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luchaaa · 8 months ago
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find a man who's love language is also an obsession with blowing things up
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wild-saber1337 · 2 months ago
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pixierainbows · 2 months ago
Pixie had to wake up guardian . because . Pixie got really really really upset fireworks …
Is only thing Pixie actually really scared , is human people . what made tools of war and mass death at all … Have made “ celebration “ fireworks too much of similar sound …
For tonight is just fireworks . guardian Wizard say to Pixie Again Again Again .
Is so hard Pixie really really really trying . but .
Guardian Wizard was hoping get Pixie sleep before start . so . maybe sleep through worst Part of night . but . not work .
Pixie wake up . just before midnight . had to call . wake up guardian Wizard . help help help :( :( :(
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bloghrexach · 10 months ago
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💣 … well, the USA and Israel must be very proud of these ‘records’, right?
I’m being facetious, of course!! … 💣
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disease · 7 months ago
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AI WEIWEI 艾未未 / "BOMB" / 2020 [inkjet print in B&G on paper | 51 1⁄4 x 37 3⁄8"]
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andstuffsketches · 2 years ago
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[comic of a Tears of the Kingdom korok quest. Link holds up a backpacker korok with ultrahand, squinting at the distance. He says, "That's your friend, at the bottom of the hill?" Down a long slope of a slot canyon, a smoke signal is visible. The korok says, "Yep! I can't wait to catch up!" Link flings him down the hill while he says "I need to reach my friend!" Link glides down above the korok as he bounces down the hill. An explosion goes off next to Link and as the korok rolls to a stop he lands, looking up and yelling, "Who's throwing bombs?!" Link looks back as another square bomb lands right next to the korok. Link stares at it, blank-faced, thinking "is that bad", and then "can he die" The bomb glows, about to go off, and Link scrambles to engage ultrahand and whips the korok away just as the bomb goes off. The korok says "help!" and then "kaboom!!" finally, there is a sketch of the korok and his friend at their tent, link relaxing next to them, exhausted]
based on a true story 💥
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kindaasrikal · 7 months ago
Technically all the ninja have the capabilities to explode. Theoretically speaking.
Kai can literally just light his insides on fire and boom. Kai-boom. He could technically drink gasoline too. Wyldfyre is a mini Kai except she seems much more capable of lighting her entire body on fire without question. Also, fat tissue is apparently flammable.
Nya could theoretically make her blood cells explode. Or she could drink a lot of water. And since our bodies are like 60% or so water already…
Zane was a bomb once and exploded, no explanation needed there. He just has to charge up his heart with enough elemental energy and boom. The custom Zane-bomb. Ready to sacrifice from 9-5 on all working days. Except Fridays. That’s when he has to cook dinner.
Pixal may not be a ninja, but she is a samurai, so she’s included in this. Pixal is Pixal. She probably has a “if bomb is needed, flip this switch” option just in case. Her dad can fix her up again.
Lloyd is Lloyd, no explanation needed there either. He just has to make a really big elemental energy ball thing like he did in the early seasons, surround himself with it, and fling himself at someone.
Jay is a bomb in every sense of the word. Electrical pulses are sent to the brain using the nervous system, so like he could make his head explode too.
Cole is the only exception except if he can make himself a rock suit, who’s to say he can’t make one with dangerous materials that come straight from the ground? Also, he might need Kai and Nya’s help. Something about rocks with moisture being explodable and heat being needed to make them go boom.
Sora has also made a bomb, and she could slowly make herself more robot limbs if the need is ever there and kaboom her way to sacrifice. She could make a bomb suit, except it doesn’t protect her from the bomb, it makes her the bomb.
Euphrasia and Morro could technically fill their lungs with so much air/wind until they explode. Oxygen is also has a small percentage of Air/Wind, and our blood or smth carries a small amount of it too…so can’t they pull a Nya and make their blood explode as well?
Didn’t they also say something is Dragons Rising about the ninja feeling their elements in specific areas? Who’s to say they can’t just charge those areas up and go boom. Like Zane.
Edit: just to clarify, no i am not mentally ill nor unstable it was 4am and i was thinking about avatar the last air bender and how it’s logic can be used in Ninjago. Please guys this post is funny haha not “are you ok????” I imagine them exploding like balloons with a bunch of confetti.
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kathaynesart · 8 months ago
Okay, so I was absolutely giddy reading the newest post when I thought about something.
