#Blue Tyra
spaceymcspacer · 1 year
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Originally uploaded April 17, 2023
4 pieces done over a few weeks for @PizzaStart's Bomberman 40th Anniversary Collab. The 4 entries I did were...
- Gunrock Bomber - Eagle Bomber - Blue Tirra/Tyra - Champion
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hoejosatoru · 3 months
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Dude Chigiri eats these boys UP in every single official art I know they’re all embarrassed
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nexttopbadbitch · 1 year
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SILVA & Shiny Things
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cokedupblonde · 2 months
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rnbgirlrockboy · 2 years
Tyra Banks — Shake Ya Body
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astrogre · 7 months
Astro observations 2
Disclaimer: I would like to confirm that my observations are the niche ways in which a placement may manifest, it is the way I’ve noticed it in others, the people around me, celebrities, myself and in my studies. It is not the doctrine wide broad way the placement occurs for everyone.
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Jupiter 7H can have a reputation of wanting EVERYONE. Anyone with a pulse, they like everyone, usually their dating history is so diverse that if you put all their love interests in a room together it would be the most strangest group of people. Drake has this placement and he is known for wanting, going on dates with or having a relationship with Nicki minaj, Ice Spice, Jorja smith, JLo, Kylie Jenner, Tyra Banks, Sza, Hailey Beiber, Serena Williams, literally everyone. Marilyn Monroe also has this placement and people would say the same about her. With this placement it can make the native have interest with a lot of people. You can have plenty of potential partners.
Having 12H placements Sun especially can make you feel like your gifts, talents, purpose or whatever planet topic is in it, was made for others. Like serving an ungrateful, complaining customer that ends up eating the entire plate anyway. You individually may not be selfless but it feels like the planet in the 12H benefits others and not you. It feels like a fire that burns to keep others warm.
Conjuncts to the MC (planets and asteroid) show what you are most known for in the workplace, what you’re like at your best self too. Any placements conjunct to MC show what you are like at the peak of your life and how you act in your career and what are known for in your career. That’s how MC can indicate what your career is because it focuses on who you are at your best and how others see you in the workplace and go off from there. Eg. Aquarius MC conjunct Uranus and Webb may indicate you being tech savvy at your best self so astrologers may assume you’re in tech industry or well known online, but you can still be for an example a doctor that aids in treatment with technology, your MC sign doesn’t mean you exclusively work in the industry the sign represents, it just shows you the way you work in the industry you pursue
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Neptune 1st housers may look completely different to their parents. Like you can see a hint of their parents features on their face but they don’t look that much like them. They can be born with features that are contrary to their birth parents like red hair and blue eyes in an all brunette family. Or it can be a subtle difference like they appear as if they’re from a different country, people guess their ethnicity incorrectly like all the time.
With Neptune 1st house There is nothing particularly special about these natives physical appearance in particular, they MAKE themselves special. The way they carry their physical body and animate it, is what makes these people so different and admired. They’re like puppeteers for their physical bodies. This is a continuous pattern I’ve seen, like if you just saw these people on the street sure -you’d think they’re pretty.. but not necessarily “otherworldly”, what makes these individuals perceived as such is the way they control/express their behavior. I have noticed Neptune here makes people VERY controlling over their appearances, it does make me question if Neptune is a subtly secretly controlling planet, if it manipulates subconsciously, like a child conveniently stepping on other’s sandcastles when running on the beach so they don’t have to wait their turn for the buckets, these natives can accidentally bring about their ideal version of themselves to reality and everyone is like who is this??? It’s more so like they customised their avatar in their head and showed it to everyone here in the physical plane. It’s like they made themselves a game characters in a world full of civilian people, that’s why they’re so unique looking, it’s because they wrote themselves .
Unpopular opinion but Scorpio Venus isn’t a fun sexy placement that everyone hypes it up to be. It can make you constantly end up in relationships that have weird power dynamics and are just unhealthy. You may struggle to be in a soft loving relationship because it’s not intense enough but that just leads you/partners to manipulate and themes of control in your relationship. Sure, it may be considered“hot” but not healthy. Not love.
Also another thing I’ve realised with this placement, feminine natives attracted to men PLEASE don’t intentionally flirt with someone. You’re already so intense and magnetic without realising it that if you intentionally flirt with men it’s so extreme like a 0-100, that it can overwhelm/scare them because of how predatory it may feel 💀. If a man isn’t pursuing you, he’s not interested because your always appealing and screaming out a mating call even if your physically doing nothing.
Lilith opposite moon natives can have mothers who impose traditional lifestyle and beliefs on the native. For an example the mother may be controlling and imposing her ideas of humbleness, modesty, and traditional masculinity/femininity on the child. Defensive, like she is everything but a mother herself but subjects you to standards she cannot even amount to.
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Uranus 2H feel like everything that makes them feel good and safe can be taken away in an instance. These people KNOW what it’s like to have the things they love abruptly taken from them over and over again by others or by nature, until they may even struggle to value the great things they have anymore. 2H rules your values and self worth, for these natives it gets to an extent where they don’t even value themselves because once they finally start to accept themselves they’re shown a perspective to them that they cannot accept.
It is said that the degree of a placement shows which age that planets energy starts to become active. Not sure how true that is but when you look at your natal chart, try keeping it in mind for yourself and look back to when you first had an experience under the themes of that planet. E.g for sun, when and what age did you feel seen, Venus who and how old were you for your first love or romantic partner
Sun conjunct Lilith. People with this placement may deal with their fathers highlighting the most non conforming features of themselves, the smallest of things you do will be escalated, this can manifest as slut shaming, being degraded for the way you are because you’re not “soft”, making you out to be like a chaotic mess, villainising you. Imagine having a loud snitch exposing your most “cancellable” traits. Britney Spears has this exact placement and I went to test if my hypothesis is true:
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For Britney this placement is in the 3rd house which rules communication, hence why her father made comments about her like this, but say if it was in the 2nd house it could be done by a father providing less for his child because he deems them unworthy due to their non-traditional traits. This illumination of shame is done by the themes of the house this aspect is in.
All the Sagittarius influenced natives I meet always play a loud an instrument. I’ve seen it in Sagittarius suns especially and also in sag stelliums. I have no idea why, but they always do. They play things like drums, electric guitar. I’ve also seen that they can play piano and other instruments but it’s actually not their main instrument to play and if it’s not instruments they have an interest in LOUD hobbies, like cars.
Pluto in 11th house can have one of those character AI boyfriends, be in a relationship with their NPC rpg girlfriend/boyfriend, or they can just straight up play otome games and deeply feel like they have a connection to the character, these are the kind to marry their VR chat girlfriend and play mystic messenger.
Also Pluto 11Hs if your dreams and ambitions were to be vocalised to your peers, they may find you egotistical or someone to watch out for. You are a BIG dreamer. It’s giving Azula. I think Pluto 11H natives learn to keep their ideas to themselves if they want to be successful.
Natives with Aphrodite (1388) in 1st house, when describing you people may argue on the appearance or how you may present yourself as, or who they believe you are, alike to when the men witnessed Aphrodite in mythology, they would say “she had beautiful blonde hair and a soft voice” and another man would scream at him and say “nay, she was a red haired bold aggressive woman who goes for what she wants” this is because the men see what they want to see in her, they see their ideal beauty, but can both identify it’s the same person. When they see her in person at the same time they will only see what they think she is and will not be able to see her for herself. Could indicate in your reputation, you are idolised like Aphrodite but only being liked for your beauty/the persona they project on you.
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Saturn 3rd house can make you have siblings that whip you up into shape, being a catalyst or aid to your best self, whether in a harsh way or a progressive way it depends on the sign. E.g Billie Eilish has this placement and her brother Finneas is a key aid to her success today by being the one who writes her music, and Kylie Jenner has this in Aries but her sister Kendall was her competition, worst critic, extremely condescending and critical of her body, her image, her skills even making fun of her for having lip injections in interviews etc which forced Kylie to feel insecure changing everything about herself but lead her to the popularity she has today.
Scorpio Mars isn’t a fun placement either, so many say that these natives are blessed, after all, Mars is in rulership, it gives them will power, survival instinct and makes them a shark. But people don’t discuss how being a Scorpio Mars can make you hurt others further than intended, it’s like tactically pulling the jenga block excited for your opponents next go but instead- you make the entire tower fall on your their face, they hurt themselves crying and the game ends bitterly. You won but at what cost? You can overestimate what people can take, and inevitably your loved ones may become the sorry victim of your sting. I think deep down Scorpio Mars natives know how much they hurt people and sometimes wish they weren’t so intense. I always think of Omni man from invincible having this placement.
