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miteno-vv · 10 days ago
いま、ナチュラルワインに思うこと。|ワイン商えいじ | DipWSET https://note.com/kekechang/n/ne16dd4481acf
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akouga · 1 year ago
Παρουσιάσεις 38 κρασιών από 14 ελληνικά οινοποιεία στο Τόκυο
Δύο θεματικά σεμινάρια-παρουσιάσεις με τίτλο “Wines of the Sun”, πραγματοποιήθηκαν στην Ακαδημία Οίνου Caplan στο Τόκυο, υπό την αιγίδα της ελληνικής Πρεσβείας στο Τόκυο. Κύριος εισηγητής ήταν ο κ. Αντώνης Λιανουδάκης DipWSET, ο οποίος παρουσίασε συνολικά 38 κρασιά από 14 οινοποιεία απ’ όλη την Ελλάδα (Αττική, http://dlvr.it/T28sdx
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nexthlive · 1 year ago
Wine Spectator's Top 100 Wines: 10 OVERLOOKED WINES
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winelab-blog1 · 6 years ago
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Happy Sunny Sunday with #Contino 2016 Blanco! Lucky enough to have enjoyed 10.177th #bottle out of only 10.428 bottles of limited production! . . . . . . . . . . . #wine #winetasting #rioja #spain #cvne #wsetdiploma #dipwset #wsetglobal #wset #wsetlevel3 #sommelier #winelover #winesofinstagram #winesofspain #larioja #españa #vino #blanco #catadevinos #sunday #sundaywineday #exclusive (at Bodegas Contino) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxEszDyHXvh/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=133xis6r9ld2w
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moonstonerockstar · 2 years ago
I currently haven't got a clue what I want to do with my life. It's stressing me out trying to come up with a solution, so I've decided that I'm going to spend the next 2-3 years trying everything I enjoy and seeing what works.
This currently includes:
Learning French
Travelling, working and living in Mainland Europe
Learning the Electric Guitar
Completing my WSET Level 3 Award and DipWSET
Qualifying as a Pharmacist
My aim for these next few years: find my calling and have fun while doing it
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awinememe · 3 years ago
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• Taken! I have taken the wine exams and have now acquired the skills to pair wines with artichokes. All that hard work has finally paid off! •⠀ ⠀ What did you enjoy most about your WSET or any wine studies taken?⠀ ⠀ #taken #awinememe #liamneeson #winememe #dipwset #winememes #wsetglobal #marketisan #wsetdiploma #winememereruns #masterofwine #winefunny #sommelier #winehumor #winestudy #memes #wset #drinkingmemes #winejokes https://instagr.am/p/CXOQcCbs9_Q/
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foodpodcasts · 4 years ago
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Wein verstehen leicht gemacht (WVLG) - Der Weinpodcast.de - Florian Boldt | Weinakademiker DipWSET | Wine Evangelist https://ift.tt/32symTT
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voldrinks · 5 years ago
Του Κώστα Προβατά DipWSET
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attorneysomm · 5 years ago
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I’ve been busy studying for the DipWSET, so I’m remembering the once-in-a-lifetime 1990 Domaine de la Romanee-Conti tasting from last summer! The DRC Romanee-Conti was on fire and my favorite of the stellar lineup! . As good as the La Tache and Richebourg were (and they were awesome!), this wine simply outclassed everything else. The aromatics were more subtle than the other DRCs, but unbelievably complex. An incredible kaleidoscope of berry notes, rose petal and hoisin/Asian spices. And the palate was utterly mind blowing! It was somehow simultaneously ethereal and elegant, yet shockingly intense! The finish just would not quit. Even just a small taste exploded in your mouth and lingered on your palate for well over a minute. I have tried many 100 point wines, but never experienced anything like this! I was both honored and humbled to experience this life changing wine with good friends. . . . #wine #vin #vino #vinho #wein #domainedelaromaneeconti #romaneeconti #domaineromaneeconti #burgundy #burgundywine #grandcru #winetasting #winelife #vineyard #frenchwine #sommelier #winegeek #winelove #wineblogger #sommlife #finewine #burgundywine #pinotnoir #topwine #winemoments #wset #winereview #wineculture (at Roots and Water Wine Room) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3cJi4RHNPr/?igshid=1fmhdn28cd321
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molinvin · 5 years ago
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A trio of Syrah and the good lecturer @thegoodwinehabit! #molinvin #lacasavola #wset #dipwset #achievement ✨ La Péroline was the most surprising with weight and dense coffee notes. #syrah https://ift.tt/2UXP2gE
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winelab-blog1 · 6 years ago
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Here it comes a #gin based cocktail! Gin was one of the blind distillates in my exam last week 🙈 and I rocked it! For a change let’s try something else besides #gintonic 🙋🏻‍♀️ DM for the recipe 😉 📷 @tippleandnosh . . . . . . . . #gin #wset #wsetdiploma #dipwset #blindtasting #spirits #destilados #ginebra #cocktail #kokteyl #mixeddrinks #drinkinmoderation (at Poble Nou, Bcn) https://www.instagram.com/p/BqJzccpns1o/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1nh3b5a9ud00k
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johnboothus · 5 years ago
Clean Wine Marketers Make a Lot of Wild Claims So We Asked Experts to Debunk Them
Ever since Cameron Diaz and Katherine Power announced the launch of their “clean wine” label, Avaline, the wine industry has been pushing back against yet another attempt to bring the “clean” wellness trend into the wine space. From tracking down details about Avaline to deriding the entire trend, much virtual ink has been spilled on the topic.
