#Blessings and Rituals
computerjagat · 1 year
आज का पंचांग : आश्विन शुक्ल पक्ष द्वितिया व नवरात्रि के दूसरे दिन माता ब्रह्मचारिणी की पूजा के साथ ही करें ये शुभ काम
आज का पंचांग : आज 16 अक्टूबर 2023 सोमवार, के दिन आश्विन महीने की शुक्ल पक्ष द्वितिया तिथि है. इस दिन चंद्रमा का दर्शन शुभ माना जाता है. शादी, वेडिंग रिंग की खरीदी और देवताओं की स्थापना के लिए यह तिथि शुभ होती है. किसी भी तरह के तकरार या विवाद के लिए यह तिथि अच्छी नहीं मानी जाती है. आज माता ब्रह्मचारिणी की पूजा का दिन है. आप माता से आशीर्वाद जरूर लें. 16 October 2023 . Navratri second day . maa…
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enchantedwitchling · 3 months
Celebrating the Summer Solstice: A Witch's Guide to Litha
As the wheel of the year turns to the height of summer, we embrace the vibrant energy of Litha, also known as the Summer Solstice. This magical festival marks the longest day and shortest night of the year, a time when the sun stands still and the Earth is bathed in its fullest light. Let's dive into the essence of Litha, explore how witches celebrate this sun-drenched festival, and discover rituals, spells, and traditions to honor this radiant time.
What is Litha?
Litha, celebrated on or around June 21st, is a festival of light, abundance, and the peak of the sun's power. It symbolizes the triumph of light over darkness and is a time of joy, growth, and the bountiful gifts of the Earth.
How Do Witches Celebrate Litha?
Witches celebrate Litha with outdoor rituals, bonfires, feasts, and a deep connection to nature. It’s a time to honor the sun, embrace its energy, and celebrate the fertility of the Earth.
Rituals and Spells for Litha
🔥 Bonfire Rituals: Lighting bonfires or candles symbolizes the sun’s energy and power. Jump over the fire (safely) or a candle to bring good luck and cleanse yourself of negative energies.
🌿 Flower Crowns and Herb Gatherings: Create flower crowns and gather herbs like St. John’s Wort, lavender, and rosemary, which are potent at this time.
💧 Sun Water: Collect water in a clear jar and leave it in the sun to absorb its energy. Use this sun-charged water in rituals and spells for vitality and empowerment.
✨ Sun Meditation: Meditate outdoors, focusing on the warmth and light of the sun. Visualize its energy filling you with strength and positivity.
Litha and Sacred Symbols
🌞 The Sun: The central symbol of Litha, representing life, energy, and power. Honor the sun with sun-shaped symbols, colors like gold, yellow, and orange, and sunflowers.
🔥 Fire: Symbolizing transformation and purification. Incorporate fire into your rituals through candles, bonfires, or even a simple flame.
🌸 Flowers and Herbs: Representing the Earth’s abundance and fertility. Decorate your altar with fresh flowers and use herbs in your spells and rituals.
Other Litha Traditions
🥗 Feasting: Celebrate with a feast of summer fruits, vegetables, and dishes cooked on an open fire. Share your bounty with loved ones, embracing the spirit of abundance.
🎁 Gift-Giving: Exchange small, sun-themed tokens of appreciation and blessings with friends and family.
🏞️ Nature Walks and Outdoor Activities: Spend time in nature, appreciating the beauty and energy of the season. Collect natural items for your altar or as offerings.
Litha is a time to celebrate the peak of solar energy, embrace the fullness of life, and set intentions for growth and abundance. Whether through rituals, spells, or simply basking in the sun’s glory, Litha offers a moment to connect deeply with the natural world and its rhythms. As we honor the longest day of the year, may the light of the sun fill your heart with joy, your mind with clarity, and your spirit with boundless energy.
Blessed Litha to all!
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bored-knight · 30 days
⚠️Omega FX & Alpha MQ dynamics⚠️
FengQing Week 2024 - Day 3: Courtship [Final Part]
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For a bit of context a common courting practice in Xianle was for either an Alpha or Omega to gift another their hair ribbon and the other accepts the courtship by wearing the ribbon. However, FX wasn't raised in a traditional sense to understand popular courtship practices. Which is very unfortunate for MQ trying to express his feelings. Atleast now they can court properly without any misunderstandings well into their relationship.