Was working as an external motivational speaker for a school and this Gemini Sun teacher was so prim and proper, he’d sit crossing his legs and always be making sure students were extremely well behaved listening for anyone talking like this:
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I’d say rather strict. He was timely, efficient hated tardiness and I knew he was a bloody mercurial with that prestige desk organisation and flick of fingers while typing (such sass),I thought he was a Virgo but, when I pried to get his birthday (which was very difficult as he was professional and loved etiquette). He was actually a Gemini Sun. Gemini suns you guys have the goofiest of smiles and energy but you can be scary to work under. It’s SO funny how differently Gemini suns treat those on the same authority standing as them compared to the ones they’re supposed to oversee. They’re like 👨‍⚖️🔎⏰ as a boss, but personally like: 🌸😃🌈 to their colleagues. You guys also have very snappy and sassy comebacks to disrespect it’s hilarious to watch outside looking in how you even come up with such remarks. I’ve also noticed you guys can be sucky and adoring towards your bosses, but strangely it works.
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Capricorn MC, how does it feel to live my dream?? People with this placement are the most high earning, most dominant or the most respected and well known person in their field. Whether it be politics, modelling, office, technology, teaching, literally everything.. if you have Capricorn MC the way you handle your work is with an extreme amount of meticulous efforts. You go through the small print terms and conditions, execute the process with full clarity which is what makes you guys so successful. You don’t fuck around, Examples of people with this placement are Martin Luther King, David Beckham, Kendall Jenner, Rihanna, Mariah Carey, Heath Ledger, Nikola Tesla, Jeff Bezos, Alexander the Great. Notice how they’re all contenders for the title “Greatest of all time” in the fields they’re in. When they say that Saturns influence makes you established and remembered throughout history, it’s true. With Capricorn MC, you’re probably the first to set a record in the work you do and will be remembered as one of the foundations of the future.
I don’t want to reinforce stereotypes about Pisces moon. However, I’ve noticed that you really shouldn’t jokingly insult these guys. I think it’s because of their inclination to read between the lines and the underlying meaning of words that are said. They really don’t take criticism very well because they pick up the hidden meanings, e.g I once lived with one and he jokingly told me he’s going to lock me out of his room so that I don’t rob him and then I asked in all seriousness“why would I rob you?” And he was hurt and explained it’s because my question suggested that i thought he didn’t have nice clothes. (Which is true, im not interested in menswear nor his style). Perhaps this is a me thing though because im rather forthright with what I say. Maybe Pisces moons aren’t so sensitive, maybe we’re just cruel to them.
Also these natives are incredibly intelligent in terms of understanding emotions. I’ve noticed that they can easily grasp why certain people do certain things which is what makes them known to be “empathetic or forgiving” but it’s really because the concept of deep and complex emotions isn’t difficult for them to grasp. They’re like the Einsteins of human nature. And when I speak of empathy, that doesn’t mean they they can do no wrong, that’s a common misconception about Pisces moon, there are bad people within every placement but strangely Pisces moons if they are “bad” end up being forgiven for it because they garner sympathy from others. E.g Kim Jong-un, Edgar Allen Poe, Kesha, Coco Chanel, Kendrick Lamar, Vanessa Hudgens, Hilary Clinton, Elvis Presley, Michael Jackson, Kanye West, Michelle Obama.
Fama (408) conjunct Mercury can indicate being well known for your ideas and thoughts, they can stand out or perhaps the way you communicate them does. You have an attractive mind that garners attention from many, people love to hear what you have to say, it’s like being lady wistledown from bridgerton. Ben Shapiro is an example of someone with this placement. He speaks very fast and is a famous conservative speaker engaging in debates with political royalty.
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Ascendant conjunct Chiron forever being attacked for their appearance really saddens me. These natives can be treated normally but then once they do something that others don’t like, their appearance will be promptly targeted. E.g Margot Robbie (brutally called mid because male viewers didn’t appreciate her in the Barbie movie), Peter Dinklage (think he complained about dwarfism being represented in cinema but I can imagine he must have also grown up with a lot of unkind words), Priyanka Chopra (people coming for her when she married a Jonas brother), Selena Gomez (I don’t even know why but people attack her for her body apparently), Abraham Lincoln (this man wanted to free slaves I bet they made caricatures of him during the 1800s).
Venus in 10H, why is your relationship a Google search away. Everything we know about your love life is against our will. I know you love your partner but please. These natives can end up telling on themselves about the nature of their relationships. Examples: Jayda Smith (red table), Johnny Depp ( his released audio recordings), Billie Eilish (made a whole documentary about her relationship to her ex boyfriend) David Bowie (spoke pleasantly of his wife Iman any chance he got in many interviews), Kristen Stewart (cheating at award ceremonies).
Aries Mercury people are extremely motivational, they really know how to make others do something simply by their words, it can be for the bad or for the good E.g The rock (Dwayne Johnson) , Adolf Hitler, Albert Einstein, Queen Elizabeth II, Amber Heard, Mark Zuckerberg, Al Pacino, William Shakespeare. These natives can make an understaffed workforce win the battle because they remembered what you said, they’re usually quoted and the people with this placement can have really empowering but simple one liners that make you want to beat on your chest like King Kong and seize the day. Very influential and honestly the best people to have a pep talk from.
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sugasiren · 1 year
🧜🏾‍♀️ SIRENE (1009): Top 3 Sex Symbols! 💋
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SIREN: A seductively beautiful or charming woman, especially one who beguiles men; A woman who is a very attractive but dangerous temptress. 🔥🔥
The Sirene (1009) asteroid is one of my absolute favorites to explore. 🧜🏾‍♀️ And I have many! Its placement in a woman's chart tells us about her brand of Dark Femininity. How she seduces and influences. How she harnesses her power and the TYPES of men who are helplessly drawn to her. 💋 Every Sign has incredible qualities! I'm simply sharing my Top 3 Sirens based on the research I've done. So enjoy and share your Siren below!
**FYI - Men with these placements are also very sexy and captivating in their own way. 💯 So I will include some famous examples for them as well.
Siren in Scorpio 🔥
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Famous Women:
Sophia Loren (pictured above)
Sade (pictured above)
Lisa Bonet (pictured above)
Lana Del Rey (pictured above)
Dita Von Teese (pictured above)
Traci Lords
Monica Bellucci
Mae West
Grace Kelly
Bridget Bardot
Christina Aguilera
Angelica Houston
Zeudi Araya
Liv Tyler
Siren in Scorpio MEN:
The Rock
Brad Pitt
Paul Newman
Ryan Gosling
Carlos Santana
Idris Elba
Bruno Mars
SCORPIO SIRENS lure you in with their hypnotic eyes that are as deep as the Blue Sea. 🧜🏾‍♀️ Their powerful aura will quickly swallow you whole and you will enjoy every moment of it. 💋 They effortlessly captivate and are explosive Lovers! They love to keep you guessing. As they know, you'll be addicted to the mystery of it all and keep coming back for more. And they're right! Just like Monica Bellucci and Lana Del Rey - these women can casually sit somewhere, smoking a cigarette, and *everyone* around them is watching in total ENVY of that damn cigarette. 🔥 Others like Lisa Bonet and Sade are gentle and ethereal but they will *still* snatch your SOUL. The Male Sirens are charismatic heartthrobs who make panties drop everywhere they roam. Women submit to them with glee. They want their 'Notebook' moment with Ryan Gosling, okay! And for The Rock to lay the smackdown (and pipe) on their kitty. 😺 And nothing less.
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Siren in Capricorn 👑
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Famous Women:
Brooke Shields (pictured above)
Megan Thee Stallion (pictured above)
January Jones (pictured above)
Stevie Nicks (pictured above)
Amal Clooney (pictured above)
Megan Fox (pictured above)
Teyana Taylor
Doja Cat
Mamie Van Doren
Ava Gardener
Mariah Carey
Shania Twain
Tyra Banks
Karrine Steffans
Amber Heard
Ellie Goulding
Eartha Kitt
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Siren in Capricorn MEN:
James Dean
Robert Plant
Robert Pattinson
Matthew McConaughey
William Holden
Prince William
Kobe Bryant
Suge Knight
Andrew Tate
AJ McLean
Gerard Butler
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CAPRICORN SIRENS lure you in with their deeply earthy, erotic energy. They are smoldering volcanoes underneath their cool IDGAF exterior and this enticing contrast drives people wild! 🔥 They have monstrous sex drives yet are very grounded in their personal power and selective about who they entertain, so others seek their approval. The Female Sirens often attract highly influential and/or dominant men who crave her submission and loyalty. Their desire to control her can truly consume them! 💯 They see her as the Ultimate Challenge and want her AT ALL COSTS. Their results vary depending upon what *she* actually wants. For instance, Amal Clooney. She was able to capture the heart of life-long bachelor George Clooney with impeccable ease. 🩷 He looks at her with stars in his eyes! They have the ideal marriage. Mariah Carey ultimately made Tommy Matola (the Record Executive who signed her to his label) wait until they were married before being intimate with him. She had such an effect on her ex-husband after **opening her luscious Pearly Gates** 🙌 that he put cameras up around the house to watch her every move. He was utterly obsessed with her! Amber Heard is an example of Capricorn Siren in full Destruction Mode. And Karrine "Superhead" Steffans in literal Maneater Mode slurping her way to THE TOP. The Male Sirens simply have Big Dick Energy - period. They are Doms, Bosses and Kings. 👑 Women yearn for them to (symbolically) suck their blood and their p***y like Robert Pattinson in 'Twilight' with carnivorous passion. 🔥 They want to surrender doggystyle to a man like Gerard Butler in the '300' movie. And even when they are stone cold killers like Suge Knight or manipulative pimps like Andrew Tate... they still command respect! They possess massive amounts of Masculine charm.
