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ALRIGHT THIS TOOK 4 TIMES TO DRAW ANd I’m not even writing a quote here anymore but this just took so long and my hand is sooo tired but 👏hERE 👏 IT 👏 IS 👏 FINALLY. Okay, so on tumblr there was this hc with pAN MONIKAMMM and I’m immediately into it. Also, prepare for more DDLC girls ;) (that is if i get to post more!)
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If you’re an artist, then this is for you.
This year, I want you to be unapologetic when you create.
Don’t apologize for your writing, drawing, music, designs, films, sculptures, cosplays, knitting, sewing, cooking, and anything else I might’ve missed.
Don’t apologize for the quality.
Stop being afraid of what you can accomplish. You might think you can do so much better, well guess what? You will. You’re always improving. But if you start to apologize for the best you can do at this moment, then you might restrain yourself, stop yourself from taking risks that will help you.
I know this is a hard thing to stop. I do it all the time. When I submit art to people that I’m not so confident about, I’ll apologize in advance.
This year, I challenge you, and myself, to stop doing it.
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Its shitty and made off of no sleep and love but @softmushie @papajohnios
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A masterpost of all my OCs!! >:0000 Because I have no idea what else to do with my life
1. Mush Roomie. Female. Basically my sona. Basically me. I am bad at explaining. Do sonas even need backstories I’m too lazy to type this
2. Toad Stanley. Male. Canonically Mush’s best friend. Backstory under construction.
3. Trevor Jacksen. Male. Gay. Founder and leader of the biggest poprock band at his school. Piercings. Daddy issues. Has PTSD and gets triggered by hammering noises, or hammers and nails in general. He has a boyfriend named Riley. He loves him to bits and pieces. He also loves himself a lot. Goddamn the amount of hair gel he uses everyday.
4. Nana Naveen. Female. Save her soul. Shy and scared of her own shadow. Backstory under construction.
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What do you think about Stage Dorks? (Jeremy and Christine) it takes a while to warm up to for most people and then you realize it's so adorable. But what see your thoughts?
I feel like it’s under appreciated to be honest, I always found it cute. But I am a sucker for stories of helpless pining! Plus, Jeremy is unquestionably at his most adorable singing his little “Christtiiiiiiineee”
There’s a good chemistry there, I could see it being a really sweet relationship, lots of hand holding
I’m a multishipper, there’s very few times I will not go with a ship to some extent
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× Jushi Child Headcanons ×
- they have heterochromia. One eye being a coral kinda Colour and the other a dusky blue.
- they are a pretty insecure about their eyes. To them it seemed unnatural and they tend to cover up the olive green one with hair.
- They love cuddling with mommy mush when Jared is out working.
- When Jared is working night shifts, they sneak into their mom’s bedroom and snuggle up their because she doesn’t want her mom being lonely.
- they’re pretty scared that their dad is someday not gonna come home.
- They have small almost invisible freckles { from a hc that Jared has small freckles}
- they steal so much clothing from their parents like holy dang. Their favorite things to steal are Jared’s flannel and Mushie’s sweaters because they’re so huge on them and it’s warm and comfy.
- they’re definition of perfect begins with the word “mom” and ends with “dad”
- they seem like a really freaking happy and grateful child but they are a real prankster, stated by their teachers.
- Just like their father, they tend to hide their problems from their parents as long as they can. But if that bubble bursts, they start crying sometimes in the middle of the night and mom and dad have to comfort them and talk it out.
- The smol couldn’t be more thankful for their parents and always has a surprise for their birthday or any other holiday.
- They love watching their mum do artsy things which is one of the reasons they have a really creative mind.
- they love to mess around and distract their father from his work, this involves random hugs and pulling it sometimes they just steal his glasses.
- talking about glasses, the smol looses their own pair ALOT.
- They have a slight tourette syndrome. They have nervous tics and twitch alot when they’re nervous or anxious about something.
They’re tics include random blinking, stretching, squealing or random coughing.
- They love stitching and watercolors.
· ─────── 𖥸 ─────── ·
Gotta few 3 am headcanons for the Jared X Mushie/Jushi ship child!!
