#Black-Tailed Skimmer
blogbirdfeather · 21 days
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Black-tailed Skimmer - Ortétrum-de-cauda-negra (Orthetrum cancellatum): male
Cruz Quebrada/Portugal (29/08/2024)
[Nikon D500; AF-S Nikkor 500mm F5,6E PF ED VR; 1/2500s; F5,6; 400 ISO]
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dansnaturepictures · 2 months
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22/07/24-Hogweed, lady's bedstraw, views, creeping thistle and Ringlet on walks at Lakeside Country Park, petunia and other flowers in an eyecatching colour hanging basket at home and Jackdaw out the front.
Sparrowhawk, House Martin, Great Crested Grebes including the chicks, Gatekeeper, Speckled Wood at Lakeside and in the front garden, beautiful Black-tailed Skimmers, Common Red Soldier beetles enjoyed a lot including mating, meadow crane's-bill, knapweed and red clover were other highlights today.
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kristo-flowers · 1 year
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Black-tailed skimmer
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unkn0wnvariable · 3 months
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Black-tailed Skimmer (Female)
A female black-tailed skimmer dragonfly, basking in the sunlight on a plant stem in Brampton Wood.
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petec9099 · 1 year
Butterflies and Dragonflies in Greenwich
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michaelnordeman · 3 months
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Black-tailed skimmer/större sjötrollslända, Four-spotted chaser/fyrfläckad trollslända and Large white-faced darter/citronfläckad kärrtrollslända. Nötön-Åråsviken nature reserve in Värmland, Sweden (June 18, 2024).
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snototter · 8 months
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An immature male black tailed skimmer (Orthetrum cancellatum) in The Burren, Ireland
by Charles Sharp
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malavoie1 · 2 months
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The Twelve-spotted Skimmer
On a very overcast, hot and muggy day, I captured this image of a Twelve-spotted Skimmer (Libellula pulchella) dragonfly. Using an 18-135mm kit lens, I got close to the dragonfly perched on a thin reed by the edge of a small man-made pond. The background is the calm water of a man-made pond, adding a peaceful feel to the scene. The dragonfly’s wings have striking black and white spots, and its delicate details stand out beautifully against the soft, muted backdrop.
The Twelve-spotted Skimmer is a common North American dragonfly, found in southern Canada and across all 48 contiguous U.S. states. This large species measures about 50 mm (2.0 in) long. Each wing has three brown spots. In adult males, additional white spots form between the brown ones and at the bases of the hindwings, sometimes earning them the name "ten-spot skimmer." If given time to count, you can see a total of twelve black spots on all four wings of the male, with eight bright white spots in between. Females and immature males have the twelve brown-black spots but lack the white ones, making it still acceptable to call them all twelve-spotted. Males have a powdery blue abdomen or 'tail,' while females have a mostly black tail with a long yellow stripe on each side. Adults feed on small flying insects.
Twelve-spotted Skimmers are usually found near water. Females lay eggs in ponds, lakes, or slow-moving streams and rivers, where they hatch into naiads. The naiads look more like crustaceans than dragonflies and spend their early life stage underwater. After feeding and growing, they eventually crawl out of the water and molt into winged adults. This species is common across North America and is mostly active in the summer. Look for these large, robust skimmers near water's edge by lagoons, creeks, ponds, and lakes.
Processed with Affinity Photo v2 and Topaz Photo AI.
Camera: Pentax K-3
Lens: smc PENTAX-DA 18-135mm F3.5-5.6 ED AL [IF] DC WR
135mm / ƒ/11 / 1/80s / ISO 400
Taken: July 16, 2024
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spacefinch · 7 months
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A collage I made a few years ago, or some of my favorite animals featured in Wild Kratts.
I love the animation for this show, all the animals have so much personality while still looking pretty dang accurate.