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Siren in Sagitarius 👠
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Famous Women:
Marilyn Monroe (pictured above)
Dorothy Dandridge (pictured above)
Rita Hayworth (pictured above)
Shakira (pictured above)
Indira Varma (pictured above)
Kim Cattrall
Margot Robbie
Robin Givens
Tina Turner
Dana Delaney
Emilia Clarke
Gwen Stefani
Aishwarya Rai
Rose McGowan
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Sagittarius Siren MEN:
Paul Walker
Patrick Swayze
Elvis Presley
Clark Gable
Mario Lopez
Marilyn Manson
Shia LaBeouf
Michele Marrone
Marvin Gaye
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SAGITTARIUS SIRENS lure you in like smoke rising from a bonfire in an enchanted forest during a Drum Circle. They illuminate dangerous levels of heat. ☀️ That will melt you like hot lava with their dynamic sex appeal. Baddies to the bone! Their esthetic widely appeals to the masses and individuals from *all* walks of life. People from *all* ethnic backgrounds admire and lust after them. 💋 They are exciting and make people feel ALIVE. And they're often the epitome of someone's Dream Girl or Guy. Marilyn Monroe is a FOREVER Icon who lives on generation after generation. 🌟 And her Feminine prowess remains unmatched no matter how much time goes by. Rita Hayworth is another immortal Sex Symbol and proud Latina. As is Dorothy Dandridge - who broke many barriers for Black Women in film and greatly appealed to a variety of powerful men such as Marlon Brando and Otto Priminger. Margot Robbie in the 'Wolf of Wallstreet' and 'Barbie' movies? 🩷 Nuff said! The Male Sirens are usually a strong yet suave bunch - like Clark Gable and Patrick Swayze. And that's a killer combination, my friends! They are often Rebels. 💪 Whether clean-cut ones like Paul Walker, goth ones like Marilyn Manson or rebels GONE WRONG like Shia LaBeouf. Either way, they are magnetic.
And that's a wrap for now! 💛 I'll be back soon with more on SIREN and other awesome asteroids. Thanks for reading.
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hotdolls · 7 months
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Tyra with blue eyes, white hair and a a nice pair
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howmakeuphaseveolved · 7 months
2000S MAKEUP 💄
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𐙚 C H A R A C T E R I S T I C S 𐙚
୨୧ darker lip liner
୨୧ smudgy black eyeliner
୨୧ blue eyeshadow
୨୧ thin brows
୨୧ fully lined eyes
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Models used: Megan Fox, Beyoncé, Angelina Jolie, Tyra Banks, Britney Spears, Jessica Alba, and Christina Aguilera 𝜗𝜚゚
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o0oooooo0o · 8 months
uttara bhadrapada is all about honing that cool crystal center within. ppl will find that in association with these natives “most” is the word you will often see next to their name and not always in a socially acceptable way. These natives leave behind gifts to humanity transcending the boundaries of good and evil.
‧₊˚✩彡 🙀
-losing people close to you
-being non pc
-extreme wealth and 💸💸💸💸💸
-reptilian beings (dragons, snakes,…)
-aquatic beings (mermaids)
-cold, frigid, aloofness, indifference, apathy
-loneliness, disconnect
-collateral damage
-secret societies
-control & restriction
-reluctant leader
-deep space, the unknown
-two faced
-high technology
-destiny & fate
-skeletons in the closet
-in plain sight
-cosmic rain
-plastic surgery
-the end
-the chosen one
-apex saturnino
-being ahead of your time/creating something timeless
-out of touch
-kundalini awakening
-cold blooded
-ethereal essence
-uncanny valley
-abandoning humanity
-being the brain/face of capitalism ngl
-the ocean
-for the greater good
-tying together future/present/past
-being afforded a greater, more terrible purpose
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Grimes (confirmed*-ish) sun & moon in uttara bhadrapada
other notable natives (moon)
-hillary clinton
-kim kardashian
-anya taylor joy
-antonio banderas
-rooney mara
-gemma ward
-rick owens
-tyra banks
-salma hayek
-daniel radcliffe
-joaquin phoenix
-rebecca ferguson
-lil kim
-Luca Guadagnino
-sujan stevens
-janet jackson
-steve jobs
-bill gates
-catherine zeta-jones
-andré leon talley
-anna wintour(*)
-eugenia cooney
-ash stymest
-blac chyna
-travis barker
-jane lynch
-jason statham
-riley keough
-wiz khalfia
- jay park
-timothee chalamet
-samantha morton
-Josh McDermitt
-anton riize
-belle kiss of life
-muammar al gaddafi
-king krule
-aidan gillen
-josh o’connor
-salvador dalí
-sophie turner
-hayao miyazaki
-john galliano
-ed sheeran
-kendall jenner
-jessica white
-choi woo-shik
-tom brady
-isabella huppert
-russel brand
-Satoru Gojo
-Shri Ramanujan
-novak djokovic
-alek wek
-nick offerman
-song kang-ho
-cheng xiao
-enya umanzor
-jenny slate
-nicholas hoult
-dev patel
-james cameron
-city of los angeles
-harry potter
-wanda maximoff
-jeffrey e*stein
////(disclaimer, lowkey i’m pretty good at guessing between naks but i can’t say for sure that they r ubp moon some of these r just my own intuition/pattern recognition/symbolism unless their birth time is confirmed and i can flat out get their placements wrong but also ppl lie even about their birthday so it is what it is)
///*I will keep updating this list
billie eilish ubp asc (like ??? the rating is aa too but still ??)
yuji itadori(ubp sun)
alexander mcqueen (ubp sun+rahu)
lisa (ubp sun+venus+ketu) +saturn*mercury in revati
quentin tarantino (sun+mercury+jupiter)! …
shakira (ubp asc and venus)
brie larson (ubp asc)
cha eunwoo (sun+venus+ketu+saturn)
lady gaga ubp sun
celine dion ubp sun
diana ross ubp sun
yasmeen ghauri ubp sun c mercury revati
mariah carey ubp sun c rahu *mercury pisces pbp
eren yeager ubp sun
keira knightly
steven tyler ubp sun
karina (revati sun c ubp mercury+venus gemini moon ruler ubp mercury)
ketu in ubp-
zoe saldana
bella hadid +ubp saturn
jaehyun +ubp saturn lagnesh saturn in ubp
fernanda ly
rahu in ubp-
abbey lee kershaw
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Nearly every story I can think of off the top of my head has characters. Characters are what compel me personally to keep reading/watching something. If I feel for the characters, my chances of enjoying the media goes way up, and I'm sure others feel the same.
So without further ado, let me introduce the stars of the show!
The main character is named Merissa Shermann. She's 22, has red curly hair (kinda like Merida lol), hazel eyes, pale skin that burns easily, and she's 5'6". She's incredibly caring, and has a soft spot for both kids, and animals. She also tends to worry. She is strong, but only because she does a lot of household chores because her dad is old and can't really do much. Her stake in the story is that her dad's life was ruined by the queen way back before the queen...well...became the queen. On top of that, what kind of best friend would she be if she didn't help her friend do a favor for a certain crime boss?
The childhood best friend is named Zell Odison. He's 21. My boy here has dark hair, dark eyes, and brown skin. (I may give him a tattoo sometime in the future ;)) He's 5'11". He's very dramatic and goofy, but will also do anything to take care of his family (including doing jobs for a well-feared crime boss). He and Merissa have been friends since they were little, and they're super close. His stake in the story is that his family has a hidden secret and he needs answers. Along with that, his favorite crime boss needs a favor...
The blacksmith is named Raymond Clyde. He's a small man, being only 5'2" at the age of 53. He's a brunette, but it doesn't really show because his hair is graying. It's pretty ratted, but he normally keeps it under goggles and a bandana anyway. He's a grumpy old man with wet cat energy but we love him. His wife died fifteen years ago, and his daughter never visits him, so he mostly stays at home, working. He runs into our main character, and her best friend on an average work day, and accidentally ends up gaining two new children. His stake in this story is that his wife's death isn't what it seems.
The soldier is named Aeriel Clyde. She's 30 and 5'8". Blonde, blue eyes, but the kind that stare into your soul and make you question your existence. Her skin is tanned, and starting to turn leathery from all the days that she's spent hunting, and finding bounties. She's obsessed with killing the giant who took her mother's life, and that's how she finds out that her mother's death is not what it seems. She's arrogant, and negative, but as the story progresses, grows as a person. She tries to rebuild her relationship with her father. Her stake in the story is that she has a vendetta to fulfill.
