangers. It could've been a lot worse, and they said yes anyway
Gwen: So... now what?
David: Now? Now I'm bringing him home
David had everything ready for adoption way before meeting Max, stating that as a counselor you never know what might happen. He thinks it's commendable. Max thinks it's fucking creepy
After The Forest episode David developed a bit of feral instincts, but never really showed them. Since Max can usually defend himself better than David does, there is no need to intervene. Until Daniel comes back, and makes the mistake of kidnapping Max this time, wanting to play with David on how to find his kid. He did not know. David turns into wolf dad, literally growling and hunting for his cub. Imagine a feral David roaring and growling "WHERE THE FUCK IS MY KID DANIEL??". Suffice to say, Daniel is sent to the hospital (praying the ultra lord) and Max starts to think, between Daniel and David, maybe it's his dad the psychotic one
He doesn't mind it that much
Possible outcome is Daniel being astonished by such energy, realizing that David just won't die, and feeling something strong for him, starting to ponder if David is an reincarnation of Xemug... he is giving himself an excuse, he basically just got a crush on David. If that would turn him madder or start his redemption arc, I have no idea, but I kinda like it 😂 (actually I might make a separate post about this, I got an idea for another season sequel to this one and yes, pretty Dadvid 💕💕)
Post this incident that ruined it, Mr. Honeynuts now wears a little Camp Campbell counselor uniform. David made it of course, and while Max voices his contempt, the bear was getting rough to hug and the shirt is soft
Idea gag of Max saying "did you know that *insert disturbing emotional abuse practice* isn't okay? Learned that last year"
They got blackmail material on each other. Max obviously uses it the most, between embarassing underpants and sleep talking, but in extreme cases David is not above pulling out his cute Max photo collection
Yes, he got several of those
Yes, he is waiting for someone to ask about it and show them like the proud parent he is
After David adopted Max, he started to work two jobs to make ends meet (I'm thinking teacher and maybe night guard, very standard). He's actually pretty good at both, but it makes him very exhausted. He once snapped at Max out of exhaustion and since then, he decided to rest whenever he feels tired (you know, like a normal person). Max jokes that he was supposed to make his life a nightmare, not help him develop a better and healthier lifestyle
They got a method for asking permission, "bullshit for fun": David allows him some usually unallowed stuff and he gets to have some cute father-son moments in exchange
Max: Okay, it's a huge concert, so I'm willing to go as far as a full week of tucking in bed
David: I'm not letting you go out of town all on your own that easily, young man! The week of that, and three days of hand holding when we get into a crowd!
Max: Mmm... one hand holding and... urgh... one day of camping together
Max: It's a really good concert
David: DEAL!!!!
During a particolarly bad night of Max having nightmares, David spends the night comforting him. Max jokes that perhaps David can get even a hug out of this. David states that their system is a fun thing between them for treating responsibilities and boundaries in a less serious way, but if Max needs comfort, that's always free
An episode in which Max hears David talk to Gwen, saying stuff like "I don't have enough money for him. I don't think I can make it. I'm so sorry, poor Max". He then starts the most effective escape from Camp Campbell plan he has ever put in motion, genuinely making it except he comes back because he misses everything. He screams at David for making him love him only to dump him. At last David understands the situation and hugs him, revealing that... he was talking about a dog he wanted to adopt for Max. Max will never live that down, and David is in absolute glee for the following days because his son loves him
Sometimes Max says "Language!" without realizing. It's horrifying for all people involved, even David
On the other hand, David starts to swear more. The thing is, he's used to Max and it's such a foreign thing to him that sometimes he doesn't realize it was him
David: Hold on, now where the fuck is everyone?
David: Language!