Avaline isn’t the only brand in this space, though, and all the so-called “clean wine” companies rely on seemingly compelling claims and marketing mumbo jumbo that, under scrutiny from experts and wine professionals, doesn’t pass muster. So, let’s investigate some of these claims.
Dry Farm Wines / The Claim:
“The authentic wines we procure are exceptionally interesting and compelling expressions of taste and pleasure. When a wine is alive and free from overreaching modern influence, the wine will whisper in nature’s perfect logic and design. The wine will express nature joyfully and perfectly.”
Chris Miller, Master Sommelier, owner and winemaker at Seabold Cellars, Marina, Calif.:
“Well, this statement wins first prize for the most flowery bullshit I’ve ever heard without saying a single thing.”
Margot Mazur, beverage director, Wild Child Wine Shop, Somerville, Mass.:
“These terms are there to paint a picture for a consumer — one that is not necessarily an honest reflection of the wineries, or how the wines are made. These are marketing terms used to convince consumers to make that purchase. Supporting small businesses who have done their research and are committed to serving wines without chemicals, wines made by small farmers, wines that tell a story about their culture and history, is the way to go.”
Jill Zimorski, Master Sommelier, educator at the American Wine School in Chicago:
“By including ‘authentic,’ ‘interesting,’ and ‘compelling’ in their wine description it implies that ‘other’ wines are made inauthentically or are less compelling or interesting. Modern advancements and technology are some of the things that have allowed delicious wine to be made. Period. Modernity isn’t inherently bad. Does this mean that the fermentation takes place in amphorae? Without temperature control? Because stainless steel is a modern technological development and without even researching, based on style and price point alone, I’d be willing to bet many of these wines are fermented in stainless steel.”
Jenn and Brian Patterson, owners, Black Sheep Wine and Spirits, Lisbon, Portugal:
“Wine is either organically produced or it isn’t, it either has a lot of added sulfur or it doesn’t — these things are objective. They may not be perfectly set up for the anthropomorphizing of a fermented beverage, but these are the things that matter to real natural wine lovers. Using language like this, in our opinion, only serves to further make sincere natural wine lovers look like weird fetishists who talk to their wine glasses expecting a response.”
Dry Farm Wines / The Claim:
“Love wine, hate hangovers? … Did you know when wine is naturally created without chemicals or irrigation and allowed to fully ferment – it has no sugar (or carbs) and there are no nasty side effects. Which means you can enjoy wine and feel great the next day!”
“Oh, this is a landmine. What causes hangovers is an excess of alcohol, which all wine contains, and dehydration. To claim that ‘naturally created’ wines that weren’t irrigated doesn’t cause hangovers is hilarious. I’ll volunteer to be part of a study on this BS. I’d love to see some data about how wines made from unirrigated grapes don’t cause hangovers. This is absolutely absurd. And fun fact, the majority of wines which are fermented to dryness have little to no residual sugar. Which means, duh, few carbs. They can’t claim dibs on the low sugar/carb argument — all dry wines share that.”
