#Bit Milano
thesworddog · 1 month
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waiting for the day that these fuckers get plushified
.... >:)
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andrebearakovsky · 11 months
Caps Birth Order (siblings, not age)
Okay Caps fam, I got a little bored the other day. And I was thinking about the van Riemsdyks, came to the realization that both TvR and Dylan Strome are middle children each with a hockey playing older and younger brother, and I started wondering how many oldest, middle, and youngest children were on this team. So I went and did the research myself. There’s always a chance I missed something and someone out there has a sibling I don’t know about, but this is all the information I could find, and it’s accurate to the best of my knowledge. Some of these check out with their vibes, and some may surprise you
Presenting: the oldest, youngest, and middle children on the Capitals
Oldest Siblings
Darcy Kuemper (1 brother, 1 sister)
Hendrix Lapierre (1 brother, 2 sisters)
Charlie Lindgren (2 brothers)
Aliaksei Protas (1 brother)
Middle Siblings
Martin Fehervary (1 older brother, 1 younger sister)
Max Pacioretty (1 older sister, 1 younger sister)
Dylan Strome (1 older brother, 1 younger brother)
Trevor van Riemsdyk (1 older brother, 1 younger brother)
Tom Wilson (1 older brother, 1 younger brother)
Youngest Siblings
Nicklas Backstrom (1 brother)
John Carlson (1 brother)
Nic Dowd (2 brothers)
Joel Edmundson (1 brother)
Lucas Johansen (1 brother)
Evgeny Kuznetsov (1 brother, rest in peace)
Anthony Mantha (1 sister)
Sonny Milano (1 sister)
Alex Ovechkin (2 brothers, rest in peace Sergei)
Rasmus Sandin (1 brother)
Oldest/Middle - Connor McMichael - I found an old interview where he mentions having 2 younger brothers, 1 half-brother, and 1 half-sister. He doesn’t mention if the half-siblings are younger or older than him, so I cannot make a definitive confirmation. But I’d be willing to bet he’s the oldest child
Middle/Youngest - Nicolas Aube-Kubel - He has 2 sisters. One of them is definitely older than him, but I couldn’t figure out whether the other one was older or younger than him, so he’s either the middle or youngest child
TJ Oshie - He has 1 brother and 2 sisters. I could find absolutely zero information on their ages, so I have absolutely no clue where Teej goes in the order
No Info/Probably An Only Child
I found NO information about siblings of any kind for these guys, so either I missed something or they’re an only child
Alexander Alexeyev
Nick Jensen
Beck Malenstyn
Matthew Phillips
(If I missed something or you know additional relevant information or if I got something wrong, please let me know. I welcome all info, and I desperately wanna know where in the birth order Teej is because it’s killing me)
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wafflessquad · 7 months
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i'm crying
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thornescratch · 2 years
Number 8... Tom Wilson. SHOOT IT. That’s two. Keep going. You’re gonna get another one... I told you! Did you touch it or no? Oh yeah, look at him, LOOK AT HIM. Nice try, Osh. DUMP IT. Oh, great play! Nice, Jens. SUNSHINE! Oh no no no no no. I got Mo! ...I got Sunshine! ...I got Pro! Ooooooh.
Most of Ovi’s best bits from being mic’d up against the Blue Jackets are the dad bits. He smooches his small sons, Ilya and Sergei! He admires his large son, Tom Wilson! He keeps encouraging Dylan Strome that he’s going to score! He calls Sonny Milano ‘Sunshine’ on the ice!
....he also screams at the team to shoot during the powerplay, which is so fucking relatable.
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diari0deglierrori · 1 year
If I don’t take a break now I’ll either die or kill someone so let’s waste some time here
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buscandoelparaiso · 2 years
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ony-y · 4 months
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wonder-innie · 3 months
welcome to wonderland ¡!
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Bang Chan
so cute just for me? ; you invited chan to your house so you tried to look pretty and to cook his favorite dessert. (fluff)
lost in the stars ; having a night date under the stars with bf!chan. (fluff)
fratboy!chan ; headcanons. (fluff and smut)
fucking after milano ; nsfw audio. (smut)
riding chan ; nsfw audio. (smut)
fucking after a concert ; nsfw audio. (smut)
blowing hyunjin ; nsfw audio. (smut)
jerking off ; nsfw audio. (smut)
attention ; you haven’t seen your boyfriend in two weeks and when he comes to your house, you don’t give him the attention he needs. (fluff)
a healing sushi night ; jeongin and you have an argument that ends in a sushi night, (fluff, bit of angst)
matching phones ; jeongin and you sharing a cute moment together, he can’t help but to show his possessive side to you. (fluff)
beach resort ; jeongin surprised you with a reservation at a beach resort, but he is just so hot and you are just so horny. (smut)
clingy ; you haven’t seen each other after he called you clingy. (angst, bit of fluff)
oblivious ; jeongin got tired of hyunjin and han teasing him, so he invited them to hide (and jerk off) in the closet while he fucked you, the thing is he didn’t tell you. (smut)
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before sending a request you should know a few things...
english isn´t my first language.
i only write about stray kids, enhypen and txt.
i can write any genre (smut, fluff, angst)
i can write headcanons too!
no self harm theme.
no gender swap.
no member x member.
no cheating.
no hybrid.
before sending a +18 request you should know a few other things...
no age play (age gaps are fine).
no virgin reader.
no underage characters.
no incest.
no extra member.
no knife play.
no pee/poop.
if a kink isn’t in the list, you can request it!
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I opened a Ko-Fi where you can tip me and, most important, ask for personalized audios of any male idol (you can give me a script or a prompt). This includes idol x idol, threesomes, any kink, etc.
Here is my Ko-Fi
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melanieph321 · 3 months
If you’re writing for Riccardo calafiori i have a lil req! You work for bologna and always have to do media work with him but you’re not a fan of his attitude and make that known and in return he makes it known he doesn’t like you. Then one night you guys are at a charity event and you’re both drinking when you shouldn’t be then one thing leads to another and you’re fucking each other in one of the empty rooms of the hall😼
This is sooo good!!! 🤭🤭🤭
(DAY 2)
Riccardo Calafiori x Reader - Difficult Part 1/3
Part 2 Part 3
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Post-match interviews, just the words post-match interviews, brought you nightmares as a media manager for Bologna FC.
The preparations, as well as the handling of Italian media, was nothing your professors at school could have ever prepared you for. Neither could they have anticipated the sheer pain in the ass it would be to work with someone like Riccardo Calafiori.
"Who do I get?" You asked your boss, a native Bolognian, and the media principal for the team. He was handing out spreadsheets to each of your colleges, preparing them for the questions the different journalist and their publication may want to ask the players. It was a standard procedure after any game. However, as your boss got to you, there were no more sheets for him to hand out. Instead, he slipped you a pink Post-It note that read - Keep him happy. Keep it short.
"What's this?" You frowned reading the note.
"You're notes."
"But for who? Surely I'm gonna need a bit more than....."
"Y/N." You're boss sighed. "I'm giving you the responsibility of Calafiori tonight. Please do me the favor and make the interviews go as smooth as possible, okay?"
"Calafiori?" You protested. "I'm sorry, sir, but you've got to be kidding me, right? Bologna just lost 3-0 to Fiorentina FC."
"And let's not forget Calafiori's red card." Your boss wiped the sweat of his shiney forhead. "Look, I know that it's not ideal. But the media is eager to speak to him. Let's just make his encounter with the press as quick and snooth as possible. No distractions."
"No. I refuse."
"Please, Y/N. You've done so well before. Why not do it again? Just this one?"
