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gponthemoveyt · 5 months ago
Telehealth can be useful! :)
Telehealth can be useful! :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jsZh3Yf9blY Check out the sponsor of this video! https://www.youtube.com/@WELLROOM-hq3qk In this video, we explore why face-to-face doctor appointments often surpass telehealth consultations. From the nuances of in-person diagnosis and the ability to conduct thorough physical exams to the personal connection and reassurance patients feel, we break down the advantages that make traditional visits indispensable. Learn how direct interactions can lead to better healthcare outcomes, the importance of hands-on procedures, and why sometimes, seeing your doctor in person makes all the difference. Join us as we dive into the vital benefits of face-to-face medical care. 3 Reasons GPs Love Australia - https://youtu.be/YfiZZtZnHXg Common Presenting Complaints in GP - https://youtu.be/QS2CSh9Mxd8 How to Manage a Complaint in General Practice - https://youtu.be/87ZhYYPnfeU How to use Autofills in Best Practice #shortcuts - https://youtu.be/2oQFMAek9bc WHO AM I: I’m Mike, a General Practitioner in working in Perth, Western Australia and my YouTube channel is all about medicine, productivity and creating efficiency in GP land. I am the author of both the "How to Use Emis as a Clinician Course" - The ULTIMATE 50+ lesson course about the clinical system EMIS WEB for General Practice and "GP on the Move - The Medical Audiobook with Clinical Guidelines". 💌 Sign up to my monthly email newsletter - https://bit.ly/GPOTMNews 🌍 My website - https://www.gponthemove.com​ 🐦 Twitter - https://twitter.com/gponthemoveX​ 📸 Instagram - https://ift.tt/fpdCAEr 👋 Start Here! My TOP 5 Best Videos: 👨🏾‍⚕️ A Day In The Life of a Doctor | GP (General Practitioner) Working from Home | Pyjama Clinic - https://youtu.be/gTxvKhQC2Kg ⚡️ Productivity Desk Setup for Remote Working for General Practice and Beyond in 2021 - https://youtu.be/a7BFwAR45eg 🌍 Green Inhaler Prescribing | Environmental Impact of Inhalers | Switching Inhaler | Eco Inhalers - https://youtu.be/FJ2MT2cjTS8 💰 DO LOCUM GPs REALLY MAKE MORE MONEY THAN SALARIED GPs? | Locum Vs Salaried Money - https://youtu.be/Fd-Q3QvvSCk 📮 Complete Emis Web Tutorial in 5 Mins! | Emis Training For Beginners | Emis Web - https://youtu.be/LL1MTT3OzGU via GP ON THE MOVE https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCH8E-LmYYjiisRcPvh3aBaQ October 05, 2024 at 10:00AM
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nexthlive · 1 year ago
The BIG Problem in the WINE WORLD
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moshintheteagaiwan · 3 years ago
Dollars vs. Puerh
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For those of you who may be a bit more experience with buying Puerh, you have no doubt come across terms like “budget tea” or “everyday drinker tea” amongst many variations. These terms are based around non-expensive teas that are affordable for people on a budget. The teas are also often described as being a good value for your dollar, or good enough to scratch the itch. In other words teas that are good enough to want to drink daily, that don’t cost a lot, but that are also not as good or as great of quality as a cake that would cost says between $80-$200.
And so when it comes to Puerh that care labeled as “Old Arbor”, “Gushu” or “Ancient Tree” you very rarely see any of the above terms included in their descriptions. This is because these teas are “supposedly” made from very rare and expensive material that comes from old tea trees/ plants. I say “supposedly” because until you’ve tasted it, and have they experience to know the difference, we don’t actually know how true this is. Is it could be, but we are also at the mercy of the information given by the vendor, but I’ll dig into that another day.