The child is named Chiyoko Sable. She's only 10 and stands at 4'8". She's very petite, as fair as children go, and has straight black hair, and brown eyes. She can always be seen with her cat, Cinder, that her birth mother gave to her. She's very bubbly and excited, and doesn't let anyone put out her spark, no matter how hard they try. She was born to a maid in one of the rich plantations, coincidentally owned by Tyra's sister. After being adopted by the late queen Tyra when her mother died, however, she starts to discover that all is not as it seems. Her stake in the story is that her adoptive mother is not who she says she is.
The alchemist is named Hugo Holloway. He's a broody little teenager, at 13. He's only about 4'11". Him and his mother are usually the ones at home, with his father being a palace guard. Since his father is gone all the time, he decided he needed a way to protect his mother, so he became the apprentice of an alchemist. He's very determined, straightforward, and doesn't do well with 'feelings'. His black hair can never seem to lay straight, and his skin can't decide whether it wants to be tan or pale, even his eyes can't decide what color they want to be, with one being a brown color and the other one being more of a hazel. His stake in the story is that his father has been betraying his family, and Hugo wants to know why.
The artist is named Sasha Holloway. Married to a palace guard named Noro, Sasha is on top of the world. She soon realizes that being married to a palace guard means a lot of cold beds, and solo parenting. And then...he left. Permanently. She struggled with raising Hugo, and providing enough money to stay alive, that is until Hugo got a job as well. Once her son became older, and more independent, she got back into her art. Dancing, knitting, painting, and the arts became constants in her life, once more. She's 5'3", and 37, and you better not touch her son. Her stake in the story is that people that she cares about are being threatened, and she can not let that happen.
And finally, the wanderer is named Estelle Foxglove. She has been a loner her whole life, always doing what it took to survive. That evolved into becoming a natural at causing trouble. And cause trouble she did. She decided to retire from chaos after a particularly sour mission, but that hasn't gone too well for her. She is 19. She's black with dreads, usually pulled into a ponytail, and stands at the tallest of the group: 6'0" (Can we get more tall women in media please???) Her background is a mystery, to both her and everyone else, but after figuring out that the notorious crime boss: The Collector might know something she doesn't, Estelle decides to un-retire for a bit, just to get their attention. Her stake in the story, is the want, the need to find out who she is, and why she is.
These will be updated as I go!
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rd0265667 · 1 year
Karina x Reader: A Star Wars Story
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(Star Wars AU, post order 66. Also, not everything I wrote is according to canon, things were changed)
Permanent Taglist: @cwpiqwon @justme-idle
A/N: This is me just indulging in writing star wars and lightsaber fights lmao
Non star wars fans, BBY means Before Battle of Yavin. Think of it as BC. Important because years come in later
19 BBY
On the planet of Naevis, the stars twinkled brightly, but one shone through the night sky, falling to the ground. An escape pod, a girl cowering in the corner as she clutched her lightsaber close to her chest.
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Karina was excited. She was looking forward to heading back to Coruscant for her trials to become a Jedi Knight, a rite of passage she was honoured to go through. Walking to the deck of the Venator Class Star Destroyer, she was accompanied by her Master, who had been guiding her in the ways of the force and being a Jedi, and behind them was Commander Tyras, in charge of the 29th Battalion. "General Bae, the Fleet is ready to jump into hyperspace." Tyras said, standing at attention next to Karina's master "For the last time Tyras, Joohyun or Irene is fine. Also, once we jump into hyperspace and reach Coruscant, tell the guys drinks are on me, they've worked hard." Irene said with a smile, patting Tyras on the back, who chuckled. "Alright General Irene, I'm sure the boys would love to hear that." Tyras said, before walking to the operator as Irene rolled her eyes, smiling as she bumped Tyras playfully From the side, Karina chuckled, observing the interaction. Her master was well known amongst the clones for being compassionate and caring, not only that, but was close with and cared for all her troopers, arguably as close as General Skywalker and the 501st.
Suddenly, a weird shift occured in the room, as Karina and her Master recoiled, both sensing something wrong in the force, Karina's master turning to her with a confused look, as Commander Tyras pulled out a comm pad.
"The time is now Commander Tyras. Execute Order 66."
The mechanical whirrs of rifles began priming around the two Jedi, both feeling a shift in the force, the light being snuffed out. Turning around, Irene noticed Tyras with his rifle to her, looking in confusion, before raising her lightsaber, deflecting the blaster bolt away, as she force pushed Tyras into the wall, knocking him out, dispatching the operator as well, before rushing to shut the blast doors.
"That door won't hold." She mumbled to herself, as she turned to Karina, still confused at what had just happened. "What's going on Master?" Karina asked, Irene shaking her head, pain searing through her head as the force alerted her to the fates of her Jedi comrades across the Galaxy. "I am unsure, Karina, but the clones have turned their backs on us, and I sense this is not an isolated incident. We must leave. We need to get to safe ground, and I'll reestablish communications with the Jedi Council. Come." Irene said, gesturing to Karina as they both ignited their lightsabers, taking a deep breath. The men they were about to kill were friends, once upon at least. As the blast doors open, blue and green lightsabers ignited as Irene and Karina fought through the star destroyer, their time fighting in the clone wars long preparing them for such a confrontation. As they finally reached the escape pods, the two of them saw 40 troopers waiting for them, overwhelming them as they were forced into a corner. What's worse was what Irene saw when she tried to catch her breath. "They've shot the fuel exhaust. The ship's going to explode... they're willing to kill themselves just to get us!" Irene exclaimed, before calming down. Turning the corner, she let out a strong force push, the clone troopers recoiling as the two charged to the escape pod. Karina readied the escape pod as Irene fended off the troopers "It's ready master!" Karina shouted out, Irene turning to join her in the pod, before reeling over, a blaster bolt to her back. "Master!" Karina shouted, deflecting another bolt to the troopers, but seeing hundreds of troopers closing in on them. "Go Karina, go to Naevis, there's a Jedi acquaintance there, find them, then stay safe. Go! I'll hold them off for you to escape" Irene shouted, Karina shaking her head. "No master, I won't leave you behind!" Karina shouted out, not looking back as she stood her ground, blaster bolt after blaster bolt bouncing off her emerald blade. "Go, Karina. May the Force be with you." With the force, Irene sent Karina flying into the escape pod, locking it and sending it off, before Irene turned, Karina forced to watch as Irene fought off as many troopers as she could, eventually dropping to the ground. "Master!" Karina shouted out helplessly, watching as her master's lifeless corpse collapsed, the escape pod accelerating away as the star destroyer exploded, the explosion catapulting Karina toward Naevis.
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The clones betrayed the Jedi, the machinations of Chancellor Palpatine, now Emperor. Karina had received a message from the Jedi temple, sent by Master Kenobi, prompting her to stay away from Coruscant, as she stayed at the bar at Naevis, keeping her head low as she tried to find information on the mysterious Jedi acquaintance her master had. She did have one lead though, out in the forest, lived a mysterious figure who the townsfolk generally avoided. Armed with a torch, Karina trekked into the forest, nervous but hopeful to find another Jedi. As Karina entered the forest, she heard the trees ruffling, so she readied herself, lightsaber at the ready. "That's a dangerous weapon to be holding at this point of history, Jedi." Suddenly, Karina saw two lightsabers light up, an orange and purple lightsaber igniting, the two lightsabers flew at her, clashing with Karina's emerald blade as she adopted a defensive stance, a little shocked, as she had seen that combination only once before. Then, the lightsabers shut off, as Karina stood rooted at the ground, the green hue of her lightsaber the only source of light, illuminating where she stood as she turned nervously, trying her best to calm down, and to allow the force to guide her actions.
"You're slipping up Jimin. I thought you fought better than this!" The figure spoke, as Karina recoiled in shock. She hadn't gone by Jimin in years. Could it really be? Instinctively raising her lightsaber to the right, Karina blocked two swift lighsabers, the hue of the lightsabers illuminated the face of her assailant, someone who Karina had not saw in many years. "Y/N?" Karina asked incredulously "I'm touched you still remember me Karina. It's been years." You chuckled, both of you retracting your lightsabers. "You're the person my Master was talking about? Have you heard of what happened to the order?" Karina rambled off, not wanting to look you in the eye. "Qui Gon told me. This was bound to happen, Karina. The Jedi became soldiers, not peacekeepers, why do you think I left?" You chuckled slightly bitterly, bringing Karina to your hut. "I thought you left because of...us." Karina said, whispering the last word "Well, that didn't help." You shrugged, holding your hand out as the doors clicked, opening to allow your old friend and you to enter the hut.