It was true. The last time you had to deal with Riccardo Calafiori and his sharp temperament was in a similar context. Bologna had just been knocked out of Copa Italia after an unnecessary tackle made by Calafiori, who injured a player, which resulted in stoppage time. Enough stoppage time for Bologna to concede a late goal, ultimately losing the crucial game. Calafiori had arrived at the teams dressing room and set out to break anything in his path. That is, until you convinced him to go ahead with his post-match interviews in order to be the first player to be let go for the day. To your suprise, Calafiori agreed to your terms without arguing any further. This achievement certainly earned you some points with your boss. However, something told you that this time would be different.
You watched Bologna players flee their own locker room at the sight of a fuming Calafiori. He made his way down the stadium tunnel, hair covering his face like a dark and unraveling vail. He marched on, into the locker room, slamming the door behind him.
"How about a five percent raise on your salary?" Your boss said, his gaze also fixiated down the tunnel.
"Five, plus an invite to the teams next charity event in Milano."
"Grazie mille!"
It was set. You stuffed the Post-it note in the pocket of your jeans and made your way to the players' locker room. Surely this time couldn't be worse than the last? People change, don't they?
There was only one way to find out.
Part 2 Part 3
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fadingdaggerr · 11 months
would that i
pairing: melissa schemmenti x gn!reader
summary: melissa knew what love should look like, and learned what it shouldn’t be. learning what it actually is takes time | 3.4k
translations: nonna/nonno (grandma/grandpa), t’amu (i love you) | reminder that sicilian is slightly different from italian in dialect
warnings: allusions to cheating (minimal), allusions to unhealthy relationships (minimal), making up my own melissa lore bc i’m so normal about her, kissing/making out
note: a little bit of this was an homage to my grandparents, the people that showed me what love should be. thank u and love u
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When Melissa was in sixth grade, her teacher assigned a two-page essay on what they thought of when they pictured love. The moment Mrs. Erikson said this, Melissa knew she was going to write about her Nonna and Nonno.
Every morning, Nonna made breakfast and coffee, she packed Nonno’s lunch, and always left a note that said T’amu in her flowy cursive. Every evening, Nonno brought in the laundry off the line and folded it while Nonna made dinner. Even when they fought, there was never a loss of their kiss good morning, goodbye, and good night. Only on anniversaries was Nonno allowed in the kitchen, and they’d dance while sauce simmered on the stovetop. Love between them seemed easy and gentle. Melissa spent every Saturday night and Sunday morning across the street at their house, and every time she found something to add to her list of what love looked like and how it should be.
Melissa thought she had found love with Tommy Adkins in eighth grade. She’d even bought a new dress to wear to autumn formal, pink and ruffled and perfect. By the time she was ready to leave, her face almost hurt from the amount of times she redid her makeup so that Tommy would call her beautiful instead of bangin’ for once. That night she watched him dance with Jennifer Milano with a half-baked excuse of him “not wanting to kiss a chick with braces.” Melissa cried for two hours while Nonna told her she was better off, a bowl of pastina pushed her way. She forgot about him by the time Monday rolled around.
High school boyfriends came and went, but in college Melissa fell in love for the first time. A true, deep love with a firefighter-in-training that knew her neighbor. Everytime Joe visited Brian, he stopped across the hall to see Melissa, leaned against the doorway with an easy smile. He was charming, respectful, and funny, everything she had been looking for. Two months after she graduated, he dropped to one knee and she jumped into his arms. They moved from their apartment to a home in south Philly. Melissa worked during the day, and Joe started night shifts at the fire station for the extra pay.
Night shifts began to extend, and Melissa never saw him. He’d eat the plate she’d prepared in the fridge and leave the dirty dish on the counter. Dirt and ash from his boots tracked across her rugs and carpets, scuff marks in her living room. What almost killed her was the dirty cast iron skillet left in the sink. When she brought anything up, he’d deflect and leave. Every now and then, he came home with flowers “just because.” But then flowers began to follow every extra long night, and she could smell the floral perfume that didn’t belong to her and didn’t match the flowers. It took her months to say anything, and all she was met with was eyes that couldn’t look at hers.
Melissa began to think that what her grandparents had could never be hers. A loving life was in the cards, and Joe had only solidified this. She stayed at Barbara’s that night.
A few years later, her perspective was changed when a new fourth grade teacher joined the staff mid-term. Never in her years had she allowed someone in so easily, allowed them to be her friend and not just a coworker. Somehow, in two years, Melissa realized she’d never felt so cared for and loved by anyone.
“Is there a chance I could pour a cup of coffee before you start bursting my ear drums?” Melissa says when Jacob and Janine start babbling behind her about something she didn’t care about at 7:30 on a Friday morning. Ever since she turned onto the street the school is on, a headache had been growing steadily. Staying up late to finish grading was the worst idea she’s had all month. The two teachers cringe slightly, lowering their volume. When the door opened again for you and Barbara to enter chatting with each other, volume lowering at the sight of Melissa sat at the table with fingers pressed to her temples. She hears a bag drop on the table quietly, opening one eye to see you trying to be as quiet as possible as you dig around.
When you finally stop, you pull out a bottle of ibuprofen and pass it to her. She waves it off, muttering a don’t need it. When you don’t reply, she peers up to see you still holding the bottle out with an expectant look on your face. You shake the bottle, “don’t suffer just to look tough.”
“Melissa Ann, take the damn pills,” Barbara orders from her seat, spooning some sugar into her coffee.
“I don’t need ‘em,” she mumbles out again.
You push your hand forward more, “please. If not for yourself, for your students. You’re irritable when you have a headache.” Barbara chuckles and sends a knowing look to Melissa. Janine and Jacob, on the other hand, turn and look at you, fully expecting the red head to make some harsh reply or threat back to you. All she does is puff out a laugh and grab the bottle from your hands. She decided not to remark on the weird looks she was getting from the peanut gallery.
When getting the kids ready for recess, she sees you peering around the corner to the doorway. She holds a finger to ask you to wait, and gets a double thumbs up in return. After zipping many jackets and helping with gloves, she watches the little eagles run outside in the chilly autumn air. As she walks back into her classroom, she sees you sitting in her chair waiting patiently for her. “You know, I don’t let anyone sit in my seat,” she jokes as approaches.
“Good thing I’m not just anyone, now am I?” you joke, standing to meet her.
She fights her smile as she answers quietly, “no, you’re not.” She takes a second to breathe when she sees a grin cross your lips at her comment, “we still on for dinner at mine tonight?”
“Wouldn’t miss it,” the grin on your face growing, the giddy feeling in Melissa’s chest with it. You loop your arm with hers and walk towards the lounge.
When Melissa opens the front door, you expect a greeting, but instead you get a groan as she stomps back to the kitchen. Dropping your bag and shrugging off your coat, you walk into the kitchen, placing the box of pastries on the table. Melissa returns to angrily rummaging through the refrigerator, desperately trying to find something. It wasn’t until two hands pulled her back by the shoulders, turning her around. She relaxes into your touch, closing her eyes.
“I’m out of basil,” she says through a sigh.
“Want me to go to the store?” you ask, wanting to remove any stress from her.
“No,” Melissa answers as she opens her eyes, “you just got here, that wouldn’t be fair.”
You laugh, “we could go together. Or we can just be lazy, order a pizza, and not get off the couch.”
“Second one,” she sighs out, pulling away to clean up the dishes she took out. While she’s distracted, you take the time to call in the order, pay, and tip over the phone so that Melissa won’t even have the chance to say herself.
“If there’s pineapple on there, I’m kicking you out,” she yells from the kitchen after she hears you hang up.