My personal opinion on this is that all tea should be an everyday drinker, and everyday drinker tea should be just as good as the uber expensive teas. After all who wants to buy all these tasty teas and not be able to enjoy them as often as they want? I can understand having maybe 1 or 2 cakes that you drink on occasion because they are expensive, but for the most part your tea should always be delicious, high quality and affordable. But when it comes to these high cost teas, shouldn’t the taste of them reflect the price??? Good question!
I wanted an answer, and so to get it I did 2 blind taste tests. One with myself alone and then a second one with 3 friends. For these blind tastings I bought 4 sample sizes of Raw Puerh from White2Tea. The teas ranged in price from “Budget” to “Medium Expensive” to “Upper Expensive” to “Broke the Bank”. Each teas was blind tasted side by side, with no information besides what I was tasting. This same method was followed with 3 friends all of whom have little to no experience with Puerh. The outcome being how many of us would pick the more expensive teas simply based around taste.
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The 4 teas tasted in order of price range lowest to highest were: (Canadian $)
- 2021 Hotline Space Coyote ($6.81 per sample or $43.25 per cake)
- 2021 680 ($13.17 per sample or $87.78 per cake)
- 2021 The Thing Is ($21.63 per sample or $147.57 per cake
- 2021 Is a Gift ($45.80 per sample or $316.77 per cake)
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Now let me just say that all of them were very good but all for different reasons. I have so many tasting notes that I won’t include them with this post but maybe at a later date I’ll do a more detailed on. But as for results for the tasting I did on my own I very much preferred the “Budget” and “Medium Expensive” teas over the higher priced ones. 680 was my favorite of the 4, so much so that I will be buying a full cake in the future.
The results for the group tasting very different. 1 of the 3 favored the “Budget” tea over all others while the other 2 both favored the higher priced teas. So that’s 4 tasters, all with 3 different results. What does this mean? It means exactly what I thought going into the experiment which is that while price may reflect the material used to make the teas, it in no way reflects taste, and therefore a high price does not mean the teas will be good or bad. Ultimately taste is up to the drinker or the individual. And so what I think you should take from this as either a beginner, intermediate or well experience Puerh drinker is that should pay little attention to price and more to your gut.
Judge based on not only the price, but also the look of the tea, the description, reviews, and if you want to jump in that deep, where the tea was harvested and stored. But ultimately don’t avoid buying a Puerh because it’s classed as “Budget” and don’t buy because it’s expensive “Gushu”.
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tiptopdailymarket · 4 years ago
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Delicious wine made by wonderful people! Grab a bottle or 3!! 🍷🍷🍷 Posted @withregram • @ebonywineandspirits There will be wine and then it will be Ebony, now that’s how we do wine #ebonywinebycamelliasorganics Don’t just do wine 🍷 Experience Ebony. . . . #ebonywine #Ebonybycamelliasorganics #camelliasorganics The essences of darkness enriched, smooth and plentiful with the taste of melanin captured in wine submerged in a bottle or pure elegance. . . .⁣ .⁣ .⁣ .⁣ #winetime #blackownedwine #wine #greatwine #rarewine #instawine #rare #winelover #blindtasting #winestagram #winesofinstagram #finewine #wineeducation #wineblog #champagne #wines #champagnelover #wineporn #webuyblack #blackownedbusiness #culture #womeninwine #wine #winelover #winetime #winestagram #winelife #wineoclock #winelovers #winewinewine (at Tip Top Daily Market) https://www.instagram.com/p/CLpZktAJOsz/?igshid=dgjwti3w4c1e