Brianne Cohen, DipWSET, wine educator and event producer in Los Angeles:
“I almost can’t entertain this with a response, but I will. Irrigation is not ‘bad’ in terms of making wine and certainly will have NO effect on whether the drinker ends up with a headache or not. Irrigation is used when the region the grapes are grown in does not have enough precipitation. Also, ALL wines have SOME sugar. Unfermented grapes start out with plenty of sugar, though most of the sugar is converted to alcohol during fermentation. To say a wine has no sugar is categorically incorrect as there are some sugars in a grape that are un-fermentable.”
Good Clean Wine / The Claim:
“All of our wines carry certifications listed on the table that indicate how clean the wine is. Symbols and letters on the label indicate the winemakers commitment to the environment, to the grape growing and to the winemaking process. To be classified and certified, both grape growers and wine makers must comply with strict standards regulated by the regions governing agencies. These ensure the quality, tradition and reliability of the wine.
Certifications to look for: CCSW, SIP, PEAS, LIVE, DOC, DOCG, IGT, IGP, AOC, DO, IPR, DAC, QbA, VDP, VT, VR, Landwein, QWPSR.”
“This is so patently absurd. Only a couple of these certifications could be even remotely interpreted to denote ‘how clean a wine is.’ It’s like the person writing this copy got their wine education out of a 5-year-old’s coloring book.”
The Pattersons:
“Most of these are standard classifications used by European winemaking regions to tell you what you are drinking and what level of classification it has achieved. Thank you to Good Clean Wine for pointing out the obvious. As to the others, sure, knock yourself out doing research on SIP versus LIVE and let us all know why those were used, when USDA-approved organic certification is right there for the taking.”
“Some of these are certifications (LIVE), some are acronyms for appellations (DOC, IPR). Some are high quality and specific (DAC, DOCG, AOP) and some are very generic (Landwein, VR). A consumer would have no way to understand or even differentiate between them.”
“Many wines carry these certifications and are not under the Good Clean Wine brand. This is marketing language that means nothing in terms of what’s in the glass. Literally, the rest of the wine world uses these certifications!”
Scout & Cellar / The Claim:
“For a wine to be considered Clean-Crafted™, it goes through two rounds of independent lab testing to guarantee that it’s free of yucky stuff like synthetic pesticides and chemical additives and has fewer than 100 ppm of total sulfites. We also evaluate and review farming and production practices to confirm that they are, in fact, Clean-Crafted™.”
“Trade-marked Clean-Crafted: This is the first sign of BS.”
“Looks like Scout & Cellar is working on or has trademarked the term ‘Clean-Crafted’ when it comes to wine. They literally made this term up. The problem is that they’re intending for the term to indicate what’s in the bottle and it gives consumers the feeling that there is meaning behind that term. There is not. Producers know exactly what goes into their wines as far as pesticides and additives. This new term is solely marketing lingo trying to ‘clean-wash’ their wines, similar to the green-washing problem in wine.”
“The childish language here is just moronic. I’m not even going to speak to anything else regarding this company’s wine philosophies, as it is an MLM [multi-level marketing company]. According to the U.S. Federal Trade Commission, 99 percent of people in an MLM lose money.”
The Pattersons:
“100 ppm is a lot of sulfur. Clearly and squarely in the middle, if not high zone for conventional wine making. Natural wine lovers have coalesced around 40 ppm as being the outer limits for a wine made naturally — many fans prefer a big fat zero in their added sulfur column. Bragging about 100 ppm is like Trump bragging about his intelligence test — just silly.”
Scout & Cellar / The Claim:
“Sulfites are naturally occurring antioxidant and antibacterial compounds in grapes and are utilized to protect the wine from oxygen until it reaches your glass. Because of the slow-crafted, intentional way Scout & Cellar wines are made, they require very little sulfur additions to remain stable. Most have less than 50ppm, all must have less than 100ppm. As a point of reference, the FDA allows up to 350ppm.”
“What does slow-crafted and intentional mean? It’s a bunch of nonsense words strung together to sound like they mean something. And again, ppm of sulfur is mostly meaningless to consumers unless to perpetrate the debunked idea that sulfites cause headaches.”
“Low sulfur is great. Big believer. But the MLM here is purposefully misleading the audience. As a percentage of production volume, most well-made wine in the U.S., for example, is going to have between 75 ppm to 150 ppm of sulfur, and even the huge wine companies that just pump this stuff out usually don’t stray above 200 ppm all that often for anything but the kind of stuff, that — well, if you’re drinking it — just be glad they DID put that much sulfur in it.”