The first part can be found here
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ratatatastic · 10 days
the things ekky has done or said that i cant stop thinking about. the 4 minute cut.
#theres a lot more#but those videos exist in vertical and like wow yeah#obviously because of that honourable mentions:#ekky on the pole almost kicking luosty in the face falling on his ass while he gets hauled up by multiple cats and mikksy put his hat back#ekky calling forsy a perfect swede#ekky slowdancing with sasha at the club#ekky saying im below you to benny while pointing out his name#ekky showing off his tat every minute he can by pulling up his shorts at the parade and gave us an egregious look at his dick#the first time ekky and mikksy do the bumpy ritual and ekky grunts at each bump and goes I LIKE THAT#any practise day mini mic shenanigans i.e “forsy cuz i love him” “forsy but only with his shirt off”#when he went tarps off for his cupday because it was raining on the golfcourse#additionally when he shimmied the cup to feeling hot hot hot#that time he was wearing shorts that they were bunching up in the front and he had to “subtly” pick it out in front of a crowd of phins fans#that time he organised a sturgeon tagging trip and invited the boys who liked fishing and also monty for vibes#because fishing is his love language#oh letting maffhew pour champagne in his mouth at the club#feeling up stolie at the end of the parade and lifting up his shirt#drinking out of the cup with forsy and also feeding himself the champgane cam but forsy taking it away from him#him hugging senko into his stall#honestly anytime he brings up forsy whether its his footspeed/speed. his body.#or how blessed he is to play with him#and likening him to a greek god#please dont make me go on
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sleepanonymous · 8 months
I don't know if this has been talked about on here yet but this is very important to my US peeps looking to buy tickets.
TLDR: Tickets for the Teeth of God tour will be mobile only and non-transferrable. Aka Sleep Token said "Fuck Scalpers😡🤬" like the absolute kings they are.
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queerprayers · 1 year
actually third base is saying the rosary in your partner's room while they shower
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sherlockianscholar · 8 months
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look at the fastidious sherlock holmes just casually reading a hundreds of years old document while smoking a cigarette in the same hand
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semisolidmind · 1 year
happy Friday the 13th everybody
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in 🎃🎃OCTOBER🎃🎃
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daguerreotyping · 1 year
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Tintype of two men sharing a mysteriously charged moment of contention—or benediction?—over a pocket watch, c. 1870s
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Ritual for after a t4t Experience
Grab some spices. It could be a spice box. It could be a candle. Choose a scent that brings you joy and recite the following blessing.
ברוכֶה אתה יי אלהימותינו רוח העולם בוראת מיני בשמים 
B’ruche ateh Havayah, elohimoteinu, ruach ha’Olam, bore’at minei vesamim.
Blessed are You, Havayah, breath of the universe, Who creates varieties of spices.
Take in the pleasing smell.
For the next few blessings, hold yourself.
ברוכֶה אתה יי אלהימותינו רוח העולם שעשתני טרנס
Bruche ateh Havayah, elohimoteinu, ruach ha’Olam, she’asetni trans.
Blessed are you The One, breath of the infinite space-time, who made me trans.
ברוכֶה אתה יי אלהימותינו רוח העולם שעשת אחרול כמוני
Bruche ateh Havayah, elohimoteinu, ruach ha’Olam, she’aseat acheirol c’moni.
Blessed are you The One, breath of the infinite space-time, who made others like me.
May these moments that I have shared remind me of the Divine beauty of your creation, ever unfolding in front of me. May all Being and Becoming, source of blessings, who created us in their Divine image, continue to bring and hold us together.
I was inspired to make this blessing after meeting up with a group of other trans folk for karaoke. It was such a beautiful and life-giving experience that I wanted to mark it in some way. So I chose a blessing from Havdalah and adapted a prayer from the morning liturgy. As Jews, we mark sacred time, and time spent in trans community is a catheral in time. We all deserve happiness. We deserve community. We are loved and love. Happy Pride!!
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enchantedwitchling · 4 months
Embracing New Beginnings: A Witch's Guide to New Moon Magic
Tonight, the moon retreats into darkness, marking the beginning of a new lunar cycle. The new moon is a powerful time for setting intentions, initiating new projects, and planting the seeds of your dreams. As the sky is cloaked in darkness, we are given a blank canvas to start fresh and embrace new beginnings. Let's explore the essence of the new moon, how witches can celebrate this mystical phase, and discover rituals, spells, and practices to harness its transformative energy.