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This was gonna be a cute evan but thanks @softmushie
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I cried before getting in the shower. I was body shaming myself. I got comments on how I look. On my physical appearance. Its hard to deal with it. I feel ugly, hideous, and like a waste of space. Im super skinny cos i wanted to fit in with the pretty girls but it only made ppl not like how i look even more. Im sorry.
Don’t ever be sorry. I’m so sorry that you’re going through this. I understand what it’s like to body shame yourself, I have the opposite problem. I’m overweight, fat, what-have-you and I absolutely hate it, yet food is my ultimate comfort. No matter what I do, I fall right back to using it as a crutch.
You’re so beautiful anon. I don’t even have to see you to know that you’re beautiful no matter what. You’re not a waste of space and I love you? No matter what.
People can be so judgemental and mean. The world can be cruel but they’re a small group believe it or not, compared to all the people in the world who would find you beautiful.
You deserve happiness. You deserve people who accept you. It’s not you. It’s the company around you. I promise. I know there’s little comfort in words on the screen but I promise I’m here for you.
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what do call an owl tailor? hoocules mulligan :3
I LOVE OWLS AND MULLIGAN. Your puns are amazing. You should have a pun off with my waifu.
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rose or peony? lip balm or lip gloss? highlight or contour? strawberries or cherries? red lipstick or nude lipstick? velvet or silk? gold or rose gold? rose quartz or amethyst? bathrobes or towels? diamond or pearl? lavender or rosemary? sunrise or sunset? electronic books or paper copies? fiction or nonfiction?
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How’d You Break Your Arm? REUPLOAD
People asked for this too, again, I don’t want to risk putting this on YT again
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Are fedoras really that bad?

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×X Can’t help falling in love.. X×
It was a Beautiful and Sunny day in new jersey, Classes just ended where two perticular teens met up at the School gates.
A girl dressed in an orange sweater and a maroon skirt.
The other rocking a flannel jacket and shorts, both were wearing glasses.
Mush and Jared, both were best Friends for 3 years.
“Hey! You doing anything after School??”
Mushie asked, giving the taller male an excited grin as she walked up to the brunette.
“Dont Think so, Evan has an appointment and home sucks anyways.”
The other just answered, him adjusting the backpack on his shoulders.
Sure, both ALWAYS did something after School, be it Gaming or getting a coffee at starbucks together, but that just played out through the day, no one had to ask for anything.
This was odd to Jared.
“Great, can we get a Drink first? I’m gonna die!”
It was an exited, almost a hyper-on-coffee tone in the smaller one’s voice as she pulled at the flannel Jared was wearing.
This behaviour was similar to a child, it must have been coffee from lunch.
Both of them made their Way to Starbucks, getting their usual drinks there.
They didnt want to Waste time and headed to Jared’s.
It was a decent Size for one Person Living there.
Even if it seemed like that, the inside was a mess;
Clothing scattered across the hallways when you First get in, the kitchen was piled up with a few dishes.
All of that proves how lazy the brunette really was.
It was obvious that she had been a strangely flustered mess lately, this being noticable by a Red hue resting on his face this very Moment.
It had been bothering the brunette for atleast a week, hopefully mush wasn’t sick.
It was far from any sickness.
Roomie has had Crush on none other than Jared Kleinman himself since the first time they met.
She was able to Hide this for a while, but it seems that was no longer the case.
“Yo, what’s up with ya lately?”
Kleinman started the Conversation, his bag being set down next to the couch, his tea put onto the small coffee table before he sat down next to the female.
Mush just raised an eyebrow, trying to Brush off her red tinted cheeks.
“ i don’t know what you mean?”
It was a pretty dumb answer, seeing as Jared already figured out something was up.
She could just hope and play dumb for the time being.
The brunette let out a slight chuckle, leaning back on the maroon couch.
“Dont play dumb! I know something is up with you!”
He said, poking at the others side.
Mushie snorted, then bursting out into laughter because of the tickling feeling at her sides.
“ Its nothing! Stop it!! ”
She practically squealed, the red Colour on her cheeks spreading.
The taller one nodded, suspiciously eyeing the TV.
He had to find out with Force.
“You. Me. Mario kart. Rainbow road.”
Was all he managed to get out with him Roaming in his bag to get out his Controller.