Winc’s Wonderful Wine Co. / The Claim:
“Whenever possible, our wines are certified by an accredited third party (like the California Certified Organic Farmers).”
“‘Whenever possible’ is awfully vague. I mean, whenever possible I try not to murder people.”
The Pattersons:
“In the U.S., for organics, there really is only one voice that matters and it’s the USDA. They set the standard on what constitutes organic — legally — and a product either is or it isn’t. Being approved by a third party or included in their club is nice, but it’s not really a certification in and of itself.”
Winc’s Wonderful Wine Co. / The Claim:
“Because our wines are low sugar, that makes them low carb as well. Wonderful Wines are tested to ensure they contain 3g/100mL or less of carbohydrates.”
“This claim is THE WORST. Dry wines (red, white, and sparkling) are low in sugar because most of it has been fermented into alcohol. This is like saying, ‘our carrots are low fat,’ when in fact all carrots are fat-free. It’s just reframing to suit the purposes of the advertisement. Also, most consumers have NO IDEA what 3g/100mL of carbohydrates even means unless they’re tracking macros for a keto diet.”
“This fact applies to, I don’t know, about 95 percent of all half-decent wine on the planet? Almost all wines fall into these guidelines, unless producers are specifically trying to capture residual sugar for a sweeter style, are making fortified wine, or some of the ‘bigger’ styles.”
Winc’s Wonderful Wine Co. / The Claim:
“Wonderful Wine Co. uses only plant-based ingredients (no fish bladders here!) because why use animal products when you could just, not?”
“I have worked in wine production for almost 20 years and I have never seen a fish bladder in my life. They’re referring to an old-school practice: Still around for sure, but old-school. MOST wines are vegan. Again, this is like bragging about the sugar levels being so low. But they’re purposefully saying this in such a way that makes a consumer stop and think ‘Gosh, I’m so glad that THESE guys don’t do that kind of stuff…’”
The Pattersons:
“While I don’t have the figures to back it up, I would argue — strenuously — that less than .0001% of wineries on Earth still use animal-based products for fining, or the coagulation of proteins and solids that some wineries use before filtration. This is just pablum designed to make these wines appear special when they merely fall into the category that contains the overwhelming majority of wines produced on planet Earth.”
In examining the growing raft of “clean wine” marketers, a single question kept nagging us at VinePair. None of these companies reveal critical information about these wines, such as who grew it, who vinified it, and in some cases what vintage it is. Why is that? We asked the experts.
“There are precisely four reasons not to tell you who produced the wine. 1. It’s a lifestyle-brand money grab by people who are good at social media, and they genuinely don’t even know themselves. 2. The actual wine producer doesn’t want to be associated with what’s in that bottle: They are selling off the barrels that they don’t want to use in their own labeled wines, so you’re getting a selection of their absolute worst juice, and only their worst juice, the stuff that there’s a good chance would’ve gone down the drain otherwise. 3. You could buy that producer’s ACTUALLY good wine cheaper than the crap they have here. 4. The wine company is lying to you about their sources, and they don’t want you to be able to fact-check.”
“These wine brands are marketing-based, not product-based. They market to consumers who are looking for a beverage they can feel good about, without too much work.  As such, you just need fanciful copy and pretty pictures, not any real information.”
“What’s frustrating is that it’s not just consumers seeing these ads in glossy magazines and saying … ‘huh, I’ll try that.’ In just my case: Multiple people I follow on social media have included links and codes to these or similar wines and I have sent them all unsolicited DMs explaining that they’re endorsing something that is marketing mumbo jumbo.  These are folks who have running, cooking, healthy living presences — Instagram accounts, blogs, and websites with significant numbers of followers. They aren’t wine professionals, but they get sucked in, share a discount code or a link to their followers to purchase, and the ‘influencer effect’ takes over. I’ve had my best friends (not in the wine industry) and my mother send me messages inquiring about the validity of these wines. It’s a prolific problem and that it’s all built on wordsmithing and lifestyle imaging when it should be about the people, places, grapes, and methods.”
“I’d love a bit more visibility into these companies — what does ‘clean’ mean to them? Are you just looking at winemakers who don’t add sugar? Don’t add sulfites? Grow grapes organically? What about their labor practices — is that ‘clean?’ I’m assuming if you don’t even tell us who these producers are, you don’t actually have clear visibility into either their winemaking practices, their labor practices, or their political practices — or does that not matter as long as we don’t get hangovers?”