“No, veggie. And yes, I asked for no mushrooms. One of these days though, I’ll convert you to being a pineapple woman,” you joke tilting your head back to see her standing behind you, “plus, you wouldn’t dare kick out the person who brought you zeppole.”
She gets closer, leaning over with her hands holding the backrest on either side of your head, “is there chocolate sauce?” The excitement was evident in her tone, bringing butterflies to your stomach. You can’t form words with her standing over you and smiling like that, so you just nod.
Later into the night, the TV played Weeds while you sat in comfortable silence, only breaking it when you both repeated the same joke out loud every now and then. Your legs were thrown over her lap, her fingers playing with the folding fabric of your jeans as she watched the screen. Her subconscious drew her attention toward you, eyes tracing over smile lines and the glowing reflection in your eyes from the TV. She watches you lean forward to grab a zeppole, ready to offer it to her. It’s only then that you catch her stare.
“You okay?” you ask, turning and scooting closer to give her your full attention.
She gives a quick squeeze to your leg, “yeah, hon. I’m better than okay.” She feels even better when you lean into her, placing your head on her shoulder. She drops her head to yours, a deep breath leaving her as she finally relaxes fully for the first time all day.
Some time between then and now, things had changed, Melissa wasn’t exactly sure when. At some point the Friday dinners turned into Saturday plans, then Sunday since the farmer’s market was open, no other reason. Breakfast on those days translated to bringing coffee to each other at work, ignoring the questioning gazes of other staff members as she passed you your coffee, despite having never asked how you took it. What had started with you sleeping on the couch when the night grew later, migrated to the spare bedroom.
On a Sunday night, it changed again. You watched the tail end of an Eagles’ game while sitting in her bed after helping grade book reports. As always, your head rested on her shoulder with her own resting on yours. Anytime something that wasn’t a point being scored happened, she explained it to you, though she knew not a thing she said would help make sense of it. It didn’t matter to you, all you wanted was to hear her voice and have her attention.
“Your bed is comfy,” you mutter when the commercials begin before the last quarter.
A smile crosses her lips, “treated myself to a good mattress when I kicked bozo out. Glad you approve.”
“You deserve nice things,” you say as you settle into her more, and through a yawn add, “the best things.”
That night, you’d both fallen asleep slumped against the headboard, leaning into each other for comfort.
Melissa woke up to a rhythmic thumping under her ear and a hand in her hair gently playing with amber waves. The small smile that came to her lips would have been foreign to her if she wasn’t so comfortable, the content feeling in her chest would be almost alarming. When her eyes cracked open, she recognized her bedroom and sheets. She groaned into the cold morning air, and the hand moved from twirling the ends of her hair to scratching her scalp, making her tuck into the warmth beneath her even more.
“Good morning,” you rasp out, having only been awake a little longer, the only response being another groan. She finally rolls off of you, much to your dismay, and sits up on her elbows, looking at you with sleepy, squinted eyes.
“It’s Monday,” she grumbles.
You chuckle, grabbing her glasses off the nightstand for her, “fine, just morning then.”
Something about this morning felt different to Melissa. You’d never spent the night on a school night, let alone sleep in her bed, but that wasn’t what shook her. It wasn’t you making her coffee, sipping it to make sure it tasted right before handing it to her. It also wasn’t that you turned off her alarm and woke her up yourself without making her ears bleed. She thought it could be that you’d opened the door for her on the way out, or how you offered to drive her to and from work to make up for staying late, but not that either.
Maybe it was how she didn’t want to get out of bed, or how her coffee tasted better than any time she’d made it herself. Or how she hadn’t slept that peacefully in twenty years. It could have been how much she enjoyed being driven to work, and having full control of the songs you listened to on the way there, or the fact that she sped ahead to open a door for you this time. She doesn't have time to dwell on it once she gets to her classroom, a knock on the doorframe comes the second to place her purse on the desk.
“I thought you weren’t in today, I didn’t see your car in the parking lot,” Barbara says as she walks in.
Without looking up from her bag as she pulls out folders, Melissa answers, “I got a ride in.”
“Did you now?” Barbara asks with an amused tone. “And would that someone happen to be the fourth grade teacher that practically lives with you?”
“We don’t live together,” Melissa says incredulously, “we just fell asleep, so we drove in together. It’s not a big deal, it’s not like we’re actually together.”
Barbara can’t hide her laugh, “you fell asleep? Both of you? And where was that?” Melissa only mumbles back, so Barbara presses, “where did you both sleep, Melissa?”
“My bed,” Melissa finally says a little louder, but not much. She wants to send her head through a wall knowing that Barb just figured her out.
“Oh, girl. You are in deep,” Barbara says with a smirk. After she leaves the room, the spiral in Melissa’s head goes faster.
Said spiral carries her through lunch, and only stops when you sit across from her and stare at her for a moment. Her face contorts in a what? look before you reach across the table and brush your fingers through her hair. When you pull back, there’s a purple string from the third graders’ projects between your fingers. Barbara kicks her from under the table, and she kicks back with equal force. They both see you look at them weird, before brushing it off and going back to getting your lunch out. Barbara cocks her head to you, staring at the red head, silently telling her to do something. The look the kindergarten teacher gets back replies not now.
When the end of the day rolls around, Melissa is anxious for your eventual arrival in her doorway, keys swinging around your pointer finger. All she could think about since you parted ways this morning was your hands in her hair and your heartbeat under her ear. She hadn’t felt so content and so at peace in so long, the feeling was so new that it almost scared her. Melissa had to remind herself that this was about you, not anyone else. You’d never hurt, belittled, or offended Melissa, you’d never made it your mission to anger or disregard her, nor had you ever tried putting yourself before her. She knew that feeling this way about you shouldn’t scare her, but it did.
The sound of keys and footsteps in the hallways alerted her to your approaching presence, making Melissa quickly rise to her feet and grab her things, realizing she’d been spaced out since the last student left. As she predicted, you stood there spinning your keys, smile growing when she turned toward you. It drops slightly when you see her smile not reach her eyes. “Ready?” you ask.
“Sure, yeah,” she clears her throat, “let’s go.”
You can tell her mind is running into overdrive as you pull onto her street. When you park in the driveway, you unbuckle to turn in your seat and face her.
“Penny for your thoughts?”
She turns to you with a scrunched face, “what are you, 90?”
You shrug and point to her sleeves, “you’re thinking. You play with the thumb holes when you think.” She’d curse you for noticing if it didn’t make her heart clench. “You don’t have to tell me,” you add, “but I’ll listen, if you want.”
She looks at you for a moment, surrendering with a, “wanna come in?” You only answer by taking your keys out of the transmission, hopping out, and opening the door for her.
The discussion gets put on hold while Melissa heats up leftovers from the night before. She carries both bowls out to the living room where you’re turning on the TV back on for background noise. As Melissa sits down, she faces toward you and you mirror her pose. “Sorry I was acting weird,” she mumbles before taking a bite.
You shake your head, “you’re only allowed to apologize when you’ve done something wrong. Thinking isn’t doing something wrong.” When she doesn’t speak again, you offer up something else, “Ava almost had a heart attack over you this morning.”
She looks at you confused, “were we wearing the same shade of green again?”
“No. She thought you didn’t come to work this morning cause your car wasn’t there, was going off about how she was going to have to sub because there’s still a shortage in the area,” you laugh, “I had to tell her I drove you in, which also ended me in a twenty minute interrogation during my prep period.”
“What sort of interrogation?” she asked, already nervous.
You look down the bowl in your lap as you speak, poking the food around, “the kind where she asks for a detailed account of my whole weekend. Weird amounts of detail too, mealtimes, where I slept, where we went, what shows we watched.”