The Significance of the New Moon
The new moon symbolizes new beginnings, potential, and the power of intention. It's a time to reflect on your desires, set goals, and align your energy with the universe to manifest your dreams. The absence of moonlight offers a moment of introspection and renewal, making it the perfect time for planting the seeds of future growth.
New Moon Rituals and Practices
🌑 Setting Intentions
Use the new moon's energy to set clear and powerful intentions for the coming month.
1. Find a quiet, sacred space where you can focus without distractions.
2. Light a white or silver candle to represent the new moon's potential.
3. Write down your intentions and goals for the new lunar cycle. Be specific and positive in your wording.
4. Hold the paper in your hands, close your eyes, and visualize your intentions coming to fruition. Feel the emotions associated with achieving your goals.
5. Place the paper on your altar or under the candle, letting the universe know your desires.
🔮 New Moon Meditation
Meditate to connect with your inner self and the new moon's energy.
1. Find a comfortable position and close your eyes.
2. Take deep breaths, inhaling deeply and exhaling slowly.
3. Visualize a dark, starry sky, feeling the calm and potential of the new moon.
4. Focus on your intentions, allowing them to take root in your mind and heart.
5. End the meditation by thanking the universe for its support and guidance.
✨ Creating a Vision Board
Manifest your dreams by creating a visual representation of your intentions.
1. Gather magazines, scissors, glue, and a large piece of paper or poster board.
2. Cut out images, words, and symbols that represent your goals and desires.
3. Arrange and glue them onto the board, creating a visual collage of your intentions.
4. Place your vision board somewhere you can see it daily, as a constant reminder of your dreams.
New Moon Spells
🌑 Manifestation Jar Spell
Create a manifestation jar to hold your intentions and attract positive energy.
1. Gather a small jar, paper, pen, and any small items that represent your intentions (e.g., crystals, herbs, charms).
2. Write your intentions on small pieces of paper and fold them.
3. Place the papers and items into the jar, visualizing your intentions manifesting.
4. Seal the jar and place it on your altar or in a special place.
5. Shake the jar whenever you need a reminder of your goals and the new moon's power.
🔮 Cleansing and Renewal Spell
Use the new moon's energy to cleanse and renew your space.
1. Gather a white candle, sage or palo santo, and a bowl of water.
2. Light the candle and the sage or palo santo.
3. Walk around your space, wafting the smoke and visualizing negative energy being cleared away.
4. Sprinkle a few drops of water in each room, symbolizing renewal and fresh beginnings.
5. Close the ritual by thanking the new moon for its cleansing energy.
🌟 Prosperity Spell
Attract abundance and prosperity with a new moon spell.
1. Gather a green candle, a coin, and a piece of paper.
2. Write your financial goals and desires on the paper.
3. Place the coin on top of the paper and light the green candle.
4. Visualize abundance flowing into your life, feeling gratitude for the prosperity already on its way.
5. Let the candle burn down safely, keeping the coin and paper on your altar.
The new moon offers a powerful opportunity to reset, reflect, and initiate new beginnings. By engaging in these rituals, practices, and spells, you can align with the new moon's energy and set the stage for manifesting your deepest desires. As we embrace the darkness of tonight's new moon, may your intentions be clear, your dreams take root, and your spirit be renewed.
Blessed New Moon!
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waspgrave · 4 months
Anytime someone refers to Hawke as default ‘he’ I actually begin the Locusts Spell
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sappy-witch · 10 months
⭐🎄Celebrating Yule 🎄⭐
Hello darlings 🥰,
As December ushers in its wintry charm, let's dive into the magical world of Yule, the Winter Solstice celebration, a time of rebirth and renewal in the Pagan calendar. ✨❄️
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Yule, celebrated on the shortest day of the year, marks the return of the sun and the promise of brighter days ahead. In 2023, Yule, also known as the Winter Solstice, falls on Thursday, December 21st. This day marks the shortest day and the longest night of the year in the Northern Hemisphere, symbolizing the rebirth of the sun and the beginning of winter. Here's how you can embrace this enchanting season:
🌲 Evergreen branches (Pine, Fir, or Cedar)
❄️ Snowflakes or snowflake decorations
🕯️ White, Gold, or Silver candles
🔔 Bells
🍊 Oranges or orange slices
🌰 Nuts and berries
🌟 Create a Yule Altar: Decorate your altar with evergreen branches, candles, and symbols of the sun. It's a beautiful way to honor the returning light.