The article ‘Clean Wine’ Marketers Make a Lot of Wild Claims, So We Asked Experts to Debunk Them appeared first on VinePair.
Via https://vinepair.com/articles/clean-wine-marketing-claims-debunked/
source https://vinology1.weebly.com/blog/clean-wine-marketers-make-a-lot-of-wild-claims-so-we-asked-experts-to-debunk-them
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isaiahrippinus · 5 years ago
‘Clean Wine’ Marketers Make a Lot of Wild Claims, So We Asked Experts to Debunk Them
Ever since Cameron Diaz and Katherine Power announced the launch of their “clean wine” label, Avaline, the wine industry has been pushing back against yet another attempt to bring the “clean” wellness trend into the wine space. From tracking down details about Avaline to deriding the entire trend, much virtual ink has been spilled on the topic.
Avaline isn’t the only brand in this space, though, and all the so-called “clean wine” companies rely on seemingly compelling claims and marketing mumbo jumbo that, under scrutiny from experts and wine professionals, doesn’t pass muster. So, let’s investigate some of these claims.
Dry Farm Wines / The Claim:
“The authentic wines we procure are exceptionally interesting and compelling expressions of taste and pleasure. When a wine is alive and free from overreaching modern influence, the wine will whisper in nature’s perfect logic and design. The wine will express nature joyfully and perfectly.”
Chris Miller, Master Sommelier, owner and winemaker at Seabold Cellars, Marina, Calif.:
“Well, this statement wins first prize for the most flowery bullshit I’ve ever heard without saying a single thing.”
Margot Mazur, beverage director, Wild Child Wine Shop, Somerville, Mass.:
“These terms are there to paint a picture for a consumer — one that is not necessarily an honest reflection of the wineries, or how the wines are made. These are marketing terms used to convince consumers to make that purchase. Supporting small businesses who have done their research and are committed to serving wines without chemicals, wines made by small farmers, wines that tell a story about their culture and history, is the way to go.”
Jill Zimorski, Master Sommelier, educator at the American Wine School in Chicago:
“By including ‘authentic,’ ‘interesting,’ and ‘compelling’ in their wine description it implies that ‘other’ wines are made inauthentically or are less compelling or interesting. Modern advancements and technology are some of the things that have allowed delicious wine to be made. Period. Modernity isn’t inherently bad. Does this mean that the fermentation takes place in amphorae? Without temperature control? Because stainless steel is a modern technological development and without even researching, based on style and price point alone, I’d be willing to bet many of these wines are fermented in stainless steel.”
Jenn and Brian Patterson, owners, Black Sheep Wine and Spirits, Lisbon, Portugal:
“Wine is either organically produced or it isn’t, it either has a lot of added sulfur or it doesn’t — these things are objective. They may not be perfectly set up for the anthropomorphizing of a fermented beverage, but these are the things that matter to real natural wine lovers. Using language like this, in our opinion, only serves to further make sincere natural wine lovers look like weird fetishists who talk to their wine glasses expecting a response.”
Dry Farm Wines / The Claim:
“Love wine, hate hangovers? … Did you know when wine is naturally created without chemicals or irrigation and allowed to fully ferment – it has no sugar (or carbs) and there are no nasty side effects. Which means you can enjoy wine and feel great the next day!”
“Oh, this is a landmine. What causes hangovers is an excess of alcohol, which all wine contains, and dehydration. To claim that ‘naturally created’ wines that weren’t irrigated doesn’t cause hangovers is hilarious. I’ll volunteer to be part of a study on this BS. I’d love to see some data about how wines made from unirrigated grapes don’t cause hangovers. This is absolutely absurd. And fun fact, the majority of wines which are fermented to dryness have little to no residual sugar. Which means, duh, few carbs. They can’t claim dibs on the low sugar/carb argument — all dry wines share that.”
Brianne Cohen, DipWSET, wine educator and event producer in Los Angeles:
“I almost can’t entertain this with a response, but I will. Irrigation is not ‘bad’ in terms of making wine and certainly will have NO effect on whether the drinker ends up with a headache or not. Irrigation is used when the region the grapes are grown in does not have enough precipitation. Also, ALL wines have SOME sugar. Unfermented grapes start out with plenty of sugar, though most of the sugar is converted to alcohol during fermentation. To say a wine has no sugar is categorically incorrect as there are some sugars in a grape that are un-fermentable.”