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37 BBY
Karina had just finished her lightsaber training with her class, Master Dooku just finishing teaching them basic lightsaber to lightsaber combat. She didn't understand the need for it though, there hadn't been a need for lightsaber combat since the last of the Sith disappeared. Now, learning blaster deflection was more important considering the threats Jedi faced on peace missions. Nevertheless, Master Dooku was relentless, training the younglings till their bones ached. As she left the hall though, she noticed another youngling, practicing with Master Qui Gon, who was once the padawan of Master Dooku. Inexplicably, Karina felt herself attracted to this youngling. The way they moved with the lightsaber was graceful yet forceful, the movements precise yet flexible. Karina hid behind the walls of the temple, looking on in awe at her fellow youngling. After about half an hour, the session finally ended, Master Qui Gon having to go on a mission with his Padawan. As Karina was about to retreat from her spot, the youngling spoke out. "You can come out now. I can sense you there." Slightly embarrassed, Karina slinked out of her hiding spot, as the youngling stuck their hand out. "I'm Y/N, do you wanna be friends?" You asked, Karina nodding as she shook your hand "I'm Karina, or Yoo Jimin"
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33 BBY
"Focus, Karina-ah, your thoughts betray you." You teased as you stopped your blade just before her arm, having exploited a short moment of distraction by Karina. Karina rolled her eyes playfully, she held her lightsaber in the Ataru stance, as you stood opposite her, assuming the Soresu stance. She flipped into action, the acrobatic style of Ataru not matching up well against the defensive stone wall style of Soresu, as your use of Soresu allowed you an airtight defence, making it such that you were tiring Karina out. "Hey Y/N, I heard Master Plo was talking to you recently, what was that about?" Karina asked as she locked blades with you, both locked in a stalemate. "Master Plo is thinking of taking me as his Padawan." You replied, a force push sending Karina off guard before moving to strike to her head, as Karina parried the blow, using the force to enhance her jump, flipping over you and swinging a wide blow of her lightsaber. You dodged backward, before the two of you began circling each other once again. "Does that mean I won't see you anymore?" Karina asked, a hint of disappointment in her voice. "Not as often, I'll still be back at the temple, just not as often since I'll be on missions with Master Plo." You replied, swinging your blade as you looked intently at her. Karina leapt at you once again, her blade outstretched to strike down on you, but you deflected it, and with a swift kick, disarmed her of her weapon and sent her to the ground. Looking at each other, the both of you chuckled, as you helped Karina up, force pulling her lightsaber to you. When you handed the lightsaber to Karina, you both felt your hands lingering, before finally pulling away. "I've got to go, Master Qui Gon wants a chat with me." You bowed, before bolting out of the room. Karina's eyes lingered on you, watching as you ran to consult with the old master.
"Are you alright, Y/N? I sense your thoughts on another." Qui Gon questioned, as the two of you walked through the Jedi archives. "Is it that female youngling you always mention?" Qui Gon asked, as you nodded. "I've been thinking of her more than normal, but I know it's wrong... the Jedi Code for-" You lamented, turning to talk to Qui Gon "Is not always right, Y/N. The Jedi Code may forbid personal attachment, but to grow attached to others is human, to love someone, is human. Attachment is not a scary thing, or a path to the dark side, as Master Yoda would put it. As long as you know to balance your attachment, you will not succumb to the dark side." Qui Gon explained "I do not understand, master. How do you be attached to someone, but not fear to lose them?" You asked, the two of you entering a room to keep away prying ears "Treasure them while you have them, and rejoice when they return to the force. You can mourn them, you can miss them, that is natural. But do not allow the negative emotions to overcome you." Qui Gon explained, patting you on the shoulder. "Death is a natural thing, Y/N, and once you accept that, you will never succumb to the dark side."
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32 BBY
You were preparing to leave on your first mission with Master Plo, chatting with Karina when the news came in. Master Qui Gon and his Padawan Obi Wan Kenobi came to blows with the first Sith Lord seen in decades, and in the confrontation, the Sith Zabrak named Maul struck down Master Qui Gon. "Are you okay, Y/N? I know you too were close." Karina asked, her hand on your shoulder in an attempt to comfort you. "It is fine, Karina. Master Qui Gon is now one with the force." You answered solemnly, placing your hand on your heart, mourning a master, and an unlikely friend. "I must leave now, Karina, I do not want to leave Master Plo waiting." You said, brushing yourself off and heading to find the Kel Dor Jedi Master. "Wait, Y/N!" Karina stopped you, as you turned around. "I heard from Master Plo you'll be heading to Ilum to construct a new lightsaber?" She asked, to which you nodded. Karina then took a small jewel from her robes."This is a jewel from my home planet, I want you to have it. You could add it to your lightsaber hilt, and hopefully it protects you." Karina nervously smiled, her hand stuck out. Truth is, Karina was nervous. She was already worried about you at going out to be a Jedi, the dangers you'd face, but her worries were tempered by the fact that you were more than capable on your own and that you had Master Plo to protect you. But now...with Sith Lords back, capable of defeating extremely talented duelist like Master Qui Gon...what would become of you? Looking at it, you smiled, hugging the girl who had her arms outstretched. "Thank you, Karina. It's a good thing to remember you by." You held the jewel gently in your hand, backing away from Karina. Karina wanted you to stay. Wanted to keep you close. Keep you safe. She didn't know what this feeling was, but she didn't like it. But she knew she couldn't stop you. "May the Force be with you, my friend." Karina smiled, bowing to you as you bowed back
27 BBY
Karina had not talked to you for 4 years, and Karina had been plagued with thoughts of you. She was losing sleep too. She had heard that Master Plo and you were fighting a terrorist splinter group on Thera Minor, and there had been radio silence from the two of you. Looking around, Karina finds a master to seek council, and as fate, or the force, would will it, Master Yoda came walking down the temple, observing the training "Master Yoda, could I seek council?" Karina asked, bowing to the little green master. He nodded in agreement, as the two walked to the training room.
"To discuss, what would you like?" Master Yoda enquired, as the two sat "I'm conflicted, Master Yoda. I feel myself getting attached to someone, and I'm constantly in fear for them." Karina disclosed, as Master Yoda listened intently, running his hand through the remnants of his wispy white hair "Attachment leads to jealousy. The shadow of greed, that is." Yoda said "So what must I do, Master Yoda..." Karina asked nervously "You must let go of everything you fear to lose." Yoda explained, Karina looking uneasy now. She had been close to you for 6 years, more than half her life. How could she just let go of you...but she didn't have a choice, she thought. It was the Jedi Code after all "Thank you, Master Yoda." Karina bowed, before walking away
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23 BBY
Karina fidgeted nervously at the landing pads. After 9 years, you were finally returning to the Jedi Temple with Master Plo, at a time that she was there too. How were you going to be like? Were you going to have changed? These thoughts plagued Karina's mind, all the thoughts being wiped as she saw the ship carrying the two Jedi. Seeing Karina at the landing pad, you leaped off the ship, running and throwing your friend into an embrace. "Karina-ah, I missed you so much!" You said as you felt the girl tense up under your hug. Karina smiled, she didn't want to but she was still attached to you. You and her had not interacted for more than half the time you had known each other, yet both of you felt like friends who could and would talk everyday. As Karina walked with you to the training hall, she noticed your lightsaber, replaced with a double bladed lightsaber, with a clasp in the middle that seemingly allowed the lightsaber staff to be split into two separate lightsabers. On the clasp laid Karina's jewel, your lucky charm on missions, though the Masters would claim that there was no such thing as luck. Whenever you were tired or down, seeing the jewel would remind you of her, and that was enough to keep you going. As if sensing Karina's eyes on the lightsaber, you took the lightsaber up, handing it to Karina as she fiddled with the staff, playing around with the handle. "The jewel was the glue of my hilt Karina, thank you for gifting it to me." You explained, Karina nodding a little in embarrassment Hoping to relive an old past time, you gestured to the sparring room, the sparring room the two of you met in, Karina looking on and nodding in agreement. Standing on the opposite sides of the room, Karina ignited her lightsaber, adopting the Ataru stance that she had been utilising for lightsaber combat since the beginning. Opposing her, you ignited your lightsaber staff, shocking Karina as one side shone orange, the other side shone purple, adopting the Soresu stance. "Orange and purple?" Karina questioned. She had not seen an orange lightsaber before, and a purple lightsaber was only ever used by Master Windu. "It's weird, I know. When I bonded to the crystals on Ilum, the crystals seemed to react weirdly. Master Plo didn't understand it, but he said that it was the will of the force, and that the crystal probably sensed something special in me."