Animals in this collage:
Chinese pangolins (accidentally put that picture in there twice)
Black-footed ferrets
Secretary bird
Antelope jackrabbit
Peregrine falcon and chicks
American pine marten
American kestrel
Burrowing owl
Canada lynx
Golden-tailed sapphire (hummingbird)
Streaked tenrec
Loggerhead shrike
Elf owl
Fire salamander
Purple martin
Superb bird-of-paradise
Hawksbill sea turtle
Black-capped chickadee
Great emerald pondhawk (dragonfly)
Emerald-chinned hummingbird
Great blue heron
Arctic wolf
African crested porcupine
Pileated woodpecker
European hedgehog
Blue jay
Dyeing poison dart frog
Bald eagle
Nile crocodile
American robin
Manta ray
Bat-eared fox
African wildcat
Red panda
Golden bamboo lemur
Tokay gecko
Thomson’s gazelle
Wandering glider/globe skimmer (dragonfly)
Green heron
Spotted eagle-owl
Gray wolves
Prairie falcon
Green-breasted mango (hummingbird)
Husky dog
Three-toed sloth
Eastern screech-owl
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eyed-hawkmoth · 3 months
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male black-tailed skimmer (orthetrum cancellatum)
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dansnaturepictures · 1 year
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21/07/2023-Lakeside and home
Photos taken in this set: 1. Carrot. 2, 3, 4, 9 and 10. Views on two great walks today. 5. Starling in the garden. 6. Teasel. 7. A lovely young Moorhen I enjoyed seeing, they have great stark colours and I saw Moorhens well generally today. 8. One of a couple of Collared Dove I really liked seeing at Lakeside, I'm more used to seeing them at home so it's always a novelty seeing them at Lakeside.
Alongside the geese and butterflies and moths mentioned in my last two posts about today, I enjoyed seeing House Martins delightful birds sailing through the air and hearing Chiffchaff well beside the lakes on both walks. Other highlights today were; seeing both families of Great Crested Grebes and lots of Mallards well again, Blackbird, Robin, Blue Tit, good views of Feral Pigeon and Magpie, Black-tailed Skimmer, Common Red Soldier beetles, burdock I believe greater burdock, dark mullein, knapweed, thistle including fluffy seed heads which were illuminated by the evening sun that I enjoyed today, daisy, agrimony, hemp agrimony, St. John's-wort, meadow crane's-bill, herb-Robert, purple loosestrife, red bartsia which is coming into its own here now and cuckoo-pint. Woodpigeon, House Sparrow and Lesser Black-backed Gull out the front were other great birds to see at home today with bees flitting around the lavender seen well in the front garden and buddleia and agrimony and other flowers I liked seeing in the garden.
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alonglistofbirds · 1 year
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[1277/10977] Black-tailed Gull - Larus crassirostris
Order: Charadriiformes Suborder: Lari Family: Laridae (gulls, terns and skimmers)
Photo credit: Eric VanderWerf via Macaulay Library
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unkn0wnvariable · 3 months
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Black-tailed Skimmer
A female black-tailed skimmer dragonfly, soaking up the sunlight at Felmersham Gravel Pits.
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pogomcl · 7 months
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Black-tailed Skimmer, Orthetrum cancellatum Canon 5D3 Sigma 105 2.8 f/7.1 1/ 320 iso 160 Srbsko, Czech Republic 6/4/2023
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supremebirdbracket · 1 year
Also gonna post the Charadriiformes/Shorebirds prelims rn to get a head start on organizing the third bracket.
Those that received multiple nominations and are automatically IN the competition are as follows:
American Avocet
Pied Avocet
Black-necked stilt
Snowy sheathbill
Piping plover
American golden plover
Egyptian plover
Northern lapwing
Masked lapwing
Ruddy turnstone
American woodcock
Long-tailed jaeger
Parasitic jaeger
Arctic tern
Black Skimmer
Little Auk/Dovekie
Atlantic Puffin
Tufted puffin
Those who received single nominations (there were over 30) will be chosen via preliminaries! The Shorebirds bracket will begin after the Superb Owl is decided.
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floridensis · 2 years
when i was like 9-10 i had a guide to florida birds that i would just look at constantly. i would take it with me everywhere. i still have it
i have a mental list of a bunch of birds i liked and formed a vaguely parasocial relationship with but hadnt to my knowledge seen in my one decade of life but really wanted to. the mental list has never left me and i get so excited every time i see something on the Mental List that i havent seen before
the birds:
common loon [i found a dead one once does that count]
pied billed grebe ✅
white-tailed tropicbird
northern gannet
american white pelican
magnificent frigatebird ✅
american bittern
least bittern
snowy egret ✅
little blue heron ✅
reddish egret
glossy ibis ✅
roseate spoonbill ✅
wood stork ✅
fulvous whistling duck
wood duck ✅
hooded merganser ✅
ruddy duck ✅
crested caracara
american kestrel ✅
northern bobwhite
purple gallinule ✅
black necked stilt ✅
black skimmer
white-crowned pigeon ✅
common ground dove ✅
downy woodpecker ✅
pileated woodpecker ✅
loggerhead shrike ✅
florida scrub-jay [i apparently saw them as a child but barely remember]
cedar waxwing ✅
blackburnian warbler
black and white warbler ✅
ovenbird ✅
summer tanager
scarlet tanager
rose-breasted grosbeak
indigo bunting
painted bunting
red winged blackbird ✅
scarlet ibis
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