Good Clean Wine / The Claim:
“All of our wines carry certifications listed on the table that indicate how clean the wine is. Symbols and letters on the label indicate the winemakers commitment to the environment, to the grape growing and to the winemaking process. To be classified and certified, both grape growers and wine makers must comply with strict standards regulated by the regions governing agencies. These ensure the quality, tradition and reliability of the wine.
Certifications to look for: CCSW, SIP, PEAS, LIVE, DOC, DOCG, IGT, IGP, AOC, DO, IPR, DAC, QbA, VDP, VT, VR, Landwein, QWPSR.”
“This is so patently absurd. Only a couple of these certifications could be even remotely interpreted to denote ‘how clean a wine is.’ It’s like the person writing this copy got their wine education out of a 5-year-old’s coloring book.”
The Pattersons:
“Most of these are standard classifications used by European winemaking regions to tell you what you are drinking and what level of classification it has achieved. Thank you to Good Clean Wine for pointing out the obvious. As to the others, sure, knock yourself out doing research on SIP versus LIVE and let us all know why those were used, when USDA-approved organic certification is right there for the taking.”
“Some of these are certifications (LIVE), some are acronyms for appellations (DOC, IPR). Some are high quality and specific (DAC, DOCG, AOP) and some are very generic (Landwein, VR). A consumer would have no way to understand or even differentiate between them.”
“Many wines carry these certifications and are not under the Good Clean Wine brand. This is marketing language that means nothing in terms of what’s in the glass. Literally, the rest of the wine world uses these certifications!”
Scout & Cellar / The Claim:
“For a wine to be considered Clean-Crafted™, it goes through two rounds of independent lab testing to guarantee that it’s free of yucky stuff like synthetic pesticides and chemical additives and has fewer than 100 ppm of total sulfites. We also evaluate and review farming and production practices to confirm that they are, in fact, Clean-Crafted™.”
“Trade-marked Clean-Crafted: This is the first sign of BS.”
“Looks like Scout & Cellar is working on or has trademarked the term ‘Clean-Crafted’ when it comes to wine. They literally made this term up. The problem is that they’re intending for the term to indicate what’s in the bottle and it gives consumers the feeling that there is meaning behind that term. There is not. Producers know exactly what goes into their wines as far as pesticides and additives. This new term is solely marketing lingo trying to ‘clean-wash’ their wines, similar to the green-washing problem in wine.”
“The childish language here is just moronic. I’m not even going to speak to anything else regarding this company’s wine philosophies, as it is an MLM [multi-level marketing company]. According to the U.S. Federal Trade Commission, 99 percent of people in an MLM lose money.”
The Pattersons:
“100 ppm is a lot of sulfur. Clearly and squarely in the middle, if not high zone for conventional wine making. Natural wine lovers have coalesced around 40 ppm as being the outer limits for a wine made naturally — many fans prefer a big fat zero in their added sulfur column. Bragging about 100 ppm is like Trump bragging about his intelligence test — just silly.”
Scout & Cellar / The Claim:
“Sulfites are naturally occurring antioxidant and antibacterial compounds in grapes and are utilized to protect the wine from oxygen until it reaches your glass. Because of the slow-crafted, intentional way Scout & Cellar wines are made, they require very little sulfur additions to remain stable. Most have less than 50ppm, all must have less than 100ppm. As a point of reference, the FDA allows up to 350ppm.”
“What does slow-crafted and intentional mean? It’s a bunch of nonsense words strung together to sound like they mean something. And again, ppm of sulfur is mostly meaningless to consumers unless to perpetrate the debunked idea that sulfites cause headaches.”
“Low sulfur is great. Big believer. But the MLM here is purposefully misleading the audience. As a percentage of production volume, most well-made wine in the U.S., for example, is going to have between 75 ppm to 150 ppm of sulfur, and even the huge wine companies that just pump this stuff out usually don’t stray above 200 ppm all that often for anything but the kind of stuff, that — well, if you’re drinking it — just be glad they DID put that much sulfur in it.”
Winc’s Wonderful Wine Co. / The Claim:
“Whenever possible, our wines are certified by an accredited third party (like the California Certified Organic Farmers).”