David: ... wait-
Idea crossover headcanon, David's last name is Corduroy, his dad is a cousin of the Corduroys of Gravity Falls. But as a matter of fact, David never calls his father dad, going for either sir or sergeant
I have the idea of introducing this father in an episode flashback from before the adoption. David's father, sergeant Jeffrey Corduroy, comes to the camp to "visit his son and reconnect after such a long time". The man is huge and affable, friendly like David, but David turns into a Max version of himself when he's around. After everyone states that he seems cool, David gets pissed even more and basically ditch camp activities the whole day
Max gets a moment alone with the sergent and presses a little more, thrown off by meeting the first person David seems to openly hate. As Max is being Max, Jeff loses it pretty quickly, revealing the kindness is a mask. As he is on his way to hit Max, David puts himself in between. He scolds his father, mad like never before, stating that one apology won't make up for ten years of hell. Jeff leaves, David is so tired his legs won't hold, Max helps him get back to the cabin and they stay there
When the two are alone eventually, David tells him his story: he actually learned about survival from his dad first, he got trained mercilessly to the point of spitting blood, for ten long years. At some point his parents decided to divorce, and he was sent to Camp Campbell to not be in the way. He felt happy there for the first time, but he spiralled after leaving, as his dad left and his mother was depressed. She sent him to France at the clown school, again to not be in the way, and when he was old enough he simply left his house to find his own way to be happy. The only place where that was, was Camp Campbell
David apologizes for making his first story about camp too cheerful, as he should have been sincere. Max comes to two conclusions that night: that they are way more similar than he expected (something he didn't believe when he first heard the camp story from David), and that... maybe David is kind to everyone because he used all the hate he has on that asshole
Possible last episode of the season is another Parent Day. Everyone is teasing Max over the fact that every day is Parent Day for him, and Max complains but passively shows how he can't wait for it. Obviously David is way too gleeful about it. Then David disappears and no one knows where he is, and Max gets in the worse mood possible, making it everyone's problem. Everyone is actually kinda supportive and that turns him from angry to simply sad, although Gwen states that whatever happened to David, he promised to be there therefore he will be
At the exhibition part, when it's Max' turn, David arrives just in time, running in full survival attire like in The Forest. Basically David had another canoe incident, and was hunted down by two more wolves. It turns out that they're the pups of the wolfie he befriended before, they were hunted by men and that's why they were very aggressive towards him at first. Another adventure ensued, with the pups learning how to survive nature
Of course this is not explained to the people (just like The Forest), David apologizes for the late, Max says "fuck you dad" and hugs him in front of everyone
Follows the most mundane celebration between parents, with David (after taking off the survival look) looking a bit goofy and uncomfortable with so many adults while being a young man, but he does his best. Finally a moment of tranquility for the campers, as they watch their parents
Neil: You know Max, maybe you had to learn to appreciate the hell that is Camp Campbell, to meet a parent that truly cared for you. Maybe it was all a learning experience, and this is your reward
Max: ...
Neil: ...
Max: Well, this place sucks, and my dad is a fucking idiot. Definitely not worth it
(Max scoffs, then he smiles at David waving at him. The other campers hold back laughter, clearly not believing him)
It's implied that from then on Max starts calling David dad full time
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whats my favorite show?
camp camp? why?
whats my favorite episodes of cc?
"david gets hard", "Cult Camp", and "Bonjour Bonquisha"? why?
do i happen to have a thing for david?
NO... WHY...?
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nezpaper · 3 years
theyre gfs ur honour
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Someone: Anyone ever tell you that you look like Beyoncé?
Bonquisha: Nah, they usually tell me I look like Bonquisha.
Someone: Who the fuck is that?
Bonquisha: Me, bitch.
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memesandmylife · 7 years
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sonicrainbooms · 7 years
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Bonquisha‘s number plate is ‘cunt smasher’ and im alive
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that-one-bi-wizard · 3 years
Ok but David’s type is literally just anyone that could demolish him
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queeniecamps · 7 months
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No cause he was doing too much 🫵😭
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annthefangirl · 7 years
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Why is no-one talking about the cute waitress from the 2x07 episode of Camp Camp? She is so adorable, I would like to see more of her!
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louiseazy · 2 years
Camp Camp swear count
127 swear words were said during season 1 of Camp Camp
23 of them were in the endings songs and 1 was from the trash TV Gwen watches
amount each swears words were used:
cunt was twice; bastard 3 times; dick/whore 4 times; damn/ass 5; bitch 7; shit 24; pussies 32; and most of course fuck at 36
*There is a random black hair "girl" chanting pussie with the other campers at first I thought they were from David's flashblack episode but than I was reminded about Scottie and it possible they're one in the same. As I don't know I'll just leave as a fun fact, They have 5 swears if you count them
last place non-swearers Mr.Campbell/Dolph/all woods scouts/Tabbii & Erin
9th is David/Quartermaster/Jasper with 1
8th is Preston/Sasha/Bonquisha with 2
7th is Nurf who has only 4 uncensored swears
6th is Spacekid/Nerris &* with 5
5th is Harrison /Ered with 6
4th is Nikki with 7
3rd place is Gwen with 8
2nd place is Neil with 18
1st place goes to Max with 30
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forestwater87 · 4 years
Ready? Good.
David CampCamp’s taste in women: perfect, flawless, beautiful, goddesses only
David CampCamp’s taste in men: garbage, horrifying, someone please protect this boy from himself
Thank you, that will be all.
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cat-vase · 3 years
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David is aromantic 
My evidence: how fucking uncomfortable he was during the ENTIRE lake lilac social episode and how he TOTALLY rubbed it in Gwen’s face at the end that not everything is about relationships 
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