“What’d you tell her?” Melissa can feel fear creeping into her bones.
“That we went to the farmer’s market, watched sitcoms, and I slept in the guest room,” you answer truthfully, “and what did you say to Barbara?” Her head snaps to you, you lean your head to the side, “she stopped by to ask me about my weekend, she seemed a little too excited to see me if you hadn’t spoken to her first.”
Melissa moves to place her bowl on the coffee table before looking back to you, “she asked why we drove in together. I said we fell asleep, and she asked where we fell asleep. Might’ve told her you slept in my bed.”
“It’s impossible to lie to her,” you say as you copy her move. You’re silent for a moment, then finally ask, “what were you thinking about?”
She takes in a deep breath and exhales to calm her nerves, “this morning. This whole weekend, but mostly this morning.” She glances up, and sees your face had dropped, worry setting in, and she’s quick to revise her statement, “in a good way. This morning, this weekend, they meant a lot to me.”
At her words, your lips stretch into a smile, “it meant a lot to me, too.” She can see you internally question saying the next part, “and you. you mean a lot to me, a crazy amount.”
It’s her turn to smile like an idiot now, a pretty blush covering her cheeks, “you mean a crazy amount to me, too. Being around you it’s... It’s easy. I like being with you.”
“I do, too. Sometimes, when I’m here I almost forget I live somewhere else. The second I step inside and I’m with you, I don’t know, leaving just feels wrong,” you say honestly, eyes flickering over her face as you speak, scanning for a rejection you won’t find.
“Waking up to you was nice,” Melissa mumbles, “you’re a pretty good pillow, if I do say so myself.”
Your airy laugh makes her heart race, it goes even faster when you lean in to reply, “I wouldn’t mind waking up that way again... and again, and again.”
She matches you lean in, smiling, “yeah?” Your noses are almost touching, she can feel your breath just barely touching her face. Her eyes flick to yours and see you looking back, faint lines forming as your lips turned upward as her gaze.
“Being with you makes sense,” you say quietly into the space between you, eyes flicking to her lips then back up.
Her hand moves up to your cheek, warm hands and cool rings holding with gentle affection. Olive eyes look into yours for permission, but your answer is closing the space between you. Her other hand flies to hold your neck, your hands holding her wrists. They slide from her arms to her waist, pulling her closer and crawling beneath her shirt to rest on her skin. She takes the chance to straddle your lap as her tongue slides over your bottom lip, asking for the instantly granted entry. Her lips were soft, savoring the feeling of yours against hers, committing it to memory.
Your arms tighten around her, holding her as if she’s this precious thing, and it makes her only give more into you. Her lips slow, and you can almost feel the love she’s trying to convey in her action. But your lungs can only survive so long, and she pulls her lips away, resting her forehead against yours.
“Stay?” she whispers through her breaths as she recovers.
“Wasn’t planning on leaving,” you mumble back, dazed from her kiss. You duck foreward, hugging her as she still sits in your lap. Her arms circle your shoulders, hearing you mumble into her neck, “I love you.”
She presses a kiss to your head, “I love you.”
Melissa’s heart beat against your ear, calm and steady. The smell of her perfume and honey shampoo flooded your senses, making you nudge into her further. You tilted your head, lips pressing softly to the skin of her neck, moving upwards back to her lips, pressing a long, sound kiss there. You pull away to look at her, smoothing back copper strands.
“Is it too early to go lay in bed for the rest of the night?” you ask quietly.
She huffs a laugh, “I was gonna suggest the same thing.”
By the fifth episode of Weeds, Melissa noticed your breathing even out. She peered down at you where you lay curled into her side with your head on her chest, arm slung over her middle, lips slightly parted. She presses a kiss to your head as she shuts the TV off, and lays there to just bask in you being with her. She’d never felt so adored, so cared for, so at ease. This is was it was supposed to be.
feedback appreciated as always <3
title from would that i by hozier (i’m sure everyone knew that. we’re all gay here)
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tinydeskwriter · 7 months
LOVE HOLD|⟮little miss maverick⟯
lando norris x wolff reader| wolff reader x f1 grid platonic (mostly)
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a/n: there is no face claim, I just can't resist te perfection that is Anya Taylor-Joy(I wanted to save her for a Häkkinen!reader, but couldn't stop myself when I started the dior montage). those are little snippets from her life between the GQ video and Bahrain 23', to give some context. I gave names to y/n mother, sister, stepfather and etc, because I find mad confusing to put a bunch of y/mn, y/s/n, y/bff/n, it gets tiring and confusing especially if it comes one after the other in a social media tag or paragraph, thats the only reason I gave them names. there is a few tennis players in this story, not too crazy, but as it is a character a little bit inspired by break point some of those guys will show up and the netflix show will be mentioned. comment and give it a like if you like, I love to read what you guys have to say and your thoughts. I also gave a name to the series, it is very cliche but I couldn't think of nothing better.
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liked by lilymhe, lewishamilton and 865,678 others
(tagged: patrickmouratoglou; matsbahr; susie_wolff; lucy.abrams; british_airways; adidas; redbull; yonex_tennis; hbsc; hiltonhotels; hermes; charles_leclerc; carlossainz55; pierregasly; landonorris; benshelton; mariasherapova; the_kokk1; carlitosalcarazz; lewishamilton; georgerussell63; carmenmmundt)
y/name.wolff it wasn't easy but we did it! today my dream came true, in winning my twelfth title today, the fourth in a row this calendar year, I became the sixth grand slam champion in history, the fourth woman to do so and the very first brit. it takes a village and i would not have managed it without the amazing team i have behind me supporting me at every step. shout out to my coaches, my therapist, my sponsors and my family.🤍🏆🏆
thank u all for the flowers. i will be seeing a few of you in monza.
(i believe I tagged everyone, but my hands are shaking so much and is hard to see through my happy tears, so, if i forgot to tag you, consider yourself thanked)
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pierregasly congratulations little wolff, never doubted you
↳y/n.wolff thank u 🍐
redbull #1!!!
↳y/name.wolff red bull gives you wings 😘
user1 mother is mothering😍😍
georgerussel63 #goat 🐐
landonorris 🔥🔥🔥
↳landonorris congratulations on yet another win, always knew you would🥇
↳ y/n.wolff thank you lan🤍
↳user4 the heart😍
↳user5 'lan' , oml
user2 girly is so delulu she forgot serenawilliams has like 30 grand slams
↳user3 serenawilliams has 23 titles from grand slams events, which eventually was a career grand slam, but she never managed all in a calendar year which is a true grand slam, y/n.wolff is the sixth tennis player to do so, and if she wins the WTA final in november she will have the super slam
benshelton #goat status🐐proud to see one of the greatest of our generation achieving something not even our heros did. keep going sis, next step is to make this a super slam 🥇
↳ y/n.wolff thank you little bro, you and those powerful serves next
mariasherapova little miss maverick. congrats kid, keep going marveling the world with your talent and breaking records along the way 🐐
↳ y/n.wolff🤍🤍🤍
11th Sep 2022
y/n.wolff added to her story:
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Nov 9th 2022
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liked by landonorris, charles_leclerc & 933,566 others
(tagged: opheliagatz; p.blanchard; cassandra.blanchard; giambattistavalliparis)
y/n.wolff 09·01·2023· the day is here, it only took you guys 20 years of living in sin, 15 years of engagement and raising two beautiful, charming, talented daughters together to finally put a ring on it. i am grateful every single day that in a world with 9 billion people, living in the same city, sharing common friends, you two manage to met outside a little cafe in milano in the summer of 03'(btw, i had the honor of witness this cosmic encounter, though i claim no recollection of the event). père phillippe, thank you for all the years as my bonus father and all the support you always gave me (there is no backing now).
love you two more than words can describe. thank u for trusting me with the role of maid of honour, hope i did a good job.