I remember in a previous explanation that each brother has their way of communication with Leo. Ninja mind meld with Raph, Donnies big book of codes, and pretty much just wingin' it with Mikey.
With that being said, it makes sense why Mikey was confused here, since Donnie was using, what could be considered complicated codes.
Anyways, I loved it, can't wait for more, and tysm for this amazing series!!!
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Hahaha! This is very true in some regards and I'm glad you picked up on it! There will always be a bit of a communication barrier between Donnie and his other brothers when he's not taking the time to give proper context.
I'm sure though Donnie would argue that "Mach Stem Barrier" is not code at all and if his brother knew ANYTHING about bombs then there would have been no confusion.
In which case *puts on nerd glasses* I think a little lesson on bombs is in order (because if I had to study all this stuff for this comic then you get to suffer along with me).
A Mach Stem is basically the huge shockwave of pressure that comes from the blast of a bomb when it merges with its own blast being reflected back up by the ground. It's basically the thing that causes that huge slice of pressure which levels everything around ground zero. This strength of this wave is normally about twice the pressure of the actual blast itself, doubling its destructive power.
It's so powerful you can actually see it with the naked eye: VIDEO
To counteract this and reduce collateral damage Donnie created the shield we see which he calls the "Mach Stem Barrier." It acts as a giant cylinder that contains all that pressure and heat and then releases it high up into the stratosphere, protecting the surrounding area from harm. Luckily the blast is radiation free so no fear of fallout. The attacks works more like a pressure oven, the heat inside reaching up to temperatures of 200 million degrees Fahrenheit (about 100 million degrees Celsius), or about four to five times the temperature at the center of the sun, incinerating anything within its confines, even Krang tech. Crazy stuff and all backed by actual science, just as Donnie would have it! ...Now if Mikey would just get with the program!
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the-daily-felt · 24 days ago
how clubs deuce x clover shipp would be called? *wink wink*
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Day 65
(Other possible names:
Stink Bomb
2x clover combo
clodeuce [just their names... lame] )
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jimmyboltonart · 7 months ago
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The president of Eden, and his teacher, the seven-crowned king of red.
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dontforgetukraine · 3 months ago
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Between November 18-24, 2024, Russia launched against Ukraine... -Over 800 aerial bombs -Nearly 460 combat drones -over 20 missiles
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pixierainbows · 2 months ago
Fireworks today tonight not like not like not like
Too much like war bombs landmine exploding
Pixies body remember that sound
Make big big big need to run away hide
but . Pixie not remember why or what happened
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liv-log · 4 months ago
the US may have independence day, but us brittish people have bonfire night on the 5th of november, and its amazing.
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Aaron Hotchner X Derek Morgan X ADHD Autistic teen reader
Summary: Aaron Hotchner and Derek Morgan interrogate a 14 year old daughter of Unsub who has ADHD and is autistic, she was abused by her father her whole life. A bomb gets set off and she protects them
Third person pov...
14 year old Y/N had been in a small interrogation room for the last hour alone, your probably wondering how she knows that because she's been keeping count in her head.
Early on that day the police came looking for her farther but he wasn't there, instead she got taken to the police station and handcuffed (after she accidentally lashed out when they touched her) she's autistic and doesn't like touch- the police didn't listen when she tried to explain to them.
So here she sits, for the last 5 minutes she has been tapping her foot repeatedly on the floor, she has ADHD and couldn't sit still for long, but she was handcuffed to the table so she couldn't stand up and stim.
She then started humming the same tune over and over and over until a man shouts at her to shut up over the com. "Someone's grumpy" she mutters, deciding to go back to tapping her foot repeatedly.
She was beginning to get overwhelmed with everything. "Can I go now please?" She asks into the room but obviously towards the two way mirror.
She got no response. "Please, I don't like it here" she whispers shouting not going to work she realised, suddenly the door is opened two men walk in.
Y/N tenses, with her dad she doesn't like being around men, angling her body away from them she waits until they speak.
Eyebrows slams a files down on the table making her flinch at the loud sound, the Grumpy looking man just stares. "What- Do you know what these are?" He demands, Y/N shakes her head not looking at the man.
She looks down then shuts her eyes. "N-no I don't please" she cries squeezing her eyes shut not wanting to look at the pictures, they where of the victims died in the bombings that happened.