“‘Whenever possible’ is awfully vague. I mean, whenever possible I try not to murder people.”
The Pattersons:
“In the U.S., for organics, there really is only one voice that matters and it’s the USDA. They set the standard on what constitutes organic — legally — and a product either is or it isn’t. Being approved by a third party or included in their club is nice, but it’s not really a certification in and of itself.”
Winc’s Wonderful Wine Co. / The Claim:
“Because our wines are low sugar, that makes them low carb as well. Wonderful Wines are tested to ensure they contain 3g/100mL or less of carbohydrates.”
“This claim is THE WORST. Dry wines (red, white, and sparkling) are low in sugar because most of it has been fermented into alcohol. This is like saying, ‘our carrots are low fat,’ when in fact all carrots are fat-free. It’s just reframing to suit the purposes of the advertisement. Also, most consumers have NO IDEA what 3g/100mL of carbohydrates even means unless they’re tracking macros for a keto diet.”
“This fact applies to, I don’t know, about 95 percent of all half-decent wine on the planet? Almost all wines fall into these guidelines, unless producers are specifically trying to capture residual sugar for a sweeter style, are making fortified wine, or some of the ‘bigger’ styles.”
Winc’s Wonderful Wine Co. / The Claim:
“Wonderful Wine Co. uses only plant-based ingredients (no fish bladders here!) because why use animal products when you could just, not?”
“I have worked in wine production for almost 20 years and I have never seen a fish bladder in my life. They’re referring to an old-school practice: Still around for sure, but old-school. MOST wines are vegan. Again, this is like bragging about the sugar levels being so low. But they’re purposefully saying this in such a way that makes a consumer stop and think ‘Gosh, I’m so glad that THESE guys don’t do that kind of stuff…’”
The Pattersons:
“While I don’t have the figures to back it up, I would argue — strenuously — that less than .0001% of wineries on Earth still use animal-based products for fining, or the coagulation of proteins and solids that some wineries use before filtration. This is just pablum designed to make these wines appear special when they merely fall into the category that contains the overwhelming majority of wines produced on planet Earth.”
In examining the growing raft of “clean wine” marketers, a single question kept nagging us at VinePair. None of these companies reveal critical information about these wines, such as who grew it, who vinified it, and in some cases what vintage it is. Why is that? We asked the experts.
“There are precisely four reasons not to tell you who produced the wine. 1. It’s a lifestyle-brand money grab by people who are good at social media, and they genuinely don’t even know themselves. 2. The actual wine producer doesn’t want to be associated with what’s in that bottle: They are selling off the barrels that they don’t want to use in their own labeled wines, so you’re getting a selection of their absolute worst juice, and only their worst juice, the stuff that there’s a good chance would’ve gone down the drain otherwise. 3. You could buy that producer’s ACTUALLY good wine cheaper than the crap they have here. 4. The wine company is lying to you about their sources, and they don’t want you to be able to fact-check.”
“These wine brands are marketing-based, not product-based. They market to consumers who are looking for a beverage they can feel good about, without too much work.  As such, you just need fanciful copy and pretty pictures, not any real information.”
“What’s frustrating is that it’s not just consumers seeing these ads in glossy magazines and saying … ‘huh, I’ll try that.’ In just my case: Multiple people I follow on social media have included links and codes to these or similar wines and I have sent them all unsolicited DMs explaining that they’re endorsing something that is marketing mumbo jumbo.  These are folks who have running, cooking, healthy living presences — Instagram accounts, blogs, and websites with significant numbers of followers. They aren’t wine professionals, but they get sucked in, share a discount code or a link to their followers to purchase, and the ‘influencer effect’ takes over. I’ve had my best friends (not in the wine industry) and my mother send me messages inquiring about the validity of these wines. It’s a prolific problem and that it’s all built on wordsmithing and lifestyle imaging when it should be about the people, places, grapes, and methods.”
“I’d love a bit more visibility into these companies — what does ‘clean’ mean to them? Are you just looking at winemakers who don’t add sugar? Don’t add sulfites? Grow grapes organically? What about their labor practices — is that ‘clean?’ I’m assuming if you don’t even tell us who these producers are, you don’t actually have clear visibility into either their winemaking practices, their labor practices, or their political practices — or does that not matter as long as we don’t get hangovers?”