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landonorris congrats to mamma O and Phil❤️ beautiful cerimony
↳y/n.wolff 🤍
user1 was lando at the wedding???
Jan 10th 2023
y/n.wolff added to her story:
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Jan 14th 2023
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liked by pierregasly, dior & 933,566 others
(tagged: dior)
y/n.wolff i am happy to be (finally) able to announce that yours truly is now (officially) a dior muse and the new face of diorissimo🤍🤍🤍
view all 33,669 comments
mariagraziachiuri I am so happy to share this journey with someone I have seen grow into the beautiful woman she is today, such an example of timeless beauty and elegance, our true English Rose and the incarnation of the spirit Diorissimo.
↳y/n.wolff grazie mille Maria, thank you so much for the trust
Feb 27th 2023
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y/n.wolff after three tournaments back-to-back and a brief pitstop in paris for fashion week, miss éclair wolff and I are heading to bahrain to watch 19 millionaires playboys going vrom vrom in circles for second place😊
view all 23,567 comments
landonorris uncalled for ☹️
↳y/n.wolff as is your tractor 🙂
↳landonorris ☹️
↳y/n.wolff luv u sugarboo🤍
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tag list: @myescapefromthislife | @kapsylia | @biitch-with-wifi
369 notes · View notes
smoooothoperator · 7 days
What Was I Made For?
23: I Think I Like This Little Life
childhood enemies, forced proximity, accidental pregnancy, enemies to lovers (👀)
Warnings: fluuuuuff
a/n: New chapter!!! As you canread it, the ending of the story is coming closer...
if you want to play a game and ask things about Dafne
previous part
If you want to be tagged don't forget to message me!
Every way of feedback is very welcomed
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House hunting.
I remember doing it when I bought my apartment in Florence, and the memory I have of it was a good one. I was excited, being paid for the first time after my first season in Formula 1, buying all the furniture I wanted and the decorations I liked. I was excited to put my signature on a paper that said that I had a house in my name.
But now, pregnant for seven months, is a living nightmare. My back hurts, my legs hurt, my ankles are swollen, I need to go to the bathroom every now and then. 
“I swear to God, if this house is not a dreamy one, I will buy again my apartment, I don't care if I just sold it” I groaned, rubbing my belly while watching the screen of Charles' phone guiding us to the location of the last house we found.
“I promise, you'll like it” Charles laughed, holding my hand and squeezing it softly. 
“You said the same with the last two ones we visited” I protested. “And at the end of the tour you said something bad about them”
“They didn't have enough light!” he exclaimed, laughing.
“Oh, fuck off! Nikola Tesla invented the light bulb for something!” I groaned.
“But it's better when you have natural light, love” he sighed, rubbing my belly. “And those houses didn't have enough rooms”
“Enough? Charles, both of them had at least four rooms!”
“Sure, but what about our offices? And a room for the baby? And what if… I don't know, what if we have more kids?” he sighed. “We need space, love…”
“Y-yeah, but…” 
“I promise, you will like this one” he smiled.
I sighed and nodded, looking out of the window again. The sun was shining brightly in the April sky, a soft breeze carrying the scent of blooming flowers as we drove through the outskirts  of Milano. The fields were starting to turn green again, a reminder that life always continues, even after loss. 
It had been a few weeks since Athena passed away, and the ache of it still lingered in my chest, but something about this day, like the way the sunlight hit the trees and the gentle kicks from Dorian in my belly, felt different. There was hope again, even if it was just a little.
I placed a hand on my belly while I let go a long sigh, feeling Dorian’s gentle kicks beneath my palm. Seven months along, and it still amazed me how close we were to meeting him.
“You okay?” Charles asked, moving his hand to my belly without tearing off his eyes from the road.
“Yeah” I sighed. “Your son, however, thinks he's the one who's driving this car”
“He's excited. Maybe he knows we’re close to finding his first home” Charles laughed, rubbing my belly.
I chuckled, looking at Charles, his hand resting on the steering wheel, his eyes focused on the road ahead. He looked calm, but I knew him well enough to sense the excitement simmering beneath the surface.
As we turned onto a narrow, tree-lined road, the GPS beeped. We took a deep breath, trying to calm our nerves while we looked at what we had in front of us: a house with beige walls that were softened by the ivy that climbs to the brown brown. From the front of the house we could see the trees that were in the backyard, and the porch of the front had enough space to leave a few cars parked on it.
“Ready?” Charles asked, turning off the car.
“Let’s do it” I nodded, feeling a bit more of hope.
Getting out of the car was a bit more of a challenge than it had been a few months ago, but Charles was by my side in an instant, his hand on my back, guiding me gently as we walked up the gravel path toward the front door.
The agent, a woman in her late thirties with a bright smile, greeted us warmly and opened the door to let us inside.
And the moment we stepped in, I felt it. The house was filled with light, large, airy rooms with high ceilings and hardwood floors that felt warm underfoot. The living room opened up to a sprawling backyard, the kind where I could already imagine Dorian running around someday, his laughter echoing through the trees.
“What do you think?” Charles said, coming closer, smiling excitedly.
I walked slowly through the space and got in the kitchen, my hand trailing over the counter, imagining mornings here with coffee brewing, making breakfast, and Dorian babbling in his high chair. The kitchen was large, with enough space for us to grow into, and the windows above the sink overlooked the garden. I could picture us, years from now, filling this space with memories.
“It feels right” I said softly, turning to Charles. “It feels like home.”
“Let’s see the rest” he smiled, and I could see the relief in his eyes.
We explored the upstairs, where the master bedroom had a balcony that overlooked the property. I stepped out onto it, the wind catching my hair, and closed my eyes for a moment, letting myself dream. I imagined holding Dorian in my arms, standing right here, watching the sunset after a long day. I could hear the soft rustle of leaves, the distant hum of life, and it felt peaceful.
“You’re smiling” Charles said behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist, resting his chin on my shoulder. 
“It just feels perfect. It’s everything I didn’t know I was looking for” I smiled, turning my head slightly to look at him.
“Yeah?” he smiled happily, pressing a kiss on my cheek. “Come look at this”
He held my hand and pulled me to the nearest room. And when we walked in, my heart nearly stopped.
The room was perfect for a nursery. The walls were white and ready to be painted, with big windows that let in so much light. It wasn’t too big, but just the right size to make it feel safe, intimate. I ran my hand over a wall, imagining a crib there with soft blankets and stuffed animals. I could almost hear Dorian’s little laugh echoing in the room, feeling his tiny hands grabbing at my fingers.
“I think he’ll love it here” Charles said, his voice low and warm. He came up behind me, his hands gently resting on my shoulders. I leaned back against him, letting out a soft sigh.
“I think so too” I whisper softly.
We stood there in silence for a moment, just the two of us in that quiet room, imagining the life we were about to build. It had been a long journey, Athena’s passing had left a hole in my heart that still ached. But standing here, with Charles beside me and Dorian growing inside me, I knew that I finally found our place.
“This is it, isn’t it?” I said, turning around to face Charles. My voice trembled just a little, overwhelmed by the certainty that this house was the one.
“I knew you would like it” Charles chuckled, kissing my forehead and wrapping his arms tightly around me.
“You always left the best for the end” I laughed softly.
“Ready to make this official?” he asked with a smile, his eyes twinkling in that playful way he had.
“Let's do it” I smiled, looking around the room with a bigger smile.