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invinoevn · 2 years ago
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*Ներառում է մսի և պանրի տեսականի *Includes a meat and cheese platter. Երեկոն կանցկացվի Անգլերեն՝ Հայերեն թարգմանությամբ: The evening will take place in English with Armenian translation. Մարտի 13-ին մենք նշում ենք Ռիզլինգի միջազգային օրը։ Եկեք միասին բացահայտենք Ռիսլինգի տարբեր դրսևորումները կույր համտեսի միջոցով: Երեկոյի ընթացքում կներկայացնենք այս սորտից պատրաստված 5 գինի՝ 5 տարբեր շրջաններից, ապա կույր համտեսի միջոցով կփորձենք գուշակել ճիշտ հերթականությունը։ Առաջին 3 հոգին, ովքեր կգուշակեն բոլոր գինիների ճիշտ հերթականությունը, կստանան մրցանակ: Տեղերը սահմանափակ են: Ամրագրելու համար խնդրում ենք անցնել հղումով կամ այցելել Ին Վինո: Հարցերի դեպքում զանգահարեք (010)521931 Երեկոյի գինիներ | Wines of the evening 1. Հյուգել Րիզլինգ 2021 Hugel Riesling 2. Վենտե Վինյարդս Րիզլինգ 2018 Wente Vineyards Riesling 3. Սրբ.Միշել էպան Րիզլինգ 2019 St.Michelle Eppan Riesling 4. Լոյմեր Լենզ Րիզլինգ Loimer Lenz Riesling 5. Նիկ Վայս Բոկստեին Րիզլինգ 2021 Nik Weis Bockstein Kabinett Riesling On March 13th we are celebrating International Riesling Day! Let’s discover the various expressions of Riesling together through a blind tasting! During the evening we will present 5 various wines from 5 different regions made out of the Riesling variety, then, through a blind tasting, we will try to guess the correct order. The first 3 to guess the order of all wines, get a prize! Seating is limited. To reserve your spot follow the link or visit In Vino. You can reach us at (010)521931 #Armenia #Yerevan #6Saryan #InVino #Սարյան #ԻնՎինո #whitewine #riesling #internationalrieslingday #winetasting #blindtasting #wine #Germany #USA #Austria #Italy (at In Vino EVN) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpXkuM7sLG4/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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wineup-es · 2 years ago
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Quedan intensas jornadas de cata a ciegas para la nueva edición de la guía Wine Up! 2023. Descarga #gratis la guía Wine Up! (#linkenbio) #WineUp! #comunicacion📢 y #marketing #desde2006 #salondevino #bodegassingulares & #vinosdeautor #guiawineup #guiadevino #godsavethewine #vino #winelover #blindtasting (en Guía de vinos y destilados Wine Up) https://www.instagram.com/p/Co-xTe7NOoZ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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attorneysomm · 6 years ago
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Blind tasting fun! I blinded everyone on my wine to start the night. From that point on, all wines that night were presented blind. And, of course, people then chose wines that were not easy to identify to make things interesting (2006 Patagonia Pinot?!?). Predictably, there were some highs (I correctly called Washington Cabernet and even Cayuse for the ‘16 Camaspelo (swipe left)), and some lows (calling Amarone, then Left Bank Bordeaux for ‘01 Guigal Ex Voto Hermitage Rouge). If you have not tried blind tasting before, give it a shot sometime! My WOTN was the ‘93 Gaja Barbaresco. Initially reticent, this wine unfurled majestically in the glass! Although supposedly an off vintage, this wine was yet another example of amazing terroir and top notch wine making being more important than vintage. The Gaja drank like a champ with notes of licorice, dried red cherry, earth, spice plenty of acidity and a long, complex finish. The pristine bottle of ‘03 Pichon Lalande drank beautifully as well and was a close second. The ‘06 Bodega Chacra from Patagonia was a nice, mature Pinot. The ‘04 Arcadian “Hommage A Max” Syrah from Santa Ynez Valley was drinking incredibly young for its age. When I poured it into the decanter, aromatics of dark red fruit exploded into the air and @rootsandwaterwine called syrah from 5 feet away! @chefdat correctly called 2004 and the AVA. Speaking of Chef DAT, he also prepared an amazing charcuterie tray (pic 2) for us to enjoy. ______________________________#dallasblogger #blindtasting #wine #winetasting #sommelier #sommlife #gaja #piedmont #barbaresco #nebbiolo #bordeaux #pichonlalande #cabernetsauvignon #cabernet #cayuse #washingtonwine #guigal #syrah #rhone #pinotnoir #patagonia #argentinawine #santaynez #chateauneufdupape #oregonpinot #southernrhone (at Roots and Water Wine Room) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bu_1fk5ns7V/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=2fdcwy8suass
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thierryalcantara · 6 years ago
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A great line up for out weekly tasting. Burgundy and Rhone Valley this week. #wine #somm #sommelier #caps #cms #alwayslearning #blindtasting #winetasting #winelover (at Junction Triangle) https://www.instagram.com/thierryalcantara/p/Bu11tEvnioG/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=47f2rrnlwt31
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gponthemoveyt · 5 months ago
Work Life Balance as a GP in Australia
Work Life Balance as a GP in Australia https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RHhEbNnPNrI Ever wondered how much General Practitioners (GPs) earn in Australia? In this video, we break down the average salary, factors that influence earnings and extra consideration to make as a zero hour contractor. Whether you're a medical student or considering a career move, this guide provides essential insights into the financial aspects of being a GP in Australia. 3 Reasons GPs Love Australia - https://youtu.be/YfiZZtZnHXg 3 Reasons NOT to come to Australia as a GP - https://youtu.be/5Ia2oZgRBJo Complete Medicare Guide for IMG GPs in 10 mins! - https://youtu.be/yPuHZ_J_CqU Locum GP Money VERSUS Salaried GP Money (UK) - https://youtu.be/Fd-Q3QvvSCk WHO AM I: I’m Mike, a General Practitioner in working in Perth, Western Australia and my YouTube channel is all about medicine, productivity and creating efficiency in GP land. I am the author of both the "How to Use Emis as a Clinician Course" - The ULTIMATE 50+ lesson course about the clinical system EMIS WEB for General Practice and "GP on the Move - The Medical Audiobook with Clinical Guidelines". 💌 Sign up to my monthly email newsletter - https://bit.ly/GPOTMNews 🌍 My website - https://www.gponthemove.com​ 🐦 Twitter - https://twitter.com/gponthemoveX​ 📸 Instagram - https://ift.tt/c2Ik0PW 👋 Start Here! My TOP 5 Best Videos: 👨🏾‍⚕️ A Day In The Life of a Doctor | GP (General Practitioner) Working from Home | Pyjama Clinic - https://youtu.be/gTxvKhQC2Kg ⚡️ Productivity Desk Setup for Remote Working for General Practice and Beyond in 2021 - https://youtu.be/a7BFwAR45eg 🌍 Green Inhaler Prescribing | Environmental Impact of Inhalers | Switching Inhaler | Eco Inhalers - https://youtu.be/FJ2MT2cjTS8 💰 DO LOCUM GPs REALLY MAKE MORE MONEY THAN SALARIED GPs? | Locum Vs Salaried Money - https://youtu.be/Fd-Q3QvvSCk 📮 Complete Emis Web Tutorial in 5 Mins! | Emis Training For Beginners | Emis Web - https://youtu.be/LL1MTT3OzGU via GP ON THE MOVE https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCH8E-LmYYjiisRcPvh3aBaQ October 02, 2024 at 10:00AM
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nexthlive · 2 years ago
Staying OBJECTIVE in Wine Tasting and Judging | Andrew Jefford | Wine Podcast
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vinhonosso · 6 years ago
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Noite de confraria, noite de alegria! 😀🍷 . . #confrariavinhonosso #vinhonosso #degustaçãoàscegas #blindtasting #winetime #winetasting #tastingnotes #confraria #instawine #instavinho #winebottles #wineglasses #wine #vinho #vino #vin #wein (em D'autore Restaurante) https://www.instagram.com/p/BpvHAszA7Lq/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1pmj78ds5cfdx