The duel commenced, Karina utilising the force to boost her speed, leaping over you and unleashed a flurry of attacks. With the extra coverage provided to you by the length of the Lightsaber staff, it amplified the strength of your defence, as you rotated the staff about you, blocking and parrying the strikes, biding your time as you engaged in a war of attrition.  "Karina, I have something to tell you." You said, the two of you circling each other and thinking of a new way to attack. "When I was with Master Plo on those missions, I couldn't stop thinking abo-" As if sensing what you were about to say, Karina wasn't having any of it, as she attempted to redouble her efforts. She unleashed another barrage of strikes, her lightsaber twirling about in a graceful dance. Karina also used the Force in the fight, probing you for weaknesses with Force pushes and pulls, trying to find a weak spot in your defence. It seemed to work, as your defence started lowering, Karina charged at you to exploit it, but in a flurry, you detached your lightsaber staff to two lightsabers, before charging at Karina with a new stance that she had only seen one person use. "Vaapad?" Karina questioned, as she was put on the back foot, parrying and ducking from your new aggressive advance. Vaapad was a style of Lightsaber combat that blurred the line between the Light and the Dark side of the Force, drawing on the use of both the Dark side of the force as much as the Light, channeling it into a controlled aggression. It also utilises the opponents aggression against themself. "I picked it up from Master Billaba when she helped Master Plo and I on a relief mission at Plaus Prime." You explained, your lightsabers at the ready now. Karina upped the intensity of her combat, Karina's acrobatic movements and precise strikes danced in harmony with your fierce and unpredictable attacks, a battle of finesse and raw powers. Switching it up, in the middle of your charge, you reattach your two lightsabers back into a singular lightsaber staff. Flummoxed by the new complexity the staff brought about to your Vaapad style, Karina stumbled, and while she was able to deal with some blows, she was eventually disarmed by you, as the two of you smiled, enjoying the fight as you kept your lightsaber, the two of you laying on the floor of the sparring room.
"So, Karina, as I was saying, when I was gone, I couldn't stop thinking about you, and I...I think we're meant to be." You confessed, turning to face Karina. "What are you saying?" Karina asked, an uneasy feeling settling in her chest as she knew what you meant. "I love you, Karina, and I want to be together with you. If you'll have me." You said, blushing slightly. "No." Karina monotonously said, to which you recoiled a little. "The Jedi code forbids our attachment. We're taught detachment, lest we stray from the Light side."  "But what about being happy? Finding love?" You asked, slightly disappointed and exasperated by the staunch belief Karina adopted. "I'm sorry, Y/N. Emotions like love cloud our judgement, and we as Jedi are the defenders of the people, that is the first, and only priority."  "...I understand. I must go now. Master Plo needs me with him to debrief the council." You said, disappointed, slinking away from the room, leaving Karina laying on the ground, an empty feeling permeating through her chest.
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22 BBY(After the Battle of Geonosis)
The Jedi were in disarray. They suffered many losses at the hands of the Seperatist battle droids, and they were now pulled into an intergalactic war. Karina was taken as Padawan by Master Bae, and was assigned to the 29th Battalion. As Karina and Master Bae prepared for deployment to the planet of Saleucami, Karina heard whispers of Jedi leaving the order. One name stuck out to her, of course. You. Slightly guilt stricken at pushing you away, she stood there, a little stunned. "What's wrong, Karina?" Master Bae asked, worried at her padawan's demeanour. "No, Master Bae." Karina bowed, as the two went to meet Commander Tyras
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19 BBY(Back in the present)
Karina sat warily at the table, still in shock of seeing you again. You presented her with some tea, as you closed the door behind you, walking to your room to repair the cryo stasis tank still laying in it. "What have you been doing all these years?" Karina asked, nervously sipping the tea. You explained the training you had been doing, helping from the shadows so as to not give away your position, but as you explained, all Karina could think about was the regret that swelled in her whenever she looked at you. Her attachment to you was forbidden by the Jedi code. But that same Jedi code allowed a Sith lord to grow right under the Jedi order's nose, for the Sith Lord to now be the commanding power in the galaxy. Not just that, the same code that pushed the chosen one into the arms of the dark side. So, was the Jedi code always right? Sensing Karina's inner conflict, you turned, sitting down beside her as you patted her on the back. "I missed you, Karina." You said with a smile, the same smile that melted Karina, it always did. "I'm sorry for...then..." Karina muttered, as you shook your head "You believed in the Jedi code, that is your right, and I had no right to force or pressure you." You replied, getting up to prime some machines "Maybe I was wrong." Karina spoke up, stopping you in your track. Turning around, you saw Karina with a small bittersweet smile, walking up to you and throwing you into an embrace. "I should have done this ages ago." Karina whispered, as you smiled. "I love you, Y/N." Karina whispered into your neck, as you reciprocated, a smile etched across your face.
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18 BBY
"I'm home honey!" Karina shouted out as she entered the home, setting down some supplies she had acquired from the town in Naevis, but hearing you talk to someone, a voice Karina recognised as the deceased Master Qui Gon "Vader is coming for you, Y/N. He knows you're here." "There's no point running, is there?" Your voice rang out, as Karina tensed up from the conversation. She had heard talks about a new killing machine who worked for the emperor. He found them? "He's turned the civilian population as hostages against other survivors. He will not relent till he takes you. I'm afraid it might be time."  "I understand, Master Qui Gon. I'll enact protocol refuge for Karina, at least she'll be safe. Thank you for the warning." "May the Force be with you, my friend."
Walking out of your room, you were greeted by Karina with a conflicted look on her face.  "You heard that didn't you?" You asked, as Karina went to a small compartment of the house, pulling her old lightsaber out. "I'm not letting you get yourself killed, Y/N. We can take whoever's coming, together." Karina said, as you stared worriedly at her. "We can't beat Vader, Karina. Please. I want to at least keep you safe."  Shaking her head, Karina tossed you your lightsaber. Instead of preparing yourselves for the fight, you instead pulled Karina out of the house, laying a picnic mat on the ground as the two of you held each other, understanding that should the battle go wrong, this was their last moments together. Laying on the mat, you held Karina close to you, reminiscing on the moments you two had together. "I love you, Karina, you know that right?" You whispered "I love you too Y/N." She whispered back, trying to calm herself down for the impending storm. Karina got up, suddenly feeling a little weird. "I'm sorry Karina. This is for the best. I'll see you soon." You said, holding Karina's body before she fell.  Sensing the presence of Vader near the planet, you bolted to your cryo stasis pod. Laying Karina's unconscious body in the pod, you looked at her lovingly for the last time, placing a light kiss on her forehead, before engaging protocol refuge, the stasis pod closing, then falling beneath the surface.
You sat at the middle of your home, meditating with your lightsaber on the ground before you, as you heard a mechanical breathing, your door flinging away as the Dark Lord of the Sith, clad in his black armour walked through the door.
Opening your eyes, you got up, facing Vader as you stared each other down. Vader ignited his crimson lightsaber, it hummed ominously in the darkness, as you held your lightsaber staff close to your face, touching your forehead to the jewel gifted to you by the love of your life all those years ago. 
Taking up the usual Soresu stance, you took a defensive stance as Vader began his assault. With precise movements, you deflected Vader's powerful strikes, channeling the Force to anticipate and neutralize each attack. You spun your lightsaber staff with elegance and control, its dual blades creating a formidable barrier against Vader's relentless assault. Vader pressed on with his assault, each strike more forceful than the last, taking it's toll on your defence as you were slowly overwhelmed by the sheer strength of the Dark Lord.
Sensing the futility of a war of attrition, you detached your lightsaber staff into two lightsabers, adopting the Vaapad style, unleashing a flurry of slashes and blows that surprised the Dark Lord, but not nearly enough to take him down, as Vader adapted to the new speed of the assault, going blow for blow with you.  Your lightsabers were a blur, as the speed of your assault clashed with the sluggish but still powerful blows of Vader
Slowly, Vader's experience and sheer power began to take its toll. Your relentless assault could not match the dark lord's indomitable strength. With a resounding strike, Vader disarmed you, causing your lightsabers to clatter to the ground.  As you fell to the ground, the Dark Lord held his lightsaber to your head. "I sense great potential in you, Y/N. Join the emperor, and he will grant you mercy, if you join the empire as an inquisitor." He said, his robotic voice filling the room. With one last spurt of energy, you force pushed Vader back, drawing your lightsabers to you once again. "Not while I draw breath, Skywalker." You replied, as Vader stood opposed silent but with killing intent "Draw your last." Vader replied, charging at you. You parried his first strike, dodging the second, but the third found it's way through your abdomen. As you fell to the ground, you clasped the jewel in your hand, your life flashing before your eyes, but mostly, it was her. The first time you saw Karina hiding behind the pillar, the duels you had, the meals and talks you had, the way she'd look at you and told you that she loved you. "I love you, Karina." You whispered hoarsely, before disappearing into thin air. Looking on in confusion, Vader stood, staring that the now empty cloak on the ground, before turning around, leaving the room.
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??? BBY/ABY?