We made our way back downstairs, where the real estate agent was waiting for us in the living room. She stood up when she saw us, her smile polite but professional.
“So, what do you think?” she asked, her clipboard in hand. “Do you see yourselves living here?”
I exchanged a glance with Charles, and we both smiled.
“It’s perfect” I said softly. “We love it.”
“I’m glad to hear that. We’ve had a lot of interest in this property, but I had a feeling it would be a good match for you two”she smiled, clearly pleased. 
“What's the next step?” Charles asked, wrapping his arm around my waist.
“Well, we have to make an offer to the seller, then some paperwork. But hopefully I think you can have the keys of the house next week” she said, going through the paper of her clipboard and guiding us towards the table of the living room.
“There's no need of making an offer” Charles smiled. “We take it. We can pay for it”
“Are you sure?” I whisper looking at Charles.
“I am” he smiled, kissing my temple. “I saved money all my life for this, and this season I'll get paid a higher amount of money. And you just sold your apartment in Florence. We can do this, Dafne”
I took a deep breath and looked around, already picturing our future here. Dorian growing up here, making his first steps, celebrating his birthdays with his friends, having dinners with our friends… 
“We can” I smiled looking at him. 
“Alright then” the agent said, smiling again as she handed us the contract. “Let’s get the formalities out of the way. I’ll need your signatures here... and here.”
I watched as Charles signed first, his name flowing across the page in that elegant scrawl of his. Then it was my turn. I held the pen for a moment, my hand trembling slightly as I looked down at the contract.
This was it. This was the moment we officially chose our home.
With a deep breath, I signed my name next to his.
“Congratulations” the agent said brightly, standing up and shaking both our hands. “I’ll send the contract to the seller immediately, and we should have everything finalized within the next week. I’ll be in touch about the next steps, but for now, this house is yours. I'm going to close the sale of the house, so it means that now you can have the keys to move in as soon as possible”
I felt a wave of relief and excitement wash over me. It was real now. We had a home.
As the agent gathered her things and gave us the keys of the house, Charles and I stood by the door, watching her go. When the door finally closed behind her, Charles turned to me, his eyes filled with a quiet joy.
“Well…” he said, a teasing smile playing on his lips while he took a step closer to me and placed his hands on my hips. “We just bought a house.”
“We did” I chuckled, placing my hands on his shoulder.
He smiled and leaned closer to me, pressing his lips on mine with a wide smile. I kissed him back, breathing in deeply and giggling against his mouth.
“I can't wait to start this new chapter here, with you” he whispered. “This is all I ever wanted. A future with you”
“This feels so right” I whisper, cupping his cheek with my hand. “This house, us, our baby… This is so right”
“This is going to be the place where we build our memories. Where we raise our son” Charles said, pressing a soft kiss to my forehead, his hand resting protectively on my belly.
“And maybe another one after that” I added with a grin, watching as his eyes widened in surprise.
“Oh? Already planning the next one?” he said, laughing softly. “We haven’t even finished unpacking for the first one!”
“It’s just… I feel like we’ve found our place. Everything else will fall into place now” I chuckled softly, looking into his eyes. 
We stood there for a while, just the two of us, holding each other in the quiet of what would soon be our home. The house felt alive, filled with the promise of our future, and for the first time in a long time, I felt a deep, peaceful certainty settle over me.
This was where we were meant to be.
dafnemorelli added a new story
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charles_leclerc added a new story
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dafnemorelli added a new story
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The salty breeze from the ocean hit my face as I stood barefoot in the soft, warm sand. The rhythmic sound of waves crashing against the shore filled the air, calming my mind in a way I hadn’t realized I needed. 
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I looked out at the ocean in front of me, the horizon blending with the sky. For the first time in what felt like months, I felt completely relaxed. I rested my hand on my belly, feeling a gentle kick from inside.
“You okay?” Charles’ voice came from behind me, soft and full of love.
I turned around and saw him walking toward me, barefoot, his shirt half unbuttoned and flapping in the wind. He looked so carefree, his hair tousled from the wind, and his smile brighter than the sun above us. I nodded, smiling as he wrapped his arms around me from behind, resting his chin on my shoulder. He placed his hands under my belly and lifted it slowly, making me sigh in relief the moment I stopped feeling the weight of the baby.
“Now I’m more than okay,” I whispered, leaning back against him. “Thank you”
We were at a quiet beach in the north of Italy, just a few hours away from Milano. It wasn’t far from home, but it felt like we had escaped the rest of the world. 
Charles has a week off before he starts a triple header, and with Dorian’s arrival just around the corner, we both wanted to savor these last moments of just us. 
This trip was exactly what we needed, no more doctors’ appointments, no more house hunting, no planning. Just the two of us, the ocean, and time to be together.
“You’ve been so amazing, Daf. I can’t imagine what it’s been like carrying him for the last eight months, but you’ve handled everything with so much grace” he smiled, kissing my cheek softly while he let go of my belly slowly again.
“I wasn't alone, Charlie” I smiled, resting my head on his shoulder. “You've been with me all the time. We did this together”
“Yeah” he smiled. “So many things have happened, huh? Starting our relationship, the drama with Melanie…”
“We deserved this trip so much” I giggled, turning around and hugging him, with my belly between us. “I love you, never forget that. Even when I'm screaming at you during the labor”
“I love you too, silly” he chuckled, lowering his lips to mine in a slow, tender kiss.
Everything about Charles in moments like these was gentle. His touch, his kisses, the way he held me like I was the most precious thing in the world. Every day I discover a new side of him, making me fall harder and harder in love. Now, with the awaiting of Dorian, his parental side started to get more present, and it only made me happier.
“Come on, let’s sit down. You shouldn’t be standing too long” he said, kissing my forehead.
I laughed softly, but I let him lead me to the blanket he had set up earlier. I carefully lowered myself onto it with his help, feeling the pressure of my growing belly as I adjusted into a comfortable position. Charles immediately joined me, sitting behind me so I could lean against him.
We sat like that for a while, my back against his chest, watching the waves and feeling the warmth of the sun on our skin. He had his arms wrapped around me, his hands gently rubbing circles on my belly, and every now and then, we felt Dorian kicking.
“Do you think he’ll like the beach?” I asked, smiling as I felt another kick.
 “I think he’ll love it. Just like his mom” Charles chuckled softly, his breath warm against my ear.
“He seems to be enjoying it now. He’s been kicking a lot more since we got here” I giggled.
“Maybe he’s trying to say he’s happy we’re finally relaxing,” Charles teased, resting his chin on my shoulder again. “We’ve been running around so much, I almost forgot what it’s like to just sit and do nothing.”
“Me too” I admitted, leaning my head back against him. “I’m glad we took this time for ourselves. I feel like we’ve been so focused on getting everything ready for Dorian that we forgot to just enjoy being with each other. We had two hard months, huh? Searching for a house, buying one, getting it ready… And the start of your season. We really needed this”
“That’s why I wanted to bring you here. Just the two of us” he smiled, kissing my cheek. “Consider this another date. We didn't have many of them”
“Every day with you feels like a date” I chuckled, blushing softly.
“Are you blushing?” he teased me, pocking my cheek.
“Idiot” I laughed, slapping his hand softly away from my cheek.
The rest of our trip felt like a blissful, slow dream. Every day was filled with the warmth of the sun, the scent of the sea, and moments that felt intimate and precious, moments that belonged only to us.
In the evenings, we would take long, slow walks along the village, my hand always intertwined with his. I found myself leaning on him more as the weight of my belly started to tire me out quickly, but Charles never complained. He’d just slow his pace to match mine, occasionally stopping to steal a kiss or two, always making me laugh with some silly remark about how I was walking like a penguin.