The article ‘Clean Wine’ Marketers Make a Lot of Wild Claims, So We Asked Experts to Debunk Them appeared first on VinePair.
source https://vinepair.com/articles/clean-wine-marketing-claims-debunked/ source https://vinology1.tumblr.com/post/626885760334856192
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awinememe · 3 years ago
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lucasdsimmonstx · 5 years ago
Wine and Spirits Education Trust
Wine & Spirit Education Trust (WSET)
Whether you’re an ultimate wine enthusiast, or whether you’re looking to make wine your profession, WSET offers a range of qualifications to get you to the exact level you want to be. The Wine & Spirits Education Trust accommodates 12 different languages and is accessible in several counties. So what exactly is available through this institute?
Wine Qualifications
For an overview of all wine certifications, including reviews of WSET, CMS, and NWS, you can check out our Sommelier Certification 101 page.
Level 1 Award in Wines
For anyone just starting out in wine, this qualification is perfect. The course focuses on introducing individuals to different types of wine by allowing them to see, taste and smell them. Other topics include common grapes and their characteristics; core food and wine pairing concepts and how to accurately describe wine. Once completing a 30-multiple question assessment, a lapel pin, and certificate are received.
Level 2 Award in Wines
Level 2 builds on the knowledge gained in level 1 and introduces more topics. Individuals are introduced to more grape varieties and how environmental, winemaking factors and maturation affects these wines. Additionally, sparkling wine, fortified wine, food pairing and wine regions of the world are introduced. Once completing a 50-multiple choice question assessment and tasting examination, a lapel pin and certificate is received.
Level 3 Awards in Wines
Level 3 is considered a professional qualification, especially for those who are building a career in wine. The course goes in-depth into the process of growing grapes, making the wine and maturing and bottling of wine. Additionally, an in-depth understanding of the sparkling, fortified and still wines of the world is presented. The tasting portion of this course is also done in great depth, where students are required to evaluate and describe wine at a professional level.
The assessment consists of three parts: a 50-multiple question portion, a short written paper, as well as a blind tasting. In order to receive a lapel pin and certificate, all three sections need to be passed. Students are also able to use ‘WSET 3’ as part of their professional signature.
Level 4 Diploma in Wines
At the highest level of the WSET, level 4 is found. It is an expert level. The diploma is a six-part unit that covers expert knowledge in winemaking, wine businesses; fortified and sparkling wines and an independent research assignment. The diploma takes 18 – 36 months to complete and with completion, a lapel pin and certificate is awarded. Students are also able to use ‘DipWSET’ as part of their professional signature. Apart from the wine qualifications offered by the WSET, there are also qualifications available in spirits and sake.
Level 1, 2, 3, in Spirits
These qualifications work similarly to the qualifications in wine. Each level builds on the knowledge of the previous level. The topics covered in these qualifications include the production of the spirits; types of spirit; flavor influences and how to analyze the taste of spirits.
Level 1, 2, 3, in Sake
Similarly to the wine and spirits qualifications, each level forms the foundation for the following level. The topics of this qualification include the types and styles of sake; how to serve and store sake; the flavor influences on sake. In the third level, knowledge is built regarding the sake industry and export markets.
Whatever your industry needs, whether it be wine, spirits or sake, the WSET offers some incredible options for each. These qualifications are held to the highest standard and great for any general wine or spirits industry.
Student Reviews of WSET
Dozens of sommeliers and wine professionals have rated the Wine & Spirit Education Trust. Check out those reviews here. 
The post Wine and Spirits Education Trust appeared first on SOMM • Reviews of Sommelier Courses and Wine Schools.
from SOMM • Reviews of Sommelier Courses and Wine Schools https://www.somm.us/wine-and-spirits-education-trust/ from SOMM https://somm3.tumblr.com/post/617210246908248064
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quenchmagazine · 7 years ago
Brie Says Go to Here: 6 Toronto haunts for wine lovers
Brie Says Go to Here: 6 Toronto haunts for wine lovers
Brie Dema, DipWSET, CMS Advanced Sommelier, Vinitaly IWA Finding the perfect watering hole, for a wine lover, used to be like searching for a pirate’s buried treasure. Without a map. Wine bars provide us with a unique experience – and the opportunity to try new wines the way we would try, say, a craft beer at a local pub. To find the best wine bars in Toronto, I turned to Toronto-based sommelier,…
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