amber474 · 3 months
Obsessed w The fact that Ranpo literally just IS Fukuzawa’s child. Like, he’s referred to as such IN canon. It’s my favorite.
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amber474 · 3 months
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instead of continuously over-donating to ao3 when those running the site are racist zionist sympathisers who shut down support of palestine from its volunteers 1 / 2 (among myriad other issues that u should NOT be funding) please direct your attention to these incomplete fundraisers for people in gaza and various tangible operations doing work. this is a call that if u have donated even a cent to ao3 to a) match that in your donations to palestinians/causes and b) stop donating so uncritically and unconditionally to ao3, pressure them. id like to direct u to @end-otw-racism
fundraiser masterpost by @el-shab-hussein
care for gaza
help gaza's children
operation olive branch
the palestinian children's relief fund
the palestinian red crescent society
buy an e-sim / donate for mass buying
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amber474 · 4 months
Saw the new ep in passing (someone ripped into it on twt) and I can't agree more with commentary above.
Shame that CC continues to decline. S1 and S2 really were a gift (and only certain eps/moments of S3/4)...
But at least that David plushie got made 😊🥳
camp camp s5 e1 review (MAJOR SPOILERS!)
yea i thought it sucked
i just watched the new cc episode and i thought it was....not great
the pacing was very off, i feel like they had the potential to tell an emotionally complex story regarding max's feelings to returning to camp and seeing so much different, but that's difficult to do in 15 minutes, i feel like it could've worked better if it were even just 20 minutes. also, in "With Friends Like These" i thought max's new VA sounded practically the same as his old one, but in this episode he just sounds...off. again, a lot of the lines felt forced, when i hear this new guy i don't hear the little shit-stain max i just hear Some Guy™. i understand WHY they changed the va, but as a poc myself i genuinely could not care less if a white actor voices a poc character esp in an adult cartoon. it actually really brought me out of it when max was snapping at the obstacle course because it just felt like nothing, like i didn't care.
i. hate. CJ. i think he's unfunny, i don't like his design, i just...don't like him. hoping and praying that gwen stays and he LEAVES or there's some crazy twist or SOMETHING i just do NOT like him. also, why does he have the authority to deny the campers food??? is david not his boss??? DO SOMETHING BRO
david also felt off, i know that now he knows the campers better and he's had character development but he just seemed disingenuous
the bit with nikki freaking out over max possibly being mad had so much potential to be built on and have something done with it but it just...didn't. it was just that one line and that was it, i was excited for some crazy conflict that didn't happen.
i thought the thing with neil's clip on earring was hilarious and im sad that it'll probably only be in that one episode </3
UGGGGH they CAN tell heart-wrenching stories, they CAN expand on these characters emotionally, they CAN DO SO MUCH and they HAVE....but, for me, a big part of what made episodes like "The Order of the Sparrow" and "Parents' Day" so moving was that it was out of the formula. i LOVE LOVE LOVE shows that set themselves up as being episodic/formulaic/sitcom-y and then slowly introduce lore and show that the characters are 3-dimensional and have conflict, etc, etc. but in this episode and in "With Friends Like These," the emotional story-telling feels forced. it's not set up like its a regular camp camp episode where something unexpectedly emotional happens, its set up to be the unexpected thing...which makes it expected and lose its value. especially because, back when i was SUPER hyperfixated on this show like 4 years ago, post watching "Parents' Day" or "The Order of the Sparrow" or whatever, when i rewatched other episodes i saw more to these characters hidden in little aspects of their behavior or their reactions or their dialogue that was there the WHOLE TIME, but seemed like it was just a regular old episode where regular old things happen, but now it seems as though they are straying away from that and instead having the emotional development and storytelling be completely unsubtle and on the nose. i suppose it is the writers' choice and they have every right to do that even if i don't like it.
speaking of on-the-nose, i wasn't a fan of how they just flat out said "max is upset that things are different," in the episode he said how he didn't like that everything was changing over and over and over again. and like.....take "Parents' Day" for example, max was being an extra asshole to everyone subconsciously before realizing and admitting the real reason, which was great and how kids work (because remember, max is 11) but in this episode it was pretty much "GRRRRR EVERYONE IS DIFFERENT AND IM MAD ABOUT IT!!!!!" and i know it was supposed to be like 'well WHY is he so mad about it :o" which could've been good and interesting if there were...buildup...or anything...and not "This camp sucks, but you know what else sucks? Life out there. Family, school, a crumbling society?" and "You're just as lame as before, which is why you didn't have any friends back home to begin with." its just like....come on. was that REALLY the best way to get that across??? THEY CAN WRITE SUBTLY SO WHY DON'T THEY!?!?!?!?
i feel like there is SO MUCH potential to exploring max's emotions but they just seem to keep being unsubtle and on-the-nose about it, which an emotionally neglected kid would NOT be. we have to remember, they're kids. i feel like the earlier seasons did a great job of making that obvious- making them little rascals, oblivious to things, mischievous, full-of-energy, little devils, the line "I saw it on TV!" from s1 e4- but in these newer episodes its treated as though that aspect is not important (note: i have never rewatched s4 because i didn't like it, so i am not going off it for reference bc i barely remember anything that happened) max wouldn't know that he's upset with them changing because of how lonely it is, and i know he was supposed to be projecting but the dialogue felt so forced it didn't even feel like projecting it just felt like admitting. i don't expect the writers to have a phd in child psychology or something, but if they want max's emotional reactions to have power and be meaningful, i feel like they should be a CHILD'S emotions.
granted, this is all my opinion. i'm sure for the reasons i disliked the episode, someone really loved it for the same ones. i would give it a 3/10, but there was no jasper, so it gets a 0/10. very excited for the next episode, the post-credits trailer made it seem like it'll be good.