One afternoon, we found a small boutique that sold handmade baby clothes. I couldn't resist stepping inside, my heart melting at the sight of tiny socks, onesies, and soft blankets. Charles smiled at me, his eyes shining with pure love.
In moments like these, feeling the kicks of our baby and holding baby clothes, I realized that this was so real, that we would have our baby in our arms in less than a month.
“I can't wait to see Dorian with those clothes” Charles said, holding the onesie in front of him.
“Me neither… I can't wait to have him with us” I smiled, rubbing my belly.
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liked by charles_leclerc, oscarpiastri and 219.489 others
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dafnemorelli Last trip before baby Dorian arrives❤️
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violetsinclair Oh God, can't wait to have him here!
charles_leclerc my love😍
fewawifan Omg wait!!! How far is she already????
dafnemorelli Eight months!! Baby Dorian will be here soon!
fewawifan Omg you answered🥹❤
liked by dafnemorelli, arthur_leclerc and 528.428 others
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charles_leclerc loml ❤️
dafnemorelli 🥰❤️
arthur_leclerc Can't wait to meet Dorian🥹😍
scuderiaferrari Happy for you two ❤️f1 We need to see baby Leclerc in the paddock!
@elisysd @alltoomaples @ssprayberrythings @rach3164 @yvonne-dump @deliciousfestsalad @janeh22 @hc-dutch @ninifee1802 @kakorrhaphiphobia @ssararuffoni @itsjustkhaos @scaramou @tapedeck-hearts @sltwins @glitterquadricorn @ladystardust05 @theseerbetweenus @vizzzashley @auawdo @leah-also-known-as-creatoronwp @leptitlu @green-thots @caterinemirandax_ @mid5nights @harrysdimple05 @nofingjustaninchident @mendes-bae
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thepersonnamedsam · 1 year
first kiss - pg10
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pairing: pierre gasly x fem!reader
summary: you were pierre’s girlfriend, but you never kissed
word count: 1k
warnings: some angst but mostly fluff, mentions of kissing (duh), age gap
note: sorry for the short absence, i’m in the middle of finals, yay… they are really, really exhausting, but i’m done with the written exams and i have a bit of a breather, so be excited, more to come
masterlist / taglist
You were shy, very shy. The kind of shy that probably counts as social anxiety if you’d ever talked to a psychologist. That’s why Pierre was your first boyfriend, ever. You were 21 but never had a boyfriend or a date.
Pierre was perfect for you. Always there, mature enough to realise you were not some kind of project. He knew you were shy and tried to make you as comfortable as possible. But there was just one thing; You were not great in voicing your feelings, like not at all. You agreed to everything Pierre asked you, even if it would involve something dangerous. But the one thing he has not asked you yet was, if he could kiss you. But you being you, didn’t ignite anything yourself, always waiting for him.
Pierre knew you, that’s why he didn’t want to frighten you and waited for you to make the first move. It’s just miscommunication, to put it simply. You were both waiting for each other, but not voicing it.
But you were insecure, dating such an important person and him not having kissed you yet? Your mind always rattled with thoughts. Playboy Pierre? Or better, was he ashamed of you? Why didn’t he kiss you yet?
Pierre was unaware of your desire and your feelings; feeling as good as ever in your relationship. His friends more than aware of your feelings, not understanding why Pierre hasn’t made a move yet. You had talked to Charles, knowing him since you were little. Naturally you had asked Charles if Pierre even liked you. But he insured you, that Pierre was head over heels for you, or smitten, as Charles had said. He also told you, to just ask him to kiss you; in a heated moment, when both of you would be comfortable with kissing.
You couldn’t do that. Just ask him to kiss you, who does that? Not you!
It was complicated. Actually it wasn’t, you were making it complicated, you both did. If you two would just talk, the whole thing would be solved, really.
When Pierre came home that evening, he saw you crouched down on the sofa, thinking hard. He could practically see the steam coming out your ears. He approached you, laid his hands on your shoulders and startet to massage them. You were tense.
You were frightened for a moment, not having heard Pierre come home, too deep in thought to notice. You sighed; it was just Pierre. It felt good to have him here, you wanted to kiss him, but didn’t.
He wanted to kiss you too, but refrained, scared he would startle you and led you to panic. He was overly cautious around you, not wanting to do something that would scare you.
„Mon cœur, would you like to go on a walk? You seem so tense and anxious, I want you to feel better?“ Pierre looked at you, hopeful you would accept his offer, only wanting what’s best for you. You nodded your head, knowing it would do you good.
You remembered what Charles had told you; just ask him! You closed your eyes, trying to muster all your courage, but you just couldn’t.
Milano was beautiful in the evening. It was spring, so temperatures weren’t that hot yet, but already warm enough to walk around with just a shirt. You still took your jacket with you, not wanting to be cold.
He took you by your hand, his thumb lightly stroking your hand. Deeply breathing in, you tried to ask him again.
The sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the park. As you reached a quiet spot near a beautiful fountain, your heart raced in your chest. You could feel Pierre’s gaze on you, eyes locked in a tender connection.
„Pierre“, you sighed, „do you think, I mean, do you want“, you didn’t know what to say. „Take a deep breath, mon cœur.“
„Pierre, I want you to kiss me.“
The sounds of laughter and distant chatter faded into the background, leaving only the soft rustle of leaves and the gentle murmur of flowing water.
With a shy smile, Pierre gently cupped your face in his hands, his touch warm and comforting. Your breath hitched, pulse quickening. Was it finally time? Was he going to kiss you? His eyes searched yours, seeking permission and reassurance. You nodded, heart speaking volumes in that simple gesture.
Time seemed to slow down as Pierre leaned in, closing the remaining distance between you. His lips brushed against yours, feather-light and delicate, sending an electric shock through both of your bodies. It was a sweet, innocent kiss, filled with the promise of something more.
Your eyes fluttered shut, savoring the sensation. You could taste the hint of mint on Pierres breath, mingling with your own anticipation. Your lips moved in sync, tentative at first, then growing bolder with each passing second. The world around you faded away, leaving only the two of you lost in this beautiful moment.
A gentle breeze caressed your faces, as if nature itself celebrated your union. Your fingers intertwined with Pierre’s, your grip growing tighter, as if to anchor yourselves to reality. It felt as if your souls were merging, an unspoken understanding passing between them.
Reluctantly, you pulled apart, your breaths mingling in the cool evening air. Your eyes met, a mixture of awe, affection, and joy reflected in your gazes. It was a moment neither of you would ever forget, a tender and magical connection that drew you more together.
As you continued your walk, a soft blush tinged your cheeks, and a smile played on his lips. The world seemed brighter, more vibrant, as if your hearts had been painted with the colors of newfound love.
„I didn’t know you wanted to be kissed?“ He turned cocky, raising one of his eyebrows. You just looked at him and slapped his chest. „Of course I wanted to be kissed, why wouldn’t I?“
He laughed, relieved you finally had taken the next step. Also, he was proud of you, you took matters into your own hands. You knew of you told Charles how this happened, he would tell you: „Told you so!“
But, you were glad that he was right. If not, this wouldn’t have happened. Pierre was your first date, your first boyfriend and now your first kiss too.
taglist: @ironmaiden1313 , @topguncultleader , @missskid , @gulabjamooon , @lovelyy-moonlight , @peachyplumsss
450 notes · View notes
taylorswiftstyle · 1 year
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Out and about | New York City, NY | October 15, 2023
Jean Paul Gaultier 'Fleurs Petit Grand Print Mesh Top’ - $320.00
JPG is well known for their figure forming mesh pieces. I am well known for my love of Taylor wearing green. In this particular instance, I think we all could have done a bit better.