Both of them made it a must to carry around their controller, just in Case of a new game or suprise visit.
“You’re on. If i win, you owe me. ”
Was her response, a smirk plastered onto her pink lips.
She swiftly got out a red controller that was covered in stickers from different fandoms.
“Its just gonna be a normal Challenge, I’ll definetly win this.”
The girl thought, Setting up the Console and the Mario kart game.
“Mhm. If i win, you tell me what’s up.”
Jare confirmed that with a nod, getting into his usual Gaming position.
The brunette sat cross legged on the couch, his back hunched over.
After the 3 Rounds of the Rainbow road it was dead silence.
Mushie was on the floor, just laying there with her arm over her face.
She lost the match and was drowning in a sea of embarrassment.
After Jared’s laughing died down, he leaned over to face Mush.
He asked, his voice a sing sang tone, attemtping a small joke.
The flustered smol didnt face the brunette, her face flushed.
He had to tell him now, didn’t she?
“’s just”
She started, a long pause following the sentence.
The male in glasses repeated, Raising an eyebrow at roomie’s strange behavior.
“I cant hide it any longer, can i?”
The smaller one thought, letting out a quiet chuckle when she finally decided to face him.
This confused Jare a little, he’d never seen
Mush this red before.
Well…except when she was sick, but if she was the blonde wouldnt act this..strange.
“You’re face is-”
Jared was cut off by the smol leaning in.
The only Thing the taller one could do was stare in Confusion.
What was she trying?
Before the brunette came back to his senses he felt Mushie’s soft lips pressing against his.
Once Roomie snapped back into reality, she quickly, pulled Away.
Before she hid her face in her sweater, she seemed concerned, as if she’d done something wrong.
“What if he doesnt return these feelings?”
“God, i screwed up Everything!” The usually dorky female yelled at herself mentally, her slowly peeking out from inside the sweater. “..wh-what’s that for?” it was a mutter, embarrasment clear as a crystal in Jare’s tone of voice. “I..i Like..uh like-like you. I have ever since…um..Evan introduced me to you via the ‘Meme Gays™` group chat..” Was her answer, half of the sentence being muffled by her sweater. She messed up, didnt she?
“I-im…sorry.” An apology was muttered out, Mushie getring up to leave before getting pulled back by the taller male. Her coral eyes widened at that motion, with her falling backwards to land on Jared’s lap, who…was laughing? The Male had a gentle smile plastered upon his red face as he looked down at the blonde.
The Male had a gentle smile plastered upon his red face as he looked down at the blonde.
“I love ya too, Lil roomie.”
Was his reply.
Those were the sweet words Mush had dreamed to hear..
Both had spend the Night together, talking, Gaming and watching Movies while cuddling up underneath blankets.
This was a start of a Beautiful life, for the both it seemed.
I can’t stop writing these types of fanfics I just love to work with Mush’s sona and Jared XD. Plus it’s one of the few fics were Jared is happy, not like my “My lungs are filled with Anxiety but i breathe out Roses to hide the pain you’re causing” fic. Because that is a 3 way Angst XD
But I still hope you enjoy @softmushie ❤️
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Hey Mush, quick question: how do you draw Michael's hair? My hand can never really seem to get it right... (i love your art btw💕 and uh.... i-think-ur-cool-sorry-bye)
Aw shucks I’ll try- I’m terrible at explaining
Okay first of all, I draw his head. I ALWAYS start with the head.
Two, I find his hairline. This totally depends on what kind of art style you have, but for me it doesn’t draw too far from the eyes. He barely has a forehead, but it’s my style preference.
The third step also depends on what kind of style you’re going for. But for me, it’s pretty cartoony, so I just put simple strokes on the top of his head to create the “top hair”. It’s pretty poofy and alive, like it’s always gelled up ahaha
Four, I bring the hair down. (I don’t know how to explain this further, sorry DX)
Lastly, I clean up the sketch.
And voila! It’s done :D I hope this helps, but keep in mind that this isn’t how you’re SUPPOSED to be drawing Michael, this is just how I draw him. Not everyone is comfortable with this method, because everyone has their own style of drawing. But if this helps you, great! I’m glad :D
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