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amber474 · 4 months
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amber474 · 4 months
Right... if we're playing by that dissonance, Markus could also marry Carl to take on his last name. And Alice may as well marry Kara (after all, age is not REALLY a thing with androids, according to certain DBH shippers, right?).
In the end, marriage and adoption are very comparable 💀
I'm more and more convinced that these shippers truly get off on blurring lines between family and lovers. I wish they'd at least admit that to themselves if not anonymously (christ knows they share enough of their gross tastes as is)
I find the cutest how most of the fandom just agreed Connor would take Anderson as his last name
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amber474 · 8 months
Does anyone know if eccentric-artist221b is still active at all? She was one of my favorite irondad creators 😭
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amber474 · 9 months
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Animated cømmission is finished!
Thank you for your business! 🙇
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amber474 · 10 months
Truly adorable in their father-son-ness 😊😊
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Finally finished this thing aaaaaaaaaa
(Untold origins is the best thing ever btw Fukuzawa is the father ever)
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amber474 · 10 months
Hey I saw your post abt wanting smth to draw and if you wanna ranpo in your artstye is everything fr
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Ranpo loves his dad very much <33
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amber474 · 10 months
GAHHH, SO CUTE~~~ 🥹🥹🥹 This should be a design for official merch 🤩🤩
untold story
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when I watched the anime and then read the LN. Fukuzawa personalities seem little different. Lol
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amber474 · 11 months
Shows how FukuDad tried to be honest at the end, but Ranpo was looong gone by then 😆😆 Whatever, Fukuzawa fixed Ranpo's self-esteem 🥹
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fukuzawa: uhm i actually lied abt u having a special ability
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amber474 · 1 year
Agreed. It'a just so interesting and heart-breaking, all of it.
(I also think Ranpo's jealousy is pretty cute, tho 😅)
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I just can't stop thinking about Ranpo being shown to be jealous of Fukuchi because he has known Fukuzawa for longer than Ranpo has (which is so fucking cute also). And then it's revealed that Fukuchi is jealous of both Ranpo and Fukuzawa for having each other. He's jealous of Ranpo for his closeness with Fukuzawa that developed while he was at war (in—and in his mind maybe because of—the absence of him), and he knows Fukuzawa would always choose Ranpo over him (because in his eyes Fukuzawa showed that Fukuchi didn't mean that much to him by not going to war with him). But he's also sooo jealous of Fukuzawa for having Ranpo. When Fukuchi leaves to go to war he has comrades to be there for, he has people aside from Fukuzawa, but Fukuzawa is all alone. When he comes back Fukuchi has lost all those people and Fukuzawa has a family, he has Ranpo.
It just all ties together so well I can't get over it.
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amber474 · 1 year
OMFG, S5!!
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Season 5 starts tomorrow!!
Also, I love Ranpo's photo ^^
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amber474 · 1 year
I love this man so much 😭😭😭
try not to say father challenge
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amber474 · 1 year
My sister owes me $20.
But seriously, this helps in an unexpected way. It's quite funny how I can enjoy this as a social experiment: who can hear nuance in voice acting? Who's even invested in the VA part of animation? Who's fighting to see the good in this b/c they just want new content (no matter its quality) and they buy into RT's fake self-awareness?
*RWBY should have recasts of their own, and yet, no announcements/changes on that front. The CC team also never addressed how horrible that 'Bonquisha' characterization was 😵‍💫
I got what I needed, so thank you to the person who filmed/uploaded this to save me some time 🙏
I'll keep enjoying Dadvid, ofc (thank god for Discord). And though the previous episodes are more than enough to sustain us, the new eps will still be salvaged by a Spanish fandub group (I'm lucky to have that other option, and David & Max's voices are great), so YAY 💕 Funny how consistency matters so much when I love smth, but I'm used to expanding a bit when I bounce btwn languages, so Spanish has saved me (much like it does for some movies/anime) 🥰
Everybody wins.
Camp Camp Spoilers
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amber474 · 1 year
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amber474 · 1 year
Cool. Thank you for your service 🫡
Welp, "Camp Camp" is Officially Dead to Me.
Just found out that Max's VA was changed and Michael Jones is no longer involved with CC.
It was such a last-minute, cheap-ass update too (seriously, why not announce this from the get-go?). A little over a week from the event and the hype's gone for me.
David & Max are the heart of the show and Michael is a seriously great voice-actor. I'm convinced no one can replace him.
And really? For POC rep? Give me a fucking break. Introduce OCs, and give THEM their unique voice. I'm Latin-American and do you think I care about wanting a Latin cartoon character get perfectly matched with their VA in ALL circumstances for contrived rep? If it's smth like "Coco" it matters bc the WHOLE thing is cultural-specific and you need authentic Spanish/nuance there. But the whole cast of Emperor's New Groove? Marco Diaz? A bunch of Looney Tune characters? People in my circle dgaf. We can read intent and when culture-touting isn't the flag you're waving (because the story's just fun/broader than that), it's all good.
It's like RT took a finished cake and decided that certain ingredients were suddenly off-brand. So instead of adding a new layer to an already good thing and being creative with how tastes combine/compensate for one another, they're trying to unmake foundational things. They're digging and scraping out elements, followed by plastering in a replacement, hoping it's seamless when any comparison will prove the difference too stark. The pretty frosting will just be hiding a mismatched disaster that will leave a bitter aftertaste.
Fuck RT... I'm gonna miss Max.
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