🌟 Light Candles: As you light white, gold, or silver candles, reflect on the past year and set intentions for the new cycle.
🌟 Make Yule Decorations: Craft snowflakes, hang bells, and dry orange slices. These activities are not only fun but imbue your space with festive energy.
🌟 Hold a Feast: Celebrate with a meal featuring nuts, berries, and seasonal fruits. Sharing food is a way to connect with loved ones and the earth's bounty.
🌟 Reflect and Release: Write down what you wish to let go of from the past year and what you hope to bring forth. Burn the paper safely in your candle flame as a symbolic release.
🌟 Connect with Nature: Take a walk in the woods, listen to the silence of winter, and feel the magic of the earth.
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Yule is a time for inner reflection, peace, and joy. Embrace its magic, and let the light fill your heart and home.
🌞 If you enjoy my posts, please consider donating to my energies 🌞
✨🔮 Request a Tarot Reading Here 🔮✨
With love, from a Sappy Witch 🔮💕
Blessed be. 🕊✨
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yumaisbored · 11 months
who am i without tgcf? a depressed shell of a person. and what of it? move on.
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pagan-stitches · 7 days
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European Goddess imagery isn’t always easy to see.  When I first saw this pattern in a folk embroidery book my husband bought for me I didn’t see her.
I had to turn it on the diagonal to recognize the pattern from Mary B. Kelly’s Goddess Embroideries of Eastern Europe.  Also in the Croatian pattern the arms are turned upward, which made it a little more difficult to see at first.  According to Kelly the arms are raised to invoke or lowered to bless.
The making of this piece was an invocation ritual for my dear friend @graveyarddirt on her birthday.
I chose to repeat the goddess pattern eight times to reflect eight points in the ritual year: Midwinter, Candlemas, Easter, May Eve, Midsummer, Lammas, Michaelmas, All Hallows and Midwinter.  My intention was to invoke the Goddess to bless and protect my friend throughout the year.
I also used two different color patterns.  One darker and one lighter to represent the dark and light halves of the year.
The colors each have meaning.  Blue for blue skies.  Green for fertile green plants, brown for the healthy Mokosh mud/earth, and red for the blood of life.  All to invoke health and blessings.
Many times during the making I blessed the piece with incense and mullein and my singing bowl.  There’s a video somewhere. 
I placed a pysanka in the bag to also represent life, and health, and blessings.  It also recognizes my friend’s birthday close to Easter.
Photo 1:
Personal embroidery
Photo 2:
Cross Stitch Patterns (Revised edition) edited by Thelma M. Nye, 1970.
Personal Library
Photos 3 & 4:
Personal embroidery
Photos 5-8:
Goddess embroideries of Eastern Europe by Mary B. Kelly 1996 (personal library)
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lailoken · 1 year
apologies if this question doesn't really make sense. i am wondering about the meaning of the words hallowed, blessed, and consecrated. my understanding of consecration is it involves purifying an item then imbuing it with a purpose, instructions, 'intent'. would this object hypothetically then be 'hallowed'? or do these words mean something different?
The question makes sense to me.
Historically and linguistically speaking, these words are all interrelated, and even treated as synonymous, so the answer to this question would likely be a little different depending on who you ask. As such, I can only speak to how I use these words in my own personal notes and writings (though I am not as picky about how I use them online.)
Your definition of a consecration is actually a pretty good overview, but it's that intent you mention that specifically makes it a consecration to me. When I consecrate something, that generally entails me devoting something to a particular purpose, entity, or force.
When I use the word "hallow," however, it speaks more to sanctifying something. When I hallow an object, I am taking something mundane and rendering it sacred through ritual and will.
When I use the word "bless," it generally encompasses the act of hallowing, but also includes the weaving of a small cantrip to promote propserity and/or protection.
A word you didn't mention here, but which I think is probably worth mentioning is "sain." When I use this word, it is usually to describe the act of ritual cleansing. Accordingly, if I am saining something, I am purifying it for ritual purposes—often for the sake of hallowing and/or consecration.
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