Karina shot up from her pod, looking around worriedly as she saw two unknown figures, one male and one female. Pulling her lightsaber up, she questioned, "Who are you?" "Calm down, my name is Luke Skywalker. This is my wife, Mara Jade. We found your location inside a holocron." He explained, as he handed you the holocron. "We came in search of a Jedi, we'll need help in reestablishing the Jedi order." Mara Jade explained, as Karina looked in confusion. "The empire fell? How many years have I been asleep?" Karina questioned, as Luke nodded. "40 years." Luke said, as Karina lowered her head. "We found this in your pod. We'll give you some space." Luke said, as both of them left the room. With a wave of her hand, the holocron opened, as a hologram of you showed up. "Hey Rina. If you're seeing this, it means Vader caught up with us, but at least you made it out safe. That's good. I'm sorry it had to end that way, but I had to protect you. I have faith that the light side will return, and when it does, they'll need you to help, and I know you're more than capable. So go, my love, help the next generation of Jedi. And don't forget. I will always love you, Karina, and know that even now, as I return to the force, I still love you."  Karina looked lovingly at your figure, tears slowly streaming down her face. Looking around the room, she saw it. Your ruined lightsabers. Covered by the dust and rubble. Karina walked over to the lightsabers, picking them up as she stared, feeling herself beginning to sob. Sitting amidst the rubble, she ran her fingers across the joining piece of the lightsabers of her beloved, her gift to you all those years ago. Her mind flickered to every moment you shared together, her grip around the lightsaber tightening in anguish. In her mind, she had just shared her last picnic with you. The last memory she had of you, flashing back and forth across her mind. Carrying the lightsabers, she went to the bed the two of you shared at the home, sitting down, before feeling a presence next to her. From the side of her eye, a blue hue sat. Sharing a tender smile, she whispered "Hello my love."
A/N2: Sorry guys, this might not be the kind of fic you're used to from me, I just wanted to indulge in writing a Star Wars universe Fic. Hope you enjoyed it regardless!
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miyuhpapayuh · 2 years
You've been missed.
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Odell Beckham Jr as Ryan
"I shouldn't even be calling you, right now...." Tyra stresses, staring down at her deep navy nails.
"Then, why are you?" Ryan asks, with a slight slur in his words. He had been drinking and her calling was the icing on the cake for him.
"Can you just come over? I don't wanna do this over the phone."
He sighs, heavily. "Aight. Give me ten."
She hangs up and tosses her phone beside her.
This has been the third sporadic time this month, she'd decided to call him up to have him fulfill her needs, which he secretly enjoyed. Maybe even a little more than she did.
She stands up from her bed and walks towards her full-length mirror, fixing her midnight blue lingerie set against her mahogany complexion.
Her phone buzzes with a single text message. She picks her phone up and smirks, feeling his impatience radiate through the screen.
🙄 Bring yo ass downstairs.
Pulling her black robe up from her chair and slipping it on, she heads downstairs and unlocks her front door, finding him leaning against the doorframe.
"Wassup, mama?" He walks inside, causing her to walk backwards. He closes the door behind himself and wraps an arm around her waist, pulling her close to him.
"I missed you." She pouts, running her finger along the gold chain adorning his neck.
He wears a smirk that's currently making her insides do somersaults. "I know you did, babygirl. I missed yo pretty ass, too."
"You ain't sound like it on the phone." Her brows furrow. He licks his lips, before kissing hers.
"Cause you be tryna act like you don't know what you want. You can ask for this dick, anytime you want, you know that." A smile spreads across her lips, before she can stop it.
"You're annoying."
"Mhm, my annoying ass bout to put you to sleep."
Picking her up, he tosses her over his shoulder and heads upstairs, into her room. Placing her on the bed, he pulls his shirt over his head and climbs on top of her, pushing the robe away from her shoulder.
"Oh, it's like that? You must be feenin'." His arrogance would usually get on her nerves, but in this moment, it made her wetter.
Instead of responding, she grabs his chin and presses her lips against his, moaning into his mouth.
Snatching the robe off completely, his lips find her neck and begin working on her sweet spot. Her hands slide down his chest and unbutton his jeans, tugging them down.
Pushing her hands away, he slides down on his knees and pulls her panties to the side, salivating at the sight of her nectar covered lips.
Placing his thumb on her clit, he rubs it in circles, while she stares down at him through her lashes.
"She missed you, daddy..." running her hand over his curls, she purrs and moves her hips against his hand.
"I see that shit. You wet as hell." Removing his hand, he places a kiss on her clit, causing her hips to jerk.
"Stop playin'..."
Ryan smirks and removes her panties, before running his tongue along her slit. Her mouth falls open and her thighs quiver slightly.
"Fuck..." his tongue wraps around her bud, sucking hard enough to make her eyes roll back, then soft enough to make her moans rise in volume.
"Unh! I missed your mouth on me... fuck!" Tyra's voice squeaks at the end of her sentence, due to him covering her entire mound with his wet mouth, running his tongue up and down her folds.
"Oh my God—" her hands push at his shoulders, trying to push him away from her sopping wet core. Ryan's hands grip her hips, keeping her in place.
"I'm gonna cum!" Her head falls back onto the bed as her orgasm rises quickly. She drapes a leg over his shoulder, beginning to twist underneath him.
"Ohh fuck! I'm cumming!" Pushing her leg up, Ryan continues to slurp her honey, while she cries out and scoots away from him.
Ryan stands up and pushes his jeans and briefs the rest of the way down, allowing Tyra to catch her breath. Soon enough, his thick rod makes an appearance and her second set of lips slick all over again at the sight.
"Come here, daddy." She purrs, dragging her hand down her body. Obliging, he pulls her towards the edge of the bed and glides into her without a second thought.
Tyra's eyes flutter shut, and her mouth falls open. Ryan stills inside of her, gripping her thigh to sustain his self-control.
"God dammit, girl." Wasting not a single minute, he begins to thrust into her, heavily. Her fingers wrap around his wrist, squeezing tightly.
"Ah ssss—shit! Just like that, baby."
Pulling her leg onto his waist, Ryan bites her skin and picks up speed, much to Tyra's liking. Her praises fill his ears like his favorite song, while her nails find his chest and leave scratches behind.
"You love this dick?"
"Say that shit."
"I love it— I love this dick, babyyy!" She pulls him down to her level, sliding her tongue into his mouth, moaning at the sweet taste of her left behind.
Retracting his hips, Ryan begins slamming into her, jacking her breathing up. His hand finds her neck, cutting off the rest of her oxygen and sending her body into a frenzy.
His lips find her ear, mumbling the nastiest shit she's ever heard him say. Her chest caves as her walls do the same, closing in on him.
"You're so deep.... so deep..."
"You want me to stop?"
"No!— don't stop!"
"Say it, again."
"Don't stop! Oh my God, please don't stop!"
His thrusts continue to make her core tighten. She grips the back of his neck, feeling her peak crashing towards her.
"I'm cumming!" Her walls suck him into a tight grip as her climax hits.
Before she can fully react, she's on her knees, arched perfectly for his taking.
"You ain't think I was done, did you?" He asks against of her ear.
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iminmypeace · 2 years
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officialleehadan · 2 months
Red Sky at Night
Four days later Eione was helping Tyra to pack up her booth when she saw Evan coming down the aisle towards them.
“Eione honey, is that aimed at you?” Tyra asked. She shot an appreciative look at the blonde diver. “You’re a lucky girl.”
Evan had pulled his hair back from his face and swapped out his usual tshirts for a simple white tank top under an open button down with short sleeves. Paired with comfortably worn blue denim pants, he looked very handsome.
He had a green canvas bag over one shoulder and an easy smile on his face.
“We’re going on a date,” Eione shared shyly, making Tyra beam. “It’s new, don’t tease.”
“Now that there explains why you’re all dolled up your ownself.” Tyra announced, giving Eione a once-over with a speculative eye. “Pretty as a picture you are.”
Eione blushed and looked down self-consciously.
Her dress was the same soft teal as the water just offshore and had a drift of small iridescent beads sewn down the straps and onto the front of the bodice. For practicalities’ sake she had braided her hair that morning when Jakob picked her up, but she twined a strand of tiny shell flakes into the braid.
“I wanted to look nice,” she mumbled, tugging at the hem of her dress anxiously until Tyra patted her shoulder. “I haven’t been on a date in a long time.”
“You look like an angel. Poor man won’t know what hit him.” She said before she vanished into the back of her booth with a wink as Evan walked up.
“Hi there,” Evan said, smile brightening his entire face. “You look beautiful.”
Eione was stuck speechless for a moment before she scraped her brain off the floor, returned his smile, and took his extended hand. She waved quickly at Tyra as they turned to walk away and ignored the enthusiastic thumbs-up she got from her friend. “Thank you. How are you? Did your dive go well?”
Evan led her down the path towards the water and Eione was glad she had slipped her sandals on before she started to help Tyra. She didn’t have to enjoy shoes to know there were sharp bits on the road.
“I’m good and the dive went great,” he told her happily. “Not a single hitch and we found some amazing fossils.”
He looked so excited Eione couldn’t help but laugh. “I’m so glad to hear it. And your gear? Were you able to get it back?”
He dimmed a little, but didn’t lose his smile. “Yeah. After getting a good look at it, I didn’t want to trust it. I’ve been thinking about a replacement for a while now anyway. My set was starting to show the miles I’ve put on it.”