"I don't like it here" she cries pulling on the cuffs trying desperately to yank them off, eyebrows tries to grab her to stop but she kicks out. "No don't touch" she cries almost in hysterics.
Eyebrows holds up his hands and moved out of reach. "Okay I won't touch you, we won't touch you Y/N" he says teying desperately to calm her down.
Grumpy pants- as Y/N dubbed, walked out of the room putting his phone tk his ear, Hotch calls Penelope. "Yello" "Garica, Y/N L/Ns file does it have anything about mental disorders or anything like that?" He asks confused with the girls strong reactions.
After a few seconds Penelope gets back. "It says here that she is Autistic and has ADHD sir" Hotch thinks "that makes sense, thanks Garica" "your welcome Bossman" Hotch then walks back into the room.
Derek is far away from the girl. "Morgan" Derek walks over. "We forgot one thing that all the victims have in common, they are all neurodivergent in some way" he explains to the man.
They then both look over at the girl, she was back to tapping her foot repeatedly
"Y/N, are you autistic?" Asks Hotch, the girl nods her head. "Yes I am, I tried to explain to the idiots in blue but they wouldn't listen" she says it was the most they heard her say.
"Can I have these off now please?" She asks, her voice quiet like she expected to be shouted at. Derek looks ar Hotch the man nods his head. "Sure" he says and unlocks Y/N hands.
The 14 year old instantly jumps up from the desk, absently rubbing her red wrists, she begins pacing back and forth flapping her hands. The men watch her as she stims.
"We just want to talk to you about your father." Says Hotch, Y/N stops stimming and looked up at them with wide, frightened eyes.
She was small in stature, but her piercing gaze held a hint of strength that took the two seasoned agents by surprise. "My father is a monster" she said, her voice barely above a whisper.
Hotchner and Morgan exchanged a knowing glance. They had seen this before – the child of an Unsub who had been subjected to unimaginable abuse and trauma.
"Y/N does you father treat you well?" Asks Derek carefully, Y/N looks down she nervously rings her fingers as she thinks.
"He doesn't" she confesses. "He hates that I'm different, he thinks it's wrong and tries to beat the 'retardness' out of me" she confesses crying as she paces back and forth in the little space.
Hotch and Morgan eye each other from the corner of their eyes then look at Y/N.
"We know, hes a monster which is why we need to find him" Morgan replied gently. 'But we need your help to find him. We believe he may be planning to harm more people.'
Y/N hesitated for a moment, chewing on her bottom lip as she thought. Then she reached into her pocket and pulled out a crumpled piece of paper. It was a map, with a clearly marked location circled in red.
'That's where he's keeping his bombs" she said, sliding the paper across the table. Hotchner and Morgan looked at each other in shock.
They had been searching for those bombs for weeks, and here it was, handed to them by a scared teenage girl.
They immediately sprang into action, calling for backup and racing to the location. But as they arrived, they realized that Y/N had also been telling the truth about another thing – her father had taught her how to make bombs.
Before they could even process the situation, a loud explosion ripped through the air. Hotchner and Morgan were thrown back by the blast, but they were quickly pulled to safety by Y/N who had shielded them with her own body.
She lay unconscious, her small frame protecting them from the debris, Y/N was rushed to the hospital, and after a few days, she regained consciousness.
Hotchner and Morgan were there, by her bedside, along with a team of doctors and nurses who were amazed by her bravery.
"We couldn't have stopped him without you,' Hotchner said, his voice filled with sincerity, the girl looked up at them and smiled weakly. "Can I be part of your team now?" She asked, her eyes sparkling with hope.
Hotchner and Morgan shared a smile, knowing that Y/N had found a new family in the Behavioral Analysis Unit. Despite the darkness of her past, she had shown courage and strength that they had rarely seen before.
And as they welcomed her into their team, they knew that together, they could take on anything that came their way.
The end!
Hope you liked this one shot sorry for the late update been a busy week but I am now on Christmas break and will update regularly.
As usual sorry for any spelling and grammar mistakes.
Request are open!
Word count: 1204
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hyper-coasters · 3 months ago
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Manufactured by Republic Aviation, the F-105D Thunderchief was a supersonic fighter & bomber jet that could carry nuclear weapons and heavy bomb loads. This one at the Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center's Boeing Aviation Hangar has been restored to its Vietnam-era camouflage and was given to the Smithsonian Institution in 1981.
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