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windycitywhiskey · 2 years ago
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12 Drams of Christmas Back at it again this year testing my palate and sharing delicious whiskey. #whiskeysamples #blindtasting #12dramsofchristmas (at Chicago, Illinois) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmF72FqM0Kh/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mosslounge · 2 years ago
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2 is always better than 1. Visit online store to get a great memorable gift. Free & Fast Shipping #winestoppers #coastersets #bottleopeners #sparklingwinestoppers #champangestoppers #wineaccessories #wineexperience #customerexperience #beourguest #unwind #winedown #winenerd #winesocial #winelover #winetasting #blindtasting #wine101 #wine #champagne #sparklingwine #soirée #smallgathering #gifts #onlinestore #shoponline #holidayshopping #christmasshopping #winedecor #wineart #winelover #wineshopping (at Napa Valley, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ck-2yMnABkb/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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viinistajavieresta · 2 years ago
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Tulokset: 1.luxembourg 2.Portugali 3. Espanja … 14. Suomi #mmkisat #worldchampionships #blindtasting #sokkomaistaminen #viini #wine #ayala #revuevindefrance https://www.instagram.com/p/Cjc74m7NPrci2GcsKzgiN7w7FdCYrOGElnBtnU0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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winelab-blog1 · 6 years ago
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Here it comes a #gin based cocktail! Gin was one of the blind distillates in my exam last week 🙈 and I rocked it! For a change let’s try something else besides #gintonic 🙋🏻‍♀️ DM for the recipe 😉 📷 @tippleandnosh . . . . . . . . #gin #wset #wsetdiploma #dipwset #blindtasting #spirits #destilados #ginebra #cocktail #kokteyl #mixeddrinks #drinkinmoderation (at Poble Nou, Bcn) https://www.instagram.com/p/BqJzccpns1o/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1nh3b5a9ud00k
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invinoevn · 2 years ago
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Երբևիցե մասնակցե՞լ եք կույր համտեսի: Have you ever participated in a blind wine tasting? Ժամանակն է փորձության ենթարկել Ձեր զգայարանները :) Մարտի 2-ին միացե՛ք մեզ DOOR գինիների կույր (կամ փակ) համտեսին, որի ընթացքում կներկայացվեն, այնուհետև խառը հերթականությամբ կմատուցվեն գինիները: Ովքեր կռահեն բոլոր 6 գինիների ճիշտ հերթականությունը, կստանան հատուկ մրցանակ: Տեղերը սահմանափակ են: Ամրագրելու համար խնդրում ենք անցնել հղումով կամ այցելել Ին Վինո: Հարցերի դեպքում զանգահարեք (010) 521931 *Ներառում է մսի և պանրի տեսականի Երեկոն կանցկացվի հայերեն՝ անգլերեն թարգմանությամբ: Երեկոյի գինիներ | Wines of the evening Door Ոսկեհատ-Մուսկաթ 2020 Door Voskehat-Muscat Door Արենի Հնեցված 2020 Door Areni Reserve Door Արենի-Հաղթանակ 2020 Door Areni-Haghtanak Door Արենի-Հաղթանակ հնեցված 2020 Door Areni-Haghtanak Reserve Door Արենի-Սիրա 2020 Door Areni-Syrah Time to test your senses! On March 2nd join us for a fun blind-tasting of DOOR wines. During the bind tasting we will present the wines, then taste them blinding in a random order! Whoever guesses all 6 wines will win a prize! *Includes a meat and cheese platter. The evening will take place in Armenian with English translation. Seating is limited. To reserve your spot follow the link or visit In Vino. You can reach us at (010) 521931 #Armenia #Yerevan #6Saryan #InVino #Սարյան #ԻնՎինո #winetasting #blindtasting #wine #redwine #whitewine #armenianwine (at In Vino EVN) https://www.instagram.com/p/Co9FB-jMiYP/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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