Eione nodded. She was cringing inside that she had managed to ruin his expensive rebreather. He didn’t seem too broken up about it however and she tried to let it go. Honestly, there was probably no way she could have gotten him out of the cave with all of it on. It kept getting tangled. With it on he was heavier than she could manage, even in water.
“You went to Nassau for a new one?”
“Yeah. Had a few choices. I got lucky though. I found one in the same make as my old one. It does have a better ‘brain’ and I think it’s going to be reliable.”
“Brain?” she wasn’t sure what a brain could be in a rebreather.
“The computer chip that controls the gas mix I breathe,” Evan explained without judgement. It was a complicated piece of equipment. He had probably explained it many times before. “The better ‘brain’ the rebreather has, the more likely it is to keep a diver breathing the right stuff at the right time.”
“A new one can only be a good thing then?” That made her feel better as they stepped out from under the palms onto the small white beach beyond.
The water tugged softly at the sand and Eione felt herself breathe easier at just being close to the ocean. Evan seemed to feel the same way because his shoulders relaxed the barest measure and he twined his fingers with hers.
“It’s a good thing. Like I said, I’ve been thinking about upgrading to a new one for a while.”
“I’m glad for you then, that you got an upgrade that will help to keep you safe in the water.”
“Thanks,” he said, giving her hand a gentle squeeze. The look he gave her was one of surprised pleasure. “So how have things been going for you?”
Eione shrugged, trying to think of something interesting to tell him before she realized she had a bit of news he might be glad to know.
“I went with Jakob to the cave the two of you found.” she told him, watching his eyes light up. “And went down into the cave when the tide was slack.”
“Did he tell you about the fish we saw? Did you see it?” he asked her eagerly.
“He told me, yes, but I didn’t see anything.”
She hated to disappoint him, but it was true. Evan had seen Kotone in the water that day and Jakob recognized the Japanese mermaid. As he always did, the chart-maker told Eione and Mavis that someone might have seen one of the shoal.
The twins hadn’t been anywhere near when Eione had explored the hole the next day. They kept to themselves almost as much as Zamara, who didn’t even check in with Mavis all that often.
“What do you think it was?” Evan asked her, unaware of her wandering thoughts. “Jakob thought it might be a marlin.”
“It’s odd to find a marlin so close to shore. The dolphins come in sometimes.” Eione told him another truth that would cover the truth she did not want to share. “They don’t like the sonar and it makes them jump.”
“Might even have been a shark. They’re not blue, but that could have been a trick of the light.” Evan admitted, although he seemed disappointed by the news. He gazed out at the water, which threw off bright reflections from the sun and sky. “I didn’t get a great look at it anyway.”
Eione nodded. She didn’t dare tell him what he had actually seen and she hoped he would find something else to talk about before she had to lie outright. He let the topic slide and grinned when she slipped off her sandals in favor of the soft sand.
“Not big on shoes, are you?” he teased her gently, but stopped long enough to pull off his shoes, tie them together, and sling them over his shoulder with his bag before he let her pull him to the water’s edge. “With sand like this, I can’t say I blame you.”
“I like to feel what’s under my feet,” Eione said, tugging him down towards the water eagerly. They couldn’t go for a swim, but she wanted to feel water on her skin.
The small waves splashed up her calves and Eione breathed a little easier. She had been so nervous about this date. As it always did, the water offered a calm she couldn’t find on land.
Evan quickly rolled his pants up to his knees and waded in after her. He was clearly as happy in the cool water as she was. With the last of her nerves banished, Eione looked up at him with a bright smile and leaned against his side when he looped an arm around her shoulders.
“So how did you get into diving? You never said at dinner the other day,” he asked as they walked down the beach slowly with the waves rushing over their feet every few steps.
“My mother,” Eione told him softly. “Father was a fisherman and Mother would fish with a spear. She taught me and my sister.”
“Never been away from the water have you?”
“It is in my name.”
Evan grinned. “Okay, you got me there,” He agreed. He laughed when she splashed him playfully.
“How did you find diving?” she asked, dancing away when he splashed her back. “Was it a hobby to start?”
“My parents.” Evan told her. He didn’t quite manage to dodge her next salvo and shrugged it off easily. The evening was warm and Eione knew they would be dry long before the sun finished setting. “They were diving instructors up in San Francisco. Lost them in a car accident a while back.”
“I’m sorry for asking.”
“It’s okay.” Evan assured her, reaching out to take her hand as they left the water to keep walking along the white sand. “I miss them, but it’s been a long time, you know?”
“I do.”
Looking for something to distract him, Eione spotted a pod of dolphins playing in the waves just off the beach. When they saw her they darted closer. They probably wanted her to come out into the water, but she shook her head and smiled.
“Look,” she said, pointing to the pod. “They don’t come in this close very often.” The pod swirled around the reef to whistle at her again.
Evan grinned and waved to them. He couldn’t possibly know what they wanted. Eione doubted he could even hear them, but their enthusiasm was obvious to anyone. The dolphins were excited as the pod splashed closer before they turned again and headed farther out to sea.
Evan laughed breathlessly. “I really like dolphins,” he admitted, eyes on the retreating pod.
Eione watched them leave before she looked up at him. “I see them on my morning swim sometimes.” She told him. “I love them. They’ll chase off a shark if they see one and they’re always so cheerful.
Some mermaids could talk to the creatures of the sea, but Eione wasn’t one of them. It was easy to understand what the dolphins wanted though, and their good moods were contagious. If she met them early enough before market, she played with them before she started hunting for the day.
“They’re friendly here,” Evan said, his eyes on the pod until they disappeared in the waves. “Last time I was in China, they were so skittish we barely saw them.”
“They get hunted there sometimes,” Eione told him sadly. The dolphins and the mermaids both faced more hunters than they would prefer. “They’ve learned to fear humans but they love those waters too much to leave.”
“Can’t blame them for that much,” Evan murmured with a hint of resentment that Eione suspected was directed at the hunters. “I love diving in China when I can.”
“I’ve never been.”
Eione listened as he told her about diving for wrecks from the wars and decided she would talk to Anita about going to China on their next vacation. The older woman liked China, and there were still parts of that sea where Eione could swim without being seen. If she was lucky, they might even see a dragon.
When they reached a small picnic table set just above the tideline, Evan led her over to sit.
“I brought nourishment,” he said, pulling his bag off his shoulder and opening it to show her a couple bottles of water and several containers full of fruit. “Anita told me you like fruit, I didn’t think restaurants were really your style.”
Eione was surprised and touched that he noticed how uncomfortable she was with crowds and planned ahead. When he was done unpacking they had water, fruit, and he had produced several sandwiches for them both.
“Spicy beef, for the lady,” he teased. “And sesame chicken for me. I love that little deli by the dock by the way.”
“I get breakfast from them sometimes,” Eione agreed, very familiar with the town’s businesses and fond of easy food she could pack in a waterproof bag when she wanted to go out on a longer swim. “They’re always reliable.”
She hadn’t realized how hungry she was and the burn of the spices was welcome. Evan seemed to feel the same way. His sandwich vanished as quickly as hers did. The fruit was next and they sat in comfortable silence watching the waves as they passed the small containers between them.
When they were done he packed the dishes back into the bag and set it in the sand by their feet. The sun was starting to set and the evening wind blew wisps of Eione’s hair back from her face.
The breeze was cool and she glanced up at Evan before shyly scooting over until she could rest against his side. He smiled and wrapped an arm around her shoulders. The beach faded from white to red as the sun sank behind the island and lit the summer clouds.
“Red sky at night, Sailor’s delight.” Eione said softly, and closed her eyes as she leaned her head against Evan’s shoulder. “Tomorrow will be a good day.”
Under Stone
White Sand Sky
The Hint of Answers
Drift to Home
Boats and Salt Wind
Eyes of the Ocean
Dinner Cruise
Water's Cares (Subscriber Only!)
Beneath Bahamian Waters
Gossip Surf (Subscriber Only!)
Diving Discussion
At Dinner
Over Dinner Overnight (Subscriber Only!)
Market Wares(Subscriber Only!)
Meeting Friends
Date Secured
Mystery Fish
Red Sky at Night 
Storm Revealed (NEW!)
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theleonardkatz · 2 months
setting: Friday, July 19th at Whimsy World's Summerween Event
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Leonard was seated at the large booth just outside of the Haunted House in a proper throne. With a crown on his head. And a cape and scepter. Incidentally, things he already had lying around and not purchased specially for Summerween. Regardless, there was a clipboard resting on his leg and an elegant feathered pen in his left hand. "Now what makes you think you have what it takes to be Blue Harbor's Next Summerween Monarch?" He went back and forth on how to incorporate a non-binary term to replace 'king' since everyone deserved the chance to show off their spookiness (and he would always hold the title of king). Tyra Banks and Ru Paul both approved of the term though so Leonard was proud.
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