One of their most memorable being their horizontal stripe illusion motif that recurs as a mainstay in their designs spanning decades. This particular top is from the French brand’s Summer 2023 collection titled ‘Flowers’ - drawing inspiration from its 2000s archives.
In theory, the decision to style simply here with a black skirt and boots was the right call but I think a full tuck of the shirt and a more streamlined, taller pair of boots would have made a huge difference.
Worn with: Maria Tash earrings, Alessandra Camilla Milano earrings, Balenciaga corset, Roger Vivier bag, Khaite skirt, and Louis Vuitton boots
Get the look: Free People, $74.29
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marvelfanfics1 · 2 years
Ok, I think Groot would try to be such a good caregiver. Not that he really understands so he isn't full time but he would babysit. Always carrying you around, snatching snacks and trinkets for you (sometimes stealing but he doesn't know that), and covering your eyes when something scary happens.
Could you maybe write a babysitter cg Groot x little reader? Whenever you get the chance. Thank you for reading!
Little Guardian
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Pairing: cg!Guardians x little!reader
Warnings: Age Regression, fluff
A/n: This idea is soooo cute! I enjoyed writing it so much, if you have more ideas with the Guardians just send them in ;) I made it like all the Guardians take care of the reader but it's a bit more focused on Groot's and reader's friendship, I hope that's okay and that you enjoy it <3
One day Quill went to the Collector again just to exchange something and when he saw you sitting in one of those cages he knew instantly you were from earth.
Peter didn't care how many Units he had to pay or what the crew would say.
He only had to take one look at you and had the need to take you somewhere safe and help you.
You didn't say a single word when he picked you up and carried you away, you were far too scared and shaking like a leaf, not knowing what that stranger would do to you.
He wasn't scary looking and you somehow felt more at ease when he smiled at you.
"I'm not going to hurt you. You're safe now, I promise"
You sighed in relief and rested your head on his shoulder, finally feeling safe enough to close your eyes.
"Quill, you had one job." Rocket remarked and watched Peter gently placing you on one of their seats, buckling you in without waking you up.
"Could you shut up for a second!" Peter whisper-yelled and motioned his team members to follow him somewhere else where they can talk freely.
"Peter, who is that and why did you bring her here?" Gamora asked and Peter sighed.
"Listen, I know this might sound stupid but I just couldn't leave her there. She looked miserable and I know she's from earth, I don't want to know how the Collector got her in the first place," he said and the others stayed quiet.
Gamora turned her head to look at your sleeping form. She saw Groot placing a blanket over your body and smiled a little when he pat your head gently. Quill was right, you definitely didn't look healthy and she felt bad for you. What you had to go through must have been hard to take in.
"Okay, she can sleep in my bed until we find another solution," Gamora said and kissed Peter on his cheek.
"Thank you."
"So, we're going to keep it?" Drax asked and Quill gave him a 'what the hell' look when he referred to you as 'it'.
"Dude, she's not a pet," Peter told him. "But yes, she's going to stay with us. A new member of the Guardians" he smiled.
One month later
"Y/n, sweetheart, put that down for daddy, yeah?" Peter tried to stay calm while you were giggling and running around with one of his weapons.
"You have ta catch me first!" you shout and suddenly bumped into Groot, who took the weapon out of your hand making you pout.
"I am Groot" he scolded and you huffed, turning to Peter.
"Sowwy I took your blaster, daddy," you said and Groot pat your head two times, you smiled again and took his hand.
Peter was still shocked at how fast Groot handled this situation and Gamora chuckled while walking over to him.
"How is he doing that?" he asked.
"Are we getting a little jealous?" Gamora smirked and Peter scoffed.
"Jealous? Me? Never." he said confidently and they both saw you sitting on Groot's lap, playing with his old Gameboy and squealing in joy. "Maybe a little."
"Just remember who she is going to cuddle with later when it's time for bed" she reminds him, making her way over to you and booped your nose.
Groot and you had a special bond and would spend a lot of time with him. He's so protective of you that when there's a fight he would rather stay with you on the Milano to make sure you're safe.
Sometimes when you visited other planets you were always allowed to leave the ship but only with one of the others and you have to hold one of their hands at all times.
"Gwoot look!" you pointed at something that looked like a stuffed animal. "It looks funny" you smiled and Groot did so as well.
"Y/n, come on, we have to go!" Peter called for you and you rushed over to him.
Back in the ship you were sitting in your little play area, playing with your toys when Groot stood in front of you with his arms behind his back.
You gasped when he showed you the stuffed animal you saw earlier. You jumped up and took the stuffie, feeling how soft it is.
"Fank you!" you smiled and hugged Groot tightly.
"I am Groot" he smiled back and handed you a juice box too.
You took that stuffie everywhere, to bed, to eat, to the bathroom, and would get upset when you lost him somewhere in the ship and everyone would end up helping to find it.
@marvelsguantletkeeper @my-river-lilly @pauntedblacknails @fanfictioniseverything @devilslilbabysblog @buckymydarlingangel @hallecarey1 @daybreakwinter @loveshineslikethesky @wandaslittlewhore @vase-of-lilies @white-wolf1940 @simpingbutch @mischiefsemimanaged @alina02 @teddybearsgrr @doozywoozy @angelbabydoll28 @st3rgirl @glxwingrxse @lilymurphy03 @veryvaughnny @lokigirlszendaya @youngstarfishdinosaur @little--baby--bear @minideathgoddess @rach2602 @aagn360 @gh0stgurl @flourishandblotts-inc
Crossed out are the ones I somehow can't tag!
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starlordamn · 2 months
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Peter Quill / Starlord x Reader
Summary: Drabble about Peter being a jealous boyfriend!!
Warnings: Jealously, fluff, slightly steamy at the end (if you squint).
Word count: 400ish
Peter Quill. The Starlord. Gets. Jealous. SO QUICKLY.
Last time you stopped off somewhere to retrieve an item from a seller, the guy got a bit too friendly. You didn't read into it, nor did you play along but to Peter, the thought that someone else thought they had a chance with you sent something through him. He'd genuinely never been that angry before. Nor had be ever been THAT RUDE to a seller before.
"Yep, all done here. We'll be on our way." He nodded sternly to the guy as he snaked an arm around your waist, his wrist wresting on your lower back, applying some light pressure to signal your leave.
"Thanks again," you politely smiled and turned with Peter, item in hand about to be pocketed. Before you could spin a 360 and be on your way the seller caught your attention again.
"If you ever find yourself here again, you know where to find me, hm?" An eyebrow raised and a sultry tone was enough to not only make you pull a face and turn away, but it was enough to be Peter's last straw. Within a second a blaster was pulled from his hip aiming at the guy, without a second thought he'd pulled the trigger sending a blast towards him.
"Fucking hell Pete.." you gasped as the guy shuddered before a loud thud following his descent quickly to the hard wooden flooring of his shop.
"He's not dead, just knocked out." Peter rolled his eyes.
"You're jealous."
"No, I'm not."
"You are." You exclaimed, nearly back at the milano by now.
Peter stopped in his tracks for a second, it looked like he was thinking. "God you're just so gorgeous everyone wants you, it gets on my nerves."
With your face flushing you smiled at the compliment, but also in amusement - Peter really thought you'd ever choose anyone over him, and that just wasn't the case.
As you got back to the ship, Quill took a moment, turning to face you. He cupped your cheek with one hand, "I'm not jealous, you're mine."
His thumb caressed your bottom lip and you nodded in approval as he hummed waiting for a response.
"It's always gonna be you, Pete. My Starlord."
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